#keep the stupid takes on tiktok not here
puppydoggraham · 3 months
That fucking hannigram anti now is calling the hug on the cliff not genuine from Will…….
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pepprs · 1 year
turned off automatic updates for this stupid app. i am protecting my peace ♥️
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joelscurls · 7 months
I wanna show you off
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pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
words: 4.1k
summary: The women who live in your building aren't subtle in their hatred for you — or their affection for your boyfriend, Joel. You decide to set them straight.
warnings: 18+ minors dni, porn with plot, no outbreak, established relationship, implied age gap, horrible neighbors, general cattiness, all the ladies want Joel, alcohol consumption, fluff, explicit smut, possessive!reader, exhibitionism, dirty talk, oral (m receiving), facefucking, unprotected piv, creampie, one (1) spank, use of pet names (baby, angel, darlin', etc.), I think that's all? lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: idk what happened. I saw one too many tiktok edits set to the song agora hills by doja cat and blacked out. anyway, enjoy!
If it weren’t for your rent-controlled apartment with a perfect view of the downtown skyline, you would’ve moved out of your building by now.
Your neighbors don’t like you. You’re certain of it. You can tell by the way the ladies stick their noses up at you in the elevator and whisper to each other the second they think you’re out of earshot.
It had started, you suspect, because of your age. You’re a lot younger than all of the other residents here, your apartment left to you by your grandmother after she passed away.
The building is prime real estate, situated in the heart of one of the city’s most desirable neighborhoods. Most of the people who live here have done so for ten, twenty, even thirty years. And it seems that time has festered a sort of social hierarchy: one which places you at the very bottom.
You shouldn’t care. And you hadn’t, for a while. But their eyes have started to feel like daggers, pointed directly at you at all times, and you feel as if you can’t even enter the building without judgment.
You’re not a bad neighbor. You’re not. You’d learned through living in a dormitory in college how thin shared walls can be, and, as a result, the proper volume at which to keep your music; how you should always be cautious to not let your door slam closed on the way in; that you should never vacuum after eight pm or before eight am.
You never leave trash in the hallway, and you park your car only in your allotted spot, despite the fact that it’s the farthest away from the building.
Even so, the lack of weathering in your face makes them look at you like you’re less, like you’re a greedy little thing who has taken something she isn’t worthy of.
It’s the same way they look at you when they see you with your boyfriend, Joel, for the first time.
They leer when you walk into the foyer, hand-in-hand with an older man. He’s handsome, rugged, something out of Nicholas Sparks novel. And you’re you.
Joel thinks you’re being paranoid at first, says they couldn’t possibly hate such a sweet, friendly girl. The girl he loves so damn much. But it doesn’t take long for him to notice it too: the glares, the scoffs, the misplaced judgment — never set in his direction, only ever yours.
One Sunday afternoon, as he sits on your couch watching the Cowboys game with a sweating bottle of beer in his hand, you step out to grab your mail. You’re close to tears when you return, flinging the door open, envelopes slipping from your trembling fingers. 
He leaps up as soon as he catches sight of your face. Your expression is stuck somewhere between sadness and rage, bottom lip tucked between your teeth so firmly he worries you’ll draw blood.
“I hate them,” you sob as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you against his broad chest. You’re wetting his shirt, the one he just bought the other day. But he won’t let you lift your head. If anything, he holds you tighter.
“Wanna tell me what happened, darlin?” he asks, leading you toward the couch. You sit down together, your body still wrapped in his, and you groan.
“It’s stupid.” Your voice is muffled by cotton. He loosens his grip on you only enough to let you turn your face. “I was getting my mail, and they were down in the lobby,” you sniff. “The woman who lives right next door – the one with the outdated perm, and the one across the hall with the yippy little dog.”
“Mhm,” Joel soothes, running his thumb gently along the tense line of your jaw. “Did they say somethin’ to you?”
You huff. “No, not to me. They didn’t see me there.”
Their hushed voices still ring in your head like a fire alarm in need of new batteries: relentless, infuriating.
Don’t know what in the world a handsome gentleman like that is doing with a little girl like her. You’re tellin’ me. What a shame. Such a young thing – she can’t possibly know how to handle a man like that. He needs a woman his own age!
“They said I’m not good for you,” you weep. “That I’m too young. That I — I c-can’t be what you need.”
“Darlin,” Joel drawls. He fishes the tv remote off of the coffee table and flicks the screen off. Drops it somewhere next to him on the cushion. The apartment is noticeably quiet now, apart from your shaky breaths and the dull drone of an idling truck engine from the street below.
“You know I love you, right?” 
You sniff again. Nod. 
“I don’t give a shit if people think you’re too young for me,” he huffs. “You’re a grown woman. You give me everything I could possibly need and then some.”
“Yeah?” you squeak. You know deep down that Joel wouldn’t stay with you if he had any reservations about any aspect of your relationship. But after months of no reprieve from stinging glares and brash insults, you feel as if you’ve been broken down, reduced to an anxious, overwrought version of yourself. 
Joel repositions himself, sprawling back on the couch and pulling you with him so that you’re laying against him. “Yeah,” he repeats, stroking your hair. He tucks a loose strand behind your ear, away from your glassy eyes. “Those ladies can get their asses in line.” 
You laugh, then — a real, genuine laugh — the kind that Joel can somehow always pull out of you, even in the most inopportune of times.
You’re so grateful for him, for his innate ability to calm you down when it feels like the world is crumbling below your feet. Grateful that he’s yours.
You lift your head. Prop yourself up by the elbow on Joel’s thigh. Wipe away the lingering wet on your cheeks with a deep, settling breath. 
“Does it stroke your ego, having a fan club of women who wanna fuck you?”
He smirks. Pulls you closer to him with a hand cradling your face. 
“Maybe a little,” he whispers, his lips ghosting yours. “Does it stroke your ego, bein’ the only one who gets to fuck me?” 
And in truth, it does. You’re the only one who knows where he likes to be kissed, how he likes his cock stroked, how to make him cum embarrassingly quick with just your mouth.
You’ve learned him intimately, every inch of him.  Ruined him for any other woman.
So in a fucked up kind of way — it does.
“Yeah,” you admit. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth, silently reveling in the way he immediately moans, the way he bends to you.
“These all mine?” You bring a finger to his lips, sputter on a shaky exhale when he unexpectedly parts them and sucks the digit into his mouth.
“Mhm,” he hums around you, takes your free hand in his and guides it down his body, across the expanse of his torso, the plush of his belly, pausing when you reach his crotch. 
Your pulse quickens, then, a dull throb forming at the base of your neck. You extricate your finger from his mouth with a gentle pop.
“This too,” he whispers, canting his hips up toward the flat of your palm.
He’s half-hard, his clothed bulge pleading for attention. But he pulls your hand away quickly, not letting himself get carried away at the feeling of your fingers grazing him through denim. 
Instead, he re-situates it against his chest so that you can feel his heartbeat where it hammers under skin, against flesh and bone. “This is all yours too,” he says, voice so low it reverberates in your skull. 
“All of it — all of me. Don’t gotta worry your pretty little head with anythin’ anyone else has to say about the matter. Got it?”
His words are spoken with so much conviction that you have no choice but to believe them, to let them stick in your brain like anchors in sand: deep and immovable.
Yours, yours, yours. 
And nobody else’s.
“Yeah,” you smile into the column of his neck, inhaling his scent: mostly him, but with notes of you. 
“Got it.”
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It’s two weeks later when she makes a move on him: the woman with the perm. Joel is taken aback by her boldness, with you just a few feet away, digging your key into the lock of your mailbox. 
“You must work with your hands,” she purrs, grabbing one of his wrists and examining his calloused fingers with such little integrity, his mouth actually slips open at the unabashedness of it all. 
“I’m Sheila,” she hums, raking her fingers through tight, blonde curls. “And you are?”
“Joel,” he grunts noncommittally. Wrenches his arm back. He doesn’t miss the way her eyebrows twitch in offense. 
But she’s insatiable, this woman. She bounces back like a rubber band, not-so-subtly pushing her breasts together, the zip of her sweatshirt slipping down an inch and her mouth curving into a salacious grin.
You just about stop dead in your tracks when you round the corner to the lobby, junk mail in hand, and see her, her body turned towards Joel’s, chest pushed out and hip popped. She has a bedazzled tote bag full of groceries slung over her shoulder, a head of leafy greens poking out the top.
“Hi neighbor!” she smiles mockingly at you, all lipstick-stained teeth, when you sidle up to Joel. “I was just telling your friend here what nice, strong arms he has.” She’s not looking at you, eyes locked firmly on Joel’s biceps, nearly drooling at the sight of him. 
Heat spools behind your ears, red-hot.
“Not her friend,” Joel corrects before you can. “‘M her boyfriend.”
“Oh,” she says. “Boyfriend.” Her lips wrap loosely around the word, like it’s some fanciful thing. “You’re too old to be someone’s boyfriend.” 
Joel takes a step away from her, closer to you, and splays a steadying hand across your back. “Man-friend, then.” 
You laugh, not because it’s funny, but because this entire conversation is fucking awkward. 
Sheila pays you no attention.
“Well,” she sighs, overtly staring at the exposed skin of Joel’s chest, where the top two buttons of his flannel are undone, “Joel, if you’re ever lookin’ for a good meal, I’m just next door.” She flits her eyes up to his and smirks. “Know a big man like you has gotta eat.”
Your vision blurs scarlet. 
Joel is equally as infuriated. The disrespect of this woman, to so openly flirt with him in front of you. His fists ball tightly at his sides. 
“Thanks, but no thanks,” he gruffs. “Anyway, nice to meet ya ma’am-“
“Sheila,” she reminds him. 
“Sheila,” he repeats, only to appease her. He turns to you, squeezing your waist affectionately. “We should probably get goin’, right sweetheart?”
You’re still fuming, barely able to register Joel’s voice next to you through the thick haze of pure fury clouding your mind, but you manage to nod, spit out a hurried yeah.
And with that, Joel is turning on his heels, pulling you with him toward the elevators. You don’t dare look back at her, but you can feel her eyes boring a hole in the back of your head. 
Her footfall fades into the mailroom and you breathe a minuscule sigh of relief. At least she’s out of your sight.
“Please just move in with me,” Joel begs when you’re finally behind closed metal doors, the inspection plaque situated above the buttons suddenly extremely interesting as you try to focus on not thinking about setting this woman’s apartment on fire.
You’ve talked about living together a few times. It’s just — you’ve never considered it so seriously until right now. 
“I can’t let them win,” you mutter, agitated. 
You hate how they’ve made you feel, like you’re some helpless animal tucked in the corner, hiding from them. Just waiting for the next ambush. 
With the passing of each floor, your anger simmers, bubbles into a silent rage in your stomach, one which threatens to boil over at the next underestimation of Joel’s devotion to you. You need to make it known, once and for all, that he’s yours. 
Words from your grandmother play on a loop in your head, ones she repeated to you often when you were a child: if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. 
And then you have a thought — a devious thought — maybe you don’t have to say anything to get your point across. Not to them, anyway.
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Your mouth is on Joel the second you’re back inside the four walls of your own apartment, slotting against his pulse point and sucking a desperate bruise there.
He’s not expecting it — why would he be? You’ve just been seething the entire elevator ride up to your floor, the entire walk down the long, winding hallway to your unit. He’d practically been able to see the steam billowing from your ears. 
So the switch-up is more than a bit dizzying, to say the least.
“Whoa, darlin’,” he pants, his large hands draping over your shoulders. “What are you-”
“Joel.” Your voice is stern; it demands his attention. “Do you trust me?” 
Your hand trails down his body languidly, in a straight line to the waistband of his jeans. And fuck, of course he trusts you — more than anyone. But this is wrong, fucked up, for you to make him feel good when you’ve been made to feel so small these past few minutes. 
Still, his cock doesn’t get the memo, twitching in his jeans as you place another open-mouthed kiss on the underside of his jaw, your fingers beginning to fiddle with his belt buckle. 
You give him no choice with the way you’re touching him, the way you’re looking at him when you pull back, all pleading eyes and parted mouth, but to resign all protest. He’ll give you the world, and if right now you want to use his body to blow off some steam, who is he to complain about it?
