sunderedazem · 2 years
Moonrise Legacy Masterpost (WIP)
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Lead Character:
Jedi Knight/Outlander: Corrain Gealai (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual trans man
- Romance: Lana and Theron (OT3 - they're poly!)
- Nicknames: Cor, Cory
- Character Intro Link!
The character creator in SWTOR won't let him have the long ponytail he's supposed to have, so here's an art piece I commissioned from @stellorc as a supplement!
Others below readmore!
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Jedi Consular: Kalvonut Amohtarsi (Sith Pureblood)
- Gender/Sexuality: AroAce cis man
- QPR (tentative): Arcann
- Nicknames: Kalvo, Kal
- Character Intro Link!
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Trooper: Deitente Verrni (Cathar)
- Gender/Sexuality: Cishet woman
- Romance: Aric Jorgan
- Nicknames: Dei
- Character Intro Link
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Smuggler: Kessin Meyka (Togruta)
- Gender/Sexuality: Genderfluid, Pansexual (any pronouns, prefers they/them)
- Romance (sorta, it's complicated): Risha Drayen
- Nicknames: Kess, Capn
- Character Intro Link
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Sith Warrior: Eiri Greine (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual cis man
- Romance(tentative): Tau Idair (eventual)
- Nicknames: Riri (for Vette and Tau's use ONLY)
- Character Intro Link
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Sith Inquisitor: Sekulyn'torr (Twi'lek)
- Gender/Sexuality: Nonbinary (she/they), and pansexual
- Romance: Andronikous (casual, temporary), Acina (wife)
- Nicknames: Lyn
- Character Intro Link
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Bounty Hunter: Astayr Caleo (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Queer (it's complicated!) demigirl, (she/xe)
- Romance: Torian Cadera
- Nicknames: Cyare/Cyar'ika (from Torian), Ash (from others)
- Character Intro Link
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Imperial Agent: Elennye Trizz (Zabrak)
- Gender/Sexuality: lesbian cis woman
- Romance: Vaylin? (eventual, they're awkward about it for eons)
- Nicknames: Elen/Len
- Character Intro Link
I'll update with Intro Links as I get them!
BONUS Cursed Content Link >:3c
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sunderedazem · 2 years
What is Kalvonut’s relationship like with Nadia?
What is Eiri’s relationship like with Tau and Vette?
Ohh! <3
Okay, so! Kalvonût basically takes one look at Nadia and goes "ah, little sister" when he first meets her with Senator Grell, and spends the rest of the time prior to her becoming his Padawan just like. Recommending books for her to read and occasionally teaching her how to win at sabacc. (he doesn't cheat! he just. follows the Force, of course, lmao)
Of course, after she loses her father and becomes his Padawan, he does everything in his power to teach her properly, even though they're not really that far apart, age-wise (game says she's 22, I believe - Kalvo is 29 by the time that 'Chapter Three' happens). Of course- her crush *does* make things awkward for a bit, so Kalvonût eventually has to sit her down and gently explain to her that he doesn't really feel romantic or sexual attraction, and can't return her feeling the way she'd want him to. (he also takes the opportunity to explain to her how Jedi relationships are....extremely tricky)
Nadia takes it somewhat hard but- she recovers pretty quickly and remains fast friends with Kalvonût, even following her promotion to Jedi Knight. Kalvo is incredibly proud of her.
And now, for Eiri!
Starting off with Vette- he takes one look at Vette on Korriban and listens to her sass him one time and pretty much decides that Vette is now Adopted. He's something of a dry sarcastic himself, and his relative lack of interest in Imperial progress combined with his utter irreverence of the Sith pairs well with Vette's sense of humor. They get along like a house on fire and the one time someone disrespects Vette in front of him, well. They don't keep their spine too long. (he sends Vette away first, though, he doesn't want her seeing that). Vette is the little sibling he never had, and he cheers her and Jaesa on when they start sneaking away together, hehehe.
As for Tau...that one's a little trickier. Eiri and Tau don't meet until well after the plot of KOTXX wraps up, which means by the time they meet Eiri is fully aligned with the Alliance and Zakuul - she doesn't know he was once the Emperor's Wrath until after they've met more than a few times, and even then, their relationship is on tenterhooks - Corrain is busy trying to defend the galaxy from yet another threat (involving Celestials oh no) even as he's playing intergalatic politics to keep Acina and Rans from going back to war, Tau and Kalvonût and Gnost-Dural and the other Jedi are trying to patchwork-rebuild the Order, and Eiri is up to his neck in Jedi and Sith studying at the Force Enclave on Odessen, trying to prepare them to survive.
So Tau and Eiri tend to have more of a tentative camaraderie than anything, at least up until the galaxy is finally at peace. They're both too aware that what they have with each other could put their other, more pressing goals on hold and so they...wait. Eiri is also asexual, and is somewhat touch-averse as well, which slows their relationship down a bit - but they do eventually stop dancing around each other once the galaxy finally settles. And though they never get married or put a formal label on anything - Tau is a committed Jedi, after all - it's pretty clear to everyone around them that they're dating.
Thanks for the ask!! :DD
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sunderedazem · 1 year
4 for corrain, and 11 and 13 for kalvonut!
The Jedi beans!!
4. Do they have nicknames for other characters (NPC or OC), & if so, what are they? (Corrain)
Corrain has a couple! He often calls Kalvonut "Kal" or "Kalvo," and after meeting my smuggler he tends to call them "Kess" rather than Kessin. And in return, both of these OCs call him "Cor" instead of Corrain, so they all have nicknames.
Later on, after the KOTXX fiasco and Vaylin's eventual surrender to him and their slow steps into trying to act like siblings, he starts calling her "Vay." Arcann ends up following suit on this one - and as Vaylin recovers from the years of Valkorion's bullshit she finds that she much prefers this nickname over her actual name.
Then, finally, Corrain will sometimes call Lana "my lord" if that counts as a nickname. Same with Theron and calling him "Agent." But it's usually only when he's being a cheeky little shit, because using either of those 'nicknames' usually gets him pinned to a wall and kissed aggressively (which is entirely why he does it, lmao).
