#look at finland <33
miikoissant · 9 months
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(Here is the full picture for the Denmark, Norway and Iceland pictures, found them on Pinterest 😭)
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spooderoo · 1 year
Thinking about all the countries that got robbed in eurovision finals this year:
Germany 🇩🇪
First of all IM SO SORRY Lord of the Lost you didnt deserve ANYWHERE near last place, i hope Germany isnt discouraged to send more out there acts in the future because that performance was phenomenal!!
Pls go give them some love <33
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Slovenia 🇸🇮
i audibly gasped when they announced slovenias votes, only 78??? How did BEJBA do better than the most bubbly and sweet guys this eurovision!! Their song was also amazing, I love Bojans voice and the backing vocals, theyre just *chefs kiss*
Im just still in shock at how low their ranking was I genuinely thought at least the top 50%, especially now with their massive social media prominence, yanno?
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Norway 🇳🇴
The jury screwed over Alessandra Mele so hard, but she still ended up 5th which is amazing!! But thats because she got 200+ votes from televotes which is insane!! before she only had 58 points from jury, so the fact that she shot up to 5th is amazing!!
Also i really like how her outfit looks like the queens from SIX the musical, she slayed so hard in that outfit cmon guys
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Portugal 🇵🇹
Mimicat slayed so hard in that performance, the outfit, the dancers, the vibes, immaculate!!
She didnt deserve lower than BEJBA nothing deserves lower than that
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and finally...
Finland 🇫🇮 !!!!
Do I even have to justify myself? I think we ALL know this käärijä deserved first (apart from the jury but we ignore them)
You know the jury fucked up when everyones cheering CHA CHA CHA while Loreen is getting up on stageLook at this man you cant hate him
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And i didnt even cover half of the countries!! I'll probably add more to this when i get bothered but it was just so upsetting to see so many good acts get undermined in the finals
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Why do I say this? Look at a map. Finland’s membership more than doubles NATO’s borders with Russia and, as Axios reports, formally ends Helsinki’s decades of official neutrality.
This represents yet another in-your-face provocation to Russian President Vladimir Putin who, in launching the Russian invasion of Ukraine, vowed to block the alliance’s eastward expansion. Now he has NATO sitting on his massive border with Finland. It will be interesting to see if Finland allows U.S. troops to be deployed on its soil, which would be the ultimate provocation.
Finland represents NATO’s ninth major expansion since its founding in 1949, with the biggest additions coming in the mid-1990s under Bill Clinton, in the early 2000s under George W. Bush and now with the additions of Finland and Sweden under Joe Biden.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated the following while officially welcoming Finland into the alliance: “President Putin wanted to slam NATO’s door shut. Today we showed the world that he failed, that aggression and intimidation do not work. Instead of less NATO, he has achieved the opposite: more NATO. And our door remains firmly open.”
We’ll see how this idea of an ever-expanding NATO encircling Russia works out for the U.S. and its allies. Something tells me it could end in a Third World War that brings catastrophic losses of life to the peoples of Russia, Europe and U.S.
Here are the facts:
Mikhail Gorbachev unilaterally disbanded the Warsaw Pact military alliance in 1990. When he did that, Gorbachev was given repeated assurances by the U.S. and Germany that NATO would not fill the geo-political power vacuum with U.S. bases and military alliances in the former Soviet republics.
Jeffrey Sachs, an economist who served as an advisor to Gorbachev during that time, has recently issued a statement saying the U.S. lied to Gorbachev’s face.
The military-industrial complex and its neoconservative backers in Washington immediately began plotting the eastward advancement of NATO, Sachs says in a new video commentary that explains a fascinating and little-understood period in history. And in each of these new NATO member states, eventually came the deployment of American military personnel and/or advanced missile systems.
I had never heard this before, about these broken U.S. promises made to Gorbachev, and I am a college graduate who studied history with a major in political science. So I didn’t want to take Sachs’ word for it. I researched it myself and found that Sachs is correct. You can read about this history, conveniently withheld from American students in high schools and universities, in an 2017 article by Larry Kummer citing original documents in the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
Kummer writes:
Take a listen to Sachs’ recounting of this completely ignored history that led up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It will blow your mind. I had to watch it twice to absorb it all.
Sachs ticks off the historical facts of the U.S. introducing more and more weaponry, missile systems, etc. into Eastern Europe. Putin has been warning since 2008 this would lead to confrontation.
So which country is the real aggressor? History reveals the answer.
It’s interesting Sachs cited Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Global Chessboard, to make his case for people to re-evaluate the situation in Ukraine. By quoting Brzezinski, he is using one of the globalists’ own revered sources to argue that Russia has not been treated fairly by the West since the Berlin Wall came down in 1990. Brzezinski predicted in 1997 that Ukraine, if it ever were to seriously be considered for NATO membership, would become an international flashpoint, potentially bringing massive death and casualties.
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fall-dog · 5 months
9 ppl u wanna get to know better (:
ty for the tag @fruityindividual <33
last song: velvet goldmine by david bowie...what a banger
fave colour: sage green xx could drown in it
last film/show: trouble every day (2001)🦋 it was strange but i kind of loved it,, claire denis films are interesting because i never quite know how i feel about them but they definitely stick with me,, anyway very sexy and very french xx
sweet/savoury/spicy: i'm a sweet girly all the way xx never met a dessert i haven't wanted to absolutely devour
relationship status: single and being very brave about it
last thing i googled: "energy microgrid sustainability" (i'm doing an absolutely miserable group project)
current obsession: planning my exchange studies for next year... it's a bit stressful but very exciting xx i'm thinking abt going to amsterdam for the spring
last book: i just finished 'mathematical creatures, or shared dreams' by leena krohn and it's one of my new all-time favourites <3 it's probably really hard to find outside of finland but i highly recommend anything from her!!
looking forward to: a trip with my uni friends next week :) we're going to one of my friends' hometown for the weekend and we are taking the train <3 (<- greatest transportation method)
no pressure tags :) @belleandsaintsebastian @honey-everlastings @1985houndsoflove @pancakehouse @eviemoon
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mitamicah · 5 months
Some asks for NYE ^^
What are your favorite things/experiences that happened in your life because of Käärijä?
Anything new you learned about yourself this year and would like to share?
What things/experiences are you looking forward to in the new year?
yay for asks
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What are your favorite things/experiences that happened in your life because of Käärijä?
