#kitty grogan
staud · 3 months
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guys named harry simping over their wives | bofb ep 3 & mota pt 2 ↳ requested by @paratrooper56 🤍
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lewis-winters · 6 months
we, as a fandom, are honestly missing out on the absolute hilarity and angst potential of putting kitty grogan on the front line with harry welsh.
can you imagine the bickering?
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gloryofwinter · 5 months
Newspaper clippings with Welsh's & Sledge's wedding announcements
Came across a couple more of the boys' wedding announcements in newspaper archives!
One is for Harry Welsh's 1945 wedding to *the* Kitty Grogan. Remember in BoB how Harry talks about holding onto his reserve parachute for Kitty to ultimately make into a wedding dress? My favorite detail: "The bride...wore a white bridal gown fashioned from a parachute used by the bridegroom overseas." How full-circle.
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Then I also found an article reporting Eugene Sledge's 1952 marriage to Jeanne Arceneaux, also of Mobile. Looks like his dad served as his best man (their scenes together in the pacific were so heartbreakingly beautiful. How lovely to think that his dad was there with him at the aisle, just as he was there to comfort and support him upon his return from the front; to mark this event that showed that Eugene had found someone, some reason to be excited for the future after the pain of coming home and grappling with what he had witnessed and experienced). My poor little heart...
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I've read the description that made it into the news about what Kitty's wedding dress looked like but I want to see a photo
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bobparkhurst · 1 year
festive ficlets: dec 11
Prompts from @almost-a-class-act
Pairing: Harry Welsh x Kitty Grogan
Prompt: Snowed in!
When Harry wakes, there is a distressing absence in Kitty’s side of the bed. He rolls himself into it, pats the mattress like she might be hiding, and lets out a disgruntled whine. 
“I’m over here, dummy,” says Kitty, from the window. She standing silhouetted against the light coming from outside; it must be later than he thinks it is. His muscles ache, remnants of yesterday’s long overdue yard work, and he stretches lazily beneath the blankets.
“What are you doing up?” he asks, making no move to join her. From the prickling sensation on his bare shoulders, he knows the rest of their bedroom can in no way be as warm as it is right here in the bed, and so he makes a quick and decisive resolution not to move unless he absolutely has to.
Kitty is wearing one of his pajama tops over her nightgown and holds it tight with one hand as she peers out into the street. It hangs too large over her slim shoulders, which by her account, is exactly the reason she likes it. In the glinting sunlight, she looks like a painting, he thinks, and not for the first time, he wonders exactly how it is he got to be so lucky. 
“The snow's coming down fast out there,” she says. Her breath fogs up against the glass. “I think we’d better hunker down. You’re not due in for a few days, are you?”
Harry shakes his head. 
“Good,” she says. “'Cause by the looks of it, we’re not going anywhere for a while.” Her dark curls bounce as she shakes herself and steps away from the window. Accompanied by the slap slap slap of footsteps in his oversized slippers, she returns to the bed and slips in, sighing in the warmth. Almost immediately, Harry feels a cold foot pressed against his leg and doesn’t quite manage to suppress the urge to yelp.
“You’re a menace,” he tells her, though he doesn’t move. “Christ, you’re like ice. How long were you up?”
“Only a couple of minutes,” she says. There is no trace of contrition in her voice. In fact, moments later, the first foot is joined by a second, but he’s prepared for it now, and manages manfully to keep the squeaking to a minimum. “Edie said it would be bad today, I wanted to check.” 
“When has Edie ever been wrong, hm?” Harry puts an arm around his wife and pulls her closer in, until her head is resting just underneath his chin. He can smell the clean, earthy scent of her shampoo in her hair, and the lingering remnants of yesterday’s perfume on the collar of her night gown. She makes a pleased noise as she snuggles close. “So what do we do instead? I was going to go over to see the boys.” He places a kiss on the top of her head. “But it’s a lot nicer in here.”
Her fingers crawl up his chest, playing with the buttons of his nightshirt. “I’ll go make up some breakfast in a little while,” she says, tugging slightly at a piece of loose thread. The fabric tickles his skin. “But I’m comfortable right now.”
Harry smiles, curling his hand around hers. It stills, flat against his chest and she looks up at him, lips curved and eyes sparkling.
