#kayn guide
kansaspieco · 1 year
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aurelion-solar · 8 months
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HEARTSTEEL is a virtual pop group featuring reimagined versions of League of Legends champions Kayn, Ezreal, Sett, Yone, K’Sante, and Aphelios. A group of dynamic daredevils dedicated to unapologetic individuality and bold, creative expression, HEARTSTEEL is set to blaze a path to success on their own terms after each member's failed solo careers. The group’s personality and sound draws inspiration from modern music collectives, and a range of influences from across genres and eras, culminating in a bold and fearless one-of-a-kind identity. The band’s debut single, PARANOIA, pushes the boundaries of pop music with an eclectic infusion of hip hop and electronic influences and relentless, playful energy.
SETT is the founder and co-leader of HEARTSTEEL, who started the band after being dropped from his first label. Inspired by the bold, aggressive styles of hip-hop, Sett designed the group's outfits for the PARANOIA music video and collaborated with ØZI on his rap verse.
As HEARTSTEEL’s co-leader, K'SANTE uses his talents as a singer and creative director to shape the band’s vision. In collaboration with Tobi Lou, K’Sante’s emotionally-attuned lyricism draws inspiration from R&B and hip-hop.
EZREAL first rose to stardom through a manufactured bubblegum-pop hit. As part of HEARTSTEEL, he’s found new freedom in controlling what he creates. Collaborating with BAEKHYUN of EXO, this charming vocalist takes inspiration from his fans around the world.
KAYN is a wildcard, channeling his rebellious streak through Rhaast, his onstage alter-ego. Kicked out of his former band, the multi-genre rapper and instrumentalist leans into everything new and experimental. Collaborating with Cal Scruby, Kayn pushes the envelope wherever he is.
As HEARTSTEEL’s primary instrumentalist and lyricist, APHELIOS brings a quiet genius to the band’s songwriting and composition. Though he rarely speaks, his pursuit of musical perfection guides the group. With his array of instruments (and a little help from his twin sister Alune), Aphelios aims for new creative heights.
Once a producer on international pop hits, YONE grew disillusioned with the music industry’s idea of success. Now revitalized as part of HEARTSTEEL, Yone brings an analytical focus and sharp production skills to the band. His passion for electronic music and meticulous attention to detail shapes their sound.
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milksuu · 3 months
can I get some headcannons based on Heartsteal being becoming fathers? Like how they were during the time their s/o was pregnant. :3c
Maybe a bonus on whether the child was planned or not.
❥ prompt: v!heartsteel expecting father headcanons with reader ❥ content/warnings: suggestive themes, foul language, pregnancy and all things related, baby genders mentioned ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel! (aphelios, ezreal, kayn) x pregnant!reader an;; forgive me, i am too sleepy tired to write for all the boys atm. ;w; fml my hc's for sett would make me fold errr maybe later
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS
When you break the news, Aphelios forgets he primarily uses sign language to speak. To your surprise, and to his own, he uses broken words and barely audible sounds. Almost like a child learning to talk again. You have to help him by taking his hands, and guiding him to use them instead of straining his vocal cords.
'Are...are you sure?'
At first, it's difficult to process all the emotions. Happiness. Fear. Excitement. Anxiety. Love. Overwhelmed, he presses your hands against his face, hiding his unraveling expressions. Afer a beat, he chokes up. His hands squeezes yours, deepening your touch. And within moments, you're wrapped in his arms. And he presses as much of you into himself as he can. Holding you so close to his heart, you feel it pound against your cheek. As if to say; 'is it really okay for me to be this happy?'
To any outsider looking in, Aphelios seems disconnected and unenthusiastic about the whole situation. A plus-one wasn't planned, after all. When anyone asks about you and the baby, he replies with a simple 'Fine. Thanks.' And promptly diverts the subject back to work or anything else. But on the inside, the poor man is suffering. Constantly worrying about you and the babies well-being. In reality, he's too afraid to indulge in his own happiness and share it with others. Fearing the moment he does, it'll all shatter like glass in front of him. And he won't be strong enough to mend the pieces.
It's no surprise that his new chronic obsession consist of only making sure you and the growing baby are safe. He texts every hour, on the hour. Makes frequent video calls. And installs motion sensor cameras around the house, especially in places you could easily fall. And no, he doesn't mind watching you fold laundry or wash dishes for an hour while on a face call. So long as he can see you smiling and healthy, that's all he needs to assure him when he's not physically with you.
He's also pulling all nighters until his bottom eyelids are rimmed red. Reading hundreds upon hundreds of articles, forum posts, and online material on how to be a 'Good Father'—especially one who can't speak. Jotting down everything he can in his notebook, bleeding pen after pen dry from ink. There's plenty of times you have to wake up in the middle of the night and convince him back to bed. But only after reassuring him a thousands times how great of a father he'll be.
When the baby bump begins to show, Aphelios presses his ears against your stomach. Listening to the life you carry inside you. The amniotic sounds ease his intrusive thoughts, and lulls him to sleep; he always imagines he's taking a nap right beside the baby. Plus, he loves getting the small bit of attention from you as you run your fingers through his hair. A moment of selfishness he can't help but relish all for himself.
As for sex...well, he's not always on board with the idea. As much as he craves to be inside you everyday, especially when your body looks so heavenly full, he just doesn't want to risk anything. Especially in your later months. Last thing he wants to do is induce an early labor. But he's more than willing to devote his hands and mouth to satisfy every inch of you that he can. Worshipping you with adoring kisses and soft touches from head to toe. He's happy to please you, and doesn't expect anything in return in your state. (Of course, you do anyway.)
Familial genetics is one heck of a thing. Aphelio's eyes are blown wide at an image screen that shows two babies growing side-by-side. When it's conclusive you'd be having identical twin boys, he almost collapses in front of the ultrasound technician. So not one—but two—surprise gifts waited for him at the end of the third-trimester. And if they would be anything like him, their house would be a pranking death trap to all who entered. No one would be safe, except for mom.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ EZREAL
When you show Ezreal your pregnancy result, he looks at it with complete shock. He's locked in silence, which is never a good thing for someone as talkative as him. You almost have second thoughts about revealing the news until he bounces to you and gathers you in his arms. Eyes brimming with tears of absolute joy.
"No way—No way! Are you telling me I'm going to be a dad? Babe, for real. Is that what these two lines mean? Are you kidding me? This is the happiest freakin' day of my life!"
Ezreal has always been a fan of surprises, and this big news was no exception. Everywhere he went, no matter the conversation, he'd just casually state he was becoming a father. Didn't matter the person or group setting. Family. Friends. The neighbor; his neighbor next to him. The young teen delivering packages to his door. The grandmother and her toy-poodle waiting in line at the convenience store. If anyone was around him, he was boasting about you and the now expected bundle of joy.
Ezreal tries his bestest to help you around the house. He's never been great at chores, but he's a happy little helper eager to listen and please. You tell him exactly what you need from him, and he'll do it with a smile on his face. Anything that keeps your stress levels low, he wants to be the one you rely on to ease your burden.
Ezreal can't lie and say he understands everything about pregnancy and what you're going through. It all seems to go right over his head. The only thing he seems to get is your morning sickness, because he's literally feeling it too. Seeing you nauseous gets his own sympathetic response going. So while he's trying to comfort you, holding your hair as you hover over the toilet, he's also cradling the nearby trash bucket for himself. (How romantic!)
When your stomach grows, Ezreal can spend hours and hours talking to it. He never runs out of topics. Even mentioning the most mundane parts of his everyday life. These moments are when he feels he's bonding most with his child to be. He'll pretend to tell the baby secrets that you don't even know about, and whispers out loud with a wink, "but don't tell your mom about that one, 'kay?"
