#kessin meyka
sunderedazem · 1 year
“whenever you get stressed, you do this thing with your hands. what is it?”
For Corr plz
(Odessen, following the assault on Voss, and Arcann's early defection to the Alliance)
It's...very strange, having a brother again. Especially after losing Thexan to his own blind rage and jealousy. Especially when that new brother is, by right of birth order and raw strength in the Force, the rightful heir to the throne of Zakuul, even if he had been dismissive of his claim to the throne the one time Arcann had brought it up. Especially when that new brother is a half-brother, older made younger through the preservation of Carbonite, and the parent they share brought horror and pain to both of them in such different ways.
He didn't think Corrain would find it in his heart to forgive him, after he'd nearly killed the now-younger man on Asylum, impaling him clean through on a furious lightsaber. Not after he'd ravaged the galaxy Corrain so loved, glassed planets and terrorized billions simply because he could, because he was angry at the world and couldn't take it out on Valkorion. But then Corrain had found him on Voss, had quietly confirmed their shared father - and had stretched out a hand and said "...I cannot forgive you for anyone but myself, but if you want atonement...I can help you start somewhere, Arcann."
And now here he is, standing at Corrain's side as the tiny man paces around the holotable with the Alliance's latest reports, his long white hair tied back in a neat plait. He's rubbing at the base of his neck again, a habit Arcann has slowly noticed that occurs whenever he's particularly anxious about something. But before he can say anything, can ask any questions- Lana catches the offending hand in hers, pulling the slight Jedi to a halt, and plants a soft kiss on the nape of Corrain's neck.
"Relax, my sweet Jedi," she murmurs softly. Arcann turns away, feeling like he's intruded on something precious in spite of how they're standing in the command suite, in plain view of everyone. He's not the only one to do so either - he can see Eiri rolling his eyes pointedly, and the Togruta smuggler who's been such an impressively disruptive force for his supply lines, Kessin, also makes a face and looks away. It's not unusual for Lana or Theron to need to drag Corrain into a moment of calm, he's come to learn. Nor is it unusual for them to clearly display their affection for each other, with the odd side-effect of often quieting his brother's more passionate moments - as if he can only find peace within their presence.
But as Theron wanders over to help Lana corral their agitated Commander out of his nervous pacing, he can't help but wonder about the odd tic here - one that warrants simultaneous attention from both of his brother's partners. He bites his lip on the question, trying not to allow it to cross his tongue. The answer can come in due time, he's sure. When the memory of Valkorion's bitter ache on their pasts rings less clear.
And then Kessin clears their throat, absently flipping one of their lekku around their throat like a violet scarf.
"Oi, ex-tyrant, c'mere for a second," they call.
It stings - but he sighs heavily, turns away from where his brother is leaning into Lana's shoulder, a cold distance in those thunderstorm eyes, and follows them. He's led only a short distance away, just out of earshot of everyone clustered around the holotable - and then Kessin growls at him a little. Belatedly, he remembers that Togruta are carnivores.
"Okay, listen," they snap, but there's an unusual gravity to their voice and he can't help but straighten up somewhat at the tone. "You're about to ask about the reason why Cor's got both the Sith lady and spyboy on him right now, yeah? I can see you watching him when he paces like that."
Arcann doesn't have the heart to lie, so he nods once and then tucks his hands behind his back.
"Well...more precisely, I wanted to ask about the thing he's doing with his hands - where he rubs at the back of his neck," he confesses. "He...does it often, it seems, when he's anxious or stressed, and it's unusual. I wasn't about to ask NOW though, I'm not quite that foolish. Lana has already threatened my life at least four times."
Kessin appears only slightly appeased by that, and they lean back against the stone wall with an eye roll. They're taller than him, Arcann notices idly, though that's mostly due to their arcing montrals.
"Tactful choice," they comment lightly. Then they're quiet for a minute before their expression softens marginally. "Look. You're one of the few people in the galaxy I hate as much as Sith, but Cor's decided you're worth the effort somehow, and he's right about ninety percent of the time. So lemme give you some advice. If you ask about the neck tic - have a few bottles of alcohol with you, and put Lana or Theron on standby. I was there for part of uh...his particular incident. It's a hell of a story, and he's still shattered by it, in a lot of ways."
Arcann stares, a little flabbergasted.
"You- aren't trying to warn me away?" He asks, stunned. Kessin's expression hardens again.
"...no. Not when...well. This involves your father. His father. Ugh. The karking piece of shit Sith Emperor. You already know the little Commander hates your dad. This is related to why."
Arcann can feel his blood boil at the mention of Valkorion's other incarnation - and suddenly the way Lana and Theron are tag-teaming his younger- older?- brother into a semblance of calm makes far more sense.
"Then thank you for your guidance, Captain Meyka," he says, tone low. "I'm grateful."
They snort, but there's no bite in it.
"It's not for you, jackass."
He manages to catch Corrain alone later that evening, after carefully approaching Lana - suicidal, probably, but she'd just raised an eyebrow at him and nodded curtly, then shot off to find Theron - and the location is ideal. Arcann almost wonders if either the Sith lord or former Republic spy that his brother loves so much had suggested the young commander come out here.
The Odessen wilds are beautiful, after all. Calming but cold, steady but melancholic- a strange, delicate tightrope between pain and peace. And Corrain sits calmly in the grass, meditating. Arcann can feel him in the Force, like the warmth of a summer thunderstorm, clean ozone and soft rain and muggy heat, and dangerous potential. Storms can build, he knows - and Corrain feels like he's been waiting for the sky to break for years.
