#my god what have i done
shinakazami1 · 7 months
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While I have no art for yall, have Sansleys I've made IOHFHIOSHIOSAFOIHASIO
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besttropeveershowdown · 8 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 1, Side B
Affably Evil
No propaganda was submitted.
My God, What Have I Done?
If you like seeing a character in a state of incredible guilt, you're in luck! This trope gives room for a lot of introspection, and is also very versatile. Anything from the hero coming to terms with actions they couldn't control and sinking under the guilt of them to a villain finally facing their actions can fall under this umbrella, as can everything in between. It often leads to a lot of good character development, but it can also lead to this guilt being ignored or repressed as the character in question fully commits to what they did. It teaches you a lot about a character and how they handle things.
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shani-adar · 5 months
Top five ways to say your not a virgin-
1. my ship has been docked
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platonicwaterwriter · 6 months
Tattletail Eddsworld AU
I'm sorry that it's taking me a long time to make this, I kept getting sick this month, I was going to post this days ago, but I couldn't. I'm going to post this now! Red Leader is Mama in this (I changed em to Red Leader instead of Tord.) I kept the Tomme Bear and child Tom idea. My writing will be horrible, but you can't stop me. I might get better in the future, hopefully. I know this is terrible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom was unaware of what he would end up dealing with. He should have waited until Christmas, why? Oh, it's because he is being chased around his house by this, 'Papa'. The giant stupid teddy bear in a uniform, ripped up face and all, that thing is claiming to be a 'Red Leader' or whatever that means, he also has to deal with Tomme Bear wanting food and to be brushed for the seventh time, this feels horrible, who created a bear just for it to want food?! He wished his parents would just, reappear, from wherever they went! He hasn't seen them since he woke up. Tom wasn't paying much attention until he literally hit himself into a wall with Tomme Bear in hand. He didn't think life would just throw a military bear at him, he just noticed the missing arm, that doesn't help much. Especially with that scary red eye. "Now it's time to put all the children to bed." That was the last thing he heard before that thing jumped at him. . . POV change. Red Leader had done exactly what he needed to; the child is asleep. He destroyed the enemies in the 'parent's bedroom'. Something is wrong, there are no superiors, he's going to have to protect the child until the superiors get here, he has started to hope not, his data suggests he is the only part of the Red Army, thus, is he the superior here? If he is then, he must bring the child somewhere safe. He WILL bring the child somewhere safe.
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daveydoodle · 1 year
Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (Official Video)
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wyrd-syster · 2 years
take what the water gave me (oh my love, don't forsake me)
The Rings of Power Fanfiction Pairing: Galadriel | Halbrand Rating: M Word Count: 3,913
Read on AO3
Man was not made to touch the moon, the stars. And yet, Halbrand held Galadriel in his arms in defiance of order and fate.
..OR..Halbrand seeks out Galadriel after the battle for the Southlands. What they bare to each other beneath the moonlight – souls, bodies, hearts – may offer solace during tragedy, but hope cannot be built upon lies.
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oersteds · 1 year
twiz lore summary (With Shitposts) (Part Four) (vine boom)
But wait! There's more! Call today and get a free Time Crash with your Corpse Flood, FREE!
Long post under cut.
Content warnings for: General horror themes, fourth wall breaking(?), obsessive character
note: this is all a rough draft / shitposty summary. even the first three parts. i'll probably never actually write the whole fic, i just need to get the ideas blasted out of my brain before it collapses into a black hole
It's the next afternoon, Twiz and the others are awake. They went to bed at 5 AM, what did you expect? They scramble on down to the beach. There's more people there. Fuck.
A few passionate townsfolk decided to stay up a little longer, trying to determine where all the corpses are coming from, or how most of them are still alive. (And why I keep calling them corpses despite almost all of them being Not Dead.)
They've all come from a single location, far off on the east. Math wizardry has determined that it's coming from a specific building. It's been identified as [whatever the fuck Twiz's homeland is called] Castle. Yes that's a placeholder name, what're you gonna do, call the cops?
"Hey, wait a sec. I lived there!" oh she has no idea does she
"I could probably sneak in and find out what's up!" ohhh twiz you sweet summer child. you have no idea, do you?
Also, this is Viltas, Twiz's childhood friend. He comes into play now. Same artist as before, same link [here]
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Viltas is an ice mage, and Twiz's childhood friend. He was there to witness Twiz unsealing the ressurrection magic, and got some rez magic of his own from the explosion. He's also very good at being evil
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(i am so sorry to the artist for making viltas so evil here, lmao. they've no idea)
(Image captions, in order from top to bottom:)
"You offer to investigate the corpse flood, because it's your homeland, so you'll be familiar with it!"
"Your new friend is very insistent on you not going, but you promise you'll be okay! (Why's he worried...?)"
"You get there, everything's gone sideways, you can't find your cat either, why did you sign up for this...?"
"The mages guild has seemingly forgiven you, at least! This might not be too bad...?"
