lemonboyjosten · 3 years
andrew minyard : i hate you
neil :
ⓘ 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
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mulberrymelancholy · 3 years
One step at a time
My @aftgexchange gift for @lemonboyjosten You said “hurt/comfort” and I couldn’t resist. Hope you enjoy it!
It was a good day, Andrew had decided.
He and Neil had gone to the zoo as per Nicky’s request – “They’re opening the penguin exhibit Andrew! Penguins!” – and even he couldn’t hide a smile when they waddled up to Neil and pecked his red hair curiously. It was small, an almost microscopic curve of his lips. Logically, Neil shouldn’t have seen it, but somehow he did. And he smiled back at Andrew. Small and secretive but warm and so full of love that it made Andrew’s breath catch in his throat.
Then he lost his breath when a kid dropped their bright-blue slushy on Aaron’s brand-new beige chinos.
It was a good day.
 It was a good day, but Neil was sweating next to him in their bed despite the winter cold. He was trembling, murmuring so quickly and sharply that he sounded like a frightened animal, cornered with nowhere to run and no idea of how to escape. It sounded like he was begging and all Andrew wanted was for it to stop.
“Neil,” Andrew whispered, his voice rough with sleep. “Wake up.”
Neil didn’t respond, his breathes now coming in short shallow gasps that burrowed into Andrew’s heart and activated an instinct that he didn’t know he still had. He didn’t want to touch Neil when he was in this state, so he hovered just above him, bending low so that he could speak directly into Neil’s ear. “Neil,” he said softly. “You’re safe. You’re here. Wake up.”
Neil’s arms relaxed slightly and Andrew had the brief thought that he should probably stop crowding Neil’s personal space before a solid fist connected with his jaw.
Things happened in slow motion; Andrew sitting up on the bed, rubbing at his jaw, Neil blinking the sleep out of his eyes, looking slowly at his knuckles. Andrew could see the realisation dawn in his eyes, before a look of abject horror crossed Neil’s face and he scrambled out of bed. Andrew unsuccessfully tried to reach out to reassure him, but his hand fell short, and Neil sprinted from the room.
“Fucking hell,” hissed Andrew, watching him leave.
 He found him on the roof a few moments later, a bag of frozen peas pressed to his jaw.
Neil was curled tightly, trying to make himself as small as he was that first day Andrew pulled him out of the fire. Only, this time Neil was trembling so violently that the long sleeves he normally wore to bed had slipped down his to his elbows and Andrew saw for the first time the scars that were so different from his own. Neil’s were round and deep, asymmetric and frantic, while Andrew’s were thin and sharp, betraying a system that Andrew didn’t even notice he had at the time.
Andrew dropped the blanket he was carrying around Neil’s shoulders, but the redhead didn’t respond until Andrew sat down next to him.
“Andrew I’m –“
“Don’t apologise.”
Neil looked at him sharply, and Andrew blinked at the moisture in his eyes.
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I apologise? I hit you, Andrew!”
“Because I was crowding you while you were panicking. That was my fault and I should have known better.”
Neil sputtered for a moment. “Y-you were trying to help. I shouldn’t’ve reacted –“
“I can take a punch, Josten.”
“For God’s sake, ‘Drew, that doesn’t mean you have to,” Neil whispered, his voice cracking. Andrew felt a twinge in his heart in response. “Fuck.” Neil whipped angrily at the tears flowing down his cheeks.
Andrew gently pulled his arms back down to his side. “You’re allowed to cry.”
Neil used his arms to clutch at the blanket and pulled it across his shoulders and knees as he sobbed quietly. Andrew didn’t say anything until he stopped sniffling, and by that time the skyline was already glowing in the soft orange that promised a bright dawn.
“I wanted today to start good,” Neil whispered, so softly that it was as if he would shatter the silence and everything else good in the world if he dared say what he wanted to. Andrew inclined his head to tell Neil that he was listening, and Neil smiled softly, his eyes tired. “It’s been going so well. I wanted to wake up this morning with both of us warm in bed and the sun coming in through the windows and now I fucked that up.”
