#like the front half of the car was totally GONE.
moneymartin · 2 days
kate hcs? like what u did w nika plsss
・❥・- gf!kate hcs
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warnings: harddd smut under the divider at the end and suggestive content :p
a/n: i genuinely love doing hcs more than writing full on fics cause my lord i cannot write a whole story without going off track and ruining the entire thing… got carried away like always. also this is longgg overdue as well. i’ve been procrastinating everything and i feel bad for not releasing anything sooner like i promised. thank you for being patient w me lolz
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i’m glad that we all agree… kate is theeee golden retriever girlfriend
i mean who wouldn’t say that
blonde masc that gives off happy vibes and literally has a tattoo that says ‘sunshine’
treats you like a real fuckin’ princess like she knows what she’s doing
okay kate lovesssss the kids
her and carson are so adorbs 💔
when someone asks her what her profession is she is not gonna say a pro hooper
shes gonna say that shes carson’s aunt 😭
def takes you over to kennedy’s house when she’s gone and makes you babysit carson w her 🥹
loves when they hold her fingers she thinks its the cutest thing in the world and you photograph the whole thing
spoils you fosho!!!!
mention one lil thing and shes buying it for you
new clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, accessories. ANYTHING YOU WANNTTT!!!
yk how she likes tswift…
takes you to a concert for your bday if you do too
and wears that stupid cowboy hat 😒
but you guys would be matching soooo
DEFINITELY loves physical touch
hands hands handssss
they’re all over you in public like she is not afraid to show people you’re hers 😩
on your waist or hips. her fingers are always on you somehow
also does it romantically like she’ll intertwine pinkies with you and always holds your hand no matter the situation
the thumb thing is her favorite
loves pda foshooooo
i don’t think she’d be possessive but i feel like shes the jealous type
sees you w a girl at the bar or sumn and starts to FREAK!
she’ll sit next to you immediately and is touching you all over so that the girl goes away 😭
or shes burying her face into your neck and kissing your skin in front of her
everyone can disagree w me on this but i see her as lil spoon when you guys cuddle…
kisses your neck or your collar while shes half asleep 😣
back rubs are her fav thing too
shes the one getting them tho cause she’s always so tense after practice and she believes that if you do it she’ll feel better already
we all know shes a passenger princess.
she probably has a car but refuses to drive it alone when you’re there cause she thinks she’ll crash it or something
lets you wear her clothes
if she was taller (most likely) she’d have you in all her shirts and stuff cause they look bigger on you
you think you shouldn’t wear anything under cause it hides everything anyways and kate agrees
in reality she just loves the easy access…
total baby when she’s drunk
and super clingy :(
arguments don’t happen often but when they do it ends real fast cause she knows how to calm you down 🥹🥹🥹
if anything though the arguments start cause its about something real stupid
teaches you how to play basketball if it isn’t your sport
can’t cook for SHIET!!!! burns eggs easily or somethin like that cause she can’t bring herself to learn
knows how to bake tho 100%
super adventurous
have you guys seen the pic of her zip lining… like she’s fearless when it comes to that stuff
hits the gym and weight room every fuckin day w you so she can build those arms 🤫
spots you when you think its too hard
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ik y’all have seen that pussy eater jaw…
kisses are her thing as well
making out w you is the highlight of her night week day whatever!
initiates it all the time cause she knows you love it too
whines during it too me thinks…
when she needs you to shut up during it i firmly believe that she’ll kiss you to muffle the noises 😩
she isn’t straightforward but when she wants to she’ll make it obvious.
cusses all the time
hard breather too
she’ll breathe out a bunch of words that you can barely hear cause of your own noises 💀 but you love hearing them cause you know she’s engaged
her strap game is crazy though i can tell…
feel like she’d sometimes just wear it for fun
she’ll wear it just for the looks and not to use it on you 😭😭
she doesn’t wanna have sex w you for her pleasure b/c during it, everything is about YOUUU
your pleasure >>>>> anything else
soft dom 100% but will also switch sometimes if thats what you’re feeling
especially after games like she loves having sex after cause she knows you’ll do everything for her
always grabbing your hips really tight when you do and theres always marks afterwards on them
and she likes seeing your face when you’re on top
missionary is her thing
eye contact during sex is important
to her at least
degrades you but only when you’re being cocky about something while she fucks the shit outta you
i don’t think she’d be aggressive but she’d be a lil rough when she’s upset
leaves marks EVERYWHEREEE
in the most visible spots so that people can see them when you two are in public
only happens during makeout seshes or when you guys are havin your own time tho
she so talks you through it.
always reassuring and asking if you feel good or not
“is this okay?” “does that hurt?” “it’s okay, baby. i’m right here, i promise” “take your time” lil things like that
praises you hella too
call me cringe or whatever
but she’ll call you a good girl if she has to…
when she eats you out she’s SOOO FOCUSED
quiet the wholeeee time but you can feel her getting all breathy against you
kisses your thighs after you cum so you know she’s still there 😞❤️
aftercare queen
she’s already cleaning you up and getting you a new pair of clothes or running a warm bath for the both of you 🥸
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transbrucewayne · 4 months
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natsaffection · 5 months
Sugar Mommy!Natasha x sugar baby!Reader
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Summary: Natasha let you apologize to her employees
Warnings: Age gap! (N= 37 R= 21), BDSM themes, Mommy kink, spanking, fingering (while watched), degration
Word count: 2,3k
A/n: Happy New year! What better way to start the year than by cumming 4 times bc of this amazing creature? What? Never mind 🔊
💵 This plays in the My sweet Baby universe 💵
The soft glow of dawn seeped through the large windows of Natasha's penthouse, casting a warm hue across the room. She stirred from her peaceful slumber, a contrast to the groggy but content figure beside her – You.
She, with her graceful demeanor, carefully extricated herself from the cozy embrace, causing you to mumble in protest. „it's Saturdayyy, Why are you getting up so early?"
Natasha smirking and looking back to you, "Some of us have responsibilities, little girl. Work doesn't take weekends off." You, still half-asleep, pouted as Natasha leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I'll be back soon. Try to get some more sleep."
"Mmm, too early for responsibilities.."
As Natasha prepared for the day, the scent of fresh coffee filled the air. You, now more awake, shuffled into the kitchen in one of Natasha's oversized shirts. "You make the best coffee, you know?" Natasha looks behind her, surprised that you are awake now and have gotten up, "One of my many talents.."
You leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Natasha with a mix of admiration and love. Despite the early hour, Natasha's presence radiated confidence and grace. "It won't be too long. What do you have planned for the day?"
you accepted the cup she gave you and thought for a moment "well, Maybe a lazy day in, catching up on shows. You know..the usual."
"Sounds perfect. I'll be back before you know it." Before she goes, she looked at one of her Maiden, “Make sure she gets a good breakfast, I’ll be off for the day.”
“Of course, Mrs. Romanoff. Safe travels.”
As Natasha prepared to leave, she glanced toward the kitchen, catching your eye. „Please don’t made a mess while I’m gone.“
You weren't sure what she meant, but you just smiled innocently and nodded. Natasha takes another quick look around and leaves the house to go to work. As you hear the car drive further and further away, you think about what you can do today. Natasha's house all to yourself? You have to make the most of it.
You get up and put your cup in the sink and before one of the maids could take it, you jump in, "if you like, you can go home.."
She looked at you and just smiled as she picked up the cup, "Don't worry, Ms. Y/n it's fine." But you wouldn't be dissuaded "come on! Surely you have things to do? What's the big deal?"
You put on your puppy dog face and take the cup from her again. She looks at you and relents, "okay fine, but I'll be back in a few hours." Before closing the door, she looks back and bows, "Thank you, Ms Y/n"
And now you're storm free. If you're honest, you already had a plan. You pull out your cell phone and text Kate to see if she's up for a game. Knowing her, she agrees and a little later all you could hear was your screams in the living room.
"Go on, Kate!"
The living room echoed with the sounds of virtual warfare and animated banter as you and Kate immersed yourselves in their gaming session. The excitement mounted and soon you’re playful trash talk escalated to full-blown screams.
"Take that! In your face!"
"No way! I totally had you!"
"Admit it, Kate. I'm the gaming champion!"
"Oh, you wish! Prepare for the ultimate comeback!"
The planned two hours turned into seven and one cup ended up being more. A bag of potato chips here and a salad there. Of course, that wasn't enough, and 2 cartoons of pizza were also added.
You had completely lost track of time and didn't even notice when Maria and the others entered the house and stood there in complete shock. As if it wasn't going to get any better, they heard the keys to the front door and a second later a stressed Natasha came in, exhausted from the day
As Natasha entered her penthouse, she noticed that the hallway was already bustling with people. She put her bags down and called Maria.
"What's going on?"
Maria fidgeting nervously, "Um, well, Mrs. Romanoff,..." Natasha sensed the hesitation and raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Maria? Speak up."
Maria was split between coming to your defense and speaking the truth of her bite "It's just that, um, Miss Y/N may have gotten a little carried away with her activities today. The dishes are piling up, well, the living room isn't exactly in its usual state."
Natasha's expression became serious "I see. Thank you for the information."
"I'm sorry if I -"
"It's not your fault. I appreciate your honesty. I'll take care of it."
Maria nodded and Natasha proceeded to confront you. When she arrived in the living room, she understood what Maria meant. It looked disastrous and you were sitting in the middle of it. With wide headphones on and shouting into them as if you couldn't be heard.
You, on the other hand, were so absorbed in your world that you didn't even notice Natasha grabbing the remote control and switching off the TV. You were so baffled and thought it was a mishap that you read it out like that „NO! What the hell!!! Why is now-" As you get up, you collide with Natasha and fall back onto the couch, "Nat! What are you doing here already?"
She, however, was totally unenthusiastic and you could see that in her eyes, "Already? Y/n have you looked at the time? It's 6 pm! How long have you been sitting in front of that thing?" You repeat what she said and look in shock at the big clock on the wall and your heart stops. Fuck. At that moment you remembered everything else and looked around. Your garbage was everywhere, pizza boxes, forks, empty bottles, the sink was full to the brim, stains everywhere, "U-Uhm...I must have forgotten the time..."
Natasha swallowed her nerves and put the remote back down, "looks like it! You have 10 minutes to clean up the mess. I'm going to take a shower, the day hasn't been stressful enough."
Wow, she sounds like your mom when you were little. Why do they always want you to do it right away? You sigh and lean against the couch again to get away from all the trouble, but Natasha doesn't like that, "What do you think you're doing? Come on, clean up."
You rolled your eyes and your mouth was faster than your brain "come on clean up... Why doesn't Maria do it or something..." when you had spoken it, you remained frozen and literally prayed that Natasha hadn't heard. You turn around, heart pounding, and see her staring at you. Now you really have it. "I-I didn't mean that! I-!"
You blink, what did she say?
Natasha's nostrils flared, her chest rose and fell. "Ah, not so chatty now?" she walks up to you and lifted your chin, "what's wrong? Color?“ Despite the situation, your stomach flutters that she could switch her emotions so much and now asked you about your condition, „G-Green, it's just..what if the others come in?"
Natasha in turn, grinned, "Oh sladost (darling), if that's it..don't worry about it. Now turn around, knees, hands on the floor, and ass in the air.“
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you turned around. Lower your hands to the floor and kneel on the ground. You hear Natasha sit down on the couch and seconds later, came the first blow, "I won't stop until your ass is purple," she announced casually and started again, "You don't have to count this time. But you better be prepared to barely be able to sit for the next week."
You try as hard as you can to stay quiet, so as not to make Natasha any angrier and let the spanks wash over you. After 10 strokes, she leans over you and asks in your ear, "Color?" You exhale deeply and with wiggling arms you say, "Green..."
Natasha leaned back again, "stand up and look at me." You do as she said and now stand in front of her with trembling legs. She leans up again, and looks up at you, "Do you trust me?" You didn't know exactly what she meant by that, but you were clear about one thing, "Of course, Mommy. Always." You see her smiling contentedly, "well then. Off to the corner back there, on your knees and hands behind your back." Your eyes widen. That was new. "M-Mommy..why-"
"Don't question me, or your punishment will be even longer."
You let out a shaky breath and angrily do as she said. When you were in position, Natasha finally stood up, "Come in and clean up please."
Your breath caught in your throat. This isn't really happening.
Natasha looked at you as Maria and the others entered the room to clean up the mess you had made. They didn't even glance at you because they knew what was going to happen if. You, however, didn't know and felt totally exposed. You feel your hands grow cold and close your eyes so that you can drown in the shame of strangers.
"I know it's a lot, but try to do it in ten minutes. I'm finally going to take my shower, and you over there! Don't move an inch." She looks at you again to make sure you've understood. You just whisper "Y-Yes, Mommy.." to yourself and then hear her leave the room. You also heard the maids running through the room to remove the dirt. You just wanted to sink into the ground and try to think of something else.
When Natasha came back exactly 10 minutes later, she was proud to see that not only did the room look clean again, but you were still kneeling in your corner. "What a good girl you can be. Come here."
You stood up and your knees were red due the kneeling. Turning around, you took in the room again and looked around for the maids, but found none. You slowly approached Natasha and she welcomed you with her hands on your hips and looked down at you. "Jump."
You knew what that meant and you jump, wrapping your legs around her, thinking you were both going up to her bedroom now. But you were wrong. She angrily moved you to the couch and put you down again. She kissed you and swallowed your moans that you let out. Then she kissed her way down and stood up again. She took one hand and stroked it from your thigh down to your knee and lifted it slightly. She put her tongue on it and licked her way back up to your throbbing spot, not taking her eyes off you for a second. When she finally took your clit in her mouth, she held your thighs down so you couldn't bend too far and you moaned.
"You are fabulous, your cunt is fabulous." She poked her tongue in, and you put your hands over your mouth, afraid that the others were still around. Natasha noticed this and pulled her tongue out of you. She reached under your back and pulled you up to her. She turned you so that your back was now leaning against her chest. She didn't hesitate for a second and immediately filled you with her fingers "Ah! This p-position! It’s ..."
Natasha wraps an arm around you and pulls you even closer, thrusting deeper into you. You leaned forward to somehow release the pressure, but fearing you were mistaken, Natasha turned you and leaned you against the wall with a hard thrust. She attacks your neck and pumped her fingers in and out, if she didn't hold you against the wall, you would surely slide up and down, „It’s t-too r-rough , my back..."
She lifted one thigh so you could put some weight on it and continued with her temp, "come in."
You were preoccupied with yourself, but when you heard, "Ms. Romanoff." your eyes shot open and you saw Maria standing right in front of you with her head down.
Natasha looked at you, "Apologize to her." Your head is spinning and Natasha's fingers just wouldn't stop pumping continuously in your pussy, this time her thumb rubbing wildly against your clit, "tell her you're sorry for the mess and for the fact that she cleaned it up!"
She gave a strong thrust which made you slide up a little and groan, "I'm sorry! Ah-no ..please..I'm..s-sorry! Ah-h!!!" Natasha was still pushing, "for..?"
She can't be serious..you could barely think, "t-the filth..please.."
"Apology accepted, Ms. Y/n, thank you." You managed to open your eyes a little and blurred to see that Maris still had her head bent down.
"Dismissed." natasha told her in a cold tone and Maria left the room again. Now, Natasha looked at you again, "how's it looking? Lesson learned?" You were literally drooling on her shoulder and could almost just nod, "y-yes..I'm sorry..please..I'm almost there-"
Natasha had to chuckle and applied pressure to her hand one last time. You tensed and held onto her shoulder like you would die if you fell off and before you knew it You came all over her, completely staining her and the floor in your wetness.
Natasha had to hold you so you didn't slip out of her arms. She lifted you bridestyle and you leaned against her chest. This time she really is on her way to the bedroom and as she climbs the stairs she looks at you again and speaks softly, "You know they never seen you from the front. The sight is only for me and especially only for you, okay?"
You wanted to say something about how nice you thought the gesture was, but you just couldn't find the strength and fall into a deep sleep.
I wannaaaaa
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slasherbvnnie · 4 months
Rated X
Hello! Enjoy this poly ghostface smut. Modern day AU, all characters 18+, the boys aren't killers, just psychos.
Word Count: 2882
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“What about Texas Chainsaw?” “It creeps me out too much,” you said as the boys laughed. “You? Freaked out by Leatherface?” “I don’t like Marilyn’s screams,” you justified as Stu giggled. “Her screams make it the best part!” “You sound like a psycho,” you said as you threw some popcorn at him. “Night of the Living Dead?” Billy suggested as you sighed, “I’ll fall asleep,” Stu said. “Invisible man?” “*I’ll* fall asleep,” you said this time as you looked at the screen. “Prom night…two?” “Die,” Stu said as you giggled. “Stepfather!” He suggested as you looked up, “Penn Badgley’s?” You asked as both the boys looked at you questioningly. “I’m putting on X and nobody gets a say,” Billy huffed out as you and Stu looked at each other before agreeing and sitting back into the couch.
You relaxed into Stu’s hold, a strong arm wrapped around you as you three watched the movie. Billy was focused on the movie, Stu more so on the snacks laid out in front of them, but you were slowly drifting off into sleep after a while. Your eyes had closed, not sure how long you were asleep yet when you heard Stu’s ringtone. You looked up to him sleepily when he moved his arm and answered his phone. Billy had also looked over, seeing Stu sigh before rubbing his face, “yeah, I’ll be there,” he said before hanging up. He turned to the both of you, offering a half smile, “I gotta get back, my mom's car isn’t working so she needs to borrow mine to get to some meeting in the morning,” he said as you pouted. “It was supposed to be a sleepover,” you whined. “We can follow and bring you back here!” You suggested, looking to Billy who gave a nod. “C’mon, you know how grumpy the princess gets,” he said as Stu chuckled. “My mom would totally have my ass and guilt trip me into staying,” he said as he smiled, leaning in to give you a kiss.
“Tomorrow I will come over and make it up to you, ‘kay?” He said as he held your chin, you pouting as you nodded. “yeah, okay,” you said as Billy hummed. “Be careful, Stu,” he said as Stu got up and smirked. “Don’t have fun without me, I’ll feel left out,” he teased as he got up from the couch. You watched him walk out and frowned before Billy kissed your cheek. “Sleepy?” He asked as you focused on him and nodded. “Let’s get you to bed before you become a total grump,” he said, squeezing your sides, earning a small giggle from you as you squirmed out of his hold.
Pretty soon you were in Billy’s room, cuddled up together under the blankets. You did miss the warmth Stu would have provided- he was practically a walking, talking space heater- but Billy was so warm tonight that you didn’t mind too much. “Bunny,” he called out softly to grab your wandering attention, “yeah?” you whispered back. “Get some sleep. We can pick up Stu in the morning,” he said as he pecked your forehead. “He’s never awake before noon,” you giggled, Billy smiling softly.
You were out like a light again but woke up when you didn’t feel as warm as before. You thought Billy had just taken the blanket from your side, opening your eyes and reaching out before feeling the comforter over yourself still. You frowned, looking into the darkness and noticing his outline missing. “Billy?” You whined out, usually he was a light sleeper and responded anytime he heard your voice, even the times you sleep-talked. You reached over for your phone, turning on the flashlight and frowning when you saw the door wide open, “Billy,” you called louder this time, wondering if he had gone to the bathroom. You sat up, waiting for him to walk in or respond before you heard the sound of groaning. “Billy?” You asked as you got out of bed, rubbing your eyes as you made your way to the hall. You could hear more groaning then what sounded like glass breaking from downstairs. You felt your body go cold, frozen in place as you stared down the hall and to the stairs. “A-are you okay Billy?” You asked, a shaky hand gripping your phone as you slowly walked down the hallway and the stairs. You moved your phone around, searching for him quietly. You walked into the living room, looking around before hearing footsteps behind you, turning quickly and coming face to face with a masked person. Just as you were about to scream you felt a pair of hands grab you, one arm wrapped around your waist as the other covered your mouth. You dropped your phone, screaming underneath their hands as you tried to kick at the other person coming at you. An all too familiar laugh sounded from in front of you, whining as they grabbed your flailing hands. “Woah there, princess,” they said, laughing as they lifted the mask. You stared at the taller person, eyebrows furrowing as the person behind you let go of you. “Assholes!” You yelled, hitting Stu’s shoulder before turning to see Billy and doing the same to him.
