#kentakim fanfic
clowncroccharms · 3 months
Kim is drowning.
He isn’t drowning, he is distinctly aware of that, but the thought crosses his mind; this is what drowning must feel like.
Kim's life is not normal prior to his chance encounter with Tony that led to his racing contract, but it was certainly less twisted than this. What was supposed to be an opportunity of a lifetime has left him in ruin and with an ally, Tony's own right hand man, that he isn't entirely keen on trusting.
Kenta had not signed up to be the doctor for Tony's newest exiled racing star, but he's left with little choice after Kim digs too deep into Tony's closet of skeletons, yet the man still wants him alive for reasons Kenta can't quite figure out.
Haunting dreams that bring ruin and fear along with secrets kept hidden for decades find their way into the lives of the two men and when they're pulled together by disasters outside of their own control they have to decide if it will bring them together or tear them apart forever.
Here is the first chapter of the promised KimKenta fic! I hope you guys like it! I haven't written in a long time, so go easy on me til I get back in the groove of things. I plan on trying to update as frequently as possible with a minimum of 1 chapter a week. I want this to be a fairly long fic and have lots of fun plans for these boys, so I hope you guys like it and don't forget to leave a comment with your thoughts on ao3! Sharing on here is always appreciated as well!
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cryingatships · 3 months
Thinking about sassy camboy!Sonic and his overeager simp-y fan North who squeals a little everytime Sonic starts a stream and spends a majority of his money just to hear the boy speak his name and thank him. (he's a broke college student di but like he has a lot of money to spare). And Sonic who has fans gifting him more but still has a like soft spot for this one viewer who never misses a stream and asks about his day in the comment section.
Or camboy!Babe who's known for his pretty, pretty face and tendency to ban ppl, even long term fans, off his stream acc to his whims with hid rich little sadboy fan Charlie who's there in his every stream. Babe thinks he's cringe af, but the money's good so he tolerates (or so he says) Charlie in his stream comments!
Or camboy!Kim and Kenta who drops tons of money in every stream but never speaks a word. Kim's intrigued by this mysterious viewer-
Abd between AlanJeff, Alan would 100% be the camboy, because it's hilarious to have a technologically challenged newbie streamer who's so clueless that his younger viewer aka Jeff will have to show him the ropes lmao
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inrainprose · 4 months
Before, Kenta needed Jeff's help, and they opened a line of communication against their better judgment. After, Jeff wanted them to pay, and Kenta tried to atone. (a canon divergence where Charlie's accident wasn't planned by the good guys)
For @echo-story, although I took a wild turn from your original idea. This turned multi-chaptered, and centered on Jeff and Kenta for some reason. It makes sense I swear. Also it's going to be pretty sad.
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liesineyes · 23 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: พิษเบ๊บ | Pit Babe (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kenta/Kim (Pit Babe), Babe/Charlie (Pit Babe), Pete/Way (Pit Babe), North/Sonic (Pit Babe), Alan/Jeff (Pit Babe) Characters: Kenta (Pit Babe), Kim (Pit Babe), Babe (Pit Babe), Charlie (Pit Babe), Pete (Pit Babe), Way (Pit Babe), North (Pit Babe), Sonic (Pit Babe), Alan (Pit Babe), Jeff (Pit Babe) Additional Tags: Kenta - Centric, Mentions/Implied Mpreg, Kenta is struggling, It is not that kind of struggling though, Feelings, Romance, Getting Together, no beta read, LGBTQ Character, Pining Summary:
There's a certain brown hair racer Kenta can't stop staring at. The others cannot help but notice.
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zenithsky · 4 days
it's been a hot minute since i last posted, is anyone even still interested in diaryus askkjfsfs
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Dude, I'm trying but I'm a troglodyte and I'm getting taken down some weird rabbit holes in AO3. What is your writing: title and author(for the old people, we need these things).
Is this what the question is about (this is the first time I've received an ask):
My ao3 account:
My works:
a pitbabe fanfic, kentakim, 20 chapters, inspired by a tumblr post, really like this one.
Kpts kimchay, 65k, started it as omegavers but abandoned that plot line halfway through so I guess it can be read as normal story too
There's another one for the bsd Fandom, but that was the first fanfic I've ever written and first posted on wattpad (you can still find it on my ao3 account, but I won't put it here).
