#laure plays games
builder051 · 4 months
I feel super weird and awful for posting this. I am not trying to call anyone out. I am trying to get us all on the same page.
I know I produce things very slowly these days, and there’s often lot of time between my posts. I hope to always post quality art and stories, and I’m just not able to do that at warp speed anymore. I am at a very different place in life now than I was when I posted my first fic 7 years ago.
I always welcome prompts and suggestions, even when I’m on hiatus. I’m always happy to mull over a new idea, help find something I’ve already written that fits your interest, or just chatter and headcanon and have good fun. I try to reply to everyone, though I do sometimes keep asks in the box so I don’t forget to fill a prompt, if that’s what I’m going to do with it.
Sometimes I initiate prompt games, like story dice or inviting readers to choose a character/situation from a list. For the most part, these are time-sensitive, and the specifics and rules for that game will be listed in an independent post originating from my blog. I love hearing what my readers are interested in, and the expository nature is fun and invigorating. I don’t do games very often anymore, though, due to my slow production speed.
When it comes to monthly challenges, the kind with a daily prompt like whumptober or monthofsick, I try to push out a little more quantity. My goal is always to have fun; I like reading over the prompts and letting my imagination run through different ‘verses and situations. I often have a dedicated notebook where I jot down notes and outlines of what I want to do for each prompt (or if I want to do it or skip it or sub it). For these events, I see it as a daily opportunity for creativity, like Inktober, if you’re also in the art world. The prompts provided by the moderator are tied to the days of the month (though lag and shift both happen), and it’s the creator’s choice as to how to go about addressing each day’s work. Though I welcome audience involvement and asks and comments on fics produced during these events, I would prefer to treat these challenges as I’ve described above—each prompt is tied to a day, and the creator is self-led in producing the coordinating piece. I hope the element of the unknown can add excitement to the audience as it does to the writers.
So, TLDR, Laur feels like a giant ass, but he would prefer to receive asks with prompts either spontaneously or as part of a time-sensitive game originating from his own blog. He would prefer not to receive asks regarding the prompt list for events/monthly challenges.
In no way is this meant to be applied to ask games and memes involving emojis, trivia, facts about me, etc. Please proceed as usual with those.
I’m sorry for writing you a novel on this. You know me. Never can be concise.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 1 year
I’ve been back into Stardew Valley something crazy lately and Elliot ??? Just called me “cuddlebug” ??? We’ve been married for years in this save file and I didn’t know he did that but he wanted to show me a new chair he got for the house and ??? Idec it’s a little silly and goofy and yet somehow also cute I’m screaming…. I will be kicking my feet and blushing imagining other f/os using this pet name wow 🙊
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mythandlaur · 8 months
Listen to me outside of a structured setting you do NOT actually have to consume media you actively hate you will NOT explode I promise it's FINE--
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inklore · 9 months
first off, ignore the fact that i just committed the most embarrassing sin of accidentally unfollowing when i actually meant to send you an ask :')
second, your adam driver hyperfixation is extending to my brain and making me want to scream him as kylo ren took up like two months of my life i can't do this again laur you can't make me!!
(i also want to bite him as said per your tags)
summer, you're forgiven as long as i am forgiven for trying to push my adam fixation onto you because hello this is the resurgence and i will make it my entire job to pull people down into this hole with me!!
kylo ren lived like a plague in my mind for months, half a year, two years honestly if we count my obsession with all the films each time they came out. like i was ready to defend that man against the most sound of mind haters and dude bros ok i was down bad, and unfortunately for the both of us i am once again on my knees for him 🛐 i will not apologize i will keep being insane about it (sadly)
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
Inspired by your last ask! What are the best French books you’ve read that have no English translation yet? I read Play Boy and Qui a tué mon père (really loved the latter) last year and it feels so fun to read something that other Americans can’t access yet
I'm too nervous to make any list of the Best XYZ Books because I don't want to raise your expectations too high! But okay, here's my No English Translation-themed list of books I've enjoyed in recent years. I tried to make it eclectic in terms of genre as I don't know what you prefer :)
• Le dernier inventeur, Héloïse Guay de Bellissen: I just love prehistory and unusual narrators so I enjoyed this one; it's about the kids who discovered the cave of Lascaux, and some of the narration is written from the perspective of the cave <3 I posted a little excerpt here (in English).
• Ces femmes du Grand Siècle, Juliette Benzoni: Just a fun collection of portraits of notable noblewomen during the reign of Louis XIV, I really liked it. For people who like the 17th century. I think it was Emil Cioran who said his favourite historical periods were the Stone Age and the 17th century but tragically the age of salons led to the Reign of Terror and Prehistory led to History.
• La Comtesse Greffulhe, Laure Hillerin: I've mentioned this one before, it's about the fascinating Belle Époque French socialite who was (among other things) the inspiration for Proust's Duchess of Guermantes. I initially picked it up because I will read anything that's even vaguely about Proust but it was also a nice aperçu of the Belle Époque which I didn't know much about.
• Nous les filles, Marie Rouanet: I've also recommended this one before but it's such a sweet little viennoiserie of a book. The author talks about her 1950s childhood in a town in the South of France in the most detailed, colourful, earnest way—she mentions everything, describes all the daft little games children invent like she wants ageless aliens to grasp the concept of human childhood, it's great.
I'll add Trésors d'enfance by Christian SIgnol and La Maison by Madeleine Chapsal which are slightly less great but also sweet short nostalgic books about childhood that I enjoyed.
• Mers mortes, Aurélie Wellenstein: I read this one last year and I found the characters a bit underwhelming / underexplored but I always enjoy SFF books that do interesting things with oceans (like Solaris with its sentient ocean-planet), so I liked the atmosphere here, with the characters trying to navigate a ghost ship in ghost seas...
• Janua Vera, Jean-Philippe Jaworski: Not much to say about it other than they're short stories set in a mediaeval fantasy world and no part of this description is usually my cup of tea, but I really enjoyed this read!
