#ktm bike suit
leathercollectionus · 9 months
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KTM Bike Suit
Show your presence by wearing this KTM bike suit, a replica suit designed from the Danilo Petrucci suit, he wore in MotoGP 2021 season from the Tech 3 KTM team.
KTM Bike Suit
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apollosdaydreams · 7 months
I would like a request with Max Verstappen and Y/N are siblings. She is his younger sister and she is MotoGP driver and…
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Im sorry, I wasn't better.
Max Verstappen x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, adult language 
Author's Note: Sorry if this isn’t 100% accurate. I don’t know much or really anything about MotoGP, but I will try my best. 
Wordcount: 1476 (kinda got carried away) 
DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to hurt Max Verstappen and the Verstappen family! This is just an imagine. Again this is in no way meant to harm the Verstappen family!
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Racing. Racing is something that you loved, something you lived for. Your family however always would put Max above you. Their reason to not care about your racing was that you are a girl, and girls don’t belong in racing, girls don’t belong to have a seat. No matter what you did, it wasn’t good enough for Jos, your father. You used to have a great relationship with your other siblings, especially Max. The bond you and Max had was something that couldn’t be explained. You two were closer to each other than you and your twin, Victoria. But as you two both got older, that bond broke. You both started to snap at each other easier, say nasty things to each other and never say sorry. You couldn’t take it anymore. The hate coming from your father, mother and your brother. You left. Moved out, when you turned 18. You cut off contact completely. Blocking their numbers and their social media accounts. You thought you were never going to see them again, oh how wrong you were.
Today was your 24th birthday. Today was also your home race. You were a part of the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team, ironic. Everyone knew you were a Verstappen, they also knew you didnt talk to your family. People would ask, you wouldn't give them an answer no matter how much they begged. Everyone knew that the Verstappen kids were strong, powerful drivers. You were often being compared to your older brother, Max. When compared to him you would always tell the interviewer that you are your own person and you don't need to be compared to your older brother. 
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You quickly pulled on your race suit, shoes and gloves. Trying to shake off the fact that today was your 24th, you haven’t spent a birthday with your family in 6 years. You didn’t care though, they had torn you down, thinking you couldn’t do anything in life. That this dream you had was impossible. Oh how you proved them wrong. You were making history. You were the first female rider in MotoGP, and you were amazing, this was your rookie year and you have already won three races. You dealt with contestant hate, with MotoGP being male dominated. They thought that you definitely had to sleep your way up to the top. Which was something that was just a lie. Something to make them feel better about themselves. 
You walked over to your bike, you shook your hands in a way to calm your nerves. You stretched out one more time. Then you climbed on to your bike. You then drove to your starting point. P3. You stopped your bike and put your feet down beside you. You were taking deep slow breaths to calm your nerves. As this was your home race you had felt a lot of pressure on you. Once you heard the final beep, and the lights turned green you started to move. 
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You drove over to the number 1 spot, and got off your bike. You quickly put your hands up in the air and then ran to your team. You quickly hugged your team principal. As you hugged him you quickly thanked him. You then had to run off to the cool down room. Once it was time for you to go on the podium you walked out of the room and walked over to this lift, where they would lift you and your bike on to the podium. As you were being lifted you couldn't contain your smile, this was your first win at your home race. You have won a couple races in this season, but winning at home would always be a different feeling. You felt on top of the world. No one could wipe that smile off your face. Right? Once you got handed your trophy you raised it high in the air, with the biggest smile on your face. Once everyone else got their trophy you all three quickly put them down and grabbed the champagne. You then all started to spray each other, you ran over to your team principal to spray some on him as well. Eventually they stopped spraying. You wiped the champagne off your face and set the bottle down and picked your trophy backup. 
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You were now back in your team paddock, you were talking to one of your teammates when you looked up and you saw someone you thought you would never see, see in person ever again. Your father, mother, brother and sister all stood in front of you. Your teammate knew that you didn't have the best relationship with your family. Before he left, he patted your back and told you that he would be over in his room if you needed him. You didn't know what to do so you just nodded. You just stared at them, not knowing what to do or what to say. 
“Y/n, sweety. You did amazing.” Your mother said. 
“Yeah… thank you..” You said. You were starting to feel overwhelmed. 
“Mom, dad, we should let her breathe, let Max talk to her.” Victoria whispered. 
You were starting to tear up, but once the other three left and it was just you and Max you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You were both angry and sad.
“Why are you guys here?” You had asked Max.
“y/n- I, we wanted to apologize.” 
“Well don't you think you are about 6 years too late.” You said. You were starting to get more angry than sad. 
“I know y/n and I'm sorry, we shouldn't have ever treated you like that. We should have apologized years ago.” he said while taking a few steps closer to you. You didn't move.
“Why?! Max, why?” you said. “I wanted a family, a brother who loved me, but all you guys did was tear me down.” You started to cry even more. Your anger is now turning into sadness. “What did I do to make you guys hate me so much?” 
Max’s heart broke at what you were saying. He quickly moved over to you and hugged you. He was expecting you to push him back or hit him. He wasn't expecting you to hug him back. “I'm so sorry y/n I'm so sorry.” He kept repeating. You started to take a deep breath. Trying to calm yourself down.
“Max, I want to forgive you guys, or at least you and Victoria.” You started to say. “You guys were also just kids, mom and dad on the other hand, i think it's going to take a while to forgive them.” 
