#kimchay plot bunny
ae-azile · 28 days
If I ever catch up with my WIPs, I have (another) plot bunny in my head...
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Chay is still so angry. He's angry at Porsche for lying to him and joining the mafia. He's angry at Korn for likely killing his father, taking their mother away, and making her into whatever shell of a person she is now. He's even angry at Kinn for making his brother happier than Chay has ever seen him, because that means they are never going to leave this place.
But most of all - despite how fucked up those reasons are - he is still so angry with Kim. He still won't talk to him, but he dreams about him every single night. It isn't fair.
So when he wakes up after a rare dreamless sleep, he feels grateful for about five seconds until he realizes where he is. He's back in his old room, his old house, and completely alone. And when he finds his phone plugged in on the nightstand, it is almost a year behind. If he weren't so freaked out by waking up in his old bed without knowing how he got there, he would smash his phone against the wall. The screen displaying the date he went on that college tour and first met Kim is NOT doing his brain and heart any favors. He calms down for about five minutes when he convinces himself this must be some kind of dream, one that doesn't directly include Kim yet still somehow inserts him into the overall narrative.
But Ohm calls and asks if they are still meeting at their go-to coffee shop so they can gush about Wik before seeing him perform in person - just like he had asked the day it actually happened. So Chay tells him he'd rather die, hangs up the phone, and decides to eat breakfast instead. He makes it down four steps before tripping down the rest and promptly breaking his neck.
Then he wakes up. Again. In his old bed on the day of the tour. When he decides to ignore Ohm's call and take a shower instead, he slips against the porcelain and cracks his head against the wall.
He takes a hint by the third time and goes to the college to see Kim. Kim looks as good as he did the first time and doesn't pay Chay any mind until Chay obnoxiously shouts out the answers to Kim's stupid trivia questions. For some reason, that is an offense that makes getting tased by security justified.
To give Kim a little credit, Chay hears him yelling stop before losing consciousness.
When he wakes up for the fourth time, he realizes he is going to have to go about this a little differently. He goes to the school tour, attends the concert, corrects the girl's answer, and approaches Kim after the show when Ohm drags him over to get his shirt. Chay knows there is no shirt and that Kim's signature, lessons, and expensive guitar aren't worth the heartbreak. Chay wants to tell him as much.
But Kim smiles at him kindly, no recognition in his eyes as he looks towards his friend in hopes to give Chay a shirt. It's then that it truly clicks that Kim doesn't know him, at least not yet. He may have figured out who he was shortly after meeting him and offered the lessons for information, but right now? He has no clue.
Chay is suddenly the one who knows everything and has the upperhand.
So Chay - against every instinct he has - asks Kim for those lessons once again. This time, it's going to be different.
This time, Chay is going to break Kim's heart first.
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Notes for plot:
- Chay will die every so often, causing the loop to start once more. Sometimes he gets a month or two in, other times he gets a few days, hours, or even minutes in.
- Chay will occasionally get sidetracked from his mission to destroy Kim. He thinks it could be an opportunity to pull his brother away from the mafia prior to Porsche becoming so attached to and in love with Kinn. He also tries to save his mother singlehandedly. It does not go well.
- After several loops and a couple of long, interrupted bouts, Kim starts becoming more aware. He recognizes Chay in the crowd and starts breaking script.
- It becomes clear this isn't some simulation. Somehow, Kim is now getting trapped into this curse too, but it's more gradual.
- They end up having to work together, all while Kim is struggling to remember what happened in the original timeline.
- Kim and Chay end up falling in love in a way that is more authentic and based in truth - after Chay gets a few loops where he one ups Kim, breaks his heart first, and gets it out of his system.
- Other characters start becoming more aware when Chay regularly deviates from the loop in ways that won't kill him. This results in allies, as well as bringing more of the ensemble into the loop. Sorry for the pun.
*Loosely inspired by the episode "Mystery Spot" from Supernatural, but more complicated * 😂
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fawndlyvenus · 6 months
I am looking at @emberfaye @the-cookie-of-doom ,and @snickerdoodlles specifically for this one. (Look at what you three have done!… thank you.)