Ezreal is literally terrified to have sex with you. And not because he doesn't find your body attractive. But he actually believes he'll poke the baby's eye out, or pop you like a water balloon. And if that ever happened, the guilt would forever destroy him. It takes a visit to the obgyn and for a professional to explain that it's perfectly safe to have sex during your pregnancy. He's hesitant at first, but after the first go around, his confidence and sex drive picks right where it left off. (He regrets not going at it like rabbits sooner.)
When you're at your routine ultrasound appointment, Ezreal can't stop the tears parading down his face, even before he knows it's a boy. Hiccuping and siffling, one hand squeezes yours tight, while the other points at the imaging. "H...He...looks just...like me." It's endearing for him to think that. When the monitor only shows splotchy and fuzzy spots of the babies butt. The copied images to take home are his favorite photos taken. Ever.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ KAYN
When you break the news to Kayn, he doesn't hesitate to pull you in by the waist, pressing your hips together. Guiding a hand to the back of your neck, in a manner that was gentle and not comparable to how he fucked you senselessly. And with all the care in the world, he takes your lips.
"Damn. You're fertile as Hell. It only took us one time after you stopped your birth-control. Honestly, it's really fuckin' hot. How about we—you know—to celebrate?"
Counter to popular belief, Kayn brought up the idea to start a family first. When you asked him the reason, he first joked around a bit, telling you how hot and sexy it would be to 'impregnate you with his seed'. But, he put aside his usual impulsivities, and explained his desire to move on to the next part of his life. He was done with the partying and drugs. Over the one night stands and dating random no-nobodies. And just wanted to have a more meaningful, family oriented life—with you.
To show he's committed to the whole idea, he takes days off from his idol schedule to go to every prenatal check-up appointment. He plucks and stuffs every pamphlet into his pockets he can find around the waiting lobby. He asks tons of questions to the obgyn, and stuffs more educational brochures in his pockets. You have to scold him when he tries to snag a small uterus replica from the exam room. Kayn defends himself, wanting it for "educational" purposes. (Rhaast just wanted it as a neat souvenir.) He settles when a medical assistant gives him a sperm shaped pen.
Kayn is another one that isn't great with house chores. (But he'll gloat and say he's mastered cleaning the dishes, at the very least.) He's generally better at being sent for errands outside the home. If you need an extra ingredient to make dinner, he'll hop on his motorcycle and get it in record time. And if you're not feeling up for cooking, he'll order pick-up from your favorite place in town. You need to send a package at the post office? He'll wait hours in line on the busiest day of the week. Whatever he can do for you, he makes sure it gets done. So you never have to worry about something once you pass the responsibility to him. Showing you he's a more than capable partner and future father.
When your baby bump starts to show, Kayn's favorite thing to do is touch it. Applying the softest pressure as he runs his hands and finger across your rounding stomach. He's always enamored whenever he feels the baby move; another reminder of how amazing you are. And he never forgets to vocalize it. "You're so goddamn beautiful, you know that?" he'll say like you've cursed him. Cradling your face and taking your mouth.
You never have to tell this man more than once to touch or have sex with you. It's part of his daily routine a this point. And definitely one of his favorite ways to bond with you. But now that you're pregnant, it's as if the sex between you two has shifted into another plane of pleasurable existence. Never getting enough of it, even moments after finishing. But on the days you're not up for it, he respects it. And doesn't mind defaulting to cuddling, before dozing off to sleep with you in his arms. (But he eagerly counts down the time for when you're in the mood again.)
Kayn tries not to show to much of his softer-side; he rather be the one to have his shoulder wet than yours. But at your ultrasound appointment, once it's confirmed you're having a girl, his whole punk 'fuck only the hot police' persona collapses. You notice him clear his throat, and quickly swipe a knuckle at the corner of his eyes. He masks this dent of composure by huffing a laugh, "Guess I'm, uh...going to be kicking the crap out of a lot of asses later."
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darkvioletwonderland · 7 months
Hi! I had this thought in mind for a long time but I never ask for headcanons before. So please be patient with me! Its my first time asking for this things and Im not sure if I know all the rules for asking for hc 🥲
I was wondering if you could write Heartsteel Kayn hc (or Aphelios or Yone. Or maybe the three of them hehe) making love for the first time with female reader. I always had this feeling that behind that rockstar badass attitude, Kayn can be the softest and cutest person ever, a side that only one person can see.
I hope you like this idea! And sorry for my bad english! Its not my first language. And sorry for writing so much! Thank you for your time ❤️
-> Hey! Thank you for your submission! No worries at all ffksfkf english is not my first language either. I love the concept! Hope I can do it justice for you! <3
𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙀𝙇 Headcanons - First Time ♥️ Mildly NSFW, suggestive language
-> 𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙆𝙖𝙮𝙣/𝘼𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙨/𝙔𝙤𝙣𝙚
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Kayn is a wild card no one could seemingly tame, a fact everyone knew by default. It's wasn't a surprise to anyone who met the walking menace. But behind closed doors, it was a completely different sight to behold.
Behind his confident and smug grin, laid a slightly nervous and observant man. As the two of you got down into doing it for the first time, Kayn wouldn't stop just looking at you. Even with his face just bursting from how much he was blushing.
With rough hands, he explored your body. Familiarising himself with your breasts and the shape of your hips. Always keeping an eye on what got you to make beautiful noises and what not. Teasing your chest most of all while his fingers roamed down bellow.
He'd kiss your lips and bite your neck to muffle his own noises of pleasure. You couldn't escape getting bitten by him. Though, you did had some advantage on your side. A dog collar around his neck and the leash in your hand to keep him in check. Surprising even yourself with how much Kayn needed to be yanked back. And how much you liked having control on such a smug man.
After the fact during after care, he offers to massage you. Brushing your hair gently and hugging you tightly from behind. Fuck you were perfect, just truly perfect. Laying another blanket of kisses on the nape of your neck. His affection after doing it for the first time becomes ten fold. As well as the amount of bites. He absolutely seeing marks on your body and knowing he was the culprit.
Aphelios is a rather calm soul, letting his music be the thing that fills the silence. Enjoying his bit of time pulling pranks on his closest friends. Surprisingly though, behind the curtain lied a rather playful soul.
Doing it for the first time, he was hesistant with touching. Even waiting for verbal approval, wanting to know you wanted this as much as he did.
His actions spoke better than any words could, taking the time to truly know your body like he depended on it. Praising your features with his hands and with kisses, delicate intimate touches that would just sent delighttful shivers down your spine.
It was a rather hot sight to see him so invested in between your breasts, fondling them and seeing his mouth kiss them gently.
After doing the deed, he cuddles with you. His aftercare is pampering you with affection and love. Using a finger to draw hearts along your bare skin. Kissing you softly and lightly whispering how much he loves you.
Yone is a professional in his field within the music industry, having plenty of experience to back up his skill. Which is why it's no surprise that he's quite knowledgeable when it comes to bed activities.
His professionalism takes a step back and let's a more romantic side of him show when it's both your first time doing the dirty. Staying quite respectful of you and letting you familiarize yourself with him before touching you. Guiding your hand, showing you it's okay and to not be afraid to enjoy this.
When it's his turn, he know exactly where to touch. Absolutely worshipping your body like the temple it is. Taking his time with pleasuring you more than himself. Specially down below in between your legs.
His almost perfect look gets ruined, but you do see a more untamed version of him. One with loose long hair, towering over you while he pants over you. Looking at you and only you, like you're the only star in the night sky.
At the end during after care, he completely takes care of you. Pampering you with kisses and whispers of sweet nothings in your ear. Holding you close and promising to never let go.