This was the last thing Max had expected. He was not expecting you to forgive him so easily. “I promise y/n I’ll do better, I'm the big brother. I'm sorry I wasn't better at it until now.” He told you, tears now falling down his face. You smiled up at him and wiped his tears away. “It's ok, I trust you to change Max.” He smiled back at you.
“Can you bring in Victoria? I want to be able to talk to her as well.” He told Max. He quickly nodded and ran to go get Victoria. Once you saw her you both ran to each other and gave each other a hug. You couldn't remember the last time you two have hugged, all you knew is that it's been way too long.  
“Y/n im so sorry, I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you, i'm your big sister that's my job.” She told you. You couldn't help yourself. “You are only 7 minutes older than me V.” You had told her. She couldn't help but smile more, and she hugged you tighter. You saw Max standing awkwardly at the door. You motioned for him to come closer. You then all hugged each other. After a few minutes of silence you started to speak.
“I think I'm ready to talk to mom and dad.” You said. “But I want both of you to be here.” They both looked at each other and nodded. Max then went to get your parents. You then saw both your parents walk through the door. You didn't know what to do. You haven't seen or spoke to your parents in years. Victoria sat down on the couch with you, you heard hushed whispers behind the door. The door then opened, Max was at the front and you could see your mom, Sophie and your dad, Jos standing behind Max. You didn't know what to do, your parents stood in front of you. They tore you down, made you believe you aren't worth anything, that women couldn't be in moto sports. You saw your mom walk towards you. You didn't know what to do, you didn't know what she was going to do. Your dad stayed a few steps behind her. Max was on the side waiting just in case anything would happen. 
“Oh sweety, you look amazing. You did a great job on the race! I'm so proud.” You never thought that you would hear those words come out of her mouth. All you wanted as a little girl was to hear that your parents were proud of you. She went to sit down next to you, but you moved away. You weren't ready to be this close to her yet. Your father looked like he didn't want to be here, that he would rather be somewhere else. Typical Jos. You thought to yourself. Sophie understood why you wouldn't want to be close to her, that it would be hard for you to forgive her and Jos. 
“Mom, dad….. I don’t think I'm ready to forgive you just yet. I think that you have to prove that you changed, or are willing to change.” You said, while looking down at your hands picking at your nails. 
‘Of course honey, I promise that we have changed.” Your mother quickly said. Jos was still standing, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Can we go to dinner tonight?” she suggested. 
“We can do that.” you said, while looking up at Jos, waiting for what he would say. 
“I would love to.” Jos said. You looked next to you at Victoria and then up at Max and smiled. Maybe they were going to change. Maybe now my family is going to be my safe place. 
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I hoped you guys liked this! If you did please let me know! Sorry if everything doesn't make sense. I don’t know much about MotoGp, but I tried my best!!
It would be greatly appreciated if you would like, comment and repost!! 
© 2023 on tumblr apollosdaydreams do not translate/remake/repost my works in any platform without authorized permission.
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bohnsky · 5 months
I can't believe the Dakar is over already. I started out being mostly interested in the bikes, so they have a special place in my heart. And I am a KTM girlie, so this year's Honda domination made me real sad. Although the results of all the other categories that I follow make up for that.
I might be the biggest Martin Macik fan and I feel like out of all the winners, he (and his team of course) deserves it the most. It's his 12th Dakar and I'm so happy everything's finally worked out for him. With 2 hours ahead of the 2nd.
Also I was really rooting for Carlos Sainz and Audi in general. Audi had a three year programm with a hybrid car and this was their last Dakar (for now) and I really wanted them to get a win. Preferably with Carlos. Audi is a great example for team work as well. I'm so happy for them. And the fact that Carlos Jr. flew in to see his dad win makes me so happy.
But I've got to admit that a little part of me was rooting for Sebastien Loeb as well. Dude's won so many championships and stages, but never the Dakar itself. He's been on the podium so many times and he was so close to Carlos for the better part of the race. But honestly after those mechanical problems, I'm just glad he's still on the podium.
And probably the biggest of them all. Christina Gutierrez ladies and gentlemen. The second woman to ever win the Dakar, after Jutta Kleinschmidt, the queen of motorsports, but in a different category. I hope Christina gets to drive in the Ultimate category soon, so she can kick some ass there alongside Laia Sanz, my queen.
And speaking of women in the Dakar, can we talk about Anja Van Loon and her team? A girls team in the trucks? How cool is that? And they're 13th overall😭
Not to forget the mission 1000. I've been a fan of the hydrogen truck since it was first presented at Dakar and I love that more and more people test their alternatively powered vehicles there.
Last but not least probably my favorite part about this year's Dakar (alongside Martin, Carlos and Christina winning). The best friendship in the bivouac: Daniel Sanders and Matthias Walkner. Matthias couldn't compete this year because of a very bad injury (get well soon, my guy) and at first Daniel just posted things about how he'll miss his camper buddy, but when he got there, he stuffed one of Matthias' racing suits and acted like he was talking to him. And he posted a video doing that every single fucking day😭😭😭😭
Really these two are so cute.
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aelinschild · 6 months
DART: Team Livery
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Hello again! I have far too much fun with Canva, and so this was born. I wanted to make a visual guide for fun, and for those who might have never seen a MotoGP bike. Granted, in the actual racing, each team in MotoGP will decorate their bikes/gear each year- sometimes it even changes per race (Usually only helmets though). For this series, I took the creative liberty in choosing which bike/suit/helmet I thought best fit.