Both boys laughed, quieting when they saw tears that were pricking your eyes. “Oh, don’t cry, baby,” Billy said as you swatted away his hand. “Fuck off, you two suck,” you grumbled, picking up your phone from the floor. “Oh c’mon baby,” Stu whined as you glared at him. “I thought Billy fucking died, not funny. Shouldn’t you be at home?” You questioned as Stu grinned, leaning against the stair railing you were currently climbing up. “A part of the prank,” he said as you glared once again. “I’m going to bed, alone.”
“Oh, what, I can’t join?~” He teased as you shook your head. “Jerk each other off if you get horny, I’m tired,” you said as you went back into the bedroom. You lay down, cuddling back into the covers, heart still racing from the scare. The boys had gotten into pranks before, but not ones where you thought one of them died, they always had stupid and meaningless pranks, never this. So you gave them the silent treatment even when they went upstairs after a little while, ignoring them as they laid beside either side of you. You had to admit, it was hard to ignore them when you were sandwiched between them, but you were stubborn as hell.
Stu was the first to snake his arm around you, gently running his fingers along your back as you pretended to be asleep. “You really asleep, sweetheart?” Billy whispered in your ear as he pulled you to his chest. He was still warm, if you concentrated hard enough you could still smell his cologne from earlier in the day. “I think she is,” Stu said softly, gently tracing shapes on your back. “We should check,” He mumbled, moving closer, his lips pressed against your neck. He gave you soft kisses, you tried to keep your breath from hitching to alert them that you were indeed awake.
“Hey, hasn’t she told us before she really wanted us to do her in her sleep?” He questioned as Billy smirked. “Yeah,” he said, his grip on you tighter as Stu chuckled. “We should do it, you know, as a sorry,” he said as Billy moved you slowly, laying you on your back now. You felt them move, the bed dipping near your legs before you could feel warmth over you. This time you smelt Stu’s cologne, feeling his fingers dip into your pajama shorts as he slowly pulled them down. Billy’s breath seemed to hitch as he watched, his ring-clad fingers slowly trailing over your bare thighs. Stu was quick to move, positioning himself between your legs, Billy helping spread them as Stu kissed your navel. He slowly trailed the kisses lower, which made you do your best to not give yourself away. You bit down on your tongue as he pressed a kiss to your core, feeling Billy’s fingers trailing up your body now, reaching under your shirt.
Stu pressed his thumb against your clit, rubbing gently as he let his tongue run down your folds. “Christ, s’wet already,” he groaned against your core, you wanted to squirm as he lapped at you. Billy squeezed your chest, running his fingers over your nipples as you moved your head a little. He chuckled, “I know you’re not asleep,” he whispered as he leaned down to your ear. “Could tell with how hard your heart’s beating,” he hummed, pressing a kiss to your throat, gently nipping at it, causing you to whine out.
“There’s that pretty voice, sucha pretty girl,” Stu groaned against your pussy, you whined again, reaching down to grip his hair. Billy chuckled, moving to the side of your neck and giving you a hickey. “What happened to being mad at us?” He questioned as you pouted. “I can forgive both of you if you just fuck me,” you said, moaning as you felt Stu’s tongue enter you. You tried squirming away from the sudden pleasure, but his hands were quick to hold you in place.
“What are we? A piece of meat?” Billy laughed as you whined, gasping as Stu rubbed at your clit. “N-no, just- want both of you…” you moaned. He smirked, pulling away from your neck, hovering over you. “Is that why you were so sad Stu had to leave? Wanted both of our cocks in you?” He asked as you nodded eagerly. “Words, bunny,” he said as you let out a small wail as Stu switched his fingers and tongue, sucking on your clit. “Yes! Fuck, wanted- wanted it s’bad,” you moaned out, eyes closing as you felt another of Stu’s fingers enter you.
You pulsed around his digits, getting close to cumming from his movements before Billy moved. You felt his cold ring against your hand as he pulled it away from Stu’s head, whining at the loss of his mouth and fingers. But you were soon picked up into Stu’s arms as you felt the bed dip again. Billy’s lamp on his bedside table was turned on, you squinted from the sudden brightness, watching as Billy undressed. You bit down on your bottom lip as you saw his dick slap against his stomach when he took off his pants, his tip leaking precum before he climbed back into bed. Stu was also undressing, pulling you into his lap, his erection pressing against your lower back. You grew more wet as Billy covered between your legs, cupping your cheeks as he kissed you. “Think you can take both of us, sweet girl?” He asked as you nodded. “Want..want both of you,” you begged, Stu groaning in your ear as he pressed a kiss to the new hickey Billy made. “You’re such a good girl…you know that?” He asked, you blushed at his words before moaning as Billy ran his tip against your folds. He reached over, grabbing a bottle of lube, and coating his dick before tossing it to Stu. He leaned closer, kissing Stu as he uncapped it and lubed up his cock. You watched, growing wet at the sight of them making out, reaching behind you to Stu’s cock, gently stroking him. Stu keened into Billy’s touch, groaning into his mouth as you stroked him. “Fuck,” he said with a breathy chuckle when Billy pulled away. “Gonna put it in, okay baby?” Stu said as you nodded, relaxing as your back pressed to his chest. You felt his tip press against your hole, gently pushing into you. You put one hand on his thigh to support yourself, eyes closing as you whimpered from the stretch. “Feel so good, princess,” he hummed as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
Billy smirked, watching the two of you closely, his fingers gently rubbing at your clit. You moaned, Stu moaning in unison from feeling you clench around him. Billy chuckled, “don’t bust already,” he teased as Stu shot him a glare. “Shut up, Loomis…” he said as you looked to Billy. “Please Billy,” you begged softly, Billy looking up to you through his lashes. If he wasn’t your boyfriend, if you didn’t find him totally hot, he would have given you chills with that stare of his. “What? Use your words, doll,” he said as you whimpered. “Need you in me too,” you begged, Billy twitched at the innocent tone of your filthy words. “God bunny, you’re gonna kill me,” he laughed as he kissed you again. He grabbed the bottle of lube, slicking himself up before pressing himself at your hole. “Relax for me,” he said softly, pushing in slowly.
Although you had taken them both before, the boys knew how spent you would be after this. The first time both of them were scared as hell of hurting you, doting on you for hours after to make sure they didn’t tear you or hurt you. It took them a day to leave you alone. Little had changed on the nights you took both of them, but they slowly became less scared after a few times, still waiting on you hand and foot after a session. The two gently studied your face as Billy slowly entered, Stu and you moaning in unison again from the stretch. Stu pressed his forehead against your shoulder, shuddering as Billy slid against him. Once Billy bottomed out you adjusted slightly, gasping at the feeling of both of them moving inside you.
Stu groped at your boobs as Billy circled your clit with his thumb, adding some pressure as he felt you loosen up more. Stu’s lips pressed against your skin, one hand holding your hip as you wiggled in their hold. “If one of you don’t start fucking me I’m going to die,” you whined, both boys laughing softly. “So needy,” Billy hummed. “Thought you wanted us to jerk each other off?” Stu asked in a teasing tone before you turned to glare at him. “You can still do that after you fuck me,” you said as he smirked. He gently thrusted up into you, eliciting a moan from your lips. Billy circled your clit again as he gently thrusted, following the opposite of Stu’s movements.
You started to feel your awareness and thoughts fall away at their touch, eyes closing as you were surrounded completely by the feeling of pleasure. Shock waves ran through your body as they moved, whimpers and pleads of stuttered words falling from your lips as you were littered with kisses everywhere. You reached one hand to the nape of Stu’s neck, the other gripping onto Billy’s shoulder.
Billy panted above you, his arms caging you in as he thrusted. Stu held onto your hips, helping give himself some leverage to move you enough to thrust up into you. You moaned as you felt the familiar burn in your stomach, your body feeling like it was electrified as they pushed in and out. They groaned each time you clenched around them, your body slowly reacting to their touch. “Fuck, gonna- Stu…Billy,” you whimpered out. Stu pressed a sloppy kiss to your neck, Billy looking into your eyes. “Be a good girl and cum for us, baby. Wanna feel you squeeze our cocks,” he said, his words pushing you over the edge.
You let out a loud cry as you came around them, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your body shook from your orgasm. You were practically deafened, not hearing the boys moan from the way you squeezed them. Stu was the first to cum after you, filling you up before Billy followed suit.
You whimpered at the feeling, looking up to Billy as he began to slowly pull out. You whined, pouting as he left the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Stu moved you slowly, pulling out before setting you down beside him. His hand gently rested on your cheek, trying to bring you back down to earth. You looked at him, eyes slightly glazed over as you gave him a tired smile. “There’s my pretty girl,” he said softly, Billy walking back in with a washcloth. “Gonna clean you up, you need anything doll?” He asked as you shook your head, “no, ‘m good,” you said softly, voice a little dry as you whimpered from sensitivity as he cleaned you up.
“You were sucha good girl,” Stu praised, littering your face in kisses, making you giggle and push at his chest. “Sorry for scaring you,” He said as Billy tossed the rag somewhere, climbing back in bed and pulling you close. “I forgive you, both of you,” you said as Stu sandwiched you between them again. “Next time we can try out the mask,” you hummed, both of them laughing. “Really?” Billy asked as you nodded. “Yeah, maybe we can make it a whole date. Y’know, running away from two masked psychos in the woods, being caught by them,~” you purred out, Stu rubbing your hip and pinching it slightly. “Keep talking and I’ll drag you out right now,” He said as you giggled, closing your eyes.
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Stray Kids Reaction || Your First Kiss [Mafia]
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Skz!Mafia x GN!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
Hope that this was alright for you my love! @bxcketbarnes
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It was the first date and it was safe to say that it had gone extremely well for you, at least you'd thought so at the time but as you got closer to your front door and Chan still hadn't kissed you you were beginning to have your doubts. Did he not feel the same sparks that you had felt? Maybe it was all one-sided and he didn't want you anymore. Worries were bubbling up faster as you reached your front door and you unlocked it.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" You questioned, not wanting this to be the last time you ever saw him. Chan's eyes met yours and he nodded with a small smile on his face, his palms sweating profusely as he anxiously watched you. He'd been debating kissing you all night long but he was worried that it would be too fast or maybe that it wasn't the most gentleman-like thing for him to do.
"I'll bring that CD I was talking about," He smiled and you stared at him, neither of you moving away from one another until you finally had enough and kissed him softly. Your hands rested gently on his chest as he stood completely stunned, not kissing you back as your heart sunk a little.
"I-I'm sorry, I thought- Never mind." Your hands jumbled to try and open your front door, trying to get away from Chan as quickly as you could but your efforts were stopped as he placed his hand on top of yours.
"I was shocked, please..." He whispered before turning you around in his arms and gently kissing you. Your lips moved in perfect sync with one another, your hands resting on his chest so you could feel just how hard his heart was racing. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, Yn." He smirked a little before you felt your whole body heating up and you headed inside to let out a small squeal of excitement. 
Six dates. You'd been on a total of six dates and Minho had yet to even make a move on you besides holding your hand. You were starting to think maybe he didn't like you the way that you'd thought and this was just him looking for a friend. Then the overthinking began to kick in and you worried that you had bad breath, leading you to invest in so much chewing gum and mints you could have owned half of the company by now. 
"Is there something wrong with me?" You yelled out as Minho reached his car and you were still standing at your front door watching him leave. Maybe it was rude to yell and a little embarrassing but you were starting to agonise that he was never going to kiss you at this rate.
"What?" He chuckled turning to look at you and frowning when he saw how upset you looked, Minho would move the heavens and the Earth to make sure you'd never be upset and knowing he was the cause of that frightened him.
"You haven't kissed me, do I have bad breath? Do you not like me that way? Because I thought we were dating." You realised how this must have sounded and you were starting to regret opening your mouth as Minho walked closer to you.
"I've been...a little nervous," He admitted, it wasn't easy for him to admit to being scared of something. He was a mafia prince for Christ's sake and he was scared of kissing the person he was dating? It wasn't like him at all. 
"You? I didn't think nervous was even in your vocabulary," You joked as he smirked, stepping into your personal space and looking down at you.
"Only ever since I met you," He whispered before you closed the distance between you and kissed him, your heart thumping rapidly as you kissed him gently. There was something intense about it even though it was a gentle kiss, something laying beneath the surface that made you want more.
"Come inside for a hot drink," You suggested, biting your bottom lip and playing with his tie as his cheeks flamed and he nodded at you.
You'd been ranting to your friend about wanting to kiss Changbin for almost a week now, the two of you had been on almost seven dates and he'd not kissed you yet which was a little upsetting. But tonight, you were going to be the one to make the move. It was New Year's eve and you'd been invited to a huge party that he was throwing, a black tie event which was exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. 
"Happy New Year everyone!" Changbin finished his speech into the microphone and made his way over to you as the one-minute countdown began on the huge screens in his office building. You nervously played with the bracelet he'd gotten you for Christmas and stared at him as he made his way toward you.
"Any goals for the new year, Mr Seo?" You teased as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, his eyes staring into your soul as he smiled to himself.
"To keep you in my life as long as possible Mx Yln." Your body heated up as you heard the countdown begin to drop to single digits, it was now or never. Your mind began to run through everything that could go wrong with you kissing him, what if he didn't want to kiss you yet? What if your breath reeked of the garlic balls you'd been eating?
"three...two...one-" Everyone's yells and your own racing thoughts were drowned out when you felt his lips on yours, the glass that you were holding slipped to the floor but neither of you pulled away at the sound of it shattering. You kissed him back, deeply falling into a deep make-out session as people around you stared in awe. It had been a while since Changbin had found anyone to share his life with and they were thankful he had you.
"Not bad for a third date," Hyunjin winks as he looks at you, you'd been stunned the whole time you'd been with Hyunjin tonight. After your last date, he'd been working hard to get this one perfect for you, not that the others hadn't been perfect but this was something he wanted to be extra special. You'd mentioned in passing how much you'd been wanting to go to the botanical gardens at night time to see the stars under the skylight but there was never an option so he made it one.
The two of you had the whole place to yourselves - and two of Hyunjin's guards but they kept a respectful distance between you all.
"Not bad? Hyunjin this is beautiful," You whispered as you sat down on the blanket that was laid out for you, surrounded by pillows so that the two of you could look up at the sky and be comfortable.
"It really is," He whispered, only he was staring at you instead of the view making your body heat as he sat down beside you, smiling.
"You like this?" He had to admit he was a little worried it was a step down from all of the other extravagant dates but you seemed to enjoy this one a lot more than the others.
"I love this," You whispered before kissing him softly on the lips without thinking. The two of you froze for a second, neither of you moving to pull away nor to deepen the kiss that you were sharing until a beat passed and Hyunjin wrapped his arm gently around you and pulled you closer to him. The kiss deepened as he laid you on top of him and relaxed against the pillows with you, both of you laughing softly against one another's lips as you made out under the stars.
All night long Jisung had been nervous and you could tell because he was bouncing his leg up and down the whole time you'd been watching the ballet not to mention the gum he was chewing at excessive amounts and beads of sweat were on his forehead.
"Do you have somewhere else you need to be?" You asked as you stepped into the lobby of the theatre, looking at him with a frown on your forehead. If he needed to be somewhere else he could have just been honest with you and said so in the first place.
"No...N-No, No I'm good." The way he stumbled over his words made you frown even more, was he bored of you now? Was he going to make this the last date?
"If you don't want to see me anymore you can just say that...I'd rather you didn't play on my feelings." Jisung stared at you in shock,
"What? Why would you think that?" The nerves slipped away within seconds as he stared at you. The last thing he would ever want is for you to feel as though you aren't wanted, he'd been so nervous about kissing you that he forgot how all of this might have looked to you.
"You've been skittish all night, you look like you'd rather be anywhere else than here and you...you haven't kissed me," You mumbled the last part, suddenly feeling like a kid in school when your crush wouldn't like you back but you were scared that this was all in your head and you were reading his signs wrong.
"Yn." He started but you shook your head, holding up your hand as you cut him off,
"I can take it if you don't like me but I won't be played for a fool if you're toying with me." Suddenly your lips were against his in a heated kiss, something you'd read about in books where fireworks exploded and you were left with a shortness of breath. God, you could have sworn your leg was lifted up,
"I like you a lot, Yn. I've been too nervous to kiss you and tonight I was going to do it..."
"Hence the gum and the bouncing leg." You laughed a little as you stared at him, your eyes shining like diamonds as he leaned down and kissed you once again.
As fourth date went you were pretty happy with this, more than happy but right now Felix seemed to be terrified which you didn't think was possible. Felix was someone you never thought would be scared of anything, not even bullets.
"You okay?" You quizzed as you turned to see your date's eyes screwed shut as he clutched onto the railing of the Ferris wheel the two of you were riding. 
"Y-Yeah, Fine. Fine. Everything is fine, are we nearly at the bottom?" He questioned making your heart sink, when you'd begged to go onto the ride you hadn't thought about whether or not he was scared of heights or not. You'd just dragged him onto it,
"Felix. I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were cared of heights." He held onto your hand and slowly looked at you as he smiled weakly.
"You were so excited, I couldn't say no to that." You pouted a little as you looked down, you were still far from the end yet and you smiled back at him.
"Let's do something to take your mind off it," You suggested, looking at him as he nodded slowly at you trying to make as little movement as possible on the ride.
"What would you suggest-" He suddenly stopped as you leaned across and kissed him softly, his hands relaxing in yours as he kissed you back with ease, his mind relaxing as he forgot all about how high he was and focussed on your lips. Moving closer to you on the seat and wrapped his arms around your waist as you deepened the kiss, whimpering a little as you felt the ride come to an end.
"Again," Felix ordered the man, his fear of heights washed away as you began to make out on the ride once again.
"I'm telling you you can't stack!" Seungmin yelled out as you smirked at him from across the kitchen. The two of you had been playing Uno and he got annoyed that you were starting to stack cards on him, it was a quiet night in for you and some of his men since it was raining so hard outside you wanted a cosy night in together.
"I can and I did," You smirked as you looked at him, his eyes glaring at you as his men laughed from the living room. It was no secret that their boss was a sore loser and to lose to you when you were "cheating" was something he wasn't going to stand. Sure, you were only playing around as you "fought" about stacking and it drove the tension wilder between you both.
"You're a cheat," He growled moving closer to you until your back was pressed against the counter top and your faces were mere inches away from one another.
"So do something about it." You egged him on, staring into his eyes before he kissed you wildly, there was no soft kiss first it was wild and full of passion. His arms snacking around you and picking you up to place you onto the counter top, your hands working their way into his hair and tugging on the strands a little. His men filed out of the living room and up the stairs to give you both the privacy you so clearly needed.
"We could always go and get a waffle at the dessert place, I know how much you love it there." You suggested as you walked hand in hand with your date - Jeongin - who seemed a little nervous to be walking tonight. The two of you had been on almost five dates now and tonight was the first time you'd ever seen him look so nervous.
"That would be lovely, actually." He let out a breathy chuckle, throwing a glance over his shoulder as you heard tires screeching around the corner.
"What-" You tried to speak but it was too late, your body was against the floor with Jeongin on top of you, one hand holding the back of your head preventing it from hitting the floor and the other was protecting your face. Your heart raced rapidly against your chest as you took in sharp breaths, you knew who Jeongin was when you agreed to date him but you'd never thought ahead enough to realise you could be in danger.
"Innie, it's okay. I think it was just boy racers." You whispered after a few moments of silence, his arm moved from in front of your face and you stared back at one another. The air turning thick, too thick for you to take in anymore as you slowly wet your bottom lip, your heart racing for a whole other reason now. Jeongin slowly inched his face closer to yours until you could feel his breath on your lip and you moved your face closer to his until your lips were touching. 
