#k slur
hindahoney · 6 months
Genuine question: where have there been protests with nazi flags? Out of all the images ive seen its been all palestinian flags and supportive messaging. There haven’t been antisemetic dog whistles in the photos/videos i have seen?
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In Times Square
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These students were chased into the library and forced to hide while the protestors banged on the doors and windows.
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Tumblr won't let me add more but yeah they're not peaceful. I have a million other photos and videos of Jewish stores being vandalized, synagogues being attacked, Jewish people being beaten or chased by pro Palestine protestors. The protests are anything but peaceful.
Also their favorite chant "From the river to the sea" is a call for Jewish genocide. Same with their chant "Khaybar khaybar ya yahud". Khaybar was a massacre against Jews by the prophet Mohammad and that chant is saying "Jews, remember Khaybar". Its a threat.
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jewish-culture-is · 4 months
Jewish culture is being politically homeless because leftist goyim are so quick to swallow as much nazi propaganda as possible and are a second away from calling us ‘dirty k**es’
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
One of the experiences that really highlighted to me how willing the left can be to turn a blind eye to and gaslight Jews about antisemitism was trying to talk about Michael Jackson’s antisemitism, such as in the song “They Don’t Care About Us”, which was released with the lyrics:
“Jew me, sue me, everybody do me / Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me.”
I feel like that is shockingly straightforward with how antisemitic it is, both in its specific language (the K-slur & Jew-as-a-verb) and its conspiratorial bent in the context of the whole song. But when it came out and Jews were obviously appalled and spoke out about it, MJ made the standard “but have you considered that accusing me of bigotry offends me?” and “I was taken out of context!” statements that bigots make when they get called out on their bigotry.
As for MJ’s claim that he was taken out of context, here is some context: In 1993, MJ’s relationship with the press deteriorated when they began covering allegations of his child sex abuse. In the midst of this, tabloids ran a lot of scummy, sensationalized headlines—ruthlessly mocking his appearance and eccentricities and even running entirely false stories. This marked a drastic shift in MJ’s lyrics, which began to focus heavily on his victimhood (both real and perceived, often conflating both and tying them to broader social issues), with many of the songs on the next album HIStory (1995) being about this. “They Don’t Care About Us” is on this album. In 2003, there were revelations that Michael Jackson had grown close with members of Nation of Islam (a fringe and antisemitic hate group), and in 2005, Good Morning America aired a phone recording of Michael Jackson calling Jews “leeches”, claiming Jews had targeted him for his wealth, and saying “It’s a conspiracy. Jews do it on purpose”.
This is the context of Michael Jackson singing about being a stand-in for the victims of all kinds of real world oppression like racism and police brutality, and then saying he was being “Jewed” and “kiked”. It came out that he was molesting little kids, and rather than face the music, he tried to dodge responsibility by conflating those allegations with racism and the gross, sensationalist bullshit that tabloids were running on him; he wove all these things together in a narrative that he could use to wrap himself up in victimhood & conspiracy to position himself as not just a martyr, but the very archetype of martyrdom so that the world could, as he sang on the same album in his cover of John Lennon’s song, “Come together, over me.”
The lyrics were later changed to replace “Jew” & “kike” with abstract noise that drowned out the words or repetitions of “sue” & “strike”. But even so, this is still a song, not truly about inequality and injustice, but using inequality and injustice to shield a child molester from responsibility. And the fact that “Jew” can so easily be replaced with “sue”, not simply in sound but in meaning, without disrupting the narrative and tone of the song, belies the fact that Michael Jackson believed himself to be a victim of some sort of conspiracy between “(((The Media)))” and greedy Jewish lawyers.
And yet, trying to talk about this to this day, even with the benefit of hindsight, when it’s pretty well-accepted that MJ was in fact a child molester and knowing what he said about Jews after this song came out, it is next to impossible to get people to see the antisemitism in him tying together all oppression in the world as him being “Jewed” and “kiked” by (((The System)))—even when he literally says “Jew”, even when he says the K-slur, even when he refers to Jews as blood-suckers, even when he literally says Jews are conspiring against him. When people started using the song as part of the George Floyd protests, and I was like “hey, maybe that’s not a great idea” and gently tried to explain this context, I was ignored, told it didn’t matter because the song was about inequality, told Black people have every right to distrust Jews “because Jews are White” and stabbed Black people in the back by embracing Whiteness, etc. etc.
I think that is one of the times that really started to make it clear to me, “oh, yeah no, leftists can be staring straight at a K-slur in the mouth of a known sex offender and still say it’s fine”—something leftists generally would not do for any other vulnerable minority. It still astounds me.