“Yeah baby, of course,” he breathes. “What do you need?”
You smirk at him audaciously, tongue smoothing over your teeth. “Need you to be loud,” you purr. Your voice is so innocent in juxtaposition to the words you spew. It sends a chill down the column of his spine. “Let them know who makes you feel good.” 
He nearly cums in his pants untouched, grasps at the fabric of your shirt with clumsy hands and nods. “Fuck, okay.”
His belt falls to the floor with a clang.
He lets you take control, then. Lets you mark him with your tongue and your teeth, lets you back him to the door with deft fingers working his shirt buttons open before sinking to your knees in front of him, freeing his hardening cock from the confines of his jeans and boxers.
It’s already weeping for you when you pull it out, precum beading at the tip. He’s so big, growing heavier in your hand with each passing second, and you lose yourself for a moment, hypnotized by him.
“Always so eager to please me, aren’t you, pretty girl?” Joel’s voice pulls you back to earth, soft and adoring.
“Louder,” you remind him. Plant a kiss right over top of his leaking slit.
“Fuck,” he hisses through his teeth. One of his hands flies to the crown of your head, anchoring himself with fingers in your hair. “Dirty fucking girl.” 
His voice fills the entranceway, confident and filthy. 
“Mmm,” you hum approvingly.
“Yeah? You want me to tell ‘em? Tell ‘em you’re making my cock drool for you? That nobody — shit-” You enclose your lips around his tip, suckling on it as your fingers wrap around the base of his length and you begin to stroke him lazily. “-that nobody has ever made me feel this good?” 
Footsteps echo down the hallway and the sound makes you reflexively pause, your hand stiling on Joel’s cock. It’s followed by the jingling of metal, the click of a key in a lock, the opening and closing of a door — all close enough that you can pinpoint the source, can tell where exactly it’s coming from. 
Sheila is home. 
It’s probably worrying how excited it makes you, the prospect of her hearing, of her sitting alone in her apartment, at her empty dining table, and listening to Joel fall apart at your hands. Maybe they’ve driven you to and over the edge of sanity with their words, her most of all. Regardless, you can’t help the way it makes your cunt flutter around nothing. 
You lick a slow stripe up the underside of Joel’s cock, starting just above his balls and dragging the flat of your tongue up, up, up to his tip. His breath shudders, his grip on your hair tightening, and the subtle sting at the center of your scalp gives you another idea. 
“Do you wanna fuck my face, Joel?” 
“Do I wanna — fuck — you’re gonna kill me, angel.” 
“Go ahead,” you encourage, unhinging your jaw as wide as it can go, letting your tongue droop over your bottom lip. 
Saliva pools in your waiting mouth and Joel groans at the sight of you, so malleable for him, begging to be used. 
“You sure?” 
It’s not that he doesn’t think you can handle it. He knows you can. You’ve taken him down your throat more times than he can count. Always so fucking eager to please him, you are — just one of the many reasons he feels so goddamn lucky, so infuriated that anyone would think otherwise. 
But still, he can’t help but worry that he’ll hurt you. 
You nod, eyes locked on him, confirming beyond a shadow of a doubt that you want this. He nods back, beginning to feed his cock into your mouth, easing it in slowly and halting when his head hits the back of your throat, causing you to gag.
You don’t pull away, don’t show any indication of displeasure. In fact, you dig your fingers into the meat of his thighs, bearing down on him as you push forward. Mascara tears stain your cheeks as you choke on him, laser-focused on relaxing your throat so that you can accommodate more of his length. 
Joel pulls back, retreating entirely before pushing in again. He slowly increases his pace, your eyes hooded, so doelike and innocent, as his cockhead bruises your larynx. 
The sounds he’s pulling from your mouth are absurdly lewd: muffled gags and frantic inhales of breath. And then there’s him, moaning wildly, not sure if he’d be able to shut up even if he needed to be quiet. Your mouth is good, too fucking good and he’s going to — fuck, he’s going to cum if you don��t stop. 
He pulls out abruptly, a string of drool and precum tethering the tip of his cock to your swollen bottom lip. You’re panting, coughing, still bracing yourself against his legs when you fucking smile up at him. 
“Christ,” he says. “Fuckin’ angel, you are. Mouth feels like goddamn heaven.” 
“Yeah. But I need to cum in that perfect little cunt,” he breathes, pulling a strangled moan from the back of your rawed throat. 
He helps you up, spins you around to face the door. You brace both hands on the wood, humming as he pulls your pants down to your knees. His breath is on the back of your neck, trailing up to the shell of your ear with one whisper just for you, because he can’t help it. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful, you know that?” 
You shiver, responding with a tilt of your head, inviting him in with a needy little mewl. He cradles your face in one of his large hands, the other rubbing over the curve of your ass as he kisses you passionately, tasting himself on your tongue.
The hand on your ass trails lower as he deepens the kiss, two fingers pressing against your clothed seam. You’ve all but soaked through the fabric, wet cotton molding to his knuckles as he caresses them along your pussy before pulling your panties down in one swift motion.
You whine into the kiss, desperate and dripping for him. “Please,” you breathe against his lips. “I’ll make you feel so good, I promise.”
“Know you will,” he coos, mouth parting from yours as he straightens out and lines himself up with your entrance. You arch your back, rocking onto the balls of your feet as he teases you with the tip.
His cock is so thick when it finally notches into you. It’s always so devastatingly thick, no matter how wet you are for him. The stretch stings, a jolt of warm pain coursing through your walls as he stills halfway in. 
“You okay?” he asks, one hand resting at the small of your back, the other on your hip, fingers gripping to you only tight enough to hold you in place.
“Yes, fuck — yes,” you whine. “Need you to fuck me, Joel.”
“I’m goin’ to baby, don’t worry,” 'he promises, pushing in another splitting inch. “Pussy’s so goddamn tight, ‘ts suckin’ me right in.”
It feels like hours pass with Joel’s cock motionless inside your aching cunt, his warm breath fanning across your back as he focuses on not cumming. You’re whimpering, begging under the weight of his body, to please just fucking move.
When he finally obliges you, pulling all the way out and then bottoming out in one deep thrust, it nearly punches the air out of your chest. You scrabble for purchase on the door, fingernails scraping against chipped paint. “F-uucckk,” you moan, eyes rolling back in your head as he sets a dizzying pace.
The sound of his balls slapping against the back of your thighs is enough to attract attention on its own, the loud smacksmacksmack going straight to your cunt. Joel growls behind you, driving into you even harder, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot. 
“Oh, shit,” you cry. Your pussy inadvertently squeezes him and he curses at your back, low and deep. 
“Not going to last if you keep doin’ that,” he warns. “Cunt is too fuckin’ good. Best I’ve ever — uuuhh — had.”
He’s not just saying it for show. It’s true. You know it is, too. He’s told you before, both under the influence of your pussy and not. Waited too many goddamn years to feel like this, he’d said once.
“It’s — fuck, it’s fine Joel,” you mutter. “I’m close too, just keep going, right there.”
A door across the hall creaks open. A pair of footsteps patter across tile. 
Do you hear that?  Yeah; what is that noise?
Joel laughs darkly behind you, snaps his hips up, forcing a guttural moan out of you. 
“Think they caught us, darlin’,” he says. “Caught you takin’ my cock like you’re fuckin’ made to.”
Oh my word!
Joel is unrelenting, pounding into you despite the voices right outside your apartment, and you fear for a moment that you’ve created a monster. One of his hands leaves its place on your waist, cracks down on the center of your asscheek with a slap, the flesh recoiling under his palm and you gasp. 
The feeling travels between your legs, straight to your neglected clit. It pulsates under the hood with every pass of Joel’s cock over your g-spot, and you feel yourself hurtling toward the edge dangerously fast. 
If these people don’t leave, they’re going to hear you cum. Do you want them to hear you cum? Yeah, you think, clit jumping again at the thought, I think I fucking do.
“Joel, fuck-”
“You gonna cum?” he goads. “Yeah, can feel you squeezin’ me — you’re gonna cum, aren’t ya?”
This is vulgar!  We should file a noise complaint. C’mon.
His hand snakes around your front then, finds your throbbing bud, and with a few passes of his calloused fingertips, you’re gone, vision whiting out and all noise around you muted. 
Joel keeps you upright between him and the door, his grip on you tightening as your muscles slacken. He follows closely behind, cumming inside you with a carnal noise from the back of his throat, rope after rope of his spend filling your cunt. 
He pulls out with a grunt, immediately collapsing on the floor. Without his support, you topple over too, falling onto his lap with a satiated giggle. 
A banging comes from the other side of the wall then, shaking your kitchen cabinets a few feet away, the clanging of glassware jolting you.
Keep it down next time! I don’t need to hear that!
And then you’re laughing like teenagers, Joel pulling you in for a sloppy kiss, all tongues and teeth. 
“Think they’re really gonna make a noise complaint?” Joel asks when you finally come up for air. 
“I dunno,” you smile. “Does your offer still stand — for me to move in with you?” 
“Always,” he vows, forehead resting against yours.
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end notes: ty for reading! pls consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed <3
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munamania · 2 years
i need to sit in a silent dark room for approximately three hours doing nothing rn or i will never be normal again
#it's not even funny how much sitting in the dark would fix me rn. i can't finish this shift#list of things that have made me mad today. there r so many high schoolers in this stupid building why r u here. i dont hate them tho#theyre kids but theres so many go away. and their chaperones are all assholes. and ppl were in my way so much#and they were so loud this lady had to ask everyone to take a seat for like twenty minutes straight and it was just loud in the booth#bc we kept the lil windows open to keep an eye on the event#and ill admit a lot of this went away bc i was hangry and i managed to get some lunch but im so so so so so so so#like. overstimulated rn. i need to lay down.#everything is just so loud. and so next to me. and so obnoxious. and everything is in my way. and im sorry i love people i love#seeing people go about their day and do their silly little tasks but i am just soooooo brrrgrhgreghge rn.#abby talks#oh i was also briefly upset bc when i opened bereal (it's my new tiktok in that it damages my brain i think and i need to get rid of it)#she was there and even tho he wasnt i think she had a hickey which was a silly observation#but i took it extra hard bc im all emotional and in a goofy mood rn!#'i took it extra hard' lol#girl. come on.#my feelings were hurt by this potential maybe that i couldn't even tell#but it's literally fine. like who cares. i mean i do of course a little bit but the spirit of who cares. theyre silly and they suck so bad#cringefail couple. i support them under that lens#that framework etc
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flynnriderishot · 4 months
hey there, queen! i absolutely adore your stories, and I'd be thrilled to read an angsty story featuring Chris. so, here's the deal: the reader appears to have "cheated" on Chris, but in reality, she never did. so then, the reader is hurt by Chris's lack of trust, but take a turn when Chris discovers the truth. and so he does everything in his power to make things right, and Chris goes all out to win her back. you can plan the rest of the story.
i hope this makes sense :)
scandals - c.s
a/n: tysm 😭 i’m so sorry it took so long to write. i was deadass taking my time planning this
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christopher ❤️✨
are you fucking kidding me?
we’re done
block my number
baby 🩷🩷👩‍❤️‍👨
wait wait??
don’t act stupid
it’s all over social media
to think you’d cheat and get away with it while being a fucking influencer is insane
christopher ❤️✨ has blocked you
nicolas 🥳🥸
did you cheat on my brother?
i want to think it’s not real but that picture deadass looks like you
oh wait your hair isn’t red anymore is it?
i’ll talk to chris
have you spoken to him?
y/n 🤍🥳
he blocked me before i could get anything in
i didn’t even know what was happening until a few minutes ago
i didn’t cheat, nick, i promise.
nicolas 🥳🥸
i believe you
matt 🫡
chris is freaking out
wtf happened??
you cheated on him?!
y/n ‼️
i didn’t cheat, matt
it’s not me, i swear on my life 🙏🏾
my hair isn’t even red anymore, hasn’t been for nearly a month
that’s so true
my bad
i’ll talk to chris. he’s convinced it’s you
he keeps saying how you could’ve cheated a while back and finally got exposed for it
that makes no sense
the only times i’m not with him, i’m with nick, there’s no time within the two months i had my hair red that i would’ve found the time to cheat on him
and even if i did, i fucking suck at lying, how the hell would i have gotten that past him ?!
matt 🫡
tried telling him that.
kid damn near slammed my finger in the door
starting to think i shouldn’t get him the love of his life back 😐
it’s been nearly two weeks since you’ve spoken to or seen chris. he seemed to have been thoroughly convinced that you cheated on him.
you weren’t able to get through to him due to him blocking you. you could have tried messaging him through instagram since he hadn’t blocked on the app, but you knew the amount of dms he got a day so the chances of him even seeing your message was slim to none.
with him not blocking you on instagram came the sadness of seeing him slowing either delete or archive the pictures he had of you two on his account.
truthfully, you didn’t cheat on him and his lack of trust in you and your relationship felt like knives to the chest.
you knew how chris was, he’d eventually realize he was in the wrong and finally try to talk to you.
now, you weren’t so sure how you would feel if he did. it’s genuinely hurt you to know that one simple thing could lead to him doubting your love for him completely. you weren’t fond of being in a relationship with someone that chose to listen to strangers rather than to hear it from the source.
you just finished stress cleaning up your room, a pile of chris’ belongings off to the side in case he had one of his brothers stop by to come grab it.
just as you were about to take a break, your phone began to go off with people mentioning you on a video on tiktok.
curious, you sat in your desk chair, your heart pounding in your chest as you watched a girl, who could easily be mistaken as you, set up her camera.
