masterbeta29 · 2 years
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Lonasshipping Day/Week
This was an idea I had for a while about a Future AU in Hisui.
The Snorlax in Alola are usually not that fast, unless they use their Z-move...
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azureasterart · 2 years
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clacolu95 · 2 years
Aether, Love Solutions
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Wordcount: 25,151 (Ongoing)
Four years after her father's death and moving away from Kanto to the islands of Alola, Moon is beginning to feel like her life is finally taking a turn for the better.
She's got a matchmaking job she's good at, a supportive friend, and the house where she spent her early childhood.
Everything is looking great!... Except for the continuously growing debt of her late father's house, and the fact that Gladion, her direct supervisor, seems to be holding a personal grudge against her.
Gladion Aether, the son of the President of a renowned matchmaking company —and the obvious choice to take over the presidency— has two very well-defined goals in life: He'll find a way to prove himself to his mother, and he'll make Moon's life a living hell.
He'd rather die than work with the female matchmaker for a day longer... Or so he thinks.
When the tables are turned and his position as Lusamine's heir is suddenly at risk, he'll have to choose between two almost equally bad alternatives:
He can either let his sister sit at his mother's chair instead of him, or collaborate with his archnemesis to fulfill the dream he's built his life around.
So much for Moon's life taking a turn for the better.
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scandiyatt · 2 years
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.:Leviathan chatter:. After having seen Master Lugia pass above them, having slept for a night, they were on the way to a supposed “Merfolk city”, which sounded quite interesting on its own. But Gladion had a hard time believing that some merfolk were that humongous. Luna didn’t really have any good explanation herself, as the Masters had always been talked about and described as Leviathans among merfolk. Magic…? // she said. The answer of hers didn’t sit well with him, finding that to be ridiculously simple. That’s hard to believe! They are humongous! How are they not being spotted from the sky if they are the size that they are?! // he said, asking her and sounding a little agitated. I don’t know… Even I, a merfolk, don’t know everything about my kind… // she replied. Gladion just sighed and groaned while rubbing his face. I’m sorry… // she added, pouting a little. It’s… It’s just… Hard to believe! // he exclaimed, wildly gesturing with his arms, finding it all ridiculous beyond belief.  Why is it hard to believe? From what I remember….you humans don’t really believe merfolk exist. But...here we are. // she said, tilting her head slightly to the side with a sweet smile on her lips. At least from everyone that’s seen me has always been gawking… // she added, getting a little uncomfortable thinking about it. Gladion just looked at her stunned and a little uncomfortable himself, having a hard time arguing with her about it. She then just smiled, followed by some laughter due to his expression which she found funny. He knew that she wasn’t wrong per se, but his point were that, as a human, how could the Leviathans never have been seen from above? Why weren't there any sightings or photos of them by people in planes? Of course magic were playing a part, but in what way? Did they camouflage themselves to the human eye while merfolk could still see and interact with them? So many more questions were arising, and knowing that they were heading to a merfolk city of sorts, he hoped that there were something of a library or an archive there, so he could do some research about the matter. --- --- --- More mermaid AU stuff. :) And it’s for Lonashippingweek 2022 (aka Lonashippingday 2022)
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artyartpile · 3 years
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My arts for my lonashipping week fic, The Far Side!
It's my super self-indulgent 'hrgh i want to write this for years' story about how Moon goes missing because she gets captured by the Nihilego :)))) and how Gladion pulls her back from the brink :))))
Also I went full out on the angst and dipped into whump so uh. yyeah. wheeeeeee.
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aurantia-ignis · 3 years
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Day 1: New Moon - First Meeting
First time she brings the baby to meet Silvally and Gladion
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sad-goomy · 3 years
🌌 my teeth in your heart 🌌
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(or, from wretchedness)
It’s terrible weather for the day that decides the rest of Lillie’s life. After spending a day resting in bed, her body is on the way to purging the last of the poison, but she’s still too thin and pale to be even a shadow of her former self. It makes Gladion frown as he fusses with her coat. Wicke and an attendant stand behind her with their trunks, heads bowed with thoughtful frowns as Lillie sniffles, the noise smothered by the howling storm just outside the emerald windows. “I won’t go,” she whispers, trying to pry his hands off, but hers are shaking too badly to get a good grip, nearly as white as the gloves he’s wearing as she shakes her head desperately, “I can’t, not without you!” Gladion sighs, giving her hands a squeeze. “You must. Aether isn’t fit for you.” She'll be safe in Kanto, half a world away with old allies and Wicke to look after her. Their boat is waiting, a large passenger ship that they’ll be able to ride in anonymity to safer harbors. As her breath hiccups, she blinks away her tears to leave resolve in her emerald eyes, and it makes Gladion flinch; it’s too close for comfort to their mother, to him, and only solidifies that he’s made the right decision to cloister her away even as she argues, “It’s not too late – leave it to her and come with me.”
