#konoha is playful
215-luv · 2 years
SAKUSA: “what are you doing?” he grumbles under his breath as his eyebrows furrow, looking at your figure on top of him as annoyance etches on his face. however, you also couldn’t miss the worry in his eyes as his hands find its way on your lower back. he’s about to speak out another remark when your closed eyelids brought him to a halt. and so he lets you be, releasing a sigh from his lips before letting his fingers soothe your lower back to lull you deeper to sleep.
IWAIZUMI: he almost chuckles when you take your place on top of him, thinking you were in a playful mood. however, the sight of your droopy eyelids causes him to raise an eyebrow as he lets his muscular arms encircle themselves around your body. his question comes out in a low murmur, “are you sleepy?” and with a tired hum coming from you as a reply, he lets a soft smile form on his face, nudging your head closer to the crook of his neck while indulging himself upon the feeling of your warmth.
USHIJIMA: “what’s wrong, love?” he worriedly asks you as both of his eyebrows raises, letting your head fall on top of his chest. “nothing, i want to sleep here toshi, is that okay?” although still confused as to why you would sleep on top of him rather than the huge space the bed has for you, he lets his arms circle themselves around your waist. “okay, if that’s what you like.” he replies stoically, despite his now reddened ears that goes unnoticed by you.
SUGAWARA: “what’s this?” he chuckles, a playful glint showing through his eyes as one of his hands quickly take place to play with your hair while the other rests on your lower back. his smile seems to widen when he notices the sleepy look on your face and he lowers his head down to give your forehead a kiss. “alright, you’re really adorable. sweet dreams, beautiful.”
HINATA: let’s out a tiny oomf as you plop on top of him without a word. he looks down at you confused but doesn’t question it anyway. as soon as he sees your closed eyelids, he immediately lets himself shut up, not wanting to wake you up because he thinks it’d be a mortal sin to commit such an act. he then instead lets his hand rest itself on your upper back for comfort, the warmth coming from you lulling himself aswell into deep sleep.
ATSUMU: “well what do we have here?” a breathy chuckle comes out from his lips as he looks down to your now sleeping figure. his smile seems to widen even more the longer he looks at you. he lets his arm encircle itself around your body while the other positions itself on your lower back to give you soft pats. a content hum comes from him as he whispers to particularly nothing, “you’re so cute, you should do this often baby.”
KONOHA: “hi bab— oh, you’re doing this now?” he cuts off the greeting with a question as you plop on top of him without a word, earning a smirk that forms on his face as his lazy eyes drop down to your figure. “what’s gotten you so clingy baby?” he’s so smug omfg. his arm finds itself around your waist while his other hand finds place on your nape to push your head closer to the crook of his neck. with a content sigh, he doesn’t batter a single word as he lets you drift to sleep on top of him.
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shisuisui · 7 months
Sparring friends?
wc: 1,3k, fluff, Shisui and Y/n are in their feels
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Age 15
At the Konoha training grounds, far from the tumult of the village, Y/n and Shisui were face to face, circling each other and ready to lunge at every moment. They both had one of their sparring sessions which usually ended up with one of them giving up to not hurt the other and them both sharing some sweets from a small local shop they visited often.
Both were determined to win. Shisui grinned and activated his Sharingan. “Hey, that´s not fair. No Sharingan!” Y/n shouted at him. “Life´s not fair love. You have improved a lot since our last spar. But are you sure you can keep up with the legendary Uchiha Shisui?" She had blushed at the pet name. For some time Shisui had started calling her pet names and she didn´t know what to make out of it. Love, darling, princess… they did not help her crush on her best friend. She had to focus.
Y/n chuckled, her hair shifting slightly as she adopted a combat-ready stance. "Don't underestimate me, Shisui. I'm not going down without a fight." He only flashed her his beautiful, charming smile, and with a swift, fluid motion, Shisui lunged forward, his kunai flashing in the sunlight. Y/n dodged it, her kunai ready in hand. Their blades clashed, each strike resonating with precision and skill. There was no way she could outsmart him with his Sharingan activated. She had an idea but didn´t know how he would react and if it was going to be effective. As they engaged in different attacks and counters, Y/n let out a flirtatious remark, putting on a slightly suggestive tone to her voice. "Is that all you've got, Shisui? I was expecting a real challenge." He countered all her attacks and managed to get a firm grip on both her forearms holding them in between them, trapping her effectively.
Shisui chuckled, their faces mere inches apart as they sparred. His face inched closer until he was close to her ear. "Oh Y/n, I have so much more to show you, of course only if you think you can handle it.” She blushed furiously and blew some smoke into his face, creating a cloud of dust and lighting it up with a click of her teeth. The cloud erupted in flames. At least she could blame her flushed cheeks on the flames in front of her.
He was gone. She slowly turned around, scanning her surroundings. Where was he? He was called Shisui the Body Flicker for a reason. With her chakra, she slowly created a chakra net on the floor which was spreading further and further. With it, she could track all the movements in her surroundings. They knew each other's techniques and strategies so well that their sparring sessions were as much a test of skill as they were a chance to enjoy each other's company. She found him. While checking her surroundings she sensed his chakra. His chakra signature was engraved in her brain. She would find him anywhere. And he knew it, which is why he was suddenly standing behind her, holding the kunai to her neck. Damn it he was fast! She turned her head, looking up at him and showing him the greatest puppy eyes she could muster while wetting her lips and pouting innocently. His gaze faltered. Y/n took advantage of that momentary opening and swept Shisui off his feet, sending him to the ground with a gentle thud. She stood over him, a playful grin on her face. "Looks like I win this round."
Shisui laughed as he lay on the ground, his gaze fixed on the girl above him. The sun behind her gave the impression of a halo around her head while she was basking in the orange light of the afternoon. He was mesmerized, to say the least. Why did it have to be her? Why did he have to fall in love with his best friend? He couldn´t risk this friendship. The Uchiha´s were already frowned upon by most of the villagers, and he couldn´t lose her. So, he just enjoyed every intimate moment he had with her. Tried to memorize every little mark on her face, everything that made her smile, what she disliked, and tried to not think about pressing his lips against her every time he was on the receiving end of one of those dashing smiles.
She held out her hand to help him up. An olive branch is being handed out. But Shisui, mischievous as he is had other plans. He took her hand in his and made a calculated move, attempting to bring Y/n down to the ground. With a swift motion, he lunged toward her, aiming to pin her to the grass. However, Y/n knew him very well and with her quick reflexes and agility, interjected his plans.
As Shisui moved in to execute his manoeuvre, Y/n expertly countered his attack. She deftly moved her body, using his momentum against him. In a fluid and graceful motion, she flipped them both over, and suddenly, she was on top of Shisui, pinning him to the grass. She was straddling his thighs, pinning his arms to the ground. And he let her. She knew that if he wanted to, he could´ve won easily against her. Now their faces were mere inches apart. Shisui´s Sharingan was still activated but his gaze softened as he met Y/n's eyes. "Impressive move darling, but do not underestimate me.” Sending her a wink he grabbed Y/n and used her own momentum to roll them both down a grassy hillside. They had reached a part of the training grounds that had a slope. Shisui and Y/n tumbled down together, laughter escaping their lips as they lost control. Shisui held on tightly onto her, his arms encircling her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck.
When they finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Y/n found herself on top of Shisui again, but this time their bodies closely intertwined. Their laughter faded, replaced by a silence filled with unspoken emotions. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Shisui's Sharingan was like a swirling pool of mystery, drawing Y/n in. She was always fascinated by his eyes. Many feared the power of the red orbs, but she knew a different side. She knew of these red eyes trying everything to protect others. She knew of these eyes that had saved her countless times. And now she was so close to them. So close that their noses were touching. Y/n's eyes held a warmth and affection that was impossible to ignore.
A blush crept on Shisui´s cheeks mirroring Y/n`s own. The tension between the two friends was electrifying. They found themselves drawing closer and closer until their lips were only an inch apart. Shisui watched her carefully for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none he saw it as his cue to close the gap between them. “NIISAAAAAAAN! Where should we train?” Jumping away Y/n and both scrambled to their feet at the sound of a child´s voice. Faces red as a tomato they both watched how a little Sasuke came into view followed by Itachi. When Sasuke saw them both he immediately ran over. “Shisui-nii, Y/n-nee, look Nii-san will teach me how to throw shuriken today.” They both tried to sound enthusiastic while talking to Sasuke concealing their disappointment of their moment being gone. Shisui and Y/n knew what would´ve happened if the little Uchiha hadn´t disrupted them. They were going to kiss each other. And both wanted to do it.
Itachi the smart person that he is realised what was going on. Only raising an eyebrow while looking between Shisui and Y/n he chose not to say anything to not embarrass them further. Sasuke continued rambling and in the end Y/n and Shisui stayed to watch the lesson and occasionally voice their input. Neither mentioning what nearly happened.
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venerawrites · 2 months
Hi! I'm so excited you're writing for Naruto 🥰 So many blogs don't really write for it anymore, so I'm so grateful 🫶🏻 Could I please request Kakashi x fem reader angst, where reader and Kakashi are in an established relationship, maybe even married, but they get ambushed on a mission and reader sacrifices herself to save him? I really love Kakashi and I'm in an angsty kinda mood. Anyway thank you so much, I hope this is okay. Have a nice day! ❤️
author's note: I'm so sorry this took ages to write! I keep slipping in and out of angsty mood, so it did take longer than expected! x anyway, I really hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for requesting! <3
warnings: mentions of death, blood, alcohol abuse
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Never mix personal life with your professional duties.
This was one of the most important rules of the shinobi world. They have tried to drill this mantra into your heads since your early teenage years and kept repeating it every so often, just in case you forget.
Growing up, it was easy to follow this principle - all of your friends were civilians and you weren't particularly close with anyone from the academy, so you lived your life in peace, knowing that you don't have to worry about the people you loved and cared about.
Little did you know, however, that a certain white-haired shinobi would change that in your adulthood...
You heard of Kakashi in your early academy days. Being three years older than you and already an ANBU, your knowledge about him was based only on the rumours that kept circling the village about his past and the unfortunate death of his teammates. But it wasn't till he became a Jonin sensei, that you had the chance to meet him for the first time.
You did not have a team to lead on your own, but due to your hard work and devotion to the kids in the academy, you were often sent to help with their training and low-level missions. Team 7 was often the one needing the most help since it not only consisted of the stubborn and grumpy last survivor of the Uchiha clan, but also the hyper-energetic and mischievous 9 tails Jinchuriki.
Naturally, you and Kakashi became close. Having to supervise and protect a group of highly intelligent, stubborn, and, often, reckless genins proved to be a good enough reason for you to form some from of a friendship.
It did take a couple of years for love to blossom between you. With him being occupied primarily with the training of young ninjas and ensuring the safety of the Hidden Leaf Village, romance was not one of the things on his list of priorities. And at the time he was fine with this - you can't miss something that you never had.
But the more you matured, the more you gravitated towards each other. You worked so well together, that you started to be regularly paired for missions excluding his students. Soon after, you started to spend time outside work together. Before you knew it, you became partners in more sense than once.
And the more time passed, the more blurry the line between work and pleasure became... to the point that one single mistake changed everything.
It was a peaceful night when it happened. A day away from Konoha, you, Guy, and Kakashi were resting on your way back from delivering the sealed scrolls containing information about the next Chunin exams to Suna. You had found a small cave, tucked deep in the forest, and decided it was the perfect place to hide not only from any potential attacks, but also from the raging rain outside.
"C'mon!", you nudged Kakashi's shoulder with your own, before throwing one look at sleeping Guy and turning back to your lover, "He is deep asleep, he won't hear a thing."
The white-haired ninja gave you a stern look, but the little smile that formed on his covered lips betrayed his real mood. Moving his focus on the fire before you, he poked the burning wood with a stick, before mumbling:
"One more reason to stay still and alert", he pointed out, giving you a playful side glance, "We are supposed to be on guard."
Rolling your eyes, you let out a childish puff and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
"Guard from what? The owls?", you whined, before nudging him one more time, "C'mon, Kakashi! One kiss is all I am asking for! I haven't kissed you in like... weeks!"
"We have been away only for a few days", he lifted his brow in amusement, before leaning towards you, "And I am pretty sure you managed to steal yourself a kiss this morning. Your math is awfully bad, little dove."
You opened your mouth to respond, but quickly closed it after no good comeback came to your mind. It was true that you last shared a kiss this morning and you did exaggerate a bit about the time that has passed since then, but can anyone blame you? You were deep in your honeymoon phase when all you could think about was your lover and the feeling of his lips against yours... And making it worse, was the fact that he purposefully took with him that rich and smoky smelling perfume, that was driving you insane.
"Kakashi!", you whined his name, giving him a pleading look. Tilting his head to the side, he let out a chuckle, before carefully pulling his mask down, exposing his beautiful face.
Slowly leaning towards you, he maintained eye contact, before pressing his slightly chapped lips against yours. Immediately fluttering your eyes close, your hands found their way behind your neck, pressing his face closer toward you. Letting out a contempt sigh, you leaned to your right, giving you a better angle to keep up with the sensual dance your mouths indulged in.
After a few seconds, he pulled away, pressing the cold metal of his headband against your forehead. His breath was heavy and he gave himself a minute, calming his wildly beating heart.
"Happy, little dove?"
A wide smile stretched on your face and you eagerly nodded your head, about to respond, when you suddenly got interrupted by the loud sound of a kunai landing right above your head. Both you and Kakashi, immediately jumped from your places, your hands already reaching for your own weapons, while you shouted to Guy to wake up.
Your attackers quickly filled the cave and they visibly outnumbered you, leaving you to fight two of them each. You knew Kakashi and Guy could handle themselves, they were one of the most skillful shinobi in Konoha, after all. Yet the moment you saw one of the ninjas sneaking behind your lover's back with a sword raised high in the air, your feet suddenly had a mind of their own. You dodged a punch aimed at your face, but rather than fighting back, your body threw itself behind Kakashi, a piercing scream leaving your lips once the blade went through your stomach.
The world around the white-haired ninja abruptly stopped.
All the shouting, the sound of clashing weapons, Guy's screams for him to focus... the moment he fell your body crashing against his, it was all silence. His arms instinctively wrapped around you, protecting you from falling on the rocky ground, while his knees gave up under him. One of his hands immediately moved towards your wound, trying his best to stop the bleeding, while his other one found its way towards your face.
Kakashi's fingers shakily moved towards your forehead, moving away the few damp pieces of hair sticking to your skin. Tracing the side of your cheek, he didn't even notice he was crying, till a few teardrops fell down onto your skin. Your eyes, which were also glossy, stared at him and your lips moved, trying to say something, but the only thing that came out was blood.
"Shh, don't talk", Kakashi choked out, pressing his fingers against your mouth. Finally gaining the courage to look down, all the breath left his body once he saw how much blood you were losing, despite his best attempts to stop the bleeding.
"We have to get you to the village the fastest way possible", he muttered with a shaking voice, his arms sneaking under your body in order to lift you. You moaned from pain at the contact, using the last bit of energy to grab one of his wrists.
"N-no...", you whispered, a hefty amount of blood dripping from the corner of your mouth, "Hel-.. He.. Help Guy..."
Hearing the name of your teammate, Kakashi finally remembered you were not alone, and his head whipped around only to find the other male continuing the fight all by himself. His rough posture and scratches covering all over his face were showing he would not last long and Kakashi immediately felt his chest tightening.
He knew he had to join in and help him, but how could he leave you all alone, bleeding to your death?
Almost as if you were reading his mind, you weakly squeezed the wrist in your hold:
"Go...", you muttered, your lips twitching into a small, sad smile, "I... I will... b-be... f-fine."
"Little dove, don't... I... Why...", Kakashi cried out, not sure how to finish this sentence. Grasping your face with his hands, he pressed his mouth against yours, ignoring the metallic taste that immediately washed over his senses once your blood touched his tongue. His tears were now freely falling from his eyes and he could not hold his sobs back any longer.
Your lips weakly moved against his for a minute, before you had to sharply take a breath. Your consciousness was slowly slipping away and your gaze was now cloudy, unable to focus on one particular thing. You felt coldness slowly making its way through your limbs, bringing a strangely welcoming feeling of numbness and peace. Despite your vision getting blurry, your head tilted to the side, the outline of your lover's face still clear.
"I.. I love y-you", you breathed out, one final tear making its way from the corner of your eye. Kakashi carefully caught it with his thumb, his head violently shaking from side to side.
"No, no, no!", he kept repeating, his voice cracking, "Please just... please just stay with me!"
Your stare remained unmoving and it took a few seconds for the white-haired ninja to realize that your breathing had stopped as well.
It was too late...
you were gone.
Dozens of feelings washed over the Leaf shinobi at the same time. Pain. Sadness. Rage. Shock.
With an angry scream, he pressed your now limp body against him, while one of his hands moved to move his headband away from his face, showing his already glowing Sharingan.
The fight lasted a few minutes afterward, maybe even less. Fuelled by his raw pain, Kakashi did not hold himself back, slaying all of the enemy ninjas one by one. Soon the ground was crimson red and the only remaining sound was the white-haired man rigid breathing and the sound of the rain, which kept pouring outside the cave.
"Kakashi...", Guy carefully said, his gaze moving to your already cold body which rested in the corner of the cave. He bit his lip, unsure what to say, choosing instead to remain still and quiet. He couldn't control himself, however, once Kakashi's heavy breathing turned into sobs again, and he wrapped his arms around his friend.
"I am sorry...", the black-haired man sighed, a shaky breath leaving his lips as well. His own eyes started to tear up and he tried his best to blink them away, a poor attempt to remain strong for your lover, who was already falling apart in his arms.
The next few hours they spent in silence, with Guy guarding the entrance, while Kakashi held your cold hand in his own, his eyes staring at your face like he hoped you were just in a deep sleep and would wake up any moment.
Or perhaps, he was hoping that he was the one dreaming and that once the sun rose high in the sky, he would wake up, finding your smiling face nested comfortably between his neck and shoulder...
But that never happened. Instead, the hours kept passing with him frozen in his place next to you, till Guy gently laid his hand on his back, telling him it was time to go. With one last kiss on your cold forehead, Kakashi took off his jacket and laid it carefully over your body, before scooping it in his arms.
Leaving the cave, his eyes kept staring ahead, his expression now unreadable. The memories of you, that kept flashing before his eyes during the whole night, were now pushed at the back of his brain, while only one though kept occupying his mind:
Never mix personal life with your professional duties.
He failed to do that.
"Tsk, how sad!", the man behind Kakashi muttered under his breath, "I bet he is spending his whole pay on drinks again!"
The woman next to him shushed him, hitting him on the shoulder while doing so.
"Be quiet!", she scolded, "He will hear you!"
The man scoffed, his eyes not moving from the white-haired ninja before him, who kept calmly putting his shopping away, without even glancing in their direction.
"Well, let him hear! Because it is pathetic, it's what it is!", he grumbled, making sure to speak as loudly as he could, "One of our best ninjas turned alcoholic... Look at him! He doesn't even look like himself anymore!"
Years ago Kakashi would have turned around and silenced them just with a glare. But now... he had no more energy for that.
Because they didn't understand and would never be able to understand what he had gone through. They would never have to bear the burden of having someone else's blood on their hands, neither would they experience the feeling of guilt that would tear their soul apart, a constant reminder that they could not protect the ones they loved.
So why would he bother explaining to them that the only reason why he had to be under the influence, was because this was the only way to feel close to you again? The only way to silence the voices inside his head, which kept reminding him how it was him who was supposed to be dead, not you?
Instead of replying, he just grabbed his bag and exited the shop. He walked hurriedly towards his house, eager to open the bottle of sake he just bought and mute the feeling of missing you, that kept breaking his heart every single time he was completely sober.
"Kakashi!", Guy's voice sounded somewhere behind him, and his step halted for a bit, turning around. His friend gave him a little smile, which immediately fell, once his eyes fell on the neck bottle which poked out of Kakashi's bag. It was not easy to watch one of your best friends falling deeper and deeper into a hole, refusing any of your help.
The white-haired man suddenly felt small, almost embarrassed by the look the other male gave him. But instead of waiting, the moment he saw him walking towards him, he just turned around and almost sprinted back to his house.
Closing the door, he let out a breath, he didn't even know he was holding. Kicking his shoes aside, he made his way towards the kitchen and took out the piece of bread and the few bottles of alcohol he had brought earlier. Opening one of them, he didn't even bother to grab a glass, before he made his way towards the bedroom and sat down against his pillows.
Grabbing the picture of you that he kept on the bedside table, he gently traced your smile with his thumb, before taking a sip of his drink. The burning sensation in his throat was irritating, but it was nothing compared to the burning feeling inside his chest.
"We will be together soon, little dove...", he smiled sadly, "I promise."
cc artwork: concept art for "Wheel of Time"
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cohldhands · 2 years
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 | 𝘬𝘪𝘣𝘢 𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘢
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pairing: bff!kiba x afab!reader word count: 7.9k warnings: nsfw! 18+! minors DNI! | just two best friends helpin' each other out, virgin!reader wants experience and kiba has it, pussydrunk!kiba, praise kink, oral (f! and m!recieving), primal play (kinda? like a sprinkle?), unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), he's down for you and its bad, other characters mentioned, all characters in their early/mid 20s, not thoroughly proofread, no use of y/n author's note: this is 100% based on some thirsting that @tired-biscuit and i did for this man and... well, here we are. i listened to "nayhoo" by chon while writing the first bit of this. i also didn't anticipate it to be this long... 😅 it's my first time in a long ass time writing second-person as well, so just be gentle. there will absolutely be (at least) a part two where shit devolves at ino's new apt. i hope yall enjoy!
you can also read this on AO3 here.
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KIBA’s fingers twitch as he watches you place a piece of strawberry into your mouth, your lips encasing your delicate fingertips in a way he knows should be innocent, should be just friends having lunch together, but it’s not. It hasn’t been for a long time. 
Dappled sunlight filters in through the full, vibrant trees towering above you, and the incessant hum of cicadas fills the air, mixing with the cadence of rustling leaves in the summer breeze. Loose, thin clothes, skin glazed in a thin layer of humidity and sweat, clammy hands from thrumming heartbeats.
Summer has always been a favorite time for the both of you, ever since the summer you moved to Konoha during your childhood. The summer that changed everything. Sticky sweetness, endless days, sunburnt cheeks. Ever since, you and Kiba have been attached at the hip, having lived in the house just down the street and your mothers working together. Hours of fetch with Akamaru, rock skipping competitions with Shino as referee, hushed conversations with Hinata about Naruto. He accepted you with open arms; they all did. 
“Just another one of the pack.”
Kiba hated when you and Hinata would sneak off, however. He’d bribe Shino—or attempt to—just to spy and listen. When Shino would call him out on his reddened ears, his anticipation in finding out the girl talk, his picking at his nails until you would return, he’d tug his hoodie up and change the subject.
