#leo tarot reading
astroangel23 · 2 years
Pick a Card: What is your crush holding back from you?🫣📨💗
reminder that tarot is based off of current energy and energy is forever changing. tarot is never a set in stone answer, so if this reading gets to in your feels just take it with a grain of salt and remember to love yourself first 🤍
Please let me know if or how it resonates, I love hearing your feedback 🗣️
Check out my YouTube channel for more pac's; the link is found on my page 🌟
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Yo pile one this person is geeked out over you lmfao i have been so bubbly throughout this entire reading, making me blush like staaaahp 🤭🫣 this person could have missed an opportunity with you and is now in their feels with regret for not going for it. They could have been nervous of how it would go with you but regardless of how it went down this person is holding in all of their emotions, absolutely overwhelmed with feelings towards you but they're also afraid it's too late, that you wouldn't be interested the way you used to be. They could be acting as if they aren't interested or bothered with you but with the two of swords followed by the ten of cups + ten of wands that is obviously an illusion. They want to rush in and celebrate with you, have a passionate reunion. This person is feeling confident to make moves towards you and I feel they are making plans, day dreaming about how they're going to proceed with you but they do have some mental conflict with fear of rejection but I think they'll come around. You could also be excited about this person because the energy was so strong at the beginning I was literally singing one in a million + don't matter like dayum get a room guys jk lmfao. lapis lazuli is used to clear the throat chakra + the third eye chakra so maybe this person has had a realization towards you or this connection - Astro Angel 💚
One in a Million - Aaliyah + Don't Matter - Akon
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Pile two, while shuffling instead of saying what is pile two's crush holding back, I said what is pile two's crush feeling towards them? So, I assume you are curious of how they actually feel which is that they see you as someone they want to take out and get to know on an intimate level, they see you as their personal wish fulfillment when it comes to love. They don't want to miss their chance with you and watch you couple up with another person. What they hold back is... 18+ baby lmao the judgment card in this deck is someone sleeping and their spirit is leaving their body like astral traveling so this person could be fantasizing about you with the queen of wands + the strength card. There is a heeeeeavy physical attraction this person feels towards you 🥵 I feel that they're holding this info back because they don't want these intimate feelings to overshadow the fact that they are genuinely interested in you and the person you are but do know this person has two sides to them, a loyal, stable person that's down to earth and the other side is ready to serve any need you feel necessary 🫡🫣 Ruby Zoisite helps to align your throat, root, and heart chakras, I feel this person is a grounded person who knows themselves and truly only wants to respect you - Astro Angel 💚
Bouncin - Kiana Ledé
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Hi pile three! I don't believe your crush has came out and told you that they are interested in you on more than a platonic level because they're not ready for something serious. It has nothing to do with you, it has all to do with them knowing they have deep trauma when it comes to trusting people when it comes to romantic connections. They don't want to overburden you or make the connection you have or if any connection messy. They want to continue to focus on themselves to overcome their burdens in order to pursue you ok a healthy level. They want you to just trust the timeline and know that it has nothing to do with you. Amazonite aids in heart space healing and is also used to manifest, so I feel this person truly is committed to their healing journey and will come out a new version of themselves - Astro Angel 💚
More Than a Woman - Aaliyah
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Pile four, instead of asking the cards "what is your crush holding back from you", "what is your crush hiding" slipped out and with your crystal being the clear quartz it seems there's something that's trying to be brought to your attention. Okay, so there's definitely two different groups here. Group one, this person doesn't want you to know that they're in a committed relationship. They're hiding a queen of cups in the background, someone that has deep feelings for them. Everyone in the 7 of Pentacles card has their eyes closed, which tells me they don't want you to find out because they want to grow something with you because this person feels passion towards you. Group 2, this is an ex of yours that may be in a relationship but is highly considering leaving this relationship because it's not a soulmate connection and they miss the realness they felt with you. They want to express how they want to put the past behind you and find forgiveness within your connection. This person is coming up as the King of Pentacles, he wants a stable connection in his life. Jasmine Sullivan - Need U Bad, listen to it. - Astro Angel 💚
Group one: Kisses Down Low - Kelly Rowland
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alyjojo · 8 months
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Love Reading 🤤- October 2023 - Leo
Overall energy: The Fool
How you will meet: 10 Swords
How they will treat you: The Star
Long-term Potential: 7 Cups
Oracle: Pick one thing beyond your control and let it go. Just like that.
