#la masía
livelaughlovepedri · 3 days
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yessirrrrr 🫡
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wosoandstuff · 3 months
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Look what I found on X, the creative who edited this image knew what they was doing, I'm tears.
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ikram1909 · 10 months
la masia kids success makes me 🥲🥲🥲
Right like it just hits different 😭😭
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bandarrrrr · 1 year
The ammount of great players LA MASÍA has produced is immense and unmatchable
Only academy to come close to that would be AJAX ACADEMY
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dehlicia · 1 month
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la masía boys. that's my type.
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putellas14 · 2 years
I’m rooting for Ona and Jana!
The more I think, the more I kind of like Jana!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Could you do one with gavi where he loves neck kisses like fluff? Please<33
Hi! Yes, of course! Based on the fact he kisses some of his teammates neck while celebrating goals, I can totally see him doing this to his girl or loving receiving neck kisses from her. HERE YOU GO! I hope you like it, hun!
P.S: I'll say this quickly, *Takes a deep breath* Englishisn'tmyfirstlanguagesorryifthere'sanymistakes. Please, letmeknowiftheyare.
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Gavi was a sucker for you.
Everyone knew this fact. You knew it. His sister knew it. Pedri, Ansu, Alejandro, Eric knew it. His friends from La Masía knew it. His parents knew it. Yours knew it. Everyone did.
He wasn't ashamed of it.
And you weren't complaining.
You loved the fact, one single glance from you could make Gavi go on his knees. You had him whipped.
This being said, he loved receiving attention from you. Mostly kisses.
Giving his teenage era, he; like any other guy; was hormonal and he loved feeling your lips on any part of his body, mostly on his neck. There was something about you kissing that area that drove him crazy.
You remembered the first time you gave Gavi a kiss on his neck and how he reacted from it.
Both of you were coming home from a cute date on the beach, you have been dating for five months, you were pretty tired and after both of you showering (separatedly), you got into Gavi's hoodie, a pair of his sweatpants and some socks from him as well.
Setting into his bed wrapped around each other, you did't knew where you feet started and where his ended.
You were tired and a tired you, ends up feeling extra clingy that day, wrapped your arms around his middle and leaned onto him, pulling your head into the crock of his neck and giving a light kiss to the area.
Inmediately you felt Gavi shuddered, he joined his shoulder with his chin blocking you from leaving more kisses in his neck
"What's wrong?"
"That felt nice" He said embarrassed after a while of silence, face red as you laughed lightly
"You're beautiful, Pablo"
"Shut up"
"Let me give you some neck kisses" You said snuzzling your face into your neck
And it began to be your favourite thing to do and soon it became Pablo's. So much, he often finds himself asking you for neck kisses, not verbally tho, but with actions. Like, gently pulling your face into his neck while cuddling, pushing his neck out for you to leave a cute peck in there or leaving his head on top of yours so you could move your head to the side and kiss it quickly before coming back to whatever you were doing.
Like right now, you were cooking some dinner for the both of you when he came up to you, hugging you and leaving a kiss in the back of your neck and then, his head switched to lay gently on top of yours. You smiled instantly turning your head around to leave a few pecks there.
"How was recovery practice?" You asked
"Tiring" He hummed against your hairline and you raised your eyebrows a bit
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing" You turned off the stove turning around in his arms
"What's wrong?" You asked once more looking straight to his eyes
"I hate the fact I'll miss next match" He said sighing. You sighed too wrapping your arms around his shoulders
"I know baby, I hate it too" You said rubbing softly your nose against his. Both of you stood in silence for a while just enjoying each other's presence "What do you want me to do? Can I help?"
He nods "Just love me like you know, please" He asked sweetly, pushing his face into the side of yours, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
You smiled. Kisses, especially neck kisses. Got it
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
sundays are for lunch at the messi's / pedri
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requests: podrías escribir otro de pedri x reader argentina? el otro me encanto 😭😭😭 & pedri and childhood best friend reader??? 🫶🏽😭
pairing: (argentinian) messi!reader x pedri (childhood friends to lovers)
author's note: the ages don't make sense but I DON'T CARE THIS IS FICTION.
summary: pedri and you had been friends for the longest time, so you don't need to introduce him to your parents, they already know him. but there's a slight change of titles that they're not aware of, and you need to face.
wc: 2k words.
you've lived in barcelona your whole life.
you're accustomed to it all: the good and the bad. the recognition on their faces when your last name is heard, the little gasps and whispers that came with it. you never liked it, of course, but there's nothing you could do about it. you're aware that anyone that has ever come close to you always wants something. when you're 15, and all you want to do is be normal, be like the other girls, it's hard. but there's one person who never saw you as anything else than just a little girl, sometimes too shy for her own good, but who was always down to play with him if it involved football.
pedri has been by your side ever since your father brought you to ciutat esportiva one time as a kid. you were meant to just stay in the bench, "total es un rato, sí?" (it's just for a bit, yeah?), your father had promised, but being 9 years old, your legs can carry you anywhere you set your eyes to, especially when you’re bored. and, being the daughter of a football star, it’s only right for you to be drawn to a ball. you don't even see the kid with big, brown eyes and black hair at first: the owner, for sure.
"¿quieres jugar?" (do you want to play?) the kid, who looks just a bit older than you due to him being just a bit taller, kindly asks, and you only nod your head in affirmation. he passes the ball to you softly, not wanting to be too rough, and you surprise him greatly by passing it back to him in a smooth movement. “¿cómo te llamas?” (what's your name?) he questions, and you only reply with your name before asking for his.
not long after, your father comes looking for you. “creo que alguien te está buscando” (i think someone’s looking for you) pedri says, tilting his head to where your father is, although he doesn’t recognize him at first. leo’s smiling, like he always is, and you wave pedro goodbye before running towards your dad. your little friends sees the last name printed over your back, but he doesn't think anything of it. he has "messi 10" printed over his too.
“¿te estabas divirtiendo?” (were you having fun?) your father asks once you get to him, and he helps you put on the jacket that is, still, to big for you, but needed to provide the warmth the chill air had deprived from your little figure. your cheeks are blushed pink when you nod, but you hope he only thinks it's because of the cold.
but something had changed in all these years.
now you're holding his hand, hard, while he tries to drive you to your parents house. it isn't too far from where you're currently living, but if anything, that makes it worse when you're holding on to him for dear life, your nerves getting the best of you. it's not like they didn't know pedri. but that was the issue: your father knows him as his teammate, one of the promising youngsters raised in la masía just like he was once. the little kid who was kicking the ball with you that one time you had run away from his watch. not as his daughter's boyfriend.
"bonita, si esto te está poniendo mal…" (pretty girl, if this is making you this anxious…) he's the first one to talk when the traffic light goes red. his dark -but still warm- brown eyes are set on you, lovingly, while his thumb strokes your hand up and down in a calming gesture. you know he's trying to reassure you, and he'd be happy just to drop you off if you're not comfortable with the idea of presenting him as your partner, but you know it's not that.
"no, no. está bien. solo estoy un poco nerviosa" (no, no. it's okay. just a little bit nervous) you get to say, before pressing a soft kiss in the back of his hand that has him smiling widely. the light turns green again and he has to focus his eyes on the road once more, but not before trying to lighten up the mood. "ya me conocen" (they know me already) he jokes, and he's not wrong. except, there has been a slight change in the titles that your parents aren't quite aware as of yet.
"sí, como pedri, número 8 del barça. no como pedro, novio de su hija" (yeah, as pedri, barça's number 8. not as pedro, their daughter's boyfriend). he gulped, realization dawning on his face at understanding why you were as fidgety as you were: meeting your girlfriend's parents is a huge step in a relationship -not that he would have experienced it before, giving that you were his first-, but even more considering who your parents were. you would have laughed at him, if it wasn't because the nerves were engulfing you whole too. "bueno, si lo pones así…" (well, if you put it like that…).
sooner rather than later, you two arrived to your destination, and even if you wanted to stay in the car just for a bit longer, to feel a bit more prepared, your brothers had already heard the sound of the car and jumped straight out of the house to find you. they were a little surprised when pedri stepped out of the car after you, but given that they were avid barcelona fans due to your dad, they were the good kind of surprised: almost starstruck, which made you laugh.
the noise outside eventually drew your mother out, too, and antonela smiled widely at seeing that there would be one more person joining them. she genuinely loved organizing parties or family events, so the more, the better in her opinion. "¡que sorpresa, pedri!" (what a surprise, pedri!) she said, clapping excitedly. your boyfriend straightened again, after squatting down to talk to your brothers more closely. "bienvenido, pasá, hay lugar para todos" (welcome, come in, there’s room for everyone) she encouraged, and you both got closer to greet her with a kiss on the cheek, before the six of you went inside.
it doesn't come as a surprise to you that everyone is pleased with his arrival. it's almost like you're erased to a second place, and you're happy with it, never one to thrive in the spotlight. pedri, on the other hand, loves it. loves to chat happily with your mom when she asks him about how training has been, loves to follow your three little brothers when they beg him to play some football with him. your father is in the backyard, so occupied with grilling the meat -as he did every sunday, maintaining the ritual of making asado even if he was miles away from his dear argentina- that he doesn't think any of the noise.
