#kinda burned out with twst writing for right now
twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
Hello, there.
Could I request Octavinelle and Jamil with a MC who's like the god, Anubis?
I’m not the most familiar with Egyptian gods. Sorry about this annon but I’m not going to be answering this one. Honestly might not be answering asks for a whole. Live stuff keeping me busy. Sorry about the ask and being slower with uploads. Might be just once a week. And if that’s the case I’m going to be closing my askbox for now. thank you all fo your asks and the like. I will be back hopefully soon. Just need a break is all.
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To Mama Rosehearts: (calmly but sarcastically) Oh, hello. You must be Mrs. Rosehearts. How do you do on this fine day? Forgive me for staring but I must say, you look quite stunning, madame. Your haircut really suits your face. (Mama Rosehearts asks about Riddle) Riddle? Oh don't worry about him, he's doing fine. He always had a knack for keeping things under control. Unlike some people.
Aaaand here’s the big one… the final boss of Family Day…
I tried to write this with a nuanced look at Mama Rosehearts, as I felt this was the most fitting for TWST’s themes of grey morality (which also comes through in the OB boys). No one is truly 100% evil, and I didn’t want to just have her screaming at other people 💦
Mama Rosehearts’s parenting methods are overly controlling, she’s uncompromising, and she has a bad temper. But in her eyes, she believes what she’s doing is genuinely the best for her son, and she’s also protective of him. She absolutely cares for Riddle in spite of her strictness. I wanted those aspects of her character to be present too, not just the worst parts of her that we tend to hate.
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The problem with bad apples, you sometimes thought to yourself (blame Epel for sticking the apple metaphors in your head), is that they appear so normal at a glance. It’s hard to tell they’re rotten until you’ve had a close look for yourself.
Gazing at Mrs. Rosehearts, you’re shaken. Your mental image of her, cobbled together by hushed words and wisps of shadow, was always that of a monster—the kind that caged children and relished in feeding them lies, keeping them ensnared and submissive. Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It’s a scary world out there.
She stood before you in blood red heels, wrapped in a smart business suit and modest pencil skirt in the same shade. Her hands were adorned in tulle gloves, sheer enough to grant a glimpse at her immaculate nails. Arms folded, head high, she was poised like an imposing queen before delivering her judgment.
Her eyes a blue-grey, red hair tightly pulled back and secured by a hair clasp. Even her bangs were cut the same, two locks atop her head curling into a heart-like shape. Mrs. Rosehearts was the spitting image of Riddle—or was it more accurate to say that he was a spitting image of her?
But if she was a monster, and Riddle, the same as her…
The terrified expressions of Heartslabyul students blitzed through your mind. The garden and its roses falling apart around them.
“He… He was really gonna do it…”
“He’s completely out of control.”
“He’s like some kinda monster!”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away. They quivered, burning with an indescribable intensity.
“Hello.” Her first came clipped, cutting right by your greeting and fabricated compliment. “I can’t say I care for your tone of voice.”
Mrs. Rosehearts diverted her attention from you and to the young man standing in her shadow. “Riddle. They seem know you, but surely this one doesn’t belong to your dormitory?”
You could barely recognize him. The Riddle you knew was serious and strict—but he was also someone who loved to tend to the hedgehogs, and adored tea parties in the garden. His smile could practically make the flowers bloom.
But now he was less of a blossoming rose and more of a shrinking violet, most traces of his confidence wiped away. He diligently trailed behind his mother, appearing even smaller than usual. Meeker, and less sure of himself.
A remnant of Riddle. Not a rose-red ruler, but just a sad little child.
You stared at him helplessly, and he refused to meet your eyes.
“No, mother.” A trained, automatic response. “They are not a student of Heartslabyul.”
“I thought so,” Mrs. Rosehearts sniffed, unimpressed but satisfied. She silently noted your untucked shirt, stray hair, and crooked tie. “They’re far too ungroomed to be someone under your rule.
“And here I was, worrying that you had fallen in with the wrong crowd again. You aren’t still hanging around those horrid Clover and Pinker boys, are you?”
Trey and Che’nya. Your stomach churned, upset for them in their absence.
“Well…” Riddle fidgeted uneasily. Unable to tell a lie, and lacking the courage to tell the truth.
You took the chance to cut in, your eyes close to burning a hole in his mother. “Oh, don't worry about him. Riddle’s doing fine. He’s always had a knack for keeping things under control, unlike some people.”
Mrs. Rosehearts frowned at the insinuation. Her next words could make flowers freeze over. “You’d do well to learn some control yourself. This conversation is between a mother and her son.”
She placed a protective hand on his upper back and gave a slight nudge. “Come, Riddle. We wouldn’t want to be late to speak with your professors.“
“Yes…” He reluctantly turned away from you, trying to focus on the road head. At the path already chosen for him.
You couldn’t help yourself. Your feet fell forward, and you called after him.
“That’s quite enough,” Mrs. Rosehearts snapped. Her cheeks colored red with rage as she stepped between you and Riddle. “I don’t know who you think you are, sticking your nose in our affairs like this!! I won’t have another unruly child and their bad attitude invading my son’s life—not again!”
Anger surged in your chest. There were so many things you wanted to tell her, things she couldn’t possibly know because she never bothered to entertain them.
