#just me and my gender expression without anyone to tell me how much of a girl i really am
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momodita · 4 months
snapshots. [—chilchuck tims]
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TAGS / WARNINGS: gender neutral reader, modern au,       minor pining, background marcille/falin WC: 1,000 NOTE: divorced father of 3 save me... save me       divorced father of 3...
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“Move over.”
Chilchuck’s voice startles you. The bowl in his hands is steaming: a hearty stew made with Falin and Marcille’s collective effort—(“Senshi’s tried and true recipe!”). A thick slice of bread perches on its rim. It smells just as heavenly as it did at dinner.
“Here?” you ask, stupefied. The armchair you’ve claimed is wide; there’s easily enough space to fit a Chilchuck-sized person, but your mind jumps—unbidden—to the reason he’d been late in the first place.
“Where else?” He nudges you with his knee. “As if I’m gonna sit near that love-fest over there.”
“You’re not welcome anyways,” Marcille tuts, midway through dipping the maraschino cherry from her sundae into Falin’s mouth.
“This is my apartment!”
You concede with a laugh: it’s just your bruised heart working overtime. The moment his body settles, shoulders touching, you stop being able to taste the ice cream Laios had scooped into your bowl. Existence narrowing to that point of contact with a familiar little rush.
It’s Laios’ turn to choose tonight’s movie, much to Marcille’s dismay—(“A documentary classifies! This is a really interesting one!”)—and he scrolls to find it as Chilchuck digs into his food.
Midway through, you engage him in a thrilling mock-battle of fencing spoons. Falin dozes, lulled from the careful stroke of Marcille’s fingers through her hair. By the time the credits roll, they’re folded onto each other, soft snores drowned out by music.
“They fell asleep again,” Chilchuck drawls, chin cushioned against his hand.
“Must be crashing after all that sugar,” Laios suggests, drapes a blanket over them.
“They were pretty high energy tonight. Eager to hear about how Chilchuck’s date went, I guess,” you tease, taking up the mantle with Marcille fast asleep. “You didn’t even tell us her name.” Keeping the tone casual despite the haunting little pit in your stomach.
(It’d been a shock to hear about it: for as long as you’ve known him, Chilchuck has been eager to keep his life private—even from long-time friends. And there’d been no signs of anyone—except you and your little group—coveting his time and attention; no extra, unexplained toothbrushes, no brands you don’t recognize in his pantry, no missed get-togethers.)
“Huh?” He gives you a look, confusion twisted in his features. The TV’s light illuminates a silver hair. “I wasn’t with any girl.”
Your brow furrows. “…His name? Their name?”
Chilchuck stares. This close—where the minuscule twitches in his expression are noticeable—it’s strangely evaluating.
“You know Marcille was joking when she said it was a date, right?” Heat sears along your cheekbones; embarrassment flushing hot under his gaze—the realization of your mistake.
“Of course I knew,” you say stupidly. Chilchuck’s eyebrow quirks. “Shut up. Don’t look at me like that.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Well, then if it wasn’t a date, who were you with?”
“Senshi,” he says. “He was—we, uh,” his eyes slide off to the side, “I asked him for a favor.”
“Oh?” you hum, relief and mirth creating a warm hum behind your ribs. “Looking to get a side hustle as a cook?”
“Not even close,” he grunts, looking away.
“Should we start calling you our little master chef?” You nudge him with a grin.
“Chilchuck is already quite good at cooking,” Laios pipes up without taking his eyes off the screen. “Maybe he’ll learn to make something else after mastering ramen.”
“Ramen?” you ask, head tilting. “Like, the instant kind?”
Chilchuck splutters. “No!”
“From scratch!” Laios beams. “Senshi’s said he’s been making really good progress since his first day.”
“Oh?” you grin. “Our little master chef is gonna open a ramen shop?”
“Shut up. No way. Not ever,” Chilchuck grumbles, the high curve of his ear a soft pink.
“I hope you’ll make it for us one day—I love ramen,” you say. “Very tedious, though, so I’ve never done it myself.”
His face scrunches, mouth pursing together like he wants to speak, but doesn’t. His cheeks puff with air, releasing as a long, quiet sigh.
“Oh, hey, so after ramen”—you lean a hand on the chair’s opposite arm, boxing him in with a cheeky little smile—“you should look into French onion soup. It’s probably easier than ramen but caramelizing the onions takes so long—”
“You—!” he leans back, shoulders tense and eyes wide. “Don’t go making requests before I’ve even cooked anything decent.”
“Why not? I bet it’ll be great! You’re good with your hands, so soup is probably a piece of cake for you.” You watch—with no small amount of pleasure—as Chilchuck’s face flushes with vivid color.
“Get away from me,” he mumbles, but his tone is so insincere all you do is laugh. He knocks a loose fist against the inside of your elbow. A surprised noise jumps out; you retreat back against the chair, rubbing the spot.
“Mmh?” Marcille rouses with a sleepy hum. “What’re you requestin’?”
“Chilchuck is making us ramen,” you joke, relishing the way he knocks an admonishing leg against yours. “He’s our little master chef.”
“Oh, yeah. Did Laios end up spilling the beans?” Marcille yawns. Falin stirs, eyes fluttering. “Congratulations, you two.”
Chilchuck goes stiff beside you. “What do you mean?” you ask.
Marcille pauses, head tilting with a drowsy look of confusion. “Huh? Didn’t you ask why he’s learning to make it?” she asks. Falin tugs her sleeve.
You blink. “No. Should I have?” Marcille doesn’t respond right away, head bent to put an ear by Falin’s mouth, expression pinched as they whisper. Then, with a sigh, she reaches up to stretch.
“No. Never mind. Forget I said anything.” Laios is quick to grab her attention.
“Hey, so are you actually opening a ramen shop?” you whisper to Chilchuck.
“You’re such an airhead,” he grunts against his palm.
“I’m great,” you reply. His eyes meet yours, holding your gaze. When next he speaks, his voice is soft—acquiescing easily to your jest.
“Guess you are.”
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fallingdownhell · 4 months
May I request Neuvillette, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli asking their s/o if they would choose them or the world and they (s/o) chose the world? At first they were upset until s/o hugs them and says they're their world.
THAT IS SO CUTE!!<3 Characters Included: Neuvillette; Kaeya; Diluc; Zhongli Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; just some good old fluff; a bit angsty on Diluc's part but nothing too bad; not proofread yet Word count: 1,9k words Had a very stressful week and didn't get to writing at all. But now that it's over, I can finally work on requests again! Yay! Enjoy<3
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Neuvillette, when in a relationship, would be head over heels for his partner
it may not show in his face, because the Iudex was never good at expressing his emotions, but his actions are loud and clear
he adores you in every way possible and tries to spend as much time as he can with you, without neglecting his duties as Chief Justice of Fontaine
enjoys taking you on a leisure stroll through the city or just lay on the bed with you, cuddling all day/night long. Around you, he fells safe to let go of the strong hold he has over his dragon side. So, when in the privacy of your or his home, you can expect his tail to curl around some part of your body as soon as he gets close to you, but most of the time, it's either around your leg or your waist
one evening, while you were cuddling together, there was a thought that entered Neuvillette's mind
on his way home today, he saw a couple and he didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but he overheard one of them asking the other, if they would choose the world or their partner
he thought it to be stupid at the time and didn't think anything of it, but having you in his arms now, he couldn't help but think what your answer to this would be
"Darling", he'd ask cautiously as to not scare you from suddenly speaking up. You hummed, signaling that he had your attention
"This might sound stupid, but... If you had to choose, would you save the world, or me?"
You don't answer for a while and Neuvillette almost thinks that you might have fallen asleep. He was about to lean down and check when you stirred and turned yourself around in his arms to face him
"Hmm.. I think I'd save the world.", you answered and then pressed yourself against his chest again, content with your answer
meanwhile, Neuvillette felt a bit disappointed. He was sure that you'd adore him as much as he did you. Was he.. wrong about it?
His mood drastically dampened as he continued to hold you, but then you spoke up again
"Wanna know why?", you ask him, and unable to refuse you anything, he agrees to hearing your reasoning
you rise from his arms, pushing yourself up so you can look at him. You smile at him, warm and full of love, as you tell him: "Because, you are my world."
for a moment, he's too stunned to speak. Then, he closes his eyes and lets out a chuckle, relieved to hear that and overwhelmingly happy right now
He catches you in his arms again and kisses you, holding you as close to him as humanly possible, not wanting to ever let you go again..
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he's usually not one to fall for such tricks. No, rather, he's the one who gets people into doing them, watching the scenes unfold in the chaos afterwards
but for reasons, this one hits a bit too close to home for his taste
choosing between saving one or the other.. it's not a situation he'd want to wish upon anyone, knowing first hand just how bad it feels to be forced to decide eventually
he tries to forget about it, pushes it to the back of his mind, but it's like the heavens are mocking him, as he sees couple after couple who'd ask each other this damned question
and almost every time, he'd see them happily fall into each others arms when they get confirmation from their partner that they'd choose them
it filled the Cavalry Captain with some sort of longing... a feeling he couldn't quite describe, but he wanted this for himself, too
so, he decided, that on his next outing with you, he'd just go ahead and shoot his shot, asking you the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, right?
you'd invited Kaeya over tonight for dinner, to which he obviously enthausiastically agreed to
the two of you had some fun goofing around, playfully throwing things at each other before you actually did the cooking together
while the food was boiling on the stove and there was a quiet moment, Kaeya felt that now was the time to ask you
"Hey, (Name).. I got a question for you."
"Shoot.", you'd answer, still focused on cleaning up, but waiting for Kaeya to ask what he wanted to
"It's just.. If you'd had to choose.. would you choose me? Or the world?"
you scoff, a smile on your lips, and without hesitation you answer "Obviously, the world."
"Oh.", Kaeya answers, his mood sinking by the second. He can't really blame you for your answer, but he can't help but be a bit disappointed
however, the next second, he feels your arms snaking around him, pulling him into a hug. "Because you are my world, dummy."
Kaeya is stunned for a second, but he quickly feels that warm feeling rising in his chest again, that you always seem to trigger in him
he hugs you back, burrying his face into your hair as he holds you close to him, the food forgotten for this moment
"Thank you", he whispers, his arms ever so slightly tightening around you. He didn't realise how desperately he'd needed this confirmation from you until now...
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Diluc is a man who often thinks of himself as unworthy and undeserving of your love and affection
he's flawed, broken, a fragment of the person he once was. He can't find anything good within himself, so he can't fathom you seeing him in a different light entirely
you love him, regardless of his broken self. Even more so, you help him in trying to overcome this feeling. You heal his very soul, with you, he finally feels complete again
but despite that, he still has his moments of doubt, but you're always quick to shut such thoughts down again
Diluc truly adores you, with everything he has. No matter what you want or ask of him, he'll personally see to it that you get what you asked for
You want some new clothes? Already bought. You want to spend time with him? His schedule is cleared out minutes later. You want his love? You already have it
but the doubt still gnaws in his mind today, not letting him focus on the good aspects of your lives together
it was a quiet evening at Dawn Winery. The Staff had gone to bed already but you were sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace, the fire crackling peacefully, while you read a book
Diluc was walking down the stairs, looking for you when he spotted you there, looking as stunning as ever
His heart clenched in his chest when he saw you, and that irresistable desire to be close to you took ahold of him
he carefully approaches you and slowly snakes his arms around you from behind, hidding his face in the crock of your neck where he breathes in your scent, calming down his mind a bit, but the thoughts are still racing in him
you chuckle a bit and raise a hand to play with his hair, while you kept part of your attention on your book still
the both of you stayed like that for a few minutes, before you closed your book and adressed your lover
"Why don't you sit down with me? It must be uncomfortable like this."
but Diluc remains where he is, totally content right now. And yet, something still gnaws on his mind..
"Love.. if there were ever a situation in which you'd have to choose.. would you save the entire world? Or me?"
if he were to be asked the same question, his answer now would be different compared to if he would have been asked that before meeting you
before, he would not have hesitated and saved the world. Eradicating all evil to save everyone else sounded like the right thing to do.
but now? Diluc was certain that he could not live in a world without you in it. He'd sacrifice anything and everything for you, even the entire world
you chuckle lightly, still playing with his hair. "I'd choose the world. Without a second thought. Because you are my world. And I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
hearing you say that eased his mind, his hold around you growing stronger. It was a relief for him to hear you thinking about him the same way he does about you
with little to no effort, he picks you up from your spot on the couch and carries you all the way to the bedroom, where the two of you cuddle well into the night, unitl none of you can stay awake any longer. And even in your sleep, he holds you close, thinking that maybe, it's okay to love you, that you were meant to be together...
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even as a god who's lived for thousands of years, there seems to be new things to learn still, with every single passing day
and since you entered his life, the things he learns have become all the more interesting to him
every little detail about you has been committed to his memory, never to be forgotten again. Zhongli never would have thought he could harbor such intense feelings for another being, much less a human, but he was proven wrong
only through you does he really learn to appreciate things that come with being human. He begins to take pleasure in the small things in life, his focus shifting from the greater good, and instead setting his sight on you, always aiming to make you feel as happy and appreciated as possible
after a bit of time, where he got to know you and trust you, he would also reveal the truth about himself to you
the moment you accepted him still, despite his true self, was the happiest Zhongli has felt in a long time. Now, whenenver it was just the two of you in private, he can let go of himself and allows himself to show some of his more draconic features around you
on one such day, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, Zhongli laying on top of you, his arms around your body, his tail curling around one of your legs while you were stroking the horns protruding from his head
you were talking about mundane things, telling each other how your day has been going, but he really enjoyed listening to you
"Oh, I almost forgot! My coworker asked me something today that I found kind of ridiculous."
"Oh, really? What was that question, dearest?", Zhongli would inquire, interested but still resting comfortably on your chest
"Well, since she knows I'm in a relationship, she asked me if I would choose my lover over the entire world.", you laugh as you recall that conversation
suddenly, Zhongli's interest is peaked and he turns his head so he could look at you, a spark in his eyes
"And what did you answer?"