If what I picked doesn't suit you, change it! I just wanted to make a fun little guide.
(Someone please take canva away from me, seriously)
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Rowan's Helmet: Left
Chaol's Helmet: Right
(Mentally substitute all Lenovo branding for Galathynius <3)
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Sartaq's Helmet: Right
Connall's Helmet: Left
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Gavriel's Helmet: Right
Ress' Helmet: Left
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Aedion's Helmet: Right
Cairn's Helmet: Left
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Fenrys' Helmet: Left
Nox's Helmet: Right
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Dorian's Helmet: Left
Lorcan's Helmet: Right
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If that doesn't suit your impression, feel free to switch them up! I only made this as a visual guide, as I find them helpful, so I hope you guys like it!
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waru-chan8 · 7 months
Miguel has apparantly shut down the Honda rumours, they said it on the Motogp Instagram, that's why I think Diggia is getting the Honda seat
As much as I want him to stay, it's not what Honda is after.
onda needs a rider with experience in develop a bike, and needs him to be quick and fast. That's why there were so many rumours of Zarco moving to Repsol. Diggia doesn't have that experience, and I sincerly don't understand why HRC is not giving Iker that opportunity. He already knows the in and out of the team and the organization.He knows how to develop a bike as he is doing it in WSBK. And they just need a rider or 1 year, hence they can send him back to WSBK for 2025 if needed.
Now I've seen people saying that Honda's best bet right now is pick a Moto2 rider and let them know clearly it's just 1 year and that thy are after bigger fishes. That said, the only riders I can think of that will suit them are: Arbolino, Canet, Alonso and Aldeguer as they have all have development roles and know how to fight (some more than other). But yeah it's a pain in the ass for them because it's 1 year and it's about to prove everything or they are out.
Another option I didn't see but would make sense is Miller. He had been with Honda before and knows how to develop a bike, this way Pol can go to the factory bike. But Honda and KTM seem to have similar characters, and Miller doesn't get along with the KTM and no one understands why, so....
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mrsiro13 · 2 years
2-Strokes or 4-Strokes?
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As 2022 comes to an end, we start to see the release of new and improved 2023 motocross models. KTM began sending their new SX-F and XC-F four strokes to authorized KTM dealers in June, and their SX and XC two-strokes just last month in September. With such a recent release, many riders are still dying to get their hands on a new bike to rip across the dirt. With a wide selection, KTM has many new fans questioning which bike would best suit them, specifically two or four-strokes.
Pictured above are the new 2023 two-stroke (above) and four-stroke models (below). The big give away in distinguishing the two dirt bikes are the pipes exiting the head of the engine. Notice that the two-stroke has a much bigger pipe, while the four-stroke is much slimmer at the front and slowly builds up like a bubble on the side. Looking right behind this pipe, we notice that the engines are different. The two stroke engine is much smaller at the top, as it comes to a nice round end. The four-stroke however builds up to a fatter end in order to fit the four pistons.
The debate between which engine build is better has been ongoing since the first introduction of the four-stroke engine dirt bike. In 1996, Honda built their CR450R containing the new engine, which thus started the transition from two to four-strokes. Each engine has their own pros and cons. Some key differences are that two-strokes are know for their high power to weight ratio and their cheap repair costs, as well as being overall much easier to work on. On the other hand, four-strokes are more powerful despite their heavier weight, as well as much more user friendly since they require less maintenance. However, they are much are hard and thus expensive to fix, mainly due to the limited space inside the bike. Everything is almost cramped up into the frame unlike the two stroke where there is more space between the components.
With this quick and simple breakdown of two and four-stroke engines, I hope to provide new riders with some insight before they rush into getting a new 2023 bike. I want to encourage them into doing their own research, such as looking up how to maintain a two-stroke or how costly it is to repair a four-stroke engine. Additionally, it is important for riders to be familiar with their state regulations over OHV, such as where and when to ride according to riding seasons set to limit pollution. This is a key point to research since one of the many reasons why motocross is moving away from two-stroke engines is due to them being less environmental friendly. Or perhaps new riders might be interested in the new electric bikes which have began gaining popularity. Who knows, they could be the future of the sport, but I'll leave that for you to look into.
As a note, I have only been riding for just under two years, so I am relatively new. This is knowledge that I have gained from talking to many riders and mechanics on and off the track, as well as articles and most intriguing of all, YouTube videos. As I do not have much experience with dirt bikes, I would appreciate anyone offering their input, as well as making any corrections to any mistakes I have made. The same goes to new riders, do your research and return to let me know your findings. Thank you all.
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tbgfxcastleford · 2 months
Rev Up Your Ride with TBGFX UK
In the world of motocross, where style meets performance, TBGFX UK stands as the premier destination for riders seeking to elevate their bikes' aesthetics. Specializing in KTM MX Graphics and Husqvarna MX Graphics, TBGFX UK offers a dynamic range of customization options to suit every rider's unique taste and personality.
With TBGFX UK, riders can unleash their creativity and transform their bikes into true works of art. Our graphics kits are crafted with precision and attention to detail, using high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity even in the most challenging riding conditions.
