#kika rants
kikakat17 · 9 months
So glad to see Jabba the Hut alive and well!!
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rene-spade · 2 months
Ok but how are the crazy f1 dads with their daughters dating? Who on the grid do they like?
oof this is a loaded ask bc they really are all out of it 😭 they just love their babies fr
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dad! kimi | growing up räikkönen!
FIRST OF ALL kimi doesn’t really vibe with most people in general, let alone anyone who’s trying to get with his little lumienkeli. kimi was lucky to raise a little girl similar to him, who listens when he places a no dating rule lasting until she’s 21 (as far as he knows anyways). despises the guys on the grid trying to get with her; he was one of them once so he thinks of them as animals, especially leclerc who’s known for his brow-raising dating life. also hates pierre but he already didn’t fw him bc he’s french. he is SLIGHTLY more easy going with women around his daughter so any grid guys with girlfriends might have an advantage. he finds that he wants the im-a-dog-and-ill-do-whatever-my-girl-says type for his daughter, but he dislikes unintelligence. he does not like anyone on the grid, but he best tolerates:
mick schumacher!
oscar piastri (+lily)
he vibes with kika okay but hates pierre 💀
bonus! he actually really likes max but his hate/distrust for jos overpowers that so he’s not letting that happen
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dad! jenson | growing up button!
OK SO JENSON is a bit less intense than kimi, however he is much more publicly affectionate with his daughter which means that he has definitely gone on public rants about how no man is good wen enough for his baby. that being said, he is a decent judge of character so he doesn’t hate anyone on the grid. but he gets real serious when he notices people hitting on his baby. this is mostly bc he was def a whore when he was younger so he isn’t quick to trust guys who are living the same lifestyle he was. he kind of turns on dad-mode when he notices anyone eyeing her up. but alas, he raised his own mini-me, who attracts just about everyone, and who likes to flirt back. it takes warming up to, but he can see himself fine with most of the drivers. he most prefers people who are friendly and who didn’t act like him when he was in f1 like:
george russel
daniel ricciardo
lando norris
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dad! fernando | growing up alonso!
NANDO IS DEFINITELY one of those guys who thinks he’s a “cool dad” bc he’s a young father and his daughter is his best friend. but in reality he’s one of those intense, fiercely overprotective dads who have impossibly high expectations for his daughters partner. 100% the type to punch a mechanic for saying gross things about his princesa. he’ll be calm and in a good mood then someone on the grid (or any man ever) mentions his daughter and he’s like 😐. UNLESS! it’s carlos. carlos is the only one who meets his standards, sorry to literally everyone else. but even with carlos, he can be a little stern just to get his point across about not messing with his only child. he just feels the need to personally approve of his daughter’s partner bc he’s hyper-paranoid about someone hurting her. his list looks something like:
carlos sainz!!!
that’s it
i mean if you put a gun to his head maybe max bc he’s a winner but he needs to learn to speak spanish so-
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dad! jos | growing up verstappen! unfortunately
FUCK JOS VERSTAPPEN obviously, however this man is one crazy dad who we have to discuss. his love for his youngest daughter is wild and unpredictable, and it’s very different from the way he treats his other children. his baby has some extreme one-sided beef with him that he’s smart enough to know about, so he isn’t too forceful about bonding, it’s definitely more desperate since max found success in f1 and she sticks with her big brother now. her entire life, he’s never allowed her to date, and when he found out about her first secret bf, he got arrested for trying to kill the kid so. he has IMPOSSIBLY high standards for his daughters partner and definitely wants her to marry within the f1 community, but he hates losers and despises half the grid.
suddenly he’s charles leclerc’s biggest fan !
lewis hamilton but he’ll never admit it
MAYBE carlos sainz
bonus! max obvi likes daniel ricciardo best but jos doesn’t fw him like that
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marlenesluv · 8 months
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۵pairing: fem!albonsibling!ballerina x platonic f1 grid. also, reader x lando norris
۵type: social media au and dialogue
۵authors note: i really love making these, so i’m excited to work on a part 3! also, i know alex has other siblings, i’m just not including them in these posts!
۵warnings: cussing, talk of blood (someone cut their finger, not bad or described much), talk of ballet darks: not eating as much, rude teachers, mean comments.
۵summary: after y/n albon lost her ballet partner, lando comes over to comfort her. but she of course still has a lot of practice before swan lake in two months.
۵this is part 3! please read part 1 and part 2 before this. (part 1 is mine, j on my main blog)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
You were devastated to lose your partner, Ben, but all good things must come to an end, apparently. That’s what Lily had told you, at least.
Ben was an amazing dancer, he was, but your ballet instructor has wanted you to do solos for years now. Saying you had “too much potential to waste” and “you’re too talented to be focusing on another person when the show is about you.” Of course this was very nice, but Ben wasn’t only your ballet partner, but a friend.
The two of you went to the movies together, got coffee before practice, dinner after, it was nice. And you were happy that he had found a girl for him. You just didn’t expect for her to make him quit ballet.
That’s right, not a sport he had outgrown or gotten bored of. No no. Destiny was not a fan of the fact that he spent all of his time in the studio. Understandable, but dating a ballet dancer, that is a given. It was a shame that Ben had thrown all of his hard work away for a girl.
But here you were, unlocking your apartment door as Lando Norris walked in with a bag of Indian food and an extra hoodie on his shoulder.
“Hey! I got you some butter chicken and some paneer naan for us to share. Oh, and…” he pulled out two bottles of mango juice and handed them to you as you placed them on your island. “If I remembered correctly, you like mango juice?”
“Mhmm. Thank you, Lando.” you smiled up at him as he blushed a bit, clearing his throat as he sorted through the bag and you got out silverware.
“Wanna watch a show?” you asked, as you sat down beside him on your sofa, opening your juice.
“Yeah. How about ‘Brooklyn 99’?”
You nodded, opening Peacock and starting an episode as you both started eating and talking.
Talking with Lando was easy. When you ranted about how your ballet instructor stretched your arm too far backwards, he listened, only butting in to make sure you knew he was paying attention.
And when he ranted about how Checo pushed him off the track, and didn’t get penalized, you listened, you only butted in to gasp and ask the occasional question about how something worked.
You didn’t feel like he was judging you, and it was nice. Lando felt the same. You were someone that understood Formula 1 to a certain degree, since Alex talked about it, but you still asked questions, not just discounting what he was saying. Sure, Oscar wouldn’t mind listening to him blab on about shit, but Oscar wasn’t you.
And yes, you could talk to Lily, Kika, Kelly, Laila, or Carmen, but they weren’t Lando.
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, and 872,024 others
y/n.albon: i am so good at chess ♟️
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user3: lando and y/n??
alex_albon: you guys are hanging out alone now??
↳ y/n.albon: i guess, yeah
↳ alex_albon: wtf!?
↳ alex_albon: y/n answer my texts what are you doing????
user5: y/n just not answering alex LMAOO
user8: i live for this duo, they are so precious to me
lilymhe: the shoesss🥹
↳ y/n.albon: ikkk🥹🩷
user7: new ship, guys. ballerina and f1 driver 🫠
user2: she’s slaying without ben, fr
kellypiquet: adorable!
*liked by creator*
user4: okay. can they date?? orrrr
↳ user9: literallyyyy
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liked by y/n.albon, oscarpiastri, and 602,140 others
landonorris: 📷🩰💇‍♂️
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user1: BRO?
y/n.albon: gotta get those stretches in👯‍♀️
↳ landonorris: oh yeah🩰🙆‍♂️
user7: anyone notice how much y/n and lando have been hanging out….?
↳ user4: mhmmm. i ship
↳ user7: SAME
alex_albon: ahem, what is the second picture?
↳ y/n.user: me….alex, you’re my brother and you don’t know what i look like? shame shame
↳ alex_albon: that’s not what i meant, y/n
↳ alex_albon: why tf are you guys both on instagram and not messaging me back??
↳ alex_albon: fine. i’ll j come over, y/n
↳ y/n.albon: i’m taking my key back.
user9: little sibling fights in landos comments 😭
Alex Albon always kept his word. So, naturally, at 8:30pm on a Thursday night, Alex unlocked his sisters apartment door with his spare key. So what if Y/N said to only use it “for emergencies” and “if i had fallen and could not get up” which she thought was hilarious, whilst he just clenched hi jaw at the thought of her falling and hurting herself.
He was definitely on the protective side, but for good reasons. All of her past boyfriends, there were two, had cheated on her. Yeah, he didn’t love how close his sister was to Lando Norris, but at least he liked Lando. Not enough to be okay with their hanging out though. But Alex trusted Lando enough to not freak out too much.
When Alex walked into his sisters apartment, he couldn’t find her anywhere. The kitchen was spotless. Marble countertops cleaned off, fridge stocked up, floor vacuumed. He should have known that was the case before he walked in.
Every Wednesday and Sunday, Y/N cleaned her apartment. It was something she had control over. She didn’t have control over what she ate, her ballet instructor did. She didn’t have control over her spare time, it was spent at the studio. Alex felt bad sometimes, she had dedicated her life since she was five to ballet.
Sure, Alex had dedicated his life to Formula 1 as well, but he knew ballet was more draining. He’d seen the breakdowns first hand. Y/N coming to his house after practice and crying in his arms because she didn’t get a part. Or when she had called Alex ten times and then Lily because she needed new ballet shoes and her instructor wanted them now.
And he would never forget the times that her instructor would tell her to not eat as much, and that she needed to slim down. She would come over for dinner with him and Lily, and drink her water and maybe some vegetables.
