#location: korriban
arkhavens · 1 year
ok but i CANNOT fucking get over the fact that there was literally an active sith academy on thule before+during the clone wars.
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sw95ws · 1 year
Luthen's Map DECODED (72 Locations: Korriban, Mandalore, Nar Shaddaa + m...
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animatedjen · 4 days
Which already canon planet (appeared in films/series/games) would you love to see in the next Jedi game? Also, is there any lesser known planet in the lore you'd explore?
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Ah anon I'm so sorry, you've outed me as a fraud 😭 I actually don't know many of the different Star Wars planets - but I've loved exploring both familiar and new places throughout the Jedi series. Each game has included two well-known locations (Kashyyyk and Dathomir, Coruscant and Jedha) balanced by brand new places (Bogano and Zeffo, Koboh and its moon) so it's possible that pattern will continue for Jedi 3.
There's a few Reddit threads out there with a similar question: Dantooine, Korriban/Moriband, Nar Shaddaa, Naboo, Onderon, and Umbara pop up pretty often. I could see Jedi 3 balancing its planets between Empire-controlled territories inside the known galaxy and other places inside the Koboh abyss besides Tanalorr. Like previous games, there's a focus on an ancient culture and uncovering secrets from the past that help shape the present.
What I really want to explore is the final chapter of this Sorc Tormo/Haxion Brood storyline. They've been chasing Cal since his escape from Ordo Eris and I don't think the Mantis Crew wants bounty hunters tracking down their new Hidden Path sanctuary. Whether that means going back to the space station or confronting Sorc somewhere else, I'd love to take down the Brood once and for all. Running into Caij and freeing her in exchange for rocket boots wouldn't be a bad deal either 👀
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incorrect-kotor-quotes · 11 months
I omitted the really linear locations. If you got lost in Onderon, that one's on you.
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queer-starwars-bracket · 11 months
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): Legends Overflow Match
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Lemda Avesta| Identity: playersexual | Media: SWTOR
Lemda Avesta was a geophysicist and the niece of the ruler of the planet Makeb. When the Hutt Cartel attempted to annex Makeb, she convinced her uncle to turn to the Republic for help. She was captured by the Hutts and then rescued by the Republic player character. She discovered that the extent of mining for isotope-5 by the Hutts has caused groundquakes that would destroy Makeb. When the player discovered that the Hutts’ “Project Failsafe” was a giant ark so the Hutts could flee Makeb, she helped locate it so that the Republic could seize the ark and allow the citizens of Makeb to evacuate.
Throughout the story of the 2013 Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion she can be flirted with by player characters of either gender. If the romance was pursued, she will give her holofrequency number to the player before departing on the ark, but never appears again. She is the first instance of SWTOR’s new policy to not gender-lock romance. However, since her imperial counterpart Cytharat can only be romanced by male player characters, one can interpret her as intentionally written as bisexual instead of merely Bioware deciding not to gender-lock romance.
Belaya | Identity: wlw | Media: KOTOR
Belaya is an NPC Revan encounters on Datioone when they undergo their Jedi training. During that time, Belaya is a new Jedi Knight while her lover Juhani failed her final trial. She offers Revan several pieces of advice throughout their training. When Juhani “falls” to the Dark Side, she isn’t permitted by the Jedi Council to help her due to their closeness. After Revan saves Juhani, she expresses her gratitude to them. Belaya and Juhani will hang out together in the Enclave until Juhani joins Revan on their journey.
If Revan kills rather than saving Juhani, Belaya will run away from Datioone and will be encountered on Korriban- where she attempts to avenge Juhani. While it is only heavily implied in KOTOR (2003), she was intentionally written as Juhani’s lover. The writing team self censored this because of fear about how GamersTM would react. This makes her tied with Juhani for being the first queer character in Star Wars.
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
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Lord Kael Nosrol Krannus was a towering Pureblooded Sith Warrior of great renown. Over the course of his relatively brief but infamous career, he had led dozens of operations against the Republic, from crushing the War Trust on Taris to freeing the Dread Masters on Belsavis. Dozens of Jedi and hundreds if not thousands of Republic soldiers had fallen beneath his blades. But it had been on Corellia where his ruthless butchery against his enemies had earned him a new epithet: The Emperor’s Wrath. He had become Vitiate’s chosen, hand-picked to eliminate the Emperor’s enemies both within the Republic and the Empire. Although the Sith Lord had never formally been named a Darth, anyone would have been foolish to think him any less deadly for that lack of title. Indeed, he had already crushed several of the most powerful Darths in the Empire, even slaying his old master, Darth Baras, on Korriban to cement his claim before going on to lead Imperial troops on Ilum and beyond.