Riddle likes strawberry tarts. He doesn’t care if the roses are white, or if the flamingos are pink. And he prefers honey to sugar cubes in his tea, and milk tea over lemon tea. After a meal, he wants to sits and talk with everyone.
The smart thing to do, you thought, is to bite my tongue, or else it’ll just lead to a pointless screaming match.
But you weren’t so smart. Your opened your mouth, prepares to let loose a torrent to challenge her.
What rang out instead, loud and clear, was a boy’s authoritative voice.
“Excuse me, mother!”
"Yes, Riddle? You have something to add?"
“I..." He caught his still-quivering words and straightened. A quiet resolve burned in his steely eyes. "Those selected by the Mirror of Darkness boast exceptional potential and strong moral character. That holds true for myself, as well as my peers. I will not underestimate them, and nor should you."
Mrs. Rosehearts pursed her lips.
"They are worthy rivals that are deserving of respect," Riddle continued, "and they will continue to push me to excel. That is all I wished to say.
"Now then, we should be on our way. We're running late for a very important date with the teaching staff."
His mother looked as though she had a rebuttal, with her brows knitted and the color of her mouth vanishing. Riddle held his breath—and you weren’t sure if it was safe to take one.
"... We will discuss this at a later time," she declared at last. “We need to stay on schedule.”
Riddle released the air in his lungs, and you took a sharp intake.
Mrs. Rosehearts turned away, tossing an icy farewell to the wind. “Good day to you.”
She led her son down the street, saying something to him in a hushed tone. You couldn’t tell what sort of expression Riddle was making, but he held his head high the entire time, like a defiant rosebud in a bed of snow.
When they had finally disappeared into the horizon, you let yourself smile. He’s come into his own… even if just a little.
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diodellet · 4 months
Hello, I saw your valentines post and thought I might join in
I'd really like prompt 3, the one with the dream if them , and Azul from twst
He's my fav of the twst cast and a comfort character (❁´◡`❁)
my pronouns are they/them/he/him, so do whatever you like with that info
maybe it's just me, but in a dream someone would have to do something cute and/or sweet in it to get me flustered and avoiding them (lol I'm weak to fluff but not really spice)
Anyways, I hope you have a lovely day or night and I wish the best of luck to you!
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💌Azul Ashengrotto + Prompt #3 (Seeing them in your dreams, being too flustered to face them in real life.)
Dreams end at the most climactic moment. That is to say, right when the zombies catch you or as soon as you hit the ground. The same holds true for good dreams especially.
Which brings you to your current predicament. 
The details were fading away, all that remained burned into your mind were those final moments—a wistful piano instrumental filling the air, the feeling of your hand in his as he led you in a slow dance, a lightness taking over your body as if you were floating, the steady heat of his palm against yours lingering even after you’ve woken up.
Of course, to be further spited by fate, the both of you are paired for a short research paper, carefully looking through the reference section of the library. Together.
“—if we could find more literature on—Hm? Is something the matter?” Azul looks up from the book he was skimming through.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’ve just got a few things on my mind.” You play it off with a wave of your hand.
He levels a concerned look at you. “Is our class representative overworking himself again?”
“N-no, not this time. It’s nothing, just some personal business.”
“If you say so, then. But if you need a listening ear, just know that I can make room in my schedule to assist you. It would be terrible if I let a dear colleague of mine carry such a burden, wouldn’t it?” There’s something about those words, or maybe his voice, that makes your stomach uneasy. 
There are some things you know about Azul Ashengrotto definitively. Anyone can spot his flair for showmanship. He’s busy, but also approachable. Maybe distant at times, but always polite.
(Not at all like the Azul in your dream. Not like the Azul of now.)
Scratch that point about distance, you didn’t get the memo that the both of you were close enough to be dear colleagues.
But here you are, on the receiving end of his complete and utter attention. It occurs to you now how little you truly know about Azul.
The ring of the bell cuts your conversation short, and you blurt out a flimsy excuse before rushing out and leaving him alone in the library.
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a/n: hiiii!! thanks for sending in a request and happy valentines day💕💕 i had a bit of challenge trying to pin down azul's chara because i kept thinking any sweet or tender gesture from him would first of all be off-putting to the target of his affection,,, and that kinda carried through in the writing,,, oops,,, these drabbles weren't meant to contain slowburn tension🤧🤧Either way this prompt was fun to write, i hope u enjoyed reading this💕💕
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fictionfixations · 3 months
twst halloween
so ive been reading the events for twst all day. (like the dialogue for the stories)
SO. okay so i need to talk about halloween for a second--
so of course, spoilers for the event
deep breaths (i had started writing while reading. then i got very frustrated and it went on from there. haha. it gets long.)
unique magic Tag. something like that
Where they can mark something, and it'll have a specific tag unique to that person (it'll stay in their memory until the tag is removed or fades away, in which the memory will fade normally instead of never). They could also tag items to that person (as in it'll have that person's unique signature that ties them together).
….honestly ive been like reading the twst halloween stuff. ( SPOILERS ) and for pomefiore they're in like the mirror hall and these mfs kept taking pictures INSIDE when its NOT ALLOWED (…bruh now people know what it looks like inside! what if theres like a flaw thats been caught on camera that'd help future criminal doers do something there!?)
anyway. so i was thinking of confiscating like phones. but so it doesnt get lost, or given to the wrong person.
this random pomefiore student being able to tag people with skin contact (example: passing the phone along, light touch on, say, the hand and the phone, and thus tagging and attaching them together through a line only they can see)
and it'd also help if say that same person did something malicious like 'hey, that's not your phone!' or 'i know that person!'
sorry im just kind of really ticked off at them. and all the other magicam monsters i swear--
im angry ranting now
oKAY for one that guy who was climbing the apple tree. you realize that if you do that people are just gonna want to do that to for the views so they'll climb it evne if they have no experience in it and will probably injure themselves or worse!?
