#literally i get so happy i start feeling dizzy and faint
thedisablednaturalist · 4 months
If I ever went scuba diving I would probably drown due to the fact I would start screaming in pure ecstasy the second I saw 1 crab
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P. 1
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It's that moment you've all been waiting for bessssties! 🥺 I just want to thank everyone for your support. It truly means a lot to me. ❤️ I've been wanting to try to write a Bradley x reader story, but I was so nervous! But I really hope you all enjoy this first part! 😭 I love you all! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 🥰 Happy reading! 💕
A/n: This is a flashback chapter for a little background! Enjoy! (sorry for poor grammar. I'm sure I missed a lot of errors lol.)
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: cursing, drinking, throwing up, fainting, angst (If there are more I'm sorry I literally can't remember all of them 🥺)
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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You and Bradley had met each other in college, both taking engineering classes at Virginia. You two became awfully close and were inseparable. You felt in your gut he was it and you thought so too when he introduced you to his uncle Pete, or Mav, his callsign he was given being a pilot in the Navy. He was all the family he had. Bradley always said Mav was like a dad to him growing up. He said he wanted to be just like Mav and his dad. He wanted to fly just like them. You were the happiest girl in the world and nothing could ever change that as long as you had Bradley….. 
Isn’t 21 supposed to be fun? You had been so stressed and sad ever since Bradley was deployed. This was his first deployment since being in the Navy. You spent all your days home slumped on the couch binge-watching every show possible to pass the time, but I don’t think you could watch another year worth of TV shows… or maybe you could? Bri, your best friend, and roommate planned for you and a couple of others to go to the Hard Deck to get you out for some fun. So against your will, you went and had some drinks and finally started to let loose and have fun. 
Some drinks later, you felt a wave of sickness hit you when you were out at the Hard Deck with your friends. You thought maybe it was the drinking not sitting well with you. You were never really good with holding your liquor. So you excused yourself to the bathroom. You barely made it before you were falling to your knees head in the toilet throwing up everything you had in your stomach. You felt dizzy and began to throw up again. The room was spinning and you just laid up against the wall until everything was still. You finally gathered yourself and made your way to the mirror. You rinsed with some water and wiped your mascara that was now running down your face. You popped in a mint and straightened out your shirt before you went back out to meet with your friends. You tapped on your best friends shoulder and let her know you were going to head home.
Y/n: “Hey girl, I’m not feeling very great.” You let her know, your eyes were still glossy. “I think im going to head home.”
Bri: “Oh no! Are the shots of whiskey catching up with you?” She looked at you concerned. “I can take you, I haven't had anything to drink tonight.” She offered looking around for some water.
She handed you some water and you drank the whole glass. You started to feel unstable. “I’m never drinking like that again.” You thought to yourself. 
Y/n: “Please? That would be great! I’m feeling a little dizzy again.” You said starting to sweat.
Bri:”Of course, let me just grab my things.” She said as she turned to grab her purse.
You started to feel weak, you sat on the barstool near you and began to blackout. “Oh my gosh! Y/n!” Was the last thing you heard before you hit the floor.
 You woke up on your couch the next morning, smelling like the whisky you had the night before. You were sweating all the alcohol out of your system. Your best friend came over to you with a banana shake and some ibuprofen.
Bri: “Hey sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” She said as she handed you the shake and medicine.
Y/n:  “Like a million bucks.” You said as you took the medicine and chugged down the shake. “What happened to me?”  You folded your arms and sat back against the couch. 
Bri: “You had quite the ride last night. You passed out face first into the barstool next to you, after you asked me to take you home.” She laughed. “How is your head?” She sat at your feet and rubbed your leg.
Y/n: “It feels fine, I had way too much to drink last night.” You put your face in your hands. “Never let me do that again please.” You said In embarrassment. 
You looked over to the patio door and saw how bright it was. “What time is it?”
You pulled out your phone and looked at the time, 2 PM. “Great, I missed the opportunity to text Brad before he went to bed.” You threw your phone next to you and laid back again. 
Bri stayed quiet for a little bit and bit down on her lip before asking, “Do you think he will actually respond this time?”
Y/n: “He’s working in a completely different place and time zone. I know he will respond when he can.” You smiled weakly knowing its already been 2 weeks and nothing from him. Not even an “I’m here now" email, text, call, messenger bird, something.
More time passed and you started to feel really sad again, you had no energy. You barely were eating and when you did, you would just throw up. You didn’t feel like yourself. You just felt off. You were sad because it had almost been another month and you hadn’t gotten anything from Bradley, you almost started resenting him. 
You couldn’t figure out what it was. You two were so happy when he was here, it seemed he had the same feelings you were feeling. But now just the cold shoulder, you were getting nothing. It's like he got what he wanted from you and now he’s done. Like you were his “just in the moment, while he was home” kind of person. You always gave him the benefit of the doubt and would say he’s just getting used to everything with being away, settling in, getting used to the work and the hours. You just wanted to feel better about the situation. You knew Bradley wouldn’t hurt you like that. You always said when he has the time, he will get back to you. But more and more time kept passing. You kept calling/texting/emailing and nothing. You started to think that maybe he changed his number and forgot to tell you.
It’s been 2 1/2 months and still nothing from Bradley. You started to text and call him less. You started to just try to get back to your life before him. At this point you were mad at him, making you wait, putting you constantly into a bad head space; wondering if something bad had happened to him. You were beyond hurt. You were being left in the dark on purpose now. 
Tonight, you and Bri went out to the Hard Deck to have a couple of drinks. The two of you sat at the bar having conversation with Penny. You all were just having causal conversation and Mav came in and sat down with you. He hugged you and Bri and gave Penny a kiss.
Mav: “Hey Y/n. How have you been with Bradley gone on his deployment?” He said with a loving smile.
Y/n: “I actually am fine.” You said monotoned then pressed your lips together and giving him a small smile.
Mav cocked his head at you and looked a little concerned at the tone of your voice. “Do you get to talk to each other as much as you’d like?” His eyes now narrowed at you and took a sip of his drink Penny had just given to him. 
Y/n: “We haven’t talked since he’s left.” You took a deep breath. “He doesn’t respond to any of my calls or texts.” You said now looking down at your drink, counting the ice cubes. 
Mav: “Oh I see.” He looked at Penny with wide eyes and she gave him the same look back.
Bri saw their exchanges with each other. “What’s going on, Mav?” She said now eyeing the both of them.
Mav opened his mouth slightly and looked at Penny who now turned around to serve some Pilots that just walked in. “I, uh..” He stopped. “I can’t imagine…he doesn’t have the time. I have a buddy of mine who’s son is out there with him and I talk to him all the time. I don’t really talk to Bradley very much anymore, but my buddy’s son is always out with him during their free time after work.” He started to tap his finger on this glass and looked at you nervously. 
Your head shot up to him saying that he LITERALLY has some free time. You furrowed your brows, “Im sorry, what?”
