#leonor de borbon
damarcarsblog · 1 year
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✌️🏆27 títols de LLIGA
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isadomna · 2 years
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Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Emeritus Sofía of Spain at the Princess of Asturias Awards 2022
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momentos-reales · 2 years
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LAKE AFFECT, WIND CHILLS, BLIZZARDS: when you see hear and feel these extreme weather events know for a fact “Weather weapons technology” is desperately battling divine supernatural powers emanating from a human. THEY ARE DIRECTING WARM AIR FROM THE ATLANTIC In an attempt to thaw weaken Arctic blast MAGNETIZING TO ME HERE IN FLORIDA. They are also battling clouds night and day magnetizing and forming over me because of the very power of the true God YHWH YAHWEH JEHOVAH that rest upon me which is growing for a very powerful epic role in the near future. Keep sharing these post so other can investigate truth facts.
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wildestdreams96 · 2 years
"Es costumbre real el robar, pero los Borbones exageran" -Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía "recuperan" la provincia de Gerona
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía “recuperan” la provincia de Gerona
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía han visitado este domingo el Museo de Dalí en Figueras, Gerona, en un acto previo a la entrega mañana de los premios y becas de la Fundación Princesa de Gerona, acto que se llevará a cabo en la localidad barcelonesa de Cornellà. En la provincia de Gerona, las hijas de los reyes han estado acompañadas por la ministra de Educación y Formación Profesional, Pilar…
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royal-confessions · 8 months
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“I feel bad for Leonor. She has so many exciting milestones coming up which deserves to be celebrated but so many people are making it all about Juan Carlos and Felipe’s sisters and their kids and who will attend and who wouldn’t. Juan Carlos has done so much damage but at the end of the day I believe he cares about the crown and he will not force Felipe’s hands if it means further endangering it. It’s also sad that Leonor no longer has a relationship with Irene who seemed to be the cousin she was closest to growing up. And according to the media it’s no longer just Felipe and Letizia having a row with his sisters but now Elena and Cristina are also not on good terms because Cristina thinks Victoria Federica is a bad influence on Irene. That whole family is a mess.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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leonorandsofia · 2 years
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25 June, 2022 | Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the “De Scheherazade” play at the Canal Theater with their parents in Madrid, Spain. The play was directed by María Pagés and El Arbi El Harti. María won an award from the Princess of Asturias Awards of the Arts.
This was Leonor’s first appearance since returning home from Wales.
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charlotte-of-wales · 7 months
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Happy 18th birthday to Leonor, Princess of Asturias!
Born October 31st 2005, Leonor de Todos Los Santos de Borbon y Ortiz is the heir presumptive to the Spanish throne as the eldest daughter of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain.
If she ascends to the throne, she would be Spain's first queen regnant since Isabella Il, who reigned from 1833 to 1868.
Leonor received an International Baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales, United Kingdom. On 17 August 2023, Leonor joined the General Military Academy to start her 3-year military education.
Today, Leonor will be formally proclaimed as heir presumptive before the Cortes on 31 October 2023, on her 18th birthday.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 months
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,429/∞) 4 November 2019 | Princess Leonor de Borbon, King Felipe VI of Spain, Queen Letizia of Spain and Infanta Sofia de Borbon seen attending the Princesa de Girona Foundation Awards in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo by Robert Marquardt/Getty Images)
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ivanreydereyes · 7 months
Si eres tan FEO como JOHNNY EL GUAPO O MICKEY ROURKE [q tiene tatuado en español SIEMPRE GUAPO o al reves jaja]..antes de OPERARSE..te voy a OPERAR si quieres o subvencionado jaja
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damarcarsblog · 1 year
Sin comentarios...
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kahecha82 · 9 months
Leonor de borbon pero quiere decir a todo el planeta tierra.......... pueden jugar con tecnología........... feliz navidad de parte del viejo pascuero osea santa claus......
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Leonor de Borbón, ¿la última reina de España? | Público
¿Impedirá el desprestigio de la monarquía el acceso al trono de la princesa? ¿Es viable la celebración de un referéndum para elegir la forma de Gobierno? ¿Votarían los españoles a favor de la república? Expertos en Derecho Constitucional responden. — Leer en www.publico.es/politica/leonor-borbon-ultima-reina-espana.html
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
Desayunando ZUMO "GLORIA" tras fotografiar estatua de un CACIQUE q hizo una IGLESIA a SANTA MARIA MAGDALENA y la estatua de un ANGEL con LAMPARA o LUZ x los funcionarios CAIDOS x COVID en la MUNICIPALIDAD de PUEBLO LIBRE [x los LIBERTADORES de CASA REAL Y PONTIFEX como BOLIVAR x lo q tras su ESTATUA en un ARBOL esculpieron un CRISTO y justo antes fotografie REVISTA HOLA con LEONOR DE BORBON junto libro MENTES PRODIGIOSAS o después de fotografiar una clínica LIGA [Fútbol España y tener alguna relación con el sexo opuesto] contra el CANCER mientras pasaba BUS con destino final a CRISTO REY
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I think Leonor and Sofía should've gone to the funeral. I mean, all the marichalar and urdangarin children went, even Irene who is studying in Switzerland.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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