#like i have so many ideas!! but i have been turtle-ing my way over to them whenever i feel that im ready to tackle smthn bigger.
crescentfool · 1 year
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i just want good things for them 🥺💗
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double-katana-drama · 2 years
LeoHueso Headcanons Time!!! 💀🐢💀🐢
Since I'm pretty sure Señor Hueso doesn't have an established age I headcanon him to be around late 20s / early 30s (around 29-ish when the turtles first met him, I'm Mexican so I just have many family members who had kids at an early age). Which is my next point, Hueso Jr. I headcanon him to be around 7 years old. That means that Hueso would've been 22 when Jr. was born.
He and his exwife (Catrina, who's an year older than him and have been childhood friends) started dating when they were around 15 years old. both families forced them to be married when they were 17 and 18 respectively, the same time as when Hueso first opened his pizzeria. They were mutually not into the whole idea of being married to each other but the didn't want to upset the families. It was around when Hueso was 25, that both him and Catrina found out something about themselves (they're both not straight, well gay and lesbian).
They wasted no time to get divorced and came out to their families (it took awhile for their families to accept them both but eventually they did. Both familes are still really close to each other and celebrate Jr's birthda and holidays with each other.) Catrina has been happily married to her wife, an Amabie yōkai named Chunami since she turned 29.
Back to Jr. He loves watching lucha libre, hates math (even though that's the subject he's smartest at) and wants to be an Entomologist when he grows up (thanks to those turtles it seems like he has enough to go to college and then some). He loves his two moms (although Chunami is his favourite,since she lets him eat more sweets when she's around.) And he can't forget his dad, he looks up to Hueso so much and, when he gets older, he often goes to his dad for advice.
Leo's turn, he starts crushing on Señor Hueso almost immediately as he lays his eyes on him. It's the way he challenges Leo, saying he'll never be the champion in the pizza maze that gets Leo interested in him. Leo's infatuation with Hueso also has to do with his dry sense of humor and how quick he is in responding to Leo's one liners with a snarky remark.
It's not long before Leo confesses his feelings for Hueso. Hueso, being the sensible adult turns him down gently, he had a feeling the kid was interested in being more than a friend with him. Leo takes it as well as he can, he doesn't give up though.
By the minute Leo turns 20 on his birthday, he wastes no time in portal-ing into Hueso's restaurant where he dramatically asks him out on a date.
After many no's, Hueso finally agrees and years pass, they get married.
About Hueso and Leo (in a romantic sense), Leo's love language includes: words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time,and physical touch. Hueso's love languages are: acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation.
They work remarkably together, not just in the kitchen, they bounce off of each others ideas and thoughts, often they get into arguments over the stupidest things but Leo's always the first one to break the tension with a joke (albeit a lame one).
Hueso, as crazy as it seems, really likes Leo's one liners and puns. At first everyone was sure he was laughing to be polite, but that's not like him, if he finds something he doesn't like about, he's quick to make a subtle jab at you, but he's never done it to Leo.
Hueso is very fond of his new family, honestly the parties between Leo's, Hueso's and Catrina's family are even bigger and it takes a group effort to clean the place up after a party.
Once Leo and Hueso started dating, Hueso confided in both his brother and Catrina in his mixed feelings on dating Leo. They both reassured him that they're both consenting adults and there is nothing to worry about. He does indeed worry until one day he finally talks to Leo about his doubts, Leo assures him that he wants to be with him and nothing is ever going to change that.
Hueso is actually a big softie when it comes to Leo, unknowingly tending to the turtles every request because Leo has a way with people to get them to do things for him and make them believe they wanted to do it in the first place. Leo finds it hilarious when it comes to teasing Hueso. He enjoys embarrasing him in the restaurant, singing songs in a horrible Spanish accent, reminding Hueso he hasn't kissed him any chance he gets, especially if it's in front of his workers.
That's about it, if you guys want more LeoHueso content, feel free to ask me!
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zukkaflowers · 3 years
zukka enemies to roommates au
Sokka slammed his head on the cafe table, the noise swallowed up by the chattering of other customers. “I’m being EVICTED,” he moaned.
Katara raised her eyebrows as she drank her tea and then placed it back on the table. “Why?”
Sokka dragged his head up against the table until his chin was the only thing touching the wood and Katara made a face, no doubt thinking of all the germs that were now rubbed into Sokka’s face like lotion. Sokka couldn’t bring himself to care. He was too deep in his despair. “The landlord sold the building. And now I only have two weeks to move because everything around here is so fucking expensive and I got discouraged so I put it off—“
“Move in with Zuko!”
“...like I put everything—what did you just say?”
Katara’s face brightened, a stark contrast to the cloud of doom that had been enveloping Sokka. “His roommate is moving in with her girlfriend and he needs a new one. A roommate, not a girlfriend. And I think his place is really close to your work, too! It’s perfect!”
Sokka finally sat up, shoving his hands in his sister’s face to turn her brightness down a notch because it was hurting his eyes. “Wait wait wait, are you talking about the Zuko I think you’re talking about?”
“Is there another one?”
Sokka had many questions. “Why do you know he needs a new roommate? Why do you know his roommate is moving in with her girlfriend? How do you know where he lives? Did you just say, ‘it’s perfect’?”
Katara watched Sokka as he grabbed his drink, eyes never leaving her face in a demonstration of his seriousness, and then swallowed painfully with a grimace after realizing he’d grabbed Katara’s bitter tea on accident. “You’re such a goof,” she sighed in anguish. “Zuko and Aang actually went to university together and became friends. Zuko wants to be a teacher like Aang.”
Sokka sputtered. “WHAT?” A few strangers shot him judgmental looks at the outburst, which he ignored. “You—you—he—Aang—BETRAYAL??”
Katara rolled her eyes. “This is why we kept it a secret from you! We all knew you’d be overdramatic about it.”
“We ALL?”
Katara shrugged, finally having enough decency to look sheepish. “Yeah, me, Aang… and Suki and Toph.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped wider. “SUKI?” He clutched his heart. “Mine own bestie...”
Katara continued, “Well, it’s Toph that’s really close to him now, actually.”
“Figures. She’s always been my least supportive friend.” Sokka gasped as a realization hit him. “Is… is Zuko the ‘Captain Angst’ guy she keeps hanging out with??”
“Yeah,” Katara said plainly.
Sokka slammed his head back on to the table, where it might as well have stayed long-term.
“I’m serious, though, Sokka,” said Katara. “Zuko is… kind of okay, and obviously he has everyone else’s approval. You shouldn’t let a petty high school rivalry between you two get in the way of your current life.”
“‘Petty high school rivalry’??? Last I heard, there were four of us involved in the rivalry-ing! You weren’t too fond of him or his sister, either!”
Katara once again rolled her eyes. “All I’m saying is, the place is within your budget, it’s actually nice, and the commute is good. He’s only just started looking for a new roommate, and I promise that if you don’t try it out, you’ll regret it.”
“And all I’m saying is, if we move in together, Zuko and I will murder each other.”
Katara looked at her phone and stood up, collecting her bag and bile tea. “I doubt it. You haven’t spoken in five years, and you’ve both changed a lot. I have to go, Aang wants me to meet another stray dog, and we still have lunch with Yue, so I can’t let him get too carried away. I’ll text you details about Zuko’s place. Please at least look into it, Sokka.”
Her eyes were too genuine; he couldn’t say no. “Fine,” he grumbled, fully prepared to briefly skim over the information before moving on.
But when he did look it over, he saw that Katara was right. It was perfect. He could even walk to work if he wanted to, it was that close. The rent was well in his budget, even leaving extra leftover. He could maybe finally replace his cracked phone screen! Sokka sighed at the dim light of his laptop. The fates were telling him something. It sounded like, You will consciously choose the path of suffering, ahahahahaha.
“Sokka... wants to be my new roommate,” Zuko said.
“Hello to you too, angsty pants,” Toph replied through the phone.
“I think I’m going to say yes,” continued Zuko.
“Wait, Sokka? Katara’s brother?”
Zuko swallowed, eyes flicking to the stir fry he’d left on the stove. He’d been checking the notifications on his phone when he saw it and had immediately called Toph. “Yes.”
“Okay,” Toph offered helpfully.
“What do you think?”
Silence fell for a few seconds as Toph thought it through. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“That’s what I’m asking you for. If he’s reaching out, he knows it’s me, so he can’t still hate me, right?”
“I don’t know,” said Toph. “Don’t you like him?”