"You, uh...noticed my little habit, did you?" Corrain asks as he approaches. Arcann reaches for him without speaking, brushing the edge of his awareness against his brother's as carefully as he can, hesitantly projecting both worry and curiosity and the ache that wishes he knew this new sibling better- and Corrain turns to look at him and smiles wryly.
"I'm not going to break anytime soon, Arcann, you don't have to just tap me like that," he says- and then he sees the bag in Arcann's hand, a bottle of Alderaanian wine and a couple cups peeking out- and he laughs. There's a rueful twist to it.
"I was...warned this may help make the conversation smoother," Arcann explains with a sheepish frown, and pauses next to a patch of grass next to the Jedi. "Ah, may I-"
"Sit your ass down," Corrain laughs again, and there's no bitterness in the sound anymore. Arcann does as invited. "And alright, I might crack a bit. Who told you to bring wine?"
Arcann hesitates, then shrugs.
"Captain Meyka."
Corrain groans, a little exasperated, but fond.
"Classic Kess," he sighs. "Alright then. Ask."
Arcann pauses, regarding Corrain for a long moment. This close, his relation to Valkorion is distinct, but not obvious - there's a similarity in their faces that eludes definition- and then of course, there are those stormy grey-blue eyes. Valkorion had that eye color, once.
Corrain just watches him, white eyebrows hiding behind his bangs.
"My original question was going to be to ask why you rubbed at your neck when you were anxious...but I was informed it was related to our father, so-"
He doesn't miss the way Corrain's entire expression curls into a snarl at the mention of Valkorion, nor the way his thunderstorm aura crackles into static electricity and howling anger, a cyclone of hatred forming in the blink of an eye- and Arcann can almost taste the satisfaction of his own answering fury on his tongue. After all - it was this hate, it's intensity and passion which had convinced him to join his younger brother.
"...Darth Vitiate held me captive for almost two years," Corrain says finally, and reaches for the collar of his shirt, tugging it open and pushing the fabric down to bare the upper part of his back and neck. And Arcann freezes at the sight of raised, ropy scars striping over pale skin, at the jagged lines of stark white cut into the nape of the Jedi's neck. There's so many, he realizes. And some are layered over each other, as if to rip open old injuries for added pain.
When he lifts his head to meet his brother's gaze again, he can swear those grey eyes flash acid gold.
"He implanted a shock collar." The quiet voice is like ice. "Wired it directly into my spinal column while I was awake to feel the agony. Used it to punish me when I wouldn't kill for him, then forced me to kill anyway."
Ah. Arcann's expression sours, like a flame forced to smolder, and Corrain grins in answer. It's not a nice smile- there's a feral bloodlust in it, and the promise of vengeance. Arcann knows from his knowledge of the Jedi that it's not something they'd encourage. But it's what convinced him to follow - the genuine pain, the rage, the kinship it creates between them. The sure knowledge that this young storm - his brother, his younger sibling, found in the worst of ways - is his best chance at truly seeing Valkorion fall.
And yet- he can't shake the guilt, the sorrow for what he's done. For the suffering that must be having their father's spirit rattling around inside Corrain's subconscious. There's too much of Thexan's strength of heart in Corrain to see it lost to Tyth's fire and Izax's desolation.
So he reaches out, steadier this time, and lets his youngest sibling feel the weight of his promise.
"I will see his hold on you broken, little brother," Arcann swears, and it tastes a little like hope. "I will see you free again."
And Corrain softens back into kindness and summer rain and the smell of the earth after a nourishing rainstorm, and his smile turns true.
"And I, you, Arcann. And I, you."
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Moonrise Legacy Masterpost (WIP)
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Lead Character:
Jedi Knight/Outlander: Corrain Gealai (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual trans man
- Romance: Lana and Theron (OT3 - they're poly!)
- Nicknames: Cor, Cory
- Character Intro Link!
The character creator in SWTOR won't let him have the long ponytail he's supposed to have, so here's an art piece I commissioned from @stellorc as a supplement!
Others below readmore!
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Jedi Consular: Kalvonut Amohtarsi (Sith Pureblood)
- Gender/Sexuality: AroAce cis man
- QPR (tentative): Arcann
- Nicknames: Kalvo, Kal
- Character Intro Link!
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Trooper: Deitente Verrni (Cathar)
- Gender/Sexuality: Cishet woman
- Romance: Aric Jorgan
- Nicknames: Dei
- Character Intro Link
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Smuggler: Kessin Meyka (Togruta)
- Gender/Sexuality: Genderfluid, Pansexual (any pronouns, prefers they/them)
- Romance (sorta, it's complicated): Risha Drayen
- Nicknames: Kess, Capn
- Character Intro Link
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Sith Warrior: Eiri Greine (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual cis man
- Romance(tentative): Tau Idair (eventual)
- Nicknames: Riri (for Vette and Tau's use ONLY)
- Character Intro Link
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Sith Inquisitor: Sekulyn'torr (Twi'lek)
- Gender/Sexuality: Nonbinary (she/they), and pansexual
- Romance: Andronikous (casual, temporary), Acina (wife)
- Nicknames: Lyn
- Character Intro Link
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Bounty Hunter: Astayr Caleo (Human)
- Gender/Sexuality: Queer (it's complicated!) demigirl, (she/xe)
- Romance: Torian Cadera
- Nicknames: Cyare/Cyar'ika (from Torian), Ash (from others)
- Character Intro Link
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Imperial Agent: Elennye Trizz (Zabrak)
- Gender/Sexuality: lesbian cis woman
- Romance: Vaylin? (eventual, they're awkward about it for eons)
- Nicknames: Elen/Len
- Character Intro Link
I'll update with Intro Links as I get them!
