#like to tim things were incredibly easy and he hadn’t even asked anything of kon as tim; they kissed and hung out
vinelark · 25 days
tim rejecting kon as robin because he believes kon already rejected tim and so would be disappointed once he finds out....this is the worst ending yet...i love it....
(this scenario) listen, tim is so smart and strategic and logical and also (especially post-breakup/misunderstanding) would plan for every single outcome except the one where he is actually wanted
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
Universal Signs
Chapter 17 / Previous Chapter
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
Kon does his best to ignore the pointed look being sent his way. It’s incredibly difficult considering the intensity of the stare. He shifts uncomfortably in the chair he’s sat on and keeps his focus on the paper in front him as if he’s actually interested in what’s on the page.
From the side, Cassie continues to stare at him in that unnerving way, not moving an inch as she waits for him to break.
The two of them were in Kon’s room at the TOC and it’s been a couple days since they woke up from the attack by the League. Bart still hasn’t woken up which is major concern, the two of them had been sat his bedside for several hours at a time, hoping he would soon wake up but he has yet to. In that time the two of them also recovered themselves, they’re both nearly back to normal and at full power the only thing is the lingering fatigue which quickly catches up on them at random times.
Right now they were discussing a plan to go rescue Tim from the League of Assassins. Well, Kon pitched an idea and now Cassie is glaring at him probably for the stupidity of that idea.
In the end, the weight of her looks does make him break and he turns to her almost desperately. “Look we don’t have a lot of options on how we’re going to do this, especially covertly.”
“What you just said Kon-el has got to be one of the most moronic ideas I have ever heard of.” Cassie bites out still glaring at him. From her position on the bed next to him, she crosses her arms over her chest and stares in disbelief. “You’re suggesting that we go to the ship, sneak on board and purposely get caught. That idea alone could easily backfire against us Kon!”
Kon sighs in frustration. “Look it’s an option. Anyway it might work for us because the Demon’s Head may be interested in us because we’re the ones who picked Tim up originally, so he may actually want to keep us alive to find out why.”
Cassie shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you even thought up that idea.”
“Well it’s one of three actually,” Kon points out, “the other ideas I had were that we sneak on the ship and sneak around until we find Tim. The other is that one of us purposely gets caught and acts as a distraction while the other goes off to try and find Tim.”
There’s a moment of silence as Cassie takes in his suggestions, probably trying to work out which of them is the least stupid one and will less likely get them killed. In the end she sighs and rubs a hand across her face in obvious displeasure with the situation they’re in.
“I don’t like any of those plans.” She declares bluntly. Kon nods accepting that, he’s not exactly a fan either but it’s all he's been able to come up with in the short time frame they’ve had.
“If I have to choose one, however, I suppose we sneak on board and sneak around until we find Tim. Though we’ll have no idea how many assassins we’ll be up against, what kind of weapons they’ll have prepared or what level of combat they have. Then there’s the issue of where we’ll find Tim. We know the Demon’s Head has an interest in him so Tim will be kept close to him. How are we expecting to free him? Then there’s escaping the ship once we have Tim.”
“I don’t know,” Kon admits quietly, “I haven’t really thought about that. My initial thought is that we find out where Tim is and what condition he’s in and go from there. We make it up as we go along.”
Cassie gets up from the bed and starts pacing around the small space of his room, one hand tapping her face she thinks things through while the other is wrapped around her torso. “Not only are we talking about sneaking on the ship but how are we supposed to get close enough to actually get onboard without being detected? There's no way the base ship wouldn’t have any sensors that pick up foreign ships in range.”
“Again, it was going to be one of those, we’ll deal with it when we get to that stage.”
“Then, even before that, how are we planning on escaping Krypton? Your father made it very clear he didn’t want us leaving the planet, we’re going to have to get creative to be able to sneak away and find a ship to take. There's no way we can take ours, it’s too obvious.”
Kon sighs and rubs a hand through his hair. He hadn’t even considered taking their own ship, because as Cassie said it’s too obvious. His father will no doubt have it locked down somewhere being watched in case they attempt to leave Krypton despite his orders. Which they are planning, obviously, but in a different way.