Read the rest on Ao3
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miraimisu · 3 years
— In Gold We Trust | [5/7] | The Lovers [Lonashipping Week 2021]
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Summary: Decades ago, two children discovered a mine and went home with their hands filled with gold.
Years later, the ambitious duchess of the Aether house decided to uncover a fortune, heedless of the dangers hidden underneath.
And todayー
"So I am a jerk now? Your lipstick on my lips last night speaks a different story."
"I wasted good lipstick on your stupid lying mouth. The least you could do is look grateful."
ーthings have simply derailed just a little bit.
Wordcount: 5,302 words
A/N: we go back to the beginning but with some ✨pizzazz✨
Gladion isn't a stranger to dances, galas, and celebrations of all kinds. Lusamine would often arrange ladies he'd dance with, because both of them know he'd never pick a partner of his own volition. He only sticks to this tradition because most of these women are visibly elated to dance with him, and he will accept a stroke of his ego anytime.
This time, however, is different, and he knows exactly who he is going to spend the entire night with.
With a tap on her shoulder, Moon turns around, eyes wide at the man before her. Then, they crinkle as she smirks. "Someone's early. I thought you'd still be sore after yesterday."
He can feel some people side-eyeing him from all corners of the market. He blushes, even though he knows what she's talking about. "Not even five minutes in and you're already making my life a living hell."
"You're the one seeking me out," she says, and he keeps silent because she's right. "Can you talk and walk?"
"I can carry things around too, if you say please."
[Continue reading on AO3!]
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cross-mountain · 4 years
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Midsummer island ♥ (also lonaweek 2020) (print available)
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sleepy-jirachi · 4 years
Gesso ||Lonashipping
Lonashipping Week 2020|| Day 7|| Prompt: Blank Canvas 
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Summary: Suddenly it’s all washing over her, splashes of giddiness, daubs of anticipation, streaks of everything in between and the mixture manifests in a giggle; the graze of metal as their palms meet only makes it more real that she’ll get to create yet another legacy--this time alongside him. 
Words: 2680
Note: Crawls in on day seven from the abyss--
There’s ups and downs to being two workhorses in love.  
Ending up an exhausted mess of tangled limbs at the end of each day is reality to them, “Alola’s power couple” as they’ve so been deemed by a recent gossip magazine (much to Selene’s amusement), one that remains meticulously shadowed to the public eye. Some say they’re naturals at what they do, having adjusted to their positions and responsibilities remarkably quickly for their ages at the time and making it all look effortless.
Sometimes it is. Passion for being the Champion runs deep in her veins, has since childhood and she has the time of her life bonding and battling with Pokemon, seeing the world, inspiring others; Gladion’s love for Pokemon permeates everything he does at the foundation, she sees it in the light in his eyes when he sees Pokemon finding new healthy homes with trainers, his quiet smiles when he hears of the foundation’s efforts inspiring better environmental care region wide, in the way that his Pokemon adore him with every fiber of their being.
There’s much enthusiasm between both of them.
But sometimes it isn’t easy. It’s stressful. It’s overwhelming.
They never got any instructions for this. Anyone to offer advice about handling the more difficult times.
Enough experience has allowed her and Gladion to become masters of a craft--of perfect personas for these moments. Of practiced smiles and auras of poise in the midst of chaos, tongues trained to withhold sighs of weariness or irritation with scheduling, swallowed desires to return to peace sooner rather than later.
(“Peace” that’s come to mean being in other’s arms.)
[Continue on AO3!] 
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misskikuwrites · 4 years
Louder Than Words
lonashipping week 2020
Day 3 - Black
Moon staggered up to the motel, half blinded by the torrential rain. She slumped against the closest door and hammered it with her fist over the deafeningly roar of the storm. Her skin prickled, tingling and numb from the onslaught of needle-like rain. She couldn't feel the hard wood of the door beneath her fist. Wind whipped around her, sending the drenched mop of her hair over her face.
