lesbianmaxevans · 9 months
making my own post bc reblog chains get so chaotic and hurt my brain LOL but since I was tagged by @infp-obsessing-over-everything to name some favorite mutuals (ty babe. back at you 😘😘)
I... actually don't have a ton of mutuals 🫣 I follow less than 50 ppl on here and I'd say only about half of those blogs are mutual follows LOL (and a handful of them have been inactive for a while 😭😭) but fave mutuals:
@lesbiandiegohargreeves @framemygazepls @emewly @dogstar85 @helloyona @lexmurphy
y'all are free to ignore this lol, but given I got tagged I wanted to share some appreciation/love 💞💞
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dragoncharming · 4 years
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loisfreakinglane · 3 years
i’ve seen like a hundred illyana gifsets cross my dash and yet I have seen noooooooo mention of how rahne and dani are a legit kissing onscreen gay couple in new mutants?!?!!?!? HOW DID IT TAKE ME​ ACTUALLY WATCHING THIS MOVIE TO FIND OUT ABOUT TINY PERFECT LIL BABY WLW
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subjectsix · 3 years
🌠 boop
I associate you with SCC/Jesse, the RPG era of gaming (like... when there were just so many more RPGs than there are now? not even necessarily RPGs themselves, but that specific Era™), and cats! esp cats in places and positions that u would not expect them to be in ekjskejshe
mutuals send me a 🌠 and i’ll tell you three things i associate you with
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vimesbootstheory · 4 years
can i just say how much i love your fanvids? all that money is actually what made me give gotham a chance. you have such a good feel for editing rhythm.
omg thanks so much! this is so nice to hear.
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delucadarling · 4 years
💕 🌡
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
This is really hard tbh, so I’m just going to throw out two characters I really enjoy all the time! 
Janine de Luca
M from The Wayhaven Chronicles
🌡 Fave season
I’m gonna cheat a little. I really enjoy summer, but mostly because as a teacher, I don’t have to work. I also really enjoy autumn (or the few days we get here that are like autumn) because it feels so GOOD to be outside!
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missmakomori · 4 years
Bad Girls by Tennis 🎾
There is a need always divided / From all the things that I’ve been hiding
The truth you know I’ll never find / I’ll never have any peace of mind
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oodlyenough · 5 years
#nah someone will miraculously save him#if not... well..... this is what u get for ditching my girls for zer0 buddy....
lmaooooooo if that ain’t the mood
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leotanaka · 5 years
top five bruce-specific scenes in gotham
good question :)) 
when bruce confronts matches malone and places the gun the table, with tears in his eyes as he says “i wish you were a monster but, you’re just a man” before walking away
the house of mirrors scene when he turns the corner, with his clown makeup all smudged and looks directly into the camera and says coldly “you’re going to pay for what you’ve done” 
during his hallucination when he sees batman - that scene really demonstrated how much batman actually terrifies bruce
when he ran into the sirens club and just punched ra’s al ghul in the face
the way he rolled his eyes and said “people, ugh!” when he was under ivy’s spell. 
i don’t know if these count as bruce specific scenes, i hope they do :) 
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theladyragnell · 5 years
came for the writing (found you through your original fic, of all things! but while going through old fanfic i'd saved i realized i'd run into your writing before), stayed for the excellent taste and hatred of nicholas sparks
Oh man! People finding me through my origfic is awesome to hear--I’ll bet it was the “tell me a story” meme, which I should reprise sometime when I am not balancing a million things. I am glad that it caught your interest and that my fic did too!
I will never stop being viciously glad that so many other people are willing to hate Nicholas Sparks with me.
The other day I saw a post on FB where someone was saying they wanted to give the romance novel genre a try and asked for recs and someone recced Nicholas Sparks and friend, I almost screamed.
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stars-inthe-sky · 5 years
I didn’t need my heart anyway.
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dragoncharming · 5 years
lexmurphy replied to your post “they burn all of the secondary characters and 90% of the premise and...”
never finished s1 but on top of the nonsense of the back half of that they moved to new hands when the season ended and then moved to another showrunner before this one even started so........... it’s one of those shows that’s gonna be so bogged by behind the scenes problems that i don’t really expect it to pull itself out....
super promising news. thank you
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loisfreakinglane · 4 years
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Tammy and the T-Rex (1994, dir. Stewart Raffill)
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subjectsix · 3 years
cyan, pastel green. also yellow (i haven't read your fic but your viiiids).
FRICK yeah I would also share my baja blast with you. true friendship. (THANK U AND NO U ;o; ;u; ur art is lovely)
color ask game
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brvceselina · 5 years
lexmurphy ha respondido a tu publicación “8 People I’d Like to Know Better tagged by @stevesharington ily <33...”
your gifs are not ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sara :´)) you´re so kind to me!!! thank you <333 
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missmakomori · 5 years
💕 FMA, star wars, ghibli
going to do this in order of easiest to hardest lol:
ghibli - sophie from howl’s moving castle (i miss that url!!)
star wars - leia, finn & rey
fma - ?!????? ALMOST EVERYONE. but if i had to narrow it down, probably alphonse, mei, scar, lanfan, riza, ling, ed?? (oh shit that’s basically everyone??) but i definitely feel like fma is one of those series where i love like 90% of the characters, have a couple i’m meh about, and only one or two i can’t stand (mostly villains!! i’m not a big villains fan).
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