Kim wanted to collapse after his day. Filming for a music video three days in a row was not fun. He didn’t want to see another makeup artist for the next week. And he felt like he’d bust a camera into little bitty pieces if one appeared right now.
He stripped almost immediately after entering the apartment him and Chay shared, and scrubbed layer after layer of makeup from his skin, as well as whatever they had put in his hair to set it this time. Once he was feeling somewhat normal again, Kim pulled one of Chay’s t-shirts from the closet on over his head, and breathed deep.
The scent of Chay was magic at making him feel more relaxed – and until Chay came back from classes, this would have to do. Slipping on some old sweatpants, Kim returned back to the bathroom to scrub his mouth clean of the dry, icky feeling of the day.
As he was preparing his toothbrush, he saw it – his bare neck. His agitation and grumpy mood now doubled. Chay hadn’t left a single mark in days because of this shoot. Not a single hicky or bite mark colored his neck, and it honestly made Kim feel off.
Wearing Chay’s marks was grounding. It was something that made him feel special and wanted. To know that he was so loved and important to someone, and that they wanted him to know it every time he looked in the mirror. It made Kim feel something curl up warm and tight in his chest seeing exactly where Chay’s mouth had laid claim to him.
And now he felt cold and bare looking at his perfectly flawless neck.
Kim brushed his teeth at lightning speed, before padding back out and curling up on the sofa in the living room. Kim tried not to think about it. His leg bounced as his feelings intensified, and no amount of tv or doom scrolling on social media could stop it.
Kim was a dog with a bone. A very Chay-shaped bone, and he wasn’t going to let it go for anything. Checking his phone, Kim saw that Chay still had about an hour left before he’d be back.
Kim could do this. He could last an hour.
Kim moved into the kitchen, threw himself into cooking a meal, but his mind immediately went back to Chay.
Had Chay ate? What would he want to eat for dinner? How hungry would he be? Too hungry to mark his-
Nope! Kim left the half-cut vegetables sitting on the cutting board, and moved back to the sofa to stop his thoughts. He picked up his guitar and began to idly strum some chords. His fingers moved, but his mind stayed exactly where it had been – pacing an ever growing worn spot on his mental carpet.
Chay would think he was needy for wanting him to mark him first thing when he got home. Was he needy? No, he just liked his boyfriend’s mouth on him. That was totally normal and not needy of boyfriends, right? Wanting his skin littered with proof that Chay wanted him, as much as he wanted Chay, was absolutely normal and not needy.
Kim – lost in his thoughts – almost missed the sound of the locks on the front door disengaging and opening. Almost. Bolting up, Kim half ran to the entrance and felt his body react accordingly to seeing that familiar mop of black hair, and large doe-like eyes.
“P’Kim! Your back-oof!” Chay’s words were cut short as Kim crowded him against the wall. Kim crashed their lips together, and felt the all-too-familiar zing of electricity shoot down his spine as he did. Kim felt the way Chay’s body vibrated under him as a series of giggles slipped past their moving lips.
Pulling away, Chay finally let out the last bit of his laughter. “I think you missed me,” Chay teased.
Only a lot. Kim’s brain supplied for him before he could shoot it down. Kim moved to resume their previous make-out session, but was stopped by Chay tugging at the back of Kim’s hair. Kim let out a small hiss – not because it hurt, but because it sent a whole new wave of pleasure through him.
Chay’s eyes had darkened, and he looked somehow sinful, yet adorable, as he cocked his head to the side to look at Kim. Tugging gently at the hair still trapped between his fingers, Chay scanned Kim’s face, looking for something.
“What is it you want, love?” Chay’s words sent another zing down his spine, but also a lick of something bitter with it. Why did he have to say it? Why couldn’t Chay just know what Kim wanted and do it? He probably did know, but Chay wanted Kim to tell him, but Kim didn’t know how.
He couldn’t just say “mark me till I know I’m yours without question,” because that was definitely needy. But he also knew Chay would like that. Chay would definitely, positively like that.