It was soft and gentle and yet all-consuming as you kissed him softly, your arms slowly wrapping around the back of his neck and pulling him closer to you. Sparks flew around you as you whimpered a little, his tongue gently pushing into your mouth, both of you forgetting that you were on the ground kissing until someone cleared their throat.
"Sir, we should move before we're spotted," Jisung said to his boss, making you giggle a little as you got up from the floor with Jeongin's help, he straightened out his suit and smirked at you, taking your hand into his and leaving a gently kiss on your skin.
"Let's go get dessert. Food is on me, for everyone." Jeongin said loud enough for his guards to hear. 
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @xakx @sleepb @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @kpopmenace143 @minhosify @loveforred @b1nn1e-1s-cut3
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joshs-big-toe · 6 months
I triple dog dare you to write Josh futterman getting caught jerking off to a pic of y/n!!!!
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Heyyy bbg I am SOOOO sorry this took me so long to get to this request, I have been dealing with final exams and tbh mental health? Down the drain lmao. I do have a fic similar to this, so if you want to read that one it is linked HERE!! I am still going to write a similar concept, however, I will change it up a little bit! I hope that you still enjoy it!
cw: smut, male masturbation, female masturbation, fluff
word count: 1,445
Being around Josh Futturman is this strange mix of contradictions that you can't quite wrap your head around. On one hand, he's this total loser, but you can't help but be infatuated with him. It's like he's the king of awkward, yet there's this undeniable charisma that draws you in. And then there's the whole "Biotic Wars" thing – he's legit addicted to that game. You can't help but roll your eyes when he starts rambling about how close he was to beating the game, but there's something oddly cute about his enthusiasm. Lately, though, there's this other layer to your friendship that you can't shake off – a subtle flutter in your chest when he laughs or those lingering looks that neither of you acknowledges. You knew you were far gone when it came to Josh, but you also knew you refused to risk your friendship with him, so you kept silent.
Your shift came to a close and you started gathering your things when the buzzing of your phone made you jump. You looked down, seeing Josh’s name on the screen, making you smile. You pick up, greeted by the distant sounds of explosions ad gunfire – the unmistakable sounds of “Biotic Wars.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hey, y/n, what are you doing?” There was a tiredness in his voice.
“I just got off of work, I’m about to head home. What’s up with you?” You responded, realizing that it was kind of a stupid question.
“Ah, you know, same old. Just killing these biotics left and right. You should join me sometime.” You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Maybe someday, but probably not,” he groans in a mocking way. “You wanna hang out today? Feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Yeah, absolutely,” he says, clearly distracted. “You can um – ah fuck you! Sorry, not you, I just died.” He laughed. “You can come to my place, that sound alright?” The frantic clicking of buttons started up in the background, accompanied by gunshots and occasional explosions.
“Yeah your place works,” you remark. “What time?” There was a silence from Josh, leaving the sounds of the game in the background. “Josh?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled. “How does 6 sound? It gives you a chance to get out of your work clothes and me a chance to go through a few more levels.” Clearly, he was more focused on the game.
“That works, I’ll grab pizza for us. Usual?” He ‘mhmm’s’ in response your question. “Cool, I’ll see you then.” He says a quick goodbye, hanging up quickly after. You sigh, grabbing your bag and keys, making your way to your car to head home.
You looked at your watch, the time reading 5:42. You were typically early. Josh always left his door unlocked whenever he knew you were coming over, so you were able to walk right in. You set your bag and the pizza box on the dining table, looking up the stairs. You couldn’t hear his game playing, however you did hear noises from up the stairs. You walk up the stairs quietly, wanting to sneak up on him. Noticing his door was cracked, you took a peak in. Your breath caught in your through, letting out a soft gasp at what you were greeted with. On his computer monitor, your Instagram was pulled up, a photo of you at the beach on the screen. A heat started pooling in your core with the sight in front of you: Josh was in his gaming chair, jeans around his ankles, quickly stroking his dick. His head was lulled back, eyes half closed and tongue poking out of his mouth slightly. You stayed silent, watching his hand moved up in down in a needy pace, whimpers escaping his throat as he continued. He switched hands, shaking the one he was previously using, making you think he had been at this for a while. You bit your lower lip, your arousal becoming overwhelming. You start to think, there's no harm in touching myself too, right? With that, you quietly sit down on the floor, leaning against his doorframe. You took a look over your shoulder, making sure you did not alert Josh that you were there. You were in the clear. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Carefully, you dip your hand down into your sweatpants, past your underwear and down to your heat. You leaned your head back against the door frame as you grazed your clit, biting on your lip to stifle any noise threatening your lips. Your eyes closed, taking in the whimpers and words coming from Josh as he continued stroking his cock. Your fingers dipped down into your heat, making you sigh. Your mind was completely clouded with the thought of your fingers being replaced by Josh’s, making a heat pool in your lower belly.
“F-fuck, y/n,” you heard Josh whimper out, making you that much closer to your own release. You circled your clit, letting out your own soft moans at this point, unable to contain them with the pleasure you were feeling. You heard Josh’s moans get more erratic as kept going, insinuating that he was close. You sped up your movements, rubbing and fingering your wet heat, finally bringing yourself to your release. You cover your mouth with your free hand, doing your best to stifle your moans, leaning your head back against the door frame and screwing your eyes shut. You sit there for a moment, catching your breath before glancing inside Josh’s room, not seeing him on his gaming chair anymore. You stand up on wobbly legs, composing yourself. You knock on his door, pushing it open.
“Hey Josh, I’m here,” you call out with a shaky voice. You hoped he wouldn’t notice. You looked at his computer, your picture no longer up. Josh was standing at his shelf, now wearing sweatpants. He turned to look at you, a smile making its way onto his face. His cheeks were a light flush of red.
“Hey!” His voice was cheerful as he made his way over to his bed. You go in, sitting next to you. He leaned in to hug you, you immediately hugging back. He moved his head to where his lips were next to your ear. “Did you like what you saw?” His voice was low and gravely. Your eyes widened, quickly pulling away from the hug to look at him. He looked nervous, his face a darker red than before. This honestly probably took a lot of confidence to say, especially for him.
“W-what?” You stutter out.
“You heard me,” he grinned.
“I um, you saw?” He just nodded. “How much?”
“Most of it, watching you is what actually made me,” he paused. “You know,” he looked away, clearly nervous now. You guess his confidence wore off.
“I-I’m sorry if I made things weird I just-” he cut you off, connecting his lips to yours gently. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him more into the kiss. You pull away, looking into his eyes.
“Y/n, I’ve been into you for years. You just never showed me any signs of anything, so I stayed quiet about it.” You smiled.
“honestly, josh? I have too. I was just scared.”
“You sure didn’t seem scared five minutes ago,” he smirked. You grumbled, flicking the back of his head. “You were also early, you were never supposed to see or know anything.” You shrugged.
“Well, I do now.” He looked down.
“So what now?” He said, joy and curiosity in his voice. You thought for a moment.
“well, theres pizza downstairs-“
“no, not right now, dumbass. In general. Us. What now.”
“oh,” you blushed. “You could be a gentleman and ask me on a real date, you know.” You teased him. He rolled his eyes, hiding the smile that crept onto his face.
“Sorry, sorry. Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?” A smile lingered on his lips. You pretend to think for a moment.
“I guess, but lets just eat pizza and watch a movie tonight, how does that sound?” He nodded.
“I’ll go get the pizza,” he planted a kiss on your cheek before he left the room. You laid back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. You couldn’t believe what just happened, and frankly you were embarrassed. But you’re secrets out now and it feels good, especially knowing that he had feelings for you too. You let your eyes flutter shut, taking a deep breath, anticipating what may come within this newfound relationship that may be forming.
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OMG thank you for being patient with me. I hope this is good, I honestly struggled with this one a lot for some reason, but if you enjoyed it, im glad. Have a beautiful day everyone :)
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dreaming-medium · 7 months
Bad Day - Bang Chan Drabble
Summary: Reader has a terrible day; one of those days where everything goes wrong. Luckily, her boyfriend is there to wipe the stress away with some well deserved hugs.
Word Count: 2.2k
Punch after punch after punch after punch lands on your soul today. Every single time you turned around, another horrible situation would present itself.
You’ve been sick for two and half weeks now. The sore throat would come and go, but you weren’t able to sleep without propping two pillows under your head. This morning when you woke up, your voice was completely gone.
The empty space next to you in bed certainly doesn’t help either. Chan has been gone for a work trip for two weeks now. He wasn’t due home for another two more.
Work has been its own animal to take care of. It was your first job after graduating, so you were at the bottom of the totem pole. Each higher up suddenly felt the need to burden you with any difficult projects they didn’t feel like taking care of themselves.
“I don’t think this is something I was trained on,” you tried to say to one of the more older workers. The huge stack of papers was so heavy in your hands. “These calculations would take me—“
“Just do it, Y/N,” he said before closing the door to the conference room you were standing alone in.
You had just watched that coworker’s boss tell him to do it. But nope, he dumped it on you.
On top of that, you were also tasked with training the new guy even though you’ve only been here for nine months.
And this guy made it his personal mission to make your job even harder. The way he would go from not knowing anything to being a complete know-it-all within two sentences made your blood boil.
But it’s fine. It’s totally fine, you can handle this.
Then, someone ate your lunch out of the fridge even though your name was clearly written on it. Your lunch break was so short that there was no way you could run out to get something else.
It was raining so hard as you jogged to your car through the parking lot. Every spot in the parking garage was taken this morning so you had to use the satellite lot ten minutes away.
Your clothes were drenched by the time you got into your car and slammed the door shut.
Fumbling with the keys, you shoved them into the ignition and started your car. The heat immediately kicked on and you sat there for an extra couple of minutes, warming your frozen fingers in front of the vents.
A book from one of your favorite authors came out today. You were going to pass the store on your way home, why not stop and buy a copy? It certainly would help with the day you were having.
The drive to the store was silent. You didn’t even turn the radio on. If you’re being honest, you didn’t think you could handle sound.
People were everywhere in the bookstore.
You walked in and looked around for the new book. There were signs and posters everywhere that announced the book. Where was it?
“If you’re looking for the new Kingdom book we sold out this morning.” A worker says to you softly.
A small part of you dies.
You politely nod to the worker and leave.
It’s ridiculous how you feel the tears building behind your eyes.
It’s fine. It’s fine. You’re overreacting. It’s totally fine. You’ll just buy a copy on your Kindle. You didn’t even need a physical copy, right?
Your fingers fumble with your keys and you drop onto the ground. They splash right into a puddle.
It’s fine, it’s fine.
Swallowing painfully, you wince at your sore throat and gather your things to get back in the car.
You’ll go home and watch TV.
“It’s Friday,” you whisper to yourself in the car to try and calm down. “It’s treat day, why not stop for a coffee?”
Every Friday you would buy yourself a coffee. ‘Treat Day’ is what you dubbed it as. It slowly became a tradition with you and your friends.
Chan used to always reload your coffee rewards app with his own money without telling you.
A sad smile tugs at your face while you drive to the coffee shop. God, what you wouldn’t give to see him right now.
The tension in your shoulders is so bad you think your shoulders are level with your ears.
After getting your coffee, you drive all the way home to your apartment complex.
Right before you turn into the lot, a car decides to come out of nowhere and cuts you off. You cut the wheel and slam on the brakes to avoid them.
Your coffee launches out of the cup holder and spills all over your lap.
“Fuck!” You curse and try to focus on the road. “Fuck fuck!”
At least it was iced coffee and you’re not burned. Right? Silver lining?
You’re at your limit. Your sanity is teetering.
Parking in your designated spot, you trudge into the large building.
The weight of the day still sits so heavy on your shoulders. Now your lap was soaked with coffee.
A package sits underneath the complex’s mailboxes. It’s ruined and crushed. The ‘FRAGILE’ sticker is gnarled up.
“No,” you sigh and look closer at it.
Yep, it’s yours. The new dishwear set you ordered came in.
When you lift the package you hear all the pieces shift around. It’s just a box of broken ceramic at this point.
Tighter and tighter your throat gets.
Slowly, you trudge up to your floor. Because, of course, the elevator is broken. Of course it is. Why would the elevator work today?
Just as you get your keys out to open your door, your shitty neighbor comes outside.
“Oh god, Y/N, you look horrible.” He says loudly.
You turn and look at him with tears already brimming in your eyes.
No sign of compassion crosses his face, instead, he laughs. He laughs right in your fucking face.
“No wonder I haven’t seen Chan around. He finally came to his senses, eh?”
Your jaw drops open.
“God, pull yourself together.”
Your neighbor picks up his newspaper from the doormat and goes back into his unit without another word.
For a long moment, you just stand there. Your clothes and hair still soaking wet and clinging to your skin, work bag and purse slung over your shoulder, box of broken plates and bowls in your arms.
Inside your body, you felt yourself finally snap. You felt your anger and frustration hit it’s limit.
Your look of surprise quickly morphs into one of seething rage. Lips pulling in a sneer, you rip open your door and stomp inside, slamming it shut behind you.
Dropping everything you own at the door, including the box of glass, you let out a muffled scream.
The box bursts open and glass shards go everywhere. They skitter across the floor and cover the wood in a dangerous mine field.
A moment of silence passes.
You lose it.
You drop to your knees and cradle your face while angry, hot tears stream down your cheeks.
Wails leave your lips as the weight of the day finally takes it’s toll.
On any normal day, you would be able to handle these things individually, but all at once? You just couldn’t deal with it anymore.
“Y/N?!” A voice calls out from the other end of the hallway.
Your head snaps up and you see your boyfriend standing there with a look of horror on his face.
“Chan,” you croak out.
His eyes frantically look around at the scene in front of him. Your disgruntled state surrounded by broken glass.
He’s here? He’s back?
“Y/N, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?”
He tries to walk closer but then he realizes he’s also surrounded by broken glass.
“Chan.” Is all your able to say again before the sobs come out even harder. Your entire body wracks with them, chest sputtering as you try to breathe between cries.
His face twists up in anguish.
“S-Stay there! Don’t move, I’m gunna get a dust pan, okay? I’ll be right back, babygirl. Don’t move.”
He continues to say things over and over to you while running to get what he needs.
“I’m here, baby. You’re okay, right? You’re home and safe, Y/N.”
You bury your face in your hands again and continue to cry. His words reach you, but they do nothing to quell the emotions.
Before you could fall further into this headspace, two warm, strong arms wrap around you and pull you into an even warmer body.
“I’m right here, honey, I’m here. You’re okay.” Chan whispers into your hair. He pulls you onto his lap and holds you close.
His comforting scent envelops you everywhere.
Chan rocks back and forth while holding you.
“You’re okay,” he says over and over into your hair. “You’re home now, I’m here, Channie’s here.”
Your face buried into his shoulder, hands gripping his shirt tightly
“What happened, baby?” He asks gently.
You cry harder.
“I’m so sick,” you cry into his shirt. “People keep taking advantage of me at work, I had to park ten minutes away in the rain. Someone ate my lunch. I dropped my keys in a puddle, the new book sold out, I spilled my coffee everywhere. Then fucking 304 across the hall tells me how horrible I look.”
You motion outwards at the glass all over the floor still. “And how do you like our new dishes?”
Even in the middle of a mental breakdown, you still crack a joke.
Saying it all makes you cry even harder. At this point, Chan’s shirt is soaked with your tears.
He continues to hold you as tight as he could. Not once does he tell you to stop crying, instead he carefully scoots and leans against the wall, cradling your body on his lap.
Chan rocks back and forth, pressing kisses into the crown of your hair as you cry your heart out.
His one hand rubs slow circles on your back while the other pets the back of your hair.
Low hums come from his throat. Chan lays his cheek on top of your head and keeps you close to his chest.
“It’s okay, babygirl,” he coos. “You’re home now. You’re with me now.”
“Thank god you’re home,” you hiccup and clutch his shirt closer to you.
“My spidey-senses were tingling,” he jokes in a hushed tone.
You manage to chuckle through your tears.
“My babygirl needed me.”
You’ve always been so happy go lucky, the glass was always half full with you. You always looked on the bright side of everything. If anything bad happened, it always just rolled off your back.
It was one of the main reasons he fell for you.
Chan has never seen you as bad as you were on your knees in the entryway, it shook him to his core.
Another long kiss is pressed to your head.
Slowly, your sobs calm down. Your throat still hoarse and sore from before has only gotten marginally worse.
Sniffling, you sit up away from Chan.
“‘M sorry I got your shirt all gross.”
Chan laughs in spite of everything. Both of his strong hands cup your cheeks for you to look him in the eye.
His chin dips down to your level so he can stare right at you. Those gorgeous brown eyes sparkle at you.
“I’m not upset about my shirt, Y/N,” he says gently. “I’m only worried about my sunshine. It’s not every day you cry, baby.”
“Everything just happened at once.” Chan’s thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I tried to keep it together but our neighbor verbally berating me was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Chan tuts and brushes your hair behind your ear.
“Let’s throw eggs at his door,” he jokes.
He pulls a laugh from you.
“There’s my favorite smile.” He coos. It makes your smile even brighter. You sniffle again, and look down sheepishly.
Chan lifts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. “Hey baby,” he grabs your attention. “How about this: you go shower off the day, I’m going to clean all this up and order our favorite takeout for dinner. I even stopped on my way home and got two pints of ice cream before.”
“Mint chocolate chip?” You ask softly.
“Of course I got your nasty toothpaste ice cream.” He pinches your cheek teasingly.
You giggle and lean away from his hand.
“Come on, babygirl.”
Before he does anything else, Chan leans forward and presses a long, warm kiss to your forehead.
Both of your eyes close at the comforting feeling it brings. After he kisses your forehead, Chan leans down and kisses both of your cheeks.
His warm lips then press to your nose and then finally to your lips.
It’s a long, sensual, loving kiss. Both of your mouths slipping over one another in a dance.
You sigh happily into the kiss. Chan’s mouth smiles against your own. It’s contagious, you can’t help but mirror the grin with our own.
In the end, you both look like smiling fools wrapped up in one another’s presence.
Chan scoops you up carefully and stands up from the floor, making sure to avoid any stray shards of glass.
“I’m going to take good care of you, my honey.” He coos and presses another kiss to your forehead. “Your bad day ends here.”
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salsasvault · 5 months
The Supermarket
this started off as a continuation for the gym!simon fic but it just became it's own thing
supermarket!simon x reader, cw: stalking, dark simon riley
Part one
1 │2 │3
Simon Riley hasn't experienced kindness, so when you show him some, he goes a little crazy.
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Grocery shopping is either the funnest thing in the world or the biggest pain in the ass. And right now you're feeling it's the latter.
After a long day of work, walking around a crowded, loud store was not your ideal night. But having no-anything and little to no money, forced you off your spot on the couch, leaving it and your unfinished show behind.
You've survived, barely, trotting the shopping cart, leaning your full body weight onto it for support, eyes half closed as you wait in the checkout line. The day you’re most drained had to, of course, be the busiest day this grocery store's seen.
As you mindlessly scroll through your phone, a sudden sharp pain surges through your back, you’ve been, of course, crashed into by the cart behind you. Letting out a breath of surprise you turn to face the culprit.
Face still twisted in pain, you see a boy, around 10, with not an ounce of remorse on his face. A little annoyed you turn back, and not a minute later you're interrupted by a man, presumably his father. He makes an excuse, profusely apologizing, and so you, of course, accept the apology, give your classic,
"Don't worry about it! It happens!" and what tries to be a genuine smile but miserably fails.
Exasperated, your head is now seated between both your arms as you wait impatiently for your turn.
When you eventually near cash, another thing seems to be against you. The man in front of you, of course, seems to have forgotten his wallet.
You take a quick peek at the total, 115$, a steep number, one that you don't think you could afford, but the line won't move if he doesn't find a way to pay, and the nice thing to do is cover it.