She wasn't going to wait any longer. Moon tried the handle, finding it unlocked, and threw the door open. She stumbled inside before the wind sucked the door closed with a heavy slam. The glare that levelled on her was harsher than the rain, colder than the biting wind, and for a split second Moon thought that she'd rather deal with the weather than with him.
A clap of thunder in the distance changed her mind for her.
Gladion stood, hands clenched into fists, and glared.
"Get out."
Two sharp words, hissed through his teeth. Unease flopped in Moon's stomach and she cursed her luck. Of all the rooms in the motel for her to stumble into, it had to be his.
"You're seriously going to send me back out there-"
"Get out." Louder this time. Firmer and harsher, his eyes narrowing and cutting through her protest.
Moon threw her hands up. "Fine, fine." She turned on the spot and opened the door. "I'll guess I'll take my chances with the storm-"
The door swung shut in her face. She jumped, recoiling from the burst of noise, and glanced at Gladion. She blinked at him a few times as he ran a hand down his face in resignation.
"Fine," he huffed, turning away from her and sitting on the edge of the bed. "But only until the rain stops."
Moon bit down her vindicated grin, and grabbed the chair by the desk, sitting on it with her legs crossed. She mussed her hair, sending a spray of water to the floor. The cramped room was cozy and warm, and she let out a delighted sigh.
"Hey, can I borrow a-"
Moon was hit in the face with a towel before she could finish her question.
"There. Now stop spraying water everywhere. You're not a Rockruff."
Moon huffed but happily accepted the towel, and used it to dry herself off in silence. She snuck glances at Gladion as she fluffed the towel over her hair, finding him studying something on his phone. The light flickered as the wind surged around the motel. Moon glanced up at it as she patted her face with the towel.
"I wonder if we're going to lose power," she mused aloud.
Gladion didn't even blink and Moon wasn't sure what she'd expected. He didn't seem like the type for conversation in the first place, but the empty air between them made her nervous. She eased off her shoes, setting them carefully by the door so she didn't dirty the carpet any further, and slumped into her chair. The raging storm outside didn't seem like it was going to let up any time soon.
Not wanting to drain the remaining battery from her phone, Moon studied the room instead. It wasn't long until she regretted that, after noticing multiple suspiciously coloured stains on the floor and wall, and speckles of mold in the corner, and she decided to turn her attention to Gladion. He was still focused deeply on his phone, a slight furrow on his brow. His shoes were worn and scuffed, the laces frayed. His hoodie, black like the night, was littered with holes.
Moon's heart clenched, unable to ignore the awkward distance between them. She thought to her new, shiny sunglasses in her brand-new bag, the money she'd spent on a whole new look just hours earlier, and instantly felt selfish and frivolous. She turned to the dresser beside her and pulled open the drawers. It wasn't long until she found what she'd been looking for.
His eyes shifted over to her, expression uninterested. She held up the small sewing kit.
"I can patch up those holes for you," she said, giving the sewing kit a shake. The needles rattled.
He looked back at his phone. "No, thanks."
"Come on. It's no big deal, it won't take me long."
"I said, no."
"Why not? Don't trust my skills? I'll have you know, I've had to sew dozens of holes left by my mum's Meowth over the years!"
He didn't say anything this time.
"Gladion," she drew his name out, accentuating every syllable.
He huffed. "Why do you even care? It's none of your business. I don't need your pity."
"It's not pity," Moon scoffed. "It's my way of repaying you for letting me shelter here during the storm, that's all."
Their eyes met in silence, Moon pouting defiantly. She felt fixed beneath his gaze. Studied, as though he was trying to read her motives, her honesty.
She hadn't lied. Not completely, anyway. Sure, a part of her felt bad, but it wasn't because she felt sorry for him or anything. She felt bad because she realised just how much she didn't know about him. How different they were. That, even though he was a part of Team Skull, he was here, in a motel, alone.
If all she could do was sew up his jacket, then it would have to do.
Gladion sighed. "Fine. Do what you want." He pulled his hoodie over his head and tossed it at Moon. She caught it with a grin.
"You won't regret this, I promise!"