It always made Lily mad. She hated how Y/N was treated, they both did. They also both knew how much ballet meant to Y/N, so they never told her to quit.
“Alex?” Alex whipped his head around to see his sister in her ballet leggings, a sweater, and boots.
Y/N sat her ballet bag on the barstool and emptied her water bottle out as she looked at Alex. “Dude? What are you doing in my house?”
“Oh, u-um. I was checking on you. Forgot you had to go in today. Sorry.” He blinked, looking at her tight bun on her head. “Hey, shouldn’t you take that out before your head pops off?”
“So funny, ha-ha.” Y/N mocked, getting out some fruit. “Did you need something? Or did you wanna stay?”
“Sorry, right. Lily wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow.”
“Just Lily?” Y/N raised a brow as she plopped a strawberry into her mouth and chewed.
“No, dumbass. I want you to, too. Bring someone ever too, if you want.” Alex shrugged, accepting the strawberry his sister offered him.
“Mmk. Like who?….Lando?”
“I don’t care. If you want to.” he chewed the berry as she grabbed two waters from her fridge and handed one to Alex.
“Alright. Thanks. That it?” she asked, sighing.
Alex knew she wasn’t trying to be rude. She wanted to be alone, he understood. She had been at the studio since 8:00am, she was tired and wanted to sleep.
“Nope, that’s it. See you tomorrow?” Alex walked to the door, Y/N behind him.
“Yup. Love you, Alex. I’ll see ya.”
“Love you too. See ya tomorrow.” Alex shut the door behind him and walked to the elevator, pushing his thoughts away that maybe his sister was dating Lando.
He shook his head and sent a text to Lily to let him know that he was on his way home. Tomorrow night would be interesting.
F1 Updates @f1updatepage • 2hr
Our beloved Y/N Albon has been spotted on a boat with Lando Norris. The photo below was taken last week:
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↳ Y/N my Icon! @y/n4lifeeee • 1hr
WHAT- i knew they were hanging out, butttt why am i shipping them so hard rn????
↳ Piasstri🍑 @oscandlan • 1hr
idk if i want to be y/n or if i want to be with y/n
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes and 875,024 others
y/n.albon: pinky 🌸🩰🎀👛
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user4: fits always eat
lailahasanovic: cutieeeee
↳ y/n.albon: awe laila🩷
user6: no lando pics?? :(
↳ user2: im sure we will soon lol
danielricciardo: shes working💅🩰
↳ y/n.albon: yuh
f1wags: y/n’s life is sooo aesthetic fr
y/nballetstudio: our favvvv
*liked by creator*
user3: my literal inspo, ugh
landonorris: coffee coffee coffee
↳ y/n.user: thx for the coffee coffee coffee
↳ user1: hold up. he made her that coffee??????
You were nervous for dinner with Lily and Alex on Friday night. Actually, the dinner that was currently 3 hours away.
And yes, you invited Lando. So what? You weren’t even sure if you guys were just friends, or maybe he wanted something more….
It was confusing. One day, you guys are hanging out, cuddling on your couch while talking, and the next, he doesn’t even text you.
But he happily accepted the invite. Which is why Lando was sitting on your bed, watching you apply your lipgloss at your mirror. The shiny gloss catching his eye as you smiled and asked him a question.
“Lando? You there?” you waved your hand, smiling and laughing a bit.
“What? Oh, mhmm. Yeah. I heard you.” he shook his head, hoping you would repeat what you had said.
“You do think that we should get sushi next week for lunch?” you questioned, tilting your head to the side and smirking.
“Y/N, no. Don’t joke like that. You don’t even like sushi!” Lando whined, making you laugh.
“I know, sorry. I asked if I looked okay?” you smoothed your black skirt down, pulling the sleeves of the white shirt down a bit.
Lando swallowed, clearing his throat. What was he supposed to say? You truly always looked breathtaking to him. He couldn’t say that though. “Yeah, you look great.” Lando smiled and got up from your bed.
“Ok, thanks. Let’s go?” you shook off the weird feeling you had, grabbing your purse and snapping a mirror picture while Lando got his phone off the charger.
Once you guys got to Alex and Lilys, everything went smoothly. Alex and Lando chatted about the cars while they prepared the salad, and you and Lily talked about her latest golf outing and your rehearsals.
That’s how it always went. Except usually Alex would rant about the cars to you and Lily at dinner. Occasionally getting a breadstick thrown at him because you found his complaining aggravating.
“I know! And get this, my engineer said-“ Alex was ranting as Lando kept glancing your way. The was you doubled over when Lily said something, or the way you bit your lip as you concentrated on the pasta. He shook his head and listened to Alex talk about his balance in the car.
“Y/N. You need to seriously open your eyes.” Lily said, looking at you with a hand on her hip.
“They are! The pasta is fine- what…why are you mom stancing me right now?” you questioned, lips parted and brows furrowed.
“Do you not see the way Lando looks at you? He’s going to chop off a finger if he keeps glancing over here and not at his carrots.” Lily sighed, and right on cue….
“Ow! Fuck!” Lando cursed, hissing in pain, holding his finger.
“Lando! What the fuck? You’re getting blood all over the cutting board.” Alex complained, earning a cup thrown at his head from you as you ran over to Lando.
“What did you do?!” you asked, running his finger under cold water. It wasn’t a deep cut, but he grazed his finger with the blade.
“Um…I don’t know. Just thinking about the cars, I guess.” he shrugged, thanking you for getting the bandaids from the drawer behind him and helping him wrap it.
“Alex, you’re so rude! When a guest cuts their finger, you help! Not complain about your $15 cutting board.” Lily scolded Alex, shaking her head.
Alex scoffed, “Lily, he’s fine.” The couple set the table as you guys took your seats. You and Lando on one side, and Lily and Alex across from you.
“Sorry for not helping, Lando.” Alex said, side eyeing Lily.
You giggled a bit as Lando started laughing, “mhm, it’s okay.”
Dinner went well, conversations flowed well and it was nice to talk to the people you enjoyed being around. Now id only you could figure your feelings for Lando out…
yourinstagram story
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seen by: landonorris, alex_albon, and 678,023 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Pleasee could we have Ruby's favourite uncle, Pierre, babysit her and its just chaos
uncle duties | pierre gasly
uncle pierre <3
Ruby couldn’t wait to see her uncle Pierre. She had a whole list of activities she and Pierre were going to do from making brownies to playing outside in the backyard. Y/n and Charles had a doctors appointment to get an update on their baby. Arthur and Lorenzo were busy and Pascale was working so Pierre was their only option.
“Uncle P!” Ruby ran to Pierre as he entered the Leclerc household.
“Ma beauté! Ready to spend the day with me?” Pierre picked up the girl.
“Can I paint your nails? Papa lets me do his.” Ruby asked.
“Good luck mate.” Charles said to Pierre. “Say bye to maman and the baby. We’ll be back soon, okay? Be good for your uncle or I’m selling your toys.”
“Bye maman! Bye baby! Bye papa!”
Pierre and Ruby waved the couple goodbye and once they were gone, Ruby asked Pierre to put her down. “Okay baby Leclerc, what do you want to do?” Pierre followed Ruby to her playroom.
“Maman and papa said I have to practice french. You’re French. What do you say? Say french things! What’s my name in French?” Ruby excitedly asked.
“It’s Rubis. But how about we practice the easy words. Je t’aime, have you heard that before?” Pierre asked.
Ruby nodded. “Papa says it to maman all the time. But then maman says it to papa and I heard her say it to the phone but papa was next to her so she wasn’t saying it to him! I don’t know who she said it to!” She ranted as if her life depended on it.
“She said it?!” Pierre gasped. He knew how little kids were, they overshared and exaggerated pretty much everything so he played along.
“Yes! And papa didn’t say anything! Do you say it?”
Pierre nodded. He noticed some toys scattered around Ruby’s playroom so he picked up a small replica of Charles’ Ferrari and rolled it around the floor. “Yeah, I say it to my friends and family and your Aunt Kika.”
Ruby gasped. “I love Aunt Kika.” She whispered it like a secret.
“Me too.”
“No, I love her.” Ruby frowned when she heard Pierre. “I think she loves me more. She told me.”
“Lies. I love her more. She’s dating me.” Pierre felt silly for even arguing with a child but he wanted to see where the conversation would go. “And I kiss her.”
“Ew.” Ruby mumbled. “I can do a flip. Want to see?” Ruby stepped aside and cleared a path so she wouldn’t hurt herself during her landing. She then did her ‘flip’, but Pierre still clapped for her.
“Wow! Who taught you that?” The Frenchman asked.
“I saw it on tv. Papa told me to not do it because I could get hurt but I know how to do it. I’m going to do it again.” She announced but Pierre stopped her. Charles would kill him if Ruby ended up with a broken bone.
“Come on, let’s go see if your parents left you any snacks.” Pierre grabbed Ruby’s hand and led her to the kitchen. Once he reached the refrigerator, he opened it and saw pudding cups next to a container of cut up fruits. Ruby spotted the pudding cups and pointed to them.
“Maman gives me those.” Ruby said, hoping Pierre would give her one. “I like them.”
Pierre grabbed the container and closed the door. “Fruit is better.”
“Says who?”
“Everyone. Your maman and papa eat fruit and they love it.” Pierre told the girl. “Here, eat it.” He opened the container and picked up a cut up strawberry.
“You eat it.” Ruby pushed the strawberry towards Pierre’s mouth.