So you chime in,
"Hey, y'know what it's okay I got it," You give him a soft smile, reassuring him that really it's no trouble. Sure you’ll have to skimp on next week's groceries, but a good deed's a good deed, you suppose.
He doesn’t move, like he hadn’t heard you, until you make your way to the machine does he finally speak.
“S’alright, don’t need them anyway.” He goes to leave.
“No really, it’s no problem,” click, you move fast, the money's gone through, not much he can say now. All you can hope for is he takes the food, and leaves so you can crawl back to your couch.
He turns around, looking at you, albeit a little weirdly, you can only see his eyes, the other half of his face covered with what looks to be a mask, the ones that wrap around your neck.
You pay no mind, averting your eyes to look at your cart, on any other day you might be more pleasant, smiling, maybe even small talk.
But the day seems to just get longer and longer, and he stares for another beat, a soft, “Thank you.” follows.
He picks up the bags, all five in one hand, you stare a little too long at the hand that holds them all, before snapping back to reply.
“No problem, have a good night.”
Was his response a little lackluster? Considering you really can’t afford anything else for the month, yes, but who knows maybe it made his day, you shut yourself down before you overthink the whole thing.
Finally, your turn you finish everything up, and your total's 95$, again more than you can afford, and so you put back the homemade burger buns, bread’ll have to do, and that pasta sauce is given back too, along with some extra produce.
You’re total comes up 55$, a number you feel a little more comfortable committing to, you're handed the bags, and you leave.
You take them out to your car, putting them in securely, and head home.
After you’re home, seated on the couch, laptop atop your lap, mindlessly scrolling through various shopping sites, do you receive a call.
Your phone rings often, at least twice a week with a number you’ve never seen and an area code far from where you are, chalking it up to a scam call every time you’ve never answered, this time no different.
You take a quick glance at the phone next to you, not recognizing the number you go back to the pair of red shoes that were on sale for a dangerously good deal.
Your phone rings again, a little weirder this time as scammers tend to call once and move on, but on the off chance it’s not a scam, you're sure they’ll leave a voicemail or a message.
A ding is what furthers your confusion, and the message itself is what chills your bones.
“It’d be in your best interest to answer that.” 
Was it highly unusual? Sure, we’re you a little scared? Yes, but then again it could always be a wrong number. You had recently changed phone plans, and your number changing with it so really it’s a simple explanation, you do however feel bad for whoever that was meant for.
Your phone rings again, worrying you further but you leave it, if whoever texts again you’ll respond, just to put an end to the dings.
“Don’t make me ask again.” 
A little intimidated by now, your mind starts to jump to conclusions, you haven't met anyone new, and haven't given your number to anyone recently.
You text back.
“i think you have the wrong number”
“Last I checked, this was the pretty sweetheart from the supermarket, was it not?” 
You swear your heart stills, before coming back to life, beating tenfold.
This could very well still be a wrong number, everyone goes to the store, just because you did today doesn’t make you special, probably some guy trying to chat up a cashier.
“sorry, i really do think you have the wrong number” 
Your mind flickers through the number of possibilities, it could be a prank, one of your friends trying to scare you. Though, this wasn't the kind of prank they'd pull.
“You sure?” 
“Then why can I see ya texting lovie? All comfy with your laptop, I think you should get that those, red suits you.” 
Your head whips around to the window your sofa's seated next to, no one's out there, it’s not possible, you live in an apartment building, 20 floors above ground. The only way he could see you was if…
“who is this” 
You get out immediately, sure it’s cliche but it’s all you can manage, all that comes into your anxiety-riddled mind. You're suddenly aware of every noise and every shadow in your living room.
“You know who it is.” 
“i really don't buddy, just answer the question” 
“I think the better question is how got inside, check your kitchen.” 
You feel like you've been doused with ice water, heart beating so loud it's the only thing you can hear. The thought of getting up to investigate, when he's more than likely to be inside. You guess you waited too long contemplating because you hear another ding sound from your phone.
“Check your kitchen, don’t make me make you sweetheart.” 
Your heart skips, hesitantly you stand, slow steps moving toward the kitchen, your eyes scanning for any movement, anything, ears on high alert for the drop of a pin.
When you finally make it around to the kitchen, you're eyes once again scan the corners, the pantry, and then they fall on the counter.
Sat atop are four bills, four hundred dollar bills, alongside a note.
It then finally clicks into your head, the man in front of you in the line.
Surprisingly neat writing,
Had to pay you back,
See you soon.
Eight words scrawled onto a page. Your mind is overwhelmed with the questions flying through, pay you back with four hundred dollars? See you soon?
You grasp at your phone, rushing to text him, to gain some answers, maybe even report him to the police. Pulling open your messages, the text threads disappeared, along with his number from your call log.
You're left even more confused, did he have access to your phone? When was he in the apartment? Was he still here? If he wasn't how could he see you?
Anxiety overwhelms you, as you stare at the large sum of money and the only trace of him on your kitchen counter. 
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venus-haze · 9 months
Night Shift (Bo Sinclair x Reader)
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Summary: Your car’s totaled after driving over god knows what on those dark country backroads. A handsome mechanic named Bo works the night shift. You can’t believe your bad luck.
Note: Woman reader, but no other descriptors are used. This is inspired by the deleted intro scene to House of Wax, except with Bo rather than Vincent. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Extremely dubious (non) consent. Threats, transactional sex acts, spit, degradation, rough oral (m. receiving), implied kidnapping. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Hour nine of driving. You were feeling fine, really. At least, you would be once you found a place to park for the night. Worth it to save money on another motel. The coffee from the last gas station you stopped at was long gone. The radio dial couldn’t go any higher. You tried to stay awake and alert by singing along to the staticky radio. 
“Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are—“ POP! “What the fuck?”
The pop sounded more like an explosion the second time around. Your iron grip on the wheel was in vain as your car swerved across the road. The speed limit sign took out your passenger side mirror, a metallic scraping sound accompanying the impact. Switching your foot from the gas to the brake, the scent of burnt rubber overwhelmed you. Finally, your car screeched to a stop, but your heart still raced.
Your hand shook as you put your car in park. Turned on your hazards. Stared blankly at the blinking headlights on the pitch black road. You hadn’t dozed off at the wheel. No way. 
A dull pain pulsed through your chest, and you brought your hand to it. The seatbelt had locked, digging into your sternum as it kept you from any further damage besides the cut in your skin that began dripping blood. Not deep enough to need stitches, at least. You unbuckled the seatbelt, opening the door to stumble out of the car. 
Both of your driver’s side tires had popped. The front passenger tire deflated from skidding on the uneven asphalt. You looked at the section of the road you’d just driven over. Country backroads were riddled with potholes. That could’ve been the culprit. Hard to see so late at night, even with your headlights.
You grabbed your phone from your pocket and flipped it open. No signal. Calling 911 only resulted in a dead dial-tone. At least you tried. Two options left. Stick around and hope someone would drive by and be able to offer help or walk back to the main road. In the hour or so you’d been driving, you’d only seen an old pickup truck drive in the opposite direction. The whole point of going this way was to avoid other drivers and get to your destination that much quicker. Walking back to the main road sounded torturous. There was nothing for miles, and it’d probably be daylight by the time you reached a sign of civilization. If you could even walk for that long. Either way, you were fucked.
Giving in to your defeatism, you walked around to the passenger side of the car. Your duffle bag had flown to the floor, not that you were too worried. It mostly had clothes, along with a few toiletries. When you opened it, however, you found your small shampoo bottle had opened, coating your belongings in soap, including the book you’d brought along in case you needed to pass the time somewhere. 
“Worst night of my fucking life,” you muttered to yourself.
Not bothering to close the door behind you, you sat on the hood of your car and waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
You checked your phone’s clock just as it was about to die. A little after two in the morning. Half an hour and nothing. Just you and the sound of crickets. The occasional howl in the night. Rustling in the trees and bushes. You had turned off your headlights to save the car’s battery. There was no reason for anyone to know you were there, hidden under the cover of darkness.
“Hey, you alright?” a disembodied voice asked.
You blinked, bleary-eyed and squinting at the bright lights that assaulted your vision. Throwing an arm up to shield your eyes, you sat up, your back aching. 
“Thought you were dead or something,” the man said, motioning to the bloodstain on your shirt.
“I think I fell asleep,” you mumbled, before jolting awake. You were talking to someone. Someone with a car. “My car got wrecked from the–I don’t know exactly, potholes I guess. I’ve been waiting here for hours.”
“Happens a lot out here. The DOT don’t keep up these roads much. Boss has us drive around some nights just to check,” the man said, throwing a thumb in the direction of the truck behind him. A tow truck. You nearly cried in relief.
He offered you his hand, helping you off the hood of your car, keeping you steady as you got your footing on the road beneath you. Your legs felt sore too. As your eyes adjusted to the odd lighting, you tried to get a better look at your hero. His face was obscured by shadows.
“Mind headin’ over to the truck with me? I just gotta get a look at your license,” he said.
You nodded, following him to the tow truck as you pulled your wallet from your purse. He stood in front of the headlights. He glanced over your license, and you allowed curiosity to get the better of you, looking at his face better. He had a cigarette tucked behind his ear, nestled next to the cap he had on, dark curls peeking out from beneath it. His work shirt had a name patch sewn into it. Bo. If that was even his real name.
“Checks out to me,” he said, handing you your license back before your mind could begin racing too much. 
“Thank you so much, Bo.”
He pulled the cigarette from behind his ear, placing it between his lips. You watched as he lit it with a lighter he fished out from his pockets. “Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll get your car hooked up.”
“Thirty bucks right?” you asked, digging through your purse for the fee listed on the side of the tow truck. Two crumpled twenty dollar bills were outstretched in your hand for him to take. 
“Hold on now, night shift is double.”
“I can give you my credit card.”
“Cash only.”
“Well, this is all I have.”
He grinned, taking a drag from his cigarette. “You got a lot more that I’m interested in.”
Didn’t even hide the way his eyes raked over your body. It was pitch black out apart from the tow truck’s headlights. How much of you could he even see? You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. 
You scoffed. “I-I don’t—“
“‘Less you wanna rough out the rest of the night on your own. Not sure when the next car’s gonna come through here.”
Your lower lip quivered at the predicament you found yourself in. Whatever. He’d probably make you blow him and be done with it. Hopefully never have to recount the humiliating situation to another soul. 
“What do you want me to do?” you asked.
“Get on your knees.”
You hesitated.
“Ain’t got all night.”
With a shaky breath, you knelt in front of him, eye level with his crotch. The cracked, uneven road wasn’t kind to your knees, but Bo didn’t care. He flicked his cigarette aside, grabbing your face with his rough hand. 
“Lucky I found you,” he said, his gaze burning your skin. “Lotta people wouldn’t be as nice as me if they found a pretty little thing like you alone out here.”
You tensed when he began undoing his belt buckle. “I changed my mind. I’ll wait here for someone else.”
He chuckled. “Too late for that, girl. No refunds.”
That was all it took to keep you there. Trapped. Your gaze kept fruitlessly looking for some sign of help from the road behind him. He seemed to know that no one else would come, smug as he palmed at his crotch before unzipping his jeans.
“Let me see you open that pretty mouth ‘a yours nice and wide for me,” he said.
You opened your mouth, presenting your tongue to him and trying to look at anything but the cocky expression on his face. He spit in your mouth, and you nearly gagged at the taste. Tobacco and beer. Stale. Bitter. You held his spit on your tongue until he said—
You did, trying to ignore the feeling of his saliva sliding down your throat.
“Attagirl,” he praised, giving you a patronizing pat on the cheek before prying open your mouth again with his fingers.
Your knees were on fire, and he hadn’t even shoved his cock in your mouth yet. You watched as he pulled it free from his underwear, already half-hard and intimidatingly big and veiny, twitching as if eager to break you. He gave it a few strokes, precum dripping from the head as he positioned it in front of your mouth.
“Give it a kiss.”
As soon as you pressed your lips to the tip of his cock, cold and chaste, you knew that wouldn’t be the end of it. 
“C’mon now, like you mean it,” he chided. “Get a lil’ tongue in there.”
You could hardly see his shadowy grin, but it was clear from his voice he was getting off on your humiliation. Pervert. You shuddered to think of the other women who’d been in your place as you made out with his cock, your lips wrapping around the head, tongue flicking at his leaking slit before pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along his shaft. His scent was strong, a sweaty musk that threatened to overwhelm your senses as he pushed your face against his hardening length.
“Shit girl,” he groaned, “you’re a natural whore.”
Suddenly, you felt a painful tug on your scalp, your yelp muffled by his cock forced down your throat, gagging as you tried to breathe. Your vision blurred with tears at his force, ears ringing as you could swear you heard him laughing at your struggle. 
There was nothing you could do but take it, choking out sobs around his cock as he fucked your throat, hips thrusting with a punishing brutality that almost made you wish you’d driven into a tree instead. His cock filled your mouth, giving you little reprieve from him. Your throat burned at the relentless friction, head pounded from the lack of air.
“You’re gonna let me cum in your mouth, ain’t ya?”
You realized when his dark blue eyes pierced yours that he wanted an answer. Humiliated, your ‘yes’ was hardly intelligible with his cock in your mouth. To your shock, he slapped you.
“You ain’t gonna let me do shit,” he taunted through gritted teeth. “You’re gonna swallow it all, slut.”
Tears rolled freely down your cheeks as he pushed the limits of how much of him you could take, your throat constricting around his throbbing cock in panic and bringing him over the edge. He thrust hard when he came, nearly knocking you over if not for his hand firmly buried in your hair. His warm, bitter cum pumped in your mouth, down your throat, though you knew some of it spilled out from your lips despite your best efforts to swallow it all.
When he finally pulled his cock from your mouth, you took a painfully deep breath that burned the back of your throat. He reached down, a sinister gleam in his eye when you flinched. His thumb collected the cum from the corners of your lips, bringing it to your mouth. You sucked it clean, hoping you could silently communicate how much you hated him. He returned your death glare with amusement.
He pulled his thumb from your mouth, inspecting it with a grin. “Good girl.”
You winced as you pushed yourself to your feet, drool and cum dripping from your puffy lips, knees split open and bleeding, grit and asphalt deep in the fresh wounds. You could hardly stand, leaning against the side of the tow truck, watching in disgust as he tucked his cock back in his pants and adjusted his cap.
“Alright, I’m a man of my word. Take a seat in the truck,” Bo said, the faintest hint of a smirk on his face. “I’ll get your car hooked up, bring you back to the garage. Might be there a while.”
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justlemmeadoreyou · 7 months
windfall | (mechanic!harry part2)
summary: part 2 to this
word count: 2k
warnings: cursing
masterlist | ask box(requests are open!)
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As you walked away from the garage, frustration and annoyance built up within you. Harry's indifferent and grumpy attitude was not making this situation any easier. You considered finding another garage, but deep down, you knew that might not be a feasible option given the state of your car.
You didn’t even want to go to work today. Sleeping curled up in the backseat of the car had made your body sore, especially your back. But leaving work would mean staying at the garage all day, listening to scolds from Harry, and you didn’t want that either.
So, you decided to go to work.
Walking to the nearest bus stop, you managed to get a bus that dropped you off near your office, but you still would have to walk half a mile.
You reached the office after about an hour, completely disheveled and tired. You had gotten a bit sweaty too, that failed the purpose of taking a shower, and you were already in the need of another.
Walking in, the receptionist as well as the other few looked at you judgmentally, but you successfully managed to ignore them, too tired to start a conversation and explain your circumstances.
Walking to your worn-out leather chair, you threw your bag on the table, and slumped down on the chair. You looked at your computer, and then at the pile of files you had on your table, as well as the reports you had to finish working on, to get signed by Jake, your boss. You pouted; it was so much work for just one person. The worn-out chair creaked as you shifted, contemplating how to tackle the mountain of tasks in front of you.
Turning on the computer, you got up from your chair, and decided to go for a coffee run.
Turning the coffee machine on, and placing your cup below, you stared at the liquid pouring down as it gradually filled the cup. After a few moments, another person entered the room, and you looked over your shoulder.
Thankfully, it was your friend, Mia.
Mia was one of the very few girls in the office who worked at the same position as you, and you two had grown really close over the past  6 months, when she had driven you home one night from the bar, you had been really wasted and she was he only one sober. She had made you drink water, take a Tylenol, and tucked you in.  She was so caring.
She walked with a smile up to you, proceeding to retrieve her own cup. She then came and stood next to you, while the machine was still filling up your cup.
“Morning. You look tired. What happened?” she asked. You sighed and frowned, as all of the things that had happened in just the last 24 hours came rushing back, making you want to cry so bad.
“Yeah, I took the bus, and walked like, half a mile to reach here”
“Oh god. What about your car?”
“It totaled. And my apartment too, it’s gone. My landlord kicked me out.”
“Jesus, that’s awful. So you slept in your car?”
“Mhm” you removed your cup, and replaced it with hers. Taking a sip, you closed your eyes as it cascaded down your throat. You hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, and the coffee gave you some energy to finish some of your work, till the afternoon at least.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” she frowned too, feeling sorry for you.
“It’s alright. Should have seen that coming. I mean, I spent so much money on the concert tickets last month, I almost went broke. I couldn’t even pay rent, and it was due since so many months”
“Still. That’s so bad. If you want, you can stay at mine for a few days. My roommate has gone for a trip and I think she’ll come back next week”
Your eyes brightened. She was such a gem. You immediately put your cup down, and hugged her.
“Thank you so much. So so much”
Rest of the day went by great. You were able to submit 5 reports, and completed most of the files and cleared them off your desk. You had finally managed to find a place to live, at least for the next few days, and you were sure you could figure something out till then.
Walking back to the garage, you had a cute smile on your face. The prospect of having a place to stay for the next few days infused you with a sense of relief, and not having to see Harry everyday was an added advantage.
Reaching the garage, you spotted your car and walked to it. There was someone down below, working on it. You decided to sit by for a bit, to find Harry and tell him about the new conditions. Surely, he will be glad to see less of you throughout the week.
You knocked the hood of the car, hoping the person below would listen.
He came sliding out, but he wasn’t Harry.
And he was gorgeous. Bright blue eyes, with brunette hair. He was wearing a tank-top, the shirt tied around his waist. There was a bit of grease here and there, but you didn’t mind.
You blinked and shook your head, bringing your eyes back up to his face.
“Uh-yeah. I was just-I came to ask that-Oh-this-this is my car. I wanted to ask, is there any progress?” you stumbled a bit around your words, but managed to blurt out at least an understandable sentence.
“Oh, yeah. I checked the engine and it was…well, in a bad condition. I will have to replace the air filters, check the exhaust and combustion, and the fuel too. Will have to replace the battery too”
He got up, cleaning his hands on a stray cloth.
“Oh. It’s not totaled yet, is it?”
“No, lord no.  It’ll be much lower than that. How much did you buy this for?”
“About 35,000 dollars”
“Nope, this will be about 600 dollars.”
“Oh, thank god. I met, Harry? In the morning. And he scared me so bad. I felt that it was gone”
“No, he just likes to give hard time to everyone. I’m Niall, by the way” he extended his hand for a handshake, and you gladly did.
“Hi. I’m Y/N. And he really scared me so much.”
“Yeah, he just does that so people use their cars better. Or at least live in fear till the repair is done. “
You shook your head, and remembered that you had to pack up your stuff, since Mia, and the moving truck was going to be here soon.
“That’s so bad. Is he around?”
“Yeah, he’s in the back. I’ll call him.”
He went in and came back after a while, and Harry still had his nose scrunched up, and shoulders slumped, hands crossed in the front.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“Oh-I wanted to tell you that-my friend, she offered me her apartment for a while, so for a week, I will be living with her. So I’ll take my stuff away and you can take my number, call me if it’s done.”