“Could there be another ship we could take? Anyone we would know who may be willing to lend us theirs?” Kon asks openly as his own mind searches for an answer.
There's a moment of silence between them as Kon stays seated on the chair while Cassie paces the room. Eventually the Amazon sits down on the bed with a huff and falls backwards until she’s stretched out.
Kon looks away from her and turns back to the paper in front of him. It wasn't anything much, just his ideas written down on the page in messy writing. A loud gasp gets his attention and he whips his head over to Cassie who’s now sat in an up right potion with a wide-eyed expression. “The compound!”
Kon blinks at her, not understanding the exclamation. “What?”
“The compound!” She repeats excitedly. “I’m certain the Kryptonian ship compound has an old League of Assassins ship parked in it. It would be perfect if we can get to it and start it up. Also it wouldn’t be tracked because the trackers would have long been disconnected when it was first brought to the compound.”
His own eyes widen at the idea. He hadn’t even thought of that. “With that ship it wouldn’t be picked up by the base ship because of its origins, it’ll bypass any form of security. Cassie that's brilliant!”
“Right, so we get that one and use that to get to the base ship, but how are we going to find the location of it?”
“What about Tim’s translator?” Kon suggests after a moment of thinking. “We should be able to track Tim’s location with the remote, that’ll lead us to the ship and then even to Tim once we’re there.”
Cassie’s face lights up for a brief second before she’s frowning once again. “That’s good, however the remote is on our ship which is being guarded.”
Kon shakes his head. “My father said we can’t leave Krypton, not that we couldn’t go to our ship. All of our belongings are on there, we could make up something saying we need to grab something off the ship and promise there’s nothing more to it. So we’re not exactly lying, just leaving out some details.”
His teammate nods, accepting the idea. “That sounds good. So we grab Tim’s universal translator remote, take a League of Assassins ship, track Tim’s location with the remote and then….”
“We go from there.” Kon finishes off. “What about at night fall we take the ship, there are less Kryptonian’s about then.”
“Yeah. We’ll have to sneak past the guards and work out how to start the ship but I think that's possible. What about Bart though, what are the chances that he’ll wake up when we’re gone?”
Kon frowns, his chest suddenly feeling heavy at the thought of leaving their teammate behind. It’s terrible that they don’t know when he's going to wake up. Kon sighs, “We could leave a note? An explanation of what we’re doing? We can’t plan around him because we don’t know when he's going to wake up.”
“That's a good idea, then he won’t be panicking when he can’t find us either. I don’t like it but it’s better than nothing. How about I grab Tim’s remote and you write Bart’s note, once that's done we’ll drop it off to Bart and then make our way to the compound.”
It was dusk turning nightfall when Kon visits Bart’s still unconscious form. As it always did, the sight of his usually energetic teammate now unmoving makes him uncomfortable. It wasn't right. Bart should be awake and talking off ears with his endless chatter. Bart should be joining them on this unsanctioned rescue mission, not left behind in the infirmary.
Kon leaves the envelope containing the note he had written detailing their plan to save Tim in an easy place where the Speedster would find it when he eventually wakes up (because he will wake up, Kon believes that).
He gives Bart one more glance over, quickly checks his vitals to find that nothing has changed, before he turns to leave the infirmary. Hopefully they’ll be back with Tim before he wakes up and everything will go back to how it should be.
As he leaves the infirmary Kon leans against the wall, waiting for Cassie to come by. He hopes that she’s had some success getting on board their ship to grab Tim’s remote. They could always track Tim’s location or the base ship’s location using other methods, but anything else feels like they would be caught before they get the chance to do anything.
When Kon hears footsteps approaching him he straightens up and turns towards them only to freeze when he finds Kara walking towards him. She has her training armour on with her long blonde hair swaying with each step she takes.
She comes to stand by him, giving him a questioning look. “What are you doing here Kon? How did it go with Kal?”
Kon sighs and rolls his eyes as he leans back against the wall. “It went as well as expected, nothing out of the ordinary. As for why I’m here, I came to see Bart. Why are you here?”
