#a little too barbed
lewis-winters · 6 months
here's an excerpt from the Harry Welsh/Kitty Grogan Canon Divergent AU where you have Kitty on the front lines with Harry because I felt like it... and also because I don't think I'll be finishing this this year because of work and... Baldur's Gate 3. Heh.
The thing about Kitty is: she hates beating around the damn bush.
It's a by-product of her mother's mind games, she thinks. Nothing quite like weaponized bluntness to incite the Queen of Pennsylvanian Roman Catholic Passive-Aggressiveness into actually spitting out the god-awful truth for once. It might've earned her a slap or two in her younger years, but the second she learned to dodge and run, then later on sneak back into the house through her little brother’s open window, her mother has been powerless against her.
Of course, she tried other tactics after that. "No good boy's going to want you and that smart mouth of yours."
But Kitty found ways to fight those, too. "Lots of good boys like smart mouths, Mama, on account that they belong to smart girls. Not that you'd know, of course."
Her Mama had scoffed and sputtered at the idea, raising a hand out of habit, faltering badly when all Kitty did was laugh in her face and dance right out of her reach, reveling in her impertinence instead of cowering. A year after that, Wel—Harry, with all his smitten smiles and dopey eyes, had dropped into their lives, and suddenly her Mama didn't have much to say at all. What could she, when Harry was everything she'd told Kitty she'd never have and more? Marisa Grogan never did like being proven wrong.
By the time Kitty enlisted and was on the train to basic, neither mother nor daughter had said a single word of substance to each other for nearly a whole year.
Kitty likes to say that the silence didn't hurt. It'd been used as a weapon enough times for her to get used to it, after all. When she was younger, it came intermingled with hunger, too, on account of being sent to bed with no supper every time she was impertinent. Which was a lot. Kitty had joked at dinner the Christmas she'd gotten lucky enough to score a weekend pass, with the part of the family that still wanted to joke with her, that those childhood punishments had done the bulk of preparing her for the inevitable starvation she'll face out on the front. Her Mother had gone sheet-white upon hearing it. It wasn't a surprise that the joke fell flat with her.
She'd tried to talk to Kitty after dinner that same day, though. And Kitty didn't want to hear a single word out her mouth, and had decided to go back to camp a day early, annoyed as all hell that her mother had given up the game so easily. Not the most rational of responses. Her brother, Andrew, had even gone so far as to point out in a letter that she was acting exactly like their mother. Good, Kitty had written back, infuriated enough by the comparison to lash out at her longest ally in this particular fight. Let her have a taste of her own medicine. She can have her chat if I get back.
If. Needlessly cruel. Just to drive the point home. War and all its brutality had been naught but a distant future, then. She still had it in her to be foolish.
After Normandy, Kitty remembers telling Harry; "I don't think I regret it."
Harry had scoffed at her, something akin to disappointment mixed in with his concern. "We lying to each other, now?"
He doesn't like beating around the bush, either. It's what they most like about each other.
Today, the elderly couple at Harry's billet are out to church and won't be back until supper, so it's Harry who answers her incessant knocking. He's clearly expecting someone else. Nix, perhaps, on account of the sour tells of a hangover hovering over him like a cloud, and the curse that's halfway out of his mouth. But when he sees that it's her, he snaps out of it and immediately goes still in surprise. "Sgt. Grogan."
"Lieutenant," she stands at attention in greeting. "We need to talk."
"At ease," Harry says, blinking up at her before rubbing at the back of his neck. "Yeah. Yeah, alright."
He steps aside, and lets her in.
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Generation AU: MonsterVerse Edition
"Don't you ever insult to the Queen of the Monsters!"
Godzilla isn't happy about that.
HEADCANON: I'd like to think that Scylla and Tiamat were besties in this AU, but they're literally best friends with Mothra (that sound obvious though), and Barb too when they were in high school. Girl talks are frequent. And yes, Godzilla is overprotective to his wifey...
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warper-in-training · 2 months
I'm kinda dissapointed at the devilgram, I think they changed the writers too..? hmm, it could've been better but it was too short for a UR imo, felt like a 500 word story lol. the start was funny though.
