spritten · 10 months
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I can’t stop these are too fun to make
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hecatia666 · 3 months
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Official artwork of Lalum in her KFC outfit with her own Duel Disk from Very Extra Incorrect Fire Emblem GBA Quotes™ (circa 2017)
Here you go VEIFEGBAQ!
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As promised, here is an in-depth brief overview of the circumstances surrounding Melady becoming Lalum's legal guardian
Got it out technically before the year end, and it goes under a read more so I don't fill your dash with a whole lotta words (1240 words to be precise) because I have some sense of courtesy. Hope you enjoy it!
It had, at least initially, been purely a matter of logistics. A child required housing, of those with space and time available, one said the other was the much better option. Echidna made very clear that her house full of weapons was not suitable for a kid, so said kid became Melady’s problem. The situation was even more awkward than is typical, due to its atypical circumstances. The child in question was, in one way or another, related to Sigune. So of course, information about her was impossible to find or never existed. They knew her name was Lalum, that her parents were dead, and that she was related to Sigune. They couldn’t even be certain she was a child. They were considering her as one, and Sigune said she was ‘underage’.
And Sigune never lies.
The child was both inoffensive and offensive. She took up little space, made little noise, occupied little time. She kept to the basement that had been made her room, emerged to eat, barely spoke and when she did it was quietly. Except when she started fires. And broke windows. And made graffiti. And started more fires. And ruined things. And threw knives. Every time, Melady would either reign her in mid-crime or haul her back home post-crime. Every time, Melady would ask the child why she had done this, and be told she didn’t know why, and she was sorry, and she wouldn’t do it again. Every time, she sounded honest, regretful, sad and scared and weak. Every time, she would do it again. What frustrated Melady wasn’t the behavior in and of itself, it was how inexplicable it was, how it came from nothing and vanished before it could be seen. Melady was told that the child was loud, insulting, dismissive, chaotic and insufferable. She only saw a quiet, fragile, empty person. A child seemingly too afraid of the consequences to ever make a noise or express a want.
It bothered Melady, that the child she was in charge of, that she cared for, was lying to her. Not by saying  she wouldn’t do this again, but by trying to hide whatever part of her it was that longed for chaos and relished in humor derived from starting fires and annoying people. That hiding, that refusal to show the wholeness of herself, was a lie, as offensive as any. And it wasn’t one she could make the child stop telling. She couldn’t force her to expose that side of her. Her only option was to make the child willing to be honest with herself and with Melady. She had to make herself into someone who could accept that honesty. And she set herself to that goal.
It was not an easy thing to do, offering acceptance to someone who offers nothing to accept. She did all in her power to be kind and understanding every time she had to question the child after one of her outbursts, despite Melady’s longstanding opinions on the value of militarily instilled discipline. But she valued honesty more. She mentally noted every bit of information about the child she could get from their brief conversations during meals, and followed those scant leads as best she could. Regardless of if it involved watching over 200 episodes of Dragon Ball Z or playing through Earthbound.
It was a delicate thing though. She couldn’t treat this like she was pursuing a quarry. She was researching an artwork, reading information about the artist to derive more from the work. She couldn’t just open conversation at dinner with “I watched DBZ so I could know you better”, that was an incredibly bizarre thing to do. She mirrored the child, making the occasional remark regarding the works.
She could see the results, as the remarks became more frequent, blossomed into brief discussions. She saw life and energy in the child that she never saw elsewhere, passion and opinions and humanity. It was often fleeting, something the child reigned in. But it was there, she was drawing it out. It took over a year for the approach to truly work, for it to create a real relationship that was not purely a matter of logistics. Melady saw that it took great effort, great courage on the part of the child to make her move, to acknowledge the bridge Melady had been building between them. To be honest with herself and her guardian.
“I’m going to play Radiant Silvergun. You can come watch if you want.”, said quickly, dismissively, by someone who left before she could receive the no she expected. Melady waited a minute before walking down to the basement. The child was visibly surprised, having already accepted that connection with her wasn’t wanted.
“So, tell me about Radiant Silvergun.” stated simply. It made the child pause, stunned. Then, for a brief moment, Lalum showed an incredibly earnest, honest smile. It was then quickly replaced by an expression of dismissive confidence.
“So it’s an old shmup that’s mad weird in a fascinating way. The gameplay kicks ass of course, but what really keeps me coming back is the way the story works. The stages are numbered chronologically but not played chronologically, so you start on stage 3 and then go to 2, then 4. It rules. Then there’s the story itself, which was sort of added in the saturn port, since the game didn’t have cutscenes in the original arcade version. So a bunch of kids took home a copy of their favourite shmup and then like 3 minutes after booting it up on their saturn they’re told all life on earth got killed by a tetrahedron.” 