“I got sent by the mentors to grab some medical supplies. We’re teaching how to dress a wound in the field if our powers weren’t available.” She tells him. Kon nods and gestures to the door, as if allowing her in.
Kara continues into the infirmary but suddenly back tracks her steps and narrows her eyes at him. She stands up straight and puts her hand on her hips. “You’re up to something.” It wasn’t a question.
Kon shrugs, shaking his head. “No. I’m not doing anything. What makes you say that?”
He stares at her, silently pleading that she doesn’t call him out on it. If she finds out what he and Cassie have planned then she’ll either go to Kal and tell on them or demand to join. Both options were as bad as the other.
“Kara, nothing is going on! Trust me, Kal made it very clear he didn’t want me or my team to be doing anything for the time being.”
Kara opens her mouth to respond when a different set of footsteps could be heard coming towards them. These were accompanied along with a voice speaking out as they come around the corner of the corridor. “Kon I got lucky and was able to easily access our ship. I managed to grab -”
Cassie stops short when she realises he’s not alone. Kon sighs and rubs a hand over his face, well there goes that lie. He glances at Kara who looks even more sceptical than before. She raises her eyebrow at him and glares, silently demanding answers.
Kon’s gaze flickers between the two girls before he breaks and ends up blurting out, “Okay, fine, yes I’m up to something! But I’m not telling you what because it’s got nothing to do with you. Please don’t tell anybody, especially Kal. If it all goes well we should be back soon enough!”
“Kon!” Cassie scolds him and slaps him on the arm.
Kon grimaces and watches as Kara looks at him, taking in his words. To his surprise all his cousin does is sighs and looks resigned. “You’re going to rescue that human aren’t you? Even though Kal has probably forbidden you from doing so.”
Kara nods her head as if she had been expecting this, after a moment she pins both of them with pointed looks. “Fine. The less I know the better, however I will cover for you where I can.”
“Really? Why?”
“You’re family Kon. You would do the same if the roles were reversed, I would offer to come with but it may be better that I stay on Krypton instead. Whatever you’re planning, be careful, if you need assistance don’t hesitate to call for help.”
An overwhelming feeling of gratitude fills Kon as his cousin talks. Once she’s finished speaking he pulls her in for a quick hug, thanking her as he does so. When they pull apart Kara waves them off.
“She’ll keep quiet right?” Cassie questions him as they make their way to Krypton’s ship compound.
Kon nods, feeling confident in his answer. “Yes. If she says she’ll keep quiet then she’ll do so. Kara is trustworthy like that, I’m grateful for her.”
The two of them continue in silence after that. Getting to the compound unspotted was surprisingly easy, getting into the place happened to be just as easy which has them sharing troubled looks but they work with what they’ve got.
They find a League of Assassin’s ship at the back of the compound, buried amongst all the other ships around it. Unexpectedly, not only do they discover one ship but two ships instead. The ships were small and circular with rounded engines coming out of the sides. They were also rusted and worn, the age of them easy to be seen as they’re not made of materials from recent times. Kon wonders how long they’ve been kept in the compound for.
Choosing one of the two ships, together he and Cassie make their way inside it after quickly working out how to open the door. Like it is on the outside, the interior of the ship is just as old. Old technology lined the control room, certainly things from before Kon’s time alive.
Kon wordlessly steps up to the dashboard and tries to figure out what he’s seeing. He’s seen a lot of different technologies and energy signatures that ships from around the galaxy are made of but nothing quite like this and certainly not this old.
As he starts to experiment with different buttons and levers to turn the ship on, Kon hears Cassie rustling around behind him looking at other parts of the ship.
One particular action of pulling two levers simultaneously has the ship making a clicking sound which soon abruptly stops. Kon eyes widen when he realises he's found the way to start it up and instantly repeats the action. It takes a few times before the engines kick in and the vroom sound could be heard signalling the ship finally turning on.
Now it’s powered up, Kon needs to work out how to fly the thing. It shouldn’t be too hard. Despite all of the different kind of space crafts out in the universe, every single one Kon has ever come across have all had the same basic piloting properties. This one shouldn’t be too different. Hopefully.