“So let’s not move,” he says, “who needs breakfast anyway?” 
His stomach, almost inevitably, chooses that exact moment to growl. 
The snort that Kitty lets out is entirely unladylike, and she makes it again when he tells her so.
When he leans down to kiss her, he can feel her giggles against his lips, and a small part of him hopes the snow will last for a long, long time yet.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 6 months
Band Of Brothers The Terror AU except Kitty Grogan singlehandedly forms a successful rescue party through sheer force of will and saves everyone
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balladofthe101st · 10 days
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Buck Compton came back to see the Company to let us know that he was alright. He became a prosecutor in Los Angeles. He convicted Sirhan Sirhan in the murder of Robert Kennedy, and was later appointed to the California Court of Appeals. 
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David Webster became a writer for the Saturday Evening Post and Wall Street Journal, and later wrote and book about sharks. In 1961, he went out on the ocean alone, and was never seen again.
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Johnny Martin would return to his job at the railroad and then start his own construction company. He splits his time between Arizona and a place in Montana.
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George Luz became a handyman in Providence, Rhode Island. As a testament to his character, sixteen hundred people attended his funeral in 1998.
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Doc Roe died in Louisiana in 1998. He’d been a construction contractor.
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Frank Perconte returned to Chicago and worked a postal route as a mailman.
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Joe Liebgott returned to San Francisco and drove his cab.
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Bull Randleman was one of the best soldiers I ever had. He went into the earth moving business in Arkansas. He’s still there.
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Alton More returned to Wyoming with a unique souvenir: Hitler’s personal photo albums. He was killed in a car accident in 1958.
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Floyd Talbert we all lost touch with in civilian life, until he showed up at a reunion just before his death in 1981.
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Carwood Lipton became a glass making executive in charge of factories all over the world. He has a nice life in North Carolina.
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Harry Welsh – he married Kitty Grogan. Became an administrator for the Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania school system.
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Ronald Speirs stayed in the Army, served in Korea. In 1958, returned to Germany as Governor of Spandau Prison. He retired a Lieutenant Colonel.
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Lewis Nixon had some tough times after the war. He was divorced a couple of times. Then in 1956, he married a woman named Grace and everything came together for him. He spent the rest of his life with her, travelling the world. My friend Lew died in 1995.
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I took up his job offer and was a personnel manager at the Nixon Nitration Works, until I was called back into service in 1950 to train officers and rangers. I chose not to go to Korea. I’d had enough of war. I stayed around Hershey, Pennsylvania, finally finding a little farm. A little peaceful corner of the world, where I still live today. And there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of the men I served with who never got to enjoy the world without war.
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shelyue99 · 2 months
You see the three musketeers sit around the table here shooting the bull, so while it rolls on I'll see if I can make any sense out of this. The three are Irishmen-one Capt. Nixon, and Lt. Welsh and last of all the Major. Now Capt. Nixon is the biggest drunk I've ever seen, known, or hope to see. He's worth a small fortune, never'll have to work a lick in his life, but absolutely the most reliable man I've ever known. Welsh is as bullheaded as you'd expect an Irishman to be.
—May 16, 1945, Letter to DeEtta
At the present time we're (Nixon and I) ribbing Lt. Welsh about marrying an Irish girl by the name of Kitty Grogan. He hopes to be married inside of four months. We're carefully explaining that some 4F will grab her off before that. If he does manage to get married, we promise to steal the bride for the balance of his leave unless he hires us to protect him from others who may have the same intentions. Price is 1 qt. of scotch for Nixon and 1 qt. of ice cream for myself. He doesn't take us seriously.
—May 30, 1945, Letter to DeEtta
I've mentioned Capt. Nixon I believe, of Nixon, N.J. [W]ell I've got him writing his first letter since last Nov. to his wife. Quite a guy, he's having one hell of a time getting organized and down to work. Claims he hasn't anything to say to her, just to his dog. He has a baby boy that he's never seen, but he won't talk about his son, it's always his dog. Knowing you, why I know you could spend an enjoyable two or three hours talking about how awful he is-if you knew him. However I'll tell you he's idealistic. I've known him three years and lived and slept aside and fought with him for two. This guy loves one thing right at this stage of life: a bottle of spirits or a fight. He's OK in a fight, but Jesus, outside of that he's absolutely the most undependable man you'd ever want to find.