You started to feel it again, the nausea. The over whelming taste of saliva in your mouth. Everything went silent, your ears were ringing and your vision blurry. You weren’t going to make it to the bathroom this time. You ran out the back door to the beach and threw up right then and there. Right on the edge of the deck, barely missing it and into the sand. Mav and Bri came running to you and comforting you as you kept on throwing up. Your knees on the deck, you were hunched over, hands buried in the sand. Bri holding your hair and Mav rubbing your back saying they’ve got you. 
Bri and Mav looked at each other very concerned for you. They were comforting you as you kept on heaving and releasing everything you had in your system. Mav covered his face in disbelief. This wasn’t the Bradley he knew, he would never just leave you hanging. He wished he could do more, but at that specific moment in their lives they had no communication. 
You were hurt, why was he ignoring you? Why did he want you to hurt? And why were you so damn sick? Wait…you’ve been sick. Shit. 
You slowly got up and rubbed your hands together to get the sand off. Bri and Mav looked at you with concern. Bri rubbing your arm and Mav pushing hair out of your face as you looked at them scared. 
Mav: “Are you okay?” No response. “Y/n, you okay? You okay?” He said now cupping your cheek.
Y/n: “Can I have some water, Mav? I just- uh need to get this taste out of my mouth…” You said looking at him scared.
Mav: “Yea, of course. I'll go get some.” He went back into the bar to get you some water leaving you and Bri alone.
Bri: “Honey, what’s wrong? You’re really scaring me.” She said brushing our hair behind your ear. “Is everything okay?” 
Y/n: “Bri, Ive been so sick. Like sick sick.”
Bri: “Yea we know you can’t handle liquor, y/n.” She cocked her head at you and let out a little chuckle. “It happens to everyone girl. Just let it all -” 
You cut her off, “No girl. I’VE BEEN SICK!” You looked down and covered your mouth.
Bri: “No…you don’t mean…” her eyes were wide. She gasped.
Mav: “Here’s your water y/n.” He gave you the water. “Can I get anything else for you, sweetheart?” 
You grabbed the water and chugged it. You hugged Mav, “Thank you Mav but we have to go.”
Mav hugged you tight, “Im so sorry Y/n. If you need anything, I’m just a call or text away. No matter the time or place.” He rubbed your arm and hugged you again.
 You grabbed Bri’s hand and ran for the car. Bri drove quickly to the nearest store. You were shaking when she came back with the pregnancy test. You were terrified. You’ve drank a couple of times. You haven’t been eating a lot. You hadn’t even thought of being pregnant as a possibility. You were so scared. You weren’t being the best mom you could have been or should have been if you were pregnant. You felt so guilty. 
You finally got home and busted through the door and ran to your bathroom. You peed onto the small pink stick and set it face down onto the counter. You threw a tissue over it and didn’t want to see it. You set a timer and paced around your bathroom. Bri was out sitting on your bed waiting for you to come and tell her the result. She gave you your privacy as you waited. 
A million thoughts ran through your head. “Ive only had sex once. Jesus Christ, y/n… THAT’S ALL IT TAKES!” You said to yourself in a loud whisper. You were pacing up and down your bathroom. “C’mon hurry up you damn thing.” You stood at the counter watching the timer count down. You tapped your fingers on the counter top. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.”  You took a deep breath and cover your face as you leaned against the cold wall behind you. Then finally your timer went off. You took your hands slowly off of your face and just stared at the tissue that was hiding your fate. You slowly walked over and stopped the timer on your phone. 
Those two minutes were the longest two minutes of your life. You pulled the tissue off of the test and dropped it on the floor next to you. You were shaking as you picked up the test. You flipped it over and it  revealed the two little pink lines. You gasped. “Holy shit….” You were frozen. You couldn’t breathe. All you could hear was your heart pounding in your ears. You put your hand up to your mouth and looked at yourself in the mirror. You started to sob. At first quietly. Then you gasped louder and the tears running down your face. You couldn’t catch your breath. You were terrified. Bri came running in to comfort you. You sat in her embrace the whole night in the bathroom crying. What were you going to do? How were you going to do this? How were you going to raise his child?
Thank you all for your support! Please like and reblog if you're ready for the next part! 🫣 I can't wait to share it with you all! Thank you so much! Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list bessssties! ❤️
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blankat · 1 year
How about "i can't do this without you" Larissa Weems x Reader :) something fluffy, maybe pregnancy related or angstyish with one of them being seriously ill but happy ending, man, I'm here for the happy endings. :P
love that we had the same idea about this line lol, connecting it to my previous one-shot, i've made the preggo one, hope you like it! *not proofread as always bc im an asshole*
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15. I can't do this without you - Larissa Weems x fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, giving birth, fluff, little bit of angst(kinda)
words: 1.9k
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In the comfort of your home and the arms of your wife, you barely registered the warm liquid between your legs and on the bed. Slowly looking down, you barely saw anything besides your 9-month pregnant belly, and suddenly you just knew.
“Uhm, Larissa?” you turned to look at your wife, who was just about to close her eyes for the night and you felt a little guilty to disturb her peaceful almost-sleeping.
“Yes, Darling?” she barely said the words, when she felt something wet under her bare legs. With widened eyes she looked at you and cupped your cheeks, wiping the silent tears that escaped your eyes.
“I think my water broke.” you whispered smiling at her, hiding the fact that you would rather throw yourself off of Nevermore’s roof, you were so scared.
“Okay, baby. It’s okay. You stay here, lay down a bit. I’m going to call the midwife and get you some wet towels, okay? Do you need anything else? Something to eat or drink?” she hurried to the other side of the room to grab her phone and dialed the midwife’s number.
“Hey, Rissa, calm down. You won’t faint, right? I need you next to me.” you chuckled lightly and saw Larissa’s face soften. She smiled at you and as she opened her mouth to tell you something, you heard your midwife at the other end of the line.
“Claire, hello. Hope I did not wake you, but it seems it’s finally time, Y/N ‘s water has broken.” she said into the phone, not once taking her eyes off of you. “Thank you, lovely. Thanks!”
“You know, a cup of tea would be nice.”
You don’t really remember how did you get here, or how much time has passed since the phone call, but you were lying on your shared bed after a rather heated argument with Larissa about how you don’t want to ruin the covers but she insisted on you being the most comfortable you could in this situation, so you gave up and allowed her to help you on the bed. Meanwhile Larissa was quite overwhelmed with the fact that you are going to birth a literal baby, her baby, your baby and you are going to be a family finally. She was so excited about it up until now, when she heard your quiet profanities and the glistening sweat on your forehead, starting to damp your hair. She was scared, no, petrified that the baby is going to get hurt, or worse, you. She wouldn’t be able to live without you, she was picturing the worst scenarios in her head, having to raise your child alone, without you by her side. She wasn’t able to do that, you were the motherly type in this relationship, she was just the utterly lucky fool who got chosen by you, as an angel sent from heaven, and now you were going to push your child out of your vagina, a rather painful and traumatic experience. To Larissa, for sure. She felt dizzy, she got hot and she wanted to throw up, having no knowledge in childbirth.
