#karl jacobs one shot
the secret spoil ~ karl jacobs
word count: 2521
request?: yes!
“Perhaps Karl Jabos with a SO who gets bad buyers guilt over everything they buy? Like- they will debate with themselves if they should but a game they want that is on sale or not for almost 20 minutes kind of thing and gets extremely embarrassed about anyone buying them things?”
description: in which karl tells his partner with buyer’s guilt that they’re going to be a part of a new mrbeast video, but the truth is he’s going to buy them everything they want
pairing: karl jacobs x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
(the request kind of sounded like it was supposed to be a gn!reader, but if it wasn’t please let me know!)
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Every MrBeast video had a twist. You had been dating Karl and hanging around with him and the MrBeast crew long enough to have that figured out. So, when Jimmy asked you to be in one of his videos, you didn’t fully trust him when he told you the premise.
“There’s nothing suspicious about this at all,” Jimmy insisted. “We’re going to a Target and we’re going to tape a circle to the floor, and whatever you can put in there, I’ll buy for you. We’ve done this type of video so many times before.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “Yeah, I heard you. I just feel like there’s something you’re hiding from me until the end. I don’t trust you, Jimmy Beast.”
He put a hand over his heart in mock offence. “You wound me, (Y/N).”
Karl put his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. “Come on, babe. It’ll be your first big appearance on the channel, and you get a bunch of free stuff. What’s the downside here?”
You gave him and Jimmy a skeptical look, but eventually agreed to do the video. You couldn't lie that the thought of having Jimmy, who was basically drowning in endless money, buying you whatever you wanted did sound like an opportunity you couldn’t pass up.
You rarely bought things for yourself unless they were necessities. You struggled with buyers guilt big time when it came to treating yourself. If it was something over $20 you wouldn’t buy it, and even then you’d feel guilty for getting it. Maybe, by participating in this challenge, you’d finally be able to treat yourself without the guilt.
Until you got to the Target where they were filming and saw the size of the circle.
“This is massive!” you exclaimed. “I can’t put anything in that, it’ll cost you a fortune!”
“If you don’t want to utilize the circle, I will!” Chandler jumped in.
“No, you’ve gotten so much in the past. (Y/N) has never gotten anything in one of these videos,” Jimmy said. To you he added, “Don’t worry about costs. That’s the point of the video. Just grab whatever you want and try to fit it in the circle.”
You glanced at the massive circle again. There was so much you could put in there. For once, Jimmy hadn’t even restricted you to one section of the Target. When you arrived, he gave you, Karl, and Nolan permission to grab carts to fill with whatever you wanted and you’d have to try and fit it in the circle. The possibilities were truly endless.
You sighed. There was no backing out of it now, so you asked Jimmy, “What’s the time limit?”
“We’ll say 30 minutes,” he responded. “That gives you time to get around the store at the very least.”
“Enough talk, let’s shop!” Karl proclaimed, swinging his cart around and narrowly avoiding hitting a rack with it.
“Okay, your 30 minutes starts...now!”
The three of you took off with your carts. The first stop according to Karl was the electronics department. Karl was already piling his cart with a Nintendo Switch and various games before you even had time to think about what you were going to get.
“Whoa, hold on,” you said.
“What? You’ve been saying how much you want a Switch.”
“I know, but you can’t just throw some games in there, I wanna pick them out.”
“(Y/N), you can get literally every game in this store,” Nolan pointed out. “There’s so much room in that circle.”
“I’ll just throw a bunch in the cart and if there’s any that you really do not like, you can leave them in the cart,” Karl suggested.
You shrugged. “Okay, fine. You do that, I’m going to pick out some movies and CDs.”
You tossed about ten movies and eleven CDs into your cart after quickly browsing those sections. You made a mental note to come back and look if you had more time. You also decided to toss a couple new phone cases and some new earpods into your cart since you had never had those before.
Next, since it was the closest to where you were, was the clothing section. That one Nolan and Karl agreed to let you go through alone. You weren’t one for clothes shopping since most clothing stores were usually way more expensive than they needed to be; at least, they were to you. You usually waited until you absolutely needed new clothes before going out to buy any, or you’d wait for your birthday or Christmas.
But this was your opportunity not only to get some new clothes, but to get some brand named stuff as well. The stuff that you’d never even look at otherwise. So, you quickly grabbed a few shirts and pants, making outfits as you went along and tossing them into your cart. You also decided to get yourself some new jackets since the ones you currently owned had been through many spring, fall, and winter storms and were starting to get very worn.
You found yourself really enjoying not having to look at the price tags and worry about how much everything you were getting cost. Being able to just run through the store like a bunch of children, grabbing whatever caught your eye first and tossing it in without a second thought. It felt very freeing as opposed to the way you normally felt when shopping.
You were almost disappointed when Jimmy called Karl’s phone to let him know that your 30 minutes was up and you had to return to the circle, but it was probably for the best. All three of your carts were basically completely full and you were almost dreading hearing what the final total was going to be.
You met back up with Jimmy, who began to laugh when he saw your carts. “You really went all out, huh?”
“Honestly, after a while most of it was just grabbing stuff and throwing it into the carts and I’ll sort it out as I put it into the circle,” you admitted.
“Do you think all of this will fit inside the circle?”
You gave Jimmy a look before eyeing the massive red circle made from tape on the floor. “Yeah, I definitely think this is all fitting in the circle.”
You got to work taking the stuff from your cart and placing it around the circle. You started with the Switch games, which you ended up leaving very few in Karl’s cart. Maybe one or two that you weren’t interested in, but for the most part you wanted all of them. You placed the Switch box in the middle of the circle, deciding you’d work around it since it was probably one of the biggest things you had gotten.
Next was the movies and CDs, which you stacked on top of the Switch game boxes, and after that was the numerous books you had gotten from the book section. You had basically gotten one of every book that was there, and a couple extra from the genre you knew your mom liked.
As you started to take out the Funko Pop Dolls and board games you had gotten from the kids section, you grabbed a handful of Pokémon card packs you didn’t remember seeing there before.
“Oh, I got those for me,” Karl said.
“Karl, you’re not supposed to be getting stuff for yourself! This is for (Y/N)!” Jimmy said with a laugh.
“It’s fine, he can have his Pokémon cards,” you said, placing them in the circle. “I just want a Pikachu if you find one.”
“Only if it’s not a Shiny one.”
By the time you finished unloading the three carts, everything you had only made one layer inside of the circle and you basically threw all the clothes you bought on top of everything, not worrying about whether or not anything would fall out or touch the line of the circle.
Jimmy did a quick inspection to make sure nothing was touching the red line before turning to you. “Is that everything you want to put in there?”
“Well, there’s nothing else I can go get because my time is up, so yeah, I’ll say that’s it.”
“Alright then, let’s take all of this to the cash and get it checked out.”
You nervously bit at your thumbnail as you watched the cashier ring in your stuff. Despite the fact that you weren’t the one spending the money, you could still feel your stomach churning with every beep of the scanner and every increase in the total price that came up on the screen. You felt lightheaded when you saw that the total was a little over $10k.
“That’s not too bad, actually,” Chris told you when he saw your face. “We’ve had people spend way more than that.”
“I’ve bought like a dozen cars before, that’s way more than what you just got,” Jimmy assured you as well.
“It’s just such a high number,” you commented. “I know I’m not the one paying for it, but it feels wrong to have that much stuff. I feel like I should put some stuff back.”
“Do not put anything back, that is not the rules,” Jimmy said.
You sighed and shrugged. “Fine. Fine! Swipe your stupid card before I regret my decision.”
“Actually,” Jimmy said, giving you a slightly guilty look, “it’s isn’t my card you’re swiping.”
You stared at Jimmy, blankly. You wanted to scream “I knew it!”; actually you just wanted to scream period. You knew there was something. You knew there would be a twist. And now you were too far in to back out, and you had the camera on you. There was nothing you could do besides watch Jimmy with wide eyes and your heart hammering against your chest.
When Karl stepped forward, his credit card in hand, you could barley register what was happening. By the time you did, Karl had already inserted the card and was putting his pin into the machine.
“Karl! What the fuck are you doing?!” you said, grabbing his arm but it was already too late. The machine was chiming that his pin had been accepted and the transaction had gone through.
“I have a confession to make,” he said, turning to you. “I actually came up with the idea to ask you to be a part of this video because I wanted to be the one who paid for whatever you picked out to buy instead of Jimmy.”
“But why?!”
“Because you’re always so hard on yourself when it comes to buying things and you never get yourself little treats when you deserve it more than anyone. I knew that you wouldn’t let me just straight up buy you anything, so I asked Jimmy if he’d make it seem like it was him doing it for the video and then I’d pay for it once we got to the check out.”
His smile was so genuine and you knew he was trying to do something nice for you, but you couldn’t help but feel upset. You felt guilty for how much money Karl had just spent on you, stupid for believing that there would be no twist to this video (even if you had been very skeptical of that), and you felt angry that Karl had deceived you like that.
But the camera was rolling and it was pointed directly at the two of you, so you plastered a fake smile on your face and threw your arms around Karl’s neck.
“Thank you, baby,” you said, trying to sound convincingly touched.
“You’re welcome,” he said, giving you a peck on the cheek before you pulled away.
Your stuff was put into a number of bags and brought out to your car. There was so much that it filled the entire trunk and the back seat. Jimmy thanked you for being such a good sport about the twist of the video, to which you just smiled at him and wished for them all to leave so you could go home.
Once the cameras were off and the rest of the crew had left, you were free to express your real emotions, which made for an incredibly quiet car ride home for you and Karl. You were bringing the bags into your apartment and trying to mentally figure out where everything was going to go when Karl spoke.
“You’re upset.”
It wasn’t a question, but you still felt like you had to answer. “No, I’m okay.”
“You haven’t spoken to me since we left the store.”
“I’m a little overwhelmed is all.”
You looked up at him. He put his hands on your face and looked down into your eyes.
“I’m sorry that I made you upset with this,” he said. “I just wanted to surprise you.”
“I know you did, and it was really sweet, but that was way too much money, Karl,” you told him. “If the circle had been smaller and it wasn’t as much stuff and so much money I would’ve reacted differently, but all of you knew that’s what was happening today. So you made the circle that big, you allowed me to fill it with all that stuff, and then you paid so much money. Karl, you’re going to be trying to pay that back for so long!”
“And that’s fine! I don’t care! I want you to have things, I want you to spoil yourself and not feel guilty over it. I want to spoil you and you not feel guilty for it. You deserve these treats, babe. You deserve anything that you want with no worries about money.”