Krannus had not been seen in over a year, not since supposedly breaking with the Dark Council and the entire Imperial hierarchy. Locating him had been a priority of the SIS for some time.
Now, Theron sorely wished that the Emperor’s Wrath had remained missing.
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Tagged by @shabre-legacy​ !
Tagging! @grandninjamasterren​ @inyri​ @fallen-in-faith​ @achantersayswhat​ @miss-spooky-eyes​
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Hello. My name is Lee, a genderfluid (they/them) mess of an individual, and this is my SWTOR blog, made lest this cursed game invade my thoughts eternal. I'm a jobless ecologist (have degree, but have disability too which makes work difficult) that likes writing, Star Wars, and reptiles.
Elisai Legacy if you happen to catch me in game.
Here is my OC page!
YO RP BLOGS THAT GET FOLLOWED BY ME: here is my side blog dedicated to rping my idiots -- @valleyofgolg
My quick and very incomplete SWTOR Character list:
*note: Nearly everyone is located on Star Forge and available for RP either in game, via discord, or via tumblr!
Leika'le Kela'an (Leika'le in game)
Self-exiled gray Jedi / Perpetually conflicted / Tainted with darkness / Trying to do the right thing
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Telos IV
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: @oolathurman's Azukni (Lana Beniko and major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former padawan of Saufa, bff of Rhin, enemy of Va'rika
Jarrok Kosokhan
Darth Honos / Former Emperor's Wrath / Commander of the Alliance / My *true* Outlander
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Agamar
Orientation: Straight
Ships: @oolathurman 's Xyraan (Vette and Major Anri in game)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Xyraan / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Hildr
Notes: Ex husband of Hildr, Nemesis of Saufa, Ally/friend of Sek'nos and Siree
Sek'nos Atithim (Seknos in game)
Overseer of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge / Darth Imperius / Darth Gnosis / Bad father / A huge nerd / The devil is a gentleman
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Dromand Kaas
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist (ft. ship songs)
Notes: Father of Aurine, weird friend of Leika'le, ally/enemy of Saufa, Ally/friend of Jarrok
Saufa Veki (Saufa in game)
Barsen'thor / Tormented by everything he's seen / Failed Jedi Master the first time around / Better but still whoops Jedi Master the second time around
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Alpheridies
Orientation: Gay
Ships: n/a (Theron Shan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: (Former) master of Leika'le, Current master of Dhalu, Nemesis of Jarrok, Ally/enemy of Sek'nos, friend/ally of Rhin, older brother of Kaeve
Rhin Elisai (R'hin in game)
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order / Righteous good guy / Always clueless / Tragic victim of unrequited love
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Corellia
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Kira Carsen in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Leika'le, friend/ally of Saufa, friend/ally of Dhalu, ally of Khi, enemy of Va'rika, enemy of Kaduul, arch nemesis of Skaeln
Va'rika Al'dira (Vaa'rika in game)
Darth Nox / Lord Hauntis / Dark Council Member / A true sadist / Hears the voices of her dead siblings / Why have morals when you can have power
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Ryloth
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Andronikos Revel and Khem Val in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Arch nemesis/tormentor of Leika'le, enemy of Rhin, “pal “of Kaduul, ally of Skaeln and Mokon
Brask'ael'nuruodo (Skaeln/Ael) (Skaeln in game)
Cipher 12 / A bad bean / Addicted to spice
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: @oolathurman's Athenyia (casual with Kaliyo in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Former fling/current coworker of Kaeve, coworker of Siree, ally of Va'rika, arch-nemesis of Rhin, underling of Jarrok
Liora Saris (Liurah in game)
Republic Trooper / Devoted mother / Cracks in her armor
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Class: Republic Trooper
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Aric Jorgan in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Saufa, Rhin, and Dhalu, enemy-to-friend of Siree
Kaeve Veki (Kaeve in game)
Cipher 22 / Walls up / Always escaping Korriban by the skin of her teeth / The use of Force suppressors is unhealthy / No name means no baggage right
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Miraluka with cyborg fittings
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Vector in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Younger sister of Saufa, Confidant of Darth Agonia, Former fling/current coworker of Skaeln, Familial relationship with Siree, bff of Aurine
Absolute idiot wow what the heck
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Akaavi in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Both enemy and friend of everyone tbh
Aurine Atithim (Au'rine in game)
Empress' Wrath to Acina / Darth Portentis / Daddy and mommy issues with a smokin' side of abandonment issues / Honor-bound
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Class: Sith Warrior
Species: Sith/Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Malavai Quinn and Arcann)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Bff of Kaeve, daughter of Sek'nos, casual lover/fwb of Darth Agonia
Mokon Zokanv (Mokon in game)
Champion of the Great Hunt / Asshole as an occupation
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Rattataki
