#sofia de borbon
momentos-reales · 2 years
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I think Leonor and Sofía should've gone to the funeral. I mean, all the marichalar and urdangarin children went, even Irene who is studying in Switzerland.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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damarcarsblog · 1 year
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✌️🏆27 títols de LLIGA
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isadomna · 2 years
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Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Emeritus Sofía of Spain at the Princess of Asturias Awards 2022
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leonorandsofia · 2 years
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25 June, 2022 | Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended the “De Scheherazade” play at the Canal Theater with their parents in Madrid, Spain. The play was directed by María Pagés and El Arbi El Harti. María won an award from the Princess of Asturias Awards of the Arts.
This was Leonor’s first appearance since returning home from Wales.
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LAKE AFFECT, WIND CHILLS, BLIZZARDS: when you see hear and feel these extreme weather events know for a fact “Weather weapons technology” is desperately battling divine supernatural powers emanating from a human. THEY ARE DIRECTING WARM AIR FROM THE ATLANTIC In an attempt to thaw weaken Arctic blast MAGNETIZING TO ME HERE IN FLORIDA. They are also battling clouds night and day magnetizing and forming over me because of the very power of the true God YHWH YAHWEH JEHOVAH that rest upon me which is growing for a very powerful epic role in the near future. Keep sharing these post so other can investigate truth facts.
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía "recuperan" la provincia de Gerona
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía “recuperan” la provincia de Gerona
La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía han visitado este domingo el Museo de Dalí en Figueras, Gerona, en un acto previo a la entrega mañana de los premios y becas de la Fundación Princesa de Gerona, acto que se llevará a cabo en la localidad barcelonesa de Cornellà. En la provincia de Gerona, las hijas de los reyes han estado acompañadas por la ministra de Educación y Formación Profesional, Pilar…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 1 month
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8 October 2015 | King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain attend the Corpore Insepulto mass for Carlos de Borbon Dos Sicilias, second cousin of King Juan Carlos, and Duke of Calabria, at San Lorenzo de El Escorial in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. Carlos de Borbon was born in 1938 and attended school with King Juan Carlos, where they became very good friends. He ranked first in the line of succession after the descendants of Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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ivanreydereyes · 6 months
Ayer tras acabar de ver EL ULTIMO DIA (q esta doblada en "MEXICANO") lei una entrevista del hijo del Circense ANGEL CRISTO (cuyo circo RUSO ardio en SAN SEBASTIAN) y de BARBARA REY (=Maria GARCIA) al q ayer se le murio su hermano SALVADOR..a la cual se follo JUAN CARLOS I pagandola el ESTADO SATANICO ESPAÑOL 600 millones de pesetas (mas de 3 millones de €) pues grabo sus encuentros sexuales y se los dio al ahogado periodista Antonio HERRERO q segun dice FE-DE-RICO Jimenez Losantos (al q dejaron cojo los de TERRA LLIURE cuando era ROJO) en su libro DE LA NOCHE A LA MAÑANA: EL MILAGRO DE LA COPE (radio de los obispos) q compre en LONDRES por una LIBRA.. decia QUE NUNCA TE FIES DE UN BORBON..
.. Y en esas declaraciones ANGEL CRISTO Jr (cuya hermana SOFIA CRISTO tambien se DESNUDO POR DINERO y se hizo DJ) arremete contra su MADRE por haber sido mala madre y porque su padre la MALTRATABA o trataba como una PUTA pues la movia el INTERES siendo la 2da mujer de ANGEL CRISTO pues incluso con la primera se estaba construyendo un PANTEON en el CEMENTERIO DE VALENCIA
Un incendio destruye en San Sebastián parte del circo de Ángel Cristo vía @el_pais
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ofcxnway · 7 months
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NAME: hugo de borbon ( carmona ) AGE: thirty eight ( august 15th ) NATIONALITY: spanish. STATUS: married to sofia de borbon. GENDER: cis male. ORIENTATION: hetero OCCUPATION: prince of spain ( by marriage ) HEIGHT: 6'3 HAIR: blue. EYES: dark blond with a bit of red. FACECLAIM: sam heughan.