“If I eat it will you eat one too?” Ruby nodded. Then Pierre bit into the strawberry. “Okay, now you eat it.”
“I’m not hungry.”
Ruby didn’t end up eating anything so the uncle and niece went outside to play. “The neighbor has a pretty dog. Her name is Harry.”
“Harry? Who names a dog Harry?” Pierre chuckled.
“Or bailey, I think it’s bailey. But I like Harry better.”
“Bailey is a better name.” Pierre watched “You want me to push you on the swing?”
“No, you get on.” Ruby suggested. “I’m strong. Papa said so.”
Pierre walked to the swing and debated whether or not the swing would be able to hold him. “Are you sure? I’m not small.”
“You’re giant. Get on!” Ruby raised her voice then gasped when she realized she had yelled. “Please?” She smiled at Pierre.
“Okay but if I break it I’m not buying you a new one.” Pierre said hoping that would change her mind.
“It’s okay, papa can use his number card to buy me a new one.” Ruby had different names for normal everyday things so she referred to Charles’ credit card as a number card.
Pierre got onto the swing and waited for Ruby to push him. He felt a her tiny hands on his back, but no matter how much she pushed, he wasn’t moving.
“I thought you were strong?” Pierre teased.
“I am! You’re big!” Ruby groaned. She wiped away some fake sweat and returned to pushing. “Why can’t you be like Yuki? He’s small.”
“I’m sorry, at least I can reach the top shelf? Can you do that?”
“I can, I just don’t want to.” Ruby walked to the other side of the swing to face Pierre. “I’m taller than a girl in my ballet class and she’s sometimes mean to me.”
Pierre listened to her. Someone was being mean to his niece? That was unacceptable.
“What’s her name?” Pierre asked.
“Sarah. And she pulled my hair one time!”
“And do your papa and maman know?”
Ruby nodded. “Yes and Sarah’s maman knows but she didn’t want to talk to my maman. She wanted to talk to papa. And then she touched his arm and smiled at him.”
“Oh no, and did your maman see?”
If someone had told young Pierre that in a few years he would be gossiping with his best friend’s daughter then he would call them crazy.
“No, but I did and I told maman.”
After more gossip was shared in the backyard, it was time to go back into the house. Ruby raced to the house after Pierre told her that the first one to the door was the winner. Once she was inside, the doorbell rang. Pierre was still outside so she decided to open it to reveal a blonde girl with the neighbor’s door.
“Oh, hi, little girl. Is your papa home?” The girl asked. The Leclerc’s neighbor was an old woman whose name was Patricia. She was nice and always gave Ruby cookies and let her pet Bailey the dog.
“Why do you have Bailey?” Ruby asked completely ignoring the girl’s question.
“She’s my grandma’s dog. I’m visiting her.” She replied. “Is that your papa?” She pointed to Pierre, who had finally come inside.
“No, that’s my uncle. Who are you?” Ruby asked.
“Ruby, don’t open the door when I’m not here,” Pierre scolded his niece. “Can I help you?” He asked the blonde girl. Ruby didn’t like her one bit. She reminded Ruby of Sarah, the mean ballerina from her class.
“My grandma was talking about Ruby and how much she loves Bailey so I just thought it would be fun if I brought Bailey here to play.”
“She asked for papa.” Ruby told Pierre.
“Well I haven’t introduced myself to your papa and I wanted to be nice.” The girl replied. “Ruby said you’re her uncle? I didn’t know Ruby had such an attractive uncle.”
Pierre cringed at the girl’s attempt to flirt. “Well sorry to say this but we were actually going to the store.”
Ruby grabbed Pierre’s hand. “Yeah, and we’re going to see Aunt Kika! And she loves my uncle.”
Pierre tried to hold in his laugh. “Nice to meet you.” Pierre told the girl and locked the house with the key that Charles had given him a year ago. Ruby and Pierre walked to the car lightly laughing at the whole situation.
“Are we going to get ice cream?” Ruby asked.
“Yes, you deserve it.”
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folkloresthings · 8 months
in honour of us both going to uni tomorrow, i have a lil drabble request…fernando with a younger gf doing a degree 🫣 nando is my guilty pleasure ngl
EL ur a genius 🤍 my two fav things. also made her do a journalism degree because i’m doing a journalism degree so what
A WORLD AWAY. ❨ fernando alonso x reader ❩
“how’s your essay going?”
fernando’s soft spanish accent is muffled through the speaker of your phone, his face propped up on your desk next to your laptop. the glow of the screens and your newest candle illuminate your face in the top—right corner, hair scraped back and a large hoodie hanging on your shoulders. fernando still thinks you’re the most beautiful thing.
“not terrible,” you sigh, glancing at the word document that has laid untouched since your phone had rang thirty minutes ago. “need some more sources to fill it out a bit. i’ll probably have to stay up to finish it.”
“not too late,” fernando orders, brows raised. “you need your sleep.”
glancing at the clock, you mentally work out what time it is with him. he’d have only been up for a few hours, morning in singapore while it was night in london.
“yes sir,” you chuckle, sipping your lukewarm tea. “how do you feel for quali?”
the usual updates from your boyfriend pour in, and you know he could talk for hours about his job and the race. frankly, you’d let him. your degree was exhausting at the best of times, but you were in your final year now and with the deadline for your dissertation looming, the stress was piling on. fernando’s calls to rant about work or just dissect a race distracted you from your own responsibilities, even if it was just for a little while.
“go to sleep, mi amor. you look exhausted,” he sweetly worries, head titled adorably in the camera. “you can finish it tomorrow.”
“wanna talk to you, though,” you pout, already shutting your laptop and crawling under the covers of your bed. “i miss you.”
“i miss you too, cariño,” fernando murmurs. while the other wives and girlfriends jetted off to as many races as they could, your degree kept you far too busy to be able to visit fernando as much as you wanted to. you went to as many races as you could — but both of you felt the hardships of the distance.
“but you need to sleep. i’ll speak to you later, okay? i love you.”
“i love you too. goodnight.”
when you did get the chance to visit fernando at work, he was ecstatic. showing you off was his favourite thing to do, bragging about your academic achievements and whatever article you’d written most recently. it made a nice change to people asking, or not so subtly whispering, about the evident age gap.
you were almost twenty—four, fernando eighteen years your senior. it gained a lot of attention when you first went public, and still did two years into your relationship. you’d learned to deal with it, but you could always feel the eyes on you when you entered the paddock.
“don’t worry about them,” kika always told you, walking arm in arm to hospitality for a coffee. she had her own struggles, with her and pierre’s smaller, but still noticeable, age gap. “you love each other. that’s what matters.”
and, god, you did love fernando. watching him race, embedded in his element, he was easy to adore. when, every time he took him helmet off, he found your face in the crowd and sent you a wink.
“i’m so glad you could come,” your boyfriend mumbles in your ear when you hug him after the race, congratulating his impressive P5. it wasn’t podium, but you were proud no matter what. your chest seized as his words flew straight to your heart — you knew how much it meant to fernando to have someone there to support him, even with the tough facade he so often put on. you only wished you could be there more.
“a few more months and i’ll have graduated, then i’ll come to every race,” you tell him happily, lips squished where his hands press to each cheek. lingering forward, his soft lips fall on yours and kiss you adoringly. a thank you, everything he wasn’t very good at vocalising when he wanted to.
“i’m so proud of you,” fernando mumbles against your lips, hands heavy in your hair.
“i’m supposed to be the one telling you that.”
“i mean it, mi amor. you’ve been working so hard, and i know it’s not easy being with me. but i’m glad that you are,” fernando admits. your teeth find your bottom lip, willing it not to wobble as your eyes begin to sting with warmth. no matter what happened with the race, or your degree, or even the scandal of your relationship — you had each other.
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jasmine-kika · 5 days
Long time no see, old friends. I see you're doing well. How's Miokito? - @ask-naoko-shimada
Kika: Oh! Hi Naoko!! I’m doing great! Jasmine is *looks around* not here- but uh- I think Mio’s been alrighty he hasn’t contacted us in… a couple years? He never liked Overwatch. Although I totally see him and Soldier enjoying each other’s company!
Anyways, I’m ranting, sorry. Thanks for checking in!
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maxverstepponme · 9 months
The Alexandra haters are crazy fr, they're getting pics from i don't know where of her that look like ID pics and putting them as pp on their hate accounts (probably so people get curious and request to follow btw), like if you hate her that much why are you spending your time searching for info on her like that, do something better with your life jeez, when we say haters are the biggest fans it's no joke
Tbh I have no idea what she’s done for people to hate her so much and it scares me to death.
I’d definitely understand if people were acting this way towards her for things she’s done in the present and in the past like it happens with Kelly and used to happen with both Charlotte and Isa. So far I haven’t seen one thing that has made me think she’s like the others or straight up mean like her haters say she is.
Her Instagram is private, seems to be supportive of Charles, and minds her own business. In my honest opinion, she’s a breath of fresh air just like Kika and both Lily’s.
Damn, just leave her alone lol. If she’s as shitty as her haters claim, we’ll see it sooner or later, but we’ll see it. In the meantime, stop harassing and hating on a girl that hasn’t done shit besides dating Charles.
Sorry for the rant, but they piss me off so much.
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wags-confessions · 1 year
I honestly can’t stand Magui Corciero. RANT WARNING
She just did a speach in Portugal about being a major social media influencer, so she is 100% aware of how to gain attention. (By being posted by men with large following, she never acknowledged gaining followers from Joao and said she did it all herself)
She hangs out with Kika more after she started dating Pierre - magui posted an F1 tv screen (She was with Kika and watching Pierre) to be spoken about in the media - it worked.