“Larissa, are you with us, dear?” she heard Claire say and suddenly looked up, realizing that by now, you were in incredible pain, crying your heart out, maybe even already pushed a few. You were looking at Larissa, begging with your eyes to hold your hand or your hair or something. Begging her to be there. “She needs you.” the midwife whispered to Larissa, smiling faintly.
“Lar-Larissa, I-” you abruptly stopped, feeling another contraction coming, making you scream out in pain. “I can’t do this without you. Please”
Larissa grabbed your hand, brushing your sweaty hair out of your face, kissing your forehead.
“I’m here darling, I’m so sorry.” she whispered into your ear, and you finally, finally relaxed a bit, fresh tears streaming down your face.
“You are doing amazing Y/N, just a few more pushes I promise.” Claire said to you, and you gave her the faintest smile that night, taking a deep breath, waiting for the next contraction. 
“Can-can Larissa sit behind me in the bed, may-maybe?” you stuttered, desperately wanting to be held by your wife.
“Of course.” The midwife gestured Larissa to sit behind you and she did so, holding you close, massaging your temples and whispering sweet nothings until the awaited contraction came, earning a murderous scream from you and your wife held you even tighter, kissing your face every now and then for comfort.
“Oh, God! Fucking hell!”
“You are the most amazing woman in my life Y/N. So strong and so beautiful. The best mother I will ever know in this life.” Larissa whispered, making you cry even more.
“Larissa stop, I’ve been crying for so long that by now I’m eating my snot and I’m all sweaty and smelly, and I’m just screaming, I know you don’t like when I raise my voice and I promise I tried at the first few pushes but, hell, this is worst than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.” you said, voice a little panicked but your wife just grabbed a clean wet towel and started wiping your face then combed your hair a little with her fingers.
“Eating snot or not, you are amazing. And our baby is going to be the most beautiful in the whole World.” Larissa’s words almost made you forget why you were eating your snot in the first place but then another contraction came, making you feel like you are being ripped in half, making you so vulnerable you could only yell and scream in agony.
“Okay Y/N, one last push and she’s out.” Claire smiled and Larissa’s eyes widened at the revelation of the gender of your baby.
“She?” you cried out, wanting to talk a little more about the matter but you were unable as the last contraction came, making both you and your wife scream. Suddenly you felt a huge wave of relief washing over you. Smiling, you looked at Larissa, who kissed you tenderly, only breaking apart when you finally heard the shrill cries of your newborn daughter. You both looked at Claire, who was holding the tiny human in her hands.
“She’s beautiful and healthy, just like her mommies.” she smiled, handing you the baby and you heard Larissa gasp above you, her hand gently laying next to the baby, afraid to touch her.
“Aren’t you gonna touch your daughter, Mommy?” you asked her, grinning heard in your voice but she didn’t comment on it, like she usually would, she just ran her hands over her daughters thick hair carefully.
“I think I am going to faint” you heard Larissa whisper, her hold loosening around you.
A few hours later, early in the morning, around 6am, you got up to get a cup of water from the kitchen when your phone buzzed on the counter. You quickly grabbed it, a message from Wednesday appearing on it. Odd, you thought.
‘Heard you gave birth. Literally. Congratulations.’
You chuckled to yourself, typing a quick reply to the girl.
‘Indeed I did. Thank you. But you should be aware that it was the type of pain even you wouldn’t enjoy Ms. Addams, nevertheless, thank you for your kind words.’
‘Bet you are just exaggerating as the fragile human you are Ms. Y/N.’
You smiled, not replying to the raven haired girl, instead you finished your water and returned to your bedroom where you were beyond surprised to see your wife sleeping on her back, an occurrence that rarely happens, with your daughter on her chest, her arms protectively around the infant. You let out a happy sigh as you climbed back next to her, careful not to wake them. Pulling the covers over your body, you just watched them for a while, thinking about the amount of happiness you felt, which was unknown to you. Up until now.
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Happy endings only. Life's a quest, innit
When Steve arrives at the hospital at around 7.30 pm on August 27th there's unusual commotion at the reception. He sees a couple of doctors who are not normally here so late.
"Good evening, Mrs. Marshall. How are you do.."
The nurse glances at him nervously. One glance, and Steve's worried sick. Did something bad happen while he was away ..
"Is everything alright?"
"He woke up, Steve! He woke up!!"
"What..?? Wait, that's.."
Steve's heartbeat deafens him. Is it real, or is he dreaming? He literally pinches himself, hard, has to make sure he's not sleeping and imagining it all.
"That's .. Really?!"
Steve exhales, there's suddenly too much air in his lungs. He's feeling dizzy. Oh my god, he's going to faint, he's fainting..
Steve's grabbing the counter.
"About an hour ago."
"Can I go see him?"
"Well, doctors are with him now, and I .. I really don't think it's a good idea right now. He seems.. disoriented. And angry."
"Angry? At who?"
"At everyone? He keeps asking why nobody told him and something else about a huge alien .. or a monster that is going to infect all of us .. he's probably still not in his right mind. We really hope his brain .. Doctors must run some tests to .. "
Mrs. Marshall looks at Steve and stops mid-sentence
"Everything is going to be alright. We called Dr. Owens, the one who brought him here on July 4th? Luckily, he was in Indianapolis. He is expected to arrive shortly."
"Yes, yes of course. So .. I can't go in? I just want to see him, even if for a second."
"Oh I don't really know, Steve.. Well, definitely not right now because the doctors are examining him at the moment. Everyone is so excited. Poor boy .. But you can stick around for a bit?"
"Sure. Thank you. I'll just wait here."
Steve is sliding down on a chair near the reception. He wants to see Billy so bad, he's been hoping for this moment for so so long, and now.. he's definitely happy but he's feeling physically unwell.
Steve sees a doctor opening the door of Billy's room and calling Mrs. Marshall in. The doctor is looking a bit .. disheveled. How many people are in there? What's going on? When can Steve finally see him?
Ten minutes later people are starting to leave Billy's room. Three doctors and two nurses.
Steve is getting up and looking around. His legs are bringing him closer to the room on autopilot. He'll just get a peek, no harm done. Just to make sure Billy's really woken up.
Steve opens the door slowly and sticks his head inside. Billy's is propped up in bed with pillows around him, wild hair and wild tired eyes.
Holy shit, this is real. He's awake.
It's another miracle. Billy is so thin and pale and he looks like a sick little child .. But he's awake. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Steve's not sure what or who he's thanking right now, but he really wants to let it out in the universe.
When Steve moves a bit further and opens his mouth to say something, Billy turns his head slightly and the tormented and very unchildlike look is landing on Steve's face.
"Oh hey, Harrington. What are you doing here?" In a raspy voice,
And not waiting for an answer.
"Get the fuck out."
"But Billy I just want to .."
"I don't want to see anybody. Get the fuck out. NURSE!!!!!!"
Steve shuts the door quickly and gets back to his chair. That did not go how he'd pictured it would. Oh fuck. His hands are trembling.
Billy's voice sounded so husky, so rough, just on the verge of frantic
Yet it was like music to Steve's ears. "Harrington." He fucking missed it. No-one calls Steve "Harrington" like that. Only Billy.