Essays / literary criticism / philosophy
• Eloge du temps perdu, Frank Lanot: I thought this was going to be about idleness, as the title suggests, and I love books about idleness. But it's actually a collection of short essays about (French) literature and some of them made me appreciate new things about authors and books I thought I knew by heart, so I enjoyed it
• Le Pont flottant des rêves, Corinne Atlan: Poetic musings about translation <3 that's all
• Sisyphe est une femme, Geneviève Brisac: Reflections about the works of female writers (Natalia Ginzburg, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Townsend Warner, etc) that systematically made me want to go read the author in question, even when I'd already read & disliked said author. That's how you know it's good literary criticism
Let's add L'Esprit de solitude by Jacqueline Kelen which as the title suggests, ponders the notion of solitude, and Le Roman du monde by Henri Peña-Ruiz which was so lovely to read in terms of literary style I don't even care what it was about (it's philosophy of foundational myths & stories) (probably difficult to read if you're not fully fluent in French though)
Did not fit in the above categories:
• Entre deux mondes by Olivier Norek—it's been translated in half a dozen languages, I was surprised to find no English translation! It's a crime novel and a pretty bleak read on account of the setting (the Calais migrant camp) but I'd recommend it
• Saga, Tonino Benacquista: Also seems to have been translated in a whole bunch of languages but not English? :( I read it ages ago but I remember it as a really fun read. It's a group of loser screenwriters who get hired to write a TV series, their budget is 15 francs and a stale croissant and it's going to air at 4am so they can do whatever they want seeing as no one will watch it. So they start writing this intentionally ridiculous unhinged show, and of course it acquires Devoted Fans
Books that I didn't think existed in English translation but they do! but you can still read them in French if you want
• Scrabble: A Chadian Childhood, Michaël Ferrier: What it says on the tin! It's a short and well-written account of the author's childhood in Chad just before the civil war. I read it a few days ago and it was a good read, but then again I just love bittersweet stories of childhood
• On the Line, Joseph Ponthus: A short diary-like account of the author's assembly line work in a fish factory. I liked the contrast between the robotic aspect of the job and the poetic nature of the text; how the author used free verse / repetition / scansion to give a very immediate sense of the monotony and rhythm of his work (I don't know if it's good in English)
• The End of Eddy, Edouard Louis: The memoir of a gay man growing up in a poor industrial town in Northern France—pretty brutal but really good
• And There Was Light, Jacques Lusseyran: Yet another memoir sorry, I love people's lives! Jacques Lusseyran lost his sight as a child, and was in the Resistance during WWII despite being blind. It's a great story, both for the historical aspects and for the descriptions of how the author experiences his blindness
• The Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous Deception, Emmanuel Carrère: an account of the Jean-Claude Romand case—a French man who murdered his whole family to avoid being discovered as a fraud, after spending his entire adult life pretending to be a doctor working at the WHO and fooling everyone he knew. Just morbidly fascinating, if you like true crime stuff
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starryriize · 3 months
any nicholas fluff thoughts pls 🥺 ppl often depict him as some kind of tsundere bc of his looks but he's actually such a sweetheart and the members have said he's a genuinely kind and caring person. he said he even tried smiling more growing up so that people wouldn't find him so intimidating oh i want to protect him with my life 😭
delulu thoughts | nico
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre: fluff!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: i agree nonnie 🫶🏼 he deserves the world!! anyways, i hope you enjoy this love :(( hehee i giggled while writing this 🤭
🫧laur’s taglist: @chiiyuuvv @kehnarii
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⋆⑅˚₊ the type of bf to have a small smile as he watches you work! or just the look of love when he sees you do anything :((
⋆⑅˚₊ plays piano for you and sometimes puts on music as he takes your hands, leading you in a slow dance in the living room (stop he would do this idc)
⋆⑅˚₊ the type to pout but smile when you call him cute!! he knows that he can come off with the vibes of "big scary dog" but like most big dogs, he's a total softie 🥹
⋆⑅˚₊ strikes me as the type to pick you up randomly and just give you big hugs!! he gets all smiley while hugging you too :((
⋆⑅˚₊ when you feel sad, he's by your side in a comfortable silence as he gives you a reassuring look 🫶🏼 words aren’t always necessary when his eyes speak a thousand words to you
⋆⑅˚₊ “why did you do that?” and “because i care” type of relationship!! he cares so much about you that he always remembers the tiniest details about you :((
⋆⑅˚₊ he’d take you on really cute dates and a lot of them are pure fun!! would buy the matching souvenirs and play games for you so he can win you the biggest prize 😌
⋆⑅˚₊ the type to always reach for your hand!! he just loves knowing that you’re his makes him feel like he saved a world in his past life🥹🫶🏼
⋆⑅˚₊ loves it when you play with his hair and let him lay down on your lap :((( it’s so comforting to him, especially after a long day in the practice room
⋆⑅˚₊ when you dress up together for a fancy occasion and you tell him that everyone's staring at him because he looks so handsome, he replies, "no love, they're staring at you." (argh stop i'm giggling even thinking about this) 🤭
⋆⑅˚₊ the type of romance that you only read about and used to dream of having! he entered your life and made you believe in true love :( the way he puts you first no matter what too :(( please it's so incredibly sweet
⋆⑅˚₊ his friends most definitely tease him when they catch him staring at you so lovingly, saying things like, "nico, when are you going to propose??" and he just stops. he secretly knows that you're definitely the one for him.
⋆⑅˚₊ often asks you why you love him because he fears that his intimidating looks might cause you to leave one day, but you always reassure him 🥹 you love him for who he is and that he has the most genuine soul and a pure heart :((
⋆⑅˚₊ he regales you with stories of his childhood and his time on i-land as you listen to each and every tale!! and then asks about your childhood while he's giggling at every word you say 😭 (he's so cute pls)
⋆⑅˚₊ KARAOKE DATES!!! hear me out when i say that he loves nostalgia and fun like...the carefree vibes! when you start dancing while singing off-key, he bursts out laughing, and at this point, both of you are just enjoying the vibes 😭😌
⋆⑅˚₊ when you're sad, he's holding you tight and letting you cry on his shirt! he's willing to listen if you want to and he holds your hands to reassure you that he's not going anywhere! through thick and thin, he'll be by your side 🫶🏼 (he gives forehead kisses too)
⋆⑅˚₊ overall, a green flag!! he's a gentleman and kind-hearted so please don't ever break his heart <3
🫧join laur's taglist!
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richincolor · 4 months
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Happy Black History Month!
This Black History Month I'd like to celebrate the genre that makes us jump at every unknown noise, brings us nightmares, and has us up late turning the page in anticipation of what will happen next - Black Thriller & Horror! There has been a lovely uptick in the publishing of Black Thrillers and Horror in the past few years where Black protagonists are solving complex mysteries, fighting against all forms of supernatural beings, and sometimes a combination of both. I've had so much fun reading all of these novels and am greatly looking forward to what 2024 has to bring. 
When creating a list of Black Thriller/Horror writers I must begin with the queen, Tiffany D. Jackson. Her first book "Monday's Not Coming" was a perfectly written thriller with a plot twist that hit with a gut punch that I'm still recovering from. Since then she's been on a streak with hit after hit after hit. Her latest, The Weight of Blood, is a book you cannot miss.
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
When Springville residents—at least the ones still alive—are questioned about what happened on prom night, they all have the same explanation … Maddy did it. An outcast at her small-town Georgia high school, Madison Washington has always been a teasing target for bullies. And she's dealt with it because she has more pressing problems to manage. Until the morning a surprise rainstorm reveals her most closely kept Maddy is biracial. She has been passing for white her entire life at the behest of her fanatical white father, Thomas Washington. After a viral bullying video pulls back the curtain on Springville High's racist roots, student leaders come up with a plan to change their host the school's first integrated prom as a show of unity. The popular white class president convinces her Black superstar quarterback boyfriend to ask Maddy to be his date, leaving Maddy wondering if it's possible to have a normal life. But some of her classmates aren't done with her just yet. And what they don't know is that Maddy still has another secret … one that will cost them all their lives. 
2023 also gave us two amazing debut thrillers and I, for one, cannot wait to see what these two authors cook up next. 
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington
You must work twice as hard to get half as much. Adina Walker has known this the entire time she’s been on scholarship at the prestigious Edgewater Academy—a school for the rich (and mostly white) upper class of New England. It’s why she works so hard to be perfect and above reproach, no matter what she must force beneath the surface. Even one slip can cost you everything. And it does. One fight, one moment of lost control, leaves Adina blacklisted from her top choice Ivy League college and any other. Her only chance to regain the future she’s sacrificed everything for is the Finish, a high-stakes contest sponsored by Edgewater’s founding family in which twelve young, ambitious women with exceptional promise are selected to compete in three mysterious events: the Ride, the Raid, and the Royale. The winner will be granted entry into the fold of the Remington family, whose wealth and power can open any door. But when she arrives at the Finish, Adina quickly gets the feeling that something isn’t quite right with both the Remingtons and her competition, and soon it becomes clear that this larger-than-life prize can only come at an even greater cost. Because the Finish’s stakes aren’t just make or break… they’re life and death. Adina knows the deck is stacked against her—it always has been—so maybe the only way to survive their vicious games is for her to change the rules.
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Laure Mesny is a perfectionist with an axe to grind. Despite being constantly overlooked in the elite and cutthroat world of the Parisian ballet, she will do anything to prove that a Black girl can take center stage. To level the playing field, Laure ventures deep into the depths of the Catacombs and strikes a deal with a pulsating river of blood. The primordial power Laure gains promises influence and adoration, everything she’s dreamed of and worked toward. With retribution on her mind, she surpasses her bitter and privileged peers, leaving broken bodies behind her on her climb to stardom. But even as undeniable as she is, Laure is not the only monster around. And her vicious desires make her a perfect target for slaughter. As she descends into madness and the mystifying underworld beneath her, she is faced with the ultimate choice: continue to break herself for scraps of validation or succumb to the darkness that wants her exactly as she is—monstrous heart and all. That is, if the god-killer doesn’t catch her first. From debut author Jamison Shea comes I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, a slow-burn horror that lifts a veil on the institutions that profit on exclusion and the toll of giving everything to a world that will never love you back.
And to round out this list, we also gotta point out the fellas who are also killing it with the Thriller/Horror genre. 
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
The prestigious Urban Promise Prep school might look pristine on the outside, but deadly secrets lurk within. When the principal ends up murdered on school premises and the cops come sniffing around, a trio of students―J.B., Ramón, and Trey―emerge as the prime suspects. They had the means, they had the motive . . . and they may have had the murder weapon. But with all three maintaining their innocence, they must band together to track down the real killer before they are arrested. Or is the true culprit hiding among them?