“Cool. But I don’t do calls. You’ll have to be come and check yourself”
“Don’t be a dick” Niall interrupted, “I can take your number. I’ll call you if it’s done early”
You smiled, and gave him your number. He promised to call you, and reassured you that he’ll do his best work on it. It made you feel a bit relaxed, and at ease. At least, everyone was not as rude as Harry. Soon, Mia came with her car and a truck, so you could move your stuff from your old apartment as soon as possible. There wasn’t much: a couch, two almirahs, your bed which had been dissembled, the mattress a TV, a refrigerator, an oven, kitchen utensils and an induction. Some other small appliances too, like the iron, straightener, etc, but that could fit in your bag.
After everything was loaded and your car was empty, you gave the keys to Niall, and picked up your bag, walking to Mia’s car and keeping it in the backseat. You went around and sat in the front, as she drove away to her place, the truck following behind.
The night was dark as Mia's car cruised through the quiet streets. You sat in the front seat, staring out of the window as the city lights blurred and headlights blinked. The stress of your car and the situation of next week, when her roommate would be back, still lingered on your shoulders. But, you were glad to have found a temporary refuge at her place.
Upon reaching Mia's place, you stepped out of the car. The air inside was cozy and inviting. Mia led the way, and you followed suit, hauling your heavy back awkwardly.
After moving your stuff to a corner, you both slumped down on the couch. The day had been tiring, but the welcoming aroma of her home made you feel at ease.
With Mia's help, you settled into the spare room she had graciously offered. It wasn't much, but it was a haven compared to the uncertainty of your car. You thanked Mia again, overwhelmed by her kindness, and assured her that you would find a more permanent solution soon.
The night unfolded with shared laughter, stories, and a home-cooked meal. Mia was a great cook, and you hadn’t tasted her food in so many months. You talked and laughed, and having dinner with a friend was so comforting. As the clock ticked away, fatigue set in, and you found solace in the softness of the spare bed.
Morning light filtered through the curtains, gently waking you from a restful sleep. You opened your bag and took out your toiletries, and laid out the clothes for the day. Brushing your teeth, freshening up and taking a bath, you felt so much better than you did yesterday.
As you sat on the dining table drinking coffee with Mia, your phone buzzed.
It was an unknown number.
Hey, it’s Niall
Your heartbeat increased in your chest. The gorgeous brunette had messaged you?!
You put the cup down, taking the phone down. Opening his chat, you quickly typed out a reply:
Hi, good morning, Niall :)
You didn’t respond to texts from unknown mechanics with a good morning message and a smile usually, but he was different. He treated you with so much kindness, and to be honest, you had a little crush on him.
His response was quick,
Morning, love. How you been? Sleep well?
Your heart fluttered at the endearment in his message. It was unexpected, especially considering your recent interactions with mechanics, particularly the grumpy Harry. Niall's tone was a stark contrast, and you couldn't help but smile at the screen.
Yeah, slept better knowing my car is in good hands. Thanks again for your help. And you?
you replied, genuinely interested in how his night had been.
Niall's response was swift,
Glad to hear that! I slept like a log, thanks. You off to work? Yeah. You? Already there. Was working on your car just before I texted Oh. Well…good luck, I guess??? Lol. Yeah, it's all in a day's work. Don't worry; I've got it covered. Your car will be up and running smoothly in no time. Thanks, Niall. I appreciate it. No worries, love. Call me if you need anything. Sure, thanks
You closed your phone, throwing it inside your bag, you walked out to the door with a huge smile on your face.
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a/n: i tried writing it better!hoip
lovely divider by @cafekitsune
i hope you like this! please don't hate me
here's my ko-fi if you feel generous
requests and feedback is welcome and much appreciated!!
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seravphs · 7 months
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You thought you'd be the one taking care of the stray you picked up off the streets, not the other way around.
wc — 3.6k
tags — fluff, dog boy/werewolf/shapeshifter au I guess, whatever you want to call it, “you become responsible forever for what you have tamed” but it goes both ways, animal abuse mention (non graphic and not from reader), shoujo manga vibes, title from runaway by Aurora
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There’s a mangy old stray on your block. You’ve seen the kids chase him off with sticks too many times not to want to do something about it, no matter how your mother used to scold you for your bleeding heart. 
“It’ll get you hurt someday,” echoes now in your ears as the cashier rings up your dog food, both wet and dry. You’re not sure which he’d - it seems like a he - would prefer.
$12.97 is your total. Not a bad price to pay for a life. 
Only a gentle kind of revolt, more teasing than genuinely angry, remains in your mind as the first drops of rain land on your face. It was a light mist, barely enough to dampen the sweet smelling air. The wet haze pulled blurry rainbows across the clear summer sky, enough to put a hop in your step as you hurried back to your apartment. 
There are no children today, and the neighborhood is quiet. A half dug hole by the adjacent apartment’s peonies tells you that your target is either nearby or at least recently in town. You unpack your bag, setting out a trap in the form of a can of wet food. 
Something skulks in the periphery of your vision. Trying not to startle him, you peek at the shadow out of the corner of your eye. You didn’t know dogs grew to be this big. 
When you really look at him, your stray seems more wolf than dog. He’d be nearly as large as as a human if he stood up on his back paws. Hiding beneath the trees where he thinks you can’t see him, he’s tense and untrusting. 
It’s strange for you to think of yourself as capable of making anyone nervous, much less someone as big as he is. You take a step back.
He edges forward, then flees into the shadows again. He’s hesitant. His paws skitter across the grass, beating a fast and unsteady tempo that reveals how nervous he is. It’s obvious that he won’t come out to eat as long as you’re here. That’s fine.
Trust can be earned. 
From your apartment’s windows, you watch him gulp down the food. He’s so clearly famished that he doesn’t even pause to breathe between bites, leaving you almost afraid that he’ll choke. When he’s finished, he lies down by his bowl, his eyes glittering.
He’s not asleep - he’s too wary a creature for that, but it’s relieving to see him relaxed and sated. He dozes like that for a minute or two before he lifts himself back up on weary paws to trot back into the woods. 
You’ve tried to make it a routine to feed him after work, stopping by the pet store to pick up different flavors you think he’d like to try. Neon stickers pop out at you from various tags on the shelves, promising to boost muscle growth or improve bone strength.
In the end, you get them all. When all you do is work, you don’t worry about blowing your money on things like this. You have nothing else to spend it on - might as well spoil him. It’s nice to be able to take care of someone else.
It might be all in your head, but you think he’s starting to warm up to you. He still waits until you’re gone to eat, but it’s easier to keep tabs on him now. You don’t think it’s an accident.
Sneaking a glance out of the corner of your eye, you can spot the telltale signs that he was waiting. Sometimes you even find him waiting for your car to pull in. 
Today, you find him at the end of your driveway, his tail thumping against the pavement. He’s in a good mood, it seems. When you park, he even gives a short howl.
He still retreats when you climb out of the driver’s side, only inching forward when you rustle your plastic bag of groceries at him. You crack the lid and set it down slightly in front of you to wait it out. 
You’ve been trying to get him used to your presence so you can take him to the vet. It’s a slow process - some days he’s more amenable to your presence than others. 
It takes a minute or two for him to consider if it’s worth it, if you’ll hurt him. Eventually, he slinks forward, his body low to the ground. 
You smile at him encouragingly as you wait, crouched down to be on the same level as him. He’s a big dog, probably almost the same height as you sitting down. He pauses in front of the food and sniffs cautiously. Then, he passes it. 
Your heart drops. Maybe he didn’t like it. Had you picked wrong? He’s eaten everything you gave him before - you didn’t think he was picky. 
He comes right up to you, his hot breath gusting over your hand. Suddenly you realize that this is a predator. He might be feral or have rabies. After everything, you realize you don’t really know him.
Animals aren’t like humans. You’ve assigned a wild beast your own moral complications and assumptions. Perhaps it’s hungry enough to want to eat you. 
He’s close enough that you can feel the warm weight of his body against your shins. Something fuzzy bumps into your hand insistently until you lift it. You realize that he’s asking to be pet and with trembling fingers, you do. 
Your fingers stroke over his head and ears, growing surer with the way he’s pushing back against you. It tickles just a little, enough to make you giggle until he shoves his snout right into your palm. His nose is cold and wet. 
“Go on,” you encourage, trying to nudge him towards the bowl. No matter how nice his fur feels, there’s something heartbreaking about watching him choose love over food. 
“You need to eat,” you scold. He sneezes in a way that makes him shake all over. If he wasn’t a dog, you’d think he was smiling at you. He only takes a mouthful when you reach out to resume petting him. He seems to like it when you scratch right behind his ears. 
You almost feel like you’ve formed a bond until he stops right at the boundary of your home and refuses to walk any further. You had thought you were getting along so well, too. 
“Come on,” you coax. “Here, boy. There’s nothing to be scared of.” 
He skitters back anyways, circling your property with a low, mournful howl before he trots back towards the perimeter. 
Progress is progress, you try to remind yourself, however disappointed you are. 
Sometimes, it feels like you’re not making any at all. There are days where you can’t even watch him eat, not knowing if he’s alright until the next time you find an empty bowl. Your fears are only alleviated by the moments where he lets you pet him or waits for you, a reminder that you are earning his trust. 
It may be a slow process, but he is becoming more comfortable with you, little by little.
Now it worries you when you can’t find him sitting in his usual spot, wary but excited. He doesn’t come even when you peel back the lid of the can noisily, the metal crumpling easily in your hand. You can’t help your anxieties from multiplying, though logically you know that he’s probably just off doing whatever dogs do in their free time.
You’re already halfway up the walkway to your house when you turn back. You can’t go inside without knowing he’s safe. A quick lap around the neighborhood reveals nothing. You’re checking behind bushes and cars when you hear the first faint whimper. 
Frantically, you push the leaves aside until you find him huddling in the center of a rose bush. He’s curled up on himself, as small as he could possibly be. His tail is tucked under his nose. 
Your hands are pricked with thousands of little needles as you keep digging for him. You can’t imagine how much worse it would be for him. This could only have been his last resort. Something worse had chased him here. 
He wags his tail when he sees you, barely able to lift his head. Seeing him struggle, you can’t help yourself. You push the branches aside to help him drag himself out, his body battered. Those kids again. 
“Come on, baby,” you coo, stroking his matted fur as you pick him up in your arms. He’s not as heavy as he should be, starved as he is. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of you.” 
It was settled before you could decide it for yourself. He’s your responsibility now. There was never a choice in it. 
Dr. Rem’s assistant comes out to fetch you less than five minutes into the check up. “I think you should stay,” he says, his tone just cool enough to sound a touch annoyed. 
Your overgrown puppy won’t submit to her ministrations unless you’re in the room with him, stroking his ears and promising that everything will be alright. He must’ve been a pet at some point, to know what needles are and have such a reaction to them. To know that despite the initial pinch, it’s okay as long as you’re being pet. 
When it’s finally over, both of you are exhausted, but Dr. Rem is as professional as ever as she walks you through the care routine for his treatments. “Honestly,” she says, shaking her head. “I don’t understand how some people can be so cruel.” 
You don’t either, but it doesn’t matter. He’s yours now, and you’ll never let anything touch him again. 
“Does he have a name?” Dr. Rem’s incredibly blonde assistant asks as he’s filling out your release forms. 
“I’ve just been calling him dog,” you admit bashfully. 
He doesn’t need to speak. His expression says it all. Unbelievable.
You take a look at the creature you’ve decided to bring home. He does look more like a wolf than a dog. You’ve always thought so. “Wolfwood?”
“What a weird - ahem, interesting - name for a dog,” Nai, from his name tag, says. 
By your feet, Wolfwood wags his tail in agreement. 
His tail wags harder. He pauses. It wags again. He turns around and nips at it, like he’s trying to hide the fact that he might like the nickname.
When you try to carry him from the car into your home, he clambers stiffly to his feet like an old man. You have to hide your laugh behind a couch. For some reason, he seems more human than animal. You’ve caught him noticing things no normal dog would, and you’re sure his pride would be injured. 
The sound his nails clicking across the floor is strangely comforting, like ASMR. You’ve heard that dogs are naturally helpful to lower cortisol and reduce stress, but you’ve never thought you’d experience those effects. You lean down to stroke a hand over his furry coat, carefully avoiding the spots where he’s still hurt. 
When it’s bedtime, you’ve resolved to give him the comfort of your bed and take the couch, but he’s not having any of that. His jaw snaps around the hem of your shirt, teeth digging into the fabric to prevent you from leaving. Immediately, you stop moving, afraid to hurt him worse. 
“Calm down,” you say gently. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He barks in discontent. He really does seem human, as if he understood you. 
Out of options, you resign yourself to curling up on the bed next to him, hoping you won’t accidentally roll over him in your sleep. Maybe you should invest in one of those bed dividers they use for small children. It’s the last thought in your head before you drift off. 
A deep, reverberating sound wakes you up. You roll over with the pillow shoved on top of your head to try to get some peace, but it continues. Fed up, you finally rise out of your comfortable sheets, ready to give whichever neighbor that’s decided sunrise was a great time to mow their lawn a piece of your mind. 
Instead, you’re greeted with a strange man in your bed. Your scream is cut short by his hand clapping over your mouth as soon as you start. 
“Oops.” He says. “My bad.” 
Your eyes grow wider in terror. 
“Hey, hey,” he says soothingly, like that’s going to help when there’s a random man in your bed. “None of that. I’m a friend.” 
You scream louder. In a spark of inspiration, you try to bite him. He winces. That’s when you start noticing the ears and the tail. The faint resemblances to someone else you know. The bandages wrapped around his torso. 
“That’s right,” he says, noticing you look. “Recognize me now? Would this help?” 
The tail flicks back and forth in a familiar motion. Someone else used to do that to show his happiness. 
“That’s a stupid name,” he laughs. 
“I think I’m going to pass out.” 
“Don’t do that,” he says, but it’s too late. You’re going back to bed. 
You’re not sure why you’re not more surprised that the stray you picked up is actually a human, but after your initial reaction, you find yourself remarkably open to the idea. Part of you feels privately that you’ve always expected Wolfie to be special. He seemed so smart. 
You’re in too deep to kick him out now, human or not, but that also might be an excuse. Having him around is nice, you have to admit. Whether he’s a human or a dog, having someone to come home to has changed your life.
You hadn’t realized how lonely you were until you came home to Wolfwood preparing dinner, the apron you bought for him wrapped around his waist. It reads ‘kiss the chef’ in bright pink letters. 
Although you’re the one who took him in, you feel like you’re the one being taken care of. 
It’s not just you. Even your coworkers have commented on the way you rush home now instead of staying up until the very last minute. You can’t keep up with your bad habits anymore. There’s someone waiting for you now.
When you open the door, the delicious fragrance of something savory drifts to your nose, spiced and warm. “I’m home,” you call. 
There’s no need. He’s already waiting at the door. It’s a comical sight. He tries to make it casual, leaning against the wall with an oh-so-nonchalant air, but he’s there every single time you walk through the entrance without fail. 
It’s too easy to get used to his presence.  
Having someone to come home to makes you quicker to turn down overtime requests and more hesitant to take on additional duties. You thought this would hurt your work report, and you were willing to take the hit. Some things are worth it. 
Instead, your productivity spikes. Even your manager notices, doling out rare and surprised praise on one of your last projects. The change in you is palpable.
“Did you get a boyfriend?” Meryl asks. “You seem happier lately.” 
Everyone notices the way you seem brighter, more easygoing. You’ve started bringing homemade lunch boxes instead of eating out. Your good mood has translated into a better work product than any amount of indifferent hours you put in before. 
It’s still a surprise when you receive your promotion at the end of the quarter. Something you’ve been working towards for months drops right in your lap. Lately, it feels like everything has been falling into place. 
Good things arrive on the heels of even better things, all because you’ve felt more personally fulfilled than you have in years. You though taking Wolfwood in would slow you down, but it’s done the opposite.
You have more time now that you have someone looking after you. It also motivates you to have someone of your own to care for.
When you present the news to him, you can’t stop yourself from crying out of happiness, though it’s embarrassing. Wolfwood licks at the small tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“What are you doing?” You laugh, trying to push his face away with no real effort behind it. 
“Kisses,” he replies. “For doing a good job.” 
Not like that, you try to remind yourself. He doesn’t mean it like that.
“Why is your heart beating faster?” 
Stupid dog senses. 
There are other ways in which his dog nature comes in handy. He’s more sensitive to nature than you are. You’ve come to rely on him instead of the forecast as he sends you off every morning, his nose scenting the ozone and petrichor in the air. 
“Don’t forget to take an umbrella!” 
“I’m already running late, bye!” 
You should’ve listened. Now you’re forced to trudge through the damp muck, soaked to the bone. Your sneeze is so strong it rattles through your bones, making you feel achey and weak as you sniffle through the last leg of your journey. By the time you finally reach the front door, you feel as pathetic as you must look, like a half drowned rat. 
Wolfwood is waiting for you again, but you barely register it. You nearly stumble over a cabinet leg as you try to make your way to the couch through the dizziness, collapsing on it. Wolfwood pads over to you, making a low grumbling noise of concern.
“Shh,” you murmur as you feel his cold nose shove into your palm. “Not right now, Wolfie. I’m tired.” 
He puts his head across your thigh and whines discontentedly. Your breathing is coming a little hard. Still, you try to reassure him. “I’m okay. Just had a long day.” 
There’s human hands against your forehead now, nice and cool. You turn your head so you can nuzzle into it, the gentle pressure relieving your headache just a little. 
Someone’s holding you now, arms around your back and sides. “Come on, sweetheart, you gotta sit up. Eat something.” 
Almost like a dog yourself, you whine and pout, turning your face away. The idea of food is turning your stomach right now. Everything seems too rich for your weak stomach. 
“This is why I told you to take that umbrella this morning.” Wolfwood’s voice is stern, but his hands are kind as he props you up. 
“One sip, alright? For me.” 
Weakly, you part your lips so he can slide the spoon between your teeth. It’s a mild broth, barely any flavor to it, but it’s the only thing you can bear at the moment. The hot soup feels incredible, warming you from the inside out. 
“There we go,” he says. “Good job, sweetheart.”
With his help, you finish the whole bowl. He wraps the blanket tighter around you before he takes the dirty dishes. Even when he leaves your side, you can hear him bustling around the room, so you’re not worried. This is nice. Even feverish, you feel pleasant. 
When Wolfwood returns to the couch, his dog ears are peeking out of his hair. He kneels by you to check your temperature. Spotting your chance, you scratch at the base of his ears, listening for the satisfying thump of his tail hitting his thigh when you get the spot he really likes.
“What a good boy,” you coo, forgetting yourself. 
He laughs at you, watching you fluster. “Did you forget I’m not a real dog?” 
Your face is hot, but not from the fever. 
A few months into the strange miracle of having someone else to care for, and someone to care for you, Wolfwood asks you for an unusual favor. 
“Can you get me a collar?” 
Your gaze sweeps over him, considering. “I don’t know how I’d feel about that now that I know you’re a man.” 
“Honest, aren’t you?” When he smiles, you can see his fangs. It’s strangely charming, the wink of white bone in the corner of his mouth. 
“Why do you even want one?”
“I dunno, instinct? It just feels nice.” He braces his hand against his throat, testing the way it’d feel. “Yeah. It feels like something’s missing.” 
“That’s strange. I thought you’d prefer to be free.” 
He stretches out, lifting his arms. You can see the muscle lining his back beneath his thin, nearly transparent white tee. “Freedom is relative. Everyone is tied to something, you know. No use in pretending otherwise.” 
You tap his nose playfully. With a mischievous look in his eyes, he lunges forward and snaps his teeth over your finger. 
“You can be wise for a puppy,” you say teasingly. 
“Like I keep telling you, I’m a man,” he says, roughly pulling you towards him so he can punish you by messing with your hair. You shriek in protest, trying to push him off, but the request sticks inside your head.
On the weekend, you take a few leashes from the right section and sneak into a quieter corridor in the pet store. Even though you’ve agreed to this for Wolfwood’s sake, it’s still embarrassing. You have your pride, and it’d be hard to explain to anyone what your actual situation is. 
