#jwct trailer
memyselfandmya 1 month
Updated Trailer Analysis (Pt.3)
Okay, so I was watching Swerve's break down video on yt and he's said a couple of things that's given me ideas. I was also rereading through my OG analysis and there were so many grammar/spelling mistakes, holy shit.
One thing he mentioned is that Brooklynn's shirt says "silent dreams" on it and that if something in the show is written in English, then it's important. Leaning into this and my theory that I mentioned in my OG analysis that the camp fam went to Brooklynn's place to find more information surrounding what she was looking into, it seems like the shirt is a band t-shirt of some sort. Now, remember how in S5 of CC they had the scene where they had to guess Kash's password? What if we have some smth similar like that going on where the campers have to guess Brooklynn's password and then one of them remembers that, "Oh! She likes this band/singer/whatever. In the video she sent, she was wearing their shirt." Obviously this is a reach, my mind is just reeling with ideas bc CT is all I can think of right now. I wonder if she's still a fan of Ester Stone, though.
There was a post that was asking if we think that the camp fam already knows about Brooklynn's death or if Ben has to tell everyone and I'm still conflicted. When rewatching the trailer, Ben and Darius are acting as if Darius already knows about B's death and obviously Ben could have broken the news earlier in that scene, but stay with me as I lean into the alternative option that they already knew she was dead for a decent time prior to this. What if Brooklynn's death is sort of wider known given her previous fame and so all of the characters already know. Darius finds this out and obviously feels guilty (which is shown in the trailer) so he kind of isolates himself into that cabin in the middle of the woods. I was thinking that in the last ep. of CC, Darius seemed non-reclusive as he was doing Ted Talks and replying to comments so there has to have been a shift between now and then that caused him to go down this path. Maybe it was something else or maybe it was just resurfacing trauma but what if B's death was the catalyst to Darius' current lifestyle? Ben then says, "that's why I'm here," in response to Darius's blame. Maybe instead of delivering the news of B's death which Darius already knows, he came to tell him about the circumstances surrounding it, and also so Darius wouldn't feel as guilty. This is just a silly little theory that popped into my mind, do I actually think this is true? Not really, but it's fun to speculate.
In my og analysis I completely skipped over the fact that there is a dinosaur standing in the background which I find interesting. Don't really have much to say about it though.
I sort of mentioned this already, but Yaz's face is extremely close up when her first clip comes on, especially compared to Sammy and Kenji who have full backgrounds going on. This could possibly mean that whatever's happening in that scene, they want to conceal. One small idea that I had is that in the show it's going to be like one of those scenes where you have a close up of the character like really nervous about something and being dramatic and then it zooms out and whatever it is is much smaller than you thought it'd be.
I also originally mentioned that the truck driving up to Sammy's farm could be the people who's hunting them but could it be maybe Yaz? Or Kenji? Idk.
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zo-lost-and-confused 2 months
I watched it!
Aaaa, no coherent thoughts!
The Nublar Six segment in the beggining was so sweet. Babies <3
I'm so excited for the plot! They are being hunted? There's some mystery and some space for scares. I can't wait, it sounds so cool.
I don't mind Ben being tall and kinda beefy, it surprisingly somewhat fits him. And with his voice not changing? Stupid. So perfect.
But why does he look like a character from an animated Barbie movie?馃槶 One of the older ones too. Especially with Darius looking so amazing. Weird. Holding up hope it gets better, if not by May, in the next seasons (if we get them? Hopefully?)
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tio-trile 1 month
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Anyways, happy Chaos Theory trailer day (inspired by that one image from Veil by Kotteri)
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neunhofferart 20 days
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"Darius... you said you'd be here."
Just a little trailer fanart- reverse shot
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mangosaurus 23 days
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THE NUBLAR 6 in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Coming May 24th)
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msp9 1 month
OKAY can we also talk about yasmina design!!!<梅&#^:
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They nailed that and you know it.
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jen-with-a-pen-art 2 months
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hi. thinking about them.
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zeninix 3 months
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as we wait for the jwct trailer take some of my semi-old (last 2 are more recent) jwcc camper redesigns and hcs!! these are all just my personal view but i like hearing other hcs too :3c
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annymaght 29 days
You know how we were talking about which camper is being picked up first?
I have proof that it's probs Sammy instead of Kenji:
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Sammy's arm is literally right there
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iffasart 1 month
Sketchy sketch
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A boy with a weight too heavy to carry
Fuck, I- I'm sorry Brooks
And plain colours
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campbenji 1 month
jwct trailer 2 thoughts
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memyselfandmya 1 month
Part 2 to my JWCT Analysis
Warning: spoiler and theories below; proceed with caution
In a later scene, where Darius is taking a picture of the computer screen, the background stood out to me a bit. It seems (somewhat) drastically different than the scenes we've seen so far with the brick/concrete wall. 聽Especially the picture in the back, it doesn't seem to fit the vibe of any of the other places/homes we've seen so far. My idea is that it's maybe Kenji's or Yaz's place. 聽Just because we haven't seen much of their hypothetical living situation yet. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into the artwork but these kinds of things give clues like with Sammy's home. Maybe it could be Sammy's room but I just don't get the vibes. Another theory I have is that it could be Brooklynn's place and the campers go there after her "death" to find information to help them. It seems kind of like her vibe, especially the vibrant picture. There's also another picture along the very edge. You can't see much but it looks like rocky terrain which could mean Kenji because we did see him rock climbing but it could also still be Brooklynn because of her history with travelling to cool places.