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I know it's not perfect and I definitely lacked on the whole female reader aspect, but hopefully next time I can do better! If you've read this far, thank you! <3
Check out my pinned for my Headcanon rules
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duckchu · 7 months
If requests are still open could I ask of you anything for Yone? Hc abt him falling him love or something related? Not to be vague but to give you artistic liberty 😅
Of course you can!
Also sorry for the vague ending, I hope you're not mad about it
Enjoy ~
Yone falling in love
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It was just a normal Friday for Yone
Just working and, later on in the day, going grocery shopping for the week
When he was finally done with the song he has been working on, he went to the nearest shop
Where there wasn't a lot of people, just two others and the employees
Even though there was no one else in the shop, he still managed to bump into you when he was leaving
He profusely apologised, especially after noticing you spilled your freshly opened drink on yourself
Gave you his number so you could let him know how much he owed you for cleaning it, since it didn't look like a stain that would come off after one wash
After you got home, you texted him to let him know that he doesn't need to repay you, since it was an old shirt anyway
But he started insisting, so all you could do was tell him the price of the drink so you would at least get the money spent back
He quickly transferred you the money
You thought this would be the end of it, but no.
That same night you got a call from your cousin, Sett
He told you all about this band he was invited to be in
How all the other guys were so cool
And how he was meeting with them at a bar nearby your house tomorrow, but since he lived further away, he needed to kinda sleep over at yours
You agreed, you liked him and didn't want to leave him getting home hammered
So tomorrow came along and at about 11 pm you heard a knock at the door.
You went to open it, and there was your cousin, drunk and the guy who destroyed your shirt yesterday
He looked as shocked as you when you opened the door
He helped you guide Sett to the couch and said something about leaving, since his bus will be here soon
It felt cruel to let him leave by himself, into the cold and dark night
So you offered him to stay
Only then realising he's gonna have to sleep on the floor
So you tried offering your bed to him
He was horrified and denied strongly
So you tried to make the most of what you had and made him a makeshift bed out of an old mattress and a lot of blankets and pillows
In the night, while you were asleep, Yone woke up
He looked at you, forgetting where he was for a moment
He was avestruck
Then he realised where he was and why he was there
But when he glanced at you again, you were so...he didn't have words to describe how he felt right now
He barely knew you, yet you made his heart rsce
He got up and went to the kitchen, which you showed him earlier, to get himself some water
Why was he feeling so...hot...just from being in a room with you?
He couldn't possibly...be in love with you after a day
This wasn't like him at all
He didn't sleep well that night
The thoughts of you kept him up
You were practically a stranger to him
He was just charmed.
That's it, a silly little crush, nothing to worry about
But as weeks went by and you visited the Heartsteel apartment pretty often to talk with Sett or bring him something that your auntie asked you to, those feelings didn't stop
They got even stronger
Now he was...feeling this sting everytime that Kayn started teasing you
Or Ezreal kept you so invested in your talks
And Aphelios made you laugh so hard
He couldn't possibly be jealous over you
This wasn't like him at all
How could one person make his heart race so hard
Maybe it was more serious
Maybe he should tell you about his feelings
And he will
Just gotta ask you out
This will be the hardest part
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samglyph · 11 months
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This isn’t art but a while ago I made this quick little guide for my malevolent comic panels
For reference: John, Kayne, Scratch, Arthur
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undeadmagick · 3 months
☀️ introduction ☀️
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Hello! I’m new and wanted to make an account dedicated to paganism and witchcraft and meet those with similar interests :) I’ve been a witch & pagan since around 2021 with Lady Freyja being one of my first deities to work with me!
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(Will be updated as time goes)
Name: Kayn
Age: 20 yrs old
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality/Gender: You have a better guess than I do
Astrology Signs: Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon, Aries Rising
Currently Working With: Lady Freyja, Jörmungandr, Lord Hades, Lord Lucifer, Lord Apollo
Will Soon be Devoted to: Lord Apollo, Lord Hades
Will Soon Work With: N/A
Magickal Interests: Sigils, Crystals, Self-Love Spells, Meditation, Tarot, Protection Magick, Deity Work, Pyromancy, Runes
Looking to Learn: Demonolatry, Sea Magick, Necromancy, Death Magick, Osteomancy
Other Interests: Drawing & Painting, Horror Movies/Games (Until Dawn, Fran Bow, Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Makeup, Psychology
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Some Important Posts:
Deity Guides: Jormungandr Deity Worship: Low Cost Offerings, Work v Worship, Divination Methods, Devotional Offerings, How my Deities Look, Moodboards: Apollo, Me&Hades&Apollo, Apollo(Musagetes Prayer), Deity Wallpapers, Freyja, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hades,
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This is a safe space for LGBTQIA+, all races, all religions, and all people other than bigots. Obv DNI if you are racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, someone who pushes your religion onto others, etc.!!
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smallsies · 10 months
listen. listen. faroe lester in an apocalypse au.
she's fifteen, maybe, but arthur lies through his teeth & tells the guards outside of the safe zone in new york she's just a few years younger than she looks. faroe stays quiet, just tugs her father's jacket tigher around her shoulders and gives everyone the same doe-eyed look that's saved her life more times than she can count.
she's just a kid. the world is ending and everyone is dying, but nobody's cruel enough yet to keep living with a child's blood on their hands.
it's only a matter of time, though, the safe zone medic tells her. he introduced himself as kayne when the guards brought the lesters to him to be checked over for signs of infection. he says he's not a real medic, but he'd spent more than enough time around hospitals and any injury worse than a papercut meant the poor soul was already half-dead anyways.
faroe just smiles and fidgets with the tail of her braids. she's only fifteen and her father is sick but none of the survivors can see it yet, only he can hear the voice that's been rattling his skull for weeks now; the one that helped guide them here from somewhere in southern massachusetts, the one that saved arthur from the brink of death after faroe spent weeks watching the light fade from his eyes.
they had been on a supply run in arkham proper, nothing out of the ordinary, but that day the sun was going down faster than they could make it through the city and the zombies had found them before they found safety. arthur was clever, too clever for his own good, but he wasn't as fast as he used to be and they ended up stumbling into the old university library to haphazardly bandage the gash in his left shoulder.
it would be fine, he told faroe, but faroe could see the distant flare of badly-disguised pain in his eyes and all the ways he grew weaker, talking to a man—john doe, he called him—that wasn't really there, the fever he couldn't quite shake that only grew worse by dawn the next morning.
parker was still around, then. faroe had left miskatonic's library behind and fled back downtown on her lonesome, sticking to the shadows until she was back at their camp, what used to be her father and parker's shared detective agency and was now a sorry excuse for a home at the end of the world, with loose bullet casings discarded under a desk and cans of food with all the labels half-peeled stacked on the desk.
her father refused to give the girl a pistol and parker wouldn't go against arthur's decisions, so faroe kept a hunting knife tucked into her belt, sharpened beyond reason and, in arthur's mind, for emergencies only, nevermind the fact that every day brought a new emergency with it.
parker and faroe strike back out to the university and parker can't save him and faroe is fifteen, watching her father die right in front of her.
he gets better, though.
arthur gets better and she has her father back but parker is gone, drops dead right where he's standing, and arthur says the voice in his head did it but faroe isn't quite sure if she believes him. she's fifteen and her mentor is dead but her father is alive and the world is ending regardless.
just. faroe lester in an apocalypse au.
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naisilla · 5 months
The Emperor's New Muse Part .3
Odyssey Kayn x Reader
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content: References (see if you can catch them all), meeting the morning star crew, unedited.
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Exiting the Fractal Shear, you weren't prepared for what lay beyond the ship. Years of hatred for the empire couldn't stop you from letting out a shocked gasp. The palace port, which you assumed was underneath the palace itself, was unbelievably massive. The station stretched out far beyond your line of sight. An expanse made of cold, dark metal lined with sterile lights.