Perhaps understanding your plight, Wolfwood doesn’t mess with you as he usually does. Or maybe he’s just pliant at the thought of getting what he wants as you clip the leather around his neck. 
It looks good on him, you have to admit. He looks almost like a punk rock star, transforming it from dog collar to statement necklace. 
You flick the tag on his neck, watching the silver circle twinkle with your name and number. It’s meant for him to wear when he chooses to go on walks himself as a dog. “Now it’ll be okay even if you do get lost,” you tell him, satisfied.
“I’d be fine either way,” he says. “I know the way home.” 
For some reason, that makes you feel as owned as he looks, even though you’re not the one with a collar around your neck.
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I was wondering whether u were taking requests for The Other Half.
Can u pls write a fic where the shop girl and bruce have an unplanned pregnancy or something along the lines of it.
I luv u and ur fics sm
Hav a great day
I opted for a pregnancy scare rather tan a full-blown pregnancy; hope that's okay! also the form of this chapter is a little different.
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; angst! ! Much angst.
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You have a bad, bad headache.
“She awake yet?” 
Almost an entire week late. That was a lot of late, way more than you’ve ever been before. You’d taken a test and it turned up negative, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be positive in a day or two.
A baby?
Are you even ready to have a child? Is Bruce? You’re hardly seen with one another in public these days.
“Not yet.” 
The possibility has caused complete and total distraction—to the point of…Well, what would you call this. A severe mishap? Failure? 
“We get anything back from Wayne?” 
A messy, messy morning. 
“Maybe he’s not really fucking her.” 
A spilled cup of coffee, a favorite blouse completely ruined. 
“They were in all the papers together.” 
“Yeah, but that was months ago. I told you we should’ve gone for Liz Wyatt. No one knows who the hell this bitch is.” 
You'd had a biting, short-tempered conversation with Bruce before you’d stormed over to the elevator and insisted that you’d get yourself to work and back.
“Maybe he’s not really rich.” 
“Please. The guy’s turds are worth more than what we make in a month. Bet they’re gold-flaked and shit…Anyway, it’s only been a few hours. Don't panic yet…Fuckin’ pussy.” 
A bad day at work, a really, really crappy takeout lunch, and a stupid, stupid move as you’d come out of the office building to head home. 
“Don’t call me that, shithead.” 
An unfamiliar car, the blur of a face before a cloth had been pressed over your nose and mouth and someone had yanked you close form behind. Panic, tight breaths, and then—
“Alright, wake ‘er up.” 
Darkness. Darkness and silence that slowly gave rise to—
“How do you want me to do that? Slap her?” 
Two nattering voices volleying arguments, questions, commands back and forth for the past half hour—
You gasp, sputtering as water is poured over you. You cough roughly as some of it catches in your dry throat, hinging forward as your throat and chest ache with the force. You draw in a deep breath as soon as you’re able, blinking rapidly and trying to get a better look at your surroundings. When you’d first come to, you’d realized how tightly your arms were zip tied behind yourself to the beam that you’d been propped against, and your ankles were zip tied in front of you. The floor beneath you is hard as hell, and you kind of have to pee. You've spent your time awake feigning unconsciousness in the hopes that they'd leave you alone.
Your gaze catches on two sets of steel-toed boots, and slowly travels up, up—You wince, squinting against the harsh overhead light illuminating the dank warehouse. You recoil at their faces, your whacking against the wide pole behind you. The two laugh cruelly, making embarrassment curdle in your stomach. One crouches down, roughly gripping your jaw and turning your face toward him. You can’t squirm away like you’d like, and you’re forced to smell his acrid breath. 
“Why don’t you get comfortable, honey,” He chuckles. “We’re waiting on your boyfriend.”
“Will you be dining alone this evening?” 
Bruce glances over at Alfred, trying not to grimace at his pointed question. He shifts on the couch, sinking down in his seat a little under his guardian’s scrutiny. 
“She should be back soon.” 
“Have you heard from her?” 
Not one word, all day. Bruce had checked his phone almost obsessively throughout the day, looking for missed calls or texts, but there hadn’t been a thing from her. Bruce had considered reaching out first, but he was still sort of pissed. He’d spent the day trying to figure out what the hell he'd done wrong, what she’d gotten so damn worked up about. He couldn’t think of a single thing. 
“Perhaps you ought to call and let her know that we’re at the mansion,” Alfred hedges again. Bruce considers it for a moment, glancing at his blank phone screen. Maybe he could…No. 
“She needs her space,” He insists. “She’s mad at me.” 
Alfred hesitates for a moment before he turns away. It may be overstepping his bounds, but he fishes into his pocket for his phone. He sends two texts—one saying that he hopes that she’s had a good day, and another asking if she needs a ride home. He sends them, and waits…And waits…And frowns. Neither message delivers. He turns back to the couch just in time to see Bruce reaching for his phone, then going still and ultimately leaning back in his seat, sliding even further down like a moody teen. 
Perhaps Alfred ought to simply take a look for himself.
He asks the first woman coming out of the Wayne Enterprises building—someone that Bruce recently had him run a background check on. 
“Pardon me, Ms...James? Rose James?” He smiles, as the young woman stops in her tracks. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask after a friend of ours.”
Rose’s brows raise as he offers the name. 
“Oh,” She laughs, “She left hours ago. In this huff, too, like a funk? Like not a smelly funk, like a mood kinda funk.” 
Alfred fights to keep his composure, his hands still clasped in front of himself. 
“Ah, of course,” He forces a laugh, “I must’ve confused my days. My apologies, Ms. James—and thank you for your time.” He turns away from her, fishing into his pocket for his phone and eyeing his messages. They still haven’t been delivered. 
Something does not feel right. 
You close your eyes, letting your throbbing head rest back against the pole. You have to distract yourself from your aching arms, and the sharp tingling of your legs and feet falling asleep. You’ve got to think of something else. 
What would you even name a baby? 
Your stomach flips at the thought, and you wince a little. Of all things to think about right now…Then again, what else have you got to do? 
Does Bruce want kids? The two of you have never actually discussed kids…Or marriage, or officially moving in with one another. Maybe you would’ve had those conversations if the two of you hadn’t been photographed kissing in the lobby of Wayne Enterprises, or leaving the vacation house of your Valentine’s retreat. Maybe you’d have had the conversations if Bruce wasn’t…Bruce. 
“Anything?” You hear one of the thieves say to the other. 
You draw in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself as the same slim man leans in toward you. You get a better look at him this time—at his cold, grey eyes, pallid skin and yellowing teeth. 
“You better hope that Wayne answers soon,” He warns, drawing a knife out of his boot. You flinch as he raises it, lightly tapping the tip of it on the underside of your chin. “If he doesn’t, you’ll be leaving here in bits.” 
“Did Rose say what time she left?” Bruce asks, practically bounding off of the elevator and over to the computers deeper in the cave. Alfred follows as quickly as he can, shaking his head. 
“She didn’t, and I neglected to ask.”
Bruce yanks his chair back, reaching down and hurriedly tapping into the security camera feed around Wayne Enterprises. His eyes scan the screen studiously as he winds the security footage back to when she typically leaves work. He stops it there, then skims through the footage a little faster. 
“Wait, there—” Alfred points, “Go back.” 
Bruce rewinds again slightly before he presses play on the footage. His heart leaps into his throat as he watches a man put something over her mouth, her body going limp as two men drag her into a van and take off. He hurriedly changes the camera angle and pauses the footage, zooming in on the license plate. 
Bruce glances over as he sees something move out of his periphery, and frowns when he spots someone leaving something on the front door step. 
“Go grab that, would you?” 
“You just dropped it off?” 
“Just now, you just dropped it off? Oh, for fuckssake!” 
You peer warily over at where a third man has hurried in and joined the first two. 
“I got stuck in traffic!” 
“That’s some weak–ass excuse, Frank.” 
“Hey, don’t use names,” The new guy nods over his shoulder toward you, “In front of the girl.” 
“Oh, you worried about her knowing your name? Knowing your face?” 
“Good point, Frank.” The shot rings out, and you can’t hold back your rough, dry-throated scream as the man raises a gun without hesitation and kills Frank, sending the man sprawling to the ground. He lowers the gun, turning to look at you and gesturing toward Frank’s body. 
“I known Frank twenty years. I do that to him, can you imagine what I’ll do to you?”
“The van took a route through downtown before it crossed the bridge into the Narrows—What’s that?” Bruce asks, glancing back as Alfred approaches again with a small envelope
“It’s addressed to you, sir.” 
Bruce takes it hesitantly, frowning. He takes hold of it, looking over it before he flips it over and opens it. His blood runs cold as he draws out a photograph of her—unconscious, and tied up. His other hand crinkles the envelope, unable to help it as his rage builds. He turns the photo over, frowning when he sees the untidy, scratchy writing. 
“What’s it say?” 
“There’s a phone number.” Bruce tosses the envelope aside before he turns back to the console, punching the number in.
“You’re calling?” 
“It’s probably a burner.” He only has to wait a few moments before someone picks up, and watches as his system traces the signal. 
“Took you long enough, Wayne.” 
“I called the moment I got the envelope.” 
There’s a pause, a grumble on the other side, and his heart stutters as he hears a gunshot. 
“What the hell was that?” He snaps. 
“Don’t worry about it. Listen,” The man sighs. “Two million in cash. No cops.” 
“Where is she?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“I want to talk to her.” 
“You’ve got twenty four hours, Mr. Wayne. Call when you have the cash. I’ll send you an address.” 
Bruce opens his mouth to argue, but before he can, the man hangs up. Bruce clenches his jaw, fighting the urge to punch a hole through one of the screens. He tips his chin up, eyeing the spot on the map the phone signal came from. 
“Take one of the cars, one with heavily tinted windows. Drive into the city, take as much money as you can at an ATM, from tellers, wherever you can get it.” 
“What for?” 
“After that, I want you to come back, use the number on the back of that photo and call it. Get an address.” 
“And bring it to them?” 
“They might be watching the house. I want them to think I’m doing what they said. Don't worry,” Bruce turns away, striding toward the suit. "I'll get there before you do."
Names. What would you even name a kid? You’d probably want to give them a normal name…Well normal as in a typical spelling, and not some over-voweled, extra-consonanted monstrosity, like Mickayleigh or Jostlelynn or Redgeena. 
What were his parents' names? You furrow your brow, trying to remember. You haven’t spoken to Bruce about his parents much, either. Fuck, the more you think about it, there’s so much that you haven’t talked about, that you don’t know...That you may never get to find out.
“He’s got the money.” 
You glance back toward the triumphant whoop of one of the men. 
“Wayne?” He asks.
“Nah, the old guy. He's heading to the drop-off point.” 
Alfred? Your brow furrowed as you tipped your head back against the pole. You had no idea why Alfred would be the one getting cash—
You suck in a shocked breath as the room is suddenly plunged into darkness. You hear the two men tripping over one another, followed by a scuffle and a curse. 
“You alright, man?” 
“Tripped over Frankie—Ugh, he’s cold—”
You wince as the lights suddenly flicker back on, and your heart leaps when you see Batman standing over the fallen robber. The man looks up, and before he can fully get out his yell of, “Oh, shi—”, you see Bruce lifting his foot. You wince, turning your head and squeezing your eyes shut as you hear the man yowl in pain. 
It’s like being in the middle of a horror movie. You can hear what’s happening, and you desperately want to look to assuage your own morbid curiosity, but you’re worried that what you’ll see will be so much worse than you’re imagining. You hear gunshots, grunts, yelps, the cracking of bone, and then—
Nothing. You hear nothing. 
It’s another few moments before you hear the thudding of boots approaching. You dare to peek a single eye open just in time to see the edge of his cape as he rounds the pole. You hear a snick, chased by the feeling of your arms being untied. You groan as they fall limply to your sides, feeling about as heavy as a ton of bricks. He rounds you, crouching down in front of you and untying your ankles as well. It takes you a few moments to reach out, your arms weary and weak from their stretching, and the lack of blood flow. Bruce takes your hands in his gloved ones, easing you off of your feet and shushing you softly when you whimper and stumble into his chest. 
"Are you hurt?"
"—They didn't hurt you—?"
"No!" You swear, forcing your pained arms up to wrap around him. He turns his head, lips brushing against your temple.
“It’s alright,” He murmurs. “I’ve got you.” 
"You didn't recognize either of them?"
“So what you've told me, that’s all you remember?” Commissioner Gordon asks. “No names?” 
You shake your head a little, eyeing the floor. “Apart from the one guy…Frankie? They were pretty careful about not saying who they were when I was awake.” 
“Frankie was, uh…” He checks his notes, “The one that was shot twice, laying on the floor?” 
“Did Batman shoot Frankie?”
“What?” You frown. “No. One of the other guys did that. The, uh…The thin-ish one, with really bad teeth.” 
“And the other one?” 
“He didn’t say much to me.” 
“So…Batman came in and got you out.” 
“And dropped you off here at the precinct.” 
Commissioner Gordon’s brows jump before they lower again, and he jots something else down. 
“How much longer is this going to take?” Bruce grumbles.
Gordon’s gaze flickers over to where Bruce is still pacing behind you. 
“We’re nearly through here, Mr. Wayne.” 
You hear Bruce huff, followed by the thud of him slouching against the door. It’s a moment before Gordon is shifting in his seat, redirecting his attention. 
“Remind me where you were, Mr. Wayne?” 
“At my mansion.” 
He reports it flatly, and even in your weariness, you have to bite back a smile. 
“We have footage of your butler driving around and taking out money.” 
“I don’t keep that much cash on hand.” 
“And you were just going to pull as much money out as you possibly could?” 
“Whatever it took to get her back.” 
You lean back in your seat as some of the fear, panic, and anxiety well up again. You can feel tears prickling in your eyes, your chest tightening. Commission Gordon sighs, nodding. 
“I think that’s enough for today. I may have a few follow-up questions in the next few days.” 
“Of course,” Bruce answers for both of you, and you’re grateful for it. He comes closer, taking hold of your hand and helping you up. You still feel a little woozy, and you lean heavily against him. 
“I’m sorry to tell you, but there’s a lot of press outside. We, uh…” Gordon rounds the desk, opening the door to his office for you. “We set up barricades to get you from the door to your car without too much hassle.”  
“There isn’t a back exit?” 
“I’m afraid they’ve got the building surrounded, Mr. Wayne.” 
Bruce pushes a heavy sigh through his nose before he mutters quietly in concession. You don’t meet anyone’s eye as he leads you through the bullpen to the elevator, or as Commissioner Gordon gets on with you. 
“Are you driving?” You murmur. Bruce shakes his head, lips brushing your forehead. 
“Alfred is.” 
Alfred. It’ll be nice to see another friendly face. Bruce leads you off of the elevator, fishing into his pocket and drawing out a pair of sunglasses. 
“Put these on,” He orders, “And keep your head down. I’ll get us to the car.” 
You nod, putting on the thick, chunky sunglasses. They practically obscure half of your face. 
“Ready?” Bruce asks. You nod again, tucking yourself more tightly into his side as Commissioner Gordon opens the door. You don’t even have the chance to step a foot outside before you’re bombarded by the flashing of cameras, and yelled questions coming from all directions. It makes you want to run back inside and find some quiet corner to curl up in, but Bruce wraps his arm tightly around your shoulders, steering you to the car. You almost stumble trying to keep up with the pace he sets, fighting to keep your steps even and quick as he guides you down the path that the cops have set up and into the car.
As soon as the door is shut behind you, you sag down in your seat and draw your sunglasses off, peering through the heavily-tinted windows at the mob of press. The sound is let in again as Bruce gets in on the other side of the backseat, and as Alfred gets into the driver’s seat. It’s not a clean peeling away from the curb—a few press still crowd around the front, trying to get shots of you and Bruce through the windshield—but Alfred finally pulls away, and it feels like you can breathe again. 
As you strip down to shower—as you suddenly feel an acute cramping in your lower stomach—you start to cry, the full weight of the day crashing down around you. Bruce turns back from where he’s been turning the knobs to heat up the water, and through your kaleidoscope of tears, you can see his expression melting from confusion to sadness. He reaches out, drawing you into his chest, and you go willingly. You don’t even care that his hands are wet from checking to see if the water is warm enough. You just bury your face in his chest and let every bit of your fear and worry drain from you. 
“...Thought you had it already.”
“Hm?” You hum softly.
“Your period.” 
You wince at the comment, focusing on the steady rise and fall of Bruce’s chest. You’d thought that you’d have to have this conversation at some point in the next few days, but right now, tucked into his side in bed, you can’t think of anything you’d like to talk about less. Still, you trail your fingers along his side, weighing your words before you admit: 
“I was late.” 
“How late?” 
“A week.” 
Bruce is quiet for a few moments, and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. 
“Did you think…?” He hedges.
“...Is that why you almost took my head off this morning?” 
“Yes…Sorry, by the way.” 
Is it? 
You let it hang in the air for a moment. You could let the conversation pass. You could just move—
“Would you have been happy?” You hedge, “If…I was?” 
A few moments of harrowing silence as Bruce’s fingers skate over your bare back. 
“I don’t know.” 
It’s honest, at least, but it doesn’t feel good. Yes was what you’d been hoping for. But I don’t know? You can feel yourself tearing again, and you bite down on your inner cheek, just nodding when you feel him looking down at you. He sighs heavily, murmurs, “Sweetheart,” But he doesn’t get all of it out before you’re pulling away from him and pushing yourself to sit up. You draw in a few deep breaths to steady yourself, raising your hands to swipe away the few tears that escape. To his credit, Bruce gives you the space that you need, sitting up and staying on his side of the bed. 
“Look at what happened to you today,” He points out. 
“That could’ve happened to anybody,” You grumble.
“Not like this. It happened because people know that you’re with me. It’s dangerous for you. And if it hadn’t just been you, if we ever…” It takes him a moment. “If we ever had a child, they would be a target, too.”
You sniffle softly, tucking your arms around your middle and fisting your fingers in the fabric of your sleep shirt. You know that he’s right, and you want to hate him for it.
“Is that why we never talk about that stuff?” You ask. 
“What stuff?” 
“Our future.” You turn your head back toward him, watching him in your periphery. You can see his lips pressed into a thin line, his gaze set ahead. 
“It’s not an easy conversation to have.” 
“Is that all we can have? Easy conversations?” 
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
You sniffle again, turning away from him and looking down at the sheets. You feel Bruce scooch a little closer, sliding his hand along your lower back before he gently draws you back against him. You lean against him, pouting a touch as your cramps flare. Bruce nuzzles against your hair, dropping a kiss there. 
“Today was a lot,” He murmurs. “Can we just…Can we get some sleep? Talk about this tomorrow?” 
You nod, letting Bruce steer you to lay back down. You rest your head on his shoulder, fingers absently tracing shapes on his chest. 
“...For the record,” You offer softly, “Those men did what they did because they were greedy. I’m safe because of you, Bruce.” 
Bruce’s grip tightens on you, and you snuggle closer, sliding your leg over his and pressing as close as possible despite the twinging in your belly. 
Next Part
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kachowden · 1 year
I am already in love with the pink lemonade cowboy 🥰😍
Vampire!Cowboy! Yandere x GN! Reader
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A/n: I do not condone yandere behavior, this is purely fictional. This will be a short series. If you want to see what our yandere looks like you can see him here <3 also this technically isn’t a slow burn but the juicy stuff will show up in part 2
Part 1
The rain thudded dully against the roof of your old rusty car. Your windshield wipers squeaked across your windows, flinging off thin sheets of water that blurred the dark road in front of you. Puddles reflected in your single headlight.
You’re grandfather was a cruel man.
As sweet as honey, you loved your grandfather dearly. He was always especially generous on the holidays.
But he was cruel. Because while he was on his “retirement vacation”, he left his massive farm in your care.
You! The grandchild who hadn’t done a lick of farm work in their entire life! Hell the closest thing to a farm you’d ever been to was a petting zoo when you were- what 6??
