#let this be the one time you click the audio source
canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
Hello, little angel. It's Sunday.
Have you made your daily offering to me?
I know you want to be cleansed of your sins...
*zipper* Sorry, I was just packing my lunch.
Audio source <- He got eaten alive by kittens after this request (important)
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she-likesorchids · 9 months
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Audio Erotica Reader
Summary: Matt can't wait to get home to listen to your latest audio. He's a loyal subscriber, and you get him worked up like no one else does.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ ONLY. Mutual masturbation (sort of), pillow humping, dirty talk, some light sacrilege. You know, THE GOOD GOOD. Reminder that you are responsible for what you see once you click "Read More".
Author's Note: I would like to thank the Academy (@bellaxgiornata @loveroftoomanyfandoms and @souliebird) for enabling this. Edited, but not beta read, we die like Ray Nadeem (RIP). ENJOY!
Divider by @saradika
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Matt was sitting at his desk going over a deposition when his phone buzzed with a new notification. He had been waiting for word on something specific, so he switched his headphones from his laptop to his phone to see what it was. As soon as he heard the source of the notification, he slammed his laptop shut and started packing up his things to leave. Foggy heard the commotion from his office and came to check on Matt to make sure everything was okay. 
“Hey, buddy. You okay?” 
“Yeah, Fog. Just feeling a headache coming on. The seasons are changing and you know how that messes with me,” Matt replied as he stuffed his laptop in his bag. 
“You want me to walk with you?”
“No, it’s okay, Fog. I can make it just fine.” 
“Alright, buddy. But text me when you get home. You know I worry about you and your headaches,” Foggy called out as Matt walked out the door. 
“I know, Foggy. But I’ll be okay. See you tomorrow, buddy!” 
Matt walked home as quickly as he could, resisting the urge to break into a full on sprint. Once he made it to his building, he dashed up the stairs two at a time, and threw off his jacket as soon as he shut his door behind him. He furiously loosened his tie as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and used the voice command to open up the notification once again. This time when he opened it, he was met with the sound of your voice. 
“Hey baby, I missed you. Did you miss me?” 
Your smooth and sugary voice went straight to his cock, so he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, stepping out of them on his living room floor. He palmed over the bulge in his black boxers and pulled off his tie before going to work unbuttoning his shirt as your voice continued to play through his phone.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day. I even had to excuse myself from a meeting to go touch myself in the bathroom, but I wished it was your hand. You know just what to do to make me feel good.” 
Matt was so caught up in your voice that it took him a moment to realize he was now half naked in his living room, right on display in front of the window. Truthfully, he didn’t care if the neighbors saw him, but he grabbed his phone and went into his bedroom. He placed his phone on the nightstand, shed his boxers, and climbed under his silk sheets. 
“Oh, fuck,” he breathed out as he slowly stroked his cock while you continued to talk. 
“Am I turning you on, baby? I can see you’re getting awfully worked up in those dress pants. I’m getting pretty wet, myself. You’re so fucking hot. You wanna watch while I rub my clit?”
“Yes, sweetheart. Make those pretty noises for me,” he replied as if you were in the room with him.
You let out a moan as you rubbed your clit, and Matt swore he could hear how wet you were. He started stroking his cock faster and you moaned louder. 
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come, baby.”
“Yes, come for me, sweetheart. Fucking scream for me.” 
“But I wanna come with your cock inside me, so I’ll wait for you. I want you to feel me, and I want to feel you. Let’s come together, baby.” 
Suddenly his hand wasn’t good enough anymore, so he sat up in the bed and stuffed one of his pillows between his thighs to straddle it. The cool silk of the pillowcase felt like heaven against his achingly hard cock that was dripping with precum and begging for release. He started counting the Hail Mary’s he was going to have to say later for this depraved act in his head, but in the moment, he couldn’t be bothered to care. 
“You’re so big, baby. Do you think you’ll fit?”
“I’ll go slow, sweetheart, I promise. We can make it fit.” 
Matt rolled his hips against the pillow at the same time you let out another moan, and he grabbed onto his headboard for leverage. 
“You feel so good, filling me up so perfectly. Fuck me, baby” 
“You feel good too. I’ll go slow at first. I want to feel you.” 
“You’re not gonna hurt me, I can handle it. Just fuck me, baby. Please.” 
“How can I say no when you asked so nicely?” he purred. 
He quickened his pace as you continued making soft sounds of pleasure. He should be ashamed of what he’s doing: fucking his pillow while listening to audio porn and responding back to you as if you could hear him. But, he didn’t care. Once he accidentally discovered erotic audios, he couldn’t get enough, and you were his favorite creator. Your voice was like a drug to him, and he was always jonesing for another hit. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually fuck you instead of his pillow, but he would have to settle for this for now. 
“Oh, fuck I’m so close. I’m gonna come baby. Are you gonna come too?” 
“Fuck. Yeah, sweetheart I’m gonna come.” 
“Come inside me.”
You let out a guttural, almost feral moan, and Matt screamed in tandem with you. His thrusts became more erratic, sweat was beading on his forehead, and he was white knuckling the headboard. He was getting closer with every sound you made, and he wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. 
“Oh, OH F-FUCK.” 
“Yes, sweetheart. Oh yes, oh FUCK.” 
His chest heaved, his breathing was ragged, and his hips stuttered into the pillow as he came hard. He collapsed backward onto the mattress, a thin sheen of sweat covering his entire body. “Shit,” he breathed out as he ran one of his hands down his face. 
“Did you like that? Be sure to subscribe for more, and don’t be shy about leaving me a comment! Until next time, audiophiles…”
After a few minutes, Matt sat up and reached for his phone to close the app. He knew that pillowcase was ruined, but that could wait. He stood up on shaky legs and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. As much as he loved your voice, and how turned on he got by it, he longed to have you in his bed so he could hold you afterwards, and maybe even join him in the shower. 
When he was done washing the post-coital sweat off his body, he dried off and put on a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants, threw the defiled pillowcase in the trash, and sat down to leave you a comment on your latest audio that he got off to. He set his phone back on his nightstand, laid down in bed, and allowed his mind to wander about how you actually felt and how your skin smelled. Maybe one day he could find someone with a voice as gorgeous as yours. 
The “CLOSED” sign had long since been displayed in the door of the coffee shop, and you were finally done with your closing duties for the evening. Your boss said you were free to go, so you grabbed your bag and your jacket, said your goodbyes, and headed out to your shoebox of an apartment. You loved living in New York City, but it was expensive, and just being a barista didn’t pay the bills. No one knew about your “side hustle”, and you liked it that way. It was oddly empowering to you that you were a caffeine peddler by day, but you used your voice to get people off by night. It was perfect because you could have fun living out your own fantasies, but no one knew your face. 
After scarfing down the take out you picked up on your way home, you sat down to check the notifications on your latest audio post. There were always lots of comments to sift through, but there was one username in particular that commented on every single audio you posted, and you always looked forward to their comments. 
As you scrolled through the comments, you finally saw the one you were looking for: “rllygdlwyr commented: So hot as always, sweetheart. I ruined a silk pillowcase with this one. May have to start buying them in bulk if you keep this up.” 
You laughed and bit your lip at the comment. Normally, subscribers calling you pet names would creep you out, but this one was loyal, and they pretty much paid for your take out habit with their subscription and their tips. As much as you hated to admit it, they kind of kept you going.
Once you were done checking your account and responding to comments, you took a shower, put on some slinky lingerie, and pulled out your favorite toys to make a new audio. According to their username, they were most likely a lawyer, so tonight you decided to try a little roleplay. 
“I’m afraid I’m guilty, but is there anything I can do to lessen my sentence? I heard you’re a really good lawyer.” 
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yooglefics · 1 month
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Reveal — Part two: editing
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader ( camboy!yoongi x camgirl!reader )  Wordcount: 1,735 words Genre: 18+, mdni, remainder to not use fanfics as your only source of sex ed. Summary: Yoongi is just helping a friend help you, but is he even supposed to listen to this?. Part 2 of Reveal: recording. Read it for context. This is just why and how we got to that ending. More warnings under read more.
Includes: Mentions of selling sex content. People recording sex acts. Mentions of sexual activity ( doing things and also talking about doing things and thinking about doing more things ). Mentions of past and not past masturbation ( f and m ).  Dirty talk? I guess?. Sprinkle of possessive yoongi? Is not my fault i sweaaaar Author's note: Remember when I started writing something short and silly lmao, what a time. Btw, I have never used OF so if something I say about how they use the website is actually not true / completely wrong just pretend please lmao. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to write Yoongi's side, hope you like it! If you do please remember to leave a comment, reblog, ask, follow and what not. Thank you for reading <3
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Saturday is probably Yoongi's favorite day of the week. No waking up early, no work, and not worrying about having to do any of those the next day.
That's why he groans when his phone rings with messages from Jungkook. He knows is him because he is the only one who still insists on sending him a million messages instead of just one. 
Love the guy, but he can be annoying.
The fifth ring comes and hopping is the last one, Yoongi finally reaches for his phone and rolls to his back. 
JK: hey JK: are you awake? JK: and free today? JK: i need a favor JK: yoongi?
Yoongi: with what? If I have to leave my house is probably a no.
Both of them know that actually, even if it ruined his plans of relaxing, he would say yes. Because that's what friends do.
JK: no no. You can do it at your house  JK: I need to edit an audio for my friend JK: but I'm on the schedule today JK: and if I don't send it back quickly she will back out JK: please? 
Yoongi: ok. Send it to me. Yoongi: you own me, tho.
Throwing his phone on the bed, he gets out of it to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, getting ready to sit in his studio for at least an hour. He knows is probably a bit extra to use his expensive equipment for whatever this favor is, but if he is going to help, he is going to do it right.
Opening Jungkook's messages on his laptop, Yoongi almost wants to laugh at himself.
JK: [ killmepls.mp3 ] JK: is and OF thing, btw JK: don't listen to it in public lol
Yep, definitely Poducer Min equipment is too extra for this. But, fuck it.
The archive is already downloaded when he opens the software, starting a new project and naming it the same as the audio plus final, to not get confused. Plugging in his headphones he starts playing it, already noticing whoever this is, is pretty quiet at the beginning and he would most likely have to cut it off, still, he listens to make sure.
A few taps followed by a “hi..” is the start, and he chuckles at their giggles.
He decides to let that in, but cuts the next few seconds where only their breathing can be heard along with some clicking and fabric moving. Is too long of a pause for this kind of thing and the clicking gives a way they weren't ready to start. Sure they wouldn't mind.
They put music on? It sounds familiar but is pretty fade out, so he can't really be sure, and then “This angle is kinda…” 
That's him.
That's his voice.
“Hot,” the voice continues before he can rewind.
“You can't tell me I'm mean anymore. I'm spoiling you,” his own voice travels again on his headphones. “I'm giving you this view and I'm giving you what's probably the thing you all ask the most: hands.”
What is this? Some kind of joke?
Did Jungkook put them up to this?
“I hate him. I'm gonna sue him,” 
That gets a laugh from him, even if he is still confused about what is happening.
Maybe it's just his imagination?
Should he ask his friend?
More movement of fabric. Maybe bed sheets or clothes. More breathing, a bit faster than last time and then, a groan. 
He can leave that in.
Wait, that's right. He is supposed to be editing this. He has to go back and…
“This angle is kinda…” his voice says and he hits pause. Is really him. Is that possible?
He feels like he is imagining things.
“Jungkook, I swear if this is some kind of joke or something,” he rambles taking his phone out.
Yoongi: did you listen to it?
JK: no, didn't have time JK: why? something wrong? JK: don't tell me it can't be used JK: she is gonna be sad :(
Yoongi: who is she?
JK: dunno if i can tell you 
Yoongi: technically I'm doing a favor for her. I think is fair 
JK: good point JK: is afterhours(y/n)
He opens a new tap on his laptop, goes to the website and searches for the username through his followers. And sure enough there it is. Subscribed a month ago.
He clicks to see your perfil. The first post he can see without being subscribed is a picture of a lilac lingerie set on a bed with the caption “very early birthday present”, from a week ago. 