“Healing isn’t linear, Josten.”
“I know. I know, but I-“ Neil wiped his hand over his face, burying it in his hair, clutching the back of his skull to pull himself even smaller.
“Yes or no?” Andrew asked.
Neil finally looked him in the eyes. “Yes,” he said instantly.
Andrew sighed, grabbing the blanket and spreading it across his shoulders as well. He tentatively rested his arm across Neil’s shoulders instead, and waited until Neil relaxed into him to let it tense. He pulled Neil close to his chest, letting his own body heat warm him up.
It was then that Neil noticed that Andrew had left his armbands behind. He stared at the methodical cuts. “Yes or no?” he whispered.
Andrew swallowed, but buried his face in Neil’s hair and inhaled deeply. “Yes,” he breathed.
Neil traced the scars, his fingertips so light that it was as if he though the pressure from his fingerprints would be enough to make the old scars burst open once again.
“I survived that,” Andrew said into his hair. He tapped Neil’s arm. “And you survived this too. We aren’t going to let the damn things get to us now.”
They sat in the quiet, as close as they could be, huddled under the blanket and watching the sunrise. Andrew played with a strand of Neil’s hair that was long enough to tickle his cheek, brushing across the freckles as if it were a paintbrush splattering stars across a broken sky. At some point, Neil started talking; about his father, a man so awful that he had spent most of his childhood years running away, about his mother, a woman so awful she had made him believe he could. Neil spoke about being pulled back, the war with the Moriyamas, the torture, the deal with the police in exchange for his and Kevin’s freedom. By the time he was done, the sun was high in the sky, but Neil’s hands were still cold and trembling, perhaps now more due to exhaustion instead of fear.
“We should probably feed the cats,” Andrew said, although he made no move to get up and do so. Neil was resting his head against Andrew’s chest, his side fitting perfectly. Andrew felt like they were a matching puzzle that he didn’t want to break.
Neil hummed. Andrew looked down to see that his eyes were closed, a soft smile on Neil’s face as if he were halfway to the blissful sleep he had missed that morning. It made Andrew’s heart ache.
“I’m going to pick you up, Neil. Yes or no?” he whispered gently. Neil hummed again, and burrowed further into his chest. “Neil?”
“Yes,” Neil yawned.
Andrew lifted him up with ease, cradling his legs and shoulders as Neil’s head stayed where it was. Andrew made sure the blanket was still covering both their arms. While he didn’t care what the other residents of Neil’s building thought, he knew that Neil didn’t want Matt or the others to see the scars he was carrying.
Kevin raised his eyebrows when he saw them walking down the stairs, but Andrew judged the dazed look in his eyes and decided he was too hungover to pay them much attention and just shrugged as he let himself back into the apartment.
The cats were clawing at his legs the whole way from the front door to the bedroom, but he the glare he shot them kept them mostly quiet. Neil woke up from the jostling when Andrew put him back in the bed, and mumbled a sleepy, “Drew?”
“Stay,” Andrew said, tucking the blanket around him and walking out, closing the door behind him once the cats had followed him out.
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rainbowd00dles · 3 years
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my Fall @aftgexchange piece for @lemonboyjosten who asked for Butcher!Neil and law enforcement!Andrew and my mind went to Killing Eve AU and I may be a little obsessed with it. I hope you Like it!