‘hi, my names jasmine- jas if we’re close.’
she chuckled, tugging her red hair behind her ear.
‘recently, there’s been a picture of me and my boyfriend going around. in the photo, we can be seen kissing, but my back is towards whoever it was that took the picture.’
she cleared her throat, adjusting her posture. the exact photo that got people confused showed up in the corner of your screen.
‘now, i don’t do social media. i’m not an influencer, but i am aware of what goes on, you know what i mean? anyway- people think that i’m the youtuber yn ln.’
she laughed in disbelief.
‘i wasn’t going to say anything because, again, i don’t do social media. but i saw the poor girl getting hate because people think she cheated on her boyfriend chris. i’m here to clear it up. that is me in the picture, not yn. here’s a side by side of the picture the stranger took, and l a picture from the same day that my boyfriend and i took.’
as she said this, a cute photo of jasmine and her boyfriend smiling at the camera appeared on the right side of the picture that got you canceled.
‘i doubt she’d see this, but if she does, i’m so sorry that i didn’t come out sooner to say anything. but last thing i want is for someone to get hated on for something they didn’t do.’
and with that, the video ended.
you couldn’t stop yourself from going to the comments to see what people thought.
sturniolosbaby i bet y’all are embarrassed 😭
nicksbabygirl you guys ruined a relationship and it wasn’t even her 💀 that’s sick @/yn.ln @/christophersturniolo
chrispepsicola oh wow @/yn.ln
mattskisses it might not have been her in the pic but she still could’ve cheated
>>> sturniolosbiggestfan don’t start 😐
letstripbaby @/yn.ln @/christophersturniolo @/nicolassturniolo @/matthew.sturniolo @/sturniolotriplets
>>> babysturn damn tag their parents while you’re at it 😭💀
ynxsturniolo @/yn.ln look at these morons
nicksgaywife chris already deleted their photos together on instagram, look wtf you guys did 😒 @/yn.ln @/christophersturniolo
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nicolas 🥳🥸
link to tiktok
chris is so upset right now
he’s begging matt to drop him off at yours. figured you should know before you start packing his shit
y/n 🤍🥳
too late…
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cyberels · 5 months
thinking about modern loser!ellie as ur gf :3c
modern!abby version here!!!
requests are open btw please i’ll write for ellie or abby
18+ sfw & nsfw
-> sometimes she’ll send u random ass pictures she finds funny
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-> does the thing where she pretends to swerve off the road while she drives cuz it makes you laugh
-> she SPAMS you with tiktoks
-> every time there’s video of an old guy on her fyp that has 2 likes she’ll send it to u and be like “thought this was joel”
-> the guy looks nothing like joel
-> pretends to have a fear of thunder so she can use every thunderstorm as an excuse to cuddle you
-> “babe i’m so scaredddddd please😣😣😣 im shaking”
-> CANNNOT keep secrets from u
-> she’ll plan surprise dates and when you ask where the two of u are going she’s like “…nowhere…”
-> she’ll have to be silent the entire drive because if she speaks she will immediately reveal entire date
-> she HATES cringey pet names
so obviously you call her them all the time
-> she’s in line to buy smth and she’ll ask u for her wallet and u’ll hand it to her and say some shit like “here u go baby snuggle bear🥰”
-> the look she gives you LMFOAODKSLDKDDK
-> literally looks like u just killed her first born
-> does that “i hardly know her!” joke all the time
-> if no one laughs at her jokes she’ll tap on her hand and be like “uh, is this thing on?”
-> she thinks this is peak comedy
-> she’ll find silly things throughout her day that remind her of u
-> she takes pics everytime she sees a heart shaped object and sends it to u
-> absolutely has to get u a little treat or gift when she goes out, candy, flowers, etc. anything u might like she WILL buy
nsfw ‼️ 18+
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-> omg u and her buy stuff off adam & eve sometimes so she signed up for texts
-> and every time she gets a text she’ll send u a screenshot like “great news babe the butt blaster is 40% off!”
-> when y’all first starting having sex she’d be so awkward 😭😭😭😭 she couldn’t take herself seriously
-> eventually warmed up and started getting more confident
-> ellie williams is a sub i’ll die on this hill
-> but she’ll def try almost anything at least once to see if she likes it
ok that’s all for now love u all
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042502 · 8 days
𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 ıllı — christopher sturniolo. ༅ ⢗
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↷ ˊ- pairing: chris sturniolo x f!reader.
↷ ˊ- summary: you are tiktokers and of course your boyfriend chris has to be part of this.
↷ ˊ- content: Tiktoker reader! Trending videos of couples, couple jokes, drama, humorous content, established couples.
↷ ˊ- pris's is writing: My first language is not English. There will be two parts of this because it has been too long for me. I leave you the masterlist below so you can read more.
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Video context: Nick was recording a tiktok, which was about treating you badly in front of Chris to see how he would react.
In the video you and Nick appear sitting in front of the camera and Chris is standing behind.
"Hello little monsters, today we will see who knows more about Chris, if I am his brother or well... she who is huh your girlfriend"
Chris gave his brother a confused look, but continued.
"Matt ask the question and we answer" Matt was behind the scenes helping.
"What is Chris' favorite color?" Matt asks.
"The black one" Nick says and Chris denies.
"The orange one," you reply and Chris says that's right.
"Lie, that's not it" Nick looks at you and uses a colder tone of voice.
You were aware of tiktok, but Nick was really good at acting and you weren't, so you laugh and continue.
The following questions are only answered by Nick and they are all correct.
"Hey, you have to answer, you're supposed to be his girlfriend, something you have to know" he again speaks with a cold and distant tone.
"Yes, I will" you speak and settle into your seat, Chris's hand is present on your shoulder.
Three more questions pass and this time you answer but you do it wrong. Nick sighs exaggeratedly.
"It's just that she doesn't have the will, I'm answering everything myself and she seems stupid!" Nick raises the tone of his voice. "No, what the hell is wrong with him that he doesn't talk?"
"Nick, can we continue please?" Chris speaks with an exhausted tone and a serious expression.
Chris had his hands in his pants pockets, and remained serious.
"What's Chris' favorite drink?" Matt asks.
"I know the answer" you respond enthusiastically. "Pepsi"
"Your finally answer something correctly" Nick looks at you and you don't say anything.
Chris bites the inside of his cheek and crosses his arms in annoyance. The questions continue and you keep answering wrong or simply not answering.
"I'm asking you seriously, do you know my brother or why the hell are you answering absolutely everything wrong?"
Chris couldn't take it anymore and pulled Nick's chair so he could look at him. His face was frowning and he raised his hand to point his finger at his brother.
"Stop your shitty attitude with y/n! She's here trying and you're just being a jerk!" The tone of voice that Chris had was very serious and full of rage.
You grab Chris's arm and pull him away from Nick as you both tell him it was a joke, Chris was confused and when he manages to understand what they were saying, he puts his hands in frustration and shame to his face while hiding behind a wall.
Matt focuses on it and you and Nick hug him, Chris tries to push you away but you hug him even more.
"We're sorry!" You say smiling.
"I thought you would react before" Nick speaks when they distance themselves, Chris hugs you protectively.
"I was close to breaking your nose"
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"Hello everyone, today again my victim will be Chris" you laugh maliciously. "I'm applying bronzer to my palm and then leaving it on Chris's skin and calling him hickeys," you explain your plan.
You leave the camera in a strategic place so that Chris doesn't see it. You wait anxiously for him to arrive, when he comes in he walks up to greet you.
They hug for a long time and then distance themselves, Your hands caress their faces and then slowly go down to their neck where you apply a little pressure so that the product passes through.
"What the fuck!" You shout pushing Chris away from you.
He was confused by your sudden attitude, he tries to approach you and you reject him.
"Who have you been seeing? Do you want to see my stupid face? Please Christopher"
"What are you talking about? I didn't see anyone."
"What are those marks on your neck?" You point to your own neck and Chris was even more confused.
"In my neck?"
"Look at you" you point to the mirror in the room and Chris walks towards it examining his neck where he actually had two large hickeys. He looks at you with his blue eyes wide open.
"I swear to God I don't know how that's there."
You burst out as he brings you closer to hug him, you couldn't contain yourself. He looked so cute and scared.
"It's makeup" you show him your hands with the evidence.
"Oh shit, you scare me, my heart is beating uncontrollably" he puts his hand to his chest and you laugh at him.
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Everyone was gathered, waiting for you to prepare something delicious to eat. Nick was recording while you say hello to Chris.
"Don't you see anything new?" You ask your boyfriend and he sighs and looks at his brother recording.
"Don't record this," he points out and Nick just laughs.
"Chris, don't you see anything different?" You call him again and he looks at you smiling. But he shakes his head slowly to the sides, his eyes were fixed on you looking for something, but he doesn't see it. "Oh really?" 
"I swear" 
"Christopher, look at my face," you ask him now, using a serious tone. "There's something I did today" Nick zooms in on your face and then focuses on Chris again.
Chris walks over to you to get a better look. But he couldn't notice the change that you told him about.
"I mean, your hair looks different," he tries, but you let out an incredulous laugh.
"Chris," you laugh but quickly turn serious again. "Does your hair look different?" You stroke your hair.
“Okay, good” you smile. "What do you notice different about him?"
"It's... Combed" he responds insecurely.
You sigh and take your boyfriend's hands, giving him a small squeeze.
"Christopher, please look at me" you ask him.
"I don't know, it's wavy," he shrugs.
“Chris, I have fucking bangs,” you reveal the change.
"Oh was that?" After Chris's words, you and Nick burst into laughter.
You hug him laughing, but inside you want to kill him. When they walk away Chris asks again if that's the case and you tell him yes.
"But put some emotion into it!" You ask him and Chris opens his mouth wide and brings his hands to his head.
"Wow! I can't believe it!" Fake an excited tone.
"I left him after that," Nick says from behind the camera.
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adrienneleclerc · 16 days
Book Boyfriend Challenge
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: where Y/N has her fiancé reciting lines from her 3 book boyfriends.
Warning: 18+ lines used, spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: I’m also working on an alternative version where Y/N has no idea Charles has read her books and decides to recite the same lines to see how she reacts, let me know of you want that posted. This takes place in the same universe as The Drive Thru Test
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Y/N has seen TikToks of couples doing this challenge so he has picked out three books, Throttled by Lauren Asher, Eleven Eleven by Micaela Smeltzer, and Camera Shy by Kay Cove.
“Charles, muñeco, Can you come here for a second?” Y/N called from their living room, the books lined up on the coffee table. Charles comes in from the kitchen.
“Yes, Mon ange?” Charles asked.
“I have another TikTok challenge for us to try.” Y/N said. Charles playfully rolled his eyes and sat besides her on the couch.
“What is the challenge, Mon ange?” Charles asked. Y/N smiled.