I wish the story was longer :<.maybe i'll rewrite it cause i like the concept..
spoilers for Barbatos vs Belphie
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angry barb... means whumper ba- adds Belphie to the list of om whumpees
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HELLO. this guy can make the stupidest shortest devilgrams worth it with that smile and and and
pFF world saved by Barb again let us celebrate 😀
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soramimi-keeki · 7 months
I had a lot of fun making this one
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More doods featuring Brad's pals because THEY'RE MY ENTIRE WORLD (I'm sorry if I come off as a weirdo aa, plus they're a few months old)
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cindytoast404 · 3 months
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something about the lighting being lavender in this scene idk (i have too many thoughts about this show)
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found--family · 3 months
am i the only one who sensed some jilted lover vibes from jensen? 
#burcon#cockles#thoughts#at the start of the panel and through a few particular interactions he seemed very standoffish#he was giving a little bitter and hurt and perhaps even resentful - maybe he only learned of misha's gf#at this con too! maybe it was news to him. on top of not seeing misha for months i can understand#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being#in a poly thing with jensen and dee like vicki was ie. what she has with misha is seperate so i'm sure#that's another difficult thing to deal with knowing their time together is strictly separate#i've no doubt he wants misha to have a partner and be happy but there's an adjustment period#letting new people into your life and whoever misha's partner is now or in the future is going to#affect jensen on a personal level and moreover his relationship with misha. it's all very intriguing#and while i like what little i've seen and heard about this woman for misha i just think no matter who#she is it's going to take a toll on jensen's relationship w misha. i thought it was plain to see on jensen's face#during their panel: numerous moments where he was giving a poker face that wasn't covering a laugh#but instead like he was trying to smooth out his bitterness. or so my eyes and brain and heart tell me.#just various moments where things looked uncomfortable and jensen making off-colour jokes that didn't land#and which furthermore were barbed and snarky - not in their usual banter way but like he was lashing out#and using the excuse of chaotic panel convo to explain away his comedic pitfalls. but again maybe i'm#looking to much into it? idk. there are some lovely moments! fun and caring moments - but they#mainly came from misha's direction ngl. it seemed like misha was trying hard to keep the peace#while jensen was just running his mouth on comments and jokes that kept not landing - for me#everyone on my dash is loving their dynamic this panel - and i want to feel that love! it is possible that#learning misha has a gf has skewed my perception a little like i'm putting context onto moments#i otherwise wouldn't. but i also think i would've laughed and generally felt better watching their panel#if that was the case. idk. whatever the reason i do think something was OFF between them on stage#and it was coming from jensen from the start. misha picked up on it partway though but things felt#a little strained throughout. like jensen wasn't looking at misha as much as usual or reaching out for him#misha tried to salvage and not react to things. but both their answers to the last Q were passive aggressive af#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
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um okay i saw someone else do this and i really enjoyed it so here's my thoughts from this week's episode of abbott. obviously spoilers ahead
the first five minutes of this epsiode are some of the funniest tv i've seen so far this year!! OMG the face barbara makes to the camera, tariq's line from shaq lmao this show is so fucking good man
"i'm afraid of all natural disasters, of which there will be scores in our lifetime" - janine teagues once again being the voice i need on tv lol. currently making a bug-out bag for my grandparents cause this shit is nawt a game.
just gonna say this here and now- manny is fine and sweet idc what y'all say!
gregory eddie with the reveal that both mortons work at abbott!! i hope we get to see more of them that's so cute.
"I got so good at ignoring Janine, I never noticed she was pregnant" ummm this is y'alls queen?? sorry she irks me so bad sometimes. she's the only one still doing this "we hate janine and she's so annoying" thing and it's getting tired.
oh i loovee ava popping in on janine at her district office and i'm so excited to see how they expand their relationship this season!! honestly probably going to make a separate post to talk about all the good ass avanine moments from this episode but i just love them.
"really helps fill the janine-sized hole in my heart" thank you jacob for always holding it down for my baby janine!! i love their friendship sm
as someone who eats my lunch in my car every day just to get some quiet alone time i understand gregory very much but also let them babies in your classroom beloved
"Gregory Eddie, is no woman safe from your incompetence with the opposite sex?" omgg this felt mean lol poor gregory but also she's right and she should say it! mr eddie is on a journey this season but idk where we going chile. like for a man who started out wanting to be principal of this school i think " i don't want the responsibility" is a weird take idk. we shall see honey.
"Your advice goes harder than that thang, Mrs Howard" lmaoo whoever wrote that line i'm giving you specifically a kiss on the cheek for making me cackle oh so hard
also someone pleaseee make a compilation of all the cute pins and brooches miss teagues is wearing with her lil work outfits like are you kidding me!! she's so cute pls.