please do not use, edit or post my art to other sites
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aftgexchange · 3 years
Round Up: Fall 2021
Renison go on a museum date by @wishbonetea for eloquent-apollo (renison)
Aaron and Katelyn at a Halloween party by @autumnalpalmetto for roseandwoodbine (aaron x katelyn)
BNHA AU by @gayberooni for bri-ghtly (andreil)
Dark Academia Kandreil by @caraleadraws for thematicallycoherent (kandreil)
Sleeping Together/Just Being Close by @thematicallycoherent for rappakalja (andreil)
Introducing King Fluffkins by @kevingayimeanday for jeni182 (andreil)
A Fluffy, Cute, Autumnal Vibe by @sqacey-draws for andrew-is-foxy (andreil)
Neil somehow always gets roped into team or friends costumes every year for Halloween, some Andrew doesn’t like and some he does by @teomoy for buckywithegoodhair (andreil)
Punk AU by @sirfatcat-mccatterson for kingfluffkins-thethird (wymack x abby)
Killing Eve AU by @rainbowd00dles for lemonboyjosten (andreil)
Artist AU by @linecrosser for caraleadraws (jean x neil)
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uwereamazing · 3 years
rules: divide your favourite characters into categories, any media - books, tv, movies, anything really, as many categories as you figure there are, find the similarities and have fun! tag as many people as you like <3
here are the 4 categories i found:
broken husk of a man (on the inside) but tough as nails (on the outside): ANDREW MINYARD, Bucky Barnes, (Ronan Lynch), Elliot Alderson, Lada Dragwlya, Abel Tannatek, (Dara Shirazi)
witty sarcastic lovable assholes: Jesper Fahey, (Ronan Lynch), Rhy Maresh, John Murphy, Santana Lopez, Ron Swanson, Neil Josten
wholesome Softbois™: Wylan van Eck, Luna Lovegood, Zeke Figuero, Albus Dumbledore (he barely belongs to this category but I really wanted to include him), Finn Hudson, (Dara Shirazi), Queen Bitterblue
INTJs: Katniss Everdeen, Clay Jensen, Kaz Brekker
tagging: @aaronmnyrd; @oceanburned; @milominyard; @skunked-up-kicks; @artemeis; @madroxed; @xxpsychexx; @thetrojeans; @satans-trainee; @louisminyard; @kayascodelorio; @grenadesforfeet; @lemonboyjosten; @foxpaws10; @3minyard-josten10; @spacekote; @officerripley; @theoversloth;@cigarettesnkisses; @artiekraft; (also tagging you reading this if you wanna do it) have fun ♥
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I wrote a fic for @lemonboyjosten as part of the @aftgexchange and it includes the cats, a bath, and andreil being domestic af. I hope you enjoy it! 💜
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
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andrew is unfortunately super hella gay.
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lemonboyjosten · 2 years
i apologize for all the notifications i just really like your content✨
omg hii!! any form of interaction makes my little heart soar, so i say, spam away and thank you for all the love. i’m truly glad that you like my aftg brainrot content as much as i do creating them;)
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
grey is andrew blue is neil
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this is canon at some point,,,i swear on it
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
neil : they're mean to me
/ | \
/ \
/ \ andrew : who tf
/ \ 읏
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
men i have cried over:
1. absolutely none, no man deserves my tears. all men are a disgrace. there are NO exceptions.
2. neil "you know i get it" josten
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
andreil dying of old age instead of their past traumas of abusers and mafias is just BEAUTIFUL
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
the fact that andrew minyard and neil josten invented consensual love is what keeps me going tbh.
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
sometimes at night i keep thinking about the fact that i'll never find a love that's as promising and whole as what andrew and neil share together,,,and then i proceed to cry
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
boyfriend fun facts by neil josten
1. drew has a pulse kink
2. drew smells like strawberries and cigarettes
3. drew would skin you alive you if even breathed in the direction of his ice cream collection
3. drew has nice biceps and pretty eyes
4. drew is the best kisser on this planet (they're more addictive than heroine, so don't try it at home kids)
5. drew like likes me
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lemonboyjosten · 3 years
you know what keeps me up at night? the fact that our darling loverboy/midget has been pining for the ginger since forever, throwing neil with casual hints to enunciate his crush on him non-verbally, only realising that neil is as clueless as ever until...
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andrew decides to fuck the filters and go for the direct "that doesn't mean i wouldn't blow you" punch instead.
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