Whether you're tearing up the track or hitting the trails, our KTM MX Graphics and Husqvarna MX Graphics are designed to withstand the rigors of off-road riding while making a bold statement. From vibrant color schemes to intricate designs, our graphics allow riders to express themselves and stand out from the crowd.
At TBGFX UK, we're more than just a graphics company – we're enthusiasts who are passionate about motocross and dedicated to helping riders unleash their full potential. Our team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and assisting riders in bringing their vision to life.
Ready to take your ride to the next level? Explore our collection of KTM MX Graphics and Husqvarna MX Graphics today and experience the TBGFX UK difference.
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petersmith1998 · 2 months
Finding the Right Start: Best Learner Kids’ Motorbikes for 2024
Motorcycles are not just for adults; they can be the perfect tool for kids to learn valuable skills, explore their surroundings, and experience the thrill of adventure. Introducing children to the world of motorcycling is an exciting and rewarding journey, but it requires careful consideration when selecting a bike.
With a plethora of options available in the market, finding the right kids motorbike can seem like a daunting task. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the best learner-kids motorbikes for 2024, ensuring that your little rider gets off to the perfect start.
50cc Displacement
The 50cc category remains the cornerstone for novice riders, offering a gentle introduction to the world of motorcycling. These bikes are designed with simplicity and safety in mind, featuring automatic clutches and easy-to-control power delivery. With their compact and lightweight frame, 50cc bikes are perfect for young children who are just starting their two-wheeled journey.
Brands like GasGas, Husqvarna, KTM, and Yamaha offer excellent options in this segment. For the youngest riders just starting their two-wheeled journey, the 50cc category offers a fantastic entry point.
The GasGas MC 50, Husqvarna TC 50, KTM 50 SX, and Yamaha PW50 are among the standout choices, boasting single-speed transmissions and adjustable throttle limiters, which allow parents to control the maximum speed to suit their child’s skill level and confidence.
With seat heights ranging from low to mid-20 inches, these bikes provide a comfortable and confidence-inspiring ride for young children. If parents feel like the child is ready to play with gears, bikes like the Honda CRF50F, Suzuki DR-Z50, and Yamaha TT-R50E are all good options that have three speeds for riders to click through.
65cc Displacement
Stepping up from the 50cc category, 65cc dirt bikes cater to young riders with a competitive spirit. The 65cc class introduces young riders to manual transmissions and increased power, preparing them for more advanced riding. At this stage, kids have graduated from single- or three-speed transmissions and will be in the realm of six-speed gearboxes. All of the engines in this category are liquid-cooled two-strokes.
These bikes, such as the KTM 65 SX, Husqvarna TC 65, GasGas MC 65, and Kawasaki KX65, are popular choices for budding motocross enthusiasts looking to hone their skills on the track. The front forks can be adjusted using an air pump, and the bikes also have a fully adjustable rear shock. The KX65 has four-way rebound adjustability, front and rear, in addition to an adjustable spring preload.
Equipped with disc brakes for superior stopping power and adjustable suspension to accommodate different riders, 65cc bikes offer a thrilling yet controlled riding experience. With seat heights approaching 29 inches, they cater to growing riders while still maintaining a manageable size that instils confidence on and off the track.
85cc Displacement
As young riders gain confidence and skill, they can progress to the 85cc class, which offers even more power and performance. The 85cc class marks a major step up in power and performance, making it the next natural progression for young riders seeking more excitement and challenge.
The 85cc level is filled with an abundance of choices from Japan, Austria, and Italy. Brands like GasGas, Husqvarna, and KTM offer a wide range of options in this segment, featuring two-stroke engines and advanced features such as Keihin carburettors and adjustable suspension.
With tyre sizes ranging from 17/14-inch to 19/16-inch, 85cc bikes deliver optimal traction and handling on various terrain types, from tight trails to motocross tracks. Despite their increased power, these bikes remain suitable for riders aged 9 to 15, with seat heights ranging from around 31.8 inches to over 34 inches, providing a thrilling yet manageable riding experience.
110cc Displacement
For families seeking off-road adventure and exploration, the 110cc category has versatile options like the Yamaha TT-R110E and Honda CRF110F. These bikes are perfect companions for family trail rides, sporting air-cooled four-stroke engines, automatic clutches, and electric starts for ease of use and convenience.
#goeasyonline # kidsmotorbike #kidselectricmotorbikes #gmxmotorbikes
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beepkartofficial · 4 months
Top 10 Used Bikes Under 1.5 Lakh for Family in Bangalore: Your Ultimate Guide
If you're on the lookout for the perfect family bike that combines affordability, comfort, and performance, you're in the right place. Beepkart, a leading online platform for buying and selling bikes, has an impressive selection of two-wheelers that cater to the needs of families. In this guide, we'll explore the top 10 Used bikes under 1.5 lakh in Bangalore available at Beepkart, ensuring that you find the ideal ride for your family adventures.
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1. Honda Shine
Price: Starting from Rs. 72,000
The Honda Shine is renowned for its fuel efficiency, making it an excellent choice for family commutes. With a sleek design and a reliable engine, this bike offers a smooth and comfortable ride.
2. Bajaj Pulsar 150
Price: Starting from Rs. 95,000
The Bajaj Pulsar 150 is a versatile bike that strikes a balance between power and efficiency. It's well-suited for both city commuting and occasional family trips.