ALSO THE FLOWERS. SCREAMS in heartslabyul OH MY GOD (i think id actually get so frustrated too though like bruh. idfk. WHAT IF THEYRE POISONOUS? i mean they probably wouldnt be out in the open but like. HELLO? YOU DONT KNOW THESE PLANTS. [they're for like potions] WTF ARE YOU DOING. THEY COULD BE HOME TO A VICIOUS SPECIES FOR ALL YOU KNOW YOU IDIOT)
pictures are horrendous. savanaclaw… 1. Why the fuck did someone make up some bs rumor that putting like treasure on your head (its fake tho) would like grant you a wish? WHY? WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM THAT!?? HELLO???? also oh my god as a person who hates everything about being in pictures (i have to be tricked to get my picture taken ugh) THAT WAS HORRIBLE TO READ. im reading on the wiki by the way because i want the context. also oh my god (im sorry im saying that a lot.) as a person who was absolutely repulsed by touch for awhile (and still kind of squeamish about it but dont have the courage to shove ppl off half the time) i think id die inside. like. okay so they're like touching his ears and his tail (i only remember the ear but i was so pissed off i dont know if i imagined the tail bit or not) and kinda his everything right? WHY? thats. like. such an invasion of privacy. like. HELLO??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING. pleASE stop???? also oh my god WHYH ARE YOU MAKING A MESS OF IT WHAT tHE HECK (they should have like those ropes that signify 'you're not allowed past this part' to make it clear HEY youre not allowed to touch that. but also some people will ignore it and they could get overrun FAST. ughhh)
i wish i could say that people have the courtesy to be careful not to do anything to harm others but i cant really no words. just. oh my god. be CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING . there are important sUBSTANCES HERE THAT ARE VERY FRAGILE. (they should've been made to pay for it ughhh. teach them.)
scarabia. honestly ive read a fic that went over this before. and honestly its very funny. so like yuu's just going to sam's shop where they are the teachers are nearby (stunned) and jamils just like 'I'LL BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND' and its HILARIOUS. also bugs. shudder. i dont even know how youd get people to stop wasting the food tho. man. bruh.
(also where are there self preservation skills oh my god)
ignihyde. oh my god THEYVE DONE THE WORST CRIME OF THEM ALL. THE DESTRUCTION OF BOOKS. okay im being overdramatic but WHAT THE FUCK if anyone did that to my books id honestly be so done.
well anything else could be salvaged sort of (with the exception of the destruction of the plants, the destruction of one of the things in the lab, and this) but. this. destruction of property???????? FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT COULD'VE BEEN SOME SUPER RARE VERY LIMITED BOOK WITH ONLY. LIKE. 10 COPIES MADE. OR LIKE. ITS ENTIRELY HANDWRITTEN BY SOME FAMOUS PERSON WHO DIED A LONG TIME AGO AND THIS IS ALL WE HAVE LEFT AND YOU DESTROY IT!
AGHHH. im so aggravated. (as a person who ADORES books. im so irritated. i mean dont get me wrong they arent that important to me. but the library is my favorite part in a school! i love reading! its practically sacred!) "Jail. Jail for one thousand years! Some of us LIKE being alone, y'know? Please, for the love of everything, just let us live our gremlin lives!" YES. (honestly. out of all the dorms. if not savanaclaw, then id probably be in ignihyde. like yes hide me away forever so i can play games and not have to interact with people)
"Y'know, for Malleus Draconia! The guy so zetta powerful that everybody trembles at his name! Getting a picture of yourself touching him is a legendary feat."
im so rrry im yttypingoifnhgfh there comes a point where im so frustrated i cant typer ight. heavy sigh
i wonder if a sort of barrier spell to prevent people from moving past (aka into the dorm) would be possible. but that might be a huge drain and whose to say they couldnt idfk take pictures through the windows? ew stalkery behavior, and not any better.
THE STATUES? WHAT THE FUCK!? that. i. AGH (people are so dumb. why. would you. post a picture OF YOU COMMITTING A CRIME!?)
!!!! POP OFF (edit: this is like heartslabyul going against the magicam monsters. id probably adore octavinelle's if i hadn't already been spoiled about it lol)
kind of off topic. but yknow what? i kind of feel like im really living up to my riddle pfp lmFAO
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(i wrote it all down on discord. i probably could've just started it on a tumblr post instead but it didnt even occur to me)
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nightshadeheart11 · 1 year
Just my Luck (A Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction)
This is kinda gonna be a self insert, with a different name. I’m using the English version lines because I can’t trust myself to get anything quite right. Also, the name did change several different times. From Yuet to Yuri , and finally settling for Yuridia. And because google docs is refusing to find a word within the actual document, I apologize if you find any of the past names. This will be my first ever TWST fanfiction, and my grammar and writing isn’t the best. All in all, I hope you all like it!
Main character is going to be female. 
TW: slight mention of past SH scars.