"Obviously, I picked the world. I mean, I don't think I could or really want to live without you at this point."
at that, Zhongli furrows his brows in confusion, your answer making no sense to him
he ponders about it a bit more, you laughing a bit at him, finding it cute that he didn't understand the implications of your words. So, you decide to just explain it to him
"It means that you are my world, Li. Nothing would feel right anymore if you weren't by my side."
the confusion now washed away, his gaze grew softer as he stared at you, love for you swelling in his chest, growing and growing until he couldn't take it anymore
with a low growl, he shot up and burried his face against your neck, his tail swaying back and forth behind him and you couldn't hold back the chuckle
"I love you, Darling.", he'd whisper against you. "with everything I am. My heart and soul will always belong to you."
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nothorses · 4 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I think trying to find one perfect answer that applies universally is the critical mistake here. I mean, I am a gay man. I say this because as of yet, that's the clearest answer I have for myself personally; maybe there's a possibility I experience attraction to a woman at some point (maybe I already have???), but I don't really have clarity on that right now, and it doesn't serve me to shape or explain my identity around "maybe"s.
Trying to pinpoint exactly what it is that attracts me to other men, specifically, is also like... not that useful. I used to find myself really attracted to feminine men specifically; not feminine women, not masculine women, not masculine men, not androgynous anyone, but feminine men. Specifically, men who were feminine in a very particular, long-hair-certain-attitude kind of way.
Recently, I have found myself appreciating, more and more, a certain kind of masculine body type and gay masculinity that I was never really interested in before. I find it incredibly hot. A lot of that coincides with things I appreciate about my partner, too, and things I find myself appreciating more about my partner as time goes on- as well as things my partner expresses appreciation for about me!
And I haven't even touched on attraction to nonbinary folks here because, like, it's a massive spectrum. "Nonbinary" means something different for every individual nonbinary person. To my mind, of course there's a possibility I experience attraction to a nonbinary person; how they identity, present, and what attracts me to them are all even more impossible to know for certain than the "maybe"s and the "why"s around my attraction (or lack thereof) to men and women.
My relationship to my own orientation was vastly different pre-testosterone versus post-testosterone, too. I was much more reserved and uncomfortable with relationships and attraction before I started T, and the only dynamic I ever felt was even a little bit tolerable was one where I was the "masculine woman" in a lesbian relationship. I didn't realize until very shortly after starting T that, actually, I like men. A lot. I felt comfortable with my body and my masculinity in a way I never had been before, and I felt comfortable in relationships with men; I no longer felt like I was The Woman By Default in contrast.
And that's all just me! This is my personal, specific, individual relationship to attraction, and how gender- both others' and my own- factors into my relationship with orientation.
I don't think it's necessarily inborn, or completely unchanging for everyone. I also don't think the same factors apply for everyone. I think a lot of different things can be true for different people, all at once, and it's not really useful to try to pinpoint a specific, universal explanation for orientation.
Everyone has a different relationship to orientation and gender; everyone will be influenced differently by cultural factors, by their own ways of processing and understanding the world around them, by the ways different aspects of their culture, identity, personality, and inborn traits and how they all interact with one another, and sure, maybe even by biological factors and tendencies.
Trying to solve this puzzle for the entire world of diverse human beings isn't going to make it any easier to understand yourself. Focus on what this all means for you, personally, and accept that you will never, can never, fully and perfectly understand anyone else's internal world and workings. Things get a lot easier when you can let go of that & just appreciate the diversity of human experiences, y'know?
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transmascissues · 11 months
building off of this post, people love to say that “trans men want to keep going into in women’s spaces after they transition because they just want to have the best of both worlds!” but in my experience, there are four main reasons that a trans man might use a “women’s space” after they transition:
it’s an important resource that’s being arbitrarily gendered and we need to use it regardless of which gender is “supposed to” be using it.
it’s a public facility where we’d be significantly less safe in the men’s version and we have to choose our safety over our desire to not be misgendered.
it’s a social space that we’ve been in since before we transitioned and we don’t want to suddenly be cut off from our friends and support system.
the trans man in question is multigender and is also a woman, or maintains some other kind of connection to womanhood alongside their manhood.
do any of those sound like “evil men rubbing our dirty little hands together making plans for how we’re going to get male privilege without losing access to women’s spaces” to you? they sure don’t to me!
i think it’s pretty reasonable that we want to transition without losing the ability to access the resources we need, keep ourselves safe, keep up the relationships we’ve built, and express all facets of who we are. all of those are really, like, pretty basic parts of having good life and we shouldn’t be expected to give them up when we transition.
and honestly, if you claim to care about trans people, you should not be so attached to the gendering of these spaces that you’re willing to deny trans men those things for the sake of upholding gender restrictions. anyone who prioritizes the sanctity of gender segregated spaces over the safety, health, and well-being of trans men is a fucking transphobe. (yes, even if you’re trans yourself.)
and that’s what really gets me about all of this — the vehemence with which people are willing to defend those spaces being entirely and inflexibly gendered, despite how enforcement of gendered spaces has hurt trans people time and time again. gendered spaces have literally always been set up in ways that force trans people to break the rules; some trans men might break those rules in ways that don’t make sense to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong for us to do so! it just means you might feel weird about it and that’s okay, discomfort won’t kill you.
“but using women’s spaces after transitioning to male defeats the purpose of transitioning! the whole point of transitioning is to be able to live as a man!”
and who are you to tell trans men what the point of our transitions should be? what if the purpose of us transitioning is just to live the happiest and most fulfilled life possible, and forcing ourselves into unsafe spaces or denying ourselves access to important resources or cutting ourselves off from important people in our lives or pushing down the more complex parts of our genders would “defeat the purpose of transitioning” for us? what if being able to go where cis men go is just one part of a much bigger journey, not the end goal?
if you really want to talk about “defeating the purpose,” let’s talk about how policing which gendered spaces trans men can access defeats the purpose of trying to stop cis people from policing which gendered spaces trans people can access, because it allows the policing of trans people in gendered spaces to continue in some form instead of eliminating it altogether. let’s talk about how using “evil men invading women’s spaces” rhetoric against trans men defeats the purpose of trying to stop cis people from using it against trans women, because it allows the rhetoric to continue in some form instead of eliminating it altogether.
the point of saying “let people decide which gendered space is right for them” isn’t to make sure everyone uses the one aligned with their “true gender,” it’s to let people do what’s best for them without punishing them for their choice. sometimes the best choice is one that seems wrong from the outside, and you need to learn to live with that.
i just think we as a community need to be more hostile toward people who think upholding the sanctity of a gendered space is more important than giving trans people the freedom to move through the world without being punished for existing in those gendered spaces. that kind of thinking is fucking dangerous and it’s weird as hell that some of y’all are so comfortable with it being directed at us.
moral of the story: stop giving so much of a shit about where a trans man decides to piss or see a doctor or hang out or whatever else. even if you think he doesn’t belong there, he probably has a good reason to be there anyway, and that reason is frankly none of your damn business.
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moumouton4 · 1 month
Training Sessions In The Plural || Sasuke Uchiha x reader
A/n : This is again an idea I had since quite some time. The plan now is to finish all drafts so I'll be able to open the request 😌👌
Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : Overall fluff, but it ends in a slow burn 😏👌 No mention of gender for reader
Summary : You found Sasuke at your door offering you to come train with him. Of course you accepted but you didn't know it end up being so intense. But we couldn't expect less from him, now could we ?
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 2034
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You didn’t think too much through it when this morning, you saw Sasuke at your doorstep, nor when he asked you to come and train with him, while he was about to go to one of his daily training sessions. He was dressed in his usual attire, with a navy blue form fitting combat gear, his hands adorned with black strap and his feet with his usual sandales. His hair was already slightly sticking to his forehead and that’s how you suspected he had already gone running a bit before coming here to pick you up. Of course he would have, both your designed training are made for different needs. Meaning that he knew that if he decided to spar with you the level of intensity would be far lower than what he is used to when sparring with Naruto or Neji.
He didn’t say much when you opened the door. Let’s say you didn’t choose the most expressive man of the village, but even though you wouldn't trade him for anyone else here. Even more so when he told you that from now on he would be the one in charge of your training schedule and exercises, for I quote “Make sure you would always come back victorious from a mission.” But to be honest he meant “To Feel more at peace when you're off on a mission alone and I cannot protect you.”
But you going without him on a mission was a rare occurrence, must have only happened twice or thrice when you were either given a mission when he was already off on one, or when Tsunade insisted on him to stay put because you were already going with people who were more qualified for the task. But let’s say that when you Y/n go on a mission, the whole village knows about it one way or another. Either because they were in the Hokage facility when Tsunade gave you the mission assignment and they heard Sasuke’s voice - usually so measured - boom in the hallway, through the door, each word carefully chosen to express his discontent regarding the situation. Or either by seeing him train his frustration out, by running in the forest all day or throwing kunais or just by hearing the loud crashes of his relentless assault against the punching bag designed for his own intense training sessions. But that’s a story for another day.
As you arrived at the training ground you were positively surprised upon seeing the trouble Sasuke went through to prepare the whole area. Everything was meticulously aligned, a set of well sharpened kunais were placed on a display stand right in front of a target whose canvas had been changed. There were even mats on the ground, which was new for you because you usually spared on the bare ground. When you asked about it he just answered you “It’s me you’re training with today, not Lee. I won’t go easy on you.”
So you nodded and got ready to start but he stopped you again “I've told you countless times to drink and stretch before training, so you don't get any cramps.” You chuckled at his reaction, before picking up your water bottle, from where you left it on the ground when you arrived “Okay mom,” you teased.
You swore you could have seen the chill that had run down his spine upon hearing your words, a subtle hue creeped on his cheeks as he realized that what he just said gave away a good chunk of the worry he felt towards you and the idea of pushing you to your limits during training. He quickly turned around pretending to attend to something else with his weapons.
“Just do it and tell me when you’re ready to start” he murmured with his back still facing you. You almost choked with your water when you heard the genuine embarrassment in his voice. He is so precious.
A little after you joined him on the side of the training ground, apparently he decided to start with kunai throwing. Though after what felt like 40 minutes of you perfectly throwing the weapons in the target, you turned your attention towards your boyfriend, who had been intently studying every move you made, in case you needed to improve your posture to make your weapons more lethal “Could we move on to sparring now ? I think I've had enough practice with this for one day,” while saying that you extended your arm and threw the last kunai you had in your hand, instinctively aiming it at the center of the target without even looking at it.
Sasuke, whose arms were still crossed, cocked an eyebrow your way, he then turned his head to look at where the knife was deeply embedded in the canvas, before sighing as a faint smile spread on his lips. He was very proud of you and your flawless techniques. Then he tilted his head towards the middle of the training area. You eagerly followed him, it’s been so long you two had spared together and you were very excited to show him the progress you have made.
Actually you didn’t even wait for him to get in position and you just jumped forward trying to tackle him head-on, knowing very well that even if you had improved your skills you wouldn’t be able to compare to him once he was fully in the fight. And oh boy you were right. You only blinked for a split second that he had disappeared from where he stood in front of you. The next thing you knew, his leg was hooking yours, nearly knocking you over. With your hands, you gained momentum on the carpet, pushing him backwards with a jerk, knowing he was about to tackle your arms, before bringing your legs back into a headstand position and getting back to your feet.
He was impressed to be honest, back in the desk the first hit would have knocked you down. But damn you look feisty today, and that seemed to stir something within him. But listening only to his instincts in battle, he continued to fight, parrying each of your blows one by one. You thought he was going to go easy on you, because it had been a long time since you'd done that, but no, he was going as hard as he could - within the limits he'd set himself so as not to hurt you - so hard that at one point you could hardly see the blows coming, so redoubled was his speed.
All it took was a simple swerving, grabbing your sleeve and pulling you to the side, kicking your ankle to send you tumbling to the ground. of course, you didn't let go, grabbing his hand to pull him down with you. With the force of his attack, you both rolled onto the mats he'd carefully placed there for the purpose.
When the world around you finally stopped spinning, you soon realized that he was pinning you down, his comforting weight still on you, you could feel his heart pounding against his chest - probably due to all that exercise. But that wasn't the only reason. For a while now, he had felt something change inside him during that fight. He wasn't sure where it was coming from, maybe your fighting skills were having an effect on him, or maybe you had changed something about your hair that he hadn't noticed before.
When you finally looked at his face, you were surprised by the intensity with which he was looking at you. Well, he always looked at you with intensity, but now it looked like he was going to smooch
You were so shocked that your eyes stayed wide open, your body practically melting under his. Suddenly he pulled away, he looked even more shocked than you "I-I don't know why I did that- smooch mmh," you cut him off in one swift motion, pulling him by his training suit and placing your lips back against his. His hands pressed to the floor, because he was afraid of crushing you with them as his body suddenly relaxed against yours.
But you didn't give him time to enjoy it as much as he would have liked. You put your foot on one of his hips and, with a swing, sent him flying over your head. You rose to your feet with lightning speed, getting back into fighting position, but once again he was faster than you. The hold you had given him was supposed to send him flat on his back, but in reality he managed to land on both feet.
He launched once more in your direction, but you dodged, not failing to place another kiss on his lips, making his heart race once more. It was grateful for the training to give him an excuse as to why he was so red at that moment. But noticing this, you didn't stop teasing him, either with a kiss or a little wisecrack that hinted at his embarrassment. But as you concentrated on him for more than just the fight, he eventually regained the upper hand. 
And just as quickly he manages to pin you against the nearest tree, his hot breath fanning against the side of your neck "What are you doing exactly ?" he spoke lowly, sending another wave of shivers down your spine.
But that didn't stop you from coming up with a straightforward reply, "Says the one who's pinning me against the tree."
That's when he realized he had both your wrists in one hand, holding them above your head. But he didn't let go, in fact it seemed to spur him on even more. And he couldn't help but lean down to catch your lips in a searing kiss.