BONUS Cursed Content Link >:3c
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Which one of your Ocs is most likely to get themselves killed in the dumbest way possible?
And how did they gotten themselves killed?
Oh, huh! My bad, this is a late answer!
In short....either Kessin or Astayr, but probably Kessin.
Neither of those two could ever back down from a challenge, whether it's swoop racing, bar-wide barfights, or a drinking competition - but the difference is that Kessin is...a bit of a cocksure show-off, and therefore more likely to kick it by accident. Astayr is pure professional - xey might agree to a dumbass challenge in jest, but xey take it deadly serious. Kessin...well. They taunt and laugh through it.
Dumbest way Kessin would probably die? Trying to bait a rancor somehow.
Thanks for the ask! :D
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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Crescent Moon Rising
CH 3 - Kessin Meyka
Corrain woke up the next morning to a series of cheery whistles right by his face and the soft warmth of a spare cloak draped over top of him. His master was in the corner of the room, seemingly discussing something with a flickering hologram of Master Satele in low tones that nearly sent him right back to sleep - until the trickling memories of the days prior crept in, the iron tang of Flesh Raider blood haunting his dreams edging into the waking world for just a moment. And then he lurched upright, pulse suddenly cascading inside his skull like a roaring waterfall, the current carrying him away. The edges of his vision flickered, flashes of brilliant sky blue and the shuddering crackle of something electric sizzling just out of his peripheral vision.
And then he fell off the pallet and promptly landed on his elbow, sending a surge of painful fuzz through his arm and up his shoulder.
“Ow! Karking-”
He froze, then looked up with wide eyes to see Orgus gazing down at him, the corner of his mouth twitching even as he tried to look slightly disapproving. Meanwhile, on the holo, Satele waited calmly, watching them both with something like amusement in her gaze. Ah. Right. Frick.
“Uh. Sorry. Good morning?”
Read the rest at the link below!
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Crescent Moon Rising - Surrender (WIP)
Okay! This is the full draft section from the Six Sentence Sunday Snippet that I posted earlier. It IS subject to revision, of course, but as for right now this is The Plan!
Context: Corrain is the only member of his crew that is trapped on board the Emperor's Fortress when the mission to Redeem the Emperor goes horribly wrong. He's taken prisoner, tortured, and when the Emperor's Child Force-brainfuckery fails, he's put under Castellan mind-control and given an implanted shock collar. He and Scourge escape a year and a half later by stealing an Imperial Shuttle - and the Emperor's Hand promptly put a Blacklist bounty on Corrain's head. Only, they don't want people to know their pet Jedi has gotten loose, so they falsify the mark. Astayr (BH, LS) takes it, chases them down to Nar Shaddaa - and Kessin (Smuggler, Neutral) is recruited to get them in contact with the Jedi and Republic. They end up meeting on Alderaan- and Corrain surrenders to the Republic by tossing Kira his lightsabers, and my Consular takes custody of him. (Five of my OCs are present at this exchange)
The glow of angry ruby plasma sizzled in the air, one of his lightsabers glowing in Kira’s hands, and suddenly cloying, choking anxiety clawed at the inside of his chest, nauseating guilt grinding his stomach into pulp as the dawning horror broke over her face. She stared wordlessly at the bled blade, and then, as Jun turned to her with a raised eyebrow, he saw the glitter of moisture on her eyelashes, visible even from meters away behind the transparisteel visor of the mask sitting heavy on his face, hiding his identity. At his side, Scourge stood silent, the Force an iron wall about him even as Corrain could feel power crackling through his entire body like poison, burning as it went, the numb fear-fury feeding its advance a knot of pain in his chest. Behind him somewhere, Kessin’s soft inhale of horror echoed the cracking facade his friend- former friend, former Padawan - wore across a trembling lower lip.
He wanted to comfort her, to tell her it was insignificant, an easily-fixable mistake. He wanted to yank his lightsabers back into his hands, draw them both, send the now-reddened lightsaber blades spinning into Scourge’s neck, just to be sure he couldn’t drag Corrain back to that hellhole Fortress and tear him apart again- just to be sure- He wanted to cry, to curl up in a dark corner somewhere and waste away. He wanted it all to disappear, the past year little more than a vivid nightmare, for him to awaken whole and free. He wanted to rage, to break things - fragments of his whole past - into pieces so small they could never all be collected. He wanted to take Vitiate and tear him apart, watch him choke on his own blood - he wanted the everpresent threat to his free will destroyed.
And yet- he knew this haunting rage would only upset Kira. It would upset T7, upset Doc and Kess and Kalvo maybe even Rusk, even if it was only because they knew a version of him that was kind and naive and committed to the Jedi over everything else, rather than this bitter, angry shell. And it paralyzed him, made him doubt himself, even as the familiar cold shadows of the Dark Side called to him, swelling through him like a flood through a funnel, feeding off the terror threatening to drown him. But there wasn’t any other choice for him, not anymore. Not after he’d let the spark in his heart explode into a storm of lightning, not after Vitiate had torn open his mind and dragged out the cruelty and darkness buried so deep within in him, not after he’d been stripped of everything that had made him who he was. Not after he’d been pressed into the mold of a Sith and come out a broken puppet with blood on its hands. Vitiate had to die for him to be free again, and for that he had to be strong. But even his Fall hadn’t freed him from the Emperor - it had only proved he was dangerous, that the darkness inside him needed to be choked off, strangled at its source. And yet - and yet he did not know if he could let go. If he could once again be the person that Master Orgus had trained.
Master Orgus.