Chapter 1: Stranger Waking
Stirring from a somewhat deep slumber, a young woman opens her dark brown eyes. “Is it morning already?” She attempts to sit up, only to slam her forehead on what appeared to be a heavy wooden door. She hissed in pain, rubbing at the sore spot. “Ah, what the heck?!” She attempts to push against the door for a second time, slightly cursing it in Spanish.
“How did I get in here? C’mon Yuridia, think!”
A vague memory flashes across her mind. A horse drawn carriage, barreling toward her at the entrance of her university. She releases an irritated breath. 
“Perfect. The ONE time you don’t look both ways, and you wake up after the funeral.”
She knocks against the wood. “Hey! I’m not DEAD!” 
“What’s that noise?” She hears the rustling of what appears to be an animal, before a muffled voice speaks. 
“I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me…”
Yuridia stiffens. “Grave robber?” She whispers to herself. She didn’t know they still existed in this era. She must prepare herself to jump out at them. She sucks at formal fighting, but she’s had fights with her feral cousins before. She clenches her fist, preparing for a fight. 
She hears them grunt slightly. “Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton!” A few moments later, Yuridia hears, “Try this on for size! Mya-ha!”
With a very unladylike yelp, Yuridia screams, “F-fire?!” Attempting to scramble away from the sapphire flames. 
“Now to grab the goods…”
Yuridia looks down, freezing at the sight of a little flaming creature. Apparently, her being awake startled it too, as it screeched a somewhat comical, 
“What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!”
Yuridia squinted. “A talking...weasel?”
Which, apparently, wasn't a good idea, as the flaming, talking weasel-cat thing angrily growled, “How... How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!”
Ah, so your name’s Grim. Cocky little thing, isn’t he?
“Tch. Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!”
Yuridia bit back a very aggressive remark. “I’d like to keep my clothing, thank you.” She sighed, “Getting roasted alive by a weasel? What will I dream of next?”
“Well keep dreamin', 'cause I ain't no weasel!”
Grim’s indignant response would have been amusing, had Yuridia not seen that the edges of her clothing (which appeared to be a very beautiful looking robe) had been ever so slightly singed. And she could smell smoke. Not a good sign. 
With an, “Ay, no manchen-” She took off with as much speed as she could muster, curing her poor athletic ability. 
She ran, slipping into what she’d assumed to be the library, attempting to catch her breath. She noticed the floating books, shaking off her shock, as she looked for a proper place to hide. Walking past a portrait, she noticed her reflection in the metal plate. She was much thinner than her college years, and the marks on her arms were a whole lot fewer. “What the-” She resembled herself when she had become a freshman at her high school. “I-If this is a dream, I'm ready to wake up now.” 
Suddenly, flames erupted around the library, eliciting a slight terrified squeal from Yuridia. This is where I die… Again.
“Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?” Yuridia, now on the ground, was attempting to inch away from the fiery creature. Why was her life like this? She closed her eyes, fighting back tears. “Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that-”
A loud crack resounded through the library, reminding Yuridia of her father’s heavy belt from Durango. No. It sounded more like a… whip?
“Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?”
Ouch. You’d have my sympathy, if you hadn’t tried to set me on fire.
“Consider it tough love.” Came a deep, masculine voice. Yuridia pried her eyes open, shakily letting her eyes trail upward to a man that very much resembled a crow. …Un hombre-cuervo?
“What-?” Yuridia stared in confusion as she stood. 
The crow-man turned to face her, “Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students?”
“Hold on, Student?”
If he’d heard her, he didn’t seem to care much. “ My, were you ever eager to make your debut.”
“I-” Yuridia began, once again being cut off.
“And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules.” Ok, clearly this crow-man loved hearing himself talk. “Habla hasta por los codos.” She could almost hear her mother remark. 
“As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!” Grim argued, struggling against the whip.
“Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?”
He turned to face her, once again, this time, with a look that somewhat resembles disappointment. “Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it. Does the very notion of patience elude you?” 
Now, being hot tempered ran in her family. Which meant that she was raised to have a sharp tongue, especially whenever someone was being rude or insulting. However, she was also introverted, so she knew when to bite her tongue. Which is exactly what she was doing now. How dare this bird-man assume that she was impatient!
“No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
Yuridia took this as a chance to ask the bird-man a question. “Student...?” So this place was a school. Great. This definitely can’t get any worse. 
He looked annoyed to be answering her. “You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not?”
“Oh, so the coffins are gates.” She muttered to herself. 
Once again ignored, she heard him say, “All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.” 
She made eye contact with the chaotic fiery creature. “I think something blew the lid off mine…” Grim had no decency, as she assumed that if he were not bound, he would have stuck his tongue out at her. 
“The culprit appears to be that familiar of yours. You're the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing its behavior is your responsibility!”
“God give me patience… He’s not-”
“But now is not the time for such a prattle. You've a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.” He turned toward the door. 
“Wait! First, just tell me one thing: Where am I?”
He froze, looking at her in confusion. “Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness? The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories…”
“Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.”
She bit back a reply. To her, he was anything but magnanimous. If she was at the mercy of a self-centered birdman, then she would let him believe whatever he wanted. 
She took in the sights of the supposed school. Its beauty was nearly breathtaking, and she regretted not being able to reach for her phone. She had at least kept her bag.
She was shaken out of her thoughts by the masked man clearing his throat. 
“This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.”
