#like canonically
letraspal · 9 months
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“I fall asleep better, listening to Baz breathe”
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tachiharastanacc · 1 month
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Son looks to father for advice seconds before everything goes horribly wrong (he blames himself)
(Fair warning: yapping in tags)
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comradekatara · 1 year
my greatest flaw is that i would lowkey ship sokka/azula if i wasn’t so convinced that azula is a lesbian. bc just think about it. they’re both these hyper logical calculating masterminds with debilitating perfectionist complexes to hide their perceived worthlessness, so they’re constantly achieving, and while they never feel any real joy in winning, they get actually suicidal the second they fail at anything. they think everyone who can’t keep up with them is some sort of idiot because they refuse to live in a world where they are in fact more intelligent than most people, including the adults around them. they love making the most insufferable puns you’ve ever heard and get offended if no one laughs. they have daddy issues and mommy issues. they share so many of the things they have wrong with them. so like. just imagine how amazingly awful they would be as a couple. they would indisputably make each other worse , but in the most disastrously entertaining way possible.
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Here's your reminder that Xaden Riorson isn't white.
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archervale · 1 year
I cannot emphasize enough that CAS IS TRANS 🏳️‍⚧️💙
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o4ktree · 2 months
y’know what’s funny..
horror’s weapon isn’t even an axe. it’s a thigh bone.
i even knew that while choosing out this blog name.
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ralvezfanatic · 4 months
"would this character really say/do that..?"
um they would now 😇
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lesbiankoby · 11 months
obito might be biting and killing and growling but he loves kakashi you know like genuinely like there’s a lot of other bitter horrible things mixed in there but it’s love too the hate is just the other side of it he can’t get rid of it
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minimoefoe · 5 months
is myrnin bi btw or have I literally made that up
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how-i-got-over · 2 years
Just a friendly reminder that Rangi snorts when she laughs
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fagbearentertainment · 10 months
Love wins <3
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dollybeagle · 5 months
okay so. clover and flowey. i know you havent finished undertale yellow yet so i wont spoil anything, but i do wish we got to see more of them in game.
again , wont spoil much but you can pretty much tell that.. feeling sympathy is very hard for flowey. id imagine this causes a lot of trouble in his and clover's friendship. clover being someone who was Most Likely abused [thanks to implications we see in the game text], i imagine clover often cries and has panic attacks. i mean not only because of their past but also they are. going. through a Lot. they got trapped underground with many monsters that want them dead.
flowey, in these situations, has no idea what to do. zero clue. he does try his best to comfort clover, but its pretty hard for him since he doesnt feel empathy for anyone.
and also as someone who headcanons flowey as Kind Of Mentally Ill, i imagine its even harder for him. he tries to brush clover's problems off and is mean but he doesnt mean to. he is just like that. he does hate himself.
.... aaaaaand i could say other stuff but those are spoilers tehee
OUGHH OKAY I love this- i agree that, especially since flowey started of as the only one clover could cling to after they got lost, they could have done more with their friendship. flowey, an unwell individual, and clover, who is also unwell. they both struggle in different ways, which makes it hard for them to reasonate with each other, but even then, they care for each other, despite the trouble that's often caused. things are said that are not truly meant, and i think you know how that goes
i absolutely love all these headcanons, ,
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detentiontrack · 7 months
Thinking about Willuz
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probablygayattorneys · 7 months
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jewishgir · 8 months
Astarion's blood is literally all rat blood btw.
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akallia · 2 years
smoke spot (kazuha x reader)
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the 2.8 event has me in a Kazuha chokehold. ever since Kazuha literally basically admitted to being a stoner, I've had fried Kazuha in my mind. I just had to write about it (sidenote, WHY IS NOBODY WRITING ABOUT THIS????) so here you go!!!
Pairing: Kazuha x fem!reader
Word count: 1.4k
Concept/summary: you've traveled for so long, you feel as though it's time you come clean to Kazuha. and he's given you the perfect excuse to speak your mind.
CW: marijuana usage, mentions of Tomo, scars (?)
Content UTC!
“Fuck, Kazu, really?” You said, irritated. This was the fifth time tonight he’d almost fallen asleep, his head dipping low enough to jerk him back into consciousness from the weight of itself. Of course you were feeling tired as well, but he didn’t need to know that. You would stay awake out of spite, since this was his whole idea.
He only whined childishly in response. “Whaaaaat?” He sat cross legged in front of you, completely at ease on the sharp incline of the shingled roof you were both perched on. “It’s not my fault this Liyuean stuff makes me sleepy.” 
“It is most definitely your fault,” you chuckled, “since you’re the one who bought it.” You couldn’t fight off the smile creeping onto your face. Your eyes felt heavy, and you experimentally attempted to open your eyes all the way, fingers coming up to test if they were really open all the way or if your intoxicated brain was imagining things. 
Kazuha, in a simple Mondstadt-style sleep shirt and loose shorts, inspected the small pipe he held pinched between his thumb and index finger. “Maybe no more Liyuean strains, then?” 
You snorted. “It’s fine, I’m actually quite at peace despite the drowsiness.” And you were. You had followed Kazuha ever since you were teenagers, and you felt as though you were both finally at a place of peace; so much had happened, and you were now at a stable point in the healing process of the past few years. 