Mrs. Marshall rushes into Billy's room. She only stays there for a couple of minutes. When she's out, Steve's already at her side
"Why didn't he want to see me?"
"Oh, Steeve .. give him time. Can you imagine being in a coma? .. You can't. I can't. Give him time, everything will get better." There's almost motherly concern in Mrs. Marshall's voice. "The boy has been through so much."
Steve wants to say "You can't even begin to imagine through what" but bites his tongue. He hates it, that he can't really talk about what happened with someone, except Robin, Nancy and the kids. He'd really appreciate adult perspective on all of this. He'd really like to just .. talk to someone older than him. Hopper is missing, believed to be dead, Mrs. Byers is gone. Steve likes Dr. Owens, but it's not like he can stop by for a chat any time.
Steve sits down on the chair again. He's clearly not welcome here, but he doesn't want to go home.
What he really wants to do right now is to get on the rooftop and shout till his voice gets hoarse.
In Steve's mind it was, of course, more like .. he would hug Billy or .. or at least talk to him. He certainly didn't expect to be told to get the fuck out. Ouch.
Steve decides to stay here some more, because he literally can't imagine going home now. To do what? .. eat dinner? watch fucking TV?
Owens does arrive soon. He goes straight to Billy's room, nodding at Steve as he's passing him by.
Steve notices that twenty minutes later all doctors leave Billy's room and Owens stays there alone with Billy. When he finally goes out and addresses everyone who's waiting for him, he says:
"Well, he is a handful. If there's anything you need, contact me right away. We'll send in our person tomorrow to start psychological therapy. Thank you all for your service, you've been doing exceptional work here. We'll keep in touch."
He shakes hands with every doctor and every nurse.
"Steve! May I have a word with you?"
Owens remembers Steve. They had so much to talk about after the 4th of July.
Next week Billy proved to be very difficult. He only talked to the doctors and the nurses of the hospital. The ones who had been taking care of him for the last two months.
He threw a crutch at the psychologist who was sent by the government to have sessions with Billy. Next time the man returned, it was an open cup of jell-o.
He refused to see Max. When his father and step-mother came by, he pretended to be asleep, so their visit only lasted two minutes or so. They came back a couple of days later but Billy just happened to be asleep again. The nurse didn't let Neil wake him up. "Sleep is very important at this stage, Mr. Hargrove. Billy's gaining his strength back."
Steve could swear on his life, Billy and the nurses were in some kind of conspiracy. Hospital staff seemed to have a strange kind of rapport with Hargrove.
Dr. Owens came by again and managed to stay for 30 minutes in the room with Billy and, apparently, have a decent conversation. However, when it came down to signing non-disclosure, even Owens couldn't find the right approach to Billy and left with nothing but Billy's promise "to keep his mouth shut."
Steve has heard from the nurses that Billy's body is very weak. Repaired and not majorly broken anymore, but the muscles have gone weak. Atrophy. There's a long way ahead of him. But he is a determined one. A fighter. He gets off the bed, has already started walking around the room. Refuses to be helped in the bathroom.
Steve? Oh, he still keeps coming by every day. Today is day 7 of his visits when he actually doesn't get to see the patient. Comes to the hospital to hang around the reception. He wonders if the nurses are fed up with him already.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Miller, can you maybe ask him if he will see me today?"
It's easier to get an appointment with the Queen of England, for fuck's sake.
Steve doesn't mind.
He firmly believes in miracles. The universe has not let him down so far.
Mrs. Miller returns back smiling.
"It's a yes! He rolled his eyes and said "Whatever". I guess he's in a better mood today," - she says encouragingly.
Well, this is it. Steve's running a hand through his hair. He hopes he looks good.
He opens the door and looks inside the room
A pause.
"The book's overdue at the library."
"W .. what?"
"Were you reading Shakespeare to me, Harrington?"
"Uhm.. yeah? Yeah, I was."
"Are you out of your mind? They all died in there. Way to motivate a guy to wake up from a coma."
"Well, it's the book that you.. do you remember? Was it you??"
"I remember, Harrington. My brain is fine. And I said they lacked communication! Speaking of, why the fuck no-one told me Hawkins is fucked up to unbelievable levels, huh?"
Here it comes. Steve's made it into the room and is standing near Billy's bed, contemplating if he should sit down or remain standing.
Here it comes.
"Billy, we .. we weren't really.. friends. Besides, we thought it was all finished when El closed the portal a year ago."
"Oh so only friends are allowed to know the truth? Only the chosen ones?? What about the rest of us, peasant folk? Not privy to the Knights of the Round Table shenanigans?"
"What.. ? What round table? Billy, listen. I know it's fucked up.. there's government involved and it's not so easy. Like.. they make everyone sign these non-disclosure papers .. you can't walk around talking about it with anyone you want."
"And yet, a bunch of snoopy kids were in on it."
"Exactly. Snoopy. They were just .. in it together basically from the beginning."
"Even Max?"
"Well, she .." - Steve's scratching his eyebrow. "Not .. not from the very beginning."
"Thought so."
"But I, I did sign that confidentiality pledge. They'll make you sign one too."
"Fuck them. They tried. I won't sign shit."
"But they will .."
"What, Harrington? They will what? What leverage do they have on me?"
"I don't know .. your family? Your life?"
Billy laughs bitterly
"My family? There are certain things about my family, that make me really doubt it can be used as leverage."
Steve's registering the words. Definitely needs to come back to that later.
"My life? I just nearly lost it. They can have it."
"Don't! Hey don't say that."
It's now or never.
Steve takes a deep breath and carefully touches Billy's fingers with his own.
"Your life is precious."
"That's just bullshit."
Billy's tensing up. His eyes slowly travel down to the place where Steve's touching Billy's fingers
There are so many things unsaid, the air is galvanized. It doesn't make it less real though.
It makes it surreal.
Billy's looking
But doesn't say anything
Steve takes Billy's hand in his own.
"Don't touch me, Harrington."
Hargrove is a handful. Steve wants it, all of it.
"Why not?"
Steve is still holding Billy's hand in his own.
"Okay, look. I'm sorry, Billy. I am. I'm sorry I didn't warn you about any of that. But I didn't even know you were involved in this whole mess. Until I saw you there. It's a .. fucking long story and if you'll let me.. I'll explain everything."
Billy takes his hand away. Steve doesn't stop talking.
"And please, don't be so hard on Max. Just let her see you. Talk to her. They are kids and they were all alone with what they were dealing with. Usually there are .. adults .. to uh .. help in such situations. Or me. But I was held captive in a Starcourt underground base, and Hopper and Mrs. Byers, they were .. somewhere figuring some related stuff out, so the kids.. They didn't really have any guidance."
"Yeah tell that to Heather. To her parents. To the fucking families, Steve, who got killed."
"Billy .. It's not your fault. It's not my fault either, or Max's or any of the kids' who were involved in that. It's .. just Hawkins, man. Evil. Horrifying shit happens here. Thank god you got out of it alive."
Billy is silent. His eyes are closed.
"Okay?? That's it?"
"I'm tired."
"Alright. I'll come by tomorrow."