“Twisted Wonderland…? That sounds oddly familiar. Wait… Magic?!”
The Birdman, who’d finally revealed his name as Dire Crowley, once again ignored her. Unsurprising, yet equally annoying. “Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere.”
“A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.”
Yuridia winced at the memory of the carriage barreling toward her. Did she actually die? Or was it something else. “I do kinda remember a horse with a scary face…” She admitted. 
Crowley nodded, dismissively waving his hand. “Yes, yes. That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition.” 
“Hijo de tu-” She swallowed back the rest of the curse. As calmly as she could, and shaking with barely contained rage, she continued. “So this carriage dragged me here against my will?”
Grim struggled against the whip. “Mmfff! Mmmmmmfff!”
Crowley ignored her passive aggressive statement, further infuriating her.
“Now, let us attend your orientation.” He continued walking, making sure she was following. Yuridia slightly cursed under her breath before following. Honestly, her luck was horrible. 
Ok, that’s chapter 1 of the prologue, unedited so I’m certain that it kind of sucks. But, I hope you all like it! Thanks for reading!
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bimboothefool · 2 months
Finally posted the projects list, so I kinda wanna give some general updates on projects like So This is Love and We Keep It Funkin.
So This is Love’s first chapter is finally being written down, might publish the first draft in full or a snippet of the first draft. If anyone wants it, I’ll probably up a poll later no promises, but other than that. The general timeline is getting actual work done to it along with side stories with the characters that essentially just adds romantic and explores the romantic relationships within the story. As for the events, I’ll probably have that as its own book so that way it’s not clogging up the main storyline. There will be illustrations sprinkled throughout the chapters including the side stories and maybe just maybe the event stories. I really wanna challenge myself creatively with this project, especially since the first iterations of the project didn’t have those. With that, it’s pretty much all the updates I’ve got for this silly twst fic.
Now onto We Keep It Funkin’ (FNF x Reader) think of this story project as a fanfic demo for the full ass game. a very scaled down project compared to So This is Love, but will have illustrations too. Right now I’m working on the plot and how it’ll play out. Like So This is Love it’s another revamped project, even if this project is on a smaller scale I definitely want it to be far better in writing quality than its previous iteration. Because rereading those chapters was r o u g h… I was even onto Senpai’s week before dropping it all together because ✨self doubt & burnout✨ yeah it very much burned me out and I wasn’t having much fun just churning out those chapters. Hopefully this time it’ll be a lot more fun and less stressful.
Alright that’s all the updates I’ve got for now, until then see ya on the flipside!
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twst-campos13 · 3 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hi there! How would the twst boys react to their s/o being slapped by Eliza 😂. Thanks for feeding us the wonderful headcanons! 💜
I love writing for such brilliant ideas , enjoy !
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle goes blank for a second , unsure what to say or how to react : Half of him wanted to act in and condemn ghosts for their arrogance to lay a hand on you but on the other hand , he knew that he didn't have the right to ; It was their brides choice and she did have the right to do it - which wasn't really pleasant -
You give him a sad look , expecting a show of mercy of sympathy , but he didn't move an eyebrow
You run to a silent corner to cry , and he comes after you . Riddle gives you a hug and apologizes that he couldn't help anything back then
He criticizes your movements as well , how you didn't present yourself properly and why Eliza could've changed her mind
But in the end ; he gives you a small reminder : " Perfect or not , know that you're enough for me ,"
Trey Clover
He got slapped himself so he understands how the world flashed before your eyes for a second
You look a bit down about failing so easily while you were trying to help ; but so did Trey . You get each other on that point
He barely notices it but he literally doesn't know how to flirt , but he tries his best to cheer you up "Ah don't give me that face ! At least you were waaay better than me,"
Well , maybe you weren't such an overly perfect being but neither was Trey , he was just an ordinary guy you'll get to see everyday ; not a stunning prince . It seems like the two of you come from a rather similar level
Perhaps that's why the two of you get along pretty well
Cater Diamond
You didn't expect him to even put his phone down for you but he eventually did ; you find it pretty odd to see him this eager about anything without wanting to share it via Internet , but it also means that he does care for you
He doesn't bother touching your cheek and asking if it hurts
He plants a small kiss on your blushing face and then goes salty again : " So glad that she didn't get you , means you're still all mine ! "
He brings up his phone and before you could've recognized , takes a selfie of him kissing an all shocked you . You beg him to delete it but he isn't listening , but he insures you that this one's a private issue so he won't post it ; perhaps the first selfie he isn't going to share anywhere
Ace Trappola
Trey and Riddle grab his body and mouth before he could do something stupid , how dare she , how dare she slaps you !?
Ace ws already tired of this drama with the hopelessly romantic bride , and you were the final shock .
" SHE IS A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER THAN Y-" Ace tries to shout at Eliza but Riddle grabs him by collar and puts a hand on his mouth : "YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU..."
You come to calm him down , insisting that it's really nothing important , you didn't care . He still seems to be really pissed off at Eliza : " Huh , does she really think that she's any big deal ? My- girls are really crappy sometimes ,-"
Ace refuses to believe that you don't feel any offended so he pulls you to his embrace and keeps on sending you positive vibes non-stop : " You're gorgeous (y/n)! I mean it ! You're smart , talented , dignified ..."