Thousands of troops patrolled this underground base, stoically staring ahead as they marched to wherever they were headed. Yet underneath the dark visors, you could feel judging glares towards yourself. Even in demaxian clothing, you still stood out to them, probably because you were in "casual attire" and they were in uniforms.
Oh, how ironic were the circumstances right now. How you would claim to be the biggest threat to the empire, talking big about tearing down the metropolis of the capitol. You would daydream about being like Katniss Everdeen, the symbol of rebellion leading a large revolution.
But you were no such thing, instead you were being walked out of the empire by the locus armada like you were a teenager in detention. How shameful. The many footsteps echoed through the facility, you were no longer cuffed or restrained, no soldier bothered to touch you. Not when the Ordinal was right next to you holding that scythe.
"I have a personal meeting with the King" Kayn states "My men will escort you out of the palace through the underground system and you will go with them willingly. Don't try anything stupid in the heart of the empire, we have thousands of personnel that can and will dispose of you for even sudden movements." You nod as Kayn separates from his troop heading toward a grand entrance which you assumed led up to the palace.
You don't get to see much more as a firm nudge from one of the soldiers reminds you to keep walking. As you walk you can’t keep your eyes from scanning your surroundings, you may have heard of the empire being extremely wealthy but actually seeing the wealth in the form of a technological marvel is jawdropping. The metal hallways are wide, and the floor is immaculate and perfectly maintained, you’d expect such a massive structure to have a few imperfections but all you can see is beauty. You wonder how many workers are needed to maintain such a massive structure, as your escorts walk you down a side corridor.
You are led through to the exit, stepping out into a secret passage behind the palace itself. They continue to guide you wordlessly until you are officially out of the series of gates bordering the property. From what you had seen this place was highly secured and had safety measure after safety measure, it must've been a chore to get in and out of the palace. The commutes to get through the entrance must've been at least twenty minutes....soo pretentious.
Finally, you were officially out. The locus armada threw you to the ground and without a word disappeared into the palace. You made sure to flip them off with both your middle fingers the moment they had turned their backs. Sighing in defeat you turn on your heel to face the metropolis, The city stretches as far as you can see, a sea of neon lighting up the night sky. There isn't a single patch of darkness. Awe strikes you as you behold one of the most lavish cities in the Empire. Everything is a technological masterpiece, the bright lit metal buildings are so well designed with their smooth corners and vibrant lights. You realize that the people of the city must be extremely wealthy, as even the lower sections of the city are well maintained and luxurious. The city is like a giant gem, the bright lights and shining metal creating a captivating display of beauty and awe. You can’t help but look around in astonishment and wonder.
You are filled with mixed feelings as you gaze upon the lavish metropolis. While it was an undeniable work of beauty and sophistication, the thought of so many people struggling to survive while others were surrounded by excess was heartbreaking. You wondered how the Empire rationalized such disparity and the implications of such a lopsided economic system.
But you had bigger concerns right now, the prospect of traveling all the way back home seemed impossible without a hyperdrive. But there was no point in dwelling on the problem, the first thing you should do was find someone who could provide you with a ship or transportation. The distance between planets was astronomical but there were plenty of ships that traveled between each of them for travel or cargo, you just needed to catch a ride...
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Days later and you had found yourself in a new routine, with no money to your name you had taken up ship hopping to make the journey back. It has been an arduous journey, with many close calls and several days of waiting for your next ship. You are now back among familiar stars and planets. Your home planet of Piltron lies ahead, the final leg of your journey.
You would day dream about having your own ship sometimes, life would be so much more exciting and fulfilling if you were able to space travel more freely. It certainly would save you the trouble of illegally smuggling yourself on cargo ships to get back home, then again...what was stopping you from taking your own ship and commendeering it? You rejected those thoughts as quickly as they came into your head. You may be a bit of a street rat who committed a few petty crimes (mostly towards the Demaxian Empire because fuck them.) But you weren't going to just steal someones ship for selfish benefit. Perhaps you could join a crew and start a new life? Wishful thinking was all that was, you sigh.
For such a draining and demoralizing trip, the prospect of returning home filled you with hope. Finally a conclusion to this dramatic story you had lived through, sure you were not done with being a menace to the empire but that chapter could be revisited later.
But life was never easy for you now was it?
The cargo ship you were currently tucked away in was facing a  serious dilemma. Due to engine problems the ship had to make an unexpected landing a few planets short leaving you stranded on an unfamiliar planet. From the conversations you would eavesdrop on from the vents it seemed that the crew aboard the ship were taking a pit stop for an indefinite amount of time.
You couldn't wait aboard any longer with no clear means of getting home, you hadn't eaten in days and you were desperate to get home. After the crew had left their ship you slipped out from your hiding space, stashing some money you had watched one member store earlier in a compartment. You. Were. Starving. So now your priority was finding the nearest place to get some food. Exiting the cargo ship you were met with the urbanscape of Bildporter.
Densely packed buildings stacked upwards towards the sky, unlike the sleek and clean architecture of coreworlds like Demaxia_Alpha theses structures were much more drab, make shifted of hazardly welded sheds and shipping containers. The neon signage were dull and flickering. The streets are filthy and littered with rubbish, creating a seedy and depressing atmosphere compared to the glamorous and beautiful cities you had seen previously. The general rule seemed to be: the further a planet was from the coreworlds the more poor and run down they were.
That didn't mean Bildporter was lifeless. The streets buzzed with swarms of people and alien species minding about their business. Compared to your clothes they were dressed much more casually than your current outfit. Everyone in this city seemed to have a shady air about them the majority of the population seemed to be made of space pirates. The atmosphere of the city is much more laid back and relaxed compared to the organized, orderly nature of the capital. In contrast to the opulence of the empire, the city seemed to be a stark reminder of the disparity and inequality between those who live on coreworlds and those who live on the fringe. It actually reminded you of home.
You knew you stuck out like a sore thumb, You couldn’t help but be on edge as you felt eyes watching you, people passing by with the occasional side glance in your direction. Stashing your (stolen) money down your bra and keeping your head down you made sure to not look at anyone in the eye and you shrunk into the crowd making your way through towards the first place that advertised food.
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"Rough day?" casualy asks the bartender who takes in your appearance. You probably looked awful with how dirty the air vents are. Turns out they are never clean like those spy scenes in movies make out to be, those duct systems are actually filthy with dust and cobwebs, it was a struggle to not give away your position when sneaking aboard by sneezing.
"Rough week" you reply, the bartender chuckles before sliding you a plate with chili dogs on it. Your eyes are drawn to the crustacean-like arm he bore before flicking to his name tag: Bort. Shortly he was off to serve over patrons and make orders, allowing you to enjoy the solidarity.....or so you hoped.
The empty seat next to you gets taken by a man who you don't spare to look at, but you feel his eyes on you.
It's not long before the stranger finally speaks up. Apparently avoiding eye contact wasn't enough of a deterrent. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asks "You look like you need it".
Well, he wasn't wrong. You figured you can swallow some pride and suck up to this man if it means a free drink or two, reducing that stress and anxiety before going back to ship-hopping home would be nice. Nodding you take up his offer, ordering a cocktail of dark rum, white rum, pineapple juice and coconut cream.
You spare the man a glance and take in his appearance as the sweet and tropical taste of your drink goes down. He looked disheveled with white locks of hair messily tied into a ponytail, a line of light stubble forming an extended goatee and a scar across the bridge of his nose. You knew this man, he was one of the wanted "space pirates" of the moring star.