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise From Ashes
I doubt many people will resonate with this, but it’s for someone that’s mentally distraught. You’ve ended a very powerful connection (well, they did), and you’re just waiting on this person. What are they doing? Why did they leave? When are they coming back? It may have been quite some time already, with Wheel of Fortune & 7 Pentacles showing up here. This is a relationship that’s over, done with, 10 Swords & Death. It could’ve been very painful, probably had some level of betrayal involved. The Devil can show something toxic between you, or it’s just showing that waiting on this person, thinking of them, obsessing over this or this fixation you have with them is toxic to you. It can feel like a bond that can’t just be broken, how could they just leave and transform into some completely different person?!?
Because they did. They’re healing, happy, optimistic, they have positive feelings about leaving this connection behind, and from what I’m getting, it’s exactly what they needed to do. This can be a Twin Flame, or you feel it is destined anyway, and on some level it’s definitely something. Karmic, past life, idk what but it’s something. You could be aware of the whole Twin dynamic and it’s actually causing you to be the roadblock in your own way. Pining for this person won’t bring them back. The Fool is what you have to do. Letting go. Moving on, transforming yourself 💯 They already have, and wouldn’t change a thing, because their soul purpose is down whatever path they’re heading down currently. It’s your turn.
LONG term potential: still the same. Confusion, fantasies, feeling unsure of what they want, do they want you, do they miss you, do they think of you? You could be passing up opportunities because you’re under the impression this person could come back. They’re not. The messages show massive differences between you, your values, your personalities. The oracles show this being out of your hands. You were meant to meet. Meant to have whatever you had. And now…you’re leaving whatever you’re meant to find next waiting around, because you haven’t let go of this yet. Sending you lots of healing hugs 🤗
Messages -
Their side:
- I just don’t know what to say.
- You are TOO MUCH for me.
Your side:
- My friends are more important than you.
- I can’t/don’t want to have children.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio & Capricorn
Overall energy: Ace of Wands
Current: 8 Pentacles
Challenge: Page of Cups rev
How they feel about you: The Devil rev & The Sun
How you feel about them: King of Cups
Outcome: 6 Wands
Your person is having an intense month, and you’re along for the ride. Either they’re overcoming an actual addiction, or they’re finally being freed from some difficult thing that’s dominated their entire life for some time. The Devil is here reversed, Addiction is here, even 8 Swords is here reversed. Those were all upright at some point, this person was trapped in a prison…that could be literal for someone.
For most it’s their work, something they’ve put a lot of time and effort into, your person will get to the point they just can’t take it anymore. They can’t afford it, or can’t keep up with something. You miss them! They could never be around, always having to fix some issue or come to the job’s rescue and you’re over here like once upon a time…I had a person, right next to me. The challenge is some immature communication & behavior, acting out, probably fighting with each other. Because you’re sad and letting that be known. This person is actually going to do something about it though, I’m getting they’re fed up.
You two come up as the Cups pair, deeply in love, the connection itself is quite beautiful. Your person is going to overcome whatever issue has been in the way, whatever dominates all of their time and keeps them away from you. It will feel like a whole new life for you both, it’s “freeing”, very positive and exciting even, being done with these restrictive chains. You’re quietly supportive, loving, willing to help however you can, you appreciate your person and all that they’re trying to do for you, with you. You miss them and they miss you too! You could act out and they’re over here like “wait, you don’t want this either? FK IT, I’m done.” Throwing in the towel, can’t wait to stop doing whatever this is. Outcome for mid Nov is success, rising above this burdensome bs. Have faith in your person, whatever they’re stopping or releasing is going to make you both very happy 😊 For someone, it could be a literal addiction of some kind.