He didn't reply, but she expected as much, and quickly got to work. She picked out a black thread that matched the hoodie, and started with the largest hole near the elbow. It was long and narrow, the edges torn and frayed. It didn't take a genius to figure out what could cause a hole like that. Moon bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from asking how it happened. Or if he had a wound to match.
The rest of the holes were the same. Moon pressed her lips tightly together and focused on her stitches. She dusted her thumb over a neatly patched hole, before feeling Gladion's eyes on her.
"You're not going to ask?"
She couldn't bring herself to look up, to meet his eyes. Her fingers trembled around the needle and she tightened her grip, exhaling deeply.
"It's none of my business," she said, echoing his neutral tone.
"Is that what you really think?"
She stopped. Her eyes fell on the large gash over the front of the hoodie, patched misshapenly long ago.
"No," she admitted. "But I know you don't want me to pry, so I won't. I just… hope you know what you're doing."
A quiet beat passed.
"So do I," Gladion replied quietly.
There was something in his voice, a depth she hadn't heard before, and it cut straight through her heart. She continued sewing the holes closed, and wished she could do the same for her heart.
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masterbeta29 · 3 years
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Day 2: Tapu Cocoa/Shalour Sable - Spark/Rescue
Gladion is a bit perfectionist and hardworking, to the point that sometimes he forgets to take time for himself, luckily Moon sometimes ‘’kidnaps'' him at night to take long walks on the beaches of Alola, listen to the waves And seeing the sparkle stars helps him to de-stress, and he is grateful to her for always being worried about him.
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azureasterart · 3 years
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[first meeting]
Lazy 😳🤭 and late
School au where Moon gives Gladion and Lillie an umbrella because she's just nice like that also they're pretty and she wanted to talk to them um (them as in Gladion)
I actually started writing something for this lonaweek- um if you see a lonaweek2021 fic pop up in the middle of December consider it a christmas gift (more like christmas miracle KHKJJah)
Also she's supposed to be riding a bike help
Lillie's just standing there while Moon annoys him and he refuses to take the umbrella and they really need to get home um please 😭 they're in the way too?? PLEASE okay I'm gonna post I'm sorry about my rambling mess
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clacolu95 · 3 years
A cause for celebration
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“...She’s going to be a Queen soon. She has much more important people to dance with than her bodyguard. His suitors, for example” Lillie pouts as she hears her brother’s answer, rolling her eyes at his obliviousness. “That’s what you say, but it doesn’t look like she has any interest in dancing with her ‘suitors’. She pauses on their stroll, grabbing his chin with her free hand and forcing him to turn around in Selene’s direction. “If you ask me, it looks like she’s waiting for a particular someone to ask her out” “Well Lord Illima almost convinced her last ti-” “I meant you, brother” Lillie finally states with annoyance “She’s already rejected every other man at this party, yet she’s still looking in the dancefloor’s direction with a longing smile…”
Lonashipping week Day 4: Celebration
<Click to read on AO3>
Or you can also check out:
Lonashipping week Day 1: Forgotten Promises
Lonashipping week Day 2: Kiss me goodbye
Lonashipping week Day 3: Only Friends
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scandiyatt · 2 years
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.:Side by Side:.
For a change, Gladion had fun fighting beside this strange woman who always kept teasing him. ---- And it be DONE. :) Decided to keep the grin on Gladion....he’s too grumpy most of the time lol Art(C)ScandiYatt
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sailor-lunala · 3 years
hi this is random and ramble-y but i just wanna say everyone doing stuff for lonaweek this week is super cool super neat super amazing and i’m having a great time seeing everything that comes out!! i’m that weirdo that’s leaving entirely incomprehensible liveblog comments on literally every single chapter of every single fic bc i thought that would be a good idea (spoiler alert: it was not and has been rather time consuming rippp)
i was gonna write a figure skating AU for lonaweek but burnout sucks and irl stuff also kinda hit, and i’ve been Stressed so it’s on the backburner for now. but i hope to write and post it someday, or do some other figure skating AU thing because i still really love the concept 🥺 so sorry i didn’t end up putting anything out for this week, i originally really wanted to :(( but anyways idk what the point of this post is but just like HI EVERYONE DOING STUFF FOR THIS WEEK UR ALL VERY COOL AND VERY AMAZING ILY <33
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