Kim felt a few more tugs on his hair, as Chay waited for him to find the words, which were proving difficult to get out. Swallowing a worrying amount, Kim finally found his voice, “Mark me. Mark me till I know I’m yours.”
“Good boy,” was the last thing Kim heard Chay say, before he felt the warm and wet suction of Chay’s mouth on his neck. Kim was in heaven as Chay sucked and bit at his neck. He didn’t care about the sounds he was making or the fact he was basically clawing the wall behind Chay.
It felt glorious to finally have the thing that he most wanted and the knowledge that after Chay was done with him, he’d have the most beautiful necklace of proof that Chay loved him, and that he was Chay’s. And that was exactly what he always wanted. Forever.
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shubaka · 9 months
okay what about a KimPorsche fake dating au but it's ACTUALLY just fake dating and the endgame is KimChay & KinnPorsche? (although we could go the KimPorsche route, but i feel like it could be funnier if it wasn't)
So the premise is that Wik has been getting some alarming stalkery letters and his management is seriously Worried. Kim isn't, but he can't really explain why, but Kim also doesn't want to let any word of it get to his family because, A, if they take care of it, his father will undoubtedly count that as yet another thing Kim owes him; and, B, if it blows up in public it'll be a headache dealing with the press and he doesn't want to give the stalker the satisfaction of knowing that he's getting any of Wik's attention -- let alone the fan's and the public's.
And so to keep his manager/agency happy he agrees to hire a bodyguard as long as they're inconspicuous but the dude they hire? Porsche? He's far too pretty and people keep noticing him at events and Kim doesn't want to say that he needs a bodyguard and blurts out that it's his boyfriend.
ANYWAY, Chay finds out and is DEVASTATED. "Hia, you lied! You said you were just his bodyguard??? You know how much I love him. People are already writing RPF about you two. This is the worst day of my life."
Kinn is immediately suspicious but wants to find out for himself and when he finally meets with Kim & Porsche, he's initially antagonistic but somehow finds himself charmed by and falling for Porsche and he's So. Guilty. About. It!
And something something Porsche really likes Kinn and Kim really likes Chay but Kinn and Chay are, at this point, convinced that Porsche and Kim really do like each other -- sure, Porsche and Kim are always fighting (affectionately) each other, but that's also how they show their love, right? And they don't want to interfere because they are happy for their brothers. Really!
Anyway shenanigans and miscommunication and an eventual conflict with the stalker-dude leads to everyone figuring out what the fuck is happening and they live happily ever after.
Has this been done? If not, can someone please write this for me? Thanks :')
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el1997jk · 2 months
Not me having plots for two more KimChay stories in my head when I haven’t even finished writing Maybe We Can Have Our Happily Ever After yet. Granted, one of them has been in my mind for two years now. You can blame the opening credits of the show for that, but still. The plot bunnies are plotting and won't let me be. What should I do?
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27vampyresinhermind · 10 months
Of course it would happen that as soon as I start working on an original character idea, a wild VegasPete plot bunny appears!!
Kim and Chay were already yelling at me because Love Knockout isn’t finished yet. Now Mongkut and Sasikan are gonna join in the screaming.
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kimchayficfest · 4 months
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We can't believe there's just one week left of Love On Top!: KimChay Fest 2024! Thank you to those who have created KimChay centered works for us so far. ❤️
Submissions close on February 29th, so there's still time if you have that pesky plot bunny or a KimChay idea that you want to bring to life! ✨❤️
Our full guidelines and FAQ.
Our prompt list and Ao3 Collection.
Follow us on Twitter.
Read previous submissions here or on Ao3.
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forkaround · 2 years
Indian BLs WIPs
So, months ago I joked around with the idea of writing Indian BLs and bestie, I don't think it's a joke anymore. I don't know how it happened but over the course of these few months I've plot bunnied my way into over 20 Indian BL ideas. Each unique in Indian entertainment as well as in any BL. Mind you I won't be revealing every one of those ideas here. I don't want to promise something I might not end up finishing for a couple years, if not longer.
This is a list of Indian BLs that I have fully outlined and an ready to start writing. I am currently doing preptober for Kimhan AU.