"así que vos y él…" (so you and him…) your mother inquires once it's just you and her, and just a nod from your part does it for her. antonela has been your relationship's number one supporter even before you two realized you liked each other. she just knew, as she puts it. "te mira como me mira tu papá" (he looks at you just like your dad looks at me) she had gushed one day, and you could never brush the comment of your mind ever since. two weeks later, pedri actually confessed his feelings for you after scoring an important goal for the team, saying "fue para tí. cada uno de mis goles, siempre fueron para tí” (it was for you. every one of my goals, they always were for you).
this was something you didn’t consider could be a problem before: your dad knew him. he was used to seeing you two together often, as you were the closest friends before starting to date officially. pedri being invited by you to a family lunch wasn’t that weird, even if it hadn’t happened before -and that should be enough indication that something had changed-. but apparently, not for leo messi, who remained clueless.
the lunch goes smoothly: you two are laughing with your parents, and everyone seems to be having fun. sometimes his hands find your leg in a reassuring way, or your hands find his to calm his nerves a little, but it's all under the table: no one sees. at least, when they're all seated at the table. but soon enough, your two little brothers, mateo and ciro, grow impatient, and they leave the table to go play football. that's when they see.
"¿por qué pedri y vos están agarrados de la mano como papá y mamá?" (why are pedri and you holding hands like mom and dad do?) ciro asks, and mateo, who is normally the mischievous one, holds his hand against his mouth, like trying to keep the secret from spilling out his lips, even though it's too late.
antonela only grins, but since she already knew from before, she whips her head to see her husband's reaction. you do something similar, switching your focus to pedro, who instead has his face drained from color, blood clearly gone to his legs in case he needs to run for his life, kind of a fight-flight reaction. and even before thinking about it consciously, he knows he's not fighting lionel messi. no matter how much he loves you.
"¿por qué todos me miran a mí?" (why are you all looking at me?) your father frowns, and he genuinely looks dumbfounded. you don't want to say you're expecting him to lift from his chair and grab him by the neck, because he's not like that, and above all, he knows pedro is a good guy, but still, his reaction takes you by surprise. even more than his following words. "ya sabía!" (i already knew!).
now it's your turn to have the blood drained from your face, not having expected this answer from him. how did he know already? you were careful of not being pictured with him alone, deciding it was best to spend the day at your house, or at his, to avoid any pictures from leaking. you didn't even hang out outside if there weren't some of your mutual friends with you, to avoid suspicions. you knew pedri drawn attention, even more so now that he was a permanent feature in the starting eleven, but you two figured that it wouldn't exactly help that your last name was messi.
"¿qué significa que ya sabías?" (what does it mean that you already knew?)
he laughs, clearly amused with your reaction, and then begins to explain. "bueno, para empezar, no es como que gavi sea precisamente callado al hablar" (well, for starters, it's not like gavi's the most quiet guy to talk) he says, and pedri, by your side, laughs. gavi was one of the few that knew about you two -if not, the only one- and pedri curses him for being so careless. "que cabrón" (what an idiot) he mutters under his breath, and you turn to smile at him, which he reciprocates. "y después, vos, pedri" (and then, you, pedri) leo begins again, and it has your boyfriend's eyes diverting from you, once again. "no es como si no viera que cada vez que hacés un gol, apuntas al palco de mí familia" (it's not like i don't see that every time you score, you point at my family's box).
"¿y no te molesta?" (and you're not bothered?) you ask, but this time you're afraid of the answer. it's not like he can forbid you from dating pedro, or to date in the first place, but still, you care because it's your father. and it's his teammate.
"para nada. lo supe desde que te escapaste para jugar a la pelota con él" (not at all. i knew it since you ran away to play football with him) he says, and you try to hide your burning cheeks from everyone's eyes with your hands, but it's no use.
"sabía que te habías enamorado de mí ese día!" (knew you had fallen in love with me that day!) pedri quips, and you hit his arm jokingly, too embarrassed to admit that, yeah, little 9 years old y/n messi had fallen in love with pedro gonzalez at first sight.
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swimmingismywholelife · 6 months
Miracles in December
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Summary: You haven't seen your best friend since his injury. And only a Christmas Miracle will bring him back to you.
Warning: ANGST but fluffy ending, platonic best friend!Gavi, mentions of Gavi's injuries, light arguments, insecurity, guilt 
WC: 5K
A/N: 🎶On the third day of Ficmas, my writer gave to me a fic withbest friend!Gavi🎶 If you're new here, I bleed Blaugrana. I've been a Barca fan since I was a kid and that club means everything to me. That being said, Gavi is one of my favorite players and my son and I'm absolutely devastated that he's had such a major injury. I don’t typically write for Gavi (he's a literal baby to me), but I wanted to write something to show my support for him. So this is dedicated to him. Estamos contigo. Mucha fuerza Gavi y te queremos ❤️💙
Link for the Song: Miracles in December
"Oh, I didn't know how thankful your love was, oh
I thought it would stop once it ended, oh
But every day, I'm fixing
Myself to want you
I think my love will endlessly continue."
You knocked on the door, your duffle bag over one shoulder, trying to shake off the snow.
"Hola, Aurora," you said to the person who opened the door.
"Hola, Y/N, come in! You must be freezing right now!" Aurora answered, gesturing for you to come in quickly. "I'll make you some tea. Sit, make yourself at home!"
You set your stuff in a small space by the doorway, one that commonly had your stuff whenever you came to visit the Paez Gavira household. It wasn't surprising to see you come over as you'd been doing it since you were a kid. You and Pablo had met years ago on your first day at La Masía. You'd just moved from America back to Spain so you could play for the academy. You were an awfully shy kid, especially after your American classmates bullied you for the way you spoke Spanish.
You remembered your first day at La Masía very clearly. You had stood outside the building too afraid to go in. Pablo noticed you on his way in and despite being shy himself, approached you, asking if you were lost.
"Hola, soy Pablo. Are you here to play?" Pablo asked.
"Sí," you said softly. "Soy Y/N. Today is my first day here. I'm just a little scared."
"¿Por qué? You're gonna love it here! This is the best academy in the world!" he said excitedly.
"But what if they don't like me? What if I don't make any friends?" you asked worriedly.
"You don't have to worry about because I'll be your friend! And I'll introduce you to everyone else!"
"Yo no sé," you mumbled to yourself, ready to call your mom to pick you up. "I think I'm just gonna call my mom to pick me up and go home."
"How's this? I'll be your first friend, and because we're friends, we'll walk in together! You belong here, I promise. And so long as I'm your friend, I'll make sure you know that this is where you belong and what you're meant to do! What do you say, Pequeña?"
"Pequeña?! I'm not that small!" you protested, feeling slightly offended that he was coming for your height like that.
"Yes you are but that's okay! See, you have a nickname now from a friend!" Pablo said. "Everything is gonna be okay. You're here for a reason. This is your home and even if you're nervous now, I'll help you see that," he continued, calming your nerves and reassuring you.
Pablo held out his hand for you to take. "Just take my hand and we'll reach our dreams of playing for the first team together."
You hesitated, but took a deep breath. You knew you had to take the chance to achieve the dream of playing for your favorite club. So you took Pablo's hand in yours. You smiled at each other before walking through the doors together, ready to take on the world.
Since that day, the two of you were inseparable. And he was right. The moment you stepped through those doors, everything felt right. Pablo introduced you to his friends, making you feel more at ease with everyone. You eventually made your own friends within the academy. And despite your growth spurt, you still ended up tiny, causing Pablo's unfortunate nickname for you to stick. Even after Pablo started playing with the first team, he always did his best to support you in your games. He was your best friend and you were his.
Which was why you were just as distraught as he was when his injury happened. You were in the crowd proudly wearing his jersey and cried just as hard as he did as he was subbed off, knowing the injury was serious. You cried even more when you found out it was a torn ACL and meniscus, knowing he was out for the rest of the season and the Euros. Pablo more than anything loved to play, and you knew he would be devastated.
On top of that misfortune, Pablo hadn't spoken to you since that day. You'd traveled with him back to Barcelona and to the medics after that game, where you held him as he cried. But after that, he'd gone radio silent. At first, you thought he just needed time and space to process everything going on. But you soon realized that Pablo was still talking to the others after catching up with Fermín and some of the others one day.
"Yeah, I think Pablo just needs space," you said, drinking the coffee you'd ordered. "He isn't really speaking to anyone right now."
"What are you talking about?" Fermín asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Pablito and I talked yesterday. He's nervous for his upcoming surgery, but I reassured him that everything was gonna be fine."
"Wait, he talked to you?" you asked, now being the one confused.
"Pequeña, he's been regularly talking to all of us because he needs the support," Cristo explained.
"Then why hasn't he talked to me?" you asked again, feeling extremely hurt. "I thought we were best friends. I haven't seen him since he came back to Barcelona. And he hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. I've been to his house every day since and he's never even so much opened his door."