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a (Mako in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Va'rika, Coworker/associate of Khi, Coworker/associate/unrequited desirer of Ahkira
Kaja Kallig
Zeison Sha Warrior / Chaotic neutral / my theyby
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Chiss
Gender: Genderfluid
Planet of Birth: Yanibar
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a (Lana Beniko in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Zeison Sha warrior, ex-Sith, guardian of the spacelanes
Hildr Fahn
Darth Occlus / Darth Agonia / Overseer of the Sphere of Mysteries / Mentee of Darth Marr / Child of a literal wound in the Force / Machine-hearted / A healthy fear of chains
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Sephi/Wound-in-the-Force
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: n/a – born on a ship in Wild Space
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: Jarrok and Vette (formerly), Aurine Atithim (casual), Theron Shan (casual) (Arcann in game and in my black heart)
Spotify playlist / Ship playlist ft. Vette and Jarrok
Notes: Mentee of Darth Marr, Child of a literal wound in the Force, machine-hearted, has a healthy fear of chains (and commitment), uses the word “darling” way too much
Khi Vreetoas
Mandalorian / Ex-slave / It's entirely possible to be a bounty hunter with a heart of gold
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Glee Anselm
Orientation: Questioning
Ships: n/a (Torian Cadera in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ex-slave, Heart of gold, Mandalorian of Clan Skirata
Knight of the Old Republic / Dark-hearted / Beliefs are polarizing
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Class: Jedi Consular
Species: Togruta
Gender: Questioning, she/her
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Demisexual
Ships: n/a (Tau Idair and Sahar in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Dark-hearted, Beliefs are polarizing
Siree Fahn
Watcher 6 / Mother on a mission / Local hater of the Sith / Undercover to find her daughter / Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
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Class: Imperial Agent
Species: Sephi
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Thustra
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Vector Hyllus, Nico Okarr in game)
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mother on a mission, Local hater of the Sith, Undercover to find her daughter, Now knows not to have relations with wounds in the Force masquerading as pretty men
Qirzah Kela'an (Quirzah in game)
Not a smuggler / Has a kid out there somewhere
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Planet of Birth: Kiffex
Orientation: Uncertain
Ships: n/a (Nico Okarr and Risha in game)
Spotify playlist
Lord Desolatis / Practitioner of Sith Alchemy
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Species: Miraluka
Gender: Agender (they/them)
Planet of Birth: Ch'hodos
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Mentee of Darth Agonia, Enemy of Rhin, Arch nemesis of Dhalu, ex-friend/ex-ally/ex-obsessee of Va'rika
Desc. here.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Nonbinary, she/her/they/them
Planet of Birth: Mirial
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Akhira, ally/friend of Leika'le
Sibahl Singh
Desc. here.
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Species: Wound-in-the-Force/Human ig
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth:
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Akhira Rudak
Desc. here
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Cathar
Gender: Trans/Female
Planet of Birth: Cathar
Orientation: Lesbian
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Ally of Chit-to, friend of Khi, friend of Leika'le, associate of Mokon
Good at his illicit job / Accidental dad
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Coruscant
Orientation: Straight
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Father figure/protector of Akhira, father figure/protector of Leika'le
Laalw Kol
SIS Agent / Conflicted in perpetuity
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Togruta
Gender: Demigirl
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Sapphic
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sister of Dotaash, enemy of Xiig
Dotaash Kol
Mechanic with interesting morals
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Species: Togruta
Gender: Genderqueer, He/She/They
Planet of Birth: Shili
Orientation: Pansexual
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
Notes: Sibling of Laalw
Sindra Johdi
Troubled doctor
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Class: Smuggler
Species: Echani
Gender: ??? -- they/them
Planet of Birth: Eshan
Orientation: Unsure
Ships: n/a
Spotify playlist
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
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Ziost, known as the "Gateway to the Empire," was a rocky world and potent focal point of the dark side of the Force located in the Ziost system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Esstran sector. It was an adopted homeworld of the Sith species. Ziost was considered one of the five sacred Sith planets and served as a capital of Adas' Sith Empire and the Old Sith Empire. It was orbited by four moons.
Following the invasion of Korriban by the Rakata and a bloody civil war around 27,700 BBY, Ziost came to host a population of the Sith who had fled from their homeworld of Korriban in the Stygian Caldera. These Sith, most of whom were of the Kissai priest and Massassi warrior castes, established Ziost as a capital of the Sith Empire. As the Kissai priests oversaw the rebuilding efforts, they established the Sith Citadel on the planet.