Peaking over your shoulder curiously, you spot three familiar faces tucked in the far corner of the bar. They looked back at Yasuo and you, mostly Yasuo as the girl with crazy orange hair and the giant blue space alien watched on with eager excited looks on their faces.
"I have to ask why you chose to hit one me" You ask taking another sip from your drink. "Fallen on desperate times?" You snicker feeling more playful as a warm and fuzzy feeling comes over you from your drink.
Yasuo shrugs "Thought I'd shoot my shot, I haven't seen someone such as yourself before. I was curious" You snort and swirl your cup in your hand.
"What? Never layed eyes on a filthy woman?"
Yasuo stammers and shakes his head, his cheeks turning pink. "Filthy? I never said-" You cut him off laughing as the rum in your system lightens your mood. He sighs before chuckling with you. "I swear its not just that you just stuck out from the crowd and my friends made a bet I couldn't break the ice." You roll your eyes with a smile.
"Well since we're here why not share some stories you look like someone who has a few tales to share." You extend a hand invitingly for Yasuo to shake. "I'm (Y/N) by the way". Yasuo flashes a charming smile and takes your hand with with own. "Im Y-"
"Yasuo I know" You interject to Yasuo's surprise. "....I'll explain. Its a bit of a story"
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After a couple of hours you had moved to the back of the bar joining the morning star crew. You had just gone over how you managed to get away with destroying a locus armada ship and survived an encounter with the infamous Ordinal (leaving out what happened after) and that had earned you the respect of the crew who revelled in your story.
You were now situated between Yasuo and Sona while Jinx retold the many adventures the crew had gone through together. It was nice being with lively company, even with how chaotic this group seemed to be there was something comforting a bout this dynamic. Your eyes wandered from each member before landing onto Sona. You were informed about how the Templar was not one for words, when Yasuo introduced you to her earlier she offered a small polite smile and a soft wave. You couldn't help but be mesmerized by her, especially her eyes, the moment you looked into them you felt like you were being drawn into these deep and endless pools of gold. Sona was mysterious and it intrigued you especially with what you know about her being the key to Kayns plans.
"So I chased after that Hydraxal Super Squid and blasted it with my trusty Pow-pow and after tearing up its goopy insides I got my camcorder back!" Jinx exclaims after finishing another story. She slams her hands on the table and leans over towards you so that her face was inches from yours. "Do you wanna see it? The recruitment video!? Its super professional plus I made it myself!"
You had jumped in your seat when Jinx loudly addressed you, she was quite the high energy person and you were certain a few screws were loose in her head. Before you can even form a response Jinx fishes out a tablet and shoves the screen to your face forcing you to watch the recruitment video.
"You know what would be so cool? You should totally join our crew!" Jinx blurts looking at you with wide eyes. Malphite also seems excited as he looks at you with a wide smile, it was an amusing sight seeing such a tall hulking alien cramming himself into a booth. He seemed to parrot the enthusiasm of Jinx which you didn't find surprising. After all they were best buds. Jinx turns to Yasuo pouting. "Please can we keep her? Pleaseeeeeeee?" You stare at Jinx perplexed 'Why was she asking in a way that made you feel like a pet?'.
Yasuo sighs shrugging his shoulder making his space lizzard bounce a little. "I suppose if (Y/N) is looking for that kind of new life path we are open for more recruits." You take a moment to consider this.
Joining this rag tag group of junkies would certainly assure you a life of comfort, not only would you no longer need to worry about your essential living needs but you would also have company, and the opportunity to properly stand against the empire. Yes this group weren't exactly rebels to the Demaxian empire but with all of them being wanted as criminals there were plenty of opportunities for you to get revenge against the empire and its ruler.
Plus there was also the mysterious adventure that Sona promised, You hadn't forgotten Kayn's words. She was the key to opening the Ora Gates and that was fascinating to you. Now it's not like you had maleficent intent to use this opportunity to get close to and use Sona to unlock whatever is behind the gates but rather you wanted to tag along for the ride and see where it goes. Besides with the fate of the universe in the hands of these three...they were going to need all the help they could get.
Just as you are about to accept, the doors to the bar are thrown open, swinging so hard they slam against the wall. In march a familiar Ordinal and his Locus armada, the lively atmosphere of the bar is killed as Kayn's single blue eye scans the sea of patrons before landing on you and the morning star crew. His lips curl back baring his teeth in a snarl and he hisses under his breath.
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Thank you to those who have supported this series so far!
Part 4 out now!
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spicy-picklez · 1 year
how about a Miranda one shot where her and reader have to go undercover as a couple but Miranda is a bit awkward/nervous because she has a crush on reader but also has never kissed a girl? And to make it more believable, they have to all touchy so reader guides Miranda on what to do? I feel like smut should happen but totally up to you and what you would be willing to do.
Hey Anon!
Of course you can, it was super fun to write. I hope it lives up to your expectations!
- Picklez
Belle of the Ball
18+! Cunnilingus, scissoring, fingering, praise kink, marking kink.
Softdom!detective!reader x sub!constable!miranda
After completing a successful sting operation undercover at a charity ball with Miranda, Y/N gives her enticing blonde coworker a ride home. Many things are admitted and the night quickly escalates.
Word Count:
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A/N: I am so sorry to everyone for taking so long to post nowadays. Life really isn't liking me at the moment so I'm struggling to find the time to write.
"Put your right hand on my shoulder." Miranda's gorgeous sapphire eyes widen at your words. "I'm sorry-?" She chokes, standing in front of you as a fresh wave of nervousness crashes over her. A soft chuckle escapes you before you grab her hand, guiding it over your arm to gently rest on your shoulder. Resting your arm under hers, you reach under her arm to splay your hand over her shoulder blade as your free hands intertwine. The touch of your skin against hers sends electricity down your spine, a hot desire burning in your core as it does.
When your boss, Adrian, had assigned the two of you to a case together, never did you think that you'd end up here. Your main suspect, Stella Cortez runs a charity ball every year and both you and Miranda were attending in hopes of asking her a few questions. 16 year old, Scotty Denzel, was found washed up on the beach two days ago and the two of you had been quick to find a lead. Stella owns a dance studio in which Scotty used to attend but turns out he'd been drastically lagging behind in his payments and the two of them would often be seen fighting behind the theatre.
Truth be told however, you have been horribly distracted all night. Ever since you lay eyes on Miranda tonight, her body draped in an elegant light blue ballgown, your thoughts have been nothing but pure. You'd always had an attraction to the blonde Constable but the sight of her in a ballgown, so innocent and pure, unleashed many desires inside you.
"The waltz is a simple repetitive dance, right foot back, left foot back, bring your right foot to your left, forward with your left, forward with your right and then finally bring your left foot to your right and repeat." You say, gently leading Miranda through each step as you explain her movements. Her eyebrows are furrowed as she concentrates on not standing on you. A grin pulls at your lips as she gets into the flow of it, letting you lead her around the room. Winding between the other dancing pairs, you spot Stella and her partner Kayn performing an elaborate sequence of waltz manoeuvres.
Miranda's eyes finally lift from her feet as the two of you waltz closer and closer to your suspect. Smiles pull at both of your faces as the two of you get lost in each other's eyes. "Where on earth did you learn to dance?" She grins, joy lighting up her features. "I grew up rather wealthy, my parents have always been big on charity events and enrolled me in ballroom dancing lessons for 14 years. I started when I was 4 and the moment I turned 18, I left and never went back. But clearly some things just stay with you." You reply, using your left hand to spin her away from you before pulling her back to repeat the box step as she squeals at the unexpected move.