3. Yamaha FZS V3
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.04 lakh
Known for its sporty design and advanced features, the Yamaha FZS V3 provides a comfortable and stylish ride. It's a great choice for families looking for a blend of performance and aesthetics.
4. TVS Apache RTR 160 4V
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.07 lakh
The TVS Apache RTR 160 4V offers a thrilling riding experience with its powerful engine and sporty design. It's an ideal choice for families that enjoy a bit of excitement on their rides.
5. Suzuki Intruder 150
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.25 lakh
If your family leans towards a cruiser-style bike, the Suzuki Intruder 150 is a perfect fit. Its distinctive design and comfortable seating make it a unique choice for family outings.
6. Hero Xtreme 160R
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.02 lakh
The Hero Xtreme 160R is a stylish and agile bike that offers a smooth riding experience. It's well-suited for families looking for a reliable and modern two-wheeler.
7. Royal Enfield Meteor 350
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.46 lakh
For families that appreciate a classic and timeless design, the Royal Enfield Meteor 350 is an excellent choice. Its comfortable seating and refined performance make it suitable for leisure rides.
8. KTM Duke 125
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.50 lakh
The KTM Duke 125 is a compact and powerful bike that adds a sporty flair to family rides. It's a great option for those who prioritize performance in a smaller package.
9. Honda Hornet 2.0
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.30 lakh
The Honda Hornet 2.0 combines style with performance, making it an attractive option for families. It's suitable for both daily commutes and weekend getaways.
10. Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220
Price: Starting from Rs. 1.25 lakh
Families seeking a cruiser bike with a laid-back riding posture will appreciate the Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220. Its comfortable seating and relaxed design make it ideal for long rides.
Why Choose Beepkart?
Beepkart stands out as a top choice for families looking to buy bikes for several reasons:
Diverse Options: Beepkart offers a wide range of bikes, ensuring that you can find one that perfectly fits your family's needs.
Verified Listings: The platform ensures that all listings are verified, providing you with accurate information about the bikes available.
User-Friendly Interface: Navigating through Beepkart is easy, allowing you to browse through various options and make informed decisions.
Transparent Pricing: Beepkart maintains transparency in pricing, ensuring that you get a fair deal on your chosen bike.
Finding the right family bike under 1.5 lakh is made easier with Beepkart's extensive selection. Consider your family's preferences, whether it's a sporty ride or a laid-back cruiser, and explore the diverse options available on Beepkart. Your next family adventure awaits on the perfect two-wheeler from Beepkart.
Get ready for family rides! Explore the full range at Beepkart today.
Q: Can I trust the listings on Beepkart?
Yes, Beepkart ensures that all listings are verified, providing accurate and trustworthy information about the bikes available.
Q: Are there financing options available on Beepkart? 
Beepkart often collaborates with financial institutions to provide financing options, making your bike purchase more accessible.
Q: How do I contact sellers on Beepkart?
Beepkart provides a user-friendly interface that allows direct communication between buyers and sellers. You can contact sellers through the platform to inquire about listings.
Q: Is there a return policy on Beepkart?
Beepkart's return policies may vary based on individual sellers. It's recommended to check the specific return terms mentioned in the listings or contact the seller directly for more information.
Q: Can I sell my old bike on Beepkart? 
Yes, Beepkart allows individuals to list and sell their bikes on the platform. Simply create a listing with accurate details to connect with potential buyers.
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One Piece Biker Suit
Pol Espargaro wore such a One Piece Biker Suit in the MotoGP winter test 2022 when he first time ride with the official KTM tech 3 team. This suit has CE-approved safety to provide absolute safety on track or off track.
One Piece Biker Suit
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rentmybikeindia · 5 months
Two-wheeler rent in Mumbai
Mumbai, a city that never sleeps, is a tapestry of vibrant cultures, bustling streets, and iconic landmarks. To truly savor the essence of this metropolis, there's no better way than exploring it on two wheels. RentMyBike, a leading two-wheeler rental service in Mumbai, offers a plethora of options for locals and tourists alike. In this in-depth guide, we will delve into the diverse fleet, rental processes, benefits, and essential tips to ensure you have an unforgettable experience navigating the streets of Mumbai.
**1. RentMyBike: Pioneering Two-Wheeler Rentals in Mumbai
Founded with the vision of providing convenient and flexible transportation solutions, RentMyBike has emerged as a go-to platform for those seeking the thrill of riding through Mumbai's dynamic landscape. Offering a wide array of two-wheelers, from scooters to cruisers, the platform caters to diverse preferences, making it an accessible and user-friendly choice for all.
**2. The Fleet: A Symphony of Choices
RentMyBike understands that riders have distinct preferences, and their fleet reflects this diversity. Let's explore some of the standout options available for rent:
a. Scooters for Urban Explorers:
Honda Activa: A fuel-efficient and nimble choice, perfect for weaving through Mumbai's bustling traffic.
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TVS Jupiter: Combining style and functionality, the Jupiter offers a comfortable ride for city exploration.
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b. Cruisers for Coastal Rides:
Royal Enfield Classic 350: An iconic cruiser, ideal for leisurely rides along Mumbai's scenic coastline.
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Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220: Balancing comfort and style, this cruiser is perfect for a relaxed journey by the sea.
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c. Sporty Options for Adrenaline Junkies:
KTM Duke 200: A sporty powerhouse, ready to unleash the thrill-seeker in you on Mumbai's highways.
