koncheese · 3 months
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aliypop · 3 years
The Great Escape
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Word Count: 1,443
Character Count : 7,856
Warnings : None
A/N: A bit of a back story of Han Solo 
"Are you scared.." 
"No, I don't know the meaning of scared, terrified, petrified those I know.." Alana mumbled under her breath. A golden chain was coming from her neck as the blob, who is known as Jabba The Hut. Kept pulling, "You're practically shaking.." the older woman said, her brown hair glowing in the little light of his Tatooine club. 
"I'm fine. I'm just paying a debut for someone.."  the young woman laughed, "I never had any debts with Hut, but here I am, a slave at his beckoning call." looking down at her feet. Tears had begun to fall from her face from a sheer sign of misery. She had only been there for three days and couldn't understand how someone could endure it for years. 
" I know how you feel. Many years ago, I gave up my son and lost my husband to Hut.." she laughed, 
"Why'd you do it?"
"For love.. by the way, I'm Leilani." The older woman stuck her hand out, "Lana Clargo." she smiled back at her, "Oh, the daughter of the infamous smuggler Dean?" she asked, watching the shock on her face, "I'll take that as a yes."  Leilani giggled. There was something about the young woman that gave her a great feeling, but she couldn't place it as to where. As minutes became hours, the two had then begun to bond over their love of ships, sabacc, and adventure. 
 "Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't trust so easily."
"And whys that.." Leilani asked.
"Well.." her hands now fumbling on a pair of golden dice. "There's this man I know .. actually love..." she swooned, "I'm doing this for .."
"Han.." Leilani whispered, noticing her husband's dice from anywhere. "How did you know?" Alana asked, watching the expression on her face. 
"We sent him away with those. What's he like!" a new sense of hope appearing, a feeling of closure rather than doom. Alana had then sat down, a blush rising on her face.
 "Well.  mischievous sometimes, a bit of a blaster's brain, and he knows to make a-"
"Alright, hand her over... I got the credits, the spice you asked for, so we're even." Alana turned to look at him, then back at Leilani, noticing the similarities. The sound of distant mech beeps and Wookie growls was a signal of freedom.  As she took another look at, Leilani an idea popped into her head. "Come with us.." she asked, holding her hand. "I don't think he would like that." she mumbled, turning away from the smuggler, "He can't possibly love me for what I did.." she sighed, looking down at her feet.  
"A great Jedi once said, Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.." Alana smiled, " Han is dramatic at times, but he's a good listener too." 
"Talking about my accomplishments, are we."
"What took you so long, space brains!" she threw her arms around his neck. "A simple thank you would be nice.."  he blushed, looking between her lips and her eyes. " Thanks for saving me.. blaster brains."
"You know, I think you just can't let a gorgeous guy like me out of your life." he winked, as he then noticed the woman behind Alana. 
"Who's this.."
"Help us escape first." 
Later that night, both Han and Chewie had planned a great escape. It started with Han dressed in a guard outfit. A curtsey of Alana knocking one out unconscious. The next step was to then get past Jabba's room and to the slave quarters.  "Hey, princess; You ready to go..." Han nearly whispered screamed enough not to wake anyone else but the two. "I thought you'd never ask." she laughed, holding onto the hand of Leilani. The trip back to the falcon was just about as dangerous between Chewie and Al-1, chattering in excitement, almost getting the three caught.  "Is she okay.." Leilani asked, gesturing to Alana, who was fixing the engine.
 "She'll talk when she's ready to." he turned to look at her.
"Lana Clargo must be a tough act to follow." Leilani laughed. As she looked at Han, she saw so much of his father in him. By his witty comments. And the way he moved.  
" Clargo?" he questioned.
"Was that not the right name?"
"It is she just only tells people who she trusts that name." he shrugged. Watching the way that Leilani looked at him, he felt a sort of bond with her, but he couldn't place as to why, 
"I'm glad she trusts me."
A silence had graced the room leaving the two to sit there wondering into their thoughts. 
"So how'd you get caught in all that mess with the Huts." 
"It was years ago.."
"How many.."
"Before you were born.."
"If it has an engine or motor, expect a Corellian to see how fast it can go." 
"And another Corellian to try and make it go faster." Criss laughed, looking over at his wife. Leilani was under the ship of a Jedi Master named Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had seemed to have kriffed up his entire engine. 
"So what's it like being a Jedi?" Leilani asked,
"A bunch of ancient weapons and hokey religion if you ask me.." Criss rolled his eyes, feeling the way his wife nudged him. "Forgive him.." she grumbled. 
"Not everyone believes in the force. Who am I to change that.." he laughed, "How did you find yourselves here.." he asked, changing the subject to a less awkward one.
"Looking for honest work," Criss smirked. By honest, he meant trading spice for Jabba. 
"There could be a slim chance you make it back .." 
The couple then stopped, "We don't like to talk about the chance of fate or the odds.." Leilani had then popped her head out. "That'll be 9,000 credits." Criss began to pack the spice. As he waited for the return of Leilani, he had noticed that not all of it was there.
" Konchee sa it ..." 
"We don't know.." Criss said. "They snubbed us!" 
" stuka doe wee shahnit. " Jabba glared at him, motioning for the Bounty Hunters to shackle him up. 
"And then what happened.."  Han asked his chin in the palm of his hand. 
"Well, Jabba had let us go, but only as a warning." 
"Must've been a different guy back then? He joked.
"Oh no, I was with child ." she smiled. 
"Well, tell me more," he asked, watching as even Chewie joined in on the story.
"I can't just give him up!" Leilani looked at Criss, holding the baby in her arms. "Do you want Jabba to get hold of him.." Criss asked, "We're lucky we had him here.. but unless you want him in a life of endless crime, I suggest you.." he then looked away from the baby.
 "Give him away.." tears in his eyes. As he looked at the brown curls forming on the top of his head, he didn't want to let go either. "Promise me we'll look for him.." 
"I promise.." he said, placing a pair of dice in the baby's hand. "May the odds never be against you," Leilani said, kissing her son's forehead one last time. 
"You'll always be my Han Solo.."
"Han Solo.. that's me.." he then glared at the woman, "Don't tell me you made up some hokey story about.. about"  Han laughed, "My father died and built ships."  Leilani could only sigh as she then looked back at Han.
 " Your father is somewhere across the Galaxy traded away! "
"If it's true, then why didn't you ever look for me!"
Leilani could only feel tears in her eyes. "You gave up!" she banged her hand on the armrest of the chair. 
"That is not true! I thought of you every day. I dreamt you'd have a great life.."  she cried, "You don't know what it's like losing everything you love!" Han had stopped in his tracks. "I had nothing to lose.." he growled, looking back at her and then at  Alana.  
"Until today.."  he sighed. 
"And how did it make you feel.."
"I would do anything to protect her.." 
"And I did everything to protect you... Give me a chance?" 
"Give her a chance Solo.." Alana glared at him, now wearing his shirt for comfort. 
"I see who wears the blaster in this relationship.." she laughed, "Corellian?" Leilani asked. 
"My sons an ekster..." she mumbled under her breath.
"And half Corellian." Alana kissed Han on the forehead, " We're glad to have you on our ship." 
"And I'm glad to have you both back in my life."
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