Up there with my favourite things/experiences that happened because of Käärijä is definitely that my confidence had increased to the point that I felt brave enough to do things I never in my life thought I'd do be it small things like actually looking at myself nude and taking in how my body looks without being disgusted to medium sized risks like walking on stage performing a cover of a finnish song in costume and full choreo and keep performing it time and time again to every karaoke event I go to, to the big one being travelling alone for the first time ever meeting up with fellow kääryleet at the stockholm and berlin shows.
Btw that's another thing that is amongst my favourite things about Käärijä: the freaking fandom is amazing, I love you wonderfully kind, talented, gorgeous individuals with all my heart and I am so happy I got to meet some of you in person <33
Anything new you learned about yourself this year and would like to share?
I learned that I seem pretty talented with mascara because the amount of time I have had professionals doubting whether I've started t or not is hilarious x'D
Also I didn't thought my hair was able to be green (since the only other time I tried dyeing it it faded out quickly) - I was wrong x'D
Thirdly I've learned that I am actually okay with getting tattooed? Like I hate needles but the tattoo needle doesn't bother me? True, it stings and can be uncomfortable but I actually had a stronger reaction to getting a drop in my arm for the pre-op baseline tests in October than at both my tattoo appointments x'D
What things/experiences are you looking forward to in the new year?
I am looking forward to going to Finland/Helsinki in March and May :'D To see the mural and Vantaa, to live in the kääbnb, to watch JO live possibly dressed as häärijä and then later watch the man himself live in May :'D
Oh and I am looking forward to meeting baby boos and kääryleet in the queue again with more stickers to gift and hopefully some keychains to JO if I am lucky enough to meet them in Malmö (where I have early access) and then in return if I am lucky (again) get Bojan to write 'Are You' so I can that tattooed
I went down a tangent sorry x'D
Speaking of tattoos I am looking forward to treating me some more tattoos :3
And last I want to mention is that I look forward to around May when I have been half a year on t and I can start the conversations about my dream of top surgery :'D
Thank you so much for this question and sorry for ranting xD
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murdermag! set during doomstar requiem, during the 'partying around the world' phase. tw: torture, everything that happens in doomstar requiem.
read on ao3
LIGHTNINGHORSE posted 11:46:
>hey i know this forum is capital d DEAD but uh… anyone seen the news about toki wartooth?
METALDEATH492 posted 11:53
>lul what news? i thought he was MIA
>that's what i mean dickface. where the fuck is he?
>isn't he at some metal retreat in finland? learning the art of troll summoning
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 11:55
>i heard he moved back 2 norway 2 become a priest
>knew it, nobody knows anything except for stupid rumors… u r all so gullible idiots
METALDEATH492 posted 11:58
>NOBODY knows where he is, that's why he's MISSING idiot
C4NN1B4LC0RPS3 posted 00:01
>my band teacher said he's finally recording his solo album. all toki. it's gonna be called "toki is the king" it's going to blow dethklok out of the water :P
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:03
>LOL ur band teacher is full of shit
C4NN1B4LC0RPS3 posted 00:05
>xD you are so stupid. my band teachers cousin met toki at a wedding once and he told her all about the album. ill show my signed copy to u dildos when he releases it next month o_-
>i heard hes in hospital cuz a clown tried to murder him
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:14
>You're all wrong. Toki's been kidnapped by the terrorist organization known as the Revengencers.
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:17
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:20
>He was kidnapped at Roy Cornickleson's funeral, along with Dethklok's new producer, Abigail. He's being held prisoner, waiting to be rescued by Dethklok.
>pics or it didnt happen
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:23
The artificial light of the phone's screen burns into Murderface's eyes. He's aching for need of sleep, aching because he's been staring at this screen for hours, aching because he's two weeks into a bender and plastered to a sofa in a shitty hotel. His fingers move of their own accord. He clicks the link.
[The first image is almost too dark to discern a figure in-- there's some sort of basement, lit only by a thin sliver of light illuminating something on the floor. A chain. The chain leads to a dark and indeterminate shape on the floor.]
[The second image shows the distinctive shape of an emaciated human body. Tattered funeral clothes. Long brown hair bunched up around a face, arms wrapped protectively around a head. Badly-mended hole in a stomach sunken with hunger.]
[The third image shows half of his face. Only half of it. It's unmistakably him. His eyes are closed. He finally looks like he's at peace.]
>holy shit dude
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:29
>is he dead?
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:30
>He is alive and well. I have been taking good care of him. I feed him once a day and give him treats when he's been a good boy.
>this is so fucked up
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:33
>guys this is so fakety fake fake xD
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:34
>I can promise that it's not fake.
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:35
>i can literally see the pixels from your crappy photoshop job dickface…
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:36
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:39
>Oh, I think he's awake. Does anyone have any questions for the elusive Toki Wartooth? He's usually quite media-shy. I wouldn't waste this opportunity.
He knows he shouldn't click on it. His finger freezes above the screen. In the other room he can hear the soft moans of some woman Skwisgaar's taken to bed, Nathan's thunderous snores. Pickles has been in the kitchen smashing mugs for twenty minutes. He wants them to see him. He wants them to berate him for looking at a fan forum, for thinking about the thing they've all agreed not to think about. He wants them to stop his fat ugly finger from pressing on that link.
[The camera is shaking. He's awake, there's a glint of white eyes behind one of those long arms. The sound in the video is scratchy, but a soft whimper can be heard above the static. A gnarled hand reaches out, takes one of his shoulders, rolls him from his side onto his back. The hole in his stomach gleams wet and red. His eyes go wide, but he does not resist, does not try to defend himself. He brings his arms around his head. Between those biceps-- the glint of a chain around his neck.]
>well that escalated
BATFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:45
>pff guys its from some russian horror movie, that doesnt even look like toki, look at the cheekbones
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:45
>Ask me to do something to him. You know you want to.
METALDEATH492 posted 00:46
>GUYS. stop feeding this troll. its just some fucked up freak getting off on a weird fantasy
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:49
>stick your finger in his mouth
>eww lol thats gay
>wtf happened to my thread lol
METALDEATH492 posted 00:52
>too many horny gay freaks follow this band, its ruining the scene, dethklok made metal gay
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:53
>your mom made metal gay to me last night
METALDEATH492 posted 00:54
>that doesn't even make sense
>get a room guys
>i hope tokis okay O_o wtf happened to his chest?
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 00:56
>he got stabbed by all that gullible they found in ur moms house
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 00:59
Murderface knows what he's going to see before he sees it.
[A long finger, sharp-jointed, a lattice of fine scars criss-crossing the top. Familiar. A pair of thin lips yielding obediently when it parts them. The camera is very close to his face-- his grimy, gaunt face-- in one of his crystal-blue eyes the iris has been ripped open. Sharp teeth close gently around the intruding finger, but then that head turns away, trying to resist the invasion. The video cuts.]
