#kwan dp
Red hood is investigating some weird guns that an up and coming gang had been using. Now normally such a small and new gang like this would have been crushed by bigger and stronger gangs but they’ve managed to stay so long with these guns that look like they’re from sci fi movies, at best they cover you in suspicious green and purple goo at worst you lose an arm. During the investigation he discovered that the guns traced back to a small town in Illinois so after he told exactly nobody except Barbara he left for Amity Park. When he got there he immediately saw the Fenton work sign and remembering that during his research he stumbled across the name Fenton. So at night he sneaked in and found strange noises that sound suspiciously like crying. So he walk into basement and found around 12 really young children in cages with what looks like surgery scars. Now extremely pissed he retreats and starts planning to take down the Drs Fenton. Next night Jason stormed the Fenton house, killed both Maddie and Jack (and Vlad because he some time to spare) and freed the children. Once he made sure that the kids were safe he look in a mirror and said “well I guess I’m a dad now” and took them back to Gotham.
The Batfam are weirded out, Jason disappeared for a few days and came back, went apartment shopping, didn’t tell anyone what happened only told Bruce that he is a Grandfather now and promptly disappeared.
Jason after finding out that Jack and Maddie killed the kids parents now has a six year old named Dan, a four year old named Jazz, a new born named Ellie, and 9 two year olds named Valerie, Danny, Sam, Wes, Tucker, Paulina, Star, Dash, and Kwan.
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fries-n-knives · 2 years
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if there's something strange
By @darlinglissa and @shelbychild
For @invisobang
KWAN: Shouldn’t we, like, go back in for Dash? Make sure he’s okay?
SANCHEZ: I’m not going back in there for a guy who doesn’t appreciate my ass for what it’s worth.
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oceankat8 · 1 year
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Happy Truce @amabsis I went with your Prompt: For Danny's 3rd death day, his friends decide to give him a proper send off, while simultaneously messing with their classmates.
I hope you like it!
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herbatahleb · 2 years
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just love them
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jadeyarts · 2 years
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a dash and kwan i drew for some lineup project that im either giving up on or going to start over with later, but i’d already finished these two so... lol
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ghostblobbletea · 1 year
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Six characters! Five canon and one fan character
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bongo-clash · 2 years
I Want To Break Free
Ectober week prompt: Six Feet
'When three members of Casper High’s football team make one mistake too many, they’ve got no choice other than to bury the evidence. But, both fortunately and unfortunately for them, dead doesn’t mean gone, and they’ve been living in a ghost town for years.'
(Content warnings in tags || fic under cut!!)
For all that Amity Park is the poster child for widescale property damage, the crime rate is practically nonexistent. There’s something about finding a common enemy in the violent ghosts ravaging their town that wards off that willingness to go against another human being’s interests like that; murder, in particular, has been shoved off the table since the moment the victims started coming back to haunt them. It’s common knowledge that if you kill someone in Amity Park, everyone is going to find out.
This is exactly why three A-listers are shitting themselves right about now. 
Look, they hadn’t meant for it to go this far. It’d been such a harmless thing in theory- or, well, maybe not harmless, but it shouldn’t have gone any further than humiliation and maybe a bruise or two. They should’ve known it only takes a bad fall. They’re footballers- they should’ve known. But it’d been thoughtless, a split second decision made in the incredibly brief time the opportunity had been presented to them. All Dale had said was ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if you tripped him?’.
And it had been funny, until he hadn’t gotten up again. Now Danny Fenton is dead on the shower room floors, and every single one of them is guilty. 
There’s a long time where none of them know what to do. God, they’ve just killed someone, is this second-degree or manslaughter? There certainly wasn’t any express malice, but they’d definitely thought about swiping his feet out from under him without considering that he might hit his head; that could definitely been seen as implied malice. But they hadn’t meant to! They’d never wanted to, it was never supposed to go this far, and it was especially never supposed to go this far here. 