You crossed your arms and tried to pull away, but Karl held tight to your face. You lowered your eyes, but he just crouched down so he could still be in your line of sight. You couldn’t help but giggle at how silly he looked doing that.
“You’re a dork,” you told him.
“But I’m your dork.”
You smiled at him. “Yeah, I guess you are.”
He stood back up and rested his forehead against yours. “So, you’re not mad at me anymore?”
“I’m still a little mad, but I do appreciate that you wanted to do something nice like that for me.”
He leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
“You do deserve it,” he said.
“Don’t push it,” you teased. You kissed him again and pulled away. “Now, are you gonna help me put away all this stuff we just bought or what?”
“I don’t know. I did pay for it after all, so I think I deserve to sit this one out.”
“Well then, you’re not getting the Pokémon cards, especially not the Shiny Pikachus.”
At this, he quickly grabbed a bag and started pulling everything out of it, putting it all into separate piles to make the organization process easier. You laughed and took another bag, sitting on the floor next to him and following in his lead.
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randomfandomworks · 1 year
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be than with you."
Karl Jacobs x GN!reader
Synopsis: When filming for the new Mr.Beast video runs late you end up having to spend all Valentines day on set
Word count: 757
Warnings: None that I can think of
A/N: All prompts used for this series of one shots came from @scealaiscoite's Valentines Prompt List
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There was a plan for the day. Except when Jimmy called saying they had lost footage and are now behind, the plan was scrapped. They didn’t mind really. But it did become ever so slightly annoying when they ended up not spending any time with Karl.
He was annoyed as well, having planned an entire day with them only for it to go out the window. He loved his friends and his job but today all he really wanted was to spend time with them. 
And they had been there, giving him lunch they went out to get, and bringing coffee to the team at one point. But they hadn’t been with him. Only the occasional grasp of a hand or a quick hug. Never there for more than a few seconds at a time.
And he had been filming all day, with only short breaks. It became more and more obvious that Jimmy had downplayed just how off track the schedule had become because the day was way fuller and more over working than it had been in a long while. 
And while he had been filming they had been off to the side. They didn’t want to mess up the video or ruin the flow of the work the team was doing. So they never interrupted or came up. Some part of Karl wished they would. But that never lasted long because usually as soon as the thought came to mind he was pulled back into filming another scene.
Now it was nearing dinner; they had helped the crew set up a kind of makeshift salad bar. And Jimmy finally dismissed everyone from the set, getting visibly tired himself. Karl walked over and made himself a small plate of food, his exhausted eyes scanning the area for his partner.
Eventually his eyes rested on their figure, sitting quietly waiting for him. Just as alone as they had been since the start of the day. He felt so guilty for having to come here. Working instead of taking them to their favorite places and gifting them cheesy things they would laugh at and yet appreciate still. His feet quietly carried him over to them. They lifted their head at the noise, pulling their attention away from their food.
Karl sat next to them, his head falling onto their shoulder and letting out a soft sigh. Their hand came up to comb through his hair; he leaned into their touch, closing his eyes in content. 
“Hello my love” they spoke gently. Watching as a small smile came to Karl’s face before he buried it deeper into their shoulder, relishing in the physical touch he was finally receiving. They felt his soft huffs of air against their collarbone. And then they sat in silence cherishing this moment they got with him. Knowing how hard today was on him and how he would quickly be going to sleep once they were back home. 
“I’m sorry” he mumbled, breaking the silence and pulling away from their shoulder. Wanting to look at them instead. 
“For what?” They asked genuinely, a light laugh behind their words. The curious look on their face only making Karl feel slightly worse. They shouldn’t be so ok with having to drop everything for his job. Or at least that’s what he thought. 
“Making you spend all day here. Surely this isn’t where you want to be on Valentine’s Day.” He explained, pulling his gaze to his still full plate. His hands intertwining together in his lap, sadly holding each other instead of his lovers. 
“Karl, there’s nowhere else I would rather be than with you” They responded, their eyes fixed on him as his fingers locked together. 
“Really?” He asked, a hopeful look casted back to them.
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to be at home or in some restaurant eating dinner alone. At least here I get to be with you.” 
He gave a light smile to them. A “thank you” He either didn’t know how to say or didn’t want to. 
“Ok” He said instead, glad to know his guilt was unnecessary, “But once we get home we’re watching a movie. Or anything else you want. And I’m taking you out tomorrow so we can do everything we were supposed to today.”
“I can agree to that.”
And with that they pulled his hands apart and replaced one with their own. He smiled giddily and let out soft giggles before kissing their cheek. Clearly making up for the lack of his attention that day. 
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dilfscvm · 2 years
[ Hi! I'm, Joanna💕 I'm new here on this app. I still have no idea how to use this but I have seen some blogs/posts like this and I just based this on some of them. I hope I'm doing this right💀 This one shot just pop out in my head out of no where. I LOVE, Jimmy, AKA Mr Beast. He's one of my ray of sunshine<33 Might do some smut sooooon👀 ]
Pairing: Jimmy x ¡Reader
Warning: Fluff!! Minor typos, grammatical error. Didn't proofread!
Credits to the owner of the gif<33
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A giggling sound of familiar people woke you up, groaning, you buried your face to the man beside you. Snuggling closer to you, his voice vibrates in his chest. Wrapping his arms around your frame, rubbing your back slowly drifting you back to sleep, but another fit of laughter startle you.
Your eyes snap shot, annoyingly look at your boyfriends lunatic friends.
“Chandler, Karl! I've told you two to keep your voice down.” Jimmy's acting annoyed while you heard him laugh a while ago with his idiotic friends.
“Why are you two here anyway? It's just—it's just five in the morning,” Your voice were hoarse, you cleared your throat.
Chandler snorts and give you a playful glare, “Y/N, we know you're not a morning person, but stop the attitude, girl. We'll do vlog later, right, Jimmy?”
“Yeah, I'm sorry, babe, they just barged in. I don't want to shoo them away. That's rude.” Jimmy rub your cheeks, he leans down and give your forehead a peck. You sigh and nodded, wrapping your arms tight around his waist.
“Yeah, yeah cute... Ew.” Karl's voice interrupts.
“Shut up, both of you, if you don't want your butts to get kick outside.” you threatened, rolling your eyes at them.
You might look mean, but in four years in a relationship with Jimmy, they should know how you despise waking up in the morning with noises everywhere, you've been trying to get used to it but you can't.
Jimmy is a very understanding lover, he understands you even sometimes he's been dealing with your attitude. His love for you were beyond, uncomparable. He definitely loves it when you apologise at him after few hours of waking up, you will cuddle with him and tell him what you've dreamed of, kiss him affectionately, telling him how much you love him. That's the thing he loves about you. It's like a morning routine for him.
“Babe, do you want me to prepare your breakfast? Hm?” he hums when he didn't receive any response from you. He noticed that you slowly drifting back to sleep, with a smile, he slowly lay back down facing you, hugging your closer to his chest as he pull the duvet to cover your body's.
“You know we're still here, right?” chandler says. Jimmy shush at him.
“She's sleeping, get out of here you two. Chandler, go eat, leave us alone, in peace.”
“No need to be told twice.” chandler sprinted out the bedroom, with Karl trailing from his behind. They close the door making Jimmy sigh.
“They're gone now, babe. I love you.” he whisper leaning down, he press his lips to yours multiple times, getting addicted to your soft red lips.
A smile formed his lips as he sees your lips turn up a little before snuggling closer to his chest. He would do anything just to stay here forever if he could.
Minutes past, Jimmy found himself scrolling through his Instagram. He also put his earpods to maintain the silence for you to rest longer. But his other hand still on your head, brushing your hair, soothing your sculp for some time.
He click on your story on Instagram, liking all your stories; Your lovely face, specially. Then a picture of both of you, taken last night. You both went on a date, were partially because his friends were present there. Being the third, fourth, fifth... Wheel. He giggle to your story, which is chandler making face not knowing it was zoomed in to his face.
After almost an hour, his time just circulate there, just laying down scrolling through Instagram, tiktok, twitter. Then finally you wake up, with a soft smile on your face. Jimmy, smiled back at you, immediately dropping his phone to the bed to cuddle with you.
“Good morning, baby.” he greets giving you a loving peck on lips. You pout your lips, wanting more kisses, he giggle and granted your wish. Giving you more kisses.
“Good morning, babe.” you whisper, began kissing his neck. A quiet whimper scape his throat.
“Babeee, stop that, the lunatics are outside.” Jimmy sadly sigh. He know he can't do anything right know to make you feel good, as his friends were just outside their shared room.
“I know, and I should apologise to, chandler, and Karl.”
“Hm, you don't have to because it's their fault anyways, but it'll make you feel better then, you should.” he softly whispered. You swore to God, his voice were therapeutic, you can listle to him all day.
“I will, thank you for your understanding, Jimmy, I love you so much.” you stare back at his lovely eyes, staring at yours.
“And I love you, always, and forever, my love.” As soon as you two pull away at the passionate kiss the door flung open revealing Jimmy's lunatic but loving friend holding a McDonald's in chandler's hand while Starbucks coffee on Karl's—oh and there's Chris.
“Good morning, suckers. Breakfast in bed!” Chandler said putting the foods in the night stand along with the coffee's.
You smile at them, pulling away from Jimmy's warmth.
“So you replaced me with foods, you don't want to cuddle anymore?” Jimmy playfully pout. You giggle and pull him up to sat beside you.
“Enough for that, love birds, time for breakfast!” Chris happily said taking the food one by one and gave it to us.
It's not that bad morning at all. You thought to yourself.
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tinakibed · 2 years
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whoever has these photos i need you to post them right now 🔫
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could we get a sapnap x reader at the streamer awards :)) maybe reader is also a streamer (or just sapnaps plus one) and they get all dressed up & sapnap can’t keep his eyes (or hands) away from them ;)
also could i be 🐼 anon?
Yes!! 🐼anon<3
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🩷Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself (I Mean I Could But Why Would I Want To?)🩷
Sapnap x Reader
Warnings: USE OF REAL NAMES(Nick, Alex, Noah), AFAB Oral Receiving, Overstimulation, cum eating sort of?