>uhh guys maybe someone should call the police? this looks legit…
>what. the. fuck.
BATSFJORDSLUT8 posted 01:02
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 01:04
>No police.
>If anyone other than Dethklok comes here, I will kill them both.
>Check this out.
Murderface recognises the knife pressed to Toki's throat. He is about to do something very stupid.
[His eyes are closed again, his bottom lip pinched between his teeth. The knife digs into the skin just above the metal collar.]
PLANETPI55 posted 01:06
>Magnus u fuck that's my fucking knife
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 01:12
>Hello, William.
>this is getting 2 weird 4 me
METALDEATH492 posted 01:14
>wait… @Hammertime1234 ur magnus hammersmith? are u fucking kidding me
PLANETPI55 posted 01:15
>You have one (1) private message request.
"Murderface," Pickles slurs from the kitchen. "Come help me smash these fuckin' mugs…"
HAMMERTIME1234 sent 01:18
>Toki says hi, by the way.
>Do you have anything you want to say to him? He misses you very much.
PLANETPI55 sent 01:20
>u r one SICK individual. are u fucking GETTING OFF on this?? u twisted fucking homo
HAMMERTIME1234 sent 01:25
"Murderface…" Pickles stumbles into the living room. He's so drunk he has to cling to the wall to stand. "Get off your phooooooone for once… you're always on that fuckin' internet an' shit…"
Murderface doesn't hear him.
Magnus' face is only half in the screen. He looks bad, really bad-- Murderface knows a manic episode when he sees one-- his eyes are wide and blown, he's shaking, the camera's focus is all over the place. He's doing his best to aim the camera at himself with one hand, while with the other he's trying to scrape Toki off of the floor. Toki, tough-as-nails Toki, is resisting-- curling up on himself, rolling to his side, swatting weakly at Magnus' arms. There's a voice in the background, a woman's voice, 'Magnus, leave him alone, come on…'
"Don't be like that, Toki," Magnus' voice is that soft, manipulative purr he once reserved for Murderface. "Your friend's on the phone. Don't you want to say hi?"
Toki's eyes widen. He turns his head, his body slackens-- Magnus takes the opportunity to slide a hand beneath him. The image blurs with movement, and when it steadies, Toki is in Magnus' lap, his head lulling against Magnus' shoulder, one eye closed, the other half-open. Magnus' face is buried in filthy hair, but his eyes loom perilously white over Toki's head.
Murderface sits up.
"Go on," Magnus murmurs. "Say hi to Murderface."
Toki blinks. He looks confused. His brow draws together. How has he lost so much weight? How long has he been captive?
A woman's voice, off to the side: 'Magnus. You're being a dick!'
"Hi, Moidaface…" Toki says in a thin voice.
The video cuts.
PLANETPI55 posted 01:42
>nathan should have KILLLD u
>sick fuck
>sick twisted FUCK
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 01:44
>I'm taking requests all evening.
>I'm running out of ideas. Give me something new to do to him.
PLANETPI55 posted 01:46
>i want NO part in ur twisted homoerotic games
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 01:48
>You're the one making this gay.
>As usual.
>I bet you'd love to see me stab him again.
>If you know what I mean.
PLANETPI55 posted 01:49
>fuck magnus dont
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 01:50
>Then come GET HIM
>This is YOUR fault
>If YOU came to SAVE him none of this would be HAPPENING to him
>YOU are the one doing this William
>I've been thinking about why you haven't come to save him. You know what I think? I think you want this to happen to him. You want to do to him what you did to me. Stabbed in the back and left out in the cold.
>That's why you're looking at this forum. Isn't it? You're getting off to those videos.
>Admit it, Murderface
>Admit it to me
>I'll give you a nice reward if you admit it
PLANETPI55 posted 02:03
>you're one sick bastard u know that?
>kill yourself and i mean it
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 02:12
Murderface's hands move towards the link without his mind's consent.
Someone else's hand closes over the phone.
Murderface turns around and sees Pickles. Pickles does not look drunk any more; his eyes are wide, his face is ashen, so pale that it's grey. "Dude," Pickles says hollowly, "Don't."
Murderface wrenches his phone away. His finger goes for the link.
"Don't!" Pickles barks, smacking his hand so hard that the phone goes flying. "Don't you dare open dat!"
"Fuck off!" Murderface yells back, slapping Pickles' arm away from him. He jumps off the couch and grabs the phone. The screen glows like fire against the darkness that surrounds them.
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 02:14
>Just remember that you're doing this
>For every day you don't rescue for him
>For every hour you let him rot here
>That's your hand in the video
>I told him you asked for that one
Charles is never in his office these days. He's in Mordhaus' control centre, sitting in his dumb glowing chair, and he looks awful. Even through the video link he looks awful. He looks more tired than Murderface has ever seen him, and the red lighting does him no favours. Then again, he seems immaculate next to Pickles, who is sitting next to Murderface and shaking like a less seasoned alcoholic, hugging his bottle of bourbon to his chest as if it's a teddy bear. Compared to those two Murderface can't fathom how bad he must look. He is, after all, the ugly one.
Charles' expression is unreadable as he browses the files Murderface has sent to him. Not a single muscle twitches. Pickles and Murderface sit too close to each other and, as they've always done with all their problems, they wait for him to solve it.
Finally Charles puts the phone down. "Excuse me for a moment," he says. Then he steps out of view of the webcam, and Murderface hears over the speakers the faint sound of someone retching.
When Charles returns he is noticeably paler. "Well," he says, in a strained voice, "The time stamps confirm that Toki is still alive. That's good information to have."
"Dude," Pickles says anxiously, "Can't you like, I dunno, hack the mainframe on these? Use some computer guru wizard shit and find out where he is?"
"Yeah, get that fat virgin on it," says Murderface. "Hack the fuckin' mainframe and find this sick fuck."
Charles pinches his nose. "I have explained the issue to you before," he says patiently.
"So? Hire one of them hacker dudes, I dunno, shit! Shit! He's right there, do something!"
"As Magnus so helpfully reminded you," Charles said, "If anyone other than Dethklok comes for them, he will kill both Toki and Abigail. After seeing these, I would suggest we don't call his bluff."
Murderface knows an expression of disgust when he sees one. Charles is looking right at them and his eyes are pure revulsion. Fuck, our manager finally hates us. They deserve it. The shame is unbearable.