‘Here’, as in some place at the end of the school day, when the buses were about to leave and the teachers weren’t waiting up for them, having let them lock up before and having been willing to do it again. ‘Here’, as in Casper High in the first place, that had already seen tragedy in a fire taking almost the entire student body in the fifties, and had now witnessed a murder in its reconstructed halls. ‘Here’, as in Amity Park, the ghost town, where there’s a non-zero chance of this literally coming back to get them. 
The silence charged with the smell of deodorant and a wet body already beginning to self-digest is broken, finally, by Dash- the one to trip him, and the first one to back away when he’d felt Fenton’s limp hand for a pulse and found nothing. 
“What the Hell do we do?” He whispers, voice barely reaching anyone else in the room, but you could hear a pin drop beneath the still-running showerheads, and everyone was straining to hear it, desperate to divert their attention. My dad’s a lawyer, he thinks, is there any chance he could save us from this?
As if reading his mind, and said like the instigator that knows they’ll be thrown under the bus for suggesting this in the first place, Dale interrupts the train of thought with a sturdy “We can’t go to the police.”
“Dude, are you insane?” Kwan splutters, barely able to keep his gaze from flitting back to the crime scene. And holy shit, this really is a crime scene. “Dale, we can’t just try and bury this, that’s so much worse.”
“You’re only saying that because you’re a witness!” Dale snaps, looking overwhelmed but outsourcing it to aggression, eyes wide and afraid but brow furrowed. “You’re really gonna let us take the fall like that? We’re your friends.”
Kwan, to his merit, is standing his ground, despite looking incredibly green around the edges. In fairness, all three of them probably look that way. “I’d rather be a witness than an accomplice! I can’t- we can’t-!”
“We’re the only people here.” Dash interrupts numbly, and this is probably the second most awful thing he’s ever done apart from actual murder, but all that’s running through his head right now is I can’t go to jail. His life can’t be over with one dumb mistake even if Danny’s is. “Who’s to say it wasn’t you who did it? All the teachers have seen how we act around the school; we work as a group, always. They’re not gonna believe it was just one of us. They’re gonna believe it was all of us.”
This is his best friend, and he’s convincing him to help hide a body by threatening him, because Dash accidentally committed murder and this does not in the slightest feel like something that’s actually happening to him right now. The whole world feels like a smudged trail against the lens of a window pane. There are tears in Kwan’s eyes.
“I’m never fucking talking to any of you again.” Kwan spits, voice damp with distress. “You- You’re monsters for this. It stops being an accident the moment you start trying to cover shit up, I just- this is horrible.”
The realisation that he’s never heard his friend swear before is a thousand miles away, back in some world where Dash’s biggest problem was getting detention for making Mikey late to class on Tuesday. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t sad. “But you’re gonna help us.”
His expression is the picture of helplessness, but he doesn’t say a word in retort. Silently, the agreement is made that no one is going to know. 
Figuring out what they’re supposed to do with the body is a completely different ball game, though. Kwan had enough of an interest in forensic science (wrenched from him completely two minutes ago, but he can’t erase what facts he already has) to know that dead bodies are apparently heavy as Hell, and the woods is too far to carry one towards. It’d be a terrible idea to bury the body under or near the football field- the disturbed soil would be way too noticeable- but to get to any other place with easily accessible ground, they’d have to transport the body through town and none of them could drive. That doesn’t leave them with a lot of options.
“Behind the bike shed.” Dale exclaims suddenly. “The gap between the shed and the hedge is so tiny no one even goes there to make out- no one’ll even notice the difference.” 
“But won’t people look around the school if someone got murdered here?” 
Dale looks to the showers nobody bothered to turn off, and down at the body with glazed eyes. “They won’t know it was here if all the blood’s down the drain.”
There’s not much to argue with there. Dale has the forethought to go outside and make sure the coast is clear while grabbing a sheet of tarp from the equipment shed, bringing it back into the room with lips pursed into a hardset line. 
Kwan keels over and spills his guts into the shower drains the moment Dash lifts the body, blood and water congealing at the back of Fenton’s head and spilling onto the floor, but no one says a word about it, they just wait until he’s finished. They wrap the body in the tarp until only the ends of his hair and the tips of his shoes are visible, and Dale directs the showerhead to wash away the gore. He tries not to squirm at the knowledge of what he’s holding in his hands right now, because if there’s any time to freak out it’s not now. Not when there’s still stuff left to do. 
