#looking for pink Pinoe hair
the-ball-is-round · 3 months
I’m so excited for this next generation of the uswnt, but tbh, seeing these players I haven’t yet formed an attachment to wearing numbers of my OG favorites from 2015 is a stab to the heart and I may never recover
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woso-fan13 · 10 months
It’s Fantastic
Most of the team is hanging out in the common room, everyone doing their own thing. The silence of the room is interrupted when you look up from your phone, calling everyone’s attention. 
“Hey guys? Do we have any plans tomorrow night?” 
The question is clearly directed towards one of the older players, as you and the younger players have made it clear that you would not be memorizing schedules. 
Alex scrolls through something in her phone for a few seconds before looking up and responding. 
“Practice until 6, dinner at 7. After that, we have the rest of the night off. Why?”
“That’s literally perfect! There’s a movie theater not too far from here, can we please, please, please all go see the new Barbie movie?!?” you’re not ashamed to admit that you may be begging slightly. 
The others chuckle at your enthusiasm, but all exchange glances. There really wasn’t a good reason that they couldn’t see the move. And judging by the looks on everyone’s face, you weren’t the only one who wanted to go see it.
“Tell you what, Y/N,” Pinoe levels you with a look, “if you can convince Vlatko to let us all go, we’re in.”
“Easy,” you say with full (false) confidence. “He can’t say no to me. Plus, I already rented out a theater.”
It turns out, Vlatko has no problem saying no to you. But, again, you’re not above begging. You beg and plead, until he finally gives in. Honestly, it’s probably so he doesn’t have to listen to you anymore. 
Your team was in, Coach had approved it, now you just needed to make it exciting.
“It’s Lucy and Kiera, and Georgia and Le-“ you sing, skipping into the England common room. “Hmmm, I guess that song doesn’t really work anymore. And I didn’t even get to the bridge about Beth and Vivi.”
The England team is somewhat startled by the American who came singing an obnoxious theme song. You had made the song up almost four years ago, after you had signed for Arsenal. At freshly 14, in a new country and away from your family, some of the Arsenal girls had taken you in. 
When they realized that going to camp meant leaving you behind, Leah worked some magic and managed to sort it out so that you could go and practice with the team. You clicked with the team instantly, becoming the annoying little sister that they couldn’t help but love. 
“Anyway, mates,” you start. Leaning over to Georgia, you whisper to ask, “did I use that right?”
At her nod, you continue, “as I was saying, anyway, mates, I’ve come to extend an invitation for a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s been called bigger than the World Cup. Who wants to go see the Barbie movie tomorrow night?”
You’re bouncing on your feet slightly as you speak, clearly excited. 
Lucy lets out a small chuckle, “good luck convincing Sarina to let us skip recovery to watch a movie.”
You squint slightly at Lucy, somewhat questioning, “you seem to forget who convinced Sarina to let us have a Colin cake for dinner more than once. It’s on.”
“Meet in the US lobby at 7:45, and don’t forget to wear pink,” you shout over your shoulder as you rush out the door. 
Sarina agreed with very little convincing. You assured her that all of the girls were okay with starting recovery earlier so that they could go to the movie, and she couldn’t deny that team bonding is always a good idea. 
She only had one stipulation, which you easily agreed to. After helping her pick out the appropriate pink outfit for her to wear the next night, you move on to your next project. 
You knock cheerily on the door a few times before swinging it open. Your face lights up as you see the two people you were looking for, and you rush towards them. 
Rue and Katie pulled you in, hugging you tight. You hadn’t seen them in a long time, and you had missed the women who had watched out for you for so many years. Rue pressed kisses all over your face as Katie ruffled your hair. You pull away from them, giggling. 
“Guys, I love you and I missed you like crazy, but that’s not why I’m here,” now, you turn to address the majority of the Ireland team that’s in the room. “I’m here to invite you all to come to a very exclusive cinema screening tomorrow evening. Meet at 7:45 in the US lobby and wear something pink. Don’t be late!”