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TVS Apache RTR 160 4V: Agile and responsive, perfect for navigating the urban jungle with a touch of speed.
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d. Commuter-Friendly Bikes:
Yamaha FZ-S: Stylish and efficient, making it an excellent choice for daily commuting in Mumbai.
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Hero Splendor Plus: Reliable and cost-effective, catering to the practical needs of daily riders.
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**3. Renting Process: Simplified and User-Friendly
Renting a two-wheeler with RentMyBike is a straightforward process designed for maximum convenience:
a. Online Booking:
Navigate to the RentMyBike website or app.
Choose your preferred location, date, and time for pickup and return.
Browse through the available options and select your desired two-wheeler.
b. Documentation:
Ensure you have the necessary documents, including a valid driving license and identification.
Complete the verification process online or at the rental station.
c. Bike Pickup:
Head to the designated rental station at the scheduled time.
Complete the necessary paperwork and receive a brief orientation about the chosen bike.
d. Enjoy Your Ride:
Embark on your Mumbai adventure with the freedom to explore at your own pace.
Return the bike at the agreed-upon time, completing the rental process.
**4. Benefits of Two-Wheeler Rentals with RentMyBike
a. Flexibility and Convenience:
Two-wheelers offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to navigate Mumbai's narrow lanes and beat traffic.
Convenient pickup and drop-off locations make the rental process hassle-free.
b. Cost-Effective Travel:
Renting a two-wheeler is often more economical than relying on taxis or rideshares, especially for short distances.
c. Customized Riding Experience:
Choose a bike that suits your preferences, whether it's a sleek scooter for urban commuting or a powerful cruiser for long rides.
d. No Maintenance Hassles:
Enjoy the perks of riding without the responsibility of maintenance, as RentMyBike ensures their fleet is well-maintained.
**5. Tips for an Enjoyable Rental Experience
a. Safety First:
Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, and appropriate clothing.
Familiarize yourself with the traffic rules and regulations in Mumbai.
b. Plan Your Route:
Plan your itinerary in advance, considering the places you want to visit and the best routes to get there.
c. Weather Considerations:
Check the weather forecast before your ride and be prepared for any changes in conditions.
d. Fuel Up:
Ensure the bike has sufficient fuel before starting your journey, and familiarize yourself with the fueling stations along your route.
e. Emergency Preparedness:
Carry a basic toolkit, and familiarize yourself with the location of service centers in case of any issues.
Conclusion: Unleashing the Spirit of Mumbai on Two Wheels
Renting a two-wheeler with RentMyBike opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to experience Mumbai in a way that is both exhilarating and convenient. Whether you're a local looking for a daily commuter or a tourist eager to explore the city's hidden gems, the diverse fleet and user-friendly rental process make RentMyBike an ideal choice. So, gear up, hit the streets, and let the symphony of Mumbai unfold as you ride through its bustling lanes and along its enchanting coastline.
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autonexaworld · 9 months
Surfing Through the Waves: Best Bikes Under 3 Lakhs for Thrilling Rides
Surfing, a sport that embodies the thrill of riding the waves, has a unique connection with the adrenaline rush many motorcycle enthusiasts seek. If you're in the market for a bike under 3 lakhs that provides an exhilarating and thrilling riding experience, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll ride the surf of motorcycle options available and introduce you to the best bikes under 3 lakhs that will make your heart race and your spirits soar.
KTM Duke 390
The KTM Duke 390 is like the king of the surfing world, offering an adrenaline-packed experience on the road. With a powerful 373.2cc single-cylinder engine generating 43.5 bhp and 37 Nm of torque, the Duke 390 surfs through traffic effortlessly. Its sharp handling, slipper clutch, TFT display, and sporty design make it a top choice for riders who crave excitement in their daily commutes and weekend getaways.
Yamaha YZF R15 V4
If you're looking for a bike that gracefully rides the surf of both city streets and winding highways, the Yamaha YZF R15 V4 is a fantastic option. This sporty machine features a 155cc liquid-cooled, single-cylinder engine delivering 18.6 bhp and 14.1 Nm of torque. Its agile handling and sleek design give you a sense of control and style, making it a perfect choice for those who want a taste of sportbike thrills.
Royal Enfield Meteor 350
Just like a longboard that cruises gracefully through the waves, the Royal Enfield Meteor 350 offers a laid-back riding experience with classic cruiser styling. The Meteor 350 comes equipped with a 349cc single-cylinder engine that produces 20.2 bhp and 27 Nm of torque. Its comfortable riding position, retro aesthetics, and modern features like the Tripper navigation system make it a delightful companion for leisurely rides along scenic routes.
Bajaj Dominar 400
For those who want a versatile and powerful ride to conquer different terrains, the Bajaj Dominar 400 is the perfect surfboard. Powered by a 373.3cc single-cylinder engine producing 40 bhp and 35 Nm of torque, the Dominar 400 delivers a thrilling performance. Its comfortable riding stance, robust suspension, and impressive power make it suitable for both highway cruising and city commuting, providing an all-encompassing riding experience.
Suzuki Gixxer SF 250
Imagine catching a wave that offers a harmonious blend of sporty aesthetics and practicality—that's what the Suzuki Gixxer SF 250 delivers. With a 249cc, oil-cooled, single-cylinder engine generating 26.5 bhp and 22.2 Nm of torque, this bike offers an ideal balance of performance and comfort. Whether you're riding through city streets or carving through winding roads, the Gixxer SF 250 provides an exhilarating journey.