When they’ve gotten to the spot behind the shed, there’s already three shovels leaning against the back. Dash puts the body down underneath the hedge, and grabs a handle. 
“Six feet.” He says. “And no one’ll have to know.”
It’s probably the most stupid thing he’s ever done other than trip Danny Fenton in the showers, but that same night, he goes back to the place they buried the body. 
He doesn’t know why he thought it was a good idea. He hadn’t, most likely, but still, a piece of him felt like he needed to go back, that dumb part of his brain where all the morbid curiosity comes from and all his meanest ideas go. Regardless of the cause, though, at two in the morning not eight hours after they’d tried to flatten the soil, Dash is back at the grave. 
His heart still aches with everything Kwan had said, begging them to just go to the police and come clean, because no matter how much he doesn’t want his life ruined he knows it already is. There’s not going to be any coming back from this- whether anyone finds the body and discovers their part in it or not, this is going to follow him for the rest of his life. That soil disturbed amongst the grass from upturning, wedged between the bike shed and the hedge, the ground shaking with motion. 
…The dirt. The dirt’s moving. Why’s the dirt moving?
All at once, he jumps back about five paces and freezes stock still, gaze transfixed towards the soil rumbling like the epicentre of a personal earthquake. His mind is terrifyingly blank as he watches, hearing more and more coming from beneath as the time passes somewhere between a good few minutes and an eternity, something like muttering or moans permeating the earth. 
A hand grasps for purchase as it breaks through the top layer of the soil- pale, grimy, and fuzzing at the edges with translucence. The palm finds flat ground some centimetres away, and with a sound like a grunt or a cry, the corpse pulls itself out of the ground. 
Danny Fenton stands in full form before him, brown blood smudged across his temple from the back of his head and dirt caking every other inch of him. The tarp is sticking out from the ground like a tongue. “Hey Dash,” Fenton sighs, like he hadn’t just crawled out of his own unmarked grave alive. “What are you doing here? It’s… oh man, it’s totally past curfew. My parents are gonna kill me for sure.”
It’s that comment in particular that snaps him out of his stupor, catching the weird look in the other boy’s eyes. “Fenton, what the fuck?” His voice is half-wheezing with disbelief, surprised he’s able to breathe between it at all. This is impossible, shouldn’t be happening, but, this is Amity. The dead come back to haunt them all the time. 
“What?” He asks blithely, before tilting his head to look back at the mound in the dirt, the hole that had been filled to hide him. “Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. No one comes back here anyway, and it’s not like they’ll care if they do.”
He can’t for the life of him process the calm in Danny’s voice. “You were dead.” He says. “I killed you. We buried you.”
“But you didn’t report it to the police, huh?” Not knowing how else to respond, Dash shakes his head. “Yeah, makes sense, they never do. Still, guess that gives me less issues to deal with in the long run, and I can’t really complain about that even if the morality of the whole thing bugs me. You really should tell people about these kinds of things before they find out on their own, y’know? Oh, but Dash?”
Fenton has his back turned by now, having stretched his limbs out and began to walk off during his talk, but he turns his head just a little, then. Just enough that Dash can see the glint of sharp teeth underneath his lips. Just enough for his eyes to catch green under a light that doesn’t exist. 
“No one’s gonna believe you.”
(When Kwan and Dale come to school with him the next day like nothing’s wrong, and they spot Danny Fenton talking with his friends by his locker like any other stupid day, they don’t say a word. They don’t make fun of him when he falls asleep in class after claiming to have had a ‘long night’, and they don’t tell their friends why they weren’t at Star’s house by eight, and they don’t ask Kwan to talk about it when they go to bathroom together at lunch and he has a panic attack over the sinks. Because Danny Fenton being alive is not possible, but if the dead won’t tell their secrets, then neither will they.)
(Neither will they.)