Zuko bit his lip and weakly stirred his stir fry. “But it’s not like I’m still—I’m not hopelessly into him. It’s just. You know, a little bit.”
“You’re not even going to interview him? What if he poops with the door open? What if he… what if he eats in the bathroom while he poops.”
“Would I ask him about that in an interview?”
“If you’re not a coward.”
“Okay, I’ll interview him,” Zuko said, relenting. “What do I have to lose?”
To: Katara
Sokka: uuugughghgghghhhhhhh zuko wants to interview me
Katara: You looked into the place!!!
Sokka: yeah but i’m seriously doubting myself now
Sokka: can i really pretend not to hate him long enough to get the place
Katara: Have you considered just
Katara: Not hating him?
Sokka: …
Sokka: how could you even say that
Katara: Ok I thought so
Katara: Well just be professional if you don’t wanna be friendly
Katara: Pretend it’s a job interview
Sokka: oh yeah
Sokka: because imagining that zuko is my employer would definitely not make me hate him 400% more
Katara: On the bright side, you haven’t reached the threshold of hate yet if it can be increased by 400%! There is hope
Sokka: ha
Sokka: i scoff in the face of hope
Sokka let Suki pick out an outfit for him before going to meet Zuko at the cafe they agreed to meet at. He wanted to look nice so that Zuko, at least visually, might be inclined to let him become a flatmate, but mostly he just didn’t want Zuko to have the upper hand anywhere, not even in his fashion sense. And Zuko had grown up with money, so he’d always been well dressed.
Sokka slipped the chosen tan sweater over his button down and pulled on a pair of black jeans. The clothes covered all his tattoos—he was sure Zuko would not appreciate them. His hair, he couldn’t do much about, so he settled for tying it back as he always did.
He was so distracted throughout the train ride thinking about all the valid reasons he had to hate Zuko that he almost forgot to get off at the right stop. But the walk from the station was short, and before he knew it, he was opening glass doors, scanning faces, and—there he was. Hair hanging in his face, chin on his palm, and wearing—a hoodie and ripped jeans? Sokka cleared his mind of surprise and tried to relax his face.
He walked over.
To: Toph
Zuko: It went well?
Toph: Be more specific
Toph: For example, what went well
Zuko: The interview with Sokka
Zuko: I’m pretty sure he doesn’t shit with the door open, and he definitely doesn’t eat in the bathroom
Zuko: He was also
Zuko: really nice
Toph: Really nice to talk to? Or really nice looking?
Zuko: Shut up
Toph: Hm deflection
Zuko: I think you’re wrong
Zuko: I think it won’t be hard to live with him
To: Katara
Sokka: the whole time he’s being this stiff, boring, JERK
Sokka: i had to smile and nod the whole time
Sokka: no way will this keep up if we live together
Sokka: but i have to think of the commute…..
Sokka: and the view….
Sokka: and i’ll be closer to suki….
Katara: But Sokka, you will try, right?
Sokka: try what
Katara: To be nice to him.
Sokka: uh
Sokka: maybe?
By the end of the next week, Sokka had moved in the last of his boxes. He honestly didn’t have that much stuff. He did have one special thing, though. Or rather, a special friend.
“What are you doing?” Zuko asked, peeking into Sokka’s new room.
Swallowing his annoyance at being interrupted, Sokka gestured for Zuko to join him. They’d only exchanged at most a few sentences a day, and Zuko hadn’t done anything too irritating yet, so Sokka was going to try to keep his promise to Katara.
“This is my turtle, Duck,” he said, pointing to the turtle swimming around in the tank he’d just finished setting back up.
“What’s a turtleduck?” asked Zuko after plopping down beside him.
Sokka frowned. “I don’t know.”
“Then why do you have one?”
Before Sokka could answer, his phone rung from the dresser, its vibration so strong the whole room shook and Duck popped into his shell.
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jaimebluesq · 3 years
get to know you tag game!
tagged by @fortune-maiden
Favorite colors: Green and purple (I'm not joking!). It's been purple for years now, but sometime after new year's, I looked at my wardrobe and realized I've been avoiding green for some reason and this needed to be remedied. Now I'm drawn toward anything green. As an added thing - my dad's favourite colour was a particular shade of green that was flashy and we used to tease him all the time about it - he passed this year, so my keeping up with the green makes me think of him.
Currently reading: Fanfic, lots and lots of fanfic lol. Despite my own diverse cross-section of subjects, am currently reading mostly SangCheng stuff - will move onto more once am done and jones-ing for more fic lol
Last Song: Does a partial song count? Because I watched the 'trailer' to Adele's new song to be released on the 15th and squeed with joy.
Last Series: Stand by Me (the Cdrama) - I can't believe I made it through the ENTIRE series without checking the filmographies, only to go "omfg that's Yanli's actress!!!!! How did I not see that! The characters are soooo different!!!" It was a great show too, kickass ladies who get to fight and some court intrigue, my kind of jam.
Last Movie: I literally just finished watching The YinYang Master on Netflix. And again this time it only took me until over half way through to go "omfg that's Ning Yi's actor!!! (Rise of Phoenixes)" So yeah.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: can depend on the day and the mood - in general I'm a sweet girl (chocolate ftw), but enjoy a good savory or spicy dish too.
Currently working on: Too many WIPs lol For a short rundown:
1) The next chapter of The Fragile Scarlet Tree (it's hard with all the new shiny fics and inspiration, but it WILL get done!!!)
2) More murder turtle shenanigans.
3) Untitled SangCheng conspiracy fic - I have been working on this fic since May at least and am MAYBE half way done at over 30k words, and that's without me going over the whole damn thing and doing rewrites. It's a plot-heavy thing, completely NHS pov with a friends to lovers along the way. Am having fun with it, but like the FST, is challenging to keep up the motivation with all the new shinys.
4) Arranged Marriage Fic - This story I was originally going to have be a comedic "NHS gets betrothed to Jiang Yanli despite being secretly in a relationship with NZonghui, and goes to silly lengths to get out of it" - EXCEPT NHS had the gall to tell me "Yo, I'm not as completely gay as I thought, Yanli's awesome". So it's turned into a slightly more serious "NHS gets betrothed and then quickie married to JYL because of plot reasons, he likes her and kind of falls for her, she knows about him and Zonghui, they all fall for each other, and long story short, they become a wonderful triad because they all deserve to be happy and JYL deserves to be worshipped by 2 awesome men with completely different but complementary skillsets".
5) SangCheng Cherry Magic AU - I started it at least, it's on my rotation of fics I'm working on when the inspiration hits.
6) A whole shitload of ideas inspired by the MDZS Kinkmeme 2021 Q2 on AO3 - if anyone's looking for inspiration, there are TONS of prompts there both kinky and fluffy or completely gen even, and if there's something you want to read, submit your own prompt. I'm addicted, have done 2 of them already (including the 2nd murder turtle fic). So please join!
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jhoudiey · 4 years
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Crowley and Yoru are on vacation, and as expected Crow Dad has come equipped with the best fish puns he can muster.
Full story under the cut: word count- 1990. pun count- 14
“Yoru! It is time to get up! We’re leaving right away!” Crowley had burst into Yoru’s room wearing the most hideous shirt she had ever seen,  bright yellow with what seemed to be apples and crows on it. 
“Dad… it is SO early. Don’t you have to see the rest of the students off before we leave anyway? Go do that and then I’ll get up, it is WAY too early” Yoru groaned from the mess of her bed, putting her pillow over her head to try and fall back asleep.
“Hmm. I suppose 6am was too early.. If you aren’t ready by the time everyone is gone I’m leaving without you!” She waved from beneath the covers, Crowley nearly skipping as he left her room. Yoru was pretty sure she heard him singing “vacation, vacation, going on vacation” under his breath to himself. 
They arrived at the Southern Seas around noon, the sun was high in the sky, a gentle breeze rolling off the water. 
“Ahhh! This is just what I needed after all my hard work on campus!” Crowley spun in circles on the beach, arms spread wide with a childish grin on his face. 
“Look Yoru! It’s sun and sand, as far as the eye can… sea!” He grinned at her
“Oh no. Please tell me you don’t plan on doing this the whole trip” She groaned, almost regretting her decision to come along. 
“Ahhhh cheer up , my sweet daughter! This trip is going to be… fintastic!” He bounded off, headed towards the hotel to drop off their bags and check in. 
“Euuugggghhhhhhhhhhhh” She begrudgingly followed, knowing there was going to be an onslaught of puns she didn’t plan for at every turn. 