"I'm sorry, Pequeña," Fermín said, trying to smile.
But the damage was already done.
"How is he, Rora?" you asked gently as his sister gently handed you a mug.
"The same," she sighed. "His surgery went well so he's just recovering now. I think Christmas being around the corner is making him even more upset though. You know, holiday cheer and all," Aurora replied, sitting down next to you. "He's still crying every night even if he thinks we can't hear him. He hasn't talked to you then I assume?"
You shook your head. "He hasn't said anything to me since that day. The only way I know how he's doing is by asking you or some of the others. I just wish I could help him you know? It's like I'm here, but he won't even acknowledge that we know each other, much less being best friends."
"You've been here every day since," Aurora said gently. "Even if Pablo can't see it now, I know he's appreciative of that." She grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together. "And we appreciate that too. My brother is annoyingly stubborn and yet you've been here every day, doing your best to help him and the rest of us. You're doing more than enough, hermanita. He's lucky to have someone like you in his life."
You squeezed Aurora's hand laying your head on her shoulder.
"I would take the injury if it meant he could play too," you said honestly.
"Don't ever say that," Aurora said sternly. "If Pablo were down here, he would've hit you for saying that. You love playing just as much as he does. And you deserve to play too."
"I made the first team, Rora," you whispered. "And they've been strongly suggesting they're gonna sub me in at some point. They're finally gonna let me play. It's everything I've been working towards."
Aurora quickly sat up and hugged you tight. "Y/N! That's amazing! Estoy tan orgullosa de ti! Just in time for Christmas too! This is like the best present ever!"
"Thank you," you groaned out, "but you're squeezing me a little too tight there."
She only squeezed you tighter in response. "My parents are gonna be so excited! And Pablo-" She cut herself off. "Pablo will be proud of you too," she said softly. "I know he will."
"Is he?" you scoffed. "He hasn't spoken to me once since the injury. He's visited the first team, he regularly talks to Fermín and Cristo and all the others. But he won't even look in my direction."
"He'll come around," Aurora answered. "I think he's afraid of how you'll treat him. He's stupid for that but he'll come around eventually I promise."
"You know," you started, "everyone kept saying today that this was the best present I could've gotten. To play for the first team. And don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for this. It's all I've ever wanted since I came to Spain. And in time for Christmas too? It should be make my holidays even more exciting." You sighed, resting your head on Aurora's shoulder. "But honestly, I just want Pablo to come back to me. That's really all I ask for. But at this rate, I think even a Christmas miracle won't bring him back."
You stayed for a little while longer before Aurora kicked you out (mostly because she didn't want you walking home in the dark and the snow was starting to pick up). But before you left, you walked up to Pablo's room and knocked on the door like you'd done every time you came to visit. You knew he was awake and heard you, but there was still no effort to come see or talk to you. You sighed, taking a seat with your back against the door.
"Hola Pablito," you said. "I hope you're doing okay over there. I'm glad your surgery went well. Rora tells me everything's been great. I'm sure you probably know better than I do, but the team is struggling. That's okay though, they're managing as best they can."
You turned around to lean your forehead against the door.
"I, uh, I got called up for the first team for tomorrow's game. The others think there's a good chance Jonatán might put me in too," you continued softly, a smile appearing on your face. "I'm a little late compared to you, but we finally did it, Pablo. We're both finally on the first team, just like we promised when we were kids."
A frown appeared on your face when you didn't hear anything other than the noises of his TV.
"I know we haven't spoken in a while, but I hope you can at least watch the game on TV. Maybe I'll even score on my debut," you chuckled. Still no response from him. "Well, I have to go before your sister starts yelling at me. The snow is getting pretty bad anyway. I'll be back tomorrow after the game and I'll tell you all about it."
You got up, dusting yourself off. You rested your forehead against the door once more.
"I'm proud of you, you know? I know things are difficult for you, but you're gonna come back and be better than ever. I'll see you tomorrow, Pablo. Te quiero."
Pablo stared up at his bed as the sound of your footsteps faded, his stomach in knots as he was full of guilt. He knew you didn't deserve to be ignored, but he was ashamed. He couldn't bare to face you. You were his closest friend from La Masía and he didn't want you to see him in his condition. You wouldn't have judged him, and he knew that, but he still couldn't bring himself to speak to you. His family and his friends had scolded him many times for it, but Pablo didn't have the courage to apologize. And now hearing that you were finally called up to the first team and he still didn't say anything? He felt even worse.
Pablo heard another knock on his door.
"Hermano, it's just me. Y/N left. Can I come in?" his sister asked.
"Sí," he said, not bothering to sit up.
Aurora walked in and sat on his bed.
"She's upset, you know?" she said softly. "That even after making the first team, you still haven't talked to her."
"Yo sé," He responded.
"You know what she said to me?" Pablo remained quiet. "She said, 'Honestly Rora, I just want Pablo back. I would've said no to playing tomorrow if it meant he'd just talk to me.' And she said she would take the injury if that meant you could play again. Do you know how much that hurts to hear? That she'd rather give up her dream than not have you in her life? That's how much you mean to her. That girl has been here every single day since you got injured and you've said nada to her. You've talked to everyone else except Y/N. Why hermano? I just don't understand."
Pablo still said nothing. He took a deep breath, tears in his eyes.
"Yo sé," he answered. "Yo sé and it's killing me. But I don't want her to see me like this. All mangled and depressed. She should be living her dream, not watching me trying to walk every day."
Aurora sighed before raising her hand, slapping Pablo on his forehead.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" he yelled, grabbing the spot in pain.
"For being stupid, Stupid! Y/N has been your best friend since you started at La Masía! She's not judging you for getting injured! You couldn't help that and all she's wanted to do is support you because she knows how devastated you are. She's just as devastated for you!" Aurora said. "I know this has been hard for you, but you don't have to do it all alone, hermano. Just let her in and let her help you."
Aurora got up to leave Pablo with his thoughts. Before she closed the door, she peeked her head in and said, "And please at least watch her game. It's the least you can do after how you've treated her. You and I both know that."
You tossed and turned in your bed that night. With the excitement of finally making the first team and your best friend still ignoring you, sleep almost didn't come at all. Thankfully, you were able to get some rest that you knew you needed, especially if you were trying to prove yourself to your coach and the fans that you deserved some playing time.
Your stomach was in knots as you arrived at the stadium. You did your best to seem calm and collected knowing there were cameras filming the entrance to your very first game with Barça Feminí. But you didn't know what to think or what to feel. You just wanted a good game.
"Are you ready?" Lucy asked you, swinging an arm around your shoulders as you entered the dressing room.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you said nervously, twiddling your fingers.
"Aw, it's gonna be okay, Pequeña!" she said.  "You deserve this. It's been a long time coming honestly."
"Do you think I'll end up playing today?" you asked hopefully.
"There's been a lot of buzz about you online since you're close to the men's team. A lot of positivity mostly so I think people are excited to see you. But between you and me, I think you've got a good shot. You're our secret weapon," Lucy winked. "You're our Christmas miracle this year."
She gave your shoulder one final squeeze before parting, allowing the two of you to get dressed.
"What happens if you score a goal?" Aitana asked you as you tied your shoes. "Do you have a plan for it?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "I have an idea. But that's assuming I get on the field at all today, much less score a goal."
"You will. No doubt in my mind. It would be stupid of them not to, Pequeña."
You were flattered by your teammates' faith in you. Despite knowing the stack of players who were both in the starting XI and on the bench, you were honored to have been chosen as an option to play tonight. But while you were still unsure you'd see any playing time, your teammates were fairly confident in you and your abilities.
You dusted yourself off before you checked your phone, giggling when you saw the good luck messages from your friends and family. You sighed in disappointment still not seeing anything from Pablo, but you tried not to let it get to you. You threw your thoughts aside to focus on the game ahead of you, hoping you'd get subbed in at some point.
The game surprised the whole team. It was a lot trickier than any of you expected, your team struggling to convert any chances into goals. The score was tied at 1-1. The other team's defense was tough to break, and it was thanks to yours being just as good that they also weren't able to score as much. On top of that, the snow was starting to fall, making it harder to see and turning the air colder. You were all nervous that the win streak of the team would break today.
You were biting your nails as Alexia's shot was blocked once again, making you and the rest of the bench groan with disappointment. There were only a few minutes left on the clock. The team needed something and they needed something quickly.
"Y/N! Start warming up. I'm putting you in," Jonatán said. "Congratulations, Pequeña."
You looked at your coach before looking behind you. You repeated this several times before pointing at yourself in disbelief.
"Me? You're talking to me?" you squeaked.
"Sí, Pequeña, I'm talking to you. We need to change up the game plan and you're gonna be the magic we need to win this game. So I need you ready to go. Start running, Kid," he said before going back to coaching.
You let out a noise putting your hands over your mouth, still in shock over his decision. Your teammates all smiled brightly at you and cheered lightly, knowing that you were finally fulfilling your childhood dream. You stood to follow your coaches directions, but not before whispering something to Claudia, discreetly handing her a jersey. She nodded, smiling brightly and patting you on the head to send you on your way.