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forthbeaming · 4 months
kenta nesting for the first time, the fic
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enletrecer · 1 month
Tumblr media
Inevitável #KentaKim - Explosão, morte e o inesperado (on Wattpad)
Bom dia, #Leitores de #Inevitável #KentaKim - Hoje o clima está quente na nossa história. Aemand Giong, patrão de Winner e Rawen, pai de Babe se encontraram. E parece que as coisas não são como pensamos...
Explosão, morte e o inesperado #wattpad
 https://www.wattpad.com/1433588754-inevit%C3%A1vel-kentakim-explos%C3%A3o-morte-e-o-inesperado?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=lisselvadorameira O encontro de um guia e um predestinado. O encontro dos quase inimigos Kim e Kenta acontece de forma nada convencional. Universo Pit Babe Multiverso #KimKenta #NorthSonic #AllanJeff
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goldenquillarchive · 4 months
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cryingatships · 3 months
Thinking about Kenta slowly settling into the X-Hunter family over the course of weeks and months, partly cause it's a foster home Tony's adopted kids, and partly because he's Kim's boyfriend.
Kenta visits Kim after a group practise just a few weeks after the events of canon and stands stiff next to the doors of the garage, not daring to step inside.
No one notices him (cause we all know how lax X-Hunter's security is lmfao) till the practise is finished and Kim is coming into the garage with the rest of the team to look at their performance reviews, and he notices Kenta standing all awkward and small and tiny.
He waves at Kenta, and it catches Alan's attention and of course he has to invite Kenta in (the man has a knack for picking up 'kids' at a moment's notice).
North tries to protest a little because hello this man literally tried to kill a few of us and sabotage our team in the worst possible way??? But Alan (and Kim's) glare shuts him up, and Kenta is invited inside graciously by Alan.
Kim perks up in his presence, but the rest of the people are still a little tense, especially Babe, Sonic, and Way (he's alive cause I said so. And he and Kenta has history, and not the good or the spice kind so!). They are not the most pleased, remembering the past, taking Kenta's actions as fatally dangerous but nothing personal, remembering how the circumstances made by Tony, and how Kenta went through weeks of therapy, and will be going to years more of it, all narrated by Kim during practise-breaks and team-meetings after he officially joined the team.
Jeff greets him with a smile, and Charlie nods in acknowledgement, having heard of Kenta from Jeff for years, though without any face to put the name onto before. But they resume talking numbers and times with Alan and the technical team, and soon no one is paying any attention to Kenta as he shuffles himself into one of the couches in the corner, stooping down and trying to make himself look as small as he feels.
He hears words, but does not register anything, thinking about the warm smile of Alan, the man who's entire team he tried to destroy, the same team he has poured his life and savings into, according to Kim. He thinks about Way, who has faced Tony for years too, just like Kenta himself, but has betrayed Tony in the end and sided with people who care for him, who loves him, who surrounds him now and would surround him forever. And he thinks about the eyes of Babe, who, like him, has gone through it all with Tony, who pulled himself out, even if it's right at the end. Babe never bent himself back to Tony's will, never put a gun on anyone's head and killed them just because Tony asked him to, never did all the terrible things Kenta has done, even when everything went against him, even when Kenta tried to destroy his career and imprison him in Tony's mansion again. Even when he was at his lowest, he was still strong enough to stand in front of Tony and spit in his name. He thinks of Jeff, who smiled at him, who had run away too, and about Charlie, who almost died thanks to Kenta playing villain for Tony and yet stood up and challenged Tony anyway.
They have suffered so much over the years, as much as Kenta has gone through in Tony's hand, yet they have run away, made their lives in the world outside without fear, have stood in front of Tony and looked at his face and not flinched.
And now they have looked at Kenta, and have let him in, let him stay, even though Kenta does not deserve it in the least bit. Even though he has pulled dirty tricks, tried to kill them again and again. Yet they nod at him, and smile at him, and let Alan and Kim invite him in, even when he doesn't deserve it, doesn't deserve forgiveness, doesn't deserve love, doesn't deserve Kim's love and Jeff's smile and Alan's kindness, even when he's a traitor, even when he's dirtier and lower than anything else, even when-
"Hey, you ok?"