Since we've been overseas he's only run around with one girl. An English girl and she was anything but beautiful. However she was a good listener and companion. In fact I am not too sure but this guy might end up staying over here in England. Ah yes, things are really snafu-and don't ask me what that means.
Now here we have Welsh & Nixon mixing Vodka, rum & vermouth-oh boy it won't be long now.
—June 2, 1945, Letter to DeEtta
(Writing about the job offer at Nixon Nitration Works) “I don't count on a thing until I have it," Dick confessed, "but it sounds good."
—September 2,  1945, Letter to DeEtta
Do you know what this new regimental C.O. has gone and done? Declared me essential. Why? Well you know all those nice things one can say at a time like that. Me, with 100 points as of V-E Day, and about the only officer in the regiment who has enough points to get out, and who doesn't want any part of the army, stuck until the division goes home. Which won't be this year. Boy, do you smell smoke? Don't worry, it's just me.
Capt. Nixon left this week, which makes everything just dandy. I am about as lonesome as a lovesick swab who married a Wave on an eight hour pass.
—September 16, 1945, Letter to DeEtta
From “Hang Tough: The WWII Letters and Artifacts of Major Dick Winters”
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bleedingcoffee42 · 10 days
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Band of Brothers - Part 3- Carentan
Also known as the Harry Welsh you lucky S.O.B. and Kitty Grogan you are one lucky girl episode.
I hope Dick and Nix told her every thing he did and every iconic line.
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georgieluz · 6 months
6, 10 and 13! 💚
hiiiii 💚
i answered 6 over here just a second ago, but i haven't done 10 or 13 yet so let me do those
10. worst part of fanon
i generally enjoy most parts of fanon but there are a few things that i sometimes don't particularly agree with, or see, myself? harry welsh being constantly described as the token straight is one of them. i know that most of the time this is a lighthearted joke/meme type of thing, but i do think the fandom actually thinks it too. i mostly find this kinda weird bc the only reason people give is that he talks about his wife a lot and is super super into her. bi and pan men can also love their wives to that degree and be "dedicated wife men". it just feels kinda exclusionary that people just naturally assume that a man who loves his wife in a wholesome way can't be bi or pan. especially bc it never applies to any of the other easy men who canonically had wives. and honestly, take it from me, an actual queer man: in comparison to most of the men in easy company, harry actually has queer vibes in abundance. he's definitely not giving cishet man the way people headcanon him. it's not really that deep, but yeah, i will 100% die on this hill. harry welsh is pan and kitty grogan is bi!! harry just doesn't feel like he'd give a fuck about the gender of the person he's into. i feel like he just wouldn't think about it in that kinda way, he'd be like "well, i'm into this person and that's that" and would just be down bad for them regardless of what they identify as.
so yeah, fuck the token straight harry headcanons!! if anything, [redacted] is actually the token straight :)
13. worst blorbofication
ok this is actually a bit of a tough one bc blorbofication is different to uwufication in my mind. like it's a whole separate thing to me. uwufication is more about taking away all the sharp messy edges of a character, whereas blorbofication is more about "oh this character lives in my chest now. i live and breathe their essence" kinda thing. so i don't think blorbofying characters is necessarily something i would see as having a 'worst', especially in our fandom, where side characters with little screen time are often fan favourites. in fact, i'd encourage the blorbofication of all hbo war characters!!! uwuifying some of them in writing does really put me off a fic or headcanon though, especially if it's very ooc. i don't mean the fics where you go deeper into their emotions and explore their inner feelings, or where there is a gradual evolution of their character, that's just good writing, but the ones where all their rough traits and flaws are filed down and polished away, just so the author can write the perfect little fluff fic with innocent flaw-free canvases instead of characters. people do it with speirton all the time, less so with webgott but you do still see it. i'd say winnix fall somewhere in the middle, but closer to speirton than webgott, on the scale. messy winnix is actually way way way more interesting than the flat boring married side couple that most fics position them as. i've gone off-track but still!
for the choose violence ask game!