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Nick was waiting for you in the lobby of your hotel, having gotten ready quicker. He was beginning to get impatient by the time you exited the elevator, but that melted away and formed a new heat in his stomach when he saw you. The slit of your satin black dress reached the top of your thigh, and it took a lot of practice to know how to walk in it with light flashing those around you. Lucky for you, you had a lot of practice. Nick on the other hand, didn’t have a lot of practice in self control. Whether you were standing next to him or a block away you could see how he practically undressed you with his eyes, his chest puffed out as he held his breath, lips parted and eyes drifting from your perfectly sculpted collarbones, to the silky skin of your thighs he’s all but memorized, all the way to your matching black heels, that made you perfectly level with him. He didn’t know what to focus on but it didn’t matter, no matter where he looked he was mesmerized.
“You look- wow,” he said as you approached him, offering you his hand as support as he spun you around. You laughed nervously, holding your clutch tightly. You weren’t the type to dress up, especially in this sort of dress, but this could be a once in a lifetime experience for all you knew, so you said screw it, and got one you felt beautiful in. He kissed your cheek softly, wrapping your arm around his and bringing you outside with him to the car.
The car ride was short and tense. Not in an uncomfortable way, but more in the “if i could fuck you in the backseat right now I would, but I know you spent a long time on your hair and make up”, kind of tense. You and Nick had been best friends for years, having met through a friend of a friend and some how ending up closer to each other than the original.
Pulling into the lot, he handed his keys to the valet and opened your door, taking your hand and leading you through the security. The two of you hadn’t said much to eachother, it was tense and the air was heavy, almost suffocating. Pretty quickly the two of you were ushered to the carpet to take pictures, posing together at first, his hand resting on your hip while yours was against his back. When there was a pause, he leaned down to your ear.
“You look really nice by the way, i don’t know if I wound up finishing that sentence earlier,” he joked, trying to break the ice.
“No you didn’t,” you smiled through your words, placing your other hand on his chest to lean into his ear, “but thank you, you look really good too.”
His ears burned red and he squeezed your hip, moments later you were separated, Nick being pulled away to do an interview. You awkwardly shuffled off to the side, seeing a familiar face in the crowd.
“Karl Jacobs. The Karl Jacobs. No shot.”
The man spun around hearing his name, the group he was with also following the sound as their friend was called. When he finally laid his eyes on you they lit up, before widening when he took in ur appearance. The group he was with had been in a circle, but had all leaned back or turned to see you. You could feel their eyes raking over your form as you rushed forward and tossed your arms around your friends neck. He almost hesitated, before wrapping his arms around you and giving you a tight squeeze. Karl giggled into your neck.
“Hey! You look, really incredible wow,” karl said when he pulled back, his hands still left on your waist as he eyed over your body. Thanking him, you turned to the others.
“George,” you greet, hugging him the same way. He huffed out a laugh, his hands laying flat against your back to push you into his chest.
“You look beautiful,” he said in your ear, kissing your cheek as you pulled back. You flushed, suddenly feeling warm.
Turning around completely, you smiled at the tallest in the velvet suit. He smiled back, not even trying to hide as his eyes fell across your body. You looked down shyly, but he extended his hand to you to take and you did. With him hugging you tightly, you mumbled a “hello” into Noah’s neck. He laughed lightly, offering a greeting as well. Lastly you turned to the one directly across from Karl, who you could barley see behind his sunglasses and bucket hat combo.
“Damn you look good,” Alex said shamelessly, opening his arms for you as you stepped forward to hug him, you laughed, muttering a thank you and planting a kiss on his cheek as a sign of appreciation. When you pulled back, you felt a heat against your back. Spinning around, you came face to face with Nick, who had seemingly finished his interview. You smiled to him and he turned you around so your back was against him as you faced the group. The rest of the group had already greeted him and gone back to conversing, but he wasn’t paying much attention as his hands landed on your lower back, sliding around to give a quick squeeze to your hips before coming around to your front. His palms laid flat against your hipbones, pushing you back into him. The body heat radiating off of him made your skin tingle, but the way you could feel his dick pressed firmly against your back side made your thighs clench. A breathe left your lungs before you could think, passing through your vocal cords at just the right time, alerting the others of the, unfortunately not quiet enough, whiney sigh.
Luckily Alex had wandered off to find his sister and you were spared the embarrassment of him having heard you, but that didn’t save you from the other three. You tried to play it off, raising your hand to cover your mouth and cough lightly to clear your throat, but that didn’t cover your burning cheeks. They seemed like they were also trying to play it off, not having stopped their conversation but all three having directed their eyes to you and Nick, who’s hands were still planted firmly on the front of your hips.
“Don’t embarrass yourself,” Nick whispered in your ear, his hair tickling your cheek.
“I think they’re starting soon,” Karl said quickly, leading the group past a set of double doors and into a large room, where dozens of round tables were set in-front of a large stage. Before you could enter, Nick had pulled you off to the side by your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, assuming he was nervous. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, not being able to find the right words. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he said quickly, shaking his head to clear his mind, “can we talk? I wanna, uh, talk to you.” His eyes hadn’t left the length of your exposed thigh throughout the entire interaction, but you brushed it off as him being nervous, and let him lead you down some hallways before opening a door to a family restroom. As soon as the door closed behind you he let out a sigh leaning his back against it.
“Nick are you okay-?”
“Come here,” he said, cutting off your concern. Confused and cautious you stepped forward, his hands reaching out to grab your waist. “You’re so pretty you know that?”
“What?” You said before you even knew you were saying it, flustered and suddenly very warm. His arms pulled you in and you put your hands on his chest to hold yourself up.
“Listen I don’t wanna do or say anything that’s gunna make you uncomfortable,” he started to say, a deep sigh following after, “but I have been trying so hard not to touch you, and right now I just really wanna kiss you.”
It was like he just punched you in the gut by the way you suddenly had butterflies ruining your insides. Now it was your turn to look like a fish while you looked for words, your face as red as a tomato. Nick was your friend, and he was undeniably attractive, but everytime you found your mind wandering into thoughts like that about him you shut them down, not wanting to ruin what you had. Screw it, it wouldn’t hurt.
“I won’t unless you tell me I can, but you look so beautiful and I couldn’t help it I just really wanted to tell you-”
“You can,” you rushed, looking back up at him and pushing yourself towards him, “you can kiss me.” He was taken aback by your response, not exactly expecting compliance that quickly.
“Are you sure? I-”
“Please, kiss me?” This time the desperation leaked from your lips without any assistance needed. So he did, his nose brushing yours as he leaned in, locking his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. At first it was calm, but the second you let out a whimper from his tongue brushing your bottom lip, it was like you’d flipped a switch. He pulled away roughly, turning you around so you were now pinned to the door before kissing you once again, this time more feverishly. His hands still had a death grip on your hips, and yours were beginning to wrinkle his suit in your fists. His lips were soft and plush, his tongue being the same as it glided over yours. He tasted like spearmint, the gum he had in his mouth giving him away.
Pulling away only lasted a second before his mouth made its way down your neck. It was heaven, the way he held you so close and touched you just right. His beard added another sensation as his tongue ran across your pulse point, making you shiver. Sucking and nipping he made a bright red bruise, before continuing his way down. One hand made it’s way up, his fingers slipping into the cup of your dress and pulling it down to expose your chest. Your fingers combed through his hair and you took in a heavy breathe when his tongue met your chest. Small, soft circles around your nipple drew goosebumps from your skin, before his lips closed around it and sucked softly. A whine passed your lips, and you couldn’t help your knees forcing themselves together as you tried to get any sort of friction between them. Pulling off with a pop, he kissed back up your chest and neck to your lips, kissing you softer than before.
“You’re so pretty,” he sighed into your mouth, “so so pretty.”
“Nick, please,” you begged, pulling his mouth back onto yours. He moaned into your mouth, his fingers sliding down to the slit in your dress before pushing the fabric to the side.
“This okay?” He asked slightly out of breathe as his fingers brushed the very top of your thigh, millimeters from your cunt.
“Yes, yes-yeah it’s, yes,” you rushed, your fingers digging into his forearm. You didn’t have to tell him twice, his fingers sliding over to your clothes cunt, softly dragging up and down your folds. Leaning your head against the door you moaned, basking in the pleasure.
“Shhh, oh you’re so cute,” he cooed, pushing your underwear to the side. He was barely touching you and already had you moaning shamelessly. He continued his previous action, sliding his second and third fingers over your slit, this time collecting your slick, “and so wet too.”
You stayed quiet, not knowing what would come out of you tried to respond. His mouth reconnected with your neck in sync with his fingers as they moved up to your clit, drawing small, light circles over the swollen bud. You where a whining mess, your legs shaking from pleasure. He knew exactly how to use his fingers, and exactly how to make you feel good.
Seconds later his mouth left your neck, and Nick sank down onto his knees infront of you. He worked gentle kisses up your thigh as his thumb rubbed your clit, eventually coming face to face with your cunt. Your fingers were clenching his hair with one hand, the other coming to cover your mouth shyly. He smiled at you kindly before his fingers moved from your cunt, instead assisting you in lifting your leg over his shoulder.
It was a sight to see, really. The beautiful boy that was your best friend between your legs, lips wet and eyes glossy as he looked up at you. He was so pretty like this, it pulled whines from your throat. Leaning forward he placed a single soft kiss on your clit, watching as your hips pushed forward to him. All it took was another pathetic “please,” from you for him to lean forward once again, using is first and second finger to spread you, before licking one long stripe up your cunt to your clit. Your knees shook lightly as he got to work, not being scared of a little mess. His tongue lapped at your hole, collecting every bit of slick that leaked from you before moving up. His nose pushed against your mound as his tongue drew figure-eights on your clit, your brain having short -circuited a while ago making moaning and begging your only form of communication.
He seemed to be liking this just as much as you, his eyes were closed with one hand griping your thigh tightly and the other holding your ass, his thumb ghosting over your whole as a tease. You leaned your head back against the door, your eyes fluttering shut for just a second before a harsh slap to your thigh jolted you down to look at the man below you.
“I want you to watch,” Nick said, pulling away to breathe the hand on your ass moving around until his middle finger poked at your entrance, “can you do that for me sweetheart?” You nodded feverishly, lips pressed into a fine line. He looked up to meet your gaze, his finger slowly pushing into you as you squirmed. When his knuckles met your pelvis he kissed your clit and smiled at you sweetly, “good girl.”
His tongue went back to your clit as his finger slipped in and out of you slowly before adding another. The whines you were making were pathetic and he loved it, he loved how you were a mess for him and he barely had to ask before you had caved for him. It only took one soft curl of his fingers combined with a perfectly timed flick of his tongue to your clit for you to yelp, your hips jolting forward and your hands to shake. He laughed against your clit, continuing his torture of your cunt faster this time, the heat in your stomach beginning to pool and grow, swelling in your abdomen as your legs began to tingle.