After a ritual performed by Vitiate, the planet became completely devoid of life. The very fabric of the environment seemed to be leached of color—leaving everything sickly shades of brown or gray. The atmosphere was warped as well, as Ziost's sun appeared a pale brown instead of its actual bright blue color, and sound waves were twisted to become flat and dull. The absence of the Force could cause anything alive on its surface—especially Force-sensitives—to die if they stayed there long enough.
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ryssabrin · 1 year
finished kotor 2! that last like two hours of the game really drags lol. having a game where the combat system revolves around a party of companions and then having levels where you’re left by yourself can be fun and interesting but not for the entire ending of the game. i had to do the first phase of the final boss twice bc i slipped up right at the beginning of the second phase and died without saving. really annoyed when i figured out how much easier the second phase is lmao. for some reason my lightsaber attacks were just not doing any damage at all (they kept missing? no idea why) so all i could was slowly chisel down her health with all of the two offensive force abilities i had and rage every time she spammed the life drain ability. anyways. now that i’m done venting about that wow! the story was so good!
i think you can def tell it switched developers part way through bc parts of it feel very bioware and parts feel very obsidian. all of the companions have really interesting story hooks but either i sucked at progressing their dialogue or they’re just not written with much depth past a certain point. atton and kreia get a lot of focus and then mira gets a decent amount (but feels much less connected to the main story), but bao-dur, visas, mandalore and the droids get hardly anything. (why was hk-47 even there?) i did dantooine last so i didn’t see much of the disciple (slight blessing in disguise bc i was not expecting smellis to be in this game lmao), but he seemed like he might have had more focus than the droids. i know some of it is tied to your force alignment but still lol. loved what was there in terms of the character writing but a lot of it felt half baked, unfinished, or just missing key moments. there being no loyalty missions of any kind is very felt. i just barely managed to make atton a jedi right before the part of the game where your companions just aren’t there anymore.
if they’re ever able to remake the kotor games, the first one would be pretty easy to just one-to-one remake. add a voiced protagonist, dialogue wheel and proper character creator, beef up the gameplay and cutscenes (and flesh out the romances) and that’s it. but kotor 2 i feel like would need a full restructuring. the main story around the exile and kreia is so good. the way it digs into how different force users experience and relate to the force and how that affects them is good good star wars content and obsidian really nailed that. i wish sion and nihilous were more fleshed out and actually interacted with the exile more to really hammer home that idea and atton’s addition shouldn’t be locked behind figuring out his weird influence gains lol. anything that doesn’t tie in to that kind of falls to the wayside though.
i think it work better if it were less of an rpg. keep the player on their own for the most part with some story sections giving you different companions as uncontrollable npcs. you can keep the sections where the party splits up and you play as a diff character but have it be a set character with a similar moveset. keep the companions in set locations, maybe on the ship maybe not (mira really doesn’t have a reason to leave nar shadaa and mandalore doesn’t need to leave dxun tbh), and have them each have a questline. that would allow the player to engage with the companions as much or as little as possible and focus in more on the exile as a character and their interactions with kreia. the exile could honestly stand to be more of an established character with less player input as blasphemous as that sounds lol. keep most of the dialogue choices and the ability to play it light side or dark side but anything about the exile’s past should be set. and the planet order shouldn’t be variable. i followed the “best” planet order according to google and i didn’t like it actually lol. korriban should absolutely be last as it’s the only planet where you don’t get a companion, you fight sion for the first time and it has that whole optional vision quest thing. dantooine or possibly nar shadaa could be first and the other second with onderon third.
all in all i’m very happy i finally got to play this game and would be so stoked if it got a remake but i don’t think i’ll be doing a dark side run anytime soon lol.
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shark-wrangler · 2 years
For the OC Asks:
Kalarros - 3, 10, 15, 18, 38, 43 and 49!
yeeee thank you for this question deluge (ask meme)
3. What does their safe space look like? honestly just anywhere that contains His People, he likes having them nearby and knowing they're safe (which can sometimes be a tall order given the general way they all live their lives). As far as location goes he's more adaptable than first impressions would suggest. Alternately, he really likes working with fathiers and hanging around the corral where he's currently keeping Asha, because he is first and foremost a shameless horse girl to rival Jean Luc Picard.
10. What kind of jokes make them laugh? Despite the rumor that he has no sense of humor, he has a great appreciation for Vette's brand of snark, even more so because every time they hang out together in public people end up looking at her in abject fear because she has a habit of openly shit talking the Wrath but still hasn't been killed (he doesn't actually kill people for reasons that petty, but he does have a somewhat larger than life reputation and most people aren't willing to chance it).