"Because I want to see you. And I want to talk more."
"Bye, Steve."
"Yeah .. Sleep well."
Steve's leaving the room. He wants to stay, he wants to tell Billy how much he has missed him, he wants to tell him that he still keeps all the notes in the drawer near his bed, and he keeps rereading them, he's learnt them all by heart.
Steve wants to .. say so much. Do so much.
They have time.
"Listen! It's raining. September rain."
Steve opens the window and fresh fragrant air is flooding Billy's room.
Steve visits Billy every day. He stays late and they talk, hushed voices in the dimly lit hospital room. It even feels kinda nice. Feels a bit like home.
Billy inhales the sweet autumn air with his whole chest. Slowly lets it out. Looks at the wall.
"So what are we now, Harrington?"
Steve both expected and isn't prepared for this question.
"Uhm .. I uh.. I guess we'll have to wait and see."
Hargrove's chuckling.
"How soon you're gonna be able to walk properly?"
"Why? Don't want me as a cripple??"
"Not that, you idiot."
Steve is taking Billy's hand. That's really all they've been doing. Holding hands like dumb teenagers.
"It's just.. it's the hospital. Like.. there's no privacy."
Steve's looking at Billy's lips. He wants to kiss him so bad
But he turns away and looks at the door. It doesn't even have a lock.
"See, any second anyone can walk in. I don't want our first kiss to be interrupted by a fainting nurse or a shrieking Max."
"Maybe nurses here are way more chill than they look."
"Yeah maybe. But still .."
Steve's looking at Billy's lips again. He wonders how long he'll be able to fight the urge, really? They are so kissable. Magnetic
"You know, I uh .. Billy's closing his eyes and putting his head back on the pillow. "I want to thank you. For coming here. Harrington. When I was unconscious, I heard you. I heard your voice mumbling something and I even felt your fingers touching my skin."
Billy opens his eyes and looks straight into Steve's. Drawls
"C'mon let's kiss. Just a small one, c'mon Steve.." Smiles. Pouts his lips, just a little
Steve's giggling
"No, Billy, not like this. Oh my god, you're so .."
"So .. what?"
"When are you getting out of here?"
"I don't know. Doctors are always going on how unsure they are I can take care of myself on my own. But .. I'm planning an escape, Harrington. Can't stay here any longer. Enough."
Billy's eyes are closed again, his lips part a bit and it looks like he's dozing off. Steve's watching him and can't, he absolutely can't stop himself. Steve gets closer to Billy's face and kisses him lightly on the cheek.
"How's that for our first kiss, Hargrove? It's not much but.."
It's the most tender kiss he's ever had. The most meaningful one.
There's life and death in that kiss, and Steve's falling even further.
If he's losing his mind over a little kiss on the cheek, what would happen when he. When they .. You know?
He kisses him again. On the cheek. And this time? Billy moans. Just a slight moan leaving his lips, and he turns the head to the other side
And, excuse me, this quiet moan?
It goes straight to Steve's dick. Bypassing his brain, his heart, literally any part of the body that's supposed to be engaged in the chemistry of love processes
Just goes straight to his dick.
Billy's eyelashes are fluttering like feathery wings of an exotic butterfly.
"Didn't take you for a pervert, Harrington." - he's whispering.
"You don't know me, Hargrove. I'm a wild ride."
"Shit, and here I thought that my dick was brain dead."
The sheet on Billy is visibly tenting.
"Look how easy I am. When you're close to me."
Steve's in heaven. And they haven't even tried anything yet. Fuck. This is .. everything. Mind-shattering. Intoxicating. Magic potion is spreading in Steve's veins.
Billy definitely calls Steve "the pervert who first kissed me in my sleep".
Steve's defense is always the same
"You looked so beautiful. Like a sleeping beauty. I couldn't resist."
"You know there's a name for it. You're a somnophile, Harrington."
"Oh yeah? You fucked me last night when I was half asleep. I guess it takes one to know one."
Years later when they are older and have grown into each other's skin and flesh, Steve's thinking
Well. Who knew that having Billy as a boyfriend would be so much fun.
A lifetime of together with Billy fucking Hargrove is actually the best miracle that could've ever happened to Steve Harrington.
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praublem-child · 5 months
I hate my period
Genuinely, it makes me so fucking sick. The last three days I've had maybe two grab and go pringle cans becasue literally anything else makes me sick, the lack of food is making me shake and flare which is literally fucking hell, and I'm in a great amount of pain from cramps. And not even considering how the lack of food might be affecting me, just bleeding this much makes me more faint than normal. Every single period since I was probably 15 has left me like 3x as lightheaded and dizzy.
That's not even going into the mood swings. I dropped rice earlier and it spilled all over my hand. I now have a pretty bad burn because instead of doing anything reasonable like,, idk, removing the scalding rice and running my hand under cool water, I stood there and started sobbing. Then my mom asked me what was wrong and had to guide me into getting the rice off and treating the burn while I cried like a toddler. Then I went and lost it on her when she asked if I wanted some of her rice because I felt like shit, and I didn't even want the rice that I spilled.
I feel out of control and I hate it. I almost hate that mom understands even more because she just hugged me afterward until I calmed down. I was an ass and she fucking hugged me, that doesn't make sense. This birth control wasn't supposed to give me back my periods. I was directly told that it wouldn't do that. It's been like 10 months since my last one and I was happy with that because they make me want to die. And I'd put money on me being sick for the last couple weeks being a direct result of pms.
Oh! Also! My period fucks my insomnia. I haven't slept in like two days. And the two days before that I probably totaled about three hours combined. None of my sleep aids work to fix this. I'm just fucking stuck and miserable.
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alicraft336 · 1 year
Wish meeting alternate versions of himself & a little change to Wish.
This is just for fun, I just wanted to take a tiny break from his story and do something stupid, I've actually had this idea for a bit now and I'm happy I finally found the time to do it.
I would just like it to be known I don't actually know a lot about certain Dreamtale Au's, I like to think I know a good amount about the Original one and Evolved Identities/EI, but for the rest of them I only knew a little bit so they might act a little weird. I was previously going to add Swapdream (or as I've seen some people call him Solar) but I literally don't know ANYTHING about him.   
Wish quietly sat in his room as he wrote something down in his diary, Fang asleep on his lap as he did so, as much as the kitsune seemed to hate him he did seem to enjoy using him as a pillow in is fox form for whatever reason.
Wish sighed before closing the brown notebook and looking out the window, he watched as the raindrops rolled down the circular window that overlooked the training ground outside. How was it raining in this place he'll probably never know, what he did know was that there was nothing to do, he didn't want to sit around and be lazy all day but with the weather like this he couldn't go out and train like he normally would. 
He carefully removed the sleeping fox from his lap as well the thin blue blanket that covered him, he was careful to not wake the fox when getting out of the window seat. He hid his diary under the cream and navy blue pillows his lower back was resting on as well the pen he was using. He made his way towards his bedroom door thinking if he couldn't train he might as well clean the house a bit while Ink is away. 
