#kelly mathieson
wheel-of-fish · 1 year
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thinking about them
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operafantomet · 10 months
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Everybody's getting lifted backstage!
Rob Pitcher and Elizabeth Welch, Oberhausen
Miki Nakamura and Max Niemeyer, Oberhausen
Paul Tabone and Kelly Mathieson, West End
Ana Marina and Alexander Lewis, World Tour
Matt Blaker and Harriet Jones, West End
Darua Goes and Fred Silveira, Sao Paulo
Celinde Schoenmaker and Harriet Jones, West End
Jonathan Roxmouth and Meghan Picerno
Oliver Savile and Scott Davies, West End
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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final lair ; josh piterman & kelly mathieson
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ashadeintheshade · 3 months
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The roller coaster of this chapter in gif form, featuring the actors and gifs that inspired the scenes.
City of Angels, Chapter 13
Buckle up 😌
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wadderz · 1 year
Hannah with Rob Houchen and Kelly Mathieson after filming her Christmas concert “Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas”.
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marleneoftheopera · 2 years
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Kelly Mathieson in her fitting for the (now indefinitely postponed) China leg of the World Tour.
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phantomtrader19 · 1 year
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Just thinking back to my first time seeing Phantom back in July 2019, what a cast that was! Like Kelly and Amy as Christine, Adam & Tim as Phantom, Kimberly Blake as Carlotta who NEEDS to come back!!
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hermes-whistle · 2 years
Kelly mathieson west end / world tour
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What would have been Kelly's world tour star princess in the making 🥲
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cultfaction · 10 months
Cult Podcast Ep. 107: F.A.O. About Time Travel
Written by Jamie Mathieson and directed by Gareth Carrivick, Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel is the subject of this week’s spotlight. It stars Chris O’Dowd, Dean Lennox Kelly, Marc Wootton and Anna Faris, all of whom deal with a time travel crisis in a British pub! All that plus your three favourite critics critiquing each other and the latest in film and…
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glassprism · 14 days
hey there! i just read your post about musical bootlegs, and you mentioned that some filmers just disappeared. do you have any examples? i'd love to learn more about the history of bootlegging
Oh, that would probably be a really long list. I'll just note some of the most well-known ones that occurred during my time trading (so post-2011), whether within the trading community or in Phantom. Keep in mind too that some filmers disappear for a long while only to make a return; I won't be listing them since they're still around in some form. I'm also not going to name many of them because, well, safety, but you might be able to tell who they are based on the bootlegs I list as theirs.
One of the first is a filmer who filmed, among other things, the last show of Phantom's 3rd national tour, the video of Chris Mann and Katie Travis in Phantom, and the complete video of Dallas's modernized version of Les Miserables. They're well known to me because they actually posted their releases on Tumblr for a time, only to get harassed out because people kept yelling at them for bootlegging or selling bootlegs. They disappeared shortly thereafter; not sure if it's related to what happened to them on Tumblr, but it was a loss because I believe they were situated on the West Coast, whereas most other US filmers are in the East Coast, around Broadway, so we lost someone who could film productions in LA, San Francisco, and the tours.
Another who disappeared shortly thereafter was someone who was, well, a prolific filmer of many shows on Broadway and occasionally tours all over the US and was active since at least the mid-2000s. If you've watched, I don't know, the Cooper Grodin restaged tour videos, the original Broadway cast of Hamilton, the original Broadway cast of the 2nd revival of Les Miserables, any of those, you've seen their videos. From what I've gathered, they experienced some personal issues that caused them to take a break from filming and they have not returned since.
Also happening around the same period of time was another, mainly Broadway-based filmer who also did a few videos on the West End. (They filmed a video of Ben Crawford with Ali Ewoldt as well as the video of David Thaxton and Kelly Mathieson.) My recollection is that this person experienced a lot of leaks of their videos, causing them to take stricter and stricter measures in an effort to stop that, which culminated in them leaving altogether. Them leaving along with the two above contributed in some part to the dearth of bootlegs you see in the... late 2010s or so, at least with Phantom, because they were some of the most prolific filmers around. It wouldn't be until after COVID-19 that I saw a resurgence of filmers on Broadway.
Going back in time a bit! If you ever look at trading lists, you might see that there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of videos from the Broadway production of Phantom from 2012-2015 or so. That's almost entirely due to two filmers who were also very active on Tumblr and were based in NYC and went quite often to catch various understudies, swings, and unusual cast combinations. Both have since left filming, though in their case, it's at least partially because they're working in the theater industry in some capacity now.
