#leak warning
queerspeculoos · 1 year
i cant believe they put sans undertale in genshin impact
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aghostsdestiny · 2 years
Can confirm the leak rumors going around.
Friends... it is MASSIVE. Avoid risky community areas if you dont want spoilers because IT IS HUGE.
I guarantee that if you hate spoilers you WILL hate this one so much it will RUIN things for you. This may even ruin it for people who dont hate, but merely dislike, spoilers. Its that big of a deal.
I am a spoiler person; i have seen the leak, lol. Spoilers are fun for me, but not for everyone. Please, spoiler fam, dont willingly damage Destiny for others. ⭐ We're better than that. Let them enjoy their game :)
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worriedvision · 2 years
Leak talk utc again!
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I hope to god it is like the keqing situation because I'll be so mad if I have to roll continuously on standard only to get my 6th Jean or any 5 star that isn't Tighnari or Diluc lol!
Ik that some people said Ayaka was gonna be added to standard before she came out and it didn't happen and no Inazuman 5 star units are in the standard, but since it's another element it's more than likely that a DENDRO 5 star will be chucked in.
I decided not to answer these directly since it wouldn't be possible to but a cut for those who do t want to see it
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fcreststridcr · 2 years
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jesncin · 6 months
Coddling Colonizer Guilt
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"Performative diversity is when MAWS features a Native American variant of Lois Lane in the multiverse episode only to end the season on a Thanksgiving episode."
...is something I like to joke with my friends as a shorthand for referencing MAWS' squeamish approach to politics while still trying to reap the clout of "diverse representation". I want to get my thoughts out there and perhaps start a discussion over why this feels off.
Some disclaimers: Firstly, I'm not Native American. Understand this is an observation I'm making from an outsider perspective with no personal authority. I'm just a disappointed Asian Lois Lane fan. Secondly, I know the MAWS crew/creators had no malicious intent in any of these (what I consider) poor writing decisions. I'm simply here to challenge and analyze these narrative and visual choices.
MAWS takes a fairly controversial take on Superman mythos so far. Unlike Superman's historic roots as an allegory for Jewish immigrants with Clark coming from a Kryptonian socialist utopia (leading the imperfect people of Earth to a better tomorrow), MAWS chooses instead to reimagine Superman as a descendant from a planet of "alien invaders". If the leaked(?) concept art (warning potential spoilers for s2) is to be believed, Clark is the direct descendent of the leaders of the "Kryptonian Empire". Supposedly gone are the parents of Superman being scientists that warn of the destruction of their home planet- instead we have the "proud, loving, brilliant" "leaders of the Kryptonian Empire".
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While we don't know if this is the direction the show is going in, there are already cryptic hints of it being planted and thematic elements set up that point to it being a possibility. Clark had spent a majority of the season wondering what/who he is (being incapable of talking to Jor-El's hologram because of a language barrier) only to find out his supposed origins in episode 9. He's devastated learning that he's an alien invader and, once he regroups with his friends, angsts about believing he's a weapon sent from Krypton to invade Earth. Asian-Lois Lane and Black-Jimmy Olsen assure White-passing-alien-man Clark Kent that he's different and not like other colonizers. Clark ultimately saves the day, proving he's an exception. It's curious then that the season ends on Thanksgiving.
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As I've mentioned before, MAWS is exhaustively squeamish with getting political. Whatever happens in the show that resembles "themes" is quickly contradicted with very little consistent internal logic. One minute Superman is supposedly a threat that "wipes out good American jobs", should "go back to where he came from" and Lois makes a hope speech about how we shouldn't treat people who "are different" and "don't look like us" (??) with cruelty (so Clark's an immigrant going through xenophobia?) and the next he's a redeemed colonizer (a more prominent thematic arc). One minute Clark is "different" and scared of being othered- likened to a gay couple and allegorically closeted, and the next his friends call him out for being a lying liar for not disclosing his marginalized identity within a week (the narrative frames Lois and Jimmy as being in the right). This show's writing is non-committal with what it wants to say, and largely goes on vibes. That is to say I don't think the writers intended for the themes of colonizer guilt to accidentally tie into Thanksgiving as a set piece for their final episode.
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I'm sure the reason the writers chose Thanksgiving as their final episode is because it's "relateable". Half the episode is dedicated to slice of life family reunion shenanigans and the dang turkey still not being cooked through. But in choosing Thanksgiving, the writers told on themselves here with their biases. The existence of Thanksgiving implies the existence of genocide (of Native American people) by colonists in the MAWS universe. And yet Black Jimmy Olsen doesn't know what racism is (Mallah and the Brain give him a judgmental stare as Jimmy admits he can't relate to being violently marginalized) and Asian American Lois Lane doesn't understand immigration and xenophobia (constantly being entitled to Clark's immigrant identity, being incapable of comprehending why he would keep it a secret, because secrets are lies). The MAWS crew wanted a "relateable" set piece but in doing so ended up reinforcing the historical revisionism the holiday entails. A foreign colonizer sharing a meal with his friends of color on Earth, whose culture, history, and identity are all white washed.