It took no more than that for you to push your hips against his, and for him to lift you effortlessly with his other arm, so that your legs wrapped around his waist. He really didn't know what hit him the moment his tongue slipped into your mouth, or when a growl ran up his throat before spilling against your lips. Your fingers slid through his ebony locks, pulling gently each time Sasuke pushed you a little harder against the tree.
You were really on the verge of losing tracks when suddenly you hear someone coughing. You both froze, your mouths parting, as Sai looked at you quizzically "This is definitely not the right place to go to this kind of activity," he said his gaze immediately dipping into a book neither of you had seen him pull out before "But I could be wrong," he added quickly.
"Indeed-" you began but Sasuke, after gently resting you on the ground cut you off, turning his gaze back to the young man "You've seen nothing," his tone had somehow a rather menacing aura "Nothing at all."
With that he turned his gaze back to you, you could still see the desire simmering in his dark orbs "Training's over," and the next minute you were gone.
On the way back you couldn't help smiling at the way he held your hand, it was clear he hadn't finished expressing his love for you back there.
Upon arriving at your door he looked at you for a moment, with a little regret in his eyes. So you decided to cheer him up in your own way "It was a great date, thanks Sasuke."
But he only blushed darker "T-that wasn't... a date," he blurted out.
That only made you giggle "Well that definitely looked like one."
But what he did next surprised you greatly, no doubt it was all that adrenaline of the day that prompted him to do this "And if it was a date, what would you do then ?" his voice was deliciously suave.
"Then I'd probably tell you to come inside and follow me," you purred. And he didn't need another word for practically leaping inside your apartment, eager to taste your lips once more.
Now it was a training of another kind that was about to begin, and you wouldn't want to miss it for anything else.
A/n : Imagine it was someone else than Sai. Who would it be ? What would they say ? 😂 Be creative !
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gilverrwrites · 5 months
NSFW Alphabet [Lucifer]
Lucifer / GN Human Reader
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TW: Somewhat unhealthy relationship/sexual habits
Notes: Pretty sure all angels are like, assigned gender neutral at creation (at least that’s my HC) but I do refer to Lucifer by he/him. All HCs transfer to any vessel excluding physical descriptions.
Self indulgent dom Lucifer undertones, some fluff.
If you enjoy, and would like to see more, please let me know!
Rating: M/18+
I hope you have a great rest of your day.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
If he legitimately has let his walls down and is viewing this as some form of relationship, then he’s surprisingly soft and cuddly. Don’t talk about it, or he’ll get defensive. Just enjoy the moment for what it is.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 
Of his vessel? His tongue. It’s sharp and dirty. He loves using it to tempt you, and loves using it even more on your core, making you wither and moan for him.  
Of yours; your face, specifically your expressions. He just loves watching the way your face crumples or eases, the way your cheeks will blush or drain dependent on what you’re feeling, on what he’s doing to you.  
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) 
He loves making a mess of you, will pull out and cum on any part of you he can reach. He especially likes cumming on your face, then slowly scooping it into your mouth.  
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Lucifer is VERY open about his sex life, to literally anyone. He’s an open book with every explicit details, they don’t even have to ask.
He’ll tell them all about the positions he had you in last night, how many times you cried his name, or took his load.
He’s much less vocal about the more tender nights. When you spend hours wrapped up close, rocking together, unguarded. Those moments are just for him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
Given his distaste for humans, and having spent such a long time in the cage; not particularly experienced. But what he lacks in practice, he makes up for in confidence, energy, and enthusiasm.  
F = Favorite positions (this goes without saying) 
Anything deep penetration: legs on shoulders, the flatiron, and especially the lap dance.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) 
Lucifer cannot go more than 10 minutes without letting his impulsive thoughts win, and more often than not, those thoughts are humorous to some extent. He may have a big ego, and when it comes to serious matters he will snap necks over nothing, but he’s lived to long to take himself to seriously in moments like these. Additionally, he loves to make you laugh.  
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) 
I subscribe to the idea that vessels hair stops growing hair and whatnot when they’re being possessed (it’s definitely not just TV convenience). That being said, Nick was too consumed with grief to stay on top of that area before Lucifer came along. And Lucifer does not care enough to trim it up either.  
It’s clean, but it’s kind of a jungle down there.  If you ask him real nicely though, he might tidy it up.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) 
Flirting comes easy to Lucifer, but romance is a foreign language. He can be vulnerable with you if he allows himself to be, if he feels comfortable enough. But if you want romance, you’re gonna have to be vocal and concise, and even then I wouldn’t expect it often or tactfully.  
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
Alone in the cage, he tried it from time to time, and not just jerking. He really got to know himself, his likes, and dislikes. You’ll do a lot of stuff if you’re bored enough.
He even did it when Michael was locked up with him. It was a cheap shot, and sexually he didn’t enjoy it, but he did it just to laugh at the Michaels disgust.
Out of the cages, less so.
Once he got his clutches on you, never.  
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) 
100% has a praise/worship kink, tell him you’re ruined for anyone else, tell him nobody could ever make you fell this good and he’ll be riding that euphoria all day. ‘If It makes you comfy:’ Earnestly call him your God, and he’ll cum on the spot.  
Simultaneously he has a degradation kink for you.  He’ll have you on your knees, hands taught in your hair, growling “Beg for it you filthy whore. Beg me to let you worship my cock." 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) 
No real preference, but he does like the way your eyes get wide, and your heartbeat hammers when he fucks you somewhere risky. Somewhere you might get caught. “What would you do? If they caught us? What would they think of you, underwear around your ankles, spread open for me like the good little pet you are?”  The correct answer is incoherent moaning.  
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) 
It doesn’t take a lot really. He could just sit back and watch you go about your day, enjoying the sway of your hips, the sound of your laugh. It’s a slow build, but you’re tempting when you’re oblivious to what you’re doing to him.  
If you want him there and then though, give him a reason to put you in your place. He likes the power dynamic when you’re challenging him.  
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) 
Exhibitionism is a yes for him, that’s for sure, but there’s an invisible line that surrounds it. The look but don’t touch line. You’re his, and only his to play with.  
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) 
As previously mentioned, he loves putting his mouth to good use. As much as he loves watching you choke and slurp on him, he would happily spend hours forcing wave after wave of pleasure through you, with just his mouth.  
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
He can be slow and sensual, especially during foreplay and oral. Just loves watching you squirm as he slowly inches in to you until he bottoms out. Loves watching you pant and beg as he holds you down, forcing you to cockwarm him for hour after hour. But when it comes to game time, when you’re ready to topple, he will hammer into you like there’s no tomorrow.  
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) 
Quickies tie in really well with his fondness for risky sex. Oh, your hunter friend is on their way here to borrow that book? I think now would be a great time to pin you to the couch and make you scream. They’re nearly here? They might hear us? You better get me off quick then, hadn’t you?   
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) 
Absolutely. The real danger with trying something new with Lucifer is just how far he’ll take it, you know? He is not the kind who is gonna spend hours meticulously researching the best and safest ways to explore new kinks. So come prepared, to pray nothing goes wrong.  
He is however, prepared to try and fix things/make amends after the fact. Provided you don’t put all the blame on him (regardless of how much it actually is or isn’t.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) 
The real question is how many rounds can you go? How long can you last? That’s one of the perks to being an archangel. He can keep going until you’re a crumpled drooling mess, and he will. He particularly enjoys the way your legs tremor at just the feel of his fingers brushing near your sweet spots once he’s made you orgasm enough times. He is a fiend for overstimulation. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
If you want too, he will, but really, who needs them? Right? He can, and will go all night, and he can make you feel whatever you want with the click of his fingers. I guess the only exception to that rule would be things like role play/costumes.  
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) 
Lucifer is the king of teasing. He’ll flirt, touch, and rut himself against you, winding you up all day and then pretend to recede his offer when you get him alone. He wants you to beg him for it.
And just when you think you’ve won him over, when he ploughing into you, he’ll tell you you’re not allowed to cum. Not until he says so.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) 
Not particularly loud, he will make some guttural sounds when he finishes, but otherwise the only times he’ll moan is when he’s mocking your own sounds.
But he will talk, he will in fact rarely shut the fuck up.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) 
He’ll never admit it, but for all his bark and equally his bite, his favourite part often is the aftermath. You’ll spook him if you talk about it, but he enjoys laying beside you, watching you come down from your high. Pressing his cold hard body against you, all soft and warm and oh so fragile.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
Nicks a little above average in the night department so I’d overlap what in the penis area. Circumcised, just over 6 inches, a little on the thin side.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) 
When he’s in the mood, you’ll know he’s in the mood, and he’s easy to turn on if you know how to push his buttons.
However, he has been around a long time. Sure he is demanding in the moment, but in between he can be patient.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
He doesn’t sleep, and he’ll probably be gone by the time you wake up. But he will stay until you fall asleep, just to enjoy the serenity, the calm after the storm.
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dilvuc · 7 months
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗: gender neutral
𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊: when you get jealous pt. 1
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: dorm leaders x gn!reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌: none
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: when you get jealous
╰┈➤ when you get jealous pt. 2
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you're the type to glare at anyone who touches your queen of hearts. riddle always knew how calm and patient you are, but he never saw your jealous side before. all he knows is that you're sometimes clingy. riddle thought it was to show attraction. yes and no, it's because you were trying to keep his attention from others and turn his attention on you
attention seeker…
you wrapped your arms around the red haired male in front of that person and snuggled with him.
"Eh? [Y]…what's with you?" riddle asked you.
"Nothing…I just feel like doing so." you smiled, nuzzled your face in the male's hair. confused, riddle just let you do what you wanna do. yet, he didn't notice your eyes glaring at the people surrounding you, sending them off.
despite the height difference, he sits on your lap whenever he needs to, even if it's embarrassing for him, but you wouldn't mind as long as your "rivals" aren't trying to break any rules to grab your queen's attention.
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he knows. oh, he knows. you're just easy to read and you have no problem showing your jealousy. you send others a dark glare and let out low growl whenever you see the people you don't like. when the savanaclaw dorm leader called your name, you lost focus on your "rivals'' and turned your full attention to leona. like floyd, you have mood swings. your mood changes often.
what a mood…
"Grrrrrrrr…" you growled at your "rival" with a glare. your so-called rival scoops themselves away from you, trying to leave your sight. ruggie snickered, "Look like someone's jealous~ You should stop them, leona before they rip them to shreds~"
"Whatever…" leona chuckled, satisfied by your jealousy. he then called your name, "Oi, [Y]."
your ears perked up when you heard your name was called by leona. without hesitation, you ran over to leona with a genuine smile on your face. "Yes, Leo?"
"Naptime during lunch. I'm gonna need your laps." leona told you. you nodded without hesitation, "Ok~"
you wouldn't call yourself a simp, right…?
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╰┈➤ AZUL
like leona, he knows, but you're hard to read. you don't show much jealousy. however, you're calm, but impatient. the leech twins thought it was funny to watch you glaring at the clients whenever it took like a few minutes for the meeting to be over. thirty seconds is enough. that's way too short.
how did you lose your patience that fast?
"It's a deal, right?" azul smirked menacingly. the client was going to respond, but they helped when they noticed you glaring at them. azul notices the client's scared expression before looking over his shoulder at you, but you hold a neutral expression when he turns at you.
azul brushes you off, "Don't mind them. Now, just signed here~"
when the octavinelle dorm leader turns away from you, you continue to glare at the client, who nervously signs the golden contract. azul laughed, "Thank you for your cooperation!"
after the client rushed out of the vip room, azul turned to you, "...Don't tell me you were jealous. You don't enjoy me talking with my clients?"
"It's just that this meeting takes too long." you looked away. the octavinelle dorm leader chuckled, "You're so cute when you're jealous."
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he never noticed. tho, he was confused when some people always ran away from him. they weren't running away from him, they were running away from you. why is that? your jealous blank stare, it gives off a dark energy.
you must protect the light from the darkness…
"[Y], you should stop doing that." jamil told you. you tilted your head, "Do what?"
"That stare again. Whenever Kalim gets along with someone, you stand behind him, staring at that person with that blank stare." the vice dorm leader explained. "Kalim thinks he's the reason that they are running away."
you sulked with your arms crossed, "I'm just trying to protect him."
many bad things happen surrounding kalim since he's from a royal family. you're not kalim's guard, but his s/o. your overprotective mode is a whole different level. protecting the sunshine is what is on your mind. jamil doesn't understand how he got struck as the third wheel.
"[Y]!" kalim calls for you as he rushes over to you with open arms. you open your arms, allowing kalim to embrace you. the white haired male stares up at you, "Let's have a banquet! I invited Yu and Grim over!"
"Good idea~" you beamed, gently patting the male's hair. "he has always been so awfully close to them…why…?"
"You're doing that stare again, stop." jamil sweatdropped.
╰┈➤ author note: please note that this is a slow update. i will still accept your request, but it will take a while since i'll be working on my books on wattpad. if you wish to read those books, here's my wattpad account.
twst masterlist
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yanderes-galore · 17 days
May I ask for lmk Macaque with your list of prompts 59, 57 and 22 :3
Sure! Here's sadistic shadow monkey that follows you around :) I really do love him, lol. Hope you like the plot (It isn't much but I'm sure him learning you have other friends... opens old wounds.)
Yandere! Macaque Prompts 59, 57, 22
"Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?"
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Emotional manipulation, Stalking, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Forced relationship/companionship.
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Macaque had recently found a new toy to mess with. He had always been one to mess with humans for his own amusement. Mischief was one of his favorite things.
Speaking of favorite things...
"You aren't ignoring me, are you~?" His voice echoes around you, shadows changing shape on their own. You had grown used to such anomalies recently. Shadows following you around had been something you were dealing with for months.
"Aww, come on, sweetheart! Did you really think I'd just leave you alone? You're far too interesting for that...."