POSITIVES ( + ) confident, intelligent, charismatic, great equestrian, cunning politician NEGATIVES ( - ) confidence can become arrogance quickly, quite easily territorial when other men set their eyes on his wife LIKES ( + ) whiskey, the food back home, sailing the seas, spoiling his wife with new jewels DISLIKES ( - ) sofia pushing him away lately, english food, animals inside the home, seasonal allergies LANGUAGES ( * ) spanish, english, french, german ( intermediate ), italian ( lower intermediate ), scottish gaelic ( lower intermediate )
born to a scottish mother and a spanish father, hugo was raised in a wealthy household with strong political ties. his father was a duke in spain, his mother of a powerful scottish family, and when hugo's father passed at a surprisingly young age, it was hugo who inherited the title. having learned to properly think about each and every move in ones life from his father, hugo did not rush into finding a wife. he took his time, plotting all possible connections and what such unions could bring him. it took many years to find the woman he had set his eyes on, and that woman was princess sofia of spain. he was aiming high, sure, but he would do whatever it took to ensure he claimed his prize -- the princess and the title of prince. in time, he had gained the favor of the king, and that favor brought great approval when he proposed a union between himself and sofia. with his distant relation to the previous king of england, and his family's powerful ties to other countries throughout europe, the king didn't take long to agree to it. conveniently, it would also ensure sofia didn't have to marry some idiot oaf from another country. and so they were wed, not out of love, but out of convenience. initially, hugo was not a faithful man, though he certainly did enjoy performing his maritial duties. however, things have changed as of late. it seems time truly did make the heart grow fond and hugo has developed genuine feelings for his wife…though this seems to have only added more issues to their already troubled marriage.
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
no crees..VIRGINIA MAESTRO..q como REY SOL..debería tener un Palacio tipo ANDALUSI [con piscina o baño arabe] en el barrio de HELIO_POLIS [CIUDAD DEL SOL] en SEVILLA..también había unas casas de este estilo muy CHULAS junto a mi hotel en DOS HERMANAS con PISCINA y la pintada BORBONES LADRONES lleno de CRUCES ...así como en el bar LA COMEDIA de al lado tenían a SOFIA LOREN diciendo LA FANTASIA DEL HOMBRE ES LA MEJOR ARMA DE UNA MUJER.
Creo q me gustaría vivir 8 meses en SEVILLA y 4 meses o el INVIERNO en AME_RICA..MADRID no la necesito para NADA y menos hasta q no tenga el MANZANA+eRES NAVEGABLE..como mucho iría para alguna visita familiar en AVE o a 2hrs..el AVION a EVITAR lo máximo posible..no entiendo como vives en MADRID..
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damarcarsblog · 1 year
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kahecha82 · 1 year
Tomen atención............ presidente de Estados Unidos........... príncipe de Inglaterra........... rey vaticano católico.......... rey de chile..............
Pero me presento......... príncipe igual a sofia de borbon........... tercero al trono de España.........
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leonorandsofia · 3 years
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12 October, 2021 | More photos of Infanta Sofía with her parents at the military parade in Madrid, Spain.
Photos by Jose Gegundez.
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“Truly the only good people in the Spanish Royal Family are Felipe, Letizia, Leonor, and Sofia. Cristina and Inaki were involved in fraud (and he's in jail for it), Juan Carlos is an adulterer with numerous corruption allegations against him, and Elena can't even raise her son (Felipe Juan Froilan) correctly that he ended up going on a racist rant in an amusement park. I'm glad Felipe is isolating himself from everyone else's mess and just focusing on his own family.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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europesroyalsjewels · 4 years
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Joyas de Pasar Bracelets ♕ Queen Letizia
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