Some of the other scenes I won't say much on because they're more dinosaur centric and I don't know. a thing about dinosaurs. Everything I know comes from JW and JW alone. But when that trailer thing comes by with the dinosaur, am I crazy for thinking it's blind because it has a cloudy white eye.
There is that one scene where they're enclosed or something in something and Yaz grabs onto Sammy's shoulder which is adorable. Also the following scene where Yaz and Sammy are in the jeep(? idk it reminds me of a jeep) is so cute. They're definitely still together at some point in this show. Also this is the part where Yaz reminds me of Marinette.
Also just in general, the theme "chaos comes home" is just so interesting and cool to me because these characters spent so long trying to escape dinosaurs on Nublar and Mantah Corp Island only for dinosaurs to arrive on the mainland a couple years later. The trauma this will bring back up.
There's so many mysterious people and I want to know who they are.
Just Kenji punching a dinosaur. That's the analysis.
The way Yaz clings onto Ben in that one scene is just so wholesome to me. I love their relationship so much.
These new settings are just so interesting I'm excited to see the more urban look this show has.
The parallel with JW and Claire Dearing when Darius is running from the dinosaur
All in all, I'm very excited to see this. I'm definitely going to binge and rewatch the day it comes out. Expect many posts from me then. They were so right when they said this would be much darker. It's only the trailer and it's definitely giving the same darkness/heaviness of season three which I absolutely adore. I really want to see the characters suffer (I swear I love them) and I hope they highlight their trauma from the island. I'm content with the character designs, I think I am a little disappointed with how they don't reflect the characters as much and are a little more generic. At least for Yaz's character, mainly. I was surprised to not see her in some sort of athletic wear, maybe this demonstrates a shift in her life where she's no longer so driven about track and stuff, which if so makes the design more realistic. I'm sad that Kenji's VA is different just bc of nostalgia but the new VA seems really good and doesn't sound too different from the original. I'm excited to see the full(ish) cast, that was one of my main worries, that it'd only be Darius-centric. (No offense to Darius I just want to see all of my babies). I'm also sad about Brooklynn, she wasn't my favorite character but I still love her so it's sad to see her go, (if she really is dead). It makes sense to me why they "killed her off" both in the show and in terms of production and I do feel like the way they "killed" her off was fitting for her. The plot seems really good and I'm really intrigued which is always a good sign. I'm also really looking forward to seeing where these characters have lived, where they are now, and maybe how they got there. I'm so looking forward to May 24th and I am counting down the days.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt.
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snugglylime 25 days
Yaz-Centric Chaos Theory Trailer Analysis
I found it weird that Yaz is the only one who didn't get a proper introduction in the trailer (Sammy had a scene where she's running from an atrociraptor and we get to see Kenji in his camper(?)) so I have a bit of a theory.
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It's hard to see but there's a reflection in Yaz's eye towards the bottom left corner. To me, it kind of looks like an atrociraptor (probably Ghost since she's grey). This would explain why Yaz is so scared.
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It also looks like there's a metal fence behind her, and I couldn't find another fence like it anywhere in the trailer except for in this frame:
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The fence is the right shape and there's vegetation behind it. The brown dirt everywhere also matches the patches of dirt in the background of the picture of Yaz. Because of the rural look, this might be Sammy's ranch.
Also the car driving up to them in this frame is different than the other cars we see throughout the trailer. Notice the absence of any lights on top of the roof:
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Since it looks like Sammy and Yaz in the last frame are being tailed by a car with a row of lights on the roof (and because that same car seems to be associated with the men in green uniforms in the picture with Darius), it seems like the car with roof-lights is a vehicle used by the antagonist. Which means that the car we see pulling up to Sammy, Ben, and Darius here-
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-is probably Yaz's car, since it doesn't have the roof lights and she's seen driving a car in the frame with her and Sammy. And we know the car she's driving isn't Ben's van since it has a back window and seems to be fairly low to the ground, like the one pictured above.
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Sammy made it into the van :>
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pokemon1oadvanced 9 days
My favourite head cannon is that when the Nublar 6 gets back to the mainland they have to FaceTime at least one of the other campers when they go to bed so they don鈥檛 have to fall asleep alone.
Like in Season 5 when they had a sleepover cause they couldn鈥檛 sleep. I鈥檓 not sure how their timezones work, so I鈥檓 sure they all couldn鈥檛 be on FaceTime, but they鈥檇 definitely have to call at least one of the campers 馃グ
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neunhofferart 1 month
(Also I see some shots I storyboarded eyy)
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mangosaurus 2 months
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how the jwct team expects me to survive may 24th is beyond me
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