As he got closer to the door he started to feel dizzy and his head started to hurt. He stopped in place and put his right hand to his head and closed his 'eyes' for a second, when opening them again the room around him became fuzzy and he soon felt himself falling to the wooden floor. 
When Wish came to he found himself in a white void, he sat up and looked around, but he didn't dare to stand up knowing it would be a bad idea after he had just fainted. 
"hello Wish!" a sudden voice echoed throughout the white void making Wish jump slightly, "who are you!?" he yelled "and why am I here!?" 
"calm down buddy, I'm sure you must be confused right now and I don't blame ya" the voice said "and you can just call me 'Voice' and I brought you here today to meet alternate versions of yourself"
"okay.... Voice, but may I ask why?"
"because I said so" they said
Wish sighed in defeat even though he didn't put up much of a fight to begin with, "fine" he said "who am I meeting up with first?" 
"the Original, Dream Sans!" they said, excitement in their voice, "good luck Wish!" they added
Wish silently cursed under his breath, he knew about the alternate versions of himself and his friends from his past timeline and he was fine meeting them then, but he just hoped he doesn't run into the more.... Concerning versions of himself well here. But another thought came to his mind, would they remember him? Or were their minds erased after the wish to? 
"are you all right?" a different voice asked, he turned around and saw-
Dreamtale = Dream:
-Dream, or more specifically, the Original one. He had forgotten what he looked like before the whole 'timeline reset' so it was interesting seeing what was his past self again 
Wish nodded "yeah, I'm fine, thank you for your concern" he said as he slowly got up, silently praying he wouldn't stumble or anything among those lines. He turned to face him "your Original Dream, right?"
Dream nodded "yep, and you must be an alternate version of me?"
Wish nodded in response "yes, please call me Wish" 
Dream smiled "it's nice meeting you Wish" he said walking closer to him but stop when he felt his aura "are you sure you're all right?" he asked, concern on his face "your aura is quite negative" he added
Wish nervously laughed "well, things are a bit different in my Au" he said "it's like a Swap Au, just a... A bit more complicated" he said 
Dream took a second to process the information, his concern was gone and it was quickly replaced by worry "does that mean you ate the black apple instead of Nightmare!?"
Wish shook his head "no, I didn't, don't worry" he said 
His worry turned into sadness "so, Nightmare still ate it, didn't he?" he asked 
Wish sighed and looked away "unfortunately..." 
"are things at least a little different? Like your relationship with him, is he still, you know, him?" he asked hopeful
Wish looked back at him "I haven't spoken to or seen him since the incident, but from what Ink has told be he's exactly the same as he was in my past timeline, nothing had changed" he responded
Dream raised an 'eyebrow' "what do you mean by past time-line?" he asked 
Wish refuse to make eye contact with him "it's a very, very long story" 
"that's okay" he responded with a smile "I don't mind" 
Wish chuckled slightly "I'm sure you wouldn't, but I don't think will have enough time, and even if we did I can't tell you anything, that would go against the deal I made, even now I'm treading on thin ice" he responded
"oh... I see" he said he, his 'eyebrows' slightly furrowing "well when you are able to talk about it you can find me and I'll help you in anyway I can" he added 
Wish gave him a week smile "I'm afraid that won't be possible" he said "after I've completed my end of the deal no one will remember me and I ask of you to do the same, my problems and myself aren't things you should worry yourself about" 
"oh... I-I see" Dream said, unsure of what to think of his answer
"Ummm... Sorry to bud in on this conversation but it's time to go Dream" Voice said 
Wish nodded and looked at Dream "as I've said, please don't worry yourself about me or my problems, please focus on your own instead" he said "and, good luck, I hope one day you and your brother can be a family again" 
Dream smiled at the last part "thank you Wish, and I hope the same for you and your brother as well" he said before disappearing presumably back to his Multiverse.
Dreamswap = Blaze: 
Wish felt his smile fall as Dream left, he was always so worried about everyone else except for himself in the past, and, he's still like that now. He wished he could have told him everything but who knows what Fang would do to him if he found out. He took a deep breath, this is all for Void, he just had to keep reminding himself of that, and that one day this would all be worth it. 
"excuse me" a new voice said making Wish turn around to face them, it was Dreamswap Dream, or Blaze as he called him, "are you all right there? You've been staring off into space for 5 minutes now" he said 
"I'm all right" Wish said "I was just thinking to myself" 
Blaze nodded "I see, very well then" he said "I was told that I would be coming here to meet an alternate version of myself and considering you're the only one here I'm assuming that would be you, correct?" he asked
Wish nodded "that would be correct, I'm Wish, you are?"  
Blaze nodded "it's a pleasure to meet you Wish, I am Dream Von Licht, leader of the Justice Reigns" he said "though you cannot call me by my real name to ensure that we do not have any mix-ups in the future so you may call me Blaze instead" 
"I will keep that in mind" Wish said 
Blaze looked Wish up and down before looking directly at him and raising an eyebrow "it's rather interesting to know an alternate version of myself can have such a negative aura" he said "how and why is that?" he asked him 
"why and am I not surprised, of course he would pick up on it and ask like Dream" Wish thought to himself, "I rather not get into it right now" he said 
Blaze nodded "I see, I will respect your privacy but one day I would like to know why that is" he said "as much as I would like to stay here and chat I have business I must attend to, if you ever find yourself in my au don't be a stranger" he said before walking away and disappearing
"I have a question, Voice" Wish said
"sure, what's up?"
"how many more Dream Au's am I going to be meeting today, just out of curiosity" Wish asked
"umm... Let me see" Wish could hear them messing around with something that sounded like papers "ah, here it is, about two more to go after this one" they said "speaking of this one, I suggest you look behind you" they added 
Wish did exactly that "you've got to be kidding me" he thought as soon as he saw the golden octopus known as Shattered. Shattered gave Wish a creepy smile and waved "why hello there" he said, his voice sounding as if it was echoing throughout the white void
Wish could feel his left eye twitch, luckily it was covered by his eye-patch so Shattered couldn't see it. Wish smiled in an attempt to hide his annoyment with the negativity covered skeleton "hello" he said "it's nice meeting you, I'm Wish what's your name" 
"I'm Shattered" he said, that creepy smile never leaving his face. Shattered quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Wish "what's with the eye patch little one?" he asked causing Wish to quickly turn around to face him "do you have the same problem as me? If so, why hide it?" 
Wish backed up from him before responding "I don't have the same problem as you" he said "I just like wearing it"
Shattered huffed "you're quite a boring one you know" he said before sighing "such a shame, I thought I would have more fun messing with you. Maybe in the future I might have more luck but right now you're just boring me too much" he said before leaving
"that was.... Out of character for him..." Wish thought
Reset Dreamtale = Reset:
Wish let out a breath that he didn't even know that he was holding, dealing with Shattered was always a stressful experience
"hey there!" someone said in his ear making him quickly turn to his left, he was met with a version of himself he hadn't seen before. They smiled at him "how ya doing?" he asked 
Wish backed up from him, uncomfortable with him being that close "I'm good... How are you?" he asked 
"I'm good!" he said "I'm Reset! What's your name?"
