#lmk s5 trailer
In light of recent events, I decided to go check out Wildbrain's website for more information on what their 2D works are usually like.
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These are the same people involved in the making of Carmen Sandiego
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A show that, like some of their other 2D works, actually benefits from a choppier, more puppet-like animation style.
It's safe to say that it's the type that's worked well for them up to this point, with a couple exceptions. (See: The Snoopy Show)
And much as I'm disappointed with the quality downgrade of the new LMK season, well...
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...Keep in mind that this studio has loads of talented people who are trying their best to fill the big shoes left behind by Flying Bark.
LEGO made the decision of what studio should step in next, and attacking the actual studio for it just makes you an asshole.
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dez-ku · 24 days
I doodled this last night :^]
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theweepingegg · 26 days
Now that Lego Monkie Kid Season 5 Trailer is out, here is my thoughts on it.
Some of you LMK fans are the worse I've seen on here.
Due to the amount of negativity the trailer got from the fans. It was bad to the point someone send a DM to the LEGO company and I heard someone try to do a petition to get Flying Bark back on the show.
As an Animator it is very disheartening to see your comments on it. I actually cried seeing the comments. Please give the new studio a chance. Wait until the episodes drop this summer, and then see if you guys will love it.
The new studio knows that LMK is a highly anticipated animation, hence the expectations were HIGH. Can you imagine the pressure being put on to them?
Just please enjoy the show. Despite it being a different Studio, it is STILL them. It is still MK, the Monkie Kid. It is still based on the Journey To The West.
Do not go and harassed, ESPECIALLY the Animators about how bad the trailer was. Please be kind to them. They have worked so hard on this for YOU. Be happy that there's even a GLIMPSE of S5.
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summerdoddles · 24 days
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Screenshot edit from the LMK S5 trailer
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sun4ndmo0n · 25 days
Basically Wukong in the S5 Trailer
Made this to lighten things up because the fandom is really upset about what's currently happening.
(I'm also totally not working on reanimating the whole trailer, totally...)
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hisnigo2006 · 25 days
So the LmkS5 trailer just got released and...... Yeah no one in the Fandom is happy about the Animeton change.. Soo Here is an re draw of a frame from the trailer. Just for fun. Okay
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Also this cursed doddle:
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yurious-george · 26 days
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He died on the cross for our sins.
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virgilisspidey · 24 days
The trailer really forced me to make backgrounds again, huh?
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I actually had fun making this!! Wukong's took a tad bit longer than I was expecting since i was experimenting on the background more but Macaque's was more fun to make since I got to include my own design of him!!
They're circulating in my brain again.
I did this instead of researching for a debate tomorrow.
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A lil ranting over here.
I really love how the show always had Wukong look over his shoulder to see Macaque's reaction.
That face Macaque makes always shows up when Wukong was doing or saying something he least expected. During the brotherhood it's fondness, during the Samadhi fire ritual it was surprise, for the s4 finale it was awe.
He just can't stop making this face at Wukong.
And Wukong just can't stop checking behind him.
I like it about them.
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a-tea-goblin · 25 days
s5 spoilers
me implying in a fic a month ago that MK would do anything/take the fall for things in order to keep MK out of Heaven's and/or Diyu's eyes.
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(its slightly implied/being theorized that in the trailer that Wukong may have said something in defense of/took the fall for MK and/or Macaque and that's why he's being punished despite not being responsible for anything that happened with Azure)
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lu-zijing · 10 days
Soooooo, me and @cherllyio looked through some scenes in the ~ LMK S5 trailer ~ again, and stopped by this specifically scene yet again:
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Credit to "@SimplyRemarkable" on YouTube for uploading the trailer
Who Is MK Attacking???
Cherrlyio (aka Cory) was like the first time we saw it and said again: "That kinda looks like Li Jing, you know, The one MK is attacking." And I was also like the first time we saw it and said again: "Hmm, are you sure?? I don't know, it could be, but who knows? It's so blurry." Cory: "Well, maybe.. I guess it could be something else, but still." Me: "Fair enough."
((I think they made a post about the whole thing- Go check out their channel, they got good stuff—))
*Us looking through the trailer again today-*
Imagine that whole conversation again- and THEN—
Me: "hm.. I'm still not sure... Waiiiiiittttt-- Dosn't it kinda look like the Black Tortoise? It's feet, I mean."
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Me: "The one who was likely also present in the scene right before?~"
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Cory: "....OHSHI——"
Me:"( ̄︶ ̄)"
Cory: "SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT——!!! w(゚Д゚)w"
Cory: "Ah damn, I just made a post about it being Li Jing...."
Yes, I'm bragging a little bit over for Cory—
It could just be that the angle turned after that first picture we see the Black Tortoise in, where it is behind the kneeling Mk.