Just like that the shadow monkey manifests, piercing yellow eyes staring into you as he materializes. He has a grin on his face, arms crossed as he circles you. Here he was... your forced companion.
"It's just so boring without you in my sight, Y'know?" Macaque purrs, acting like he ever let you out of his sight. He follows you from the shadows and in animal form. Really... there's no way he ever takes his eyes off you.
Which is why he felt he should 'cut in' when he saw you with a group of supposed friends.
"Didn't even bother to invite me~?" Macaque pouts playfully, dramatic as ever. He then wraps his arms around you, fur tickling your skin as he flicks his tail. He can feel your body tense under his touch, making his grin return stronger. "I thought you loved me~? Aren't we friends?"
Macaque can see your teeth grit at his comment. In response he really rubs it in, nuzzling into you playfully with a sigh. Oh how he loves your little reactions.
"Not now, Macaque." You say, trying to shoo him away but the monkey stubbornly stays. You had just had finished hanging out with your group of friends before Macaque stepped in. So luckily... they didn't have to see you try to shake off a shadow monkey.
"Why~?" Macaque whispers, tail swaying as his grip tightens. "Were those friends of yours?" Macaque coos, circling so he's in front of you. His grin is teasing... but also appears to be hiding something underneath. "Are they your everything?"
"Yes?" You answer, making Macaque lean back and cackle. You glare at him... only to pause when he stops with a serious expression. He looks... irritated.
"Oh, sweetheart..." Macaque purrs, staying close to you. "Do you really think they care about you?"
"Hey, what's your problem!?" You growl, pushing at the monkey as he grips your hands. He grins, holding them up to place on his cheeks with a cruel look in his glowing eyes.
"What? Don't believe me?" Macaque frowns in a growl, playing with your mind. He doesn't like the idea of you having other friends. Really... you deserve so much better.
"Of course I don't!" You hiss, pulling your hands away as Macaque frowns.
"Really now?" Macaque tilts his head before giving a concerned look. "If anyone knew the truth, it would be me!"
You look at him confused, Macaque humming with a nod of his head. He begins to circle you again, occasionally prodding at you affectionately. He loved when you squirmed.
"Don't give me that look, dear! Can't you tell?" Macaque prods, leaning his head against you. "If I can follow you around... Then I can follow them! Which means..."
Macaque notices the hurt in your gaze, leading him to quickly latch onto you.
"Oh, don't worry... that's why I'm here!" Macaque chirps, embracing you. "You look like you're about to cry... it's okay... just let me comfort you~"
Macaque knew how to use his words. He knew just what to say to manipulate others. You, poor oblivious thing, looked like you believed him.
Which made it much easier to lure you in all for himself.
"They never loved you. I heard it myself!" Macaque nods, playing the role of looking genuine as he sees your eyes water. Such a bittersweet look. "Really, only I love you."
"You're lying..." You whisper, the monkey leaning closer to your face.
"I swear I speak only the truth." Macaque whispers, tilting your chin up. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Macaque observes as you stare ahead, not quite trusting him. He understands, he's a known liar. In fact, he's lying right now.
But your emotions are quick to take over rational thinking.... It's not like you can prove him wrong, right? Maybe your friends really are just pretending.
"I see..." You whisper, Macaque smiling when he realizes he has you wrapped around his finger.
"You never needed them anyways, sweetheart." Macaque shakes his head, humming while he pets your hair. "Seriously, they were so dull."
You can see Macaque stick out his tongue in disgust before returning his attention to you. You swore his piercing eyes dilated as he wraps his tail around you. You couldn't believe this.
"Well, I think it's time I made you feel better." Macaque hums, patting your back playfully before grabbing your hand. "How about we go on a little walk? Get something to eat?"
You look hesitant. Macaque wasn't someone you could necessarily trust. Although... he's been working on getting better lately, right?
It's not like he's hurt you....
"Again with the looks?" Macaque pouts. "Yeesh, the truth hurts, doesn't it?"
You nod and Macaque hums, a grin returning to his face before he pulls you into him.
"Well, come here then!" Macaque sighs, embrace tight against you. "I'll be here to comfort you... maybe even teach them a lesson for you, yeah?"
Macaque chuckles darkly, eyes half shut while he holds you tight against him and presses his face beside your ear.
"After all, You're stuck with me, like it or not, sweetheart."
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theamberfist · 18 days
Stinkin' Doctors | Grandma Susan + Reader
Familial! Grandma Susan + Grandchild Reader
Description: Rosie has implemented a new rule in Cannibal Town where everyone must attend yearly checkups at the doctors' to stay healthy. And lucky you: as Susan's grandchild, you get to be the one to drag her to hers.
(Notes: CW cannibalism, death, bad parents, creepy doctors) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Susan's grandchild from when she was alive)
Words: 3,721
"You're kidding." You breathed as you leaned over the desk of the beautiful cannibal overlord, who also happened to be one of your dearest friends. "Every year?" Rosie simply nodded as she signed off on a few of the papers in front of her. The emporium hadn't even opened yet, but after receiving her call that morning, you'd rushed over in what was definitely not a panic to speak with her. 
"I need everyone in Cannibal Town to stay healthy, darling," she explained for the second time, "These appointments are just extra precaution; everyone will have them." You swallowed. That may have been true, but everyone wasn't your grandmother. 
"I get that," you sighed, running a hand through your hair, "But how am I supposed to get Grams to agree to that? We couldn't even convince her to see a doctor when she was on her death bed in life!" Rosie knew better than anyone just how stubborn your grandma could be, but she also knew that if there was one person who could get past her prickly nature to convince her, it was you.
"I know you can do it." She said with a reassuring smile now, "Even the meanest old lady's gotta listen to her grandchild sometimes; especially if they're as darling as you!" She reached up to pinch your cheek, which promptly grew slightly red from embarrassment. Your parents hadn't ended up in hell, which you had thought made your grandmother the only family you really had down here, but it was at times like this when you  realized that might not be so true. 
"Fine." You sighed, pushing away from the desk, "But don't have too much faith in me! Grams hates doctors." Rosie giggled as you headed for the door, already trying to come up with a way to break the news to your grandma. 
"Thank you!" She called genuinely as you left the emporium. She'd make it up to you later; maybe with a nicely cooked meal for your troubles. After all, if worst came to worst, Susan would listen to her if no one else, but she had confidence that as Cannibal Town's designated Susan-Wrangler, you could get her to her appointment on your own- and that it would be quite an entertaining process. 
"Where are we goin'?" Susan asked for what was probably the seventh time in the last ten minutes as you lead her by the arm down the street. "First ya show up to my place uninvited, and then ya drag me out before the sun's even up without telling me why!" You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. 
"It's afternoon, Grandma," You calmly told her. Rosie had carefully made her appointment time a later one since she knew the old woman would pitch a fit at having been woken up early. "And we don't exactly have a proper sun here, anyway." 
"There ya go now, back talkin' me!" Susan spat, though she didn't let go of your arm, "Kids these days with their poor attitudes!" 
You sighed, putting on a bright smile as the two of you passed some familiar faces on the street. They waved and you returned the gesture in an attempt to keep some sort of positive relationship with the other cannibals; despite the old woman on your arm. 
"Sorry, Grandma." You replied finally, "But to answer your question; we're going to see the doctor, like I told you earlier." Of course, Susan hadn't exactly been listening when you'd mentioned that; picking the opportune moment of her meticulously choosing her parasol for the day to offhandedly explain it. 
She stopped in her tracks now; a flicker of fear hitting her eyes before she let go of you and crossed her arms over her chest with a defiant expression. 
"Like hell we are!" She snarled, "I don't needa see no filthy doctor!" You sighed; this had been the difficult part you'd anticipated. Well, one of them, anyway. 
"Grandma, it's okay," You tried to assure her, reaching for her elbow even as she began to shuffle away, "It's just a checkup; Rosie scheduled it for us." 
"I don't need anyone checking up anything of mine!" Susan shouted and you winced at how bad that sentence sounded, "Especially no stinkin' doctor!" Ignoring the fact that she'd literally been married to a 'stinkin' doctor' once while alive, you tried to remain patient. 
"It's just to make sure you're healthy and that nothing's wrong that we don't know about," you explained carefully, "Rosie's having everyone do it once a year now to keep us safer." Seeing that she still wouldn't budge, you took a step forward before adding, "And I'll be there the whole time, okay?"
Susan neither agreed nor disagreed but allowed you to gently take her arm once again and continue leading her down the street. Of course, that didn't come without its share of complaints either. 
"A checkup," she repeated more to herself than anything, "A damn checkup! What a stupid idea; everyone knows ya only go to the doctor if you're fucking sick!" You weren't sure whether she meant 'sick' as in a physical or mental illness, but when it came to your grandmother, it was best not to guess. She turned her gaze to you now as the two of you kept walking. "And I ain't sick!" 
"I know, Grandma," You replied, "That'll make the appointment even shorter, then!" Your words seemed to do little to comfort her though, because she continued muttering about how stupid this all was and how 'that filthy doctor would be lucky if she didn't bite his arm off when he got close' all the way to the clinic. 
Finally, you arrived and managed to drag Susan through the door despite her shouts of protest. You knew her anger wasn't directed towards you, though, but rather the situation itself. 
It was hard to tell, and if you weren't paying close attention you really could miss it, but she was nicer to you than anybody else in hell. Sure, she still made demeaning remarks and yelled at you often, but when it came down to it, you were her grandchild; the only thing her own kid had ever given her besides a headache, she'd once said. 
Now inside, you brought your grandma up to the counter even as she resisted your gentle pull of her arm. 
"Hi," you smiled brightly at the receptionist, whose eyes widened at the sight of the old woman beside you. Susan was extremely well-known throughout Cannibal Town, and sometime before you'd ended up in hell, had managed to gain the respect of nearly all its residents. You couldn't exactly blame them, though; underneath it all, you greatly respected her too.
It was her who'd stepped up to raise you in life when your parents had turned out to be bums, after all; taking responsibility for what her own child wouldn't. 
"Hello," the receptionist, whose black eyes matched everyone else in the cannibal colony, managed to regain her composure now, "Do you have an appointment?" 
"No, we came here to snack on some organ donations." Susan said sarcastically; a joke that would have landed better, if not for the surgical center being located in the same building. 
"Yes." You replied quickly, trying to sidestep your grandmother's rudeness. You'd long since given up on trying to get her to be any more polite than that; especially in a situation like this where she already didn't want to be here. 
The receptionist nodded before grabbing a clipboard with a small packet of paper attached. "Please fill this out and have a seat." You took the clipboard form her with a nod and then dragged Susan over to a set of chairs as far from the rest of the waiting room as you could possibly get. 
Once you were seated, you held the clipboard out to the old woman. "Now they're givin' homework; just great." She grumbled but took it anyway. 
"They just want to know your health history so they can properly treat you." You explained.
"And how is that any of their business?" Susan replied as she looked down at the paper. She squinted as you waited patiently for her fill it out. A second later, she dropped the clipboard on her lap with an irritated grumble. "They made the damn words too small!" She exclaimed as she crossed her arms, "I can't even see 'em." 
You sighed, taking the clipboard from her and looking it over. "They want you to sign your name here," you pointed to an empty line as you handed the pen back to her expectantly. She grumbled some more but did as you said, nonetheless. "And then here's a list of ailments. They want you to check the ones that affect you." 
"None; I ain't sick!" Susan exclaimed. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes once again and left the boxes blank. "The next questions are about your after-lifestyle," you explained, "They want to know how often you smoke, whether or not you drink; stuff like that." 
"Never." Your grandma said with a huff but you narrowed your eyes at her. Having seen both her smoking and drinking habits since ending up in hell, you knew that was a blatant lie. "Fine." She practically spat, "Twice a week." You nodded but checked the box labeled 'most days' instead. It was a more accurate representation of how she lived, anyway. 
You struggled through the health history questions next. Since your grandmother had rarely ever been to the doctors' even in life, she'd never exactly been diagnosed with anything, and claimed that therefore meant she'd been perfectly healthy, despite having died to one of her unknown ailments because she refused to get it checked in the first place. 
Finally, the paperwork was finished and you brought it over to the receptionist, who told you they'd call you back when they were ready. As you made your way back to the waiting area, you could hear Susan still grumbling rather loudly. 
"We better not be payin' for this shit." She threatened as you shook your head.
"We aren't, Grandma. It's part of Rosie's new program." You were well aware of the fact that the old woman didn't exactly stay up to date on current events but she nodded as if she knew what that meant anyway.
After a few minutes, you managed to tune out her muttering as you brought out a book to read while you waited. You knew better than to use a phone within the sight of your grandma, and this way, she wouldn't be able to complain about 'youth's these days' and how things had been better back when she was young. 
You were met with a few, brief moments of peace before she suddenly nudged you in the shoulder, causing you to look up from your book. "What is it?" You asked, noticing her expression was even more venomous than usual. She pointed at the receptionist's desk.
"Look at them," she said under her breath, "the nerve of some people." You held back a comment about her own nerve as you looked to the direction in which she was pointing, where a man sinner you assumed to be the doctor based on his white coat was chatting with the receptionist. He was leaning over her desk, both elbows resting on the wood as he propped his face up with his hands. 
"What?" You asked, turning back to your grandmother, "They're just talking." Though, the scene progressed a moment later as the doctor leaned in and planted a kiss on the receptionist's lips; gazing at her with lovesickness in his black eyes. 
Susan practically growled beside you and it was only then that you remembered the story of what had happened between her and your grandpa; the doctor. You'd never met the man in life but it seemed that past betrayal was setting her off now. 
"Stinkin' doctors..." She mumbled, grabbing a magazine from the table nearby in order to seem less interested in the situation than she was.
"Maybe they're a couple." You suggested, noticing the doctor wore a wedding ring on his left hand, "It's normal for them to kiss." Susan's eyes were practically shot daggers as she looked towards the name tag on the woman's desk, which had a different last name than the one on the doctor's name tag. 