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hbowardaily · 2 years
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Miss Kathryn Grace Grogan became the bride of First Lt. Harry F. Welsh Saturday morning, December 29. [...] the bride wore a white bridal gown fashioned from a parachute used by the bridegroom overseas. {x}
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lewis-winters · 6 months
here's an excerpt from the Harry Welsh/Kitty Grogan Canon Divergent AU where you have Kitty on the front lines with Harry because I felt like it... and also because I don't think I'll be finishing this this year because of work and... Baldur's Gate 3. Heh.
The thing about Kitty is: she hates beating around the damn bush.
It's a by-product of her mother's mind games, she thinks. Nothing quite like weaponized bluntness to incite the Queen of Pennsylvanian Roman Catholic Passive-Aggressiveness into actually spitting out the god-awful truth for once. It might've earned her a slap or two in her younger years, but the second she learned to dodge and run, then later on sneak back into the house through her little brother’s open window, her mother has been powerless against her.
Of course, she tried other tactics after that. "No good boy's going to want you and that smart mouth of yours."
But Kitty found ways to fight those, too. "Lots of good boys like smart mouths, Mama, on account that they belong to smart girls. Not that you'd know, of course."
Her Mama had scoffed and sputtered at the idea, raising a hand out of habit, faltering badly when all Kitty did was laugh in her face and dance right out of her reach, reveling in her impertinence instead of cowering. A year after that, Wel—Harry, with all his smitten smiles and dopey eyes, had dropped into their lives, and suddenly her Mama didn't have much to say at all. What could she, when Harry was everything she'd told Kitty she'd never have and more? Marisa Grogan never did like being proven wrong.
By the time Kitty enlisted and was on the train to basic, neither mother nor daughter had said a single word of substance to each other for nearly a whole year.
Kitty likes to say that the silence didn't hurt. It'd been used as a weapon enough times for her to get used to it, after all. When she was younger, it came intermingled with hunger, too, on account of being sent to bed with no supper every time she was impertinent. Which was a lot. Kitty had joked at dinner the Christmas she'd gotten lucky enough to score a weekend pass, with the part of the family that still wanted to joke with her, that those childhood punishments had done the bulk of preparing her for the inevitable starvation she'll face out on the front. Her Mother had gone sheet-white upon hearing it. It wasn't a surprise that the joke fell flat with her.
She'd tried to talk to Kitty after dinner that same day, though. And Kitty didn't want to hear a single word out her mouth, and had decided to go back to camp a day early, annoyed as all hell that her mother had given up the game so easily. Not the most rational of responses. Her brother, Andrew, had even gone so far as to point out in a letter that she was acting exactly like their mother. Good, Kitty had written back, infuriated enough by the comparison to lash out at her longest ally in this particular fight. Let her have a taste of her own medicine. She can have her chat if I get back.
If. Needlessly cruel. Just to drive the point home. War and all its brutality had been naught but a distant future, then. She still had it in her to be foolish.
After Normandy, Kitty remembers telling Harry; "I don't think I regret it."
Harry had scoffed at her, something akin to disappointment mixed in with his concern. "We lying to each other, now?"
He doesn't like beating around the bush, either. It's what they most like about each other.
Today, the elderly couple at Harry's billet are out to church and won't be back until supper, so it's Harry who answers her incessant knocking. He's clearly expecting someone else. Nix, perhaps, on account of the sour tells of a hangover hovering over him like a cloud, and the curse that's halfway out of his mouth. But when he sees that it's her, he snaps out of it and immediately goes still in surprise. "Sgt. Grogan."
"Lieutenant," she stands at attention in greeting. "We need to talk."
"At ease," Harry says, blinking up at her before rubbing at the back of his neck. "Yeah. Yeah, alright."
He steps aside, and lets her in.
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
so i’ve been having a lot of brainrot lately but…this is been my main brainrot. ladies, gays, and theys may i present my winnix x parent trap au madness! (sorry if this has been done before!)
it’s 1986 in aldbourne, england. Lewis Nixon, a journalist for the new york times and dick winters, a history professor at F&M elope after spending the summer together traveling europe. shortly after having both of there daughters, the two divorce and each have sold custody. lew gets annie, and dick gets maggie.