The Getaway by Lamar Giles
Welcome to the funnest spot around . . . Jay is living his best life at Karloff Country, one of the world’s most famous resorts. He’s got his family, his crew, and an incredible after-school job at the property’s main theme park. Life isn’t so great for the rest of the world, but when people come here to vacation, it’s to get away from all that. As things outside get worse, trouble starts seeping into Karloff. First, Jay’s friend Connie and her family disappear in the middle of the night and no one will talk about it. Then the richest and most powerful families start arriving, only... they aren’t leaving. Unknown to the employees, the resort has been selling shares in an end-of-the-world oasis. The best of the best at the end of days. And in order to deliver the top-notch customer service the wealthy clientele paid for, the employees will be at their total beck and call. Whether they like it or not. Yet Karloff Country didn’t count on Jay and his crew--and just how far they’ll go to find out the truth and save themselves. But what’s more dangerous: the monster you know in your home or the unknown nightmare outside the walls?
The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
Regent Academy has a long and storied history in Winslow, Vermont, as does the forest that surrounds it. The school is known for molding teens into leaders, but its history is far more nefarious. Seventeen-year-old Douglas Jones wants nothing to do with Regent's king-making; he’s just trying to survive. But then a student is murdered and, for some reason, by the next day no one remembers him having ever existed, except for Douglas and the groundskeeper's son, Everett Everley. In his determination to uncover the truth, Douglas awakens a horror hidden within the forest, unearthing secrets that have been buried for centuries. A vengeful creature wants blood as payment for a debt more than 300 years in the making—or it will swallow all of Winslow in darkness. And for the first time in his life, Douglas might have a chance to grasp the one thing he’s always felt was power. But if he’s not careful, he will find out that power has a tendency to corrupt absolutely everything.
If you are a fan of murder mysteries, supernatural thrillers, or just like to get scared, get thee to a bookstore (or library) and support your Black Thriller/Horror writer.
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) mentions of pregnancy, love bombing, occasionally sad, kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 23 - ‘You’re Mine’
Jude sat up on a lounger and looked around inquisitively to see what everyone else was up to on the beach a little while after you had left. Most boys were asleep in the sun, the remaining playing a game of cards, Lauren reading a book.
“Laur…” Jude said a normal volume feigning a casualty he didn’t feel. She hummed, picking her head up to look in his direction.
“Can you come here?” Jude asked with a soft smile
“What could you possibly need?” Lauren said with a giggle standing up, leaving her book behind. Jude felt his cheeks get warm seeing her walk towards him, her skin shiny from the heat, her body looking drool worthy.
“C’mere.” He motioned her over. She stood next to his chair looking down at his sly smile. “Can you put suncream on my back, please?” He asked for the unnecessary.
“Yeah, sure. You’re laying on your back but sure.” She giggled more sitting with her legs open dangling off the chair behind Jude. He handed her the bottle and she started working it into his warm skin. She was trying to remain calm when he hummed at the sensation of her pinching in between his shoulder and neck with her hands. “All good?” She asked.
“Little more, angel.” He cooed loving having her hands on him.
“Noo, no, no. You’re fine.” Lauren though couldn’t help but giggle at the pet name. Jude leaned back pressing her into the back of the chair, his back onto her chest. “Excuse mee?”
“Just hang here with me. Chill out for a little.” He mused, closing his eyes getting comfortable.
“Your back is pressed to my tits now why did we even put on the lotion?” She smiled looking at him. She didn’t care but it was funny to call him out.
“Needed to get you over somehow, didn’t I?” He laughed pulling her legs from the side to wrap around his waist and rest in his lap
“Yeah, yeah, sure whatever.” Lauren laughed with him sliding her hands around him purring at the feeling of his abs under her touch.
Back at the house you and Trent had had some let’s just say loud ‘fun’ while no one was home but once you were done with alll that, you found yourself in the pool in between his legs. Trent sat on the edge with his feet in the water, your chin resting on his thigh.
“T…” you cooed looking up at him only able to see your reflection in his sunglasses.
“What’s up, pretty girl?” He asked, his hand coming to pinch at your cheek.
“We’re actually okay, right? Last night was a lot.” You sheepishly said, monitoring your own body language still in the reflection.
“Yeah, baby, we are. I know it was a lot but I love you no matter what. I just was so upset someone spoke about you like that. I couldn’t handle hearing that. It hurt me in all honesty.” He said with full transparency.
“I’m sorry” you muffled out feeling terrible.
“You didn’t do anything” he sighed with a soft sympathetic smile. “If we’re talking about this… I wasn’t just upset, I was jealous to be fair, baby. I hated that the prick ever got to touch you, be with you, and there was nothing I could do about it. It just set something off in me.”
“I never want to make you upset, T. It’s okay you were jealous but you really shouldn’t have been. I told you before it was just a bad time in my life I want to forget about. There’s no one that could ever come close to what we have. I’m sad you ever had to encounter him to hear about it, not exactly proud moments for me.”
“I’m still a little mad for you… He’s a dick. I know now, well I knew before but I just needed a reminder that what we have is better than that. That you aren’t going to go back to him.” Trent said, picking his head up to look over you at the horizon, feeling vulnerable expressing this. “I’m sorry you have to handle all the gossip that comes out about me too but you know none of it is true. I would never hurt you.”
“I know that.” You smiled softly. “I’d never go back to him, baby but I also am certainly never ever leaving you to begin with.” You said sealed with a kiss to his thigh.
“Honestly if you want I’ll post about you right now, throw it on my story, my feed, set up an interview when I get back gushing about how stupidly in love with you I am, if that’ll make you feel better.” He looked down at you and picked your chin up to tilt your head up to look up at him. “I’ll do anything, I don’t care, whatever you’d want, I just was trying to protect you and our relationship. I never meant for you to feel like I was hiding you or to offend you. Wanted the most beautiful girl in the world to myself, that’s all.” He squished your cheeks
“No, no. Don’t do that.” You closed your eyes softly smiling at his offer. “You were right. We’re okay for now, I think. I like having you having me just for yourself too. Having our own world. Hmm?” You looked up at him through your eye lashes. Remembering that the world not knowing your name meant you were able to go about life fairly normally all whilst having the best boyfriend in the world.
“Yeah, baby. Whatever you want you just tell me. Just want to see this smile.” He smiled back at you.
“I love you.” You cooed with a little pout happy you had the conversation.
“I love you more, pretty girl.” He said so sweetly but you cheekily pulled his arm dragging him into the pool with you. “The worst! You are the worst!” He yelled, faking annoyance after coming up from water, quickly grabbing you by the waist, swinging you around in the water. He had you tight to his chest, pressing wet kisses all over you. You both laughed happily in love acting like little kids now after squashing any remaining worries he had about Chase and you had about your secrecy.
After playing in the water like you were 10 years old, you laid on an outdoor bed by the pool, cuddled up to Trent. You drew on his skin with your nails as you spoke quietly about little things. Giggling here and there just content in each other's embrace.
“His friend wanted a picture, which was class, did I tell you that?” Trent talked a little more about last night.
“Stop…” you giggled, pressing your forehead to his chest before picking it up to look at the smug smile on his face. “That’s so embarrassing.” He joined you laughing as he stroked up your spine slowly with his big hands.
“I told him…no your mate’s being a cunt to my girlfriend, Jude didn’t even acknowledge the poor lad.” He said complacently.
“Oh no..” you laughed feeling a little sorry but ultimately glad. The sun was starting to go down, the sky turning to an orangey pink blur, when you heard the ruckus of the group coming up the stairs back from the beach. Marcel carried Lauren on his back like the princess playing the field she was. Some of the boys running to jump directly in the pool chaotically, Toby and Jude trailing the group, moving slow.
“Gonna eat here tonight, we’re all staying like this too.” George gestured to his swimsuit pulling on the material. You smiled at George’s ever calm demeanor and dad-like tendencies. You sat up right, Trent followed and wrapped his arms around your waist placing his head on your shoulder before quickly pecking your cheek.
“What we looking at?” He whispered. You smiled at his cute gesture and question.
“Lauren… she came up with Marce and now they’re sitting over there.” You whispered back.
“Are we spying?” Trent asked eager like a little kid squeezing your waist a little tighter. You giggled.
“No, just trying to see if I can assess what’s going on so when I ask her about it later I can call her out on her bs.” You kept giggling.