When it comes to choosing a bike under 3 lakhs that offers a thrilling and exciting riding experience, you're spoilt for choice. Much like riding the waves, selecting the right bike involves balancing power, style, and comfort. The KTM Duke 390, Yamaha YZF R15 V4, Royal Enfield Meteor 350, Bajaj Dominar 400, and Suzuki Gixxer SF 250 are all exceptional options that will make your heart race and your soul soar as you surf through the streets. Before making your final decision, take these bikes for a test ride to find the one that best suits your riding style. Enjoy the thrill of the ride and experience the joy of surfing on two wheels!
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Hear my improbable-but-not-completely-improbable scenario for a 2024 when VR46 switches to Yamaha:
- Bez gets a seat in Ducati Pramac for 2024 (replacing Zarco)
- Luca gets a seat in Ducati Gresini for 2024 (replacing Diggia) = Lucalex racing team
- Franco gets the Yamaha VR46 seat with a factory bike (because Yamaha will find a way to send him away from the factory team)
- Celestino gets the other Yamaha VR46 seat
Will I might agree with this. I do not like it.
For starters, I never knew if Luca's seat in Avitia was sue to his ties with Vale and the VR46 Academy or because Vale bought the seat. Yes Luca is super talented and he deserved the spot and yes he is doing great in the Ducati, but I feel that Ducati is not very fond of him. So this year will be a do it break it.
I definitely can See Bezz or maybe even Álex moving to the Pramac seat, in the same way that I feel Franky's spot is not Yamaha. I feel Morbidelli will suit the Ducati and I can't explain why.
I definitly see Cele succeeding with the Yamaha I can't explain why, but I do know, so Icounter propose you to put Canet as his teammate. It will be chaos.
Now Luca, I would like to see him in the pnly bike he will never be allowed to be or at least according to Spanish media. Until now aggressive riders have gone to that bike, I would like someone as analytical as Luca try the Honda. Maybe is what they need, after all, the last rider to challenge Marc in a Honda was Dani and he was technical and smart
While I might agree with this. I do not like it so this is my alternative/ramblings about it
For starters, I never knew if Luca's seat in Avitia was sure to his ties with Vale and the VR46 Academy or because Vale bought the seat. Yes, Luca is super talented, and he deserved the spot and yes, he is doing great in the Ducati, but I feel that Ducati is not very fond of him. So this year will be a make it or break it for him. Or he gets the results or he is booted.
I definitely can See Bezz or maybe even Álex moving to the Pramac seat, it would be interesting who come on top. Or maybe both as Jorge moves to a factory team seat.
I feel Franky's spot is not Yamaha. I feel Morbidelli will suit the Ducati and I can't explain why, so what about Álex and Franky as teammates again? I can definitely see Cele succeeding with the Yamaha I can't explain why, but I do know, so I counter propose you to put Canet as his teammate. It will be chaos, and if Pablo Nieto is still managing this team, this will send him straight to madness.
Now Luca, I would like to see him in the only bike he will never be allowed to be or at least according to Spanish media. Until now, aggressive riders have gone to that bike, I would like someone as analytical as Luca, try the Honda. Maybe it's what they need, after all, the last rider to challenge Marc in a Honda was Dani, and he was technical and smart. But I do know this will never happen, so my only option to see him in an aggressive bike will be KTM, and I'm not sure if I ever want to see him with them, not even if it's in Tech3. Okay, maybe the only way I can accept it, it's if Vale switches from Ducati to KTM and Pablo is still the team manager to assure rider's safety.
I only trust 2 team managers in the paddock, Davide Brivio and Pablo Nieto, and one is not there, and I'm blaming him going to F1 for Suzuki's downfall.
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travelblogs786 · 11 months
Embark on an Epic Leh Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi: The Ultimate Adventure
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Are you ready to experience the thrill of a lifetime? A Leh Ladakh from Delhi Bike Trip is a journey that promises breathtaking landscapes, thrilling adventures, and unforgettable memories. Whether you're an avid biker or a nature enthusiast, this iconic road trip offers the perfect blend of adrenaline-pumping rides and serene beauty. So, gear up and let Universal Adventures guide you through an awe-inspiring escapade on two wheels!
Delhi to Ladakh Distance by Bike - A Road Less Traveled
The journey from Delhi to Leh Ladakh distance by bike  is a test of endurance and spirit. Covering a distance of approximately 990 kilometers, this road trip leads you through rugged terrains, soaring mountain passes, and picturesque valleys. As you ride across the mesmerizing landscapes of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir, you'll witness the stunning transformation of sceneries from the plains to the majestic Himalayas.
Delhi to ladakh trip serves as the gateway to this incredible expedition, and before you embark on your adventure, it's essential to prepare thoroughly. Ensure your bike is in excellent condition, carry all necessary documents, and most importantly, acquire a permit to travel through restricted areas. Universal Adventures can assist you in securing the required permits, so you can focus on the thrill that awaits you.
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Bike on Rent for Ladakh - Embrace Freedom on Two Wheels
For those who don't own a bike or prefer to travel light, worry not! Universal Adventures offers premium Bike on rent for Ladakh trip. Our fleet of well-maintained bikes includes popular models suitable for the challenging terrains of Ladakh. With reliable rental options available, you can enjoy the thrill of the journey without worrying about the logistics of bringing your own bike.