Your mind shifted to focus on what your game would be, but you couldn't help but think about Pablo. You shook off the thoughts, knowing that your friendship with him wasn't your priority right now. All you could do was hope that he was watching your game at home and cared enough to support you.
Your palms were sweating as you waited for Alexia to come off the field, your jersey number flashing on the board. This was the moment you'd been preparing your whole life for. And while you were nervous, you were more than ready for this.
Alexia hugged you and patted you on the head. "Go kill it, Pequeña," she whispered to you.
The moment you stepped onto the field officially replacing your captain, an indescribable feeling came over you. You could hear your team and the crowd cheering for you, all excited to see what you could do. Even though you felt the pressure on your shoulders, it didn't compare to what that atmosphere was like. There weren't any words in any language that could perfectly capture how you felt, but you knew that this was where you belonged. And you knew that you would do anything to feel this emotion for the rest of your life.
Lucy threw the ball in, initiating the start of play once again, snapping you out of your thoughts and putting you back into game mode. The ball was passed around amongst your teammates as you tried to figure out your options. You peaked over your shoulder, noticing a space that you knew you could use to your advantage. But you were also aware you were being marked by a defender, so your run would have to be quick and accurate. You made eye contact with Aitana and locked your eyes with hers subtly telling her that you had a plan. She launched the ball in your direction and you started sprinting as hard as you could, trying to keep the defender off your tail. The ball made contact with your foot as you kept running, dribbling the ball close to you. The other defenders had come quicker than you were expecting, but you knew you just had to keep going. You felt them grab your waist but you shrugged them off, pushing yourself to keep going. You scanned your surroundings not seeing a clear path for any of your teammates, but you did spot one right in front of the goal.
Your world stopped for a moment as your mind went back to your first day at La Masía. Pablo's face appeared in your mind as the words, 'Just take my hand and we'll reach our dreams of playing for the first team together', resounded in your ears. This was your dream and it was right in front of you. And you knew that despite your hesitation, you needed to just take a chance to reach that dream, just as you did all those years ago.
And so you kicked the ball towards the goal. The stadium held its breath as you all watched the ball fly past the defenders and slipping right past the goalkeeper's fingertips. You couldn't hear anything but the sound of the ball hitting the back of the net before deafening screams rang out from everyone around you. Your name and face flashed on the screen with a "GOL" next to your face.
Your eyes widened, realizing that not only was that your first touch of the ball in your very first game for the first team, but that you'd just scored your very first goal. Once you snapped back to your senses, you ran over to the side, kissing the badge on your shirt. You jumped into the air and screamed as you felt your teammates jumping onto you in celebration. You high fived everyone and huddled into a group hug, elated at the way you put the team into the lead, a "2-1" now appearing on the screen.
Knowing you didn't have much time for your own personal celebration, you broke off to the side running towards Claudia, who handed you the jersey you given to her earlier. You presented it to the crowd around you proudly. The camera zoomed in to display the "6 Gavi" on the screens around you. Despite not speaking to him for weeks, you wanted to still show your support for you recovering best friend because without him, you wouldn't even be playing that night. It was thanks to Pablo that you were here living your dreams, and this was your way of thanking him for everything he'd done.
Right before you turned back, you looked at the crowd one last time. And there in the stands was the boy himself sitting in the crowd with his cast on next to your families.
"You came," you said mostly to yourself in disbelief, feeling the tears form in your eyes, snow falling all around you.
Pablo nodded and cheered. Words didn't need to be spoken to know he was proud of you.
You laughed as you returned the smile. You knew things still had to be mended between the two of you, but you knew this was a step in the right direction. You presented the jersey a final time, hitting the badge on your own before tossing it back to Claudia and getting back into the game.
The snow fell around you as the final whistle was blown, your last minute goal being what your team needed to win the game. The bench ran to you and jumped on top, causing all of you to fall to the ground as you screamed in delight. The crowd cheered just as loudly for you, excited for the win and to see what more you could do for the team.
"You did it, Pequeña, you did it!" "You're our Christmas miracle!" "You deserve this!" "We're so proud of you!" were the words spoken by your teammates. This really was a dream come true.
You ended up earning the Player of the Match trophy for your heroics. You raised it to the fans as you walked over to the side for the interview as a means to thank them for the support.
"Wow! Y/N your first game and your first goal for Barça Feminí. How does it feel?" the interviewer asked you.
"Um, I can't really explain the feeling to be honest. Overwhelming but in a really good way," you answered honestly. "I've been dreaming of being in this position since I came to Barcelona when I was a kid, and I don't think it's fully hit me yet that I'm here."
"Well, there's been talks about you in La Masía and how you were going to be the secret weapon the team needed this season. Lots of people were anticipating your debut and I'm sure they're pleased to see what you've added to this team. They're already calling you 'the Christmas Miracle' online. Do you have any comments on that?" another interviewer asked.
"I'm really honored to have that sort of title," you laughed. "My teammates have been nothing but supportive and had complete faith that I would play today. And I couldn't be more grateful for all of them."
"And of course we have to talk about that goal celebration!" the interviewer said. "Culers loved the dedication to the beloved Gavi who is unfortunately injured and out for the season. Was there any particular reason for that?"
You grinned. "Gavi is the whole reason why I'm even here. On my first day at La Masía, I was so nervous I almost turned around and went home and Gavi was the one who convinced me that I belonged and helped me walk in. It's really all thanks to him that I worked up the courage and the passion to play."
"You must've been gutted to see him get injured," the other interviewer commented.
"I was probably just as devastated as he was," you replied. "I hate seeing any player injured, but to watch one of my best friends suffer was even worse. And since I'm here because of him, I wanted to honor him and his love for the sport and for the club. To let him know he might be off the field physically, but his spirit and his heart are still present with us. And to thank him for everything he's done for me."
"Gavi was in the crowd today and I'm sure he appreciated it. Well, congratulations Y/N on your first game and your first goal for the team. We hope to see more from you this season!" the interviewer said.
"Thank you so much!" you answered excitedly, giving each of them a small handshake before heading to the tunnels.
You spotted a figure in crutches waiting on the side for you leaning against the wall for support. You smiled and walked towards him.
"Hey stranger," you said softly, making him jump.
"Hey," Pablo answered, looking at his feet before averting his gaze to look at you.
"I can't deny I'm surprised to see you here, Pablito," you said, nudging him lightly.
"Aurora talked some sense into me. And I realized that wallowing in my own self pity wasn't more important than watching your first call up," he replied.
"What if I didn't end up playing?" you asked.
"First of all, you were always gonna play. There's no way you wouldn't. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for them to call you up when it should've happened years ago," Pablo said, shaking his head. "Second of all, it wouldn't have mattered to me anyway. Regardless of your playing time, I wanted to support you and your team just like you've been supporting me all this time. Even when I haven't deserved it."
He glanced at his wrapped leg. "I've been a jerk and a coward and I'm sorry for ignoring you. I just didn't want you to see me in this state because I was ashamed and embarrassed of this injury."
You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead.
"Ow! What the hell?! You and Aurora have been hanging out too much," he grumbled.
"Yeah, because you're an idiot! I've known you since we were gross and snotty kids!" you exclaimed. "We've been best friends for literal years. If you haven't gotten rid of me yet, then that means I'm sticking around like those boogers you used to stick on the walls."
"You said you would stop bringing that up!" he whined, making you giggle.
"I'm serious though. Don't feel ashamed. Injuries happen and it's not your fault. All you can do now is lean on your loved ones for support and work to get better so you can come back stronger and better than ever," you said.
"But what if I don't?" he asked. "What if this injury ruined everything?"
"You're too stubborn for this to ruin your life," you said bluntly. "Does this sport mean everything to you? Will you give your all for your team once you come back?" Pablo nodded. "Then don't let this get you down. You just have to be patient and let the healing process do its thing. And once you get past that, you're gonna find yourself being the captain of Barcelona leading your team to greatness."
"Thank you," Pablo said seriously. "For everything. Te quiero, Pequeña."
"Te quiero también, Pablito," you said. "Estoy contigo por siempre."
You leaned over to give him a hug, but he stepped back.
"You can hug me later. You stink dude. And I'm cold. So hurry up and change. My parents are already with yours and they're making your favorite in celebration," Pablo whined. You just laughed, making your way into the dressing room.
Your first game had been something straight out of a fairytale. Your first call, first game, first touch, and first goal. It was everything you could've dreamed about when you stepped foot in Barcelona for the first time.
But while all of that was great, you got something even more important that night. And your Christmas miracle was in the form of the boy waiting for you in the tunnel.
Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @chilwellspulisic @neverinadream @notsoattractivearenti @pulisicsgirl @lizzypotter14 @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @shadowscorch
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livelaughlovepedri · 18 days
fermín becoming our 2nd top goalscorer in the league and hector fort getting 3 assists already in all comps. both of them with significantly less minutes than the senior players… oh la masia you will always be what keeps this club alive 💙❤️
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didishawn · 1 year
Dumb boy (Gavi x Reader)
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Warnings: Gavi is an asshole to you because he hasn't grown up from his kindergarten-like flirting phase, still an asshole, you don't take his shit, he goes too far with his comments, enemies that somehow are still together after so many years, angst, not a good ending at all unless anyone wants a second part, I actually love Gavi even if by the nature of this fic it doesn't seem so, lots of Spanish
Pablo Martín Páez Gavira is the name of the boy you hate the most, unfortunately, it seems that your destiny will always be next to him.
You were kids when you met, age four and in the same class back in your hometown, he spent his days pulling on your pigtails and making fun of you. You shared the same classes and friends but never truly got along.
Unfortunately your parents did get along, becoming fast friends and with the ages, you two were forced multiple times to hang out.
You were most exited when you found out Gavi was moving to Barcelona, even if you unlike the others didn't quite see his talent, you were glad he was supposedly good enough for Barça.
Your joy didn't last long, though, as a couple weeks later your father too informed you of you family moving to the very same city.
You cheered yourself up by thinking maybe everything wouldn't be that bad, with Gavi in La Masía and you on your own school. But of course nothing ever goes good for you, with your parents still into forcing you two to hang out and you eventually meeting some of Gavi's teammates and friendships being formed.
"¿Qué pasa entre Gavi y tú que se odian tanto?" one of the boys, Ansu asks you one day. (what's the matter between you and Gavi that makes you both hate each other so much?)
"Es un idiota ese amigo tuyo, parece que no tiene nada más que hacer que molestarme" (that friend of yours is an idiot, has nothing better to do than bother me)
Ansu makes sure to keep that information on mind for later times, even if he has personally never seen Gavi being as bad as his usual self towards you.
It isn't until some years pass that he realises how cruel his friend can be when it comes to you.
Gavi has just debuted on the first team, a reason to celebrate. Not for you, but it was just your luck you both end up in the same house party, him with his teammates, you with a couple friends, inicially only approaching each other so you can greet everyone but him.
You are dressed in a short red dress, so tight it leaves nothing to imagination, that your friends forced you into.
"No puedes seguir llorando por el gilipollas ese. Tienes que salir y olvidarte de él por completo" one of them told you, her phylosophy on life is to go out partying to forget any broken hearts. (you can't keep crying for that idiot. You, have to go out, and completely forgey him)
Broken hearts like yours after that douchebag you used to call your boyfriend, the one you had been dating for year and a half, decided to cheat on you out of nowhere.
The boys, the ones you know and are friends with are quick to compliment you on you, appearance, making you blush, meanwhile Gavi rolls his eyes and glares at you. He looks you up and down, he hasn't uttered a word yet, he lets out a mean laugh.
"Ahora entiendo por qué el gilipollas ese te puso los cuernos" (now I understand why that asshole cheated on you)
All of you are wide eyed as you turn to him "¿Perdona?" (excuse me?)
"¿Me estás diciendo que no te parece normal que te pongan los cuernos cuando tú básicamente vas por ahí vestida como una puta? Probablemente tú hiciste lo mismo con él" (you are telling me you don't find it normal for him to cheat on you when you go out dressing like a whore? You probably did the very same thing)
"¿Pero que dices, payaso?" Ansu yells at him, hitting him on the back of the head, Pedri too glares at him. (the fuck are you saying, you clown?)
"¿Ustedes no piensan lo mismo? Por favor, poco más y lleva un cartel con: follame en la frente. Como si alguien fuese a querer con ella" (don't you both think the same? Please, she is one step away from having a sign with: fuck me on her forehead. As if someone would ever want something with her)
"¿Se puede saber cuál es tu puto problema?" you finally manage to say, trying your best to contain your tears. (what the fuck is your problem?)
"Ay, por favor, no te hagas la tonta. Es normal que el tipo ese te engañara, no entiendo ni como aguanto tenerte tan cerca durante tanto tiempo, si es que eres insoportable y tampoco gran cosa" (oh please, don't play dumb. It's normal that the guy cheated on you, I can't ever understand how he lasted that long with you near him, you are insufferable and your looks aren't good either)
Before Gavi has time to realise, his head is tilted sideways and there is a sting in his cheek, you are pushing against his shoulder, and run straight into the bathroom. He receives another push, this time from Ansu as he glares furiously at him, Pedri too looks disappointed.
"¿Se puede saber que coño te pasa?" Pedri shouts at him, his jaw is clenched, so is Gavi's. (care to tell us what the fuck is wrong with you?)
"No necesitáis defenderla para que se os abra de piernas, probablemente ya está ahí dentro esperandoos a ambos" (you don't have to defend her to get her legs wide open, she is probably waiting for you both already)
That night, Gavi arrives home with a purple eye given to him by Ansu Fati.
You two don't see each other in a long while, he believes you to be avoiding him, it bothers him. Meanwhile, you are glad your parents no longer make you hang out with him.
A month or two have gone by before you have to face him again, it's your father's birthday, his best friend is Gavi's dad, and of course they force the asshole to come too. You ignore him, and it annoys him a lot.
He manages to catch you when you try to sneak upstairs into your room.
"He visto que te has hecho muy amiga de Ansu, ¿o capaz algo más?" (I have seen you and Ansu are really good friends now, or perhaps something more?)
"¿De verdad vienes otra vez a tocarme la polla? ¿No te basto el otro día? Déjame en paz, Gavi, olvídate de mi existencia como yo estoy intentando hacer contigo" (you seriously come again to fuck with me? Didn't you have enough the other day? Leave me alone, Gavi, forget about my existence like I am trying to do with yours)
Gavi's usual stone cold gaze when he watches turns soft, sad "Yo no quiero olvidarme de tu existencia, me gustan las cosas como están ahora" (I don't want to forget about you, I like things like they are now)
"¿Tú haciéndome la vida imposible y dejándome en claro lo horrible que soy? Paso" (you making my life impossible and making it clear how horrible I am? Hard pass)
"Esto es lo nuestro, y/n, yo jodiendote y tu picandote, nuestro juego" (this is our thing, y/n, I bothering you and you hating it, our game)
"No, Gavi, este eres tú siendo un gilipollas y odiandome sin ningún motivo" (no, Gavi, this is you being an asshole and hating me without a motive)
You try to leave, he stops you.
"No te odio" (I don't hate you)
"Si, claro" (yeah, right)
"Me gustas, y/n, ¿tan difícil es de comprender?" (I like you, y/n, is it that hard to understand?)
You are incredulous as you watch him, you tear your arm from his hold.
"¿De verdad me estás diciendo que me has tratado como auténtica mierda porque eres un gilipollas con edad mental de niño de tres años? ¿Te piensas que por joderme la vida me ibas a gustar?" (are you seriously telling me you have treated me as if I were shit because you are an idiot with the mental capacity of a three-year-old? You really think that ruining my life would make me like you?)
Gavi knows it's a dumb thing to do, but still does.
"Escúchame bien, tú nunca me vas a gustar, así que olvídate de mi, Gavi. Si de verdad te pensabas que iba a ser una historia donde yo soy la tonta y te perdono años de acoso estás bien equivocado" (listen to me clearly, I will never like you, so forget about me, Gavi. If you really thought this would be one of those stories with me as the dumb main character that forgives you after all this bullying, you are so wrong)
"Haré lo que sea para que me perdones, pero por favor, no me saques de tu vida" (I will do whatever you wish me to so you forgive me, but please let me stay in your life)
"Ya es tarde, te digo que te olvides de mi, cualquier mierda que se te ocurra no será bastante" (it's too late, forget about me I tell you, any shitty idea you have won't be enough)
You do leave this time, leaving a broken boy chastising himself over his stupidity all throughout the years. He understands you hating him, he does too.
Part 2 (Bad ending for Gavi)
Part 2 (Good ending for Gavi)
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ikram1909 · 20 days
Gavi and Fermín yesterday 😭
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - For Forever
Requested: wattpad
Prompt: Y/n is the daughter of Shakira and Pique is her step dad. She wants to stay in Barcelona but her mother intends on bringing her to Miami but Gavi loves her so he wants her to stop it. You can end it in fluff or angst idm xx
Warnings: mentions of divorce
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Y/n looked around carefully. Usually people would follow her mother or step father, but since their very public and messy breakup, they started following her too. She was waiting for her long time friend to come to the usual coffee shop they go to. She met Pablo in school. Her step father insisted on putting her in the same school as where the la masía children went. He thought it would be better for her. She would be taken care of and would learn too. As they both grew up, everyone seemed to think the pair would end up dating, but that never happened. They still to this day would say the other is their best friend. "Y/n?" She looked up and saw her friend looking at her in an amused fashion. "What?" She asked. "Sunglasses and a hat inside? I thought you were trying to hide." Shr slapped his arm and he sat down. "So I take it the whole situation is still messy." She nodded and picked at the tapas on the table. "Well at least you've still got me. We can just hang out whenever you need to talk." She let out a sigh and looked up between his eyes.