While many coworkers found Miranda's bubbly personality obnoxious and overbearing, you had been nothing but intrigued by it. On this case alone, the two of you had shared many interesting conversations. The amount of energy the beautiful woman exerts, has only energised you, willing you to work more diligently. Despite not being at the precinct long, it's been obvious that no one respected her. Whether it's because of her personality or her appearance, she has always been used as a scapegoat for other detectives' anger. But you had never once had anything bad to say about her, she always made work that much more enjoyable and the way your heart skips a beat when you're around her is an intoxicating feeling.
An excited laugh escapes her as you begin to lead her through more and more advanced manoeuvres until the two of you end up dancing next to Stella. "Stella Cortez?" You ask, holding up your police badge as the middle-aged woman turns to look at the two of you. Her face drops at the sight of the badge and she instantly picks up the hem of her dress, turning on her heels to sprint away. Hitching your dress up, you are quick to pursue her as Miranda follows not far behind. "Stupid heels!" Can be heard from your blonde coworker followed by two heavy bangs, no doubtedly from her kicking her shoes off.
Tensing your shoulder, you barge through the crowd of people, knocking most of them over as you do. "Sorry! Sydney police!" You call over your shoulder, eyes still locked on the brunette dashing around the corner in front of you. Quickly catching up to her, you leap, throwing your arms around her waist as you tackle her to the ground. Your legs are on either side of her hips, holding her in place as Miranda comes around the corner, gasping for breath. Ripping off a part of your dress, you hurriedly bind her wrists with the fabric.
You can't help the smile pulling at your lips as you walk back to your desk. Stella had confessed to everything, she hadn't meant for Scotty to die. One of their arguments about his missed payments got out of hand and she broke a chair over his head. Little did she know, he had suffered a traumatic head injury a few years ago and had lasting brain damage so the impact of the chair killed him. She hurriedly drove him to a cliff overlooking the ocean and dumped him off. She thought she had gotten away with it until the newspapers were flooded with news of a dead body on the beach.
Grabbing your raincoat from the back of your chair, you pull it over your shoulders as you exit the precinct. The cool night air hits your face as you walk across the darkened carpark. As you reach into your pocket for your keys, you see a tall blonde woman in police uniform walking hunched over in the rain along the dimly lit sidewalk. "Miranda!" You call out and she instantly turns around. A relieved grin pulls at her lips as she sees you calling her over to you. "Get in, I'll give you a ride."
"Thank you." She breathes, quickly shutting the door to your car as she gets in. Turning your keys in the ignition, you grin. "Thought you'd rather not walk in the rain." Miranda hurriedly nods as you reverse your car out of the park. "So, ballroom dancing? Does the gorgeous Detective Y/N have any other hidden talents?" She grins, fondly digging her arm into your side as you chuckle.
"Well what were you thinking?" You respond as she laughs, shaking her head. "I don't know, but you know how to ballroom dance and you seem to have perfected the art of running away from the balls in heels, so undercover spy?" The two of you can barely contain your laughter, tears forming in Miranda's eyes as she doubles over in her seat, holding her stomach. Gasping for air, you finally manage to regain your composure, shaking your head no to her question as you grin.
"Nothing like that, as I previously mentioned my parents were big on charity events. As a child they forced me to be someone I'm not. I wanted to be outside, having fun, playing games on the backfield with the boys at school. We had very different ideas on how I should act. They wanted a perfect princess, always putting me in glamorous dresses and makeup, making me learn ballroom dancing and to be the perfect lady. After a few years, I started rebelling. Every event we went to, I ran away from. I'd meet up with the boys from school and we'd go cause havoc, and I'd look absolutely ridiculous. A young female in a fancy ballgown and makeup with matching gloves running through town with some scruffy young boys chucking mud at the houses, breaking windows and trashing mailboxes. It was definitely a sight."
Both of you had fallen back into laughter by the time you finished talking. Joy lighting up Miranda's face as she grins, her eyes are focused on you. A warm feeling fills her body as she watches you driving, a smile pulling across your face. Flicking your eyes over to her, you catch her eye, giving her a cheeky smile before returning your eyes to the road. Her eyes, however, don't leave you as they trail down your body with a foreign warm emotion coursing through her veins.
The two of you emerge into many more bouts of laughter during the car ride, talking about many fond childhood memories. It isn't long before you pull into her apartment complex parking lot and the car is filled with a gentle silence. Reaching for the handbrake, your skin tingles with desire as your hand brushes over hers. The two of you intake a breath, catching each other's eyes. Darting your gaze down to her lips, you look back at her gorgeous blue eyes. Your thumb brushes over the back of her hand as you lean in. She pauses, embarrassment flooding over her cheeks at her next words. "I- I actually haven't kissed a girl before."
Reading her facial expression, your hand gently squeezes hers. "It's okay, if you're not comfortable, I can stop. I don't want to do anything that you're not sure about." She quickly shakes her head, squeezing your hand back. "I want to… I just don't want to be reading the wrong messages." You give her a comforting smile upon hearing this. "I like you Miranda. I would be honoured to be your first female kiss. You're not reading anything wrong." This was all it took for her to close the gap between the two of you.
The feeling when your lips touch is unlike anything you've ever felt before. A hot desire fills your body as chills fall over your skin, a deep hunger awakening inside you. Her free hand runs over your side as the kiss deepens. "I like you too." She murmurs and you grin against her lips as she pulls you closer. Brushing your teeth gently over her lower lip, you bring it into your mouth, eliciting a soft moan from her. Your core burns at the sound, the single noise fueling the desire for more as her hands desperately grasp at your waist. "Did you want to take this inside?" You ask, gasping for air as the kiss finally parts. A frantic nod escapes her as the two hurriedly grab your things and exit the car. Her hand grasps yours as the two of your hearts race, desperately needing to feel each other's skin against your own.
The minute the elevator doors closed, your back hits the wall, her hands cupping your face as you two continue your passionate kiss. Your hands desperately grasping for hips, you pull her body closer to you as a lustful moan escapes both of your lips. A sharp ding fills the elevator and your hands intertwine again as the two of you race to her apartment. Grabbing her keys, she quickly unlocks her door with shaking hands. Shutting the door behind you, the two of you grab for each other as your lips reconnect. She hurriedly guides you back, the two of you blindly stumbling into her bedroom as she pushes you back onto her bed, standing in between your legs. Both of you are heavily breathing as your hands quickly unbutton her light blue uniform shirt. She quickly shakes it off her shoulders, revealing a lacy black bra perfectly cupping her breasts.
Pausing, you flick your eyes up to hers. "Are you sure?" You ask, gasping for air. She nods. "Couldn't be more sure." Her hands desperately tug at the hem of your shirt, helping you pull it over your head as you sit up, grinning. You make quick work of unbuckling her belt and her pants are discarded on the floor as your lips trail over her lower stomach. Her breath hitches as your hands gently trail over her inner thighs, still peppering her abdomen with kisses. Lying down on the bed, you pull her down with you, quickly rolling on top of her. Your hands grab her wrists, gently holding them down as you straddle her lap. "You're so gorgeous, baby." You murmur, attaching your lips to her collarbone. A soft whimper escapes her as you gently bite down on her sensitive skin, running your tongue over the small teeth indents. A deep maroon spreads over her pale skin as you suck the skin into your mouth, eliciting a moan from her.
The sight of her, a desperate mess beneath you, makes your arousal drip down your thigh, a deep desire burning in your core. Trailing your lips down her collarbone, you swiftly unclip her bra before running your tongue over her nipples. Her back arches at the sensation, a pleasured whimper escaping her. "God, you sound so heavenly moaning for me. Tell me darling, what do you want?" You murmur, gently grazing your teeth over her now hardened mounds. A gasp escapes her as she responds. "I-I want you to touch me please." She mumbles shyly. Pressing your lips to hers you smile before lightly dragging your mouth down her skin. "Good girl."
