#just chilling with a rosy boa
yelmor-boots · 5 months
a silly random headcanon i have for Keith is that he grew up with so many different types of dogs and cats (aggro/super friendly/lowkey high/ all sorts) that he has absolutely no opinion on either one. instead, he is secret option number c - reptiles.
snakes, lizards, iguanas - everything you'd find roaming the desert honestly. ((he also only ever draws dragons, dinos or -of course- hippos))
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are rosy boas good snakes if you want ones you can just chill with and hold? they've really caught my attention but i really want one i can hang out with and go a little slower than my current corn snake, who is Very Much on the move all the time. otherwise recommendations for good snakes to chill with that are in the beginner/intermediate range are welcome :)
Rosy boas are great for that! They tend to be very slow-moving and easy to hold.
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A few other suggestions -
Especially if you've already got some snake experience, ball pythons are, like, the champs of being good snakes to hang out with. They can be very sensitive snakes but they're slow-moving beasts as a rule.
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Sand boas are similar! You wouldn't be disappointed with one of these.
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If you like the vibes of colubrids but want a slower snake, hognoses are actually really wonderful here. They're very small snakes but they move like bigger ones; they're slow-moving and much easier to just hang with than a lot of other colubrids (who are, as you note, typically very active).
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nebulousboops · 2 months
24. Go wild. 💙💛
"24. Got a fun headcanon?"
Oh ho ho. OH HO HO!
💙 Clive 💙
Has a pet snake named Morganite! She's a 15 year old rosy boa and he loves her dearly. I've talked about her before but I'll keep talking about her because I love her
He's big into theatre, having been in every show he could manage in secondary school, as well as being in a few shows for community theatres
He's terrified of getting sick because of how Constance Dove passed. He knows she was old and frail so illness took her easier, but he still doesn't feel safe in a state that was once his mother's deathbed.
When he's not doing something for work, he's cooped up in his flat. He only sometimes leaves for errands. As a result, he's pretty used to being in his own head, so he struggles with connecting with the people around him. It doesn't help that he's just kinda timid in most situations.
He's a pretty decent writer! I mean, of course he is, he's a journalist, but he's good with fiction too. He rarely shows anyone his non-work related writing since it's very self indulgent and he doesn't think it's quite up to snuff, but Emmy's seen some of it. Speaking of...
💛 Emmy 💛
She has way too much energy at all times. If you leave her alone without something to do for too long, she will start pacing and she will probably turn over the entire room you left her in.
She's a closet nerd. Her interests kind of embarrass her since they don't really fit with her "tough, jock girl" or "cold, jaded military agent" images, so she'll just be like "HA! Clive's such a nerd. It's endearing, but god he needs to get out more" then retreat back into her hole with a botany textbook.
Her living space in The Nest had a blowfly infestation when she was a kid, and now she's terrified of bugs. Everywhere she's lived since has had at least one carnivorous plant.
She has this thing where she needs to be as helpful as possible to feel good about herself, especially toward the professor, Luke, and sometimes Clive. Targent's made her do some awful things over the years, so she needs some proof that she's not a complete monster, and that usually comes in the form of being helpful to the people that matter to her.
She smokes weed. Fairly often. She's basically a trained military agent, as such she's on edge at all times, and weed's an easy way for her to chill out for a bit.
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mossiestpiglet · 3 years
Everyone is all “rosy boas are so sweet and docile, they just sit and chill all day!” Meanwhile my rosy decides she’s a pursuit predator every time she sees me
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oregonbearboy · 4 years
There's a reason...probably thousands of them, that this city is unique in the world and deserving of the utmost care and concern for its nature and spirit. I lived here in my teens and early 20s, the mid sixties and early 70s,and I confess I couldn't fully appreciate that simply being here was the gift of a handful of precious gems, glinting and sparkling and dazzling, freshly dipped out of a pirate's treasure chest  and beautiful beyond imagining and all the more dear to your heart as a true gift – no strings attached, just thrive and enjoy. Mercy, no wonder this place was the lodestone of its time.
    You could feel the hustle and muscle of it downtown, where I worked security for Bechtel and the street absolutely throbbed with money and the hum of business grinding out profit and I talked now and then with a legless man selling pencils in front of a store that had been going out of business for three years.