"Mami is moving. She's going to Miami." Y/n explained. Pablo smiled. "Well at least you have a holiday home figured out. You can just go out to Miami for the summer." Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. Her face softened into one of sadness and then the realisation set in with Pablo, him now being sad also. "So, are you going to Miami or staying here?" Pablo asked, playing with his food. "I might go with Mami. She's my mother."
"And what about Geri?"
"Technically my step dad. He did help raise me but-" She sighed. "He likes Clara now. It's a bit weird considering our age gap." Y/n joked. It wasnt a joke. She just turned 19 and Clara was just 23. "So you're going to Miami." It wasnt a question. He said it to answer his first question. "Well, no one has convinced me to stay here. No one has really reached out to talk to me other than you." He tore his eyes from his bowl and up to Y/n looking upset. "I'm sure it'll all figure itself out." He said, trying to make her more optimistic. "Oh no, they're not coming back from this fight. Geri is my dad technically. He's been in my life as long as I can remember. I still remember Mami introducing me to him." When she was younger, her mother told her to just call him Papa. Geri was the closest thing she had to a dad so she never said no. It was weird for her to call him anything else.
"You have to stay here." He mumbled. "I can't. What if Mami takes it the wrong way?" Her head fell into her hands. "I'm a child of divorce." She chuckled. "I want you to stay." He whispered. "I can't. I really can't." She replied. "I will still come visit you, but I just can't live here." He sat back in his seat and let out a sigh. "I need to go to class. I'm gonna be late." She mumbled, grabbing her bag and hurling it around her shoulder. "I'll talk to you later?" He nodded and smiled. "Of course you will." He watched as she left. His mind was a warzone in that moment. Should he let her go, or should he try his best to make her stay?
That battle quickly led him to the front door of her house. Gavi let out a shakey breath as he knocked on the door to his friends home. It was huge. But perhaps that's what happens when your mother is an international superstar and your step dad is a world class footballer. "Who is it?" a clear voice suddenly asked. He looked up and around for a window or something, but then the voice called again. "Hello? Who is it?" His eyes landed on the doorbell with a camera above. "Oh, it's just me Ms Mebrak." He said. "Oh, Pablo. I'll be out in a second." He stood examining the door, not that there was much to examine. Perhaps some grooves for decoration but otherwise a very plain door. He heard the door unlock and looked up to be faced eith Shakira; his best friends mother. "Y/n isn't here right now. She's at university." She explained. "I actually came to speak with you." He replied. Shakira looked confused, but still smiled and let him in.
"You'll have to excuse the mess. I'm trying to pack everything up." She said. Pablo followed her. There were boxes stacked up against the wall on one side of the hallway and every room he peeked into had more boxes. "How is moving?" He asked. "It's going well. I found a house over in Miami for me and the kids. Y/n is looking for a university course over there." She said as they both walked into the kitchen. "Would you like coffee or something?" She asked. "Oh, yes please, Ms Mebrak." He smiled and looked around the kitchen. He remembered coming over here when he was younger and running around the kitchen island in many of their games. His eyes drifted out the back door, seeing the garden. Even more memories came flooding back.
"Keep still!" Y/n exclaimed. "But it hurts!" He groaned. "Be quiet!" She giggled as she collected his hair into a ponytail at the top of his head and tied it with her hair tie. "Oh, so beautiful!" She giggled and lifted up her plastic mirror for Gavi to look at. "I look stupid!" His hand travelled up to his hair to pull the hair tie out, but she stopped him. "No! Don't take it out! You can keep it!" "Then you take my shoelace." She looked at him confused. "A shoelace? Why a shoelace?" She asked. "These can be like friendship bracelets! The hair tie will remind me of you and the shoelace will remind you of me!" He explained as he pulled his shoelace out and handed it to her. "Because you can't tie your shoes?" He looked at her unamused. "Whatever meaning you want, but I can tie my shoes." He replied. "No you can't! You kept falling at the match last week because you couldn't!" She giggled. "I can tie my laces!"
The giggles in his mind faded as he heard Shakira speak up. "Now, what can I do for you?" She asked, the buzzing of the coffee machine in the back. "Well actually, it's about Y/n."
"What about her?" Shakira asked, concern in her voice. "Well, she seems to think that if she doesn't go to Miami with you-" He paused, pondering whether to finish the sentence or not. "That is she doesn't go to Miami with you, you wouldn't take it too well." He said. "Y/n said this?" He nodded his head. "She doesn't want to move to Miami but she feels like she has no choice in the matter." Shakira chuckled. "Pablo, she just turned 19. I can't tell her what she can and cannot do." He chuckled along. "I know, but she doesn't seem to understand that. I think she needs to actually be told that she is allowed to stay here if she pleases."
"She's completely by your side. She doesn't want to upset you. She won't even call Geri papa! She's always called him that!" She knew that. She told her to, but she never told her to stop. She understood how Gerard helped them both when Y/n was younger. She had a dad, a mom and a house. It was the dream life. Now, she couldn't expect her to stop calling Geri by what she has all her life. "She's really that stuck in the middle?" Pablo nodded. "And she doesn't want to say no just in case you get upset."
"Pablo, she hasn't told me. If she wanted to stay here bad enough, I think she would have told me."
"No, no, you can't let her. You can't let her go." Shakira stood up straight. "And why can't her mother decide." She asked, shooting him a glare. "I- she's a grown up now! She can decide what she wants! She just doesn't want to disappoint you, we're you even listening?" She scoffed. "I think you should either go, or tell me why she should stay."
"There is a university over there."
"Her friends!"
"She can make new ones."
"Me!" Silence fell between the two. They both looked confused as the other. "Me. She- I don't think she can replace me." Her head turned to the side. "And why can't she?" He swallowed the lump in his throat. "It doesn't matter."
"It does! Why can't she possibly replace you-"
"Because everything I know is her!" He paused. "I know that before training everyday, we make plans to get food after training. I know that before games, she will send me a good luck text and after, she will wait for me outside in the freezing tunnel and it doesn't matter how long I take, she is never angry! I know I still have her hair tie wrapped around my wrist, and that is srays there regardless of what is going on! I know she's the first person I want to speak to in the morning and the last I want to speak to before I go to sleep at night! I eat, sleep, breath and dream about her, every day, every day since I was twelve. So you can bring her to Miami, you can get her a new university, a few new friends, but you can never replace what we have!" He gasped for air and looked up up his friend's mother. She looked touched by his words. "It's for forever."
"Does she know you feel this way?" She asked. "What is this? Therapy?" Shakira chuckled. "I think she needs to know why you want her to stay. I think she needs to know that you love her." He shook his head. "I do not love her. She's just my best friend." He said. "It sure doesn't sound like that." He sighed. "Do you need help packing?" Shakira smiled and nodded. "I do. Thank you."
Later that evening, Y/n stood at the kitchen island, cutting up some food to throw into the pan. "Oh, you're cooking." Y/n looked up and saw her mother taking off her jacket. "Yeah. You were at the post office when I came home so I thought I'd do the cooking." She explained. "And Milan and Sasha?" She asked. "I picked them up. They're upstairs." Shakira nodded. "Alright. No problem." There was a knock at the door. "I'll I'll get it." Y/n nodded and continued to cook. All she could hear was muffled conversation, followed by the door closing and what sounded to be another person walking in. "Y/n, Gerard is coming for dinner."
"I'll make some extra. When is he getting here?" She asked. "I'm here." She turned and saw the defender standing there taking his jacket off. "Oh, I can just share the portions then." She smiled and continued to stir her pot. Gerard looked over her shoulder and back to his ex. "Y/n is cooking? Why is she cooking?" Geri asked. "Because I didn't have time." Shakirs replied. "Then I will help her." He said, putting his jacket on a chair and walking towards her. "You can't cook either." Shakira said. "I can help her since her mother won't!" He replied harshly. "She is not your daughter! I raised her by myself until you showed up!" She snapped. "Yeah, so? I also helped!" He replied. "She didn't even know who you were until she met you, and she met you when she was six!" He groaned and sat back. "Why are we fighting again? Am I in the wrong?" He turned to Y/n and asked.
"Personally, you both are at the moment." She mumbled. "How are we both in the wrong?" He asked. "Well first off, you shouldn't have come over for dinner, you don't live here anymore and I don't think there was an invite sent, but then again, Mami shouldn't have snapped because you were just trying to help." They both look angrily at one another. "Can you go get your brother's? I'll finish the food." Y/n walked out without saying another word. She hated the constant fights. There had been lots in the past year, then they just called it quits.