"I'm Wish, it's nice meeting you Reset" he said, for some reason he felt uneasy near him
Reset looked at him and blinked a few times before saying "I'm going to call you Starry instead!" 
"umm... Please don't" Wish said 
"okay Starry whatever you say!" he said with a smile, he wrapped his arm around Wish's shoulder and said "I can see you and me being great friends, Starry!" 
Wish nervously smiled and laughed "y-yeah... Great friends" 
"I'm glad you agree Starry, but unfortunately I have to go" he said with sadness in his voice. He let go of Wish and stood in front of him "I'll see you around Starry!" he said waving as he disappeared
"bye Reset... Stay safe" Wish said with an awkward smile, he felt more comfortable around Shattered than with him, he seemed to be a nice guy in all honesty but he just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 
Evolved Identities/EI = Bright:
Wish took a deep breath, one more to go and then he could go home. He really hoped Fang didn't wake up and realize his absence or that Ink came home and went looking for him only to find out he was gone. 
He looked around the void knowing another version of himself would be there shortly, and he was right, as soon as he turned around another version of himself came into view, he was sitting on the floor and staring off into space. Wish walked over to him, it was another version of himself that he had yet to meet.
He must have heard his footsteps because he looked towards him, he looked exhausted "who are you" he asked "and why am I here" he added
Wish sat across from him, concern and worry written on his face as he saw the chains around his wrist "I'm Wish" he answered not knowing how to properly approach the situation "you are?" 
"you still didn't answer my question, why am I here" he said 
The Voice came back and answered for him "Wish is here meeting alternate versions of himself, please introduce yourself to him" 
"so it's one of these" he said under his breath, he sighed "you can call me Bright" 
Wish nodded 
"since this the last one you'll be meeting today I'll let you guys spend a little more time together. And before you say anything in protest Bright your Multiverse time has been paused for this very reason so don't worry about Midnight finding out or anything" Voice said 
Bright looked down, he didn't look to be amused at all
Wish looked around uncomfortably "ummm.... Do you want to play Go Fish or something?" Wish said, trying his best to liven up the mood
Bright looked at him "sure I guess, I have nothing left to lose" he said  
"bye Bright, I hope to see you again" Wish said as he waved bye to him as it was time for him to go back 
"why? So we can have a rematch?" he questioned with a slight smile having beaten Wish at multiple card games 
Wish smiled and chuckled a bit "well that's one of the reasons" he said "good luck Bright, and stay safe" 
"heh, right back at ya Wish" he said before disappearing
Wish sighed, he really did hope everything turned out well for him and his family. Wish looked up and said "that was the last one right? Can I go home now?" he asked Voice 
"umm yeah.... About that... I lied..." thay said "there's one more your meeting, but I promise you it'll be really quick" 
Wish looked down and sighed, 'great..." he thought 
"ummm hello...? Where am I?" asked a new voice, Wish quickly recognized it and turned around,  he was met with none other than his past self, the one right after the wish had occurred. He looked up at him in surprise "are you me?" he asked
Wish looked away from him and nodded 
His past self ran over to him much to his surprise and asked "d-did we stop Brothers corruption from happening?" he said hopeful
Wish sighed and shook his head "no, we didn't" he said 
His younger self looked down "o-oh...I see..." he said, sadness in his voice "we're never going to get him back, are we...?" 
Wish kneeled down to his level making his younger self look at him "you didn't let me finish, it may have not worked but everything reset back to when we first broke out of the stone, to my knowledge Void doesn't know that we've escaped yet" he said "I'm going to figure out how to get him back, don't worry." 
His younger self nodded "okay" he said 
Wish stood back up "you should probably get going now, you don't want to make Void worried" he said looking down at him 
His younger self nodded with a smile "bye future me, and good luck" he said before disappearing
. . 
. . . 
Little Wish/Wishtale = Past/Dreaming Wish:
I actually had a lot of fun with this, and it was nice being able to take a break from his story and do something with him that was stupid. I do apologize if some of the characters acted a bit off, namely Bright. 
And about the change to Wish, I think I'm going to make Wish and everyone else in his Multiverse a human, I'll still draw them as skeletons because I can't draw hair for s*it, but when I finally do figure it out the skeleton version of himself will be gone. 
FYI, Wish and Void would technically be classified as hybrids because I'll be making them half human & half monster, Fang would be a monster just with a human form, mostly everyone else would be humans but with powers and for some I haven't decided just yet.
-Dreamtale/Dream (made by @jokublog) 
-Dreamswap/Blaze (made by @onebizarrekai) 
-Shattered (made by @drawingerrorr)
-Reset Dreamtale/Reset (made by Pzy_Vengeance)
-Evolved Identities/Bright (made by @emi-loves-sweets) 
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
hi everyone~! i'm back, feeling a bit better and with normal thoughts now, finally.
But what exactly happened?
| Narcolepsy
As some of you know, I have narcolepsy (inability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle) which caused me A LOT of visible and auditory hallucinations, su1c1dal thoughts, /// thoughts, and a lot of things like this.
During my break, this happened infinite times. I woke up hearing disturbing music, only for me to realize it was loud as heck but just in my head.
I kept falling asleep at 1 am until two nights ago, when I starter feeling dizzy as never before and I almost fell asleep on my plate during dinner. One of those moments that I like to call "when I don't even know where's left and right".
I fainted for two days in a row during class cause my brain was completely off and I couldn't keep my head up straight. My eyes literally gave up and I collapsed onto my desk. My teachers got very scared too (I kind of blame myself?? But I understand them tho, I'm really sorry).
Yesterday, I fell asleep around midnight after I took a painkiller cause tennis is "breaking" my muscles (as I don't get proper rest, my muscles are weak as heck and sometimes respond to a ball with the racket is really difficult for me, let alone running to catch it).
Tonight, I have to finish studying Latin (I want to voluntarily go to an interrogation to recover a very bad grade) and then I plan to go to sleep around 11 pm.
| Studies
And now, let's switch to the (probably) worst part of this post.
My studies got way worse, unfortunately. I kept getting bad grades for almost a week, I saved myself with a decent grade but only in some subjects.
That's why tomorrow I want to volunteer to the interrogation. I plan to get a 9 (which -if you don't know- one of the best grades you can get) and recover a 3 (one of the worst grades you can get).
I have to be honest with myself tho, I really didn't study for the test, that's why I got a 3.
I realized a bit too late that my study method wasn't good, so I'm trying to improve and change to get better grades.
I'm planning on not having recover lessons in the summer, nor during the change of the semester, so I'm focusing even more.
| Asthma
Definitely better!
I didn't have to use Aerosol for too long, I only had to do 2 rounds per day and I still managed to breathe properly even during panick attacks, so it improved a lot ^^
| My Bully??
Ok, this is probably the funniest parte of this post.
Cause this involves tickles.
So, after speaking to my parents about this, they talked to the teacher (I'm very shy when it's about talking to an adult I'm not in confidence with, I never talked to a teacher about a very serious problem) and the teacher called my bully here to talk to me.
We had a little discussion where I explained how his videos affected me and my mental healt/condition.