Because, it is not behind MK any longer, in the scene where he is seemingly attacking it.
And it could even be in this scene too-!
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Where - in that case - we see Sandy seemingly attacking it??
Credit to @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven For pointing that detail out!
And here comes a theory: ~~
The Black Tortoise is one of Four Mythological Creatures that appear in Chinese Philosophy/Astrology.
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Picture 1: http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/chinese.html
Picture 2: https://www.mapcompanion.org/constellations-song-dynasty/
It is usually represented with a snake coiled around it's body, but I mean - We haven't gotten one good look at it in the trailer, so that doesn't mean it can't be what we saw in LMK
Soo huuh~? Could it be that they are appearing in LMK??
If you wanna know more about them @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven seems to have made some posts about it! I didn't know they had also noticed it, so go check that out if you can't wait!!
Because I am also currently making a video about it, hoping to be posted in the near future on YouTube, A continuation of my collab with @cherllyio "The ULTIMATE Breakdown of the Season 5 Trailer" (on YouTube)
So You might ask... Even if it actually is a black turtle, how do you know it's the one from the Four Mythological Creatures in Chinese Culture??
WELL, ma bud ~ Because there IS proof that ALL THE OTHER THREE CREATURES actually appeared in the trailer-!!!
You wanna know what~? []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
*Psssst* Then here-! Take a quick little sneak peak at the video in process~~
An Azure Dragon:
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A White Tiger:
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A Vermillion Bird:
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AND the Black Tortoise:
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As It seems very likely that we have seen three, if not ALL four of them . . .
-It would make quite a lot of sense that these four creatures who are appearing in the trailer IS INDEED the Four Auspicious Beasts Yes, they got many names, google it- from the Chinese Constellations.......!!!!?OAUFR)EKWNADOIFNKAAODNKFLF——!!???
But WAIT! I'm not done yet--
Here's ONE more detail that we're gonna cover in that video I mentioned~ :
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These characters are wearing White Tiger accessories AND holding an Azure Dragon, instead of an red-gold Dragon that is usually held during Chinese Lunar New Year, which this could very well be..?
Even if it actually IS a thing to use Azure Dragons too, it IS a little suspicious they BOTH have an Azure Dragon and things that represents a WHITE TIGER..?
I'm pretty sure orange tigers is more usual too, just like red-gold Dragon is more common in China as well.
What do you Think~?
If you're interested in that video, where me and Cory will be covering more details and some basic knowledge about these Four Creatures, Then keep an eye out on my Blog!
I will defintely Post an Update here. And Cory will do so too, as it is a Collab~
Well, that was all for now!
Just realised this is the first time ever I made a long theory post like this—
I like it
Cory: "...........*sighs in tiredness, after making so many long theory-posts at this point already...*"
Hope You found it interesting..!
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squidkid15 · 26 days
bummed about the possible animation drop, that's really rough, but I'll still watch. Gimme my monkies.
Also whatever the case don't give the animators shit - this is definitely something entirely out of their hands. this is a higher up of some sort deciding to swap studios and/or cut time. not on the animators. especially cuz from what we've seen in the past the flying bark people really enjoyed working on the show.
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solace-star · 25 days
Also here's me drawing my oc into that scene :P
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dez-ku · 24 days
Have you seen the trailer for lmk season 5 yet?
(If so, what do you think about it?)
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It's ok, yeah the animation is different and how it presents is also different now
Yes, I am upset but hey.. at least I know S5 is still gonna be a thing. I don't like how people overreacts and be shitty about the new animation.
Look at S1-S4, do you have any idea how long it took for them to get used to the animation and ACTUALLY make the aesthetic and theme so pleasing to the eye.
I can see they put all their efforts in S4
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At this point I don't care about the animation, me and the people I'm close with are just gonna make some theories about what's gonna happen in S5. Like we used to, bc I also love the story, I want to see how they evolve and I want to know if my theories are right, this and that.
I love the show, I'll still support them and continue watching.
Bc other than the show itself... Sometimes it's the fan artists, fan fic artists or just its fandom (the positive side) that makes people outside the fandom actually watch LMK. Let's show them it's still good no matter what.
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letssofia3006 · 23 days
Re animating this shot with the objetive of copying the exquisite work of flying bark studio.
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Thought I really wanna say, now that I recreated this shot I can appreciate that the timing and movement is great, actually.
The only thing that was missing to achieve the flying bark spark ✨ was adding perspective to the face and the torso.
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summerdoddles · 26 days
I survived the dsmp trenches, i think i can survive the studio new animation... but i'm still going to miss flying bark
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nightmarebunnyking · 26 days
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Lmk s5 trailer lmk animation before.
This is a joke. I mean, no hate to the animators and the studio.
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