“Today we will be diving and exploring the seafloor. I expect that everyone here is a confident swimmer, and has read the pamphlet on what to do in an emergency?”
“Yes Sir!” The group answered, Yoru shuffled nervously
“Psst, Dad...DAD… I can barely swim, why did you sign us up for this?” She’d gotten herself a pair of neon green flippers to help her get through the water, but hadn’t practiced with them much and she was not nearly as confident as the Diving Instructor wanted everyone to be.
“Yoru, my sweet child! I would never let anything happen to you, of course I accounted for you not swimming well! Here!” He handed her a small button that said “You betta believe you can do it!” with a picture of a betta fish giving a fishy thumbs up. 
“I…. dad….. Why. Why are you like this?” She stared at him, not for the first time wondering how she’d survived this long with a dad like Crowley.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, I put a spell on the button, it’ll help. Lets go!” He charged off into the water, wearing a pair of yellow flippers and a completely pointless matching snorkel. The diving instructor had given everyone a potion to be able to breathe underwater for an hour, so Yoru assumed the snorkel was just because Crowley was excited to complete the “swimmer” look. 
She sighed and followed him into the water, wishing that both walking in sand and walking with flippers was easier. She wasn’t sure how this button was supposed to work, but she figured if she could fight a giant squid underwater, she’d be fine looking at corals and anemones. Either the button was actually useful, or swimming in the sea was easier than she expected, as she was able to propel herself easily and spent a while just floating through the water. She could spend the whole vacation like this, the sea was really serene after all. She’d definitely have to ask Azul if she could visit the Coral Sea with them in the spring, though she suspected they’d all make fun of her for the need for flippers. 
“YORU HELLLPPP!!” Crowley was swimming frantically towards her, a sea turtle close behind, furiously snapping its beak. “It’s going to eat me!” 
“That looks like a personal problem” Yoru laughed, poking and prodding the various plants on the reefs, laughing when they shriveled at her touch. Between the sea creatures and her dad having a run in with seemingly every animal under water that could bite him, it was an excellent day. 
“I’m never going into the sea ever again” Crowley whined over dinner, cradling his bitten arms. “From now on, I’m staying in a haddock on the beach, drinking as much Coconut juice as I can get!” He grinned at her, sipping on a drink with a giant slice of pineapple sticking out of the side.
“.....” Yoru stared back, wishing that the turtle had just swallowed him whole “You can’t bait me into responding to that”
“Can’t I?” He grinned at her
“What?…. I…. no….” She realized her mistake far too late, she’d unconsciously answered his pun with a worse pun. “UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH I’m going to bed!” She stomped away from the table leaving him alone.
“I am just so funny” Crowley chuckled to himself, far too pleased with himself for a man that got himself bitten half a dozen times by a sea turtle. 
The following days were similar to the first, Crowley spent his time napping in hammocks around the island, and Yoru spent her time at the bottom of the sea poking things. She’d looked up if any plants in these waters would be helpful for potion making, and had a list of things to try and find. The potion the diving instructor could provide only lasted an hour, but she was able to make one that kept her breathing until she rose to the surface. 
“Wow, I didn’t realize I’d get so wrinkly being in water all the time” She said, looking down at her pruned hands “Is this normal?” 
“Dolphinately normal, I read about it, in a book!” Crowley grinned at her, laughing to himself
“.........I think I’m going to drown myself now. Excuse me” she turned and headed back to the water
“Yoru! Hey! You shouldn’t joke about krilling yourself like that, you’ll make me worry!” He howled with laughter, rocking back and forth in the hammock. “I am just so so funny, I keep kraken myself up!” 
“UUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Yoru groaned, slowly sinking into the sea. 
Journal Entry- Vacation Day 1
We were at the beach for all of 4 seconds before dad started making puns. He must have looked up fish jokes before we came because no way his arsenal is this diverse. I was worried the sun was going to cause some problems with my legs but so far so good.
Day 2
All I want for Christmas is an end to these puns. Where is he finding all of them anyway? Someone help me. This is worse than when I ripped my wings off. 
Day 4
I think the food here is bad for me, I haven’t had an appetite for a while now. Dad says dinner every night is de”fish”ous, but I can’t seem to taste anything. Again. Fuck.
Day 7
I took a day off from swimming to try and find souvenirs. Finding things for Idia and Ortho was easy, but what do you get for merfolk when you’re visiting the sea? I wonder if they’d believe I just… forgot. I figured out what was causing my taste buds to not work and was able to fix it. Sleep a few more hours of the day now, but I have to admit, the food here is defishous. 
“Yoru! It’s time to wake up! Salmon said that there is going to be a live band at the marina tonight to ring in the new year!” Crowley said, shaking her leg to try and get her out of bed
“Just a few more minutes” she groaned, trying to bury herself into the covers
“Nope! That’s what you said two hours ago! It’s time! There’s still sole many things to see and do before tonight!” 
“Fine fine, stop carping me, I’m getting up” She rolled off the side of the bed and fell to the floor, accepting her fate. 
As it turned out, the day's activities were exploring a nearby ruin that she hadn’t realized was there. It was rumored to be haunted, and Crowley wanted to go see if he could talk to the ghosts or see if there was anything worth “borrowing” to bring back to Night Raven College.
“This is cool” she said poking around in an abandoned tomb in the ruins “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Hmmmm? I did! 4 days ago, I do suspect that you may be… tuna-ing me out when I talk” he looked at her, his eyes full of mock sadness. 
“Gee I wonder why that is” she rolled her eyes. “We’re not even near the water today though, shouldn’t you be making rock puns or something?”
“..there was no book on rock puns” he muttered under his breath, hoping she wouldn’t hear him. 
They left the ruins at sundown, pockets a little more full than they had been when they entered. 
“I think I’ve got to turn in, I’m really tired all of a sudden. I can’t seem to keep my eyes open” Yoru said, rubbing her eyes to try and wake herself up. 
“You are looking a little pale, maybe if you’re that tired you should just head back home, there’s not much left to do here and you look like you could use the rest” He said it without looking at her, in fact, he looked everywhere BUT at her
“...You just want me to bring the things we just stole back to NRC before anyone realizes we took them, don’t you” she looked at him flatly, he refused to return her gaze.
“Well...that wouldn’t be the worst idea.. To be honest, I don’t know what most of these things do and they might be too dangerous to keep in the hotel” He smiled and put his hands on her shoulders “So it would be very helpful for you to bring them to my office before going to bed!” She laughed and nodded. 
She’d always thought that NRC was nicer at night, there was no one in the halls so she could go where she pleased. She took her time walking through the empty hallways looking at the portraits on the walls, she felt like a ghost. It was only her and her pocket full of stolen artifacts they’d have to get Professor Yule to examine when he got back, no one else. She was hit with a wave of dizziness as she was placing the last artifact onto Crowley's desk and quickly withdrew her hand. She wasn’t sure if it was because of some unknown curse or just that she hadn’t eaten all day. The cafeteria wouldn’t be open, it was almost 10pm on New Years Eve, but she’d hoped that Mostro Lounge would be. Surely Azul stayed open to serve the other unfortunate souls who stayed on campus over break. 
She meandered slowly towards the lounge, fighting the dizziness that would not abate despite her stopping and trying to center herself every few meters. She felt like it had taken her an hour to finally arrive at the doors to Mostro Lounge, but it had hardly been 15 minutes. 
“Why.. won’t the door open?” She muttered to herself, leaning against it “is it a pull? It must be” She dragged her hands over the glassy doors searching for a way to open it.
“What? Where’s the handle? I can hear people inside, so it’s gotta be open..” She pushed on the door again, leaning her head against the stained glass to stop it from spinning. “Azul I think your door is broken” she muttered under her breath trying to steady herself. Her knees buckled from beneath her, she didn’t feel herself hit the floor.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Dream Saga: S*** is getting real right now.
Previous Dreams: (ML Dream Episode) (My Subconscious is f***ing taunting me) (Because my mind finally wants to be nice) (Yes there is more) (The one with Zag Spoilers) (Cause my mind wants this to be a saga for some reason) (Bustier gets some decent development) (There is a musical number apparently) (Plot twist) (This was more elaborate then I expected)
I went to church so I wasn't able to post this right as I woke up. But here it is. The dream I had last night.
-So Marinette and Adrien are back in Fu’s old apartment. Fu never actually sold the place. He was just moving around to avoid getting caught there. There is clearly a lot of tension here.
-Fu is caught up on everything that happened.