(He also calls his partners soft names. Like "love," "dear," and "sweetheart." But he only uses them in private)
11. What's something they'd really like as a companion gift that isn't available as one in-game? (Kalvonut)
Kalvonut would absolutely love to get his hands on anything Revanite, or anything connected to his Sith heritage without being, y'know, saturated in Dark Side Energy. He'd also be really touched by gifts of facial jewelry with traditional meanings, because he doesn't have much in the way of cultural connections he can have without the Republic side-eyeing him hard, but the jewelry gets a pass.
He'd also really enjoy any romance novels available. Kalvonut is aroace, sure, but he LOVES sappy, dramatic dollar-store - 'scuse me, credit-store - soap opera style romance holonovels. He'd get really excited if you ever gave him one.
13. If there a Commemorative Statue were released of them, what pose would they be in? (Kalvonut)
Oh, easy! He'd be sitting cross-legged on the ground, in his usually long robes, with an open holocron held in front of him between both hands.
He's a scholar, and an avid lover of books and history and research, but he's also very meditative and calm, and this pose would capture that well, I think.
Thank you for the ask, friend!!! This was fun! <3
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Crescent Moon Rising - Surrender (WIP)
Okay! This is the full draft section from the Six Sentence Sunday Snippet that I posted earlier. It IS subject to revision, of course, but as for right now this is The Plan!
Context: Corrain is the only member of his crew that is trapped on board the Emperor's Fortress when the mission to Redeem the Emperor goes horribly wrong. He's taken prisoner, tortured, and when the Emperor's Child Force-brainfuckery fails, he's put under Castellan mind-control and given an implanted shock collar. He and Scourge escape a year and a half later by stealing an Imperial Shuttle - and the Emperor's Hand promptly put a Blacklist bounty on Corrain's head. Only, they don't want people to know their pet Jedi has gotten loose, so they falsify the mark. Astayr (BH, LS) takes it, chases them down to Nar Shaddaa - and Kessin (Smuggler, Neutral) is recruited to get them in contact with the Jedi and Republic. They end up meeting on Alderaan- and Corrain surrenders to the Republic by tossing Kira his lightsabers, and my Consular takes custody of him. (Five of my OCs are present at this exchange)
The glow of angry ruby plasma sizzled in the air, one of his lightsabers glowing in Kira’s hands, and suddenly cloying, choking anxiety clawed at the inside of his chest, nauseating guilt grinding his stomach into pulp as the dawning horror broke over her face. She stared wordlessly at the bled blade, and then, as Jun turned to her with a raised eyebrow, he saw the glitter of moisture on her eyelashes, visible even from meters away behind the transparisteel visor of the mask sitting heavy on his face, hiding his identity. At his side, Scourge stood silent, the Force an iron wall about him even as Corrain could feel power crackling through his entire body like poison, burning as it went, the numb fear-fury feeding its advance a knot of pain in his chest. Behind him somewhere, Kessin’s soft inhale of horror echoed the cracking facade his friend- former friend, former Padawan - wore across a trembling lower lip.
He wanted to comfort her, to tell her it was insignificant, an easily-fixable mistake. He wanted to yank his lightsabers back into his hands, draw them both, send the now-reddened lightsaber blades spinning into Scourge’s neck, just to be sure he couldn’t drag Corrain back to that hellhole Fortress and tear him apart again- just to be sure- He wanted to cry, to curl up in a dark corner somewhere and waste away. He wanted it all to disappear, the past year little more than a vivid nightmare, for him to awaken whole and free. He wanted to rage, to break things - fragments of his whole past - into pieces so small they could never all be collected. He wanted to take Vitiate and tear him apart, watch him choke on his own blood - he wanted the everpresent threat to his free will destroyed.
And yet- he knew this haunting rage would only upset Kira. It would upset T7, upset Doc and Kess and Kalvo maybe even Rusk, even if it was only because they knew a version of him that was kind and naive and committed to the Jedi over everything else, rather than this bitter, angry shell. And it paralyzed him, made him doubt himself, even as the familiar cold shadows of the Dark Side called to him, swelling through him like a flood through a funnel, feeding off the terror threatening to drown him. But there wasn’t any other choice for him, not anymore. Not after he’d let the spark in his heart explode into a storm of lightning, not after Vitiate had torn open his mind and dragged out the cruelty and darkness buried so deep within in him, not after he’d been stripped of everything that had made him who he was. Not after he’d been pressed into the mold of a Sith and come out a broken puppet with blood on its hands. Vitiate had to die for him to be free again, and for that he had to be strong. But even his Fall hadn’t freed him from the Emperor - it had only proved he was dangerous, that the darkness inside him needed to be choked off, strangled at its source. And yet - and yet he did not know if he could let go. If he could once again be the person that Master Orgus had trained.
Master Orgus.
He choked on his breath suddenly at the memory, emotion cresting high and tight against the back of his throat. His master, who had tried to protect him from beyond the grave. Who had asked Kaedan to look out for him, who had trained Bengal Morr, the only Jedi that had tried to rescue him. Orgus, who had died trying to shield him from Darth Angral. The man who had believed in him, so fiercely that his spirit followed him into the heart of the Sith Empire and reached for him there, even as he was lost in the dark, eyes glowing yellow. And now Kira, who was looking at the corrupted lightsabers in her hands like her world was falling apart. Kira, who’d defied the Emperor twice and won, who’d thrown away everything she’d known at ten years old. The Padawan he’d been so incredibly fortunate to help train, now a Knight, who had held him while he’d cried after Orgus had died. Kira, who’d stood at his side until he’d fallen to the Emperor’s lightning and ordered her to run. And Kalvonût - the Jedi who had been as his elder brother for so long, carefully helping him through the loss of Master Orgus, gentle even in the face of his grieving anger. The man who had nothing but kindness in his heart, even when the only words Corrain could muster were cruel or despairing. And Kessin, who had sent them stupid holomemes ever since their first meeting on Tython, who had come for him even when he was for all intents and purposes Sith, when they hated Sith more than anything else.