You shout a quick bye to the two women before leaving the room, now onto your hopefully last task. 
“Oh, Sammy,” you say happily, trotting into the room where you found most of the Australian team. 
You knew Sam from playing against her in London, but you had become even closer when she started dating Kristie. If she could be your possible future sister-in-law who’s not actually related to you in any way, you had to be best friends. If you asked Sam, though, she may say that she mainly tolerates you. 
“Hi Ali, hi Sammy, hi rest of the team,” you rush out, “tomorrow night, 7:45, US lobby, wear pink, please come.”
You nod once, turning and waking out the door. The team sits in confusion for a second, scanning the others’ faces to see if anyone knows what you said. 
When dinner started at 7, you ate about two bites before trying to get out of your chair and clear your plate. You get about a dozen glares and a hand catches your wrist before you leave the table. 
“I’m full, promise, I just gotta go. It’s almost time,” you protest. 
The glares don’t lessen, though, so you slump back in your seat. You pout as you push the food around your plate, the others trying not to laugh as you through what is basically a temper tantrum. 
Your full first name gets you looking sheepishly up at Alex. 
“You don’t have to finish your whole dinner, but you do need to finish your vegetables. Then you can go get ready.”
You still squirm slightly, too excited to sit completely still. But you don’t make any move to bring your fork up to your mouth. 
“You know,” Kelley starts in a way that makes it clear that you don’t actually know, “I bet Pressy and Tobs would love a call to hear about how the ‘golden child’ isn’t listening. I don’t think they’ll be asleep yet, how about we give them a call now?”
You stay silent, finally managing to still your body. 
“It’s funny, I bet Tobin still has all the numbers of the Arsenal players. And I would also bet that she would not hesitate to call them and tell them the plans are off because someone couldn’t behave.”
She pulls her phone out, then hesitates, “that takes care of England and Ireland, but I’m not sure about Australia. I could have Kristie call Sam, or I could have Chris call Ali. Y/N, do you have any preference?” Kelley fixes you with a look. 
Finally, you break, showing a bite of your dinner in your mouth. After chewing and swallowing, you look up. 
“I’m sorry, please don’t cancel. I wasn’t trying to be bad, I’m just excited.”
The rest of dinner passes quickly, and soon it’s 7:30. You’re basically vibrating in the lobby, waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon enough, everyone’s arrived and the lobby is a sea of hot pink. With a giant smile on your face, you start leading everyone out of the hotel and over a couple of blocks to the movie theater. 
“Was this planned?” Sam leans over to ask Kristie, “how did she have that outfit?” 
You were wearing a fully pink outfit that would have made Barbie herself jealous. Meanwhile, the England girls were doling out their pink warm up gear after you insisted that you wouldn’t let anyone not wearing pink into the movie. 
Kristie laughs, “no, that’s just how she dresses. Pink nails, pink dresses, sparkles, the whole deal. It’s easier not to question it.”
You were at the front of the group, talking to players you used to play with, players you currently play with, players you could only dream of playing with. There weren’t different countries, there weren’t rivals, there weren’t competitors. There were simply people following a girl dressed in far too much pink. 
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 11 - The falling of the Number One
WARNING! This chapter ends with a cliffhanger and it’s really angsty for 2 more chapters. If you are sensitive, please wait until Chapter 14 is out.
18 +, please check the warnings.
Also: The beginning is really suggestive so please keep an eye for the red warning and skip that bit until you see the green writing!
Warnings: Suggestive then… uhm… Near-death experience, description of major injuries, mentions of blood, cliffhanger. I know, funky combination.
First Chapter Master List
“I just read a fanfiction where you cheated on me with Pro Hero Shouto. What’s your opinion on that?” You look up from your phone with a grin. Izuku rolls his pretty eyes with a cheeky smile on his face and doesn’t respond for a second - probably have taken the question a bit more seriously than it was originally intended to be - as he sits on the sofa next to you in his pretty little glasses, which you can’t wait to ruin later. Well, that sounded like a threat but after the first few times you two ended up in a heated make out session while he was wearing it you decided to keep some spectacle wipes on the coffee table. It runs out as quickly as the milk in the fridge.