"But-- but--" Pickles' voice has climbed an octave. "He's right there!" he wails, ramming his fist down on the keyboard of Murderface's laptop. "He's right there! We can see him! Why can't you go get him!"
"I'm afraid I can't answer that, Pickles," said Charles in a thin voice. He left unstated the obvious: only you can.
With a wordless cry of despair, Pickles hurls his bottle of bourbon towards the wall. It crashes into one of the doors, and the feminine moans, which have thus far provided an unsettling backdrop to their argument, cease.
"Oh, God," Murderface groans, moments before--
The door slams open. "Will you SHUTS DE FUCKS UP OUT HERE?" Skwisgaar shouts. He hovers in the doorway like a blond, naked wraith, his hair everywhere, his eyes blown wide.
"Will you MIND YOUR FUCKIN' MANNERS?" retorts Pickles. "People are SLEEPING out here, Skwisgaar!"
"Oh fucks you to hell," Skwisgaar snarls.
"And you better not be on dat crystal meth again--"
But the door slams shut. Pickles lets loose a shout that sounds far, far too close to a sob, and without explanation, storms off.
Murderface is left before the judgemental stare of their weary and hateful manager. His phone remains clutched in his hand.
"… Well," says Charles, without patience. "Is this everything you wanted to show me?"
Murderface looks down at his lap, at the phone. He's closed the forum at Pickles' demand but it would only take a few clicks to have it back open. His fingers twitch.
"I'll leave you to it--" Charles begins, moving to cut off the video link.
"Wait," says Murderface. "I, uh."
"… What is it?"
"So you were like… pals, with Magnusch, right? You guys, uh, you palled around."
Charles narrows his eyes.
"I was jusch wondering if he ever… told you a certain schomething about… you know. Him and me."
"We, ah, knew each other before I took on my managerial role," says Charles cautiously. "But he never disclosed anything… personal."
Murderface leans into the laptop; he pushes his fingers hard against the spikes of his phone, until he feels blood welling out of the pads. "Well," he mutters, "Magnusch and I had a… we uh, we kind of had a thing. Y'know."
"I'm not schaying it was kind of a gay thing, but… wait, we have manager-client confidenschiality, right? You aren't gonna tell the guys about thisch?"
"I won't tell anyone, but--"
"Cause they might take it the wrong way, y'know, they might be jealousch or somethin'…"
"William, I have work to do, so unless this is--"
"I'm just schayin', I was schpecial to Magnus," says Murderface quietly. There's blood trickling down his knee and he feels like he's at confession, he doesn't want to say this but it's welling out of him anyways. "We just always had schomething. Like Nathan and Pickles, or y'know, Skwisgaar and-- and-- what's-his-face. It's just a little schomethin'… special. Between us. You know?"
"Do you have a point?"
"It should be me down there," Murderface admits.
Charles closes his eyes. "I would advise you not to be too… jealous, of Toki's predicament," he says, voice strained.
"I'm not jealousch," Murderface lies. "I just--"
"I can't schee him again. I can't schee Magnus again."
Charles' face is an unyielding stone. "You've all made that very clear," he says, with no grace, no understanding, not a shred of sympathy. "Good day."
The screen is cut before Murderface can beg him to stay. The dark screen reflects his ugly mug-- his hair dry and filthy, his face bloated from excessive drinking, his eyes puffy. Flabby and cowardly and despicable. Why was he even surprised that Magnus hadn't wanted him?
The phone was still in his hand. He knows he shouldn't do the thing he does next. He opens his browser.
HAMMERTIME1234 posted 04:23
>Well. I assume you won't reply to me.
>That's too bad.
>I miss you.
>Goodnight, William.
For once Murderface shows an ounce of common sense. He does not open that file.
He finds a bottle of whiskey in the kitchen, lies down beneath the table, and drinks himself into a dreamless sleep.
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fibula-rasa · 5 months
Seen in ’23: Annual Roundup
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Top new-to-me films of ‘23 
(in the order I saw them, not preference)
The Blizzard / Gunnar Hedes saga (1923) [imdb | letterboxd]
The Rafter’s Bride / Koskenlaskijan morsian (1923) [imdb | letterboxd]
Funeral Parade of Roses / 薔薇の葬列 (1969) [letterboxd | imdb]
Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow Press / Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse (1984) [letterboxd | imdb]
Drylongso (1998) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Cruz Brothers and Miss Malloy (1980) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Burning Crucible / Le Brasier ardent (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (1971) [letterboxd | imdb]
Merry-Go-Round (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Dream Demon (1988) [letterboxd | imdb]
Mazel Tov / Ost und West (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Signal Tower (1924) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Second Track / Das zweite Gleis (1962) [letterboxd | imdb]
Restless Blood / Levoton Veri (1946) [letterboxd | imdb]
The Man Without Desire (1923) [letterboxd | imdb]
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena / 少女革命ウテナ アドゥレセンス黙示録 (1999) [letterboxd | imdb]
Honorable mention:
Ritratto di donna velata (1972) [letterboxd | imdb] (because it’s technically a mini-series)
Spirits of the Dead / Histoires extraordinaires (1968) [letterboxd | imdb] (because it would make the year-end list for “Toby Dammit” alone TBH)
So, according to letterboxd, only 33% of the films I watched in 2023 were rewatches. In an unexpected bit of consistency, that’s also my proportion of rewatches for ‘22 and ‘21. Sometimes crunching the numbers teaches you potentially meaningless things about yourself.
On my letterboxd, I put together a list of my top new-to-me films of ’23, in case you want an easier way to check if there’s anything you might want to add to your own watchlists!
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As I continued my tradition of watching films as they turn 100, the 1920s was my most-watched decade as it was in 2022.
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I was startled looking at the stats that the 1930s were so underrepresented! To ward that off in 2024, I think I’ll binge some pre-codes. Maybe we should all watch pre-codes in March 2024 to dishonor Will Hays on his birthday?
My top individual years were:
1971 (unexpected!) 
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In another bit of unexpected consistency, I seem to have watched roughly 60% American-made films every year for the last 3 years?
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Regardless, I think my MVP for this year was Finland. Teuvo Tulio is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors and the silent films from Finland that I watched this year were highlights too!
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My most watched actors for 2023 were:
Alice Howell
James Finlayson
Stan Laurel
Snub Pollard
Katherine Grant
Marie Mosquini
Christopher Lee
Jackie Cooper
Lois Weber
Mabel Normand
Noah Young
Oliver Hardy
Richard Smith
Can you tell that I watched a ton of silent comedy in 2023? Of course Marie and Snub are making a return appearance here from last year, so I suppose I watched plenty of comedy shorts in ‘22 as well.