“Okay so I have 3 books here, they are my favorite book boyfriends, there’s Noah Slade, Finn Harvey, and Reid Astor Crawford, I personally love these books, but I want you to choose whatever lines from these 3 books and recite them.” Y/N asked. Charles picked up the Throttled book.
“You’ve read an F1 romance book?” Charles asked, flipping through the pages. “Is bandini supposed to be Ferrari? Have you read this thinking about me?” Charles kept asking questions.
“Okay so I’m not the only one who fan casts you as Noah Slade, I’ve seen people make TikToks casting you as Noah, Lewis Hamilton is Jax, Carlos Sainz is Santiago, I’ve seen very mixed opinions about Liam, sometimes is Sebastian Vettel, others it’s Max Verstappen…” Y/N was explaining but Charles cut her off.
“You actually like this Noah guy?!? He’s such an asshole in the beginning.” Charles said as he was reading the first few pages of the book. “I can’t believe people imagine me as Noah.” Charles mumbled. “I’m a nice guy!”
“Muñeco, just pick a line, I’ll let you read the book after we’re done.” Y/N said,
“Fine.” Charles said. It took Charles a few seconds to pick a perfect line. “Okay, I got it.” Charles cleared his throat. “I’m not like any of the guys you’ve been with before. I May not be your first fuck, but I might as well be.” Charles said and Y/N started giggling. “What’s so funny, ma Belle?”
“Nothing, it’s just you’re so cute, I can’t imagine you saying this. But I must admit, your accent makes it hot.” Y/N confessed, kissing Charles. They broke away and Charles said the other line he has chosen.
“You’re a naughty little thing.” Charles tried to say in a seductive matter and Y/N covered her face with her hands.
“Okay that was hot.” Y/N confessed and now it was Charles’s turn to giggle.
“Okay this line is so stupid. ‘But I fuck like an A-list porno.’ I don’t know what more shocking, that the author thought it was a good line, or that you actually like that, I see you blushing, Mon ange.” Charles said and Y/N just shook her head.
“I like the book! Also, lines like this work because it is fictional, if a real man tried to say this to me, I would laugh in their face. But again, I think your accent makes it acceptable.” Y/N said and Charles kissed her.
“Okay I’m keeping this book, I need to know what people imagine me act like.” Charles said, getting off the couch to place Throttled in their bedroom on his side of the dresser. He came back, sitting next to Y/N, and chose the next book, Eleven Eleven. He was skimming until… “HE JUST TURNED 21?!?” Charles asked yelling. “She’s 32, that feels illegal, Mon ange, come on.”
“If you forget about the age, the way he is considerate, sweet, yet kinda cocky is such a turn on for me.” Y/N said.
“Am I competing with your book boyfriends?” Charles asked,
“If you really had to ask…” Y/N muttered. Charles found the line he wanted to refute but first he wanted to have a heavy make out session so Y/N would have full effect of the line. He leaned in to kiss her, he slightly bites her lower lip to insert his tongue in her mouth, both tongues fighting for dominance, Y/N had her hands in his hair but Charles was the one to light pull on her hair, making her moan. They pulled away and Y/N was panting/breathing heavily. Charles had his hand on Y/N’s inner thigh, rubbing lightly.
“Don’t get shy on me now, not when my tongue has been all over this sweet pussy.” Charles said and Y/N just stared at him incredulously.
“I can’t believe you got me hot and bothered just to say that line.” Y/N pouted and Charles laughed. “But that line worked on me, can’t lie.” Charles then cupped Y/N’s face in his hands.
“No man is ever going to make you feel this good. Not the way I can.” Charles said, ending the sentence in a cute little smirk.
“I thought I was going to cringe at some of the lines, but so far so good. You’re doing great, mi vida.” Y/N said, giving Charles a quick peck before he picks up the last book. “I know a lot of people on GoodReads are not a fan but I really liked it, I related to Avery so much.” Y/N said with a pout and Charles faintly smiled while reading the first few pages.
“This Mason guy is an asshole.” Charles said.
“I know! Like who dumps someone in their birthday?” Y/N said. Charles nods in agreement and starts skimming a few pages.
“He’s a boudoir photographer?” Charles asked and Y/N nodded. “You wanna do a photo shoot like that for me?” Charles asked suggestively.
“Sure thing, muñeco, but you’re buying what you want me to wear for this photo shoot.” Y/N said and Charles kissed her temple, still skimming until he found the line.
“Okay, this is kinda long.” Charles cleared his throat and tried to make his voice sound a little deeper and raspy, and looks into Y/N’s eyes. “You’re not going to speak. I’m going to talk to you. I’m going to strip you down and point out all the things I love about your body. For 5 minutes, Lu are going to enjoy a man who you think fucks like a porn star, worshipping you.” Charles recited, not breaking eye contact. Y/N blushed and looked away.
“How the hell did Avery not melt at that. It is official, you can make all these book lines sexy as fuck.” Y/N said and Charles chuckled.
“Well I’m glad this is turning you one, Mon ange.” Charles said, he skimmed until he found another one. “I’m going to make you vocal during sex, I’m going to have you screaming when you come, trust me.” He recited.
“Mm, not as hot.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, I agree, you’re already vocal during sex.” Charles commented and Y/N swatted his shoulder. “What? You’re acting as if that’s not the truth.”
“Just pick the next line, muñeco.” Y/N said.
“I bet you’re so fucking wet for me right now my tongue could go swimming, sweet girl.” Charles said in a raspy voice and Y/N covered her face.
“You did not pick that.” Y/N said.
“But I did. Mon ange, do you real,y enjoy ready these smutty books?” Charles asked.
“Yes I do, I like a modern romance, the smut is a bonus. I find them entertaining though.” Y/N said.
“Mm, should I buy you more books like this then?” Charles asked, pulling Y/N onto his lap so she’s straddling him.
“If you want to, of course.” Y/N said. Charles smiled before kissing her.
“I’m going to read Throttled when I’m on the plane for my next race.” Charles said.
“Okay, let me know what you think.” Y/N said.
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Liked by pierregasly and 3,562,924 others
charlesleclerc I discovered that Throttled by Lauren Asher is one of my fiancé’s favorite books so I’ve been reading it and I have a few questions. 1, if I’m Noah Slade despite actually being monegasque, does that mean Y/N is Maya even if she’s Latina and not a Spaniard 🤔? 2, I know I am flirty but I am definitely not as flirty, forward, and cocky as Noah. And 3, I’m a nice guys, a relationship guy, and a family guy, Noah was nothing like that in the beginning! Anyway, not finished yet but so far so good!
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user29 OMG HE’S READING IT!!!!!
user31 Y/N is my favorite WAG and now I have another reason
yourusername muñeco, you were supposed to call me with your thoughts on the book,
charlesleclerc well I’m currently thinking we should recreate that scene in Milano, you want me to choose the restaurant.
yourusername 😳🫣
pierregasly I think you broke the internet, mate
user23 yes!! They’re perfect
lewishamilton am i supposed to be this Jax guy?
carlossainz55 and me Santiago?
yourusername yes and yes, that’s what TikTok says 🤭
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venusacrossthestars · 1 month
heyy!! i was wondering could you do a imagine with one of the mclaren boys with that tik tok trend when the girl is holding a water bottle and keeps asking if it is open or closed? and they get really confused by it
open or closed
thank you so much for the request! tbh I've never seen nor heard of this trend before so I had to look it up. if you have a request send it in! read this post for request information/guidelines.
wc- 521
f1 masterlist
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It was stupid, hell the first time you saw a TikTok of it, you had no idea what was going on and had to turn to the comments for answers. Someone would hold up a clearly closed water bottle ask the person the question ‘is it opened or closed?’ and depending on whether or not the mouth of person holding the bottle was open or not they would say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. 
It was funny though, seeing these couples get all worked up over a water bottle. These poor people trying not call their partner stupid, while simultaneously calling their partners stupid. You we’re dying to see how Lando’s reaction. 
You had asked Lando to grab you a water bottle from hospitality on his way back to his drivers room, and like the saint he was he happily obliged. 
“Thank you baby,” you press a kiss to Lando’s awaiting cheek. You take a few sips from the plastic bottle and set up your phone  to capture his reaction. 
“What are you doing?” Lando ask curiously. 
“Well I saw something on Tiktok and I wanted to do it with you.” 
“And you want to record my reaction for blackmail I take it?” 
You shift yourself on the couch, turning so that your camera captures both you and Lando in frame. You lift up the clearly closed water bottle and ask, “Open or closed?” mouth closing after the question. 
“Closed.” Lando states and you nod. 
You shift the bottle to its side and ask again, “Open or closed?” your mouth still open. 
“Closed,” Lando says again confidently.
“What? It’s clearly closed.” Lando gestures to the water bottle. 
“Nope, again. Open or closed?” You flip the bottle again, mouth still ajar. 
“Babe, what? The cap is on, it’s closed.” 
“No, pay attention. It’s open. Again.”
Flipping the bottle again so that it upside down you ask again, mouth still open. 
“Lando, pay attention.” 
“What do you mean ‘pay attention’? I am, if the bottle was open then there would be water all over you and there’s clearly not!” Lando runs his hands through his hair in frustration. 
“Ok, ok. One more time. Open or closed,” you close your mouth. 
“I don’t know anymore. Open.” 
You shake you head and Lando throws his arms up in the air, “What are you on woman?!” 
You shoot him a look and shrug your shoulders, “Well I never asked if the bottle was opened or closed, you just assumed.” 
“I was never asking about the bottle silly. So I’ll ask again, open or closed, and this time pay attention.” You stare Lando dead in the eyes as you leave your mouth open. 
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Lando!” You shout, throwing the still clearly closed water bottle at him. 
“This was the stupidest Tiktok ‘prank’ or ‘trend’ or whatever you want to call it.” Lando throws air quotes around prank and trend. 
“I’m so posting this.” Lando groans at your statement. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” 
“I love you too,” you press a kiss against his lips, rewarding him for being a good sport.
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@arieslost @customsbyjcg-blog @gr1mes-cc @styl1shl1v @tpwkstiles @hiireadstuff @landoscardotcom @poppyflower-22 @blancastans @katiezdiarysblog @mrsstylez @jamieeboulos @peanutaj @hwalllllllelujah @purple9950 @chaoticpenguindetective @crazymofo-96 @harriesnuggets @georgerussellsgridgirl @luckyladycreator2 @llando4norris @slaygirlbossworld @decafmickey @casperlikej @yourrrrrprefffffect
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
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౨ৎ ─ summary | request -> "paige absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm y/n uses, so they keep stealing kisses from y/n" for my lovely tay @euphternal
─ word count | 479
─ warnings | kissing (obvs), teasing, sweaty paige (sorry to all the germaphobes), nothin else
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @boiliatfu and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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YOU SETTLED INTO your bed, pulling out your phone and begin to scroll on TikTok before your door opened.
Paige walked into your dorm, exhaustion clear in her expression as she let out a loud sigh. She threw her gym bag on the floor, practically throwing herself on your bed.
"How was practice?" You asked with a knowing smile on your face as Paige shot you a glared, settling into your bed next to you. She just grabbed your waist, pulling you into her chest. "Ew, you're sweaty, Paige, go take a shower."
She ignored your protests as she began planting kisses all over your shoulders and neck. You laughed, her lips tickling your body before she pulled away with a laugh. "Why would you ask me such a stupid question?"
You chuckled at Paige's playful response, running your fingers through her damp hair. "I guess I just like to hear you complain about it," you teased, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the lips.
Paige rolled her eyes with a grin, but then her expression softened as she gazed at you. "Seriously though, practice was brutal today. Coach had us doing those new drills, and I swear, I've never felt so sore in my life."
You nodded sympathetically, knowing how intense Paige's training could be. "Well, you're a total badass out there, so I'm sure it'll pay off."
She smiled at you as she leaned into to steal another kiss from your lips. "I like this flavor,"
"Of what?" You laughed as you furrowed your eyebrows at your girlfriend.
"The chapstick or whatever, I like it." Paige smiled as she grabbed your face to give you a deeper kiss, a giggle escaping your lips as she did.
You pulled away as your girlfriend kept gazing lovingly at you. "I'm gonna have to reapply now, baby."