“I’m gunna, i’m, ah Nick I’m gunna cum,” you gasped out, fingers knotting in his hair. He hummed in acknowledgement, fingers moving faster. He mumbled a ‘go ahead’ against you, eyes closing blissfully. The feeling finally bubbled over, the knot tightening and your high came crashing down on you as you came. His fingered slowed down to a stop, his tongue slowing but not stopping. He pulled away a second to breathe, looking up at you and smiling. God he was so- his mouth and chin was shiny from your slick and cum, and his cheeks were flushed red. That stupid smile on his face made you wanna cum again.
“Good job baby,” he praised leaning back down to your cunt again, “lemme clean you up okay?”
Without an answer, he pulled out his fingers, his tongue quickly moving to catch the combination of slick and cum that leaked out of you. You squirmed away, whining from over stimulation but his hands gripping your thighs held you tight against his mouth, although it only lasted a minute as his tongue ran over you completely, collecting every drop of you.
When he was done he stood up, gently dropping your leg from his shoulder. Kissing your forehead gently he went to the sink, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them. After washing his hands and wiping his mouth off, he returned to your side, wiping off any slick that was left on you before situating your underwear back on you comfortably. With a separate towel, he dabbed at your chest and neck, the wet towel cooling your burning skin.
“You okay?” He asked, tilting your face to look at him as he pressed the towel to your forehead. You nodded with a goofy smile, leaning into his touch.
“Ya, I’m good just, tired,” you say, leaning forward for him to wrap his arms around you. He hummed, just in time for an announcement over the intercom.
“Attention please, the award show ceremony will begin in 5 minutes, the award show ceremony will begin in 5 minutes.”
Nick pulled away, taking your hand in his and letting you lean on him as he unlocked the door. “For the record, you’re staying in my hotel room tonight y’know that right?” He said, kissing you softly.
“I would’ve been surprised if you told me I wasn’t.”
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omegaworld · 5 months
Omg I love your fanfics❤️ If you're going to start writing for Mr. Beast can you do something Karl x reader? Maybe where he likes her but doesn't say anything and then his friends have an idea and in a video Jimmy says that if Karl loses the challenge he will have to declare himself to his crush?
Best friend's brother - Karl Jacobs x reader [one-shot]
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Masterlist Recommendations Word count: 3247
Para este pedido eu usei este vídeo do MrBeast como inspiração.
Y/n met Sean at a gaming convention and they just clicked. It was quick for them to become best friends and as they lived far apart their friendship progressed mainly in online games. One day Sean told Y/n he was going to take part in his brother's stream and sent her the link to watch. She had a lot of fun and thought he was cute, so from then on she started following Karl's streams. Did Sean know about it? No. But she didn't have to tell him everything either.
She met Karl in person when she went to a college near Sean's parents' house. Even though she had a rented apartment, Sean complained that she had to pay rent to his parents because she spent so much time there. Spending so much time there, she ended up meeting Karl, who at first was very confused as to why a complete stranger was sitting on the sofa at his parents' house watching a soap opera with his mother. A very beautiful stranger, but he put that part aside.
His mother explained that she was a friend of Sean's and introduced them by inviting him to watch the soap opera with them. Unsure of what to do and bearing in mind that he had gone to visit his parents, he decided to join them on the sofa.
Although there was silence for a while, a comment from his mother was enough to make Y/n also comment again and laugh at the events of the soap opera. Karl laughed and eventually started commenting too. When Sean went downstairs to check if the soap had finished and saw the three of them on the sofa, he couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm.
That was the first of many times that Y/n and Karl met and somewhere in between Y/n developed a huge crush on Karl. She had followed his streams before, but now it seemed different and she realized this when she caught herself grinning like an idiot while watching one of his streams. Sean would kill her if he found out. But it was just a silly crush, right? Right?
"My brother took part in one of the videos with Mr. Beast, I was going to watch it, do you want to watch it with me?"
"Sure" Y/n replied, trying to look indifferent, but it was halfway through the video that a particular scene made them both comment simultaneously and Y/n flinched "Omg he looks so-" "How cute!"
"What?" Sean asks in shock at what he's just heard.
"Huh?" She fumbles trying to disguise it, but unfortunately for her Sean heard clearly.
"You said my brother was cute"
"Did I?"
"It happens" She says and Sean decides to let it go, perhaps because he didn't want to hear that his best friend had a crush on his brother. And just as well, because Y/n didn't want to admit it at all.
Y/n was lying on the sofa at her parents' house watching TV when Karl came in and was confused to see her alone.
"Hey" He greets smiling at the sight of her.
"Hi" She greets back.
"My mom?" he asks confused.
"It's Friday, there's no soap today, there's 'Alone' on, she doesn't like this one very much" She explains as she sits down, she didn't expect Karl to come today, he never used to come on Fridays.
"No, don't worry about it" He says as he sits down. He pats his lap signaling her to spread her legs again, this time over his lap. A little nervously, she stretches her legs over his lap and tries to remain calm.
For a while they both watch the program in silence until Karl laughs and makes a comment. She laughs at his comment and makes another. Suddenly they are both commenting hotly on the program and laughing a lot.
After that, every Friday Karl would go to his parents' house to watch the show with her and before they knew it, it had become their thing.
"Is it okay if I give you my number?" Karl asks one night before she leaves.
"Your number?" She asks in surprise, but tries to remain calm.
"Next week I'll be out shooting a video with Jimmy, so we could arrange it and maybe watch the episode together by video call or discord."
Y/n blushed at the thought of him wanting to keep in touch. "Here," she said, handing him her cell phone so he could put in his number.
For two days she struggled with what to say to him. Since he had put the number in her phone, she was the one who had to send the first message. Scrolling through her Instagram feed, she saw a meme related to the show and immediately sent it to Karl before he realized it was the first message. Fortunately, Karl immediately realized it was her and replied in a funny way. The two start chatting daily, from exchanging memes to simply asking what the other is doing.
One day when Karl sees her online on discord he simply initiates a call. When he answers, she asks what's going on and he says he just saw her online and thought maybe they could play something. It was the way she blushed and her heart raced to the point where she feared her microphone would pick up the sound that made her realize that the silly crush was definitely over.
Perhaps she should have realized this beforehand because it had been two years since she had admitted her crush and the feeling of butterflies in her stomach when he talks to her had only increased over time? Probably.
Despite this, he never invited her to play with Jimmy and the others, unbeknownst to her he did this to try not to make his passion obvious and instead repeatedly refused their invitations to stay and play with her.
Sean and Y/N were watching one of Mr. Beast's latest videos featuring Karl when he couldn't stand her passionate smile at the sight of Karl.
"Ok that's disgusting, you're literally drooling on my brother"
"What? I'm not!" She tries to defend herself.
"I'd hoped that three years ago you'd be over it," he declares simply. It was true, at the time Sean realized that Y/n liked or at least had a crush on Karl, but he didn't want to risk them getting hurt and things getting weird. He thought that if it was something small Y/n would be able to get over it, but apparently he was wrong and couldn't ignore it any longer. He knew Y/n, she wouldn't spend so much time on a mere crush, honestly he hadn't even seen her date anyone since he met Karl.
Then he realized that time she'd slipped up and said he was cute…. Y/n thought.
"Oh look it's now" Y/n points out trying to change the direction of the conversation.
"Yes, she's going to trip, but thanks to that she finds the box, that's the best part, no one expected it" She explains without realizing that Sean is silent.
"How do you know that?"
"Oh… well… Karl sent me the video when they finished editing it so I could give my opinion" she pauses, trying to gauge Sean's reaction, "But I promised to watch it when it came out on the channel!"
"What? He didn't send it to me!" Sean protests.
Y/n tries to disguise the smile that appears. She knows it's stupid, but for her to know that Karl sent her the video and didn't send it to other people or at least his brother was a small victory in her game of feeling important to Karl.
"Did you send him the last video?" Sean asks Karl.
"Did she tell you?" He says obviously not expecting him to know.
"She slipped up" He stops to watch his brother open the bottle and drink the water to cover up "It would be easier for everyone if you just asked her out"
Karl chokes and is about to defend himself when his cell phone rings with a message. Picking it up to check, a silly grin appears when he sees it's from Y/n.
"You deserve each other" Sean says in exasperation as he gets up and leaves the room.
"Wait, what?" Karl asks, but Sean ignores him.
He definitely couldn't ignore these two any longer and apparently they weren't going to move so he'd have to think of something himself.
"Impossible mode?" Sean asks Y/n.
"Yes, although I might call it almost impossible because technically it's possible to pass"
"How much of it have you got so far?"
"Just those first 10 levels of chapter 1, the tutorial basically" Y/n pauses, "But honestly I don't know if it's worth continuing to develop it, the game is basically quite simple, the only thing different about it is the insane difficulty levels. I don't think it's something people will like"
"Maybe I can help" Sean says, picking up his cell phone and starting to type.
"Today we're going to play the hardest game in the world!" Jimmy declares as the video begins.
The camera changes and Y/n and Sean appear in the shot as Jimmy approaches them. "We're here with S/n, Karl's brother's best friend and also the developer of this game. Do you have anything you can tell us about the game?"
"Initially it was a simple game I made for college, but when I was told it was easy I started adding more difficulties and I'm currently working on a mode that I consider almost impossible to pass."
"That's the one we're going to play today, right?"
"Yes, so far I've only developed this difficulty for the first 10 levels which are the tutorial for the normal difficulty"
"Okay then, let's make it a challenge and try to finish those 10 levels"
When Jimmy, Karl, Chandler and Chris start the first level Karl comments "Ok this doesn't look that bad"
"It doesn't, does it?" Jimmy asks and everyone agrees "That's why for the challenge we're going to try to pass all 10 levels in 30 minutes and whoever doesn't make it will have to take part in the challenge in my next video, to spend 24 hours in a pool full of slime" he announces, causing everyone to protest.
"Don't you like the punishment Karl?" Jimmy asks.
"Ok then Karl, just for you, I have another chance. Would you like to switch?"
"I'm afraid of what it might be, especially since only I have that option, but…I don't want to spend 24 hours in slime so…okay"
"Great! Karl, if you can't get to level 10 in 30 minutes, you'll have to call your crush of two years and propose to her!" Jimmy announces excitedly.
"WHAT?" Karl shouts in shock.