-Fu apologizing to Marinette and Adrien about what happened. Marinette is furious, especially with how Fu himself was saying that sacrifices needed to be made and all that.
- Adrien speaks up in Fu’s defense that its hard to give up on those you love. Marinette looks at Adrien and then looks away. She can't look at him right now.
-Fu tells Adrien that he is wrong to defend him. That he failed them, and now they will have to pay for his mistake once again.
-Marinette cools down and asks Fu what they should do. Fu answers that they will need to be ready.
-Adrien and Marinette both leave. Adrien touches Marinette’s shoulder to try and talk to her about... ‘The reveal’. Marinette pulls her shoulder away. She can't address this drama bomb right now, she needs to focus on how to fight Arséne and what he is planning. She is Ladybug first. Does she want to smooch his face and tell him that He was the guy she has been in love with the whole time. But right now, she can't be distracted.
-”Do you really hate that its me under the mask?” Adrien asked as she was walking away.
-Marinette stops.
-”No. But at this moment, it is the worst possible time for me to know its you.” Marinette answered.
-Adrien has no idea what she means.
-”Out of all of the Crazy things that have been happening around me. Finding out you were the woman I love was the only good thing.”
-Marinette turns back around.
-”Adrien. Please don't say that to me right now.”
-”No. Marinette.”
-Adrien looked like he was tearing up
-“ I have wanted to know who was under the mask for so long. I wanted to finally tell that girl how I feel. After all of the akuma battles and close calls, all of the kisses I don't remember, the heartbreaks and gentle touches. I felt myself moving on from Ladybug and feeling my heart go to another girl. A cute, caring yet slightly clumsy designer who has a heart bigger then Paris. And now today of all days, I find out those two girls that I felt my heart torn between were the same person. This moment was suppose to be the happiest moment of my life and despite everything, it still is. So I am sorry that you don't feel the same way, but I wanted you to know how I feel.”
- Marinette looking down. walks towards him. Adrien starts thinking he said way too much and that he should have held back. (His face though)
-She grabs his cheeks. And kisses him. Oh man it was so cute.
-The shock, the revelation, and then the happy acceptance.
-”Of course I feel the same way. But this isn't the time for this now! I need to come up with a plan. We have a super villain that knows who we are and he is planning something big. I am the guardian of the Miraculous now. I can't let our miraculous fall into his hands. I am scared I will fail.”
-Adrien held her close.
-”I am here with you. Even if it is just us against the world. I promise we will fight together. And we will protect the miraculous.”
-Oh also it was raining. so symbolism.
(I don't know how much later. But it is later on)
-Arséne is with Miss Bustier at the top of the Eiffel Tower. It is just the two of them.
-Arséne telling Caline a really heartfelt confession in which he proposes. Like just really goes all out with it.
-Caline is happy and eager to say yes, but before she does, Arséne closes the box.
-”But before you say anything. I need to tell you the truth... about me.”
-So he tells her he is dying. That his time is running short. He also tells her that he is on a mission from an ancient order to retrieve the mystical objects in Paris. (Basically telling her he is from ‘The order of Guardians’ which is bs. But he pulls it off convincingly. He explains how he needs to get them back to the order and as a reward, he will be able to extend his life. Which he initially wanted for selfish reasons he tells her, but now wants it so he could spend the rest of his life with her. (Some of these are lies and some are true.)
-Caline agrees to marry him, and thanks him for his honesty. 
-”My dearest Caline, there is one thing I will ask of you. Will you help me?”
-”Of Course. I will help you.”
-Nathalie is in the private hospital room that Gabriel is in. She watches over him. She could tell he is trying to hard to wake up, to fight. She could feel his powerful emotions. She knows she will need to be Mayura, in order to save him.
-Ladybug and Chat noir hand out Miraculous to each person they trust. Max got the horse, Kim the monkey, Alya the fox, Nino the turtle, Kagami the Dragon, Luka gets the snake. Juleka gets the tiger. Alix got the bunny. and so on.  They were told not to transform or use the miraculous until the time was right. That they would know.
-The two are bonding and learning everything thing they can in order to fight Arséne.
-Though the Bee miraculous is kept on Ladybug because she didn't want to give it to chloé, Not yet.
-The class hears about Miss Bustier’s engagement. The class except for Adrien and Marinette are super happy for her. Because they know the truth about that gentleman.
-Marinette tries to talk with Miss Bustier about maybe not rushing into an engagement with Mr.Manachot.
-Of course Caline explains that she know him very well and trusts him dearly, but she appreciates her concern.
-Marinette was about to tell her teacher the truth, when Arséne shows up.
-Arséne greets his fiancée with a kiss and turns his attention to Marinette. Who is glaring at him.
-”It is not polite to glare.” Arséne points out.
-Caline realizes she needs to do something and heads off, leaving the two alone in the hall.
-Adrien shows up and sees Arséne, he quickly moves to Marinette’s side. Now the two of them are staring down the Gentleman.
-”So nice to see you Adrien. I am glad you are alright.”
-Adrien looks at the man with pure rage. He feels so betrayed by someone he looked up to.
-Arséne felt hurt, but knew this was an inevitable outcome. 
-”Tomorrow night.”
-And he turns and starts to walk away.
-”Also, very smart move. Handing out the miraculous already. Way to be prepared.”
-Marinette and Adrien wondering how the hell he knew what they did.
Its a full moon. and the moon is glowing brightly.
-Arséne, or more specifically. Monarch is in his apartment with Miss Bustier.
-”Are you ready?”
-He creates an akuma and puts it into the engagement ring.
-” Madame Booster. I am Monarch. As my beloved and most trusted supporter. I give you the power to increase my power.”
-She gets a cool look reminiscent of Zombizou but mixed with Catalyst. Her visor was glowing white. And she looked pretty awesome. She touched Monarch’s Cane and his color scheme shifted White.
-”Monarch. You are now Absolute Monarch. I give you the power to akumatize as many people as you desire.”
-He smiles.
-He touches his butterflies which were now bigger and glowing with an etherial white light.
-Gabriel awakens from his coma, Where Nathalie was waiting for him.
-Nathalie hugs the man, relieved he was alright. She says she will get Adrien so that he could see his father was okay.
-”Now is not the time for that.”
-Nathalie pauses.
-”I can feel my miraculous being used. And they are using it for something powerful. I know I said the peacock miraculous was too dangerous, but we are without any options.”
-Nathalie revealed she had it on her. She transforms into Mayura.
-Gabriel tells Mayura to use his emotions to create a sentimonster.
-Sentimonster Scarlet moth is born. Gabriel used a picture of his wife to conjure up the most powerful emotions he could. Visualizing Scarlet moth as the key of getting her back.
-Mayura and Scarlet Moth Leave, while Gabriel holds the photo and looks through the eyes of the sentimonster. He wasn't out of the fight yet.
-Apparently the seni! Scarletmoth could make red copies of any akuma he physically touched and they were loyal to him.
-Glowing White versions of akumas start showing up and causing havoc in Paris.
-Ladybug, Chat noir and the rest of the miraculous Wielders are on the Arch de Triumph. 
-”Is everyone ready?”
- Everyone chants yes.
-Chat noir puts a hand on Ladybug’s shoulder.
-”We are with you Bugaboo.”
-She gives him a kiss, the group of heroes (alya specifically) watch with a smile as it happens.
-Today we are finishing this fight.
-And the heroes charge.
And then the dream cuts off.
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prorevenge · 5 years
You don’t want me to sleep for 9 months? Ok, guess you don’t need your degree.
So, I wasn’t sure if this story qualified for pro or petty. Everything I do, over the course of this, is extremely petty, but I think it probably is what I would consider a ‘scale up’ from low tier revenge, mostly on account of the last part.
So some backstory. This was about 6 years ago, during my first year at university. In the UK, you basically have two options for accommodations in your first year. The first option is called Halls, you stay in a huge apartment complex with a bunch of different students, you share a floor with about 10-15 people. Or, you go to a student house, which is basically a normal house, that some greedy landlord converts all the available space into bedrooms for 5-6 people (but, this is not always the case, in my second year I lived in a house with 15 people, many Petty Revenge stories there if I find the time to type them out). Anyway, I chose the latter.
I moved into what would be a 3 bed house, turned into a 5 bed. What would have been a living room, was converted into a bedroom below my room. 3 of my housemates were fine, we were civil to one another, but not really friends, we just lived different lives. We would go out for the occasional bevvy, have dinner together, but mostly just coexist peacefully. Notice how I said it was a 5 bed though?