If you were only to count the feature films that I watched, Christopher Lee, Boris Karloff, Douglas Fairbanks, Vincent Price, and William Haines would top the list!
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My most watched directors were:
Alice Guy
Dave Fleischer
George Jeske
Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass
Charley Chase
John G. Blystone
Lois Weber
Richard Smith
Maya Deren
Phillips Smalley
Another affirmation that I watched a whole lot of silent shorts, but this time because of the fantastic Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers set. I highly recommend picking up a copy (or checking it out of your local library). Not only is the set well curated, but there are so many great extras to put the films in context. 
For Christmas ‘23, I got the Cinema’s First Nasty Women set and I’m very excited to marathon those and be influenced into a year of behaving badly.
Maya Deren makes the list because I re-watched her films in advance of my cosplay/profile of her. If you haven’t dug into Deren’s short but fascinating filmography yet, I highly recommend it!
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fireandiceland · 1 year
Okay, I don't give a shit, you can pick and choose, you can make these like two sentences long, but you wanted prompts? here are prompts, bitch (affectionately) SuFin - 30 RusAme - 10 Red Velvet Pancakes (or wtf ever their shipname is) - 18 MintChoc - 35 AusHun - 19 GerIta - 42 TurGre - 33 Dennor - 22 SicIre - 40 Gabio - 45 Francetto - 38 And this is a real shot in the dark but ... Railey - 46
Alright challenge accepted, I tend to go overboard with shit tall time so I'll try to do 3 sentences for each, max. 5 if it's completely impossible otherwise. Get ready for some smooches and prepare for me to probably completely butcher your OC ships 😘
edit after I was finished: sorry this took a little longer but I really wanted to try all of them and had so much fun with these!! thank you bea, love you 💖
Sufin - Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
""'s too hot," Sweden panted when Finland oh so graciously pulled away from a kiss that was merely a brush of lips to let him breath. Moving off his lap was out of question though, even if it was getting close to 120°C in the sauna. Judging from the sticky feeling of sweat and humidity they might as well start melting into one soon, Sweden thought. "It's cosy," Finland stated and pressed his lips to Sweden's once more.
Rusame - A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
America took another hasty look at his watch while shoving documents, pens, and candy bar wrappers from his desk right into his briefcase, then patted down all his pockets while scanning the room quickly. "Fuck!" he exclaimed when he turned around to find Russia standing right behind, but what he held in his hand put the signature smile back on America's face - his phone! "Thanks, dude!" He took device and pulled Russia into a quick kiss and was softly reciprocated. "See ya tomorrow!" It was only minutes after, when America was on his way and Russia back at his desk, that they realised that this hadn't been their usual goodbye.
RVP - Teasing kisses where one person blows air into the other’s mouth and runs away.
James yelped when Matthew suddenly threw his arms around him, catching him mid-race to the other end of the part where they had decided to hang out for their definitely-not-a-date and taking the last that was left of his breath away with a kiss. The sun was still high, causing Matthew's golden hair and bright eyes to sparkle. James pecked his lips again, lingering a little longer for this one. "Oh? I thought this wasn't a date," Matthew teased but leaned in closer again. "It isn't," James stated, but was about to meet him halfway for the first kiss that would count - if not for Matthew to blow at his lips and run off again. James smiled to himself, seems like he lost the race but was about to win something else.
MintChoc - An awkward kiss given after a first date.
'Is this the moment where I should kiss him?' Allen thought to himself, well aware of the uncomfortable, nightly silence surrounding him and Arthur and the park bench the have settled down on as their very first real date came to an end. 'I'll kiss him' he decided and scooted a closer, leaned in a little and- 'Oh heavens, he's going to kiss me!' Arthur's mind screamed as his heartbeat quickened with every millimitre that Allen's lips came closer to his. He let his eyes fall closed, decided to meet him halfway and- "Ouch!" they both exclaimed at the same time when their foreheads collided in a painful hit, followed by laughter and their real first kiss.
AusHun - One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
It had started as a simple squeezing of their hands, fingers playing with eachother, a futive kiss on Austria's cheek, a hand reluctantly wandering to rest on Hungary's thigh. By now it was slow kisses exchanged in the dim back of their private loge during the new year's concert, the upper buttons of Austria's dress shirt undone and Hungary's skirt slipped upwards further enough to reveal her underwear. She was working on the next button in row on Austria's shirt while never letting his lips go farther from hers to do more than take a breath. Only when his chest was bare she pulled away far enough to speak. "Do you want to do this?," she asked, one hand running up the inside of his thigh. The answer came in form of Austria cradling her cheeks, immediately pulling her into a kiss that caused her to make a noise she hoped the other guests wouldn't hear.
GerIta - Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
"Ger - ma - nyyyy..." Italy whined, Germany's name interrupted by kisses being pressed to his jaw, his cheek, then the thip os his nose. With a heavy sigh he put the cap back on his pen to prevent it from drying out like his motivation and put it aside together with his last bit of self-discipline. "Ja ja, schon gut.." He pushed himself in the desk chair away to get up, but Italy was sitting in his lap immediately, peppering his face in kisses. "Finally! You really - work - too much - Ger - ma - ny!" Maybe Italy was right. A break suddenly didn't sound so bad.
TurGre - An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
Sadik pushed Herakles against the wall, rage had tinted his cheeks red and he yelled once again "Why?!" before staring at the ground while trying to get back his breath and composure. Then he looked up at Herakles and their eyes met - and suddenly their lips too. Herakles couldn't do anything, but let it happen. It didn't feel bad, no, it was fine, good even, only it had happened at the time he had expected it the least.
Dennor - A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
Denmark couldn't believe his luck when Norway kissed him again and again and again until all the knew was the others lips and hands on him. What were the odds of getting up in the middle of the night to find his insomniac boyfriend in the kitchen as the 2am snack he craved? He sure wasn't doing to do the math now. Or later. Instead he pushed Norway against the table to sit him down there. Standing in front of him and being trapped by Norway's legs around his it would be so easy for Denmark to just pull up his shirt and- "Really? In front of my cereal? Again?" Denmark broke the kiss just in time to see Iceland stomp off while covering his eyes.
SicIre - A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
"Harry!" Michele protested weakly when his boyfriend suddenly cupped his face, and pulled him into a kiss. It wasn't that he minded being kissed, by god he didn't, but it was a surprising move considering they were in the car waiting for the light to go green. Harry didn't care for the car honking behind them. He wasn't sure what had prompted him to take Michele's breath away with a fierce kiss. Maybe it was his beautifully relaxed expression while driving, maybe it was the orange reflection of the sunset sparkling in his eyes, maybe it was the warmth that radiated from his mere presence at any given moment - whatever it was, it was more important to Harry than the impatient honking.