Magui’s best friends (for YEARS) have their birthday today and she hasn’t posted a single thing for them but posted Pietra (Max’s gf, Lando’s mate)right away when she’s only known her for a month. SHE DOES EVERYTHING FOR ATTENTION.
She followed Lando’s family whilst she was still in a relationship with joao??
After cheating scandal with Pedro porro she posted a picture for his birthday CAUSING MORE CONTROVERSY then tweeted everyone is ‘envious’ of her because she hangs out with footballers???
Racist, woman abuser supporter, likes Islamophobic tweets, a cheater, took un-consented nude photos of Joao and posted them on her story, cheating, following a lot of men, liking tweets about only wanting money AND SO MUCH MORE.
She has realised her main source of income (joao) has gone and she’s trying to move to another rich man.
Lando if you’re smart… you run.
jesus 😳 - arlene
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
Hi!! 😊
How are you doing?
I haven't been the most active on tumblr lately but I saw all the toxic anons asks just now, I haven't looked much into it but I am so sorry that happened.
I can't believe people sometimes, you are one of the most understanding and mature person I have seen on any social media platforms by far. Some people get really triggered by the simplest things said or done, these people think they are the intellectual ones, they obviously aren't.
I don't get it why people gotta target an awesome person like you again and again when you haven't said anything wrong, you just said the truth and stated your opinion and looks like these people can't comprehend general sense.
That's the problem, too many idiots in this world. We can't do anything about them, they are gonna take offense to the most normal thing said. I really hope they don't bother you anymore, even if they do I think we can only ignore them.
Anyways, I wish you the best and hope you're doing great. Sending lots of love and warmest of hugs🫂💕
Hi Kika,
That's incredibly sweet of you! Thank you so much for all your continued support and encouragement!
I won't lie and say all the attacks don't sometimes get to me. It's depressing and frustrating, especially when people accuse you of being something you aren't, and state it with the authority of speaking a factual truth. These people don't even know me, haven't ever interacted with me before, don't know my background or anything. But they say as certain as they would that the sky is blue that I'm a racist, all because I had an opinion about a certain aspect of a TV show, and because I said white people can experience racism too. When I pointed out that I'd recently gotten a racist message from an anon regarding me being Jewish, I got told that I'm playing the victim and that antisemitism isn't racism. But yes it is. And that really is the difficulty with the culture today. It's so easy to throw these labels around, and to also dismiss other people's experiences in some absurd attempt to rate or qualify ones trauma over another's. As they say, it's the oppression Olympics, and white people just aren't allowed to participate. Ironic, isn't it, that white people are excluded on the basis of race, but somehow can't experience racism? It would be funny if it weren't such a destructive concept.
Anyway, I'm ranting a bit. I guess I'm just burnt out. So I really appreciate your kindness as always. You're such a cool and intelligent person. One of my favorite people to talk to on here, and I'll always be so appreciative of your friendship.
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futuregws · 5 months
So Idk about y'all but I find Kika gorgeous so not long ago I was stalking her page and I saw that she tagged her dad in a post and listen I had never heard of her dad before or seen him, her mom?? See her on TV literally every Saturday, him?? Never heard of him so I was scrolling through his posts and there was one specifically of him wishing Kika a happy birthday but in Portuguese and you see Idk whether I should laugh or be concerned over people's mental health bc some man saw the post and must have been so pissed for some reason that he decided to comment, something along the lines of "and what are you congratulating her for, what did she do??" and for context in English you have a word to wish someone a happy birthday and one to congratulate someone in Portuguese there's only one word, it's "parabéns" you use it if you are wishing someone a happy birthday, or if you are congratulating someone on anything, and this dude was soooo bitter that he must have translated that and just went on a rant asking "why does she deserve to be congratulated" and never crossed his mind that perhaps there's something called language barriers, and it wasn't even that hard to understand bro people in the comments all got it and all he had to do was read the comments. Anyway I thought this was really amusing and kinda funny so I had to share
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charleslebatman · 7 months
Even if alexandra if currently okay with being cropped out or even asking for that herself, in a few years, she’s gonna regret willingly agreeing to being publicly disrespected like this. At least i would because imagine realizing you were giving out permissions to be disregarded by your bf and a group of his friends.
But i just don’t understand why it’s okay for lorenzo, carla, charlotte dp, kika… to post her, but when it’s joris or antoine or charles or marta… it’s not okay and seems forbidden either by her or charles (unless they actually don’t like her). There’s just so many inconsistencies in what we see of the relationship.
If they were consistently private, people would understand that.
If they were consistently public, people would also understand that.
But this constant shifting between two opposites is just weird and gives the illusion that something isn’t right behind closed doors.
Even the interactions with fans are inconsistent between not wanting to take pictures and not understanding why people would wanna take pictures with her to taking pictures with half of the mexico paddock, back to hiding in brazil.
Charles has his arm around her at a basketball game and holds her hand in pap pictures but also leaves her behind a few too many times for comfort.
She laughs with joris when they’re alone, even when they’re aware of cameras and from the way they act, you’d think they’re close friends but in groups, he literally ignores her.
She seems friendly with Arthur at Wimbledon but he seemingly refuses to follow her with rumors of him not getting along with her.
Hides from cameras one day, poses for cameras the next. Says she’s focused on studying, seemingly drops out…
Also did we just all collectively forget at the beginning when she would go public for a few minutes (what automatically accepts all requests) and then go back private and deletes everyone accepted a while later? But kym illman follows her, some brands follow her…
I don’t know tbh. I’m sorry this turned into a long rant bestie.
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Same but different 🤡 once again the armrest thing plus this very nonchalant looking. This man impressing me in a way. 🙃
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kikakat17 · 10 months
I know this has been said but screw it!!! I feel vindicated!! Thank you Filoni!!!
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kittensharl · 11 months
your asks about this kika/pierre situation made its way to my dash and i have so many thoughts about it (not that many as i don’t think about it that much, of course) but just like. IT IS such a weird relationship and i think i just need to rant about this all a bit if you don’t mind, bc i don’t think it would be a welcome topic on the environments i’m in (it’s not even a topic to be fair)
i don’t think the age gap itself is the problem, people have relationships with a 10 year gap and it works just fine (my parents have it, for example, married for 25 years) but i just think they’re in different stages in their lives. it’s one thing when it’s 30-37 or something like that, but 19-27??
and i’m not gonna say i don’t understand what either of them is looking for, i just don’t think, like i’ve seen around, that this is COMPLETELY his fault. i think she knows what she’s doing, she’s aware of the consequences this will have for her even when it ends. she’s in the spotlight and she might get her account deleted and posts reported a few times, yes, but she’s being seen, and that’s what she wants.
i also agree, i think he always looks more invested than her, like, 90% of the time. she posts him a lot because she needs the spotlight but he posts her including her in his daily life, like, not making a big deal out of it but making sure she’s there. and i’m pretty sure every photo of them both that wasn’t taken by them personally or like, they are posing in vacation or whatever, she never looks like, genuinely happy to be there. (ie. you see the cannes photos, the beach photos, she’s just there, looking completely bored and as if she would rather be at the coffee shop near her house than there). like come on, charles looks at pierre with more emotion than her!
and like, this doesn’t come from a place of jealousy like ‘i want to date him and i’m the only one for him’, it really is not (i’m not even his type, meaning, i am not a starved model-like body who’s “perfect” iykwim, and i am conscious).
i just find it so odd for your whole life to spin around being someone’s girlfriend? bc that’s all she is, no career no job no nothing, just ‘pierre gasly’s girlfriend’ and that’s just completely ????????? for me. if you search for her name anywhere, everything will be linking her to him, not a single thing about her as a person, only this persona, which would be fine if she was a “normal person” but she is allegedly a model, actress, tv host (i actually went to google her just for curiosity) so why doesn’t she have her own image? she’s following him EVERYWHERE, she’s in EVERY SINGLE RACE this year and i get that she’s the girlfriend and she’ll want to be with him as much as possible but just like, don’t you have ANYTHING ELSE going on? don’t you have something else to do instead of just follow him around like a puppy? not even A SINGLE WEEKEND?
i see people saying sometimes ‘they are so in love’ ‘they are perfect together’ of course they are in love, it’s a new relationship with a person so far from your age that everything is even more new and exciting than it already is. ‘she said he’s the love of her life’ OF COURSE SHE DID SHE’S 19!!!!! HE’S NOT THE LOVE OF HER LIFE, SHE’S JUST SO YOUNG AND LIKELY UNEXPERIENCED THAT SHE’LL THINK THAT A GUY WHO (apparently) TREATS HER RIGHTS AND SPOILS HER IS THE LOVE OF HER LIFE!!!!!!
also she lowkey looks like sid from ice age and kelly piquet together
so yeah, like, i won’t go online and report her account or even as much as look for her account to be fair, but i feel a bit of uneasiness when i see them together (fortunately, that’s rarely ever)
i don’t know, i don’t even know either of them like irl but pierre is a little cringe but he does seem like a nice guy, and i don’t even know her enough even from social media to say something about her, but yeah, i don’t know, i try to avoid this whole relationship in general because it icks me too much.
i don’t even do wags in general honestly, i don’t know why i get so bothered by her specifically. anyways you don’t even need to answer this, i stumbled upon your few asks and i agreed with all of them so much.
