#kokuou kingdom
mastomysowner · 1 year
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So that’s where Huan Yi’s catchfrase came from. The flashback scene with Shio and the headpat and the scene of Koku’Ou’s last wish are pretty much mirror images of each other. Koku'Ou, clinging to him like a little girl to her father, is her true nature behind the brash façade.
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viatagrinner · 1 year
Many of you write such interesting theories about Gilbert.
I want to participate too... (Lol, the route will be out in less than 24 hours.)
But my theories usually don't come true and I pay attention to unnecessary things.🤣😅
Here are some thoughts on Gilbert's route.
1. I don't get the feeling that Gilbert was born in the palace and lived there originally.
It seems to me that his situation is the same as Jin's. Lived somewhere far away until father found out/remembered he had a son. Perhaps Gil lived in an orphanage or a place with lots of kids. Maybe the foster parents had a lot of children.
He's good with kids (communicating with little Luke as well as the kids from the Christmas event), the kids trust him, he knows tricks, how to entertain the kids and how to communicate with them.
Yes it is manipulative, but a man who grew up in the cold and cruel court of the emperor could hardly have found common ground with such ease.
2. (I get a sense of deja vu, as if I read this in someone else's post a long time ago.)
He is not the emperor's son at all.
Gil is from a captured kingdom. And the emperor adopted him.
国王 - kokuou - king.
This title, for example, was used by Silvio's father.
"王" (ou) means "king".
But Obsidian is an empire.
皇帝 - That's what Gilbert calls his father.
皇子 - ouji - imperial prince.
But "王子" is used to describe Gilbert.
A traumatic accident.
The implication is that Gilbert used to be ordinary, perhaps somewhat like Emma in his kindness.
1. What happened to the prince? The answer in the "More Love with the Beast" event.
In "More Love with the Beast," Chapter 2, there was an episode when Gilbert saw a book with a "sinister black cover" in the bookstore where Emma worked. The girl does not know what country it is from, but it is written by a promising author.
The darkness of the imperial court was depicted in detail, a very realistic description of the darkness of the human heart.
But she liked the main character.
Gilbert was interested. (Even the heroine paid attention to it.)
What did she like about the character? She liked his unwavering conviction, and whatever intrigue he faces, he insists on his innocence.
Even in the face of great evil, the hero never gives up, sticks to his convictions.
Emma wants to emulate this hero. Gilbert remarks that this character is like a girl. "Honesty and purity." And he asks her never to change.
2. In the recent event, (The Prince is a bodyguard.)
I think we will meet this character again.
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???: Listen, Gil. I'm on your side no matter what.
???: I promise. I won't leave you alone. So... okay?
It's a male.
Because he used 俺 - ore. For women, that's rude.
3. In Clavis' dramatic ending, Gilbert notes that he and the 3rd prince are similar.
Both don't trust people. People are tedious until they "break".
So, my guess:
It doesn't take a genius of deduction to figure out that the book describes the court of Obsidian.
А) The main character in this novel is Gilbert.
This man, who told Gilbert that he would be at his side, ended up betraying the prince.
From that moment on, Gil's behavior changed.
There used to be "honesty and purity" in him, but not anymore.
B) And you know, while I was writing, I remembered something else... Clavis' dramatic ending again. (Chapter 24)
Gilbert: People can be controlled by fear, and there's no fear more effective than love.
Perhaps the main character was this unknown man who promised not to leave the prince, but the fear of losing this man made Gilbert give up on him and everything good about himself.
Current Situation.
Again, thanks to the story of Clavis and a bit of Silvio, we know that there are two factions in Obsidian: the Imperial faction and Gilbert's faction.
The Imperial faction is brutal, corrupt, and "rotten".
The emperor and his men spare no one.
Again the story of Clavis, and again the Dramatic ending: Liden, the head of the area where Emma and Clavis ended up, was the Emperor's man brutally suppressing the resistance (I don't remember very well what he was killing people over).
Thoughts about what happens next.
1. Why is the prince in such a hurry? Maybe he found out that his father wants to go to war again with Rodolite, Benitoite, and Jade?