Positioning yourself in between her legs, you gently graze her skin as you grab the waistline of her underwear between your teeth. They join the ever growing pile of clothes on her floor as you pepper kisses up her inner thigh. Her hands entangle themselves in your hair as you work closer and closer to her heat. The sight of her wet cunt makes your own arousal continue to drip down your thigh. A moan escapes the both of you as you dart your tongue out to taste her. "You taste amazing darling." You say as you suck her clit into your mouth, making her back arch off the bed as you do.
The sounds leaving Miranda's lips are divine, you take great pride in knowing you have this effect on her. Flicking your eyes up her body, your core burns as you see her face displaying nothing but pleasure, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. Her bare chest rises and falls with each breath, her stomach pulled tight as her legs stretch out over your shoulders.
Your name falls off her lips as you run your fingers over her soaked entrance, letting her arousal run down your digits. "Fuck, Y/N please." She gasps as your tongue lazily trails circles around her clit, teasing her as you insert your fingers inside her before withdrawing them. A smile grows on your face as you watch her back arch, slipping two fingers deep inside her. Curling them up, you apply pressure to her sweet spot as your tongue picks up pace, flicking over her sensitive mound. A string of moans escapes her as you begin to slowly pump your fingers into her sweet spot. "More, please, I need you to fuck me harder." Her hips grind over your hand as she says this.
"Such a good girl for me aren't you?" You grin as she desperately nods. How could you deny her request? Your fingers increase their speed, her legs beginning to shake on your shoulders. "You're doing so well for me, darling." You murmur, the vibrations of your voice over her sensitive mound are enough to send her over the edge. "Fuck, I-." She didn't have enough time to finish her sentence before her body contorted with pleasure. A wave of euphoria crashing over her as your name escapes her in a string of moans. You slow down your pace, helping her ride out her high as her breathing becomes heavier. Crawling back up her body, her fingers shakily unhook your bra before she discards your pants and underwear. Your lips crash together, both of you moaning out in pleasure as you grind your hips over hers.
Helping her sit up, you lift your leg over hers as you pull her closer. Aligning your soaking cunts, she brings her lips to yours as you begin to grind your clit on hers. One hand on your lower back, her other one pushes the back of your head closer as your arms tightly wrap around her waist. The sound of your arousal mixing with hers is sinful, filling the room along with your moans. "Fuck, you feel so good." You groan, grinding harder against her as you gently nip her neck with your teeth. A coil tightens in your core and you know it won't take you long to finish. By the sounds elicited from her, you can tell she's close again.
Feeling her legs shake around you and more arousal leak from her is all you need before euphoria rushes through your veins. Your head rushes with dizziness as your bodies twitch uncontrollably, pulling each other close. The two of you gasp for air as you come down from your highs. Gently brushing a sweaty strand of hair from her face, you tenderly run your lips over hers, a smile on both of your lips. "Are you ok darling? It wasn't too much?" You murmur as she shakes her head.
"It was perfect." She mumbles as she pulls you down onto the bed with her, wrapping her arms around you. You bring your lips to hers, giving her a gentle kiss as the moonlight falls over your faces. The two of you quickly let your exhaustion overtake you. Feeling her breathing even out, you smile at the sight of her gorgeous blonde hair falling gently over her cheek. Placing your lips on her forehead, you relax into her embrace, quickly falling asleep not long after.
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saey707 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5 {Kayn}
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Spooky Prompt: Gags Champion Focus: Kayn (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) GN reader 🎃 Warning: NSFW
Author's Note: Kayn day let's goooo! Another shortie cause I had a hard day. But, I was excited to write sweet baby Kayn (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚I'd like to also add that this reader is going to be a top sooo,,, Enjoy! <;3
Because of his position in the Shadow Order, you and Kayn have always had to keep your relationship on the down low. Days were spent training and helping to uphold the Order, often keeping you and Kayn apart from one another.
But when it was nighttime, things were steamy. Kayn can prove that he has the potential to lead with his arrogance and wit in front of the others, but at night he was a completely different man. A man that wanted nothing more than for his partner to love him and let him know that he can be vulnerable!
Kayn loves when you top. As domineering as he is in your relationship, he can't help but admire how you take care of him in bed. You were gentle, but still rough enough to leave him a moaning mess.
He goes absolutely wild when you grind against him, your hand pressed to his mouth to prevent him from being too loud. His hands begin to dig into your hips, guiding you against his length. You always start slow with Kayn but immediately pick up the pace until he's left groaning into a pillow.
"Shhh, you need to be quiet babe..." You whispered, "May I remind you that I shouldn't even be in here?" Kayn nodded his head, huffing for breath as he tilted his head back into the pillow. The sheets clung to his body, one hand gripping onto them.
You continued to ride him, pained whimpers passed his lips until you pressed your hand to his lips. You can tell the big idiot was trying his best, but the last thing you needed was to be exiled from the Order for fucking the next successor.
Kayn's voice continued to hum against your hand and speak a bit too loudly until you were at your wit's end. You had to keep your boyfriend quiet.
You removed the bandana around your neck, stuffing it into Kayn's mouth a little too roughly. His cheeks flushed bright pink, staring up at you with half-lidded eyes.
The assassin would hate to admit that he was loving every second of this! Hell, he felt like he was going to come just by looking at that delicious smirk on your face!
"That ought to shut you up, babe~" You whispered, rubbing his chest, unable to comprehend what he was trying to say through his makeshift gag.
"Now the fun really begins~"
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Kayne (Malevolent) "His first appearance in the show is the aftermath of the complete destruction/genocide of a city in which he murdered every living thing single handedly “because he was bored”. His main accessory is blood. He isn’t death (though they have a standing lunch date) and he isn’t desolation (it’s never personal or meant to cause emotional damage), but he is destruction and uncaring violence. He also lures the protagonist in with music, which is pretty slaughter vibes."
Bart Curlish, Holistic Assassin (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) "She is the holistic assassin. Originally described as someone who kills everyone she meets. Floating like a leaf in the stream of creation, she allows the universe to guide her to her next marks who she then violently murders without knowing why they needed to die. It is only during the course of the series that she starts to question this lonely life. But when she spares people or allows them to escape, it turns out those people would be better off dead anyway because they upset the balance of the universe. Bart learns that she has to be a pawn for the universe, only fated to murder those she meets because those she meets only meet her because they are meant to die."
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krakaheimr · 2 years
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Aperture de Apocrypha: Kayne, the Crawling Chaos
[ID: A digital drawing of Kayne, resembling a vintage advertisement for a circus act. The artwork is monochrome, rendered in various shades of brown, with the exception of his eyes, which glow a bright red. His face is overly exaggerated, resembling a wooden or ceramic puppet, mouth open in a wide grin as he guides a large dagger with a broken-off tip into his mouth. Broken pieces of the dagger lie in his mouth, behind long, blocky teeth. His hands are mechanical, his fingers ending in clawed tips. A large, thick ruffle is around his neck. Smaller ruffles are around his cuffs. His clothes are made of a thin, wrinkled fabric, reminiscent of early 20th century clown attire. Surrounding his entire silhouette is an outline in light tan. Kayne is framed by a rectangular border detailed with gears and tentacles wrapping around it, followed by a second simpler border along the outer edges of the artwork. Various blocks of text are at the bottom of the artwork. At the very top of the artwork is centered text that reads: "Aperture de Apocrypha". At the bottom of the inner border, where Kayne's torso ends, is a headline in fancy letters that reads: "Kayne the Crawling Chaos". Below that are three columns of smaller text. The first column reads: "On the Stage; the Grandest Show in the Cosmos". The second column reads: "The only friend you need; the only friend you have". The final column reads: "Show Opens December 3rd; In Person". At the bottom of the page, centered and below the three columns of text, is a line of text which reads: "Azathoth's Amazing Automatons", followed by the artist signature. /end ID]
Leave it to Malevolent to make me power through chronic fatigue and draw a robotic circus-themed version of Kayne for 10 hours straight.