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I would like to challenge this idea that Thanksgiving is somehow the "relateable" choice. Why pick this holiday? Why not celebrate Thanksgiving as a National Day of Mourning (as some Native Americans do)? Why not pick any Jewish holiday as a nod to Superman's creators (ignoring this version's colonizer interpretation for a second)? Why not pick Lunar New Year, a holiday celebrated by many people including Koreans (Seollal in South Korea)? It could've been another fun opportunity to showcase Lois' heritage, and create a fusion of cultures from Jimmy and Clark's families. At its most non-political and secular, why couldn't they pick any weekend? This is what happens when a show doesn't consider its world building and setting in a holistic way. MAWS will nod to xenophobic rhetoric, portray allegorical queer marginalization, and make the vaguest nods to systemic bigotry (Prof Ivo displaced a whole neighborhood! Yet we never hear from those figurative displaced people). But it does nothing to discuss any of that on a deeper level. Its characters of color don't know what racism is and Thanksgiving is just a fun family reunion, guys.
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All this and they had the audacity to sneak in a Native American Lois Lane in the multiverse episode?? Why is she, out of all the Lois Lanes in this screencap, the only one in full traditional wear? Why isn't she in a smart casual business fit like Black Lois and STAS white Lois? Would she not have been recognizably Native American to the non-Native audience otherwise? Isn't this tokenizing? Do you think she has a xenophobic dad in the military like Korean American Lois does?
But that fits MAWS' approach to diversity, doesn't it? Surface level cultural nods, maybe make Lois wear a hanbok one time, and let the audience eat it up. Never mind that both Korean American Lois and Native American Lois have been stripped of their culture and history in every other aspect.
I use the word "relateable" a lot here, but I think the important question to ask is "relateable for who?". 'Immigrant' is too charged a word, so MAWS universalizes Clark's marginalization to "being different". Superman isn't even an immigrant in this version, that was all a smokescreen for the twist that he's actually a descendent of colonizers! Being wracked with colonizer guilt is way more relateable to the white audience than being an immigrant, surely. Thanksgiving is more relateable than celebrating any culturally specific holiday our "diverse reimagining" could have represented. Characters of color being functionally white (in a way that doesn't threaten middle America) is way more relateable. MAWS is a show that doesn't want to delve into Native American history. It would rather put a Native American Lois hologram on a pedestal and call it a day.
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starf4wn · 4 months
I don't know how tf will Jay end up in the wolf army thing but hey that's hella cool because he is finally getting that villain arc, guess I'll celebrate doing art
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14dayswithyou · 8 days
Say hi to renren for me
So I was having computer problems and had to restart my laptop, but when I tried to redownload the game it said locked with a password. I was wondering how I can obtain the password I love your game so much! P.s I read what happened and I apologize you went through that
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaa thank you for your concern ;v; I appreciate you!!
As for the password; you can get it in the 14DWY Discord — or wait for it to be publicly released on Itch!! Day 3.5 is still in early beta/access, so only the Discord community can playtest it right now ^^ The community is waaaay smaller (and no minors!!), which makes it easier for me to handle any bugs/issues/feedback.
But Day 3.5 will be made public very soon, so please don't feel pressured into joining if you don't want to!! ^^ Thank you very much for your endless patience! And a big thank you to everyone in da server for listening to my wishes about not leaking/spoiling anything!
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sbggarakungfood · 2 months
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Looking at the sky, agent walker brainrot #3
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buiemies · 9 months
They say there’s something lurking deep within the waters of Fontaine 🫧
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sawdust-emperor · 3 months
I do love how Mash is basically surrounded by losers on all sides, and the show admits this - other shows and manga either give the MC loser friends and never admit it (saying that these deeply flawed people around the MC are almost fine as they are, and just need a little tweaking via MC shenanigans to be functional) or give the MC a wad of cool popular friends to bounce off of, with issues that don't make them losers. Not Mashle - Mash's friends are all sorts of fucked up JUST LIKE REAL TEENS ARE. Desperate to fit in. Wanting to charge in and fix the world. Chasing the affection of the people around them with grand gestures and coat-tail grabbing. Even the 'cool' kids aren't your stereotypical cool cast: Abyss clings to Abel because Abel accepted him at the lunch table, and Abel is a bitter, hurt teenager coping with loss by being the magic equivalent of the rich mean girl with a private 'friends only' club to everyone at school. Margarette comes out on top at Orca dorm in the sense that nobody challenges them face-to-face - in private, their classmates call them creepy and find them macabre. They'd probably do the same to Abel, if Abel wasn't trying to run a secret society within the dorm that scared off commoners.