A hand rests on his back, warm against the fabric of his shirt. The familiar scent of coffee, lemon, mixed with engine exhaust and gasoline tickle his nose. It's a strange combination, potent and slightly stinging, but it feels like warmth, cuddles, and home, even when Kenta does not know what a home is.
Kim sits down next to him and pulls Kenta's face on his shoulder.
"You ok? Are the smells here too much? Wanna leave?"
Kim's voice is an anchor against the rough waves of guilt, shame, anger, regret. He's warm and real by Kenta's side, and his hand is soft and forgiving as it moves through Kenta's hair—now longer and falling on his shoulders after Kim telling him how hot it looks for days. He, at least, doesn't seem to hate Kenta in the garage, since he invited Kenta and all.
"Don't you have more to talk about cars?"
"Not really. Alan let me go today. Saw you shaking alone in a corner and all... thought I should ease you in your first visit here."
"Will that be ok? I'm being a bother here, aren't I? I'll leave-"
But Kim doesn't let him go. A wraps an arm tight around Kenta and holds him to his side. The hands on Kenta's hair become gentler, and Kim's calming pheromones slowly spread between them.
"Nah, it's all good. We weren't talking anything that imp. Plus, Alan's worried about you, y'know?"
Kenta can't fathom why Alan would ever be worried about him. Being concerned for Kim is understandable, Kim's a racer and a good one at that, he's an important new addition to the team. Forgiving Kenta and letting him come in the garage for the sake of keeping Kim satisfied was also understandable, even downright kind, but...
"Why?" Kenta has to ask. "I... did them a lot of wrong."
"You can ask Alan later, if you want." Kim shrugs. "He's like that, I guess. He picked me up too, in case you didn't notice." There's a smile in his voice. He seems comfortable, far more than Kenta had thought was possible in a team that used to be his competitors till a few weeks ago. He seems... at home.
Kenta's glad he has found his home.
He doesn't say something for a while. Talking to Alan personally, asking him something like that? Kenta can't even imagine it. Tony would never allow someone to walk away without a punishment after trying to harm him in the littlest bit. And Kenta has done so, so much more to Alan and his team.
"Is this making you uncomfortable?" Kim asks after a minute of silence. "I swear Alan likes you, and the guys have all forgiven you too. Mostly, anyway. North's always a bit impulsive, but he's coming around too, so don't feel bad."
Kenta feels bad. He feels so bad. Worse now that he knows he's received so much forgiveness, and all of it undeserved too. Why would someone even do that, forgive people who brought them harm?
Kim notices his silence. And perhaps he takes it for discomfort, for he asks if Kenta is tired, if he wants to go home.
Home. Is that what he and Kim are making together?
He does want to leave, get away from the inquiring, sometimes concerned eyes. Get away from the forgiveness that burns shame and guilt into his skin. He wants to go home, bury himself in the piles of blankets on his and Kim's bed, breathe in lungfuls of his scent and drown in his kisses. But...
"Didn't you say you had to go for a team dinner after practise?"
"Right! About that... Alan's actually asked me to tell you to join us, if you'd like to. But if you want to go home now, then we can leave, let me just tell them goodbye."
And Kenta really, really does to go home. But he also wants to stay. He doesn't want Kim to miss a dinner with his still-new team, not when he wants to stay with the X-Hunters for many seasons still. And... he wants to stay, too. Check if Alan's really ok with him going, if the rest of the team will still be civil in closer proximity.
He wants to see how far kindness and forgiveness can go.
It will be uncomfortable. Enduring prying gazes for a few more hours, and maybe even awkward small talks as they try to shift around and bend the established pack dynamics to let Kenta, coward, traitor Kenta, come into their circle even if it's only for one dinner.
And then again, Kenta may just fuck it all up with ill timed words, or perhaps someone from the team, maybe North, or Way or Babe or Charlie or Sonic, or perhaps even Alan, kind as he is, realizes they've had enough of tolerating a weak, pathetic excuse of a person in their table.
But he wants to be brave, even if it's years late.
Kim deserves a pack. Kim loves him, and Kenta loves him just as much. He's not going to take it all away form Kim just because he's afraid, just because of 'what ifs'.
"No, I'll go for dinner with you. Tell Alan that, please, if they'll still have me."