So let's start there,
Kimhan AU
Months ago when Kinnporsche started airing, I'd just got to my college dorms and I came up with a scene of a girl fighting minions and standing over them, shirt open, heaving and angry. Her 'bodyguards' come and she yells at them for being terrible at their jobs. I was looking for a place to put the scene among my other WIPs but it didn't make sense anywhere. It stayed on the backburner for months until - I was in the supermarket and I met some Gujarati people (Context: I am currently living in Germany for my Masters but I am from Gujarat). And we started talking. Afterwards I realized how I'd lied, not really a lie, but like changed in how I talked to people compared to how I did back in India. And as a certified overthinker I did what any overthinker would do - I overthunk. Which lead to this idea of a character who presents as sweet and innocent but really is very sharp. Around the same time I'd read a Kimchay meta about how Chay isn't as sweet as he seems and Kim isn't as un-affected as he seems and that played in my head and that was how this ended up being called Kimhan AU. This doesn't really have anything to do with kinnporsche, it's just tangentially inspired by it. (Kinnporsche was something, wasn't it? I have 7 works that are tangentially inspired by something that happened in Kinnporsche or a meta someone wrote)
Anyway, Meet the Characters -
Kim (F, 25) is the youngest of an Indian Mafia family. She has just arrived at her dorms with Big (I am still using temp names. I like names to come to me instead of going to them), her bodyguard and oldest friend. Her dad wants her to keep an eye on P (I dubbed her Princess coz she is the heir i.e. Princess of the rival mafia family). The families have hated each other since an event, years ago, that lead to the death of their first children. Kim doesn't know why she must endure this but after what she did a few weeks ago, she has no choice.
Type (F, 22/23)meets the most beautiful woman she has ever seen at the supermarket once and she can't stop talking about her, to the frustration of her new friends. When she sees her again at the college cafeteria she calls out "Didi". She is the awesomest person Type has ever met, beauty and brains. But then Type finds out she is gay. Type is a good Indian Girl. This gay bullshit is just bullshit. Aisa kuch nahi hota (something like this doesn't exist). And why would Kim need to like a woman when she is so beautiful she could get any man?
[A/N: Let's just say she is in for a surprise. So I had just watched Ep 1 of TharnType when I wrote her and you can clearly see the influence. Type is someone who constantly puts her foot in her mouth and I think that's awesome.]
Big's (27, M) family has served Kim's family for years but sometimes he feels like he could kill Kim any second, especially when she knows his weaknesses and tells the very persistent, very beautiful boy in his dorm how to seduce him. Big has never had any moral issues with doing bad things but a relationship with a 19 year old is where he draws the line. He remembers being 19, he remembers the arrogance and the stupidity and the regret.
K (19, M) was supposed to focus on getting his bachelors. Which was all fine and good and then the most handsome man walked into his dorm room and he wants him carnally. Problem is Big won't stay in the same room for more than a minute which meant Kim had told him. Now how was he supposed to seduce him? But with that Adonis body comes something strange. He's heard him talk about shipments and products and protections.
[A/N: KimType are the fun couple and BigK are the not-fun couple, if you didn't already get that. I was watching Minato Coin Laundry at the time. So...]
Kimhan AU is tagged with KimhanAU or just Kimhan if you want to know more.
Another tangentially inspired by Kinnporsche. This time it's Vegas Theerapanyakul. but a woman. No murder, just the general sense of 'What the fuck is wrong with them?'
Confession: Some parts of the narrative are real life experiences.
Hetakshi was bored. It had been 6 months of getting her Masters degree which she did well enough (not that her parents would agree unless it was 90% +), but there was nothing to do. The thought hit her so hard she was thrown back into the past - She was on the plane to Germany watching a movie when she thought - What if I start a cult? Wouldn't that be funny? So queue up your inspirational music this socially anxious introvert is going to start a cult. But how? She asked google. She learned, she practiced, she gaslight, gatekeeped and girlbossed. And then she met her -
Sachee didn't understand why she cared so damn much about this one person than she had anyone her whole life. Perhaps it was because she didn't understand her. Hetakshi was...complex. Confident and cocky and sad and soft and rude and shy with the brightest smile and the saddest eyes. It was as she(Hetakshi) slept on the floor of Sachee's dorm room did she(Sachee) realize her feelings might be more than friendship. So what is a Gen-Zer supposed to so when they don't understand something - Google Zinda bad (a hindi victory cheer)
[A/N: You kinda have to stay with this one till the end to truly understand everything. There is a lot of religious symbolism that I don't know how to get into a premise. It's parallels. It's Yin and Yang. It's a study of human nature, of love. A beauty and the beast narrative.]