He had no idea my hallucinations could go so far that could lead me to think about ending my life.
He apologized. I could say ue begger for forgiveness cause he really looked sorry, and I forgave him in the end. And strangest but sweet part, we even became friends after three days.
So as we started talking more, he asked me
"But seriously now, are you still mad at me?"
That's when I understood he really was sorry for what he did, but deep inside he was also afraid that I would never really forgive him.
"No, i'm not mad anymore. Honestly, i've never been 'mad', but just upset about it"
But he still looked sad. So, what did I do? Of course duh🙄, I tickled him!
And I'm telling you I've never thought he could be so cute and ticklish. His giggles are the cutest thing and his worst spot is probably his neck (AHHHHH TICKLISH NECKS ARE SO CUTE).
So I managed to get him happy again and he even gave me a hug aw <3
So yep, that's all ^^
My timer is currently at five months and fifteen days without ///ing so I'm really proud of myself, and I started loving my body more than before <3
Thanks to the two anons that sent me kind asks about how I was doing and wished me happy things <33!!
Stay safe & hydratated! ^^
Bye~! <33
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
find the word tag CCCXXXIX
why do I always inadvertently plop myself down into a box of stuff to do in there and when I get out of the box there are people waiting to see what I got done while I was in the box and sometimes the answer is just "I was thinking about stuff that's outside the box" and oops I think I'm externalizing the adhd experience again. @spacetimewraithwrites
whole (previous lives and premonitions, 2020 - fun fact: this was fanfic but I literally had to tweak two things to make it not anymore)
Toby wasn’t about to just let it go. “How did you know about my dad?”
“Deja vu.”
“That makes no sense. It hasn’t happened before.”
Rose sighed again, picking at the end of her shirt sleeve. “Okay, not deja vu. A premonition.”
Toby’s voice sounded normal, but Arin could catch the way his words were clipped by his concern. “Do you often get premonitions?”
“There are things that nobody around me knows, or only one person knows, or they don’t know the whole thing. And they should know, or know more, or know better and there’s not any kind of easy way to make that happen. So for some reason, I get to know it, so I can tell them, and then, since I wasn’t supposed to know in the first place, I forget, and that pressure change of knowing and forgetting is a strain on my body, I guess. Sometimes I just get a little dizzy, sometimes I get a little faint and sometimes I just black out altogether.”
Arin didn’t know what to say to that. Mandy was speechless with her mouth open. Toby wasn’t angry, but he wasn’t happy and he definitely wasn’t talking.
work (29 days of october the original version, 2012 - fun fact: this was the last story I tried to write in first person until last year's Glow)
As consciousness returned to me, my body became aware of rough stones underneath. In a reflexive motion, my left hand slid down to that same hip, checking for my sword. In another moment I felt the smooth malachite pommel and leather grip. I forced my eyelids open, squinting immediately at the glare of noon sunlight. I'd forgotten that time ran differently here, an hour after time at home. Although, that would not make it nearly so late already, I must have been unconscious for at least three hours.
"I didn't think you would be out so long." Instantly I jerked upright, my right hand reached up to draw the dagger I kept sheathed at my back, but another hand closed on my elbow, followed by a weathered face. The voice had not been deep, but textured, and I had placed it to a man of middling age. Instead, the person before me could only be a few years older than myself.
His hand released me when I tugged away, and he sat before me on the dirt. My mind had started to work, but I could gather no sense of any other presence in the immediate area besides ourselves. I had never been so alone in such a great expanse. Surrounding us on three sides, shale and dirt spread out to the horizon line. Through the mist that floated lightly in the air, I thought I could make out the shapes of mountains far off, but I was not sure. Behind me lay the remains of a forest, I knew from scouts, and the portal attached to two tall trees.
"I'm Morren. Your first advisor picked out the best for you. Though, I don't know why I should be pulled away from my other duties to go on this suicide mission."
"Your duty now is to me. This mission is more important that anything else." I wasn't sure why I felt angry at him, perhaps it was his apparent careless attitude. However, I could not afford to give into feelings. I never could. "You know who I am, and you know what we're doing. Can we start immediately?"
"Of course, your highness."
watch (dirt in the doing - fun fact: I make good coffee)
“Do you want food?” Rune asks next, leaning against the counter with her own cup.
He shakes his head. “Coffee’s good.”
“I said it would be, didn’t I?” Rune doesn’t look at him, though, and still sounds half-asleep. “Okay, well, I have work, so, drink up because I’m not leaving you to lock up the place.”
Jet watches her gulp at her coffee before drinking his own at a slightly more moderate pace. Rune dumps her mug in the sink and sighs, running a hand through her hair. Belatedly, he sees she’s got dark red streaks in it, peeking out from underneath the ends. It suits her instead of looking out of place. How he knows this is beyond him. He finishes his coffee and tries not to have any unearned thoughts about this mysterious girl.
“You done? Let’s go.”
He’s really losing his touch, letting her just tell him what to do. Shadow could tell him he’d taken notes for him on a day skipped and he would’ve responded much less placidly. Just because it’s a girl shooing him out of her apartment doesn’t change his personality. Supposedly.
wing (but I was a bird you couldn't cage, 2021 - fun fact: the rhythm on this is super broken)
You beat your wings to follow me home Your insistence is tugging at my feet I creep past you in the nighttime Because you believe in starlight And the shadows are what helps us not to meet
I can’t help but wonder why I ever let you take my hand If the clock sounds out the time I still can’t give a reprimand Watch your feathers fall to rest beside the salty sea I know you’ll miss me in the moonlight but this is what we need
water (hell in a handbasket, 2021 - fun fact: this blew up way more than I ever thought)
“Hey, psst, hey kid, c'mere.”
“Can I interest you in some,” and it flourishes its cloak dramatically, “hell in a handbasket?”
The boy squints at it, unimpressed.
“Are you coming back with the water or what?” His mother calls.
“There’s a demon in the yard, Ma!” He yells back.
“What does it want?”
“It’s trying to sell me hell in a handbasket!”
worse (dirt in the doing - fun fact: I did this)
“Did they break?”
“No.” Rune holds out her right hand and traces over the back of it with her other index finger. “But I felt something in here, and I could barely move them and couldn’t hold any weight with them. I taped two of them together and tried to manage the best I could.”
“So you went to get it checked out, right?” Hawk joins the conversation for the first time, and his tone indicates exactly how likely he feels that suggestion to be.
Rune snags Jet’s beer from him and he just flicks a piece of noodle at her instead of snatching it back. “No,” she answers. “I just asked a friend who was studying to be an EMT what she thought was wrong.”
Copper elbows her harder. “How are you even worse at taking care of yourself than my brother is?”
“I’ve gotten better since then! I’ve gotten better at a lot of things. You just happen to catch me on my bad days.”
The boys all give her varying degrees of disbelief in their expressions.
fruit, flavor, friend, first. BONUS: flirtatious, foreign. @spacetimewraithwrites @tc-doherty @drippingmoon @owlishink @yejiwritesthings @athenswrites @zoya-writes OR ANYBODY
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