“Gotcha.” He pressed another kiss to your cheek. A little later, you all sat at a big table overlooking the water as a chef cooked dinner. Everyone was still in their bathing suits as the sun set in Greece. The golden sun sunk into the horizon while you and your best friend laughed with beautiful English boys. It was all a dream. Trent kept his hand wrapped around your waist rubbing his hand on your warm skin. You were telling a little story just to him when he kissed you sweetly mid sentence. He tasted like wine and summer. It had your heart fluttering. He was perfect. The night winded down and you and Trent left everyone who opted to play some game you weren’t interested in. You retreated to your room cuddling outside in the private space close next to a fire. You felt your eyes starting to get heavy when Trent started kissing at your neck. You giggled, waking up more at the sensations now running through you. You ended up in your bed, naked, tangled up with him, warm, happy, and very very tired and very very in love.
The next morning you woke up to Lauren jumping onto your big bed next to you as you laid on top of Trent.
“Get up! We’re going on a boat todayyyy!” She sang giddily. The boys had planned a day out on a yacht so it was going to be a pretty good one. She was excited and so were you. You just had to find the will to leave the bed with your perfect naked man in it. “Get up! Get up! Get up!” She yelled, bouncing up and down.
“Oh my dayyyysss, Lauren! Shut up!” Trent groaned, holding you tighter to his chest. You opened your eyes and turned your head to see her with a big smile next to you sitting crossed legged. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Good morning!” You rolled your eyes at her eagerness, lack of care, and proximity this close to you and your naked boyfriend.
“Have a fun night?” She cheekily asked before she slapped your ass cover by the blankets.
“Aye!” Trent yelled looking at her annoyed. “That’s mine.” He joked, managing to hold a serious look on his face. His hands came from underneath the blankets and rubbed your ass over the covers smugly.
“Learn to share… She was mine first.” Lauren joked leaning back against the headboard now making herself comfortable in your bed with you and Trent still under the covers. Marcel and George walked into the room hearing the noise.
“Wow, two best friends. That’s class, mate.” Marcel made fun of Trent in bed with you and Lauren before plopping himself on a couch in the room.
“Everyone needs to shut up today, honestly.” Trent moaned, annoyed at his brother’s remark.
“With this group that’s unlikely.” George laughed when suddenly Jude appeared in the doorway.
“Good morning, lads, Lauren, and the one and only Mrs. TAA.” He cooed, walking towards Marcel to find himself a seat. Jobe followed in behind him going straight to the window, inspecting what the view from your room was like.
“Oh good… Jobe’s here now too.” You shook your head on Trent’s chest. “Does no one care that we’re still in bed naked?” You said expressing your surprise but you were met with a harmony of ‘nos.’
“Y/N, in the most respectful way, everyone in the room has probably seen you naked.” George joked, laughing, soon joined by everyone else in the room. Trent didn’t laugh exactly but he gave a sly smile. Your jaw slacked, offended.
“That’s probably a fact. Me and T are obvious, Marce hmm..” Lauren thought for a moment trying to go through who was in the room and how they would’ve seen you naked.
“Why are you obvious?” Trent asked, confused why Lauren would’ve seen you naked. Not having any sisters he just didn’t understand.
“T…” you laughed “not like in an intimate way.”
“Definitely not intimate despite her pleas.” You and Lauren both laughed a little more. You rolled your eyes at her lie, the boys in the room eyes going wide. You looked at Trent’s more confused face and shook your head no at him confirming that you never wanted and never did. “Relax, everyone. We lived together, god. We never hooked up.”
“I understand that. I lived with her when she first came to England. You and Trent weren’t exactly shy.” Marcel looked at you smugly answering Lauren’s open ended question.
“Yeah, same situation. You guys just didn’t care… It's all good though. Sorry mate.” George echoed looking at you first then to Trent, apologizing.
“Little more digital for me. Y/N, c’mon. You can’t be sending nudes hourly when we’re on international duty and not expect me to see at least one.” Jude laughed over exaggerating the times that Trent had been away with the England team with him. You tapped at Trent’s chest as if he had blatantly shared the photos with Jude, he didn’t.
“Now I feel left out.” Jobe piped up still looking out the water.
“Absolutely not going to happen, bro.” Trent quickly cut off Jobe, clarifying to him that he wasn’t ever going to get that opportunity.
“Okay, great. Now, please get out…” you moaned embarrassed at the entire conversation, dropping your head into Trent’s chest. His hand stroking your back consoling you.
You found yourself with your head on Trent’s chest again later in the day but now under the hot Grecian sun on a yacht in a little Loves and Friends bikini laughing.
“Be my friend!!” You whined, placing kisses all over Trent’s chest. After he definitely did but you felt like he hadn’t paid any attention to you yet.
“I’m your best fucking friend. What are you on about?” Trent laughed, cocking his head to the side to see more of your face. You worked your kisses up to his neck. He hummed at the feeling. “C’mere, baby” he cooed, pulling you up to kiss his lips. For the moment you forgot you were on the deck of a yacht with your closest friends next to you. You found yourself gasping between each kiss grinding your body down on his now hard cock beneath you.
“Fuck, I love you, baby.” You whispered in his ear as his hands explored your body. His touch was tantalizing. “I don’t think this is what best friends do.” You giggled
“No… it’s what I do with you though. You’re still my best friend, aren’t you?” He whispered cheekily. “You feel so fucking good, I can feel how wet you are, baby. Come with me inside, yeah?” He continued, squeezing your ass. He sat up a little and suddenly you were straddling him. Before you could answer he stood up and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Uh huh, please T.” You giggled as he walked you inside the boat.
“Sure, yep we’re not here or anything.” Marcel yelled for you to hear joking to the group.
“You’re a good kisser” you giggled pulling away from a messy make out. You were sat on top of a dresser im some room on the boat. Trent stood between your legs as he started to untied your bathing suit.
“Oh yeah? You never told me that before.” He smiled smugly, taking off your top first then moving to your bottoms..
“I definitely have…” You smiled while helping remove his swimsuit. “Your lips are perfect too.” You cooed as you traced the outline of his lips with your finger. He bit at you, taking your pointer finger in his mouth.
“Kept it a little secret that you like my lips, huh? That you think I’m a good kisser?” He cooed as his perfect lips moved down your neck. “So where do you like my lips, baby, tell me.” He trailed over your collar bone, down to your tits. “What about here?” You hummed in pleasure when he kissed over your nipples. You whimpered as he sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth, his hand coming to play with the right and then switching his lips attention to it. The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form. His hands drifted down to your pussy. His fingers worked away between your legs. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby “ Trent groaned. “Always are for me? Hm?” Trent groaned a little more as his fingers felt your slick. Your wetness was evident to his touch and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with it. Trent gave a quick stroke to your clit before taking his hand away to bring his fingers to his mouth. “Fuck baby, I need you now. You taste so fucking good for me” he worked kisses back up before pulling away and stared at you pressing his nose to your cheek before moving his lips to yours. The kiss was hot and heavy, his tongue immediately invading your mouth and toying with yours. He let his hand drift back down and slid one finger directly inside you eliciting a gasp from you. His sudden moments made the base of your spine tingle, but when his thumb began to draw precise circles on your clit, your body shook slightly as a deep moan got lost in his mouth. When he dipped another finger into your wet heat, he pulled another deep moan from you and in an attempt to push you closer to the edge, he curled his fingers even further against that one spot and pressed his thumb into your clit harder. “Gonna be my good girl? Want you to cum on my fingers, baby ”
“Please keep going, T. I’m so close, I’m-fuck.” With a few more curses and his name continuously falling from your lips, as you came around his fingers. White hot liquid shot through your veins, your slick dripped down his hand. He pulled his fingers out slowly covered in your juices, he stuck them in your mouth and you greedily sucked his fingers licking around them like you would his cock while he began pumping his growing hard on with his hand. In swift movements, he was aligning his cock with your entrance. “T, please I need you…” you whined
“You want me, baby?” You could only nod overtaken by lust. He slid inside you slowly filling you up. He dropped his forehead to your chest, trying to avoid cumming on the spot “Squeezing me so tight, baby. Feels so good.” You whimpered, squeezing tightly around his cock. Your high was approaching quickly; he always knows how to hit that perfect spot.
“Fuck, Fff-fuck! You’re so ah! So good.” You said moaning. It wasn’t long until you were nearly there, and the moment Trent attached his thumb back to your clit and began rubbing it in quick circles, you fell apart almost immediately, curse words and his name falling from your lips repeatedly. “T, baby.” You could only manage another whine, too focused on the slow drag of his cock, you could feel every hard vein and ridge of it slowly fucking into you.