It's tagged as Cult
On to lighter topics. A Indian Food BL coz I saw Old Fashion Cupcake and I have no self control.
Youtube wasn't a thing he'd thought about, ever. Until the pandemic hit and he had all the time in the world to pass. Charu has just been qualified for shorts and he's trying to find a style. Tirth, his videographer, suggests a review of street food in Ahmedabad. They idea is good and they both like it but really it's just an excuse to spend more time together. Charu doesn't want to trouble anyone's life, he is happy just to watch and help even as he hates every second Tirth flirts with other people. Tirth's liked Charu since he's friend passed him the box of sweets he made. He knows what people think about him - about how he moves and how many people he sleeps with. He'd learned to lean into it. If they are gonna talk he better give them something to talk about. But with Charu, he's fine just spending time with him and being his friend.
What neither of them know is Tirth's cousin (Jiva) and Charu's best friend (Hemal) are horrible meddlers who love meddling. It starts with Jiva seeing the ThaiBL wallpaper on Hemal's phone. They agree Charu and Tirth would make an awesome BL couple and what are friends for if not to help?
[A/N: This is very tongue and cheek, fun, light-hearted, classic Uni-set Thai BL narrative but in India. No brains needed here. Okay, a few brain cells needed for the systemic colorism and homophobia but the story is very light on them. Supportive parents in this one. Coz I deserve it. This was the first bl BL I came up with. It's very different from my typical angst writing style. It's a rom-com hands down but I can't, coz I am me, not add some social commentary. Yay! (sarcastic and exhausted)]
Tag: CharuTirth or FoodBL
There are others but for now these are the three big ones. I'm going to be doing Kimhan for Nanowrimo. Hopefully I have some sort of a book by the end that I can send publishers. (If you know anyone, please help me) It would take me a year to fully finish all three, if I am consistent and diligent and don't fall into a spiral and if my immune system doesn't kill me first.
I am planning on writing in English and Hindi. Coz there are dialogues that you just can't do justice in English and there are other things that I only know how to do in English. Like my username says - I'll fuck around and find out.
Do you prefer the term Indian BL or Desi BL? Help me tag this.
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lori0018 · 1 year
WIP Ask Game
I've been tagged by @staykimchay thanks lovely 😘
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Here goes...
The WIPs that are actually WIPs:
With Abandon
KPTS/Dragon's Hoard AU/Fusion
Leaps and Bounds chapter 2
9. no way back
6.e. all i've done
The plunnies that might or might not go somewhere someday:
Apocalypse plot bunny
KinnPorsche ABO MPreg fix-it fic
The ones that are bullet points in a to-do list:
Platonic soulmates KimChay (feat BigKim & MacauChay)
Twins!Macau&Chay + Gun/Nampeung/Chayapat
KimChay next life AU (Wuju/Howl's Moving Castle inspired)
BigKimChay soulmates AU
The muses haven't been very forthcoming lately 😞 so I'm not actively working on any of these but I haven't lost hope.
I'm tagging @highpriestessofjogan @emberfaye @sweet-william-writes if you're up for it ☺️
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halliescomut · 2 years
I have a Fic request for KimChay
So like many of us on this platform I got pulled (mostly willingly) into the just absolute wonder that is KinnPorsche The Series, and we can talk later about the full effects of that in a different post, because this one has a point I SWEAR!
In addition to watching the series I have been reading multiple fanfics, and while I love all of the couples, I'm really digging KimChay right now, because to be honest Jeff is just the textbook description of attractive, and Barcode as Porchay is just Sunshine in human form and I mean, how could I resist???