"Maybe they kept their separate last names." You said with a shrug before going back to your book, "Either way, it's really none of our business." Your grandmother just glared down at her magazine.
"The nerve of some people..."
It wasn't until ten minutes later that Susan's name was finally called by the receptionist now that they were ready for her. The doctor was still waiting by the desk but gave you a warm smile as you stood from your chair and took your grandmother's arm once again. She seemed even less enthusiastic about this appointment than before, if that was even possible, but only presented minimal struggling as you dragged her to the hallway door. 
Behind you, someone else entered the clinic but you couldn't be bothered to care who it was; your first priority being to get your grandma to her checkup. You glanced back at the doctor, who waved you off.
"Room 3," he said, "I'll be with you in just a moment." And with that, he turned back to the desk, where another woman sinner was now standing with what looked like a cutely decorated lunchbox in hand. 
Finally, you dragged Susan through the doors, ignoring her keen interest in the group as you made your way to the room. It took nearly all your strength to get her inside, but eventually, the two of you sat on the patient's bed together with the examination room's door closed as you awaited the doctor. 
"If that fuckin' prick comes at me with a needle I'm biting his ear off." Your Grandma spat beside you.
"You're not supposed to get a shot today, so it should be fine, Grams." You told her with a sigh. You were beginning to run low on patience for the old woman by now, so it was a good thing the appointment would start soon. 
"You know the asshole's cheating on his wife?" Susan said suddenly, a scary glow in her eyes that made you shiver. 
"How do you know that?" You asked, knowing she was referring to the doctor. 
"You saw him getting hot and heavy with that receptionist!" Susan replied as if it were obvious, "But his actual wife just came in and brought him lunch. She had a ring and everything." She shook her head, "The nerve..." 
You weren't sure what to say about that, knowing your grandmother's personal stake in the matter. You supposed that was why the following words left your mouth.
"What was in the lunch?" 
Susan gave you a luck that warned against testing her like this but she answered your question anyway. "Skewered eyeballs." She replied, "And freshly baked fingers. She musta worked on those all mornin' just for that fucker to turn around and get with someone else." You sighed.
"That's too bad." What else were you supposed to say? You had enough on your plate already just from trying not to let your grandma run right out of the clinic. 
The rest of your time waiting for the doctor was spent in silence until he finally knocked on the door and both you and Susan stiffened as he entered. 
"Sorry about the wait!" The cannibal doctor exclaimed as he pulled up a rolling stool, "Now, Susan, I understand this is your first checkup with us?" 
"That's Miss Susan to you." The old woman replied and the doctor's smile faltered just a bit.
"Right..." he replied, glancing at you. You offered nothing more than a shrug so he turned back to his clipboard, "It looks like for your medical history you just wrote 'fuck you, you filthy doctor.' Can you tell me more about that?" Susan opened her mouth to speak, glad to have the chance to rip into the other sinner, but you quickly interjected.
"She didn't really go to the doctor much when we were alive," You explained, "So we weren't sure of any formal diagnoses." 
"Okay." The man replied as he noted that down, "And may I ask who you are?" There was a gleam of amusement in his eyes as he did so but you ignored it.
"Her grandkid," you told him simply. Although you'd opted to ignore the man's clear interest in you, it seemed Susan had chosen a different route. 
"So stop eyein' em up, buster!" She exclaimed. The doctor ignored her though; not focused on you. 
"It was very kind of you to take her to her appointment like this," he commented, making you feel slightly less comfortable in the room. 
"It's not a big deal..." You replied awkwardly before clearing your throat, "Now could we maybe hurry this along? Grams isn't fond of appointments like this." 
"Of course," The doctor replied, flashing his sharp white teeth at you, "I promise your grandmother will receive the best care we can give her." That seemed to finally be enough for Susan because she suddenly shouted.
"Oh yeah? How do we know you aren't gonna break that promise like ya did to your wife!" 
Silence filled the room then as the man's gaze turned to her; his eyes wide at having been caught in the act. "Now quit chatting up my grandkid and get on with it!" Susan continued, gesturing for him to hurry up, "Or am I gonna have to rip off one of your arms too?" 
The doctors swallowed harshly before nodding and getting on with his duties. The rest of the appointment was filled with awkward silence, aside from Susan's occasional rude comments. Once everything was done, the doctor informed you that your grandmother was completely healthy and then handed you a note to give Rosie as confirmation that the appointment had been successful. 
With that, he saw you into the waiting room where the receptionist scheduled the next year's appointment and you were finally done. Susan had become significantly less frustrated with being in a doctor's office after dropping that bombshell earlier but at this point you were too tired and hungry to care.  
You lead her by the arm back to the street now, only to nearly bump into a sinner you hadn't seen before the second you reached the sidewalk. Slightly disoriented, you were already bracing yourself for the string of curses that would inevitably leave your Grandmother's lips from the nerve of whoever it was that hadn't been watching where they were going.
However, to your surprise, she didn't say anything at all. Instead, she looked up at the sinner, whom you just now realized happened to be the woman you'd seen in the clinic earlier. 
A satisfied expression made its way onto Susan's face and you knew what she was going to say before she even spoke. 
"Your husband's cheating on you." The old woman said matter-of-factly, "A filthy doctor and an ugly receptionist; what a pair!" The woman's eyes widened but Susan just pulled you along before she could reply and soon enough you were far enough away that you could no longer hear her screams of anger and confusion. 
It was at this point that you gave up trying to control your grandmother. The cat was already out of the bag, and if you were being honest, the woman being cheated on had had a right to know the truth. Susan seemed very pleased with herself now; maybe because she gained some sense of fulfillment from her actions that she hadn't received in life when she found herself in a similar position. 
"Grandma," you finally said once the two of you were only a few blocks from her home, "I'm...Sorry about what Grandpa did to you." 
She froze. It was a topic the two of you had never discussed before; you'd always been too afraid of her anger to bring it up, but after being confronted with a similar situation today, it felt like the right time. 
Finally, the old woman seemed to regain her composure because she kept walking. "Don't call him that," she said, though there was no anger in her tone, only...sadness? "Ya never even met the asshole." You shrugged.
"But he still hurt you." You said, "That's what-"
"-Your parents told you, yeah yeah." Susan replied, waving your concern off, "Sure he did, but he was a hell of a lot smarter than that doctor." She pointed in the direction of the clinic, "That's why when I caught him cheating on me I ate them both."
...And the touching moment had been destroyed. You chuckled, though, knowing the only reason your grandmother had been so opposed to visiting the doctor was because it reminded her of her ex-husband. Though, it seemed she'd been able to work through some of those feelings today by ensuring another couple discovered the ruins of their own marriage. 
"Does this mean next year you'll be okay going to your appointment again?" You asked hopefully now that the two of you had reached the gates outside of your grandmother's house.
"Don't push it." She replied, letting go of your arm and heading for the house without so much as a goodbye. You shook your head, knowing she still cared for you regardless of how often she showed it. That much had been clear when she went off on the doctor for your sake but also refrained from murdering him for your sake. 
You were about to turn and head to your own home for the night when a familiar voice called out to you. You looked back to see Susan standing on her porch holding the her front door open. 
"Ya look like ya haven't eaten in a month!" She said with a scowl, "How's about you come inside for a proper meal?" A smile made its way onto your lips at that and you nodded, turning around to head for the house. Susan kept the door open, allowing you to enter as she hid her delight behind her usual resting-bitch-face. 
Though, as you spoke again, her lips couldn't help but curve upwards just slightly. 
"Thanks, Grandma."
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kkaelico · 10 months
destiny is not for me — jing yuan
— ❝ jing yuan loves you more than his own life to the point he'd even give up almost everything for you. ❞
warnings -> fluff / slight angst (?) / gender neutral reader / established rls w jing yuan
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you trudged your way in jing yuan's garden, the grass and fallen leaves crunching at each step and the winds blowing against your skin.
"would you indulge yourself in a game of chess?" a voice spoke as your ears pick up from the familiarity of it.
"jing yuan." you muttered, seeing him wear a joyous expression on his face as soon as he took notice of you. 
"so, one game?" he says expectantly, his smile getting wider. 
you hum. "well…" you took a breath. "that is not why i have visited this time." you said, earning a look from jing yuan.
"is that an excuse?" he waves his eyebrows teasingly, at the same time he pats the platform beside him, inviting you to sit.
"maybe." you quipped, sitting yourself beside jing yuan. 
"so is there anything bothering you at the moment?" he asks, resting his head on his palm that stood on the board, his head turned in your direction. it was a way jing yuan tells you that he was willing to listen.
"i've been given a thought, jing yuan." you answer, looking at him closely. "have you ever thought of a life without me?" you continued.
jing yuan flinches, his arm losing balance and almost slamming his head on the board, though he quickly fixes himself. 
he clears his throat, asking, "is there something that i am missing?" a cold sweat runs down his forehead, as his heart tugs every second that passes by without your response.
you let out a confused sound. his question was far from the thoughts in your head. "n-no..?" 
"well.. i just thought that.. what if i wasn't meant to meet you, and that if you were supposed to love someone else?" you added, looking back at him, and his expression was not impressed in the slightest.
"are you implying that you are a mistake in my life?" he raises a brow. 
you shook your head at his accusation, "that's not what i meant.. but what if you were fated to love another person?" you questioned, jing yuan looking at you softly when he listens a bit more.
jing yuan sighs before answering, "i say these words from the bottom of my heart." he opens his mouth to continue, his tone all soft and sincere, "i cannot see myself being happier with anyone else. i know you know that."
jing yuan raises his arm, wrapping it around your waist to pull you closer. "it would be a mistake for me to leave you to spend my life chasing a 'what if' instead of holding on to what is." he adds proudly.
"am i not troubling you with my feelings?" 
he chuckles, looking at you with the sincerest feelings he holds. “burden me with all the feelings you have for me, but i cannot even consider them as such.” jing yuan said, his words softly spoken.
even if jing yuan tried, he wouldn’t find your feelings for him troublesome. how could he? maybe it’s the fact that he fell first and harder, or maybe how much he longs for your touch when the day starts and the day ends.
“were you given the thought as well?” 
you look down, pressing your lips together before hesitantly speaking, “well.. i heard from someone that misfortune will rise for people who change the sequence of their destiny.”
jing yuan presses his forehead against yours. a small smile forms on his lips. “then.. i would not let misfortune damage the relationship we have right now. after all,” he paused, glancing at you. “destiny cannot make me feel joy nor can it comfort me when i need it.”  
after all, in every moment he could catch to remain beside you, he would take. and it reminds him of the time he’ll no longer be able to do.
you try to protest. “but the consequences-” 
he quickly interrupts, placing a finger on your lips.“i could care less what it’ll be.. if i were to abandon destiny for you, i would not regret a thing.” he said with a cheeky grin.
a faint blush forms on your cheeks at his words. he just knew the right things to say, and he'll express it in words that could make your stomach tumble. and at that point, no more questions could be asked.
“okay, maybe that’s too much.” you joke.
a soft smile forms on his lips. god, he loved you too much. "is it? or do i just love you?" jing yuan teases.
 a dramatic gasp comes from jing yuan. "unbelievable!" he exclaims, wiping away so called tears from his eyes and his other hand clutching his heart. “you question our fated meeting. now you question my love and loyalty?" he banters, nuzzling his face on your cheek.
he was just too quick with his childish comebacks, that even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to stop him. "jing yuan.." 
he hums, busy affectionately nuzzling his cheek down to your neck. "jokes aside, i wouldn't want you to betray your destiny for me." you mutter. 
jing yuan chuckles at your words as you stroke his hair. “my destiny has already betrayed me from the moment it did not let me meet you sooner.” he said.
you sigh, rolling your eyes sarcastically. “you’re the corniest person i’ve ever known.” “i’m just saying i love you.”
you couldn’t help but smile. “well.. i love you too, i guess.” “your guess is correct, you do love me back.”
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leavingsunsets · 2 months
I heard you wanted a request?
So i will request!
Could you write some fluff for ryusui from dr stone please?
Could you please write about ryusui trying to catch an oblivious crush attention?
Thank you!
Yes! Omg I got a request 🥺🥺🥺. I should re edit my acc to be open kehehe. Anyways, since there's no specified gender, it's an automatic gender neutral, okay?
"ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇᴅ, ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟʟʏ."
(GN! reader x Ryusui Nanami)
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Extravagant, bold. Two definitive terms that quite describe the heir of the Nanami conglomerate. He wasn't Ryusui without that, was he?
He does not shy away from stating what he wants, nor does he wither from encouraging anyone from doing the same. A person who knows himself. Direct, precise.
Yet, he somehow starts to doubt those very same facts the moment when it comes to you.
With how much Ryusui talked about desire more than the average person, it was easy to get used to how he worded his wants and his passionate pursuit of it. In fact, you nearly choked when he yelled out what you thought was a confession.
"I desire you!" was what he said, leaving you to awkwardly stand with your hand out to shake his. Luckily, this misunderstanding was quickly cleared, and your hesitance faded out the more time you've grown used to his presence.
And so, it seemed that same desensitization was like a curse for him.
As you were part of the power team, he always made sure to meet with you at the end of the day. Walking with you from the field back to where the others were.
"[name]! Great work today! Any plans for tonight?"
"Mhm! I have to go help out Kaseki. He asked me and Kohaku to help him out in carrying some woodworks after dinner."
Then, the time where you were both on the ship. As you both stood out on the deck, overlooking the sea.
"You know, [name], this view is even more beautiful, now that the person I desire most, is right here with me."
"Haha! I just saw a turtle!"
It was frustrating, but also gave a thrill, to which he didn't mind playing along with. The pursuit of passion, how far would he go, for this? Finally, one a little bolder, when the perfect opportunity comes as you're both one of the last ones by the dining.
Here, you both sit across from each other. The sound of the sea outside are faint, and gives the perfect ambience to the silence.
Swirling the wine in his glass, he takes a small sip. "When it comes to desire, I believe that there is nothing that should be worth stopping you from obtaining it."