“Hm. While I’m quite certain I am a straight man, Kaminari said this to me once: You can’t call yourself straight unless you’ve tried both. Well, I haven’t tried both hence why there is a possibility that maybe, the fact that he’s a man wouldn’t be as much of a problem as it seems to be in my head. Although…” Izuku strokes the non-existent beard on his chin as he keeps pondering. Izuku can’t grow a beard by the way. He tried it once and ended up looking like a 14 year old. He literally had 10 little hairs on the two sides of his chin and a really thin “mustache” and that was it. Katsuki laughed his ass off that day. “Shouto is one of my best friends but if it comes to his personality, I’m not sure if I would be able to… think about him like that. I mean, can you even imagine him in bed with that face? Or kissing him and when you move away it’s just… his deadpanned face? Right in front of you? I would cry, Y/N. You know how much reassurance I need. I can’t see him clocking that there is a problem with me. He’s just… a little bit… emotionally constipated?”
“Wow. That was a really detailed response, thank you.” You gawk at your boyfriend who looks extremely happy from pleasing you. “So if you would need to choose one guy, who would you choose?”
“I would probably give Kacchan a chance.” Izuku blurts out without even thinking. Damn. “Not the old Kacchan, but this one. But I would miss being romantic and cheesy. I don’t think he does that too much. Then I have a friend, Rody, from Otheon. We got along really well while I was on a mission there. While he’s not the most honest person in the world he has a bird called Pino who’s basically connected to his soul and his real emotions are mirrored in the bird so for instance, let’s say he says something super happy but if he’s trying to hide that he’s sad, Pino will cry for him. It’s fascinating, really. But I don’t feel like I would be as happy as I am now with anyone else, to be honest. Man or a woman, it really doesn’t matter because even if you would leave me I would only look for you in everyone but there is no one in this whole wide world who would be able to be even as half as good as you are, so…” Izuku shies away from your gaze, his cheeks dusted pink. Your heart makes a somersault in your chest from his words; sometimes, it’s still unbelievable that this moment, here and now, is actually real and not just a daydream.
There is one thing weighting you down when it comes to this current situation though; the weird feeling in your stomach like everything is too good, too perfect and everything that’s this good must have an end date.
You read a lot of drama fanfictions before you actually ended up to be a main character in one and there was one recurring event in all of them; pro hero Deku dying. For you, for your country, from exhaustion, from an old, untreated injury… the list is endless but since you two got together you couldn’t even look at those stories without feeling sick. Izuku is a hero, one of the best ones at that, but being the best also means he’s the one fighting the most complicated battles, ones no one else can or no one has the guts to, depending on the situation. But it’s really hard to think about these dark, deep thoughts when Izuku slowly looks up, waiting for your response at his impromptu love confession, eyes bright and full of childish glee.
“What about you, Sweets?” Izuku asks cheekily, slowly crawling closer to you; he puts his cheek on your chest, snuggling into the soft bits, warm and content.
“Honestly? Call me a real fanatic but I never really wanted to date anyone else but you.” You admit sheepishly. “I did find Pro Hero Shouto handsome, I did like Katsuki’s bad boy vibes but… it was always you. Your kindness, your pretty little cheeks, the freckles, the curls, the way you go all shy when people ask you about love in interviews. You are so… pure, almost angelic. Even through the screen, you felt like someone I could trust with my life, not just as a hero, but as a person, a human being. You just feel… safe. Like the kinda person you want to marry and stay with forever. And now that I got to know you… I want nothing else but all of that, tenfold.”
“You want to marry me, Sweet Pea?” Izuku smiles with a tiny blush on his face as he sneakily pulls the strap of your camisole out of the way with his finger so he can pepper kisses all over your collarbones. Your whole face erupts in flames.