“Ah, Y/N,” he sighed, gazing up at the moon keeping watch over the city of freedom, then down to you at his side. “Where would I be without you, love?” His eyes were half-lidded in the way the drug made them, slightly reddened as well. You two had been doing this for years, on every special occasion or when the company deemed it appropriate, but this was the first time he had brought you to a smoke spot for seemingly no reason. 
Your heart clenched a bit at the pet name despite knowing there was no romantic intention behind it. You had been in love with him since you were children, but you had covered the smoldering embers of your feelings due to, well, everything: he was nobility while were but the daughter of a local bladesmith, you two had been on the run from the Shogunate… he had been in love with your best friend. That familiar pang beat in your chest again, though this time in sorrow for Tomo, who had never known Kazuha’s love for him, and who had died before his time. You resigned yourself to silent adoration in respect for these reasons. He did not need to know the true extent of your bond to him. 
“Probably dead in a ditch.” You grinned at him sidelong, making sure to hold onto the spine of the roof before leaning over to snatch the pipe from him again. “Why are we up here anyways? We never smoke unless something’s happened. Did you hang out with the Traveler again?” You teased, jostling him. Aether and Kazuha were quite close, and you couldn’t say you weren’t jealous. You knew Kazuha felt nothing for the mysterious boy, but the vice grip Kazuha had on your heart couldn’t help but feel a pang of searing green envy whenever Aether spirited away the man you loved for hours or even days at a time. 
Kazuha merely exhaled lightly at your banter, brushing it off just as the wind drew his bangs away from his forehead. You loved that about him - no matter where you two were and no matter how still the evening, there was occasionally a light breeze that fluttered around him in response to his emotions. You weren’t sure if he was aware of it, but you had spent years studying him. It was… cute. 
“No, dear, I’ve not been with Aether.” He shifted a bit, and undid his hair from its ponytail, letting Barbatos comb his fingers through the soft white strands.  
You surveyed the city of Mondstadt. The sky was clear, constellations lit up in the captivating way that astrologer girl you’d run into earlier said they’d be. The peace you felt from the contents of Kazuha’s pipe was momentarily disrupted as a veil of homesickness settled over you. You opened your mouth to comment but closed it again as Kazuha beat you to the punch. 
He uttered your name softly, like the prayers of the nuns in the cathedral you’d toured yesterday. “You know I speak my mind, no?” He tilted his head to take you in. 
“Of course, Kazu.” 
“Then I must be honest with you.” He gently plucked the pipe out of your fingers, cradling the bowl at the end as though he were holding an injured bird. His brow was furrowed a bit, as though he were extremely focused on either the ground leaves inside the bowl or choosing his next words wisely. You assumed it would be the latter. A great curiosity plucked at you like a finger on the string of a lyre. 
“I care greatly for you, my friend. We have been through much and experienced much together. I have great respect for you as a warrior, a confidante, and, of course, as a travel partner.” His unbandaged, scarred fingers twitched as he rested them on his knee, a new cloud of smoke dissipating around his head as he exhaled. 
Your stomach roiled in anticipation of what the hell he would say next. 
“I feel as though you have been far from me recently, and the only thing I could think is that you desire the freedom I have been searching for all these years. I am at peace with my path in life; I enjoy the life of a wanderer. But I do not know what it is you desire, and so, if freedom from me is what you desire, then I want you to tell me, and I will tell you that it’s alright. You can be free.” He said all this in the easy manner in which he said all things, but you could read him like those poems he wrote constantly; he didn’t want you to go. His face betrayed the lies in his words. 
“Kazuha,” you began, turning your whole body to face him. You grabbed his hands, lightly brushing your thumb over the burn scars on his hand. You prayed Tomo’s soul would be able to rest after what you knew you would have to say tonight. 
“Kazuha, I have followed you all these years for a reason.” You squeezed his hands for emphasis. “I want nothing more than to stay by your side… forever.” His face was shadowed by his bangs and you cursed Barbatos for his horrific timing - you needed to be able to read his expressions! “I hope you understand what I am saying. I also understand if you cannot give me what I’m asking for…” you trailed off, eyes burning with unshed tears at the thought of your dead friend, feeling horrible for putting Kazuha through this, but you truly couldn’t take it anymore. You had to tell him. 
Your name left his lips again, gentle and smooth like silk, the exact way he recited haikus. The breath left your lungs. 
“I cannot say I do not feel the same way, though it seems you have put much more thought into it than I have. I will admit that my feelings are much less developed than yours, but…” Those half-lidded eyes again. “We can try.” A smirk. 
The shame in your stomach faded at his words, and you prayed thanks to Celestia for finally, finally letting you catch a goddamn break. You would do anything for this man. Maybe… maybe you could be happy.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss you softly. 
“Kazuha,” you whispered. “You knew, didn’t you?” 
“I can’t say. What the wind whispers to me is mine to keep.” He laced his fingers through yours. “Now what do you say about some more of this,” he gestured at the pipe, “and then see if the Angel’s Share’s beds are as comfortable as Master Diluc says they are?” 
“I would love nothing more than that, Kazu.” 
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