It feels ridiculous, but also very, very real.
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 8 months
*one quiet night in usikstan*
Farah, to Alex: “can I kiss you?”
Alex, breathless: “Yes…” *pulls back* “But, um, let me first-”
*a horrendous sound of a wet seal breaking* *Alex reaches his whole hand into his mouth* *two teeth shaped plastic invisiline retainers are pulled out and set on the side table with a soft click*
Alex, starry-eyed, still breathless: “Okay”
Farah: … “nevermind.”
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drblacula · 18 days
:9 < actually , thinking about it I never understood the hate for horropedia . Like yk looking back at the 1 . 2 event like YEAH he did talk a LOT like oh my goodness gracious he has a fucking degree in yapping from the University of Monologuing in Chatterville but like I dunno . I kind of see it as just an autistic guy expressing his interests at times where it 's probably not a good time to do so and NOT picking up the social cues . I like horropedia because I see myself in him , like a lot . like if he was a nerdy black guy canonically then he would LITERLLLY BE ME like yes i LOVE talking for HOURS ON END about my interests but besides that I think that he 's like . I dunno a pretty good example of a guy with undiagnosed autism and maybe adhd BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM ME . this is all alleged guys / j And yeah , he was snapping at almost everyone during the 1 . 2 event like crazy and beefing with blonney ( who i think has a sibling bond with horropedia god bless but thats just my HC guys ) , but i dunno imo i think of it as him taking what blonney said about horror movies and movies in general i think but dont quote me on that because i think ( I THINK !!! ) a lot of autistic people do get defensive about their interests to the point where they start beefing it out like horropedia did LIKE ITS HIS SPECIAL INTEREST GUYS THATS HIS FUCKING LIVELIHOOD at least 4 me my spinterests are like . very important to me and i will fight tooth and nail with you abt them . specifically if they are about characters sometimes im sorry
like i dunno this is just my take on it anddd IF YOU DISAGREE its cool i dont gaf but if you genuinely hate him get the fuck out my trap house IM PLAYINGGG you are free to hate who you want . free will guys we gotta love it but like i love him im sorry but ilove him
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mythicmalasada · 11 months
so i made an entire longpost explaining why my scaraney brainrot is real and tender and why i’m insane . but i decided these shitposts would convey my emotions better
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thoughts on the tdp s6 leaks
aaravos is alone in a space with a galaxy sky, mountains, and a pool of water reflecting everything perfectly.
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so theory 1 is that this place used to be a civilization before this star fell
and aaravos maybe befriended the people there. maybe they got out of line, out of what was supposed to be the natural order so the startouch elves in charge eradicated them all.
aaravos is devastated, and that wide shot is intending to show how painfully alone he now is, when the other startouch elf “beams in” to existence to comfort him with something he takes to heart.
but in this context saying something like that doesn’t really seem that comforting?
but he does take it to heart then, committing as many war crimes as the length of your amazon wishlist was justified because nothing is permanent and if other startouch elves can wipe out societies with so much as a side eye so can he but changing things for the better or cheating the rules of the system maybe.
theory 2: this place is the startouch dimension and only they can beam into there.
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so maybe aaravos was caught in a really painful moment and had to step away and be alone for a moment and the merciful one approached to comfort the star of elarion.
so, when is this really painful moment, you might ask?
whats interesting again is that this takes place with aaravos’s star blacked out.
we see in the shot of aaravos during the half moon decision by luna tenebris that his hair is glowing, skin is brighter, eyes are pink, star is white, but not here. so either
a. something took place between luna tenebris half moon and present day, which i doubt because i can’t think of anything (but admittedly we don’t know much about that era, just that humans were cast out, etc, then aaravos decided to go after luna tenebris and all of xadia, so maybe it actually is plausible that some unknown event occurred to break him like this, or perhaps the dividing of xadia itself.)
b. the other possibility, which i favor, is that aaravos was just in power up form in the half moon decision shot, and he otherwise would have the black star etc. just like here
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then the event breaking him is perhaps
1. losing leola (leola’s last wish implies she left for something, maybe she sacrificed herself so that humanity could have primal magic) who he had some sort of bond with
2. the fall of elarion & loss of ziard+etc (which i favor, benevolent prometheus angle) or
3. learning that all humanity would be sentenced to die (before luna tenebris was convinced to spare them)
4. becoming a fallen star
idkk lmk what you think if you feel like it and thanks for reading my braindump :)
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
they should make more merch of idw sonic characters . great eastern i want surge and kit plushies on my desk by tomorrow morning
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mintaikcorpse · 9 months
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