15. What is the first thing people notice about them? If they're Force sensitive, definitely the fact that he's Alarmingly Strong and very attuned to the Dark Side, he's got the kind of Force presence that tends to take up the whole room. If they're not, probably the eyes because they're pretty hard to ignore and the most blatantly Sith thing about him (or the tattoos, depending on how much time they spend around Sith).
18. Describe your character through a Brooklyn 99 gif or line.
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... also known as the first time he met @darth-bagel's Sylvas, but this is his general vibe with most of the people he's close to.
38. How does your character unwind after a long day? Generally by spending time with a partner, either chatting or doing Other Things, even just hanging out in the same room doing their own stuff will do in a pinch, he just really likes being around people he loves. Sometimes with wine involved depending on how long of a day it was.
Either that or take Asha out for a ride; it's not really the same as racing on Korriban but Odessen does have some very nice trails and he'll take what he can get.
43. What is the DND alignment? I'd have to say probably lawful evil. He's Sith, he actively enjoys battle and killing people, has a penchant for turning weaker Jedi very easily due to his specific skillset, is deeply entwined with the Dark Side, and sees nothing wrong with any of those things. but he was also brought up and trained with a very Old Guard kind of Sith philosophy that was designed for, yknow, a mostly functional society rather than the push-out-as-many-bodies-for-war-fodder-as-possible approach the Academy adopted not long after he left (which I headcanon is where most of the game's Cartoonishly Unhinged Apprentice population came from, that and poorly handled Fallen Jedi, which incidentally he has a lot of opinions about). he also has strong feelings about honor, treats the people close to him with an abundance of love and respect, doesn't purposefully go out of his way to cause suffering, and actively avoids starting shit with people who are unarmed or clearly outmatched by him, so he's got that going for him. still has a lot of atrocities under his belt to be called good or neutral, though. it's not like being a monster and being capable of love and honor are mutually exclusive.
49. What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational? Biggest is powerlessness, and the potential inability to protect the people he cares about. There are things he either can't overpower on his own or can't fight at all because that's not how they work, and he really doesn't know what to do with that.
Most irrational is harder because he's afraid of very few things that are tangible or not a genuine threat to him, but he does have a lingering perfectionism and fear of not being enough left over from his formative years. he was expected to be the best of the best from an early age because of his strong connection to the Force and his family's reputation, and combined with generally inattentive parents who primarily had a kid as a status symbol, that'll fuck you up a bit.
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local-neko-girl · 2 years
Chapter Eight:
The man turned and Arvanna was met with a piercing red gaze. It shocked her to see someone with red eyes. Especially like his.
“Thank you Governor Pryce,” he said in a deep, soothing voice.
The man walked up to her and looked her up and down.
“My name is Grand Admiral Thrawn. You are Arvanna White, correct?” he asked.
“Yes,” she answered softly.
She didn’t want to admit it, but she was nervous. She had heard some stories about Thrawn. He was pretty impressive.
He reached towards her and uncuffed her hands.
“There is no need for these. I’d like you to be as comfortable as possible.”
She raised an eyebrow at him slightly, surprised at his kindness.
“I’ve arranged some quarters for you, have you eaten yet today?” he asked.
She wondered if he was aware of her ‘needs’, but didn’t want to say anything about it.
“Yes, before I was… well brought here,” she lied.
She wanted to say captured but it wasn’t a capture if she agreed to come.
“You may leave, Governor Pryce. She will remain in my charge for the time being.”
“Yes Grand Admiral,” she said and left.
She stood there with him, along with some Stormtroopers at the command center.
“So, how are you supposed to tell if I’m a rebel?” she asked, curious.
“Time will only tell. Honestly you don’t seem like you are. But I will get to the bottom of it and make sure.”
He was talking with some people through a com while she just stood there, not really sure what she should be doing. After a while, he turned to her.
“If you’ll follow me,” Thrawn asked kindly and lead the way.
She followed behind him, surprised no troopers were following. As they made their way, he nodded at a trooper in front of a door. They nodded back and moved aside for him to enter. She assumed it was his office.
Arvanna continued to follow silently, and they made their way to a back area. Once there, Thrawn pulled up a map and was studying it. After a few minutes, he turned and spoke.
“Do you know what it is I’m doing?” Thrawn asked.
“You’re fighting the rebels right?”
“Yes, but also more than that. I’m trying to locate their main base. These rebels have been quite cunning.”