"Milan! Sasha! Mami has dinner finished!" Y/n called upstairs, hearing loud thumps coming from upstairs, followed by coming down the stairs. "Race you to the kitchen." Shakira plated the food as she heard three loud squeals and screams coming from the hallway, followed by all three just barging in through the door. "I won!" Y/n cheered. That of course was followed by her two siblings shaking their fingers and shouting that she cheated. "Alright, alright. Sit down! Food is coming over!" The trio sat down as their mother placed the food before them, then their father and took a seat. "So, moving?" Geri asked, as he ate his first mouthful of food. "Clearly." Shakira replied coldly. "Are you coming to Miami papa?" Geri's face turned serious as he looked back. "Miami? Why didn't you tell me about Miami?" He asked gently. "Maybe she wanted it to be a surprise." Sasha chimed in. "Well, I am certainly surprised." Geri chuckled. "They're my kids." She muttered. "Our kids. They were ours when there were problems." He lifted the glass of wine he had to know lips. "Can you two do this later? Just eat." Y/n muttered, not taking her eyes from her plate. The two cooled down and ate their food. "Actually, Y/n. I wanted to say something to you." Y/n looked up, her mother smiling. "What?" She asked. "Y/n. I think you should stay in Barcelona."
Y/n's face scrunched into one of confusion. "What?" Shakira nodded. "I think it would be good for you. You should just stay here." Y/n looked over to Geri. "Why?" Shakira grinned. "Well, if you must know, I think there is a certain boy that came over and helped me pack up, while also telling me about how much you want to stay and how much he wants you to stay." She knew right away who it was. He was the only person she told. "So, if you want, I can bring you to look for an apartment for yourself tomorrow." She looked over to Gerard. "And if you want, we can bring him too. I wouldn't want him to miss this opportunity to have this moment with his daughter." Y/n smiled and looked between her mom and dad. "Can I be excused?" She asked. The pair nodded. She stood up and raced out to her car.
She doesn't remember the drive, she remembers just parking outside her friends home and getting out. She knocked the door, fidgeting with her fingers as she waited for him. The door opened and there stood his mother. "Oh, I'll go get him." She chuckled over the fact that she didn't even need to ask. A few moments later, there stood Pablo. "Y/n, you okay?" He was cut off by her wrapping her arms around his neck into a tight hug. His arms wrapped themselves around the waist and hugged back. "Thank you."
"Thank me for what?" He asked. "I know what you said to Mami." His cheeks grew red. "Oh- oh well I meant it. I like you lot and-"
"What? What do you mean?" His heart jumped as he realised she mustn't have been told about that last part. "Don't worry about it. I-" He was once again cut off, this time by a soft pair of lips in his. He looked back at her, completely stunned. "I like you too." He grinned and pulled her in again for another kiss, this time having it last longer. He wasn't going to lose her, that was for sure. Not now. This...
This is for forever
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wosoandstuff · 3 months
La Masía kids💙❤️
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putellas14 · 2 years
Love Makes a Family (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Summary: Reader's dad passes away and Ona goes back to Spain for the funeral
I wrote it quickly and didn't really proof it. Some days I just can't do the little things and that's okay.
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“Hi, love. How are you?” Ona asked, her voice cheerful as she sipped her morning coffee.
“My dad died,” you choked out. You were surprised you were able to say it out loud. “I need you.”
Ona took the first flight out of Manchester and landed in Barcelona before the end of the day. You and Ona had come up in La Masía together. Ona spent every weekend at home with your family. She called your dad "papa."
No one in the family knew that your friendship had transformed into love except your dad. You’d wanted to wait a bit before telling anyone else. Your dad had been sick for a while and you'd known the end was coming. Ona texted you when she was close to your parent's, your mom's, house and you went down to the front door of the building to wait for her.
She hastily got out of the car, letting her bag drop on the doorstep so she could pull you into her. Your throat tightened and the tears immediately started falling again. You clung to her, barely registering the tight grip she had on you to hold you upright.
"It's alright, my love. Let it out." The two of you held each other there for another minute before you heard your brother calling for you.
Stepping back, you took in Ona's face. Her eyes were red and her face splotchy. Lifting your hands to her cheeks, you kissed her softly. "How are you doing?"
"I'll be fine." She brought your hand to her lips. "We'll be fine. I want to see mama now."
"She's in her bedroom. She won't come out." Ona put a hand on your back as you walked up the stairs to the second floor apartment.
"Oni, I didn't know you were coming," your brother said when you walked in with Ona. He walked over to hug her. You could hear them whispering to each other quietly. Their relationship had always been a comfort to you. You brother didn't like many people but he loved Ona.
You let her go to see your mom alone. She hadn't said much to you since the doctor's had come out to say he was gone. Each time you'd gone in to check on her, she had been sitting on the edge of the bed, staring blankly out the bedroom window.
The sob you heard escape the bedroom surprised you. It was the first time she had cried out loud. You exchanged a look with your brother. Of course it would be Ona's shoulder your mother would finally cry on. Hearing it brought a fresh round of tears for both of you.
If you weren't so filled with emptiness, you might've felt love for the woman fill your body.
She came out nearly an hour later, her shirt slightly darker on the shoulder where tears had soaked in. She came to you in the kitchen, standing next to you and letting your arms touch. You'd always been comfortable touching each other in front of your family but Ona was feeling the need to not overstep anything right now. Various family members had come while she'd been in the bedroom and were standing around the kitchen and living room.
"What do you want to eat?" she asked quietly. "I'll go get anything you want."
You smiled at her. "A couple of the girls are bringing food over. But I'm not hungry." Resting your chin on her shoulder, you wrapped an arm around her waist. "Did she say anything?"
"Only that she was glad we were all here. I think it's just starting to sink in."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm here with you guys. That's what I need right now. I'll be okay."
"Mi prima." Turning, you saw Leila come in with Patri and Aitana in tow. Each carried a bag of food that they set on the counter before pulling you both into a group hug. You were happy Leila could come for Ona because they had always been very close. Ona could lean on Leila if she needed someone besides you or your brother.
Patri took your face in her hands and kissed your cheek. "Hola, bebe. How are you holding up?"
"I'm okay. Worried about my mom, though. She hasn’t come out of her room since we got home."
"I'll take her something to eat," Aitana offered. She fixed a plate and left the kitchen.
"When was the last time either of you ate?" Leila asked. She stood with her arm around Ona's shoulders, looking between the two of you. Ona looked at you.
"I, I don't remember," you admitted.
"I had a coffee this morning."
"Alright, food for both of you, too. Let's go." She squeezed Ona's shoulder before letting her go to get two plates. She handed one to each of you and gestured towards the food Aitana had taken out of the bags. "Come on, you have to eat. I'll get your brother, too." She nodded at Patri to take over and left to find him.
Ona nudged you forward. You really did not feel like eating anything. The thought of food was making you sick. "I don't want anything."
"I don't either," she admitted. "But maybe we should eat a little bit. I can't tell if I'm feeling sick from the thought of eating or because I haven't eaten in so long." She was always so in sync with you. You should've known she'd be feeling the same way. As if she read your thoughts, she said, "It's okay, babe."
"Babe?" Patri muttered. "Interesting development." You saw Ona shove her and felt the first genuine smile forming on your face.
"Not the time or place, Guijarro." Ona stepped up to the counter next to you and you felt her take a sharp intake of breath. "He, um," she started after a few seconds, "he taught me how to make this. We made it together all the time."
She tried to wipe the tears away quickly but you saw her. Tossing your plate on the counter, you wrapped both arms around her shoulders, holding her shaking body to yours. Patri came up and wrapped an arm around each of you, resting her forehead against yours.
Over the next couple days, small things would set off a fresh stream of tears. A phrase used. A food. A scent. A memory. A song. Your papa was a man who loved everyone and everyone who stopped by had a story to tell about him.
You and Ona and your brother leaned on each other when you needed to. Ona did eventually coax your mom out of her bedroom. Being with the family and the friends who stopped in seemed to help her settle. She still wasn't talking much but at least she had a small smile on her face.
The morning of the funeral, you dressed quietly with Ona. She closed the zipper of your dress and left a small kiss on your shoulder. You helped her pin her hair back. Before leaving your room, you gave her a kiss on the cheek and squeezed her hand.
"I know you'd be here regardless of my asking, but thank you for being here. I don't know if I'd have gotten through this week without you. We needed you."
"And I needed all of you."
Everything for the funeral ran smoothly. As smoothly as a funeral could go, at least. It wasn’t until you began organizing everyone to walk behind the casket out to the burial site that your uncle stepped up, blocking your way. Or Ona's way specifically.
"Ona, you have to go to the back. We want the family to be up here in the front."
Your hand tightened on hers. "She is family," you answered.
"Y/N, it's okay," Ona whispered. "I'll let your cousins come up here. I'll come behind them."
"It's not okay. He was your dad, too."
"What's going on?" you brother asked, stepping up next to your uncle. The entire funeral had stopped for this conversation.
"I need Ona to go to the back and let the family come through first."
Upon hearing this, your brother immediately turned around to stand next to Ona and put an arm around her shoulders. "She's exactly where she should be. Now can we please proceed?"
"Look, kids, I'm sorry, but sometimes you have to do things a proper way."
"She's not going anywhere." Ona's hand tightened on yours. You looked at her and could see her eyes had filled with tears again. "Tio, just let us be," you begged, wrapping an arm around Ona's shoulder and pulling her close to your side. Your mom appeared beside you, rubbing a hand on your arm.