Deuce Spade
He is low-key happy that you two join him at the losers bench . At least you won't now see him as the awkward loser he was in front of Eliza ; not too much to say
"So you too got slapped ?" he tells you he has no idea how to start the conversation
He knows that he is supposed to do something better but he is just blank about it
One half of him wants to hug you and tell that it's fine , then ask if you think he's awkward or something . But the other half just doesn't know what to say
He says that you two must learn some social skills together , that's the most he can do to flirt now : He soft boy
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Leona Kingscholar
He actually doesn't mind insulting you a little for getting slapped . He's pissed off himself so he appreciates teasing you
From putting on a cocky smile and smirking to playing with you using sarcastic words
His very last sarcasm seems to be the worst : " I can say that you are way lower than royal standards ,"
But he puts a different end to his words : "...But since I as well got rejected , I guess we're now rejected mates ,"
Is it his sarcastic way of saying a small "I love you" ? Yes it is
Ruggie Bucchi
He didn't bother to come and try proposing , but wasn't expecting for you to try either . He lets out one of his Hyena-like giggles and comes to you
" Was that bride this savage ? Then I'm thankful that I didn't show up ! " he sneakers
He disappears for a second and comes back with an ice-pack : " Geez , it's my third time doing it today . Come over ," he tells you
He already did it for Leona and Jack because he was told to , but he is all ready to give you all those services and more to you
He does enjoy teasing you , but nursing you in situations like this is another hubby of him , after all you're an exception
Jack Howl
He kinda feels guilty about you getting slapped ; he shouldn't have let you tried it anyway . The possibility of you making it was low and you weren't a NRC student anyway
He knows that everyone else were the same but when it was you who got slapped right in front of everyone , he fears it being an issue
He quickly checks on you to see if you're fine and or need a doctor
He is a bit worried about your face swelling so he takes you school's nurse
On your way back , you thank him because of caring for you and he starts to blush and denies it all : " What do you mean ? It was nothing important . No need to thank ,"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul grabs your hand , wishes Idia a happy marriage and the two of you leave the rest in the middle of chaos
He nags under the lips , telling how he wished others to let him turn her into a little clam
He telles you what an unfortunate soul Eliza is , not only did she die on her marriage day but she also lost perfect lover such as you
He doesn't care about the rest now , so he decides to leave them on their own and instead , have some free time with you
While you wear having some tea at mostrolounge , he shakes head and insults Eliza : " You are surely too much for her , my dear (y/n) . Ghosts always envy humans ; specially when it comes to someone as great as you ~"
Jade Leech
Eliza is now pretty odd to him , first she dislikes the flowers , and now , she rejects you ? Ghosts seem to be even weirder than surface creatures , he thinks
He understands the high standards required while choosing a partner , but you don't seem to lack anything ? How strange
He even cares to ask Eliza about what she might have disliked about you since you don't seem to have any problems , but he avoids it anyway because he isn't ready to get secondly slapped
He offers you a short walk with a bright smile , and you accept
" Miss Eliza surely has weird standards , (y/n) sweetie . You were perfect enough to win ,"
Too bad Crowley insists on them respecting their ghost visitors as long as the stay , Jade is really encouraged to give them a lesson . But uh , he has to have a hold of himself as Octavinelle's vice dorm leader
" Too bad she is dead , flowers would have had an interesting effect if she weren't ," he sighs
Floyd Leech
This bride is getting on his nerves , loud , dumb , in love with a blue , awkward chicken and finds silly excuses to reject everyone proposing to her. If she weren't dead , Floyd would wish her to be . Some brats are better dead
He doesn't see any need to spoil you , but he decides to spill somevtea since it was you " Don't worry shrimpy . You may not be perfect , but she's worse than you , " he flirts .He gives you a tight hug and squeezes you , rambling that it's because Eliza didn't let him do that
He actually finds the red mark on your face cute , saying that it makes your skin color just similar to a shrimp .
He can't help loving your -shrimp-like face - and so , he lowers his head and gives it a small kiss
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Vil Schoenheit
If Eliza were alive , Vil would love it now to burn her alive in a huge dig of poison . Or maybe feed him to the dogs , both seem nice
He gently holds your face within his hands and carefully looks at the mark Eliza left behind
He curses under the lips and then pulls you into a soft hug : " Don't mind her love , lowly creatures are unworthy of true beauty , don't let their though bring you down," he mumbles
He absolutely hates being disrespected like this , so he leaves it to Rook and Epel ; though he doubts them being any helpful
He takes you to Pomefiore for firstly , making sure that your slapped face won't swell and then , giving you a full day spa . From extreme showers to putting on your makeup
When you're done , he stares at you through the mirror and smiles : " What an idiot she was to lose this stunning beauty of yours ,"
Rook Hunt
This bride keeps fascinating him , first Vil and now you ? Good god , she is pathetic
Rook really looks up to both of you as a symbol of beauty , grace and in general , perfection . Seeing the two of you being insulted like this is a real pitty
He is being relied on as one of the only four guys who didn't get slapped so he sadly doesn't have much time to comfort you now ; so he comes up with a new idea :
He asks you to give him the pleasure and be his : Bride model ; he has got plenty of tricks up his sleeve , but he still needs to practice them on someone
His long and beautiful poem which was hiding an I love you within its words , and his brilliance ways of winning one's heart leave you speechless ; not ever imagining that he might be this much of a romance man
He practices literally anything he was planning to do with you , and then comes up with the final words : " Dearest (y/n) , would you give me the honor of being your servant of love for eternity ? "
Epel Felmier
You got...what ? Epel was a normal guy at least in his own opinion , Vil senpai was surely beautiful but...not perfect either . But why you ? You didn't seem to have any specific problems . He doesn't like this thing with proposing anyways , so he was hoping someone , specially you , to succeed before he has to...