He choked on his breath suddenly at the memory, emotion cresting high and tight against the back of his throat. His master, who had tried to protect him from beyond the grave. Who had asked Kaedan to look out for him, who had trained Bengal Morr, the only Jedi that had tried to rescue him. Orgus, who had died trying to shield him from Darth Angral. The man who had believed in him, so fiercely that his spirit followed him into the heart of the Sith Empire and reached for him there, even as he was lost in the dark, eyes glowing yellow. And now Kira, who was looking at the corrupted lightsabers in her hands like her world was falling apart. Kira, who’d defied the Emperor twice and won, who’d thrown away everything she’d known at ten years old. The Padawan he’d been so incredibly fortunate to help train, now a Knight, who had held him while he’d cried after Orgus had died. Kira, who’d stood at his side until he’d fallen to the Emperor’s lightning and ordered her to run. And Kalvonût - the Jedi who had been as his elder brother for so long, carefully helping him through the loss of Master Orgus, gentle even in the face of his grieving anger. The man who had nothing but kindness in his heart, even when the only words Corrain could muster were cruel or despairing. And Kessin, who had sent them stupid holomemes ever since their first meeting on Tython, who had come for him even when he was for all intents and purposes Sith, when they hated Sith more than anything else.
For them, he could try. He could try to be the person he once was, for their sake. He had to.
“...Kira?” he said, hating the uncertain tremor in his voice and the grating muffled sound that his mask overlaid on each word. She looked up from the lightsaber then, flicked the blade off and let the deep ruby beam of plasma disappear. Across the soft plain, Jun paused, and Master Kaedan cocked his head to the side, both visibly confused by his focus on the young Knight. But she just shook her head, hooking his surrendered lightsabers onto her belt, eyes still wet even as she laughed, voice thick with grief.
“...Did…did you do this? To my master’s lightsabers?” she whispered then, the dark azure of her gaze pinned to the eye plating of his mask. At his side, Scourge stood silent, true to his word that he would say nothing of Corrain’s choice, merely watching. The cold metal in the back of his neck burned, a reminder of the price of defiance. A price he’d pay over and over again, if it meant he could do something to undo what had been done to him.
“The Emperor did,” he answered, voice still tremulous and faint, and on his other side he could feel the waves of horror of Kessin’s dawning realization. “He broke the kyber crystals, bled them so I wouldn’t have anything left of who I once was. And then…he…he broke me too.”
It was now or never, and so he reached up, hooking gloved fingers under the lip of his mask and pressing the release catches. Cool Alderaanian air stung his burning gaze, chilling the dampness of tears on his cheeks into frost as the seal broke. Churning fear bubbled under his skin, the crackling draw of the Dark tugging at him. But- they deserved to know. Kira deserved to know. Satele too, and Kalvonût. And so, hands shaking, he pulled the helmet over his head, letting long white hair spill free, and dropped the mask onto the soft soil below his boots. Scourge clicked his tongue in mild disapproval, shaking his head irritably. But there was a certain begrudging admiration there too, deeply hidden in the dark burn of his presence in the Force.
“I suppose we never could snuff out that last little spark of light in you, Jedi, no matter how far you Fell,” the Sith scoffed, ignoring the sudden shock rippling off the Jedi across from them, and the mild surprise of the Mandalorian hunter watching them from the trees, horror mixed with relief and joy evident in their expressions. Kaedan in particular looked stricken, the ashes of his promise with Orgus blowing away in a cold Alderaanian breeze. And then Kira took a shaky step forward.
“Corrain?” she called, uncertainly, recoiling slightly when his gaze met hers, once-grey eyes poisoned with golden yellow. He flinched on instinct, tension pulling on his every muscle, cloying terror creeping up the back of his throat again. Since when had he flinched at shadows, and feared the Jedi?
“...I’m sorry I took so long, Kira,” he forced out, blood pounding in his ears. He blinked as the mountainous horizon blurred - another frigid arc curved down his cheek. Kira’s face was a sudden smudge, all the emotion currently pent up inside him finally starting to boil over, escaping. The frigid burn of the metal implants against his spine ached then, and he had to fight back a wave of raw dread, irrationally expecting pain to explode through his head and down his back, searing him from the inside out. The air felt thin suddenly, weak, like there wasn’t enough oxygen saturating the atmosphere. “I-I’m sorry…I c-couldn’t-”
The clack of heavy weaponry being put away suddenly echoed across the plain, the Republic soldiers - Deitente? Was that Havoc Squad? - all holstering their weapons at a gesture from their leader, her feline blue eyes bright with understanding, and then Kalvonût strode forward, raw compassion like a sun shining from behind his face, so bright he had to duck away. The Sith Jedi reached out slowly, movements deliberately lethargic as if to give him time to pull away, and as he set both hands on Corrain’s shoulders, gentle and grounding, a soft curtain of peace and stillness fell over the chaotic roaring in his ears. He choked on his own breath, the panic and grief and pain rising in his chest clashing with Kalvonût’s gentle aura, friction vibrating in the air between them. He could feel the sparks starting to form in his palms, shadows gathering to cool his blood.
“Kalvo- I-”
“It’s all right, Corrain,” he said gently, and after a few slow heartbeats Kalvonût gently pulled him in, wrapping both arms around him protectively. The shadows at his back wavered- dissipated- and then broke, and Kalvonût’s presence around him swept warmly into the void at his back. “Breathe. You’re alive. And you’re safe now.”
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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My Smuggler - Kessin Meyka!
Kessin is the unscrupulous, smacktalking genderfluid gunslinger of my Moonrise legacy, and while they're a little on the boastful side, for the most part they can back up all any claims they make. They've been running the hyperlanes since they were a teenager, making their first successful shipment just before the Sacking of Coruscant, and while they'll do just about anything if the price is right, they do have three rules that they follow.