Lalum continued rambling, going on about weapon types and The Stone-Like and BE ATTITUDE FOR GAINS. It was, at best, mildly interesting to a layperson, which Melady was. But the happiness and confidence expressed by someone she’d barely heard speak, let alone emote, was truly engaging. It had been worth the effort, she decided. It was worth further effort, she decided. She asked about what scenarios the ‘thunder beam’ was useful in just to hear Lalum keep speaking.
After that event, Lalum became significantly worse as far as most were concerned. She had been quiet before now, but suddenly she was overconfident, more annoying and her crimes increased in severity. As far as Melady was concerned, Lalum was finally alive and it was as beautiful as it was infuriating. Disagreements between child and legal guardian increased in frequency, but now it wasn’t a series of questions answered with quiet platitudes. Lalum would push back, would explain what vague whims and arbitrary standards drove her to act, and would make a very obviously false apology. This was a marked improvement in Melady’s eyes.
As far as Lalum was concerned, this adult that had been forced to take care of her had met her emotionless, people-pleasing facade head on, and as such now had to deal with the ‘real’ Lalum. If pressed, she’d admit Melady could be fun to talk to and the way she expressed actual interest in whatever weird garbage Lalum rambled about made her feel weird and vulnerable and something better than tolerated. But she figured Melady would crack eventually and get sick of her, like everyone else did. It was just taking a REALLY long time. Hopefully it’d take forever and things could stay like this, just don’t quote her on that because it sounds lame.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 months
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@illustrious-rocket @angel-of-reckoning
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raxistaicho · 2 years
Everyone is here
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Hi, Aversa!
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Hi, Claude!
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Hi, Dimitri!
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Hi, Hubert!
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Hi, Lalum!
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Hi, Sothis!
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Hi, Sylvain!
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Hi, Iago!
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Hi, Tharja!
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Hi, Marth!
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Hi, Marth!
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Hi, Marth!
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Hi, Marth!
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Hi, Marth!
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Hi, Red Marth!
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vilkalizer · 1 year
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Isadora's still not in so i spent all my votes on fe6 instead. I don't need these things though so you can have them if you want.
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haootia · 1 year
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i am BUSY BUSY BUSY today but i couldnt NOT draw something after reading the latest cleveland quixotic chapter, which destroyed my life (positive)
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angel-of-reckoning · 2 months
Just saw on the NSO app for Animal Crossing: "If a problem can't be solved by your brain or heart, try your stomach."
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sonodaxchoco · 1 year
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My daughter Larum Fire Emblem
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ruuuchan01 · 2 years
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私のスペシャル美容ケア💗 @lalume_official の フェイシャルマッサージクリームを 愛用しているよ(*˙˘˙*)❥❥ このクリームは、 マッサージ時の効果的な 指すべりとツボを押さえる 適度な”指止まり”に こだわった、プロ仕様の マッサージクリームなの💎 このクリームを使って、 洗顔後にお顔をマッサージすると 肌のトーンがアップして、 フェイスラインもスッキリ するの🧸🎀 日々のスキンケアだけでは、 満足出来ないって時に 使うと、お肌の調子が凄く 良い感じになるの(* ˘ ³˘)♡* たっぷり入って居るから 数ヶ月使えてコスパ最高♡‼️ 手の届く価格帯なのも 嬉しいっ🌈 この夏は、特に暑くて紫外線も 強くて、心理的ストレスや 肌ストレスを感じがちだからこそ、 しっかりとお肌のケアをして 自分を好きでいたいなぁ💗✨ PR @lalume_official #フェイシャルマッサージクリーム #美容クリーム #おうちケア #パーソナルスキンケア #リフトアップマッサージ #スキンケア商品 #コスメ通販 #Lalume #マッサージクリーム #お家でプロ仕様のフェイシャルマッサージ (PR) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChhFf1wvZDY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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felikatze · 10 months
roy is my boy. my beautiful boy who is so bad at combat which is also A DELIBERATE CHARACTERIZATION DECISION.
it's his support with lance, i believe, which questions why roy is at the front lines at all. and roy acknowledges that he sucks. he's weak compared to everyone else, he knows this, but he fights on the frontlines anyways because it's about respect. he doesn't want to be the commander giving orders from up high - he wants to fight together with his men, remain connected with the people he leads. he never wants to lose sight of them.
and it's a thing about self-confidence, too, and how little he has of it - this lad has some massive imposter syndrome. again, he knows all his faults intimately. his combat performance is poor, he's studied the art of war but lacks any actual experience, and he considers himself, well, a loser, overall. but people love him anyway, because he still gives it his all, and it's in his lance support, too - roy's charismatic. not in the bold way, but in his demure nature. he's a steady presence to draw people together, with an earnestness that inspires others to help him succeed. they can tell he just wants to make things better for everybody, and they want to be better for him, too.