thirteen years later, annie and maggie get sent to the same camp in maine. the girls fence and HATE eachother and start pulling pranks. annie thinks maggie is a country bumpkin and maggie thinks annie is one of those arrangtont, spoiled, rich girls from new york. one prank goes too far, and both of the girls are led to live in the isolation cabin. with this time alone, they grow closer. they both learn that they love oreo’s and peanut butter (they served it at the wedding since lew knew how much dick loves them), they both play poker (lew’s fav), and both of them only have one parent and we’re born on the same day. annie, being just like miss nixon’s baby boy, puts the pieces together that they are twins! so they create a plan. they will swap places. annie will go to lancaster with dick, and maggie will go to new york city with lew. after some piercings, haircuts, and learning, the girls switch!
so annie meets dick at the airport. also i forgot to mention that maggie always wears the leather paratrooper’s jacket since her dad gives it to her as a memory. annie starts crying when she meets dick bc he’s so kind, and he finally looks like her. dick takes her to there little farm in lancaster and they go horseback riding, they bake pies, hiking, etc. since annie is a city girl, she isn’t used to all of this and almost slips by saying “europe is better then this!” and dick just chuckles. because she sounds a lot like lew but he doesn’t catch onto it. so annie starts asking since she feels like dick is really lonely, except for his dog and farmer’s hand, kitty. mEANWHILEEEE
so maggie goes to new york and meets harry, lew’s best friend and butler, at the airport. harry is maggie/annie’s bestie and is like “sweet pea!” and they have there little handshake and it’s SO cute. so anyways maggie meets lew and she is so HAPPY. also forgot to mention maggie cut her hair since annie had short hair and pierced her ears and lew is like “i love the new look!” and then he takes her shopping for new accessories bc king shit. so they go out to dinner and then maggie has to meet lew’s new girlfriend, kathy. who hates dog’s, children, AND wants lew for the money. maggie is like “oh shit we GOTTA stop this” so they come up with a plan!
kitty is growing suspicious of annie’s behavior, and they talk, and kitty nearly cried bc she is a proud aunt. harry finds out about maggie and they go on a long walk. the two girls hatch a plan. maggie is going to confess to lew about her true identity but doesn’t because she see’s her dad drunk, and all sad, and backs out. annie decides to tell dick and dick is just. best dad in the world about it. annie tells dick that nixon wants to switch the girls in boston, and kitty and harry come along. oh and kathy😫 and BOTH OF THERE DOGS. dick’s collie and lew’s terrier, who i do not know to name. up for suggestions tho! ANYWAYS
that same weekend, kathy, nix, harry, and maggie travel to this hotel in boston to plan for the wedding. same weekend, dick, kitty, and annie go to the same hotel. lew see’s dick in the pool and is heartstruck and falls into the pool and they both learn that the girls tricked them into this. meanwhile, harry is in a speedo and kitty falls in love with him. the girls decide to recreate the night that both of the men met in the subhurbs of boston and even rent a little cabin for them, but they fail to rekindle the relationship bc dick won’t be with lew due to alcohol issues, and lew won’t be with dick until he stops repressing his emotions. the twins are like “FUCK” and plan a camping trip that everyone goes on. dick, lew, maggie, annie, and even kathy. one big family. it GOES ON
kathy keeps feeding nix alcohol so dick won’t want him, but nix finds this out, and says he’s gonna quit drinking and go to rehab for dick and the girls. so kathy shows her true colors and the wedding gets called off. back at the cabin, dick and lew walk around the park and talk about there spark. dick refalls in love with lew, but they choose it’s best if they go there separate ways. so dick and maggie go back to lancaster but annie and lew bet them there. lew is all like “flying is faster” and he says he’ll change for dick. they kiss and make up and it’s a big happy family!
the prologue is that the girls both stay with dick while nix is in rehab. the story ends with nix coming back to the farm and nix is like “am i going the right way?” and dick is like “yes you are” and big family hug and FIREWORKS BOOM
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itstheheebiejeebies · 4 months
Do you think Crosby will tell Jean about the letter Bubbles wrote to her when he writes to tell her Bubbles died? Do you think she'll sigh in relief that at least her husband is alive and then feel terrible because his best friend, whom she loves as well, is dead.
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Kitty, stepping out of the dressing room: Alright, whaddya’ think?
Harry: Babe, you look super hot.
Dick: You realize you’ve said that about all of them?
Harry: Well she has, every single time!
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vxlyrians · 3 years
head empty just thinking about harry & kitty dancing to ‘it’s been a long, long time’ when he gets back from europe :’)))
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