He considers subscribing to see more, but he stops himself from clicking, remembering Jungkook didn't even want to tell him who you were. Oh, shit. What would you do if you knew it was him editing your audio? Would you back out? Or be sad?
Now it feels kind of wrong, like if he were invading your privacy.
He clicks around on his computer again, audio track back to the zero seconds mark. He hears the “hi” and the giggles and stops it before his voice appears. 
“Okay, this is going to be posted. It was recorded with the intention of being posted for people to hear,” he reasons. “If it's not posted I'd just forget about it and if it is… I'd… subscribe? To make up for listening?”
Clearly that part is not completely made up on his mind, but he doesn't have to decide what to do right now, he has to finish editing. And so, Yoongi clicks around the software again, cutting and deleting another section, the one where you can hear his voice and even his music before.
That's it. It was a familiar track because it is his. He composed that himself to put in the background of his videos exclusively. He figured putting his own touch would help if something was posted outside his page, never imagining hearing it in the background of someone else's video or audio was even possible.
It shouldn't affect him this much. After all, people touching themselves to his videos is half the reason he likes making them. What can he say? Is a turn on to have that effect on others, it builds his confidence up.
But actually hearing it is different. 
Groan and fabric moving, a bit too close to the mic he considers doing something about it, but “I want you to touch me,” is the perfect whisper. Just the right volume, just the right words.
No more audio of SugaD can be heard now, you probably turn down the volume of the video or pause it. Yoongi is curious about it. The idea of your sounds being a reaction to his past self is doing things to him, and Yoongi would like to ignore them before getting too distracted, but is kind of a boomer not knowing exactly what your reactions are for.
Maybe he can open his video, it wouldn't be hard for him to synchronized it with your audio and—
That would cross the line. Is enough that he—
“Are you hard?” your voice continues, timidly he thinks. 
Is this your first time doing this? That's why you couldn't edit yourself?
What would you do if you knew he was listening and his dick was calling for attention at all your little sounds?
He stops your recording, considers taking a break, going back to bed. But he knows just forgetting about this would be hard and in the end he would have to come back and finish helping.
He unpaused it.
More moans echo throughout his headphones and he fixes them on top of his head, as if that would help him concentrate. You just sound so pretty, and when you plead he wants to give you anything you ask for, his dick twitching with desire.
He could just— no. That'll be wrong. Is enough he is letting it affect him this much, he can't just—
His leg bounces under his desk, hand glue to his mouse even when he is just listening now. Only stopping and going back a couple times to fix the volume of background noise, making it less or more obvious depending on the flow or your moans.
A groan of his own cuts the silence in his studio when you form words again. “It feels so good, oh god.” And Yoongi wishes he knew what. Wishes he could see you, could touch you. Could make you sound and feel that good in person.
“Uh uh,” short moans leave your lips, and it sounds so much like you're agreeing with his thoughts he really considers sneaking a hand down his pants. Allow his mind to wander and imagine what you would look like under him. Or on top. Or just coming undone by him.
But he doesn't. He just listens to your recording, your breathing, your pleas and your cut out warning when you cum.
“Fucking hell,” Yoongi angrily whispers. And for a second he considers doing the SugaD special of cutting it out of the final audio, but that's too selfish.
Or perhaps is more selfish leaving it. Considering he wants the world to hear how you sound when listening to him.
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Yoongi managed to leave the studio without touching himself. But is not really as impressive as it sounds since his hand is on his dick the minute he goes back to bed after listening to the final edit of your audio one last time. The excuse of being just to make sure is perfect is just that, an excuse. And your pretty sounds replay on his head while he jerks off until orgasm.
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JK: thank youuuu JK: she says thank you too!
Does that mean you know he was the one editing it?
He opens the app on his phone, looks for your perfil again and debates a couple minutes his options. 
What's the worst that can happen? You blocking him? He would understand, but if he actually doesn't do anything, doesn't play his chance, he wouldn't forgive himself.
And so, he subscribes. Page refreshes instantly and a new post greets him.
[ afterhours(y/n):
Surprise, surprise. Is my birthday month but I keep spoiling you, ain't I the best? 😝 
      [ VoiceReveal.mp3 ]
Doesn't even have to listen to it, his fingers move on their own, “the cutest”, he comments.
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♡ Tag list: @m00njinnie , @sexytholland , @seoullove96 , @thelilbutifulthings , @disneyprincessshuri ,
( is hereee! I appreciate u guys hehe <3 ) ( if anyone else wants to be tagged in the future, let me know )
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➪ Part one. | ➪ Part three. | ➪ Updates for this verse | ➪ Ko-fi
➪ Main masterlist. | ➪ Updates in general | ➪ Request & chats ♡
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corallapis · 6 months
hello!! sorry, i just finished watching new who and i am DYING for more thoschei content. i know classic who has more obviously but i heard there are like also books and audio dramas and comics and infinite other stuff (?) and i was wondering if you could recommend like a list of things to stream in order to get to know more of these two idiots (affectionate) as i am a bit lost in between all the content. or if you could point out a source where i can look that up for myself, it would be great as well! thank you so much in advance <3 and sorry if this seems silly i am v new to the fandom rip
hey anon!! no need to apologize, i'm honored this ask ended up in my inbox! :) and it's not silly at all, there's a LOT of stuff out there. which is wonderful! but can def be a bit bewildering, too.
i'd definitely recommend classic who as a place to start! don't feel like you need to go in headfirst w/ s1e1 tho. just jump in wherever interests you! if you'd like a slightly more curated d/m list:
terror of the autons/the mind of evil/the claws of axos: okay, so it was almost impossible for me not to just rec “all the three & delgado eps,” so have the first three & feel free to continue on if you find yourself loving them (you will)
the keeper of traken/logopolis/castrovalva: a proper lil trilogy of stories that gives us four -> five & beevers -> ainley
survival: the final dw ep! seven & ainley 😼
for some not-really-classic but still on-screen essentials:
the tv movie: aka “the enemy within.” eight & roberts 🐍
scream of the shalka: an animated webcast that at one point rly was the canonical ninth doctor. shalka!doctor (r. e. grant) & shalka!master (jacobi. yes, again. or previously, rather.)
the curse of fatal death: a comic relief sketch written by moffat which features a het version of d/m getting together romantically (now why does that sound familiar?)
for audios, here's a couple that are both standalone & very d/m-focused:
master: seven & beevers. a great audio ft. an origin story that is probably one of the most talked abt things on tumblr, so def check this one out!!
the last line: ten & jacobi. when you're on trial, who do you call for help? your best enemy, of course
blood of the time lords: four & dreyfus. a must-include for me personally bc it has one of my fave d/m concepts ever :)
for books, once you're in the deep end all the novelizations of the classic d/m eps can have great tidbits. some original story recs:
the dark path: two & “koschei.” another origin story that gave us that name for a pre-master master, written by our d/m comrade-in-arms david mcintee
harvest of time: three & delgado working together & confronting the past w/ a lovely dose of master angst
the infinity doctors: infinity & the magistrate <3. don't let these names or its timeline placement intimidate you, just go into it with the idea that this is an au (ish) where the doctor & the master both returned to gallifrey & you'll enjoy yourself!
and finally some comics:
flashback: another origin story which i've uploaded here :)
the eleventh doctor year two: the eleventh doctor confronts the time war ft. my fave lil guy the war child master!
doctor who: missy: aka “the master plan.” missy breaks delgado out of stormcage while pretending to be a version of the doctor he hasn't met yet
hopefully these will get you started! for even more, the main resource i use when looking for d/m stuff is the theory timelines for the master & the master's incarnations on the wiki! i just poke around & click links until i find something that sounds interesting! enjoy!!! :)
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jiminrings · 1 year
478 gender reveal party drabble except they wanna throw themselves one before doing it officially!!! just jk, oc, and miso finding out in their living room 😭😭
478: drabble
alternatively, the slideshow presentations make a comeback <3
[ 478 masterlist ]
Jungkook pitched the idea to you the day before your ultrasound.
You both already came into the agreement that you didn’t want to announce your baby’s gender until you give birth because you didn’t want to overwhelm yourselves with countless messages and inputs. With that said, you immediately agreed to the proposition that you only want to do a gender reveal party for only the people closest to the both of you.
The moment you pitched your idea though, Jungkook cannot contain himself from nodding eagerly.
You both want to know the gender ahead of everyone yet you didn’t want to do it in a sterile room with other people present, not wanting to spoil the moment with onlookers along with the precaution that the results get leaked. 
Your husband can’t be any more excited when he takes it a step further and sits the both of you down as soon as you get home, obliging you to participate in a presentation that’s only been done numerous times — you convincing him for the both of you to get a baby blue floor couch and the third-biggest variation of a king-sized bed, him convincing you to come home, and this time, it’s for you to place your own bets; each presentation atleast a year apart.
“I hope you’re ready,” you grunt as you stand up next to the TV, reusing the same template years ago of which you can’t replace.
Why Mrs. Jeon thinks it’s a boy
“No background music?” Jungkook has a faux frown on his face as he points out, looking at the cover slide of your slideshow. “Because mine does. I even mixed it and everything.”
“No talking,” you tut, taking in an exhale as you dramatically switch over to the next slide.
Jungkook thinks his eyes are playing tricks on him because it’s a blank slide. It’s a pure white slide and you seem to be even so proud of the lack of contents in the page, just two clicks away from the presentation completely ending because the last slide was just a random picture of you balancing Miso on your bump.
“I can’t give a specific reason, honestly,” you chuckle, placating your husband’s curiosity. You shrug effectively, plopping back down to the couch because for the whole two hours that Jungkook allotted for the both of you to make your slides, you only caught up with your show in another tab when he wasn’t looking. “I don’t know! Call it a mother’s instinct.”
“No wonder you finished so quickly,” he mutters, figuring out quickly that he was competitive for no reason at all. He gets on his feet in an instant, fingers practically itching just to click on his file and grab the remote. “Anyway, look at the work of a pro.”
Why Mr. Jeon thinks it’s a girl 
(I’m 60% sure I’ll be a girl dad)
Your eyes widen at the extravagant layout Jungkook came up with, seeing layers upon layers of your baby pictures and his in the background. He even put the citations at the cover slide because he’s just that eager to prove a point, his first and foremost source being himself.
“How many slides?” you snicker, unable to squint to see the bottom corner.
“Twenty-seven,” he giggles, the look on your face immediately translating that you’re going to be up for longer than necessary. Jungkook takes his sweet time letting the background music play, even conducting the recorded audio at one point until it stops and he moves on to the next slide.
I dreamt about it
“We’ve been over this too many times, Kook,” you throw your head back in amusement, rubbing your eyes. “You’ve had like seven different conception dreams already! That’s six more than mine.”
“I know, exactly! Isn’t that crazy?” he supplements, the grin on his face rubbing off on you. He perks up at the reminder of his several taemong, clapping his hands together. “Okay, back to the presentation. I memorized my script…”
You can’t put into words the importance of great timing in your lives. 
Whether it was fate itself or impeccable timing, you don’t mind the schematics of it all at this point — what matters is that every day, you find Jungkook belonging to you as a perfect match more and more.
It’s perfect when you pitch your idea to your doctor and request that she types in the gender at the designated slide that of course your husband stayed up all night designing, the sweet woman even asking what transition effect you’d want her to put on the word.
It’s perfect when for some reason, Jungkook can’t stop giggling as the both of you go back to the car and you’re holding onto the laptop like your life depended on it, going so far as to put it with you underneath the seatbelt.
It’s never been more perfect when the two of you set up in the living room, the presentation being the brightest thing in the dim warm light of the space.
“Ready?” you question Jungkook who’s just as excited as you are, nodding eagerly while he eyes the remote in your hands.
“I’m ready with you,” he affirms, clutching your hand. He sees Miso sit herself down between the two of you, making him chuckle as he relents and puts a hand on her paw. “You too, I guess.” 
You hold your breath while Jungkook shallowly exhales, the both of you screwing your eyes shut as you blindly feel for the button to go to the next slide. 
It’s a far too cheesy song that plays in the background that Jungkook picked out even before your doctor obliged your request to type in the reveal. It’s the confetti that blows out from all angles in the slide. It’s the glaring color that shines right above you and Jungkook in a locket.
It’s a girl.