I am exhausted but I am living the life; Kayne is such a fun character to draw, even if all the ruffles I gave this version of him became the bane of my existence for a solid one and a half hours.
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malevolentaroweek · 7 months
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To participate, post any variety of fanwork, mentioning this blog @malevolentaroweek and the prompt in the body of your post, then tag it with #malevaroweek ; #malevaroweek2023 ; and #maw2023 ! Posts without a prompt will be reblogged on Day 7.
12/4 Monday, Day 1: (Aromantic) Romance Tropes
12/5 Tuesday, Day 2: Aro x Ace
12/6 Wednesday, Day 3: Self-discovery
12/7 Thursday, Day 4: Queerplatonic
12/8 Friday, Day 5: Coming Out
12/9 Saturday, Day 6: Aro x Allo
12/10 Sunday, Day 7: “Secret Fourth Thing”
While most of these are pretty straightforward, we recognize a couple of these might need clarification;
Day 1's (Aromantic) Romance Tropes - Classic romance-oriented fanfiction tropes, turned aromantic. (ex. fake dating, soulmates, there was only one bed, etc.)
Day 7's "Secret Fourth Thing" - Not romantic, not platonic, not queerplatonic, but something else entirely; a dynamic indescribable & unique to the characters involved.
Character Pairings
These are optional, & you're totally welcome to create work about any arrangement of Malevolent characters you'd like. Treat these as suggestions, a jumping point, or disregard them entirely; it's your project!
12/4 Monday, Day 1: Parkarthur (Parker/Arthur) — KiY/Kayne
12/5 Tuesday, Day 2: Blindfaith (Oscar/Arthur) — Kayne/Oscar
12/6 Wednesday, Day 3: John/Oscar/Arthur — Arthur/KiY
12/7 Thursday, Day 4: Bellarthur (Bella/Arthur) — Parkjarthur (Parker/John/Arthur)
12/8 Friday, Day 5: Arthur/Kayne — Arthur/Collins
12/9 Saturday, Day 6: Goldcross (John/Oscar) — Parker/John
12/10 Sunday, Day 7: Jarthur (John/Arthur) — Parker & Co (Parker/Oscar/Noel)
Tag Guide
Ao3 Collection
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umbane · 5 months
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I hope everyone's feeling rested, refreshed, and up-to-date on everything K/DA! That was quite a presentation, wasn't it? How kind of our emperor to put on something that ... lengthy! It was a nice teambuilding exercise, but unfortunately I don't think his excellence will be so generous this time around, so I hope all of our contestants have brought their A-game as we head into the second half of 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑!
Here are our K/DA fan— err... contestants!
@heartate @spellforce @desiren @aphellos @fcrgiven @danceblades @deathsmark @bikmui @dolls-runeterran-dollhouse
Emperor Kayn's sixth question for the competition is as — oh, it looks like his majesty has decided to join us in person! Everyone, let's give him a round of applause! Your sixth question iiiiiss.... :
❝ The emperor is standing beside you, blindfolded. You've been given the immense privilege of letting him touch one part of your body. Guide his hand as you see fit, and explain your choice.❞
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Remember: To answer the question, reblog this post with an in character reply. To add separate commentary, use the tag #evil emperor bachelor on a separate post. You'll have about 13 hours (until 8PM PST) to submit your answer before the eliminated contestants are announced!
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skayafair · 3 months
John, Lies and Trust, and the Dark World Pt.4
Part 3
After the Dark World
First and foremost I'll note one thing.
The way Kayne put it, one could think John rolled all the way back to how he used to be as the King completely.
Except we KNOW for a fact that it couldn't be farther from the truth. John didn't argue because he was drowning in guilt as is, both for the deal and all that happened because of them coming to NY (Oscar and Noel included).
But the way he appeared in s3. Gods. He was SHAKEN to his core. By the fact that Arthur was in danger and in the process of being thrown into another fucking pit again, by how happy Arthur was to meet him, but also - how Arthur seemed to abandon his own moral principles and had no problems with committing everything he used to berate John for.
I said the fact that John kept his promise to never forget Arthur was important. That's one of the reasons why and how. I believe he kept the memory of his friend, how Arthur strived to be a better man and help those in need whenever he could. Arthur's image was his moral compass and his lighthouse in the Dark World yes this is the "Faroe is Arthur's guiding light and is reminiscent of "pharos", the lighthouse" reference, the only blueprint of how to be human and not fall back into being a monster completely.
How should it have felt to see this very lighthouse to crumble to pieces the moment they met again.
What makes me think John didn't fall back to his old ways as much as Kayne wanted to paint it is the fact that initially John was shocked at everything going on with Arthur and around them. All the deaths, the violence... everything he hoped he escaped returning to his guiding light was right there, before his eys again.
And if Arthur was only a vessel to deliver to the Stone and John didn't care about Arthur himself, John would have approved of all he saw, actually. Arthur was in survival mode. He could have succeded in killing Larson, John knew as much, they dealt with worse. And he wouldn't have risked his life saving others. Arthur didn't intend to. It was the easiest thing to convince him to just follow Larson to New York after they got out of the mines, and just like that the deal would have been fulfilled.
But no.
John couldn't help not only being shocked and disgusted with what he witnessed, but also telling Arthur all he thought about it. He couldn't help it. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but one can't genuinely be this way one moment and a totally different, say, a few hours or even days before. It's involuntary, inherent to the personality. Fuck you, Kayne, you failed at bringing John down as far as you wanted to.
Later John recollects himself and what he did by all the lecturing catches up to him, so he tries to correct the situation as much as possible to keep Arthur from throwing himself into another extreme (still fully suicidal and feral but for the sake of others this time). But the first reaction is more important here.
Besides, even later he theoretically (since we know John's shit at this) could have tried to manipulate Arthur into not risking their lives by dealing with the mines monster, buuuut... he chose not to. Several times there were high chances they would simply die, but he went along with it. Because that's the way they both are, and abandoning these principles would have meant abandoning himself as well, which makes the idea of living meaningless by the definition.
By the way, I'm not trying to whitewash any of John's actions during s3 and 4. He did manipulate Arthur quite a lot and that's bad in on itself. Yet... he lied only when he would have had to tell about the deal otherwise - and when it came to Oscar. Wow this whole Oscar situation really got to John didn't it. THAT'S when he sank really low, worse than any other time actually, since I don't recall him trying to trick Arthur into killing anyone before.
And the manupulation itself... I'm sorry, it was even worse than in the very beginning. It was so easy to tell when he was earnest and when he tried to push Arthur's buttons, like calling to his ideals with following the Order to NY to save its potential future victims, or "killing Larson would mean we won't know how to find the stone" in the finale. So obvious. I'm not sure if it was on purpose, to give Arthur more hints that "hey friend I'm not happy about doing this but the choice is scarce, I can't be direct about it but be cautious", or he's genuinely this bad at it because he doesn't like it. Let's agree it's 50/50, I guess :'D
Also about his uneasiness with killing Larson and Yellow along with him. I'm sad to tell it was only out of John's wish to survive, not because he was sympathetic with Yellow :') He was postponing the explanation for sooo long. I guess the weight of his guilt because of the deal (which was stricken to save himself) was too much already to admit this one more thing. Was John ashamed of this? Is that why he saved a perfectly sensible reason not to kill Larson&Yellow Arthur would have totally taken into consideration? Why he had to invent another explanation? Poor John </3
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