Gabio - Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
"Ou-!" "Shhh!" Gabriella was quick to steal the sound of discomfort from Fabio's lips while he rubbed his thigh where the edge of the desk had just been rammed into it. They both knew it would be more than awful for their bosses to find out about their relationship like this - catching them tripping over and bumping into the antique Italian furniture in Gabriella's office. Fabio sighed softly, the pain of the sharp edge already forgotten at the sweet distraction that Gabriella's kisses offered him. Getting caught by either of their bosses was a risk he was willing to take if this was the reward.
Francetto - Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
Franceso smiled softly, genuinely, at how a sleeping Dolcetto's chest rose and sunk, over and over with every breath. It had been an insanely long week that had finally come to an end. Even if things hadn't went as planned, at least they had this moment - well, Francesco had it. He descended slowly as to not wake Dolcetto from his well deserved slumber and whispered the three words that were still easier to say when there was no chance for a snarky reply - "I love you" - before leaning in further to plant a feather-light kiss on Dolcetto's lips.
Railey - A lingering kiss before a long trip apart.
Tahir wasn't sure how he got in this position, but by god he wasn't going to complain about being held close by Robert while holding onto him as well, their hands on each other's shoulders, each other's necks. The taste of a recently smoked cigarette still clung to Robert's lips and for once Tahir drank it up because it was him. Their lips barely moved. No teeth, no tongue dared to disturb the closeness as if any movement at all would make this moment pass. Something neither of them wanted, considering they will be parted for weeks once it ends.
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stavromulabetaaa · 5 months
Tell me about 9, 20, and 33 please!🥰
hello my friend! thank you for the ask ❤️
9. What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
shit that's a hard one 😂 probably that i've made a career for myself, all by myself! i started my own business at age 22 and never looked back. so many people told me it was a stupid decision and that it wasn't a "real job", but here i am nearly a decade later and i've been able to support myself and i love what i do. my clients are so kind and generous and i do really good work for people and animals who appreciate it. i bought a house and was able to buy a car that i really wanted, not just one i was stuck with and was my only option like previous vehicles i had.
it's nothing glamorous but i'd call it a success!
20. What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Finland has the most heavy metal bands per capita
33. What’s a pet peeve you have?
people who put their cats outdoors unsupervised. don't get me started.
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merakiui · 11 months
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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limbusrailway · 1 year
I am Ace! (They/Them) I’m a funny little writer, I like classic lit, Limbus launched and I got into Project Moon. We will see if this blog maintains ANY sort of consistent activity.
My Limbus Company friend code is S359631343 - I try to keep units relatively leveled and have my favorite/most powerful of each sinner up in their respective number slot. If you know me via discord or somewhere else just message me and I’m willing to swap out IDs and EGO and the like to meet needs!
Favorite Sinners are Sinclair, Meursault, Rodya, Yi Sang, Faust, Hong Lu, and Gregor because everyone like Gregor that’s the law. But I generally enjoy everyone!!
General info on my “bus” of fansinners underneath the cut.
Limbus OC content generally under the tag “LCR (limbus company railway)”
Individual Sinner/Character Tags for this blog:
Yi Sang - make friends with crows
Faust - faust is quite gay
Ryoushuu - B.L.E.E.D. (Big Lesbian Energy Extra Debauchery)
Hong Lu - poor little rich boy
Heathcliff - hes gonna clobber ya
Ishmael - fishmael
Rodion - gambling addiction
Sinclair - cheepcheep
Outis - outism moment
Gregor - *scuttling noises*
Dante - tiktok
Vergilius - oh no hes giving me THE LOOK--
Charon - the wheels on the bus go crunch crunch crunch
Sinner #1 (23) - Kai
Source: The Snow Queen (Hans Christen Andersen)
Color: Beau Blue (BCD4E6)
Icon: A Snowflake  
Weapon: Virkelighed (Danish; "Reality") [Unique knife designed for slashing, blade loops around the fingers of a fist much like brass knuckles.]
E.G.O.: The Devil's Mirror
Sinner #2 (24) - Pan
Source: Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie)
Color: Forest Green (0B6623)
Icon: Panpipes & a Feather
Weapon: Youth [Short sword.]
E.G.O.: Second Star to the Right
Sinner #3 (25) - Dorothy
Source: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum)
Color: Ruddy Blue (76ABDF)
Icon: The Silver Slippers
Weapon: Home [A hammer.]
E.G.O.: Over the Rainbow
Sinner #4 (26) - Orpheus
Source: Greek Myth
Color: Bone (E7DECC) 
Icon: A Lyre.
Weapon: Μούσα (Greek; "Muse") [A guitar.]
E.G.O.: Don’t Look Back
Sinner #5 (27) - Aino
Source: The Kalevala (The National Epic of Finland)
Color: Arsenic (3B444B) 
Icon: A Fish.
Weapon: Neitsyt (Finnish; "Maiden") [A whip.]
E.G.O.: Moonmaid’s Silver, Sunmaid’s Gold
Sinner #6 (28) - Charles Wallace
Source: A Wrinkle In Time (Madeleine L'Engle)
Color: Pastel Pink (FFD1DC) 
Icon: A ringed planet.
Weapon: Tesseract [A flail.]
E.G.O.: Something New
Sinner #7 (29) - Hallward
Source: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
Color: Teal (48AAAD) 
Icon: A painter’s palette.
Weapon: Worship [A staff.]
E.G.O.: Portrait of the Artist
Sinner #9 (31) - Momo
Source: Momo or The Gray Men (Michael Ende)
Color: Ochre (CC7722)
Icon: A blossoming flower.
Weapon: Zeit (German; "Time") [Armor.]
E.G.O.: The Hour Blossoms
Sinner #10 (32) - Candide
Source: Candide (Voltaire)
Color: Eminence (6C3082) 
Icon: A two-sided mask, reminiscent of that of comedy and tragedy.
Weapon: Pire (French; "Worst") [A rapier.]
E.G.O.: Everything Is Best
Sinner #11 (33) - Billy Pilgrim
Source: Slaughterhouse 5 (Kurt Vonnegut)
Color: Ruby (900603) 
Icon: A broken clock.
Weapon: Poo-tee-weet [A shotgun.]
E.G.O.: Unstuck in Time
Sinner #12 (34) - Darcy
Source: Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Color: Yale Blue (00356B) 
Icon: A coin & ring.
Weapon: Pride [Throwing knives.]