You nod along, just as tipsy. The wine in your glass sways along. "So true, king."
He rests his elbow on the table, leaning on his fist. His other hand holding the wine glass, points at you. "Your ignorance may know no bounds, but so does my desire. And I'll let you know, that I've never denied myself of anything I've truly longed for."
Groggily, you nod. "You said a lot of fancy words, but whatever you say, king."
Ryusui watches you blink in a daze. Yeah. He's no quitter. Downing the rest of his glass, he decides to just go for it.
"[name], I desire your heart. I desire you." he goes quiet after this, staring intently. His expression is unreadable, and you would tell if you weren't still a little tipsy.
"I'm afraid I still need it, sorry." Your eyes get droopy, and you put your glass on the table. "Not... not a registered donor." you mumble.
Ryusui sighs, putting down his own glass. Nevermind. "I think it's best you go to bed now." Grabbing your arm, he throws it over your shoulder, hauling you up. Drowsily, you only nod. "Yessir.."
Luckily, you weren't that far gone, and could walk properly. So, it was no problem getting you to your room. But before he could leave you by the doorway, you suddenly reach out, surprising him.
"Hey, Ryu." you mutter, leaning on the door. He looks at you curiously, listening. "Yes?"
"I like you." you sway your head, a little sleepy. "It's fun every time I'm with you."
Ryusui stills for a moment. You yawn, letting go of him. "Well, g'night, Ryu." is the last thing you say before entering, closing the door behind you.
A beat, and one more, before, a tint of pink dusts his cheeks.
It wasn't much, but it was progress. He went straight to bed after that, eyes curving with a little more mirth that night.
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boozye · 8 months
Ask me again.
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Satan x Asexual reader (pronouns you/yours, no gender specified)
Comfort? IDEK
Established relationship
Word count: 971
Cover art by me (recycled)
Someone needs reassurance from societal pressure and expectations! (you, you fucking do ((me actually)))
Guess who spent 2 hours writing nonstop instead of sleeping? Here, have the fruits of my insomnia. Not proofread, didn't bother checking punctuation, good luck soldier.
Oh it was one of those days, wasn't it? When your confidence wavered. You've been through this before. You knew what you needed. But would this be the last straw for him?
In vain you attempted to carry on as if nothing was amiss within you. But he noticed. Of course he noticed. He's arguably the most observant person there's ever been, of you at least. Yet so tactful about it.
You tried to hold his hand as usual. Let him touch you affectionately without tensing up. Be close to his face and his body without hesitation. But you couldn't really help it. And who knows how many other signs you weren't even aware of he had picked up already.
Was this more aggravating to him than if you just asked for what you needed? The thoughts swarmed your mind. Again. Again their buzz overtook reason. You had been doing so well too... So you just started preparing, mentally, for what you had to say.
Meanwhile, Satan was figuring things out at his own pace. Were you growing scared? Of him? Well he could see why. His temper still got the best of him sometimes. And he knew that what to him and other demons was just a mild grumpy spell, to a regular human could be rather violent or scary.
Yet whenever he talked about it, you reassured him that no, you weren't afraid of him. You held him so lovingly and told him. Told him that you knew he'd never hurt you or try to again.
His thoughts were interrupted by you, in the flesh, of all things. You sat by him in the library and looked him in the eyes. Your expression wasn't upset but he could see you were going to say something important.
"Can we walk back home? Whenever is okay. I'll just hang around here until you are done."
A calculated request, he deduced. But you were asking for him in a way. It was a relief. He sighed with a soft smile and answered:
"Sure, I couldn't focus on what I was reading much today anyways. Let's just go."
With that, you calmly picked up your bags and left the building.
Your walk started out casual enough. Barely anyone on the streets at this hour, something you both prefer. But Satan saw you were bracing yourself to say something.
"Satan," you sighed "do you remember what I said when we started dating?"
He blushed very faintly. "You said you were really happy and you hugged me so hard... And then you grabbed my face and kissed m-"
You gaped for a second in surprise before interrupting him. "Nooo, not that."
He looked back at you, expecting to hear what you meant. You cleared your throat and elaborated.
"When I asked if you were really okay with me being asexual?"
He looked back at you a little puzzled "I believe I said that I was perfectly fine with that?"
You nodded, "yes, well, right after that."
He aimed his gaze down trying to remember. The bliss of the moment might have made him dismiss anything he didn't immediately figure out.
In the meantime, outside his head, the words itched in your throat, you planned to just remind him, but this conversation was turning excruciating for you. Just as he remembered, your voice next to him echoed his memory:
"Can I ask again in the future?"
He looked at you with a mixture of realization and curiosity. You continued.
"You told me that I could, Satan. So..."
You took a few seconds to still your resolve.
"Are you okay with it?"
There it was, the prickle in his expression. You didn't want to see it. You knew this question could be bothersome. But you needed this.
"Y/N, of course I am! Did I overstep your boundaries in any way? Please tell me so I don't repeat it again. I apologize, I truly didn't mean to..."
He trails off. But you are already raising your hand and trying to wave his concern away. Ashamed, you reply.
"No, no Satan. Listen. I just needed to ask again. You didn't overstep or anything. I like touching you, and being touched by you as well."
He nods, but stays silent for you to continue.
"But, well... I just didn't want to raise your expectations with that sort of contact. It's happened before with other people and it hasn't ended well."
He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Humans are so fickle."
You look at him wideyed, clearly hurt.
"Wait, not you, I didn't mean you!" He drags his hand down his face "Sorry, sorry" before continuing, he gathers his thoughts, "what I mean is that that is not something you have to worry about with me."
"Was it wrong of me to ask?"
He looks forward, wideyed with full realization. Then he stops walking and faces you with his entire posture as you stop a couple steps after him. He puts a hand on your shoulder and solemnly says " Y/N, never feel bad for needing reassurance. It is not wrong. How many times have you reassured me? That you aren't afraid of me? I didn't realize at the time that was what your question meant. But yes, you can ask me again. As many times as you want. It won't only not bother me, I will tell you that I love you every time and mean it. I love you."
You put your hand on his, getting misty eyed. Before your tears take over, you lean forward and kiss him briefly. Then you part from his lips and hug him, squeezing as hard as you can. He hugs back, pats your head, then chuckles and leans back, lifting your feet from the floor briefly, making you chuckle as well.
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crystaldivination · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐞?
Hello beautiful souls and welcome to another intuitive pick a card reading. Today we will be looking at what’s so special about you that makes you drop-dead gorgeous. I hope to be able to bring you some delight feelings and contentment with this reading. It’s quite long so as always please let me know if this resonates with you in some way. I’d be happy to know if you enjoy my works. Likes, reblogs, comments and follows are highly appreciated. Thank you ♡︎
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how to choose your pile. take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Which pile sparks an interest in you? Which pile do you feel called out to the most or reminds you of something? Take your time and come back later to it again if you can't seem to choose.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn't. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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La feminine mystique
Hello pile 1,
you’re so powerful. Let me tell you what I mean by that. You possess an enormous energy in you which seems to have no limit. This can be an extremely powerful force that can benefit you in the long run if you know how to use it wisely and it seems like you do. Other people often feel "intimidated" by you. They feel compelled to respect you and treat you with dignity. You attract attention without meaning to. For some of you this confidence may stem from what you’ve been through in your past. Your experiences shape and form you to be the person you are now and you know it. That’s why you’re proud of yourself, proud of the strength you’ve gained from your pain and always carry yourself with pride. You don’t let others step on your boundaries and your well-established values. Other people can sense and see this attitude coming from you even if you don’t openly express this directly. You make a statement with your presence. You subconsciously challenge other people as well especially men. You radiate an energy that’s just as bright and powerful as the sun or hot and passionate as Mars or dangerous and brooding like Pluto. You don’t sit around waiting for a prince on a white horse to come to your rescue, you dive into the challenges and face them head one. You stand up and get things done and you do it YOUR WAY. You don’t give in to anyone even if it means to hurt someone’s feelings if you truly believe in something firmly. You’re daring and sassy. You’re words might be harsh sometimes but the truth hurts so for you your bluntness just simply means that "It’s better to get hurt by the truth than to hear sugarcoating false lies". That quality of yours makes you admirable in the eyes of many although for people who is more on the traditional side (referring to the fixed gender roles of masculinity and femininity) they could see you as being too intense, overwhelming or over empowering but that’s okay because you’re not here to please or fit anyone. You know your worth and you’re not afraid to face any criticism because that’s part of life. You’re familiar with that but you couldn’t care less for you’re the one who create your own reality.
To conclude what makes you so special is your renowned sense of self and self-confidence. You believe 100% in yourself. You know what you want and know how to get that bag. You’re just a girl boss and most importantly you’re priceless. You don’t give away too much from yourself yet enough to show who you are. You represent real womanhood and stand for feminism. You’re the mysterious femme fatale who’s giving everyone weak knees. It’s giving successful business woman/entrepreneur vibe. You’re such a win overall.
[Astrology placements] Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, Pluto-mercury, Pluto-ascendant, Mars-asc/mc, Pluto/Mars/Neptune dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏 ♥︎
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A supernova
Hello pile 2,
you’re well-liked for a reason. You’re charming and always outrank others with your tenderness. Your kind demeanor and attitude just make others mesmerized by you. You put others above you and never seem to really want the "prize" of being the best everyone is looking for. You surpass all superficiality of this world. Jealousy, competition or intentionally stepping on others to get to where we want is not a solution for you. You dislike that. You believe in a peaceful and harmonious world. Hostile, judgmental attitudes create a negative, pessimistic picture of the world we live in so you choose to be kind and fair. You see that relying on one’s ego and be full of greediness won’t do anyone any good. People really notice this difference in you hence most might see you as superior to others. You’re so empathetic that people can’t help but want to protect you. You’re very balanced in your way. You care for others but never forget about your own needs. You’re always so put together and professional when dealing with other yet you can relate and connect with them on a personal or emotional level as well. You just have a knack for being sociable. You’re diplomatic and gentle. Others might view you as a soft or even obedient kind of individual but you know when to stand up. For yourself and for others. This makes you admirable and respected by anyone. You very much stand for justice and righteousness. You believe everyone is the same regardless their race, status or anything society would judge a person by. You’re definitely a pacifist. People love you and most importantly they believe you. They believe in you and your power to change the world FOR THE BETTER. A world where everyone can live in peace with each other, where there is no useless competition or harmful intentions. Your picture of a beautiful place where one live harmoniously together and function together as one is a desirable wish for many who believe in togetherness and the collective.
To conclude what makes you so special is your sense of purpose. You call out for a meaning to live and exist in this world. You impress other people with your vision of a world filled with love. Love for oneself and others by being kind. And indeed people who are truly kind have the ultimate leverage. If you give without expectation of getting anything in return, you've won. The obvious benefit of being kind, honest, and loving to others is to affect positively those around us. If you respond with kindness, all the hate will be defused. You only force yourself to be bigger than the negativity. If given the choice, most of us would prefer to be in the presence of a person with a humble spirit and YOU are one. Your energy and vibe reminds me of Marilyn Monroe’s.
[Astrology placements] pisces, cancer, libra, venus-Pluto, sun-venus, moon-Jupiter, venus/sun/Jupiter dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐 ♥︎
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A rebel
Hello pile 3,
let me start by saying that you’re so innovative. You have the craziest ideas but they are all so forward thinking. People see you as a genius most likely. People might even call you "mad" because of your weird ideas but you probably easily prove to them about it. You’re the definition of an intellectual and knowledgeable individual. What makes you superior to other people is that you know you’re different from them and you embrace this so well. You may be proud in nature but never arrogant. Your easy-going attitude is what attract a lot of suitors. Eyes are being laid on you all the time. You’re the cool and fun sis/bro in the hood. What’s unique about you is that you create or like have a different form of expression and you know how to get your messages across using different amount of mediums or modalities. Your different perspectives makes you incredible interesting in the eyes of other people. Furthermore you’re a very good debater. You have your own visions and you’re all about evoking a revolution, changes and progressiveness. You’re most likely known for being a shock factor. Your purpose might be here to literally disrupt the system that we live in now. It's like actually you don't want to do it the same way it's been done before so you create something completely new. You might see that it’s because our evolution is changing and you feel like you're in a role or a position to bring in new strategies for a good cause. You have your own moral spine. You’re strong enough to rely on yourself and do everything on your own. You don’t need help from anyone yet you’re not scared to ask for help when you need it. It’s very admirable to have this kind of balance in you. You’re not trapped, bound or driven by your own ego. If it serves the intention for a new growth and more developed world you’re ready for everything to make it happen. You’re a warrior. You break the norms and find way to improve society like no one else does and that’s for everyone in it not just a certain percent of people. People see you as a source of inspiration. You walk your own path but never alone.
To conclude what makes you so special is your inventive skills and mind. You stand out from the crowd because you own your uniqueness and new ideas. You don’t shy away if you or your different views aren’t being well-received by others. You stay true to yourself while being understanding of them and accepting their differences and opinions. You just continue to do your own thing. It’s really giving Gen Z vibe.
[Astrology placements] Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Uranus-nn, Saturn-Pluto, Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 ♥︎
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© 2023 crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
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spirit-hotline · 4 months
Hunter!Blade x Prey!Reader
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Word Count͟͟͞͞➳❥ 5.1k (One-Shot)
Reader is gender-neutral!AFAB// Not proofread // NSFW !!
A/N͟͟͞͞➳❥English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar errors. I've put my best into writing coherent NSFW scenes. Also, this took me way too long so I apologize. My depression will pay for the damages./j
Cw ➳❥ Possible OOC, Blade being mean, Blade being scary, Dubcon/srs, choking, airplay, rough sex, PnV, Cunnilingus, (barely) blowjob, violence, biting, manhandling, tense situations, mentions of breasts, fear, fingering, kissing, forced kiss, Again DUBCON/srs, kinda soft at the end, ass- slapping, hair pulling, Reader is nicknamed: bunny, licking, marking, bruising.