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 5 months
Road Trip with Rhys and Finn Darby
At 49, New Zealand comedian Rhys Darby says he's finally found the confidence to be a leading man.
He joins Summer Times for a road trip with his son Finn.
The Route? Auckland to Nelson. The passengers? Marcel Marceau and Marcel Duchamp. The vehicle? A 1984 Land Rover.
Music comes courtesy of Finn’s indie-folk-rock band Great Big Cow.
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Rhys Darby filming the TV show Our Flag Means Death at Bethells Beach (Te Henga) Photo: Samba Schutte
(click below to listen the audio)
Now based in Los Angeles, Rhys has fond memories of childhood roadies with his mum.
“We went from Pakuranga to Orewa which was lovely. We stayed in a camping ground, and I fondly remember that one because I saw a ghost and saw some big footprints on the beach.
“Bigfoot…turns out was just a big man's foot I think, but you know, when you're young.”
Last year, Darby returned home to Aotearoa to film the second season of the HBO Max series Our Flag Means Death*.
“We were in New Zealand during the rainy season, which could be any time really, last year making that.
“And it was really special because we got to be home. The first year, the first season, we were here in Los Angeles. I was 15 minutes from my house. And that was cool and then the whole show got moved to New Zealand, which was … it's a plus and minus on my account because obviously, I'll leave these guys, but I get to go to the old home.
“And it was really fantastic. Working with the New Zealand crew and just having more New Zealanders in the cast, as well. It's very Aotearoa-heavy season two. So yeah, I'm really proud of it.”
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New Zealand comedian Rhys Darby hosting the 2023 International Emmy Awards Photo: chaoticmulaney
In something of a career pivot, Darby also hosted the International Emmy Awards last November.
“It was amazing because I thought 'It's not my bag. I'm not a host, I'm not a jokes guy. And I also don't kind of like rib people, my humour is very optimistic and fun. It's not like the kind of thing Ricky Gervais does where you bring people down to make light of things.
“So when they asked me I was like 'I don't know, what I'm gonna do?' I was picked because it's international and because I can do physical comedy as well. So, I wrote this monologue and also involved a lot of funny walks and some physical stuff. They worked out really well and I had so much praise from the audience and from the producers saying that was one of the best hosts have ever had.
“Because with a strict English-speaking person who's just doing quick gags, half the audience, it just goes over the head. So, what I offered was something that I guess they had more universal appeal.”
Darby currently has a number of films in the pipeline in which he takes a leading role.
“Thanks to Our Flag Means Death I've kind of proven to myself, and hopefully the world, that I can front something.
“So I want to do more like that. I want to do movies, I want to star in a film. I'm writing a screenplay this year. And I'm also involved in about three movie projects that are likely to come together this year, and which have me leading them.
“I've been a character actor for so long, and I've popped up in many, many things in small parts here and there, where I've made everyone laugh, and then I run away.
“But it's taking that next step of going, OK, imagine watching me for an hour and a half, letting me lead you down this track and have the confidence that now finally, at the ripe old age of 49, I think I can do that.”
*Max has announced that it will not be making a third season of Our Flag Means Death
Songs played:
'Iguana Love' by Great Big Cow
'Captain Boyfriend' by Great Big Cow
'The Last Song' by Great Big Cow
Source: RNZ
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triflesandparsnips · 9 months
Good Omens Book Club
So I have, in other fandoms, talked about the importance of what an audience can actually see on the screen. Specifically: When a constrained format (like, say, between 45 to 56 minutes of a single visual/audio input) is telling a constrained story (like, say, something that must start, climax, and resolve within some kind of structure), it's useful for the audience to pay attention to what gets given the valuable real estate of camera/story time.
So when time is given and effort made to show the actual titles of actual books... well.
Figure 1. Local bookshelf weighted down by an over-abundance of literary allusions.
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This is a screenshot from episode 3 of Good Omens's second season, as Jim is reshelving all the books in Aziraphale's book shop by the first letter of their first sentences. He's about to shelve Jane Austens's Pride and Prejudice ("It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.") and the red sideways book, that he is about to pick up, is Good Omens itself ("It was a nice day.").
But, unusually, we can see the title of almost every other book on the shelf. Several of them appeared in the advertising poster, too, as I outlined previously (if you click that link, be advised that I am very proud of several bits of that essay and also let's not talk about how my go-to for musical references is Middle English folk rather than, say, Buddy Holly). Anyway-- with this in mind, and the understanding that time, effort, and celluloid have been spent on getting this shot to the audience, it would behoove us, I think, to actually look at these books.
Figure 2. A pair of showrunners providing not-so-subtle ancillary notation suggesting the same thing, so really, this is a no-brainer in terms of meta fodder.
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Okay, Trifles, so what about the book club
Technically, this isn't my idea. It's Neil's and Douglas's, so jot that down.
What I figure is, I can provide a list of the books shown, their first lines, and a VERY brief summary of each. Those are below. And as I rewatch the show, I may reblog this post with additions, but also...
I've read some of these, but not all of them, and not recently -- with at least one of them, though, I remember enough to know that the first line and summary do nothing to showcase the heartrending possibilities the book may be alluding to for the overall Good Omens narrative.
And further-- as I collected these summaries and first lines, I started noticing some compelling commonalities. Which I, for one, would like to confirm and dig into more deeply.
So while I'm going to start reading these, it might be a Nice Idea for other folks to do so as well. The more write-ups we can get, the greater the concordance of Interesting Insights might be available. (And if you tag me in your write up, or otherwise draw my attention, I will gladly link your essay up here for the edification of others omfg.)
The "Jim Shelving" Book List
From right to left (which feels odd, but it's the actual alphabetical-by-letter arrangement), and summaries from various internet sources:
Herzog, by Saul Bellows
"If I am out of my mind, it's all right with me, thought Moses Herzog."
"Herzog is a 1964 novel by Saul Bellow, composed in part of letters from the protagonist [...] The novel follows five days in the life of Moses E. Herzog who, at the age of forty-seven, is having a midlife crisis following his second divorce."
A Series of Unfortunate Events, (series) by Lemony Snicket
"If you are interested in happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book."
The first book in the series, The Bad Beginning, "tells the story of three children, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, who become orphans following a fire and are sent to live with Count Olaf, who attempts to steal their inheritance."
The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger
"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth."
"The novel details two days in the life of 16-year-old Holden Caulfield after he has been expelled from prep school. [...] From what is implied to be a sanatorium, Holden, the narrator and protagonist, tells the story of his adventures before the previous Christmas."
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since."
"Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island, near New York City, the novel depicts first-person narrator Nick Carraway's interactions with mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's obsession to reunite with his former lover, Daisy Buchanan."
The Bible, (anthology) by God et al.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
"25 And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying 'Where is the flaming sword that was given unto thee?'
26 And the Angel said, 'I had it here only a moment ago, I must have put it down some where, forget my own head next.'
27 And the Lord did not ask him again."
The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler
"It was about eleven o’clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills."
"Private investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood to stop a blackmailer. Marlowe suspects that the old General is merely testing his caliber before trusting him with a bigger job, one involving Sternwood's two amoral daughters."
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell
"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."
"In George Orwell's iconic and prophetic masterpiece, 1984, a haunting vision of a dystopian future unfolds. Set in a world dominated by the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, the story follows Winston Smith, a lowly Party member whose very thoughts are scrutinized. As the Party manipulates history and suppresses truth, Winston's yearning for individuality and connection pushes him into a daring dance on the edge of rebellion."
[A title I cannot, unfortunately, read-- if anyone who HAPPENS to be familiar with the show and HAPPENS to perhaps also be on tumblr just HAPPENS to say what this book might be, that would be Very Much Appreciated]
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller
"It was love at first sight."
"Set in the closing months of World War II in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch-22 is the story of a bombardier named Yossarian who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he has never even met keep trying to kill him. Joseph Heller's bestselling novel is a hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it."
Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel García Márquez
"It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love."
"The story, which treats the themes of love, aging, and death, takes place between the late 1870s and the early 1930s in a South American community troubled by wars and outbreaks of cholera. It is a tale of two lovers, artistic Florentino Ariza and wealthy Fermina Daza, who reunite after a lifetime apart."
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon
"It was seven minutes after midnight."
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a 2003 mystery novel by British writer Mark Haddon. [...] The novel is narrated in the first-person perspective by Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year-old boy who is described as "a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties" living in Swindon, Wiltshire. [...] Christopher sets out to solve the murder [of a neighbor's dog] in the style of his favourite (logical) detective, Sherlock Holmes."
The Crow Road, by Iain Banks
"It was the day my grandmother exploded."
A Scottish family drama about a perfect murder against the backdrop of the 1990s Gulf War. "This Bildungsroman is set in the fictional Argyll town of Gallanach, the real village of Lochgair, and in Glasgow, where the adult Prentice McHoan lives. Prentice's uncle Rory disappeared eight years previously while writing a book called The Crow Road. Prentice becomes obsessed with papers his uncle left behind and sets out to solve the mystery. Along the way he must cope with estrangement from his father, unrequited love, sibling rivalry, and failure at his studies."
No Woman No Cry: My Life with Bob Marley, by Rita Marley with Hettie James
"I was an ambitious girl child."
"Fans of reggae legend Bob Marley will welcome this no-nonsense biography from his wife, Rita, who was also his band member, business partner, musical collaborator and the only person to have witnessed firsthand his development from local Jamaican singer to international superstar."
I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith
"I write this sitting in the kitchen sink."
"I Capture the Castle tells the story of seventeen-year-old Cassandra and her family, who live in not-so-genteel poverty in a ramshackle old English castle. Here she strives, over six turbulent months, to hone her writing skills. She fills three notebooks with sharply funny yet poignant entries. Her journals candidly chronicle the great changes that take place within the castle's walls, and her own first descent into love."
...and because I happen to know and love this book, I'm aware of the devastating last lines...
"Only the margin left to write on now. I love you, I love you, I love you."
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 29/02/2024
my rip :)
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume GS
Ripped by brubsby
Requested by Memmy! (Request Form)
Hey, it's February 29th, the Leap Year day! The strangest day on the calendar, I realize, ought to be celebrated with a bit of a strange rip to go along with it, and there was certainly plenty to pick from. The channel has seen its share silly rips like :D, utterly unhinged rips like Sex - Steve Harvey, and everything bizarre other kind of weirdness out there like Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options or waterwraith pokos. Yet what surprised me about my rip :) wasn't for being the most silly, or most chaotic, or what have you - but rather, for being an utmost perfect blend of all the above kinds of rips, whilst remaining shockingly listenable.
I mean, there's something eyebrow-raising about the rip's mere existence alone. A rip from PONG? As in, one of the first video games ever made, the one from 1972, which barely even had SOUND in it, let alone music? The channel's obviously tackled a number of strange cases of games to rip before, such as the ongoing Circus trend with Five Nights at Freddy's and rips like Chex Invaders, but there really was no precedent for what to expect with this rip before clicking on it - the only prior rip of PONG was a whopping 15 seconds intentionally playing off of how little audio the game has to begin with. How could my rip :) hope to make a relevant joke out of PONG worthy of 3 minutes of runtime?
The answer, as it turns out, was to just do every single thing at once.
It starts off so innocuously too: the joke of adding rapidly repeating PONG sounds of various pitch to form a discordant melody, similar to that of CrazyBus, is a pretty funny bit in of itself! Yet before that bit has had even the slightest time to register, it's joined by Space Jam's infamous backing beat, a source that I've only covered in a good light here through actually impressive rips like Hoopache and Mother, Father, TechnoMan, yet is most well known in the community for being perhaps the most overdone and easy-to-use mashup source of them all. Before THAT has time to settle in, it's joined by yet more infamous mashup sources: The Season 5 demons themselves Yankin and Astronaut in the Ocean of Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier fame, Crank Dat Super Mario, Watch Me Whip/Nae Nae - and, to note in case you're not listening to the track yourself as you're reading, NONE of these sources ever sound as if they ever go away from the mix. What in its first seconds is nothing but isolated bloops of an ancient arcade machine becomes this absolute cocophany of noise and melodies, yet through some miracle (and skill on brubsby's part) they're guided along to still form some sort of melody.