For them, he could try. He could try to be the person he once was, for their sake. He had to.
“...Kira?” he said, hating the uncertain tremor in his voice and the grating muffled sound that his mask overlaid on each word. She looked up from the lightsaber then, flicked the blade off and let the deep ruby beam of plasma disappear. Across the soft plain, Jun paused, and Master Kaedan cocked his head to the side, both visibly confused by his focus on the young Knight. But she just shook her head, hooking his surrendered lightsabers onto her belt, eyes still wet even as she laughed, voice thick with grief.
“...Did…did you do this? To my master’s lightsabers?” she whispered then, the dark azure of her gaze pinned to the eye plating of his mask. At his side, Scourge stood silent, true to his word that he would say nothing of Corrain’s choice, merely watching. The cold metal in the back of his neck burned, a reminder of the price of defiance. A price he’d pay over and over again, if it meant he could do something to undo what had been done to him.
“The Emperor did,” he answered, voice still tremulous and faint, and on his other side he could feel the waves of horror of Kessin’s dawning realization. “He broke the kyber crystals, bled them so I wouldn’t have anything left of who I once was. And then…he…he broke me too.”
It was now or never, and so he reached up, hooking gloved fingers under the lip of his mask and pressing the release catches. Cool Alderaanian air stung his burning gaze, chilling the dampness of tears on his cheeks into frost as the seal broke. Churning fear bubbled under his skin, the crackling draw of the Dark tugging at him. But- they deserved to know. Kira deserved to know. Satele too, and Kalvonût. And so, hands shaking, he pulled the helmet over his head, letting long white hair spill free, and dropped the mask onto the soft soil below his boots. Scourge clicked his tongue in mild disapproval, shaking his head irritably. But there was a certain begrudging admiration there too, deeply hidden in the dark burn of his presence in the Force.
“I suppose we never could snuff out that last little spark of light in you, Jedi, no matter how far you Fell,” the Sith scoffed, ignoring the sudden shock rippling off the Jedi across from them, and the mild surprise of the Mandalorian hunter watching them from the trees, horror mixed with relief and joy evident in their expressions. Kaedan in particular looked stricken, the ashes of his promise with Orgus blowing away in a cold Alderaanian breeze. And then Kira took a shaky step forward.
“Corrain?” she called, uncertainly, recoiling slightly when his gaze met hers, once-grey eyes poisoned with golden yellow. He flinched on instinct, tension pulling on his every muscle, cloying terror creeping up the back of his throat again. Since when had he flinched at shadows, and feared the Jedi?
“...I’m sorry I took so long, Kira,” he forced out, blood pounding in his ears. He blinked as the mountainous horizon blurred - another frigid arc curved down his cheek. Kira’s face was a sudden smudge, all the emotion currently pent up inside him finally starting to boil over, escaping. The frigid burn of the metal implants against his spine ached then, and he had to fight back a wave of raw dread, irrationally expecting pain to explode through his head and down his back, searing him from the inside out. The air felt thin suddenly, weak, like there wasn’t enough oxygen saturating the atmosphere. “I-I’m sorry…I c-couldn’t-”
The clack of heavy weaponry being put away suddenly echoed across the plain, the Republic soldiers - Deitente? Was that Havoc Squad? - all holstering their weapons at a gesture from their leader, her feline blue eyes bright with understanding, and then Kalvonût strode forward, raw compassion like a sun shining from behind his face, so bright he had to duck away. The Sith Jedi reached out slowly, movements deliberately lethargic as if to give him time to pull away, and as he set both hands on Corrain’s shoulders, gentle and grounding, a soft curtain of peace and stillness fell over the chaotic roaring in his ears. He choked on his own breath, the panic and grief and pain rising in his chest clashing with Kalvonût’s gentle aura, friction vibrating in the air between them. He could feel the sparks starting to form in his palms, shadows gathering to cool his blood.
“Kalvo- I-”
“It’s all right, Corrain,” he said gently, and after a few slow heartbeats Kalvonût gently pulled him in, wrapping both arms around him protectively. The shadows at his back wavered- dissipated- and then broke, and Kalvonût’s presence around him swept warmly into the void at his back. “Breathe. You’re alive. And you’re safe now.”
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sunderedazem · 1 year
How did Corrain handle his trauma as being a survivor of the Sacking of Coruscant?
OH! SO- actually, Corrain *isn't* a survivor of the Sacking of Coruscant. Corrain grew up in the creche of a Jedi enclave located in the Glarus Valley on Alderaan (if you go there in-game on pubside, it's overrun by Sith). He has other trauma that surrouds that, however - all of the Jedi Masters and Knights from his creche are killed by Sith in the Alderaanian Civil War, and he arrives to the planet just as the last two of his mentors die, leaving all the younglings in his and House Organa's care.
Orgus therefore tasks him with getting the younglings to Tython after they take care of thr Death Mark laser, and Orgus takes the opportunity to go after Darth Angral. And we know how that turns out.
So...Corrain's trauma with losing *every Jedi Master or teacher he's ever had* doesn't happen during the Sacking, when he's barely 8 years old - it happens when he's 18/19ish, and is *extremely* raw through all of chapter 2 of the knight storyline. It makes his Fall on the Emperor's Fortress all the crunchier, hehe. (I have a ficlet about it started in my Moonrise Legacy series on ao3 :D)
My Consular, Kalvonut, is on Coruscant during the Sacking though - and that's one of the main reasons he chooses to dedicate himself to healing with the Force, so he can save others if he is ever caught in a situation like that again. It doesn't help much that he was 16/17 during the Sacking either - he remembers the events of that day VERY clearly. It's something he and Orgus bond over before he becomes Yuon's Padawan, and it's one of the main reasons he also doesn't become a Jedi until so late in his life (he's 27 at class story start, in contrast with Corrain, who's only just 18). Kalvo knew he wasn't ready for the responsibility of being a Jedi until he could come to terms with what happened to him, so he put his training progression on hold until he was certain he had come to terms with everything. The Council was very proud of his deliberate decision here (though Jaric was somewhat disgruntled by how Orgus used Kalvonut's example to needle him about Dread Master Traumas, lmao).