also, he's not just a soldier on the battlefied. he's the tactician. you don't see mark sweeping maps, right? roy is canonically the tactical mind behind the entire campaign, and he's damn good at it, too. i forgot whether it's lalum or elffin route, but in one of the two, it's said that it was roy's decision to rebrand to the etrurian army. that name change alone shows keen political awareness. being the lycian army when you're just a hodgepodge of lycians is fine, but when a etrurian general starts backing you, and you've now got the the whole of the continent's biggest nation behind you, well - the snooty bastards from up high aren't gonna let tiny little lycia hog all the glory. roy's conceeding recognition of the war effort to etruria to appease the new etrurian soldiers under his watch who'd balk at being lead by a pheraen nobody. (they probably dont even know where pherae is).
roy's a scholar, not a warrior. he wasn't present when bandits attacked pherae's castle cuz he was on his way home from summer break at college. he's good at this shit cuz he studied it. he has elffin and cecilia as advisors later on, but the early game is all him.
and he still doesn't recognize that cuz it's not physical. he's not in the action. to him, he is just leading people to their deaths. it's his duty to prevent it. it's the inherent guilt of leadership. and how inferior he feels compared to his father and hector - both great warriors in their own right (even if eliwood's combat performance in fe7 is equally poor). this is the only way to prove himself to himself. agrh.
roy is also just so deeply deeply kind. he will give anyone the chance to change, but he's not softhearted. if he must kill, he will. still, though, he has to try. he's always searching for that silver lining, always searching for a way to spill less blood on all sides.
if there is one thing he believes in, it is the goodness of the heart. he's optimistic, but not naive. he knows the world is rotten. the history of the scouring proves that well enough. but the world is made of its people, and if people choose to improve, the world will, too. just as roy tries, anyone can try. anyone should be able to try. humans, dragons, he doesn't care. if you do good, you are good. i just. i know i'm talking vague but it's such a hard thing to pin down.
i really think fe6 is let down by it's lack of emotive portraits here. if you wanna get emotion out of the story you really need to read into it yourself and let your imagination do the work just because there's no portraits or voice acting to sell it for you.
i love my boy. if you mischaracterize him as "hehe dragon racist" ever again i'll kill you.
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vintagestagehotties · 2 months
Hot Vintage Stage Actress Round 1
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Lena Horne: Savannah in Jamaica (1957 Broadway)
Carla Alberghetti: Lalume in Kismet (1960 National Tour US); Cinderella in Cinderella (1961 Kansas City); Lili in Carnival (1963 Broadway and National Tour US)
Propaganda under the cut
Lena Horne:
marge simpson voice i just think she’s neat
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Carla Alberghetti:
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hecatia666 · 9 months
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shoutouts to @veryextraincorrectfegbaquotes for being part of my life as an artist in its hatching stage back in the distant year of 2018 and for making me go hue hue with their take on the fire emblem GBA cast even to this day! they're very extra incorrect... but they'll always have a place in my hearts <3 <3 <3 here's most of the drawings i could rescue from the hdd i had before i upgraded my setup and started drawing stuff from this blog
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admiring self-growth is kinda uplifting -w-
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This is what we're doing now
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 2 months
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@illustrious-rocket @angel-of-reckoning
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weaselandfriends · 1 year
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just wanted to say that i’ve been enjoying the latest updates of cleveland quixotic a ton. obviously you set out to confront and subvert plenty of the tropes that show up in isekai, though the gradual annihilation of the main character’s love interests was pretty shocking :<
i had honestly hoped that viviendre and lalum would come to accept their differences and embrace their similarities, then realize that they weren’t truly opponents and help each other despite the grimness of their circumstances. despite my misplaced optimism, their deaths were really affecting, and the writing during that scene was a stand-out. the earlier dialogue of mammon/ashtoreth/rimmon where they lament their lost pasts really elevated the plight of viviendre and lalum, and the “cursed” natures they never deserved.
anyway, here’s a doodle of perfidia and kedeshah. as an aside, my friend who’s starting cq is also a fan of helluva boss, and she commented that perfidia had “blitzo energy.” i believe that’s high praise lol
i hope you have a good day or night!
Thank you so much for the wonderful fan art and comments!
Since you brought up Helluva Boss, here's a little anecdote:
A friend of mine collaborated with Vivziepop prior to Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, back when she was mainly doing web comics and short animations. This collaboration apparently didn't go well and my friend harbored a lot of resentment toward Vivziepop. So when Hazbin Hotel came out, my friend made me (hate-)watch it with her. She seethed about Vivziepop the entire time before grumblingly and reluctantly admitting at the end that the episode was pretty good. This incident became the initial inspiration for Mimmy Wowzers in Cockatiel x Chameleon and Van Der Gramme's complicated feelings about her.
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