Kim presses a kiss on his forehead, takes a long inhale of Kenta's scent, and gets up.
"Be right back, then!"
Kenta watches him walk towards the small circle of people gathered around the screens with blinking numbers of red.
He doesn't know what will happen, but he wants to try. He wants to brave. He wants a home. For Kim. And for himself.
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cryingatships · 4 days
4+1 kimkenta thoughts
So, Kenta is brought up surrounded by rather (read: Extremely) traditionalist views of alpha-omega relationships and mating, thanks to the education he was given, the books that he was made to read, and Tony's teachings. That's all he knows, without little exposure to how the world has progressed to completely different views over the decades.
And thanks to these teachings, Kenta has the idea that biting, esp at necks, wrists, or any place where one's scent is concentrated is only for people who are already mated, with neck bites being equivalent to mating. But hickies, love bites and scent marking are quite a common form of casual (and sometime non romantic) affection between people who are dating, sometimes with no intention of mating at all.
Enter a bitey Kim who is very, very physically affectionate and clingy, and sadly (happily?) Kenta's poor heart, loves putting his lips all over his lover's skin and mixing their scents together.
They start dating. While Kenta has a more varied experience of the world and the way people express their affections now, he still can't help blushing and overthinking and getting all clumsy when Kim puts his mouth on his skin.
1 - Familiarity
Kim: Backhugs and lightly bites Kenta's nape as a greeting when he sees Kenta working on their kitchen counter, "Hi Ken, need some help with that?" Kenta: ears red, heartbeat speeding up, scent spiking, splutters, "No-no, uh, I'm fine!"
2 - Good Luck Charm
It's a race day and Kim comes to where Kenta is standing with the rest of the team, nervous around so many people but also excited to see Kim race Kim: Stops before Kenta, grins and bends down to take Kenta's wrist. He nips at it with just a hint of teeth, taking in deep inhales of Kenta's concentrated scent and putting his own on Kenta, "Wish me luck?" Kenta: Is very aware that X Hunter, as well as the rest of the race track and most of the cameras are looking at them, is red as a tomato and wants to dig a hole in the ground, "G-good luck!"
3 -Jealousy
Kim and Kenta are out drinking with the rest of the X Hunter. It's not Kenta's first time at a bar obviously, but it *is* his first time with Kim and the rest of X Hunters, so he's a little nervous. Enter an alpha from a fellow racing team that's friendly with X Hunter: "Hey, I saw you at the track today... You new here? Want me to show you around?" He's leaning into Kenta's space and the rest of the X Hunter are away dancing and Kim has gone to the bar to get refills, so Kenta's all along, He's considering how to politely refuse this guy, since he can't deck a racer from a friendly team, right? That would be horrible PR, and Kenta really, really does not want to send more trouble to Pete or the team's way. That's the scene Kim sees when he comes back with drinks, Kenta inching away as the guy closes in with a smirk, with Kenta looking more and more annoyed every second and close to punching the guy on his face. He knows Kenta is better at defending himself than Kim ever will be, but he can't stop how his mind flares at the scene. Kim: Puts the drink down with a thud and wraps an arm around Kenta's neck, pulling him close. He bites Kenta's neck, hard enough to leave a mark and snarls, "He has *me* to show him around, P'" Kenta: Close to panting as his cheeks go crimson and thoughts of Kim wanting to mate him floods his mind even though he knows Kim is doing this just to make the guy back off without putting Kenta is trouble, and really, how can Kim ever think of mating someone like as damaged and worthless and horrible as Kenta, who murdered his own father and has done countless atrocities? (some Kenta insecurity for spice hehehe)
4 - Lust
Kim bites Kenta's neck and thighs and honestly all over him while they're making out. Cue Kenta overthinking this as a part of his mind that still holds those views from this childhood takes this as a sign that Kim wants him as a mate vs the other, louder part that knows how about casual affection shouts how this means nothing and that Kim is only having fun with him and/or he pities poor, lonely Kenta.
Except Kim was actually dropping hints this time.
Kim and Kenta having a talk about the whole thing that leads to them mating over the weekend and surprising all of X Hunter with how fast the two hitched up.