The Sacking of Coruscant did have a silver lining, in a twisted way - it was one of the few times Kalvo was grateful for being a Sith Pureblood. His species in this case enabled him to trick a contingent of attacking Sith into leaving him and a group of horrified younglings alone, under the impression that he was uh. Murdering them. That allowed him and the younglings to escape, and also enlightened him to the possibility of using his appearance in his favor, especially as a diplomat. This is what sparked his interest in diplomacy - the idea that maybe Imperials would take him more seriously than they would other Jedi. It's a bit of a vain hope, but it helps him come to terms with how the Republic views him, and helps him to start rejecting that Republic View of things which he'd internalized. The Jedi are also proud of him for this, and Yuon in particular tries to help him find traditional pureblood customs to take part in - this is how he ends up with gold facial jewelry in spite of otherwise being a pretty frugal fellow (i have a few HCs about jewelry having Strong Meanings in Sith culture, hehe).
Thank you for the ask!!!! <3 <3 <3 i really appreciate it 🥺💙
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sunderedazem · 2 years
incorrect SWTOR quotes generator
I saw this going around and had to jump on board with my Moonrise legacy and some of the ships/friendships there. Generator Link Here. Ship indicators are done ao3-style (slash = ship or qpr, ampersad = plain friendship, v. = rivalry or enmity)
And this got really fucking long so I hid most of the non-OT3 ones under a readmore for your scrolling convenience sjdhfakjdfadfgjasd
Corrain, in Lana’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Theron, climbing past Corrain: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR- - Lana: Corrain ! What did I tell you about lying? Corrain , looking down: ...That it only works on Theron. - Theron: *looks at Corrain * Theron: Baby boy. Baby. Theron: *looks at Lana* Theron: Evil. - Corrain : Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Theron: I’m “a couple of things”. Lana: I’m “got distracted”. - Lana: *speaking Spanish* Theron: I know, I know. Corrain: You speak Spanish? Theron: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Lana speaks. - Theron: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it? Lana, looking at Theron: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful? Theron and Lana in unison: *sighs* Corrain - Corrain: If you water water, it grows. Lana: ...What. Theron: They've got a point. - Lana, watching Corrain do something stupid: Theron, you're officially only the second highest risk here. Theron: Hell yeah! I'm gonna— Lana: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
Torian/Astayr & Mako
Mako: Hey, Torian, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Torian: Yeah. Mako: And you, Astayr? Astayr: Umm... yes? Mako: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Astayr: Did they just- - Mako: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Torian: They do. Astayr: ...Why did you say that with such certainty? - Torian: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Astayr: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Astayr: Would you like me to tutor you? Mako: That was smooth. - Astayr: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Mako: Did Torian say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Astayr: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL– - Torian, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Astayr: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Torian: Ohhhh- Mako: Both of you get out of this kitchen. - Torian: I didn't drink that much last night. Mako: You were flirting with Astayr. Torian: So what? They're my partner. Mako: You asked if they were single. Mako: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Kessin/Risha & Corso
Kessin: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things. Risha, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too. Corso: Wow, Kessin was late too! What a coincidence! - Corso, walking into Risha and Kessin’s bedroom in the middle of the night: I had a bad dream. Risha: What was it about? Kessin: No, don’t ask them that! Risha: Why not? Kessin: Cause they’ll answer! - Corso: Ooh, somebody has a crush Kessin: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Risha I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. *Later that night* Kessin, very much awake: Uh oh. - Risha: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Kessin: Corso, probably. - Kessin, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top? Corso: Risha's in the kitchen. - Risha : I have a bad feeling about this... Kessin: What do you mean? Risha : Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Kessin: No? Corso: That actually explains so much.
Aric/Deitente v. Garza Aric: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Deitente: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Aric: ... Aric: You mean ring bearER, right? Deitente: ... Aric: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. - Deitente: Do you feel any better? Aric: I feel much better now that you here with me. *Garza walks in* Aric: I feel half better. - Deitente, Entering Aric's room: Garza did it again. Aric: Peace disturbance? Deitente: What no- Aric: Arson..? Deitente: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Aric: uh....Attempted murder? Deitente: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU- - Garza: Did you take out Deitente as I requested? Aric: Deitente has been taken out, yes. Garza: You have my grat- Aric: It was a great restaurant. Aric: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. Aric: Deitente proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers. - Garza: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Aric’* Deitente: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Acina/Sekulyn & Ashara (& Khem Val) Ashara: Everyone synchronize your watches. Khem Val: I don't know how to do that. Acina: I don't wear a watch. Sekulyn: Time is a construct. - *Everyone is playing a board game together* Khem Val: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Ashara: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Sekulyn: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Acina: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Sekulyn: *flips the board* - Ashara: Why are your tongues purple? Acina: We had slushies. I had a blue one. Sekulyn: I had a red one. Ashara: oh. Ashara: Ashara: OH. Khem Val: Khem Val: You drank each others slushies? - Ashara: I hope you have an explanation for this. Sekulyn: We have three actually- Acina: Pick your favorite. - Sekulyn: Where are you going? Acina: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Sekulyn: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Ashara, knowing full well that Sekulyn got Acina an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Corrain & Kira & Scourge
Corrain: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Kira: Yeah- Scourge: *kicks in the door* - Kira: Scourge won’t come out of their room! Corrain: Just tell them I said something. Kira: Like what? Corrain: Anything factually incorrect. Kira, shrugging: If you say so. Scourge, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET? - Scourge: Kira, I know you love Corrain. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely. Scourge: But I think they might be a fucking idiot. - Kira: Corrain got into a fight. Scourge: That’s bad. Scourge: Scourge: Did they win? - Corrain: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it. Scourge: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side. Kira: YO SOCRATES! IT'S A FUCKING COOKIE!