Thank SO MUCH FOR this raaaant!! I enjoyed reading it and agreed agreed A.G.R.E.E.D, yes - oh yes - she resembles Sid and Kelly, you are so right. And so true it is that Charles drowns in Pierre's eyes, he drowns and they flirt and they joke, nothing of the likes that Kika ever did in a picture/video with Pierre so far. In a better universe Piarles had been the real thing, am I right?
Over to the beach picture situation. It was… strange at best, aye. I found myself wondering if that’s her default going-into-the-ocean face or is she genuinely as bored as she looks? I’m a firm speculator in the speculation department of Kika Speculations that at some stage her patience for his antics, shenanigans, playfulness will dwindle because of how she has shown to squirm uncomfortably and such in the face of it (tumblr provided the evidence). But as these overly exciting and erotic hormones she is infected by right now starts to fade, she will naturally start to get annoyed by certain things Pierre does or says regardless—this is a critical phase that many couples go through as they head out of the rosy honeymoon phase fog that felt so dreamy and magical. The younger you are the less likely will you be able to confront that in a healthy way and more likely will it result in breakups. So, looking at Kika’s age only: she is in a higher risk of leaving Pierre. It can be that she will leech herself onto him harder to suck up more fame in his radius while simultaneously feeling bored and frustrated with him tho, resulting in Pierre breaking up with her, really.
The people complaining that the age gap is too big and accusing Pierre for being a predator and preying on Kika like a creep deserves to only ever eat burnt bacon with this cursed creature:
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updownlately · 7 months
Lmaoo Daan:
Just funny leeuwinnen content:
https://youtu.be/UZYF5WUaOv8?feature=shared&t=153 (Smoll bean Vicky being doted on by Kika)
https://youtu.be/iqzCykISTCE?feature=shared&t=322 (More Vickyyy)
https://youtu.be/iqzCykISTCE?feature=shared&t=390 (Jill Bayings trying to murder Viv, the evil laugh lmao)
https://youtu.be/ZH0Zkui1WXM?feature=shared&t=196 (I find it so cute how she calls them young flowers, Jill B (the blondie) was about 19ish then and Caitlin was about 21)
More cute Jackie content:
https://youtu.be/2KIC9AzcN60?feature=shared&t=435 (the start is just context)
LMAOOO daan really just went for it 😂 her with the kid is absolutely fucking adorable (just got some fic ideas fr)
the sounds they're making in the background LMAO i love it. 'what's the catch for the day' 🤣
FLIPPPPPP! and viv's yell of discontent in the back lol she looks so concerned in the clip after lol also daan is a menace, jfc i love her
the mini rant about not having straight hair- felt it lol
see numero tres lol (i predicted the future :P)
dude they all look so familiar with each other, i love the camaraderie 🥰
THE WAY VIC TURNED AROUND im crying the deadpanned correction 😭
viv snapping into her cool calm collected vibes lol...shes just a big softie fr
'just throw your suitcases down the stairs' lol. also the dilemma with the clippers sound...golden.
the concern of jam being a word or not 😂 and jackie immediately knowing what they were talking about when they were discussing the fall.
again...who let her be this pretty??!?!
see 10...im once again predicting the future lol...also it's the way im reading captions but jackie speaking dutch is so oddly calming to hear, even though i don't understand a work
dvd with the balloon and her lifting the mattress...i reiterate.. a menace to society fr. also jackie not being able to hold back her laughter is so fricking cuteeeee oml. and daan saying 'i thought you were in need of some cuddles' and then immediately denying she did it 😂 probably my favourite clip so far.
the little amused look...again who let her look so good😮‍💨
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ofstarsandskies · 1 year
7, 17, 29?
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics! || @unborderedreflection
7 -- DNIs in Rules || 17 -- Fanon Interpretations || 29 -- Blocking
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Hoo boi, this turned into a big word/semi-rant sandwich. I'll do the more positive one outside the Read More, but the Kika Soap Box ones, I'll do under Read More.
17: Fanon Interpretations
Fanon interpretations are something I think should stay an open season list that should be respected (but not adopted) on both ends, especially in the roleplay community.
Do you think this character reads as someone with a certain mental condition? Go ahead! I do that with Ludger, who I read as somewhat socially anxious on account of him being a semi-silent protagonist. Or perhaps you think an ending could continue one way or the other? Awesome, share that! Make it an AU! Expanding on canon, even if it's just off the rails, is something that should be widespread welcome.
That said, you have to be ready to accept that not everyone reads something as you do. While I read Ludger as socially anxious, if someone disagrees, it's not my place to force them to change their mind. Discussing why you interpret canon a certain way can be fun and maybe along the way someone can support that interpretation. But if someone doesn't agree, then that's fine. How I read Ludger isn't more "correct" than yours.
HOWEVER, HERE'S THE BIG BUT FOR RPs: in the RP sphere, here's where you have roll with another's interpretation. RPs are all about exploring canon in a way someone finds fun; if you follow/start a thread, you've made a silent agreement to accept their version. Do you have to believe it's the "right" way? Not at all! But when interacting with X/Y/Z, it's to be treated as the rule.
7: DNIs in rules
I think the concept of DNIs isn't bad; if there's a fandom you just don't want to get into, better you say that than let a potential partner see your blog and you're just not interested from the get-go. Or if you're not into NSFW-centric blogs, by all means let people know! HOWEVER, some of the DNIs I've seen now don't feel more like a performance piece/shout box than their intended purpose.
I'd say the worst offender of this type is "Basic DNI rules apply." I'm sorry mate, but that is a nothing sandwich. What exactly do you consider the "Basics"? Where do you personally draw the line? Would, say, the joke thread I did where Ludger said he had a wet dream with Julius because he thought "Wet Dream" meant a dream about pools be too far? Or is it fine because it's a misunderstanding? Blanket words/labels that require your partner to try and do the math is grounds to just not bother.
In short, I think DNIs are a good idea on paper! But how some folks use them... they're not very helpful to and/or actively hinder a potential partner.
29: Blocking
Kika soap box time: for those who believe blocking is a sign of admitting defeat, allow me to say that's exactly how bullies get you to suffer.
Here's the thing: blocking is supposed to be the "I don't see us interacting well" button. Can it be used maliciously? Indeed, just like all things can be. But if someone tries to convince you that "Blocking me means I'm right!", do not give in; if you feel you should block, do it.
The reframing of blocking = admitting defeat is a way for bullies to still "win" after they get ignored. After all, bullying's all about hurting the target; if the targets ignores it, well damn, there goes the proof they hurt them. So how do they still win? Easy, convince themselves that blocking is the coward's way out. So then, they always "win"-- if you don't block, they can still hurt you; if you block, "SEE, I KNEW THEY WERE A WIMP".
So how do you, the target, win? Simple: you still block them. They might take it as a victory, but what matters is making your space on the interwebs one you're comfortable in.
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sunsetsrmydreams · 4 years
This began as a prompt posted by @mellarked-katnisseverdeen "What would've happened if Peeta went to work in the Mine?"
It was preread and beta'd by @awkwardeverlark @justajjfan and @lovely-tothe-bone. Thanks so much guys!
All mistakes are mine!
For @promptsinpanem and kika. 
The Mine. Rated M
Peeta and Katniss grow together in the shadow of the Mine.
Katniss Everdeen elbows her way through the group of miners clogging the large metal building at the edge of District Twelve.
Diminutive stature notwithstanding, Katniss was now considered a full fledged adult as her last reaping was just over two months ago.
When the vividly pink woman from the Capitol pulled another girls’ name from the reaping bowl, she had been almost underwhelmed. Katniss had been prepared to go, knowing deep down, it was meant to be.
But it was a different Seam girl dragged to the stage that day.
She couldn’t figure out why it felt like the hand of fate sweeping the board clean. She continued on with her work, feeling strangely detached. Hunting, making her trades, caring for her family. It’s all just the business of living but she can’t help but feel that something is missing in her life, though she’s afraid to examine it further.
As she makes her way up to the worn wood counter, her thought is interrupted when she catches a thread of conversation that makes her drop onto a nearby chair.
“Peeta Mellark, the bakers kid, is working in the mine.”
Katniss can feel the color leach from her face.
“Yeah. I saw him comin’ out of the Justice Building with a hardhat.”
The very idea of it makes her sick to her stomach as she listens closely to the gossip spreading around the Hob. Every account is different, ranging greatly from person to person.
Every set of eyes caught a different view of the story and rushed to relay their parts. Katniss hung on their words, her brain trying to turn each recounted scenario over in her mind.
“Peeta refusing to marry the cobbler’s daughter before storming to the Justice Hall and signing up for the mines.”
“Peeta being tossed out on his ear by that harpy Mrs. Mellark as she rants how glad she is to be rid of him at last.”
“Peeta finally hitting his witch-of-a-mother back and being dragged away by Peacekeepers before being banished to the Seam.”
The tales grow more fantastic as she listens. But one thing’s for certain; people are saying that Peeta is now contracted to slave his life away in the same darkness that killed her father.
Katniss can’t repress a shudder as she hauls two unwanted squirrels off of Sae’s counter.
“You goin’ to be alright, girl? You ain’t lookin’ so hot,” Sae asks kindly.
“I’m fine,” Katniss states, shoving the remaining game into her bag before she darts out of the Hob and walks at a brisk pace until she reaches the Merchant quarter. Her stomach lurches as she treads closer to the bakery, stepping quietly up the back steps to knock.