Our bikes undergo regular maintenance and safety checks, ensuring a smooth and secure ride throughout your expedition. From powerful Royal Enfields to agile KTM bikes, we have the perfect ride that suits your preferences and riding style. All you need is a valid license, and you're ready to hit the road.
The Delhi to Ladakh Trip - A Kaleidoscope of Experiences
1. Manali - The Gateway to Adventure:
Your journey begins as you leave Delhi behind and reach Manali, a charming hill station nestled in the Kullu Valley. Revel in the cool mountain air and take some time to acclimatize before you embark on the more challenging terrains ahead. Universal Adventures provides a comfortable stay in Manali, allowing you to explore the local attractions and prepare for the thrilling ride ahead.
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2. Rohtang Pass - Where Earth Meets Sky:
Crossing the famed Rohtang Pass, you'll enter the land of barren beauty. The high-altitude pass presents you with awe-inspiring vistas of snow-capped peaks and lush valleys. Prepare to be enchanted by the breathtaking landscapes and capture some unforgettable photographs as you ride through this natural wonder.
3. Keylong - A Slice of Tranquility:
As you continue your journey, you'll arrive at Keylong, a serene town that offers a glimpse into the local culture and traditions of the region. Enjoy a cozy night's stay and interact with the friendly locals, known for their warmth and hospitality.
4. Baralacha La - Where Adventure Soars:
The mighty Baralacha La pass will test your riding skills and endurance. As you conquer this high-altitude pass, located at an elevation of 16,040 feet, you'll be rewarded with surreal vistas that make the challenging ride all the more worthwhile.
5. Sarchu - Embrace the Wilderness:
Sarchu, a picturesque camping destination, is an ideal spot to relax and rejuvenate amidst nature's marvels. The starlit sky and the tranquil surroundings offer a unique experience that will stay etched in your memories forever.
6. Leh - The Jewel of Ladakh:
Finally, you arrive at Leh, the heart of Ladakh. Explore the ancient monasteries, visit the enchanting Pangong Lake, and immerse yourself in the culture and spirituality of the region. Universal Adventures ensures you have a comfortable stay in Leh, allowing you to savor every moment of your Ladakh experience.
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Bike for Ladakh trip with Universal Adventures is not just a road journey; it's an odyssey of a lifetime. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene beauty of Ladakh, every moment of this adventure will leave you spellbound. So, whether you bring your bike or choose to rent one, we're here to make your dream of a Ladakh expedition come true.
Embark on this epic journey and embrace the freedom of the open road, the camaraderie of fellow riders, and the splendor of nature like never before. Join Universal Adventures for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will ignite your spirit of adventure and leave you yearning for more. Let's hit the road and create memories that last a lifetime!
To Know more about Best Trek near Bangalore.
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sbknews · 11 months
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jackharrisblog · 11 months
The Top 5 Bike Brands for Touring and Adventure
Here are the top 5 motorcycle brands for touring and adventure biking:
BMW is widely considered the gold standard for touring and adventure motorcycles. Their iconic GS series, which includes the R 1250 GS and the F 850 GS, is designed specifically for long-distance travel and off-road adventures. BMW bikes are known for their durability, reliability, and advanced technology, such as their ABS and traction control systems. They also offer a range of accessories, such as luggage systems and navigation equipment, to make long-distance travel more comfortable and convenient.
KTM is a popular choice for adventure bikers who want a more off-road focused machine. The KTM Adventure series, including the 1290 Super Adventure R and the 790 Adventure R, is designed to handle rough terrain and challenging conditions. KTM bikes are known for their high-performance engines and advanced suspension systems, which make them ideal for off-road adventures. They also offer a range of accessories, such as crash bars and skid plates, to protect the bike and rider during off-road riding.
Ducati is a brand that is known for its high-performance sports bikes, but they also offer a range of touring and adventure bikes. The Ducati Multistrada series, including the Multistrada 1260 and the Multistrada 950, is designed for long-distance travel and adventure riding. Ducati bikes are known for their powerful engines and advanced electronics, such as their ride-by-wire throttle and multiple riding modes. They also offer a range of accessories, such as panniers and top cases, to make touring more comfortable and convenient.
Yamaha is a popular choice for adventure bikers who want a versatile and reliable machine. The Yamaha Super Tenere is designed for long-distance travel and off-road adventures, with features such as a large fuel tank and advanced suspension system. Yamaha bikes are known for their smooth and powerful engines, and their durability and reliability make them a great choice for long-distance travel. They also offer a range of accessories, such as windshields and heated grips, to make touring more comfortable.
Triumph is a British brand that is known for its classic styling and high-performance bikes. The Triumph Tiger series, including the Tiger 800 and the Tiger 1200, is designed for adventure and touring. Triumph bikes are known for their powerful engines and advanced electronics, such as their adjustable suspension and riding modes. They also offer a range of accessories, such as luggage systems and engine guards, to make touring more comfortable and convenient.
In conclusion, when it comes to touring and adventure motorcycles, these five brands are some of the best in the industry. Whether you're looking for a bike that can handle off-road terrain or one that is designed for long-distance travel, these brands offer a range of options to suit your needs.
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