She didn’t say anything, she wasn’t sure what to really say. She looked around and saw two chairs in the room and decided to sit in the one.
As she sat and watched what he was doing, she became a little more relaxed. Her anxiety was high, being around people she didn’t know. As she calmed herself, she skimmed Thrawn’s mind. He was calm and focused, as well as calculating what to say next to her. This was new to him, he never really had a charge to watch.
“What did you do after you left the Jedi Order?” he asked.
“I wandered around a lot. System to system. Spent some time with an old friend.”
“Who was this friend?”
“Hondo Onaka.”
“Ah, the pirate smuggler. What did you do while there?”
She felt a little embarrassed.
“Well, honestly? Drink my sorrows away. Things were pretty traumatic for me.“
“Why is that?”
“After… after I killed my sister Samara, it didn’t feel right anymore to be at the Jedi Order. I said my goodbyes to my younger sister Kikyo and left.”
“Why did you kill her?”
“She was a traitor. But not to the Jedi Order, to me.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. Talking about Samara and what happened on Korriban was extremely hard.
“How so?”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s just… personal and painful. I don’t want to relive those memories.”
“I appreciate you being so cooperative with me thus far. Very well, since it is a sensitive subject, we can come back to it another time.”
She was surprised how respectful he was, and professional.
“How long have you known Onaka?”
“Over a decade at least. He’s been a good friend to me over the years. Going to Florrum was always my safe place. He is sort of like an older brother I guess, the way he takes care of me.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Before Order 66. Maybe a year before that. I haven’t spoken to him in a while. That’s just how we are usually.”
Thrawn hummed in thought and turned off the map.
“Tell me about yourself.”
“What about me? Is there anything specific you want to know?”
“What made you leave the Separatists and join the Jedi Order?”
“My sister Kikyo. She begged me to be there, and I wanted to be there for her. Being the eldest I always felt like I had to take care of her. She was… very sensitive.”
“It’s always admirable to care for family. I’m sure that made her quite happy.”
Arvanna didn’t know what to say, so she nodded.
“Who was your Master when you were there?”
“Master Plo Koon,” she said solemnly. “He really was a good man.”
“How did he die?”
“He was shot down.”
“My apologies, these questions must be hard for you to answer.”
“A little, but it’s alright. I understand.”
He sat in the chair next to her now. His proximity made her a little nervous. She felt this odd calm feeling around him, and the closer he was, the calmer she felt.
“So, how does this whole ‘you watching me thing’ work? Am I supposed to be with you 24/7? May I know what Emperor Palpatine has ordered?”
“Certainly. Basically until I feel otherwise, you will be with me 24/7. Unless it’s an important meeting of course, then I will ask you to kindly stay in your quarters. Emperor Palpatine has a special interest in you, and has ordered me to treat you with the utmost respect. As well as find out what happened since the Clone Wars ended. He also forwarded me some files on you as well.”
She was surprised he was so honest with her.
There was a chime at his door and Governor Pryce entered.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn, there is a transmission for you at the command center.”
“Very well.”
He turns to her as he stands up.
“This will be one of those moments that I ask you to stay in your quarters. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Thank you. Governor Pryce, please escort Arvanna to her quarters.”
“Yes sir,” she said.
They all were walking out of the room. Pryce first, Arvanna, then Thrawn. She looked to her right as she was leaving, wondering what was behind this other door in this office. They exited the office and Thrawn walked one way while Price and Arvanna went another.
As they walked through the corridors, they made it to where Arvanna’s quarters were. Pryce opened the door and Arvanna stepped inside.
“I trust you won’t try to escape?”
“No, I understand your caution. I will remain in this room.”
She nodded and left, leaving Arvanna alone yet again. As she looked around the room, it was basic, nothing really interesting.
Now what should I do? she thought.
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kingofthewebxxx · 29 days
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Star Wars verse starter for @tapalslegacy
Walking the ancient Sith ruins of Korriban the Inquisitor searched for more reasons to stay a bit longer. While he was sure that the Jedi in which they searched had likely been turned or crushed under the planet's dark side influence, he found himself deeply interested in the tombs that remained. The Fourth Brother had a deep interest in Sith holocrons, as well as Jedi holocrons which he often enjoyed crushing in front of those who had guarded them so valiantly. Heading towards what appeared to be a cave he made contact with Vader’s apprentice. “Good timing as always, no signs of anything yet but if there is I'm certain it will be where I am going next. I'll transmit you my location since I'm certain comms will go down. Something about the wind….” he trialled off as an echo called to him, his hand hovering over his lightsaber as he got closer. “Jedi or not, there is something here. Shall I do the honours or can I expect company? Wouldn't want you to miss out on this one, any Jedi who survived here would put up quite a challenge wouldn't you say” he commented, a small grin spreading across his face.