Messages -
Their side:
- I imagine us together forever 💕
- Don’t underestimate my potential.
Your side:
- Looks great but…NOT so much 💯
- Romantic 🥰
Oracles - Fresh out of fucks, embracing inner peace ☮️
Their side:
- Codependent
- Obsession & Restraint
- Possession & Control
- Emotional Block
Your side:
- Looking at Pictures
- Missing You
- Nostalgia
- Make New Memories
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini & Virgo
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
Hey, do you mind doing Language of birthdays for august 16th? Thank you for taking the time to read!
Language Of Birthdays: August 16 - Leo
The Day Of High Voltage
Those born on August 16 are full-bodied sensualists who know how to get their way. Yet in everything they do, there is a sense of refinement, of style, of highly magnetic attractiveness which endears them to most people who come in contact with them.
Even if they appear fresh-faced and wholesome, those born on this day invariably have either a notable interest in and/or drive toward various forms of sensuous as well as sexual expression. The commanding aspects of this personality are marked as well, and because of this, August 16 people can have great difficulty tolerating opposing points of view. Indeed they will seek to triumph over and in certain extreme cases destroy those whom they see as adversaries or enemies. The drive in them to accumulate power within their sphere of influence is particularly pronounced.
When August 16 people get out there they get really way out. Being outrageous is something that comes naturally to them, and their unusual behaviour demands an audience, since for them suffering in silence can be unbearable. Those born on this day wish to put themselves on display, sometimes before a whole crowd of people with whom they can share what they are experiencing.
August 16 people are often hypersensitive, electrically nervous types. Although they can be hurt by the unkindness of others, they have a very hard core which can withstand virtually any kind of attack, mental or physical. They can also be quite destructive to others when they set their mind to it, and in some cases revenge can gain a powerful hold on their motivations. Seductive and magnetic, those born on this day can also wield terrible power by extending and later withdrawing their affections. If August 16 people go far enough down a negative path, they will inevitably wind up turning their destructive powers on themselves as well. Their search for ever-increasing thrills can distort or take their personality to extremes.
A great danger for August 16 people is that they will lose the capacity to enjoy simple pleasures and anything that even smacks of conventionality. In this respect they may find themselves more and more out of touch with their family and friends. Despite their anti- authoritarian, sometimes antisocial behaviour, most August 16 people usually find a social niche in which their talents come to serve a real need in society or the circle in which they move. Yet although interested in leading they are rarely interested in ruling. As leaders they can be adored, even worshiped. As rulers they would hardly be the best choice to be responsible for groups of people. Seduction and sedition are more their specialty than domination or control.
Those born on August 16 are prone to all forms of obsessive behavior. Consequently they must beware of addictions to food and drink, sex and love relationships or thrill-seeking. Their psychological stability can be undermined by their extreme sensitivity and high-voltage energy. It is terribly difficult for those born on this day to keep to a well-rounded, wholesome lifestyle or routine. But if they can make some healthy habits a pan of their daily regimen, for example, natural foods or enjoyable exercise, it would be a step in the right direction. Age may help those born on this day make healthier choices; however, long life for its own sake is not high on their list of priorities.
Learn to transform your voltage when necessary to run conventional human appliances
Try not to burn them out, for their sake
Be a bit kinder to your enemies—you may need them too
Put a little more energy into your inner spiritual life
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sienaunfilteredtarot · 9 months
Fire Signs: Mabon Messages
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The imagery of the moon in this card—alongside Death as the bottom of the deck energy—denotes significance around Scorpio season, specific to the full moon eclipse in Taurus.