Rule One - no hard drugs. They'll smuggle weapons wherever, freight rare species for poachers, and are more than happy to run sneak shipments of banned luxury items around the galaxy, but spice is a hard no for them after it devastated their community and left them bereft of parents at a young age. Rule Two - No leaving kids out to dry, especially if they're orphaned or otherwise without someone who can keep them safe. Kessin will deny this soft spot to most people's faces, but their past experience raising their younger siblings as a teen parent has made it very difficult for them to quit adopting kids.
And finally, Rule Three - Sith get shot on sight.
Kessin's vendetta against the Sith Empire is very straightforward, and stems from one single incident - the destruction of the Jedi Temple. For while Kessin did raise their twin little sisters for the majority of their teenage years, eventually the Jedi found their Force-sensitive siblings and Kessin was all too happy to see their younger sisters go to a safe, kind home. The three siblings - the last of their family group on Coruscant - kept in contact for a year afterward, and Kessin was a regular guest around the Temple grounds, right up until they bought their starship and went on their first freight delivery off Coruscant.
It was while Kessin was offworld that the Sacking of the Jedi Temple occurred - and neither of their younger sisters survived.
Kessin has held a long-standing grudge against the Republic and Jedi Order ever since this incident, irrationally blaming them for the loss of the last members of their family, but it pales in comparison to their hatred for the Sith. Knowing of their loss, Master Bela Kiwiiks has on occasion taken it upon herself to try and reach out to this young smuggler, and the two of them maintain a distant relationship, slightly soured by the fact that Kessin feels the need to blame the Jedi (to avoid blaming themselves) for their siblings' deaths.
Aside from their Three Rules, Kessin has no qualms breaking the laws of a nation that failed to prevent their sisters' deaths, and frequently gets into minor altercations with gangsters and lawmen on the various planets they visit. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that they're an adrenaline junkie and genuinely enjoy the chaos of a good barfight, and have a cocksure, sandpaper personality that often runs counter to finding a peaceful resolution. They're the kind of person you'd want to have your back, but not your diary, unless you've accidentally become one of their Adoptive Siblings. (It also doesn't help that they are a massively obnoxious flirt - with everyone except Corso, who was Little Brother-zoned in the first five minutes.)
Kessin is about to make their debut appearance in "Crescent Moon Rising" where they will be flirting with Ranna until she practically turns into a Lethan Twi'lek, and probably berating Corrain for existing and 'not helping' Kalikori village until they notice that A) Corrain is a Padawan, B) he's about two hands shorter than them, and C) is about the same age their younger sisters would've been. (Corrain is Adopted. He is not aware of this. Kessin figures they'll tell him later XD)
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sunderedazem · 2 years
incorrect SWTOR quotes generator
I saw this going around and had to jump on board with my Moonrise legacy and some of the ships/friendships there. Generator Link Here. Ship indicators are done ao3-style (slash = ship or qpr, ampersad = plain friendship, v. = rivalry or enmity)
And this got really fucking long so I hid most of the non-OT3 ones under a readmore for your scrolling convenience sjdhfakjdfadfgjasd
Corrain, in Lana’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Theron, climbing past Corrain: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR- - Lana: Corrain ! What did I tell you about lying? Corrain , looking down: ...That it only works on Theron. - Theron: *looks at Corrain * Theron: Baby boy. Baby. Theron: *looks at Lana* Theron: Evil. - Corrain : Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Theron: I’m “a couple of things”. Lana: I’m “got distracted”. - Lana: *speaking Spanish* Theron: I know, I know. Corrain: You speak Spanish? Theron: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Lana speaks. - Theron: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it? Lana, looking at Theron: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful? Theron and Lana in unison: *sighs* Corrain - Corrain: If you water water, it grows. Lana: ...What. Theron: They've got a point. - Lana, watching Corrain do something stupid: Theron, you're officially only the second highest risk here. Theron: Hell yeah! I'm gonna— Lana: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
Torian/Astayr & Mako
Mako: Hey, Torian, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Torian: Yeah. Mako: And you, Astayr? Astayr: Umm... yes? Mako: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Astayr: Did they just- - Mako: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Torian: They do. Astayr: ...Why did you say that with such certainty? - Torian: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Astayr: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Astayr: Would you like me to tutor you? Mako: That was smooth. - Astayr: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Mako: Did Torian say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Astayr: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL– - Torian, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Astayr: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Torian: Ohhhh- Mako: Both of you get out of this kitchen. - Torian: I didn't drink that much last night. Mako: You were flirting with Astayr. Torian: So what? They're my partner. Mako: You asked if they were single. Mako: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Kessin/Risha & Corso
Kessin: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things. Risha, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too. Corso: Wow, Kessin was late too! What a coincidence! - Corso, walking into Risha and Kessin’s bedroom in the middle of the night: I had a bad dream. Risha: What was it about? Kessin: No, don’t ask them that! Risha: Why not? Kessin: Cause they’ll answer! - Corso: Ooh, somebody has a crush Kessin: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Risha I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. *Later that night* Kessin, very much awake: Uh oh. - Risha: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Kessin: Corso, probably. - Kessin, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top? Corso: Risha's in the kitchen. - Risha : I have a bad feeling about this... Kessin: What do you mean? Risha : Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Kessin: No? Corso: That actually explains so much.
