#karasuba ame
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フラワー! × Karasuba Ame
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raisethe-velvet · 1 year
mutual promo hour☆!
HELLO ☆ this is my first mutual promo hour. um.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
HI i am Stardust/Lumi☆!! Your local nonbinary magical girl! Here is why you should follow me/be my mutual (or not)
☆ i have many blorbos and post about them a lot
☆ my current fixations are enstars, psychedelica of the black butterfly, doll collecting and magical girls
☆ i will infodump and ramble a lot this is unavoidable
☆ i am very cool definitely /j
☆ i can draw. i will post art someday maybe
☆ i have an amazing taste in music actually
current blorbos: ritsu sakuma, mika kagehira, kohaku oukawa, hiyori tomoe, karasuba
speaking of which here is a photo of my fav blorbo rn (karasuba from psychedelica of the black butterfly)
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welp nice to meet you all. be my mutual. or dont
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ububunes · 1 year
Anyways I finished psychedelicha of the black butterfly... Like a week ago? Man I'm slow...
Anyways. Spoilers if... Literally anybody cares about this game. It was truly mid up until the very end but I have to give it some credit for that. Content warning for child death, attempted SA, some baked in misogyny (from the game), and gaslighting (from Karasuba). Now time for:
Basic character info
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She's the heroine and because of that, she's kind of lacking in personality. Maybe. I'm sorry, at a certain point I started skipping through the side stories... But in the main story she's mostly defined by her willingness to help, her honesty, gullibility, and her fear. She's got some trauma and is fairly stuck in the past.
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If you went to his TV tropes page, I'm 95% sure he would have something like "Needs a hug". They aren't wrong, honestly. He's got a short temper and is almost always fighting with Karasuba. His favorite sport is soccer and when he was a kid he would "tease" (frankly, semi-bully at times) MC because he had a crush on her. Don't do that in real life. Monshiro's twin brother.
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My least favorite! He just keeps finding new ways to try and get MC to himself, and will not stop making very uncomfortable advances before calling them jokes. He is the character who figured out Hikage first though, and by his good ending he decides to work on himself and improve with MC. Still not redeemed but congrats! He would get upset if you followed any other dudes on social media, get anxious if you make even a slightly too long phone call or look at your texts too long. Would also beg for your PIN and get sad if he wasn't your lock screen AND homescreen. No thaaaanks.
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Look. This image just goes so hard I HAVE to show it in it's full unaltered glory. He's the evil big bad and tricked the entire cast blah blah yeah he's basic as hell. He's also misogynistic! If I hear him talk about how all women are weak one more time, I frankly might just break down. He's like. So generic anime bad guy that I can't hate them for it, they're just following the assignment.
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This dudes dead! He's been dead since he was like, eight actually. I'm not sure how ethical it truly is to date him but I also am too tired to care. He's another of the least favs anyways. He made a promise to marry MC when they were kids and man is this dude taking it way too far. I have no idea what his plan is if he 'comes back to life' like Hikage promised since he's been presumed dead for ten years... He's also working with Hikage.
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Again I'm frankly not too sure on how ethical it would be to date him. He's been in a coma for ten years, since AROUND age 7. He leans on MC for comfort and has been wandering the mansion for ten years waiting to give MC her ribbon back. I don't know what else to say about him, he's not that fleshed out imo... Yamato's twin brother
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Truly the most underdeveloped character. She's Hikage's little sister and the reason he's insane. I would ask her to get him to therapy or to be his therapist but there aren't any therapists here and if he saw her face he would genuinely lose it.
The story is honestly pretty much summed up as "repressed memory trauma with otome game action and shooting segments." I'm sure it can be explained better than that but if I'm being honest I'm already starting to forget details. Whoops.
My favorite endings have to be the Yamato true end, the best ending/common route ending (it's literally just called "best end" on the flowchart, I don't know what to tell you), and the secret ending. I find it kind of strange that Hikage and Kagiha (whose names I continually mix up. I'm not very good with names) only have one ending each. I guess you could could the singular bad ending, which is also an honorable mention just for being there and being kind of awful if you accidentally trigger it, as an ending for Hikage since it's (probably) his book, but that sounds lame and doesn't completely check out. I guess you can also count the best ending as Kagiha's true ending but again, seems cheap? But also way better than his default ending where you seemingly lose your mind in the mansion and live in "happy married bliss" with Kagiha.