Kalvonut/Arcann & Corrain Arcann: Are you a painting? Kalvonut: What-? Arcann: Because I want to pin you to a wall. Corrain: OH GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY YOU WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING- - Kalvonut: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Arcann's birthday invitations. Corrain: Well, what are they supposed to say? Kalvonut: "Arcann's birthday". Corrain: So, what do they say instead? Kalvonut: "Arcann’s bi". Corrain: Corrain: Works out either way. - Arcann: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close. Kalvonut, blushing: Okay. Corrain: It's fucking summer. - Kalvonut: When Arcann was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world." Corrain: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition." - Arcann: I asked Kalvonut out. Corrain: Oh, I’m sorry. Arcann: Why? Corrain: Well, I assume they said no. Arcann: No, they said yes. Corrain: Really? Then I’m sorry for them. - Arcann: *yawns* Kalvonut: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Arcann: Then you must be exhuasted. Corrain: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Elennye/Vaylin & Corrain Vaylin: Did Elennye just tell me they loved me for the first time? Corrain: Yeah, they did. Vaylin: And did I just do finger guns back? Corrain: Yeah, you did. - Elennye: What time is it? Vaylin: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Vaylin: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Corrain: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Vaylin: It’s 2 am - Elennye: God, I love Vaylin. Corrain: Yeah, you fucking better. - Elennye: Vaylin is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! Corrain: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE! - Vaylin: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Elennye: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Vaylin: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Corrain, recording: This is so cute.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
OC Tag Meme: What’s Your OC’s Core?
The rules: Take the once you’re stripped clean, what’s at your core quiz here. Answer as your OC(s) and share your results!
Tagged by: @starknstarwars (thank you! :D)
No-pressure tagging some folks I've seen around recently 😁: @sith-shenanigans @tarrevizsla @darthcatboy @revanchxst @vexa-legacy @spitzobsessed and anyone else who might be interested!
I did all four of my main Force-users, with their end-of-story titles! Most of them are under a readmore. These were surprisingly on-the-nose.
silent admission: Corrain Gealai, Alliance Commander and Emperor of the Zakuulan Principate (JK)
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
behind the mask: Darth Occlus, Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, Sekulyn'torr (SI)
you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
flightless bird: Grand Master Kalvonût (Amohtarsi), Barsen'thor of the Order (JC)
the thought of your found family is what motivates you in your own little world. you touch the clouds, and the soil gives way under your footprints... this is utopia. if you were to erase one thing, it would be your memory. experience is important, but ignorance is bliss. identity, in heaven, should give way to happiness. you'd give anything just to sit by the swings and eat ice cream, but this isn't that kind of world. you have to get up and wash the dirt off of your scraped knees. i think you have an escapism problem.
acerbic wit: Eiri Greine, Knight of Zakuul, Alliance Combat Instructor (SW)
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Just for fun, what do you think your Legacy. would think of my sith warrior, Tyrrnith? As in, how'd they see him, would they get along with him, ect? You can list as many or as few of your OCs as you want.
You're gonna get all of them then, LMAO! Moonrise Legacy takes on the Zarmahan.
Corrain: Depends on when they would meet, to be honest. If it's baby-Jedi Corrain, prior to the Vitiate Trauma, he'd just be confused. Praven kind of baffled him, and since Tyr's a pretty honorable Sith, it would only deepen that confusion. They'd get along eventually, it would just take Corrain time to figure out how the fuck he felt about it.
However, if Corrain first meets Tyr as the *Emperor's Wrath* rather than the *Empire's Wrath* - he's almost certainly never going to trust Tyr, ever. That first impression will stay with him far too long, and his hatred of Vitiate/Valkorion never truly fades - it's a scar he carries for the rest of his life. Meeting Tyr around JK chapter 3 or Ilum would mean Tyr gets caught up in that association.
But if they meet around the SoR or KOTXX point, he's likely to want to reach out - he'd see Tyr as someone who sticks to his ideals and he respects that a lot. They wouldn't see eye to eye, but that's something Corrain values because it challenges him to think outside the box. They'd probably have some pretty decent conversations.
Kalvonut: Kalvonut would probably be conflicted. He's extremely diplomatic and actively avoids confrontation where he can, so they'd 'get along' for the most part, but Kalvo would see Tyr as the embodiment of the culture he never had a connection to. As a Pureblood Sith taken in by the Jedi after his Revanite mother was killed by the Dark Council, trying to learn about Sith customs would be almost certainly viewed with suspicion by the Republic (though not the Jedi, per se) and so he stayed away.
Actually, on second thought? If Tyr isn't patient they probably wouldn't click - Kalvonut would almost certainly bombard him with questions. He's a massive nerd, lmao.
Kessin: They'll shoot him in the face before anything, unless Corrain or someone else they trusted told them to back off. It doesn't really matter when - they never trust Sith. Ever. Tyr would never be able to prove himself to Kessin, even if he wanted to.
Deitente: She can respect Tyr's sense of honor, but she'd view him more as a formidable opponent than anything else. So she'd respect him as a warrior and enemy, but that's about it - she's too loyal to the Republic to ever befriend him.
Eiri: They'd probably get along, to be honest. Eiri doesn't give a rat's ass about the Empire (because he's not Imperial, he's Zakuulan, and he maintains that identity) but he'd be able to respect that Tyr does. He'd also be the most comfortable in the face of Tyr's aloofness, as he's a fairly laid-back guy - he doesn't mind awkward conversations or silences or anything of the sort. He makes them comfortable, honestly.
Sekulyn: She'd see Tyr as a threat, and just for that she'd respect him. Even more so after they become Darth Occlus and rise to the Dark Council. They don't have a code of Sith honor in the traditional sense - but they don't half-ass it when going up against formidable opponents, and they wouldn't spare any effort if they had to take Tyr down. As long as they share the same goal, however - keeping the Empire strong (and therefore Sekulyn's powerbase secure) - then they'd get along fine. Probably pretty damn well, all things considered.