All the noise is mainly guided by the use of Gangnam Style as a surprise source amidst all the rest, whose melody builds and builds toward its own climactic beat drop Gangnam Style, upon which everything goes silent for just a moment, approximately eight sources all fading at once...before exploding back onto the scene like an unstoppable mob. Its just keeps going like this - by the end, twelve different sources are all competing for attention. Or at least it sounds that way - I genuinely have no clue if some tracks get phased out as the rip progresses, but the rip's noisiness never appears to die down until the very end of its runtime.
Its just such a fun ride until the very end - my rip :) doesn't have any sort of guiding melody to it, no joke to fulfill or prior YTPMV/Mashup/etc its paying tribute to. The rip is pretty much as deep as its title frames it as, as just brubsby fucking around and finding out what can be done with all of these Season 5-infamous sources as the year drew to a close. In that sense its a fitting encapsulation of Season 5 as a whole, doesn't it? The one year where the direction of the channel felt rather aimless, yet not necessarily in a bad way: a lack of obligation to be tied to larger theming and colossal channel events resulted in some of the most unrestrained, individually-ambitious, and fun listens in the channel's entire life. I'm not quite sure if I'd call my rip :) a "banger", but it's the kind of rip that I can't help but respect for the sheer audacity of it alone.
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thelittlepalmtree · 10 months
For those of you who are like "she has an audio admitting she hit him"
That's not what's happening in that audio. And if you've ever experienced abuse you would understand exactly what is happening.
First of all this is what she says "Tell the world, Johnny, tell them ‘I, Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim, too, of domestic violence… and it’s a fair fight.’ And see how many people believe or side with you,"
Now if you've never experienced abuse, you might be like "oh how awful" but the thing about abuse is that many abusers will claim that THEY are the victim. Here's a quote:
"While every abuse situation is unique, the strategies abusers use to maintain their status share some similar themes. Many abusers use DARVO ploys to deny their wrongdoing, attack the offended, and reverse roles with the victim to make themselves the victim or harmed person. This form of manipulation is powerful with lasting effects on the victim and society as a whole, but there are techniques that can help manage this type of abuse tactic." -Source [Click link for more information about DARVO]
As a victim of parental abuse, my dad would do this all the time. He would constantly push me and my family members to our breaking point and then when we got angry, lashed out or got upset, he would claim to be the victim. And this is without me or anyone in my family explicitly accusing him of abuse.
So what Amber was saying here was not some intimidation tactic, it was literally her being gob smacked that someone who was obviously more powerful, more famous, and physically larger than her would try to tell anyone that he was a victim of abuse by her. She's saying "anyone with common sense would look at you and look at me and realize that I COULD NOT abuse you." Which...is correct. Except common sense has left the building.
Then there's the next audio I don't know if it's the same recording or a different one but she says she hit him she didn't punch him. So first of all, he is accusing her of punching him. She is saying that she didn't punch him. He's saying "I told you to go tell Travis what happened, that you punched me" and she's saying "Babe you're not punched"
Again, admitting to hitting him does seem damning. But You're missing the larger context, he is accusing her of physically harming him and she's saying "I didn't harm you". He is turning himself into a victim by exaggerating the situation and she's justifiably upset because he HAS physically harmed her multiple times. And here's the kicker, we don't really know why it got to this place.
Again to use my life, my dad who is probably 2 heads taller than me, physically much stronger than me, and had complete control over my life used to sit and tell me I was fat, ugly, stupid, make sexual comments about me and the women on tv that made me uncomfortable, make fun of my sexuality, and push me and push me until I would get up and lightly smack him on the arm. In that situation was I the abuser? Because I took it to some place physical?
Again, this is not two people who are on equal footing. They met when she was 22 and he was 45 at this point she is 30 and he is 53. He controls all the finances, he is physically bigger than her, and she has had documented physical injuries by him. Should she have not had any physical contact with him? Sure. Fine. But my god, she is a human being. The man has text messages saying "Let's drown her before we burn her!!! will f- her burnt corpse afterward to make sure she's dead." Are you saying if he said something like that to her she'd be out of line giving him an open-palmed hit?
And yes, I am speculating as to the circumstances that led to that recording, but please consider it. Amber Herd had less power than Johnny Depp but she wasn't powerless. She was an actress with a pretty steady career. In fact she was incredibly popular on tumblr for a long time. If she wanted to abuse someone, why choose Johnny Depp? I mean abusers meticulously choose their victims. They pick people without support networks, who are often younger, with less resources.
At the end of the day this is not about man v woman. This is about power and when you see these two people as equals, you are missing the context that they were not equals. Johnny Depp was so much more powerful, physically, experience, financially. He meticulously chose HER to be his victim. And yes, you can take a few snapshots from their relationship and find her to be less than perfect.
Also to those who are like "if she was REALLY ABUSED would she be so smarmy and annoying?" Yes bro. I didn't get smarmy and annoying because I had a healthy childhood. When you experience abuse, you become a bitch. You snicker, you smirk, because you are trying to find some victory in a life that has been completely destroyed. You become desensitized to your own trauma because it happens so frequently.
I think without these very misinterpreted audios, most of the other evidence would not be so badly interpreted. This is the ONLY evidence that is considered definitively against Amber. Every other piece of evidence is either firmly proving Johnny to be the abuser or open to interpretation based on what each of them claims happens. I understand that people are not aware of the dynamics of abuse, but if you learn nothing else, learn that abuse is about power.
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crowbird · 1 year
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| FIC PREVIEW ; l. kennedy x gn!reader
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CROW'S NOTE: thank you so much to @uhlunaro for enabling me genuinely I don't think I'd have managed to get around to writing this down with out that. Also the absolute earliest the full fic will be out is this weekend, I make absolutely zero promises.
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Claustrophobia clung to the archives. A coffin wherein the corpses of documents best left forgotten lay without wake. A shallow grave dug several stories beneath the ground but not deep enough to be a proper burial. The ghosts of misfiled-paperwork past hung over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway, breathing down his neck in the form of the artificial chill of air conditioning. The box in his arm, a makeshift urn laden with papers classified to even the highest of persons, ready to join its brethren amongst the shelves. Dust in the place of ashes as it would sit untouched until the day it met a delayed cremation. No words of the archives must be remembered after all, dust will accumulate but when words are discarded they will leave only ashes.
Leon Kennedy was not sure why he, of every possible errand boy, was asked to run this down to the archivist. Perhaps it was because he was the rookie. Not a rookie, the rookie, once again, although he liked to think the first time didn’t really count. You can’t exactly be a rookie at one’s job when your place of work has been rendered so… sick, it no longer lives. But he was the newest personnel within the STRATCOM’s office, fresh out of training and newly coerced into a government position he did not want.
But that was not why he was here, well, it was. But that’s not why he was in the archives. In the archives, making mildly uncomfortable eye contact with a cat barely larger than his foot. The creature, normal and alive by all accounts he could know, let out a yawn. It’s jaw unhinged in the same way only a cat’s can do, displaying a mouth the same size as it’s torso before returning to form. The cat let out a small mewl before blinking up at him, as if indicating it was Leon’s turn.
Leon’s turn for what? He had absolutely no idea.
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Resident Evil has been added to my taglist form! To join my murder of crows click: here
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works related to some form of published and copyrighted media showcased on this blog are fanworks and i do not own the source material that being said do not copy, modify, translate, claim, or repost my work to any other social media platform, same goes with using it for asmr audios, please do not use my work or i can and will reformat your anatomy
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putschki1969 · 9 months
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2023/09/06 Instagram post by Wakana
“Kaiyukan” Part 4!! ️🌊🦈🌊 This will be the last Kaiyukan post 👏 In addition to all the animals, there were also interactive exhibits that I really enjoyed🤗✨ This time, I was able to walk around the museum while listening to various explanations of staff members 😆 I feel grateful! ️✨ There are still many things I don't know about the ocean and sea creatures🧐 My endless journey to discover aquariums continues...!! ️!! (Source)
Wakana's Talk Garden#1 「Summer Troubles」
»»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
As announced a few days ago, Wakana is starting a podcast for Botanical Land members titled “Wakana’s Talk Garden”! A new episode will be posted once a month, the first one is already available on her fan club site! Episode #2 is scheduled to release on October 10. For future episodes, Wakana will let Botanical Land members contribute to the main talk topics and everyone can send in submissions (she's also thinking about small presents to those whose messages get picked up to be read during an episode). Be sure to join check it out!
The first episode was was quite reminiscent of YK's radio episodes, a lot calmer and toned down than what I would expect from Wakana XD. Wakana really enjoyed recording those "Sono Saki e" audio lyric essays she did for Uta Net so she is now trying to reproduce that atmosphere with her podcast. I'm glad she's getting some use out of the fancy microphone in her living room (although she is not using her special sound shield for these recordings even though it would probably be perfect for this purpose. She says she wanted the audio to be more casual and free-style). For next month, the topics are as follows =>
What comes to mind when you think of "autumn"?
Are you the type of person who takes comfort in things that don't change? Or are you the type who wants change?
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2023/09/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン始まりました!〜エアコンと新幹線とサバ美味しい〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Launch of My Talk Garden ! ~ Air cons, Shinkansen and Delicious Mackerels~
The first topic for my new podcast "Wakana's Talk Garden" was "Summer Troubles" so I had the chance to talk about lots of stuff with you😄Somehow I ended up talking for 30 minutes…🤔I hope you can listen to it when it's convenient for you, maybe while you are commuting or while doing something else. It seems like I make a lot of mistakes when I'm recording all by myself. When I listened to the audio after I had finished, I noticed so many little mistakes 😂😂 First of all, when I talked about my air conditioner being able to detect the outside temperature and start/stop the cooling function accordingly, I called this feature a "rest mode", but apparently, such a term does not exist.
And at one point I said "short-sleeved pajamas" although I meant to say "short-sleeved lounge-wear". I always wear long sleeves when I sleep, even in the summer *laughs*. I love these organic cotton pajamas and have been wearing them for about 10 years...😳Even though they're a little shabby, I still love them.
And I mentioned that the in-car wagon sales service on the Tokaido Shinkansen was no longer available but I was wrong! It is in fact still available but not for much longer, the service will end on October 31! So everyone, use that opportunity as long as the service is still available! Until then, let's all buy the infamous ultra hard ice cream\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Speaking of October, episode #2 is scheduled for October 10th! The talk theme is:
What comes to mind when you think of "autumn"?
Are you the type of person who takes comfort in things that don't change? Or are you the type who wants change?
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts related to autumn! As for the second question, you can tell me your habits, for example, if you like to move around a lot and change your environment? Or if you wear the same pajamas all the time? (that might just be me) By the way, I have lived in the same place for 12 years! I guess I am the type that feels comfort in things remaining stable 😂
Visit the fan club site to check out the first episode, to share your opinions/impressions and to send in submissions for the next episode! ↓↓↓↓↓ https://wakana-fc.jp/
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amandazoric · 1 year
Capturing the Moment: Six Free Screen Recorders That Leave No Watermark
Screen recording software is an invaluable tool for anyone who frequently presents or shares digital content, from educators and gamers to software developers and marketers. Yet, finding a tool that can capture high-quality videos without slapping a distracting watermark on the final output can be a daunting task. Let's dive into a collection of six free screen recorders, including ScreenRec and others, that promise crisp, watermark-free recordings.
1. ScreenRec
First on our list, ScreenRec sets itself apart with its simple, user-friendly interface and robust capabilities. It offers not just video, but also audio and voice recording. What truly sets ScreenRec apart, however, is its instant private sharing link feature. Once a recording is made, the software automatically generates a link for immediate sharing—a boon for speedy communication.
2. OBS Studio
Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio is another free and open-source screen recording tool. Loved by gamers, OBS Studio provides high performance, real-time video/audio capturing, and mixing. Its comprehensive features allow users to switch seamlessly between unlimited scenes, collected from multiple sources, and arrange them to create a professional-grade broadcast.
3. Free Cam
Free Cam is a Windows-friendly tool well-known for its easy-to-navigate interface. It provides users with a range of capabilities, including voice-over recording, system sounds, and the option to highlight the mouse cursor for instructional content. Free Cam also comes with a built-in audio and video editor, granting users the convenience of basic editing before saving or sharing the final recording.