Enter housemate in question. Let’s call her Cathy. Cathy was of African descent, very rich parents, sent to live in the UK to study Engineering, as the educational system in her native country was very poor. She was short, fat and quite obnoxious. When I moved in, I made a point of introducing myself to everyone. My first impression of Cathy wasn’t great. An issue I noticed immediately (of which persists throughout the entirety of our living together) is that Cathy f***ing stinks. You know when you work out for 4 hours but you crash out and forget the shower before? It was like that x1000. It was extensively unbearable. On top of that, Cathy is really rude. She basically starts out by saying she’s been here for 2 years already, and she wasn’t gonna change again this year. This had me a little concerned, but at the time it wasn’t a huge issue, I told her I kept to myself a lot, so she wouldn’t see any problems from me.
The first week or so I didn’t notice many problems. I was out partying hard during most nights (at English University, the first week is called ‘Freshers’ where everyone goes out and gets wasted for a week the week before studies start) other than some of my food going missing, and dirty plates staying on the side. F**k it, it’s week one, it’s fine.
Then Cathy rears her ugly head. So, I’m going to bed at 9pm the first night before studies (I had an hour commute to my campus and 1st day I wanted to be very awake) and I hear her shouting downstairs, she sounds very excited. I would find out tonight that Cathy is an avid gamer. Now myself I love games, I have late night sessions all the time, but I’m respectful of my housemates. I lie in bed, awake until 2:30am, hearing Cathy scream at her monitor and the sounds of a shooter in the background, very loudly. I didn’t want to be a bad housemate, so I let it happen. I barely slept and I went into my first lecture completely exhausted from sleep deprivation. I figured it was a one off, or it might happen every now and again. I was very wrong.
This carried on for 4 days before I said anything. On the Friday, I approach her in the kitchen and politely say “hey, don’t want to be rude, but can you try and keep it down a little late at night, I can hear you loud and clear through the floor and it’s really messing with my sleep. I don’t wanna be rude but I’ve noticed it’s been happening a lot”. She basically tells me I’m overreacting, she’s doing nothing wrong, nobody else has complained so it’s not a real issue. Cathy shares a wall with another housemate on the ground floor, so when she gets home I ask her about the issue. Turns out Cathy gave her the same spiel as to me. We knock on her door and ask what’s the problem, together. She gives us this whole sob story about how hard it is to make friends, that her online friends are her family, they live all across the world and she doesn’t want to break that relationship. I feel bad (stupidly) and tell her I totally get it, but just try and be a little quieter on weeknights. She says “I’ll try, maybe” and we leave it at that.
That night I slept fine. I thought it was over. The next night she’s screaming again, but it’s the weekend, so I get high as a kite and fall asleep in the bathtub. Sunday night rolls around, she’s screaming again, I can hear the sound of her rifle firing in game and she shouting obscenities with every shot. It gets to 11pm and I go downstairs and knock. Nothing. I wait a little while and try again. No change. I try again, same, so I go into the back garden and knock on her window. I hear her shout F OFF a few times and give up. I go to bed, but not to sleep.
This happens for the next few weeks. She screams, I go to confront, she screams at me through the wall till I leave. I approach her in the day, and she tells me she could hear me, doesn’t know what I’m talking about, I must have been DREAMING, think of a bs excuse and it’s probably on the list of things she would say.
So begins the revenge. I start by just going downstairs, flicking the power off and on for the router, and going back upstairs. The house is kind of old and creaky, so it’s pretty obvious that as the WiFi goes down, it’s me. This happens a few nights until she confronts me as I’m leaving in the morning. I tell her bluntly, yeah, it’s me, stop with the screaming or things are just going to get worse. She threatens to call our landlord on me. Great idea. I leave the house, go to my lectures, and after Uni I visit the landlord. I tell him the entire story about everything that’s happening, and how hard it’s making our lives. He says he’ll look into it, please be patient.
More weeks go by, no more pranks from me but no interference from the landlord. The night I contacted him was silent, but after that everything went back to scream-a-palooza. I contact him again, he says trust him, no changes. I try again, guess what no changes.
So I start getting pettier. So, I failed to mention before (at least in great detail) that Cathy is messy AF. She would eat, then leave all her plates, pots and pans on the side and return to her lair. For the first month, we just washed them up for her, nobody wants a messy kitchen. But, I was pissed off. So I started a new system. If I see a dirty plate of hers, I’d leave it in front her door. This was funny for a few days until I started finding my dirty plates she used at my door. From this point on, all kitchen equipment that was mine would from there on out live in my room until the end of my tenancy. This went on for another sleepless week until I am awoken by my landlord with a police officer. I’m told I’ve been stealing from my housemates and I need to go to the station. I promptly explain the situation, and my other housemates back me up. The officer clearly is annoyed to have his time wasted by us and leaves. Me, the housemates, Cathy and landlord have a group discussion on how to end the hostilities. We demand quiet weeknights and a clean kitchen, in exchange we (though, really it was just me) will not perform passive aggressive petty revenge. Seems like a fair deal right? No. Landlord said he can’t give any ‘preferential treatment’ so we need to stop regardless. I’m glad to say though, even though this guy was an awful landlord, he never interfered again, allowing for further pettiness to ensue.
So, back to revenge. Cathy would run an Ethernet cable from the modem to her computer, along the floor and into her room. I would start by unplugging this cable any time she was screaming. Cathy then started taping the cable so it was harder to pull out the socket. It got to a point were our hallway had a huge mess of tape and wire going across from the router all the way to her room. But f**k Cathy. I bought a roll of the same tape she had used, waited for her to leave the house. I had to wait 3 weeks for this opportunity. When I finally had the chance, I pulled up the tape, took a pair of scissors, cut the cable and taped it all back down. How she got into university was beyond me, as she didn’t figure it out for a few days. I slept wonderfully those nights. She confronted me days later and accused me of my crime. I simply denied it, and slammed the door in her face.
After this it was fairly passive aggressive both sides. Any time I heard noise I’d unplug the cable. She started eating my food (so I ended up buying a mini fridge and storing all my food in my room) and she would regularly throw out my belongings if I left them around the house. It was all getting a bit much. Mid year, I bought a cheap, turtle beach headset. I knocked on her door, and offered it as a peace treaty. I said the noise had to stop, and the revenge was starting to get out of hand. Please, take the headset, continue to enjoy your games, but I desperately need sleep. She took the headset, said thank you and promptly retreated to her room.
(As a side note, I’d never seen her room up until this point. It, was, disgusting. Old food everywhere, wrappers and cans. Her bed was half a space to sleep, half pizza boxes and rubbish. The smell was so bad, that after the conversation I went upstairs and threw up. I would only see the inside of that room once again until I moved)
So, overly generous peace offering? Yes. But I was desperate. The lack of sleep was really starting to affect my work, social life and relationship. I hoped it would turn a new leaf. Well, no. All night that night, screaming. I woke up the next day, and had a smoke in the garden. As I was pacing, I looked over at her window. Hanging out the window, I see a very damaged turtle beach headset. I decided in that moment, to destroy her.
Before I get into the big stuff, here’s a few c***ty things I did on top. I would pour salt into her milk and juice. Any time she left the house, I would cut the Ethernet. I put toothpaste onto her door handle. Any soft drinks she bought? Took them to class and donated them to my friends.
Anyway, so you notice that I said I had to wait 3 weeks for my cable prank? I became very aware that Cathy barely left the house. She was 100% not going to lectures or assignments. I started posting letters to her faculty posing as her parents asking for updates on her studies. After a few weeks she would start to get into shouting arguments with her parents over the phone. I then started ringing the faculty to let them know when she wasn’t in attendance. Our university had a relaxed approach to this, but all courses were expected to have an 85% attendance rating, or you’d face potential problems. After speaking to her staff supervisor, she had a whopping 23% rating. After a few more calls, it was established that she would have a ‘meeting’ as essentially a case for her to plead herself as to why she should stay. I took the time to somewhat befriend her supervisor, and asked if I could be present at the meeting to profess my story to aid in her expulsion. He agreed. As the days to her meeting rolled up, it was clear (due to the arguments with her parents on the phone) that she would not be staying here if she did not keep her position on her course. She began cleaning up after herself, and actually spoke to me semi-civilly begging me not to speak to the university any more. I told her, if she didn’t shout any more all the way to the hearing, then I’d retract all of my previous statements and give my verbal support to her staying. Zero noise. I slept like a baby for 3 days. Thursday night (meeting was the Friday) rolls around.