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Can I ask what the difference is between philosemitism and antisemitism? As an asian-american person, I was curious about antisemitism in asia and apparently philosemitism is the norm in east asian countries but it still felt a bit antisemitic ? Maybe because it felt fetishizing I guess.
So, philosemitism is a part of antisemitism, but instead of othering Jews in outright negative light, it perpetuates harmful stereotypes about Jews under the guise of admiration or emulation.
As an Asian-American, you might be familiar with the concept of the Model Minority Myth in how it pertains to Asian-Americans. Instead of outright racist slurs and attacks, it's "oh all Asians are so smart and successful" and "Asians are sooooo attractive". Of course, this enables racism and violence against Asian-Americans, because Asian-Americans are then seen as threats to white dominance, thus fueling hate crimes and sexual objectification and violence.
This is what philosemitism is, except it's applied towards Jews. Instead of "Jews are kikes and we should kill them all", it's "Jews are so powerful and successful and so good with money" and "Jews must have some sort of secret to their success, maybe it's in their holy texts". This kind of antisemitism, philosemitism, is prevalent in East Asian countries. It's still deeply antisemitic. It still treats Jews as the "other", as some kind of strange people who are mysteriously powerful.
This kind of rhetoric is the same kind of rhetoric behind infamous texts such as 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', which popularized the myth that Jews secretly control the world, and allowed the justification for increased antisemitic violence and genocide, including the Holocaust. Philosemitism is still antisemitism, and you're right, it is deeply fetishistic at times. In many ways, philosemitism is a lot more insidious than other forms of antisemitism because it allows the perpetrator to hide behind the excuse of "but I wasn't saying anything negative about Jews! How could you call it hate speech??!"
But saying "Jews control the banks" or "Jews control Hollywood" or "Jews hold the secret to success" is just as harmful as saying "Jews kill babies" or "Jews are disgusting rats" or "Jews killed Jesus."
A lot of antisemitism relies on propping Jews as some kind of all-powerful cabal (the word "cabal" even comes from the Jewish mystic texts of the Kabbalah), which then justifies antisemitism. It positions Jews as some kind of powerful entity and not the marginalized group that we are. Which allows antisemitism to thrive with the excuse of "we're just fighting back against the oppressors!" This is what philosemitism fuels.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Non-Romani gentiles from other marginalized groups, especially white people:
Stop derailing conversations about the Holocaust and the danger modern day Nazis are to Jews and centering yourself by inserting 'x were also targeted uwu, i come first'.
Stop claiming the same traumatic intra-generational connection to the Holocaust that Jewish and Romani people have.
Care about this, not just because you have decided it impacts you.
"6 million wasn't enough"
"The Jews will not replace us"
"Da Goyim know"
"Do your own research"
"Hitler was right"
"Gas the kikes, race war now"
It's. not. about. you.
Every single right-wing subgroup and militia is first and foremost focused on the total eradication of Jews and then on people of colour.
You can talk about other groups that are impacted by Nazis on your own posts, not ones specifically focused on the very real danger the whole of the Jewish people is in while you sit back and wait for them to come for you just like the writer of that stupid poem about the Holocaust.
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hazel2468 · 2 years
I just had a friend tell me “Well, Jews DO have white privilege- when was the last time you were hatecrimed for being a white Jew? Cops ignore you!” and I had to inform this person that my earliest fucking full memory is my mother and I being harassed by a cop at a park SPECIFICALLY because he looked at her, pegged her for a kike, and then told us that “your kind of people” weren’t welcome at this public park. He then threatened her with arrest, said a few choice words, and ten minutes later mom was explaining to little me that people will hate us because we’re Jews (I’ve posted about this before). I had to inform them that the town I grew up in was SUED for passing laws to purposfully try to keep Jews- and mostly WHITE Jews- out of their public parks and, later, out of the town entirely. And that effort was backed up by wails of “it’s not racism/antisemitism! We’re not RACIST! They’re WHITE! We just don’t want those JEWS here because they’re dirty/welfare users/ disgusting pedophiles”.
Do I pass as white on the street? Hell yes. Is there a sort of fucked up privilege in that, so long as no one knows I’m a Jew, I get treated like any other white woman? Yeah.
But does all of that change the INSTANT someone finds out I’m Jewish? Have I had people instantly begin talking to me and treating me in ways they weren’t literally three seconds prior? Have I had the attitudes of authority figures, including fucking cops, change to hostility the SECOND they have ANY indication that I’m a Jew? Have I experienced everyone from food delivery people to passersby to postal workers give me and my mezzuzah dirty looks? Yes.