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memoriesoftanalorr · 8 months
Star Wars Rebels AU A Tale Of Gray Jedi and Sith Pureblood
Chapter Eleven: Grand Admiral Thrawn's Niece
Somewhere on the ship of Grand Admiral Thrawn, his niece is sleeping deeply but she heard sounds over her, she turned in her bed and sleep away again. A new ISB agent Amber Collins is arrived on the ship, she still looking at datapad silently. Yeli wake up and look at the new agent with a surprise. She said that  her uncle didn't mention she get a roommate and then girls introduced to each other. Then Grand Admiral Thrawn is come to the room and Yeli quickly get up from the bed. He greeting to them and says that he has a mission for them. 
Yeli asked where is Amber in was born and about herself said that she was born and lived on the her race planet with her mother and father,  they are ambassadors of Imperium. When her mother find out that she not like other kids, she is send a girl to her uncle. She is Force-sensitive. Amber answered that she was born on Felucia, thought there many immigrated specials. Her mom is died by accident when she was a child, then her dad decided moving on Naboo and then he get into this Imperial stuff on Corusant. Then she asked Yeli how is got her scars on her face and neck. Yeli said that she once met with Dark Jedi and then when Grand Admiral Thrawn find out this and killed the Dark Jedi. Then Amber said that why Vader make Katsu an a Grand Inquisitor and that she is don't care after all. Yeli said that some of the Inquisitors are untrained good enough nowadays. She said that both of them, a former Grand Inquisitor's apprentice, Freya Shadowbane and new Grand Inquisitor Katsu is go on the misson and died in the accident but she didn't believe in this. 
Yeli and Agent Collins meet up with Grand Admiral and Tarkin. Grand Admiral Thrawn introduces the two to the Tarkin. He raise his eyebrows and was really skeptical since they're young but Grand Admiral replied that they're good with their job, Yeli has an a special talents and he heard good things about agent Collins too. Then Thrawn said that the two will be work together with Boba Fett and they are need to stop and bring Rebel General, Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus to the Empire. Yeli and Agent Collins join Boba Fett and talk about details of their business. Girls dressed as a bounty hunters, in the Mandalorian armor. Then Boba Fett, Yeli and Amber landing on Nar Shaddaa where Rebel General is over. Yeli and Amber look for rebels. This planet is neutral for Imperials but they're can hunt rebels as bounty hunters. The two fly over the roof and look around. They can see Ezra waiting and girls decide to attack. Yeli suddenly attack, kicked Ezra in the face and Amber hit Kanan from the back and both of them fainted unconscious. Agent Collins then used Ezra's holocommunicator to locate the Rebel general. They followed the map and arrested the general and several other rebel members. Yeli said if they're steal Boba Fett's ship and be in time before Tarkin takes their merits and their prize. They're comeback on Coruscant on the Boba Fett's ship and bring rebels to the Empire, Boba Fett then land after them, he was very angry. Girls meeting with Lord Vader, Tarkin and Grand Admiral Thrawn. Vader ignoring Tarkin and congratulated Yeli and ISB agent with a good job and then said that they are need to learn a lot of still. Yeli was glad about that the mission is complete now. Then she asked Amber how she will spent her pize. She said she will buy some food and the ship and Yeli said she wants but a ship and find her friend Freya. Both of them decide to start the new mission but before celebrate the end of the mission with the best of dishes. Also Yeli said if they're find Maul, they are could get a high prize for him, if they bring him and girls can live free from the Empire then.
On Korriban, Freya and Jaivyn waiting for their last trial, they're need to defeat Maul. Depends on the decision if they kill him or not is up to them. When both of them find him, Maul was surprised when the two were after him. He was honored by the chance to fight with a last of the Sith Pureblood. In the fight, Freya and Aaron was like one and Maul was impressed by that kind of bond and asked if this the truth that Sith Lords teach only who are chosen. Later on, they're deafeted Maul but refused to kill him and let him go. Freya said she want bring the balance in the galaxy and rebuild the Sith academy and said that they're could make the academy of light and dark side for the ones who want to bring a balance in a galaxy. Aaron said that he is proud of her and said that it's a great idea. Then Freya said to Aaron they're need to buy a ship for each other. Both of them go inside the Maul's ship for a while. One of the Sith Force ghosts of Korriban used a dark magic that Maul couldn't make any harm to Freya and Aaron. Maul asked Freya if she could betray the Jedi and become his apprentice but she said no to him, she wanted to bring the balance. Freya and Aaron need to make his own alliance. They're need to make Rebels join them. Maul asked the two how they're supposed to make Rebels join them if there are two Sith on the ship. Freya replied that they need to release the Jedi and bring them to Rebels. Freya actually don't want to work with them since because of them her Master is died but Aaron said that he is understand her but they're need to focus on the mission to destroy Palpatine. Freya said that he is right. In the hyper space, on the ship, Yeli feeling Maul, and presence of the Gray Jedi and presence of other Sith and she is interested who is this. Amber is wondering about that and Yeli said that soon she will realize that she is never wrong. When they're landing on the Korriban, it was late, Amber was disappointed but Yeli cheer her up and said that they're on Nar Shaddaa. Yeli and ISB agent about to chasing after Maul again.