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szollibisz · 1 year
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spyce au spyce au spyce a-
okay little explanation for each of these:
them as kids. yeah.
owen skating (he has an ass in this au)
tatiana had a kinda punk phase after her family moved to london when she was 14, it was a new environment and she felt very rebellious after getting out of her super strict private school. her and owen met when they were 16 bc they had skating practice at the same place and quickly became friends, bonding over their controlling environment, sport ambitions and queerness.
silly comic about them being friends! and supporting each other's gnc swag!
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strangerwheelerthings · 2 months
Thinking about Nancy's tendency to frequently lie, terribly, and the idea of autistic masking as constant social pressure to lie about yourself. The idea of her conceptualizing interactions with others as a kind of performance with few internal differences between outright lying and being social.
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rexscanonwife · 16 days
btw during pride month I'm paying extra special attention to my female f/os and crushes and drawing my male f/os as butch lesbians 💖🫶💖
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
mentally sketching a Lucemond sword fight only Luke has a reinforced harpoon n shield and he’s doing his lil stab stab motions while Aemond parries and it’s all like slice slice slice swoosh jab jab jab swoosh
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mediumsizedpidegon · 2 years
thinking about Shang Qinghua as a calamity again...
#svsss#shang qinghua#technically counts as tgcf?#just the idea of sqh dying and coming back is so compelling because in canon he literally just going through the motions. he's given up.#he doesn't WANT to die (from mbj's hand– from cang qiong's fall) but that's all he sees. it's the only end he can imagine to his story.#so the act of getting him to the point where he WANTS to stay– where it doesn't matter that death has come to take him he's not DONE YET is#revolutionary to his character (his ‟character‟– his role as well) in of itself and requires some canon divergence to justify it#and it's INTENSELY interesting to imagine him getting there#Imagine: An Ding is cruel. It is cruel and inefficient and its cruelties only make it more so. Sqh is ‟awarded‟ with the role of Peak Lord#of An Ding (this crown of barbed wire). And sqh doesn't MEAN to change the plot but– it's awful here! It's so awful that it's OFFENSIVE#and before sqh knows it two years have passed and An Ding is a mess of growing pains: of infrastructure torn down and rebuilt#but it's... better. It's hard work. It undeniably sucks and makes sqh cry from frustration all the time! Balancing the fixing of all the#shit his shizun left broken while staying on top of his usual duties is a procession of sleepless nights and little pains. (perhaps sqh has#growing pains too. change is hard for all that it's necessary.)#and then– and THEN! He's on his way to a trade meeting or spying for mbj or something else: it's doesn't matter.#And however the stage is set sqh dies and– sqh's life is finally starting to NOT suck! yqy has been asking for his future plans and sqh has#been answering. qqq found a scrap of a picture book he wrote when he was a senior disciple and demanded he finish it because it#‟had potential to increase literacy‟! He has a second command that he trusts won't stab him at the slightest provocation! His life is busy#and more than a little hellish but it's HIS. He's changed things even he didn't mean to.#An Ding's HIS. he got rid of the assholes and poured so much WORK into the people left and then the people who came later.#All of it boils down to this: it's unfair. it's too soon. it wasn't supposed to happen like this.#and so sqh dies for the second time and screams himself back to existence if not life.#the system cracking beneath his teeth– puppeteer turned to power for the puppet to consume.#(So there is a ghost on An Ding for all that only the ghost knows it.)
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
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sorry to keep spamming ur inbox :,)
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arklayraven · 10 months
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Imagine saying yes to both past and present Barbatos though...Then both show up to have you all to themselves. >w>
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britishchick09 · 4 months
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i added a little phandom reference to erik's pov story! ;)
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misc-obeyme · 19 days
Xen/a doesn't get 'overprotective' he is the embodiment of it. You don't have to be bullying someone they know to have them be overprotective. She often helps keep bullies away from Luke and Mammon. While he doesn't go out of her own way to stop it if she sees it happening she'll stop it with no hesitation. Her not going the way to stop something gets tossed out of the window when it comes to Desi though...
Bows for barb
I love protective characters. They're always standing up for the little guys!! Ciaran is like that, too.
Of course it's always more intense when they're reacting to a situation where they have to protect someone they love and care about.
I also think it's one thing to stand up to bullies and something else to try to protect someone to the point of not letting them do anything. It sounds to me like Xen/a realizes that though. I also think this is easier if the two characters are really dedicated to each other. Like the one isn't going to do anything to stress the other one out anyway so it's a non issue lol.
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