Probably also a good time to mention that Hikage and Kagiha are both dead.
Basically the whole story goes as follows
The main characters (minus Hikage) go to a summer camp at around ages 6-8. They get warned not to go to the lake because weather changes quickly in the mountains (where the summer camp was, I guess.) They go to the lake, find an abandoned mansion and start exploring, find some glass shards that ARE lore important, just ten years from now. Anyways it starts to rain incredibly hard and the kids desperately try to get to the shore and back to camp. Unfortunately MC and Monshiro both get swept under the water. Kagiha rescues MC first, then Monshiro who is still comatose from the accident ten or so years later. Kagiha ends up drowning and his body is never found*
(*His body is found in the common route ending, but I don't remember any mentions of it in any other endings.)
Ten or so years later, Karasuba, Yamato, and MC meet again after Karasuba and Yamato moved, following the accident. MC is still pretty torn up about Kagiha's death, partially from guilt, and semi-refuses to talk about it. Yamato has been visiting his brother in the hospital every day, also from guilt. Karasuba moved on, and was more concerned with becoming stronger since he could only stand and stare as MC and Monshiro drowned. They go on a Fun Bus Ride!™️ And plummet off the side of a cliff after the driver... Falls asleep? Gets hit by mother nature? I dunno.
They end up comatose and in a mansion that's in a place between life and death. They have to find the shards of a magical kaleidoscope so they can return to earth and Hikage can get his wish fulfilled. Frankly uninteresting romance happens. Yamato turns into a monster and then partially back. This all sounds cool when simply laid out but when you're playing the game multiple times and the slowness of the max speed of the skip button starts to hit? Maaaaaan it sucks. It also makes some sections of the game unintentionally funny because while voices don't play during skip mode, sfx do and it's kind of hard to take Hikage seriously when he's in his evil mode but his walking sounds like someone chopping veggies really fast.
One aspect that really disappointed me was that there was only one real (labeled) bad ending. There are no endings where you all end up trapped in the psychedelicha forever because you can't find the last shard, there's no ending where you give up, no ending where, in a mansion with deadly and aggressive monsters in it, you get killed. That might sound weird and honestly maybe it is but the one bad ending simply being a choice of whether you open a book (bad end) or not (you get to continue playing) feels out of place. Yes some of the characters endings can absolutely be counted as bad ends but... They don't get you the achievement that triggers when you get the 'Bud' ending. (I am unsure as to why it is called that.)
The true endings are all nice. Again Yamato's feels the nicest simply because he gets to apologize to his brother and make amends. He also gets reassurance that no, he isn't an awful person just because he made an admittedly very awful decision as a child.
Karasuba gets shown that he's kind of awful and gets to grow into a better person with MC. Good luck with the relationship.
Monshiro gets to give MC her ribbon back and also gets told that no, you didn't deserve to die instead of Kagiha. Good for him. I'm still conflicted.
The additional scenes unlocked after certain endings were nice too. Seeing Karasuba confront Hikage about his identity was honestly really cool. Seeing what Hikage was up to scheming before the games events was nice. Seeing Kagiha and Monshiro interact was neat, especially since they don't really do that very much. Plus it adds lore.
And finally... The secret ending. You get to make the choice of actually staying in the mansion during the summer camp, keeping everyone safe and alive. It's definitely a nice addition after spending this whole game in danger and having to deal with issues. I honestly had started to wonder why they didn't do that. Like yes they're kids but... None of them had thought of it? Damn. Being able to not traumatize MC was great. Having to deal with four clingy guys? Not so much.
Here's the complete in game flowchart if anybody was curious as to what it looked like!