It isn’t a fucking “privilege” if that privilege is contingent on you fucking hiding yourself. In the same way that (to draw a personal example here) mspec queers don’t have “straight privilege” when they date someone of what appears to be the opposite gender, Jews do not have “white privilege” when those of us who are perceived as white are conditionally given access to those benefits. Because the SECOND someone finds out we’re Jewish. We’re not white anymore. We’re either, depending on who you ask, non-white non-European pedophilic invaders who want to corrupt Christian America (Qanon), subhuman vermin who are the worst of the worst and a threat to racial white purity (Nazis and white supremacists), or uber privileged more-than-white super-rich oppressors-of-all genocidal assholes who are personally responsible for every atrocity ever committed by the government of a state the size of New Jersey (progressives and Leftists).
Until y’all are capable of understanding that not everything works under the very narrow view of race and religion that America has, until you can understand that it isn’t “you are privileged or you’re not”, until you can understand that telling Jews that we are all white and privileged when we have been and continue to be murdered for LITERALLY not being white is ignorant at BEST and racist antisemitism at worst. Until y’all can actually LISTEN to Jews when we tell you our history, our experiences, what it’s like to be part of a group that has ALWAYS been on the outside- the same shit you (rightly) offer other marginalized groups.
Fuck off.
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npd culture is finally being vulnerable with someone and then immediately feeling kike you have to run away. you wouldn't, but knowing that someone important to you knows your problems feels like a death sentence.
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rabid-catboy · 19 days
Crazy how when there’s an instance of ‘antisemitism’ in a protest against Zionist dogs committing genocide it’s front page news that deserves the state troopers showing up to campuses with snipers on the roof but when fucking nazis storm our campuses telling us that they’re gonna gas us dirty kikes and rape our women it’s apparently not worth calling in more than a handful of the same pigs who’d probably be joining those cunts if they were off duty.
Crazy how that works.
..could i have a shred of context, mayhaps?
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theelf-online · 1 year
This is ventier than what I usually post but I'm just sooo irritated.
I was trying to explain how because I'm Jewish, I'm not white, and how that is directly because nazis (and other antisemites) view Jews as a separate race. They don't view me as such and want me dead because of it. And this one person had the full on audacity to go "yeah but treating being Jewish like it's a separate race is antisemitic". YEAH NO SHIT, I WONDER WHY THAT DIDNT STOP THE NAZIS FROM COMMITTING GENOCIDE AGAINST MY PEOPLE FOR BEING A DIFFERENT RACE!
This person was poc too, and could totally understand why someone who is mixed or is white passing has situational privileges but still experiences racism because they're not actually white, but suddenly not why that applies to me because I'm Ashkenazim and pale? My skin color doesn't make me immune to racialized antisemitism, especially since I'm *actively and visibly Jewish*. An antisemite isn't going to look at me and go, "Oh pale skin, must be white! Time to move to the next person." They're going to see my kippah and Magen David and go "Oh another kike to kill."
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hindahoney · 7 months
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Hey jumblr here's another one for the block list.
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kabbalicgay · 1 year
I think we need more goth and metal shit that has Jewish themes and symbolism
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dyke-terra · 4 months
You know,, I’ve never remotely been tempted to reclaim the k slur before all this, it had just too much bite, but I’ve seen it around so much these days, that I’m like, you know what, fuck it, maybe I am the kike to watch out for.
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saharathorn · 4 months
Sometimes I wish people would just call me a Kike straight up it’s so obvious when they’re trying to use words in place of it.
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hilacopter · 2 months
...that's it?
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the-anemoi · 7 months
begging people to read up on jewish stereotypes and dogwhistles
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visualnovelboyfriend · 7 months
it is realy easy to critique israel without invoking nazi rhetoric btw. example: israel is a colonizer state taht is stripping its indigenous people (palestinians) of their rigts because israel wants their land and hasbeen killing them for it. thwyre funded by the biggest colonial states on earth bwcause if usamerica and co had to call what israeel is doing Fucked Up then theyd have to grapple with the uncomfortable implicatiosn of their own existence. see i didt even need to say "also all those stupid kikes are lizards" anywehre in this critique. this is easy first grade material. idont thibk you get to tongue in cheek go "(unfortunately)" nwxt to listing usamerican/canadian if youcant grasp this bc you dont udnerstand how unfortunate it truly is that youre on colonized land
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