Elennye: She'd begrudgingly like Tyr. He puts the Empire first - as she does - and isn't one of the fuckhead Sith whose power struggles are tearing apart the Empire from the inside. Not to mention he's not a jackass about aliens. She'd gladly offer her services as the Star Cabal leader/Information broker to him when he needs them, as long as it doesn't fuck with Vaylin and Zakuul.
Astayr: Honorable Sith are a decent sort, and he's good in a fight, so xey would be more than happy to work with him if he's willing to pay hir fee. Plus, xey know that xey can trust any bounties he pays xem to take out to be fair play - there's not going to be falsified info or coercion (of Astayr) involved. Xey might be too rowdy for him though - xey would almost certainly try to get him to shoot net'ra gal with them and the other Mandalorians LMFAO
Thanks for the ask! I love Tyr, so these were pretty fun answers to brainstorm.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Kalvonut 1 4 12 25
I hit 25 for Kalvo in This Ask!
as for the others-
1 - What irks other people about the way they converse? Well....Kalvo is kind of your Average Bookish Fellow, in some regards, and on top of that he's a researcher! An avid one. So sometimes he's extremely verbose and his vocabulary tends to be filled with weird esoteric words nobody really remember the definition of. So he can be hard to understand and he can make you feel stupid entirely by accident. He's too nice for people to really get mad about it though, especially because he really doesn't try to sound pedantic, he's just. Like That.
4 - How do they react to confrontation? Deescalation, deescalation, and calm deescalation. There's a reason that Kalvonut is a good diplomat and negotiator, and it's because he's very good at present a calm, serene front even in the face of genuine fury - and yet can still manage to be genuinely sympathetic as well. Kalvonut's first instinct when involved in a confrontation is to try and mediate a calm solution, or to at least get everyone communicating properly before tempers flare any worse. However, when the confrontation is personal (i.e. bigoted due to his species) that deescalation turns into a very, very pointed form of politeness. Kalvonut never quite gets to the "mocking" stage....but there's something about a Jedi Master looking calmly at you after you've just loudly slandered him based on his species and saying something like "Well...I suppose we can't all be as....tolerant and polite, as you, hm?" He can make people feel SO small. Disappointed Dad Syndrome, but it's worse because Kalvonut is also sorta more like Jedi-Jesus, lmao
12 - What niche thing are they competent at? OH! Oh this one's good - Kalvonut is a particularly mean sabacc player! He can gamble almost anyone under the table, without any Force-Cheating, and it's a regular joke at Jedi Council meetings that if they're going to bet on any particular plan, that Kalvo needs to be the one betting.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
25 for Kalvonut
25. What would they consider the greatest betrayal?
OHHHHHH this is such a good one? Because....Kalvo is *very* calm, and his first response to being betrayed would probably be more along the lines of "Force, what could I have done to help them? To help prevent this? What should I look for?"
So...I think for Kalvonut, the greatest betrayal wouldn't be one where he's betrayed. It would be where someone he cares about betrays themselves - like how Corrain does when he point-blank refuses to allow the Jedi to try and help him heal following his escape from the Emperor's Fortress, betraying everything he knows and cares about as a Jedi to pursue a revenge that he desperately feels is necessary. The same could be said about Syo Bakarn, when the First Son betrays everything that Syo stands for and ignores all the Jedi teaches so dear to Syo - it's that sort of "betrayal of self" that hurts him the most, because as a healer, watching others self-destruct knowing that you cannot help is the WORST kind of pain.
A near second would be a Jedi who ostensibly remains a Jedi condemning others for stupid shit like "being a Red Sith Pureblood" or "once being a Fallen Jedi" - aka the shit Kaedan pulls, but worse, because to Kalvonut that's a hypocrisy that runs counter to everything the Order represents, and betraying the Order's greatest principles while still proclaiming yourself to be part of the Jedi Order is a betrayal of principle, and that's something Kalvonut doesn't forget easily.
Thank you for the ask about my consular bby! he's the softest of soft beans....
Ask game link
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Moonrise Legacy on twitter/socmed
oh god what have I done
Imperial side first!
Elennye Trizz: Social media ghost. She doesn't have any social media that anyone knows about and people are always wondering how the hell she understands any internet memes. (little do they know she makes all the internet memes. she is the origin point. she has 800 gimmick blogs all spouting vaguely republic-critical noise and cat pics. she's a psyop and a half)
Astayr Caleo: surprisingly domestic. Xey have a cooking space-instagram where xey document hir disasters in the kitchen trying to replicate Mandalorian dishes. Torian and Mako feature in some of them as damage control or taste testers. people love how ridiculous it is and cheer when xey manage to make something yummy. Xey never post anything work related and actively block people that try to ask about it.
Sekulyn'torr: before her rise to the Dark Council she mostly just used her social media to troll and annoy other Sith - she's proud to admit she's been suspended from all social media platforms at least three times for threats of violence that offended even the Hutts. (Especially aimed at Thanaton) After their rise to the Dark Council however, they use social media mostly for policy updates and to bait their political opponents into saying some Dumb Shit that they can then use to attack or arrest them. They also occasionally get into twitter-fights with certain ex-Jedi Alliance Commanders.
Republic-side now!
Deitente Verrni: the only completely normal one of the bunch. She uses socmed for life updates and posting cute pictures of her and Aric when they're on dates off duty. She also runs a memorial page for SpecOps soldiers who fell in battle and posts obituaries upon family request.
Kessin Meyka: incendiary radical but also memer. Kessin is *always* in politicians' comment sections aggressively pointing out hypocrisy and claiming wild shit like "uh huh remember the time you tried to pay me to smuggle spice? bitch" which is usually actually true and people hate them for that. They have a library of political memes to put the Jedi archives to shame and always have at least two snappy comebacks ready on demand. their fatal flaw is that they're always commenting on random people's posts like "oh you're cute :) hmu if you need anything...discreet" and it's simultaneously a hilarious business strategy and also really cringe.