“You like her.” Shino would tell him, plainly, a fact of life. 
“No!” the brunette would huff. “She’s just a friend.”
Kiba takes a swig from his canteen, a drip of water fumbling from his lip to his chin when he pulls it away. He blinks away the memories of summers, of lifetimes spent under the same blazing sun. Sunburnt chests, laying on Akamaru with bare arms pressed to each other while looking for aliens, small, small clothes.
“That’s what friends are for, Kiba!” You say through the small bite. 
“It’s going to be so hot though,” he whines, throwing his head back with his forehead scrunched in irritation. “Who the fuck moves in the middle of July? You know who? Crazy people, that’s who.”
“Whether you like it or not, Ino is moving,” you shake your head at him, a hint of playful irritation on your drawl as you watch his head tilt back, the expanse of his neck exposed. A dare, a first kiss, a summer night. “And we both agreed to help her. Besides, it’ll go by quick with all of us helping. You’ll be okay. ”
“So annoying.” He croaks, but then he lets his head fall forward. His intense, dark eyes settle on yours once more, and he fights the urge to drink you in the way he does when you’re not looking. When you’re fidgeting while you’re trying to beat him at Mario Kart, when your face is scrunched in concentration when you’re aiming a kunai. 
He sends a sideways glance at Akamaru—a lifeline, a phone-a-friend— and the white-haired dog lets out the equivalent of a mumble and a shrug. 
Kiba throws his hands in the air, exhaling a “Fine! Fine.”
“You’re such a baby.” You laugh, a teasing yet light sound.
A sound that causes a flutter to rampage through his chest, and a restrained tug of a smile spreads across his features in response. But he’s practiced this, practiced suppressing the itch in his hands to reach out, to kiss you, to breathe in that laugh as if it was the air itself he needs.
He already does that with your scent alone.
“Whatever.” He grabs a clump of rice in his chopsticks and eats it. 
You can tell there’s a hint of something underneath the surface with Kiba, something that’s hard to pinpoint. Of course, during your girl talks with Hinata, you’d open your heart to her. About how Kiba didn’t scare you, despite his animalistic side, how he just wanted attention, that’s why he acts that way, about how much you had to refrain from squirming when he looked at you as you both got older.
She’d gasp when you would talk that way, but she’d always add her own tidbit of girlish tension in a hushed voice.
“So, uh… w-while we’re talking about favors…” you start, your eyes falling to the bento box in your lap. 
“If you’re moving, too, the whole ride-or-die thing goes out of the window.”
“No, fuck no!” Another light laugh, another shake of your head, but this time more at yourself than anything. If only it was just moving...
You’ve been mulling on asking him about this for weeks now. You’d recently met a boy, because you, too, have practiced the art of burying the want to grab him, to feel the ripple of muscles that dance underneath the fishnet material of his shirt, to tangle your fingers in his hair and find out if he likes his hair tugged the way you do, if he doesn’t, moving yourself against him until his desires tumble out of him on their own. 
But you’ve met a boy, Jun, who is sweet. Kind. A responsible, gentle Ninja. You’re in no way committed, no title. Your mother adores him, your father respects him. He’s yet to make you uncomfortable, opens doors for you, brings you flowers every time he sees you. You’ve gone on a few dates with him, and you like him—enough to want more than the heavy petting and stale kisses. But then there is a small part of you, small yet persistent enough—
“The way a man feels about you is crystal clear when you bed ‘im,” Ino had told you once during a ‘girl’s night’ at Sakura’s. 
“What do you mean?” 
“If he truly wants you,” the blonde continued, jabbing her finger in your direction. “He can’t fake that while buried inside.”
“I’m convinced love has its own chakra,” Sakura had added. “It moves between you and the other person. Like a bolt of lightning.”
“Or a burning fire.”
The small part of you that craves to see if he’d do it, and if you’d be able to tell which natural disaster would rage between you—if one at all. 
“What’s with the serious-ass face? You’re scaring me…” Kiba continues, his voice pulling you back to the here and now. He leans forward to catch your eyes again, then continues in a whisper. “Do we need to hide a body?”
“Oh, wait, it is serious.” He clears his throat and sits up, a different demeanor taking him over. His gaze fixates on you, his position stiffening as he studies you in a fraction of a moment. “‘Kay, sorry. What’s up?”
“It’s about Jun.”
His muscles tighten, and he places his bento box on the blanket you’re both sitting on. The guy who takes you on dates, the guy he can tell you’re not head over heel for. Jun, who fills the time, because Kiba can tell sweet Jun bores you. At least, that’s what Kiba tells himself. “Okay.”
“Uh… I don’t really know how to ask this, so I’m just going to.” You shift in your seat, mustering the gumption to speak clearly, forward, just ask your best friend for a favor. A dare, the childhood magic in special first kisses, adult magic in special first times. Not wanting to look like a dunce to the boy your mother adores, your father respects.
“I want to sleep with Jun, but I’ve never… ya know. And you have, so—”
Ba-dum. A heavy heartbeat, thick in his ears, piercing his palms.
His eyes widen, dark and yet darker, darker still. Heat floods his cheeks, bubbling under his skin and filling his abdomen. The swelling of a storm.
“I know it’s weird, a-and you can absolutely say no. You’re my best friend, though, and it’s not like I can just ask anyone. This isn’t like a new development either, I wanted to wait to ask you—n-not that I’ve just been, ya know, thinking about this and you. I just have zero experience, you know that, but I want to be a bit more confident in—”
“Do you like him?” Kiba’s voice falls flat, more flat than he anticipates, but the words hang there. Screaming cicadas, colliding tree branches. “Really, truly like him?”
“Yeah.” You nod. You’re convincing yourself and lying to him all at the same time. But maybe, just maybe trusting Kiba with this moment, with your first time, with breaking the barrier between fantasy and reality—maybe it won’t be so bad. “I do.”
“Then I’ll do it.” He swallows the solid lump in his throat, convincing himself and lying to you all at the same time. “Besides, that’s what friends are for.”
Kiba told you he’d come over later that evening, to do whatever it is that made you most comfortable. Shower, don’t shower. Shave, don’t shave. Wear whatever it is you wanted, to pretend like he was just coming over like he always did, to hang out like you always did.
You couldn’t sit still the moment you got home. You cleaned and showered. Tried to read, tried to scroll through your phone, tried to do any- and everything you could to not get caught up in the motions of it all, fought yourself for ten minutes on if you should even light a candle or not because it’s not like that but damn it—
Yes it is.
But this wouldn’t mean anything, right? Regardless of a candle lit, which made the whole space smell of honeysuckle and lemon, it’s just your best friend, doing you a favor: teaching you how to work a cock by using his. 
Oh, god, his cock. What would it look like? Feel like? Would it curve, or would it be veiny? The thought alone causes you to fidget in your seat on the couch, your eyes darting between the clock on your phone and the front door to your apartment. You feel your heartbeat in your ears and in your core, pulsing. Arousal pools in your underwear at the mere thought of him—how did you expect to function?—and you pinch your thighs together.
You still couldn’t believe he had agreed. And Kiba couldn’t either, even as he meandered his way to your door, his eyes steadfast in the direction of your apartment building. What made either of you think this was a good idea? Was his practice paying off? Did he want it to? He had finally, finally been offered the invitation, the “come over” call that he dreamed of. He had hoped, however, that the circumstances would be different, that it would be for him.
Two heavy knocks on the door alert you to his presence, though somehow you’re sure you catch the scent of his body wash before his knuckles meet the wood. You pull the door open. Musk, earth, hazelnut, bergamot. Messy kitchens, ugly, delicious cookies, using his shower and wearing his clothes. 
He’s bathed as well, his hair still slightly damp as it hangs above his shoulders. A wide grin flashes over his face, his eyes disappearing into the image, his teeth catching the overhead light. Your face fills with a weighty heat, and your abdomen flutters at the sight of his broad shoulders and his toned arms under the fabric of his shirt. 
He’s opted for his usual lounge attire: a t-shirt, joggers, and sneakers. In his hands are takeout—he’s always eating—and drinks for you to share. You felt underdressed somehow in your own home, donning a thin-fabriced, comfortable yet cute t-shirt and shorts combination—something you’d worn around him countless times. Yet, he’d shown up like this countless times, food and a smile in tow, and he somehow seems more prepared than you’d ever seen him. The way he’s standing tall, his chest open to you… had he prepared?
Despite the vanilla-scented body-wash and the floral candle, the moment the door opens, revealing you in your post-shower, pre-coitus flush, he takes in the intoxicating scent of your arousal, of your skin, of you, and he presses his intent further into his smile. Not here, not now, not just past the threshold.
“Brought food. I doubt you ate.” 
This motherfu—
“Thanks. I… actually haven’t eaten, now that I think about it.”
The tension is palpable. He’s trying a little too hard not to look at you, to not brush by you and linger. Though, he doesn’t understand why. You’d asked him to come over and help you, to quell the curiosity of experience, to be good for Jun. 
The swelling of a violent storm.
You step aside and allow him in, and he does what he always does: makes himself at home, rummages through your cabinets for plates, a fork, two cups. You watch his hands maneuver whatever he’s holding, the muscles in his forearms. He keeps his nose buried in the food, trying to find something, anything to focus on other than you, in all of your totality. 
Kiba jokes with you, carries on conversation while he divides out the food, move to the couch, sit just far enough to not touch, yet close enough to still feel each other’s body warmth. He’s talking and talking, rambling about the day you had already heard about, about a new bug Shino had shown him, about the hot springs he wants to go to in the town over. Maybe, just maybe, he’s nervous, too. 
He jokes with you, as if he’s not already imagining your velvety throat wrapped around his aching girth, your face contorted in pleasure as he laps his tongue over your sensitive clit, his name tumbling out of your mouth, hitched and squeaked: “Kiba, Kiba—!”
“Ki-ba~!” You wave a hand over his glazed-over eyes as you call his name, sing-song and light, an attempt to bring him back from wherever he disappeared to as he’s stuck, freeze-frame, a cup halfway lifted to his mouth. You lean against the back of the couch toward him, only slightly, with an eyebrow cocked and a grin peeling back the corners of our mouth. “Where did you go, bud?”
There’s a split second, less than a blink of an eye where his hand is holding his drink; the next, it’s wrapped around your wrist, the cup on the table. How did he…?
His grip is tight, steadying, but then it eases by a fraction, and he finds himself studying the palm of your hand, imagining it wrapped around his throbbing, swollen girth, before his eyes flick up to yours, his jaw clenched, tight, teeth grinding as the wheels he’d frozen over long ago begin to turn, churning, yearning— 
“Why did you ask me to do this?” His voice is low, hoarse, carried by a held breath, a tight chest. 
There’s an underlying shift happening, and you can feel it in the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands. He somehow seems larger, taller, more devious. A full moon, an autumn night, finding out the ride the full moon sent him on before he disappears, unable to show you the animal that wanted to come out and ravage you, the side of Kiba he saves for the girls he will never see again because he can’t ruin you, you’re his best friend, his confidant.
He’s close, so close to you that you can see the pulse of his heartbeat in his neck. So close that the burning heat radiating off of him causes your own skin to surge, your heart to lurch, the damned fluttering in your abdomen. His eyes are zeroed in on you, black irises inflamed with dilated pupils. Hungry, restrained. Electricity ignites within your veins under his touch. He’s touched you, many times. A hug, a helping hand, a comforting shoulder. Why does this feel different?
“Because I trust you.”
His heart swells, clawing at his ribcage, screaming to be set free. You trust him. With your secrets, with your life, with your body. His gaze flicks on your lips, only for a moment, before his devilish eyes find yours once more. 
“Have you ever even touched a cock before?” He murmurs, his tone taking on something silken and starved. He pivots his body to turn, his eyebrow cocked, a whisper of a coy smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and he closes the space between you, the space that’s always between you. 
You blink as a prickling heat travels up your spine, his question as well as his shift in energy catching you off-guard. Kiba’s never spoken to you, let alone around you this way, even when joking. Though he told you whenever he brought a girl home, or made out with another, you’re sure the gruesome details of his sexual escapades were dumped on Shino, or maybe even Naruto, if anyone. But you’re familiar with the wild look in Kiba’s eyes, the way he’s looking at you: a predator searching for his prey. The other side of Kiba.
“You’d know if I—” You start, but your words catch in your throat as you attempt to let them spill all over your kitchen counter. Even if it had happened, would you tell him? Would it have been in confidence, to share a story time, or would it have been to get even a chance to see a flicker of jealousy, of rage, of something? “No, I haven’t. N-not, ya know… skin to skin, anyway.”
The sting of embarrassment bubbles in our throat, your voice smaller than you wanted it, and whispers nothing good into your ears, but you maintain your eye contact. You made the first pitch, and now it’s game time. 
“And you’re sure you want me to be the first?” He asks before he brings your palm to lips and presses a wet yet tender kiss to it. The notion surprises him, that he allowed himself more than anything, but he knows what it’s doing to you—he can smell it. “I do also have your first kiss, so I’d be two-for-two, bud.” 
The feeling of his mouth on you sends coursing fire to your cunt, and you can almost, almost feel his lips against your now-soaked folds. And he’s patronizing you, a playful lilt clinging to the nickname, but you don’t hate it. It’s Kiba, in totality. Him making sure, despite his coy grin and thirsty eyes, only makes you want him more.
“I don’t know if that really counts…” You mutter. It does count, and it’s always counted, but he doesn’t need to know that. A stupid game of truth or dare one adolescent summer, the summer you knew you’d never rid your thoughts of Kiba. A summer initiating the biggest game of make-believe.
“How rude.” He smiles against your hand, and his hot breath and pointed canines brush against your palm. He shrugs, his grip falling from your arm, and then he exhales a dramatic sigh. “I guess I’ll have to make up for it, then. Can’t have meaningless kisses out there.”
Lighting cracks inside of you as his large hands splay across your hips and pull you into his lap. Your hands scramble, only for a moment, before one lands on the back of the couch, and the other finds purchase on his shoulder.
The battle within him is raging, a savage and destructive thing. He wants to take you, now, now, but he can’t, he won’t. You’re not the girls he’s given meaningless kisses to. You’re his best friend, and he’s waited this long. 
He can wait just a little bit longer.
Draping your thighs around his hips, he looks up at you with earnest eyes, a moment of hesitation between you two as he waits for a no, a wait, a maybe we shouldn’t. The pulsing heat of his cock strains against his joggers, pressed firmly against your core as he holds you against him. Though muffled by the thick denim, you feel the aching throb beneath you, the pulsing twitch, the size. 
When the blockade doesn’t come, and you meet his gaze with an equally intrigued look, his grip on your shirt tightens. He cranes his neck up, and he whispers against your lips, “I have a rule.”
Your heart stutters at the husk in his voice, the low demand for attention. “Okay…”
“If you have questions, ask. And—eh, I guess two rules.” Kiba murmurs against your lips, his face flushed in the dim lighting. “If you want something, tell me.”
Your ears burn, the flush causing your skin to prickle. Your hair hangs at the side of your face, closing you and Kiba into a world of your own, the world you both have always played in. Just the two of you. 
“Okay.” You nod, your body ignited in a burning flame. “I will.”
Kiba’s lips collide with yours, rough and excited, then soften, pull back, relax, as his hands tangle the fabric of your shirt in their grasp, and his hips tilt up into yours. A slight movement, one he barely notices himself, but the weight of you on him alone sends a shiver through his body. Another subconscious jerk of his pelvis, reacting to the warmth, the weight, you you you. 
The air in your lungs vanishes as his lips bring a reprieve, a cold drink on a hot summer day, lifting the lid before it all boils over, and your grip on his shoulder tightens. Head spinning, a drunken buzz just from his kiss. There’s a small moment that wonders if this is actually a fantasy, something you’ve conjured up in your head, a fever dream. 
Your own hips move as you run your tongue along his bottom lip, adding intent as you roll against him, slow, methodical, feeling his entirety through the mere layers of fabric separating the two of you. Always something in the way.
A heavy breath against your lips, he opens his mouth and allows the dance to commence, a slow dance that soon turns into a tango, fervent, impassioned, both of your bodies submitting to what they’ve desired. He tastes of takeout and impulse decisions, sunburnt cheeks, swollen lips, a stupid crush that isn’t a crush but a fact of life. Your hold on the couch releases, and your fingers tangle in his head of dark, thick hair. A grounding grip, a slight tautness against the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck…” He huffs before he nips at your bottom lip, his fingers dip underneath your shirt, grazing the flesh of your hips. He takes handfuls of your hips and brings you down against him further, closer, closing more of the space, more of that damned thing always in the fucking way. His lips trail from yours to your neck, the space below your ear, and he runs a flattened tongue along your skin, tasting it, breathing you in before sloppy kisses decorate your neck.
Your eyes fall hooded, and a light pant tumbles out of you at the contact. He sucks at a particular spot, bringing blood to the surface, his canines barred against your flesh.
“Kiba!” You gasp, the hint of a nervousness in your tone, and you detach yourself, only slightly, slightly. “You can’t leave any marks.”
“Sorry, sorry!” He chuckles, and then it hits him, crashes into him that you’re there, he’s here, and he’s supposed to be teaching you and yet, yet, he’s caught in the tidal wave of learning you. His cheeks and ears tinge with a beet red glaze, and he swallows thickly as he stares up at you. “I’ll try to remember.”
“But I want you to.” is what you want to say, but you don’t. 
“It’s okay,” you reassure with another light laugh. “I’ll be sure to remind you.”
“I’m happy you did. Don’t ever feel like you can’t speak up with someone, especially if you’re, ya know… If a guy doesn’t listen to you, he—wait, what are you—” 
He had started to ramble, stumbling in the moment of stillness. You, however, found the moment to be just when the courage hit to reach a delicate hand down and trace the edge of his joggers. 
“I want to see it.” Your eyes flick to his lap, to the strained outline of his still throbbing, stiff cock before finding his gaze again. 
Stunned, he stares up at you with wide eyes. Your words echo in his head, over and over, his ears ringing at the sound of your inquiry. When the blockade, the no, the maybe we shouldn't, doesn't come, you peel yourself away from him and lower yourself between his spread knees. 
The swelling storm brews inside of him, the savage and violent force of nature. Wait, wait, relax. 
“Thank you for telling me.” His eyes don’t leave you as you swallow another weighty lump in your throat, and you pull at the combined bands of his joggers and underwear. He lifts himself up, just enough to help slide the two layers of fabric off of him, watching your reaction.
When his erect member springs up at the sudden relief and twitches, your eyes widen. It’s nothing like the ones you had seen on a screen, but it's like the ones people write about. Thick is an understatement, and two prominent veins run along his length. A pink head, the color of his lips, donned with a dribble of clear slick and wrapped in taut skin. The image of his aching cock sends heat pooling at your core, and you shift in your spot—though it only makes things worse, and your heartbeat thrums in your clit.
He sucks in a breath at your innocent gape, the sight causing his mind to go to dark places where you’re screaming his name, head buried against the mattress, it’s too deep, I’m gonna break, his hand tangled in your mess of hair.
You glance up at him in his flustered state, before you turn your eyes downward and wrap a unsure but willing hand around the base. His hips jerk into your touch, and one of his hands finds purchase on the couch cushion, his knuckles whitening as he keeps himself grounded by his grip. His mind is reeling, a flipbook of the thousand positions he’d kill to see you in, put you in.
“Shit…” He spits through clenched teeth. 
“Did I—” You freeze.
“N-no, you’re fine, you can—” He starts, but your slow, fisted movement up and then down his shaft cuts him off. “Yeah, like that…”
“That’s okay?” You ask as you slowly pump your hand around him, your eyes flicking between his length in your hand and his eyes on you. 
“Y-Yeah.” Kiba nods, saliva pooling in his mouth as he watches you, dinner and dessert in front of him on a silver platter. He clears his throat, the anticipation making him fidgety. The longer he had to wait, the more the pulsing desperation in his length called to him, begging him for release. 
He has to wait a little bit longer. 
You nod, and then you sit up on your knees and tighten your grip, just slightly, and increase your pace. His eyebrows pull together as he continues to observe, a face of pleasure, and you feel another wave of heat rush under your skin. Your hand reaches the tip, and the precum allows the smallest bit of lubrication as you twist your hand, up and down. 
“You’re doing a good job,” he groans, his voice deeper than before, hoarse, restrained. Hearing him like this, praising you, you’re sure you’ll go insane by the end of the night—if you weren’t already.  “You can use your mouth, too.”
“I know!” You quip, embarrassment tingling your cheeks. “I was getting there. Though I don’t know if it’ll fit…” The last bit is more for yourself than anything, said under your breath, but he hears you, and he can’t help but imagine you choking on his fat cock, tears streaming down your face. 
You lean forward, your eyes crossing as you near your target, and your hand settles at the base. You can do this, you tell yourself, before an unsure yet more than willing tongue licks at his cockhead. He tastes of salt and velvet, and your waiting eyes flick up at him. 
“Like that,” he purrs, his deep eyes, dark and yet darkening, narrowed on you by the time you’re looking at him. So intent on watching you, committing the scene to memory.
The encouragement leads you to flatten your tongue and run it along the length of one of the veins. His girth twitches in reaction, accompanied by a breathy curse and a jerk upwards of his hips, though this time intentional.
“Around the tip,” he instructs, his voice trapped somewhere between a groan and a whine. It’s the best he can do to keep himself from fucking into your throat. 
You do as he says, swirling your hot tongue around the pink head, collecting his slick in your mouth and finding yourself relishing in the taste. 
“Good girl. You’re doing so good.” He pants as his hand, purposefully slow, pushes your hair out of your face and collects it into a loose bunch at the back of your head. His head feels light, like if he doesn’t hold onto you someway, somehow, he’s going to float away. 
The two syllables bring your thighs together, a thrum of pressure building in your cunt. You’re soaked already, you can feel it gathering in your underwear, but something about his tone, his dilated eyes downcast, his heedless praise that urges you further, to slowly and messily run glaze his skin with your tongue, circling, up, down. You wanted to hear it more, hear his sounds of pleasure, hear his words of adoration. For him to touch you, everywhere.
And he knows. He senses the shift in your energy, the way you tense up when he encourages you, and he smells it, the collection of wetness just one, two layers away. His grip on your hair tightens, tension gathered at the nape of your neck.  
You swirl your tongue once, twice, three times around the tip before you wrap your pretty lips around his cock, sucking at it.
A popsicle, a strawberry at lunchtime, brewing electricity.
“Oh, fuck—” Kiba growls, and his hips buck into the warmth of your mouth as you bob your head, taking small, increasing portions of him each time, little moans vibrating his skin. “Shit, yes, like that. So fucking good.”
A slippery tongue, fingers tangling in hair, flashing lightning.