Aric/Deitente v. Garza Aric: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Deitente: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Aric: ... Aric: You mean ring bearER, right? Deitente: ... Aric: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. - Deitente: Do you feel any better? Aric: I feel much better now that you here with me. *Garza walks in* Aric: I feel half better. - Deitente, Entering Aric's room: Garza did it again. Aric: Peace disturbance? Deitente: What no- Aric: Arson..? Deitente: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Aric: uh....Attempted murder? Deitente: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU- - Garza: Did you take out Deitente as I requested? Aric: Deitente has been taken out, yes. Garza: You have my grat- Aric: It was a great restaurant. Aric: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. Aric: Deitente proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers. - Garza: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Aric’* Deitente: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Acina/Sekulyn & Ashara (& Khem Val) Ashara: Everyone synchronize your watches. Khem Val: I don't know how to do that. Acina: I don't wear a watch. Sekulyn: Time is a construct. - *Everyone is playing a board game together* Khem Val: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Ashara: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Sekulyn: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Acina: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Sekulyn: *flips the board* - Ashara: Why are your tongues purple? Acina: We had slushies. I had a blue one. Sekulyn: I had a red one. Ashara: oh. Ashara: Ashara: OH. Khem Val: Khem Val: You drank each others slushies? - Ashara: I hope you have an explanation for this. Sekulyn: We have three actually- Acina: Pick your favorite. - Sekulyn: Where are you going? Acina: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Sekulyn: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Ashara, knowing full well that Sekulyn got Acina an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Corrain & Kira & Scourge
Corrain: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Kira: Yeah- Scourge: *kicks in the door* - Kira: Scourge won’t come out of their room! Corrain: Just tell them I said something. Kira: Like what? Corrain: Anything factually incorrect. Kira, shrugging: If you say so. Scourge, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET? - Scourge: Kira, I know you love Corrain. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely. Scourge: But I think they might be a fucking idiot. - Kira: Corrain got into a fight. Scourge: That’s bad. Scourge: Scourge: Did they win? - Corrain: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it. Scourge: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side. Kira: YO SOCRATES! IT'S A FUCKING COOKIE!
Kalvonut/Arcann & Corrain Arcann: Are you a painting? Kalvonut: What-? Arcann: Because I want to pin you to a wall. Corrain: OH GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY YOU WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING- - Kalvonut: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Arcann's birthday invitations. Corrain: Well, what are they supposed to say? Kalvonut: "Arcann's birthday". Corrain: So, what do they say instead? Kalvonut: "Arcann’s bi". Corrain: Corrain: Works out either way. - Arcann: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close. Kalvonut, blushing: Okay. Corrain: It's fucking summer. - Kalvonut: When Arcann was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world." Corrain: Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition." - Arcann: I asked Kalvonut out. Corrain: Oh, I’m sorry. Arcann: Why? Corrain: Well, I assume they said no. Arcann: No, they said yes. Corrain: Really? Then I’m sorry for them. - Arcann: *yawns* Kalvonut: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Arcann: Then you must be exhuasted. Corrain: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Elennye/Vaylin & Corrain Vaylin: Did Elennye just tell me they loved me for the first time? Corrain: Yeah, they did. Vaylin: And did I just do finger guns back? Corrain: Yeah, you did. - Elennye: What time is it? Vaylin: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Vaylin: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Corrain: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Vaylin: It’s 2 am - Elennye: God, I love Vaylin. Corrain: Yeah, you fucking better. - Elennye: Vaylin is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! Corrain: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE! - Vaylin: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Elennye: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Vaylin: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Corrain, recording: This is so cute.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
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I was tagged by @magicallulu7! Here's the first six lines from the next chapter of 'Crescent Moon Rising'! (We'll be back in Corrain's POV for most of it, and will hopefully get to 'meet' Kalvonut!)
With Captain Meyka’s assistance to the people of Kalikori village secured - and made entirely legal by what Master Orgus called “tea cake diplomacy,” in which several influential Jedi Master sat down with various senators and ostensibly had tea, which thereafter somehow resulted in Captain Meyka being shortlisted to become a Republic Privateer, of all things - the supply shortages in Kalikori began to slowly abate. Corrain watched this occur with unabashed interest, banned informally by Ranna and his master from any strenuous activity until his side was fully healed. Of course, this didn’t mean he didn’t accompany the patrols, even in spite of Ranna’s objections, or stay out of Kaleth like Orgus had- well, not told him not to, but had strongly advised against. But it did mean he was more careful about it, sticking to ground he’d already scouted out and even taking a spare blaster to avoid needing to get close to any vicious fauna or Flesh Raiders. And during these extra escapades he’d even met Kessin a few more times, learning the hard way that the Togruta captain was a silvertongued cheat at sabacc, even when teaching newbies to play. Corso had been visibly aghast at that one, muttering something about ‘disrespecting Jedi’ under his breath when Kessin, howling with laughter, had revealed the stacked deck to him.
No-pressure tagging!: @borealtwilight, @starwers, @starknstarwars, @ipreferfiction, @darthcatboy, and anyone else who wants to join in!
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sunderedazem · 2 years
What’s Kessin’s relationship like with Risha?
How complicated is their relationship?
Okay so.
Kessin is a HUGE flirt. Flirts with everyone (except Corso). They're pan and they're genderfluid. Everyone is fair game, though they'll respect a no if they get it.
They do this throughout almost their ENTIRE story quest. In front of Risha. And they keep going up until Risha gets the proposal from the Dubrillion noble and starts considering it. And then. And then, since Kessin is In A Bad Mood Recently, Huh Weird - Corso makes some comment like "Haha Cap'n I bet you're just sad Risha's got a boyfriend now"
And suddenly Kessin is Aware that They're Feeling Things. And has the horrifying realization that they've been fucking around flirting with literally everyone in front of Risha, who doesn't have an issue with seduction obviously but is now poised to go to Dubrillion and be queen and marry some guy for the politics of it. But if they say something, then they're being a jealous hypocrite - so they don't!