Ofc North and Sonic had already bet about it a month ago u.u
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cryingatships · 4 months
Fluffy oneshot of Kenta and Kim's life together after the events of Pit babe. The first of a series to heal your KentaKim cravings!
1,700 words, rated T
@le-trash-prince, @supanuts, @dramalets, @infinitelyprecious, @dreamerjay, @tess-from-neverland y'all encouraged me so get tagged now! ( •̀ ω •́ )/
@sternammorgen I only accept payments in cash (⌐■_■)
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cryingatships · 2 months
Royalty au KimKenta keeps plaguing my waking moments but I don't have any time to write an actual fic, so here's some random thoughts-
Tony's an asshole king who has a legitimate son Kenta (along with multiple illegitimate ones), who is supposed to be the crown prince, but turned out to be an omega and is hence struck out from the line of succession.
Tony plans on holding a tournament beckoning all the brave and worthy from his kingdom (and also from other kingdoms) to duel for the Prince's hand, hoping to secure himself a powerful warrior or a wealthy noble house as an ally. This is partly because he's aware that the peasant of his kingdom will protest soon and maybe even overturn his rule, unless he has some strong/filthy rich friends to repel the attack, and partly cause he's an evil evil man who would not hesitate to auction his son off just to get rid of him from the line of succession safely.
He plans to make Way his next successor, but also considers Babe, his two illegitimate sons, and encourages them to compete in politics, duels etc except Way and Babe grew up together as unfavoured illegitimate children in a backwater caste far, far away from the royal palace and is thus very good friends who would rather help e/o out of Tony's wrath than fight for the throne.
Also Way is in love with the leader of the rebel peasants Pete and is not too eager for the throne anyway, and Babe would rather ride off as an adventurer into the horizon with a puppy-like, loyal page he met into the palace called Charlie. (Way is a lil jealous that Charlie becomes closer to Babe and takes his place as Babe's closest confidant, but he's busy planning Tony's downfall with Pete to pay it much mind.)
Anyway, as the tournament is arranged, knights and nobles rush in from diff corners of the kingdom, eager for the hand of omega who used to be the crown prince and was set to be the next king. Knights also come from far-away lands, and with them comes Kim, a very average and inconspicuous beta in his brown horse and the lack of finely crafted details in his armour.
In the opening day of the tournament, Tony greets the competing knights and nobles from a high podium, with three sons at his side, basically showing off his two strong successors—one enigma and one alpha, both his special powers—and the prize of the tournament, the 'beautiful' omega prince Kenta.
Kenta has the most frightening scowl, mastered from years of experience in attending council meetings with wily old coots from the nobility, as he hears Tony's words. He knows he has none of the so-called 'lovely omegan qualities' of docility, soft words and gentleness, and he certainly had not stayed cloistered inside the walls of the palace all his life like a proper little omega. He knows it, Tony knows it, and everyone in or below the podium knows it, but the all keep quiet and smile cause there are wayy too many benefits in winning the hand of the sole omega prince of the royal family.
As Tony is going on and on in his speech about the kingdom's fertile lands and it's military strength (and taking not a world about the starving population and the discontent brewing underneath), Kenta meets the eyes of an unassuming knight standing at the very back of the crowd—Kim. He feels a zap through his mind, the world stops, they both get lost in e/o's eyes etc etc, but then Tony's speech is over and the tournament is set to begin.
Kenta and Kim's eyes hardly stray from e/o and even Babe and Way makes note of Kenta's sudden strangeness, even though Kenta is mostly quiet all the time.
Kim wins through the initial rounds of the tournament, rising from an unknown little knight from the wilderness to one of the favourites to win the prince's hand. (Yes, there are bets going on about who's gonna be the prince's groom, you think Tony will let go of such a lucrative source of income?).
Kenta does not get to attend every single day of the competition because Tony is busy which means Babe and Way are also busy, extra busy in fact, but he makes sure to know the results of each day's duels well. He used to be the crown prince, he's got connections.
Kenta also gets flowers and an intricately curved dagger that looks like an heirloom and a few trinkets that look handmade and some delicacies that he has never seen before (and he was the crown prince with access to every delicacy in the kingdom) in his windowsill every day, but his rooms are on the second floor of the palace's most well guarded section so that def makes him raise his brows.