Summary ➳❥ Blade is having a bad day. Even though you know you shouldn't, you decide to poke him around since you miss his company. Unfortunately for you, he's not willing to let you off without teaching you a lesson.
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No one but you would be brave or stupid enough to poke around Blade on a bad day. The man woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided that he was going to ignore anything and everything in his path. He even destroyed one too many training dummies, with blood lust in his eyes. You just decided that very same day to want as much attention as possible.
You and Blade were close. Well…closer to him than anyone could be really. No one knew how Blade could handle your endless speeches or your general aloof personality, but it somehow worked. On his side, he finds you annoying, but enlightening to be around. You always end up telling him something new every time you talk to him. Even though you only get a groan or a hum in return, he does appreciate your irritating company. Although, he’d never admit to enjoying your company, nor will he admit he’d want more. 
Unfortunately, today was not a day for new discoveries or joyful blabber. Blade was irritated beyond belief, his mind darkened by a few rogue memories. Both Silver Wolf and Kafka tried to warn you, but you didn’t listen. You were missing your stone-faced man and you wanted to see him now. You should have listened to your teammates. You entered the training room where you were welcomed by a few decapitated dummies. If Blade wasn’t in the room, you’d think the dummies were victims of a rogue beast on board. You Look at Blade, who hasn’t noticed you. His breathing is herathic, warm and threatening. He wasn’t wearing his shirt, only wearing his trousers and the loosened bandages on his scars. You felt your cheek warm up slightly at the sight. You close the door behind you. It makes an audible click noise, which causes Blade to turn around quickly toward you with those red-piercing eyes. His gaze could cut through you if it could. When he notices that it’s just you, he relaxes slightly, vexation on his features.
- ‘’ Leave.’’ He groans with a sigh. Evidently, Blade did not want to deal with you today. 
-’’ I heard you had a hell of a day today, huh?’’ You answer with a smirk on your lips.
He turned to face his back at you as you completely ignored his demand for solitude. A deep hum escapes his throat, irritated at your playfulness. You approach him, placing a finger on the crook of his toned back. He barely flinches from the touch. 
-’’  I’ve been lonely all day, without you to poke around.’’ You whine with a smile. 
You drag your finger up his shoulder blades. The angered man stays silent as his body stiffens under your finger. Blade clenches his teeth together, trying not to be harsh on you. He truly just wished you’d leave him alone, but you won’t. 
-’’ y/n, Leave. I’m warning you.’’ He grumbles in between his teeth.
-’’ Always a man of many words…’’ You exclaim sarcastically with a pout. 
Blade turns his head towards you, shooting you a menacing glare. You’re really pushing his buttons today or all day. He observes your pouty expression, wanting nothing else but to wipe it off your face. You had to raise your head to look back at him. You return his gaze with a cheeky grin.
-’’ C’mon Bladie, don’t you wanna spend time with your favourite companion?’’ You tease with a drawn-out whine. You move your hand to his bicep, squeezing it softly.
Blade finally faces you, freeing himself from your touch and gripping your wrist forcefully. You wince at the firm grip. It’s not enough to hurt you, just enough for you to be unable to free yourself. You would be lying if you said the sudden gestures didn’t startle you. You choke a squeal as the man lowers his body towards you, his hair caressing your shoulder. His eyes are piercing daggers into yours. He’s visibly irritated. You’ve poked the bear too many times. The sight both terrifies you and turns you on at the same time. Wait, no, you shouldn’t find this enticing in the slightest, but your stomach churns at the way he’s staring you down.
-’’ Leave. Leave me be or I swear on Elio-’’ He barks silently over you, his mouth close enough for you to feel his steaming breath. It dares you to push your luck. 
-’’ What are you gonna do about it?’’ You whispered childishly, your eyes never leaving his. 
Blades pupils thinned, making your stomach churn in fear this time. Your smile dropped, realizing your mistake too late. He looked animalistic, his eyes devouring you from the inside out. 
-’’ You want my attention so bad.’’ He groaned lowly causing your heart to palpitate.
You were still determining if it was an affirmation or a question. You gulp dryly, trying to keep your cool. You give him a firm look, faking your confidence as you shiver at his sudden animosity.
-’’ Maybe I do.’’ 
Blade’s eyes furrow angrily. He pulls you in harshly against him. He buries his face in the crock on your neck inhaling the scent of your perfume, intoxicating his senses. Your cheeks flush from the out-of-character behaviour he’s exhibiting. He grazes his teeth on your skin, stealing a gasp from you. Once he’s done calibrating, he throws you towards the exit door. You let out a squeal, holding your wrist to look at the possible damage. Thankfully no harm was done. You look back at Blade, ready to scold him for throwing you like that. You didn’t have time to convey anything though, as you witnessed Blade slowly and calmly remove the sheath of his sword off his waist. The sheath and sword drop on the floor, clanking loudly. Blade looks at you with a scary look in his eyes. A sudden panic washes on you. You stand there helplessly like a deer in headlights. He towers over you, menacingly. 
‘’10’’ He starts counting. ‘’Wha-’’ you exclaim, fear in your voice. ‘’9’’ He’s kidding, right? 
‘’Blade – stop. You’re scaring me.’’ You wail, your hand reaching cautiously behind you to grab the door handle. 
‘’Se–ven’’ He chimes. 
He’s not fooling around. You fucked up. Run. Run. Run! 
You slam open the door, running out of the room as fast as you can. As you run for your life, blade lets out a sadistic chuckle. 
You find yourself scurrying through the stellaron base, desperately looking for a hiding spot. You’ve been chased for a while now. You tried running to Kafka or Silver Wolf for help, but the pair seemed to have gone outside—just your luck. You stall your running for a few, catching your breath with sharp heavy inhales. You hear crashing noises behind you, you snap your head behind you. You could feel him close. His slow, calculated steps resonated with the tapping of his shoes through the empty base. You had to find a hiding spot, now! You continue your run, heading towards the back of the base. 
Blade walks silently, his hair swaying from his shoulders messily. He follows your scent, the perfume you unknowingly drive him insane with. Every time he’s next to you, it smells so fucking good. The thrills of chasing you around like a famished beast fuel his veins and make his saliva taste sweet. Sweet, sweet like your flesh into between his canines and claws. As he walks through the common area of the base, he scrutinizes every single crevice of the room. He grabs one of the benches and turns it upside-down with force. The furniture crashes on the floor. It doesn’t matter if you hear anything. Let it be known, you will be found. You will be tired of running soon, you will have to find somewhere to hide, but your scent is so strong. He’ll find you, and he’ll give you the attention you oh so desire. Blade couldn’t care less about the mess he’s causing. Damn, anything else but his need to put you in your place. He smiles carnivorously, blood lust glowing in his eyes. 
-’’ Come out, come out, wherever you are….Bunny ~’’ 
You find yourself in the storage room. You’ve closed the door behind you as silently as you could muster. The door barely clicks. There is no lock, dammit, but you can’t get out now. It would be too dangerous. You look around the storage. Piles of boxes and stored furniture are piled on top of each other. You finagle your way through the objects. You find a desk, with a space under it. You suddenly get an idea, but you need to hurry. The noises of destruction and Blade’s shoes are approaching. You rummage through the boxes, hoping to find some type of cover. You find an old bed cover. It’s big enough to cover the space under the desk from the front. You take a heavy box and place it over the desk. You spread the bed cover over the desk, covering your perfect hiding hole. You replace the box to secure it in place. 
Blade has been looking in every room, turning furniture and ripping everything apart to find you. His breath was now herathic, but you wouldn’t be able to tell. He kept following your scent, the anticipation resonating throughout his body, lining his scars and tingling his arousal. Fuck, you know how to rile him up. His nails screech on the surface of the wall. He peeks under and behind the pieces of furniture in the corridors, inhaling sharply. Blade’s attention is peaked when he hears a distant, soft-click sound. - ‘’ There you are.’’ He purrs seductively, a hint of power in his voice. 
You barely had time to admire your creation before the sudden rattling of the door handle snapped you out of it. You gasp in fear, immediately crouching to slither your way inside the hiding space. He stood in front of the door for a while. You hope he’ll walk past, but that hope shatters when he knocks softly three times. -’’ y/n…y/n?’’ He purrs, the words laced with potent bloodlust on his tongue. He knocks thrice again. 
You put your hand on your mouth, muffling your breath. Your insides clench at the idea of him catching you. You try to shake away those thoughts, but a twisted part of you wants him to find you. Your core becomes humid when you hear the doorknob turn and the door open with a squeak.
-’’ Bunny ~ Where are you…’’ He purrs loudly. 
His words bring shivers down your spine, cold sweat forming all around your body. His new-found nickname for you makes your thighs pulsate pathetically.
-’’ I thought you wanted my company.’’ He chimes, faking disappointment as he pushes a box of its place. 
The box collapses loudly on the ground. The bang makes you jump in place, as you press your hand on your mouth harder, avoiding a squeal to escape. You can hear him wreaking havoc in the room. You see his shadow pass your hiding space. Your core tenses up as your body shakes in fear. The noises of carnage cease. You wait painfully as his presence remains in the room. You hear footsteps walking towards the door. Then, the door closes with a loud clicking sound. You wait, silence taking over the room. You’re free. You remove your hands from your mouth and take a deep sigh of relief. You’re safe now hoping that the other members of the stellaron crew come back soon. 
Barely after finishing those thoughts, the bed cover is tugged harshly off of your hiding hole. You gasp in horror, now face to face with Blade. His shining red eyes pierced lustfully inside of yours. He rapidly grabs your ankle. 
-’’ Found you.’’ He growls. 
You scream as he pulls you by your ankle. Your back slams on the ground, causing you to skip a breath. The man pins you on the ground, topping you menacingly. Your core clenches unto nothing at the view you get. His hair falls gracefully on you. You're both breathing heavily, observing each other with your respective emotions. You, fear and anticipation. Him, rage and lust. 
You try to wiggle your way out from under him, but he grabs your hand and pins him beside you. His actions cause your core to feel hotter by the minute. His body is flushed and sweaty from the carnage. He suddenly presses a knee right on your cunt, causing you to gasp as he hurriedly buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
-’’ You wanted my attention, your wish is my command.’’ He groans next to your ear. His warm breath caresses your skin, making your thighs tighten. 
Blade chuckles madly before he digs in. He starts to sloppily lick and bite your skin like an unsatiated animal. His free arm grabs your back to hold you closer. His teeth sink into your skin, but not enough to draw blood from you. His lust builds and you mewl at the wet sensations of his feast. Those marks will be visible for a while. Your underwear starts to feel sticky and cold. Like a caught animal you try to push him away, to run, but it's useless against his grip. Blade takes his time, biting harshly before licking the spot as twisted comfort. After a while you stop resisting, simply digging your nails into his back, moaning pathetically in his ear. 
Blade eventually lets go of your back, raising himself from your body. Your expression is glazed over. You’d be lying if you said you hated what was happening. You’re fear and lust mix into desire. Blade licks his lips, enjoying the remnants of your taste off his tongue. You squirm under his frame, causing your cunt to rub on his knee further. You choke a whine. You feel Blade’s hands on your chest, you observe in a daze, unaware of his next move. With sheer force, Blade rips the clothes off your chest. Your eyes widen, as gaps escape your lips. Your chest bounces crudely. Blade reaches the back of your bra, ripping the straps apart. He reaches the front part with his teeth, pulling your bra off of you before throwing it away on the side with his mouth. His gaze observes the view he’s made for himself, a cruel smile on his face. He places his hand on your bare stomach, dragging it slowly between your breasts with his fingernails grazing your skin. You shiver from the sharp sensation.
-’’ Oh?’’ He mocks you with a grin. ‘’ Bunny’s not so tough now, are they?’’ 
His purr was only met with a whimper. He laughs darkly.
-’’ Don’t worry, I’m not done playing with you, yet’’ He growls deeply, making your core clench in arousal.
He grabs your breast with force. A moan escapes your lips as he starts sucking on your nipple in between his fingers. You squirm under him, your cunt rubbing back and forth on his knee once more. He flicks his tongue on the hardened bud before bitting around the areola. You gasp at the sting of his teeth on the soft area. You feel a grin form on his lips. He lets go of your breast with a pop. His teeth marked the soft skin. He observes you underneath him while licking his lips. The way you squirm beneath him, helpless and at his mercy. Everything about him at this moment makes you shudder in fear and anticipation. His red eyes trailed all over your pathetic display.
-’’ Blade, I-’’ You try to mutter, but your breath is cut off with his hand around your neck. You gasp as he presses his fingers around your throat, cutting your circulation enough for you to feel dizzy. 
-’’ Silence.’’ 
Your hands instinctively try to pry his hand off your neck. You thrash under him, desperately trying to pull his hand away. His grip was tense, unmoving. You could almost see his veins through his scarred and blistered skin. You beg for your life as you choke on air. Your eyes become glazed, drool forming in the corner of your mouth. Blade’s gaze never left you, a satisfied grin on his face. He relished in watching you becoming bleak under him. He presses his now-moist knee flush on your cunt, causing you to gurgle a moan in your state. Just as your thrashing becomes weak and your eyes roll back, he removes his hand.
You inhale the musk-filled air sharply, filling your lungs with much-needed oxygen. You don’t have the time to regain your senses before Blade places his lips on yours with force. His kiss is hungry, full of force. It devours you, exploring every part of your mouth. His fang graze your lips from time to time, making you squeal in between the kiss. Blade can’t contain himself any longer, groaning ferociously as he twists his tongue with yours. You’re running out of air by the time he pulls back, a line of saliva still connecting you both. You gasp loudly, panting like a dog as you try to catch your breath. The expression on your face turns him on. You have no idea how badly he wanted to make you learn your lesson. His chest squeezes at the sight, an unfamiliar feeling flooding him. You already look like you’re mind has melted, with your chest out for everyone to see and your increasingly soaked bottoms. Your glazed gaze never leaves his, mind and vision blurry from the actions from before. If it wasn’t for your state, you could’ve noticed the tent forming in his trousers.