“Such a good girl. Move your hand while you—yes.” He pants as he watches his cock disappear into your throat, your hand pumping whatever you don’t take in your mouth. 
Two gazes met. 
The crackling roll of thunder.
Within a moment, he scoops you up with a huff of impatience—so fucking fast, how does he do that—and you let out a yelp of surprise.
“Kiba!” You squirm as you’re placed over his shoulder and carried into your bedroom. 
He doesn’t answer you verbally; instead, he shrugs you onto the bed, and you land on your back. His erect member is still out, fully exposed, but he doesn't pay any mind to it as he takes fistfuls of your shorts and tugs them off, unwrapping you, a little present, just for him. 
“Kiba, what are you—” You start, but your words tangle in your throat when he rids you of your underwear, letting them fall to the floor. Unwrapped, a present, just for him. 
“Oh!” You exclaim when he hooks his arms under your thighs and tugs you to the edge of the bed. 
He falls to his knees, his intense eyes falling to your glistening folds. You smell even sweeter this way, and his head buzzes, dizzied, intoxicated as he drinks you in. His composure is slipping, and he wastes no time lapping his tongue along your slit, from entrance to clit. 
“Oh…!” You purr, and then you muffle yourself with your hand as schlurp sound comes from him kissing your cunt, sloppy and hasty. His tongue is rough against your sensitive skin, and when it catches your swollen bud, your hips jerk under him, moaning against your palm. 
“No,” he huffs against you in that hoarse, demanding voice. He laps his tongue along your entirety, and then he suckles at your throbbing clit, his eyes watching, always watching. “I wanna hear you.”
“But what if—ahh, fuck—!” You tremble under his touch, your voice hushed, and you grip the blanket. You, too, feel the weightlessness, the risk of drifting away if you don’t. Your face contorts into bliss as your back arches, pushing yourself against his mouth. It’s like you’re vibrating, hanging in a space between fantasy and reality. This isn’t real, it can’t be, his mouth can’t feel that good, not Kiba’s mouth, not—
His nails press into your skin as he holds on to you, pulling you closer, closer to him as he eats you, his fervent and messy movements building a tension in your abdomen more intense than anything you’ve accomplished by yourself. His tongue teases your entrance, your nectar driving him further. He delves it into you, holding you against him as he fucks his appendage into your sopping cunt.
“Kiba—” You moan into the air, your other hand finally finding purchase on his arm, clinging to him. 
His name tumbles from your lips, and for a moment, he swears the world goes silent, a deafening ringing filling his ears as you call out. He feels you tightening around him, a bewildered aura taking him over. He’s now desperate for your release, to feel you squirm and writhe underneath him, to keep calling his name. He trails his tongue back to your clit, flicking, circling as a slender finger finds your entrance. It slips inside, your arousal coating his skin, and it pumps in and out of you, restrained, slow.
“Oh, god,” you exhale, your eyes widening as he adds another finger, his digits curling inside of you. “Oh, that feels so good, fuck.”
“Mmmhh.” He watches you arch off the bed, his nose pressed to your mound, his tongue making quick and heavy work of your pulsing clit, stretching you as he adds another finger, slow, waiting for the blockade, the maybe we shouldn’t.
His pulsing length twitches, a violent motion that calls his attention, but he forces it out of his mind. This is about you, about stretching you and pushing you over the edge, your sweet release. The tightness of your walls tells him it's soon, your body tense. 
Instead, his pumping of his slender digits is met with another cry of his name. Three fingers stuffed, his fingertips massaging the sweet spot inside of you. The burn of the stretch pulls your eyebrows together, and yet you roll your hips against him, wanting the friction, craving the release, another explosion of deafening thunder, the swelling thunderstorm that is Kiba.
“Ki-Kiba, I’m gonna—” You can’t even finish your sentence. It hits you, almost out of nowhere. You’re unraveling, your legs shaking, your skin on fire and the swelling storm raging, ravaging your entire body as it caves in. Your juices pour out of you, trickling down his chin, and he drinks you up with another loud schlurp.
“Fuck.” He groans against you, and his lips envelop your clit as he pumps his fingers into back you, his tongue resuming its assault. His fingers move in you with a faster pace, a hardened pressure against the spongy flesh inside of you. “I need you to cum again. To be ready for my cock.”
“Oh, shit!” You sob. “Right there, right there, right there—”
You’re so sensitive, so intoxicated by the way he handles you, the way he looks at you, the way even he smells, tastes, feels. 
“That’s it.” He eggs you on, the itch to palm himself, to rut into you, to lose it just out of reach. 
You claw at his arm, at the sheets, at anything you can. You’re going to explode, his slippery tongue and fervent fingers bringing you again, closer to ecstasy. 
“Cum for me,” he demands, and as if you’d been born to listen, you do on his gruff command, crying out curses as a mind-stopping orgasm bursts through you. You see stars, the entire night sky on your bedroom ceiling. 
“Good girl.” He swipes his tongue along your clit before he removes his fingers from you, slow, gentle, and he sucks his fingers clean of your slick, his girth throbbing harder, harder at your taste. Honey glaze, a spark of lightning, crashing branches in the wind. 
He steps out of his joggers and tugs off his shirt, his shoes having been left at the door long ago, his blood coursing through his veins, liquid metal, at the sight of your shivering, half naked body beneath him. With another fast motion, he’s hovering over you, his arm wrapped around your waist to bring you back further onto the bed, your head hitting pillows this time. His hands graze from your thighs and up your shirt, his palms brushing the hardened peaks of your nipples before he lifts your shirt off of you. And then he stares down at you, starved yet adoring eyes. Skinny dipping, a lakeside fire, burnt marshmallows.
You meet his gaze as your chest heaves, coming down slowly from your high, studying the angle of his collarbone, the curve of his chest, the dim light highlighting the flesh that you never dared to touch, to learn—until now. You place your hands on his arms, feeling the ripple of muscle as you feel his shoulders, his chest.
A moment, suspended in time between the both of you. Your heavy breathing fills the otherwise quiet room and the low, rhythmic hum of cicadas just outside your window. Your heart is a drum inside of your chest, beating, beating, bursting as he looks down at you, and your heart skips as you feel his cockhead tease your entrance, rubbing against your slick folds and causing a hitched gasp to fall when it grazes over your sensitive clit. 
“Are you ready for me?” Kiba inquires in a husky voice, gravely and controlled. 
“Yes,” you whisper in return, your hands settling on his biceps as you keep your eyes on his. 
“Okay,” he nods, swallowing the lump in his throat, and he presses himself into you, slow, achingly slow.
Another gasp wracks your chest, and your eyes widen again as you watch his face scrunch in concentration. And then he whines, a short and quiet sound that makes your ears ring. He wants to jerk into you, bottom out, and the self-restraint is slipping out of his grasp like grains of sand. 
“Relax for me,” he urges you through clenched teeth as your walls remain tight around him. 
“S-Sorry. Oh, fuck, Kiba. I-it’s huge.” You stammer as you glance down at his girth disappearing into you, stretching you past anything your fingers, even his, could offer. You feel every inch of him as he spreads you, opening his present, celebrating his own holiday.
“I know, I’m sorry. You’re taking me so well.” He pants, working hard not to split you in two.
The pinch of his stretching you is different, much different than his fingers. He pulls himself back before pushing into you again, your slick aiding in his movements. It’s nothing like how you imagined, the awful and bloodied thing that’s rumored to be losing your virginity, but as he loads himself fully into you, pushing past the subtle barrier within, your body tenses up again, and a tinge of pain replaces the pleasure. 
“S-sorry, sorry.” He stumbles over his words. For years, he’s wondered what his girth would look like with you donning it, and now it’s here, right here. And it’s beautiful, heavenly. He doesn’t have the words to describe the way you look wrapped around him—the way you look in general, let alone eyebrows upturned, sweat collecting along your hairline, a heaving chest—but worth every fucking minute of waiting.
“Just—gimme a sec, okay?”
“Yeah, yes, sure.”
You take in deep breaths, wetness pooling at your entrance, and you ease the tension in your muscles, allowing yourself to acclimate. Relax, relax, but fuck you’re at capacity, at your wits end, wanting to unravel all over again—and he’s barely even moved.
“Okay… we’re good.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” You answer, a strong syllable on your tongue. You’ve never been so sure in your life.
And he hears the certainty, feels it reverberate through his bones. He pulls himself back, then into you again, another restrained roll of his hips. You can tell he’s holding back with the way his face is pulled together, with the vein in his neck jutted out. 
“Shit.” Kiba mutters, one hand finding purchase on your hip while the other supports him on the bed. 
“Fuck, Kiba…” You sigh, your body slowly making room for him. 
“My name sounds nice when you moan it,” he purrs, leaning down, his skin desperate for contact with yours. 
“Don’t say things like that,” you whisper, a near-plea, your nails digging into his skin as your eyes fall half-hooded. And then he hits that spot, the spot, deep within you, and your back lifts off the bed, pressing your chest to his, another moaned swear falling out of you.
“Why?” He grins, a coy look that almost makes his depraved gaze seem sweet. “It’s true.”
“Idiot…” You respond, your voice hitched. 
“Hm?” He cocks his head to the side, a wild look filling his features. He jerks his hips, once, hard, bucking into you before returning to his agonizingly slow pace. “Couldn’t hear you.”
“Fuck!” You cry out, dragging your nails along his skin. It hurts, his abrasiveness, but it hurts in a way you don’t hate, that you almost want again. “Fucking asshole.”
“Asshole?” He chuckles, a guttural sound that isn’t impressed. He ruts into you again, wanting to hear that squeaky little voice, that pitched moan that he’s creating. “Baby girl, that’s not you really mean, is it?”
“Goddamn it, fuck, Kiba!” Your voice carries through the room, sending a prickling heat up his spine at the sound. You’re full, so full, and his resolve is slipping, slipping, gone altogether when you sob out his name again. 
“Look at you, taking all of me,” he praises, and he glances down at his work before a growled moan leaves his own lips. “Fuck, you’re doing so good.”
Pleasured tears burn your eyes, and you look up at him before reaching up, without thinking, and tangle your hands in his hair, pulling him fully against you. Another sound of pleasure vibrates his chest, muffled as he presses his lips to yours, another messy, impassioned, needy dance. 
Another whine escapes him as the restraint fades away into nothing. Your hips open for him, your legs wrapping around his waist as his movements become heavier, more momentum behind them. He envelops you with his arms, one hooked on your shoulder and the other holding your hip. You’re so close, so close; there is no longer anything in the fucking way.
“The way a man feels about you is crystal clear when you bed ‘im.” Ino’s words weigh on your mind, and you wonder if friends are supposed to cling to each other like this.
Of course they don’t, but you don’t allow the thought to cross your mind. Not here, not now. 
“Kiba, Kiba—” You pant against his lips between struggling breaths and fervent kisses. 
“You’re fucking heaven,” he huffs in return. He moves again, peeling away from you only to push your legs to your chest before leaning down again.
“Fuck, it’s so fucking deep.”
“That’s it,” he coos, his balls slapping against you as he fucks into you, his mercy and patience wearing thin. “Take it all. Good girl.”
The earth-splitting strike of lightning, the house-shaking rumble of thunder.
You’re spinning, free-falling as his length is buried inside of you, his cockhead brushing against your cervix. It’s deep, too deep, not deep enough. Your nails rake across his shoulder blades. His lips find the curve of your neck, and he sucks at the skin, biting down, keeping you in place. 
“Shit, shit—” The bubbling of heat collects in your abdomen, and you grip his hair once more, tight, a grounding grip.
He growls against your flesh as he brings the blood to the surface, but this time he doesn’t stop. He’s marking you, his, his, his. 
“Kiba!” You call out, your voice echoing, laced with a warning and pure nirvana.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, licking the skin, before landing on another spot on the other side and repeating himself. “I can’t fucking help it. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t mean it, and you can tell. The unfortunate part is: neither do you.
He mutters another half-apology as his thrusts become relentless, fucking into you as he did with the girls he gave meaningless kisses to. But you’re not them, you’re you, it’s not meaningless, it never will be.
You sob his name as you cling to him, the wet sounds accompanying the slap of skin. You’re floating away, gone, a fever dream within a fever dream, trembling legs hugging his waist.
“Fuck, yes, cum for me. Cum all over this fucking cock.”
And you do, hard. A violent, shattering burst of heat and your essence that sends you into orbit, lightheaded, tears of bliss rolling down your cheeks. Your walls clench around him, milking him for everything he has.
He thrusts into you, enough force behind them to rock the bed, to scoot you further into the pillows as his own climax swells. He bottoms out once, twice, each jerk making you cry out before he pulls away from you, a hasty and frantic movement, steadying his member in his hand as ropes of white hot cum land across your stomach in spurts.
You pant for air, chest heaving, your head still reeling by the time he’s wiped you clean of his essence, your body twitching as it works to come down from its nirvana. You hear him in the kitchen before he emerges at the bedside, a glass of water handed to you as he sits next to you. 
“Here.” He says gently, his tone now opposite of what it was mere moments ago.
“Thanks.” You sigh, and you sit yourself up, slowly, before taking the glass. After a few sips, you hand it back to him, and he follows your lead, one, two gulps of ice-cold heaven in a glass. Water has never tasted so sweet before.
“You okay?” He asks, looking over your sprawled-out body, a whisper of a laugh in his voice.
“Yeah…” you nod, though you can already tell you’ll be sore, so fucking sore tomorrow. “Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?”
“Never better.” He grins, and then his eyes widen as he catches his practice, his art of suppressing his feelings for you also slipping from his grasp. He clears his throat and looks down at the drink in his hand. You can tell the wheels in his mind are turning, grinding, but you don’t ask.
You don’t have to. That’s what friends are for.
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strawberrystepmom · 10 months
self ship coded, part of the fine shrine au. f!reader is a writer/family owns konoha's book shop. mutual pining idiots in love etc bc who am i if not an idiot in love.
A long day spent sorting, organizing, and half assed writing has led to you where you are now - on your stomach on the floor of the hokage’s office, proofreading your own writing. You aren’t certain what time it is, only aware that it has surely gotten late and your evening tea has long turned into a cold, bitter cup you don’t dare sip from any longer. 
With a frustrated groan, you bury your face in your notebook and exhale loud enough that it draws a snort from Kakashi who is sitting at his desk. Pushing a stack of paperwork to the side, he looks down at you. Immediately you peek up with the feel of his eyes on you, propping your chin in your hands. 
“How have we spent this much time together and I have so little to show for it?”
He shrugs, tossing his own pen down and carding his fingers through his unruly hair. You watch his fingers work through each thick strand and bury your chin in your book to hide the way it makes you smile, a dreamy little smirk across your lips watching his arm stretch upward and over his head. 
It’s easy to get lost in a little daydream, imagining the sinewy muscle of his arms flexing beneath his shirt but you quickly shift your gaze back down your book when he speaks to avoid him seeing the guilty look on your face. You’re working with him, you shouldn’t be imagining how his hands would feel carding through your hair instead.
“Let’s play a game.” 
Now it’s your turn to snort, a little giggle following the sound as you lift your chin from your book and smile at him. Kakashi quirks a brow and you realize he’s serious, moving from your stomach to sit on your butt. 
“What kind of game are we talking about? Cards? I’m worse at them than Lady Tsunade.”
He shakes his head and tents his fingers in front of him, any trace of humor leaving his face. You are intrigued and he can tell, your big smile dimming into something smaller that plays at the corners of your mouth. 
“A simple game of questions and answers, actually.” You raise your brows and he hums. “You ask, I answer and vice versa.”
Struggling to hide your skepticism, you squint in his direction. 
“Do you promise to actually answer?” 
Putting his hands up in a gesture of surrender, he shakes his head and places his palms down on his desk with finality.
“Anything you ask, I’ll answer,” internally he seizes at his own words, knowing he’s setting himself up. “I’ll even let you go first in a show of good faith.”
Rising to your feet, you keep a narrowed gaze pointed at him as you approach the opposite side of his desk and grip the edge. Leaning over just enough, you keep your gaze fixed and he fights a smile at your intensity. He loves seeing you get fired up like this, playful and feisty, and suddenly he’s grateful you can’t see the pink he knows is dusting his cheeks as his face heats.
“When is your birthday, Lord Sixth?”
Snorting at the use of his formal title, he rolls his eyes as you softball him a question he can’t possibly lie about. That was his intention, of course, by never specifying he had to truthfully answer your questions. You’ve caught him in his own little trap and he swears his heart swells with the knowledge of how evenly matched the two of you are. 
“The 15th of September, you clever thing.”
Witnessing your face lift into a smile is almost as sweet as seeing the sun after a week of rain, he thinks with a chuckle. For the first time, legitimate joy is on your face. An amused giggle erupts from you and it shakes your shoulders in a way that makes him want to reach out and hold you between his arms.
“Good answer,” you manage between giggles, a smile fading back to neutral as you shift from holding the desk to resting against it, arms folded over your chest. “Your turn, I guess.”
“What do you do when you aren’t here with me?”
“Ka-,” you stop yourself as you almost spit his name, a step too familiar for you. He smirks beneath his mask at your near slip up and watches as you adjust your posture and look over your shoulder at him. “That’s an interesting first question.”
“If I’m not here I’m at the bookstore and if I’m not here or there I’m at home sleeping. Not very interesting, I promise.”
Humming, he crosses one leg over the other and folds his arms over his chest to appraise you. The answer seems honest, at least up front, but he wonders if you haven’t figured him out and you’re holding back your true answer to spare him. Do you know about this little light that ignites inside of him every time you laugh? Have you felt his eyes look over every inch of you while you work, stretching like a cat or hunched over your own books? 
He hopes not, pursing his lips beneath his mask as he shifts slightly in his chair.
“You’re more interesting than you let on, I think.”
Shaking your head, you rest your chin in your palm.
“I’m starting to feel like you are documenting me and not the other way around.”
He shrugs flippantly, leaning back in his chair.
“I like to get to know everyone I’m working with at least a little bit.”
You laugh, looking down at your ink stained fingers, stretching them out and attempting to loosen the tightness a day full of work has wedged in your joints. He watches each movement, each twitch of your thumb and your pinkie as you move them. You’re so delicate yet so strong, it mesmerizes him to be able to see it this close.
“While giving them no way to know you back?” You ask and he hums, nodding. “Yeah, that’s the idea.”
He’s so amusing because he’s honest, you decide. As secretive and mysterious as he can be, he never lies when asked even if he does try and slip out of anything that can be seen as too vulnerable. You understand all too well how terrifying it is to open up and you don’t fault him but you wish he’d stop making your job so difficult.
Sighing, you stretch your arms behind you and lean back on your palms.
“I promise you are seeing something I’m not. There’s nothing interesting about me.”
Another unreadable hum from the hokage makes you sweat a little bit, uncertain of exactly what he’s gleaning from you with his questions. Maybe he’s realizing you’re at best, boring, and at worst, a flake who abandons her responsibilities only to trudge back with a frown once she’s failed. 
“I have a hard time believing that from the woman who left and didn’t tell anyone why.”
Swallowing thickly, you think back to what made you leave in the first place. Your mother’s passing was the catalyst, of course, but you’d been ready to run for as long as you could remember. Despite the legacy you carried on your back with the bookstore, you wondered what it would be like to be free for once - to be as unknown as you’ve always felt you were in Konoha. 
When mention of marriage left your grandma’s lips on your 23rd birthday, you bolted like a thief in the night. You had nothing left to lose at that point and you vowed to stay gone forever rather than be married to someone you only vaguely cared about that would create power and gain for the two remaining members of your family and that’s all.
That, of course, didn’t happen but you stuck to your values and kept going until you were given no choice but to return home after receiving a letter from your aging and ailing grandmother requesting your help. You couldn’t say no.
Your mouth feels like sand as you finally open it to speak, looking away from Kakashi who eyes you cautiously. Perhaps he went too far and he feels guilty until you speak and quell his fears.
“I left because I was afraid Grandma was going to force me to get married.” While that isn’t a situation the hokage has ever found himself in, he nods sympathetically when he notices your face twist with the words. “I fought it for a really long time and mom…she did too. Without her, it just felt like I was going to be fighting a losing battle.” 
Your eyes begin to glass over a bit and you blink tightly once before averting your gaze to the corner of the room. This isn’t a conversation you should be having with him at all, much less one that should be making you feel emotional, yet here you sit with your knees tucked beneath you answering his questions.
Considering your words, they make sense to him but they make him ache. They feel like a declination despite them not being aimed at him and he struggles to ask his next intrusive question hoping that he won’t be shut down as soon as you hear his words.
“Is that something you don’t want for yourself at all?” He asks, giving nothing away despite the way his fists have clenched involuntarily on top of his desk. Shaking your head and turning your face toward him, he steals a “too long to be friendly” glance. “Marriage? A family?”
A small sigh puffs out of your mouth. “I do but it’s a matter of feeling worthy of it, I suppose.”
“And you don’t?”
He catches you off guard with his question, your face twitching nearly imperceptibly. The well trained eyes of the man notice, though, the flicker of sadness and doubt. It’s a look he has seen many people try to hide and it makes his heart ache to know you feel that way about yourself. 
“I think I have a lot of work to do before somebody could care for me.”
You don’t meet his eyes, speaking down to your own scribbled handwriting on pages below you and he frowns. How can someone like you not see everything you offer? Beautiful, kind, intelligent and that’s just scratching the surface of the person you are. 
He wishes he could tell you those things in flowery language, perhaps even written like the books he reads and watches you read, but instead he leans forward and rests his elbows on his desk. The sound captures your attention and your watery eyes meet his.
“I think you underestimate yourself.”
Another flicker of a smile crosses your face and you bite the inside of your cheek in an effort to ground yourself to reality. He isn’t hitting on you, he’s just being nice, right? That has to be what’s happening here even though his gaze rests on you in a way that feels weighted. Different.
“Thank you for saying that,” you sniff between words and bring one of your hands from behind you to rub at the tip of your nose. “I’ll let my zero suitors know that I have the hokage’s stamp of approval.”
He flusters at your words. His stamp of approval? You’d have even more than that if you desired it but he simply nods, shutting his eyes tightly as he does so. 
“You could have anyone you wanted, I promise you that.”
Your eyes stay locked on his and you nod, watery smile on your face.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He wants to shiver under the weight of your gaze but he shifts instead, moving from leaning over his desk back to leaning in his chair with his legs crossed. You appear to be thinking, eyes downturned but you look back up at him with a frown.
“I don’t appreciate the way you managed to not answer any questions about yourself and we'll be coming back to this tomorrow.”
Chuckling, he nods.
“We’ll see.”
It’s the least he can do given how much he asked from you tonight. Rising to standing, he stretches out his legs for a moment and you follow his lead, standing and gathering your things preparing for him to walk you home.