    I had a column in the Eagle, the Washington High Newspaper, and I was also the ad manager, and that involved going downtown to the coolest place – the Roos-Atkins store where a sharp-dressed man might find whatever he needed. I stood so many times and looked down Market at the most fascinating scene in full animation flowing and teeming with traffic and people with a rumble and roar that echoed off the concrete and glass...men in hats all business and drive, execs and maintenance men, oddballs, misfits, and derelicts all somehow at peace and each intent on a mission and a purpose.
    The Bay was function and form and substance for a million activities – cargo ships from every port on earth, sea worn and weary, trim and efficient warships, sinister submarines, pleasure craft, nimble and photogenic sailboats, tugs, fishing boats...it simply couldn't been seen without taking inspiration from it. On a clear day with a fresh breeze making you pull your sweater tighter and welcome a small chill of discovery and revelation that made you tell yourself, “remember this”. I did that, and I hope you did, too.
    Those nights at Ocean beach just beyond the reach of the lights at Playland, faces rosy and warm near a driftwood fire with the hushed thunder of waves on the beach and friendly moonlight shining a pathway on the water. Earlier, we stood at the seawall while the sun swelled and reddened, sinking in the east with a slight melancholy and finally gone – another memory, another gem, another invitation to help yourself to all you want.
    A beautiful bridge, so perfect and spun like an immaculate spider's web across the headlands...the fog pure mystery and a cool silver signature of the city...foghorns filling the night with their sad but comforting notes that murmured, “all is well” as they lulled you to sleep...hills, some ridiculous, because flat is boring and they look like movie stars when the fog creeps in and wreathes them like a feather boa. This place – so beautiful and photogenic and dear to our hearts, worthy of our kindest regard. I loved living here, and I've never said that about anywhere else.
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Said goodnight to my little Rosy last night, and found her just chilling on her branch. Sometime she stretches her full four and a half feet, but being as she's a desert snake, she usually does it on the ground. 😊 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛#rosy #rosyboa #snake #mysnake #orangeandsilver #striped #boa #chilling #smooth #scales #boidae #desertanimal #photography #pretty #habitat #lichanura #reptile #serpent
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About Rosalyn the lamia
Formerly known as Lamia Cham
This is a post with information about her. She was gonna be a persona but I wanted her to be more lamia-like, so she’s turned into more of an OC, so I’ve renamed her.
Species: Lamia (Half human/Half snake)
Age: ??
Snake type: Rosy Boa
Clothing: Leaf Bras and flower crowns.
Hair: Dirty/Ash Blonde, a few inches past her shoulders in length, swept bangs on the left side of her head. Her left, your right.
Eyes: Greyish Blue with slit pupils
I don’t know what else to put here.
Random Headcanons
Most of these will be somewhat based off of my own personal experiences.
She doesn’t like heights. If she goes into the trees she picks the lowest limb possible. She prefers a nice, warm rock or the comfort of her nest.
She used to eat her food raw until one day she was watching some humans from afar. They were cooking something on a fire and when they looked away she snagged a small piece and bolted.
She ate the cooked food and can’t look at her raw food the same anymore. It’s turned her into a very picky eater. Please teach her how to make fire. Until she learns fire she tries to cook things on hot rocks. I am legit picky to a point of driving my parents insane.
Her nest looks like the image used to describe Pap and Blueberry’s nests from This Post.
She tries to find the softest, comfiest leaves possible to sleep on. She decorates her nest with lots of flowers. Lots. and trinkets. She’s like Blueberry with the trinkets. I love flowers and I steadily burying my room in little vinyl figures.
Her nest is mostly tidy. Still kinda messy. Because she’s lazy but likes to keep it at least mostly decent. Or as decent as she can.
She’s curious about humans but won’t get near them unless they’re asleep or not paying attention. Kinda like Lamia Rus but not as stealthy. 
She’s very careful but almost always manages to slip up and knock something that could possibly alert the nearby humans of her presence. I’m short and clumsy. fiGht me.
She’s shy and a little skeptical, so be patient if you’re trying to befriend her. She’s pretty friendly and nice once you’ve earned her trust.