“Well… uhm… one day, yes, of course…” You mumble, a barely audible sigh leaving your lips as Izuku wets his own to make the seductive slide on your skin even more enjoyable.
“What else do you wanna do with me, Sweets?” Izuku sneaks further up, his kisses wet and so full of emotions your whole body trembles under him as the soft plush of his lips reaches your sensitive neck.
Warning! Cheeky
“Wh… Izu?” You try to look into Izuku’s eyes but your whole body freezes from his lustful gaze; his eyes are dark and there is something new sparkling in the depth of them, his eyelids fallen to half-mast as he gazes at your lips, soft but hungry and he takes a deep breath, tries to school his features but it’s way too late; his gaze is etched into your mind now, living there rent free for the rest of your life.
“Was that too much?” Izuku tries to pull away but you grab the back of his head, fingers clutching into the soft curls, keeping him in place and Izuku keens, a hiss leaving his mouth which ends up sounding like a moan by the end of it.
“I want… I want to go hiking with you again.” You mumble and you can barely hide your smile as Izuku looks up at you, utterly confused by the dramatic difference between your touches and your words. “I want to bathe with you in the river when no one is watching. Maybe find a secluded area, somewhere further away so we can… fool around until we have nothing to give to the other.”
Izuku’s breath hitches.
“Uhm…” Izuku tries to respond but you grab into his hair again; Izuku’s hips make a dive towards you, the touch featherlight and probably unintended but you can’t help but bite into your lips to muffle the moan that’s trying to erupt from your chest at the motion. Izuku doesn’t miss the tiny whimper though; you could cut the tension between you two right now, the air so hot and heavy you kinda want to breathe through Izuku’s mouth to soothe your stinging throat.
“I want to show you how much you mean to me in every way possible…” Your other hand snakes under Izuku’s shirt, caressing the skin on his back until the soft touch isn’t enough; you scrape the soft skin on his back with your nails and Izuku’s eyes fill with tears, but not from the pain. “I want to kiss every single freckle, every single scar, every bump and every crevice because you deserve it, Izuku. You are the sweetest, most caring person in the world and you make me happy so… whatever you want, you can have it. From a cheeky ice cream at 2AM to me pleasing you until the end of dawn, you can have all of it. You deserve all of it.”
You swear you can hear the snap of Izuku’s self-restraint, the sound loud and echoey as Izuku looses his composure and attacks you hungrily, his tongue barging into your mouth with a strong lick.
“I love you.” Izuku mumbles, his breath hot against your lips as he takes and takes and takes, until your whole world turns upside down again, the wet sound of your lips against each other the only sound in the silent room.
“Show me… how much…” You whimper, back arching from the sofa subconsciously.
“Fuck.” Izuku whimpers back, his arms snaking around your middle, pulling you flush against his growing erection and you can’t help the tiny yelp leaving your mouth as the hero takes you in his arms, bridal style, and RUNS into the bedroom with One for All crackling around his body to get there quicker, the motion making you dizzy for a few seconds.
Izuku puts you down with so much care, moving slowly as he settles on the top of you, hips flush with yours as he mutters to himself quietly, probably trying to calm himself down enough to be able to be to remember your first time for the rest of his life.
“Are you okay?” He mumbles hazily. There is a moment when everything freezes; Izuku looks deep into your eyes as though he’s trying to see what’s behind it, to see your soul, your heart, to see and experience everything that is You through one simple gaze and you can’t help but want more than that look; you find the bottom of his shirt and yank at it in a silent plea and Izuku responds by tossing the fabric to the other side of the room. His arms snake behind your back, pulling you up from the bed a little bit, manhandling you like you are weightless; he slowly rolls your top up, his movements slow and careful in case you want him to stop but needless to say there is nothing in the whole wide world that could make you stop right now; you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, it was almost excruciating in the last few days and now, Izuku is finally yours, just yours.