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In conclusion.... Yeah no I can't completely recommend this game. It kind of sucks, it's vita exclusive (I think?), and one of the mechanics forced on you (the butterfly hunt mini games) are kind of jank and annoying to replay and replay for points. And again this game is exceptionally mid. Not good mid, not bad mid, just true neutral mid. Anyways, remember: hooray! Hooray! Beniyuri-chan! Hooray! Hooray! Kagiha-kun!
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mikakomori · 5 years
Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly
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As she fell deeper and deeper into the darkness, she could hear the sound of rainfall. Also, she heard an animalistic cry. When she woke up, the young girl found herself in a Western-style mansion. An unknown, terrible monster rushes to attack the confused girl. As the young girl ran away from the monster, she thought: "Where is this place?" "Who am I, anyway?" Having lost pretty much all of her memories, she eventually met and joined up with some men in the same circumstances as her. They all held weapons that were strange handguns. From there on out, with their lives at stake, they must participate in the "Black Butterfly Hunt", and collect "Kaleidoscope Shards" possessed by those monsters. Inside the Western-style mansion in which despair and betrayal swirls, will they be able to find hope in their futures?
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*Rambling ON* (Beware of SPOILERS!)
Yeah, I actually managed to finish a game after ages of... well not getting anything done  ( ̄▽ ̄;)
I really love this game, but at the same time I hate it for leaving me heartbroken like this. The characters are all great and you actually just want them to be happy, but the game’s like “well fuck that!”.
I DID follow some guides to get everything and they all recommended finishing the game with Karasubas route. But le me was like “Uhm no?” so I went and did Hikage last since, well I love him the most (obviously), and I figured his route would basically explain everything. That decision proved to be good plot wise, feels wise... not so much  ( ̄▽ ̄*)
His route is SO GODDAMN SAD! And when you’re done, the game hits you with the ending song (which I love to bits, by the way) and than I was done for.  ಥ_ಥ
Now let’s see my ranking of the characters: Hikage > Yamato > Monshiro > Karasuba > Kagiha
Kagiha: Ok, so first: I don’t hate him. But I couldn’t like him either. Yeah, I felt really sorry for him, but the fact that I had started this game after finishing Period Cube and he having the same VA as creepy onii-chan there... I just couldn’t warm up to him, which is kinda sad. Heck, just cause of his voice I was damn sure he would turn out to be the master of the mansion.  ⊙︿⊙ Also his “route” was way to short...
Karasuba: So, I actually thought he was pretty funny at first. But as the game went on I started to think him a bit annoying. And sometimes I was like “Dude what the hell?”. But his ending was cute and he was a good comedic relief  (*^▽^*) Well, let’s just not talk about his bad end...
Monshiro: He was cute, but I found his personality a bit boring at times. But I really enjoyed his route cause... FEELS.
Yamato: Now, I REALLY loved Yamato.  (○^ω^○)I mean, I do have a thing for tsundere characters. Also I died a little in his bad end. And he had the prettiest ending CG ~
Hikage: What can I say? I love Hikage  (≧▽≦) Him being the master of the mansion really caught me off guard there. I didn’t expect it to be him. at. all. I mean he’s the fucking poster guy, the main dude who’s supposed to be the canon route - and he was the bad guy! I don’t know why, but I found this really funny.  Also like I already mentioned, his route broke my heart completely  (╥﹏╥)
This game really hit me with feels and I initially planned on playing Ashen Hawk after that, but... Well, I figured I’d need something more light hearted first.
*Rambling Off*
So, I better stop or I’ll get depressed again  (⌒∇⌒*) That’s why I’ll finish with something happy! Here, have a blushing Hikage <3
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Oh, I guess I should add him to my problematic faves list ~
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ayuminemoto · 6 years
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly - Unlocking Short Episodes
So I’ve compiled a list here for those who are trying to figure out which SE (short episodes) are needed and how to unlock them. I will be using my original Japanese screenshot (forgive me, I don’t want to rebuild the map again ^-^;; ) and will have the North American release names beside it.
Note: WIP as I am still playing through the North American version.