After some time, Kon eventually has them up in the air and shooting out of Krypton’s atmosphere.
He and Cassie don’t relax until they’re far enough away from the planet and have determined that they weren’t being chased by any Kryptonian’s for stealing a ship from the compound.
Kon turns to Cassie who has now joined him at the dashboard. “Time to track where Tim is. Can you bring out the remote?”
Cassie wordlessly pulls out three remotes from somewhere behind her and places them all on the dashboard. Kon gives her a look for the extra two remotes. Cassie rolls her eyes as she explains. “I got Tim’s remote and at the same time I grabbed ours so the leaders won’t be able to track us.”
Kon nods, unable to argue against that. It was smart and certainly something he hadn’t thought about. His teammate goes ahead and starts up Tim’s remote, going through it’s settings until she finds the tracking system.
It’s takes a while until it pings with a known location. Cassie reiterates Tim’s location, therefore where the base ship of the League are, and Kon guides the ship in the direction they need to go.
Surprisingly it didn’t take them too long to reach the base ship of the League of Assassins. While it’s a good thing they haven’t had to travel galaxies to reach it, it leaves an uneasy feeling in Kon because of how close they are to Krypton. Was there a particular reason for that or is it just a coincidence?
When all of this mess is sorted this will have to be something Kon brings up to the leaders when he gets back to Krypton. That’s saying if they choose to listen to him of course, he's going to be in so much trouble for disobeying orders.
The base ship is huge. It’s has a dark exterior which blends in well with the void surrounding them, from a distance no species would spot it at a glance. It’s long and has multiple levels. On the top deck Kon could easily see various of weapons set up in defence, a mixture of large canons and lasers. Near the bottom of the ship there is a hatch open and Kon watches as smaller ships and pods come and go in a steady stream.
Surrounding the base ship were smaller ones all scattered around. Kon’s guessing those smaller ships are the first line of defence. The positioning of them forms a ring around the base ship, covering every angle possible, all prepared for any kind of attack.
“Oh Hera…” Cassie sighs next to him. She turns and looks at him expectantly. “Well? Here we are, what’s your plan?”
Kon casts his gaze back onto the ships to avoid making eye contact with her. He hesitates to answer because he doesn’t actually have a plan in mind. Now they’re here it’s suddenly become all that more real and he realises even more than before of how much danger they’re in.
“You don’t have a plan do you?” Cassie accuses him after a long pause.
“Absolutely not. No.” Kon admits immediately, figuring that there’s no point in lying about it. That and also there’s the fact that Cassie knows him too well by now.
The Amazon sighs again and Kon knows what’s coming. However before she could open her mouth to scold him the two of them were suddenly thrown off balance. At the unexpected impact they both collide against the wall hard and collapse to the ground in a heap.
Kon’s disoriented from the sudden collision but before he could make any sense of what happened the ship lurches again forcing him and Cassie to propel to the other side of the ship in a tangle of limbs.
The two of them curse and scramble up to their feet, trying to get back to the dashboard. It’s almost an impossible task with how much the ship is shaking and with the unpredictable violent jerks happening.
“We’re being attacked!” Cassie exclaims glancing at him wildly as she grips the dashboard to keep her balance.
Kon grunts when he almost tumbles over again. He grasps the dashboard next to Cassie and starts rapidly pressing various of buttons to try and work out the ships defence system. After a moment he could feel trepidation rising up inside of him after nothing happens and when they’re blasted again.
“I don’t know!” Kon yells back frantically continuing to slam different buttons. “I thought we were far enough away that they wouldn’t have picked us up.”
“Obviously not!”
“You think!”
In the middle of their screaming conversation everything abruptly stops and everything goes still. Kon peers over at Cassie in confusion, not understanding what’s going on, and the Amazon simply returns the look.
They were being attacked and then suddenly not. Kon’s got no idea what to expect. When an enemy attacks usually they go straight for the kill and destruction until nothing was left behind. He didn’t know what to make of this unusual tactic.