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fentonworkz · 1 year
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happy truce, @going-dead !! i was your ghost this year too :Dc
sorry for the delay on posting (i’m currently out of town!), but i hope you like it!!! i loved the idea of kwan finding a blob ghost, they’re friends now:)
“full-size” (small) image under the cut! i didn’t want it to get blown up and blurry, so i upscaled it for posting above ^^
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i drew them on my phone also! i’m very proud of it:3
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Question for the Phandom
Does Star have a last name? There’s not one mentioned in canon, but has the phandom made one up for her? Same goes for Kwan, I guess. I’ve never seen mention of his last name.
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ohmygodletmesignup · 2 years
here are some small things i’ve noticed in Danny phantom that might be good for fanfics… do with this what you will. more to come.
-S1E14: Jack punches a door and the door bends around his fist, implying that all the doors in the fenton house are made of metal (specifically some ghost preventing metal)
-S1E15: Phantom and Ghost-Kwan are standing on the side of a building, gravity doesn’t effect ghosts like it does humans
-S1E16: Team phantom uses the lab for training
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fureliselost · 2 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Past Danny Fenton/Valerie Gray, Dash Baxter & Kwan & Paulina Sanchez & Star, Valerie Gray & Star Characters: Danny Fenton, Valerie Gray, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Dash Baxter, Star (Danny Phantom), Kwan (Danny Phantom), Paulina Sanchez Additional Tags: A-Listers - Freeform, Danny Fenton Is So Done, Tired Danny Fenton, prob crack idk, More tags to be added, Guns, Girls with Guns, Swearing Series: Part 3 of Need to know basis Summary:
Kwan laughed, "What, are you going to tell me that you, of all people, have hunted ghosts before?" "Yeah, you always run when ghosts show up." Star agreed, snickering at him. "Yes, I have hunted ghosts before. Not by choice, but I did and I actually know what to do." Danny answered, clearly wanting this night to be over already. Valerie frowned, "I thought you said you didn't know how to hunt ghosts?" Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, ignoring how Sam and Tucker held their laughter at his misfortune, "Yeah, I said that so you wouldn't pester me about it. Which clearly didn't work, 'cause here we are." He looked at Dash, "Will you start the car already? Get going, man."
OR: The A-Listers decide to ghost hunt.
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I think I just watched my neighbor almost get mauled by like four pieces of ghost bacon?
There was a lot of screaming but I think he managed to get them off
Like I'm not sure how to deal with that emotionally and I think I'm actually going to avoid that entirely and stay inside today
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elegantmantaray · 2 years
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Kwan and Dash's greatswords! Their party would be bitter rivals with Danny's. Dash, Paulina, and Sam would be the most aggressive about it. Always egging one another on.
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DC x DP Prompt
To the delight of Gotham's citizens, and the dismay of her criminal underbelly, the GCPD has a new specialized unit that ACTUALLY apprehends criminals and brings them to justice!
It's a relatively small squad of mostly young adults, who looked fresh out of their teens. But age didn't matter once they got the work done. And they did, as they've already got criminals like Penguin, Riddler, and Bane behind bars for what looks to be 'for good'.
No one besides Commissioner Gordan knows anything about the squad as they operate as a mostly separate entity from GCPD. It was rare to see any of them, and any photos taken were unusually blurry. They are also extremely secretive; if you exclude their social media which are usually just shit posts, memes, and thirst edits of the Wayne family.
They were a total mystery. Almost as mysterious as Batman.
But those who have seen/worked with the squad before all had the same thing to say about them. They were cool. They had an unusually effective method. And their leader is a menace. With his sharp teeth and pointed smile. And bright blue eyes that spoke to your soul. It was a pleasure to see/ work with him, it really was. But they weren't planning on doing so again for a long time.
That being said, Gotham had been quiet for a while. A bit too quiet if you ask anyone, especially the Bats. Strangely, it didn't feel like the usual calm before the shit storm. The instinctual pit in their guts that usually formed just wasn't there. This was different. This wasn't the calm before the storm. This was the ocean receding. But no one seemed to realize it yet.
Not until the tsunami came crashing down on them.