Anyway, Kessin stews and mopes around for a WHILE, all while Guss and Akaavi and Corso and Bowdaar are just like "Really. Really, you'd eat the damn Butcher for breakfast and you're scared of a pretty girl?" And Risha KNOWS the ENTIRE fucking time too, she's just being coy and pretending to seriously consider it to fuck with Kessin's head and try to make them jealous and SHOCK! It works. The day before Risha's supposed to make a decision Kessin goes sauntering over like "heyyyyy so i was thinkingggggg~ ....maybe you don't wanna do this? Maybe?"
Cue the following exchange:
Risha: "oh really? Why not?" Kessin: Kessin: Kessin: please don't leave i know I'm an idiot but i REALLY like you. Uh. Also I'm shit at feelings and you know that so I really don't BLAME you for wanting to go so I'll just- Risha, who has been WAITING for this: oh my god, sit the fuck back down and listen. One - I don't date idiots. Two - you have a brain 95% of the time, actually. And three - karking hell this is a 5% moment, did you REALLY think I'd be content sitting on a throne and not stirring up trouble??? Kessin: /processing/ ....uh /dial-up noises/ Risha, who is about an entire foot shorter than Kessin: /picks them up/ alright Captain. Your quarters or mine? Kessin, squeaking: ...'m yours
However, since this IS Risha - she refuses to call it a relationship. They are not fuckbuddies and they are not dating either. There is no expectation of commitment, but Risha sleeps in Kessin's bed and they live together and sometimes share clothes and refer to each other as "my partner, especially in crime" and Risha is leading Kessin around by the nose and Kessin the space crime-lord of massive renown just *lets* her do it because they're still dumbfounded that this is real and it's been five years and they're battling the Eternal Empire and making supply runs to resistances and they're *still together*-
They're not in a relationship though, you understand. This could end at any moment. There's no labels, no expectation they'll both stay. Kessin flirts with everyone they meet because they're hot as fuck and they can and will use that, and Risha calls them an idiot for deigning to try seducing *that* guy when there was a far easier solution.
But they stay. For now. Probably.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
For your smuggle
Ooooooh! (from This Ask Game)
#29 - So! Kessin's original dream as a little' un was to try and work in the Galactic Senate as a diplomatic assistant, or outright to try and become a politician from Coruscant. They were very, very passionate as a kid growing up in Coruscant's lower levels, and they had quite a lot of ideas about how to improve the lives of poorer citizens.
However, they ALSO wanted to see the stars and go traveling - hence why the whole "diplomatic assistant" thing came about, because they wanted to travel off-world and work with others.
Then their parents died from a spice overdose, and they suddenly got a taste of the real world WAY too fast, and that dream...pretty much died. They were eleven years old at the time - their twin younger siblings were both much younger, both barely toddlers. Eventually the rent money ran out and they were kicked out onto the streets, and Kessin had to figure out how to try and take care of two toddlers and themselves.
And since they were on Coruscant, they went to the Jedi Temple and asked if it was possible for the Jedi - who were then very caught-up in the war against the Sith - to help them find something an eleven-year old with some semidecent blaster skills could do to help.
A kind Jedi Master named Bela Kiwiiks was the one to find them crying outside the Temple- and also the one to realize that both toddlers were Force-sensitive. Kessin was therefore temporarily taken in, their siblings' situation explained, and Kessin happily gave both of their sisters to the Jedi in exchange for their help finding a job that an eleven-year old could handle. The Meyka twins became Jedi younglings, Kessin started working to help manage inventories and shipments, and decided that they wanted to captain their own ship as a freighter-captain, and started saving up for their very own starship - and achieve that dream just about seven or eight years later.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
13 & 21 from the characterization asks, for whoever you choose <3
Oooh, thanks anon bean! You get: Kessin Meyka, my smuggler!
13 - What trait immediately draws them to other people? Honestly? Bluntness, and a willingness to See Shit Through. Maybe that's called grit - Kessin wouldn't really be able to tell ya - but they can't help but appreciate people who don't beat around the bush and speak their minds freely. It's one of the biggest reasons that they're so ridiculously head-over-heels but terrified of Risha - They're drawn to how blunt Risha will be, and how upfront she is about the way the Galaxy Works, in terms of credits, and also to how she'll call them out when they're doing something stupid and moronic. Kessin KNOWS they can be a massive flirtatious mess of a walking drama-starter - so anyone who can put a pin in that gets an Appreciation Point
21 - How do they move through a room? Kessin - and there's no other word for this, really - saunters. They don't walk, they don't sashay, they don't just. step inside and cross the room- no. They ooze confident smugness, so thick you'd never be able to tell if it's fake. Anyone watching their hips or ass gets a wink or a blown kiss, too. jackass smugglers, amirite.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Moonrise Legacy on twitter/socmed
oh god what have I done
Imperial side first!
Elennye Trizz: Social media ghost. She doesn't have any social media that anyone knows about and people are always wondering how the hell she understands any internet memes. (little do they know she makes all the internet memes. she is the origin point. she has 800 gimmick blogs all spouting vaguely republic-critical noise and cat pics. she's a psyop and a half)
Astayr Caleo: surprisingly domestic. Xey have a cooking space-instagram where xey document hir disasters in the kitchen trying to replicate Mandalorian dishes. Torian and Mako feature in some of them as damage control or taste testers. people love how ridiculous it is and cheer when xey manage to make something yummy. Xey never post anything work related and actively block people that try to ask about it.