“Are you mine, beautiful? Tell me… fuck! You’re mmine.” Trent punctuated his words with hard thrusts. You moaned nodding.
“I’m always yours T. I’m… fuck! I’m yours.” You managed to mutter out as he fuck you again. His pace was relentless and unforgiving as he moved, driving his cock in and out of you, consistently hitting a spot only he knew so deep inside you.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck.”l I’m gonna finish, baby. Want me to cum inside you?” he cursed and you moaned a yes. His fingers dug into your skin and his head fell back, as he pushed his hips up one last time before he spilled into your tight heat. Trent rolled his head back in pleasure as you gently moved your hips against his to help him ride out his high.
“Baby…” you barely could get out… “fuck, baby, I love you so much.”
“I love you forever, beautiful.” He said between heavy breaths. “You’re mine. Fuck, that felt so good. Always so fucking good f’me.” You nuzzled your head to his chest loving being close to his warm skin. He pressed a sweet kiss to your head before you heard someone approaching.
“Trenski, I know you can’t last this long so we’re eating lunch now. Whenever you two are done, alright?” Jude knocked on the door to the room you were in. Everyone was sat on the upper deck starting lunch when you two finally fell out of the room giggling, grabbing at each other, still kissing. Trent pinched your ass cheek.
“T!” You squealed and began to run away from him. You ran to the stairs that lead to the upper deck and grabbed the railings. Trent was quick though and caught your ankle as ypu stepped up.
“Nah uh, c‘mere pretty girl.” He said pulling you down towards him but you wiggled away again and ran up the stairs. He chased you and continued to grab at you. His hands on you made you giddy and warm. You made it up the stairs and only about a step onto the top deck before he caught you again. He picked you up like a rag doll and swung you around. You and Trent laughed . You couldn’t stop. You always felt so carefree with him it was hard to remember you were with a big group sometimes.
“Stop! Stop! Stop! Baby!” You giggled squirming in his arms having trouble catching your breath when he finally put you down and you made your way to the table.
You sat down for lunch and ate a wonderful watermelon feta salad happily looking out into the ocean water. The sun's rays cast over the deck onto the table. Everyone was having the best time listening to music while drinking sgroppino cocktails made by a very funny bartender. The vodka, lemon, and Prosecco drinks went straight to everyone’s heads in the heat. You were all in a great mood because of it when lunch finished. Lauren stood up and looked directly at you. Her cheeky smile had your heart racing.
“What? You’re making me nervous…” you quipped with a sly smile, anxious of what she was going to say.
“Just c’mon! Pictures, we need pictures!” Lauren said, pulling on your arm dragging you to the bow of the boat. You were relieved it wasn’t something more scandalous. “I need a good instagram pleassse.” You got one of the nice women working aboard to take pictures of you two despite almost every boy offering to take them. You took a bunch of photos with Lauren in your bikinis giggling. You wanted to recreate a cute idea you saw on Pinterest. Fueled by ssgroppino and the need for a good Instagram you and Lauren huged with your tops off. It was meant to be adorable and not overtly sexual but the boys watching you at the other end of the boat felt completely opposite.
“It’s like they’re taunting me…” Toby groaned trying to overt his eyes.
“They are doing it on purpose, bro.” Jude answered Toby’s complaint laughing with a big smile, his sunglasses off held in his hand as he watched Lauren intently.
“Of course they know.” Marcel said, shaking his head. “It’s great that Y/N is like a sister to me.” Rolling his eyes trying not to look at you with your top off.
“Lovely that, Marce” Trent responded sarcastically. He was on his phone and hadn’t paid any mind to what you and Lauren were doing.
“Bro… yeah, that’s brutal.” George started chuckling at Marcel's comment. “Lauren knows exactly what she’s doing. Y/N, I may give the benefit of the doubt to.” He continued talking while staring.
“Absolutely not, you guys think she’s more naive than she is. She plays all of you… you especially.” Marcel spoke pointing to Trent. “She’s like my best friend…”
“Aww, that’s actually well nice.” Jude butt in.
“Nah, shut up. I’m just saying I know that she’s well aware.” Marcel continued. Trent squinted his eyes, lowering his sunglasses, to look at what all of the boys were talking about. He smiled quickly seeing you so happy.
“I’m gonna going over…” Trent said, getting out of his chair, standing up.
“Nah, you can’t go over there, mate!” Jude complained at Trent’s movements. He just gave Jude a confused look in return.
“That’s like turning the TV off while we’re still watching it, lad.” Toby said with a concerned look on his face not wanting Lauren’s photo shoot to stop.
“Yeah, except, half the TV is mine, innit? I’m just taking half.” Trent gave a smug smile back to the boys before he kept walking towards you.
“Booo, fuck off!” Jude jeered, laughing.
“We were watching that!” George joked like you were something on the TV. Trent walked over but you were too engaged in your current moment to even notice he had shown up.
“This is mine” he grunted, picking you up from behind, peeling you off Lauren abruptly. His arms crossed directly over your boobs.
“Erm… excuse me I was trying to take a picture!” You feigned annoyance not particularly mad to have his strong arms around your frame again.
“As I said this morning, you need to learn to share, T!” Lauren yelled, laughing at him carrying you away. Trent sat down on the yacht’s railing with you in between his legs. He pressed wet kisses on your neck, his arms covering you. Lauren got her phone back from the woman. She took candid photos of you laughing at Trent’s kisses before Marcel yelled out causing the three of you to turn your heads.
“Maybe put a top on! Mum may want to see literally one photo from this holiday you’re not naked in!” His comment was annoying but also a pretty fair point. You bent down and grabbed your top.
“Can you tie this, baby?” You asked Trent. He obliged and tied your bikini gently back on. You took more photos like that just now your tits were covered. You sat on Trent’s lap, his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder with the Grecian coastline in the background. Trent stood up behind you and you turned to face him.
“Can I have a kiss please?” You pouted, lacing your fingers with his.
“I thought best friends don’t do that…” he teased before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. His hands let go over yours and came around your body, grabbing your ass. He caressed over your exposed skin before he stepped forward more and picked you up like that. He raised you slightly above him. You looked down at him pushing your lips against his. Your bodies pressed together.
“Aww guys.” Lauren cooed pouting. “It’s actually really nice, I’m not even annoyed, this is cute.”
“Alright, alright, enough.” Trent put you down on the deck. “Love you, baby” he whispered just for you to hear.
“Laur, do you want any more?” You asked, still staring at Trent, but asking her regarding photos, in case she wanted any more. She said yes so you stayed and Trent retreated back to the boys. You and Lauren had made quick friends with the woman who had kindly taken the photos earlier so she came out with a few shots and another cocktail. When you found your way to the back of the boat with the boys, you and Lauren were a little tipsy. Hopeful to walk away with the Euros tournament trophy, Jude had planned for the boat to be stocked with champagne. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case but he wasn't going to let it go to waste so he was indulging. You walked back with Lauren and wrapped your arms around his waist seeing him holding a bottle you really liked..
“Judddeyyy” you cooed, singing as he held the bottle up further away from you, out of reach. You gave him a pout.
“Nah, that works on that man, that man only, not me.” He laughed pointing at Trent unimpressed with your look.
“C’mon share with me!” You pleated pouting more, grabbing for the bottle now.
“There's literally only a sip left… what you want my spit?” He teased holding it higher away from you laughing. You hummed with a big smile. “You’re disgusting, no.” You and Jude finally landed on just opening another bottle to share together proceeding to get more and more drunk laughing and dancing. Trent laid back down on a chair and just watched on as you two made fools of yourself happily. What you all had no idea of was that a lovely group of paparazzi were capturing every interaction Trent and Jude had that day.
‘Celebrating The Loss? Trent Alexander-Arnold and Jude Bellingham are spotted on a Yacht in Greece with brothers, girls, and champagne.’
‘Trent Alexander-Arnold cozies up to his mystery American girlfriend on a yacht.’
‘Good Teammate? Trent Alexander-Arnold looks on as Jude Bellingham gets handsy with the Right Back's presumed girlfriend.’
‘Boats, Bellingham Boys, and Babes; Jude Bellingham blows off steam after Euros loss on a yacht with younger brother, Jobe and women!’