"And there's no point in lying because Sean knows and he told me exactly who it is."
Karl looks over to where Sean is quite smiling right next to Y/n before looking at Jimmy again.
"Jimmy, I've changed my mind, I really want to take part in the slime video"
"You want to?"
"Ok great then you're in!" Karl breathes a sigh of relief before Jimmy speaks again, "But you still have to call him if you lose"
"NO" Karl shouts realizing that he has made the situation even worse.
"Okay, time's up," Jimmy says, not giving Karl a chance to continue protesting.
Karl wastes no time and tries to focus fully on the game without letting on how desperate he was. He doesn't want Y/n to find out, it was already embarrassing that he liked his brother's best friend and he knew.
"Oh and Y/n and Sean you two feel free to walk around us watching and commenting since you both already know the game"
Y/n is very anxious and at the same time nervous, she never knew Karl had a crush, let alone one that has lasted two years. They've known each other for two years, right? What are the chances?
"Maybe it would help if I jumped," Karl comments when S/n approaches him and he misses the third block of the first level, making her laugh.
Sean laughs when Karl misses the same block 3 more times due to having S/n next to him and gets a death glare from his brother.
"Okay I did it!" He announces as he passes level 1.
"Wait, how did the thorns hit me?" Jimmy asks as he realizes he's dead.
"They'll come after you if you stand still for too long," Y/n explains.
"Okay, but-" Karl starts when the thorns from level 1 appear at the start of level 2 and kill him "Y/n!" He protests and she laughs.
"I told you it was hard" Y/n says "Feel free to complain, I'm fully aware that it's extremely annoying"
"Thank you!" They all say simultaneously.
Y/n circulates a bit among them, but spends most of the time with Karl while Sean is more with Jimmy, Chandler and Chris.
"Y/n why is there so much space between the keys?" Chris asks exasperated.
"It's part of the difficulty, they're not like that on the other difficulties"
"Y/n how do I pass this?" Karl asks on level 6.
"Y/n you can't help! You're the creator" Jimmy says.
"Sorry Karl" Y/n says, laughing at his pout.
Although she wants to motivate him, without realizing it she's only making him more nervous.
"Wait" Chandler says "Wasn't this supposed to be the tutorial?"
"Yep" Y/n and Sean answer at the same time.
Without Karl realizing it during the video, he ends up constantly flirting with Y/N in an attempt to get the solution to the levels.
"Wait, I've made it to 8! I'm almost there!" Karl exclaims. Maybe he'll make it.
"Okay, I give up," Jimmy says.
"At least I'm not going to the slime pool alone anymore," Karl comments a little more cheerfully.
For the rest of the time Chandler also gives up and with only 10 seconds left Karl loses right at the end of level 9. He bangs his head on the table in despair and Y/n puts her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. He looks at her, but immediately puts his head back on the table to hide his blush. He was going to have to tell her.
"Time's up! Nobody made it, right?" Jimmy announces.
Everyone reluctantly agrees.
"Okay then, the four of us are going to take part in the 24-hour challenge in the slime pool E" Jimmy pauses, moving closer to Karl "Karl, you know what you have to do"
"Yeh…." Karl says dejectedly.
"Hey" Y/n says walking next to Karl to the location of the last shoot "It's going to be okay"
Karl sighs, she wouldn't say that if she knew it was her.
Filming resumes with Karl standing next to Jimmy and Chandler, Chris, Sean and Y/n around him.
"First of all, I'd like to thank Y/n for letting us play the new difficulty of her game, although I must confess that I'll never play it again and I apologize for that"
"It's okay Jimmy, I'm grateful for the chance to show my work like this and besides the aim is to be levels that people will argue are impossible to pass"
"So now it's time Karl"
Taking a deep breath, Karl picks up his cell phone and searches for the contact before initiating the call and putting it on speaker. Everyone waits when they finally hear the ringtone, but as soon as it sounds a cell phone starts ringing and everyone looks towards the source of the sound.
Y/n is speechless when she hears her cell phone ringing. With all eyes on her, she pulls the phone out of her pocket and her mouth drops open when she sees Karl's name. Unsure of what to do, she turns the screen on her phone to show Karl's name to the camera.
"Wowww" Chandler and Chris say in stasis.
Y/n looks at Karl just in time to see him lick his lips before pressing them together in an obviously nervous thin line.
"You have to say it Karl" Jimmy encourages.
Clearing his throat and trying to ignore his nervousness he says "Y/n, I've had a crush on you for 2 years"
"Really Sean?" Jimmy asks Sean for confirmation.
"It's true Jimmy" Sean announces enthusiastically.
Jimmy walks away to end the video and Karl quickly disconnects the call and approaches Y/n. "Ok I know this sounds weird, but well…I…" Karl tries to find an excuse, but what excuse could he give when he's just revealed that he's had a crush on her for two years?
Y/n tries not to blush at how cute Karl looks as he tries to justify himself. Not wanting him to embarrass himself any further, she hugs him, hiding her face in his chest and making him shut up.
Karl is in shock, but returns the hug, wrapping one arm around Y/n's waist and with the other hand gently holding her head against him. He's in shock and everyone can see the cogs in his mind turning as he basically short-circuits. Karl didn't want to assume anything wrong. As he tries to figure out if the hug means what he hopes it means, he meets Sean's gaze who gives him a huge smile and raises both thumbs in the affirmative. He widens his eyes. He knew it, Sean knew it all along. He was going to kill him!
Sean turns to the camera which is filming the end of the video where Jimmy explains that they only did the exhibition because Sean guaranteed and presented proof that they both liked each other so there would be no broken hearts.
Before the shot ends the camera zooms in to where Karl is cradling Y/n in his arms just in time to catch him kissing the top of her head.
"You're welcome" Sean says approaching Y/n and Karl as the camera is turned off.
"Did you know?" Sean nods positively "Since when?" Karl asks, he didn't want to believe that his brother knew his crush liked him back and didn't tell him.
"She slipped up about it like three years ago"
Karl chokes "Three years?"
"Sean!" Y/n scolds, turning away from Karl. Okay, Karl had liked her for two years, but did he really have to expose that she liked him before?
Looking at Karl, he smiles at her with eyes full of love and affection. How could she not have noticed that look before? Embarrassed, she hides in Karl's chest again and he laughs, causing butterflies in Y/n's stomach with the sound of his laughter.
"Okay then, I'm going to take Y/n to dinner and see a movie and when I get back I'm going to kill you," Karl declares before taking Y/n's hand and leading her out of the studio.
Later, when I checked the comments on the video, most of them were about how cute the two of them were together, many people saying that during the video you could already see that they liked each other, some comments repeating the flirts that Karl said to her when he was trying to figure out how to get through the levels and others saying that they were waiting for the wedding. Of course, ignoring the haters.
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pink---condoms · 1 year
Halloween costumes with dt+k as their girlfriend <3333
He's ghost face and your an akatsuki member. Would be by your side throughout the entire night, not leaving you alone for one second. Would also remind you with every movement you make how hot you are and how lucky he is. Would back shot you everytime you bend over, due the material of your costume your dump truck would be perked up against the fabric. There's nothing more he love than grabbing the excess pieces of clothing and pulling it behind you to see your actual body figure he loves so much. Gave him head at home.
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He's matching with you, one spiderman and one spiderwoman. Would be choking on his saliva after seeing you in your costume. When he gets his hands on you, wouldn't want to let you go for the rest of the night. Would be attach to your backside through the whole night like a little puppy. He is your puppy. When you two are alone, he would spank your ass so hard, enjoying the way it jiggled. Apparently the night was young, if you know what I mean.
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Suggested that you be an angel and he be an demon, because you were his angel. So nevertheless your costume was an angel with him as your hot demon. Would 100% gush about how innocent and cute you look but at the same time hot and sexy. Would be taking at least a 100 picture each second. Would definitely pull you onto his lap, just to take pictures and to feel dominant. Kisses everywhere because your pretty and deserves them.
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Karl Jacobs
Wouldn't even notice it's Halloween till you asked him to match costumes. Would only agree to match with you if you let him picked the costumes out, which you had to choice but to let him. To your surprise the theme of your fits were hello kitty. Not really hello kitty but you was melody and he was kuromi. The moment he saw the way the costume braced your body he could've sworn he was seeing piece of heaven on earth. When he was complimenting you, he felt like he should've been on his knees instead of standing. You just look so fucking hot. Unsurprisingly, your chair was 'broken' and his face was the only seat available
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I don't know why I wrote this, it's not even Halloween. But I wrote it anyways so I'm gonna post it. I haven't posted for awhile because I was sick but I'm better now and posting again! 😁
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dreamwasnotaken · 1 year
bitches broken hearts | karl
BLURB: you and karl had dated for a year, and had recently made the decision to break up. it was mutual, but you were both completely heartbroken. after a month, you decided to go to a small party hosted by some content creators. little did you know, karl jacobs would be attending. you both can’t stop eye-fucking each other the entire time, and somehow you end up in his bed at the end of the night. 
tw: nsfw, smut, degradation, power play,,, minors dni!
stepping into the ginormous house of an unfamiliar content creator, you immediately regretted your decision on tagging along with your friends. you weren’t much for parties, especially when you were still heartbroken from your recent break up. 
it was dark, with dim red LED lights illuminating the entirety of the house. loud trap music boomed from an expensive sounding speaker, and even though the house was huge, it was packed full of people. 
“i’m gonna go get something to drink!” your best friend tina squealed, turning towards you. she immediately picked up on how out of place you were feeling. “c’mon, y/n! please have fun with me tonight.” she begged. 
“i will.” you gave a small smile, lying straight through your teeth. she grabbed your hand, and led you to a table full of alcoholic beverages in the kitchen. 
pouring yourself a drink, you lifted your eyes up from your task only to spot a very familiar brown-haired boy sat on a couch in the living room. he was laughing with the people around him, until he turned his head and his eyes met yours. 
a pang of sorrow washed through your body, but neither of you looked away. karl’s smile faded, and he suddenly looked upset. you wondered if he could tell you were hurting. you hadn’t seen him for a month since the two of you had broken up, and finally seeing him again in person was enough for tears to well up in your eyes. 
“y/n!” tina yelled, lightly tapping your shoulder. it was obvious she noticed the encounter. the action caused you to be the one to break eye contact with karl first. “come on, take a shot with me and let’s dance.” she smiles widely at you. 