Sekulyn'torr: before her rise to the Dark Council she mostly just used her social media to troll and annoy other Sith - she's proud to admit she's been suspended from all social media platforms at least three times for threats of violence that offended even the Hutts. (Especially aimed at Thanaton) After their rise to the Dark Council however, they use social media mostly for policy updates and to bait their political opponents into saying some Dumb Shit that they can then use to attack or arrest them. They also occasionally get into twitter-fights with certain ex-Jedi Alliance Commanders.
Republic-side now!
Deitente Verrni: the only completely normal one of the bunch. She uses socmed for life updates and posting cute pictures of her and Aric when they're on dates off duty. She also runs a memorial page for SpecOps soldiers who fell in battle and posts obituaries upon family request.
Kessin Meyka: incendiary radical but also memer. Kessin is *always* in politicians' comment sections aggressively pointing out hypocrisy and claiming wild shit like "uh huh remember the time you tried to pay me to smuggle spice? bitch" which is usually actually true and people hate them for that. They have a library of political memes to put the Jedi archives to shame and always have at least two snappy comebacks ready on demand. their fatal flaw is that they're always commenting on random people's posts like "oh you're cute :) hmu if you need anything...discreet" and it's simultaneously a hilarious business strategy and also really cringe.
Kalvonut: Basically just one of those Inspirational Christian Instagrams, but the Jedi version. it's lowkey tacky but he thinks it's funny and nobody on the council wants to burst his bubble so they just smile and nod. he also gives out pretty decent life advice too though, so while his socmed is THAT his DMs and askboxes and comments are always filled with really sincere advice and well wishes. he's wholesome cringe, basically.
and Zakuulan SocMed (aka Greine family)
Corrain Gealai: While he was a Padawan and Jedi Knight prior to his capture, his social media presence mostly consisted of retweeting/reblogging cool art and occasionally yelling at nuclear-waste-bad takes from some Republic senators - nothing too odd. But after his stint as Lord Lune under Vitiate's control, he doesn't return to social media...until he's unfrozen from carbonite during KOTXX. He immediately starts using his old accounts to post stuff promoting galactic unity against Zakuul. He also does 'blooper reels' where silly Alliance moments that Lana and Theron declassify can be posted - mostly featuring Imperial and Republic troops coexisting or getting into stupid mischief (ex: a video of a food fight where some uppity Sith lord threw applesauce and before long there were nineteen Sith and Jedi just. dripping gravy and being lectured by Sana-rae and Bey'wan while Corrain's in the corner laughing his ass off). His socmed presence is essentially a combination political and PR account that communicates in memes and sass. After he takes Zakuul's throne however, Indo Zal jumps in to manage his public persona. This mostly consists of "please stop telling Saresh's allies and Malgus to go 'karking jump in the interstellar void,' it's bad form" so there's a notable drop in fiery internet debates after this point.
Eiri Greine: pre-KOTXX he has Generic Badguy SocMed just to keep up appearances and occasionally bitch about other Sith Lords. he rarely uses them. Post-KOTXX and his return to Zakuul he deletes everything and starts running a "shit my nephew says" account where he details all of Corrain's shenanigans and other random Eternal Family buffoonery. Iomlan features a lot just with her head in her hands. it's got several billion followers and Corrain is constantly trying to get Eiri to delete that one post about the lightsaber cheese baking incident. Eiri posts updates about Corrain's saga to delete that post. This is a Viral Meme and Eiri is constantly tagging verified accounts in the dumbest shit just to fuck with them.
Iomlan Greine: She doesn't use socmed at all until Corrain's coronation, at which point she develops a very mild case of Cat/Nexu Pic Addiction. Her socmed accounts are all just cute pictures of animals and publicly scolding her son for being an ass, or on occasion tag-teaming with Lana and Theron to publicly shame Corrain into self-care. It works pretty well, and she's confused by the number of people who follow her for cute animal pictures, but she's having fun with it.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Hey, I really hope I'm not bombarding you with requests. When it comes between our two SWTOR Legacies, which characters from each one do you think would have the strongest friendships?
HMMMMMM this is a good question!!! Brainstorming Time >:D
I think Kessin and Ael would get along swimmingly, for sure! They're both the casual, laid-back but gets-into-batshit-situations type, and their senses of humor would either mesh hilariously well or devolve into a comedic trashfire. Probably both simultaneously. The rest of our legacies would be in Pain from the terrible jokes and sarcasm overdoses. it would be Glorious. They're also both generally Good Guys (TM) in the sense that there's definitely certain lines they won't cross, even if they think most laws are stupid. They'd be pulling an Ocean's Eight every month or so XD
I also think that - eventually - A'vash'l and Corrain would probably have an extremely strong...understanding, let's say. Not quite friendship, maybe? but both Corrain and A'vash'l have had their free will stripped away, using the same technology, and because of that they both understand the value of free will in a way not many others do. Elennye (my agent) would also be included in this particular understanding, but as she never truly felt betrayed by the *Empire* for the application of Castellan restraints, it's not quite the same.
Corrain would also have that same kind of understanding with Yuli - if she wasn't a Jedi. After being taken prisoner on the Emperor's Fortress, Corrain genuinely does fall to the dark side for a time - not all of the horrible things he does are solely due to his inability to resist direct orders, some of it IS him lashing out due to anger and fear - and he genuinely doesn't want to give parts of that up after "returning to the Order," not that he'd admit it to himself. So Yuli's being a Jedi would in itself create a wall for him. They'd be pretty good friends, but he wouldn't be able to be completely himself around her until after he formally leaves the Jedi Order and loses his goddamn I Must Be The Perfect Jedi At My Own Expense Complex
Thank you for the ask! I love asks don't be worried about sending too many of them!
I'll admit there's a few of your characters that I don't know too much about, so it's entirely possible I could be able to add to this ask later, hehe.
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