Under the influence of how much fun you were having you were blissfully unaware of the media coverage about to arise but for now you were buzzed and back laying on top of the love of your life and also the most gorgeous boy in the world warmed by the sun and the alcohol and your night was just getting started…
Thank you for continuing reading! Little shorter today. Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 24 xx
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sapphicbookclub · 1 year
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Blackheart Knights by Laure Eve
(Blackheart Knights, Blackheart Ghosts)
Imagine Camelot but in Gotham: a city where knights are the celebrities of the day, riding on motorbikes instead of horses and competing in televised fights for fame and money. Imagine a city where a young, magic-touched bastard astonishes everyone by becoming king - albeit with extreme reluctance - and a girl with a secret past trains to become a knight for the sole purpose of vengeance. Imagine a city where magic is illegal but everywhere, in its underground bars, its back-alley soothsayers - and in the people who have to hide what they are for fear of being tattooed and persecuted. Imagine a city where electricity is money, power the only game worth playing, and violence the most fervently worshipped religion. Welcome to a dark, chaotic, alluring place with a tumultuous history, where dreams come true if you want them hard enough - and are prepared to do some very, very bad things to get them...
Genres: mythology, retelling, fantasy, urban fantasy, romance
Get the book from Blackwell's with free worldwide shipping here! (1, 2)
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alexhwriting · 7 months
A peek at my Master's Thesis
So as I prepare my master's thesis, I needed to write up a quick summary of what was actually going to be written during that process. The following is the rough draft and bibliography I'm starting with, though more research and details are almost a guarantee for later. This is also only about 500-ish words for the summary, so by no means the most thorough.
Environmental Storytelling, Ludonarrative Harmony, and Immersion: A Summary
            For my master’s thesis, I plan on exploring environmental storytelling in videogame narratives and the role that the background plays in immersion as well as ludonarrative harmony. During the Fall 2023 semester, I worked through some of the research for this paper as a directed study with Dr. Kee, which informs some of my bibliography along with some of the work I had done in previous classes with both Dr. Kee and Dr. Fox. I hope to argue, by the end of the paper, that the innocuous and mundane details that we see in the background of video games while playing are actually at the core of the immersive experience. To prove this, I will be referring to past work by many digital media scholars who have been working on game environments for the past 30 years, as well as games that both utilize and fail to utilize their environments for proper immersion.
            I will begin my essay talking about the core concepts that I want to show throughout the paper, those being Ludonarrative Harmony (as derived from Clint Hocking’s Ludonarrative Dissonance), theories of immersion and presence within the game world as discussed by J. P. Wolf and Marie-Laure Ryan, among others, and discussions of spatial practice and engagement within a video game’s world. Because of the layered meanings of the terminology, I will be using throughout the paper, I will be laying out some of my own definitions as well to make my essay more clear in its purpose. Specifically, I want to be precise with the term “virtual world,” which I will be using to refer to the environments of the games that will be discussed throughout the paper. An extension of this is “virtual world lore,” which will refer to those details given to the world through mediated sources, such as character dialogue, tooltips, and item descriptions.
            For the games I wish to consider throughout this paper, I have selected several from the catalog of FromSoftware, since these titles are famous for their ambiguity and lack of clear narrative as opposed to more traditional role-playing games (RPGs), such as the Fable series. For the FromSoftware examples I have picked Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019), Elden Ring (2022), and Bloodborne (2015), as each of these takes a different approach to their worlds and the way their narrative unravels. Bloodborne specifically shows off a high level of ludonarrative harmony in level design and player traversal, reinforcing its main message, through loss of character health, that progression is always painful. Sekiro takes a much more traditional narrative approach, with considerably more dialogue and cutscenes compared to the rest of the FromSoftware titles. Finally, Elden Ring, as an open world game, gives the player a lot more freedom and proves an interesting lens to approach the notion of game world, since it emulates a very large environment, The Lands Between.
            In addition to these traditional action RPG experiences, I have also selected some independent games that work well in this discussion. Unpacking (2021), Inside (2016), and Alien: Isolation (2014), all exemplify similar ideas to the FromSoftware titles, though in different forms, especially puzzles. Unpacking and Inside are both of note here for their lack of dialogue entirely, leaving the environment as the primary mode of storytelling for drastically different stories between the two. On the other hand, Alien: Isolation is more of note as an exploration of a place with few additional characters and survival elements recontextualizing the space around the player in times of intensity.
            Finally, I will be looking at some games that do not use the full potential of their environments and the detriment to the storytelling that is the result of such an experience. For this, I will be looking at Goodbye Volcano High (2023), and Cyberpunk 2077 (2020), both games that experienced several delays. Both offer empty virtual worlds, where there frequently feels like there should be more for the player to engage with given their Visual Novel and RPG genres.
Prospective Bibliography
Aarseth, Espen. “A Hollow World: World of Warcraft as Spatial Practice,” in Corneliussen, Hilde    G. and Jull Walker Rettberg, eds. Digital Culture, Play and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader (MIT Press, 2008): 111-122.
Alexander, Lily. “Fictional World-Building as Ritual, Drama, and Medium” in Wolf, Mark J.P.,        ed. Revising imaginary worlds: A subcreation studies anthology (Taylor & Francis,      2016): 14-45.
Álvarez, R., & Duarte, F. “Spatial Design and Placemaking: Learning from Video Games.”          Space and Culture 21.3 (2018): 208–232
Caracciolo, Marco. “Radical Environmental Storytelling in Video Games,” in Slow Narrative        and Nonhuman Materialities (University of Nebraska Press, 2022): 161-188.
CD Projekt Red. Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2020).
Christopher, David, and Aidan Leuszler. “Horror Video Games and the ‘Active-Passive’           Debate.” Games and Culture, 2022.
Creative Assembly. Alien Isolation. SEGA. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2014)
FromSoftware. Bloodborne. Bandai Namco. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2015).
FromSoftware. Elden Ring. Bandai Namco. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2022).
FromSoftware. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Activision. Xbox One/PC/PlayStation (2019).
Grodel, Torben. “Video Games and the Pleasures of Control.” Media Entertainment, 2000, 209–      26.
Hocking, Clint. “Ludonarrative Dissonance in Bioshock.” Click Nothing: Design from a Long Time Ago, (2007). https://clicknothing.typepad.com/click_nothing/2007/10/ludonarrative-d.html.
Jenkins, Henry. “Game Design as Narrative Architecture” in First Person: New Media as Story,          Performance, and Game. Ed. Pat Harrington and Noah Frup (MIT Press, 2004): 118– 30.
Kocurek, Carly A. “Who Hearkens to the Monster’s Scream? Death, Violence, and the Veil of the Monstrous in Video Games.” Visual Studies 30, no. 1 (2015): 79–89.
KO_OP. Goodbye Volcano High. KO_OP. Windows/PlayStation. (2023).
Krzywinska, T. “Blood scythes, festivals, quests, and backstories: World creation and rhetorics          of myth in World of Warcraft.” Games and Culture 1.4 (2006): 383-396.
Mark J.P. Wolf, “Beyond Immersion: Absorption, Saturation, and Overflow in the Building of      Imaginary Worlds,” in Marta Boni, ed. World Building, Transmedia, Fans, Industries          (Amsterdam UP, 2017). 204-214.
NetherRealm Studios. Mortal Kombat 1. Warner Bros. Games. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2023).
Perron, Bernard, Clive Barker, and Ewen Kirkland. “Storytelling in Survival Horror Video Games.” Essay. In Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play.
Ryan, Marie-Laure, and Thon, Jan-Noël, eds. Storyworlds across Media: Toward a Media-Conscious Narratology. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014.
Soriani, A, & Caselli, S. “Visual Narratives in Videogames: How Videogames Tell Stories             Through Graphical Elements.” img journal, 3, (2020) 474-499.
Thon, Jan-Noël, “Transmedial Narratology Revisited: On the Intersubjective Construction of           Storyworlds and the Problem of Representational Correspondence in Films, Comics, and          Video Games” Narrative 25 (2017): 286-320.
Playdead. Inside. Playdead. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2016).
Witch Beam. Unpacking. Humble Bundle. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2021). Creative Assembly. Alien Isolation. SEGA. Xbox/PC/PlayStation. (2014)
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starleska · 1 year
I'm not gonna lie, you're really convincing me to start writing/drawing/animating Y/N x Wally Darling stuff...