Kalvonut: Basically just one of those Inspirational Christian Instagrams, but the Jedi version. it's lowkey tacky but he thinks it's funny and nobody on the council wants to burst his bubble so they just smile and nod. he also gives out pretty decent life advice too though, so while his socmed is THAT his DMs and askboxes and comments are always filled with really sincere advice and well wishes. he's wholesome cringe, basically.
and Zakuulan SocMed (aka Greine family)
Corrain Gealai: While he was a Padawan and Jedi Knight prior to his capture, his social media presence mostly consisted of retweeting/reblogging cool art and occasionally yelling at nuclear-waste-bad takes from some Republic senators - nothing too odd. But after his stint as Lord Lune under Vitiate's control, he doesn't return to social media...until he's unfrozen from carbonite during KOTXX. He immediately starts using his old accounts to post stuff promoting galactic unity against Zakuul. He also does 'blooper reels' where silly Alliance moments that Lana and Theron declassify can be posted - mostly featuring Imperial and Republic troops coexisting or getting into stupid mischief (ex: a video of a food fight where some uppity Sith lord threw applesauce and before long there were nineteen Sith and Jedi just. dripping gravy and being lectured by Sana-rae and Bey'wan while Corrain's in the corner laughing his ass off). His socmed presence is essentially a combination political and PR account that communicates in memes and sass. After he takes Zakuul's throne however, Indo Zal jumps in to manage his public persona. This mostly consists of "please stop telling Saresh's allies and Malgus to go 'karking jump in the interstellar void,' it's bad form" so there's a notable drop in fiery internet debates after this point.
Eiri Greine: pre-KOTXX he has Generic Badguy SocMed just to keep up appearances and occasionally bitch about other Sith Lords. he rarely uses them. Post-KOTXX and his return to Zakuul he deletes everything and starts running a "shit my nephew says" account where he details all of Corrain's shenanigans and other random Eternal Family buffoonery. Iomlan features a lot just with her head in her hands. it's got several billion followers and Corrain is constantly trying to get Eiri to delete that one post about the lightsaber cheese baking incident. Eiri posts updates about Corrain's saga to delete that post. This is a Viral Meme and Eiri is constantly tagging verified accounts in the dumbest shit just to fuck with them.
Iomlan Greine: She doesn't use socmed at all until Corrain's coronation, at which point she develops a very mild case of Cat/Nexu Pic Addiction. Her socmed accounts are all just cute pictures of animals and publicly scolding her son for being an ass, or on occasion tag-teaming with Lana and Theron to publicly shame Corrain into self-care. It works pretty well, and she's confused by the number of people who follow her for cute animal pictures, but she's having fun with it.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
If your Jedis had to disguise themselves as a Sith, how convincing if a job would they do?
So! It kind of depends on when in my story and hence the character development arcs either of my Jedi are disguising themselves as Sith.
If it's early on - like, prologue/chapter 1 timeframe - then both Kalvonut and Corrain are absolute GARBAGE at it. Kalvonut fares somewhat better since he's a Sith Pureblood, but they're both so absolutely wrongfooted trying to act like bloodthirsty jerks - it's comical how wooden their performances are. They're both good people with tender hearts at this stage, so they both struggle trying to playacting as something they intensely do NOT want to be.
In Chapter 2, it changes a bit. Kalvonut is still intensely wholesome and righteous at all times, but he's learning how to play the stately diplomat and that's the face he'd take to playacting as a Sith, which would work okay. Corrain, on the other hand, would still be absolute shit at acting - his issue is that he'd have moments where he's *not* acting and it would scare the shit out of him.
In chapter 3, Kalvonut would be about the same. He could play a politically-minded Sith with reasonable accuracy and can get the haughty attitude just right, as he's had time to mature a little more and settle into his role as a diplomat. He'd be able to maintain this charade for a Long Time if he had to
Corrain, for all intents and purposes, wouldn't need to pretend to be Sith by this point, though. He's a Fallen Jedi as of Chapter 3, chasing revenge on Vitiate, and he'll do what's necessary to get to his goal. It isn't until after Vitiate's death that he starts to heal from this, but even with this experience of pretty much *actually being Sith* he can never fake it well again. Too many memories.
Thank you for the ask, anon friendo!!! 💙💙💙
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sunderedazem · 2 years
🍇What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
Corrain (Knight/Outlander) - Sleepless Friend - This is the friend you actively worry about. Not because he's doing something illegal or causing drama, but because you genuinely don't know the last time he ate or slept on purpose. He's always the first one to volunteer to help someone else out but in the same breath he's completely oblivious to his own issues and needs. you've got to kick him in the seat of the pants from time to time.
Kalvonut (Consular) - "Mom" Friend - but in the kind of resigned way where he's not going to STOP you from doing something batshit insane, he'll just sigh disapprovingly, maybe warn you once or twice, and then be ready with bandaids and ice packs when you inevitably hurt yourself. he's the one that bails you out of jail and gives you hugs when you're upset, no questions asked.
Kessin (Smuggler) - the Party Animal Friend. Somehow they know ALL the best parties to go to, AND they've got the fake IDs to get you in if you need it. 10/10 a terrible influence, but they'll kick ass if someone looks at you wrong and they absolutely take shit seriously when it's their turn to be the Designated Driver. Having fun is only surpassed by being safe in their book, and they can and will frog-march you home if you get blackout drunk. They're the one to ask for info on the least-sketchy bars and clubs.
Deitente (Trooper) - Can't-Relax Friend. She's the one you go to for a good time that's also a clean time. She's the one that always knows the best local restaurants and scenic spots and also organizes every surprise party ever. you never just sit around and do nothing - she *will* find something for you to do out of the house! god forbid you catch her actually RELAXING for once in her life.