A sudden thought comes to mind, what if they’re preparing for the final blow? Aiming some kind of canon laser or missile at them right now? They have absolutely no way of defending themselves against a blow like that.
Just as he’s about to voice this to Cassie a deafening blast sounds out and the ship violently jerks. Unable to keep his balance this time, Kon falls to the floor but not before smacking his head against the dashboard. He hits the ground with a groan and clutches his head as everything becomes fuzzy.
He hears Cassie shout something but to Kon it sounds muffled and then there’s a rapid blast of harsh air. As he looks up everything tilts to the side so he quickly shuts his eyes and clutches his head once again in attempts to make the spinning stop. What’s wrong with him? What’s happening?
His attention is pulled away from his head when he feels something grab his arm, at that point his instincts kick in before he could comprehend what’s happening. He swings out blindly with a hand in hopes of hitting whatever has him hold but it dodges his punch and easily captures his hand forcing it back down to the ground.
A heavy weight keeps in it place and Kon tries to tug his arm to free it but finds he couldn’t With one arm pinned to the ground he swings blindly with his other hand but the exact same happens again. With both arms pinned against the ground, Kon is forced to lie down on his front. He squirms against the hold, still disoriented from earlier, and only stops when he feels a sharp pressure on his lower back keeping him place.
He needs to clear his head, he needs to work out what is happening. He takes a couple deep breaths and tilts his head up to look around, finding that the spinning has now mostly stopped. His view is limited from his position on the floor but he makes out multiple bodies around in the ship. Several more than what there were moments ago.
“Cassie?” He calls out to his teammate.
Instead of the desired voice answering his call, a deeper and more rich tone answers instead. “Oh he’s back with us. Hello pal, how’s it hanging?”
Kon frowns and continues to look around, trying to find the owner of the voice. Eventually one of the bodies kneels down in front of him and leers at him. It’s a male with blue skin, pointed ears and striking green eyes. He’s wearing a black uniform with the League of Assassins logo printed on it. Kon doesn’t know what species he is but he knows he isn’t pleased with how he's being spoken too.
“Can we help you?” Kon asks rhetorically. Even through his muddled mind he could now work out what’s going on.
“Yeah actually.” The blue male says almost thoughtfully. “Mind telling us what you’re up to? The Demon’s Head doesn’t exactly like intruders.”
“Just paying our respects.” Kon says without thinking. In response there’s a sharp impact against his back which makes his grunt. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut from now on?
The blue male goes to speak again but he's cut off by another member speaking up first. “The master has just responded. He wants them on the ship, locked up in a cell. He’ll pay these two a special visit himself.”
That makes the blue male hum, he casts a mindful look at Kon and responds. “Very well. Prepare to transport them over and someone take control of this ship to drive it into one of the bays onboard.”
Kon watches as they all part ways, each doing the separate tasks ordered of them though the pressure on his back never eases, it stays there as a constant reminder to the situation he’s in. Kon doesn’t get long to observe what’s going on because the blue male is back and is holding a piece of cloth in one of his hands.
He smirks at Kon, looking rather pleased about something. The look makes Kon aware that something unpleasant is about to happen.
“Sorry about this, but it makes our jobs much easier if we didn’t have you fighting against us.” With those words he stretches out and places the cloth over Kon’s nose and mouth, attempting to smother him with it.
Kon jerks against the action, trying to twist his head away as well as break the hold that is on his back. The grip on his only tightens and suddenly there’s a hand in his hair, forcing his head still against the ground as the cloth blocks him breathing.
Kon does his best to fight against it, to not breathe in on whatever is on that cloth but he knows it’s too late. His body slowly becomes unresponsive and his mind starts to drift as his eyes become heavy. The cloth is finally removed from his face when he could no longer lift his head and when he could no longer open his eyes. After that everything goes black.
Jerking awake, Kon sucks in a lungful of air. It takes a moment to control his breathing but once he feels calmer he finally observes his surroundings. There are three solid plain walls, the last has a large metal door in place and Kon couldn’t see any furniture in the room. He does however find out he isn’t alone, Cassie sits opposite him, leaning against the wall looking completely bored out of her mind but thankfully unharmed.