The door is pulled open and a blonde head peeks out. Her heart thumps loudly...but it’s only Bran, the oldest Mellark son. With wide, disbelieving eyes, Katniss looks over his shoulder to find Mr Mellark peering at her sadly and with a small shake of his head, he returns to his work.
She takes the two small loaves in return for her squirrels and stumbles back down the stairs, lost in a haze as she walks the main road back to the Seam.
Peeta should’ve handed her that bread. He would’ve smiled at her and wished her a good day in the same warm voice as he had every trading day for the last two years.
Katniss looked forward to each and every one of those moments. He was the one person who had cared enough to save her after her father died and over time, Peeta had become something more to her...something special. Always with a kind word, smile or deed, Peeta made her hard days a little brighter.  
Cheeks flushed with anger, Katniss kicks a stone across the dirt road. How could this happen? How could Mr. Mellark allow his youngest son to be removed from the bakery?
Still absorbed in her thoughts even after the walk home, Katniss absently calls to Prim as she steps through the door and into the kitchen to prepare the rabbit she had saved for dinner.
“Prim, I’m home.”
Shaking, Katniss attempts to make the required cuts to remove the pelt and though she hears Prim’s soft footsteps, she doesn’t turn around trying desperately to get a handle on her emotions.
“Is everything okay?” Prim asks, eyes following Katniss’s jerky movements with concern.
“Yeah, it’s fine,”she says, a weak attempt at normal.
It’s so rare that a Merchant ends up in the mine that the knowledge would’ve spread like wildfire through the district. Prim’s next words shouldn’t have surprised her...yet somehow they did.
“I heard Peeta Mellark started at the mines today.”
The words were said softly but they caused Katniss’s stomach to twist anyway, her movements frozen with the knife in hand, fingers clenched so tightly the knuckles turned white.
The reaction was not lost on Prim and her sweet sister hugs her gently, making her eyes sting.
“I know Peeta always liked you, he was always staring at you in school,” Prim smiles. “You can really keep a secret Katniss, because until this moment, I didn't know you liked him too.” Katniss chuckled weakly, unable to summon the words to dispute it.
“You should talk to him.”
“I can’t.”
“I know you’re scared, probably even more so now, but Katniss...some things are worth taking a risk.”
Katniss smiles at her little sister, who all of a sudden, doesn’t seem so little. “I’ll think about it,” she murmurs and returns to her work.
The talk dies down, no one has the energy to gossip for long.
Katniss is out a whole hour earlier than usual after another terrible night. Nightmares have plagued her since her father’s death and now they feature Peeta trapped in the dark. A constant reminder of why she should never seek him out.
But it’s out of her hands today.
Lost in her own head, Katniss didn’t see the stocky form walking down the path until she was practically on top of him. Her eyes met his and even through the layers of soot and grime she knows it’s Peeta. All blue eyes and dusty rumpled curls, but really it’s his smile that sets him apart. Shy and sweet..and always aimed at her.
Blue eyes take her in, and her own move over him in turn.
“Good Morning, Katniss.” His voice was low and gentle and the way he says her name makes her melt...it’s been too long.
“Hi Peeta.” Still of few words but she just can’t stop herself from returning his smile. She clears her throat, “are you just off your shift?” It’s a roundabout question that will confirm everything and he doesn't disappoint.
“Yeah, they put all the new recruits on the night shifts,” he confirms. “I live five houses down to the left. Moved in last week,” he points to an identical row of shacks to the side of them.
“Are you..okay?” She blurts.
“I’m feeling pretty good right now,” Peeta grins at the blush that stains her cheeks. “You can come see me if you want,” he scuffs his toe in the dirt and peeks up at her shyly.
“Maybe,” Katniss whispers and it’s enough to make him grin wider.
“I should go,” she says as her heartbeat kicks up.
Peeta must notice her pulling away but he doesn’t hold it against her. “Yeah, me too. Have a good day Katniss.” And with that, he turns and walks down to his new home.
Her eyes follow him the whole way.
Katniss avoids him for the rest of the week. Though she still leaves early enough to prop herself against the corner of a house, just out of his view, needing to see with her own eyes that he makes it home safe. By the end of the week, she sees that he’s already losing weight and his shoulders are starting to slump.
Guilt burns through her. Peeta was there for her when she was at her lowest and now she can’t even drop by his house to make sure he’s okay? She has no idea if he knows where to get food or supplies. Surviving in the Seam is very different from living in town.
With a sharp nod to herself, Katniss continues to the woods with one thing on her mind. She will be visiting Peeta tonight with something worthy of settling the debt of her childhood.
The woods are plentiful. Boasting wild apple trees and the last berries of the season. The snare lines gives her two rabbits and she shot a few squirrels with her bow. Just then the wind turns and she hears it, a faint gobble coming from the other side of the hill and Katniss grins to herself as she rushes silently to the covey.
A turkey would make a fine gift indeed.
She lets her arrow fly.
Tired from the hunt but flushed with pride, Katniss carefully made her way out of the woods with her bounty of not one...but two turkeys, stuffed in her large game bag. She was forced to shed her father’s old flannel shirt so she could tie it into a sack for the rest of her haul. Shrugging her jacket back on over her undershirt she pulls the bags over her shoulders.
She moves slowly toward the bustle of the hob, muscles straining under the weight of her game bag. Sae is more than happy to take one of the turkeys and both of the rabbits. It’s a fair amount of coin that she quickly places in her pants pocket.
Katniss heads off to town for the rest of her trades. Two squirrels to the baker for two loaves of bread. The scowl was free.
Berries to her friend Madge, the Mayor’s daughter who was never one to gossip but does ask about Peeta. “Is he alright?” “Have you seen him?” “Is he really working in the mine?” All Madge’s questions were met with her quiet but affirmative answers. It reminds Katniss that she has somewhere to be and with a quick goodbye, she hurries off her destination.
With her load lightened, she makes good time. Turning up in front of the fifth house on the left, she scuffs her boot not quite ready for this moment. The night shift doesn’t begin for at least two hours so she bites her lip, hoping she’s not about to wake him and reaches out to knock.
Katniss hears a ruckus inside before the door flies open, startling her. When her eyes focus, she’s met by a solidly muscled chest, pale with just the faintest sprinkle of blonde hair. A white, unbuttoned shirt frames it perfectly.
“My eyes are up here, Everdeen.”
Katniss feels heat rushing to her cheeks as her jaw snaps shut. Peeta’s amused tone doesn't help the situation as embarrassment flows through her. She is seconds away from running when his soft voice coaxs her to meet his eyes.
“I was just kidding, Katniss,” he adds, hurriedly buttoning his shirt closed. “Would you like to come in?”
“Okay.” She brushes past him as he holds the door open for her.
The inside of the tiny shack is sad and bare and she shouldn’t be surprised but she is. Not a single remnant of his town life can be seen. A threadbare couch, rickety table and chair are the room’s only occupants.
The Baker might get more than a scowl from her the next time she sees him.
How dare they send Peeta away with nothing but the clothes on his back! A throat cleared behind her and she turned quickly. Now it seems he’s the embarrassed one with streaks of pink highlighting his cheeks and it makes her heart kick hard in her chest.
“I know it’s not much…” Peeta trails off, because what else can he say?
She scrambles to think of something to lighten the mood. “I guess it could use a little color.” It makes him chuckle and Katniss beams.
“Can I get you some water?”
“No. I just ...I brought this for you.” she says, pulling the large bird from her bag.
His sapphire eyes are wide and glued to the turkey, “Katniss, I can’t accept that, I have nothing to trade.”
“It’s not a trade. It’s for you,” she tells him stubbornly.
She wonders how he could ask that. “You gave me food once, when I needed it.”
“You mean the bread, from when we were kids? I think we can let that go.”
“It’s not just because of that. I just... want you to have it.”
“Katniss, it’s killing me to admit it, but I don’t know what to do with a bird that size,” he says ruefully. “You should take it home to Prim.”
This is not going the way she pictured. Katniss would hand him the turkey, he would be grateful and smile then her debt would be paid.
Then it dawns on her. He doesn’t know how to process the bird. All his family’s meat had come from the butcher and her squirrels were only a single meal and were already prepared for cooking by her own hands. Peeta hasn’t learned how to parcel it out, canning soup and drying jerky so he’ll have food for later. A process she happens to be familiar with after years of winter preparations for her family.
Katniss knows what she needs to do.
“I’m not taking this turkey anywhere Peeta Mellark. We have over an hour before you have to get ready for your shift and you’re going to help me gut this bird,” she shakes it by the neck for emphasis. At his raised eyebrows, Katniss realizes this is probably the most she’s ever said to him.
A smile stretches across his face followed by a bark of laughter. He flings his arm towards the kitchen and offers gallantly, “after you.”
By the end of the hour they have the turkey parted out into several meals. The bones soaking in water for broth, and a large portion cooked for his dinner and breakfast tomorrow. The meat and soup pot takes up most of the banged up coldbox, seeing all that empty space made her glad she had come by today.
Katniss closes the metal door and turns, catching Peeta watching her thoughtfully, “I’ll be back tomorrow, same time.” She states as she loops her game bag over her shoulder and starts for the door.
“Katniss...” she hesitates as Peeta carefully takes her hand. “Thank You.”
His large hand envelops hers and a quiet, “you’re welcome,” leaves her lips before he pulls away and she walks outside.
The skin of her hand tingles all the way home.
The following day Katniss gathers all the herbs she can find, along with more apples, mushrooms and acorns. The snares yielded four rabbits and she shot as many squirrels, making it a good haul. She made her way through the meadow with a skip in her step, rushing through her trades, selling all but two rabbits to Sae so she could skip the bakery.