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tamelee · 2 months
How do you think Sasuke would've been like if he didn't go through what he did? Do you think his personality would still be similar to how it is now, or way different? I think some things will definitely remain the same, like his personality being the opposite contrast to Naruto's, and being an introvert. But I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thinking about how Naruto would be like is also pretty interesting, but not as much as Sasuke since he's way more traumatized and changed dramatically since he was a kid. There were some fillers that showed that he chased cats and took those cat missions really seriously, which is really cute and makes him seem kinda goofy like Naruto, but they're still fillers so idk how accurate that is. Still, he was very friendly and sweet as a child even in canon. He's such an interesting and complex character!
That’s hard to predict because living life without going through what he has in the story is… quite the contrast. He'd still be goal-driven. I wonder if Fugaku would acknowledge Sasuke similarly without Itachi becoming distant. Would Itachi spend more time with Sasuke and allow them to train together had he not been burdened the way he was? There are so many variables to take into account. 
And let’s be honest… wouldn’t we want to know how Kishimoto would answer that? Considering people’s belief about the Uchiha’s “evil” destiny-tainted with hatred and all that- being genetic? Oh, there’s so much to say about that alone. Try making that point without Konoha’s elite members ordering his entire family to be murdered by the person he loves and trusts most for the sake of everyone else’s safety. Good luck with that. 
One thing Kishimoto has said about writing Sasuke always stuck with me though, which was: 
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He’s basically saying that, in order to write Sasuke, he needs to make sure his character image won’t be messed up by putting him in situations where he wouldn’t be in the first place. 
There’s a lot of debate among writers when it comes to character/plot driven stories, but Sasuke’s journey is very much character-driven in the sense that plot is/should be changed in order to allow Sasuke to drink the tea that he likes. It doesn’t make sense otherwise. Often, fillers, novels and other material that are technically official, but not made by Kishimoto, completely miss the mark and force him to drink the juice when he wouldn’t ever do that in the first place.
And so, screw up his character entirely. (Not Sasuke alone though.)
If Sasuke didn’t go through these horrible things, a lot will be different, but I’m pretty sure his personality would stay similar when it comes to drinking the tea he likes. He’d still avoid the juice despite different circumstances. He wouldn't ever drink it. And how that would be like precisely… well, your guess is as good as mine, really.
Sasuke can be goofy and playful though. Way more than people seem to think? He’s just selective when it comes to who he feels comfortable enough to show it to. As he should. Again, filler (etc-) also often don't take that into account. A lot of it is either completely exaggerated or they make him into this cold-hearted character without any sub- and/or context that does it justice.
I don’t think Naruto and Sasuke’s trauma’s can, and/or should be, ever measured against each other though. The story made it a point that it’s hard to understand one or the other for good reason. I also don’t think Naruto has changed much as a character? Although he gained better understanding about a lot of things and therefore took different approaches, he’s also repressing a lot of what he’s feeling in order to people please in a way that gains him the acceptance he craved for. Underneath all of that, there’s still that part of him that he’s denying in order to belong in the environment that denied him.
And yeah, how do we feel about that? ;-; 
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 24 days
Rule #4: No interrupting official meetings with inappropriate jokes
- During an important council meeting, Kakashi-Sensei can't resist cracking jokes under his breath, causing YN Senju-Sensei to giggle uncontrollably. This sets off a chain reaction with Naruto making loud snorting sounds and Sasuke trying hard not to burst out laughing.
In the heart of Konoha's administrative building, a crucial council meeting was underway. Village leaders, clan heads, and key shinobi were gathered to discuss strategies for improving security and defense. The atmosphere was tense, with serious faces focused on Hokage Tsunade as she outlined key issues and detailed plans.
Kakashi Hatake, however, was only half-listening. His one visible eye wandered around the room, his stance casual as he leaned back in his chair. Sitting beside him was YN Senju-Sensei, a respected Jonin and a long-time friend of Kakashi. They had shared countless missions and knew each other's quirks well.
Tsunade was explaining the potential threat from a neighboring village when Kakashi leaned over to whisper to YN. "Why did the scarecrow become a successful shinobi?" he murmured, a smirk forming beneath his mask.
YN glanced at Kakashi, trying to stay focused on Tsunade's speech. "Why?" she whispered back, against her better judgment.
"Because he was outstanding in his field," Kakashi replied, barely holding back a chuckle.
YN's attempt to suppress her laughter failed miserably. A quiet giggle escaped her lips, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Unfortunately, the giggle was loud enough to be noticed by others in the room, including Naruto Uzumaki, sitting a few seats away. Naruto, known for his infectious energy, couldn't help but snort when he heard YN's giggle. The sound echoed through the silent room, causing heads to turn.
Sasuke Uchiha, ever the stoic, was seated beside Naruto. He shot him a warning glance, but the damage was done. Naruto's snorting escalated into subdued laughter, and Sasuke clenched his jaw, struggling to maintain his composure. He gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white as he fought the urge to join in.
Tsunade paused mid-sentence, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the room. "Is something funny?" she asked, her tone laced with irritation.
Naruto immediately quieted down, his face turning red from the effort to contain his laughter. Kakashi, always the smooth talker, leaned back in his chair with an air of nonchalance. "Just reminiscing about old times, Tsunade-sama," he replied, his eye crinkling with amusement.
Tsunade gave him a stern look, then continued with the meeting, her voice slightly more forceful than before. But the atmosphere had changed. Several others in the room had caught the giggle contagion, and soft chuckles and suppressed laughter rippled through the crowd. Even Sasuke, the stoic avenger, had a faint smile on his lips.
YN glanced at Kakashi, who gave her a wink. Despite the serious nature of the meeting, his playful demeanor had managed to lighten the mood, if only for a moment. The council meeting continued, but the undercurrent of laughter served as a reminder that even in the most critical discussions, there was room for a little humor.
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nardo-headcanons · 2 months
heyyy how do you think the founder era characters, and maybe some akatsuki members, would be in an road to ninja au???
omg nonnie, that is such a funny idea!
RTN!Akatsuki and Founders
I havn't watched Road To Ninja in a while, but as far as I know, the Akatsuki are like a normal mercenary group? From what I've seen, they haven't changed much personality wise, which is a bummer. this is a long post, so more under the cut! also please take these with a grain of salt lmao
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Kakuzu is terrible with money. Absolutely terrible. He's the worst treasurer the Akatsuki ever had, but no one dares to take the job away from him because he still has the best connections and also he's just intimidating so they let him do his thing.
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Itachi was probably a bigger player than RTN!Sasuke. He had to flee Konoha from all the unwanted fangirls and -boys. Outside of battle situations he is the goofiest man alive. Puns and everything, but very charismatic and playful. This Itachi KNOWS how good-looking he is.
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Konan is a total klutz. She is very bubbly and sweet, openly showing her care for everyone in the world, but please do not let her near anything breakable EVER. She'll run up to you, be like "Hiii, reader-chan!" and fall flat on her face or trip over her own feet.
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Deidara is scared of his own explosions. He's, much like Konan, very clumsy, especially with his bombs. Often had to pay Kakuzu to reattach his limbs and always jumps whenever he blows something up. Also, he will read more about the chemistry behind explosions than the actual explosions themselves.
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Sasori is still a human, and he hates anything having to do with corpses, bodily fluids or organs. He's making all his puppets out of wood or other materials. Very cleanly, squeamish and emotional.
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Hidan is very professional and soft-spoken outside of battle, he's trying to TALK you to death. He really likes meditating and has a soft spot for kittens and cinnamon buns. His bloody battles are an outlet for all the anger he suppresses.
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Kisame is unintentionally really rude yet so gullible. He's very obsessed with his looks and considers himself a top tier guy looks-wise. Those women that rejected him in the bar? They are just scared of him because he's just too cool for them. He doesn't care about the cause of the Akatsuki and just joined them for his own selfish ambitions.
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Madara has betrayed the Uchiha clan after Indra's death, by trying to be "one of the good ones". He is a loyal Konoha soldier through and through, ruthless and cold unlike his canon counterpart, who is very empathetic and loving, but instead with great charisma. He himself believes the Uchiha suffer from the "curse of hatred" and thinks all discriminatory policies against them are justified. He rarely uses his sharingan in battle.
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Hashirama ruthlessly rose to power as the first Hokage, not even considering Madara as the first candidate. Unlike canon Hashirama who I think was just painfully naive, this one is fully aware of the position he is putting the Uchiha in and just. doesn't. care. Once he set all these policies in motion, he abandoned the village to go drink and gamble because being the Hokage bored him.
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Tobirama watched as his brother enrolled all his policies and was disgusted with how the Uchiha were treated. He is struck with guilt for killing Izuna and steps in when the village is suddenly abandoned. He tries reforming the cruel policies his brother put in place and thanks to him, the Uchiha massacre could be avoided.
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nejibaby · 2 years
Pairing: Hyuga Neji x Reader
Description: Just good-natured bickering with Neji.
Word Count: 1.0k
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You have to admit that covering Hyuga Neji’s eyes with your hands as you lead him to a “secret place” isn’t the brightest idea you have. Truth is your ingenious idea only involved taking him out to look at the stars without any interruption from the Hokage. Anything immediately outside that idea, well, you’ve decided to just wing it.
“Don’t peek!” You tell him. “I know this is a futile attempt at blocking your vision, but I have a surprise!”
“I will not peek,” Neji states. “However, I do hope you’re not going to put us in trouble again with this stunt.”
You gasp (rather scandalously — at least by Neji’s standards), feigning offense. “You’re writing me off as a troublemaker when I’m clearly not one.”
“But you aren’t exactly an angel either.”
There’s a playful lilt in Neji’s voice; it’s a tone that’s quite foreign to other people. Not to you though. Somehow, someway, you’ve managed to make Neji enjoy good-natured bickering.
“You’re so mean!” you huff. “The next time I get to see a rock, I’m bringing you to that direction so you’d trip, and then I’d be laughing at your misfortune.”
That’s a lie. You already cleared out the way beforehand to avoid that. Leaves, rocks, and branches, you got rid of them for this. For him. But Neji doesn’t need to know that.
“I trust that you wouldn’t do that.”
That’s a nice thing to say, you think. But what comes out of your mouth is “So you trust me. The great Hyuga Neji trusts me, even if he calls me a troublemaker.”
“I never said you were a troublemaker.”
“But you implied I was!”
“And yes, I do trust you.”
Neji is an honest man. On a day to day basis, outside of his ninja duties, he tells the truth. So you know with every fiber of your being that he isn’t lying. And that’s enough to derail your mind from the topic on hand. And maybe even make your heart skip a beat.
“Thank you,” you mumble.
With you behind him, you don’t get to witness the smile that forms on the corners of his mouth.
Neji isn’t sure why he fell in love with you in the first place. But he supposes that the chaos you bring perfectly balances out his simplistic ways, and perhaps that’s enough reason.
“We’re here,” you announce breathlessly. “Don’t open your eyes until I tell you so.”
Neji senses your presence in front of him and he hears occasional shuffling, and while he’s curious as to what you’re doing, he refrains himself from asking.
Moments later he feels you cup his cheeks and he doesn’t want to admit it, but his receptors interpret your touch as pleasant.
For a moment he thinks you’re going in for a kiss — or maybe it’s just him subconsciously wanting a kiss from you — either way, this doesn’t happen. And you prove to him once again that you’re unpredictable when you tilt his head back slightly.
“You can open your eyes now.”
He feels your chakra burst with excitement before it settles back to normal. And when he does as you say, he sees the reason why.
Up above there’s a hundred stars twinkling in the night sky. Only then does he realize that you’ve taken him away from the bustling streets of Konoha. It’s peaceful in a way. Just how Neji likes it.
You and him in your own little bubble, bare of the duties and responsibilities of a shinobi. This is what Neji lives for. Tranquil, tiny moments akin to this.
Unlike you, however, Neji is much better at keeping his emotions at bay. No gasps, no bursts of chakra, and no change in his facial expression, even if what he actually feels at this moment is contentment.
So when you observe him, you’re a little bit disappointed by his lackluster reaction.
And because you’re like an open book to Neji, he knows this way before you open your mouth to rant, all because he feels the spike in your chakra, hissing and crackling, bright and burning of anger, although you try to keep it contained. From the corner of his eye, he notices you visibly deflate.
“What’s the matter, love?” He asks without tearing his gaze away from the sky.
Neji hears a sigh come out of you. He senses your chakra fizzle back to its baseline. And then all of a sudden you’re pulling him down to the mat you’ve laid down beforehand. “Your neck will hurt if you keep looking up like that,” you mumble while pushing him down to rest his head against your legs.
This time, it’s you he’s staring at, although you avoid his gaze. He waits and waits until you’re ready to talk. And when you do, you say, “It’s just that… I had this brilliant idea to take you out here to gaze at the stars. I’ve heard from the villagers that this would be the perfect day for it and so I arranged all this. I took up missions that were supposed to be assigned to you and,” you chuckle halfheartedly, “and I might have even made a barrier just for this. But looking back, maybe I should have asked what you wanted to do instead of assuming that—”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he interrupts you.
He looks up at the sky and repeats, “Don’t get me wrong. This is nice. The stars look nice, pretty even. But,” Neji pauses — a habit he does when he’s collecting his thoughts, “But even the stars would look dull when I’ve been exposed to something as mesmerizing as you.”
Neji is an honest man. On a day to day basis, outside of his ninja duties, he tells the truth. So you know with every fiber of your being that he isn’t lying. Even though his words might be a little too unbelievable for you, this is his truth. And him saying this with so much conviction just solidifies that fact.
And this time you have to admit that his proclamation made your heart skip a beat.
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a/n: i haven’t written for him in forever 😫 i miss him so much 🥲
541 notes · View notes
julesthecutiepie · 5 months
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The night was alive with pulsating beats and neon lights as Naruto Uzumaki dragged Sasuke Uchiha into the heart of Konoha's hottest club. The war was finally over, and Naruto was determined to help his friend unwind. The club was throbbing with energy, and Naruto had managed to secure the best section – a VIP area overlooking the dance floor.
Naruto grinned at Sasuke, excitement radiating from every pore. "Come on, teme! This place is legendary. We're gonna have the best guys' night ever!"
Sasuke, ever the stoic Uchiha, simply rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smirk. "You better not embarrass me, Naruto."
As they settled into their seats, the lights dimmed, and the music escalated to a pulsating rhythm. Naruto, always one to go all out, signaled a waitress and ordered a round of drinks for them. The atmosphere was electric, and Sasuke found himself begrudgingly enjoying the change of pace.
Suddenly, the crowd hushed, and the spotlight shifted to the center of the dance floor. A figure emerged, swaying to the music with captivating grace. It was a dancer, captivating the audience with every movement. Naruto nudged Sasuke, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Check this out, Sasuke! I've got something special planned for us."
As the dancer continued to mesmerize the crowd, Naruto discreetly signaled someone backstage. Moments later, the music shifted, and the dancer took on a new routine, drawing even more attention.
Then, the crowd gasped as a new figure joined the dancer on stage. It was a young woman, her moves synchronized with the dancer's. Sasuke squinted, trying to get a clearer view. The woman's name was (Y/N) Miyu, a name that stirred memories from his distant past.
The two performers moved in perfect harmony, their bodies flowing with the music. Naruto leaned over to Sasuke, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Remember her, Sasuke? It's (Y/N) – our old friend from the academy."
Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise. Memories flashed before him – a time when they were carefree children, laughing and playing together. It was a time before tragedy struck the Uchiha clan, changing Sasuke's life forever.
As the performance reached its peak, (Y/N) made her way towards the VIP section. Dressed in the skimpiest of outfits that shimmered under the club lights, she exuded confidence. Naruto greeted her with an enthusiastic wave.
"(Y/N)! Long time no see! Meet my old friend, Sasuke."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in recognition, and a warm smile spread across her face. "Naruto! Sasuke! I can't believe it's really you guys. It's been years!"
Sasuke, still processing the unexpected reunion, nodded in acknowledgment. "(Y/N)."
Naruto beamed. "We used to be the three troublemakers of the academy, remember? Good times!"
(Y/N) chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "Those were the days. I never thought I'd see you two in a place like this."
Naruto grinned sheepishly. "Well, we're celebrating the end of the war. And what better way to do it than with an old friend?"
The trio shared a moment of camaraderie, catching up on the years that had passed since their carefree days at the academy. As the night continued, the dance floor pulsed with life, and the friends revealed the joy of their unexpected reunion, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
As (Y/N) shed her cloak, revealing the form-fitting ensemble that left little to the imagination, Sasuke's typically indifferent expression faltered for a moment. His piercing gaze observed the transformation of the once tomboyish girl they used to know into a stunning and confident woman. The outfit accentuated her curves in all the right places, and Naruto's playful comment about her being a "five-star baddie" suddenly made sense.
Sasuke shot Naruto a questioning look, his eyebrow raised in a mix of disbelief and mild confusion. "Five-star baddie?" he whispered to Naruto, trying to keep his voice low amid the pounding music.
Naruto grinned mischievously, his eyes fixed on the dancing (Y/N). "You know, a top-tier beauty. I told you she's something else now."
Sasuke scoffed, his gaze returning to (Y/N) as she gracefully climbed onto the couch with them, assuming a squatting position. The vibrant lights of the club illuminated her, casting shadows that accentuated her every move. She danced with an enticing confidence, the rhythm of the music coursing through her body.
(Y/N)'s eyes met Sasuke's, and she winked playfully, causing a flush to creep up his cheeks. He shifted uncomfortably, attempting to maintain his composure. Naruto, sensing Sasuke's unease, nudged him with a sly grin.
"Come on, Sasuke! Loosen up a bit. It's just a dance."
(Y/N), still moving to the beat, leaned in, her voice soft yet audible over the music. "Don't worry, Sasuke. I'm just here to entertain. No need to be so serious."
As she continued her provocative dance, Sasuke couldn't help but steal glances at her. The memories of their childhood friendship mingled with the allure of the present moment, creating a complex blend of emotions. He admired her confidence and beauty, grappling with the unfamiliar feeling that had stirred within him.
Naruto, ever the instigator, grinned at Sasuke. "You always did have a soft spot for (Y/N), didn't you?"
Sasuke shot Naruto a sharp glance, his attempt to conceal his feelings thwarted. "Shut up, Naruto."
(Y/N), still dancing, laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's okay, Sasuke. We're all friends here, right?"
With that, she resumed her dance, twirling and swaying to the music. Sasuke, torn between maintaining his stoic exterior and succumbing to the captivating atmosphere, found himself drawn into the whirlwind of the night. As the club's energy enveloped them, Sasuke realized that this unexpected reunion had brought more than just nostalgia; it had reignited something deeper within him.
Naruto, always the one to cut to the chase, couldn't resist his curiosity. As (Y/N) continued her sultry dance, Naruto shouted over the music, "Hey, (Y/N)! What have you been up to? Are you single?"
Sasuke shot Naruto with another disapproving look, his elbow jamming into Naruto's side. Naruto winced, but his grin remained intact as he glanced at Sasuke. "What? I'm just asking! We're catching up, right?"
(Y/N), in the midst of her dance, giggled at their banter. She twirled around, facing them, her movements fluid and alluring. "Well, Naruto, I've dated a bit," she admitted with a playful smile, "but I haven't found that perfect someone to settle down with just yet."
Sasuke, still trying to maintain a semblance of composure, interjected with a more serious question. "Are you still a shinobi?"
(Y/N) chuckled, bending over provocatively as she continued to move to the music. "Oh, Sasuke, you always were the serious one. Yes, I'm still a shinobi, but this," she gestured to the enticing dance she was performing, "is just for fun. A way to let loose after all the missions and training."
Naruto's eyes gleamed with admiration as he watched (Y/N). "Well, you've certainly found a unique way to unwind. You're amazing at this!"
(Y/N) straightened up, her eyes meeting Naruto's. "Thanks, Naruto. It's a different kind of art, you know?"
Sasuke, despite his initial reservations, found himself intrigued by (Y/N)'s perspective. The dichotomy of her life – a skilled shinobi and a captivating dancer – fascinated him. As she continued to entertain them, Sasuke couldn't help but appreciate the complexity of her character.
Naruto, seizing the opportunity to tease Sasuke, nudged him with a sly grin. "(Y/N)'s not just a beauty, Sasuke; she's a talented shinobi too. Maybe you should consider settling down with someone like her."
Sasuke scowled at Naruto's remark, but beneath the facade of annoyance, a flicker of contemplation crossed his eyes. (Y/N), catching onto the playful banter, laughed and leaned in closer to them.
"Boys, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Tonight's about enjoying the moment, right?"
And with that, (Y/N) continued to weave her enchanting dance, the club lights casting a mesmerizing glow on the trio. The night unfolded with laughter, nostalgia, and the electric energy of the club, creating a memorable chapter in their intertwined lives.
As (Y/N) gracefully climbed onto the table, her movements drew the attention of everyone in the VIP section. The lights shimmered on her as she spoke, her voice carrying over the thumping music.
"Hey, you two," she grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm kinda seeing someone, but it's nothing too serious. I'm too young to settle down right now. I'm just here to enjoy the night and have some fun with my friends."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Naruto, always the inquisitive one, leaned in. "Someone special, huh? Tell us more!"
(Y/N) giggled, pointing to a corner of the club where a group of other attractive individuals watched her with a mix of admiration and protectiveness. "See those guys over there? They're my crew, my squad. We've got each other's backs."
Naruto grinned. "Looks like you've got your own little fan club."
(Y/N) chuckled. "Yeah, they're like family. My Bella, she got me into dancing, and now it's become a backup career for me. She's the reason I'm here tonight."
Sasuke's interest peaked as he observed the group in the corner. "Bella?"
(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah, Bella. She's the one who convinced me to pursue dancing. We used to dance together for fun, and now it's become something more. I owe her a lot."
As the music continued to pulse through the club, (Y/N) resumed her dance on the table, captivating the audience with her moves. The group in the corner smiled and cheered, proud of their friend's performance. (Y/N)'s energy was infectious, and her carefree spirit resonated with Sasuke and Naruto.
Naruto grinned at Sasuke, nudging him. "See, Sasuke? (Y/N)'s living life to the fullest. We should learn a thing or two from her!"
Sasuke, though not one to easily admit it, found himself appreciating the sentiment. (Y/N)'s story, her commitment to enjoying the present moment, sparked a quiet realization within him. As the night unfolded, the trio continued to revel in the vibrant atmosphere of the club, each finding their own way to embrace the newfound energy that the reunion had brought into their lives.
(Y/N)'s laughter filled the air as she gracefully slid around the pole, her movements fluid and mesmerizing. The vibrant lights of the club reflected off her skin as she spoke to Naruto and Sasuke.
"You guys should join me on the dance floor sometime! It's always a blast," she exclaimed, twirling around the pole with an effortless grace.
Sasuke couldn't help but watch in awe as (Y/N) effortlessly turned upside down, seemingly defying gravity as she floated around the pole. He raised an eyebrow, impressed by her skill. Naruto, on the other hand, was getting increasingly excited, cheering her on.