E.G.O.: Lost Forever
Sinner #13 (35) - Riviera
Source: Neuromancer (William Gibson)
Color: Lime (AEF359) 
Icon: A syringe.
Weapon: Chrome [Claws.]
E.G.O.: Millions of Illusions
Sinner #8 [30] MANAGER - Alice
Source: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol)
GUIDE - Lily / The White Queen
Source: Through the Looking-Glass (Lewis Carrol)
E.G.O.: Lost Daughter
Source: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Jules Verne)
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tears-of-boredom · 4 months
so i thought i ruled out lukio as a jatko-opinto possibility, but turns out i didnt.
the main problem is that i have so many fields i could see myself specializing in, but none of them seem more fitting than the others.
and then there's the worry that if i pick a field i really like, that ill have to go and study another one anyways cuz i cant find a job with it.
and i really wanna stick to the northern area location-wise, because in the unlikely case that that stupid fucking putin attacks, it'll be the easiest to flee to either sweden or norway.
and like. i have no idea how much weight i should give these worries you know. how legitimate they are. i have no idea what its like to be a student when your opintovelvollisuus runs out. i have no idea what finland will look like in emergency mode, and how difficult fleeing would be. and im pretty sure its not even likely that that genocidal bastard attacks here.
i have a list of fields that seem cool to me. it has 33 fields on it.
and i have so fucking few things to narrow it down with. because i dont really give a shit if i have to move to the south, the only question then would be if its feasible to do or not. and even with the line ive drawn with like healthcare and customer service related stuff,, i have no idea if ill be so adverse to them in the future.
....i guess beekeeping could be fun. but i dont like the idea of doing it to harvest honey.
lawyer shit could work, since apparently it pays well. but also currently i cave under pressure like hell so literally no high pressure job will work unless that changes.
and then there's the advisor jobs that you can do in like every field ever. those could work as well, but they sound like itd be hard to find work.
and of course theres the fashion and textile field, which has probably really poor job opportunities.
and id like to work in nature of course, but i fucking hate mosquitos so i dont think i could do it. id have to exclusively work in very dry forests.
afkeigacf rjhjjjjjjjmn, ,.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ääääu8......................................... m..............................................................................................................
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
I was at school again today and we had a whole day of presentations. Well I guess technically the before noon classes were an expo/a fair, and the afternoon was presentations but still, it was a damn tiring day. Luckily I wasn't one of the presenters in the afternoon stuff, but I was manning our little expo table in the morning. I didn't have to talk much though, because there's a real motormouth in out group who loooves to talk, but I answered some questions too and helped pass out brochures, and the candy for people who took part in our little raffle. I made a powerpoint for our table about our subject and people really seemed to like it and I got a lot of praise from my group too, which made me feel good about myself and my work.
The school I go to is a university of applied sciences here in Finland, and I've been really enjoying going to school and I'm going to work hard so I can continue in the fall. I'm aiming for a bachelors degree in sociology and maybe psychotherapist specialization after that, though for now I'm just aiming to get to the degree program for the fall.
I only have 7 credits out of 33 at the moment, and I have six weeks to get the rest, but I have a lot of stuff I've already done and the teachers just haven't checked yet, so I should be getting quite a lot of credits soon. I'm just hoping I don't get anything I have to redo and that I pass all my exams. It's all looking pretty good at the moment though so I'm pretty happy.
I've been a bit scared about overworking myself the whole spring, but I'm doing good and there's no sign of that. I just procrastinate a ton which is an issue sometimes, but in general it's all pretty good. I've finally managed to finish Supernatural too, great show, cried at the end, fun times.
I'm laying in a cheap hotel near the school at the moment, and the air conditioning unit is sounding like it's possessed by a demon or something lol
I'll post again later this week, hopefully... I hope you're all doing well and remember to stay hydrated :D
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calicoaidan · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 - the (pre-show) verdict!
So a few weeks back I fired my Eurovision takes for the first half of 2023's songs, it's time for round 2 with the full rankings from 1-37 down below!
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Songs I adore from the second half: • Finland - Cha Cha Cha is purely a banger. It manages to be both aggressive and catchy with the staging just amplifying that. I don't have any more notes to offer, I just adore this. • Netherlands - Burning Daylight - With a lot of bands and general up-tempo stuff featuring this year, there's a window for a good ballad (strong emphasis on the word good) to catch the eye. Burning Daylight pulls it off, if the live version in Liverpool is this clean then we'll have a hit. • Sweden - Tattoo - I don't think this is as good as Euphoria and I'm a little dubious about how much of a bookies favourite it is, but jaysus the staging they used at Melodifestivalen looked so good. • Austria - Who the Hell is Edgar? - Fun with a deeper point, I worry that the point might be missed without some clever staging in Liverpool but I can see this being a hit post-Eurovision. • Germany - Blood and Glitter - Industrial Metal meets Eurovision in a way that just works, I really hope this gets a decent televote.
Songs I'm not so keen on: • Poland - It's bland, the national final performance was dreadful, and there's allegations that TVP (the Polish equivalent of the BBC) really tipped the scales in favour of this song. I'm not going to link to every song I dislike but have a gander, you be the judge. • UK - Sorry Mae, even with this song being put last in the running order (which typically helps for public voting), I just don't think the song itself will stand out (it's not an issue with the artist, I just don't think the tune works) - expecting a bottom 5 on Grand Final night. • Serbia - This has a lot of the fan love right now and it's unique, but I just get very little from it. Remember when Portugal sent Conan Osiris (who I loved) in 2019 and it flopped with the televote because the general public seemingly couldn't engage with it? I fear the same here, especially with it being the third song in semi-final 1 (which is an absolute bloodbath this year because of the overall song quality).
Anyhoo, enough of that...
It's ranking time!
Here's 11th to 37th in order: 11: Estonia 12: Greece 13: Iceland 14: Croatia 15: Ireland 16: Spain 17: Malta 18: Portugal 19: Latvia 20: Italy 21: Azerbaijan 22: France 23: Serbia 24: Ukraine 25: Switzerland 26: Norway (I know for a fact this will finish way higher, it just doesn't do anything for me personally) 27: Israel 28: United Kingdom 29: San Marino 30: Armenia 31: Moldova 32: Cyprus 33: Denmark 34: Albania 35: Georgia 36: Romania 37: Poland
I'll do the top 10 in reverse order:
10th (1 point) - Austria
9th (2 points) - Lithuania
8th (3 points) - Belgium
7th (4 points) - Sweden
6th (5 points) - Germany
5th (6 points) - Netherlands
4th (7 points) - Slovenia
3rd (8 points) - Australia
2nd (10 points) - Finland
1st (12 points) - Czechia
The whole top 10 is fantastic and no matter the way the semis break down, the Saturday night in Liverpool is going to be a great occasion.