“yeah, let’s do that.” you agreed. you needed anything to take your mind off of him, and drinking seemed like the perfect activity. 
about four shots later, you were definitely drunk. you were such a lightweight that even just two shots could knock you on your ass, so four was brutal. 
you and tina had been dancing in the living room karl had once been sat in, but now, his seat on the couch was empty. 
“i’m so glad you came with me tonight.” tina was slurring her words, quite obviously as drunk as you were. 
“yeah, me t-” 
and there he was again. as if on cue, karl entered the room with nick, and your jaw almost dropped. 
he was dressed in black jeans and a black button-up; it was so basic, but it had always been your favorite outfit of his. 
you wondered if he remembered that. 
you were still dancing with tina as his head suddenly snapped in your direction, as if he was on the lookout for you. your eyes met with his once again, and he eyed you up and down, almost seductively.
the amount of alcohol in your body faded your sadness from earlier, allowing you to smile at the boy. his cheeks instantly flushed red, but he smiled back. he looked so good.
“hey!” tina cupped your face with her hands, turning your head towards hers. “knock that off!” she yelled over the music. she grabbed you by your hands and continued dancing, twirling and moving around you, spinning you with her to the music. this only earned a giggle from you. 
as you continued dancing, you spotted karl taking a seat in the same spot out of the corner of your eye. 
and then it happened again. 
you turned your head to face him, but this time he was already staring at you. he was sat with his legs wide open, leaning back on the couch, and the sight almost sent you into a frenzy. you took your bottom lip into your mouth as you eyed him up and down. when your eyes reach his again, he’s still making direct contact. 
giggling to yourself, you put your attention back on tina. one of your favorite party songs started playing over the speakers, and you and tina looked at each other and squealed. you start dancing up against her seductively, wondering if this would catch karl’s attention. 
and to no surprise, it did. tina spun you around, so you were now facing him. you could feel his eyes glued to you, as if he couldn’t look away no matter what. he eyed you up and down once again, and nervously ran his fingers through his fluffy brown hair. 
you took this as an opportunity to give him the biggest fuck-me eyes you’ve ever given anyone. you tilted your head downwards, and didn’t look away from him as you continued dancing. 
that is until your vision began to spin, and you suddenly felt like you had to throw up. 
“i’ll be right back.” you mumbled, but tina had already found other people to dance with. you hurried your way out of the living room, direly searching for the nearest bathroom. 
the one downstairs was occupied, so you decided to make your way upstairs. you knew upstairs was usually off-limits, but you weren’t about to throw up at someone’s house you barely even knew. 
once to the bathroom, you locked the door and took a seat next to the toilet.
agonizing minutes passed, with your stomach churning and twisting. to your luck though, you didn’t end up throwing up. you stood up and collected yourself, heading towards the door.
you opened it, only to be greeted with the one and only, karl jacobs.
“oh- hi.” you said, eyes wide open.
“why are you doing that?” was all the boy said, staring at you intensely. he looked down on you, him being much taller. it was a little intimidating.
“what are you talking about?” you slurred, quite obviously playing dumb. you knew what you had been doing the entire night; practically begging this man to fuck you with only your eyes. 
“don’t play stupid.” he said sternly, taking a few steps closer to you. you were only inches away from him, and all you could think about was how good he smelt and how much he towered over you. 
and how badly you wanted him to fuck you, right then and there. 
“you’re making this very hard for me, y/n.” he said in almost a whisper-like tone. 
“making what hard?” you questioned innocently. you thought karl was going to say something along the lines of how this is making the breakup hurt worse, or something like that. but what he said next left you speechless. 
“making it hard for me to not fuck you,” he breathed, looking your body up and down. “you look incredible.” 
“i-i need to go find tina.” was all you could muster up, and you began to push past him. 
that is, until your wrist was suddenly locked in his hand, and he lightly tugged you back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. he pushed you against the door, his body pressing onto yours. 
“tell me you don’t want this, and i’ll go.” he spoke quietly, his right hand embracing your cheek. the whole encounter made you giddy with excitement. 
“don’t go.” you said, quite flustered. 
karl smiled down at you, and that’s when he leaned in to kiss you. your lips met, and it felt like ecstasy running through your veins. his lips were cold against yours, and you could taste the alcohol on his tongue. 
your lips both moved together in unison, his kiss slowly picking up the speed almost aggressively. 
“fuck...” he mumbled as he slowly pulled away. you wrapped your arms around his neck, and his hands found your hips, gripping them tightly. you looked up at the boy with nothing but intimacy in your eyes. 
his mouth met yours once again, but this time his tongue ran across your bottom lip, and into your mouth.you let out a small moan, and your tongues fought a little, but it was all over once he wrapped one of his large hands around your neck, squeezing lightly. 
this earned a drawn-out whimper-like moan from you, and you could tell karl enjoyed this. 
“you like that, yeah?” he breathed as his lips found their way to your neck. “you like when i touch you like that?” 
“mhm, i do.” was all you managed as he began sucking lightly on the nape of your neck. as he did so, it caused a string of moans to escape your lips. he suddenly started sucking harder with each noise that came from you, and you knew this was going to be leaving some marks in the morning. 
“you’re so soft,” he said as he took a pause from pleasuring you. his hand that was once on your neck made its way down to your jeans. he looked at you with pleading eyes, and all you did was nod frantically. “you’re so good, y/n.”
hearing him say your name sent shivers down your spine.
pulling your pants and underwear to the side, karl slipped two fingers into your extremely wet region. the action made your breath hitch, then came a loud whine. he began pumping slowly, picking up the pace after every pump. his hands felt so good inside of you, and you needed more. 
“p-please karl,” you begged. “i need you.” 
“yeah?” he questioned, his free hand wrapping around your neck once again and pushing you hard into the door. “you think you can just tease me all night and get away with it, princess?” he taunted. 
his fingers were going in and out of you so quick now, so deep. 
“answer me,” he growled in your ear, tightening his grip around your neck. this only turned you on so much more. “now.” 
you loved this side of karl. of course, he was always such a sweetheart. but when you told him you liked things rough when you were dating, you never could imagine him doing anything like this.
“no,” you choked out. you could feel yourself coming close to finishing beneath him. “i’m sorry.” 
“yeah, i’m gonna fucking make you sorry.” 
with that, your stomach began to feel like it was floating. you were so close to hitting your climax, until karl pulled his fingers out and quickly began to unbuckle his belt. 
once his large, long member was out, it didn’t take long for him to slip your shirt off and unclasp your bra, tossing it to the side. your mouth gasped at the sight. it wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before, but each time was still a shock. you knew you were in for it tonight. 
“god y/n, you are so fucking gorgeous.” karl said and he eyed your naked body up and down. this earned a small giggle from you.
karl grabbed you by your neck, and brought you over to the bathroom counter. he bent you over, the coldness of the counter sending chills through your entire body. 
“you’re gonna watch daddy fuck the absolute shit out of you.” karl smirked as he positioned himself behind you, lining himself up with your cunt. “how does that sound?” 
“please, karl. please just fuck me.” you practically begged, pushing your ass out towards his dick. 
“i asked you,” he paused, grabbing your hair and pulling it until you were looking in the mirror. you made intense eye contact with him in the reflection. “how does that sound?” 
“it sounds good daddy.” you breathed out helplessly. 
and with that, karl inserted himself in you and you both let yourselves moan out in pleasure. karl’s moans were the sexiest thing you have ever heard, and he knew that you liked it. he thrusted into you slowly, but hard. pure pleasure soared up and down your entire body, needing more. you watched intently in the mirror as he continued to fuck you, as did he. 
“fuuuck...” the boy whined, letting go of your hair and grabbing onto your hips. he picked up the pace, and was fucking you harder than he ever had before. he slipped in and out of your wet cunt with such ease, and groaned almost every time he did so. you could feel his heavy breathing on your back as you gripped onto the counter in front of you. 
“i-i’m gonna finish karl, i’m so close.” you whined, earning a cocky grin from him in the mirror. he pounded into you a few more times, before you both came undone on one another. you could feel him filling you up with his cum, and this made your entire body explode in pleasure and dopamine. his body shook on top of yours as he moaned along with his orgasm.
“oh my god,” you mumbled as you felt karl’s body leave yours, leaving you cold. “karl...” you trailed. 
“shh,” he cooed, lifting you up from the counter and spinning you around. he pressed his bare body onto yours, pulling you into a hug. he snaked his arms around your waist, and you wrapped yours around his neck. he pulled you closer to his chest, and you two just stayed like that. “i’m right here.” he reassured. 
karl knew aftercare was a very important thing to you when it came to sex, and he must’ve thought you were becoming emotional. 
“let me take care of you?” he questioned as he pulled away, quickly slipping his black jeans back on. 
“mhm.” was all you whimpered, your body still shaking from what had just occured. karl opened a nearby closet, and pulled out a clean towel. he took his time cleaning you up, constantly telling you how beautiful and perfect you were as he did so. he picked up your shirt as you crossed you arms, still bare. 
karl slipped your shirt back on you, and then slipped your pants over your legs. once finished, you couldn’t help but pull him back in for another hug. 
“i missed you so much, y/n.” karl said into your shoulder as he rubbed circles around your back. his arms felt safe, like home. 
“i missed you so much karl, you have no idea.” you breathed into his shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“come home with me tonight? nick will drive us,” he asked, pulling away from you and cupping your face in his hands, just like tina had done earlier. before you had the chance to respond, karl passionately pushed his lips onto yours. he kissed you deep, his thumb running circles around your check. “please?” 
“yeah, i’ll come home with you karl.” you said as you pulled away, smiling with glee. 
“i’m never gonna let you go again,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand and led you to the door. “you are mine.” 
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sapnapstummy · 4 months
gatorade vodka
Karl Jacobs/GeorgeNotFound/Sapnap
Rated Explicit | 3k words | One Shot
Drunk sex and first time blow jobs
Karl’s boot comes up and lands squarely on George’s chest, knocking him flat to the ground. Sapnap watches as George takes it, the laughter from ealier is gone but the amusement in his eyes shines just as bright. “Putting on a show, pup? Wanna show Sapnap how you get put in your place?” Karl’s words are punctuated with sharp kicks to George’s ribs. Karl places his boot over George's neck, and Sapnap jerks up from the couch. His head spins as he stands and he takes a few stumbling steps. He tugs Karl back by his belt loop, pushing him in the direction of the couch. George looks fucked when he turns to him, tears bead in his eyes and his breath comes in ragged gasps. And something he didn't see before, George's hand down his pants, jerking himself off as he gets pummeled on the floor.