He doesn't want to let that happen. And he needs to take the throne. Why then is he hanging around in another country? He wants to get to know a future ally and then maybe an enemy.
2. It's not a violent game after all. It is unlikely to show or tell that Gilbert killed his father. More likely to send him off somewhere and take the throne (second CG.)
I think the art where we are shown a "gothic" Emma, and where Gilbert said that "bad guys don't care if they're loved or not" (sorry, I don't remember his exact words, and I'm too lazy to look) is the dramatic ending. The prince hasn't changed. He remains a sinner, will "repaint" the heroine in darker shades, but will be happy with her. Here he became an emperor, perhaps a slightly better version of his father.
3. The prince sometimes (though in events) calls himself a sinner, and he kills people very easily, but does not repent of it. Perhaps even for him, killing his father (even his adopted father) is a sin.
4. Does Gil have a second eye?
I wish... And a different color. 😍😅 But most likely the eye is lost. Perhaps it was a punishment from the emperor. Maybe it has something to do with that unknown man.
5. Yves & Gil
This is where I looked. Because I didn't really remember the plot.
The only thing I found.
Willow's mother was a princess (English version) and 王族 - Royalty (Japanese version).
What does that give us?
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Imperial family - royalty
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Difference between 皇族/王族.
皇族: Emperor's (天皇's) family
王族: King's family
Yves' mother may have been a member of the royal family of the fallen kingdom.
It is unlikely that Yves is the son of the emperor. But he could be related to Gil.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
In Chapter 908 (I'm not sure what the correct way to count the panels is), it's implied that Bonney and Kuma are husband and wife, based on the titles underneath their names. What do their titles say in the Japanese?
husband and wife??? that’s a new one.
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when bonney is introduced in her disguise as ‘connie,’ she’s introduced as the 王太后/oudaigou of the sorbet kingdom, which means ‘dowager queen,’ aka the king’s mother. though when she’s properly introduced as herself a few pages later she’s just introduced in her role as captain of the bonney pirates.
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meanwhile kuma has like three different titles he’s introduced with, but the relevant one is 元ソルベ王国国王/moto sorube oukoku kokuou which is ‘former king of sorbet kingdom.’
so... if bonney’s initial title was actually true, that would make her kuma’s mom, not his wife, which, uh, i do not believe to be the case! unless she is a LOT older than she generally appears to be.
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learnjapanesebod · 7 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch One Piece #778 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 医者 (いしゃ/isha) - '(medical) doctor, physician' 王国 (おうこく/oukoku) - 'kingdom, monarchy' 国王 (こくおう/kokuou) - 'king' 死体 (したい/shitai) - 'dead body, corpse, cadaver' 聖地 (せいち/seichi) - 'sacred place, holy ground, the Holy Land' 幻想 (げんそう/gensou) - 'illusions' 完成 (かんせい/kansei) - 'complete, completion, perfection, accomplishment' 若造 (わかぞう/wakazou) - 'youngster, neophyte, greenhorn' 絶好調 (ぜっこうちょう/zekkouchou) - 'in perfect form, going swimmingly' 着替え (きがえ/kigae) - 'changing clothes, change of clothes' 革命軍 (かくめいぐん/kakumeigun) - 'revolutionary army' 初代 (しょだい/shodai) - 'first generation, founder' 壊滅 (かいめつ/kaimetsu) - 'destruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe' 復興 (ふっこう/fukkou) - 'revival, renaissance, reconstruction, restoration' 船医 (せんい/sen'i) - 'ship's doctor' 信念 (しんねん/shin'nen) - 'belief, faith, conviction' 象徴 (しょうちょう/shouchou) - 'symbol' 小遣い (こづかい/kodukai) - 'pocket money, spending money, pin money, allowance' 大詰め (おおづめ/oodume) - 'final scene, the end, finale' 躍起 (やっき/yakki) - 'desperation, eagerness' 医学 (いがく/igaku) - 'medical science, medicine' 戦闘力 (せんとうりょく/sentouryoku) - 'fighting strength' 図鑑 (ずかん/zukan) - 'pictorial book, picture book, illustrated reference book, identification manual, field guide' 猛毒 (もうどく/moudoku) - 'deadly poison'
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
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