“Cassie?” He croaks out, grimacing at the way his voice sounds. Whatever they used to knock him out certainly did the trick. It makes him wonder what they used because there isn’t really a lot that could make a Kryptonian go unconscious.
His call gets her attention and she perks up at seeing him awake. “Kon! Oh thank Hera, for a while I thought you may have been dead and they simply left me in here with your body.”
Kon blinks at her but chooses not to make a comment, there are more important matters to address first. “Where are we?”
“On the base ship, locked in a cell after getting captured on our own ship before we even had the chance to do anything.” She looks both unimpressed and frustrated by the end of her summary. Kon grimaces again, feeling like she has a point and the right to be upset with current circumstances.
When he doesn’t say anything Cassie huffs. “I told you this was a bad idea, and here we are, captured!”
“At least we’re not dead.”
“Not yet.”
Kon sighs and looks around the cell, not feeling very hopeful. “Look, we’re on the ship. All we have to do now is come up with some of plan to get out, find Tim and escape.”
“Because everything up to now has been so easy.”
“That's not helpful Cassie.”
Before she could retort a loud cranking sound could be heard and the two of them turn their attention to the door as it opens. Kon feels himself tense up as a figure appears in the doorway and enters the room with the door slamming shut behind them.
It takes a moment to work out who’s in front of them but when it clicks Kon sucks in a sharp breath. It’s the Demon’s Head himself, Ra’s Al Ghul. Kon’s never seen him in person before, he’s only ever heard stories, rumours and seen the occasional picture but all of that is very different compared to seeing him with his own eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I have certainly been waiting for this, especially when you decided to take what is mine and run off with it.” His voice his deep and low but holds some resentment in the tone as he speaks.
Kon doesn’t know what to make of the comment so he stays silent. He glances at Cassie to see if she has any ideas and finds the Amazon copying his actions, simply staying quiet.
“I can’t let you get away with what you did of course but the punishments could be less severe if you tell me what I want to know and if you simply cooperate. Also this whole nonsense of yours has taken me away from something rather important so I wouldn’t do anything too rash if I were you.”
Kon swallows thickly, trying to work out what he’s after. Obviously he's talking about Tim and it infuriates Kon that he's talking about Tim like he's a piece of property. It isn’t right and certainly isn’t fair.
His and Cassie’s silence doesn’t seem to bother the Demon’s Head because he continues to talk without any prompting. “Now why did you take the human?”
He looks between Kon and Cassie waiting for an answer. Kon shares a look with Cassie, unsure on what to do. His teammate looks back just as unsure and gives a light shrug of the shoulders.
After a moment of silence Ra’s speaks up again, this time sounding more agitated. “I’m waiting for an answer. Why did you take the human?”
“We didn’t take him.” Kon snaps in the end, hating the way he’s referring to Tim. “Tim was lost and confused. We wanted to help him.”
Piercing eyes turn on him and Kon feels himself shiver from the intense look being sent his way. “See that’s exactly what the human said. How you just wanted to help him, how there are no ulterior motivations. If that happens to be the truth then why did you help him? He could have been a spy.  Did your precious Kryptonian leaders order it of you?”
Kon grits his teeth trying to keep his temper in check. “We first found Tim in a destroyed pod after escaping you. He was a lost and confused soul who doesn’t deserve anything that has happened to him. We wanted to help him get back home. At the time we didn’t even know he was a human but that didn’t change anything.”
Was there something wrong with wanting to help another being in the universe? Why couldn’t he help someone without there being some sort of repercussion from it?
“You gave him a universal translator.” The Demon’s Head states looking at him thoughtfully. “I assume that's how you tracked him too.”
Kon’s eyes widen at the mention of the translator, now suddenly remembering the remotes that had been on the ship. If the League get their hands on those remotes they were screwed because it wasn't just Tim’s in danger but his and Cassie’s remotes too.
His eyes dart to Cassie in silent panic. Her eyes were also wide in fear, as if the same thoughts were going through her head. When they make eye contact she mouths, “I hid them, they should be safe. Hopefully.”