Enjoy <3 and let me know if you liked it :]
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justdsmp1 · 2 years
⋆ 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁
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Pairing(s): Karl Jacobs x Reader
Pronouns: None used
About: You make Karl lose track of what he was saying.
Word count: 463
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You were staying over your boyfriend,Karl's house.He was streaming and talking to his friends.I was down the hall taking a shower getting ready to go to bed as it was almost 11pm and I had to be up early the next morning for work.I press shuffle on my playlist,Daddy Issues playing in the background as I turn on the shower to just the right temperature and get in.I use the body wash I leave here and also wash my hair after about 5 more minutes of singing and warming up
I get dressed in the bathroom as Karl is currently streaming in his room,I put on some shorts and one of Karl's hoodies,my favourite one to be exact.I then walk downstairs to take my medication and get myself a drink to last me the night but it won't exactly last me the night since I end up drinking it all before even going to bed.I grab my phone off the counter and checking out Karl's stream and see what he's up to,he's currently on Jack box.I smile at how happy he is and how he laughs.
I walk up the stairs and slowly open the door to his room,Karl when you walk into your shared room just like that as he caught sight of you he loses track in what he is saying
"Hey Love"I greet
"Karl you there?"George asks,confused by why Karl wasn't responding
"Karl?"Sapnap says,just as confused as George
"Sorry lost track of what I was saying"Karl replies,looking at his screen then back at me.
"Y/n walked into the room I'm guessing"Sapnap teases.Karl blushed.
"You look so perfect in my hoodie"Karl says,in awe.I blush at his words while his friends tease him for being a simp.I smile at him before getting into bed.I'm laying on my side staring at him as he continues to play with his friends
He hops off his PC about 10 minutes later and gets into bed with me,excited for cuddles.He pulls me close to him and kisses my nose and I smile at how lucky I am.He's too perfect for this world.I snuggle into his chest,I've never got nightmares anymore due to Karl just being there.I was no longer scared of going to sleep.My eyes felt droopy until I heard a noise downstairs and I sat up quickly,Karl looked concerned as to why you shot up like that
"What's wrong Sweetheart?"Karl asks you.
"I thought I heard something downstairs,I must be imagining things"I say,deep in thought about it.
"Come on,snuggle back in,you got a big day at work tomorrow at the office"Karl tells me,opening his arms for me to roll into.I lay down and roll into his arms and settle back down and just like that I fell asleep in the love of my life's arms.Life is amazing.
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𝕍𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕪𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕞!𝕊𝕖𝕩 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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about: dreamwastaken, sapnap, georgenotfound, karl jacobs, quackity, badboyhalo, callahan
warning(s): swearing, blood mentions
pronouns: you, your
note: I used to play volleyball for a few years and absolutely love it! Sadly I had to quit due to arthritis problems, but I'm exited that this is my first headcanon! :D Kisses! <3
note pt.2: I also have a taglist if you want to be added! Kisses! <3
summary: what you and the sex havers would play/be like on a high school volleyball team
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Let’s talk about our starter's positions
Quackity would most definitely be libero, because… well… you know (shotty)
But he’s slippery and fast so I think that he’d be really good at getting spikes
I feel like he would be some kind of natural in a way
Like he just showed up to practice one day with minimal experience and just keep popping up Dream’s deep and fast spikes
Everyone was so shocked, because he wasn’t even there to practice
He just showed up to drop something off for Sapnap and Dream kept whining that no one wanted to dig his spikes, so he was like “fuck it” and dug every. single. one.
They definitely had to beg him to be on the team, because he was like “why would I do that???” 
Come to think of it, he most likely was going to long before he agreed, because he thought it was funny to watch Dream beg on his knees for him to join
And the only reason he accepted was because he was either bored or out of spite for George
Dream would be middle because man is tall and buff, so blocking and spiking would be no problem to him whatsoever
He’s probably been playing volleyball his whole life, so he’s just been naturally good at it for years
Like, all of his siblings have been star players on a volleyball team at some point and I stand by that
That’s actually how he got into the game
He probably played with his older sister’s team when he was really little because “my big sister plays volleyball so it must be cool! :D” It was adorable
I feel like he was a outside hitter for a while because he was really short and lanky before he hit puberty
But when he shot up, he’d honed his spiking skills to the point where he could put the ball literally wherever he wanted 
Dream would most likely be captain, because of how long he’d been playing, his leadership skills, and the fact that he’s weirdly good at pep talks and speeches
At some point this guy came up to him after overhearing his pre-game pep talk and literally pleaded with him to host a TED-Talk
George just seems like he would be a good setter
I don’t know why
Maybe because he’s so lanky and tall
Dream was probably the one who got him into volleyball when they were young, because he wanted a setter so he could practice spiking and George was like “okay?”
So, setter. Very good. Likes to taunt the other team with Quackity.
He definitely could distract the other team by not-so-subtly flirting with them
It doesn’t even matter if they’re straight, George just has that kind of charm and skill that he could be chatting them up while setting up the ball, distracting the other guy completely, causing George to get and assist or push the ball over
It’d piss off the guy’s other teammates too until they experienced it… they’d understand
Plus, I’m like 98% sure that his school would have a fanpage for him (pretty boy things)
I’m jumping around all the positions and I don’t care
Karl would play opposite
He’s tall and can spike and can set almost as well as George
I also think he’d be really good at tipping the ball
Like he can spike well when he needs too, but he’d be notorious for catching the other team off guard and tipping it right behind their outside hitter
He also seems like the kind of person who the other team would underestimate until the game really got going
He’s a pretty kind and gentle looking person and you wouldn’t always expect that kind of person to be a sneaky bastard
Like, they’d try to spike it in his direction, because they don’t think he’d be able to block or something
Or they try to set it over and his tall ass would just *tip!* right in a blind spot
Sapnap would take Dream’s old position of outside hitter, because he never really shot up like his best friend
Although he does the best in the back row because of his height and how quickly he reacts to tips or short spikes, this man can jump
Like, if he’s in the front row, George will try to set him first, because of how high Sap can jump and how hard he can spike
Sapnap’s been playing as long as Dream, except he got into it because he thought hitting a ball was cool and he liked the sound the volleyball made when it slammed on the ground
He probably practiced Libero before Quackity joined the team, just because of his height and his quick reflexes
Though, he didn’t mind when Q took his spot for the sole purpose that he could finally play front row from time to time
Punz would play the right side hitter
Because of his height and build, Punz would be one hell of a blocker and block the ball almost every single time
Like he’s so good at it it’s funny
But the times that he doesn’t end up blocking it with his hands, he ends up blocking the ball with his face
The funniest part is that he usually sends the ball back to the other side when that happens
If that doesn’t happen, then his face usually pops it up so either George can set it back over or Dream can spike it
Along with having the most blocks out of everyone on the team, he gets the most injuries on the team… hence the face blocking
Like, there would have to be a nurse on stand by just for him, because he gets hurt so often
According to him, “My nerves are so shot in my face, that I can barely feel the bleeding!” He says this while blood trickles out of his nose…
The we have our coaches: BBH and Callahan
They treat the boys like their own family, but get annoyed with them so fast
In their defense, the boys are a pain in the ass and annoying as hell
Bad, is the main coach and is generally very stern but kind and fair in the way he coaches
He never actually played volleyball in high school, but his mom was the coach for a state college team, so he grew up around coaching volleyball and was taught how to play regardless
Most of the teams he’s coached won national championships
Now Callahan is more of an assistant coach, but actually used to be a star player
He’ll play with the boys, usually as a hitter
If they piss him off somehow, he’ll wipe the floor with their asses with him spikes
It’s very funny to witness
And guess what, you are the stand-by nurse! Hooray!
No but like seriously, the amount of times you’ve had to put in a dislocated shoulder or stitch up Punz’s face or even personally buy surplus amounts of braces because your boys can’t seem to not get hurt is ridiculous
The most unusual part is that you’re their age
Your mom was a physical therapist for sports and you had been her assistant since you could walk
The fact that you have so much experience and are good at what you do is the sole reason that the school let a high school senior be a stand-by nurse for the men’s volleyball team
It also helps that your mom is the school’s physical trainer, so it’s not like she’s not there too, it’s just that your job is to your boys while her job is for everyone else
You have known all of the players and coaches for forever
It helps that your mom has worked with the coaches for a while, so they’re family friends and you’re a part of the player’s friend group
You most definitely hold a special place in all the boy’s hearts to the extent that they have all dropped something at some point, because you needed something
And it’s not pretty if someone from the opposing team makes gross comments about you when they’re on the court
There has been many fistfights to say the least
And god help the poor suckers who try to catcall you to your face or say some gross comment to you, because you absolutely wreck them every time
It doesn’t even matter if they’re twice your size, “It’s so much more fun when you know what to break” is one of your favorite lines
So long story short, you don’t get messed with often
Now for how they act on the court… oh god
You know how the starters are a group of pretty boys… yeah
Obviously, there are crowd favorites like Dream (he says he doesn't like to brag, but he’s lying because he loves it) and Quackity (he finds it funny)
But then there are the fan-culture favorites like George, because he’s absolutely beautiful and he knows it
Regardless, all of them are show-y
Some more than others *cough* Sapnap *cough*
Because of that, they like to mess with the other team
It can come in the form of flirting or taunting, but only they know which tactic they’re using exactly
It’s not like they’re not a skilled team, they’re absolutely cracked, it’s the fact that it’s so much more fun to mess with the other team
Or so it has been described to you
They’ve done it for so long and no one really cares that much (everyone does it), so that’s why Bad or Callahan never tell them to stop
BBH is the only one who gets annoyed by it, from our team, based on the fact that it’s not fair, because “you know they can’t affect you, so by saying and doing those vulgar things– it gives you an unfair advantage.”
They always look so proud of themselves after that recurring comment
You find it absolutely hilarious
And the only team that has actually come close to getting under their skin was the SBI, but that’s a story for a different time
But yeah, the whole team is just one massive family and you all protect each other… more or less
You can pick or beat on each other, but no one else can do that or else they’re get seriously beat up or verbally bashed 
But, it’s all part of the game
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karljnap · 1 year
kiss it better
Karl Jacobs/ Sapnap
Rated Teen | 4.3k words | One Shot
Sapnap fixes Karl up after his moped accident
Tags: First Kiss, Fluff, Near Death Experience, Inspired by Banter
Excerpt: Sapnap watched the crash in slow motion. He watched, immobilized, horror spreading through his veins like ice, as George slammed on the brakes, watched the panic on Karl’s face as he attempted to stop before smashing into the back of George’s go-kart.