This card conveys the energy of tapping into your emotions. You are cultivating a safe environment to allow yourself to express how you truly feel. An example of this release is journaling; you could explore your relationship with your inner child. The Queen of Cups is all about compassion; forgiving someone or asking another for a second chance is possible this Autumn Equinox. Fire signs, you are learning to hold space for your feelings and the sentiments of those close to you. It could also mean you are learning to channel your emotions powerfully. You may need solitude to decide how to channel your feelings to manifest your desires. You also understand the meaning of sacrifice for the good of something greater. For instance, if you're working a day job you don't enjoy, perhaps you're setting aside time to focus on a side hustle when you get home. Fire signs, you could also be celebrating the peak of a spiritual awakening or simply learning more about aspects of spirituality that fascinate you. You're also accepting authenticity from yourself and others as a prerequisite of loving relationships.
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astrologiaxo · 2 years
🧡 LEO: Your Soul Will Be Satisfied! - Spiritual Reading August 2022 🧡
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therealteatarot · 4 months
Quick 1 min #TeaLeaf #Tarot #Card #Reading. #Aries #Aquarius #Leo #Libra #Cancer #Capricorn #scorpio #Sagittarius #Gemini #Pisces #Taurus #Virgo. Please check out my YT channel for full readings!! https://youtube.com/@therealteatarot6384?si=2SQS-qlpBWmzfMhg
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seraphimreads · 9 months
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new video for leo now up!
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Leo New Moon Horoscopes Tarotscopes | Aug. 16, 2023 | Joshua the Psychic
"New moon horoscopy" likely refers to the practice of interpreting horoscopes specifically based on the new moon phase. In astrology, the new moon is often considered a time for new beginnings, setting intentions, and planning for the future. As such, some astrologers create horoscopes that focus on the energies and themes associated with the new moon.
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livingwithharmony · 1 year
Astrological Tarot reading for Leo♌
March 15 - March 22 2023
Past - Present - Future, with two clarifiers below each. For Leo sun, moon, or rising/ascendant.
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In your recent past, you were involved in a pursuit of emotional or spiritual fulfillment. You could have you begun a relationship based on a passionate declaration of love, joined a group with shared interests, or dedicated yourself to a personal journey of deep inner growth. Yet as time has gone by, it has changed from a thing of joy to that of empty promises, toxicity, distraction, hopelessness, unhealthy obsession, or codependency. The very thing that once made your heart soar became the same thing you found yourself shackled down to, seemingly with no satisfaction in sight.
Presently, you're working through this unfortunate situation by focusing on your financial stability and independence. Perhaps you've become the primary income earner in your household, or are the dependable one in your environment that everyone relies on. Maybe you're turning your attention away to more practical, real-life matters that offer more stability and tangibility. You've reached this point by maintaining a sensible, grounded, and goal-oriented attitude. This recent shift, though, could be causing some conflict to rise to the surface. Yet your opponent, whether external or internal, is running out of steam. The oppressive, negative energy you had to go up against is coming to an end. Your opposition has no more cards (or arguments) up their sleeve, and this dark, stressful phase of your life is coming to an end. There is an opportunity for you to break free and make your move. Use the Knight of Swords' energy to be assertive and quick-thinking, but remember to fight fair and above the belt. It's time to be your own champion, dear Leo, and fight for yourself.
In the coming future, you will be reminded of your self-worth and show yourself the love and respect you deserve. You will rise to your feet again, using your inner strength, courage, and willpower. You will confidently look forward with a clear idea of who you are and what you want in life, without your vision being clouded by murky emotions or negative attachments. The effort that you put in in the past will not all be for naught, though. You will be able to gather what you have rightfully earned through hard work (although it may be a lot to bear in the beginning), and eventually move on.
*Please note that this is a collective reading, so if this doesn't resonate with you, please understand that the messages coming through at this time may be meant for others under the same sign as you. Thank you, my dears, and have a blessed week💖*
- Harmony
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healingtarotnet · 1 year
♌ LEO | When You're Feeling Like A Freak On A Leash But They Want You To...
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astroangel23 · 2 years
𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕫𝕠𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕔 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕤 𝕡𝕥. 𝟙 ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑
enjoy these divinely guided messages to bring into your weekend ahead; i hope it's a lovely one 🪄☀️ - Astro Angel 💚
make sure to check your sun, moon, rising, & venus!