You have great concepts and the simp in me is being fed and I love it AHEGAJAGAJA I just worry that there's a chance that Clown had advised against it and I've yet to see that in a post somewhere in the past. But seeing as you're enjoying writing all the Reader x Wally Darling stuff with no worries (good on you btw!), it's all okay right?
/nm /gen
hey there Laurs!! aww, thank you very much 🥰💖 i love getting messages from people inspired by my fanworks, it makes my heart all fuzzy!! just a little endless cycle of good vibes and creativity :3c now, the bulk of your ask is a tough one to answer!! i know i've posted a lot of fanworks for Welcome Home, but at the end of the day, i'm just a fan like anyone else, trying to do my best to respect Clown's wishes. honestly, given the chance i would love to talk to them and ask these specific questions that a lot of fans have been firing in my direction. i have reached out, but understand those messages have likely been drowned under thousands of others!!
so @partycoffin, on the off-chance you're reading this: i hope you're doing well, and taking care of yourself in this terrifying, exciting time!! thank you for sharing your lovely world with us - we're all just so in love with your characters and universe 🥰💖 if you'd like to talk, please feel free to reach out. it would be great to know that you're okay, and i'd be happy to field any questions you have about your bustling new fandom (who have been destroying my own notifications for the past two weeks!!). it may be presumptuous of me, but perhaps having an inside look on what questions fans have might help make this explosive growth seem a little less scary. however, there's no obligation to reply - we're thankful all the same :3c
as far as i am aware at the time of writing this post, i don't think Clown has any problems with Wally x Anon/Reader/Y/N fanworks...or at least, i haven't come across any sources stating so.
the big thing that (if i'm understanding the guidelines correctly) is that Clown doesn't want us to be putting any NSFW Welcome Home material into the main tags. we have to remember that Welcome Home has blown up very quickly, and Clown deserves a chance to breathe and adjust to all this success before laying out those boundaries (if he wishes!). that's why, although i do write NSFW for other fandoms i'm refraining from doing so for Welcome Home until stated otherwise. i can't imagine how stressful it must be dealing with so many notifications, people impersonating, trying to sell their work, exhibiting invasive and creepy behaviour...on top of the overwhelming demand for new Welcome Home stuff. i think as fans we should just vibe and play in our own little bubbles without stressing them out too much, and adjust when we receive new information. for instance, i didn't know when i made my Wally Darling edit that they were uncomfortable with non-canon art being associated with the main game. i've since reached out to see if i should take the video down with no reply, and went with the consensus of a group of fans i asked for the opinions of - to leave it up until asked otherwise. pretty much - i don't think Wally Darling x Anon fanworks contravene the guidelines that Clown has given us so far. they aren't inherently NSFW, and i'd hope that anyone who is making NSFW fanworks is tagging appropriately, as is the courteous thing to do. i'm of the opinion that fans are going to do fandom things, and there's always going to be folks making adult-oriented works, and that's okay!! but i'm also always happy to respect the wishes of the creator in terms of how they'd like that work to be tagged and presented. i think Toby Fox did it best when he first suggested the 'Undertail' tag for NSFW works - a real stroke of genius that i see lots of fandoms still using today. again, do take this with a grain of salt! i don't know Clown, and very few of us do - we're just all interpreting his words in vastly different ways, and that must be terrifying to deal with; thousands of people getting very angry or very sad because they think they can or cannot do a specific thing they never actually said. it's not anyone's fault that Welcome Home blew up so suddenly and there wasn't time for precautions to be taken, but it is the fault of those fans who are overstepping boundaries and need to re-examine their relationship to this art. it sounds like you're good to go on making those animations, and i would personally love to see them 🥰 thanks again for being so sweet about my silly headcanons!! it's honestly been quite scary adjusting to the amount of attention, but please know i'm grateful and appreciative of every ask, reply and message that comes my way 💖
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 1 year
GODDDD YES I’ve been sucked back in so hard it’s crazy!! I’m trying to see if I can hit completion on this save file and phew 😪
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mohs-aphmau-hcs · 7 months
Ooooooo. Do you have any agere headcanons for Garroth, Laurence, Travis and Dante? I’m obsessed with your agere stuff :)
thank you anon!! ik I'm answering these, super late but still sbhdf
I love the idea of boy house sleepovers/playdates when they're regressed!! complete with blanket forts, video games, pizza, someone probably brought battery acid [the drink], everything you'd expect at a boy's sleepover
long analysis after read more, this ask got my brain turning sjdnf, might revise some other HC lists sometime too, and add more detail like in this one to make it fair ! [I definitely don't have a favorite group of characters and its definitely not the most basic favorite group of characters ever in this fandom pssh ]
I also want to clarify since I don't think I have before, while I post a lot about agere and everything is absolutely 100% SFW always, that does not always mean my HCs are safe to read when regressed!! I am someone who's experienced this for a long time and consider myself very well read/educated on this topic, so I talk about all parts of regression. including the messy/scary parts like trauma caused regression, involuntary and stress induced regression, innerchild care and healing, regression brought on by mental health disorders, everything. AgeRegression is a complex topic and mental state, a lot about it is fun, enjoyable, gives people a sense of community, and a safe space to heal. But its not always sunshine and rainbows especially for trauma survivors and I like giving representation to that side of it in my writing
Obviously regressors are 100% welcome on my blog! but when going through agere HCs pleasepleaseplease just keep in mind there might be some more heavy topics discussed if you are not able to handle those at that time !
I feel like Garroth would regress a few times a month on purpose to destress with loved ones. But I also feel like he would experience some forms of involuntary regression at certain points of his life, like the rest of the Ro'meaves, this is a trauma response
Garroth would probably regress from 3 - 10, lots of smiles, constantly needs to be hugging something or someone. He most likely has some type of security blanket or stuffie he carries around
Similar to Zane he might have some hang-ups at first with insecurities surrounding his coping mechanism, because of beliefs their father instilled in them. But he definitely learns to accept his childlike states a lot sooner than Zane despite Zane experiencing them more often
The person he'd trust most as a CG would most likely be Laurance, but he's also a very trusting and loving little guy so I think hed honestly go to anyone who knows about his regression and is willing/able to be with him and help in those moments
"Yeah bro- oh hey, Aww.. heyhey cmere, you alright little grizzly bear?"
"Mhm- jus..Wanted a hug"
"Aw, alright I got you bud. You want to go play legos until Laur and Travis get home?"
Laurance would be a lot more reluctant to regress around people despite desperately needing care and guidance
He's a character whos used to taking care of others and being kind of like the ring leader, he often falls into a caregiver role, but feels wrong letting others care for him.
Obviously, if Laurance voices that he genuinely doesn't want to be regressed and needs help coming out of it, Garroth will respect this. But sometimes Laurance recognizes that he just needs a little nudge to help him not worry so much ab others and let himself relax and Garroth knows this too
He regresses between the ages of 4 - 13 normally and drops down younger when very stressed.
If he does let someone know he's regressing, it will most likely be Garroth. In my HCs the boys are poly and obviously, everyone is equally loved and trusted, But Laurance and Garroth have a specific bond, mainly through being together through many hard moments, that make them more likely to go to the other when they need emotional support in a more intense or constant way.
Sometimes stress becomes too much even for him and he struggles to hide his regressed states, usually, this is when Garroth picks up on this and goes full papa bear mode. Making sure not to overwhelm him, and help him ease into being more comfortable since being vulnerable or letting other people take care of him can be an anxiety trigger, even though he does need it sometimes
When he does let himself regress, he usually just wants to cuddle
Quiet nights spent on the couch or in bed, listening to music while being held or rocked to sleep, or watching tv with some popcorn and a blanket
Him and Garroth also have. So many petnames and nicknames for each other both regression-wise and just in general
Me and Squid both HC Laurance to be a meifwa, when he's small he loves having his ears scratched and pet! kind of like playing with somebodies hair
He normally becomes pretty quiet when regressed, even if he's older
Usually just communicating with points and gestures, or small noises
TLDR: Laur needs to regress more to handle stress, he doesn't let himself, Garroth makes sure he still has that time for himself to relax and get cuddles
Travis would probably be a near life-long regressor due to a mix of mental health and neurodiversity, and trauma from a young age.