Katniss walked briskly home to drop off a rabbit and collect all the unused jars, and supplies she could find before going straight to Peeta’s.
His door swings open at the first knock, a grinning Peeta stands before her wearing a smartly buttoned grey shirt.
“Hello Katniss,” his eyes darted to her game bag which was full to bursting.
“My eyes are up here, Mellark,” she blushes when he laughs at her joke, causing her to chuckle a little herself.
“Please come in,” Peeta says through a smile, ushering her through to the kitchen. She can feel the warmth of his hand hovering over her lower back, wishing for a moment he would let it settle there.
Weeks go by in the same fashion, and to her surprise, the comfort and ease she feels around Peeta continues to grow. They talk, more and more and Katniss is sure she’s never said as much in her whole life. And he laughs when she makes a joke even if it's one he’s heard before. She lives for his smiles, lucky for her they are plentiful and cause her own.
The woods have been generous, allowing her to fill her family’s winter stores as well as Peeta’s. The beauty of the turning trees and fragrant cool air infuses her with energy. So, while winter is always on her mind, this year, it doesn’t loom as fearfully as in years past allowing her to enjoy her days and evenings with Peeta.
Now, most of the time anyway, she arrives empty handed...but he’s no less happy to see her. They talk and laugh, small innocent touches become the norm, and while she can see the exhaustion in his face, Katniss can see joy there too, it makes her giddy to think she’s the cause.
One day, they’re diligently canning more soup and he suddenly stops, looking at her intently, his usual smile is absent and it makes her frown.
“Katniss…” Peeta glances over to his rapidly filling pantry, “why are you doing this?”
She shrugs, dipping the ladle back into the soup pot.
“Is this all about some imagined debt? Because you don’t owe me anything,” he says gruffly. Peeta reaches out and stills her motions, setting her work to the side. And when he turns the full force of those big blues eyes on her, she caves.
“At first...it was about repaying a debt,” Katniss offers, her voice just louder than a whisper.
“And now? What is it for you now, Katniss?”
“It’s for me,” she answers simply.
Moving another step closer before standing on her tiptoes, Katniss leans in quickly and presses a quick kiss to his cheek but she finds herself lingering there, nuzzling his jaw gently.  Peeta brings his hands to her waist to steady her. Pulling away slightly, she meets his eyes as they darken, a sigh breathing out as he moves forward to return a kiss to her cheek.
Peeta leans away, his hot eyes fixed on her, waiting. He would never take more than she allows and knowing that is enough to give her courage to lean up and meet his lips.
The kiss is her first.
It’s soft and warm and she moves nearer just as he drawers her closer. He breaks the kiss sooner than she would like but soothes her with a flurry of tiny pecks across her face, making her chuckle.
It is the first of many days spent this way.
It’s been more than a week since she’s seen him. Katniss had to spend every last minute she could in the woods, taking advantage of the temperate weather to gather as much as she was able before the cold blew in, sending her quarry to their burrows.
She’d missed him.
Just seconds after her knock Peeta swung the door widely, his smile falling into confusion as Katniss jumps into his arms, knocking him off balance. They crumple to the floor and her flurry of desperate kisses makes him laugh and their teeth clink. Katniss tries to refocus him to the task at hand and is successful when she slips her cool hands under his shirt. A low groan vibrates his throat and makes her shiver.
Peeta’s head thumps lightly back to the floor as he studies her with heavy lidded eyes.
“I missed you too.” Peeta runs his hands up her arms and over her back. She doesn’t know if it’s his words or his wandering hands that cause her entire body to flush as heat settles in her core.
Still atop of him on a dust covered floor, and Katniss knows there’s no place she’d rather be. She carefully moves her legs to straddle him and his eyes go wide.
She can feel him hard beneath her and gives into the urge to press against him. A gasp rises unbidden and Peeta moans in return as his hands drop to her hips. The pressure of his grip is euphoric and she moves again.
Katniss sits up, gaining the leverage she needs, and not to be outdone, Peeta follows. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kisses him deeply, grinding her center against him, chasing that burning pleasure. His hands loosen their grip and move up her sides until he brushes the underside of her breasts. At her nod, those hands cup over her breasts. The sensation is as overwhelming for her as it is for Peeta who can’t stop his hips from thrusting up, her loud moan is all the approval he needs as he does it again and again
“Katniss..sorry..I’m already close,” he grunts in her ear. The feel of his lips at her ear, hot and soft is enough to send her flying to her peak. As she gasps and shakes through her release, Peeta wraps his arms around her tightly, thrusting harshly twice more before coming with a loud groan that she can feel vibrating through her chest. They collapse onto the floor in a breathless heap, the occasional shudder still running through them.
“I’ve loved you forever you know...”
Peeta’s voice was sleepy, hardley a whisper. She probably wouldn't have heard it if her face wasn't tucked into the crook of his neck. She pulled away minutely and his muscles went rigid as he cautiously met her eyes.
Katniss waited for a wave of fear to roll her under but it didn’t come, having drained away, drop by drop over the months they’d spent together.
She wasn’t quite ready to return the words though, so instead, she leaned up and kissed him. His body slowly relaxed, a grin lit his face as he hopped up and offered her a hand up off the floor.
The beauty of fall was gone, giving way to the somber notes of winter. Grey permeated everything in the district, lowering Katniss’s mood.
Quotas had been extended at the mine so her evenings with Peeta were also cut short. Many afternoons he barely had the energy to eat before laying his head in her lap.
“I’m so tired, Katniss.” he whispers before falling into a fitful sleep for their remaining time together. After seeing the purple hollows under his eyes she can’t begrudge him that extra hour of much needed rest. Katniss contented herself with his presence, running her fingers through unruly curls, pressing light kisses to his forehead until it was time to wake him.
A distant rumble of thunder wakes her out of a sound sleep. Katniss leans up slowly, scanning the dark room, trying to explain the feeling of dread welling in her chest. She's warm, she'd bundled herself in every layer she owned before bed, it makes her groggy and sluggish and she shakes her head to clear it.
A horn blast wales through the night. He heart leaps into her throat, it only takes her seconds before she’s flying off the bed and racing out of the house, leaving her hunting boots sitting lonely by the door.
Her panic forces the air out of her lungs. Faster, faster until she reaches it.
The Mine.
Body numb with cold, Katniss stares at the gaping maw before her. The entrance is dark and unforgiving, if there are other people around she doesn’t see them...can’t see them.
Katniss’s eyes are trained on the mouth of that unforgiving beast, begging it silently to release it’s jaws and relinquish its prey. Finally, there’s movement and the clang of metal as men heave out onto the frozen ground.
But none of them are Peeta.
She wants to scream.
Katniss claws her way through the crowd to get a closer look, but all the forms are rangy and unfamiliar. She moves closer, gliding right through the mine guards as they try to hold back the crowd. Walking ever closer to the black of her nightmares.
To get Peeta, she will go down there herself.
Just as she reaches out, another metal bang vibrates her eardrums, and another load of men spill out into the dark. She looks them over but can tell immediately they are Seam. The wail has just started to build in her throat. Her eyes swing to the back frantically searching, eyes catching on a crumpled form on the steel floor. Blonde hair peeks through the soot but his eyes remain closed. Katniss starts to leap in after him but is grabbed from behind and hauled back fighting and screaming, but a voice from her past breaks through.
“Katniss, calm down, I’m going to get him. Run to your mother and tell her to get ready.” Gale says. She hasn’t seen him in years, not since he started in the mines. She’s not sure she can trust him with this.
“I’m not going to leave him! I’m not going to do that!” She screams and tries to shake herself loose.
“You’re wasting time he doesn’t have. Go now. We’ll be right behind you.”
His words finally register and she meets Gale’s eyes.
“Go! Run!”
As soon her feet hit the earth, she’s running. Back to the Seam. Back to the shack she calls home.
Katniss throws open the door, screaming for her mother. Giving her what little information she has as the words shake out through dry sobs.There’s a commotion only minutes later, four miners carry Peeta on an old wooden door and move him quickly to the table Mrs. Everdeen has prepared.
Peeta is awake now, but she almost wishes he wasn’t. The sounds of his agony breaks her heart, sending streams of tears down her cheeks. She watches her mother spring into action, looking Peeta over carefully before using shears to cut the fabric away for his mangled leg. Even that caused Peeta to cry out and her mother moved quickly to the head of the table, sorting through different vials until she found what was needed.
Katniss moves closer to his side and his pain filled blue eyes meet hers. Tears cut trails down the dust on his face and she feels so helpless, like all she can do is hold his hand and cry. Her mother tips a vial into his mouth and he sputters weakly. Katniss watches his eyes blink slowly, then they remain closed.  
Her mother pulls her away and tries to explain but the jumble of words doesn’t quite make sense. Words like crushed, blade, sleep syrup, amputate. Time speeds up and Katniss turns to the side to cough up bile on the floor.
“I’ll ask Gale to hold him down.” Her mother says.
“No.” Katniss chokes.
“Katniss, it has to be done, the longer we leave it, the higher the chance a blood clot will kill him.”
“Can you wait...just...wait. Please.” She’s begging now.
Her mother frowns, “I’ve dosed him with sleep syrup, he’ll be okay for now but it won’t keep him out when we remove the leg.”
Katniss gathers all the strength she has left.
“Don’t do anything...I’ll be right back.” And with one more longing look at Peeta, she heads for the door then breaks into a run.