That doesn’t do much to reassure Kon. Thankfully Ra’s attention is only on him so he didn’t catch their brief exchange. Kon swallows and looks back at him. “We did because he couldn’t understand us. He was freaking out and communication was difficult. We decided to give him a translator to help him. There’s nothing more to it.”
The Demon’s Head’s eyes narrow at him and Kon could see that he's getting frustrated with Kon’s answers. It’s not what he wants but Kon’s only telling the truth. It continues to annoy him that Ra’s believes his team had other reasons for picking up Tim off that planet and helping him. Kon speaks up without meaning to. “Just because you don’t know the meaning of helping someone out of kindness of your heart doesn’t mean that everyone is as merciless as your are. You can help someone just because you want to. There doesn’t have to be another reason for it.”
A tense silence fills the atmosphere of the cell after Kon finishes talking. The Demon’s Head stays silent, staring at him with an expression Kon couldn’t work out. Kon starts to panic as he stares back, his mind thinking that he may have gone to far with his words. It only intensifies when the Ra’s stalks forward until he's looming over Kon.
Ra’s leans down, never breaking eye contact with him, until they’re breaths apart. His voice is low and threatening when he speaks to Kon, his gaze fierce and promising painful things to come. “I’ll show you how exactly merciless I can be Kryptonian. You think you know what kindness is? Well I’ll show you a new meaning to the definition and then we’ll see what you think about that concept afterwards.”
After that Ra’s pulls away, giving him a hard look before backing up and heading towards the door. The Demon’s Head turns back around glances at the two of them. “I wouldn’t consider escaping if I were you. You wouldn’t get very far. Those bracelets of yours Amazon, are there to keep your powers subdued, unless you have a powerful enchantress available, you won’t be removing them any time soon. And you Kryptonian, your powers won’t be available as Kryptonite particles were injected into your system. Not enough to kill you of course but enough to be effective.”
With that Ra’s bangs on the door and is let out of the room. The door slams shut behind him with a deafening thud.
It’s when his presence has finally left the cell that Kon lets out a long breath that he hadn’t realised he had been holding in. All of the tension eases from his body as he slumps against the wall behind him even more than before.
Opposite him, Cassie is openly staring. “Kon you just lectured the head of the League of Assassins about kindness.”
Kon blinks, taking a moment to process everything that had just happened. “I guess I did. A lot a good it did though.”
Cassie shakes her head in disbelief.
After Ra’s visit time passes slowly for the two of them. They have no idea how long they’ve been trapped in the cell for but not once do they see another body enter the cell for the duration they are in there for.
They talk to pass the time. Talking about the bracelets encasing Cassie’s wrists, how Kon feels with the Kryptonite in his system, about what they could do to try and help Tim, how they may escape the cell, how Bart may be doing and what they may face if they return back to Krypton.
Within the cell they had the freedom to move around as they please. To their surprise the League hadn’t restrained them to the wall or the floor. Of course having the freedom to move about has both Kon and Cassie hopelessly searching the cell for anything they could to help them escape. Predictably they find nothing.
The two of them slump against the wall opposite the door and slide down to the ground side by side. Cassie brings her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them while Kon stretches out his legs in front of him.
They sit in companionable silence for a long time. They do nothing but sit there lost in their own thoughts as they wait for something to happen.
Kon’s startled out of his thoughts when a loud thump could be heard by the door. He eyes the metal contraption suspiciously and jerks again when a second thump could be heard. He glances at Cassie to find her staring vacantly at the ceiling with a scowl in place. She hadn’t heard the noises.
He nudges her to get her attention. After a small jump from where he startled her she raises an eyebrow in question. Kon gestures to the door, “Something’s up. There were thumps outside just now.”
As he finishes speaking a familiar cranking sound could be heard and the door opens up. Both Cassie and Kon get to their feet, preparing themselves for what they’re about to face. Multiple figures enter the room, three step forward while one hangs back keeping the door from shutting closed. They were all wearing the signature black League of Assassins uniform. Each of them had different skin tones, different features and different weapons strapped to their backs.