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Aries ♈: i know you love doing things on your own but you would be surprised how good it would feel on a soul level to embrace the loving + rewarding energy of giving and receiving 💚 give the world something it can feel 🔥
Channeled song:
Something He Can Feel - Aretha Franklin
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Taurus ♉: You may be torn between two paths, two situations, two something's. If you pause to sit with your feelings, the choice that is best for you will become clear. Take in consideration of which path makes you feel genuine happiness, which path makes your inner child feel alive, your inner light deserves to shine.
Channeled song:
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
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Gemini ♊: Are you feeling yourself slip back into old habits that cause you to self sabotage, such as overthinking, self doubt, getting triggered by those around you, caught up in your rapid emotions? A harsh reality is, the only person that carries the power to overcome these habits is yourself but do know you 100% are capable of not acting on these when you find yourself in triggering situations. It's not a set back, it's a opportunity to find the lesson and find the growth.
Channeled song:
Faded - Kanye West
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Cancer ♋: Hey dreamers, are you stuck in a day dream? Are you focused on manifesting instead of making moves towards someone you're crushing on in the physical realm? I feel that you may feel that this person you're crushing on isn't into you the same way but you don't know that! All of these doubts are only productions of your own subconscious. Let it unfold, if you want to make your feelings known, go for it, if not, try not to spend your time focused on when this is going to take off or if it's going to take off at all. Don't abandon your physical life experience for another person in the dream world 💚
Channeled song:
All Falls Down - Kanye West ft. Syleena Johnson
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Leo ♌: If you're going through a financial loss or a loss of clients or your work load, you're being guided to trust your path, to trust that this is just a phase. A financial or work set back can make you feel in the dumbs because you just want to keep moving but sometimes life refuses to be in constant flow of our wants and desires. It's going to pick back up, your money flow is going to pick back up and bring you security to be your most confident self again. Also, I stopped this reading to just dance and jam out, so, maybe throw on your favorite jams and move that body 💃
Channeled song:
Money Good - Megan Thee Stallion
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Virgo ♍: It seems you've been working your ass off for material security and you've become a little uptight from the grind. You need to let loose and just not give a fuck for a second because your hard work IS paying off to reach that material security. You good love, take a night off and let yourself get a little w i l d (whatever wild is for you)
Channeled song:
I Get Crazy - Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Wayne
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Libra ♎: Whoever you pray to, whoever you believe is guiding you or protecting you, they want you to know that they are there with you every step of the way through your hardships. They hear your prayers, they see you striving to overcome your struggles, and how much you just want peace within your life and within your world. You may be at odds with a friend, partner, or family member right now and they want you to release your worries around this connection and to focus on your self love for now. If you're not receiving an equal give and take, focus on you.
Channeled song:
The Weekend - SZA
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Scorpio ♏: I feel that there is an outcome that you're dying to see go in your favor or the outcome you believe is the best for you but I don't think it's going the way you've planned for because there is a better outcome that you're not expecting. The world represents the universe being in favor of you at this moment, so it may be time to trust that the universe has something else planned for you than your personal desired outcome. Try to trust that.
Channeled song:
Black Moses - Channel Tres ft. JPEGMAFIA
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Sagittarius ♐: Are you gatekeeping your lovely self from meeting new people because you're holding on to past heartbreak and betrayal you've endured? This is only hurting your forward movement because spirit is trying to bring in meaningful friendships/connections into your life but you're too scared looking at their every move because you're worried they are going to hurt you the same way people have in your past. You deserve to experience happiness and genuine love with others, Sag. Deep down you know you love it.