4. ShareX
ShareX is a robust tool offering not only screen recording but also screen capture capabilities. In addition to creating watermark-free videos, ShareX also allows users to record with a webcam or other capture devices. Its comprehensive suite of post-capture editing tools like annotations, image effects, and watermarking adds to its appeal.
5. Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder
The Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder is a web-based tool, which means there's no need to download any software. It allows users to record from their screen or webcam with audio. Its flexible settings enable users to either capture an entire screen, a selected area, or a single browser tab.
6. ScreenApp.IO
ScreenApp.IO is another handy online tool that requires no downloads or extensions. With just a few clicks, it allows users to record their whole screen, an application window, or a browser tab. ScreenApp.IO shines with its simplicity and ease of use, making it perfect for quick, uncomplicated recordings.
In summary, each of these free screen recording tools—ScreenRec, OBS Studio, Free Cam, ShareX, Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder, and ScreenApp.IO—offer their unique strengths. Whether you need a simple solution for swift communications, a feature-rich tool for professional broadcasts, or a convenient online option, there's a screen recorder in this list that's sure to meet your needs. And the best part? Each one delivers clean, watermark-free videos, ensuring your content is clear, crisp, and free from distracting branding. Happy recording!
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lazywriters-blog · 2 years
Summary: What happens when an accident leads her back to the place she disliked.
Warning: May contain triggering content.
Word count: 7.8k
A voice record echoed through the white four-walled room, a small and minimalist space incorporated with monitors and a sleek desk.
There stood two women. One of them seemed to be uninterested in the subject while the other wore a tensed facade. Nervously scrolling down the extended page, with unease.
"Why are you bothering yourself with this extra chore? You know you can just skip over it right?" Announced a bored lady leaning behind a mature woman with white hair and a single blue strand.
"I just... Can't get it out of my head." Replied she.
"This happened a week ago right? Look, it might have been nothing, but you can check for your peace of mind, however, you shouldn't ruin your health."
"I won't... I just wanna see if I can hear anything else from this call. Except for the slamming sound, it could have been a kidnapping." The woman vouched, skimming through the contents in a file, gaze trained on the audio recordings.
"Do you think it could have been saved? The call I mean." She asked.
"Should be, it might take long though, serie unless you didn't tape it?" The female with short brown hair answered with a frown.
"No- no I clearly remember recording it the moment I didn't hear anything, it should have been saved!"
"Look, take my advice and just leave it be, it's better not to involve ourselves in our private investigation without a warrant. You could get into some serious trouble if I had rat you out to the managers."
"Miley, please, just... Let me confirm it was nothing. I won't bother you like this again, I promise." Serie demurely emphasized, speeding up the process after giving her friend one glare.
The brunette stepped back with raised hands, propping herself against the wall with crossed arms, staring at the girl promptly leaping past catalogues of audio.
Suddenly perking up when what she was looking for, appeared on the bright screen.
"This is it! I found it!" She cheered, quickly clinking and turning up the volume, leaning in closer in odds of heeding anything she might have bypassed.
To her dismay, she still couldn't hear anything clearer than before, it was just static silence with an eerie disturbance of something. It soon came to the part where she heard the slamming and the line cutting off.
"See! Like I told you, maybe this person was trying to call for help but they couldn't say anything and someone found out and they probably got rid of the phone!" Confidently illustrated serie, pointing her hand to further cement her statement.
Miley swiftly tries to diffuse the situation, pacifying her friend with little concern, "I hear you, let's give this to the authorities and leave it to them, there's not much we can do. With our status, we can only inform them, we can't convince them if they deem it as a prank call." She said.
Serie groaned, grazing her face with ferocity, much too unpleased with the supposed outcome her friend denoted. Sniffing in a sharp breath, she seeks to find a solution, resuming her stint, waning with the audio.
Miley furiously tossed her gaze to the door, gripping the sides of her waist as she stifled her mean response.
Serie significantly heightened the audio with a click of the mouse and prepared to hear the consequence, tapped the icon. This time.
There was a clear muffled screaming in the background.
A loud and sharp voice echoed in a sterile bureau, lingering with the scent of strong coffee, sunlight evading the space in a warm cosy glow, the atmosphere in the room had gotten heavy and uneasy, and the topic at hand was unnerving. In the centre, surrounding a tall woman were two men, heeding every word.
"According to our sources, the call was made from this area, called bedrock, at around 9 to 11 PM. So this kidnapping could have taken place in the dark with not many people around as witnesses."
The young lady pointed her finger to a map. Looking back to the men after stating the ailments.
One of the two men had his arms crossed, glaring at the chart they were being shown. Coming off as tepid.
"What's the crime rate in that area? Have there been any missing persons reported to the police?" A man inquired with a concerned glint in his green eyes, lips pressed down while he faced the serious woman.
"Not yet, one of our call takers reported this a few days ago, she said she heard screaming in the call when she amplified the audio, this is coming in late, traces could be very well-hidden. So you two are up to the task." She continued.
"This place is not known for any major crimes other than minor break-ins and robbery, It's a safe location, the only thing is it is not a commercial area, and not many citizens reside there. A perfect spot to kidnap someone I'm afraid." She finished with a frown, darting her eyes to the men, holding her head high with responsibility.
"What other clues do we have to take on this case?" Asked a man, releasing his closed-off posture and tilting his head, his pair of grey eyes devilishly striking. 
"Not a lot sadly. All we could gather was the location and time, other than that, we have no information on the caller or the suspect."
"It's a tricky case to solve then. We can try to see it through, however, with so little evidence we are bound to end up in a corner."
"You are right but let's try before giving up." Concluded the woman with a firm nod, nervously glancing to the side to mull over the situation. "Very well, we will see what we can do."
The two men took their leave. Allowing the woman to watch as the door closed and she was alone again.
"Where did kirishima run off to?" Uraraka implored as she glanced around the premise, beside her was her friend, izuku midoriya, appearing just as worried as she was. His gaze drifted to his former classmates, circling the entrance, his eyes lid up.
"Let's ask around." He said, taking off to meet their friends.
Uraraka silently sighed, glancing back at the greenette with a tender gleam in her orifices, she slowly walked towards the group, hearing the ongoing discussion as she hesitated to survey the scene.
"Hey! You guys, bakugo just took off all of a sudden, have you seen him?" Kaminari asked, observing the duo with slightly open eyes. Izuku seemed surprised, questioning.
"Kacchan? No, I haven't seen him since the meeting, when did he take off?" The blonde with a thunderbolt symbol on his hair groaned, turning his attention to an empty spot.
Sero stepped in, saying, "so we were talking about what to eat when suddenly bakugo just took off! Think it was a villain attack or something he rushed to?" Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, he stood still for a moment then he responded.
"I don't know but kirishima also sped off somewhere, have you by any chance caught a glimpse of him?"
"No, at least we didn't see him leave," Sero replied, astounded to know two of their former classmates had disappeared, to add to it, none of them received any nearby villainous incursions.
"I'm getting a bad feeling, should we be worried? Is something going on? Something very serious?"
Izuku shifted back, attempting to conjure up the piece of the puzzle, most of the fractions were lost.
However, if he could confirm it without risking any casualties, he'd be fine, as long as he kept it under the rug, his red-haired friend shouldn't be in trouble. He quickly looked up, announcing.
"Let's get back to work. They should be fine. Also..." He wavered, reconsidering if he was doing the right thing.
"Do you know where kacchan lives?"
The blonde had barely closed his eyes.
Without a word left to contemplate, sitting beside the girl he swore he loves more than he lets on.
Her hand in his grasp remained still, no strength in them to pull itself away from him, the discoloured skin he mistakenly took a peek at was making him doubt himself, distrust his ideals. Then, he looked at her face, it was peaceful.
Eyes shut close, lips dry and red from hard she must have nibbled her lips, a permanent scar bound to show on her forehead, he leaned forward, his shoulders curled inwards, holding in his breath as a sob escaped his mouth.
He felt ashamed to let his emotions rage.
"Sir, we reassure you she will be alright, all she needs is some rest and recovery time. We understand your concern but we will take care of her."
A nurse calmly stated to him, clenching his fist, glaring at the occupants of the sanitary hospital, willing to throw punches if things of his selection were restricted.
He couldn't exactly tell them that he needed to make sure she wasn't trying to escape now, could he?
"I need to see her damn it!" He shouted.
"You will! Just that she is undergoing treatment, after that, you can remain by her sir." She smiled, and with her posture and attitude, it seemed like it wasn't her first time dealing with extraordinary people.
"You've been doing that for hours?! How much longer before I can see her?" He quickly slips his fingers through his blonde hair, striving to hold off his frustration, pacing backwards.
The nurse anxiously inspected him taking hasty steps toward a seat, sitting down with his head bowed, hands positioned on his knees, attempting to stifle a shaky breath, staring down at the floor. He remembered he came rushing home when he was at U.A.
He was in his hero costume, sweaty and unable to breathe, if people recognised him, he couldn't care less, but if someone who knew him were to become aware of this, questions would arise, questions he didn't want to answer or be asked of.
The nurse awkwardly turned around to leave. Abandoning him with his self-loathing thoughts.
"Will she be okay?" He asked.
His dull and weary eyes amassed unspoken sympathy from the middle-aged man. He stared at him, scantily nodding before he uttered.
"Fortunately, she didn't suffer any life-threatening injuries so she should be fine in about 3 to 6 months if given the correct medications." He carried on.
"Avoid any external activities once it is safe to discharge her. If any compilations occur, it will be hard for her." He reassured the young man, who quietly listened.
Watching the doctor depart from their room with an unreadable expression painted across his face, he directed his attention back to the girl, returning to his seat where he had dozed off.
He observed her.
All while his thoughts were sapping away his ease, he never fought back, he let it seethe, never acknowledged it, waiting for it to consume him whole.
Her chest rose up and down, the same as he remembered from the night, her breathing was the only indication that let him know she was alive, otherwise, he might have grown frantic and have done something regrettable.
His phone vibrated.
Kept at the table to charge, the screen lid up with the caller ID, he swiftly grabbed it, taking it with him. Stopping outside the room, he picked up the call.
Instantly, hearing someone's voice he hadn't expected.
He made him want to throw the device and force it into tiny chunks. Izuku anxiously mumbled.
"Kacchan, I've been trying to reach you since yesterday, um... Where are you? Kaminari and the others were worried."
"I'm fine. What do you want?" He grumbled, grimacing upon recalling that the greenette on the line had prior history with his girl.
"I... don't know how to say it... But I checked [Y/N]'s house, she wasn't there and the place wasn't untouched." Katsuki instantly stiffened, replying with a disquieted tone.
"What are you suggesting?" He grimly asked. Then he shifted his focus to look outside the windows, the figures crossing his sight blurring out as he concentrated on the male's voice. He expanded his query.
"And how do you know where she lives?"
"She told me... Look, she isn't picking up her calls it is barely even connecting, she hasn't replied to my texts. I can't reach her! I'm worried something could have happened to her..." He articulated his thoughts. The unrest in his voice couldn't be faked.
But, was he trying to fool him?
He does not trust him.
"Kacchan? Kacchan?" Izuku's words snapped him out of his trace. He instantly toughened up, with a disgruntled pitch to his voice and feet firmly planted on the ground, he responded.
"Shut up damn nerd, since when did you start to care for her, huh?!" The abrupt transition in the conversation had certainly stunned the male on the call.
"And why are you bringing me into this? I'm guessing someone told you something." Izuku shortly interrupted. "Kacchan I know you didn't have the best relationship with [Y/N] but I'm telling you in case it is something very serious."
"Hmm, one thing I learned from our childhood is that you are a good lair, and don't act like you are all innocent either, I know you-"
"Why are you getting so defensive all of a sudden??! See, this is exactly why we can't have a proper talk. As heroes, we should try to help anyone in need. We can't bring our personal feelings in the case."
"I never did and never will and you don't tell me what to do!" He raised his voice, immediately reaping weird looks from bypassers.
"Kacchan-" he promptly ended the hectic exchange. Presented with a clear motive in mind.
He needed to take her somewhere safe.