Eiri (Warrior) - Tired of Socializing Friend. You go to his house, play video games in silence for three hours, you go home. Sometimes you even talk to each other about books you've liked recently, and you bitch about all the assholes you both know. He's the one you don't need to do stuff with or really talk to to just. be able to hang out with, quietly. he wordlessly makes you hot chocolate when you're sad, throws blankets at you, and turns on the shittiest sitcom ever so you laugh.
Sekulyn (Inquisitor) - Broken All the Laws Friend. This is the one who's got your back 100% but will also show up to a knife fight with a bazooka, flamethrower, and a pack of grenades. They don't necessarily ASK you to do illegal shit, but you've heard very true stories about how they've gotten away with arson and grand larceny at least seven times and each story is different. you're 90% sure that if you weren't friends that they'd have to kill you, but they manage to keep you out of their shady shit pretty well out of respect? you're not sure and you don't ask.
Astayr (Bounty Hunter) - Shit-stirrer Friend. Like the Party Animal, but she doesn't go to a party just to have a good time, she goes and starts shit. Most of the time it's because Xey've gone and thrown someone into a wall for groping someone else's ass, a fight starts, and by the time it's 2 am you're both sitting in jail drunk off your ass and laughing. On the rare occasion xey DON'T start a barfight, xey get roaring drunk, kiss a bunch of people, and eventually find two people that will start a fight for xir amusement. Do not tell her ANY gossip in the AITA vein or you will get a confrontation between her and whomever the asshole is.
Elennye (Imp Agent) - Tough Love Friend. She's the one you call when you get into shit and Kalvonut is too busy rescuing kittens to pick you up. She will berate you for being stupid even as she's patching you up, but her advice is always sound even if it's not what you want to hear. She doesn't mince words and she's never nice for the sake of being nice, but she's the person to call when you need some sense shaken into you.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
You didn't specify which OC, so I'm going for all of them! (Hope that's okay. Hehe)
Corrain (Knight/Outlander) - not really. If it's a low probability but still possible situation, then yes, 'luck' exists. But random chance is random chance to him, he doesn't have anything he thinks will affect it one way of the other.
(He believes in fate eventually, though. Being the son of a Zakuulan Scion and prone to pretty vivid visions himself, it's hard for him to not think that some things are just. Inevitable)
Kalvonut (Consular) - he thinks it's more 'the will of the Force' than anything, but he keeps his mother's brow piercings in a safebox, and he tends to just...look at them for a few minutes before any important or dangerous undertaking. It's not quite prayer, but it's close.
Kessin (Smuggler) - yes. They're superstitious AF. They have "lucky blasters" lmao. But hey! It seems to work for them.
Deitente (Trooper) - absolutely not. Everything she and her team have is due to hard work, skill, and sometimes the obnoxious interference of political bullshit.
Eiri (Warrior) - not luck. Fate. Given that he is both son of and brother to two powerful Scions of Zakuul, he disbelieves in luck completely.
Sekulyn (Inquisitor) - Sort of? They do rain dances for fun and ABSOLUTELY kiss their partner (Andronikos, then later Acina) for luck, but if you seriously asked her if she believes in luck they'd be offended. (They're not even sure if they believe in luck. Maybe when it's a convenient explanation, lmao)
Astayr (Bounty Hunter) - no way. Xey attribute every one of hir unlikely triumphs to pure skill. To hir credit, that's mostly accurate.
Elennye (Imp Agent) - math reigns supreme and luck is just probability working in people's favor. She's with Corrain on this one.
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I love answering these things :3
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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My Jedi Consular - Kalvonût
Kalvonût - who bears a name formed from the Sith words "kaar/kaal (keeper) + won/von (to free) + ût (nominal verb modifier)" - is my Jedi Consular, and is one of the staunchest "lightsiders" in my current legacy. Born to a Pureblood Sith Lord on Dromund Kaas, he and his mother had to flee to Nar Shaddaa when she was discovered to be a member of the Revanite cult and earned the Dark Council's ire. Kalvonut was little more than a young toddler at the time - a fact that the Bounty Hunters tracking them down used in their favor.
Kalvonut survived the bounty hunter's attack thanks to the timely intervention of a nearby Jedi Master, Orgus Din. However, while Orgus managed to protect the young Kalvonut, his mother wasn't so lucky, and suffered fatal injuries during the struggle. Dying, she asked the Jedi to protect her son from the Sith Empire, who she knew would hunt him down given his association with her - and though he is baffled by this request from an apparent Sith Lord, Orgus agrees, and thus, Kalvonut grows up as a Jedi Initiate in the Temple on Coruscant - at least until its destruction.
Throughout the rest of his time in the Order, Kalvo maintains a close relationship with the man who saved his life, and eventually also forms a bond with Orgus's Padawan, Corrain, who he views as a younger sibling. He makes a point of regularly holocalling both of them, just to chat about his latest research, and after Corrain's imprisonment and fall to the Dark Side, he's one of the few Jedi that can break through Corrain's defensive shell, and is instrumental in (well, trying to) help the younger Jedi heal.
A gifted healer both by nature and choice, Kalvonut's personality is fairly reticent and gentle, and he genuinely dislikes conflict and tries to circumvent it through diplomacy whenever possible. This tendency is pointedly expressed when dealing with species-ism - as a Sith Pureblood, he's more than used to getting odd looks or outright hostility. However, instead of outright retaliation, Kalvonut has developed a kind of deliberately-oblivious, polite snobbery - instead of getting upset, he becomes aggressively optimistic and cheerful, and snubs any attempts at interaction or provocation until the offending individual either apologizes, storms off in a huff, or otherwise departs.
His primary interests lie mostly in books and research, and he's especially interested in Revan and the Revanites, as he knows of his late mother's affiliations though he's not quite sure of what that means in the wider context of the galaxy until later. However, even this discovery - that his mother had a direct hand in Revan's plans - isn't enough to shake his dedication to the Jedi. Kalvonut remains a trusted member of the Jedi Council and the Barsen'thor of the Order for life, focusing most of his efforts on rebuilding and growing the Order following Zakuul's invasions and the final death of Valkorion.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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So this is the point I'm at-
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