The above is all subject to change as some folks will massively elevate their performance for the live shows while others struggle, but oh my - what a Eurovision we have to come!
If anyone has some face value tickets going, I'm all ears. 😅
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disdaidal · 1 year
17, 33, 36
Eyyyyy 🥰
17: Someone you miss
Besides talking to certain online friends of mine from time to time (:D), I actually can't wait to see this one friend of mine after such a long time. I made friends with him before co-vid, then we kind of didn't see each other at all during that time (we both had a tough time, etc.). But we recently started talking more again and actually had so much to talk about, so it seems like we're both on solid ground once again. And so I think it might be good for me (hopefully for him as well) to get out of the house and socialize and catch up with each other. :'D
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
I don't know, I guess stuff like 'that's smart' and 'that's clever' etc. It makes me feel so much better about myself than, say, being complimented about my looks or other superficial stuff like that. :'D To know that I've accomplished something and that I'm not a total tool 24/7 lmao.
36: Where I would like to live
I keep thinking about this so much sometimes. :D I honestly don't know if I'd like to live anywhere else but Finland right now because, well, everything's pretty good over here - education, safety, living conditions, culture - even the climate (though I like to complain about it :D). But honestly, maybe Norway or Iceland? I love the views, and they're not culturally too different from Finland, so. I might actually fit in. D:
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drusillatitova · 1 year
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( megan fox, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that DRUSILLA IVANOVNA TITOVA is a 182 (33) year old PHLEBOTAMIST that’s been in Chicago for TWO YEARS. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL 3 with the power of VAMPIRE PHYSIOLOGY. That must be why they’re OPULENT and ALOOF. If you ask me, they remind me of mirrors covered with white sheets, blood trickling down a pale throat, the feeling of being stalked like prey. They are affiliated with THE DAMNED. 
FULL NAME: drusilla ivanovna titova NICKNAMES: dru (pronounced drew) GENDER: female BIRTHDATE: january 17th SPECIES: mutant AFFILIATION: the damned
ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil ZODIAC: capricorn MBTI: istj POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, ambitious, honest, diligent NEGATIVE TRAITS: impatient, brutal, serious, superiority 
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drusilla is a direct descendant of vlad the impaler. she was hatched from a slimy, green, vampire egg (van helsing style) laid by one of dracula’s many brides in 1841. 
raised in an underground vampire lair in russia. the older vampires brought food down for the babies to feed from. they weren’t allowed to go up to the surface until they had their bloodlust under control. 
left to her own devices most of the time. with not much else to do, she bullied the runts of the vampire litters. she was queen bee of the vampire children.
she reached full, physical maturity at eight years old. she has the body of a woman in her early 30′s. 
after ten years with her original coven, drusilla left moscow to travel to omsk. she tore through the city and the population quickly decreased. she was left bored, bloated, and still not satisfied.
spent years as a loner, travelling from city to city and causing carnage. her mother stepped in after a couple of years and warned drusilla that if she didn’t stop, she’d have to be terminated for drawing too much attention from humans. 
with the threat of murder hanging in the air, drusilla left russia and travelled to italy and rome. not that she behaved much better there. the rumour going around about the creature who massacred popes was not just a rumour... she had a particular craving for the sanctimonious blood of the roman catholic church. 
drusilla formed her own coven while out in italy. they called her ‘the countess’. she gained quite a large following and her word was their law. she even invited humans in, promising the gift of eternal life if they betrayed their fellow humans and brought them to the lair. 
she never kept her word, obviously. they all ended up as meals for the coven. again, the population began to dwindle and she had to move on before her mother carried out her threat. 
the coven travelled with her from country to country. germany, france, finland, ireland, scotland, england; anywhere in europe, really. the coven only grew larger and stronger, now filled with vampires from all over the world. 
in 1901, the coven went overseas to america. it ended up being the biggest mistake that drusilla could’ve made. vampire hunters were out in heavy force over there. no matter how many times the coven moved, they were found and chased out. many vampires were lost to stakes and silver bullets in the process.
vampires are vengeful creatures, so they of course tried to avenge their dead. it only worsened the problem, leading to more deaths until they were driven underground. they could no longer live in the public eye. they only left at night in their shapeshifting forms to feed. 
they lived that way until 1916 when they caught a boat filled with soldiers heading to european soil. the war was quite beneficial for vampires. plenty of casualties to feed on, able to easily blend into the carnage and chaos. 
moved back to moscow after the first war. stayed there and merged with her original coven until 1963. by that point, drusilla was incredibly bored. she fled her coven in the middle of the day and headed back to america. it’d be easy to go unnoticed if she was alone. 
she’s been living the usa ever since. every few years, she moves cities and changes her job due to never ageing. she doesn’t want to raise suspicion. there are plenty of other mutants who are out and proud these days, but she prefers to stay true to her roots and never stay in one place too long. hunters still exist, and she can’t forget her losses over the years.
present day; 
drusilla is now living in chicago and works as a phlebotomist. she has easy access to any kind of blood bags she needs, and it’s a job she doesn’t mind doing. she has her thirst under control enough to not pounce on every bleeding human or mutant she meets.
unfortunately, she joined the damned. she has nothing better to do, so why not? she deeply regrets it after meeting the other members. not that she’ll admit it, dru also misses having a coven. this is the closest she can get to being a part of one again. 
she still doesn’t take much care when it comes to feeding. she often rips through prison yards because they’re people nobody is going to really miss or care about. she’ll also go on a binging spree through neighbourhoods whenever she pleases. it’s easy to gain access to any place when your shapeshifting form is mist.
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powers & abilities; 
retractable fangs
superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability & senses
wall scaling like a spoider
hypnosis/compulsion (vampire diaries tease)
irresistible beauty (easy to be drawn in by her)
shapeshifting into mist
regenerative healing
true vampire face (very ugly. do not recommend angering her enough to see it)
blood bonding (teehee!!!)
animal control (she controls crows to spy on people/see through their eyes)
weaknesses & limitations;
silver in any form touching her skin
vervain (she can’t hypnotise/compel/drink your blood if you hold or wear it)
religious iconography
dead people blood (it would make her sick and weak)
iron/wooden stakes
exsanguination (this can occur if she stays in a place she was not invited into for too long. she’d lose her blood through her pores and die)
no reflection
dismembering her
holy water
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