“You are so pretty, Sweets.” Izuku puts you back on the bed and slides his finger over your skin from your neck to your lower belly, then he stops there, playing with the hem of your shorts, as he moves his upper body up and his hips down to grind between your legs while he stares at your naked chest with lustful eyes.
“Closer.” Is all you mumble between two muffled whimpers as you pull yourself up with your hands on Izuku’s back and kiss the biggest scar on his chest. Izuku’s eyes tear up again, choking on a sob as he slowly slides your shorts down, you doing the same with his joggers, fingers slightly shaking when the soft fabric passes the tent in his underwear, his arousal loud and clear. “Izu…”
Izuku’s high tech bracelet suddenly screeches, the annoying, high pitched sound ruining the mood completely.
“No fucking way.” Izuku mutters, so fucking frustrated he’s about to yank the fucking thing out of the window. He straddles your hips as he fumbles with his phone. “Not now, not fucking now!”
He’s a few seconds away from crying. It actually breaks your heart.
“Izuku, love, it’s okay. Everything is okay. We can finish this another time. Or we can… just fool around? If you uhm… want me to help?”
“It’s… this massive case we’ve been working at.” Izuku sighs, given up. “They’ve been lurking in the shadows for several weeks now and this is their first time coming to the surface hence why I was notified. I could technically ignore, but…”
You can’t help, but smile. This is Japan’s number one hero to ya’.
“… you don’t want to. And that’s why I respect the shit out of you, pro hero Deku.” You mutter while your hands caress the sides of his hips soothingly.
“I’m sorry.” Izuku lies on top of you for a second, stealing a few more kisses before he stands up and starts getting ready. “This will probably take a while, so… don’t wait for me.”
“You know I will, anyway.” You smile, but knowing how sensitive Izuku is, you decide to continue. “I have some commissions to do, don’t worry. I’ll keep myself entertained.”
“I love you. Thank you.” Izuku gives you one last kiss before he jumps out of the window and the flat is silent again, cold an empty without his warmth.
You sigh into the cushion then take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Maybe, a cold shower would be a good idea, so that’s what you start with.
Izuku wasn’t lying; he’s been out for several hours now. You turned the TV on in case they decide to show the fight, a bad habit Izuku always begs you to stop with but you just… can’t. It might be painful sometimes, seeing your loved one getting hurt while you sit on your sofa, safe and sound, drawing stupid fanarts for a living, completely helpless in case shit hits the fan but at least you can see him this way, know where is is, what he’s up to, know he’s alive and breathing.
It’s enough to soothe your troubled soul, the fact that there is nothing in the TV, that the situation isn’t dire enough for them to interrupt the broadcast for it, so you start on your commission, the TV nothing but a quiet background noise.
It all happens really quickly, in only a second which somehow still seems to stretch on for an eternity; the broadcast is cut off with a buzz, the tv making a low pitched, humming noise, grey, black and white dots fuzzily zigzagging on the screen right before it connects to another broadcast.
You don’t need to be a psychic to know what you are about to see on the screen; you had a feeling for a while, a terrible, dark feeling, a constant, unwelcome weight on your shoulders you tried to ignore and almost succeeded at it while Izuku held you in his arms, but once he left, deep inside, you felt something lurking in the shadows; you somehow felt like the next time he comes in through the door or the window he won’t be the same but you pushed the thought down so well it never even came to the surface during your emotional goodbye, it just kept lurking, somewhere between your heart and your soul, close to the edge but too far away for it to reach your actual brain and form words inside your head.
Maybe if you would have embraced your thoughts and followed your instincts… Izuku would have never left.
You can’t help but laugh at your own, silly thoughts; Izuku staying home because of her paranoid girlfriend instead of saving hundreds of people from a tragic death? Good joke.