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Short Episodes Details
SE is yellow means they are unlocked and available to be purchased. Be aware that the required SE are still in white so don’t miss them! Regardless, all newly unlocked episodes will always have a “NEW” on it.
Note: Anything with a ** means I am reconfirming via NA playthrough.
SE 01: Conversation with Family Memory of happy family (100pts) Introduction to the SE system. This will be unlocked after completing Chapter 1:4 and required if you want to continue the main story.
SE 02: Cooking with Everyone Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed.
SE 03: Hideout Exploration Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed. SE 04: Hikage’s Handgun Instruction Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed. SE 05: Small Pride Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed. SE 06: Irreconcilable Differences Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed. SE 07: Hated Things Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed. SE 08: Comparing Heights Daily Episode (150pts) Available after SE 01 is purchases and viewed.   
SE 09: About Brothers Yamato’s Episode (200pts)  Unlocks after Chapter 2:1
SE 10: Childhood Karasuba’s Episode (200pts) Unlocks after Chapter 2:3-3 (choosing Karasuba as your pair) One ending must be cleared. SE 11: Twin Brother Hikage’s Episode (200pts) Unlocks after Chapter 2:3-1 (choosing Hikage as your pair) One ending must be cleared. SE 12: I Hate the Rain Yamato’s Episode (200pts) Unlocks after Chapter 2:3-2 (choosing Yamato as your pair) One ending must be cleared. SE 13: Transport Method Hikage’s Episode (200pts) Unlocked at Chapter 2:4 where you require 6 SE to advance. Includes CG.
SE 14: Accident Kagiha’s Episode (200pts) Unlocked at Chapter 2:4 where you require 6 SE to advance. SE 15: Favorite Food Yamato’s Episode (200pts) Unlocked at Chapter 2:4 where you require 6 SE to advance. SE 16: Older and Younger Kagiha’s Episode (200pts) Unlocked at Chapter 2:4 where you require 6 SE to advance. SE 17: Mother’s Ribbon Old memory with mother (150pts) Unlocks through story progression after Chapter 4:5. SE 18: Friendly Quarrel Old memory with neighborhood boy Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3 :  山都を元に戻せないか/ Can Yamato really not turn back?  SE 19: Supporter of Weirdos Old memory with neighborhood boy Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3: この館の謎を解きたい/ I want to solve the mystery of this manor SE 20: Unattainable Girl Old memory with neighborhood boy (free) Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3: 全部夢ならいいのに/ I wish this was all a dream SE 21: I Wish I Could See You Old memory with neighborhood boy (free) Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3: ** 誰かと話したい/ I want to talk to someone. SE 22: Turf War Old memory playing with others (???pts)  I forgot to write this one down. WIP** SE 23: Feeling of Life Karasuba’s Episode Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3: 全部夢ならいいのに/ I wish this was all a dream
SE 24: Dating Partner Kagiha’s Episode (200pts) Unlocks after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3: ** 誰かと話したい/ I want to talk to someone. SE 25: While Exploring Hikage’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks through story progression after Chapter 4:5. Includes CG. SE 26: Bathing Yamato’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-2 (choosing Yamato as your pair) Includes CG. SE 27: Fighting Over Karasuba’s/Monshiro’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks through story progression after Chapter 4:5. Includes CG. SE 28: Snack Together Kagiha’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-4 (choosing Kagiha as your pair). Includes CG. SE 29: Attracted by the Sweet Smell Monshiro’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3 : 山都を元に戻せないか/ Can Yamato really not turn back? Includes CG. SE 30: Shoujo Manga Daily Episode (200pts) Unlocks through story progression after Summer Camp 3 SE 31: In the Greenhouse Yamato’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-2 (choosing Yamato as your pair) SE 32: Vulnerable State Karasuba’s Epside (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-3 (choosing Karasuba as your pair). Includes CG. SE 33: What I’m Afraid of  Kagiha’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-4 (choosing Kagiha as your pair). Includes CG. SE 34: When were You There? Monshiro’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after choosing the option in Chapter 3:3 : 山都を元に戻せないか/ Can Yamato really not turn back? SE 35: Long Hair   Yamato’s Episode (400pts) Unlocks after Chapter 4:5 and after Chapter 2:3-2 (choosing Yamato as your pair) SE 36: Promise of Marriage Old memory with neighborhood boy (free) Unlocks through story progression after Chapter 4:5. Includes CG. Completing this will give you an alternative scene with Kagiha after Chapter 4:9 SE 37: Shocking Reality Karasuba’s Episode(400pts) Unlocks after Prologue ending is completed. SE 38: The Two in the Ravine Kagiha’s/Monshiro’s Episode Unlocks after completing Kazuya’s ending. *Should also unlock after Monshiro’s ending too. SE 39: Master, Mask, Girl ????????? (400pts) Unlocks after Hikage’s ending.