So I have a fic request? suggestion? inspiration? IDK, but what I really want is a fic (long, short, multi-chapter, one-shot, IDC) where Kim teaches/trains Chay in self defense, and it turns spicy maybe?. Now I have a lot of ideas for this, that I'll outline in a minute, but I'm asking for this solely because I HAVE NO IDEA how to write it myself. I don't have enough knowledge or experience with martial arts of any description to do this well, and so I simply can't, but if this creates a little plot bunny for you please for the love of Kinn's half-open shirt follow that bunny wherever they take you. For me? Please?
Now onto ideas:
For one-shot or short, there's really not much more context beyond Chay sunshines Kim into teaching him basic self-defense, and so he finally does and we get a scene of the training and it's either adorable/hilarious or v serious but suddenly very hot...or both. For the humor aspect the vibe that I'm seeing is a bit like Julien trying to teach Jenna Jiu Jitsu (part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkvTpmQ7M48 and part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In7FBG6rPw0 ). Like, there's some seriousness attempted, but also Chay makes Kim laugh too much, so it just devolves into absolute insanity. For serious, I mean...reference any Kinn Porsche fight scene and adjust for personality and skill level. Bonus points for a bonus scene of Tankhun watching it on the CCTV with his bodyguards (Pete included) like it's one of his dramas.
For longer form, this could be accurate to current show canon (haven't finished the novel yet so I don't all of the context there) or AU-ish, that can be up to you.
-Chay goes to Pete, or if we're going AU, Big or Chan and asks them to train him, and they eventually give in because we've all seen Porchay's face. I think that Porsche would say no to Chay learning self-defense (or fighting) because he's always going to be there to protect him historical canon evidence be damned, and really Kim would be on that same wagon so. But you could also go with Chay doesn't even try asking Kim or Porsche first, he just assumes they would say no.
-He either keeps it a secret or not, base this around how much you would want to see him progress I guess, because I think it would alter the context for when Kim takes over. For example if we go for, it's not a secret so Kim essentially shows up for the first lesson and can't stand seeing another man's hands on Chay regardless of the context and takes over. If he keeps it a secret, I do think it could be fun for him to become fairly proficient, and actually hold his own a little bit against Kim, especially since we know Kim would hold back a little.
-Also, I think if Pete or Chan were Chay's first teacher, they would teach him a trick that might help him get Kim by surprise, at least once.
-Extra credit: Any and all Tankhun reactions to the general goings on, because of course. High levels of banter, both sarcastic and sweet. Porsche finding out about his training by accident and being mad for really no reason, but just because Porsche is an over-protective doofus who would seemingly rather throw himself into danger before seeing Porchay or Kinn break a sweat. Any and all humorous inclusions of Vegas just snarking on everyone. Maybe Macau joins the class too, so that Chay has a sparring buddy?
Also, there's no specified rating I'd be looking for, but I do think if it's in your comfort zone some close combat training could turn pretty sensual pretty quickly as the entire KinnPorsche series has shown.
I generally read most fics on AO3, so if you have an account there and you post there, just let me know. You could post it here if that's more your style. I also do occasionally read on FF.net and Wattpad. But seriously, if this post inspired you and you write something PLEASE let me know!!! I want to read this fic so bad. I'm now going to proceed to tag the everloving heck out of this post in the hopes that it finds ANYONE who may want to write it.
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ae-azile · 2 months
I love your writing so much. Every week I look forward to the next chapter of Progression. It is brilliant fic. You write angst so well. Do you have any other plots/stories planned once you finish this fic? Besides the wips? Do you take fic prompts? You are such talented writer.
Hello! Thank you so much for the compliment! I am glad you are enjoying the fic so much. Right now, I don't have plot bunnies that are TOO pressing. So other than my WIPS and hopefully original novels, I don't have anything lined up.
I really enjoy prompts! I can't always promise to fulfill them and I would definitely prefer ones that can be fulfilled within 12k words or less due to my habit of committing myself to such long tales, but if you have any prompt that you feel wouldn't require several chapters of commitment, I would love to hear your prompt! Send it as an ask and I can explore the possibilities in the post!
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