A final note, whenever Cathy did get up in the mornings, she had an extremely loud and obnoxious alarm clock, which would be on ages.
Thursday night, I give each of my other housemates the run down, and ask them to either skip town for the night and let it run its course. 2 stayed 2 left. Come 9pm, I proceed to invite my entire society around for drinks. 30 people in our tiny house drinking, shouting and playing loud music until 3am. Cathy comes out angry, begging, at one point in tears telling me to stop. But F this B, she had this coming. I go to bed at 4:30am. I wake up at 6am. No noise in the house. Good, she’s asleep. I go downstairs to the switchboard, and cut the power. I go out, eat breakfast, and go to the meeting at 8:30am. Much to my delight, Cathy does not turn up. At 9am I give the committee a full rendition of the past 9 months of hell, and proceed to strongly advise expulsion.
Afterwards, I call my university and fake having the flu, asking for a recovery period of 4-5 days. They accept, and I go back home to see my family for a week.
I return to a house one less occupied, with a few stand out pieces. In front of my room door, the now almost dust turtle beach headset. LOL. But, I ventured to her room. The smell had not left permanently, but it was bearable now. Many of her possessions were gone, but many left behind, most notably her printer and several pieces of balled up paper around it. Firstly, balled up print out copies of flight tickets to her native country, and a flight map. A letter from the university, denoting her immediate expulsion. A letter from our landlord, noting that as per the tenant agreement, if she cannot find study again within 28 days, she will be forced to leave the house. And finally; the creme de la creme. A letter, clearly intended for me and the housemates that she gave up on, telling us how this was all our fault and one day she would come back to haunt us.
(source) story by (/u/Tucker_Design)
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So @stetervault reblogged my tags on that post of @thisdiscontentedwinter about Stiles having a familiar that’s a Chia Pet, and filling out that idea sounded like a better evening than yelling at the next installment of my Empathy Empathy series so that’s what I did. 
Blah blah disclaimer that it’s been a long ass day and I literally just say down and pounded this out right now so obvs zero editing has been done LET’S BE REAL NONE OF YOU ARE HERE FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SO WE’RE JUST GONNA ROLL 
You Look Familiar
Peter watched Stiles.
It was a thing.
Not a good thing, or a bad thing, or even a particularly strange thing, given who Peter was.
It was just… a thing.
Peter watched Stiles.
No one watched Peter.
It made them too uncomfortable. He’d been resurrected without his familiar and somehow come back more sane rather than less, as was the case with every other documented case of Familiar Death. People could hardly stand to look at him at all, much less watch.
It’s wrong, they whispered. He’s only half a person. Where is his magic, if not kept with his familiar?
They were all waiting for him to snap, waiting for him to return to madness, despite proving that he still had his magic every time he shifted. There was no cure for the willfully ignorant, he supposed.
So rather than dedicating time to worrying about that, he used it to watch Stiles and his familiar, who were currently sitting on the couch in the loft. Stiles patted the small plants sprouting from the turtle shaped Chia Pet he called Aida. He would pat them down gently and watch them spring back, as if he was both petting and playing with it.
Aida sat perfectly still, as always. Never reacting, never interacting. Like it was just a regular Chia Pet.
Peter had wondered, at first, if perhaps Aida were some kind of red herring. Perhaps Stiles’ actual familiar couldn’t travel with him for some reason, so he carried around the Chia Pet to prevent awkward questions. It seemed like a Stiles thing to do.
But Peter had spent too much time with Stiles now, both in his house and everywhere else, to continue thinking that. There were no other familiars in the Stilinski household unless John was home with his ferret, Frances.
The Chia Pet was well and truly Stiles’ familiar.
Derek and Scott continued bickering in the middle of the loft as Peter continued to watch those long pale fingers lovingly brush across the green leaves and terracotta feet.
“Hey Stiles,” Isaac nodded over at Lydia’s goat familiar, “Guinevere's looking pretty hungry, maybe you should give her a snack.” He made a grab for Aida, but Stiles was well used to his jackassery by now, and pulled her away while sending a shock of electricity in Isaac’s direction like a rolled up newspaper.
Isaac yanked his hand away, rubbing the back of it with a sulk on his face. Peter didn’t know why he continued to pull that kind of shit- everyone else thought it was weird, but ignored Stiles’ oddity. Well. Everyone except Peter.
It wasn’t even that Aida wasn’t an animal; that was unusual, but not unheard of. It was just that other plant familiars always exhibited proof of sentience. Vine tendrils that curled around objects, or leaves that shook in morse code- something.
The turtle shaped Chia Pet just… sat there. Chia-ing away.
“No!” Scott yelled, breaking Peter’s concentration. “We have to talk to them, I know they’ll understand us!”
Derek was pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes.
“I don’t know how to explain ‘zombies’ to you any better, Scott. They don’t understand anything. They’re dead. We need to find the one who’s raising them.”
“They’re not all the way dead, or they wouldn’t be moving around,” Scott said stubbornly. “We have to at least try talking to them.” He looked around the room for support, finding none. “Stiles?” he pleaded.
Stiles shrugged. “Sounds like a double headshot situation to me, dude.”
Scott set his jaw firmly, taking one last glance around the room.
“Fine. I’ll go talk to them alone then. When I come back with a treaty worked out, you’ll have to honor it.”
“Aw, Scott-” Stiles started, but was cut off by the slamming of the door. He sighed, tucking Aida in pocket of his bunny hug and standing.
“Come on, guys, come help me keep him from killing himself.”
Derek’s eyebrows said everything about how much he wanted to do that, but grudgingly got up anyway, leading the others out with him.
Peter, however, stayed right where he was on the stairs.
“I really don’t think we ought to interfere with natural selection, do you?” he said delicately.
Stiles raised an eyebrow.
“Rich words from a guy who died. Come on Zombiewolf, they’re your people! If anyone can pull off Scott’s dumbass idea to communicate, it’ll be you!” He grinned cheesily.
Peter remained unmoved.
Stiles sighed.
“Help me keep my bro alive and I’ll help with the translation of that Polish Bestiary you got last month. I know you’re only three pages in. If Scott doesn’t die, I’ll have the whole thing translated in two weeks.”
He reached out to shake on it and then used the leverage to pull himself up. He leaned in to rub his cheek against Stiles’, conscious of the way Stiles allowed it- perhaps even leaned into it a little.
“You should have held out for at least another two favors,” he whispered into Stiles’ ear. “I’ve been cursing at that book all week.”
He tried to tamp down his smile at the shiver and chuckle that Stiles responded with.
Peter tugged his hand to pull them both out of the loft.
“Let’s go help the idiot squad.”
In a turn of events that surprised exactly one person, Scott was already in trouble when they arrived.
Claws out, eyes flashing, he was tearing away at the zombies as they shambled into his space, slow and unstoppable.
Everyone jumped into the fray immediately, but it was like the zombies were appearing from thin air. There were just so many. The pack could drop one, and three would take its place.
The zombies had little to no motor coordination, but they pressed with their whole body, leaning in to incapacitate while another tried to bite. Fighting while feeling so suffocated led to a panicked defense rather than a planned attack.
Even Peter and Derek were struggling; their arms couldn’t get enough movement for their claws to be truly effective. Dread clogged Peter’s throat- this couldn’t be it, he’d come back from the dead once, he wasn’t going to go out a second time by zombie-
One long arm raised above the mass of bodies, green and tan gripped in the fist held aloft. Everyone in the pack watched as the arm pulled back, flew forward, and Stiles released Aida mid-air.
The moment held, suspended, as everyone looked on in horror, expecting Stiles’ familiar to shatter against the first object she hit. Shards of terracotta, scattered bits of green and seeds- the companion of Stiles’ magic, destroyed.
But then-
Orange and black, growing larger so quickly that no one could track it with their eyes. One moment, there was a flying Chia Pet, the next, a mother fucking tiger was landing on the ground with an earth shaking roar.
Rotting bodies flew left and right, the heads being severed by huge claws and an even huger jaw. The sudden breathing room gave everyone in the pack a perfect view on the tiger absolutely shredding the hordes of zombies that had been their imminent demise just a minute ago.
The whole ordeal took less than five.
When they were surrounded by bodies, Stiles moseying along and whacking the heads off of the occasional twitcher, the tiger finally sat down and began cleaning herself. He walked right up to her and ran his fingers through her ruff.
“Thanks Aida,” he said casually. She turned her head to lick his face.