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dirthara-dalen · 9 months
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made a new inquisitor named Ta'krea. part of the reason i made him was i wanted to explore the idea of one of my other ocs that i normally ship with an npc (ligastar/theron) getting with another oc. info below cut due to length.
So a bit about Ta'krea. He is a former jedi knight and not by choice. He was knighted two years before the main story of the game. Sadly he did not get to expedience his new found knight hood like getting his own padwan etc. His former master had fallen long before he was actually knighted and had worked with the Sith to send them promising force users. Sadly Ta'krea was one of those who showed promised.
He was lured to a secluded location by his former master then was captured. Ta'krea fought their attempts to turn him for nearly a year but eventually he broke and fell. He is not proud of his fall. While on Korriban he catches the attention of his future master, Darth Vowrwan. He got off Korriban before finishing his trial immediately becoming Vowrwan's apprentice.
Despite his stubbornness in regards to his jedi upbringing, he was open to his new masters lessons. Ta'krea found himself unexpectedly caring a great deal about his sith master and his new found loyalty was greatly rewarded. He became a lord in about two years time (start of act 2). He did join the war effort, however, he stated having a crisis of faith(?). Coming back into contact with jedi shook his new beliefs to the core. Especially when he ran into someone he had trained alongside on Telos, Ligastar.
Ligastar's attempt's to convince him that it wasn't too late had an effect on him. When he later saw Ligastar on Korriban being escorted by the emperor's guard, he felt betrayed. He would later realize what he truly felt was anger at a situation he didn't understand.
Anything after act 2, even the act itself lore wise is still a major wip.
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in--somnium · 10 months
Open to: Anyone! (Mutuals, non-mutuals, any gender, any fandom / non-fandom, ocs, etc!) Muse: Ayala Senma / (formerly) Darth Revan Fandom: Star Wars / Knights of the Old Republic
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"The next Star Map appears to be on Korriban, in some sort of... tomb. Finding it's exact location will be tricky. Getting into the Sith Academy will be even trickier. Are you up for it?"
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fulokis · 1 year
Favorite to least favorite Kotor I Planets
This is completely objective. And contains ship locations.
 Yavin Space Station: I just love this so much, but I do wish there was more ie: the ability to go planet side to yavin. But that doesn’t stop me from loving it as much as I do.
Tattoine: First off the lore you get here is freaking amazing, second off HK! My boi. If you leave him in the shop just Why? Also I really enjoy the krayt dragon quest. And some of the other random quests on this planet are good.
Rakata Prime: Yeah there's not much here but its got the fucked up little dudes and dark bastila.
Star Forge: Yeah I like it some sections are a pain in the ass to get through but its fine, I get slightly confused here and it is disappointing if you forget to save parts for the robes.
Korriban: I do like korriban and its certainly better visiting after the leviathan. I just forget so much of what happens here that it doesn't seem special.
Dantooine: The music here is nice, but other than that its kinda boring, and it has the weirdest quest in the entire game and i hate it thanks.
Kashyyk: Not the biggest fan of the back and forth you have to do on this one and absolutely can not stand the noise the tachs make.
Leviathan: Its okay, there's honestly not too much going on except for cut scenes. Although it is kinda cool you have to play as one of the comps
Ebon Hawk: Its the reset point its boring and you've got the cut scenes except not as nice as the leviathan. It would rank higher if it was the only place you were able to talk to companions.
Endar Spire: Its a tutorial and not a very well disguised one.
Taris: It takes way too long. I get its the tutorial planet in a way, but every time it takes me like 2+ hours to get off it. If you look at my abandoned play through every single one is on this god damn planet. 
Manan: I fucking hate manan, its glitchy, unclear in instructions, abysmal for me to navigate, and the freaking selkath. And I thought swtor would be able to make me enjoy manan boy was I fucking wrong I hate it even more now.
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