While all this is happening, while strolling in the palace gardens one day, Kenta comes across Way and Babe talking together behind a particularly high hedge in one of the less well-kept, semi-abandoned parts of the garden. This also makes him raise his brows, because while he knew Way and Babe grew up in the same palace, he (and everyone else) were under the impression that they were never close, and after coming back to the palace they have been separates even more by Tony's ploys and essentially turned into enemies fighting for the throne.
So why were they huddled so close together?
Way and Babe also see him and Babe grit his teeth and pull out the dagger strapped to his waist, which in turn makes Kenta grip the dagger hidden inside his clothes, the one he got on his windowsill, since Tony had confusticated all his weapons after his came out as omega under the guise of omegas needing to be soft and gentle and helpless. (the truth is that Tony was afraid Kenta will harm his face and bring down his value in the marriage market, or try to kill himself outright.) Kenta knows he has accidentally stumbled onto some secret between the two would-be crown princes, and would now be killed to keep his silence. He's ready to fight to death and take someone, or both, down with him. (he sort of also hates Way and Babe for taking away his position and his secure life, even though deep in his heart he knows that Tony's the real culprit.)
But Way holds Babe's waist and stops him and to Kenta's surprise, Prince Babe, well knows for his brash, aggressive, I-listen-to-no-one-not-even-the-king personality, listens and relents.
Way calls him closer, and then holds a knife to Kenta's throat saying that since Kenta has chanced upon their secret he will now know it all, and threatens Kenta to keep his silence because their plan will succeed, even if they need to die for it, and that he has the resources and the will to drag Kenta along to hell with him if Kenta spills it out.
Then they tell Kenta. Mostly Way tells him, while Babe glowers at him in silence. Apparently, Way is in cahoots with the peasant leader Pete (Kenta does not miss the stars in Way's eyes as he speaks the name. He meets Babe's eyes and they both know what it means and swiftly look away, knowing better than to bring it up), and the peasant rebels are all ready to kill Tony and are much, much more powerful than Kenta had ever known even with his extensive information network within the kingdom. Pete is also a son of a
Way: You were not supposed to know but as your step brothers it's our duty to keep you safe, so we told you everything. Hope this gives you enough time to make your own plans and escape with your little suitor, brother. Now stay quiet abt this or I swear upon heavens I WILL kill you, brothers or not. Kenta: Wait suitor?? Babe: You think we don't know that someone keeps putting courting gifts on your windowsill? We may be new here in the palace, but we got networks, y'know. Kenta: *panicking tho he tells himself it's cause he doesn't want an innocent man to die and not because he likes the person leaving them or anything* Then.... Tony...??? Babe: What, you think that incompetent fool knows anything other than to raise taxes, hear flattery, and get a new mistress every season? Kenta: ....Then who is it? Way: *winking* that's for us to know and you to find out.
I have MUCH THOUGHTS still, maybe i'll write them in another post sometime
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cryingatships · 3 months
What if I wrote a royalty kimkenta au with some class difference? Would anyone read that-
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zenithsky · 3 months
are you interested in a kentakim chat fic in which kenta gets emotional support throughout the events of pit babe? then my new project diaryus is for you!!
here's the synopsis (copied from ao3): Plagued by loneliness Kenta signs up to diaryus, a platform which lets their users share their thoughts anonymously. It becomes a great outlet for his emotions until a mysterious other user takes notice of his posts. read diaryus here
read my other pit babe works here
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zenithsky · 1 month
kentakim soulmates au ♥️
i actually don't have that much of it written yet, but here's a little snippet:
And then his bicep warms up. Or rather, the small mark on his bicep. His soulmate mark. It takes all his training to not stumble back, to not have his face betray anything. If Tony had even the smallest hunch that Kenta found his soulmate it would become leverage against him. Worse, it would put his soulmate in harm’s way. 
Kenta doesn’t know much about soulmates but instinctively, he knows this is a secret worth keeping. He doesn’t even want to imagine what would happen to either of them if Tony found out. Therefore, he simply forces his knee deeper in Kim’s back and hopes the man won’t notice. Kenta wonders why he cares so much. He knows nothing about Kim except that he is against him. He never cared before what would happen to their enemies. Why should this stranger be any different just because he causes a part of his body to heat up? Kim is just like all the others, it should not affect him at all.
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