"It sounded pretty intense..." Uraraka commented, moving back from the device, attending to her horrified friend staring at his phone with wide eyes, his heart was beating faster.
"He did not sound happy... Maybe he's moved on from her, I mean, we can't say that kirishima lied but, are you sure he loved your classmate, [Y/N] you called her." She raised a question, observing izuku eye everywhere but her.
"No... No, he loved her more than I did." Uraraka's expression changed, the male had not managed to see it.
"I'm sure of it." He looked up, "there were lots of rumours about them in school, I can't say they were true, however, from what I know, everyone in school was saying they had an affair going on..."
"You loved her?" Uraraka grinned, gulping down an unlikeable notion.
"That's not the point. He never treated her well and she would be against marriage with him if what kirishima said was true. She hates him..."
"Are you trying to convince yourself that she's in love with him or are you presuming she hates him?"
Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes as he absorbed in her words, wordlessly wanting her to explain what she meant.
"What I'm telling is, people change, if she's happy to marry him we shouldn't assume and leap onto her circumstances uninvited." She said.
"I don't know what you are talking about uraraka-san... I get what you mean by not forcing ourselves into making her decision, kacchan was never good to her."
"Yeah, but he's changing."
Izuku sighed, bending his head down. He retorted, "I can't let her and kacchan be together, you just don't get it."
Uraraka didn't say anything, she already knew whatever might happened between izuku and her was enough for them to be a little more than friends.
Dare she say, a one-sided love.
"He's not good for her."
"Oh... This place is isolated." A young detective mumbled, eyeing the sunny outside, and turned right to face the male who had yet to respond.
The male's grey eyes trained on the road looked at him once, his jet black hairs neatly concealed in his worn-out hat gently blowing in the warm breeze. The inexperienced detective grimaced, giving leeway for his thoughts.
Although he should have kept his mouth shut, he had an odd habit of provoking when the silence was too loud. He abruptly let out more strings of words intended for the stringent man.
"It would be very easy to kidnap someone here, and this area is vast, traces could be anywhere." He glanced at his senior.
"What kind of idiot would wander off by themselves, if you ask me, this could be a lost cause."
"Would you shut up and do as you're told, rookie, we do our jobs as assigned without 'this' or 'that'."
"Yeah. Sure." He pursued his lips, the hefty words of his elder sinking in, pleased to have earned his attention. He smiled, "I was just sharing my opinion, is all. Sorry, Mr Cameron."
The older man shoots a glare at him, saving his words for a better time. He turned to the road, and not long after, his eyes spotted a convenience store.
Instantly deciding it was a good idea to ask wherever they could. He looked over to the brunette and sternly mouthed instructions.
"You better keep your mouth shut while I'm questioning, don't let any vital information slip your mouth, teo."
The young man crankily gave a subtle nod, finalizing their coalition relatively peacefully.
The prowl car came to a halt in the desolated location, it seemed like no one liked to trek off to this part of town, and the inadequacy of crowds or people was slightly worrisome.
The two eventually stepped out and let themselves in, the shop owner appeared apprehensive, observing the men like a hawk and held the phone in his hands tighter when the duo started to speak.
"We are here to ask some questions about a case, recently, it was reported that someone had disappeared. We would like you to answer our questions." Cameron firmly stated without a hint of leniency, insinuating panic in the single occupant of the shop.
"I... Um, I haven't seen anyone out of the usual officers." He said, his eyes fixated on the two, attempting to maintain a calm posture, even though he had begun to sweat underneath his red shirt.
"I have not seen anything strange, my customers live around here somewhere, and they are influential people." He concludes with an uncertain nod of his head.
Cameron raised his eyebrows, taking in the unusual mannerisms of the owner, but he supposes an innocent one gets intimidated easier, he couldn't blame him. He quickly asked.
"The person supposedly vanished at the end of last month, at around 9 a call was made but the victim couldn't get anything in, we suspect it was a kidnapping. Have you seen anyone with violent traits?"
The man got to thinking, averting his gaze while he reminisced whatever his mind could compile at a tensed time like these. Shortly, he answered, "I may have? But I'm not sure." He carried on.
"Last month, during nighttime, one of the popular heroes nowadays, with... Uh, blonde hair and red eyes came to my shop. He purchased some mild sleeping pills, and then he was off. Until I saw him... Stomp down on something."
He resumed after stealing a peek.
"I couldn't tell what it was, and I think I saw someone in his car but I'm not entirely sure."
"Could you tell us the name of this hero you saw that day?" The detective implored, and the man responded.
"Ah- ground zero, zero ground or something. That's all I can tell you or... at least all I can think of."
Cameron peered down, furthering his statement with another question to trouble the panicked man, "where did you see it?"
Teo simply watched the man's expression fluctuate and contort, one thing was unmistakable, the man had seen something, which could be involved in the case they were currently working on something entirely different.
"Just outside the shop."
"I see, thank you for your time." Cameron politely acknowledged, walking out to inspect a potential abduction scene with haste.
"A pro-hero kidnapping an innocent civilian, now that's some controversial stuff. It'd be quite the drama."
Teo remarked as the two sauntered to the site, gaily grinning and envisioning the dispute it would incite, ensuring whatever remaining faith civilians have in the heroes faded.
Cameron's gaze hardened, his placid expression dissolving into a nasty scowl. He recklessly retorted.
"If you are going to badmouth the situation after being concerned in the first place, it would be best if you resign while you still have the chance."
"Woah! That's some threat, taking the side of the heroes I see, quite the dedication." Teo smugly replied, but the wise would know not to entertain more than needed.
That'd sure lead the taunter to resentment.
Teo settled his eyes elsewhere, enabling the other male to scour around for any evidence without distraction.
The patrol refill locale had been the usual, the extended land beyond the territory had plenty of trees and grass, closer inspection led to nothing but mud and thrown pieces of plastic with other manmade products buried into the land.
If there were any clues, they were days late to find them.
"When can she be discharged?" Katsuki pointed his sharp gaze at the medic.
Arms crossed and defensive posture held up, the blonde had rushed his words to indicate something was wrong, but the doctor hadn't noticed, so he answered without a second thought.
"In about two or three weeks."
Katsuki didn't say anything, checking on the girl while he stands tall and making sure the man isn't doing anything foul.
The doctor glanced at him, noticing the way he kept tapping his boots whilst he thought of something, staring at the girl laying on the bed. Dark circles underneath his eyes, and overall, the young hero didn't appear at his best.
"Are you okay? You know, pro-heroes need to rest as well. Don't worry, she will be alright." He reassured in hopes of clearing the blonde of doubts, however, it seems to have done the opposite.
"I would like to take her home next week. I don't care how much I have to pay for the treatment at home, I want her to be safe."
Something didn't feel right. Perhaps, it was his voice.
"Is there something bothering you?" Worry latching onto the man's voice, he consulted. It agitated him.
"No! Damn it, don't change the topic!!" He suddenly shouted, drawing his tired gaze from the girl and onto the doctor, "Sir, please keep your voice down, there are other patients around." Gently the medic urged, examining the girl for a moment, he walked towards the blonde.
He said. "While I might not know your circumstance, it is not possible at the moment, I can't guarantee she can be discharged next week."
"So then when?" Struggling to sustain his voice at a low pitch he sneered, the gap between his fingers closing, narrowing his eyes and thinning his lips.
"Please be patient. Nothing will happen to her in this facility, you can rest easy." He pats Katsuki on the arm, aiming to somewhat relieve him.
Katsuki shrugged the hand off his arm, steering his blood-red eyes of the doctor silently thinking about what to do.
If he goes on like this, he might just lose his mind, worrying for her, her safety, and if something is bound to happen to her.
Would he be able to live on?
"What are you doing?" Izuku innocently mumbled, eyeing the meek little girl who seemed giddy and wore a small smile. Her appearance was completely new to him, and it made his heart skip a beat.
"I'm playing dress-up dress-up with my sister!" She grinned, giving him a proper display of her transformation. The boy blushed.
"You look nice..." He shyly muttered, feeling too nervous to maintain eye contact. His lips were tightly pressed and his gaze wandered to the empty hallway.
"I thought you had something else to do today?" He quickly hid his hands behind his back, saying.
"O-oh! I did! Mom said it was okay if I didn't want to go..." He pulled his stare away from his feet, "So I came here to play with you instead."
"Ohh!!" It was now the girls to glow a hearty pink and dress on a sheepish expression, shifting to her left and thinking of a game to enjoy with her friend.
"So... Uh, let's play with my sister today! We both can play dress-up dress-up!!" She exclaimed, her cheeks were burning hot while she dragged the timid boy with him to the room she had run out of.
"Sis! Izuku is here!" She cheered, the high schooler faced the two kids and chuckled.
"How do you make his name sound cuter [Y/N]?"
"I don't! It's because it's already cute." She pouted, bringing the both of them closer to the oldest in the room, her hand still holding onto the boy's wrist stiffly standing behind her.
"Well look at you two! I'm cheering for you both, want me to tell mom and dad?" She playfully teased, lovingly attending to the young ones.
"No! Mom likes izuku anyway I'm sure she wouldn't mind me and him playing hide and seek!" Of course, she hadn't understood the meaning behind that statement when she had spoken.
"Wow, you already forgot about your sister huh?" She sighed in woe, inciting a giggle from the boy, mildly admiring the interaction between his friend and her sister.
He wanted the same type of relationship with his friend but mixed in with a little more, something he couldn't pinpoint inside his mind. A fluttery feeling in his stomach created a euphoric sensation, it was bizarre. It felt nice.
He could partly recall this sentiment when he had grabbed her hand for the first time.
Bringing her along with him, even after everyone disagreed.
She was his first crush.
When he was in middle school, he had seen her being pushed down for her to land on top of his former best friend, who didn't come off all that upset after seeing her face. Should he say, the blonde liked that?
Or when his companions would lock the both of them inside the classroom for them to spend some quality time together, he was there to witness and go out of his way to unlock the door.
And he was there to see them both kiss. The crowd's glees made his ears ring and that painful feeling had lasted, kacchan was her first kiss.
While he had done nothing to help her, letting himself be dragged back and threatened.
Perhaps he had gotten scared after seeing her in a different light, in his young years, he had never seen her be truly angered, but one day.
It all changed.
He had been sitting in class, awaiting his kindergarten teachers to arrive, his friend was in front of him, her face had been lowered and while he couldn't see her expression, he knew she was crying.
And then, kacchan had called her, walking up to her desk and peering down at her forlorn figure, whatever he had said built up more animosity. Until finally, he shoved her off the seat.
She stood up, no response given to amuse the blonde, and every kid had their attention directed towards them, blinking and whispering amongst themselves, he was uneasy but before he could confront them.
His friend vanished.
Nobody had seen her run out of the classroom, there was no sound, no talking, everything was still and calm.
Then came a loud thump, and everyone veered around to see the blonde on the ground, shocked, and confused, a book was thrown, and it startled everyone. They were slowly getting to know something they had not seen, and children are easily frightened.
A loud screech of the chair as it was picked up and tossed straight down to the boy made his classmates shriek, kacchan had managed to dodge, staring wide-eyed at the empty spot.
She tackled him to the ground.
The young girls in the back had cried out before all hell broke loose, they couldn't see her, but the students in the front would know why there was blood leaking out of the blonde's nose.
The sound of a fist hitting flesh caused everyone to panic and cry while they scrambled out of the door in a frenzy, there was a struggle as kacchan tried to defend himself, and wild sounds of chairs and desks being kicked back were the only sounds he had contrived to heed.
The sounds of children shouting and wailing had the teachers rush in, stopping the situation from escalating more than it had.
He remembers noticing kacchan with a bloody nose. It stuck to his brain. While his friend he had not been able to discern was screaming inside the room, it was a horrifying experience.
He wasn't sure how the teachers had made her calm down when he saw her come out of the room, her eyes were red, she was sobbing, and she looked so... Different. One moment of rage was all it took.
It was on that day, that her name got a new meaning.
It was also why her nickname would always remain with her, stuck to her like a leech, and why no one ever dared to call her real name.
That's why she was called 'loopy'.
"You okay, Mr. deku?"
He realised he had spaced out a little too late. He apologised, letting go of his prior thoughts to fully understand why he was here in the office with his manager.