Kon shares an unsure look with Cassie, neither of them knowing what’s going on or what’s about to happen.
Before they could react two of the figures in front of them reach up to grab the collars of their uniforms and suddenly their faces shimmer, blur and bleed away to reveal new faces. Ones that were very familiar.
Kon and Cassie find themselves now staring at Bart and Kara.
Next to those two, the third figure begins to change and Kon recognises this as shape shifting. Soon enough another familiar face is looking at them. M’gann, a long time old friend who is a Martian, is there smiling at them.
Kon looks back at Kara and Bart and before he could stop himself he’s darting forward and throwing his arms around his friend. After a moment he pulls back and looks over the Speedster with a critical eye. “You’re awake? You’re okay? How did you get here? What are you doing here!”
Bart laughs and instantly starts talking in super speed about his journey of finding them.
It’s fast and its rapid and Kon has a hard time keeping up with what he’s saying. In the end Cassie cuts Bart off with her own action of hugging him.
Kon looks over at Kara who’s smiling at them. “What happened to staying on Krypton? How are you here? What was that?”
He has so many questions that need answering but he doesn’t know what he wants answered first or what’s the most important. He hadn’t been expecting to find his cousin and previously unconscious teammate standing in front of him on the League of Assassins base ship.
“Look first things first, are you both okay?” Kara asks seriously, looking them over.
They both nod. “Yeah we’re fine but how-”
She cuts him off. “Bart woke up not long after you left. He found the note you wrote and then found me, he insisted on leaving to help you. I knew I couldn’t let him go alone so I joined him. As we were planning on what to do, we bumped into M’gann who conveniently happened to be visiting Krypton. We shared what was going on and she decided to join us, stating that her shape shifting abilities would be useful. After that she also called in a favour with a sorceress she’s apparently good friends with and got us some enchanted disguises which we can manipulate with our thoughts and a small button.
We used M’gann’s bioship to track your location using your DNA. The bioship is able to shift to look like other ships, so we changed it into looking like a League’s ship and disguised ourselves as assassins and snuck on board. As we tried to find you, we bumped into Pru. After a long misunderstanding and several threats, Pru decided to help us and brought us here. We knocked out the guards who were on watch and here we are. Pru also knows where Tim is being held.”
Kon blinks as he tried to comprehend all that information. He can’t believe what they all went through to find them. Kon glances at M’gann and then at the assassin still standing at the door who must be Pru. “Thank you, all of you. I don’t know what to say.”
Bart blurs up in front of him. “You don’t have to say anything! Remember Tim is part of my team too, the fact I had helped along the way has made it all so much easier but I wouldn’t have let you guys fight this without me!”
“Won’t they notice that you’re gone from the infirmary?” Cassie asks him.
Bart shrugs. “At this point I don’t care. We’re already in trouble so what’s a little more. Plus you guys are going to be in for some serious consequences when you go back. The leaders are not happy.”
“What else is new,” Kon deadpans with an eye roll. He looks at Pru. “You know where Tim is? Can you take us there?”
“No.” The assassin states bluntly. She straightens up, still keeping the door open with her foot, and looks at them all. “It’s bad enough I lead them here to the two of you, it’ll be stupid to allow the five of you wonder around the corridors. I will bring Tim to you then you can head back to the Martian’s ship.”
Then without any warning she slips through the door, letting it slam shut behind her.
“Can we trust her?”
“She did bring us here, so possibly?”
“What if it’s a big trap, have us all together locked in this room?”
“Well we’re trapped in here so all we can do is wait and hope.”
After Pru left the cell they all spend time catching up. Cassie catches Bart up with what he missed after the attack from the League while Kon catches up with M’gann. They had met when they both were young as his father and her uncle worked closely together, it’s been a long time since they spoke and Kon wishes it was under different circumstances that they joined together again.
Eventually the cranking of the door opening could be heard again. Everyone is immediately alert and waiting for whatever is going to come through that door. Two bodies enter and they all relax when they find one to be Pru. When Kon sees the other instant relief washes over him but it’s quickly replaced with horror when everything becomes clear to see.
“Rao, Tim. What happened to you?!”
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