I could imagine them regressing younger or older, but honestly usually 3 - 4
They'd make huge pillow forts and blanket nests all the time, partly for comfort, and partly because when small its harder for them to mask demon instincts!! So they like having a small cavelike place to hide
Sometimes their regression can be flashback or fear caused, they've be through a lot and most of what they've been though happened as a kid. So sometimes a flashback can put them back in the mindset
When this happens they really only have a very small group of people their able to turn to and feel safe with, one obviously being Dante
Dante is also who they go to the most when they need a caregiver
Unless their regressed a bit older and more energetic, space for them is very very quiet and relaxing. Usually ending up in big blanket piles watching cartoons with some snacks
When their regressed, it's also a lot harder for them to hide in their human form which is another reason they normally go to Dante (I hc that Dante was the only person to know Travis is a demon in seasons 1 - 5 besides them and Terry)
Dante would definitely regress to around 8 - 10, big kiddo ages and energy to match!
If he doesn't get to a park within the first 5 minutes he is bolting to the backyard to run around and play with whatever he can find
He loves swings and seesaws, definitely stims on swings !
Sometimes he does go a bit younger, around 3 or 4
When this happens he's usually just as excited, but probably not running around as much. He's more likly to be playing some toddler apps on his phone or kicking his feet and watching animewith some juice(specfically bug juice if you know what that is, loved that shit growing up)
He's honestly comfortable being with anyone as his caregiver, obviously happens with Travis a tiny bit more because I see them as inseparable. But he's just as happy cuddling up with laurance or garroth, or even Aphmau and Aaron, and in later seasons especially Zane
He's just a little guy that's happy to be here
I feel like his head would tilt a bit when confused
In my aus and headcanons where Gene redeems himself, as adults when they regress together they still keep that playful sibling dynamic! And a lot of times gene will step up as a platonic caregiver since he knows all of Dantes old favorite cartoons and games from childhood
It took me, so long to finish this post but I'm really happy with it and I hope you all still keep enjoying my agere content!
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emotionalcadaver · 2 months
Do you like the hunger games as well? Because thanks to Shark I'm jumping around asking people about their ocs and this world 🤭.
If so, what can you tell me about Lucy in THG? District? Weapons? Do you think she can win??
If not, you're free to ignore this!
Flor, I was sitting here working on my response, and then I started more seriously thinking about a tribute!Lucy x mentor!Tommy fic and oh no I think I now have half the plot outline for another AU written in my head what have you doneeeeeeeee
You all have been absolutely killing it with your posts about your OCs in The Hunger Games! I am obsessed with reading about everyone's lovely little murder babies! 🥰
I'm not 100% sure what District Lucy would be from. Probably 5, 7, or 12 (let me know if you think a certain one in particular would suit her!) Her family would still be impoverished, and she and her brothers would put their names in multiple times to get more food and resources. She would still be an avid horseback rider from the time she was little, and her mother would be of Covey descent.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I remember that guns are not a weapon option in the area, which does put her at a bit of a disadvantage. Her weapon of choice in that case would be a set of throwing knives, which she's still pretty damn accurate with.
I think she'd have a pretty good shot at winning, and not just because I'm biased 🤭 She would have a good element of surprise on the other tributes, because she's so tiny I doubt many of them would consider her a legitimate threat. She's physically much stronger than she looks, and smart and adaptable enough that she would be able to adjust based on whatever arena she gets tossed into.
It depends on the arena, but I could see her employing stealth: hiding out and picking off tributes one by one. She would approach things very carefully and methodically, at least in the beginning. I don't see her being the type of make allies. She's too distrusting and would prefer to lone-wolf it. She's more than willing to play dirty if she has to, and can be downright vicious, especially if backed into a corner and in hand to hand combat. And she's not above tossing someone at a mutt to save herself if she has to.
Also, if she's got Tommy as her mentor, he'll be working hard to get her lots of sponsors and help from the outside.
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🦙 + Laurens!!!!
Thanks so much for this, Grace!! Also gonna tag Laurens’s other biggest fan @dancingsunflowers-ocs!! <3
Their go-to song to cry to: “Being Alive” from the musical Company.
Their love language: Acts of service for both giving and receiving.
Their favorite holiday movie: The second Home Alone movie.
Their pettiest moment: When he’d just started college, one of his classmates who recognized the story behind his last name made a few rude comments about his whole family being “crazy conspiracy theorists”. Never one to let his family be disrespected, even if he was trying to distance himself from them, Laurens stood up from his desk and announced to the entire lecture hall that he’d seen the guy making the comments making out with a girl who was definitely not his girlfriend at a frat party the previous evening.
Their favorite 60s song: “L-O-V-E” by Nat King Cole.
Their nicknames: I mean, Laurens is in itself a nickname, as well as his middle name, and beyond that he doesn’t really have any, aside from sometimes letting those close to him call him Laur or Laurie.
Their go-to karaoke song: “Yellow Submarine” by The Beatles.
A color you associate with them: Royal blue; it’s his favourite colour, so of course I associate it with him.
An event from their Prom night: He didn’t actually go to his prom, since he was embarrassed he didn’t have anyone to go with or even any friends to hang out with at the dance, but he did spend the whole night playing card games with his mom and helping her with some of her research, which he had fun doing.
Their favorite wild animal: Red pandas. He thinks they’re goofy and cute, and they remind him of Riley for some inexplicable reason.
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send me 🦙 + an oc!!
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starryriize · 2 months
xikers reacting to you liking f1
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: this is a repost from my other acc!! i think i might do an smau for racer xikers…idk we’ll see
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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minjae - would 100% be down to watch f1 with you!! strikes me as the type to love the underdogs of the grid (williams, alfa, etc) and definitely watches the funniest moments of f1 with you later :) also watches grill the grid with you just to see if either of you know the answers
junmin- he definitely has f1tv and has seen drive to survive so best believe that he's incredibly happy that you like f1...even if it's because charles leclerc is devastatingly handsome. is 1000% down to watch it with you after you get home from work or when you need a break from studies! he definitely gets you matching f1 merch
sumin - he’s lowkey unimpressed by f1 since it’s watching cars go round and round BUT he’s willing to watch a few races with you bc he knows how much you enjoy it!! doesn’t admit it but later watches drive to survive and orders matching merch for the two of you!!
jinsik - doesn’t strike me as the type to follow f1 all that much but he’s definitely down to watch highlights and binge drive to survive! he’s definitely a big fan of oscar and yuki :) wants to watch past races because he thinks that the history behind f1 is so cool which leads to cuddling while watching the story of fangio on netflix and how f1 started!!
hyunwoo - once again, doesn’t strike me as the type to really want to watch it but is definitely a fan of the ps5 game!! has a whole day set aside for when you each catch up on what kinds of f1 news you’ve been reading and then a cuddle sesh while watching f1 recaps and netflix!! he finds it cute that you support the underdog teams :)
hunter - he’s cultured and tbh gets so hype when you tell him you got paddock passes!! definitely wants to meet yuki and see the mclaren cars <3 the type to take insta worthy pics of you at the GP too!! oh he’s also most definitely aware of every single trend and gossip going around the f1 world
junghoon - he’s seen it and is vaguely familiar with it but decides to start with drive to survive. wants you to not be ashamed to like motorsport! asks why you like f1 and when you begin explaining that you simply like the whole team management concept, he suggests you major in management instead of what your parents expect you to do
seeun - strikes me as the one to be happy for you but he thinks it’s a waste to pay for the f1tv subscription so he finds other ways to enjoy f1 with you!! he’s definitely bought you some ferrari jewelry or apm monaco stuff because he knows you like ferrari!! he’s always ready with two cups of coffee and blankets when you want to play f1 with him!! he usually would play and let you win because he likes seeing your smile
yujun - i don’t think he would follow f1 all that much but is 100% down to watch the race highlights with you :)) definitely listens intently when you explain the rules and how each team has been doing! thinks your commentary is much better than crofty because your voice is 1000x more calming to him, plus he remembered it all!! went and got you daniel’s merch after you kept going on about his story and how you sympathized with him!! whatever team you like, he likes <3
yechan - the type to make bets about who wins in which he always says some underrated driver who definitely has no chance and you say verstappen. definitely sends you reels and edits of f1 drivers immediately followed by a selfie of him where he asks who is cuter!! thinks you only watch f1 for the drivers and you keep repeating that it’s because you’ve liked mclaren since you were little! watches highlights and grill the grid with you, but tells you to spend money on his photo cards not on f1 drivers :(
🫧join laur’s taglist!
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