He is supposed to be practicing dos and don'ts of being a perfect groom , but he just can't do it without checking on you
He comes to you and gives you a tight hug , asking if you're alright
He confesses that he as well is now really scared since he has never even kissed a girl before , but he's going to try his best and put an end into this
He isn't the best of his own , but if a prince on a white horse is what this Ghost needed , he is going to make it , and prove it to you that he can
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Kalim al asim
He doesn't know what is going on when you face him with your half red face , he gasps and worriedly starts asking questions : was there a fight ? Did you get hurt ? Was someone trying to bully you ? Who on earth had dared to do this to you !?
You explain the whole issue with he ghost bride and how almost everyone got slapped , making him calm down a bit
He now wants to have a word with this bride , it's rude to slap people just because you don't like them and that really bugs Kalim
Jamil stops him by reminding that it's none of Scarabia's business and as the dorm leader , he has to stay here taking care of more important stuff
Kalim has to agree but he isn't quite satisfied , but he comes up with another way to cheer you up :
" Imagine you're the bride and I'm proposing to you , let's see if I get slapped or not ! "
Jamil Viper
Just as Kalim , he can't imagine why you got slapped for at first but when you explain , he chills a bit
Most of the brides Jamil know gave in to marriage after being given tons of gold and jewelry , but since it is with a ghost , he wondered what might actually attract her. Princesses have to marry people from the same level as themselves , probably a prince or someone pretty rich ; so he isn't really fascinated that you and others all got slapped
He can't help it much , but perhaps insulting all other guys losing their chance is something he would appreciate talking about . It isn't clear if he wants you to feel better by neglecting every other guy or is just trying to chill a bit ; anyways it's joyful for you to talk and having him spending some time with you alone
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Idia Shroud
Idia is locked inside the room ,, but he hears sound of you trying to propose to Eliza . His feeling are a bit complicated , both hopeful that Eliza would give up on him because of you and jealous of Eliza , whom you proposed to. No one's here to see him can freely admire your beautiful words coming one after one , and then an unexpected sound : You got slapped
Idia now has lost both his very last hope to get freed and his temper : His hair is slightly turning read . This crazy bride made him lose the global championship league of his favorite video game (since he was tied up by her ) and now slaps you !?
His thoughts are really wild now , especially because of how he can't do anything at all . He wishes he could see you and tell how beautiful and great he thinks your proposal was , hopeful that it'll make you smile
You still went out of his way and tried to free him , and that was more than enough for Idia . All he wishes is to see one more time and get to tell how he feels for you♥
Ortho Shroud
This ghost : Kidnapped his brother and now , slaps you
Who says robots can't feel anything ? Because now , Ortho is mad
He really does want to hack all of NRC's servers and share pictures of ghosts who dare kidnapping and insulting students without the principal doing anything . That'd be an end to Mr Crowley's career but since he isn't doing anything serious , he deserves it
You apologize him because of failing to save his brother , but he just gives you a hug telling how scared he is
You and Idia are the most important people in his life , he just can't stand having you hurt . Not even imagining what he might do if he loses any of you
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Malleus Draconia
He wasn't there to recognize this any sooner , but Lilia and Sebek did tell him everything .He shouldn't show up in front of any other students (because they might spoil his real name ) and shouldn't show up in front of any ghosts (because they may catch him and force him to propose ). He was thinking of meeting you in front of ramshackle drom ; your regular corner but since there as well is haunted by the ghosts , he can't help but to wait for this drama to cool down
When you finally return to Ramshackle dorm in the middle of the night , your unexpected guest , tsuno-tarou , is waiting for you
You are suspicious that you didn't see him at all today , so he explains that due to some reasons he couldn't make it . He says hat he doesn't really know what had happened since he stayed in dorm all day , so you go on telling everything from the very beginning . He already knows everything but wants to hear it all from you one more time . He likes to see what they all might've looked like into your eyes . When you're done telling him the story , he giggles and asks one more question ; just curious to see how you'll answer : " So didn't you try proposing , or did you as well get slapped...?"
Lilia Vanrouge
This day was getting more and more complicated... First getting rejected for being too cute and having his 500+ year reputation ruined like this and now , you being the second to get slapped ; this isn't fair
He can help but to let his tears fall , if he's too cute then it's fine for him to cry . Sebek and you freak out in fear of him being through some sort of serious pain or injury , then he just laughs and tells you that he's alright . He just needed to comfort himself but freeing those tears
He doesn't see any need of today getting worse , so he doesn't mind flirting a bit . He jokes on whatever you rejected for not being more frustrating than being too cute and laughs
He thinks that you may like to talk more , so he brings up a more interesting issue : His hundred years experience with women
You are fascinated at how many times he has joined ladies for dances or drinking , yet has never been on a serious relationship
He's actually trying to spill more tea of his low experiements with relationships , hopeful that you get his point
You return along with Lilia and Sebek. , all of having half of your face red . Silver wasn't there to know what was going on or why Sebek is shouting at him for being a coward not trying to propose like a real man . Poor boy is just blank
Lilia takes Sebek along with him and leaves the two of you alone , so you start telling everything over . He tries his best to hide his laugh at the point where Sebek got slapped but he failed , then Lilia and finally , you
You tell him that you really feel frustrated about failing others and not being good enough , but it makes Silver gently laugh : " Well , from Leona Senpai to Mr . Vil , they all got slapped one by one , doesn't it sound a bit weird ? "
You surely don't get hos point so he continues : " When someone keeps rejecting everyone one by one , it means that they don't really know what they want. They're seeking perfection ; but no one's ever perfect enough for them . Through lovers would still love each other aside lacking too much on their own , and that's what makes their love last : They complete each other "
His words really move you and make you ask how he can tell all these words so beautifully
He gives you small smile and adds : " Well , it's because I've experienced it all with you "
Sebek Zigvolt
Having both master Malleus and you insulted on the same day : This is too much !