“Oh, gross, you were just using that tongue to clean zombie guts off of yourself!” he yelled, wiping his face with his sleeve.
Aida let out a deep rumbly sound that may have been the tiger equivalent of a laugh, before giving her claws one last lick. Then she turned around and leapt toward Stiles, transforming mid-air once again before landing in Stiles’ arms as a turtle Chia Pet once again.
Wait. No.
Peter peered a little more closely.
She was a sheep this time.
Stiles brought her up to his face, nuzzling into her and gently patting the tiny green plants as he usually did. Only this time, everyone watched Aida rub her little terracotta body up against his cheek affectionately.
He tucked her away in the pocket of his bunnyhug again and looked up at the pack, who were still staring.
Stiles smiled angelically.
“I thought she was a fucking Chia Pet,” Isaac burst out indignantly.
Stiles looked at him, eyebrow raised.
“She is. You just saw her turn back into one.”
“But she-”
“Anyway, I need a shower,” Stiles cut in, blatantly ignoring him as he walked away. “Peter, your apartment is closest. You can let me in with a key or I can break in, your choice.”
Peter hurried after him, knowing he wasn’t joking.
“You are absolutely not using my good towels-”
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kayawagner · 6 years
Cultural Nuances: Chileans are more like Midwesterners than Mexicans
It’s been crazy busy here, in a mostly good way, but I thought another Startup Diary, Santiago Edition was about due.
One thing I get asked a lot is what people in Chile are like. I’ve been here four months, most of my time in Santiago, with a few days in Valparaiso / Viña del Mar and Concepción , so I can’t claim a huge representative sample of the country. On the other hand, over a third of the population lives in Santiago and about 5% more in Concepción.
So much for the geography lesson, to my point…
Ways Chileans are more like Midwesterners than Californians
People are reluctant to tell you flat out, “No.”
I had a meeting with someone who wanted to sell me something and I thought the price was outrageous and the idea not very good. I just shook my head and said, “I’m not paying for that.”
She was  pretty shocked. I was being very polite, for me, anyway, because what I was really thinking is “There is no @#$ing way on God’s earth I’m giving you any money.”
I’ve heard many entrepreneurs here, both Chilean and foreigners, say they would prefer the American way where investors or potential customers just tell you, “No” and don’t waste your time. They say that, but having been on both sides, I’m not sure they would. It’s no fun having someone say to your face that they are not interested in funding your idea or buying your product.
When people criticize you, they tend to do it indirectly.
This is important, so pay attention!  Chile is much like Minnesota, where you can have the dumbest idea ever conceived  –  I think I will cash in my retirement and open a home for unwanted turtles, knitting them sweaters to match their personality, with yarn I made from shed fur of my 11 Siberian huskies – and all your neighbors will say is, “That’s different.”
I think I missed some good insights from some of the Start-up Chile advisors initially because they tended to start their comments with, “If I were you, I might want to think about …”  where in my experience with U.S. accelerators people will straight up tell you , “You need to change X and Y.”
I did make some changes after giving their suggestions considerable thought – I’m not a complete idiot – but I think I inadvertently offended some people, too, because I didn’t pay as much attention to their suggestions as I would have if they’d been given more forcefully. Learn from my mistakes.
Drama is not a thing.
It isn’t at all unusual to hear someone in California say they are “… having the worst day EVER… ” because Starbucks was out of nonfat soy milk and there was an accident on the 405 so they were late to work. First of all, everyone in LA knows that there is always an accident on the 405 and seriously, dude, having skim milk in your latte is the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Chile is really pretty
Overt racism is not a thing
Now, maybe they all get together and have a Chilean version of Klan meetings when I’m not around but I kind of doubt it. Not only do you never, ever hear casual racial slurs and insults like you do in the U.S., even when you are at a private party and people are really drunk and uninhibited, no one ever talks like that. Maybe there is more subtle racism. I have not heard any black people complaining about it but I haven’t really asked anyone, either.
Overt sexism is a thing
For example, I have been told many times that there are fewer women entrepreneurs because women want to get married and have children. This strikes me as odd because a) my co-founder/ CEO and I have seven children between us and b) aren’t these women getting married to and having children with men? I would not say sexism in Chile is any worse than the U.S., but unlike racism it doesn’t seem to be much better, either.
Calm(er) acceptance is the norm
Some people would argue this is a good thing. I am not one of those people. If you are imagining Chileans are like Mexicans, Cubans or Puerto Ricans because they all speak Spanish, you could not be more wrong.
Let’s say you are at a restaurant and they bring the bill and it’s incorrect. They correct it, come back and it’s a different incorrect amount. They come back a third time, the bill is still incorrect, and the waiter insists you pay this bill. Now, in LA, this would generally end up with the customer yelling, “Are you ##$ing kidding me? There’s no #%$ing way I am paying this #$%ing bill!” In Chile, the customer is more likely to just shake his head and say, “No, that’s still not right.”
I gave that example because it happened in front of me.
While it’s good that people don’t lose it over not having soy milk one day, I don’t think it’s for the best that people just seem to accept things being broken. There’s a greater inefficiency in a lot of areas than would be accepted in some place like the West Coast of the U.S. and it’s certainly not due to Chile having a lack of intelligent, educated people to fix things. Whether it’s having to go stand in line for hours to pay a bill that could be easily taken care of with an online system setup with the most minimal effort, or an office machine being broken for days with no one coming to repair it, people just accept that things aren’t optimal. I really like Chile and Chileans in general but this one thing drives me up the wall, across the ceiling and down the other side.
On the one hand, people in Chile are not bitchy, which can be nice, but on the other hand, bitches get shit done.
Chile is more St. Paul than Silicon Valley. Neither of those is a bad place, but they are definitely different places.
When I’m not offending entire states and countries, I make cool games. Check out Fish Lake for Windows from the Microsoft Store.  Canoe rapids, learn history and fractions at the same time.
The post Cultural Nuances: Chileans are more like Midwesterners than Mexicans appeared first on 7 Generation Games.
Cultural Nuances: Chileans are more like Midwesterners than Mexicans published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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grubhivemind · 7 years
-- decastichAmazifier [DA] began pestering aurulentHuntsman [AH] -- 
DA: sup working man 
DA: there he is, standing post proudly with his boot on a stump, tiddies out, hair billowing 
DA: unless i caught you during the lunch break and you're slurpin noodles while reading this 
DA: no less attractive but entirely different situations though one is decidedly saucier... damn we just found the peak of potential sexiness 
DA: good work team
AH: KAVI! ~}==> 
AH: What a pleasant surprise! Indeed, you have caught me during a moment of respite, so your timing is QUITE fortuitous ~}==> 
AH: I could definitely eat though, now that you mention it... ~}==>
DA: the hunger is real and altogether mutual, but let's work on food first 
DA: guess which handsome guy is having his handsome boyfriend drop by lunch? 
DA: Avalon is a lot of ground to cover and while i'd hate to dump a tracking chip on you i can't help to realize how convenient it'd make dropping in
AH: How inventive! We could exchange tracking chips if you'd like! HAHA ~}==> 
AH: I'm sure that would be unnecessary, however... I am always at your beck and call, of course ~}==> 
AH: For now, you can find me at home ~}==>
DA: there he goes feeding into my bad habits with grace and flourish while also being a sweet fuckin dork, expertly disarmed.. damn 
DA: you can't tell but i'm clenching my fist like a prepubescent anteater... or aardvark ...... the fuck? 