Channeled song:
Jane Says - Jane's Addiction
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Capricorn ♑: Are you stalling on making moves towards a path that makes you feel vulnerable? Because it's new territory, you may feel a little intimidated that you won't be able to adjust to this new path or opportunity that is being presented to you. You may not even feel like dealing with the changes it may bring, but spirit is guiding you to step into your confidence because you carry the power to overcome challenges that will come with this new experience
Channeled song:
2 Dolla Bill - 2 Chainz ft. Lil Wayne & E40
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alyjojo · 8 months
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Advice to Work on Yourself 🤷🏽‍♀️ in October 2023: Leo
5 Swords - 9 Swords - Ace of Wands
Regarding: 8 Swords & Wheel of Fortune
You feel held hostage by karma, religion, God themselves, changes and circumstances that are out of your hands and leave you feeling helpless, with regards to love. A soulmate connection - The Lovers - with King & Queen of Swords. Recent ex’s possibly, Swords can be that. You’re deeply burdened and troubled by what the dynamic between you has become, very cold and unfeeling, 5 Swords indicates nasty conflicts, mean words, “one-upmanship” and everyone out to prove a point or knock each other down a peg. You’re not working together, you’re adversaries now. But…why?
The Hierophant & 10 Pentacles are both here showing a very deep commitment, possibly a marriage, a combined relationship that’s built to stand the test of time, and yet there are major problems in how you interact. This King & Queen are counterparts, but they use their head, not their hearts, very intelligent and emotionally detached when it comes to heart matters, seeking truth & communication - Damien & Snowflake ❄️ are nods towards that as well. You’re both cold to each other, there’s no warmth 🔥, no romance, hardly any kindness. Is it them too, yes, but you’re the one with the reading, and the fire (Leo specialty), and the Ace of Wands. You stress out over making gestures feel genuine or wanting that from them, they need to be giving to you and making their offer. I don’t think they can, know how, it’s not in their brain registry.
This could be an air sign that you’re matching their energy, doesn’t have to be, but it’s more like their energy IS theirs, not yours, and the advice here is if you’re heated naturally, heat it up. If you’re passionate, show them that side of you. Same for any other feeling - Being Vulnerable is the advice. Communicate to this person in a fair manner - Justice - and tell them what you want and need from them - The Sun. Heat, fun, love, passion, 👏 attention 👏 You’re both being awfully analytical about love, which doesn’t require that, it requires everything you’re craving. You could make them dinner? Your other advice card mentions food, that could be an excuse to get together in the first place. It’s like you feel like you’re a slave to “fate” and Spirit is over here like “nah brah, this is you, do something.”
Animal Oracle: Blue Heron 🐦
“Make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right in spite of any judgement or disapproval from others.”
Trust your deepest sense of knowing what the right action is and do it, and don’t rely on others to tell you what to do or how to act. Not everyone will approve of the decisions you make, and if your choice goes against the grain of what others expect from you, you’ll no doubt run into criticism and judgement. Stand still and look around you. You’re doing just fine in spite of others’ assessments of you. Besides, your greatest & most fulfilling support comes from that place inside that guides you by revealing signs that tell you which path to follow. Heeding these signs keeps you in alignment with your true path. You may have to put both feet in the water and dredge through others disapproval, asserting yourself where needed. Trust in your inner knowing, and let it be the source of your strength to keep moving forward.
Artist Oracle: DAMIEN HURST
- Art and science are for confronting mortality.
- Postpone death. Preserve it in formaldehyde. Encrust it in diamonds.
- Talk to your local pharmacist.
- Learn About the Power of Being Vulnerable
- Build Your Culinary Repertoire
Cross ✝️ on Wheel of Fortune is faith, spirit, God, whatever you believe in or don’t necessarily, and willingly giving up your control by pretending to be stuck or trapped to it in the first place. While there are some important major arcanas here, and it IS probably a karmic situation, I don’t think it’s meant to turn out how you fear or think it will turn out. Clarity is needed between you and I’m getting “at least try”, like you’re just giving up.
Frog 🐸 on Damien is “take a leap”. Quit overthinking it. Art & science are used for etc etc., not handling your love relationship, there is very little practicality when it comes to feelings. Feelings are messy. This is feeling like Fool energy, “just do it.” See where taking a chance can lead you.