For a split second, he thought everything was going to be fine. It wasn’t like the go-kart was huge, or that they were going very fast. George would be fine. Karl would be fine. They’d make George pay for the damage to the go kart and the moped, but-
Then the moped flipped.
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randomfandomworks · 1 year
MCYT Valentine's Day Prompts Masterlist
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All prompts used came from @scealaiscoite's Valentines Prompt List
Karl Jacobs
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moriiartist · 2 years
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The tag list can be found here!
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SYNOPSIS: Halloween is, quite literally, one of my favorite holidays. Period. So, since I wasn’t able to sate my thirst for spooks last year, I’ve concocted six fresh one-shots in my cauldron of writer’s brew! Do not resist the Halloween vibes. They are not optional.
SCHEDULE: Once per day from 10/26/22 to 10/31/22!
STATUS: Started 10/26, Ongoing
While the general tone of this series might be more lighthearted, this is a general warning that certain chapters contain darker content including: semi-graphic to graphic violence, blood, injury, body horror, etc. More specific content warnings will be posted alongside the chapters themselves.
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Candlewick | Witch!Karl Jacobs x GN!Reader | 2.8k words
You get caught in the rain and Karl comforts you. That’s it. That’s the fic.  
Hunter’s Moon | Werewolf!Punz x GN!Reader | 3.1k words
You’ve always been fascinated with the stars ever since you were a kid, despite how people may have judged you for it. Sucks to be them, though, because they don’t have a werewolf boyfriend.
Like Ink In Water | Ghost!Eret x GN!Reader | 4.7k words
Get a job as a tour guide at the local historic castle!’, they said. ‘It’ll be fun!’, they said. Well, now a specter of the last monarch to be crowned in its old halls has decided you’re the best thing since sliced bread, and you have to live with it.
(Call The) Number Of The Beast | Demon!Tangotek x GN!Reader | 2.6k words
You thought it was a joke. A goof. A funny ‘ha-ha’ story to tell to your friends later- how you tried to summon a demon. However, things haven’t exactly gone to plan, and now you’re stuck trying to send a resident to hell back to where he belongs. Too bad that he’s decided that’s wherever you are.
Wrong Turn (At The Right Time) | Vampire!Ethoslab x GN!Reader | 3.9k words
It was simple, the arrangement you had with Gem. She would let you study in the library before it opened; you would be gone before her boss came in. So… how did you wind up with a vampire for a history tutor?
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CIVIL WAR (2024)
Starring Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Nick Offerman, Nelson Lee, Evan Lai, Sonoya Mizuno, Jefferson White, Juani Feliz, Edmund Donovan, Karl Glusman, Jin Ha, Jojo T. Gibbs, Jess Matney and Jesse Plemons.
Screenplay by Alex Garland.
Directed by Alex Garland.
Distributed by A24. 109 minutes. Rated R.
Civil War takes place in the very near future, a look at an America that is at war with itself and violently coming apart at the seams. It’s a dystopian wasteland with hundreds of abandoned cars, burnt out cities, gunfights punctuating the night, abandoned corpses and people turning on each other. It’s a very depressing thing to speculate about. Particularly because none of it seems all that far-fetched from where we are in history.
Interestingly, the writer/director Alex Garland doesn’t really bother with the politics of the situation. We never completely know what has caused the rift in the States – we are just plummeted into the situation with little or no understanding of the reasoning behind the conflict.
Even occasional hints are somewhat confounding. For example the force taking on the American government is apparently a coalition between the states of Texas and California – and I don’t think in reality you can find two more diametrically different States. Also the US President, as played by Nick Offerman, is somewhat reminiscent of Donald Trump, and yet in other ways he is not.
Garland seems to be saying it really doesn’t matter to the story that he is telling. Once the war has come, the causes sort of blur into the background. This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around.
Civil War revolves around four war correspondents who are crossing the country in a news van trying to cover the story, and hopefully get an interview with the President.
These (extremely) intrepid journalists are: Lee (Kirsten Dunst), a renowned but rather jaded photo journalist, Jesse (Cailee Spaeny), an extremely young-looking photographer who idolizes Lee and is still old-school enough to use a 35mm film camera, Joel (Wagner Moura), a writer who seems to be just a bit too excited by the warfare going on around them and Sammy (Stephen McKinley Henderson), an aging journalist who is much more circumspect and concerned about all that is going on around them.
Interestingly, although the two women are constantly taking pictures and the two men are supposedly writing the stories, they have no way of forwarding the pictures (cell coverage is gone) and they guys never seem to actually get around to writing.
However, they cheat death many times in their voyage across country to Washington DC. They realize very few people can be trusted at this point and are nearly constantly getting shot at. They also realize quickly that their press credentials are not going to keep them safe.
In general I am not a huge fan of dystopian films, but I have to admit that Civil War is a particularly gripping one, particularly in its fast-paced, danger-filled climax. The sight of Washington DC under attack, with trashed cars piled up to make barricades and missiles lighting up the night sky is disturbing, to say the least. And a brief earlier segment with Jesse Plemons as a renegade soldier deciding who is a “real American” is one of the more harrowing scenes in recent cinema.
Director Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation) has been saying that Civil War will probably be his last directing job, at least for the foreseeable future. (He will probably continue on as a screenwriter.) If that is indeed the case, Civil War is a pretty good way to sign off.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: April 12, 2024.
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imagines-babes · 10 months
Telephones (au!Karl)
Hello sorry for a late story. Thank you for 100 followers . Today story is a pirate au. At first it was gonna be based off of Tina hardcore severe which it is a little still. Some backstory is you are the Queen of the pirates. Both you and Karl were friends both he left out of no where. That’s all. Today song is, Telephones by Vacation,’ I do hope you enjoy this story. (Maybe a story from One Piece. Who knows?)
Not proofread
Karl Jacobs list Masterlist
The sun shining on an island with pirates all around us. Today the barrow is crowded. The lights inside were dim with the sun blazing in through the window and door. The air full of smoke. The shelf is full of bottles of a variety of whiskey, Tequila, and many other drinks. The bartender taking shots with fellow pirates while the other side of the bar started singing sailor tails or songs. With people coming in and out with some escorts during for the men as they steal their treasure. Giving a nod to the bartender for a refill as my crew relax. The stories of, 'The Queen of The Pirates.' The tales always seem to crack a smile to me. Hearing the door to the front open not turning my head. The whisper start to arise as I feel the person sit stand next to me placing his arms on the bar counter. Looking in the corner of my eye of his hand with rings. Smelling his scent was familiar giving only a smirk. 'While if it isn't my old company. The one they say that is, 'The King of The Pirates,' giving a laugh. 'Such a foolish name but he also your competitor isn't he? Foolish something?' Looking over at him. As he played with the rings on his fingers. With a loose white button up shirt having half his button undone. Along with some necklaces and belt around his pants.
'Y/n I need your help,' my back face the bar tender as I look at all the pirate in one bar. 'Why would I help you? If I have nothing to gain from you.' He stares to all the bottles behind the bartender. ' if you help me do this. I will pay you back I promise.' With the room once with talking became quiet. The promise. For pirates if a promise is made it's ether you for fill that promise or death. Grabbing his arm bringing him outside of the bar near the ships. Hearing the talks start once again as we leave. 'Do you know the warning of that word? You saying that word in front of everyone?' I stared at him. 'I know the meaning of it that's why I have said it in front of everyone.' Tapping my leg, 'why do you even want to be a king? I gave you that opportunity the first time we have brought it up.With you declining that offer and you leaving the next day. Now that some people have challenged that you decide to come here.' With a blank stare from him with his fingers placing around with the rings of his hand. 'Look karl, I get that you want to be the king of the pirates but as a Friend I don't think you have it in you. You didn't even build your own ship. And you only have some crew mates.' He only stares past me to the water. 'I want to do it for you,' he says with his back facing me, 'I left because-.' Cutting him off, 'you cut me off because you just wanted to use me for a title karl. Because you wanted what I had.' I point at his chest walking onto my ship. 'You were the first guy on land and sea that I value more than myself you know,' Turing around as I stared at him. ' I would've given you anything but you left only leaving a note saying, you want to be on your own, no goodbye. I had to find out by some other pirates that passed your boat.' Turning around facing my back. 'I would've given up my title for you. You jerk!' I shouted to punch his chest.
Yet he never me. He didn't grab my wrist or said any words. All he did was stare down at my hands. Punching him. He moved his hand to take off my hat to notice my eyes. They had tears. My punches weren't going as hard as before. Felt his hand going in to hug me while my breathe started to shake. With my head going to his chest. 'Why did you leave?' Before he knew it their was a tear coming from Karl. 'I don't know y/n. I wish I could tell you.' There was no speaking after his words. He spoke the truth. That was the worst pain. He didn’t know why he left. ‘I’ll be leaving this island tomorrow by noon. If you want to join me for this travel I’ll be happy for you to join.’ All he did was nod. He lets me go as I push back. The sunsets with our shadows starting to separate. It’s like our shadows knew our fates before us. He eyes started to admire me as I start to admire himself. Feeling the warmth of his hand on my cheek with his rings. Their it was. The sparkle in his eyes once more. He brought me back into him once more. I closed my eyes to feel his lips up against mine. Once again our shadow is at once. This is where I wanted to be.
The next day, came with my crew loading up everything to the ship. Noon is approaching, he’s no where to be seen. I knew not to get my hopes up but there was slight chance he would’ve came. I don’t know what would’ve happened. I felt someone approaching beside me as I straighten my back. ‘He’s not coming is he?’ I turned to notice my senior officer standing next to me. I would try to disagree but there no use to it. ‘He’s a captain of his own ship. I knew wouldn’t come.,’ I turned to walk onto the shop. ‘We trained him better than that to abandon his crew like that.’ Placing a smile then walking onto the ship. ‘Get on board we are leaving.’ Everyone rush to set sails as I wait in the front hearing yells from the crew. I start to remember what he said after the kiss.
‘He pulled away from the kiss to look at me once more ‘the sunset is beautiful isn’t it?’ He says with some tears in his eyes. That’s when I knew what he meant. I move his hand away from my cheek walking to the ship. He loves me yet wants us to part ways again. ‘The sunset-,’ I choked on my words as I nod. Walking onto the ship.’
He would be the man I loved but after last night he let me go. We sail heading to our next island. I turn to look over at the dock. The further we got i started to notice someone with a wave saying goodbye. ‘Till we meet again karl.’
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