"Whoa, (Y/N)! That's amazing! You've got some serious talent," Naruto shouted over the music.
(Y/N) continued to dance, her body moving in sync with the music as she maintained a casual conversation with them. "Yeah, guys, when I'm not on missions, I'm usually out here having a good time. Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"
Sasuke, usually reserved, found himself nodding in agreement. (Y/N)'s carefree attitude and ability to balance the intensity of shinobi life with moments of sheer enjoyment resonated with him on some level.
Naruto, still hyped up, leaned over to Sasuke with a wide grin. "Come on, Sasuke! Let's hit the dance floor with (Y/N)! It's been ages since we've just let loose like this."
Sasuke shot Naruto a skeptical look, but the infectious energy of the club and (Y/N)'s lively performance was starting to break through his usual stoicism. As (Y/N) continued her impressive dance routine, Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm, pulling him towards the dance floor.
"Fine, but just for a bit," Sasuke grumbled, unable to hide the faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
The trio, fueled by the pulsating beats and the exhilarating atmosphere of the club, joined the dance floor. (Y/N)'s laughter echoed alongside the music as they danced the night away, creating memories that would linger long after the club lights dimmed.
The dance floor pulsed with energy as (Y/N), Naruto, and Sasuke moved in harmony with the music. (Y/N)'s provocative moves drew glances from onlookers, and the trio became the center of attention. Sasuke, initially hesitant, found himself caught up in the rhythm of the music and (Y/N)'s infectious energy.
(Y/N), with a mischievous glint in her eyes, closed the distance between her and Naruto. Their bodies swayed together, and Naruto effortlessly spun her around, his strong grip on her hips showcasing a surprising finesse. The crowd watched in awe as Naruto and (Y/N) seamlessly danced as if they had been partners for years.
Sasuke, ever the observer, couldn't deny the captivating allure of the scene. (Y/N), with her alluring moves, beckoned him into the dance. He hesitated for a moment, but (Y/N), undeterred, closed the gap between them.
"Come on, Sasuke! Don't be such a stick in the mud. Let's have some fun!" she teased, pulling him into the rhythm.
As the trio danced, (Y/N)'s provocative moves intensified. Naruto, always enthusiastic, twirled her around and lifted her effortlessly, showcasing a dynamic dance routine that left the crowd in awe. (Y/N), reveling in the attention, shook what little was left to the imagination with unabashed confidence.
Sasuke, usually composed, found his stoic demeanor faltering in the face of (Y/N)'s lively spirit. She danced provocatively between Naruto and Sasuke, her movements daring and playful. Naruto, not one to back down, matched her energy, and the dance floor became a canvas for their dynamic collaboration.
(Y/N), not one to let Sasuke feel left out, seamlessly shifted her focus to him. She moved with grace, pulling Sasuke close and guiding him through the dance. The trio, now completely engrossed in the music and each other, moved as one unit, creating a spectacle that had the entire club cheering.
Sasuke, who had initially resisted the idea of letting loose, found himself enjoying the moment. (Y/N)'s laughter echoed as they twirled and swayed, the club lights casting dynamic shadows on the dance floor. The barriers between old friends melted away in the rhythm of the night.
As the music reached its climax, the trio shared a final twirl, their movements synchronized and their spirits high. The dance floor erupted in applause, and (Y/N), Naruto, and Sasuke, breathless and exhilarated, exchanged smiles that spoke volumes about the unexpected joy of the night.
The trio, united by the magnetic pull of the dance, stepped off the floor, the vibrant atmosphere of the club continuing to envelop them. The night had evolved into a celebration of friendship, freedom, and the undeniable power of letting go.
Returning to their VIP section, (Y/N)'s infectious laughter filled the air as she settled herself on Naruto's lap, holding onto Sasuke's hand with a playful glint in her eyes. The atmosphere was charged with the lingering energy from the dance floor, and the trio, now nestled in their private enclave, shared a moment of camaraderie.
Sasuke, still somewhat stunned by the sudden closeness, shot Naruto an incredulous look. Naruto, however, couldn't contain his laughter, grinning mischievously.
"What's the matter, Sasuke? Can't handle a little fun?" Naruto teased, his laughter echoing through the VIP section.
(Y/N) giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned in. "Relax, Sasuke. This is just part of the job. It's all in good fun."
Sasuke's stoic facade faltered, and he cleared his throat, averting his gaze. "Job or not, it's unexpected."
Naruto continued to chuckle, his arm slung over the back of the couch as he watched the interplay between Sasuke and (Y/N). "Come on, Sasuke, live a little! (Y/N)'s just being her lively self. This is what she does for a living, remember?"
(Y/N), still holding onto Sasuke's hand, winked at him. "Naruto's right. Don't take it too seriously, Sasuke. It's all in good fun."
Sasuke, despite his initial discomfort, couldn't deny the warmth of (Y/N)'s presence. The club's pulsating beats, the vibrant lights, and the infectious energy of the night had created an atmosphere where inhibitions were shed, and friendships rediscovered.
As they continued to enjoy the night, (Y/N)'s lively banter and Naruto's contagious laughter filled the VIP section. The trio, once again united by the camaraderie of old friends, allowed the night to unfold in its unpredictable and exhilarating way. The club continued to throb with life, the music creating a backdrop for the laughter, conversations, and shared moments that would linger in their memories long after the night had faded into dawn.
As the lively atmosphere of the club surrounded them, Sasuke, observing Naruto's playful banter with (Y/N), couldn't help but comment on the situation.
"(Y/N), you should know that Naruto's being unusually flirtatious, especially for someone with a girlfriend," Sasuke remarked, his tone carrying a hint of teasing accusation.
(Y/N) chuckled, her eyes flickering between Sasuke and Naruto. "Really now? Naruto, spill the beans. What's the deal with you and your supposed girlfriend?"
Naruto, caught off guard by Sasuke's comment, scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Ah, well, you see, it's all in good fun! Hinata knows I'm just being myself."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his gaze. "Somehow, I doubt she'd see it that way."
Naruto laughed, dismissing the concern. "Trust me, Sasuke, she's used to my antics by now. It's all part of the Naruto charm."
(Y/N) joined in the laughter, finding amusement in the dynamics between the two friends. "Well, Naruto, you might want to tone it down a bit. We wouldn't want any trouble with the girlfriend."
Naruto grinned, nodding in agreement. "Point taken, (Y/N). I'll behave... for now."
The trio continued their night in the club, the teasing banter adding a layer of humor to the atmosphere. As the music throbbed and the laughter echoed, the complexities of friendships, relationships, and the spontaneity of the night interwoven to create a memorable chapter in their shared experiences.
The club's vibrant lights continued to dance around them as (Y/N), with a playful smirk, smoothly transitioned from Naruto's lap to Sasuke's. The unexpected move left Sasuke momentarily caught off guard, his stoic demeanor faltering for a fraction of a second. (Y/N), however, settled comfortably in his lap, her eyes locking onto his with a mischievous gleam.
Sasuke, ever the composed individual, found himself in an unusual situation. His gaze met (Y/N)'s, and for a moment, the dynamic between them shifted. The pulsating beats of the music seemed to synchronize with the rapid thud of Sasuke's heart.
(Y/N)'s smirk widened as she playfully shifted in his lap, her movements graceful and daring. "Surprised, Sasuke?" she teased, her voice a sultry whisper amidst the rhythmic melodies.
Sasuke, regaining his composure, raised an eyebrow. "Should I be?"
(Y/N) chuckled, her fingers tracing an invisible pattern on his shoulder. "Maybe, maybe not. But I can tell you're not entirely opposed to the idea."
The corner of Sasuke's lips twitched, an almost imperceptible acknowledgment of the truth in her words. He couldn't deny the unexpected comfort that came with having her in his lap, the air between them charged with a playful energy.
Naruto, observing the interaction with a sly grin, leaned back in his seat. "Well, well, Sasuke. Looks like you're getting the VIP treatment tonight."
Sasuke shot Naruto with a half-amused, half-exasperated look. "It's not what it looks like."
(Y/N) laughed, her voice a melodic sound in the midst of the club's cacophony. "Relax, Sasuke. We're just having some fun. It's not every day you get to catch up with old friends, right?"
Sasuke nodded, a subtle agreement to the sentiment. The trio, now immersed in the playful dynamics of the night, continued to enjoy the unique camaraderie that had rekindled from the past. The club's atmosphere, with its pulsating beats and swirling lights, provided the perfect backdrop for the unexpected moments of connection and laughter that unfolded in the VIP section.
(Y/N)'s mischievous giggle filled the air, her eyes fixed on Sasuke as she playfully challenged him, "Sasuke, if I don't give you a dance, I won't feel satisfied tonight." The unexpected proposition left Sasuke's eyes widening in surprise, and he found himself in the midst of an unexpected scenario.
Without waiting for a response, (Y/N) smoothly spun around on his lap, using the couch for stability as she gripped the back. The pulsating beats of the music seemed to synchronize with the rapid rhythm of Sasuke's heartbeat. The air between them crackled with a newfound tension as (Y/N) moved with a captivating grace.
Sasuke, accustomed to maintaining his composure in most situations, felt an undeniable warmth creeping up his cheeks. The tight confines of (Y/N)'s outfit left little to the imagination, and the unexpected intimacy of the dance sent a surge of electricity through the VIP section.
Naruto, witnessing the scene unfold, burst into hearty laughter. "Whoa, Sasuke! If she dances on you like that, you might not survive the night!"
(Y/N), her movements fluid and enticing, continued to dance, her laughter mingling with the music. "Come on, Sasuke, live a little! It's all in good fun."
Sasuke, caught between amusement and embarrassment, couldn't deny the exhilarating energy that enveloped them. He cast a glance at Naruto, who was thoroughly entertained by the unexpected turn of events. The dance floor became a stage for a playful performance that blurred the lines between old friendships and the spontaneity of the night.
As (Y/N) continued to move with an enticing allure, the laughter and cheers from the clubgoers around them became a background melody. The trio, caught up in the electrifying atmosphere of the night, shared a moment that would become a memorable chapter in the story of their unexpected reunion.
Sasuke, his usual stoicism momentarily replaced by a hint of exasperation, couldn't help but groan as (Y/N) continued her teasing dance. "You're such a little tease," he remarked, his tone a blend of amusement and mild frustration.
(Y/N), giggling in response, continued to move with playful abandon, the energy of the club amplifying the lighthearted atmosphere. The pulsating beats of the music accompanied her every sway and twirl, creating a dynamic rhythm that resonated with the laughter and cheers around them.
The club's vibrant lights cast an enchanting glow on (Y/N) as she danced, the mischievous glint in her eyes captivating both Sasuke and Naruto. Despite Sasuke's groan, there was an undeniable camaraderie in the air, a shared acknowledgment that this unexpected night was a celebration of friendship, laughter, and the freedom to let loose.
(Y/N), still moving with a carefree spirit, winked at Sasuke. "Just trying to make sure you have a night to remember, Sasuke."
Sasuke, despite his earlier groan, couldn't help but crack a small smile. The unexpected reunion with (Y/N), the lively banter, and the playful dance had injected a dose of spontaneity into his usually reserved demeanor. As the night unfolded, he found himself appreciating the joy that came from embracing the unexpected, even if it meant being teased by an old friend in the middle of a bustling club.
Naruto, always quick to seize an opportunity for playful banter, couldn't resist teasing Sasuke about the situation. "Sakura's not gonna like this, Sasuke," he remarked with a sly grin.
Sasuke, unimpressed, huffed in response. "Sakura wishes she could be close enough for me to care."
(Y/N), caught in the middle of their banter, chuckled with a twinkle in her eyes. "Oh, the drama between the two bad boys. I'm just here for entertainment."
Naruto laughed heartily, clearly enjoying the teasing exchange. "Hey, (Y/N), you hear that? We're bad boys now."
(Y/N) winked playfully at them. "Oh, I can see it. The brooding looks, the mysterious vibes – total bad boy material, both of you."
Sasuke rolled his eyes, a faint smirk appearing on his face. "You're not helping, (Y/N)."
Naruto, reveling in the banter, nudged Sasuke with a grin. "Come on, Sasuke, admit it. We've got that bad boy charm."
Sasuke crossed his arms, feigning indifference. "Speak for yourself, Naruto."
The trio, surrounded by the pulsating beats of the club and the vibrant energy of the night, continued to exchange light-hearted taunts and laughter. The banter between old friends, combined with (Y/N)'s teasing presence, created a lively atmosphere that transcended the complexities of their individual lives. As they revealed in the camaraderie of the moment, the night unfolded with a delightful mix of banter, laughter, and the undeniable joy that came from embracing the unexpected.
(Y/N)'s playful giggle resonated through the air as she bit her finger, looking up at Sasuke with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Oh, Sasuke, I'm such a bad girl," she teased, her tone dripping with playful suggestions.
Sasuke, unexpectedly caught off guard by her bold comment, felt a warmth creeping up his cheeks. Without a moment's hesitation, he quickly pushed her onto the couch, his movements swift in an attempt to conceal his sudden embarrassment. The unexpected action garnered a surprised yelp from (Y/N).
"Watch it, (Y/N)," Sasuke grumbled, his face tinted with a subtle shade of red as he tried to regain his composure.
Naruto, thoroughly entertained by the unfolding dynamics, burst into laughter. "Smooth move, Sasuke! Didn't know you had it in you."
(Y/N), still giggling on the couch, shot Sasuke a playful wink. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Sasuke. It's all in good fun."
Sasuke, his stoic facade restored, crossed his arms and scowled. "Just keep it in check, (Y/N)."
The trio, surrounded by the lively atmosphere of the club, shared a moment of laughter and playful banter. (Y/N), undeterred by Sasuke's attempts to deflect her teasing, continued to revel in the spontaneous energy of the night. The club's pulsating beats became the backdrop to a night filled with unexpected turns, laughter, and the enduring camaraderie between old friends.
(Y/N), sprawled on the couch after Sasuke's quick maneuver, couldn't resist teasing Sasuke further. With a playful smirk, she remarked, "Sasuke, hiding your lap so soon? Maybe I'm a bigger challenge than you thought."
Sasuke's stoic expression remained, but the subtle twitch at the corner of his lips betrayed a hint of amusement. Naruto, unable to contain his laughter, snickered at the unexpected turn of events. "Looks like (Y/N)'s got a bigger effect on Sasuke than I thought."
(Y/N) giggled, sitting up on the couch with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Come on, Sasuke, don't be shy. It's just a bit of fun."
Sasuke, unfazed by their banter, merely raised an eyebrow. "Fun is subjective."
Naruto, still grinning, chimed in, "Oh, come on, Sasuke! Where's the adventurous spirit? You used to be way more fun back in the day!"
(Y/N), enjoying the playful banter, leaned in a little closer to Sasuke. "Maybe I just need to bring out that fun side again."
Sasuke, meeting her gaze with a cool intensity, replied, "You can try."
The trio, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the club, continued their banter and laughter, the pulsating beats providing a backdrop to the unfolding camaraderie. The night remained unpredictable, filled with unexpected turns and the shared joy of rediscovering connections from the past.
Naruto, always one to embrace the lively spirit of the moment, seized the opportunity to join in on the playful dynamics. With a mischievous grin, he playfully pulled (Y/N) onto his lap, snickering as he teased, "I want that same effect Sasuke got!"
(Y/N), caught off guard by Naruto's sudden move, laughed heartily, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Naruto, you're incorrigible. But sure, let's see if lightning strikes twice."
Naruto's laughter echoed through the VIP section as he settled back on the couch with (Y/N) on his lap. The trio, now entangled in a whirlwind of banter and laughter, added another layer of spontaneity to the already vibrant night.
Sasuke, watching the scene unfold with a raised eyebrow, couldn't help but smirk at Naruto's audacity. "Looks like I'm not the only one getting the full experience tonight."
Naruto, grinning unapologetically, shrugged. "Hey, it's all in the name of fun! Right, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N), comfortably situated on Naruto's lap, winked at both of them. "Absolutely! Let's make it a night to remember."
And with that, the trio continued to revel in the energetic atmosphere of the club, their banter and laughter creating a lively symphony amidst the pulsating beats. The night unfolded with a perfect blend of camaraderie, unexpected turns, and the shared joy of embracing the spontaneous moments that life had to offer.
The unexpected turn of events left Sasuke momentarily stunned as (Y/N), now seated on Naruto's lap, began to move with a provocative grace to the rhythm of the music. The pulsating beats of the club underscored the electrifying atmosphere, and Sasuke found himself unable to look away from the mesmerizing dance unfolding before him.
Naruto, thoroughly enjoying the attention, wore a wide grin as (Y/N)'s movements intensified. He exchanged glances with Sasuke, a playful challenge in his eyes. "Come on, Sasuke, join the party! It's all in good fun."
Sasuke, his usually composed demeanor wavering under the allure of (Y/N)'s dance, merely raised an eyebrow. The atmosphere in the VIP section became charged with an undeniable tension as the playful banter escalated into an unexpected showcase of energy and desire.
(Y/N), in the midst of her dance, cast a seductive glance toward Sasuke, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. The air between them crackled with a palpable tension, and Sasuke found himself unable to completely hide the desire that flickered in his eyes.
Naruto, sensing the shift in dynamics, chuckled. "Looks like (Y/N)'s got your attention, Sasuke."
Sasuke, regaining a semblance of composure, muttered a low acknowledgment. "It's just a dance."
But as the dance continued, the trio became entangled in a dance of their own – one that transcended the boundaries of friendship and delved into the uncharted territories of desire, laughter, and the exhilarating energy of the night. The club's vibrant lights, coupled with the sultry dance unfolding before them, created a tableau of memories that would linger long after the music faded and the night came to an end.
(Y/N)'s playful giggle filled the air as she continued her provocative dance, her movements drawing a charged atmosphere in the VIP section. Suddenly, she felt something poking her, and her mischievous smirk turned into a knowing grin.
"Looks like someone's enjoying the show," she teased, glancing at Sasuke with a twinkle in her eyes.
Sasuke, caught off guard, shot Naruto a glare that conveyed both shock and embarrassment. Naruto, who had been reveling in the banter, now found himself the target of Sasuke's disapproving gaze.
"Sasuke, my man, it's not what it looks like!" Naruto stammered, trying to suppress his laughter.
(Y/N), still grinning, leaned in a little closer to Sasuke. "Oh, come on, Sasuke. No need to be shy. It's just a bit of fun."
Sasuke, maintaining his stoic facade despite the evident embarrassment, muttered a low, "Naruto, control yourself."
Naruto, finally realizing the extent of the situation, burst into laughter. "I can't help it, Sasuke! Blame the dance, not me!"
The trio, now entangled in a web of laughter and unexpected turns, navigated the playful banter with a mix of amusement and camaraderie. The club's vibrant energy continued to pulse around them as they shared a moment that would become a memorable chapter in their history of reunions and lively nights.
(Y/N)'s laughter echoed through the VIP section as she gracefully brought her dance to a close. The pulsating beats of the club lingered in the air as she looked at Sasuke and Naruto with a playful glint in her eyes.
"Well, that was quite the show, wasn't it?" (Y/N) remarked, her gaze lingering on Sasuke's and Naruto's surprised expressions.
Sasuke, still trying to regain his composure, nodded with a raised eyebrow. "To say the least."
Naruto, unable to contain his excitement, chimed in with an eager grin. "That was amazing, (Y/N)! You sure know how to liven up a party!"
(Y/N) giggled, standing up from Naruto's lap and smoothing out her outfit. "Glad you enjoyed it! Now, how about we continue the fun elsewhere? I've got an afterparty at my apartment – just a friendly get-together."
Naruto's eyes widened, and he practically leaped at the suggestion. "An afterparty? Count me in! I've been waiting for this all night!"
Sasuke, still processing the unexpected turn of events, raised an eyebrow. "An afterparty?"
(Y/N) nodded, her gaze flickering between the two friends. "Why not? We can relax, catch up, and have some good times. What do you say, boys?"
Naruto, practically salivating at the prospect, grinned from ear to ear. "I'm in! Let's make it a night to remember!"
Sasuke, ever the reserved one, nodded in agreement. "Fine. Lead the way."
As they exited the vibrant atmosphere of the club, (Y/N) led Sasuke and Naruto through the bustling streets to her apartment. The city lights created a tapestry of colors overhead, adding to the electric energy of the night. The trio's laughter and banter continued, weaving a thread of camaraderie that transcended the boundaries of the club.
Arriving at (Y/N)'s apartment, the anticipation of the afterparty hung in the air. The night, far from over, promised more unexpected twists and turns as old friends embraced the spontaneity of the moment. The door opened, revealing the warmth of (Y/N)'s home and the promise of a night filled with laughter, conversation, and the enduring bonds of friendship.
Sasuke, stepping into (Y/N)'s apartment, found himself taken aback by the intimate setting. The realization that it was just the three of them for the afterparty lingered in the air, adding a layer of curiosity to the atmosphere.
"An afterparty with just us?" Sasuke inquired, raising an eyebrow.
(Y/N), her mischievous giggle echoing in the room, nodded with a playful glint in her eyes. "Yep! A small, private gathering. Let's make it memorable."
Naruto, grinning widely at the prospect, couldn't contain his excitement. However, before things could escalate, Sasuke discreetly swatted him away, whispering a reminder about the importance of being respectful.
As (Y/N), still adorned in her skimpy outfit, gracefully moved towards the couch, Sasuke felt a blush creeping onto his face. The intimate setting and (Y/N)'s playful demeanor added an unexpected warmth to the atmosphere. (Y/N) gently pushed Sasuke onto the couch, her touch sending a subtle shiver down his spine.
"Relax, Sasuke. I'll whip up some drinks for us," (Y/N) announced, her tone light and inviting.
Sasuke, still processing the sudden turn of events, nodded in acknowledgment. As (Y/N) set off to the kitchen, the room was filled with a blend of curiosity and anticipation. Naruto, now more subdued, shot Sasuke an amused grin.
Sasuke, maintaining his stoic exterior despite the lingering blush, couldn't deny the unique energy of the night. The quiet hum of (Y/N)'s apartment, the soft glow of ambient lighting, and the promise of shared moments with old friends created a canvas for an afterparty that was sure to be etched in their memories.
Naruto, always the one to keep the energy alive, took charge of the music, selecting a lively playlist that filled (Y/N)'s apartment with upbeat tunes. The familiar beats and rhythms instantly transformed the atmosphere, adding a layer of vivacity to the intimate afterparty.
Meanwhile, (Y/N), with a bottle of liquor and mixers in hand, skillfully prepared drinks for the trio. Her movements were fluid and confident, mirroring the energy of the music. As she approached Sasuke with a glass in hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wariness, the proximity and intimate setting heightening his senses.