Good food and pretty flowers are the key. Especially flower crowns. Bonus if you manage to find one of her favorite flowers to put in the crown. No, I won’t just tell you her favorites. It’ll be a fun guessing game. You have to work for it.
Lives out in the wilderness. Still can’t stand a lot of types of bugs.
She likes a bit of personal space when it’s due.
She prefers to avoid confrontation but will do what’s necessary.
Probably gonna add more bullets later if/when I think of more to add.
How she would get along with the lamia boys?
Classic: Pretty well. No problems here. Occasionally nap on the same rock. Strictly platonic. He trusts her plenty because she’s protective over Pap. Beyond that they don’t know each other all that well. Just enough to be trustworthy.
Papaya: Pretty close friends. Get along great. She likes to gather flowers with him. They also play occasionally but her stamina is lower than his.
Stretch: Pretty close. Get along perfect. Chill in the trees together and nap. Maybe some platonic cuddles occasionally.
Blueberry: Pretty close. Protective of him, kinda motherly. Love to collect trinkets together and play. Her, Berry, and Papaya altogether at once is fun.
Red: A little rocky at first. Okay now though. They trust each other. Maybe not enough to nap on the same rock though.
Edge: They respect each other. There was tension at first though. She didn’t know what to think of his attitude at first but thinks he’s okay now. Trusts him enough to sleep in his vicinity.
Blackberry: There was a little tension at first. They get along pretty well now though. Sometimes goes looking for trinkets with him and Blueberry. He and Berry get along really well.
Rus: Pretty close. They scope out human camps or other interesting locations together sometimes. He’s kinda big brother protective over her. Platonic cuddles and affection. She’s protective of both him and his brother.
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p1ge0n-b0y · 7 years
rosehip tea, chai, & panda tea!
Thanks for the ask!Rosehip tea: which book did I love when I was younger?Nancy Farmer's "The House of the Scorpion" was my adolescent comfort novelChai: where do I want to travel next?I'd love to visit Germany again and just chill there for a whilePanda tea: do I have pets?Yes. I have a cornsnake named Arrowhead (a sweetheart), and two rosy boas named Mickey (a royal bitch) and Rose (a dipshit).
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kaijutegu · 7 years
I've seen you mention a few things about good beginner snakes, but not compare them against each other. So what do you think? A corn snake, rosy boa, sand boa, Western hognose, or something else?
I wouldn’t say a hoggie. Hoggies are easy keepers, yeah, but their body language is way more confusing than most snakes’. They’re pretty dramatic and it can be a little difficult to predict what they’re going to do. They’re also mildly toxic. There’s a huge argument about whether they’re venomous or not and people get really steamed about it, but suffice it to say: if a hoggie bites you and chews on you (their teef are in the back of their mouth, so they have to work to get them into you), you may experience swelling and pain about equivalent to a bee sting. (Or at least that’s what people tell me- I’ve never been stung by a bee.) GENERALLY speaking I’d recommend not having one as your first, especially if you haven’t got any other reptile experience. It’s just a little better to kinda get to understanding of how snakes move and act and think first before you take a little drama queen/king into your home.
OK so that outta the way, here’s a comparison chart!
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To explain things: here’s what I think makes a good first snake.
Fast: How fast is the snake? Will I be able to tell if it’s going to strike? If I accidentally drop it, will it wiggle away? Corns can be kinda quick. Same with rosies. KSBs, though... yeah, no. They’re slow. It’s really cute.
Foob: How good is this snake at eating? Will it eat for me right away? Are hunger strikes going to be a problem? All three species are great eaters, but the sand boa gets a point taken away because sometimes they do stop eating. HOWEVER this is a sign that they want it either a little warmer or a little cooler... orrrrr they’re an adult male and they think that there’s a CHANCE there might be a lady around.
Big house: How big does the cage need to be? Can I find a container this size easily? For the chart, I did tanks- but tubs work for all of these. NONE of these snakes are expensive to house, just make sure you have room. Corns are by far the most active, so make sure they’ve got enough room to move around and explore!
Finicky: If I have the cage a little too warm or cool or wet or dry, is this snake going to keel over and die? Can it thrive in a wide range of temperatures and humidities? Always strive to keep the cage as close to perfect as possible, but some snakes do REALLY poorly if everything isn’t spot on. All three of these species, however? Pretty chill about it. 