"You get to the castle, the staff seem very friendly to you! (A little... *too* friendly...)"
"You find a time to sneak out, and investigate further. You find a girl who looks vaguely similar to you, and is wearing your style of clothes. She begs you to hide her, because she'll be killed when they find you both. (Oh god)"
"You found your cat. He's lounged on the lap of your childhood friend, who's managed to take over your homeland in a matter of months. He's looking at you with an intimidatingly affectionate stare. (You *really* should've listened.)"
"Your childhood friend lost his mind because he thought you were dead after you unsealed the ressurrection magic too violently. He's behind the corpse flood, and countless other atrocities, all to bring you back."
"He's going to kill someone he'd kept around as a ""replacement"" because you're here to stay now. Better get comfy, pal! Have fun!!! (Hopefully you hid that stranger well enough, or that she can run fast!)"
Yep. Twiz just found a captive. She fucked around and has now found Alicia, who's being kept as a ""Twiz replacement"" for Viltas. Worse yet, she seems fully aware of this, and of what'll happen to her when Twiz is found. Twiz agrees to hide her, because neither of them asked for this shit.
With a deep sense of unease, Twiz regroups with the guards who keep insisting on following her. She's led to the throne room, where Viltas sits on a throne (duh) like the bastard he is. He explains "everything", but not before clearing the room of everyone besides Twiz and himself. Incoming verbal stunlock!!!
He'd taken over the entire kingdom in the span of a month or two, "replaced" the entirety of the mage's guild Twiz had been a part of, and is keeping everyone rather complacent with everything through a lot of bread and circuses. And, despite the atrocities, he's still kind to "his" people. They're almost like a buncha cats... Speaking of which!
The bastard has Twiz's cat, too. Granted, any good friend would take care of an assumed dead friend's cat, but STILL. (Probably a testament to the cat's blind faith. They don't care who you are, or what you've done. If you feed them and properly give them affection, they'll love you.) And the cat seems pretty affectionate with him, lounging on his lap.
He's behind the corpse flood. All of the people who'd washed ashore? He ressurrected them. Or... he tried to, at least. He didn't think any of them would survive, but all he really cared about was getting Twiz back. Not to mention, his plan doesn't really need him to pull living people from different time periods... He just has to pull anything from other times! To wear down the integrity of time and space itself. After all, he's to summon a God. A God that he'll use as a weapon. He won't stop at just one country. He needs more. Being the Demon King that he is, he's insatiable, can never do enough...! (Wait, two demon kings...?)
As to how he's able to do this... You already know, don't you, Twiz? You've the same ability, after all... You were there. Surely, you'd heard that same God...? Ah, but that doesn't matter. You'll see it for yourself soon. Perhaps you can use Nihilo, too! Perhaps... Well, regardless of how he's done this, he's done it. (don't look in the basement, twiz)
He's been doing this all for Twiz. Because he """loves""" her. He just wants her to be """happy""" and """safe""" with him. (Fucking BULLSHIT, by the way! Twiz was doing a perfectly fine job staying safe on her own!!! Not to mention she hasn't been able to get in a single sentence during this fucking monologue.)
Oh, but... He feels so awful, for having tried to replace Twiz with this random princess he'd ressurrected... So, to make up for it, he'll kill her. For Twiz~! (Despite her not fucking asking for ANY OF THIS.)
Twiz is screwed. Better think of a plan, and fast...! Anyways I'm holding Part 5 hostage until Tumblr gives me my fucking polls feature. (joking. it'll come out when it's ready. though i really want my polls... tumblr pls.)
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thetraumallama · 1 year
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Love is in the air
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phatburd · 2 years
I’m slightly drunk and 3382 words into this thing that breaks one of my personal rules. Summary so far:
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So if/when this thing gets posted, no one should be surprised that there’s a Canon Character/OC thing going on, even if that’s not going to be a problem once things really get rolling.
I’m gonna regret this shit, aren’t I?
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lemonadegirl4344 · 1 year
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Aaaaand part 2 of "Why i need Chrome Canvas taken away from me despite how much i hate it"
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kai-sillyman · 1 year
the urge to like go dump a whole bunch of shit about my ocs
im gonna do it
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
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“Captain! Keep em save„
“I repeat stand down Richard! RICHARD„
“Someone has to John„
“This isn't goodbye, you'll be fine„
“Cap, we have to go„
“We'll come back for you Richard!„
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heraldofcrow · 2 years
I absolutely love when my favorite characters accidentally kill my other favorite characters. Best angst trope.
I do not, however, like it when I accidentally kill my favorite characters. Worst feeling ever.
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awisa-moved · 2 years
talking heads once in a lifetime extremely hdb song
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stray-trash · 2 years
I bought off brand command hook thingys to hang up my new aesthetic lights but I messed up the placement… tried to take that sticky fucker off the wall but it took three goddamn coats of paint with it my dear friends and darling pals, off brand is not always worth stripping your walls bare bc I think I might cry now
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