(Y/N), her gaze playful and inviting, offered Sasuke the drink. "Here you go, Sasuke. A little something to kick off the night."
Sasuke accepted the glass with a nod, his expression retaining its characteristic stoicism. The clinking of ice against the glass resonated in the room as he took a cautious sip, his eyes never leaving (Y/N)'s.
Naruto, watching the exchange with a grin, raised his own glass in a mock toast. "To old friends and unexpected nights!"
(Y/N) joined in the toast, her gaze locked onto Sasuke's with a hint of mischief. "To make memories we'll talk about for years."
The clinking of glasses marked the beginning of the afterparty, the trio settling into a rhythm of laughter, music, and shared experiences. The apartment, now filled with the lively cadence of the night, became a haven for friendships to be rekindled and new memories to be made in the warmth of the moment.
As the night unfolded, the lively atmosphere in (Y/N)'s apartment eventually mellowed into a more introspective mood. The music played softly in the background as (Y/N), Naruto, and Sasuke found themselves engaged in a deep conversation about the importance of bonds and the value of cherished friendships.
Sasuke, usually reserved about his feelings, found himself opening up in the comfort of familiar company. With a thoughtful expression, he admitted, "I miss this, (Y/N). The camaraderie, the laughter... It's been too long."
(Y/N), touched by Sasuke's sincerity, smiled warmly. "I've missed you too, Sasuke. Life gets busy, but these connections, these bonds, are what make it all worthwhile."
Naruto, who had been nodding in agreement, added, "You guys are right. Bonds are what keep us grounded. Even when we're apart, the memories and the shared moments stay with us."
The trio continued to share stories and reflections, delving into the intricacies of their lives and the journey that had brought them to this point. The conversation became a tapestry woven with the threads of nostalgia, laughter, and the unspoken understanding that true bonds withstand the test of time.
Sasuke, perhaps surprising himself with the depth of his emotions, spoke up again, "I wish we could see each other more often. Life takes us on different paths, but these connections are what tie us together."
(Y/N), sensing the weight of Sasuke's words, reached out to him with a reassuring smile. "We may not be able to turn back time, but we can always make the most of the moments we have now. Let's promise to stay connected, no matter where life takes us."
Naruto, raising his glass in agreement, echoed, "To bonds that transcend time and distance!"
As the night continued, the trio cherished the present moment, recognizing the significance of the bonds they had forged. The afterparty, which had started with laughter and playfulness, now became a testament to the enduring power of friendships that withstand the sands of time.
As the night progressed and the drinks continued to flow, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Sasuke, typically composed and reserved, found himself gradually succumbing to the effects of the alcohol. The lively atmosphere, the deep conversations, and the overall warmth of the night had contributed to his gradual intoxication.
Naruto, on the other hand, was well past the point of sobriety. The energetic and carefree shinobi had fully embraced the spirit of the night, his laughter echoing through (Y/N)'s apartment. Unbeknownst to Sasuke, Naruto was too far gone, lost in a world of jubilant revelry.
Meanwhile, (Y/N), seemingly unfazed by the alcohol, decided to add a playful twist to the night's festivities. The music, still playing softly in the background, took on a more sensual tone. (Y/N), with a smirk, approached Naruto and, with an inviting glint in her eyes, began to give him a playful lapdance.
Sasuke, having lost track of the sequence of events, blinked in confusion as the room seemed to swirl around him. The vibrant lights and the sultry music created a kaleidoscope of sensations, leaving him disoriented. It was in this moment of intoxication that he became aware of Naruto's boisterous laughter and (Y/N)'s provocative dance.
Caught in the haze of alcohol and the playful energy of the night, Sasuke couldn't quite discern the boundaries between reality and the whimsical dance of the evening. As the trio continued to navigate the unpredictable turns of the afterparty, the night took on a surreal quality, where laughter, camaraderie, and unexpected moments converged into a memorable chapter in their shared history.
The night had reached a point where laughter and camaraderie blended with the intoxicating atmosphere, creating a surreal tableau in (Y/N)'s apartment. The music played on, weaving a seductive melody that mirrored the playful dance of the night.
(Y/N), with a mischievous glint in her eyes, turned her attention to Naruto. "Come on, Naruto, don't be shy. How about a little kiss?"
Naruto, his inhibitions already lost to the night, grinned broadly. "Well, if you insist!"
As Naruto leaned in, a playful energy charged the room. But in the midst of the lighthearted banter, Sasuke, swaying slightly from the effects of the alcohol, found himself feeling a peculiar weight on his chest. He slurred his words, trying to find coherence amidst the haze.
"Naruto," Sasuke slurred his words, trying to maintain coherence, "you have a girlfriend. You can't just—"
But Naruto, lost in the carefree spirit of the night and the playful energy around him, couldn't resist the temptation. He interrupted Sasuke with a hearty laugh. "Come on, Sasuke! It's all in good fun. Don't overthink it!"
Sasuke, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion, tried to emphasize his point. "No, Naruto, seriously. You have a girlfriend. This isn't right."
Naruto, momentarily distracted by the music, didn't seem to fully register Sasuke's words. The room seemed to swirl around them as Naruto, with a playful grin, responded, "Relax, Sasuke! It's just a kiss. No harm done."
As the night unfolded, Sasuke found himself in a disorienting haze. The dim lights, the playful banter, and the unexpected twists of the evening had blurred the boundaries between friendship and the whimsy of the moment.
Sasuke, despite his attempts to convey the reality of Naruto's relationship status, felt a sense of resignation. The night had taken on a surreal quality, and as Naruto leaned in for the playful kiss, the room held its breath. The dynamics between the trio became a dance of laughter, misunderstandings, and the intoxicating allure of an evening that seemed to exist in its own transient reality.
The room pulsed with a blend of anticipation and uncertainty as Naruto and (Y/N), caught in the playful energy of the night, shared another kiss. Naruto, seemingly lost in the moment, couldn't help but express his delight with a moan, "(Y/N), you taste amazing."
Sasuke, struggling to reconcile the conflicting emotions within him, hissed at Naruto, "This is wrong. You have a girlfriend."
Naruto, caught off guard by Sasuke's disapproval, looked momentarily conflicted. However, the night had taken on a life of its own, and the rhythm of the music seemed to drown out the concerns of the real world.
(Y/N), sensing the tension, turned her gaze toward Sasuke, her eyes inviting and mischievous. In a bold move, she leaned in, her lips tantalizingly close to his. "And what about you, Sasuke? Want to taste the night?"
Sasuke's body betrayed him as he hesitated, caught in the whirlwind of conflicting desires and the allure of the unexpected. He glanced at Naruto, then back at (Y/N), uncertainty etched on his face.
Naruto, seemingly oblivious to the complex emotions in the air, chuckled. "Come on, Sasuke! It's just a bit of fun. Live a little!"
Sasuke, torn between his convictions and the magnetic pull of the night, hesitated a moment longer before finally responding, "This isn't right."
(Y/N), unfazed, leaned back with a playful grin. "Fair enough, Sasuke. We're all just here to enjoy the night, after all."
The trio, now entangled in a web of emotions and desires, navigated the remainder of the evening with a sense of complexity. The music continued to play, the laughter echoed, and the afterparty unfolded in a symphony of unpredictable turns, leaving each of them to grapple with the echoes of choices made in the throes of a night that defied expectations.
The atmosphere in (Y/N)'s apartment thickened with a mix of desire and tension, each heartbeat echoing the complexities of the moment. Naruto, seemingly oblivious to the intricacies, continued to revel in the night's whimsy. He rubbed (Y/N)'s back, a possessive grin on his face as he boldly declared, "You don't want to kiss Sasuke anyway."
Sasuke, caught in a maelstrom of emotions, glared at Naruto, a silent protest in his gaze. The air crackled with unspoken tension, and the room seemed to hold its breath as the dynamics between the trio shifted.
(Y/N), her expression a blend of amusement and mischief, leaned into Naruto's touch. "Well, aren't you confident?" she teased, her eyes flickering between Naruto and Sasuke.
Naruto, emboldened by the playful banter, wrapped his arm around (Y/N), asserting his claim with a smirk. "Of course! I've got you all to myself."
Sasuke, his frustration simmering beneath the surface, couldn't shake the feeling of being an unwitting pawn in this unexpected play. The night had taken on a surreal quality, and the boundaries between friendship and desire blurred with each passing moment.
As the trio navigated the intricate dance of emotions, the music continued to weave its melody, a constant reminder of the vibrant energy that surrounded them. The afterparty, once a simple gathering of old friends, had transformed into a night of unexpected turns, leaving each of them grappling with the consequences of choices made in the throes of the intoxicating allure of the night.
In an abrupt twist, Sasuke, feeling a surge of frustration and a challenge from Naruto, seized the opportunity to take control of the night's dynamics. With a swift movement, he yanked (Y/N) onto his lap, surprising her with the sudden assertiveness. She squeaked in surprise as he pulled her in, his lips crashing down onto hers in a possessive kiss that echoed the simmering tension in the room.
The atmosphere shifted dramatically, the playful banter giving way to an unexpected moment of intensity. Sasuke's kiss was fueled by a mix of emotions – a response to Naruto's perceived claim and an assertion of his own desires.
(Y/N), caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, initially gasped in surprise. Yet, the playful spirit that defined her character quickly emerged, and she responded with a giggle that melded seamlessly into the passionate exchange. She kissed Sasuke back, her fingers intertwining with his hair as the dynamics between them continued to evolve.
Naruto, who had been an unwitting instigator of this unexpected twist, watched with a mixture of surprise and amusement. The room, once charged with playful energy, now crackled with a different kind of intensity.
Sasuke's kiss, possessive and fueled by a complex array of emotions, lingered. He held (Y/N) close, the atmosphere around them pulsating with the unspoken weight of the night's choices.
As the trio navigated the currents of desire and camaraderie, the music provided a steady rhythm for the evolving dynamics. The afterparty, now a tapestry woven with laughter, tension, and a newfound intimacy, entered a chapter that none of them had anticipated at the beginning of the night.
The kiss lingered in the air, an unexpected crescendo in the symphony of the night. Sasuke's lips, once pressed possessively against (Y/N)'s, now softened into a more intricate dance of passion and desire. (Y/N), initially caught off guard, responded with a willingness that matched the undercurrents of tension and longing that had woven their way into the fabric of the evening.
Naruto, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and realization. The dynamics had shifted, and the night had taken an unpredictable turn. The room seemed to vibrate with the unspoken tension, the trio entangled in a complex dance that defied easy categorization.
As the kiss deepened, Sasuke's hand slid from the small of (Y/N)'s back to cup her cheek, fingers gently tangling in her hair. (Y/N), still giggling amidst the intensity, reciprocated with a passion that mirrored the intricacies of the night.
The music, an unwitting witness to the evolving drama, continued to play its tune. The melodies, once carefree and upbeat, now provided a more sultry backdrop to the uncharted territories of emotions and desire.
Sasuke, breaking the kiss but keeping (Y/N) close, gazed into her eyes. The room seemed to hold its breath as he spoke, his voice a low murmur that carried a weight of unspoken emotions. "This is not just a game, (Y/N)."
(Y/N), her laughter now replaced by a more contemplative expression, nodded in acknowledgment. "I know, Sasuke. It's a night of unexpected twists, and we're all caught up in it."
Naruto, processing the unfolding scene, chuckled nervously. "Well, this got interesting, didn't it?"
The trio, now bound by the shared experience of the night, navigated the uncertain waters of emotions and desires. The afterparty, once a simple gathering of friends, had transformed into a night that would be etched in their memories—a night that defied expectations, challenged boundaries, and embraced the spontaneity of life's unpredictable moments.
The atmosphere in the room hung heavy with a mixture of anticipation and surprise. Sasuke, still holding (Y/N) close, exchanged a lingering gaze with her, the unspoken emotions between them echoing the complexity of the night. (Y/N), with a knowing smile, seemed to acknowledge the uncharted territory they were navigating.
In the midst of this silent exchange, Naruto, the ever-energetic force of the night, gently tugged (Y/N) away from Sasuke's grasp. He shot Sasuke a playful grin, accompanied by a cheeky flip of the middle finger, as if to say, "My turn."
Sasuke, caught off guard by Naruto's sudden assertiveness, raised an eyebrow but remained silent. The air crackled with tension as Naruto, emboldened by the unfolding events, leaned in to claim his own moment with (Y/N).
Naruto's lips met (Y/N)'s in a kiss that carried a different energy from Sasuke's earlier embrace. It was filled with the carefree spirit of the night, a sense of seizing the moment without dwelling on consequences. (Y/N), responding to Naruto's enthusiasm, met the kiss with an equal measure of playfulness.
As the trio navigated this intricate dance of desires, the room seemed to pulse with a rhythm of its own. The music, now a backdrop to the evolving drama, provided a steady beat that mirrored the heartbeat of the night.
After a moment that felt simultaneously fleeting and eternal, Naruto broke the kiss with a grin, breathing heavily. "See, Sasuke? Fun, right?"
Sasuke, maintaining his stoic demeanor despite the swirling emotions within him, nodded in acknowledgment. The unspoken tension in the room persisted, and the trio found themselves at a crossroads where laughter, desire, and the intricacies of friendship converged.
(Y/N), caught between the magnetic poles of two friends, chuckled. "Who would have thought this night would take such unexpected turns?"
The afterparty, now immersed in a tapestry of complex emotions, continued to unfold, each participant grappling with the consequences of choices made in the whimsical dance of a night that defied expectations.
Sasuke, still processing the unexpected twists of the night, turned to Naruto with a raised eyebrow, his stoic demeanor betraying a curiosity that lingered beneath the surface. "Have you and (Y/N) had fun nights like this before?"
Naruto, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm, shot (Y/N) a playful grin before turning back to Sasuke. "Oh yeah, plenty of times! (Y/N) knows how to make any night unforgettable!"
(Y/N), catching Naruto's eye, laughed with a twinkle in her eye. "Naruto and I go way back. We've had our fair share of adventures, both on and off the mission field."
Sasuke, despite himself, felt a pang of curiosity about the camaraderie between his two friends. The playful banter and shared history became evident in the way they interacted, adding layers to the complex dynamics of the night.
Naruto, animated with the memories of their escapades, couldn't resist sharing a few stories. "Remember that one time we got lost on a mission and ended up in a hot spring village? (Y/N) here convinced everyone it was a team-building exercise!"
(Y/N) chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, it worked, didn't it? We never did find that rogue ninja, but we sure bonded as a team."
As the trio delved into the shared memories, the night seemed to take on a more nostalgic tone. The laughter, now infused with the echoes of past adventures, created a bridge between the present and the countless moments they had shared before.
Sasuke, despite the unexpected turns of the night, found himself drawn into the magnetic energy of their camaraderie. The afterparty, now a celebration of past and present connections, continued to unfold with a sense of unpredictability, leaving each participant to navigate the intricacies of friendship, desire, and the memories that bound them together.
The night carried on, fueled by the steady stream of shots that found their way into the trio's glasses. Sasuke, feeling the warmth of the alcohol coursing through him, took another shot, the burn in his throat a welcomed distraction from the complex emotions swirling around.
Meanwhile, Naruto, ever the lively force of the night, pulled (Y/N) even closer, their bodies now entwined in an intimacy that hadn't been present earlier. Sasuke's eyes widened at the closeness between them, a mixture of surprise and a hint of something else flickering in his gaze.
Naruto, noticing Sasuke's reaction, chuckled, his laughter carrying a hint of mischief. "Didn't think you'd see this side of me, huh, Sasuke?"
Sasuke, still processing the unfolding scene, raised an eyebrow. "I almost didn't."
Naruto, his arm securely around (Y/N), grinned. "Well, I've got to admit, I almost didn't want to share (Y/N), but if it's with you, it's fine."
Sasuke, caught off guard by Naruto's admission, couldn't help but feel a sense of complexity in the air. The night had evolved into a dance of desires, friendships, and unexpected revelations.
(Y/N), seemingly unaffected by the shift in dynamics, giggled and teased, "You two act like I'm some kind of prize to be won."
Naruto, still grinning, leaned in and planted a playful kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. "Well, you're definitely a prize, (Y/N). And Sasuke here knows it now!"
Sasuke, despite his usual stoicism, found himself drawn into the camaraderie of the moment. The trio, now bound by shared memories, playful banter, and the subtle undercurrents of desire, continued to navigate the night with a sense of unpredictability. The afterparty, once a simple gathering of friends, had transformed into a tapestry woven with laughter, intimacy, and the complexities of connections that defied easy categorization.
As the night unfolded, Sasuke found himself amidst the playful camaraderie of Naruto and (Y/N), yet a subtle undercurrent of loneliness tugged at the edges of his consciousness. The warmth of the alcohol only served to amplify this feeling, and Sasuke's hands flexed instinctively, as if seeking something more, something to hold onto in the midst of the revelry.
Naruto, ever attuned to the nuances of his friend's emotions, sighed softly. He released his hold on (Y/N), recognizing the unspoken yearning in Sasuke's gaze. (Y/N), with a keen understanding of the dynamics at play, shifted her attention toward Sasuke, her playful demeanor giving way to a more comforting presence.
Sasuke, now feeling the effects of the alcohol more acutely, looked at (Y/N) with a mixture of vulnerability and longing. His usually composed demeanor seemed to unravel in the glow of the dim lights, and he hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "Sometimes, it feels like I'm always on my own."
(Y/N), her gaze softening with empathy, moved closer to Sasuke. She placed a hand on his shoulder, offering silent comfort. "You're not alone, Sasuke. We're here with you tonight."
Naruto, leaning back and observing the scene, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Sasuke. You've got friends, and we're all here for each other."
Sasuke, his guard momentarily lowered by the effects of the alcohol, nodded in acknowledgment. The trio, now enveloped in a moment of shared vulnerability, became a tableau of connection and understanding.
(Y/N), guided by an innate sense of compassion, spoke gently to Sasuke. "It's okay to feel lonely sometimes. We all do. But you've got friends here who care about you."
As the night continued, the afterparty transformed into a space where emotions flowed freely, unburdened by the usual walls of stoicism. Sasuke, comforted by the presence of his friends, found solace in the shared moments that bridged the gaps between loneliness and connection. The night, once a tapestry woven with desires and laughter, now became a canvas for the intricate shades of friendship and understanding that defined the bonds between Naruto, (Y/N), and Sasuke.
Sasuke, under the influence of the alcohol and the weight of his emotions, found himself in a vulnerable state. (Y/N), sensing his need for connection, leaned in and asked in a soft, caring tone, "Sasuke, do you want me to show you how much I care about you?"
Sasuke, his guard softened by the intoxication, nodded in response. The dim lights of the room seemed to reflect the complex emotions in his eyes as he met (Y/N)'s gaze.
Naruto, ever the enthusiastic supporter, scooted closer to Sasuke with a wide grin. He clapped Sasuke on the shoulder and declared, "You're choosing well, Sasuke! (Y/N)'s the best at making people feel special."
(Y/N), with a playful yet intimate look in her eyes, gracefully descended to the floor. Her movements were deliberate, each step carrying a sense of purpose as she positioned herself in front of Sasuke. The room seemed to hold its breath as the powerful shinobi gazed down at her.
(Y/N), looking up at Sasuke, began to move with a fluidity that mirrored the unspoken currents of the night. Her dance was not just a physical display but an intimate expression of connection and understanding. The music played softly in the background, enhancing the atmosphere of the moment.
Naruto, watching the scene unfold, offered words of encouragement. "Enjoy, Sasuke! (Y/N) knows how to make everything unforgettable!"
As (Y/N) danced, the room became a cocoon of shared vulnerability and unspoken desires. The night, once filled with laughter and revelry, now shifted into a more intimate space where the complexities of friendship and longing intertwined.
Sasuke, his eyes fixed on (Y/N)'s movements, felt a mix of emotions. The alcohol had lifted the usual barriers, allowing him to experience a rare moment of connection and understanding. The dance, both sensual and sincere, became a bridge between the unspoken depths of Sasuke's loneliness and the warmth of the friends who cared for him.
The afterparty, now transformed into an intimate tableau of emotions, continued to unfold with a sense of unpredictability, leaving each participant to navigate the intricate dance of desires, connection, and the complexities of shared moments.
“(Y/N), why don’t you show him how good you are with your mouth?” Naruto murmurs, his eyes on her as she drops into a crawl. (Y/N) nods, a determined look on her face. Sasuke blushes, but allows her hands to gently tug at his pants. She pulls them down, exposing him to the sudden air. Sasuke is drunk by now, all eyes on her as he practically forgets Naruto is there. “You're gonna love this, Sasuke.” Naruto smirkes, rubbing the lump in his pants. (Y/N) exposes Sasuke’s cock to the open air, Sasuke blinking in shock as he realizes. 
Sasuke's initial reaction was a startled "Whoa." However, the effects of the alcohol, coupled with the underlying vulnerability he had shared, rendered him unable to stop her. A sense of embarrassment washed over him, heightened by the fact that Naruto was witnessing the intimate scene.
Sasuke's attempt to voice his discomfort was hindered by the tipsiness that enveloped him, his words coming out in a slurred, disjointed manner. "Wait... I mean, stop... Naruto's here. I... I don't want..."
(Y/N), attuned to the shift in Sasuke's demeanor, gracefully adjusted her dance. She paused, looking up at him with understanding eyes. "Sasuke, it's okay. Just relax. Naruto's fine with it, aren't you, Naruto?"
Naruto, grinning broadly, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Sasuke! (Y/N)'s just showing us a good time. No need to be embarrassed."
Sasuke, still caught between the desire for intimacy and the weight of embarrassment, struggled to articulate his thoughts. (Y/N), recognizing his internal conflict, leaned in and spoke softly, her words meant only for his ears. "Sasuke, it's just an act of passion. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're all friends here." And her words sounded so good to his ears. Sasuke, reassured by (Y/N)'s calming presence, gradually let go of his reservations. He nodded, a mixture of emotions flickering in his eyes.
(Y/N) reaches again for Sasuke’s cock, gently giving him a massage. He stifled a moan, throwing his head back as the music fuels his senses. His breathing hitches slightly as (Y/N) takes him into her mouth. He feels her soft tongue stroke the length of him, making a low moan escape his lips. He’s embarrassed, Naruto watching, but Naruto only has eyes on (Y/N), enjoying her little show. 
(Y/N) withdraws from Sasuke’s hard cock, who is now hard as a rock. She meets his eyes, grinning as she takes his hands. “Sasuke, you're so big.” Those words made his eyes roll back into Sasuke’s head. She brings his hand to her hair, (Y/N) giggling. “Alright now Sasuke, I’ve gone real easy on you. Let’s go a little faster now, okay?” Sasuke is enjoying her production, tightening his grip in her hair. He lowers her down to his cock again, (Y/N) eagerly taking him in. 