Hold: Can this snake be handled safely by one person? Will handling stress it out to an unsafe point? Rosy boas can be a little nippy if they don’t want to come out. But all three of these species do tend to handle really well and are calm when taken out. Bonus points to the sand boa because they're super calm usually and are excellent ambassador snakes.
Healthy: Are there any known genetic issues with this species? Is it prone to certain diseases? In this category, the rosy boa and KSB slightly outcompete the cornsnake if you get a female. The reason for this is that egg binding can be a real problem in female snakes and is an expensive thing to fix. It can be fatal and while you usually only have to worry about this with snakes you’re breeding, it can happen rarely to unbred females. 
Cool thing about rosies and KSBs, though? No eggs. They’re livebearers- ovoviviparous, meaning the babies form in egg sacs inside the mother but there’s no shell made. So egg binding isn’t a problem! There’s also no morphs with neuro problems like you see in BPs. All in all, any of these would be great starters.
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What are some cool snakes from Arizona? I live in the city so I don’t really get to see them, but I’d love to know :)
Oooh, I went to grad school in Arizona! Lots of super cool snakes. Might go a bit overboard with this one - I spent a lot of time out in the desert looking for these guys. :)
Arizona mountain kingsnakes (Lampropeltis pyromelana) are beautiful little guys! These guys are small, as far as kingsnakes go, usually well under 3 feet long. They mostly eat lizards, but like other kingsnakes, they're resistant to the venom of the pit vipers in their range.
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Coachwhips (Masticophis flagellum cingulum) in Arizona are often a beautiful pink-ish color to blend in with the rocks and sediment near the Grand Canyon region. They're named for looking like, unsurprisingly, coachwhips, with their long slender bodies and braid-like scale pattern.
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Rosy boas (Lichanura trivirgata) are Arizona's only boa species. They're very small as far as boas go, usually under 4 feet long. Like ball pythons, rosy boas will actually roll up into a ball when they feel scared! Pet rosies will like never do it - they're super easy-going and I've never seen a captive-bred rosy even try - but the wild ones will.
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The Arizona coral snake (Micruroides euryxanthus) is Arizona's only elapid! Unusually for coral snakes, they don't mind arid environments much, but you'll still really only see them out and about after it rains. They're extremely reluctant to bite, and even though their venom's definitely got a kick to it, there have never been any reported fatalities.
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Sonoran lyre snakes (Trimorphodon lambda) are rare and reclusive, but so cool! They have huge rear fangs, and their venom probably isn't medically significant to humans, but they tend to live in canyons and caves where it's super hard to find and research them.
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Now...I think it's rattlesnake time! Arizona has so many awesome rattlesnakes! I adore rattlesnakes, and if you love rattlers, there's no better place to be.
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Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnakes (Crotalus willardi) are adorable, and also the official state reptile of Arizona! They're small, usually under two feet long, and centipedes actually make up a large portion of their diet!
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Sidewinders (Crotalus cerastes) are some of my favorite rattlesnakes! These cute little rattlers are known for their sidewinding locomotion, which also makes them the fastest snakes in the world! They sidewind to travel more efficiently over sand, and while most snakes are capable of sidewinding, they're some of the few that choose to sidewind almost all the time.
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Blacktail rattlesnakes (Crotalus molossus) are some of the most beautiful rattlesnakes on the planet! Their color can vary, but they always have a striking black tail. They're some of the most chill rattlesnakes on the planet - blacktails are so calm and curious, I've worked with them at labs and they're some of the best snakes out there (don't pick them up, obviously!).
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Speckled rattlesnakes (Crotalus mitchellii) in Arizona are strikingly beautiful, often this wonderful white speckled color to blend in with rock walls. I just adore these guys - they remind me of cookie dough ice cream!
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Finally, one of the most objectively awesome rattlesnakes out there - the Arizona black rattlesnake (Crotalus cerberus)! These guys tend to be pretty high-strung (by rattlesnake standards, though, they're usually an easy-going bunch). They're born looking like your more standard brown rattler, and could easily be mistaken for a Great Basin rattler when they're young, but as they grow their color gets darker until you wind up with your average adult, who will often be nearly all black!
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