How were you expected to do anything remotely useful! In fact you were 90% sure that these crops and animals would be dead and gone within a week under your care.
But ohoho! Lucky you! You grandfather has a helper on the farm! A complete Fucking stranger who you’d never met before was going to be sharing a house with you for the next 6 weeks! Thank you grandpa! Love you SOO much!
You did love him. But you were irritated and you felt like you had a right to be so! He dropped this bombshell on you, not even asking if you had any plans!
Which you didn’t but that wasn’t the point!
Plans could’ve popped up at any moment!
With a very stressed sigh you pulled your beaten up car into the drive way of the rustic red farm house. Your engine wheezed with exhaust as your wheels rolled to a bumpy stop on the wet pavement. It took about 5 hours to drive to where your grandpa lived. Which meant you couldn’t just stay at your house and visit everyday to water the animals and feed the crops or whatever.
You physically had to stay here.
I mean it was a paid vacation but come on! You’d rather be working at the café than on a farm! At least you knew what you were doing there!
You let your head fall softly against the steering wheel, sighing again at your circumstances.
“Whatever. No use in complaining now.”
“Probably not kid.”
“Holy Sh-!”
The violent sound of your car horn scattered birds and animals for miles. Though there were few to begin with in this dreary weather. The stranger who had peered through your open window winced, covering his ears with a snarl.
“Oh shit- i am so sorry you just- actually- no what the fuck you scared the shit out of me!”
Typically you weren’t one to point fingers but you were in a particularly bad mood today so you felt that it was justified. Plus he did scare you!
The strangers lips twisted into a grimace, and you felt your body sending various warning signals when his turquoise irises narrowed down on your figure. Jeez this dude had a judgmental stare. You prayed this guy wasn’t your grandfathers “help”.
The mystery man clicked his tongue. “You the old mans grandkid?”
You glared deeply at the totally not gorgeous cowboy, “..and I suppose you’re his “helper”?”
The stranger didn’t seem to take very kindly to your attitude, what with the way he leaned his head a little further into your car window to stare you down.
You had half the nerve to try and close it on him but the dumb thing was a window crank and you wouldn’t have gotten it up in time anyway.
“The names Micah. Your pops calls me Mickey. It’s either Micah or Mic to you, kid.”
“I’m pretty sure we’re the same age Mickey.”
He didn’t respond to that, merely pulling himself out of the car with a deep exhale.
He backed up slightly from the vehicle, you assumed to wait for you to get out, but when he lifted his boot up you got a little more worried
“Hey what’re you-“
With a sharp kick, Mickey smashed his boot into the lower side of your car door causing it to shoot open like a spring lock. Aka causing you to flop out onto your ass with a loud cuss.
Crying out you scowled deeply at the cowboy who didn’t even bother to send you a snarky look in return.
You could feel the water drizzling through your hair and clothes.
Looking painfully disinterested, the redhead(?) began walking away from your slowly soaking form. Leaving you to bring in your luggage. In the rain.
“I thought cowboys were supposed to be friendly or something..” you growled somewhat pitifully into the empty cold rain.
Glancing down at your wet knees you sighed, beginning to pick yourself off the ground, in hopes to spare a little of your own dignity.
Though it was for not when you felt your non grippy shoes slide against a stray patch of mud.
You didn’t have time to do much more than gasp when you felt yourself fall forward, only to land into a surprisingly secure and- kinda cold, set of arms.
Your breathed deeply for a moment, pulling back to stare at Mickey, who’s own eyes peered down at you from the brim of his now spotted hat.
You didn’t want to acknowledge the size of his forearms, or how you could feel practically everything under that flimsy wife beater he wore despite the weather.
You swore you heard him mumble something along the lines of “city folk”, but you became too distracted when noticing the purple spotted umbrella that now shade the two of you from the rain.
You think you finally saw a small smile on the cowboys lips.
“Still thinkin I ain’t nice?”
You flushed, mostly in embarrassment at the fact that he heard you.
“Ah dip, you heard that?”
His laugh was fucking hot dude.
“You’d be surprised on how much I can hear, Kid.”
“Creepy but okay.”
Mickey laughed again though a bit shorter this time before propping you back up. You swore you heard a deep inhale, but you weren’t sure due to the sound of rain pelting the umbrella and car.
“Why don’t you head inside. I’ll grab your luggage.”
“Oh no, I can take care of it-“
The man glared at you, though you felt it was considerably less hostile than it had been originally.
“Just get in or else the foods gon’ get cold.”
“Say less!”
You had half a mind to be embarrassed when Mickey laughed at the sight of you practically skipping up to the porch and through the rustic door.
There was a loud and aggressive knocking at your door.
You decided being cruel was a country thing.
Because while Mickey had been sweet enough to make you dinner last night and breakfast this morning, he also rudely woke you up at the ass crack of dawn and kicked you out into the field to help with the chores.
Now mind you, typically you were a morning person! A go-getter of sorts! But the sun wasn’t even awake yet! So why were you out here picking peas, tomatoes, squash, peppers and so on, when you could be sleeping peacefully, cozied up in the slightly itchy and heavy wool sheets of your guest bed! Something about “the morning dew” apparently.
You weren’t even sure how Mic got in your room after you didn’t respond, seeing as you were once again, 90% sure you locked the door. Then again, the food he made practically sent you into a coma once you were done.
You weren’t sure if it was coincidence or not, but Micah had made all your favorite foods that evening. You wanted to assume your pa had told him, but you didn’t believe for a second that, that rude cowboy would go out of his way to make your favorite foods for you.
Especially considering he didn’t eat any of it.
All he had was this weird cup of, what you could only assume was wine or cranberry juice and a few pieces of a steak he popped in the oven.
This guy was weird.
“Hey kid! You done pickin or are your city hands to sensitive to finish the job?”
Speak of the bastard and he will come! Unfuckenfortunately
Your scowl was probably noticeable from a mile away, and especially from where the tall country man stood, given his smug grin as he walked over to examine your work.
He whistled mockingly, freaky blue-green eyes scanning your baskets.
“Not bad, for city folk anyway. But here.-“ crouching down in front of you the, ginger(?) reached his rough hands out and softly pulled the baskets from your arms.
“You wanna keep your herbs separated from each other. Some of them are harder to tell from others and you don’t wanna go mixin them up.”
You watched quietly, mostly in your own mental brooding, as he carefully separated the different herbs and spices from each other. His hands were large, but you noticed how precise he seemed to be. He had to have been working here quite sometime, cuz you couldn’t tell much of a difference between half of the things he was organizing.
“There we go.” His voice was soft this morning. Blending in with the sound of the faint winds, and the after rain dripping from the gutters and into the soil. It was still too early for the birds to be chirping. The sun still had yet to rise but the stars gave just enough light to see the gentle gaze the farm boy had set on you.
This moment of silence was odd for you. Especially given the two of you bickering since your arrival yesterday. This guy before you made no sense. Like a switch, he was harsh and snappy, and then gentle and calm. Caring almost. At times he almost acted like he’d known you for years. Though that seemed to mostly happen when he was doing something around the farm.
Caught up in your own thoughts, you missed the way Mickeys eyes were burning into you. They moved languidly over your figure, taking in your attire, dressed more warmly for the morning chill. Nearly every part of you was covered.
Except your neck. You had forgotten to pack a scarf apparently.
The pale man’s jaw clenched tightly, his shoulders tensing before he scowled and stood up, interrupting the once peaceful atmosphere.
“Get up. We still have work to do.”
His tone was cold and biting like the morning. Your breath came out in foggy puffs. But his didn’t. At least you couldn’t see it from where you were.
You watched with furrowed brows knit confusion as the cowboys boots carried him into the farmhouse, right as the first rays of the sun stretched over the country side and bled into the fields.
What was his deal?
For the rest of the day, Mickey seemed to be adamant about being as big of a thorn in your side as possible. Barking at you to hurry up. Scowling at you when you slipped or did something even slightly wrong.
Perfectionist asshole.
He also seemed to be avoiding looking at you.
At least directly. Every time you turned to yell at him, or glare, his back was always turned or his head was to the side, seeming adamant on not meeting your eyes.
Moody much?
The only time he did look at you was when he thought you weren’t looking. ‘Specially when you were moving heavy objects and you had to take off your jacket so you wouldn’t drown in your own sweat.
To some extent you prided your self on your work. You weren’t lazy by any means, and actually considered yourself a fairly hard worker, if the muscles of your forearms were any indication. You weren’t ripped. But it was something right?
You assumed that Mic agreed, though granted he could’ve just been comparing yours to his own massive forearms. But with the way his eyes were trailing all over you and zoning in on your barren arms and shoulders, You were almost flattered!
Almost. If the same guy who was checking you out wasn’t also being bloody ruthless with the chores. You got a few scrapes and bruises by that time noon, and you practically fell into the rickety kitchen dining chairs.
“Holy fucking shit I’ve never moved that much in my entire life..” a pain groaned poured from your lips as your aching muscles strained with your body heaving itself upwards.
Mickey let out a soft scoff at the sound, though still considerably gentler than he had been all morning, as he placed a very aesthetic sand-which In front of you.
Your stomach growled particularly loud at the sight, and with new found energy you picked up the scrumptious food with a grateful thanks and began eating.
Mickey, once again, without a lunch of his own opted to watch you openly instead. His belt buckle jeans pressed into the kitchen counter top, muscular arms propping himself up against it.
He watched quietly, and you would’ve been freaked out if you weren’t so damn tired.
“There’s still more to do. We haven’t gotten to the animals yet. And the roof on the barn needs leak repairs.”
You choked.
Hacking violently you smacked your chest before unlodging the piece of fresh bread from your throat.
Gulping water quickly you exhaled and turned to look at the cowboy in what you hoped was a glare, but was more accurately a very pathetic frown.
“I-!” You opened your mouth to argue before closing it softly with a tired sigh.
You’d complained enough today.
Mickey had been doing this kind of work for who knows how long, and he was going out of his way to accommodate your pace, though not by much, and was even making you food. It felt rude to comparing at this point.
You just hoped that if you died from exhaustion Mickey wouldn’t use your body as fertilizer.
So with a resigned groan you sat up after finishing your delicious sandwich. “..Yeah, okay.” You mumbled, getting ready to move to the trash can and toss out the crumbs and paper, but a large pale hand forced you back into your seat, without much pressure given how tired your body already was.
You gazed at Mickey curiously.
The tall cowboy looked down at you firmly, his expression odd as he scanned your bruises and sweaty face. Sighing completely inaudibly before reaching into his back pocket and placing a tube of some kind of muscle cream and a pack of wraps.
“Go upstairs and run yourself a warm bath. You stink and the water will help relax your muscles so they wont hurt as much tomorrow. You can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you need to do, but I expect you down here and out at the gate by 5 to bring in the cattle. Got it?”
You were stunned. The smile that worked its way on your face seemed to embarrass the farmer slightly as he turned away from you with folded arms and a grumpy frown.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m only letting you off because at this point you’ll slow me down more than anything. I don’t need a clumsy city kid messing up my work.”
You chose to ignore the bastards insults in favor of gently placing your arm on his lower bicep.
“Thanks Mic.”
You missed the deep inhale and weird glow of the cowboys eyes that followed you up the stairs and into your bedroom.
It was good to see you hadn’t changed much.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I saw you were open to nurse!steve ideas so how about their first date? they’re both nervous bc they’re seeing each other outside the usual hospital room but still suuuper gone for the other already and you both realize yes this is my person 🥹
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AN | No, but please. This is so soft and I just know that these two always knew they were meant to be 🥺 This can be read as a companion piece to the below but also as a stand alone!
Warnings | None
Pairing | Nurse!Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.3k
Masterlist | Nurse Steve, Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had no clue why you were so nervous. It wasn’t like it was some weird blind date, or some total stranger, this was Steve. You were still getting to know each other but he’d already seen you at your absolute lowest point. 
Really it could only go up from there and yet, you were staring at the closet, unsure of what to possibly wear. Your stomach was in absolute knots, as you tried to decide between the more casual option of jeans and a nice shirt or a dress. He hadn’t said exactly what you were doing, but you still wanted to look nice. 
“Ugh,” you sighed as you settled on a simple sundress, white with some eyelet embroidery. It was a warm evening and you figured that, along with a cardigan and some flats would be perfect. You weren’t going to risk heels, you’d only just gotten comfortable with using your left leg again, “this will have to do.”
Steve was sitting in his car outside your house, trying not to have a mental breakdown. His nerves had led him to being almost half an hour early, clutching a bouquet of sunflowers and daisies tightly in his hand; sunshine for his sunshine. He was trying to give himself a pep talk, trying to tell himself that everything would be okay. He already knew you, and that was what was sending him into a tizzy. He already liked you way more than he could put into words and both thrilled and terrified him. 
After letting some more time pass, he decided that five minutes early was enough to be socially appropriate. He took a deep breath, exhaling long and slow before stepping out of the car and bringing the flowers along. He counted each step as he walked to your front door, reminding himself that everything would be fine. But as he rang your doorbell and anxiously awaited your arrival, his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his ribcage. If he wasn’t a medical professional he might have thought it was just about to do that. 
A few long moments passed before you opened the door and gave him the prettiest smile he had ever seen. All coherent thoughts in his mind seemed to leave as he looked you over. Holy fuck. How were you so pretty? It shouldn't have been allowed because he wasn’t sure how he was going to survive you. You would be the sweet, beautiful death of him.
“Hi Steve,” your face flushed with warmth as you tried not to stare at the handsome man on your doorstep. He was dressed smartly in a pair of well-fitting jeans and a dark button down with the sleeves rolled up, a beautiful arrangement of flowers in his hand. Oh no. He was not making this easy on you, “you’re here.”
“Yeah,” he smiled softly as he let out a small laugh, “did you not expect me?”
“I did,” you grinned, “but I don’t know…I thought maybe I’d made all this up in my mind and you weren’t real after all.”
“I assure I’m very real,” he held out the flowers to you with a small flourish, “and these are for you. I wasn’t sure what your favorite flowers were, but I hope you like them…sunflowers and daisies suit you.”
“Thank you,” your heart felt like it was about to burst as you took them gently, “it happens to be your lucky day - these are my favorites. Do you want to come in for a few? I want to put them in water real quick.”
“Of course,” you turned around and motioned for him to follow you, slowly making your way into the kitchen, which thankfully was close by. Steve, the good man that he was, tried his hardest not to stare at you, but it was a herculean challenge. You were like the sweetest and most tempting fruit in the garden, “how’s the ankle?”
“It doesn’t hurt,” you promised as you grabbed a vase from the cabinet and quickly filled it with fresh water along with a bit of sugar and vinegar. Steve leaned against the counter as he watched you work, his toffee eyes practically glittering with affection for you. You made quick work of trimming the stems before setting them in the solution you’d made, “it feels weird to use that foot freely again and it still throws me off, so please excuse the fact that I’m hobbling around. I’ve just started PT so hopefully it’ll be better in a few weeks.”
“You’re perfect,” the words were out of his mouth before he could stop him and the sweet look you gave him made him not regret a thing. He laughed nervously, “it takes time but you’re already using it which is a good sign. And…if you ever need any help, I’d be more than happy to help.”
“I might just have to take you up on that offer,” you set the flowers down in the center of the kitchen counter, grinning when you saw how they brightened up the room. Steve softened when he saw the happy look on your face, “so you didn’t technically tell me what we’re doing so I hope I’m not over or under dressed?”
“You look beautiful,” he promised, catching your eyes with pastel pink cheeks but refusing to look away. You opened and closed your mouth a few times before biting your bottom lip, “really.”
“First thing is dinner,” he grinned and your eyes lit up, “I hope you like Italian otherwise we’re going to have some awkward reservations.”
“I love Italian,” you nodded, trying to contain your eagerness. You really liked Steve and definitely didn’t want to scare him off just yet, “that’s perfect.”
“Yeah?” he perked up as you beamed at him, “let’s get going then!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Spending time with Steve was…ridiculously easy. There was no awkwardness between the two of you, no uncomfortable pauses or nervous energy. It felt like you’d known him for ages already, and you were able to tell him anything and everything. And he gave it right back to you. You liked listening to him talk about himself, the kids he basically adopted and still loves, his work, and anything in between. He listened intently to you talking about your work, about your childhood, and how you loved only oddly specific pizza toppings. And it never once felt like he was disingenuous or condescending at all; Steve Harrington genuinely loved spending time with you. 
After dinner was finished, a bundle of sadness settled in your belly as you realized that he was probably going to take you home soon. You weren’t ready to end the evening with him; he could have stayed and never left as far as you were concerned. You wondered if he left the same, if he’d even want to see you again. Little did you know that Steve was already imagining a future filled with you. Steve was a smart man, but he was also an incredible romantic…something he hadn’t really realized until he met you. 
“I hope I’m not, you know, reading the room wrong, but would you like to get dessert?” he sounded timid as the two of you walked out of the restaurant; you turned to him with a big smile and an eager nod.
“I was umm…kind of hoping for that,” you admitted sheepishly, feeling your heart jump as he took your hand in his, threading his fingers through yours as though he’d done it thousands of times before. You gently squeezed his hand and followed his lead, feeling both exuberant and protected, “I’m not really ready for this night to be over.”
“Me neither,” he had a really pretty smile. You suddenly had the desire to make sure he always had a smile on his face, “I…this feels so crazy to say, but I really like spending time with you.”
“Funny,” you nudged your arm slightly into his, “I was just thinking the same thing.”
“Yeah?” oh. You could definitely get used to that.
“Yeah,” before you could stop yourself, you leaned up and pressed a quick little kiss to his cheek. Steve turned bright red and flustered; you thought he was adorable. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You clearly have no taste,” you pretended to huff heavily as you licked at your ice cream cone, “chocolate chip cookie dough is a classic. Iconic basically, and you, Harrington, are missing out.”
He snorted in amusement as the two of you walked through the park, the setting sun coloring the sky in pretty shades of golds and oranges. One hand was holding yours and the other was holding his own ice cream, a mixture of chocolate and vanilla today. 
“I’m telling you, I spent a whole summer working at Scoops Ahoy and it scarred me for life,” he playfully groaned, “really ruins a lot of ice cream when you have to serve it to screaming children everyday!”
“You did get something good out of it,” you reminded him, “your best friend!”
“That’s true,” his heart fluttered with the knowledge that you already remembered this little detail about his life, “don’t know what I’d do without Robin.”
“Maybe one day I can meet her,” you looked over and gave him a hopeful little smile, aware of the full meaning behind your statement. It held a promise of more - of a future together. You’d never been sure about a lot of things in life, but you were already sure about Steve Harrington, “if she’s anything like you, she must be great.”
“Flatterer,” he smiled nonetheless, busying him with his cone in order to keep from making a total fool out of himself, “lucky for you it works on me.”
“Lucky me,” you stopped in front of a bench overlooking the small lake, and tilted your head towards it in a silent question, both of you throwing away the cone wrappers. He nodded and the two of you sat down, leaving just enough of an acceptable space between your bodies, “you know, I never felt particularly lucky, but I’m starting to think I just might be.”
“That makes two of us,” he hesitated for a moment before putting his arm around your shoulders and scooting just a little closer. You stiffened for a moment, nervous at his affection for a fraction of a second before relaxing into his touch and putting your head on his shoulder. 
It was easy to fall back into conversation with him, and the two of you talked until the sun had set and the sky was a pretty shade of blue and purple, a few stars visible. You were glad it was summer or you would have been freezing, but everything that evening felt perfect. You were half tempted to ask him to stay for the evening, but didn’t want him to get the wrong idea either. Of course you wanted to have sex with him, you were only human after all, but you didn’t want to rush anything either. Steve Harrington was a good one and you didn’t want to ruin this. 
With a small sigh, you peeled yourself away from his side and sat up, angling your body towards his. He looked at you, an air of disappointment around him too. He reached over and gently tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ear before brushing his knuckles over your cheek, “it’s getting late.”