The room is filled with music, and the sounds of lewd sucking as (Y/N) takes him even deeper than last time. (Y/N) is gulping, gasping, and making the lewdest of sounds as Sasuke groaned, his hips thrusting into her mouth. Naruto chuckles, knowing Sasuke is not going to last long. (Y/N) is too powerful for him, Sasuke glaring at Naruto for laughing. Sasuke’s face unraveled again as her tongue swirls again, her small fist pumping Sasuke’s cock as she goes faster and faster. 
“Come on (Y/N), give him more. You got this!” Naruto excitedly cheered her on. Sasuke was biting back his moans that escaped every few seconds. Sasuke swore the girl didn’t even need to breathe. Her head bobbed eagerly down on Sasuke’s shaft over and over again, her tongue flickering and dragging as well as doing all types of magic tricks. Sasuke threw his head back, groaning as she slowly took more and more of him in, going as deep down as she could. With her free hand, Naruto gasped as it itches closer up onto Naruto’s lap, Naruto quickly dropping his pants so she could stroke him. 
Sasuke was twitching horribly, embarrassed that (Y/N) held such great power over him. (Y/N) moaned while his cock was inside her mouth, creating the best vibrations he felt. (Y/N) teased Naruto, her hands wrapping around his huge cock as she pumped, Naruto biting back his own moans as she bobbed deeper into Sasuke’s cock. Her mouth was soaked, saliva pooling out her mouth with precum from Sasuke as he frantically painted, his hands clawing into her couch. 
Sasuke painted. “I-I can’t hold back anymore.” Sasuke pleaded, his hips lifting off the couch to thrust deeper into her. “Please I can’t.” (Y/N) had never ever thought she’d see the great legend, Sasuke Uchiha blubbering and begging her. “I’m gonna come.” He cried out, his head banging into the couch as (Y/N)’s tongue wrapped around him. A combined effort from her clenched fist, bobbing mouth, and wet tongue had him groaning, cumming down her throat. Sasuke arched his back, panting and groaning as he absently bucked his hips, (Y/N) taking all of him so well. She swallows every bit of his cum, licking it up gratefully and cleaning him with her tongue. (Y/N) looks up at Sasuke who is spent, (Y/N) grinning and proud. 
The atmosphere in the room remained charged with the lingering echoes of intimacy as Sasuke lay there, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. (Y/N), having concluded her dance of passion, moved to sit beside him, a gentleness in her eyes that contrasted the earlier intensity of the moment.
Naruto, sensing Sasuke's internal struggle, pulled (Y/N) close to him. "You okay, Sasuke?" he asked, his tone a mix of concern and understanding.
Sasuke, still catching his breath, nodded in response. "Yeah, just... I wasn't expecting that."
(Y/N), her demeanor now one of compassion, spoke softly, "I wanted you to feel cared for, Sasuke. It's okay if it was unexpected."
Naruto, leaning back and observing the scene, chimed in, "(Y/N)'s just like that. She knows how to make people feel special."
Sasuke, while grateful for the care and attention, couldn't shake the internal turmoil. He looked at (Y/N), his eyes revealing a mix of confusion and curiosity. "What did I get myself into?"
(Y/N), with a reassuring smile, patted Sasuke's shoulder. "Just a night of unexpected twists, Sasuke. It's all in good fun."
Naruto, ever the optimist, grinned. "And who knows, maybe you needed a night like this. Let loose a bit."
As the trio navigated the aftermath of the intimate moment, the room became a space for open conversation and shared understanding. The night, once filled with laughter and revelry, now evolved into a more introspective chapter, each participant grappling with the complexities of emotions and desires that transcended the boundaries of friendship.
The afterparty, now a tapestry woven with a myriad of experiences, continued to unfold with a sense of unpredictability, leaving each of them to navigate the intricate dance of connection and self-discovery in the wake of the unexpected twists of the night.
In the aftermath of the unexpected turns and moments of vulnerability, Sasuke found himself surprisingly content, his internal turmoil giving way to a sense of satisfaction. The dimly lit room, filled with the echoes of laughter, intimacy, and shared experiences, felt like a sanctuary where the complexities of life momentarily faded away.
As he lay there, surrounded by friends who cared, Sasuke realized that the night had become a unique tapestry, woven with threads of desire, camaraderie, and self-discovery. The warmth of the shared moments eclipsed any lingering confusion, and a quiet sense of gratitude settled within him.
Sasuke glanced around at Naruto and (Y/N), both of whom had played integral roles in the unfolding narrative of the night. Naruto's infectious grin and (Y/N)'s playful yet caring presence created an atmosphere that transcended the usual boundaries of camaraderie. In that moment, Sasuke felt a profound connection that surpassed the superficialities of everyday interactions.
He hoped the night would linger, suspended in time, a respite from the weight of responsibilities and the shadows of the past. In this haven of laughter and unexpected twists, Sasuke found a fleeting escape, a reprieve that allowed him to simply be free from the burdens of his ninja life.
As the night continued its gentle course, Sasuke embraced the sense of liberation that had washed over him. The afterparty, now an intimate sanctuary of shared experiences, became a haven where the complexities of the shinobi world faded, leaving room for laughter, connection, and the simple joy of being alive. In the soft glow of the dim lights, Sasuke let himself be carried by the currents of the night, hoping that its magic would linger and that the dawn would be reluctant to break the spell they had woven together.
As the night continued, Naruto, with a playful chuckle, pulled (Y/N) close, his eyes reflecting a mischievous gleam. "Looks like it's my turn now," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that carried a sense of anticipation.
With a gentle yet confident touch, Naruto guided (Y/N) to the couch, the dim lights of the room casting a warm glow on their faces. As he laid her down, his gaze lingered on her with an intensity that spoke of familiarity and unspoken connection.
(Y/N), a playful smile dancing on her lips, met Naruto's gaze with a twinkle in her eye. The air crackled with a sense of anticipation as the duo embarked on a dance of their own, the music playing softly in the background like a melodic backdrop to the unfolding scene.
The room, filled with the echoes of shared moments and the complexities of the night, became a stage for the dynamic interplay of desires, laughter, and unspoken connections. The afterparty, now an intimate haven of emotions and shared experiences, continued its enchanting journey into the realms of friendship, camaraderie, and the unexpected twists that defined the night.
Naruto, who had gently laid (Y/N) down, gently pushed her up until her head was in Sasuke’s lap. Sasuke gazes down at her, pure amazement in his eyes. Naruto chuckles, telling Sasuke that he’s in for a treat. “It’s pretty cool for a host to bless their guests, so let’s bless (Y/N) back.” Naruto grins. “I’ve been waiting for this the whole night.” Naruto whispers, pure desire falling from his lips. (Y/N) smiles at (Y/N), holding onto him for support as Naruto adjusts her legs back. Sasuke gasps, her pussy dripping underneath the thin lingerie she’s wearing. 
Naruto gently pulls her panties aside, revealing her pussy. Sasuke can’t help but think that it’s so pretty, so wet and filled with what must be liquid gold. (Y/N) gently takes Sasuke’s hands, moving them to her chest. He gently squeezes, his lips popping open slightly as Naruo lowers himself to her liquid gold. (Y/N) moans, Sasuke thinking he’s never seen anything so beautiful as she gasps. Naruto’s mouth quickly had found her pot of gold, his tongue experimenting around her clit. 
Naruto, filled with energy, quite literally feasts upon her. (Y/N) moans, gripping Sasuke’s shirt as she stares into his eyes. Sasuke is hard again, (Y/N) on his lap as she whimpers and pulls so sexily at him, Sasuke’s hips jerking slightly as Naruto feasts harder. His tongue is dipping into and out of her pussy, the lewd noises singing like angels to Sasuke’s ears. (Y/N) gives the sweetest moans, her hips bucking as Naruto eats her out like her pussy belongs to him. (Y/N)’s head bucks back against Sasuke’s lap, Naruto holding her legs up as his tongue enters deeper. 
“Naruto, more.” (Y/N) whimpers, her fingers dropping to thread in his hair. She gently swivels her hips to meet his tongue, Sasuke groaning at how sexy she looked. “Sasuke, you like this, right?” (Y/N) gasps as Naruto gets rougher with her, pushing her legs apart hard. Sasuke nods, cupping her cheek. 
“Your so fucking sexy, (Y/N). I’d make you my wife right now.” Sasuke groans, playing with her hair. “So fucking pretty.” (Y/N) is glad he’s enjoying this. He’s drunk, slurring his words. (Y/N) cries out, Naruto sucking her clit with his amazing tongue, wet and wild as he brings (Y/N) closer to her climax. Naruto groans around the entrench to her pussy, his tongue flickering from deep inside to surface as his tongue quickens in pace. (Y/N) is shaking, gasping uncontrollably as she tries her best to hold out. 
(Y/N)’s body was trembling against Sasuke, Naruto’s head bobbing gently. She cried out, whimpering to Sasuke to help her. Sasuke slipped her tit right out of her lingerie, squeezing it tightly. With his other hand he gripped his cock, unable to resist how sexy she looked when being pleasured. His fingers nimbly squeezed her nipple, (Y/N) crying out at all the stimulation. She gives a long, low moan as Naruto pushes hard enough against her clit, (Y/N) crying that she’s cumming. 
Sasuke is in heaven, he swears. When (Y/N) cums, she cries like a princess. Her body trembled in his tight grip, both men holding her tight. (Y/N) felt tears drip down her face as she moaned in relief and happiness, Sasuke thinking he finally died and went to heaven. Naruto’s tongue didn’t cease in movement, making her tremble even more as she writhed and came. Naruto groaned, lapping up all of her golden cum as Sasuke came as well, his hand wrapped tightly around his own cock. Sasuke tiredly pumped, his cum shooting out of the tip of hs cock towards (Y/N)’s face. She was taken aback, surprised as he groaned, finishing all over her face. When he realized, he apologized quickly, embarrassed. 
(Y/N) giggled, using her finger to wipe it off and lick. Naruto withdrew from (Y/N), gently settling into the couch. 
Sasuke, still processing the unfolding events of the night, found himself in a state of mild shock as (Y/N) expressed her desire to get even more intimate with both him and Naruto. The dim lights of the room cast a hazy glow on the trio, creating an atmosphere charged with a mix of surprise and curiosity.
(Y/N), her playful demeanor now tinged with a hint of seduction, looked at Sasuke and Naruto with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "What do you say, boys? Ready for the next level of fun?"
Naruto, grinning broadly, seemed excited by the proposition. "Sounds like a great idea to me!"
Sasuke, on the other hand, felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The unexpected twists of the night had already taken him to uncharted territories, and now faced with the prospect of further intimacy, he found himself at a crossroads.
(Y/N), sensing Sasuke's hesitation, leaned in and spoke softly, her words carrying a reassurance meant for him alone. "Relax, Sasuke. It's just a continuation of the fun we've been having all night."
The room seemed to hold its breath as the trio navigated the uncharted waters of desire, friendship, and shared moments. Sasuke, despite his initial shock, felt a sense of intrigue mingled with the lingering traces of vulnerability. The night, now a canvas painted with the unpredictable strokes of camaraderie and connection, continued its journey into the realms of the unexpected.
The ambiance of the afterparty gradually mellowed, and amidst the soft hum of lingering conversations and the distant echoes of music, Sasuke found himself surrendering to the embrace of sleep. The couch, a plush refuge beneath the dim lights, cradled him in its comfort, the events of the night fading into a distant haze.
His descent into slumber was gentle, a gradual yielding to the tranquility of the moment. The room, once alive with laughter and unexpected twists, now became a haven of serenity. Sasuke, though not entirely aware of how he had transitioned from wakefulness to the ethereal realm of dreams, welcomed the respite with open arms.
The flickering lights cast a soft glow on Sasuke's features as he lay on the couch, his usually stoic expression softened by the peacefulness of sleep. The subtle rise and fall of his chest mirrored the quiet rhythms of the night, a tranquil cadence that spoke of a mind temporarily unburdened.
Naruto, ever observant, noticed Sasuke's slumber and decided to let him rest. Leaning over, he draped a gentle blanket over his friend, a protective gesture born out of the unspoken camaraderie that defined their bond.
As the night progressed, the others in the room carried on with their conversations and shared moments, but Sasuke remained in the embrace of peaceful sleep, oblivious to the continued ebb and flow of the afterparty. The soft murmur of voices and laughter became a distant lullaby, gently accompanying Sasuke into a realm where dreams unfolded in a tapestry woven with the echoes of the night's adventures.
The afterparty, now hushed and serene, continued to weave its own magic, each participant navigating the realms of connection, desire, and friendship in their own unique way. The night, with its tapestry of experiences, whispered promises of more to come as it unfolded in the quiet moments between laughter and dreams.
Naruto, his gratitude evident in his eyes, approached (Y/N) with a sincere expression. "Thanks a lot, (Y/N). Sasuke really needed this. I've never seen him relax like that."
(Y/N), her playful demeanor still intact, chuckled in response. "Well, I'm glad I could help. Everyone needs a night to unwind, even the stoic ones."
Naruto grinned, appreciating the care and attention (Y/N) had bestowed upon their friend. "You really put him to sleep, huh? That's impressive."
(Y/N), settling onto Naruto's lap, lowered the music to create a more subdued atmosphere. "It's a special skill of mine. I can make people feel at ease."
As the night progressed into a quieter phase, the trio found themselves in a more intimate setting. (Y/N), now perched on Naruto's lap, became a central figure in the evolving scene, her presence casting a tranquil spell over the room. The music, once pulsating with energy, now took on a softer tone, creating a backdrop for the quieter moments of connection and reflection.
Naruto, still grateful for the unique night they had all shared, couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with (Y/N). The afterparty, now a tapestry woven with laughter, desire, and the quiet embrace of sleep, continued to unfold in unpredictable ways, leaving each participant to navigate the intricate dance of friendship and the unspoken bonds that defined their night.
The morning light streamed through the windows, gently coaxing Sasuke into wakefulness. Naruto, ever cheerful, stood by the bedside, playfully shaking Sasuke awake. "Come on, Sasuke! It's time to leave (Y/N)'s place. You slept like a log."
Sasuke blinked, momentarily disoriented by the realization that he had indeed slept longer than he intended. (Y/N), now dressed in comfortable pajamas, approached with a giggle, gently patting Sasuke awake as well.
"Good morning, sleepyheads," she teased, her laughter carrying a warm undertone. "You two really know how to crash a party."
As the trio made their way towards the exit, (Y/N)'s confidence from the night before had transformed into a different kind of allure. Dressed in more casual attire, she exuded a magnetic charm that caught Sasuke's attention. Her playful banter with Naruto only added to the morning's light atmosphere.
(Y/N), her gaze locking with Sasuke's, spoke with a confidence that carried a subtle, sexy undertone. "Well, boys, it was a special night. Time for the special payment."
Naruto, chuckling, reached into his pocket, pulling out a wad of bills. "You got it, (Y/N). For the special night."
(Y/N) accepted the money with a sly grin, emphasizing the playful transaction. "Remember, I don't do this for just anyone. You two are special. Now go on, get out of here before I change my mind."
The banter and laughter continued as the trio made their way out of (Y/N)'s house. The morning, now infused with the easy camaraderie of friends, held echoes of the unique night they had shared. The afterparty, though coming to an end, left behind a tapestry of memories, laughter, and unexpected connections that lingered in the air as Sasuke and Naruto stepped back into the world beyond (Y/N)'s door.
Sasuke arched an incredulous eyebrow, casting a questioning glance at Naruto as they stepped out of (Y/N)'s house. "Why did you pay her?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his tone.
Naruto, with a carefree laugh, sling an arm around Sasuke's shoulder. "(Y/N) doesn't work for free, my friend. Last night was special, and she made it happen for us. Just a token of appreciation."
Sasuke's stoic expression remained, but a subtle understanding dawned in his eyes. The complexities of the night, the unexpected twists, and the unique connection they had shared with (Y/N) became clearer in Naruto's nonchalant explanation.
As they walked away from (Y/N)'s house, a contemplative expression lingered on Sasuke's face. Naruto, catching the subtle shift in his friend's demeanor, snickered with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What's on your mind, Sasuke? You look like you're about to ask something."
Sasuke hesitated for a moment before shaking his head, his usual stoicism in place. "It's nothing," he muttered, attempting to brush off whatever thoughts had crossed his mind.
Naruto, however, snickered knowingly. "Come on, Sasuke, you're a terrible liar. Spit it out. Do you want to go back?"
Sasuke's eyes flickered, a brief moment of uncertainty crossing his features before he shook his head again, denying any desire to return. Naruto, not convinced, continued to snicker. "You're lying, aren't you? We didn't get the main event because you fell asleep. Admit it!"
A faint blush colored Sasuke's cheeks as he shot a glare at Naruto. "It's not like that. I just need more sleep."
Naruto laughed heartily, his arm still slung around Sasuke's shoulder. "Sure, Sasuke. We'll go back another time, then. Maybe when you're less likely to doze off."
The banter continued, the two friends sharing a laugh as they walked away from (Y/N)'s house, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the memories of the unique afterparty they had experienced. The night might have come to an end, but the echoes of laughter, desires, and camaraderie lingered in the air, leaving Sasuke and Naruto with a story to remember and a friendship that embraced the unexpected twists of the night.
As they continued walking, Sasuke sighed, his usually composed demeanor betraying a sense of introspection. "(Y/N) has grown into a beautiful woman," he admitted, his tone contemplative. "And what she did for us last night was... quite unconventional."
Naruto grinned, nudging Sasuke playfully. "Told you she's a five-star baddie now. (Y/N)'s always been one to surprise. Last night was something else, huh?"
Sasuke nodded, acknowledging the truth in Naruto's words. The events of the night, the surprises, and the uncharted territories they had ventured into with (Y/N) lingered in his thoughts. The night had been a whirlwind of emotions, desires, and unexpected connections, leaving Sasuke to reflect on the complexities of friendship and the unpredictable paths life could take.
As they walked, the morning sun casting a warm glow on their journey, Sasuke and Naruto carried with them the memories of a night that defied expectations. (Y/N)'s presence, her playful yet caring actions, had woven a unique chapter into the tapestry of their lives. The trio continued their stroll, the afterparty now a story to be shared, a secret to be cherished, and a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship.
Sasuke let out a low, contemplative hum, acknowledging (Y/N)'s allure. "She's... delectable," he admitted, his usually reserved tone carrying a rare note of appreciation.
Naruto, walking alongside him, couldn't help but snicker at Sasuke's choice of words. "Delectable, huh? You've got a case of (Y/N) brain, my friend."
Sasuke shot Naruto a sidelong glance, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I do not."
Naruto laughed, nudging Sasuke with his elbow. "Oh, come on! I was the same way when I first reconnected with her. (Y/N) has this way of getting under your skin, doesn't she?"
Sasuke grunted noncommittally, not willing to admit that Naruto might have a point. The memories of the night with (Y/N) lingered, and despite his stoic exterior, there was a subtle acknowledgment of the impact she had left on him.
Naruto continued, his laughter echoing in the morning air. "It's like she has this magnetic charm. But hey, that's just (Y/N). Always surprising, always leaving an impression."
As they walked, the banter between the two friends persisted, the echoes of the afterparty becoming a shared narrative in the tapestry of their friendship. (Y/N), with her playful yet alluring presence, had left an indelible mark on the night, weaving a story that Sasuke and Naruto would carry with them into the future. The afterglow of the unique night lingered in their steps, a reminder of the unpredictability and richness that friendships could bring into their lives.
Naruto couldn't resist a mischievous grin as he teased Sasuke. "You know, she's quite the kisser, isn't she?"
Sasuke, his mind still lingering on the memories of the night, hummed in agreement. He closed his eyes briefly, allowing himself to indulge in the thought of (Y/N)'s lips on his, the sensation vivid in his imagination.
His eyes snapped open as realization hit him, a flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. Naruto was clearly messing with him, and Sasuke wasn't about to let it slide.
"Stop with your nonsense, Naruto," Sasuke growled, his irritation evident. He aimed a swift but playful hit to Naruto's arm, a silent reprimand for the teasing.
Naruto chuckled, taking the hit with a grin. "Come on, Sasuke, lighten up! It's just a bit of fun. (Y/N)'s got that effect on people."
Sasuke huffed, crossing his arms as he shot Naruto a reproachful look. "Just focus on getting us home without making a scene."
Naruto continued to snicker, the banter between them alive with the echoes of the afterparty. As they walked, the playful teasing became a backdrop to their friendship, a reminder of the unexpected twists and shared moments that defined the night with (Y/N). The afterglow of laughter, desires, and camaraderie continued to linger, leaving Sasuke and Naruto with a story to share and the enduring bonds that transcended the ordinary.
As Naruto dropped Sasuke off, the two friends stood by the entrance of Sasuke's place. Naruto, ever the exuberant one, checked his phone with a grin, then slapped Sasuke on the shoulder.
"Check this out," Naruto said, turning the screen of his phone toward Sasuke. The device displayed a captivating photo of (Y/N), an alluring smile playing on her lips. The message accompanying the image was an invitation for both boys to come back soon, continuing the festivities of the previous night.
Sasuke's eyes shifted from the phone to Naruto, a mix of surprise and amusement in his gaze. "Looks like (Y/N)'s not done surprising us," Naruto remarked with a smirk.
Sasuke couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in Naruto's words. (Y/N)'s allure seemed to extend beyond the physical realm, reaching into the realm of anticipation and curiosity. The invitation hinted at the promise of more unexpected twists, more laughter, and perhaps a continuation of the unique connection they had formed with (Y/N).
Naruto chuckled, pocketing his phone. "Well, Sasuke, looks like we've got an open invitation. What do you say we will go back to soon?"
Sasuke, though maintaining his usual stoicism, couldn't hide a subtle glint of intrigue in his eyes. "Sure, why not," he responded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
As Naruto left, the invitation lingered in the air, leaving Sasuke with thoughts of the night that had unfolded and the promise of more adventures with (Y/N) on the horizon. The afterparty, it seemed, was not just a one-time affair but a prelude to further chapters in the story of their unexpected friendship with the enigmatic (Y/N) Miyu.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Do you mind making more of the ‘Little things that turn ___ on’
Maybe with Sasuke, Shikamaru, or Naruto if you already haven’t
I can do them all ;) 
Little things that turn on Sasuke:
You beating someone else at something (double points if it’s a formal competition)
When you defeat someone in a physical fight
When you roll up your sleeves before doing something
Any time you put your hands near his neck
Picking up heavy things in front of him
Doing something incredibly stupid and silly (cough morosexual cough)
When you ruthlessly turn down other omegas when they flirt with you
When you stretch while in bed, especially if you make any noise while you do it
Growling against his skin
Just the act of being on holiday away from Konoha makes him flirty and aroused haha
Little things that turn on Shikamaru:
Licking ice lollies or ice creams 
When you sweat from exercise 
Accents different to his own
When you scold someone that isn’t him
Smoking and blowing smoke at his face
Any kind of hobby/talent involving intricate hand movements
Hands in general actually
When you dress up in something fancy
Bending over in front of him
Scratching at his scalp (only if he’s not tired, otherwise he’ll fall asleep lol)
Doing something incredibly intelligent and impressive
Little things that turn on Naruto:
Smacking him on the butt as he walks past (50% chance of horniness, 50% chance at playfulness)
Wearing orange (yes, really)
When you pass him from behind and your front brushes against his behind
Brightly coloured lipstick or a striking coloured choker necklace
Stroking his arm or back innocently in public
Calling him an overly affectionate nickname
Whispering in his ear
Bending over in front of him
Wiping the side of his mouth when he’s eating with your thumb and licking it clean
When you pull off a scent patch and finally release your scent
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fictionblossom · 4 months
Last Thoughts, Last Dreams.