And onto more depressing cases... there were a couple of filmers based in Europe, I think Germany or Austria, though they definitely made trips to other countries. They filmed several of the Phantom Hamburg revival videos, a lot of Elisabeth videos, and a number of the West End Les Miserables videos (if you see one that's heavily focused on Anton Zetterholm - yeah, that's one of theirs, that filmer was a fan). Unfortunately both were... I think either arrested or had their homes raided (or both) and collections confiscated, and while I think they were released, you can bet that put them off filming.
Finally and most recently, that I know of, the filmer who got the one complete video of Jonathan Roxmouth in the World Tour was caught and has not done any filming since, obviously. That was a shame as well because they had been planning to get more videos of the World Tour with the various alternates and understudies, but of course that never happened.
So that's a few, there's way more around, but I was just trying to think of some of the most prolific recorders around.
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wheel-of-fish · 2 years
I voted!!! ✔️ May I be blessed with a Piterman gif please?? 💜💜💜
I did both angst and non-angst because I am a menace
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operafantomet · 1 year
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How the Star Princess boots looks from the wearers perspective
Ali Ewoldt, Broadway
Holly-Anne Hull, West End
Emilie Kouatchou, Broadway
Kelly Mathieson, West End
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andrewlloydwebber · 7 months
Phantom, recreated
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Unknown "Bacchus" and Evgeny Zaytsev (Moscow), recreated by Gustavo Ceccarelli and Henrique Moretzsohn (São Paulo revival)
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Meg Chilcott and Maree Johnson (Australia), recreated by Ali Ewoldt and Maree Johnson (Broadway)
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Lorraine Chappel and Sarah Ryan (UK tour), recreated by Sara Esty and Emilie Kouatchou (Broadway) AND Ellie Young and Holly Anne Hull (West End revival)
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Jonathan Roxmouth and Meghan Picerno (Third World Tour), recreated by Thiago Arancam and Daruã Góes (São Paulo revival)
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Rob Pitcher and Elizabeth Welch (Oberhausen), recreated by Paul Ettore Tabone and Kelly Mathieson (West End)
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Random things I've seen with various POTO casts, part 1 of hopefully an ungoing series
Meghan Picerno and John Riddle having a generally adorable rendition of Little Lotte, but a highlight is Meghan's Christine connecting the dots while reading Raoul's letter, pressing it to her heart and just looking very happy as she continues changing
Jennifer Hope Wills waking after MotN, trying to make sense of the previous evening, and instead of being dreamy/enchanted like other Christines can be, she's actually confused, a bit scared, and even kind of pissed, and unmasks the Phantom as a result (I mean honestly go off queen)
Hugh Panaro being the funniest person on stage even during the Final Lair and knowing it, while I'm really torn being low-key amused and actively rooting for Raoul and Christine to gtfo
Michael Crawford singing "Christine, I loveD you" at his last performance ever
Raquel Suarez Groen delivering the "she's mad" line in the exact same tone as someone saying "this bitch be crayyyyyyy"
Georgia Ware's face after Madame Giry's line "Meg Giry, are you a dancer", where she looks very proud as if she's saying "well, yes, I'm a dancer, yay!"
Rasmus Jupin (Piangi in the second Copenhagen revival) worshipping the ground Carlotta walks on, not being the least bit jealous when she flirts a bit with André while she sings Think of Me, and just beaming with pride instead
Eugeny Zaytsev's Raoul actively listening to Tamara Kotova's Christine in All I Ask of You, nodding, and when she sings "Promise me that all you say is true" he takes her hand and puts it to his heart
Rachel Barrell being literally all of us when she returns the ring to Earl Carpenter's Phantom, and by that I mean that she's crying her eyeballs out
Josh Piterman's Phantom cuddling Kelly Mathieson's Christine back during the Final Lair kiss, and he almost looks like a little boy while Christine pats him on the back gently
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apileofpans · 8 months
Birthday audio/video gifts!
It is my hecking birthday this month, y’all! To celebrate I am giving away videos and audios from Phantom of the Opera that positively ruined me (AKA some of my faves) !
NOTE: the links will work until November 6th, 10 AM CEST! After that they won’t work anymore :) If any of the masters want me to remove their master, let me know and I will!
Everything, including cast info, is under the cut!