DA: i'm gonna google it on my way over
DA: see you in 10 babe
-- decastichAmazifier [DA] ceased pestering aurulentHuntsman [AH] -- 
KAVI: =It's a home he's well familiar with so don't mind him swoocing on in there... unless it's into one of Auryhn's mechanical servants then really don't mind and please look away from that fumble. He's having a better hair day but with changing from the hot to the cold his curls are all tight and extra sproingy=
AURYHN: -please, he has security cameras everywhere... he sees all. but he will not crush kavi's pride by drawing attention to his blunders. instead he trots out into the hall to greet him with a swoosh of his coat.- There you are! ~}==>
KAVI: =HE WILL HACK YOU.... but not this time because all the toys are away. The coat and scarf are already coming off, Auryhn gets a big smile and a cold kiss on the cheek= it's me, your dream come reality 
KAVI: even more so since i got nibbles, hope you're in the mood for Earth-style Mediterranean 
KAVI: i'm expanding my menu.. trying anyway
AURYHN: It sounds DELECTABLE ~}==> 
AURYHN: You know I'm always willing to try something different ~}==> -winks and places a palm to kavi's back, leading him towards one of his many drawing rooms in the wing that's still private to him, as opposed to being repurposed for his CREW. it's much more casual here than eating in the dining area. he'd rather kavi feel cozy and at home.-
KAVI: =Here's the scoop though, he does feel at home here and most certainly with Auryhn in general. It's kinda scary, very exciting, and exceedingly frightening. Being in love is great but it doesn't really come hard for people like him which sprouds a wariness that he can't shake but, conflictingly, not give a shit to shake.= 
KAVI: nuts, and here i was plotting all kinds of ways to convince you there goes the pre-lunch seduction 
KAVI: which is probably in the best interest of all parties, hummus goes on pita, it's basically law and i'd hate the local authority to catch wind to my wrongdoings =he'd HATE it, it'd be so awful.... but once in the dining area he lays out the food fresh from his sylladex thus fresh from the kitchen= 
KAVI: =A hearty salad with things like chic peas and purple lettuce, falafels and thinly sliced meats and not to mention the hummus and some cucumber sauce he tried to make. Also because presentation is everything he has it looking fancy for his spoiled prince=
AURYHN: -yes, these are two men who truly value presentation. auryhn is eyeing the display with much interest, on the edge of his seat and gathering up his meal.- This is fantastic! And you prepared it all yourself? ~}==> 
AURYHN: -he's such a carnivore, despite half his family being vegetarian, and chomps right into the falafel without a moment's hesitation. it's only kavi around, there's no need to be COMPLETELY refined.-
KAVI: mmhmmmmm, right down to the pita =chinhands while Auryhn tears into his food. Kavi's always been more of a nibbler so that's what he's doing= 
KAVI: nothin but the best for you, sugarcube =and he intends to make it the best... having practiced these recipes for around a week Figaro's had more than his fair share of lettuce and other greens other turtles can only dream of= gotta make sure my man's well-fed
AURYHN: -looks up from his food with big smiles and shiny eyes. so much adoration. kavi spoils him... and he does like to be spoiled, even if he's sometimes a little too prideful to admit. after dabbing at his face with his napkin -- because he's no HEATHEN -- he leans in to give kavi a kiss on the side of his head.- 
AURYHN: It's delicious, Kavi. Thank you ~}==> 
AURYHN: I must return the favor next time... ~}==> -it's been a while since he's done any cooking. it's a shame.-
KAVI: =grins and never ceases the chinhand= anytime babe, i look forward to that 
KAVI: maybe sometime we can cook together, that'd be bitchin =He misses that cooking and also Auryhn in general. All this hero-ing makes him nervous but he doesn't mention it..... much=
AURYHN: -he seems EXTRA excited about that idea.- Egads, that's genius! Why haven't be thought of that before? ~}==> -he's so pleased, he smooches on kavi again... and nuzzles him... he might be a little starved for affection.-
KAVI: we were too busy one-upping each other into oblivion on the smooth factor =smiles at the nuzzles, good excellent. Crosses his legs and leans on Auryhn. Up on him actually for a kiss= 
KAVI: we can make time for it and other shit, multi-tasking if need be
AURYHN:  If anyone has the drive and the capability to achieve that kind of multitasking, it would be us! ~}==>
AURYHN: However, I'd rather not divide up any of my attention when I have time alone with you ~}==> -don't mind him as he abandons his food to touch at kavi's cheek, brush a thumb at his springy curls.-
KAVI: =Turns into that hand and lightly kisses Auryhn's palm, his hair is soft and if it's pulled it'll bounce right back up. Speaking of let's get up he settles in Auryhn's lap, scooting him out from the table a little= 
KAVI: oh you wouldn't be dividing any attention, not from me .... really 
KAVI: hypothetical question: could we or could we not squeeze in a quickie while making a robust stew?
AURYHN: -grinning at this kavi he has bundled up in his lap, resting his hands on his sides... only to short circuit a little at the question.- AH... ~}==> 
AURYHN: THAT SEEMS LIKE IT COULD GET....... Messy ~}==> -wheeze-
KAVI: =shrugs cooly and plays with Auryhn's ponytail, putting it over a strong shoulder then moves to play with his ear= maybe but that's always, if the mess in the kitchen is a big deal there's an easy fix 
KAVI: =Let's it hang in the air for a minute= i mean. i could just turn around
AURYHN: -oh deer, he's quite blue in the face now, his ear twitching under kavi's delicate touch.- That would be... much more convenient ~}==> AURYHN: -hands smooth down his thighs, palming at them with a sudden eagerness.-
KAVI: =All according to keikaku= KAVI: see, that's what i'm sayin we can be mad efficient =Leans down to kiss Auryhn's collarbone then tips his head up, nosing under his jaw. He can't not grin at that cool blush= we could do a practice run just to be sure if you're still worried though... unless you gotta get back =Which yeah the way Kavi drags his fingers and speaks soft and low under Auryhn's ear that's basically a thing he's gunning to not happen. He will play dirty=
AURYHN: -honestly, he doesn't need much convincing when it comes to any form of attention -- but especially so in this case. he's already long gone and the sweet touches might as well be torture. he grips at kavi tighter.- Well... Haha... Surely if there was any immedi8 threat to 8e concerned with, I'd know... ~}==> 
AURYHN: But who's to stop me from neighing-- STAYING ~}==> -all the heat rushes to his face for his excited slip ups. how embarrassing.-
KAVI: =Neighing... Kavi grins and even though that tighter grip makes his insides roll in excitement he also just-- now directly in Auryhn's ear= (hey how you doin big man lemme knicker in ya ear, you can pun all night baby. wordplay is my second favorite) = snickers and nips at that lobe, dangerous flat teeth watch out.=
AURYHN: -flat as they are, the way they scrape is an entirely different kind of  deadly. between that and the whispers (FILLY as they are) he's shuddering all the way down to his toes, his blunders all but forgotten.- I wouldn't call it... especially clever wordplay... But a slip of the tongue ~}==>
AURYHN: You've got me rather twisted up... ~}==> -reciprocates with sweet kisses to kavi's neck, his hands grasping with more confidence, up under his shirt at the warm skin of his sides.-
KAVI: =A grin spreads over his face feeling Auryhn shudder, good. Excellent.= i'll give you a slip of the tongue, also it's cute 
KAVI: my only thing is be prepared for me to prod you the next century if you're about to bust a trollnut and a pun comes out, i'm just saying it's out of my hands and gives me life while also destroying me 
KAVI: =Mutters through the neck kisses and flexes for the wandering hands and undoes his ponytail gently. Combing fingers through Auryhn's hair to fan it out= before the mocking starts i can help you unwind though.... we.... do have a perfectly good table right here and technically i didn't put out dessert so that can be fixed =presses a kiss to Auryhn's cheek, it's him. He is the dessert. It's a careful, gentle set-up to being boned on furniture. Smooth=
AURYHN: -oh yes, VERY subtle... but auryhn didn't need much coaxing. after moving aside the food on the table, his hands secure under kavi's ass, lifting him with ease and a rumbly purr, silky smooth and contrasting his chastising words.- 
AURYHN: Must you be so crude? I've herdly been given the chance to romance you ~}==> -with that, he plops kavi onto the table, crushing him under more kisses.- 
AURYHN: Or would you prefer to skip that part? ~}==> 
AURYHN: Whatever you desire, your wish is my command...~}==>
KAVI: =The second this dumb chair is out of the way his legs secure themselves around Auryhn's waist. Then snickers against his lips, pausing from slipping up Auryhn's shirt= whoa time out, are you sure? you bathe in pure romance babe, Mr. Flowers-for-no-reason =Bye shirt, folds it and puts it under his head. His now= 
KAVI: oh, rare flowers from the top of mountains not one a wholeassed bouquet nbd KAVI: but i mean.... if it's player's choice then i'm ready for more unbridled spoilage from my super sweet boyfriend =cops cop tiddies=
AURYHN: -these unbridled stallion tiddies FLEX under kavi's hands.- In that case... ~}==> 
AURYHN: -kisses down his neck to his collar tenderly, shifting over him to start pulling his shirt up as well, exposing more skin to cover in more cool, gentle smooches.- Please allow me to worship every inch of you ~}==>
KAVI: =NICE. These are the goods and Kavi's cat is showing because he's kneading them, poses gently as his shirt is pulled up :sparkle: But also.... :eyes: hot diggity= 
KAVI: when you ask that nicely how could i say no?
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