-’’ This is your last warning. Go and leave me alone, or stay and pay the consequences.’’ He growls deeply, leaving you a chance to make up your mind. 
You stare at him, trying to formulate a coherent thought in your mind. He doesn’t move, waiting patiently despite his scattered breaths and the growing tension in his boxers. His expression doesn’t falter from the lustful beats he’s been playing. Saying that you didn’t want this would be a lie, and even if you felt terrified, like a prey cornered by their predator, you felt a longing need for him. After a while, you raise your arms towards him, as if asking for a hug. Your hand reaches his cheek, sliding your thumb across it softly. Blade smirks widely, this was the confirmation he needed. There’s no stopping now. 
Blade grips your hips, digging his nails into your skin, denting your flesh with force. You yelp as he starts ripping your bottoms off of you. Your bottoms have quickly shredded apart, only leaving your panties covering your cunt. You feel Blade’s palm press on your chest. 
-’’ Stay.’’ He orders. 
You tense up, obeying his orders diligently. You try your best not to squirm as he traces his fingers down to your core. His fingers find their way to your aroused clit, squeezing it between them slightly. You choke a mewl, holding the urge to spread your thighs. Blade chuckles deeply before lowering himself towards your cunt. His hot breath envelops your pussy, driving you insane. He bares his teeth and you shudder, but instead of biting you, he takes hold of your panties, dragging them off of you. His hand guides your legs up from the back of your thighs. The panties fall on the floor, darkened from the wetness in between your legs. Blade takes a bite of your calve, making you gasp. He shoots a lustful glare at you. You expected him to top you again and to make you his, but that thought dissipated as he pulled you closer to him by your ass. 
Blade is now on his knees, holding your hips to his face. Your lower back is pressed on his chest, your body curved upwards. Your legs end up wrapping themselves around his shoulders. Your cunt presented on a silver just for him. You can feel the warmth of his breath smothering your folds. You hide your face with your hands, spreading some fingers to still see his expression towards you. Your inside tries to cling to air, the emptiness you feel forcing you to shudder in desperation. You whimper in embarrassment as Blade teases you with a few blows on your pulsating clit. He grins darkly, enjoying both the view and the state he’s put you in. One of his arms holds you firmly, wrapping it around your hips. His other hand takes hold of your thigh, griping it with force. He spread it further, revealing more of yourself to him before biting the inner of your thigh. His eyes flash a red hue when you wail at the sensation of his fangs. He settles the bite, licking the visible markings on your flesh. He rests his head on the inner of your thigh, facing you with a threatening expression. 
-’’ I’m going to devour you.’’ 
You shiver, his voice resonating and vibrating your expose cunt. He chuckles, Dragging his finger to your soaked folds. His finger presses his calloused finger on the middle of your core, teasing you as he rubs it up and down. You squirm within his hold of you. You whine, tears of desperation forming in the corner of your eyes. He uses his index and middle finger to spread your pussy, revealing your exposed hole. You pant, revelling in anticipation. His quick moment of softness ends as he dives his tongue inside of you, eating you out like a hungered animal.
You let out a mewl, your cunt clenching around his tongue. You feel him slurping your inside as deep as he can. He fucks you with his tongue, pushing it in and out, collecting your fluids on his tongue before shoving them back inside of you. Your legs start to give out and shutter increasingly. Your mind starts to fog at the stimulation. His nose poke at your clit by proxy, causing you to let you choked moans. Blade pulls out from your hole, liquids dripping out. Your hips twitch. He chuckles, amused and turned on by your pathetic display. His thumb caresses your clit, making you moan with each stroke, before kissing and lapping it with ferocity. You let out a shaky moan, pulling your head back. Your vision becomes foggy, and your legs spread by themselves in need of something more. Blade rewards your eagerness by shoving two of his calloused fingers inside of you. The sensation of his rough skin inside you is enough for a knot to tighten inside of you. Your inside clenches on his fingers, pleading for them to stay in. He spreads his fingers inside you, pumping them in and out with a curve, hitting right under your G-spot. You moan in between heavy breaths, shaking and already fucked-out by his fingers. You can feel his smirk on your clit as he eagerly sucks on it with rhythm. The pace of his finger fastened, bullying your G-spot, making the knot inside of you about to burst in pleasure. 
You babbler nonsense, pleading and begging Blade to just get it over it. Your lips call out his name in scattered, breathy moans. His gaze lingers on you as he laps your clits a few more times. Your hand ended up grabbing the cloth on his knees, your legs failing to push him closer to your cunt. Your core clenches with force, ready to explode from arousal. At that moment, Blade rips his finger out of you. You let out a cry, tears of frustration falling down the sides of your face.
-’’ No, no no no, please, Bla-’’ You plea. 
Blade slaps your cunt with the palm of his hand, making you cry out. He’s not done with you. Not until he gets what he wants, stuffing you like his own personal toy. He bites your other thigh, leaving a mark before kissing it. His eyes are still sharp, in control. He licks his lips, chin covered with your juices. A filthy display, hot enough to be desperate for him. He grabs your legs and settles you down on the floor, avoiding hurting you.
-’’ Get on all fours, bunny, now.’’ He growls.
He watches you raise yourself with your elbows, fluids dripping on the floor from your juicy cunt. You obey him, eyes glazed over. You place yourself on your knees in front of him. He towers over you, the red hue of his eyes piercing through your melted gaze. He places his hand on your head, pushing it down towards his covered crotch. You’re forced ass up, only a few centimetres away from the tent his member has been forming. You smell his musk, the arousal he’s been holding inside since the beginning. You see it twitch every few seconds, begging for release. Drool pools in your mouth.  
-’’ Stay still, and don’t speak.’’ She barks, removing his hand from your hair. 
His hands struggle with the buttons of his trousers, zipping down the opening to reveal boxers sticky from pre-cum. His thumbs slide under the band of his boxers, pulling it down. His cock practically bounced out of his underwear. Your cunt squeezes at the view, causing some of the fluid to drip on the floor. Blade groans a sigh from the release.
You widen your eyes at his erect length if it wasn’t for the order you’d be begging for him to take you. Blade seems to notice your silent pleas. He chuckles, grabbing your hair harshly to push your cheek flush on his cock. It twitches, a drop of pre-cum dripping from the tip. He lifts your chin towards him, making sure your eyes are on him. 
-’’ Clean it.’’ He orders. He lets go of you roughly. 
You don’t nod nor do you reply with a noise. Instead, you put your head low and begin your job. You lap his dick from the base to his tip. You suck the tip, cleaning any pre-cum that would be lingering on it. Blade observes you with a hardened look, only letting out deep groans. You don’t get to do this for long as he grabs your face and forces a kiss onto you. This time you immediately melt unto him, letting him do as he pleases with your mouth. As he kisses you roughly, you feel his cock twitching against your breasts. He pulls out of the kiss, forcing your face away.
‘’Good job, bunny.’’ He purrs. 
Suddenly he turns you around, catching you off guard as he forces your upper body against the floor. His hand grabs your hair, pulling it enough for you to arch your back. You don’t have time to make a peep before he rubs your soaked cunt with his cock. You pant as the feeling of his member teasing your hole. It clenches desperately. You tried pleading for him to fuck you, but it was met with a slap on your ass. It stung, dragging a low whine out of you. Blade massages the ass-cheek, before slapping it once more. It was harder than the last, which made you moan a cry. Your cunt becomes sloppy and his member rubs on yours. As a warning, Blade slaps his cock on your folds before slamming his member into you in one swift motion. The sudden fullness makes you mewl in ecstasy. He leaves no time for you to adjust, pumping his dick in and out of you. You’re quickly unable to form simple thoughts, being railed silly. The sounds of your moans and the sounds of slapping skin echo throughout the room. His roughness already caused a ring of milky filth around the base of his cock. Every few strokes, you would hear him grunt, causing your inside to clench oh so nicely around him. You can already feel the knot inside of you growing tighter like before. You moan and babble pathetically. It’s almost incoherent apart from his name and pleas of fucking you harder. 
Your wish is granted when Blade drags your body upwards by your hair. Your back is now flushed against his bandages and sweaty chest. One of his hands plays with your breast, keeping you close to him as he pumps inside you mercilessly. The other hand wraps itself around your neck, cutting off your circulation once more, just enough for you to lose your senses, feeling your high more and more as he kisses your cervix with his tip. He bites the crook of your beck, feeling his high. He growls in your ear. 
-’’ Learned your lesson, bunny?’’ He pants in between thrusts. It feels so– so good. 
You nod, wanting nothing more than to cum all over his cock. He forces you to look at him with the hand around your neck.
‘’ Use your words.’’ He purrs, a low moan escaping him, close to his release. His eyes pierce through you, making you shiver under its authority. 
‘’Yes!, yes- ah- Learned. I learned-’’ You moan back. 
Blade grins, slamming his cock inside you with deep strokes, almost hitting your cervix. You can almost see stars. 
‘’Good, that’s a very good bunny.’’ He clenches his teeth, feeling your cunt spasming at the praise. 
The hand around your breast let’s go. His palms slide down your stomach to rub his thumb in a circular motion on your clit. You throw your head back, moaning in his ear. The knot inside you feels like it’s about to snap. Your legs are on the verge of giving out, shaking violently as Blade fucks you senseless. Your body feels fuzzy, hot and weightless. Suddenly, the knot inside of you finally breaks. 
-’’ Blade! I- Fuck!’’ You spasm, coming on Blade’s length as you moan his name. 
Blade grunts, grinding his cock inside your walls, holding you so that you don’t collapse on the floor. When your high passes, he thrusts inside you a few more times before pulling out of you. Fluids squirt out of your cunt, forming a pool on the ground. He rubs his length against the space between your thighs. With a quick swear his seed releases on the floor in front of you. He pants in the crook of your neck, a few low moans escaping his lips as he kisses your skin. 
You both stand there for a moment, your heavy breaths resonating in the storage room. Blade's hand reaches for your face, pulling you into a kiss. It’s softer than all the other ones. He stares into your glazed eyes, strangely soft for someone like him. A smirk appears on his face. 
‘’I’m not done with you.’’
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Tags ➳❥ @boomie-123 , @1wickedwitch1 , @bisexuawolfsalt
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End note ➳❥ Thank you for being patient! I'm really slow when it comes to writing NSFW, but hopefully, you'll find it worth it.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 4 months
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Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't but of course, be open to new experiences! However, for this specific reading if you aren't already kind of questioning your gender, I suggest you do not participate in this one. 🩷🩵🤍🩵🩷
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Crystal: Tigers Eye Bracelet
Astrology: Aquarius ♒️, Libra ♎️, Gemini ♊️
Aesthetic: Boho
Welcome pile 1! So first I’ll talk about how you feel about your gender currently. You have been extremely frustrated with it but your aggravation is a bridge to self discovery and relief. This discomfort is necessary so you can fully embrace who you are! Femininity and masculinity subconsciously do not make sense to you but you are still trying to make one of them work. The best way you can explore your gender more is to try an absence of it. A neutral expression might help you find what truly works for you. I see that you might find more masculinity in your clothing choice as you start to explore which could be something you aren’t super used to. Or you could dress without gender in mind at all and just pick what feels good. The more you go outside your comfort zone in expression the more you are going to see just how much binary gender confuses you and isolates you. The card's advice is to walk away from trying to fit into a binary. Sometimes deciding not to decide is good enough to move foward.
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Crystal: Bloodstone Bracelet
Astrology: Aries ♈️, Virgo ♍️, Cancer ♋️
Aesthetic: Grunge
Hello pile 2! You currently feel pretty outwardly confident in your gender but this is all on the surface. You present very femme but you may not always relate or feel comfortable in the feminine experience. You usually ignore that discomfort as a way of peace keeping. It might stir up a lot of commotion for you to do anything different. The commotion could be in your environment but I also see that for most of you in this pile, it could just be your fear of imperfections. The emotional commotion is the most likely possibility in these cards. You don’t need to be afraid of rejection from anyone but yourself. A good way to explore your gender more in a safe way is to try out masculinity in small amounts. Take it slow and do not push yourself if you feel more uncomfortable trying new stuff than remaining in the old. Just know butch women exist and they are not obligated to trans their gender just because they want to dress more masculinely. You are safe to explore I promise. And you will still be pretty if you do. You are absolutely gorgeous.
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Crystals: Quartz & Howlite Bracelet
Astrology: Scorpio ♏️, Pisces ♓️, Capricorn ♑️
Aesthetic: Cottagecore
Hi, pile 3! My dear friend, you know you are transgender. You know. You really don’t need me to tell you that. You might even be in mid-transition. Your body is starting to match how you have always imagined it. Some of those who picked this pile I see are two-spirited, bigender or genderfluid. The best way to traverse your gender expression is to make a statement. Instead of starting an expedition to be more masculine or more feminine. Just try looking more gay. Dress yourself as queer as possible. Let your inner child have fun with your outfits. Dress like a mermaid or try on some drag. Embrace dressing emotionally rather than trying to conform to a specific experience. You are so unique and you need to try to express that outwardly more. You will have so much more fun.
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Crystal: Rainbow moonstone bracelet
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Sagittarius ♐️, Leo ♌️
Aesthetic: Pastel Goth
Thank you for joining me, pile 4. So, before I address how you feel about your gender. I’m gonna talk about how everyone else seems to think they know better than you about it. I can definitely see how that might be very annoying. They may say things like “you are in a glass closet” or they may claim that you are transgender if you identify as cis or claim that you are not transgender if you identify as trans. You don't dress to conform. And to that these cards express how much those people don’t know what they are talking about. No matter how you look outwardly, you know who you are better than anyone. So what if your presentation is conventional or digestible? It doesn’t matter what they think. You are perfectly you. You are comfortable as heck in your gender expression and you have already explored everything under the sun. The only advice the cards have for you is to stay strong in your decisions and don’t let anyone’s opinions sway what you already figured out.
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