Character Route SE Requirements:
These are the required SE that you need to trigger and unlock for the character routes’ choices to appear. Without completing these, you will be put into a loop with the common route ending.
Hikage: Unlocks after one ending completion. Yamato/Takuya: SE 12 I Hate the Rain and SE 18 Friendly Quarrel Karasuba: SE 10 Childhood and SE 23 Feeling of Life Aki: SE 21, SE24, SE 28 ** still testing Kagiha: SE 21 I Wish I Could See You and SE 24 Dating Partner Monshiro: Unlock Prologue ending, 
I hope this helps with some of the questions regarding unlocking short episodes. I’m still working through the game for their English name.
Please do not post or upload any of my walkthroughs, reviews or guides without permission.
[EDIT] 6.16.18 - shhhhh~ I finally finished this game lol Last episode added.
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sakura52-blog · 6 years
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly Walkthrough Recommendation
Hi guys!
I have just completed Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly! Usually it takes me a few days to complete an otome game but the way this game is it actually made it easier for me to complete it.
I’m sure that anyone of you that played the game for just a few minutes could tell that Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly is different then other otome games.
Anyway, the way the game works is that you have to do certain routes to unlock others, so I am recommending that you do them in this order,
1. Common Route
2. Kagiha
3. Hikage
4. Monshiro
5. Yamato
6. Karasuba
I will be posting all of the walkthroughs shortly so bear with me!
So come and join me in Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly !
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not yamato related (even though I am on his route)
but i absolutely love the bit where monshiro moves into the hideout and gets on karasuba’s case about teasing
“Karasuba. no teasing.” “Oh come on!” “No teasing”
Then it turns into an awkward group hug with Beniyuri in the middle as this keeps going
Beniyuri: “Karasuba! What are you doing?”
Karasuba: “C’mon, I wanna get all flirty and close to you too! Is that bad?”
Beniyuri: “Yes! Let go please!”
Karasuba: “Oh, so Monshiro gets to have all the fun?”
Monshiro: “Karasuba. No teasing”
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jannah1721 · 7 years
[DDL] Kokuchou no Psychedelica the Stage
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As she fell deeper and deeper into the darkness, she could hear the sound of rainfall. Also, she heard an animalistic cry. When she woke up, the young girl found herself in a Western-style mansion. An unknown, terrible monster rushes to attack the confused girl. As the young girl ran away from the monster, she thought: "Where is this place?" "Who am I, anyway?" Having lost pretty much all of her memories, she eventually met and joined up with some men in the same circumstances as her. They all held weapons that were strange handguns. From there on out, with their lives at stake, they must participate in the "Black Butterfly Hunt", and collect "Kaleidoscope Shards" possessed by those monsters. Inside the Western-style mansion in which despair and betrayal swirls, will they be able to find hope in their futures?
Yamada James Takeshi as Hikage
Fujimoto Kaeda as Beniyuri
Kitamura Kento as Yamato
Yashima Ryo as Karasuba
Abe Kaisei as Monshiro
Shimotsuki Yukari as Hyuu
Otsuka Aina as Usagi
Kimura Atsushi as Kagiha
Similar to most uploaders, my rules are: No uploading to streaming sites. Direct your friends who want the link to this post.
As Tumblr is a more public platform, kindly message me for the link. ^^ (Or go to tenimyutopia livejournal)
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