The GCPD special unit accounts that had been inactive for the last three months suddenly pinged to life. Everyone who followed them clicked the notification almost immediately. With this unnerving calm surrounding them, who the hell didn't want to see what batshit crazy statement they would make after three months of radio silence.
What they didn't expect, was to see a crystal-clear picture of justice finally being served.
The picture was a selfie, taken in an abandoned warehouse. In the middle of the dirty floor was the Joker. He was tied up and his head hung low. You could see how beaten he was, his clothes torn and bloody. His face paint was also coming off, revealing pale blotchy skin. Reminding everyone that, he was still human, just like the rest of them.
Behind him, all lined up with smiles on their faces, was Team Phantom. They were a bit bloody and bruised as well but overall in much better condition. They weren't wearing the normal GCPD navy blue uniform, but black and white ones. All stylized to fit the wearers taste. They all looked so young, but their eyes looked like old tired eyes, finally getting some relief.
From in the corner was their leader. Only part of his face was in the picture. One glowing blue eye, and part of his Cheshire smile. His hand making a peace sign next to the Joker. Even with only part of his being shown, everyone could tell he was relived as well.
And while the picture itself was shocking, the caption was what really got them. The top was what you would usually expect from the team. A big bold 'GOT EM' ' at the top. But at the bottom in small, almost unnoticeable text was:
"He will face his punishment. We will get our retribution. May we finally rest in peace."
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ghost-pasta · 10 months
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I don't have to explain anything.
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Danny and his english class go feral
So danny and all of his English class are going to gothem as a graduateing feild trip
By this point in time everyone knows danny is phantom, danny knowes everyone knows, all of amity knowes
But because of the way the government reacted to the ghosts, ignoring the problem and just sending in people who want to commit genocide.. they've made the decision they dont need the government
At this point, danny English class is very protective of eachother
Dash and the a-listers apologised
Once Wes was proven right, he was told of what would happen to danny should outsiders find out about him and apologised
Mikey and the neards have gotten more confident dew to the a-listers and in return thwy help dash and kwan with their grades
The point is, their ALL protective, and because danny is the most protective of all once he heard they were going to gothem he handed out fenton brand wepons like candy
They were all enjoying it so far, it was getting annoying whenever dash or kwan had to knock out a few petty criminals but its going fine...
Until the riddler and penguin decided to make a hostages situation out of them
When batman arrived to a hostage situation he was expecting crying and scared kids, especially after learning they were teenagers from out of town...
What he walked in on was this
Paulina and star making matching scratching posts out of a pair of goons
Wes was full body slamming people left, right and center, your in his way your getting knocked over
Sam was following wes and after he knocked them over she used the fenton-anti-asshole-tazer on them
Tucker was sitting on a chandler and making sure all the coms were disconnected...and recording everything
Mickey ran up to dash yelled "FOOTBALL ME" and dash picked him up like a foorball, threw him several feet in the air where he proceeded to tackel and claw penguin
Danny was fist fighting the riddler while distroying him with banter
Mr.Lancer had a fuckin fenton-lighsaber and was changing from obi-wan canoby and darth vader impressions
Batman went out side for a good 30 minutes trying to processes what he just saw, unfortunately leaving the goons the riddler and penguin to the mercy of feral, overprotective angry amity parkers
When batman walked in later Tucker yelled "THE CONTROLL ISSUE FURRIE IS HERE"
After he yelled that everyone froze
Danny was choking out the riddler
Mickey was holding the fenton-ecto gun at penguin
Dash was mid punch
Kwan was using fenton-sneakers to walk on the roof and was stringing up goons
Stat was using the fenton-lipsick gun to blast people
Paulina was using the fenton-glitter nunchucks with star as backup
Wes was putting a goon in a headlock
Sam was using fenton-thorn gloves to distroy all wepons the goons were using
And Mr.lancer was mid darth vader impersonation
And they all stopped their feralness to stare at him, it went from chaos to silence
Even the goon, riddler and penguin were silent waiting to see WTF was about to happen
And batman had a feeling life was about to get more complicated
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