US Tour - Dallas, April 6, 2006 Evening Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer, Kim Stengel, John Jellison, DC Anderson, Patti Davidson-Gorbea, John Whitney, Kate Wray https://ln5.sync.com/dl/b833dd740/gvnusjtv-a7wywsjy-98mvkiid-nsa6ksqp
Las Vegas Spectacular - August 8, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79) Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Geena Jeffries Mattox, John Leslie Wolfe, Lawson Skala, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f4b151790/79fc7xe8-emk99ug5-va2ndite-vrapb47x
Broadway - May 12, 2014 (inallyorufantasies, turnofthescorpion) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays, Michele McConnell, Tim Jerome, Laird Mackintosh, Ellen Harvey, Christian Šebek https://ln5.sync.com/dl/9dbe75640/89h6694u-db6i4y53-ker76kab-xtm9qbj3
Boadway - May 20, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Julie Schmidt (u/s), Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews , Marilyn Caskey, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Joelle Gates https://ln5.sync.com/dl/04cef73f0/watx9j5t-s2amh9zy-hmxqchav-2h2sf3ra
West End - August, 2018 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford, Jeremy Taylor https://ln5.sync.com/dl/8a1ae4700/ys5mbar9-yas2ewaq-rrnk4sye-wt5pgdtb
Trieste, Italy - July 15, 2023 (Filthybonnet) Ramin Karimloo, Amelia Milo, Bradley Jaden, Earl Carpenter, Ian Mowat, Anna Corvino, Gian Luca Pasolini, Alice Mistroni, Zoe Nochi https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f916fe200/6dw52cqj-usu7pimm-zbgk2gdg-9qixj3d4
Broadway - September 26, 1990 Steve Barton, Rebecca Luker, Gary Lindemenn (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews, Leila Martin https://ln5.sync.com/dl/21e8e2db0/wsqmti8i-4d4vukku-xs8fvh3y-85kjak3h
Broadway - May 10, 2003 Hugh Panaro, Lisa Vroman, John Cudia, Patricia Phillips, Jeff Keller, George Lee Andrews (u/s), Marilyn Caskey, Joelle Gates, Larry Wayne Morbitt https://ln5.sync.com/dl/5640398d0/3d5axeix-ie6cpr3t-4j7fbew7-5q8mjcqq
Broadway - August 19, 2014 (Oogie Boogie) Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays https://ln5.sync.com/dl/59b8c8720/hzpmzgq7-5hx5xqx9-4e6h4qt2-ynn5dmw6
Broadway - April 6, 2023 (phantomygoodness) Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Julia Udine (alt.), John Riddle, Nehal Joshi, Craig Bennett, Raquel Suarez Groen, Maree Johnson, Carlton Moe, Sara Etsy https://ln5.sync.com/dl/dfa420090/i2m495z9-zwdgyka9-r2k9njdn-tu9hwt9m
Las Vegas Spectacular - September 2, 2012 Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone, Joan Sobel, Lawson Skala, John Leslie Wolfe, Tina Walsh, Larry Wayne Morbitt, Brianne Kelly Morgan https://ln5.sync.com/dl/882621a90/2kz2ajn8-nkre4uhw-5y7vesm6-gmk3pv7v
West End- October 27, 2017 Ben Lewis, Amy Manford (alt), Jeremy Taylor, Una Reynolds (u/s), Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Lily Howes (u/s) https://ln5.sync.com/dl/d6fa41cb0/axfwkn8z-66dpfim8-7uekxefw-aahsqs8x
West End - September 1, 2018 Evening (Winschi) Ben Lewis, Kelly Mathieson, Jeremy Taylor, Lara Martins, Siôn Lloyd, Mark Oxtoby, Jacinta Mulcahy, Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware https://ln5.sync.com/dl/99b982430/9dpb2hez-rex5y3nn-z9e963m3-wm57qfu2
West End - November 13, 2021 Evening (starprincess) Killian Donnelly, Lucy St Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Tim Morgan, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/fcffc67e0/7362xu65-tefiqt8x-9z3njksk-353iuqjk
West End -March 4, 2023 (verytheatricaltrades) Earl Carpenter (t/r), Holly-Anne Hull, Matt Blaker, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Kelly Glyptis, Greg Castiglioni, Francesca Ellis, Ellie Young https://ln5.sync.com/dl/f142d9230/5ngjfdrx-fhjmc9wf-x2yhme8h-z4exy8cf
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theres-music-in-you · 2 months
welp, kelly mathieson has confirmed she's not joining the world tour... brb I'm off to cry...
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