Black Squirrel 🐿️ on 5 Swords shows conflicts of all sorts of nitpicky negative bs that just riles the other person up to do the same thing in return. You never do the fkn laundry, oh yeah well your breath smells like old cheese, and they’re like fk you I’m not filling up the car so you’re late enjoy, and you’re like oh yeah well that one time at my mother’s house you said xyz and I’m still pissed about that, you’re not invited to Bingo anymore so kick rocks. And it’s a week later you’re both just…stuck there. Just collecting things to hate about each other.
Snowflake ❄️ on The Lovers is cold as ice. If there’s no warmth, there’s no love, no passion, spark, inspiration or depth being shown to the other person. You’re competing on who can care less more, but this reading wouldn’t show up for you if that were actually true so…baby steps. Stand up for yourself but don’t retaliate. If it hurts, say so. Don’t try to hurt back, aim for truth in your communication, outcomes that are fair, with the intention of its FAIR. Let them be mean. Take it. Cry maybe. Show emotion, that’s the first step, someone has to care first, and it’s you that seems best able to do that 💚
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
hi, could you do august 15, please?
Language Of Birthdays: August 15 - Leo
The Day Of Royal Command
The commanding personages born on August 15 are born leaders. Their expansive, royal approach betokens a lifestyle which does not admit of miserliness, selfishness or commonness. Those born on this day are not overly concerned with petty details, choosing instead to focus on the broad line, the big show. Presenting a regal and noble face to the world is essential to them, and they will do what is necessary to preserve their dignity. Those born on this day can often be found at the head of a family, business or social group and are indeed most comfortable when they are in the seat of power.
Many born on August 15 are not aware of their imperial nature, though to those close to them it is often all too apparent. Women born on August 15 must be worshiped and adored. Their house is their palace, their husband a king, their children princes and princesses. Men born on this day seek to command others, on a financial, social or family level, and as such must be obeyed without question. Those born on this day whose personalities display large doses of kindness and acceptance, affection and warmth, are indeed unusual and highly evolved souls. For the most part, however, these last-mentioned qualities are not basic to the August 15 character, but must be cultivated and encouraged.
This is not to say that August 15 people are inherently ruthless or unkind. It is just that their powerful and golden leonine energy sweeps away everything before it, overwhelming as a mighty wave that doesn't ask permission of ships or shells. It is a great challenge for August 15 people to keep their surplus energy under control and to develop the fine art of discrimination and attention to detail. They must also learn to deal with each individual they meet on a personal level—to listen, be sympathetic and try to understand their point of view.
The heavy expectations August 15 people place on themselves and others may also be a problem. Children of August 15 people can feel great pressure to succeed, either consciously or unconsciously, and mates can well buckle under the strain of rigorous standards.
Those born on this day must learn real teamwork, subjugating their strong egos to the interests of the group. Because any cramping of their independent, free-wheeling style is generally met with stubborn resistance, they must be appealed to with tact and care. Inside they are often quite soft and sentimental, loving admiration and affection of all sorts. If one can keep on their good side, one may never see the tyrant that dwells within. Generally the "lion" or "lioness" is happy when well fed emotionally.
The expansive attitude August 15 people display toward the world often includes all sorts of lavish tastes. This can cause health problems when eating habits know no bounds. Not only obesity but cardiovascular problems can result from a diet over-rich in delicious sugars and fats. An effort should be made to restrict the harmful elements of such a diet without eliminating the enjoyment (through healthy food choices). Regular, quite vigorous exercise is recommended: from horseback riding to competitive sports or full-scale aerobics. (Those who are inactive should, of course, gradually work to such a level and not overdo it.) An ongoing sexual relationship is a big plus. All in all, the passion for life is there but August 15 leonine instincts must be tamed a bit if those born on this day are to live a long and happy life.
Your place cannot be first in every line; learn to cooperate with your fellow human beings
Beware of an excessive desire for control and adoration
Listen carefully to what people say when they try to explain their feelings
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