"Anyway, we have noticed a slight decline in your performance today but it's nothing to worry about, you have been on top of the hero chart for a month, and your former classmate has seemed to have calmed down."
"Oh, kacchan? Yeah, he's busy with something else haha." Izuku gave the man a wide grin leaning forward.
"I brought you here to discuss any further romantic involvement with miss uravity, just to keep it safe, for the sake of your public image it would be best to announce anything."
Izuku quickly opened his eyes, lightly waving his hand and replying, "oh no, we are just very close friends, I'm not willing to put her in danger as being the symbol of peace attracts a lot of negative attention."
"I see your point. Just wanted to warn you."
Izuku laughed, standing up to shake the man's hand and depart from their small meeting, his smile dropping the moment he had stepped out, slowly he made his way out to open.
It was usually the time his mom would call. Or his close friends. Checking his phone, he skipped over to the messager app and found her contacts, her last texts, last seen, all there for him to view and ponder.
The last call phone call he had not received in the middle of a villain attack, he felt guilty.
Why did she call him? To tell him something? To ask him to help her out with a silly fact, or to tell him his childhood best friend was near.
He wanted to talk to her.
On cue, his phone rang, he picked it up without a second glance, it was uraraka.
"Hey deku, how was your day?" She happily uttered her usual pleasantries, izuku listened, remembering when he had first talked to a girl on his device.
"Yeah... It was good." He replied in his normal tone, strolling down the stairs to his agency, "mine was so funny, iida and kirishima fell on their faces while they were fighting!" She giggles, he could imagine her smiling.
"Really? Too bad I wasn't there to see it."
"You were busy so, how's your case going on, about the 'fanatics' that's what they're called right?"
"Yeah, so far all I found out was that the leader of this group had a girlfriend named 'Aoi', what about you?"
"I heard they got married or something. Guess the rumours are a little tricky and inconsistent?"
"Yeah can't trust much without clear evidence." He replied, stopping to say goodbye, "I gotta go, I'll text you when I reach home."
"Yeah, sure, be careful."
Izuku let out a sigh he couldn't hold in blankly staring at the street lights, he stood glued on the spot for a minute, fighting himself, whether he should gratify his current friend or his crush.
Electing it was best to speculate about his childhood crush when he was at home. He started to walk.
However, he knew if he saw her again.
His feelings would come surging back.
"Well, it looks like the trail has gone cold... No point in wasting our time for any more clues." Teo dismissively muttered, rolling his eyes while he leaned back and stared at the road, tapping his foot impatiently. The man seemingly heeds not his words and carries on with his now personal task of finding a missing person.
The sun had vanished, casting their surroundings in a darkly glow. 
"What do you make of a pro-hero kidnapping a civilian? I say it's interesting news, could cause an uproar but it would certainly be entertaining. Don't you agree?" smirked teo after putting his thoughts to rest to witness the old man counter with unforgettable words he could use to probe the man's anger later on.
"Entertaining for people like you." Cameron kept it simple and flashed him a smug smile, "unlike you, some people don't want their peace to be ruined. Couldn't agree with ya there." He finished.
"Aren't you friendly Mr Cameron, I was just trying to share my opinion and it seems like it pricked you in the wrong way." shot back teo, annoyed with the man's sudden hurtful jabs.
"Haha, is that so? Okay then, why don't you just shut up and sit quietly, won't be my fault for crashing into a tree and killing ya." chuckled he and took a sharp turn, prompting the young rookie to slam himself unto the door, grumbling and glaring at his partner while he recoiled.
"You sure you can be so reckless? Old man, you got a bad temper. It's pissing me off." spat teo with a grim frown, furrowed eyebrows, and pursing his lips, displeased with being told off to behave like a dog pet.
"You certainly look to be the cause of it."
"Me? Look who's talking, you started it." 
"And I'm finishing it." The car came to a swift halt, Cameron stepped out of the vehicle shortly after making the statement. Forcing the young man to groan and do the same scowling, closely following behind his senior and glaring childishly. "You should perhaps get ahold of your anger, you are gonna get us killed, or kidnapped. We are allowing ourselves to be easy targets, you do know why we are here, right? To find the missing person and not to get lost."
Teo tried his hand at taunting the old man whilst they trek amongst the howling wind and ghostly trees, sneaking a quick peek at the phantom third person behind him, slightly astonished to find his partner navigating without a proper source of light, "You took me out here to kill me, am I right?" Although his voice indicated no sense of dread, he sure couldn't starve off his nervousness. 
"Kid, would a famous detective risk his reputation and career for a pity crime?" retorted him, moving his face over his shoulder to spy an agitated boy picking up his pace. 
"Well... when you put it that way, I guess not. But who knows what goes through your mind? For all I know, you could be leading me straight into a trap." fearfully narrated teo and stared with wide eyes. At last, the mature of the two put a stop to their conversation, and said, "Suit yourself, got no time to convince you."
The two went on their uncertain roads with different notions, teo tensely searched the area and in a distance, to his surprise, found a dully-illuminated house isolated and far away from the public eyes, he called out to his elder handpicking mysterious objects rooted in the mud, shouting, "Mr Cameron, there's a house over here!" 
"And you are sure you are not seeing things?" 
"Then why don't get your old ass over here and see." 
Cameron walked over grumpy and stomping, leaning in towards the destination, he observed it, "oh." He spoke, "guess you do have proper eyes." He grinned at the male turning his body towards him, a sinister gleam glowing on the man's face.
"Haha, come on kid." With light leaden steps, he made his way over to the lonely house, teo eyeing him
with disdain gripped his fist and licked the insides of his mouth, he retorted, "hey, you do know this could be a trap old man, with old age, I suppose brain power comes down too." Smugly said, he eagerly awaited a battle of hefty words.
"Yeah kid, guess you've got some brains. Young ones these days still do stupid things despite having good intelligence, they lack experience."
Teo grimaced, not having concocted a good remark to throw at his partner, "well, sure. Still though-" Cameron put up his hand, gazing up at the windows, one of them being broken chunks and bits of glass slivers spewed around the mud, "hey kid get up there." He suddenly demanded.
Teo widely opened his mouth, "huh?! You do know I don't have a quirk? Right? Plus we can't just enter an unknown property without a search warrant!" He revealed his wrist, the facade he put up crumbling and overtaking his arrogant confidence. He continued.
"Why don't you get up there?"
"Kid, how could you ask an old man to climb up there and not break his back or something in case he falls." Cameron folded his arms, staring at the boy.
"What the hell?! If you can't, then even I can't! You have a quirk and I don't!"
"Well, aren't you brave kid."
He sighed, opening his arms and placing them on his lips looking up at the place to better find a remedy, he then turned around side-eyeing the tall trees obscuring the house, it had to be the promising choice.
"Okay kid, climb this tree."
Katsuki remained unmoving in his seat red eyes glued to the woman he nearly lost, let her escape, let himself underestimate her. That only meant he had to improve himself, whatever he thought he was doing seemingly did not seem enough. He couldn't let her do this again, to herself or him.
She peacefully slept on the hospital bed, unlike the most times he's been beside her while she dreamed, she didn't stir nor did she grimace when he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Now, she's compliant. Submissive without an option.
She had to let him take care of her, and he would. Only if she would care to think that perhaps giving him another chance was necessary.
"Good morning Mr Bakugo." The doctor's voice resounded throughout the room whilst he crept forward and shut the door behind him. "According to your request, we have decided to let her be taken home and given treatment there as per your plea." He informed with a stiff and monotone voice, leading him to believe that money surely could talk.  
"I must warn you if any complications do occur. It would be wise to bring her back and let us take care of her." The man subtly glared at the blonde, peering down disapprovingly, "tomorrow she can be discharged." He notified throwing one last glare and walking out of the room.
"You know... On the day you escaped, I was thinking of binding you to me forever. That will happen, I will make sure of it, it's what you and I want." He picked up his hand and gently rested them on her cheek, stroking it as his tired eyes took in her frail appearance.
"I'll take you home tomorrow."
"Kid! What the hell are you doing?! I told you to get up there, not just cling to that branch for dear life!" Scolded Cameron from below teo who instantly glared down and shouted.
"Oh yeah! Let me fall to my death too while I'm at it, old man how the hell are you even gonna catch me, huh?! You'll break your back first!"
"Kids these days are so rebellious, just get the job done rookie, that's an order!"
"Well too bad!! I'm not gonna take orders while I'm in a life-or-death situation!"
"You are too dramatic rookie..."
The man sighed, walking up to the tree and peering up, "get down then If you can't do it, no use wasting time here. Looks like we'll have to get a search warrant and miss finding crucial evidence."
"You serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious! I could have paid for your hospital bills if you did fall, it's tragic you missed that opportunity."
He had to get those windows fixed.
He only remembers them upon entering his house and finding the place mixed up and ravaged, the vase she threw at him still in pieces along with the dust. It is fortuitous that nobody knows he lives here, at least not those who can harm him or her. The morning had arrived and she was able to be discharged as promised.
Nurses roamed the room she was kept in, locked in. Preparing everything that needed to be done whilst his sweetheart slept peacefully even with the slight ruckus around her, defenceless she was, barely knowing that she returned to the place she ran away from.
"Excuse me, sir, we will come every day to check up on her, here is the list of things you must do, and the daily dose of medicine for her." She quickly mumbled and handed him a paper, shortly joining her other friend walking away from him and out the front door.
Now greeted with pure silence, his thoughts festered and accompanied him to the kitchen, providing himself with a glass of water and gulping it down, then he looked at her room, the door wasn't shut and he could see her laying on the bed, breathing, suffering the consequences of her actions.
Perhaps he shouldn't have left that tiny opportunity for her to use and escape, he better contact the owner and have everything done again, this time with full confidence she could not escape even if she tried.
However, how is he going to cover up the original story? A thief attempted to enter and struggle pursued, or he simply couldn't handle his temper and lashed out at the poor objects. Both options seemed sensible.
Fishing out his phone from his pockets and searching for his contacts, he soon found what he was looking for and brought it up to his ear, staring at her whilst he waited for the person on the other side to pick up.
"Hello?" Came a stern voice, and katsuki rushed to the chase, replying, "send someone over to fix the damn windows, someone fucking broke them while I was out."
The man was confused, and said, "sure? Those glasses were expensive, you gotta pay for them."
"Yeah yeah, just get them fixed." Katsuki chastised and hang up the call, carelessly throwing his phone on the counter and groaning, "you just had to do it, didn't you." Katsuki muttered glaring at her sleeping form in the other room.
"And here I was, thinking that day could have been our special day." He smiled to himself, a tinge of grief latched on his grin as he made his way to the sofa and dropped onto it, for a moment, he stared at the ceiling then he straighten himself to hold his head in his hands to lessen the effects of his thoughts.
He was supposed to be happy. And she should have been happy with him, but she just had to go and run away from him like he was going to hurt her, in the end, she only hurt herself and the blame fell on her. It was solely her fault.
A knock at the foot alerts katsuki.
Snapping his head towards it, he gets up and briskly walked towards the entrance, without looking to see who it was, he unbolted the door and swung it wide open, irritated with whoever was bound to be at the portico, he glared at the two men standing tall in front of him, men in suits and hats, katsuki scowled, "is it Halloween for you or what?" His displeasure was clear as the sunny day outside, but he wasn't one to fear the aftermath.
"We are from the police department, we are here on a search warrant to investigate a missing girl who was last heard on a 911 call." The eldest of the two inaugurated, holding a batch of proof, "we would like to ask you a few questions." The detective's stolid grey eyes darted to katsuki's slightly open eyes.
"So it is her. Aoi..." Izuku thought out loud, his eyes glued to the documents on his clean desk.
'She was in my class, and she for some reason didn't like [Y/N], I remember seeing them arguing, could it be somehow connected to [Y/N]? Could she be in danger?'
Izuku pressed his lips together, attempting to make sense of things in his mind, he leaned forward reaching out for his phone and finding his chats with her, last seen and read a couple of weeks ago, not finding anything out of the blue, not a secret code or a call for help, he tapped his finger at the call icon.
But instantly it didn't connect, nor did it ring.