"I'm still gonna keep kissing you, I don't care." Paige shrugged as she leaned back into your bed with smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully, grabbing your chapstick from the bedside table and applying it with a grin. "Do you want some for yourself?"
"Nah, it tastes better from your lips, baby." Paige grinned as she grabbed your arm to pull you closer and crashing her lips against yours.
Paige grinned against your mouth, the taste of the chapstick mingling with the warmth of her kiss. "Mmm, it adds to the flavor,"
"You're so gross," you joked as you leaned away, your cheeks feeling warmer. Paige just shrugged as she gripped your wrist to pull you into her chest as you bursted out in laughter.
Paige chuckled, her arms wrapped snugly around you. "Hey, you love it," she teased, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
You couldn't help but grin at her laughter, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you. "Yeah, I do," you admitted, snuggling closer to her.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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amirasainz · 4 days
I need more amira and lamdo interactions pls. I’m begging my queen 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
My sweet child, your wish shall be granted. I'm currently trying out writing some smut, so that's what we have here. I hope you enjoy reading and let me know what you think. If you have any request, let me know.
No Part 2!!!
The pheromone perfume
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It was supposed to be a joke. Everyone on TikTok posted a video of how their partners reacted to the perfume. Some were extremely funny while others very very sweet. All in all, Amira thought is was just some scam. So, like any other young adult with money on her bank account, she bought it.
When the package finally arrived, Amira was as exited as a child in the candy store. Lando was still in his gaming room, streaming with Max and some other fans. Before the delivery man came to her house, she was busy preparing dinner. While she let the food continue to cook on a lower temperature, she finally opened her delivery.
To be faire, she wasn't expecting anything huge like confetti and glitter. But the sad little spray thingy truthfully looked, well sad. "Dios mios, what did I even buy this for. Stupid TikTok's. Stupid perfume. Stupid delivery service" was the things she muttered while cleaning up her mess.
However, she couldn't let all her money go to waste so she put a little bit on her neck, her wrists and behind her ears. As expected, she couldn't smell anything.
After approximately 17 minutes, Lando made his way to the kitchen. The sight that greeted him was the most beautiful on the whole world. There stood his girlfriend, looking as breath-taking as always, moving around their kitchen with ease. Like always, he went up behind her, tucking his face in her neck. Lando took a deep breath and
"Baby, are you wearing a new perfume?" he asked, still keeping his face in the crook of her neck. Amira tensed up and breathed a confused "What?" "Yeah baby, you smell really amazing" he whispered in her ear. His strong arms pulled her tighter against himself, almost possessive.
Lando couldn't have enough of her. He easily picked her up and manhandled her on the kitchen counter. His nose ran along her neck and collarbone. Without hesitation he kissed her neck, lightly sucking her skin between his teeth. Amira leaned into him and let out a little moan. Her hands flew up into his hair, pulling him a bit away from her.
"Amore, what's gotten into you" she asked him, her chest moving up and down quickly. Lando turned his face into her right hand, smelling this amazing scent on her wrist. He groaned deeply and surged forward to kiss her. He pulled her to the edge of the counter, her feet winding around his waist. "God baby, you make me go crazy" he told her between kisses.
Amira only smirked at him. When she kissed him, she decided to rile him up some more and startet to grind against him. He could only groan and put his forehead against hers. "Right, that's it" he said, picking up Amira and walking towards her bedroom.
Safe to say that dinner got delayed that night.
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
sister cherry can we get some more sfw firefigher!ace hcs that you have in the vaults. i love him down 🥹🤲🏿🤲🏿
ask and you shall surely receive, my love!! y’all know how I feel about this mannnn omg. him and his stupid smile are in my cranium rent free 😫 driving me insane.
⚠️: fluff, comedy, light kissing and him being an absolute sweetheart
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firefighter!ace is unironically and blissfully unaware of the fact that he’s kind of Twitter/TikTok famous. Somebody happened to get a picture of him and a bunch of other first responders at an event and now he’s known on social media as ‘Firefighter Bae.’ Now he used it to his advantage to post workout vids, safety tips and humor about some of the things they encounter on the job.
firefighter!ace has a special lapel pin he always wears on his uniform or on his persons that he got from his crew mate, who passed in a fire years ago.
firefighter!ace has the HARDEST time letting the pets go from rescues. It can be someone’s dog with a whole name and address on the tag but he’s holding him like it’s his own.
“Are you sure we can’t keep him?” “Ace, give those people their dog so we can go!”
firefighter!ace adoresss kids! He’s always the first pick of the schools for fire safety day because he’s so charismatic and fun that the children just cling to him. Taking them on the fire truck, letting them wear the gear and even playing with them. He was such a natural, you became flustered and began to like him even more.
firefighter!ace gets along with all of your friends/roommates..a little too well in fact! Always going to Robin to snitch on you or Nami to gossip about how temperamental you are! But they adore him so much.
“You know how she is, she won’t listen to anybody.” “Tell me about it, she’s so hardheaded.” “Y’all do know I’m right here, don’t you? I can hear you!”
firefighter!ace owns a motorcycle and is an avid biker. He and his friends race + have their own lil club. He also brought you a matching jacket/helmet to ride with him.
firefighter!ace is suuuper affectionate. His love language is physical touch and always being near his s/o. All but gave up on being discreet when you guys FINALLY started dating and would kiss you on the cheek or grab your waist in front of the whole crew.
“What? I can’t kiss my wife? Assholes.” “You just started dating a month ago, calm down!
firefighter!ace loves when you play with his hair and lets him lay his head in your lap. He finds comfort in it after long days and rough calls. He’s already narcoleptic but he sleeps like a baby when you’re near him. Bonus points if you sing to him, he’s out like a light!
firefighter!ace loves dancing and he’s pretty good at it too.
firefighter!ace wears a matching beaded bracelet or necklace with your name/initials on it all the time. Carries it with him wherever he goes and always kisses it before going into a dangerous situation. And vice versa..to have each other’s strength. Even when you can’t show it.
firefighter!ace is incredibly bashful, despite his appearance, personality and reputation as a playboy. He gets insecure occasionally that you’ll find better.
“I know it’s not much, rookie. But I wanted to get you something. Just to show how proud I was of you..you did amazing on that call today.” “I know you can do better, I’m just happy you’re in my life.” “Oh shut up. As if anyone else could actually handle me. And I guess I’m kinda in love with you.”
firefighter!ace is never hesitant to tell you he loves you because he doesn’t know if it’ll ever be his last time saying it. So he doesn’t shy away from a moment to express his feelings.
firefighter!ace likes to show off during workouts by letting you sit on his back as he does pushups. But he knows you’re no princess and he’ll eventually get challenged by you to see who can do the most. (Of course placing a small wager to sweeten the deal.)
“Seriously, rookie. Here I am trying to be romantic and cool, and you ruin it. Such a goddamned brat.” “You were trying to showboat, you arrogant bastard and look where that got you. Now pay up.”
firefighter!ace LOVESSS watching you do your hair and going to the beauty supply with you. He loves the smell of all the natural oils and even asks you to pick him out some stuff. He doesn’t mind helping twist in a braid or two either. Once he gets the hang of it, this man is in your head like he’s a professional! Doing crochet, locs and all.
“Can you do the blonde braids again? They’re my favorite on you. Plus they look good with the uniform.” “You say that about all of them!”
firefighter!ace truly does love being in your presence. Whether it’s rushing through burning buildings or a chill night in his apartment, surrounded by ambient lighting and faux plants as the two of you cuddle…as long as he’s with you, it’s his happy place.
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nyxoz · 2 years
I was thinking for a part 2 to the modern day Eddie x reader sexting could be she goes and hangs out with Jackson and Eddie starts sexting her knowing she's over there 👀
thank you so for your request!!! im so mind blown by the love for this fic. i hope you enjoy this part two.
Eddie Munson x Reader
Reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal fingering, P in V sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Best Friends to Lovers, Modern AU, Sexting, Swearing, Jealousy, Semi-Public Sex, Unprotected Sex.
Part One
Eddie has been avoiding you. 
Well, at least you think he has. He hasn’t contacted you since he said goodbye the night he made you come so hard on your couch you had to lay against him to catch your breath. 
You haven’t texted or called him either but that’s not the point. He initiated it. Shouldn’t he be the one to call you? 
It’s been three days since that night, which isn’t super long but you and Eddie haven’t gone a day without talking to each other for god knows how long. It’s weird, him not being in your life. Not texting him something stupid or sending him a meme or TikTok you saw. You miss him. But you’re mad at him. 
You’re not mad about what happened. You’re mad about how he’s acting (or not acting.). You didn’t expect him to suddenly be your boyfriend or anything, but he could at least fucking text you. 
It’s Monday night when you decide to head to Benny's diner alone for dinner. 
As you enter the mostly empty diner you see none other than Jackson, sitting alone at a booth lining the window. His head pops up as the bell rings on the door and he’s smiling as he recognises you. 
You subtly sigh and smile at him. 
“Hey.” He says. 
You walk over to where he’s seated, “Hey, Jackson.” 
He looks around you like he’s expecting to see someone. 
“You eating alone?” 
You nod. 
“I’d expected Munson to be following behind you like a lost little puppy.” He laughs at his joke. You don’t laugh and he notices calming down his chuckle, “I was just kidding.” He tries to save face.  
There’s an awkward silence before he clears his throat. 
“How about you take a seat? I’ll buy you dinner.” He asks. 
You look at the empty seat across from him and then back at his smiling face. You decide, fuck it, why not? You get a free meal out of it and some okay company. 
“Suuure, but I want a milkshake too.” You bargain as you slide into the booth. 
He laughs a little, his teeth blindingly white and in full view. “Sure thing, darlin’.” 
He keeps smiling at you as you grab at the menu his fingers are fiddling with on the table. Your eyes wander over the page, trying to choose when he starts up that awkward conversation. 
“So, Friday night was, like, good.” He says. 
You snort, eyes still on the menu. “Good?” 
“Hot.” He corrects, “like so hot.” 
You finally look up at him after deciding what you want. “I’m glad.” 
He laughs, “You’re hard to read.” 
Raising a brow and tapping your fingers against the table you smirk slightly. “Am I?” 
Jackson leans back further against the booth and runs his hands through his hair. “Yeah, you really are.” 
“Alrighty! What can I get you two tonight?” A waitress interrupts your conversation. 
You look up at her and see her name tag reads Joan. You and Jackson give your orders to Joan and she grabs your menu before walking back to the counter. 
As Jackson asks how your weekend is going, headlights shine into the window as a car parks in front of the diner. You automatically turn to look at the light and as the headlights turn off you see a very familiar green van. Eddie. Of course, he’s here. 
You turn back to Jackson and pretend you’re listening to some fishing story he’s telling as you hear the bells of the front door jingle as Eddie enters. You don’t look up at the sound and keep staring head-on at Jackson. 
He says something that makes himself laugh and you don’t know quite what it was but you decide to laugh loud and reach a hand forward to touch his arm that’s resting on the tabletop. Eddie walks past just as you do and you can’t help but flick your eyes up at him. He looks at you and then down to where you’re touching Jackson. He doesn’t stop walking until he’s sitting in the booth right behind Jackson, staring directly at you. 
Jackson doesn’t seem to notice that Eddie is here, too caught up in your touch and laugh. 
“Yeah, so funny right!” He laughs with you. 
“Totally.” You smile, staring just past his shoulder into the brown eyes that are staring directly into yours. 
Eddie is smirking very subtly at you before he drops his eyes down to the menu. 
The next twenty minutes seem to go by uneventfully. You flirt shamelessly with Jackson, but manage to avoid looking at Eddie the entire time. Your food comes out and after you both finish, you decide to split the promised milkshake. 
“I gotta say, I’m more of a strawberry milkshake man myself.” Jackson says and you put two straws into the shake. 
“People are biased towards vanilla because they think it’s basic, but it’s not! It’s original and iconic. There’s nothing wrong with being vanilla.” You smile at him. 
You drop a finger in the whipped cream and bring it up to your mouth, sucking the sweetness off your finger. Your eyes meet with Eddie’s over Jackson’s shoulder. 
His eyes are dark, his pupils blown wide taking up the chocolate brown you love so much. He’s rolling his bottom lip between his teeth as he watches you intently. 