"¿Está todo bien?"
"No, mama. Tio wants Ona to go to the back, behind the family." You'd never seen your mom get angry so fast. Her entire face changed from that of complete devastation and exhaustion to horrified and mad in a split second.
Moving in front of you and Ona, she stood facing your uncle. "My children will all walk right behind their father. That's it."
"But Ona is - "
"Ona is ours. Blood doesn't make a family. Love does. We love her like she's ours. They'll all walk with me." Her voice left no room for discussion.
"As you wish." He stepped aside, letting the four of you pass. You'd always gotten along with your uncle but you knew this moment was going to take you a while to get over.
Ona clung to your tightly for the remainder of the day. You knew that discussion had hurt her, despite how possessive your mom and brother had been over her. While she was already feeling raw from papa's death, someone had come in and tried to take the rest of the family from her. Words would never be enough to repair the damage that had caused.
In the evening, as the entire family filled your mom's apartment, you and Ona sat quietly on the couch. Your arm was around her, your fingers gently running up and down her arm. Her head rested on your shoulder and your cheek rested on her head. Her hand covered yours over her knee.
"Love makes a family," you whispered. Your mom's words had been swirling in your head all evening. You couldn't get them out.
"Hmm?" she asked, not lifting her head.
"Love makes a family," you repeated. You nudged her so she'd look up at you. "Papa told me something a couple weeks before he died. He said to take care of mom. Obviously. And he told me not to wait too long to make you officially part of this family." You cupped her cheek. "We don't break promises to papa."
"No, we don't." She smiled, leaning into you to rest her forehead against yours. "I love you," she whispered.
"You're ours, Ona. No matter what anyone says. We're family. Always."
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Gavi in love with an author or astrophysicist?
A/N: Welcome back to another installment of boot on the bus!! Because of the F1 kick I’ve been on, it took everything in me not to change this to an engineer :,) so we went with author
“Thank you so much for joining us! We at Blaugrana Publishing are delighted to welcome y/n, author of the NYT best-selling series “Instinctual”, to unveil her newest work.”
A loud, thunderous applause filled the hall, as 200 people cheered while you waved back, placing your hands on your chest to express the immense gratitude you felt for everyone that had supported your book.
You had started your debut novel “Instinctual” when you were in college, eager to turn all of your experiences into inspiration for a doomed love between a headstrong physics girl and and an idiotic business boy, who didn’t realize what he had until she had slipped between his fingers. Your publisher has taken a huge risk on you, but had backed you regardless to support ‘budding local talent’. The booktokers instantly fell in love with toxic, spicy romance that you weaved in your pages, which gave the publishers enough confidence for you to continue writing your series.
You had decided that your protagonists next love interest was going to be a footballer, prompting you to start researching footballers, watching interviews, and just learning their general mannerisms. Your publishing group had gotten you a media pass to La Masía, allowing your to interview players and watch games to get a full character study. You had every intention of making this footballer an ass - someone who would use your protagonist when convenient and abandon her for the “love of the game” when the time came.
Sitting in the stands of a La Masía match against the Sevilla football academy, you were hurriedly scribbling notes into the pages of your journal, taking in the sights, sounds, and interview responses from the players to get a full picture. You registered when someone had sat down next to you, but made no motion to look up or acknowledge their presence. About 15 minutes into the game, the person beside you tapped your shoulder. Looking up at him, your eyes met his honey ones, bright in the afternoon sun. He looked familiar, but you couldn���t place where you had seen him before.
“Sorry, if you’re going to spend the game doing homework, do you mind switching with my friend sitting behind you? We want to watch the match.”
The question had thrown you off guard. You looked the teenage boy up and down, unimpressed by his laid back demeanor. He and his friend beside him had spent the entire game muttering in hushed, angry tones. You didn’t see why they needed to add a third commentator.
“Sorry, but I’m taking notes of the game for my book. If your friend wanted my seat, he should have bought this ticket.”
“We never buy tickets for La Masía games.” He responded, sounding genuinely surprised by your suggestion. His friend beside him nodded.
“Then how did you three get in? Did you hop the fence?”
“No, we used to train here.And even if we didn’t- they always let the first team players in for free. ” The boy responded, eyes flicking between you and the game on the field.
Your eyes widened - you had struck gold. Actual first team, professional footballers to help you with your book. The excitement flooded your brain, and you spoke faster than you could think.
“Could I get your number?”
The three boys all turned to you, the one beside you confused, the other two holding back giggles.
“Usually don’t give my number to fans. Sorry.”
“I literally have no idea who you are.”
This statement made the two observers burst out laughing, unable to contain their mirth at what had just transpired between you two. The boys introduced themselves as Gavi, Ansu, and Alenjandro. Gavi begrudgingly accepted handing over his number, taunts from his friends heard for the remainder of the match about how was “still unknown” and living in someone named Pedri’s shadow.
Over the next several weeks, you messaged Gavi almost daily while writing, asking him about football, his personal life, the team dynamics - everything.
“Do fans give you their numbers often?” You asked, phone held up to your ear with your shoulder as you typed vigorously.
“Yeah, more often than not. Sometimes they’ll throw it into Pedri’s car as we drive home. Actually, there was this one time I was doing a signing at the team store and this girl slipped me her number. I didn’t want to embarrass her so I just took it and held onto it. There’s a video everywhere of it happening. Apparently I have amazing rizz?”
You laughed into the phone, taking a break from typing just to imagine Gavi, awkwardly accepting a paper slip, being turned into the master of getting girls. It had become a routine for you to call Gavi in the evenings, usually to ask about the character. But at some point it just morphed into calls about your days, your lives, your frustrations. It went on like this for two months. One evening, as you sat jotting down title ideas, you asked Gavi:
“Can I ask you something kinda personal?”
A pause.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“Where would you take a girl out on a date?”
There was silence on the other side of the line for so long you had to make sure the call didn’t drop. After this long pause, he cleared his throat and said, “Well, how much do I like her?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well like if it’s a girl I found on instagram and I just think she’s pretty, then she’s meeting me at whatever club I’m going to with the boys. But if I’ve known her for a while and I like her, then it’s different. There’s this one kind of whole in the wall place near the stadium, it’s just- actually wait. What are you doing tonight?”
“What’re you doing tonight? If you’re free, I can just show you rather than try and describe.”
You froze momentarily. You had noticed the dynamic shifting between you and Gavi, but that was just phone banter- nothing serious, nothing real. What he was proposing (a date) would shift the paradigm of the two of you more than you were ready for. But still, something within you was intrigued. Gavi was handsome - no questioning that - and there was something about him that drew you in, like a warm fire on a cold day.
“I’m… not doing anything. I’d love to go see it.”
“Perfect. I’ll text you the address and we can meet there at 8?”
Yes you had initially wanted to make your footballer dark and sinister like all the men you’ve known in your life. But sitting across that table, looking at Gavi, listening to him speak about his love, his passion, the future he wanted - you couldn’t do it. This man was softened butter on the inside, shy and courteous, like the boys in 50s movies. He walked you back to your place like a true gentleman, holding your hand at your door, and professing, confidently with some slight stuttering, that he thought you were beautiful, and wanted to be more than just your friend.
That was the night that changed your writing (and life) forever, for the better. Your second book, “Enticement”, was even better than the first, this time awarding you critical acclaim for your ability to “provide humanity to a callous character, creating compelling and layered people”. Your final book in the trilogy, “Enraptured”, won you a YA book of the year award, as it told a compelling love story where two young lovers could break down each others walls and love them at their cores. Your protagonist and her footballer lover were praised for how “real, honest, raw, and romantic” their relationship was. That was all thanks to Gavi. He taught you so many new forms of love and ways to express it - like someone seeing color for the first time. He showed you how to weather storms together, build each other up, and ground one another when everything seemed to crumble.
“Before we get onto talking about your upcoming work, we have a few questions from the audience.”
You answered questions about your thought process and your world building, encouraging all the young writers in the room to give it their best shot. The last question arrived, and a young girl in round glasses approached the microphone.
“Hi I’m Valeria. First of all I really love your book. I just wanted to ask about the final couple, Maria and Xavier. A lot of your book seems so realistic, except for the way Xavier acts. He’s almost too perfect, like he’s not like any man I’ve ever seen in real life before. So I just wanted to ask: do you know any men in real life that are like Xavier?”
The crowd erupted in cheers at the question, and you laughed to yourself. You looked off to the side of the stage, where Gavi stood leaning against the wall. He smiled widely, winking at you.
“You know, I used to think men like that didn’t exist either. But then I found him, doing something I’ve never done in my life - watching a football game. So don’t lose hope that your Xavier is out there. He might be climbing a mountain or buried under booms in a library or by the side of the road with a busted car. You might find him in the oddest of places, but he’s out there. And when you find him, he’s going to turn your world upside down, and bring you joy you didn’t know was possible. Because mine has.”
I always wanna say more but that’s the end of the bus ride and the end of the Drabble. Almost iftar time!!
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