A/N: Wrote this while listening to Interstellar's main theme, for some reason. But also, in my feels so this kinda came up out of thin air? [Uchiha Itachi fic; gif not mine]
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He was not okay. He had never been okay, was what Itachi felt.
His breath shook with every air inhaled, his eyes watery from the stinging pain in his chest. 'I don't want it to end this way,' he thought.
He wanted more time, he told himself. In his mind, he dreamt. 
He dreamt that he was sitting by the cliff, just a little too far from his family’s training grounds. 
He dreamt that his little brother would be calling for his name, asking him to train together, to show Sasuke how to do “shuriken jutsu”, as his brother would always ask of him. 
He dreamt that he could experiment with the rare ingredients, one cooking after another, one dish after another, just so he would know what Sasuke thinks of his cooking. Just so he could hear Sasuke tells him that tomatoes were his favourite food, that Sasuke did not like dango - though much to his dismay. 
He dreamt that his mother would be calling him from the gates of the Uchiha compound. That he would hear her asking “how was your mission?” That he would hear her telling him to take a break as his body was on the verge of breaking down, burning out, exhausted beyond reasonable doubt. 
He dreamt that he would sit on a tree, with his binoculars on, and watch the kids below him. Children of Sasuke’s age, playful banters, immature calls for competition, Sasuke telling his peers off as he “had things to do with his brother.” 
He also dreamt that, in another life, Sakura, having surpassed her apprenticeship status, with hands were on her back, greeting him as she saw him by the window of his favourite teashop. 
The Sakura whom he would see training with Sasuke, seeing his little brother muttering curses as Sasuke asked for chakra techniques from the girl. 
The Sakura who spoke to him more of the random medical theories that she learned. The Sakura that spoke of hope for the children of war, that spoke of belief in Konoha’s healthcare system, a village free of hate, prejudices and unproven need to seek revenge. 
A far fetching, hopeless and surreal dream, all at the same time, but a dream nonetheless, he thought as he laid alone in the dark, coughing whatever that remained in his lungs and he waited. Waited, and waited for the end of his time. 
A far fetching, hopeless and surreal dream. 
‘Forgive me,’ he whispered to no one. 
This is it.
A/N: Trying out new writing style to see if it works. Kinda self-indulgent I guess? Just for my feels; let me know what you think!
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Mission Time!
Words: 1,886
Age Swap AU
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai
Also written for the Kakagai Halloween event being held by @kakagaievents with the prompt 'Ghost'
Hatake Kakashi was the spitting image of his father.
Sakura had never understood how they were supposed to keep the truth of his parentage a secret from him. Not just because it was incredibly hard to keep those precious memories to herself when all she wanted to do was sit Kakashi down and tell him everything, but because anyone who looked at Kakashi would be able to see who his father was.
It was just so obvious.
His hair was just as silver as Sakumo-sensei’s.
His eyes had that same playful sparkle when he was about to knock someone on their ass for thinking they could face off against him.
One look at Kakashi and anyone with an IQ over fifty would know who he was. Those who claimed they didn’t were either incredibly stupid or lying to themselves so they wouldn’t feel guilty about hating the Fourth Hokage’s son. 
The only thing that Kakashi hadn’t received from his father, was his personality.
That was all Yua-San.
“Cut it out,” peering over her paperwork, Sakura watched as Kakashi leaned away from Gai, who was currently standing a little too close trying to sneak a peek into the book Kakashi was reading. “Personal space, Gai.”
“Then tell me what it’s about.” Gai insisted.
Kakashi shook his head. “You wouldn’t like it.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do,” he insisted. “You like action and adventure. This,” he held his book up, flashing the front cover so Gai could see the title. “Is a romance. You wouldn’t like that.”
Setting her work aside, Sakura reached out for the glass of water. It was rare to see Kakashi in the village, so even though she had called the pair of them in to present them with a mission she hoped Kakashi would agree to help on, she wasn’t in any sort of rush to put an end to his conversation with Gai.
After all, the two of them had lost three years when Kakashi left the village to join Danzo. These few precious moments they had together needed to be savored. Even if Sakura had to wait a bit longer than usual to actually give them the mission. 
“Well, I bet you that I would like it,” Gai huffed, earning himself a rather judgemental expression from Kakashi. An impressive feat considering Kakashi usually saved his most judgemental looks for Obito. “Let’s have a challenge! If I win-”
“We’re here because Sakura-Sensei called us in for what I presume is a mission,” Kakashi reminded his friend, barely hiding the way his eyes crinkled at the edges with fondness. “Though, I’m not sure why I’m here. I don’t really take missions for Konoha.”
Seeing her que, Kakashi picked the mission file up and held it out to Kakashi. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you would help,” she assured her old student. “Besides, I thought you would appreciate an opportunity to do a mission with Gai. You know, like old times.”
“Old times,” Kakashi scuffed at the term. “You say that as if there are fond memories in this village for me.”
The words cut deep, but Sakura did her best not to let the regret show on her face. She knew that she’d failed her student by not standing beside him when the whole village turned their backs on him.
She’d failed him in so many ways over the years.
Not being there for him when he was growing up. 
Not being able to protect him when Danzo infiltrated the chunin exams and left the curse mark seal on Kakashi’s shoulder.
She’d even failed to secure him the promotion to Chunin that he’d so deserved, but which was denied to him because of the curse mark seal and the unstable effect it had on him. 
“Come on, Kakashi,” Gai clapped his friend across the back and grinned so brightly that Sakura was sure he was going to blind Kakashi. “You still had me. Oh, and Rin and Obito, of course.”
“How nice of you to remember them,” Kakashi sighed. Finally, with a slight glare aimed at Sakura, he took the mission file from her. “What is it about this mission that requires my attention, exactly?”
“S-Ranked shinobi,’ She began explaining. “Been causing some problems in the five great nations and even had the courage to go straight into Suna and get into a fight with Baki,” Kakashi’s eye twitched at the mention of his old Suna friend. “He’s alright, just so you know. A few scratches that healed up right away with Shukaku’s help.”
“Of course he is,” Kakashi huffed. “But why does this require my attention? You have a lot of Shinbobi in Konoha capable of taking care of such a threat. Three notable one’s being Obito, Rin, and Gai.”
Sakura was forced to bite her tongue when she saw a blush creeping into Gai’s cheeks. Even though he’d been officially recognized as one of Konoha’s best shinobi, Gai could still be considered ‘weak to praise’. Especially if that praise came from Hatake Kakashi himself. 
It was rather adorable in her opinion.
“It doesn’t require your attention,” she corrected him while Gai turned his head away in a rather poor attempt to hide his blush. “I just thought you would like to take it on yourself.”
“Because that S-ranked shinobi is Guren,” At the mention of her name she saw Kakashi’s entire body straighten up. A reaction she’d fully expected. “The file I have on her says that she was a part of Danzo’s crew. I know you have a …personal vendetta against anyone who worked under Danzo.”
“Anyone who deserves to have a personal vendetta against them,” Kakashi corrected her swiftly. “And she does.” Whatever his reason for hating the woman, Sakura didn’t care. She only needed someone to deal with the issue and it seemed that Kakashi was, in fact, up to the task. 
“You and Gai will go together then,” she declared with a proud smile. “After all, you’re not really a Konoha shinobi or even a chunin. I need a Konoha Jonin on this mission to make it official,” Kakashi’s eye twitched, but he said nothing in argument. “Gai?”
Snapping to attention, Gai nodded his head. “I would be more than happy to take this mission, Hokage-sama,” he agreed. “Kakashi and I will deal with the threat swiftly and be back within three days.”
“Well, I’ll give you a week,” she chuckled. “Based on the last bit of information we received on her she’s in the Land of Stone. It will take you a bit of time to get there and back.”
“We’ll be back as quickly as possible,” Kakashi corrected his friend while opening the file Sakura had given him. 
“That sounds perfect,” Settling back into her seat, Sakura watched as Gai invaded Kakashi’s personal space once more, this time peering over his friend’s shoulder to read the file. “You’re dismissed.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes. “I’m getting paid for this, right?”
“Oh of course,” even if she had to fight with a few of the council members about it she would make sure Kakashi got his fair share of pay from the mission. “Then you can have enough money to buy Obito and Rin lunch when you get back.”
Kakashi leveled her with another glare but said nothing. Shutting the file, he turned to Gai. “Let’s go,” he instructed. “We can get Dango on the way out.”
“Before a mission?” 
“Why not?” Kakashi shrugged his shoulder, his voice dripping with boredom. “Guren is dangerous in a battle, but catching up to her won’t be a problem.”
Sakura’s interest was now piqued, but she refrained from asking about it. There were few things her old student was willing to speak to her about and it was better for her not to ask and avoid getting that deadly glare that reminded her far too much of her Sensei when he would get angry with her, Naruto and Sasuke.
Gai was not so respectful, though. 
“How can you know that?” he asked, gasping when Kakashi began walking toward the office doors without a word. “Kakashi, don’t ignore me!”
Stopping, Kakashi glanced back at Gai with a rather bored expression. “I’ll tell you over dango.”
For the first time in years, Sakura could swear she saw a sparkle of excitement in her student’s good eye. A little light twinkled in the darkest part of his iris, promising Gai all of the answers he was seeking without having to say a word.
It was a look Sakura had seen many times in her life, and in that moment Sakura could swear she saw her Sensei standing right behind Kakashi with a warm smile on his face.
“Ok,” Gai chased after Kakashi, and within a second the two of them were gone.
Sakura’s office was empty once more. At least, as empty as it could be with a ghost still hovering beside the doors, his smile now directed at her.
“Sensei,” lowering her eyes she sighed. There were so many things that she wanted to say, but it was pointless. It wasn’t her Sensei she was speaking to, but just an image of him left over by Kakashi. The Sensei she’d known was long gone and all that remained of him was the little bits of his looks and personality that had cemented themselves into his only son. 
“He really is your son,” leaning back in her chair, she tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling. As a Sensei she’d pleaded with the universe to make Kakashi into a shinobi just like his father, and she’d been so upset and disappointed when her pleas had gone unanswered.
Hatake Kakashi was his own shinobi. He’d carved out his own path and made himself into a shinobi that didn’t resemble his father in even the slightest. Their fighting style, tactical minds, teamwork. All of it was vastly different from Sakumo-Sensei.
As a person, though, Kakashi was the spitting image of his father in looks and personality. Even if he tried his best to hide those bits of his personality that resembled his father, they came crawling out once in a while. 
Sakura considered herself lucky when she got a glimpse into those rare moments when her Sensei’s ghost would hove behind his son staring down at him with so much love.
Love that she’d only wished he’d had the opportunity to show his son in life.
“So,” she moved on with a chuckle, unwilling to dwell on what could not be changed. “Do you think he’ll ask Gai out this time?”
Her Sensei’s ghost wasn’t there when she looked back at the door war but there was a coldness that seemed to seep into the room, and right after the question had left her mouth she felt a weight settling on her shoulder.
A comforting hand that seemed to squeeze just like her Sensei always had when he was trying to offer her support. 
Give him another week. 
A smile stretched across her face. A week was around how long Kakashi and Gai would be on this mission. Just enough time for her student to finally realize, or admit, his feelings for Gai.
By the time they came home, maybe they would finally be more than ‘Eternal Rivals’.
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wendyfulmother · 15 days
N.aruto Verse
Wendy's relationships with the Konoha 13 (The Rookies) PART 1: Team 7 and Team 10
Some spoilers ahead
Naruto: She was not like the other kids where they were told not to play with him because he had the Nine Tails inside him. Her mother knew Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze (Naruto's parents). Wendy has stuck up for Naruto on ocassion and while she doesn't see him too often in childhood, during the events of the first half of the show and Shippuden, she becomes closer to him. She would protect him at any cost and Wendy knows he would do the same for her. Sakura: The closest to her out of the girls'. Childhood friend. It was rocky at first because Sakura thought that Sasuke liked Wendy but when she found out that Sasuke was like a brother to her, all was immediately forgiven. Wendy sees Sakura as a big sister and loves being around her. Sometimes they train together during Shippuden's timeline in their free time when Sakura isn't with Tsunade or doing medical business. Sasuke: The closest to her. Wendy practically grew up with Sasuke. She sees him like a little brother and would do anything for him. They grew a bit distant after the Uchiha massacre but grew closer again after the mission to save Wendy's youngest brother Michael. Their bond was almost back to normal when she joined Team 7 as an honorary member. When he left the village, she was devastated, but she understood that no words could keep him there. The only words she uttered to him were "I'll miss you...". Like Sakura and Naruto, she fought for him and still cared so much about him. When he returns to Konoha after the events of the show, it's almost as if their bond wasn't strained. They were back to how they were as kids. Sai: Wendy was not apart of the Techi Bridge mission with Captain Ymato and Sai, so she didn't really get to know him when he was very emotionless due to being in the Foundation run by Danzo Shimura. She met him after the fact when he was learning how to really communicate with others and finally show off emotions that were once supressed. She will protect Sai with her LIFE. She thinks he is too pure for this world. In fact, Sai even termed a nickname for her: "Graceful". Shikamaru: Wendy really admires Shikamaru's intellect. She isn't as close to him as she is with some of the others, but she 100% sees him as a comrade in arms. Sometimes she doesn't get some of his sarcastic remarks but, especially in Shippuden, she does go back and forth with him in playful banter. They do grow just a bit closer as friends during Shippuden. Especially after Asuma's death oof since they both experienced that together. Choji: Just like with Shikamaru, Choji and Wendy aren't TOO close but, Wendy confides in Choji because of his kind and gentle nature. She always accepts his offers to go for barbecue on occasion and she'll sometimes offer to pay too. (As long as Choji doesn't get too much, but him getting very little to eat is VERY rare. Especially if it's all you can eat.) Ino: Ino and Wendy originally did not get along at first when they met as children (due to seeing Wendy as competition for Sasuke's attention). Though, after finding out that Wendy only saw Sasuke as a little brother, the two became better friends and closer over the years. The girls go shopping in the village on their off days from missions sometimes and Wendy always gets flowers from Ino's family flower shop. The two of them confide with each other so much. Their bond is honestly so sweet.
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shadowwolflady · 29 days
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It's a rare instance that it snowed in Konoha.
Rai sat at the kitchen table as she looked out the window. Kakashi slipping into the chair across from her. Cup of coffee in hand.
"Do you have anything planned for today?" Kakashi asked before taking a sip of his mug. He had a habit of disappearing to Rai's apartment to avoid his genin.
Rai turned to look at him. "Hmm, not really. I was hoping to go for a walk." She looked back out the window at the heavy falling snow.
"Mind if I join you?" He asked. Rai turned and smiled at him.
Rai had made sure Kakashi put on his scarf to keep him warm. Kakashi even made sure Rai had her scarf on before leaning over and giving her nose a quick kiss. They both threw their cloaks on before heading out.
They found themselves walking through the snow covered woods once the snow lightened to small flakes. The crunch of snow beneath their feet dulled their hearing. The wolves loved the snow and went crazy as they raced past the two.
Stopping by the lake, Rai cupped Kakashi's face as she leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Kakashi pulled his mask down and placed a kiss on her lips. His lips still warm from being behind his mask.
Kakashi pulled back before leaning up and placing a kiss on her head in her hair.
Rai curled into his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso, under his arms. Kakashi wrapped his arms and cloak around her.
They smiled as they stayed there holding each other. The okami were rolling around playing in the snow and wrestling. Tumbling wolves and flailing limbs and open jaws with teeth bared in a playful fashion. Playful grumbles and growls were heard among the snow.
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fanficforge · 2 years
Kakashi the Bride Thief
Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Chapter Warnings: None
Notes: This will be a oneshot for now unless people are interested in reading more. ^^  (Part 2 has been requested!)
Pairing: Kakashi/Reader (third person female reader insert)
In a blink, the power went out in Konoha. Luckily, it was so late that most villagers hadn't noticed. Kakashi, however, had been up late reading and quickly became annoyed when he was forced to read by candlelight. And, rather than be alone with his thoughts for two seconds (kami forbid) he decided to take a stroll around the village to make sure everything was alright.
A woman screamed for help in the night and on instinct Kakashi dashed off to the sound. His keen tracking led him to the forest where he found the screaming woman being carried off by a man. In the darkness he could just about make out their forms, but it wasn't the first time he'd had to fight in the dark.
Flying through the trees he swooped the woman up, out of the offenders arms and carried her into his own. The silver-haired shinobi perched up high in the treeline as he held her. The lady's eyes shined up at him, illuminated with the help of the moon.
He stared at the lovely maiden in his arms. It was her. The medic he always went to when he was hurt. He never thought about why he did but he just... did. Like it was natural. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice far from betraying the skip of his heartbeat.
"Y-Yes but um... you've put my husband in an awkward position." She admitted with a lopsided smile.
"Husband?" He looked down at the man who was now aimlessly looking around for his bride to be.
"Well, he was going to be." She explained. "You don't remember?"
Shit. Had she told him something important while he spaced-out like usual?
"Please remind me."
"Tonight was my husband's test. My clan finally negotiated an arrangement between myself and a man from a Waves village. He is to carry me off to our home without interruption or he'll be considered unfit, and... I'm afraid you've made it so he didn't make it past Konoha." She said with a soft laugh coated in some pity for the man.
Kakashi's usual sleepy face hadn't changed, yet internally he was processing everything she said. "Oh. I see."
"Is that all you have to say for yourself?" She chuckled, amusement in her eyes.
Well... was it? How could he forget? She just told him this morning. It didn't make sense.
"He should have ran faster." He said, earning a playful smack to his chest.
"That isn't funny Hatake." She played.
"Then don't smile when you look at me."
Properly put in her place, pink bloomed across her cheeks with a shy look hiding away from him.
The stout man shouted from down below. "There you are! Unhand my wife!"
Kakashi hopped down from the tree branch, his feet landing soft like a feather. "I thought the point was for you to take her."
"Tch. As if anyone expects me to out run the Copy Ninja."
Kakashi shrugged, desperately ignoring her pretty eyes looking up at him in pride. "Sounds like excuses to me. You're no better than my genin."
Why was he being so arrogant? To be fair, when was he not?
The young lady in the silver-haired ninja's arms spoke up. "It's your responsibility to prove yourself Jiro."
The groom-to-be groaned in annoyance then leaped at Kakashi only for him to easily side step him. His handsome face was relaxed and unbothered, bored. "Well. I guess I'll be taking her home now." He said, then easily walked up a tree while Jiro, (the hopeful groom) hopped to and fro to try to grab her, only to just miss each time.
"Now you're just teasing him." _____ chided.
"Hm?" Kakashi hummed, as if he hadn't noticed nor heard what she said. A moment later and he was dashing along the treetops back to Konoha with a stolen bride in his arms.
"How were they intending on testing him anyway?" Kakashi asked as he walked through the town, still holding her in his arms.
"Each family paid for mercenaries to attempt to take me back home at various spots in the journey which he would have to fight off." She explained.
"Really? So he probably wouldn't have gotten far anyway." Kakashi reasoned.
"Well... normally. But the mercenaries know about our tradition. They would have held back to genin level." She explained.
"So... it's more of a formality then?"
"Kind of- well... not usually. It's only because it's a very optimal marriage for both families."
"And what about for you?"
Kakashi... didn't know why he was asking her this. Probably to be kind. Yes.
"Mmm... well, it's not-" She shook her head then carefully squirmed out of his arms and he complied by setting her down. "It's my joy to be helping so many so easily and-"
She felt the tiniest brush of his fingertips against her own and suddenly she lost all train of thought.
"It's okay to think of yourself sometimes..." His uncovered eye looked directly into her own and despite the hidden emotion, she felt so close to him right now.
"I... I do. Don't worry." She smiled for him, but he knew her better than that. Sadly, he wasn't equipped with much to rectify it though.
"Mmhm." He hummed in disbelief. "If you're alright with it, I think you'd better come home with me. I don't want to worry about you getting kidnapped again." He started walking then, hands in pockets as she followed him.
"You'd worry about me?"
He paused a moment. "It's my duty to protect everyone in Konoha."
"But you already know that..." She drifted off, realizing that there'd be no reasoning with him at the moment.
Once at his apartment, Kakashi gave her one of his shirts to sleep in, however... he hadn't expected her to only wear his shirt.
The only tell of his emotional state was the subtle tensing of his hand once he saw her. He couldn't remember the last time his palms had gotten this sweaty.
Her pretty mouth had been moving but every word went in one ear and out the other.
She put her hands on her hips, head tilted. "Kakashi Hatake are you listening to me?" She sassed with a smirk.
"I swear, that's what got us into this mess in the first place." She chuckled, then found a spot on the floor to sit down. "I'll sleep here."
"No." He said, that melodic condescension in full bloom as he stood beside her. "Bed. I'll sleep on the floor. I'm more used to it than you are."
"I'm a medic not a princess." She sassed. "I've been on plenty of field missions."
"I'm sure you have. It still doesn't change my decision. Bed. Now."
She looked up at him then and he couldn't help but notice that her pupils were dilated after he said that. Had he made her... no. He was probably reading into things.
"You can't boss me around. Either we both have the bed or we both have the floor." She said.
"The bed isn't even big enough for us both." He sighed.
"Just pretend we're on a mission." She shrugged then went to the bed and wiggled under the covers. "Or... I can just go back to my house."
"Fine." He said, and at first she wasn't sure to which option he agreed but then he lay next to her over the covers, as still as a plank of wood.
She looked him over but decided not to give him a tough time on it. "Kakashi?"
"Why do you prefer me as your medic?"
"Wouldn't... anyone? You're one of our best." He said.
"Am I? Well, I guess that's true." She agreed. "But then... how come you never ask for me when you need a medic on your team?"
Suddenly he remembered all over again why he refused to date and why he didn't actively seek out new friendships either. It required talking far too much.
"No reason."
He was silent.
She took that as her cue to back off for now. "I see. That's okay." She assured. "Well, goodnight Kakashi."
It took him a few moments to muster the simple words, unused to not sleeping alone. "Goodnight _____."
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