Your eyes flicker back to Jackson and he’s smiling at you softly, a sheepish look on his face. He leans down and takes a sip of the milkshake and groans as he does. 
“Okay, you’re right. This is good.” 
“See! Nothing wrong with vanilla.” You repeat before taking a sip yourself. 
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you fish it out as Jackson takes another sip. 
Eddie 7:37pm: do that again. 
Your eyes flicker up to Eddie and he’s staring at you. You stare back for a few seconds before you look down at your phone and type out a response. 
You 7:37pm: Who’s this? 
You can be petty. 
He responds immediately. 
Eddie 7:37pm: bet it doesn’t taste as sweet as you did. 
Your cheeks warm at the thought of him licking your arousal off his own fingers and you keep your eyes down on your phone. 
You can’t think of a witty reply. So you lock your phone and keep it face up in your lap, before turning back to Jackson. 
“See any good movies lately?” You ask lamely, trying to keep the conversation flowing but too preoccupied by Eddie. 
Your phone buzzes again and you ignore it. 
“Movies?” Jackson chuckles, “Uh not really. I’ve been focusing on fixing up my truck, honestly.” 
“Oh really?” You fake interest with a smile. 
Your phone buzzes a second time and your eyes can’t help but flicker down. 
Eddie 7:38pm: have you been thinking about me? 
Eddie 7:39pm: thinking about my fingers fucking you? 
You close your eyes to compose yourself as you look back up at Jackson. He’s too interested in talking about his truck to notice you’re not paying him any attention. 
Looking down at your lap you read the flood of texts you just received. 
Eddie 7:40pm: I’ve been thinking about you.
Eddie 7:40pm: thinking about how you taste. 
Eddie 7:40pm: how you felt when you came on my fingers. 
Eddie 7:40pm: I know you’d feel fucking unbelievable coming on my cock. 
The last message has you squeezing your thighs together. The thought of Eddie’s cock inside you has been on your mind for the past three days. You’ve touched yourself thinking about it, imagining him taking you against your soft sheets, or in his trailer, van, anywhere really. 
“What’re you think?” Jackson asks. 
You look up fast and blink a few times. 
“About what colour to paint my truck? Red or black?” He clarifies. 
“Oh, uh, red?” 
“Yeah, I’m thinking that too!” He keeps rambling about the truck tyres or engine, you’re not really sure.
Eddie 7:42pm: would you let me finish inside you? I know you’re on the pill. 
Eddie 7:42pm: wanna fill you up and watch my cum drip out of you
That’s the nail in the coffin of your patience. You clear your throat and interrupt Jackson. 
“Umm, this has been fun or whatever but I actually have to go.” You say standing up. Your eyes look over quickly at Eddie who is watching you as he eats a few fries. 
“Oh? I thought we could maybe go back to mine or something.” He smiles up at you hopefully. 
You frown apologetically, “Sorry. I’ll see you later?” 
He nods, but his expression shows a tad bit of frustration like his night has now been wasted playing nice with you when he couldn’t get anything out of it. 
You ignore him and turn to walk towards the bathroom. You pass the counter, and smile at Joan as you go, pushing open the bathroom door and turning into the ladies’ room. 
As you enter the end cubicle, you pull out your phone and sit on the closed toilet, going to scroll through Eddie’s messages again. You read each one, feeling your skin warm and your stomach tighten in arousal. 
You can’t believe him. After no contact for three days, this is what you get? 
The door to the bathroom opens and shuts with a thud. You can hear heavy footsteps walking along the tiled floor, they get louder as they grow closer. You look underneath the cubicle door, seeing familiar dirty converse standing directly in front of it.
Knuckles rap against the wood in a rhythmic fashion. 
“Y/N…” Eddie drags out your name. 
You stay silent and watch his feet. 
“Little pig! Little pig! Let me in.” He sings, a soft chuckle following it. 
You stand up, your clothes rustling and echoing in the quiet bathroom. You step forward, reaching for the lock and turning it slowly. Pulling your hand back, the door opens with a creek, Eddie coming into view inch by inch. 
He stands there, looking good enough to eat. He’s wearing his usual leather jacket over a black Judas Priest shirt. His black jeans are ripped at the knees. 
He smiles brightly at you, creases forming around his mouth and his brown eyes narrowing. 
You’re both quiet for a minute, staring at each other. You feel his eyes roaming your body, goosebumps rising on your skin under his gaze. 
“Hey.” He says taking a step into the cubicle. 
You give him a look of disbelief. After three days that’s all he’s got to say to you. 
You push at his chest, “Asshole!”
He sways a little but stands tall. 
You push at him again and he grabs at your wrists as they land on his chest. 
“I know, I’m sorry.” 
“You fucking just ghosted me!” 
You struggle against his hold but give up after he shows no sign of letting go. 
“I know.” 
“Why?” You ask defeated. 
He brings your hands up to his face and presses kisses on your knuckles. “I’m sorry.” He whispers against the skin, “I got scared, I don’t know, I just freaked out.” 
“Why, though?” 
He lowers your hands so you’re holding each other down near your waists. 
“I thought maybe you didn’t want me that way.” 
You scoff, “I literally orgasmed. I wanted it!”
“Yeah, I realise that now. I thought it through.” 
“You’re still an asshole.” You smirk. 
He grins back and begins slowly stepping forward, pushing you further back into the cubicle. He lets go of your hand to reach behind him and push the door closed, twisting the lock in place.
He stands in front of you and you take one step back, your thighs hitting the edge of the toilet. 
“Maybe I can make it up to you?” He asks, titling his head slightly. 
He crowds against you, grabbing at your waist and moving you against the wall. His face hovers above you, half an inch away, his deep chocolate eyes flickering over your face. 
“Or maybe,” you start, “maybe I can catch up with Jackson.” It’s an empty threat but Eddie’s brows frown at the thought. 
“No.” He says. His right hand comes up to grab at your chin, his thumb pulling down your bottom lip a little. “You’re mine.” 
“Yours?” You whisper. 
His thumb presses harder against your lip, pushing upwards and sliding into your mouth. 
You drop your jaw, opening your mouth a little wider. Your tongue flattens out for him to glide his thumb along it. 
“All mine.” He murmurs. 
You suck on his thumb, pressing your tongue up against it and hollowing your cheeks. 
“Fuck.” He sighs, eyes transfixed on your mouth. 
Slowly, you draw your head back, pulling your mouth off him, the squelch of the suction breaking is loud in the space between you both. 
He licks at his lips as he watches the spit glistening on his thumb. 
“Did you like my texts?” He asks. 
Your head drops back further to thud against the wall, your hair scratches against you as you nod slowly. 
“What do you think, hmm?” His hand comes up to your hair line, pushing the strands back in soft strokes. “Would you let me come inside you?” 
Your heart jumps at the question. Swallowing down the spit pooling in your mouth, you nod again. 
“Gimme your words, baby.” He says. 
“Yes, what?” 
You huff a little, “Yes, I want you to come inside me.” 
His free hand splays against your stomach, inching down to the waistline of your jeans. His skilled fingers pop your button open and push down your zipper, the pads of his fingers landing on the soft cotton of your panties. 
Slowly but surely, he works his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, trailing down the top of your cunt and pressing his middle finger in between your slit. 
You gasp as his finger circles your clit. 
He smiles at your intake of breath and slides another finger alongside the first, gliding them between your folds and lapping up your arousal. 
He circles your entrance, before pushing two fingers in. 
You squeak as he curls his fingers up, searching for the rough spot inside you that makes you clench around him. You moan out as he continues thrusting his fingers into you. 
He leans his forehead against yours and keeps fingering you. 
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Don’t want your fingers.” 
He smiles and kisses your cheek, “No?” 
You shake your head. 
“What do you want?” 
His fingers come up to rub your clit some more and you cry out. 
“I want...” you trail off as he continues to toy with you. 
“Yes?” He asks with a smile, nosing at your cheekbone. 
“I want your cock.” 
He laughs and his warm breath hits your face. 
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” 
He pulls his hand out from your underwear, his other hand coming down to your jeans and pushing them down your legs, along with your underwear. You toe off your shoes and slide your jeans and panties off, leaving them on the floor next to the toilet. 
You reach forward and grab at Eddie’s belt, unbuckling it and pushing his pants and boxers down over cock. It springs free, hitting his black tee and leaving a spot of precum. 
You go to grab at his cock but he grabs at your hand to stop you. 
“Wait,” he breathes out, “I wanna…” he looks over your face and then reaches up to take it in his hands, “I wanna kiss you.” 
He holds your face so softly in his calloused hands. 
You realise, in both these times you’ve been together, you’ve never kissed each other. You’ve never had your lips pressed against his or your tongue in his mouth. 
It was a line you both unknowable hadn’t tried to cross. Touching each other was one thing, but kissing felt more personal. Like it could break your friendship if it went wrong. 
You look down at his pink lips, wanting nothing more than to touch them with your own. 
“Kiss me then.” You whisper. 
He takes no time rushing forward and pressing his lips on yours. You inhale against him, breathing him in. 
His tongue licks into your mouth, massaging with yours. Your nose rubs against his cheek as you push further against him, wanting to get as close as possible. 
Eddie’s hand comes down to grab your left leg, his arm coming up underneath it to hold it up. He pulls away from your lips, pressing his forehead against yours and looking down in between you. You both catch your breath and stare down as his other hand reaches for his cock and guides it towards you. 
The head of his cock brushes against your folds, lapping your juices. Eddie’s head drops back and he groans out lowley. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
He lines up at your entrance and looks up at you quickly, watching your reaction as he slides into you. His arm holding your leg up tenses as your heat surrounds him. 
Your mouth drops open and your eyes squeeze shut as he pushes all the way in. Your breathing gets heavier as he bottoms out, his pelvis flush with yours. 
Eddie leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling out slowly and pushing back in. He keeps a steady slow pace, his free hand holding your hip. 
Your leg aches from the stretch of being held up but it’s all forgotten when he starts moving faster. The echo of skin slapping each other can be heard throughout the bathroom, accompanied by your heavy breathing. 
He keeps fucking hard and fast. His hand on your waist trails down to your crotch, sliding to your clit. His fingers begin circling the nub in rhythm with his hips. 
You let out a moan, “Fuck, fuck, Eddie.” 
You feel the warmth in your core starting to unravel, getting closer to your release. 
He smiles at you and presses kisses along your jawline. 
A thud of a door can be heard in the distance and Eddie’s hips stop their movements, as he listens out for more noise. 
The door to the ladies’ bathroom opens and closes and someone walks in and enters the cubicle next to yours. The side of Eddie’s face is pressed against the side of yours, his mouth hovering over your ear. 
“Better keep quiet. Don’t wanna get caught, do ya, baby?” He whispers. 
His fingers start playing with your clit again, but his hips stay still, keeping his cock deep inside you. 
You bite your lip to prevent a moan as he keeps toying relentlessly with your swollen nub. 
You can hear the rustling in the next stall and the toilet flushes. The person very slowly makes their way out to wash their hands and it feels like forever until they finally leave the bathroom. 
You release a loud breath as the door shuts. 
“Oh my god.” 
Eddie laughs and brings a hand up to hold your hip as he starts fucking back into you. 
He continues pounding into you, his lips pressing all over your face and then landing on your lips. He licks filthily into your mouth, groaning at the taste of you. 
He pulls back slightly, breathing against your mouth. His hips show no sign of slowing down as his hand comes back down to your clit. 
“Gonna fill you up.” He says. 
You nod at his statement, your noses brushing each other. “I want it.” 
His fingers on your clit start rubbing fast and furious, his hips starting to stutter as he gets closer to his orgasm. 
Your walls tighten around him and he hisses. 
The white heat inside you grows and soon you feel it flowing over. You moan out into his mouth and he breathes it in. 
“Fuck! I’m coming, I’m coming.” You cry. 
His hips fuck you through your orgasm and he comes undone just after you. 
His come paints your insides, filling you to the brim. He moans out your name, breathing heavy against you. He keeps moving slowly inside you, milking himself dry before slumping against you, his face hiding in your neck. 
Your hand comes up to cup his head as you both try to catch your breath. 
He gently pulls out of you and you feel his come dripping out of your hole. You grimace at the loss. 