You shouldn't have been the one forced propose while others like Silver were laying comfortably on a sofa dreaming of rainforests and colorful birds , it wasn't your right !
He doesn't even ask , he immediately takes you to the nurse office to put a stick on your slapped face . You insist that it's be too much but he isn't listening
He then , apologizes for about an hour for not talking you out of something that wasn't even your duty and promises that there won't be a next time on it
You really get concerned at how stressed out this boy suddenly gets over nothing , so you cut him off by pulling yourself to his embrace and giving him a hug . He freezes at first , but then relaxes and hugs back
" Promise that I'll never let you down (y/n) , never"
Tagging : @lilyholo @yourlittlerunt @minteasketches @epher-posts @takumipineapplexd @yandere-of-your-dreams
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otakusheep15 · 2 years
Hello hello! Hoping for a matchup for Obey Me and Twst if that's okay?
My name is Kohi, and my pronouns are He/They/Void. I'm a transmasc enby. I'm pansexual.
My positive personality trait is that I'm very kindhearted and loving; I'll always try to find the good in someone.
My negative personality trait is that I have a really hard time accepting help even when I really need it, because I was raised to be independent much too young.
My hobbies are video games, reading and writing, and art. I also do embroidery, abstract painting, and love to cook. Anything I can do with my hands makes me feel accomplished.
My favorite color is yellow. Not a mustard yellow, not a daisy yellow. The kind of yellow that gets stained pink during a sunset. The kind that catches your eye on the side of the pavement. The softest tones of yellow on a little bird flying outside your window. The yellow of sunflowers that reach up and touch the blue sky.
I appreciate you taking the time. Thank you very much!
I match you with Mammon and Jamil!
Let's talk about Mammon first. Frankly, I think he could use someone like you in his life. Even if he knows deep, deep down that his brothers do care for him in their own way, being constantly mistreated the way he is can be pretty taxing. Having someone like you, who tries so hard to find the good in someone, would be os good for him. Basically everyone in his life sees him as an annoyance, a nuisance, and a joke, so having someone so kind hearted and loving at his side would work wonders for his self esteem.
In a similar fashion, Mammon would naturally stay by your side and be there whenever you might need it. He understands that you have a hard time accepting help, so he tries his best to help you in ways you might not notice. Of course, he's not as sneaky as he likes to think, so you'll probably catch on pretty quickly. But just as a couple of examples, he'll go grocery shopping right before it's your night to cook so that you'll have a full kitchen to work with, or he might take the blame for you if you ever do something to piss off one of his brothers. Listen, he just really wants to help you out, even if he knows you might not like it at first.
As for your hobbies, I could see him getting into them. Mammon knows a small bit about video games thanks to Levi, but he sucks at them very much. He'd get all cocky and challenge you to a couple games, and the horribly crash and burn within the first few seconds. Reading and writing are two more things he isn't super good at, but he'll gladly read anything you write or recommend to him. If he does, then he could have more to talk to you about, and he hopes that'd make you happy. Cooking is another talent he likes about you since he himself kinda sucks at cooking. Mammon probably wouldn't be all that into embroidery or painting, but he would be super happy watching you work if you'd let him. He just wants to be close to you.
Now for Jamil. He's spent his whole life in the shadows, basically alone. Yeah, he has "friends" and whatnot, but no one really knew him. No one could know him, or his entire life as Kalim's servant could essentially go up in flames. But you'd be so different. You'd see him for who he is, and hopefully who you see is good. All he wants is to be his own person, and you could help him be that version of himself. With your kindness, you could teach Jamil that he can be himself and that he no longer needs to be in the shadows while everyone else shines.
He understands that you don't do very well with asking for help, but that will not stop him. Whether Jamil likes it or not, helping others is in his blood, and it's something he was raised to do. Plus, he'd much rather be helping you than Kalim. He'd cook meals for you, help you with any school work you're falling behind on, and taking care of your own dorm. He'd also help you learn that it's okay to ask for help, and that it doesn't make you any less for doing so.
As for your hobbies, Jamil would probably be into most of them. He's not very used to video games since he never has the time to play them, but he'd be open to learning if that'd make you happy. He does like reading when he gets the chance, and he has a few recommendations he could give to you. Jamil isn't the best writer out there, but he'd gladly read anything you write. Art is something he admires, and he'd be impressed by anything you create. And you know he likes cooking, so spending time in the kitchen together is something y'all would do on a regular basis.
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