Sprinting across town to the richest house in the district, it’s after curfew but she can’t bring herself to care. It feels like she’s been darting through shadowed streets for hours but it's only been a handful of minutes.
Katniss pushes herself harder.
She arrives at Madge’s dizzy and heaving but she bangs on the door as hard as she can and when it opens, she’s surprised to see her friend standing there instead of a servant.
“Katniss! Was he down there?”
Breathless, she can only nod.
“Is he hurt?” Madge asked worriedly.
“Please,” Katniss managed to weaze. “They’re going to take his leg….do you have anything?”
“Wait here.” Madge shuts the door quickly, leaving Katniss to slump against the wall for support, her legs shaking so badly she can hardly stand, the shock setting in.
She hears a creak and Madge is holding out a small box full of glass tubes, “It’s morphling. It will help.”
Katniss stares at the box.
“Take it Katniss!” Madge’s words wake her and she snatches the box before racing back, through the dark and deserted streets.
She doesn’t remember returning home or handing the box to her mother. All she knows is that she’s standing over Peeta, watching his chest move as he breathes. Katniss lifts her hand and gently pushes the curls away from his face. If he wasn’t so pale, he could just be sleeping.
Her mother approaches with a syringe full of morphling and injects it into his vein. “Katniss, you should go outside. You don’t need to see this.”
“I can’t leave him.”
“He’s going to need you to be strong when he wakes up. Go outside and Prim will come get you when it’s done.”
A hand is at her shoulder, pulling her away. She tries not to resist as she’s dragged outside and propped against the wall, a heavy blanket shoved into her hand. There’s a heavy chill in the air as a wave of exhaustion hits her, sinking her down onto the rough wooden porch. She notices for the first time that her bruised and bloody feet are visible through large holes of her woolen winter socks, she tucks herself under the ratty quilt. Crying, Katniss drops her face into her hands and tries to think of anything other than what’s going on inside.
She begins to think of Peeta, the first time she made him laugh, the first time she kissed him. Katniss gets lost in memories of his smell, his sweet smile, his warmth and the feel of him under her hands.
An hour ticks by, then two. The sun was just starting to crest when Prim came outside to fetch her.
She tries to scramble up but her frozen muscles creak with the effort, tripping and almost crashing into her sister. Prim stays calm, grabbing Katniss’s shoulders firmly.
“He made it through the surgery.”
Katniss begins to gasp for breath until a relieved sob breaks free.
Prim hugs her tightly, “He’s going to be okay, Katniss. We were able to save his knee, that will make all the difference when he starts to walk again.” Prim says as she releases her grip.
“Can- can I see him,” Katniss manages through tears.
“Yes, of course,” Prim says, quietly leading the way inside.
In a daze, Katniss walks across the fire warmed room, ignoring the instant pins and needles that prick her skin after being in the cold for so long. She sidles up to the table and takes Peeta’s hand. It’s warm. So unlike the pale coolness when he was first brought here. Taking note of the sheet draped over him. Noticing the empty space on one side where his lower leg should be.
It doesn’t matter. Not to her.
Her mother sets a stool nearby and Katniss gingerly sits at his side, gently stroking the skin of his hand, leaning up to brush the curls away from his face.
Katniss can’t seem to stop touching him. Needing to reassure herself that he’s alive. She wants to see his eyes, but can’t begrudge him this deep sleep. Safe from the pain and their reality as he starts the long road to recovery.
A hand perches on her shoulder. Her mother is looking at her kindly, “We have to keep him asleep for the next three days, that should get him through the worst of the pain and give the incision a headstart on healing.”
“Thank You,” Katniss squeezes her eyes shut, causing a tear to run down her cheek. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if…”
“I know, honey.” With a final squeeze, her mother wanders back to the kitchen to speak to Gale.
Katniss watches her mother walk away, the last vestige of her harbored anger evaporates. Because her mother does know.
She knows exactly what it’s like when the thought of being without someone makes you want to stop breathing... but she saved Peeta last night, now Katniss would not suffer her fate.
Peeta’s face is relaxed, his breaths are deep and rhythmic, the gentle cadence makes her eyelids start to droop. Bone weary but not wanting to leave his side, she leans down and softly kisses Peeta’s cheek before laying her head beside him as sleep rolls her under.
On the third morning her mother shooed her out of the house so she could check Peeta’s incision and change the dressings. Katniss meanderes her way through the Seam, she doesn't realize where she’s going until she’s standing in front of Peeta’s house.
She half expects him to throw open the door, a wide smile and a joke on his lips.
But he can’t.
Because he’s laying on the kitchen table in her house, drugged to sleep and missing a leg.
She shakes herself. He’s alive. That’s all that matters. It’s no secret that he will be staying in the Everdeen home for the foreseeable future. Pushing open the door, Katniss quickly walks inside, taking note of the dried dandelions on the table and she promises to bring him more in the spring.
Moving over to the pantry, she starts packing up the food that they had made together. Stopping to stare at a jar of turkey stew for an obscene amount of time, long enough that her eyes started to sting and water.
Shaking her head she continues to load her game bag with as many provisions as she can carry. She’ll have to make at least two trips to move it all, Peeta had been well stocked for the coming winter.
With the top shelf of the pantry nearly empty, she can’t help but see it.
It’s a little green paper box that has been carefully constructed by a loving hand. Like something you’d see at a merchant shop in town. It would house a bauble or trinket, maybe a special sweet.
It seems private, but she can’t stop herself from reaching for it.
Katniss stares at the box in her shaking hand as she carefully removes the top. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvety dried moss is a small silver color band most likely made of tin.
The design, that has been painstaking and lovingly carved.
Tiny katniss flowers.
Her knees buckle and she slides to the floor, tears spilling down her face as Katniss clutches it tightly to her chest.  
She returns home much later to a groggy but awake Peeta.
Her mother had had him moved to Katniss’s room once his incision was no longer in danger of reopening. But it's been so long since she's seen his eyes. They were duller than she remembers but the elation that must show on her face makes him smile, it may be small but it means everything. It means he’s alive, it means he’s still with her.
The beginning of his recovery is difficult but he bears the strain with dignity. Katniss is truly shocked when not one of the Mellarks show up to check on him. They must’ve heard by now, surely.
In her disbelief she slips up and mentions it, immediately wanting to kick herself when Peeta's face falls.
“They won’t be coming, Katniss. Not now, not ever.”
“How could they not at least stop by after what happened?”
“I was disowned the day I left the bakery. I have no doubt my mother went directly to the Justice Building to make it official so I’m no longer part of that family.”
“But why?”
“My mother had arranged for me to marry.”
A chill courses through her.
“I refused. I didn't want my parents' marriage, a lifetime of misery. I suppose my mother thought she could beat me into submission. This time I couldn’t let her and when she tried, I caught her hand and flung it away. She started screaming about calling Peacekeepers but I told her I’d save her the trouble... so I left. Walked around the district and then headed to the office to apply for the mine, when I got there, a box of my clothes was waiting.”  
The tears came unexpectedly and she quickly wiped them from her cheeks, but of course he saw.
“Katniss...don’t cry...not when I’m getting to the good part.” He begs as he pulls her hand away, cradling it between his own.
“The good part?”
“The best part, I think.” He says sweetly. “When I left that life I felt free for the first time. Whatever choices I made were my own. I had planned to save up for a year or so. I wanted to woo you, show you I could be a worthy partner but you ruined my plans Katniss...and you made me happier than I ever thought possible.”
She fumbles through her jacket pocket, then places the small green box on his chest.
“I found it. When I was packing up the food.”
“How do you know it was for you?” He jokes and her eyes go wide before narrowing with her scowl.
“I seem to remember you saying that you've loved me forever.....I think you want to marry me someday.”
“Supposing I said something like that, what would your answer be?” Peeta stares at the small box that now rests in his hand.
“What?!” It’s almost a shout.
“My answer...it’s yes.” She shrugs, as if it was inevitable, as if she would have always said yes.
“I don’t...I don’t have anything to offer you now, maybe we shouldn’t.” He looks to the place where his lower leg should be.
“Peeta Mellark, are you taking back your proposal?” Her scowl is back full force.
“NO! But..”
“I said yes and that's the end of it.” Katniss unceremoniously removes the ring and places it on her finger before carefully cuddling into his side.  
“Whatever you say Everdeen.” Peeta murmurs with sleepy eyes and an adoring smile. “So...does this mean..”
“That I love you?” She can hear the breath hitch in his chest. “Yes, Peeta. That’s exactly what it means.”
He gathers her closer and she can feel his smile when he kisses the crown of her head.
“I love you too, Katniss.”
The first snow had just begun to fall when their whole world changed.
Katniss was packing up the last of Peeta’s supplies, loading the last jars into her bag. Thinking over the events of last night, and this morning when they had quietly announced their engagement. 
Mother and Prim were happy for them.
Katniss hummed as she let herself out of the little shack. The sound cut off by a loud siren blast.
Not for the Mine…..but for the Reaping.
People, startled and confused, started making their way to the square. She could hear crying children, followed by the angry raised voices of adults.
What could the Capitol possibly want now?
With her family safe at home, Katniss decided to find out.
She moved into the throng, bumped and jostled until she finally stood shoulder to shoulder with the people of Twelve as the screens in front of the Justice Building lit up.
A gasp echoed through the crowd as they were addressed by a serious looking man dressed in grey military garb.
The words that followed made her heart pound so hard she could barely hear over the sound.
“People of Panem.” His voice boomed. “Today We Celebrate Your Freedom!”
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