He lets down your leg, very slowly and you feel the soreness in your thigh radiate down your leg. 
You lean against the wall and watch as he pulls his jeans up. He reaches down and grabs your jeans and panties, handing them to you. 
As you slide your pants back on he kisses at your neck and face and you laugh as you awkwardly hop into your clothes. 
“Eddie.” You giggle. 
He laughs too and holds your hips. He tilts his head as he looks down at you and reaches one of his hands up to push your hair from your face. 
“You’re beautiful.” He says it almost accidentally, like he can’t keep the words from spilling out. 
You smile up at him. “So are you.” 
That makes him smile bright, his eyes creasing at the edges. 
You stand there with no shoes on in Benny’s diner’s bathroom and stare up at your best friend. 
“Back to yours?” He asks. 
You nod. “Yeah.” 
“Okay.” He says before he kisses your forehead. 
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mattitties · 6 months
Can you please do one where the reader dreams that Matt’s cheating and she founds out because he posts the other girl on his Instagram…So after she’s awake she’s upset and tells real Matt about her dream. Matt just cuddle her and says his sorry even tho his not dream Matt and then he orders to the house white roses for her (the note from the flowers should say something like “dream Matt it’s an idiot and I’m deeply sorry about that bae…I love you”
Bad dream - matt sturniolo
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“I’m so, so sorry. It was such a mistake but I swear to God it’ll never happen again,” he pleads. “I love you so much baby, please.”
All I can do is cry. I’ve never felt so fucking betrayed in my life. We’ve been together for over a year, we’ve talked about kids and marriage and the rest of our lives together, and he didn’t even care enough. He ended it all with one stupid night. 
“You don’t care about me. You don’t love me,” I sob. “I hate you! Get the fuck out!”
He opens his mouth to say something but ultimately decides against it. I watch as he opens the door to my apartment, turns around to look at me for the last time, and leaves.
I suck in a breath as I jolt awake. My heart is pounding, and my face is wet with tears. I turn my head and see my boyfriend, Matt, sleeping soundly next to me. It was just a dream. He would never cheat on me. I know he wouldn’t. I have never had an ounce of distrust in him, but that dream just felt so real that my anxiety won’t come down. 
I quietly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, turning on the sink so he won’t hear my sobs. I don’t even know why I’m crying; it was a dream. It was fake. He’s literally in the room right next to me, and he never fails to prove his love to me. But there’s this annoying little voice in the back of my head screaming “What if? What if?” and it won’t shut off. 
After a few minutes of crying and trying to keep my anxiety at bay, I go back to his room and lay down next to him, but there’s just no way I’ll be able to fall back asleep anytime soon, so I pull out my phone and start silently scrolling through TikTok.
The brightness of my phone must have woken him up despite it being all the way down. “Baby?” he says, wrapping his arm around my stomach. “Why are you up?”
“Just can’t sleep. I’m sorry, go back to bed,” I say, pushing his hair out of his eyes and trying to hide my tear-covered face. But of course, he notices. He always notices.
“What’s wrong? Were you crying?” he sits up and wipes my tears, which only makes me start crying harder. “Shhhh,” he consoles, pulling me into him. “What happened?”
“It’s so stupid.”
“If it’s making you upset, it’s not stupid. Tell me.”
I take a breath. “I just had a dream. And it made me anxious and sad. That’s it.”
“What was the dream?” he urges softly. 
“You just… you cheated on me. And it was so bad because I’ve been cheated on before and it was so humiliating and it made me so upset and I just thought you’d never do that to me and I know you wouldn’t but–”
“Baby, baby, slow down,” he tilts my head so I can look up at him. “I love you. So much. And I would never, ever, ever cheat on you. You’re it for me. Okay? Dream Matt is such a fucking idiot but real Matt, the one right here, is not. I mean, I can be sometimes, but definitely not enough to cheat on you.” 
I nod and give him a little smile. “Yeah. You’re right. Sorry for freaking out.”
“Don’t apologize, you’re fine baby. I love you, okay?” he says softly before kissing me in a way that reminds me just how much he really does love me. “Go to sleep baby, I’m right here.”
I wake up the next morning in the same position we fell asleep in. I check my phone and see that it’s only 10 AM and Matt won’t be awake for at least another 3 hours, so I quietly dip out to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I always check the front door when I wake up to see if there’s any mail, and today I almost miss the large bouquet of white roses I see sitting on our front stoop. 
I pick them up and take them inside, extremely confused and slightly concerned that a fan found our address and sent roses to one of the boys. I set the vase down on the kitchen table and read the note attached.
I’m sorry dream Matt is so stupid, but your real Matt adores you and would do anything to make you happy. Dinner tonight at 7 as an apology? Love, your wonderful loving boyfriend ;)
I just about curl into a ball and start sobbing right there. How did I get so lucky?
I head back to our room and snuggle back into him, kissing his cheek softly.
“Hmmmm,” he hums, still half asleep. 
“I love you,” I whisper. “When did you order the roses?”
“I love you too, baby. Last night after you fell back asleep,” he replies, his eyes still closed and his groggy morning voice evident. 
I give him one last kiss as a thank you before we fall asleep for the rest of the morning.
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pepsiboyy · 8 days
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: where you and your best friend, chris, decide to relax for the night. warnings: smoking weed, cursing, kissingg a/n: hiii i hope this is ok to keep yall FED i feel like i fell off the face of the planet but im here i promise!! very short but i hope its fun<3 love u guys
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chris's tongue poked out from between his lips as he focused on rolling the joint in front of you both.
"chris, that looks like shit," you joked, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips as you did so.
chris shot you a smiling glare as he set it down. "fuck you, you'll still smoke it." he retorted, to which you had no response.
you both were sitting on the porch outside of the triplets' la home, the moonlight particularly bright tonight as you sat and conversed about various topics.
it all started with you talking about life. chris would tune in with some random bullshit he learned on tiktok, and it went back to serious mode. the conversation turned into one relating to relationships and love. something chris wasn't particularly fond of.
"i don't know, it's just weird. like i find it hard to even say i love you to people that i know i love. it's just hard."
you nodded softly. "it's hard throwing such an important word around with such heavy meaning that people think they can lift with no problems."
chris snapped his fingers as if you had just hit the jackpot. "exactly that," he pointed at you and smiled. "that's it. and probably just commitment too. taking the next step into something so much bigger than it needs to be." he muttered the last part.
"rock paper scissors for who hits this first?" chris smiled as he held out a hand, and you quickly did the same.
with your scissors sprawled out on your palm, chris gave you and his rock a defeated look before shrugging it off.
"okay, here." he gently placed the joint between your lips, smiling warmly at you as you took it.
"lighter," you stated, although muffled as you had the joint literally in your mouth.
chris gasped, as if he had forgotten, before going into his pocket and grabbing it. you reached for it, but failed as chris smacked your hand away and leaned forward himself, lighting the joint with a warm smile.
your eyes closed as you took in a deep breath, pulling the paper from your lips and exhaling softly. with the joint between your fingers, you passed it to chris with a soft smile. chris watched you for a few seconds before taking it into his own hands and taking a breath as well.
you both exchanged the joint a few more times before cleared his throat and spoke up.
"dude, i don't know if this is like.. stupid," he stated first and foremost, making you chuckle at him.
"chris, most the shit you say is. get on with it."
chris's jaw dropped dramatically before he giggled. "i don't know, man, i was just thinkin' like... you know all the stuff we said before about like takin' the next step," he mumbled a bit, and you watched him. chris turned to you again, smiling like a dork. "maybe we should?" he stated.
your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. "chris-"
"but like... i know you're gonna say, 'no chris you're just high right now' but like i'm really not.." he rambled, making you chuckle.
"you're not right now?"
"not in the slightest," he defended matter-of-factly, his eyes tinged with a shade of pink as his eyelids struggled to open fully.
"chris, i.." you trailed off, your mind hazy from the drugs. you knew you felt the same, but you didn't want to ruin this moment.
"we don't have to talk about it now," chris stated quickly, or as quickly as he could, before he smiled goofily at you again. "but.. yunno.." he trailed off.
"no, chris, i don't know." you chuckled.
you hadn't even realized how close you two had been sitting, your faces inches apart, until chris had glanced down at your lips.
your cheeks reddened. you wanted this bad, and you felt like chris did. but your biggest fear was waking up in the morning to a regretful chris and a terrible rest of your day.
but all of your doubts left as you felt chris finally press his lips to yours. everything felt hazy, but it felt so right. the slight taste of the weed against his lips only made it feel more surreal, and the joint between your fingers had been long forgotten now.
chris pulled away after a few moments, his blue, lidded eyes fixated on yours before he noticed the joint between your fingers slipping. he quickly took it from you and smiled.
"there's some juice left in here," he smiled.
you looked at him and blinked a few times. "you can have it," you chuckled. "i'm starting to get a bit sleepy."
chris hummed in thought before he took in a soft breath from the joint. his hand moved to your jaw, where he gave you a light squeeze to open your mouth.
with your faces now inches apart, he leaned forward and blew the smoke into your mouth, his hand now gently grazing your jaw as he did so.
you had no idea what feeling you just felt in your stomach but you felt like you needed to go to the fucking hospital.
you breathed in the smoke he provided, smiling softly as you blew it out away from the two of you before planting one last kiss to his lips.
"let's go lay down in my room, yeah?" chris shot you a soft smile as he gently took your hand and intertwined your fingers.
and for the rest of the night, the two of you rested between one another's arms, knowing that neither of you would have any doubts in the morning to come.
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Fire and Ice 2
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Hi guys!
Here is the part 2 of Fire and Ice, I try to pick a suggestion an anon made yesterday so I hope it will be fun to read :)
And it’s actually much longer than I imagined at first.
Keep telling me what you think about my writing, I love to read you.
PART 1 ______________________________________________________________
The next time you saw Leah was two days after your kiss. She was kind of moody, all the team was supposed to take the team picture and the weather wasn't really nice.
Even if you didn’t stop thinking about this kiss, you didn’t try to talk to her. Or at least you didn't do anything else than creep every picture on her Instagram or the firsts videos of her TikTok. And the more you find yourself watching these videos, the more you fall in love with Leah. The way you felt during this kiss is always present and you just have to think about it to feel them again. It never happened to you before and you don't know what to do about it.
Arriving the last ones with Alessia, with whom you make the trips to the stadium, you don't have the courage to go and greet everyone. You just smile and wave, but your gaze lingers for a few more seconds on Leah. With her umbrella, she seems to complain to a Lia who have an amused look on her side.
After this day you didn't really have the opportunity to see her. However, what you don't know is that she sometimes observes you from the physio center where she continues to follow her exercises to return to the field with you. Despite the tinted windows, she sometimes has the impression that you feel her gaze on her given the way you turn in her direction.
The next time you really have the opportunity to see her, it's for the next team evening. This time it was organized by Lia and you gladly accept when she ask you to come over. You managed to sit on the sofa with direct look to the kitchen where Leah is, in the middle of a discussion with two or three other teammates, allowing you to look at her without it being too obvious. This will not stop you from getting caught by Leah herself watching her, several times. But each time you just smile at her before looking away, without even taking the time to check that she gives it back to you.
Pizza were eaten and the first film finished when Beth and Katie approach you with a big smile, sitting each on either side of you. You were talking with Frida about Norway, you missed your country a little bit, but your conversation was quickly stopped. From the corner of your eye, you notice that Leah sits down more straight on the other sofa, a look of frustration on her face.
"So!" Katie begin as you raise an eyebrow at here "We made you a Tinder account."
"You what?"
To be honest, you really thought they’d forgotten about you meeting someone. The subject hadn't been discussed since and you didn't even think to tell Frida about it, the kisses you exchanged with Leah making you forget what else had happened during this evening.
"What’s all this about?" Frida asked with a deep frown, taking her role of big sister a little too much at heart.
"Well, Y/N is single, young, cute and really hot. She need to find someone to take care of her and give her the love she deserved" Beth answers, like it was the most logical thing ever.
You whispers something about the love of god on your mother language, hiding your face behind your hand.
"Told you it was stupid of you" Leah mumble from her couch.
You look at her between your fingers, but you are quickly interrupted by Beth who removes your hand from your face to show you her phone screen.