“I know,” you tried to keep the pout off your face but were sure you were doing a horrible job of it, “I don’t want this evening to end.”
“Me neither,” he seemed bashful as he looked away for a moment before looking at you with expression on his face. He leaned ever so slightly and your breath hitched in your throat as you realized what was happening, “may I kiss you?”
“Yes,” his large, warm hand settled on the side of your face as he closed the remaining gap and gently pressed his lips to yours. As soon as he kissed you, you felt an electric shiver run down your spine and a delicious warmth bloom in your stomach and spread through your body. You’d kissed a fair number of people before, but he made all of them seem like they had no clue what they were doing. He melded perfectly into you, and it felt like the two of you had been doing this forever. 
When he pulled back after he kissed you dizzy and breathless, he looked at you curiously. You kissed many frogs before but you were sure that Steve was your prince. 
“That was-”
“Incredible,” you finished for him and he nodded happily. Both of you seemed to be on the same page as he leaned in and kissed you again, pulling you into his warm body as the kiss slowly became more passionate and intense. You hated to pull back but you knew that you couldn’t keep going or you wouldn’t be able to stop, “Steve.”
“You’re an angel, you know that?” he pressed his forehead against yours, and you could feel him smiling against your lips, “and as much as I wanted to keep going, I want to do this right. I don’t wanna half-ass anything with you.”
“Yeah?” you were looking up at him with the sweetest eyes and he couldn’t help but steal a few more kisses, “I really like you, Steve.”
“I really like you,” he had a breathtaking smile, “I hope this isn’t too forward but…when can I see you again?”
“How about tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow is perfect.”
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whorety-k · 23 days
Ebony Coasts [Part 3]
I already am halfway through another part but please accept this one first
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Pairing: Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Marine Conservationist!Reader (second person POV)
Song recommendation: Too Sweet - Hozier “Don’t you just want to wake up / dark as a lake? / Smelling like a bonfire / lost in a haze?”
Warnings: Ocean mentions / potential thalassophobia, culture shock and misunderstanding between species
Word Count: 1.8k
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7 (NSFW)]
In the end, you decided that you would have given Corvus your trusty metal pen, but by the time you finished gathering your equipment and solidified that idea in your mind, the merman was gone. For such a giant of a man, the black betta was a master at stealth. You wondered how he could have covered his tracks in the short few minutes you had been distracted, but you weren’t going to expend the effort to find out when the sun had already set half an hour before. Instead of your pen, you leave a compass hanging from a chain on one of the inner walls of his den and make your way back up the cliff side to head home. 
There’s a lot on your mind on the drive back. Road safety be damned, you start to take actual notes on your phone about the merman. At the top, in bold, you write: ‘Pearls are an engagement ring— to be avoided for now’. A flash of uncomfortable warmth fills your chest at the slip up, and you quickly delete the ‘for now’, moving on to the next line.
You’re back home before you realize it, pulling into your apartment complex, parking your car, and removing the key from the ignition. You decide against grabbing any of your equipment in your back seat aside from the gear that desperately needs to be washed, mind far too preoccupied with a certain giant the color of coal and bone. The door to your apartment swings shut behind you. …When did you even get inside? Yep, you’re an emotional mess, and you need a cold shower for more than just the salt coating your body.
Despite the poor quality of sleep you barely manage to get that night, you’re up bright and early. With the necessary surveying finished two days early, you have the option of going and working from the office today, but the allure of another eight to ten hours with the potential of seeing your newest… friend beckons you like a siren’s call. You spend the drive down wondering if Corvus actually is a siren and if he’s simply luring you into an elaborate trap to eat you alive. If he was, would he have thought over your marriage proposal as he did—? You slap yourself out of that traitorous line of thinking immediately. You did not intend to propose– you have known him for a total of two days.
When you pull up to the dock that saw your life change forever, the trepidation that sinks into your core forces you to stare at the waves through the cracked windshield of the Ford Bronco you’re sitting in. Your coworkers aren’t coming out with you today either (nor do you think they will any later date unless anything new crops up). Limbs heavy, you throw the door open and hop out onto the gravel with a crunch. At least today you can spend the day relaxing.
Your feet carry you to the metal dock as you idly take in the morning breeze. It isn’t as cold today as it has been for the past several weeks, and just before you left home, you prepared ahead for what is, admittedly, a dumb idea. With no one around, you feel comfortable to go through with it. Standing at the head of the pier, you cautiously remove your outer layers to reveal the black bathing suit beneath. It’s a one piece bodysuit: a halter top with chiffon frills and bows at your hips and shoulders. Silver rhinestones adorn the neckline and continue down your front in a double helix, meeting a thin band that wraps around your waist. 
The early sun warms the galvanized steel under your feet. You stride the floating dock until you’ve reached the end and test the water with your foot, happy to find that the polar chill so common in this area of the coast isn’t present today. A gentle breeze passes over your skin, and you kneel to sit down upon the heated metal. 
The abyss of the salted tides swallows your legs, the refraction of the water causing them to bend and twist at odd angles as the depths swell around you. You kick your legs in lazy swirls and feel the power of the waves as they rush past you. 
It had been weeks since your last swim in the ocean. The weather had been no help, really, with the near constant overcast of clouds that only seemed to subside this past week. 
A glimpse of a deep rust red in the water catches your eyes first, then a whirl of brown shooing it off. Harlequin ducks! You had no idea they had been nesting this far down the coast. The brown hen successfully bats away the approaching male, and you lean forward to watch her. A gasp of elation leaves you when you see the four fuzzy ducklings desperately trailing behind their mother, wobbling unsteadily in the gentle waves. Adoration floods through you when one of them manages to hop up onto her back. You turn to grab your phone to take a picture for your team, only to sigh in disappointment when you look back to the end of the dock and see it resting on top of your discarded clothes. 
You turn back to the open ocean with a huff, looking back down at your feet.
It was the little moments like this that had originally inspired you to get into marine conservation to begin with. The coast had always felt like a second home. The wonders of its creatures and their home kept you coming back day after day, even before that statement had become literal. It was ironic that the only place you didn’t feel like you were drowning when your studies would swamp you had been the ocean. 
But the tides had a healing quality to them. As they would come and go, so too would the weight of the world around you. It was easy to get lost in responsibilities and demands back at home. Society has shifted so drastically over your lifetime, demanding more and more out of everyone yet giving back so little. Here, at the water’s edge, you could block it all out and just focus on the beauty that was in front of you.
Like the rusty reds and browns of a harlequin duck and the tiny little fluff-balls of its ducklings, or the rolling clouds that extend far beyond the horizon in milky patches across the sky. The way the light filtered through the sapphire swells, the reflection of the rays on the porcelain beneath.
…porcelain beneath?
Corvus’s obsidian eyes gaze up at you from between your legs, and you almost kick him this time for sneaking up on you. He absolutely would have deserved it, but unfortunately the aquatic giant has no problem dodging you in the depths.
“If you do that one more time–” you growl, withdrawing your legs from the water, “I am going to lose it.”
Corvus watches for a brief moment before he surfaces, resting a hand on the dock beside your leg. It’s nearly as long as your thigh. “I swear to you that it is not purposeful. Are your hearts alright?”
“Hearts?” you wonder aloud, “My heart is fine, thank you.” Your legs slide back into the ocean, and you feel one of the merman’s fins slide against your foot. Both of you shift to compensate and avoid that happening again, but the brush of velvety texture preoccupies your mind.
Corvus inspects the beach with nonchalance. “Have you only one? Humans and their peculiarities…” the betta comments, turning to look back up at you. He lifts his head fully out of the water, waves lapping at his shoulders as he rests his broad chin upon your knee. 
The shock of both the cold and intimacy of the action tenses your body. Corvus doesn’t react to the change, seeming not to notice. Was this normal for merfolk? His raven locks tickle your thigh, water droplets glittering in the morning sun. An itch in the palm of your hand makes itself known, and you tediously reach to touch one of the wet strands. 
“Are you hungry?” Corvus’s voice interrupts the action.
You snap back to reality. “No,” you answer, confused, “Why do you ask?”
Corvus gestures towards the family of ducks nearby with a clawed finger. “You were transfixed on the sea fowl.”
Corvus’s answer floors you, mouth hanging open as you look at him in horror. Did he seriously think you were going to eat them? “They’re babies. Harmless, cute, fluffy little baby ducklings,” you say, exasperated. 
“Yes,” the merman nods against you, “they can be caught with ease, but they are not very saturating.”
The hand near Corvus’s head slaps against your chest, pearl-clutching as you stare in shock. “No, Corvus! I’m not going to eat a duckling!” you shout.
The giant recoils in confusion at your answer, eyebrows subtly knitting as he looks up at you. Your reaction causes him to shift and pull away like a scolded dog.
Realizing you’ve upset him somehow, your heart drops. You reach forward to place a hand in his hair without thinking, trying to comfort the fleeing mer before he can get too far. The thought of him leaving makes your entire body ache. He stops, and you silently thank whatever deity is watching. Before Corvus can think too much about it, you try to explain, “Humans don’t eat babies. Usually. I would prefer not to eat the duckling. I just think they’re cute, okay?”
Corvus still seems visibly troubled, but he relents. When you try to guide him back to your lap, the betta allows it. This time, though, he does not hesitant to plop his head down, his hands resting on the dock at either side of you to keep himself stable. You push down any emotions the action threatens to well within you. “I apologize for having offended you,” he laments. The melancholy in his voice is audible, and it makes you burn.
“Please don’t apologize,” you all but beg, beginning to run your hand through the dark hair on Corvus’s head. Even wet, it was as soft as the rest of him. “I shouldn’t have gotten so worked up. I’m sorry.”
Corvus doesn’t understand why you would be apologizing, eyes searching for something in you that you can't determine, but he doesn’t comment on it. You feel his chest expand in what you think is a deep breath, water rushing into and out of his gills around your submerged legs. "Okay," he mutters, his larger body finally relaxing against you, "Okay."
A comfortable silence envelops the two of you. Light vibrations in the water peak your interest, but the rumbling that starts in Corvus's chest when you scratch his head completely enraptures you. You do your best to remain calm and not draw any attention to it, lest the purring stop.
The gentle giant rests in your lap as the morning sun warms you both, idly wafting his fins in the water around you. 'Beautiful' is the only word that comes to mind.
[Part 4]
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'*•.¸♡𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺♡¸.•*'
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TW : 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 ; 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘳𝘯 ; 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘠/𝘕 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 ; Word Count : 2.2k ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  
“Can’t believe you’re making me go back to that hell.” You mumbled from the passenger seat of Seungmins car, your head leaning against the window as you watched the familiar buildings pass by, letting you know that you were getting closer to campus. You were nervous, and no amount of pep talking from Seungmin on the way out the front door would make you feel any better. 
“It’s gonna be fine. And you know that I would have loved to move you in…” He smiled over to you, lightly tapping your shoulder to get your attention. “But my mom said that if you wanted to stay you’d have to start helping pay rent, and we both know your ass can’t handle a job emotionally right now.” You huffed loudly, letting your head roll back against the window. “I can talk with your professors, see if they can email you the course notes until you’re ready to leave your apartment…” 
“It’s not that…” You mumbled, although it was half of it. “I just don’t want to be on campus anymore… And I can’t drop out of college, my parents will like… shun me. They don’t even know what’s going on right now, and I don’t want to tell them because it’ll be a whole bunch of questions that I don’t want to answer.” 
He tsked his tongue, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel as he stared forward. “So… you’re just gonna let them win like that? If this were a video game, you wouldn’t stop fighting until your HP was gone.” 
“This isn’t a video game, Min… It’s my life. My HP is long gone, I’m just tired of it all… And I feel like I bring it all on myself. Maybe I should drop out… I won’t go home though… I’ll like, get a job as an exotic dancer or something…” 
Seungmin gasped loudly, choking on the spit he inhaled so quickly as he eyed you with shock. “Be forreal right now, stink. You don’t even like swimming around us without a shirt and shorts on, which I totally respect by the way.” You glared at him out of the corner of your eye and he sighed softly, shaking his head as he got more serious. “Look, I’m not telling you not to do it because it’s your choice… But there’s some bad things that happen there, and creepy people that don’t have the best intentions… I just want you to be safe, okay?” 
Your gaze became softer now, reaching over to pat his shoulder as you smiled weakly at him. “Thank you for caring about me, Minnie. I think you should be more like this in text, you’re so sweet…” 
He scoffed loudly, a mischievous smile on his face. “Not a chance, stink. I’m the cynical comedy that you all need.” He teased, rolling his shoulder until your hand fell off and landed on the center console. “Plus, you’re the only one who gets to see me like this… You’re the lucky one. It’s only because I love you though.” 
It took an hour and a half total to finally get to where he was trying to go, and you recognized the building as soon as he pulled up to it. It wasn’t your own apartment building, it was the Jisungs and Jeongins and you were more than excited to see them again after a weekend away, and it was as if they knew you were coming as well, the two of them standing at the entrance doors, their faces pressed against the glass as they waited for you to get out. 
“Get inside! Both of you! Come on, hurry!” Jisung called out when you both climbed out of the car, and you couldn’t tell if he was just excited to see you or if he was trying to rush you for a different reason, but your feet carried you as fast as possible up to the building until you were standing inside. 
Neither Ji nor Jeongin spared time to even give you a hug before they ushered you and Seungmin towards the elevator, Jeongins finger rapidly slamming against the call button until the doors opened up, and then you both were shoved inside the tiny square before the guys climbed in after you. 
“What’s the rush?” Seungmin joked, leaning against the wall as he looked between the two of them. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to throw a surprise party and left burning candles unattended.” Even though the teasing was aimed at Jisung and Jeongin, you knew that what he was talking about was something that you had done in high school when you were welcoming Jisung back after a family vacation. 
“I really wish that were the case right now…” Jeongin mumbled, giving you an apologetic smile, although you weren’t sure what for. The knots that had been in your stomach had long since unraveled during the car ride, but now they were forming once more as you felt the tension build in the elevator. 
“What’s wrong? What’s going on… Someone tell me, please?” You whispered, looking between the three guys, but Seungmin looked just as confused as you were feeling right now. “Spit it out, come on!” You urged, but the elevator doors opened and Jisung grabbed your hand, pulling you down the hall towards his and Jeongins apartment. 
The door was quickly opened, and you were thrown for an even bigger loop when your eyes were met with the annoyed expressions of Felix, Changbin, and even Minho. “You told them we were coming over?” Seungmin questioned, but Jeongin shook his head, waiting for you to be inside first before pushing Seungmin in and then slamming the door behind him. 
“Did you two… you know… Do it?” Felix asked as soon as he came over to you, his finger pointing between you and Seungmin. Your eyes widened as you looked between him and the man in question, who looked absolutely lost once the question hit his ears. He sighed with obvious relief, his entire body losing all the tension that seemed to have been built in it as he finally wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug. “I knew it was bullshit… I just had to be 100% sure…” 
You quickly hugged him back before lightly pushing him away, your head tilted to the side. “What do you mean it was bullshit? What was bullshit? What are you talking about right now?” The words spilled from your mouth in a rush as you looked at the men who were now standing like statues around the room. “Someone say something!” You shouted, and they all looked at each other, as if urging one another to finally speak up. 
“Someone said that you and Seungmin… fucked… while you were at his place over the weekend. Everyone kind of believes it since… well… The Jeongin thing happened…” Minho finally said, his hands sinking into his pockets to pull out his phone. “It’s on the tea page… But, we didn’t believe it at all! We trust you, Y/N. Plus we all know Seungmin isn’t really your type.” 
“What the fuck?” Seungmin muttered, although you weren’t sure whether it was in response to the information he was just now hearing or if it was because of the low balled insult that Minho had thrown at him. “How the hell… Why would anyone think that?” 
Everything was such a mess, you left to Seungmins to try to escape it and now things are worse than they were before you left. “Hey, everything is going to be a-okay.” Jeongin tried to cheer you up, noticing the way your body shook with ragged breaths. “It’s nothing that you can’t handle. We can handle it together, like we always do.” 
Your head shook violently, the urge to scream building in your chest until it was let out, except it wasn’t a scream, it was a sob and you were a mess and everything was shit and you wanted to run as far away from everyone and everything as possible. “Only… Only you guys knew…” You whispered, your head that had been dropped rising slowly to look at them. “Only you knew…” 
Changbins eyebrows knitted together as he questioned what you meant, but as if a lightbulb had gone off above his head, he immediately looked offended. “You think one of us would have said something?!” He shrieked, his hands flying to his heart as if your silent assumption had shot him. “Why would we do something like that? We love you, you know that.” And everyone in the room nodded in agreement except Jisung who was deep in thought. 
“Chan… Bangchan…” He muttered, looking around the room as if to do a headcount and then turning back to you. “He was the only one that didn’t respond to the text about coming over here… And he had gone to Seungmins himself… Maybe…” 
“He left early too.” Seungmin continued, finally walking deeper into the room after standing in the doorway for so long. “He didn’t even say goodbye, he just left. He hasn’t texted any of us since then either…” 
“What the fuck!” Jeongin screeched, his hands running through his hair as he dropped down onto the couch. “Can no one be trusted?! Why does everyone want to hurt her?! What is going on!?” His head fell into his hands, his anger evident. That’s what no one understood about Jeongin, no one but you. He loved you, he loved you so much that your pain was his pain, your problems were his problems, everything that affected your life affected his as well. You and Jeongin were one person in two separate bodies. He cared about you too much for his own good, and that worried you, it made you feel awful, but it also made you feel safe, knowing that he was there, that he’d always be there in some way. 
“What can we do?” Minho asked, already plotting what he was going to do despite his question. “We could go to the dean, but we don’t really have a solid case against the people we know did it. It would all be he said she said bullshit. Plus, if we do that, it might only cause more backlash and Y/N doesn’t need that either.” 
All of the men had spoken, but Felix was quietly standing in the corner, his phone in his hand as he stared at the screen intently. “I mean…” He murmured, catching the attention of everyone as he finally looked up from his phone. “I didn’t really wanna ask like this, I wanted it to be a bit more… special…” He chuckled nervously, his free hand scratching at the back of his neck. “But, spring break is coming up and… I had gotten two tickets to fly back home to Australia for a week… It was supposed to be for me and Ijun…” He looked at you directly, his smile shy and soft and so sweet. “But she’s kind of a bitch and… I’ve been planning on asking you… But I think I should do it now… Do you want to go to Australia with me? You’ll be there for a week, and hopefully by the time we come back, things will be better here.” 
Everyone in the room looked to you for your answer, some of them were tense, others looked excited for you, but Minho was preemptively upset with the answer that he knew you were going to give. Of course, you knew why, he was infatuated with you and he was, by account of his own words, trying to win you back again. This would only put a bump in his own plans, although you were hoping that he wasn’t too hung up on that considering the severity of what was going on right now. 
“Yeah… I’d love to go. Thank you, Felix… Are you sure though?” You posed the question, just to be sure, and his head nodded so quickly you were worried about him getting whiplash. “Just send me the day and the time and I’ll meet you at the airport.” 
“Well I was actually thinking that maybe… You can just stay at my place the night before… I mean you’ve done it already… I’ll even let you have my bed so you’re comfortable. I just want to make sure we both are ready to go and if one of us misses the flight, we’ll miss it together.” His cheeks were burning up at his own offer, he was so cute, and for the time being, it was like the two of you were the only ones in the room… That is… Until Seungmin cleared his throat, bringing you back to real life. 
“I’m glad you both are super hyped up about this upcoming trip… But we should figure out what we’re gonna do right now. Hate to say it, but she’s still stuck here until she gets to Australia.” He spoke up, walking over to where you were still standing by the door, grabbing your arm and pulling you over to the couch to sit down before plopping down beside you, his arm draping over your shoulder and pulling you against his side. “I think we should bring Chan in… Have him talk. I wouldn’t mind a little bit of an interrogation.” 
↻ ◁ ▌▌ ▷ ↺
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