He found his heart beating faster than usual, and everything around him didn't seem to matter while his thoughts ran wild and all he could focus on were unpleasant notions, she would have received his calls no matter what. Then he checked his call log, drifting past numerous missed and received calls, and he stumbled across her name. He feels a sense of dread wash over him.
She had called him. Twice.
He should have picked it up.
"Mr bakugo, how long have you been here?" Cameron asked as he and teo inspected the house, katsuki quickly replied, "just a few months." If he was going to lie, he'd have to do it seamlessly.
He unclenched his fist, eyeing the two men from the corner of his eye, "I see, would you have happened to see anything unusual near the convenience store?" Katsuki froze for a minute recollections of what he did flashing before his eyes. He had broken her phone so how did they hear anything?
This has to be a trick he surmised.
"No, I haven't seen anything unusual around here."
And he even made sure those couples didn't open their mouths. If they desired to save their skin.
"Have you by chance seen anyone running away from these woods?" The detective questioned again, glancing back at the blonde standing behind him.
"I'm barely home most of the time, I'll be on patrol day and night, so I can't help much."
Teo stopped at the sight of the broken window, bewildered rather than shocked katsuki noticed. "And how did this happen?" He asked, strangely he felt like they knew something he didn't know. He paused, before saying, "someone tried to break into my house while I was rushing my fiance to the hospital." He answered without a stutter, strongly observing the changes in both men.
"And you didn't report it to the police?" Teo inquired once more, raising his eyebrows and staring at him. "She just got discharged today, I wasn't home until today, I only got to know about it when I returned home." Katsuki spits out, infuriated with the incursion of his privacy, furrowing his eyebrows he glared at the boy.
"How is your fiance now?" Cameron implored after viewing the bitter look on katsuki's face, sensing the blonde harbouring the least good of intentions.
"She's on bed rest, she can't move around until she's all healed up." He uttered, a cold tone to his voice, Cameron noticed how stiff he got when the mention of his fiance comes up.
"I see, I hope she gets well soon."
Katsuki hummed, his red eyes still on teo who carried on examining each and everything in his house.
"And where's your fiance again?" Teo looked up, and met with the narrowed eyes of the blonde, "I do hope we can question her once she gets better if you dont mind."
Cameron glared with widened eyes silently mouthing curses under his breath, knowing he should have left the insensitive rookie in the car and gone with his lonesome self.
"Sure," Katsuki said.
Cameron's expression altered, staring at the blonde confused by the sudden change in attitude. He glanced back to the broken window, and truly he found something was wrong.
If someone were to break in from outside, wouldn't the glass shards be scattered across the place, but not a single piece of glass was shining on the floor? He knew for sure, most of it was outside.
This means someone was trying to break it from the inside, and not from the outside as the blonde suggested.
Someone was trying to break out of the house.
At any cost.
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aestheticsworldasmr · 5 months
"Whispering Controllers and Tapping Keys: The Soothing Symphony of ASMR Games"
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In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, enthusiasts are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such trend that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the marriage of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) and gaming. ASMR, known for its ability to induce tingling sensations and relaxation through auditory stimuli, has found its way into the gaming world, creating a unique and immersive fusion. Join us as we explore the enchanting world of ASMR games, where the soothing sounds of whispers, taps, and clicks blend seamlessly with the virtual realm.
The Rise of ASMR Culture:
ASMR, originally a niche phenomenon, has grown into a global cultural phenomenon. Its gentle whispers, soft tapping, and other subtle sounds have become a source of relaxation and stress relief for millions. ASMR creators on platforms like YouTube have amassed huge followings, paving the way for ASMR to expand into various niches, including gaming.
ASMR in Gaming: A Harmonious Duo:
ASMR and gaming might seem like an unlikely pair, but the combination has proven to be a match made in audio heaven. ASMR gaming content typically involves gamers utilizing delicate sounds to enhance the gaming experience. Whether it’s the rhythmic tapping of controller buttons, the soft clicking of a mouse, or the gentle whispering of in-game commentary, ASMR games provide players with a new level of immersion.
ASMR Gaming Categories:
a. Let’s Play ASMR: In this category, gamers play popular titles while incorporating ASMR elements. The sounds of button presses, mouse clicks, and soft-spoken commentary create a tranquil atmosphere for viewers.
b. Virtual ASMR Environments: Some games are designed specifically to cater to the ASMR community. These virtual environments focus on soothing visuals and calming sounds, allowing players to relax and unwind.
c. ASMR Soundscapes in Games: Developers are incorporating ASMR elements into their game designs to enhance the overall experience. Whether it’s the rustling of leaves, the sound of raindrops, or the crackling of a fireplace, these in-game sounds contribute to a more immersive and relaxing atmosphere.
ASMR Game Streamers:
The emergence of ASMR game streamers has brought this unique genre to a broader audience. Creators often use high-quality binaural microphones to capture nuanced sounds, providing viewers with an ASMR experience akin to being in the same room.
The Therapeutic Benefits:
Beyond entertainment, ASMR games offer therapeutic benefits. The calming nature of ASMR can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia. For individuals looking to unwind after a long day, ASMR games provide a welcome escape into a world of soothing sensations.
ASMR games represent a captivating fusion of technology and relaxation, creating a unique subculture within the gaming community. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the integration of ASMR elements is likely to become more prevalent, offering players a new way to enjoy their favorite pastime. So, the next time you pick up your controller or mouse, consider delving into the world of ASMR games for a truly enchanting gaming experience.
DOWNLOAD NOW : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theasmrgames.glassplatepinpuzzle
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templetogavage · 2 years
Weekly Weighing (11/27 to 12/03)
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Courtesy of @d0ughb0i, I think this picture is an excellent example of how a gainer can show off without showing too much skin. The way that shirt clings to the belly, revealing just the lower third of it...the way it leaves the arms completely exposed...beautiful shot.
2. https://www.tumblr.com/yourgainercoach/702409098794352640/fat-male-celebrities-sam-straley-and-adam-ray
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Follow through the link to see another find by @fat-male-celebrities. As usual, the guy is too thin for me, but I'll never say no to chubby guys exercising. Shame there isn't a video included.
3. https://www.tumblr.com/reluctantloser/702359644032679936
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Although this week I didn't find any great videos on my dash, I did find this hypnotizing GIF. While I'm skeptical of the power of hypnotism, I do hope this inspired some gainer somewhere to gluttony.
4. https://www.tumblr.com/tktk1/702488893214294016
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Something about the sunglasses, face, and build brings to mind Arnold Schwarzenegger. This image has the air of a confident, assertive man who's always had to maintain his body finally letting go a little. I rarely feature this look (too much muscle, too little fat), but something about it called to me.
5. https://www.tumblr.com/sumbellies/702480529367482368
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@lardgerthanlife impressing as always. The double chin is the only part of the face within frame, the shift rides up perfectly, the sight of some stretch marks as the gut is perfectly framed and lit in the center of the image...couldn't look more like a gainer if you tried. Like the first image this time, this one is a classic, the kind of image you can find on gainer Tumblr a dime a dozen, but that's precisely what makes it great.
6. https://hunky-to-chunky.tumblr.com/post/702402750507597824
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I'm rapidly becoming a huge fan of @olinebestline. Not since Football Biggins days of yore have I been this interested in sports. Combine my love of the football player build with a flexing pose and I'm all in.
7. https://www.tumblr.com/templetogavage/702174944466993152/dieter-williams-daddy-takes-care-all-i-gave-you?source=share
Self-promotion break! I'm proud of this particular audio, I think the script came together nicely. Click through the link to subscribe to my Post+ to hear the whole thing.
8. https://captainjaneways-bitch.tumblr.com/post/702364117432991744/i-dont-think-it-fits
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@captainjaneways-bitch wears the hell out of this shirt. That's all there really is to say, just...admire that belly. Hard to make intelligent commentary about this, to be quite frank. Gorgeous guy, gorgeous gut, case closed.
And that's this week's Weekly Weighing. Thanks to @fatmen-xxl, @yourgainercoach, @reluctantloser, @tktk1, @sumbellies, @hunky-to-chunky, and @captainjaneways-bitch for gracing my dash with these posts.
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chubphoe-linkclick · 2 months
Hey, I'm kind of confused about your last anon. This isn't so much about Shiguang, and more about your statement on queer media in China. How can link click or any content be gay baiting if same-sex relationships are not allowed to be shown on the show due to censorship in China? 
Per dictionary.com, queerbaiting is implying non-heterosexual attraction between 2 characters to generate interest in the show (in this case) without actually showing the relationship turning into anything more than that. If censorship doesn't allow the latter part in the country that the show was made for, then how can we say that this is queerbaiting? I can't find the source, but your previous anon mentions the lh0, show's creator, rejecting that Shiguang written to be queer (I don't remember this exact quote but I do remember him saying stuff about their friendship in past interviews so I am asuming the quote is true). I am not blaming the fandom for anything, I have been part of it for a long time, but the only way (that I can think of) people could be queerbaited into watching the show is through reading, listening to, or looking at fanworks, as well as fan discussion on the show that talks about how gay the show is (please let me know if I'm missing another way, though!). I also tried to look up "gaybaiting" and all I could find was Urban Dictionary definitions that's similar to other definitions for "queerbaiting", so I am working under a possibly incorrect assumption that you are using the term as a substitute of sorts to queerbaiting. If you choose to respond, please let me know if this was incorrect! 
I'm sorry this has gotten very long, I hope this doesn't come across as being criticized because you are not! Queerbaiting has left such a lasting mark on so many people and it's hurtful to be baited like that. It's valid and understandable that you continue to look out for it, I know that I do the same. Also, I don't know much about how pop culture and media are discussed in China, so phrases such as "gay baiting" and "queerbaiting" may apply differently there. I don't expect a response to this, especially if my assumptions were incorrect. Regardless, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Heads up, I will likely delete this post soon because it doesnt fit with what this blog is for but I wanted to answer your very much not out-of-pocket question. I may or may not have spent a while smile-laughing at how relatable your follow up was, please relax it is all good
"How can link click or any content be gay baiting if same-sex relationships are not allowed to be shown on the show due to censorship in China?" since "If censorship doesn't allow the latter part in the country that the show was made for, then how can we say that this is queerbaiting?"
It's an excellent question and I am NOT an expert. I'm not Chinese, I don't know many/any Chinese people, nor am I a Chinese culture enthusiast. Hell, you can just ignore everything I say because I am certainly not qualified to be an authority on the topic (and was really hoping no one would say anything about my little joke, aha).
But! I do think that something like gay-baiting could be possible even in the Chinese context because, while illegal to show in mainstream media, there is gay content coming out of China -- there's no doubt to this. It's just not professionally made gay content, nor is it easy for non-Chinese people/speakers/readers to consume.
I'm mainly thinking of the very prominent danmei online spaces that exist via web-made audio dramas that's still quite active to this day afaik, even in spite of the unfortunately increase in the CCP's anti-LGBT censorship that's happened in the past few years.
So to answer the original question, this subculture existing and standard industry practices of taking these often very explicit audio dramas and bringing them to live action while obeying the censorship rules can rise to a sort of implicit gay baiting. Precisely because the characters can't actually be gay, subtler and unrelated things that have become shorthand for "eyo they gay". These shorthands become tropes, and tropes can be used to fill people's imaginations whenever these innocent things happen in actual innocent contexts. Though I can imagine any intentional choices of LAN's part are often much more tongue-in-cheek rather than any serious attempt at gay-baiting.
The fact that I'm convinced Studio LAN is pro-LGBT in their own silent but supporting way also increases my belief that any gayness between CXS and LG is also intentional. I'm also under the impression that LAN's twitter has also retweeted ShiGuang art among other gay things. And, okay, it's not strictly gay-baiting if the studio literally cannot make them gay because the government doesn't let people have fun, but it's a very similar mechanism/practice. And honestly, I'm skeptical that they'd do it even if they could just because hinting at being gay and letting the fans fill in the gaps is a lot easier and safer on studios in general. Especially in a country that's getting more and more homophobic over time in recent years...
Like, I don't know man. I'm not an expert in danmei or any of this stuff really, and honestly my explanation is rather hand-wavy for my own tastes. But wow do I feel in my balls that Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have some ✨SOCIALIST BROTHERLY LOVE✨ together.
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