"Look!" she says happily while you take it in your hand.
Tinder was open on your profile and you look at what they might have written or said about you.
"Where did you find this picture?" you asked, as it was one you take from your last summer holiday.
"Google, i think. Dunno" Katie shrugs.
"I'm single and ready to mingle. Really?"
Beth and Katie both laughs as you roll your eyes, giving Beth's phone back. You’re trying to take this lightly, even if you must admit that it makes you a little uncomfortable. If the information that a profile in your name is on a application like this comes to your parents, you’re not sure you can handle their questions. Frida, on the other hand, seems rather suspicious and a glance at Leah informs you that she's still looking at the scene with a gloomy face.
"And it's not finish! We already managed to arrange two dates for you. We didn't know which kind of girl you like, so we take a brunette and a blonde. You just have to cancel the one you don't like."
You remain completely amazed this time, simply not knowing what to answer. It was Leah who did it for you, getting up from the couch, too angry to stay on the couch.
"This is some bullshit, making up a date from Tinder? What are you looking to? Get her murdered to get her place on the team?"
"She's right" Frida add, frowning. "I don't want to find her in the news, other than for her athletic talents."
"You both are overreacting. She will be safe" Katie shrugs.
"Blond or brunette?" Beth asks you, ignoring the others.
Your gaze flies away for a split second towards Leah, before you respond in a whisper that you prefer blondes.
A few days later, you find yourself at the date that you haven't planned at all, clearly not totally comfortable with the girl that your teammates have selected for you. She realized very fast that the way you talk isn't the same that it was on the application, so you confessed the truth. It didn’t seem to bother her, but rather to amuse her. After your meal at the restaurant, she offered to continue the evening in a bar a little further down the street and you agreed. You can’t deny people things.
You’re having a hard time concentrating on what she’s telling you, stupidly excited about something else. One little thing, too. But Leah did a post last night on your last game and in her photo drop she posted one of you accompanied by a goat emoji and a crown. And it gives you far too much pleasure for it to be innocent. But again, Emma, who seems to be particularly the kind to forgive people, doesn’t seem to pay much attention to it.
Speaking of attention, you haven't shown much either since you didn't realize that the woman who has been haunting your thoughts for almost three weeks is actually a few meters from you.
Leah managed to snatch the name of the restaurant you were supposed to meet Emma from Beth and simply decided to take you as a fillature. Officially to watch over you and make sure nothing happens to you. Unofficially because she’s mad as hell just thinking about the stupid idea of her two friends. Like you need a Tinder date to meet someone.
As she watches you talking to that damn blonde, she tries to determine the real reasons why she came here. Because the truth is, she hasn’t stopped thinking about your kiss either. And it annoys her like crazy, but after trying to ignore you for almost two weeks, these idiots of Beth and Katie decided to throw you in the arms of the first person coming.
And even though she’s consumed with jealousy to see you so comfortable with Emma, unlike what you’ve never been with her, Leah can’t help but feel satisfied seeing you get lost in your thoughts sometimes as Emma talks. Emma can certainly not realize it since she doesn't know you, but Leah has been watching you for two weeks and can now determine the different expressions of your face.
She followed you to the bar discreetly, there also satisfied to see the physical distance that you put between you two while you were walking. She saw the way Emma tried to grab your arm to walk and the skillful way you went away, while remaining polite. It reassured her a little, too, proving that despite your shyness you can say no.
The bar you chose doesn’t have a very good reputation (something you don't know) and Leah is happy to have followed you, just in case. The crowd being denser than in the restaurant, she sometimes loses sight of you from her table while you are installed in the bar with Emma. She isn't disturbed on her side, her icy look sufficient to keep away any human being having a little common sense.
The discussion with Emma is rather light, but not transcendent either. She seems rather kind and it makes you a little sad not to be able to give her the attention she probably deserves. But you can’t help but think about Leah and it makes you half crazy. While you and Emma were walking down the street, you were wondering, for example, where would Leah have preferred to take you after the restaurant instead of listening to Emma talk about her work.
"I'm going to the bathroom" you say right after you order your second drink.
On your way to the toilet, you take the opportunity to take a look at your phone and send a message to Frida and Alessia to inform them that you are still alive. And you end up on Leah’s Instagram page, pouting when you see she doesn’t post anything. When you return, you inform Emma that after you finish your drink you will go home. You’re getting tired and the heat at the bar doesn’t help you feel better.
She takes it with a smile, not even asking if you will be able to see each other again next time. It makes you hope a little that she realized that you didn’t necessarily have sparks between both of you. Perhaps she could become a friend, but certainly not a love interest.
"Are you all right?" Emma asks you frowning a few minutes later.
With your eyes closed, you shake your head negatively, using all your strength of mind not to fall off your stool. Your head turns atrociously and you have the impression that the food you ingested a few hours earlier is just waiting to come out.
"Bathroom" is the only word you managed to say.
You try to get up, but it’s only Emma’s hand catching your arm that keeps you from falling. It's no longer your head that turns, but the whole room while the sounds of conversations or atmosphere of the bar reach you as if you had your head under the water.
"Come with me, I'll help you ok?" Emma tells you nicely by helping you to the bathroom.
As you reach the door, a voice intervenes and you must focus to understand what it says.
"Let her go. Now."
"Who are you?"
The unknown voice doesn't respond, but you feel much more toned and assertive arms seize your waist, rather delicately though. A fresh, pleasant hand lands on your forehead and only then that you recognize the smell of Leah’s perfume. The white fear that gripped her voice prevented you from recognizing her.
Hardly opening your eyes, blinded by the light of the toilet, you only see two babyblue eyes before sinking definitively.
When you regain consciousness, despite your closed eyes, it only takes you a few seconds to remember what just happened. Opening your eyes abruptly, you suddenly sit in the bed in which you are. You’ve read too many stories that end badly because of drugs ingested without consent.
"Wow, slow down cowboy"
Leah get up from the chair next to you, lightly pushing your elbow to make you lie down again.
"Leah? What are you doing here? Wha- What happened to me?"
"It's ok sweatheart. You're safe. Breath, ok?"
Leah doesn't answer your question but the pet name she gave you make you forget this point. The softness of the tone she just used and her hand that delicately releases your hair from your face causes you like electric mini-currents throughout all your body. Is it normal to react like that to such a banal gesture?
But the black hole in your memory continues to torment you, you need to know.
"Do you know what happened to me?" you ask quietly, raising your eyes on her.
Leah bites her lips and you imagine already the worst, but she doesn't let the suspense remain too long.
"They think someone put something in your glass. Your girlfriend swore it wasn’t her, so they’ll look for who it might be. Even if you decide not to press charges the bar did so then they will look anyway. But no one touch you, I promise."
"She's not my girlfriend" you mumble, sinking yourself in the pillow.
"Whatever" Leah grumble, pulling the chair next to your bed to be near you.
"What are you doing here Leah?" you ask again, looking at her.
"Do you want me to leave?"
Of course not. You’ve never been alone with her in a room so long and you’re secretly thrilled that she’s here to take care of you. You’re worried about her leaving.
A few seconds of silence passed after your answer, to which Leah replied only with a nod, before returning to speak.
"I followed you"
You did not expect this answer and your head turns so sharply in her direction that Leah doesn't have time to hide her slight red cheeks.
"I'm your captain. I’m supposed to look after you."
You nod, a little disappointed with this answer. Your eyes continue to scan Leah’s face, who always seems to refuse to look at you. After a few seconds of hesitation, you gently place your hand on hers. You notice with relief that she doesn't remove it, despite her look on your hands.
"It's weird"
"What?" you ask, frowning.
Her eyes plunge into yours and you find yourself breathless in front of so much intensity.
"The way you make me feel"
You feel your heart miss a beat, before it start beating way too fast. You swallow your saliva but suddenly find yourself unable to say a word.
"Don't tell me you didn't feel anything when we kissed Y/N. I can't stop to think about it. I can't stop looking at you even if I don't want to because that's fucking scare me. I never fell this way before, even though I didn’t kiss almost two hundred people like Beth implied the other night. I mean, of course I noticed you because like Katie said, it’s hard not to. But we never really talked, and now I’m just thinking about you all the time. It doesn’t fucking make sense."
You're stunned, one more time. But Leah has been honest with you and you owe her the truth, too.
"You impressed me. That’s why I never really came to talk to you. I was afraid you might think I was stupid or immature."
"You used the past. Does that mean you don’t think I’m impressive anymore?" Leah asks you with a smirk.
Despite everything you can't help but smile slightly.
"No. I feel it even stronger, because you’re not the only one who has those kisses in mind all the time. I didn’t know you felt the same way."
Your heart keeps beating fast and you are relieved not to have a heart rate displayed on a machine, nothing would have been more embarrassing than that.
Leah’s gaze scans your face and you take the opportunity to do the same, admiring her features more openly than ever.
"Would it be inappropriate to kiss you now?"
Smiling softly, you respond negatively with a nod. You didn’t think your heart could pick up its pace again when you realized that Leah is approaching your face. Very slowly, allowing you to largely anticipate what will happen.
A breath escapes from your mouth when her lips ghost yours.
"Stay still" she whispers.
And you need all your strength of concentration to lie down and not break the last millimeters between your lips. But eventually it happens, Leah’s lips gently settling on yours. With the tip of your thumb, you caress her cheek for the few seconds that the kiss lasts.
It may have been a simple kiss and not a session of long making out, but the fireworks are back. You find yourself immersed in the blue of Leah’s eyes when you open yours again, shining with the same light you saw when you were at her home.
"I want more" you whispers and she smiles.
Delicately, you draw her with you on your bed and she willingly lets herself be guided.
You’re the one who initiates the next kiss, now that you know you have the right to do it. The sensations you find on her lips make you feel like you can breathe completely again. You spend a few moments rediscovering her lips, before sliding the tip of your tongue on her lower lip. You take advantage of Leah’s moan to slide your tongue into her mouth, starting a playful battle to determine which of the two will win.
When you separate from her to catch your breath, you feel her chasing your lips for a new kiss that you cannot refuse her. The truth is you don’t want this moment to end. But this eventually happens when a nurse enters the room right after knocking. Leah detaches herself from you to cast a bad look at the professional who blushes like a tomato.
"Oh… I’m sorry. I didn’t know…" she stammers and you have to bite your lips not to burst out laughing.
"What do you need?" asked Leah coldly.
"I just came to check that everything was fine"
"I’m fine, thank you" you answer with a smile, not to traumatize this poor nurse.
She nods and waits a few more seconds without moving, requiring a steady look from Leah with both eyebrows raised so that she gets out of the room, apologizing again.
"Stop impressing people" you smile, gently smacking her shoulder.
Leah turns her attention to you with a smirk and lays a softer kiss on your lips this time. Laughing softly at the visible disappointment on your face, she wraps a strand of your hair around her finger.
"As much as I would literally spend the rest of my day kissing you, I would like to make things clear right now"
"Ok?" you answer, feeling the anxiety slowly coming back.
You push yourself to the side of the bed to let Leah settle next to you, which she does by lying on the side her head supported by her hand.
"I know I’m not easy, I’m unpredictable, and sometimes I have trouble myself figuring out why I’m reacting like this. I am unbearable when it comes to food. I am jealous but I hate being so sometimes I pout for like two days without succeeding in explaining why. I’m really not the perfect girlfriend, every time I wanted to surprise someone it went wrong."
You don’t say anything, listening to Leah talking about herself, maybe not in the best way, wondering where she wants to go by telling you all this.
"But I think I’m a caring person, who knows how to take care of those she loves and remember things. I love cuddling in the morning, singing like crazy while burning my breakfast and taking baths. And I think I’ll love all these things even more if you share them with me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a relationship, but I want to try with you. I promise you to never hurt you. Let me get this right and let me take you on a date as soon as you get out of here."
"I would love that, Leah"
"Yes" you answer, your smile illuminating your face.
She smiles back and you lean for another kiss. Leah doesn’t let you, however, putting an index on your lips at the last moment.
"One last thing"
"What?" you ask, hiding your frustration.
"I never want to hear about this damn Emma again."
You laugh while rolling your eyes. Despite her, Leah smiles softly and finally decides to interrupt your laughter by kissing you.
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