But maybe… he would have been more careful. Less… self-sacrificial. Maybe, if you would have said something you wouldn’t need to watch Izuku running into an obvious trap just to save a child from the massive gang of villains. Maybe, you wouldn’t be forced to watch him fall LIVE, on TV, broadcasted through the whole country.
“The urge to save everyone and everything is what makes us heroes but that urge is also what makes us weak; one day, we might jump into our deaths to save that one person who was left behind. To be honest with you, I don’t mind dying that way.” - Deku had said in an interview a few months back. Now the words haunt you, letters jumping in front of your eyes as the battle on the screen escalates; Izuku jumps right in front of a massive explosion which was initially heading towards the small, terrified girl. Katsuki and Kirishima yells, their hero persona long forgotten as they both run as quick as they can after the the number one hero but none of them are quick enough to catch up with him before the explosion hits Deku right in the chest, his blood splattering on both of his friends as they stand frozen in one place, their faces white as a sheet.
Katsuki falls on his knees as the remaining of the building crumbles right on top of Izuku after he throws the girl towards Luna and the rest of his team, making sure the girl is safe and sound even if it costs him his own fucking life because that’s who is; an undeniable hero, the symbol of hope and peace.
His best friend is rendered broken and useless even without being physically hurt, just yelling and crying on the floor while Kirishima pats his lover’s back a few times and says something you can’t decipher from so far away; after a few seconds he makes a beeline towards the battle field, throwing massive pieces of cement into the air as he searches for his friend; the villains are nowhere in sight now, they evaporated into thin air, literally, with a massive smirk on their faces. Their plan worked. They won.
After years of constant winning, for the first time in the last 10 years, the villains have won.
Katsuki still haven’t moved from the floor. He stares at the small splotches of blood with disgust, then a loud sob emerges from inside of him. Eijirou is still searching, yelling Izuku’s first name as tears streak down his hardened face, arms working as quickly as humanly possible until he finally finds something; he sobs and yells and pats Izuku’s face a few times but he’s unconscious, arms dangling in an unnatural way, chest so bloodied its impossible to see the real damage behind it but by the constant stream of blood on the floor as Kirishima makes his way towards the first aiders is anything to go by, the situation is… dire.
Right now, in this moment, just a few hours after you two almost had your first night together, Izuku is dying in his friend’s arms and you can’t do anything but cry, useless and broken while the whole world prays for Deku with tear stained cheeks and broken hearts, rendered speechless as the Number One Hero disappears inside the first aid tent.
The whole world goes silent after that.
… Next Chapter!
IMPORTANT: GUYS! You know me. I won’t kill him. Don’t worry too much. The next 2 chapters will be angst, I’m not going to lie, and I hated every second of it but it’s already written and I can 100% tell you that :
1. Izuku will wake up in the next chapter.
2. He’ll get better eventually.
3. There is at least one scene that’s less depressing in every chapter. Or at least I tried to write it that way but @porusuniverse would probably say otherwise 😂
Thank you for your patience and if you need reassurance or feel too overwhelmed due to the topic just send me a message and I’ll tell you more about what’s gonna happen. 💜
Potato ramble:
- I hope you guys are okay! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but trust me, you need a bit of a break before this shit escalates 😂
- I got so mad at this fucking angst that I wrote 15k words while working full time and finishing late every day just to get it out of the way. 😂 please don’t hate me, I’m also hurt by my own cruelty.
- Also, if you are a Shouto fan, don’t hate me! I don’t think he’s uhm… unattractive nor uncaring. I have a Shouto x Reader one shot up on my page, I love him with my whole heart btw and he was my first MHA crush so if you wanna read it, go into my masterlist and check it out!
- I stand by what Kaminari said though. 😂 don’t judge until you’ve tried both HAHA
- I will be honest, I’m glad they were interrupted because the cheeky bit of this chapter was a little bit uhm… too hot. I think Izuku wants his first time to be a bit more mild than whatever was going on before the phone call.
- HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND, GUYS!!! I hope I haven’t ruined it too much! See you next week!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
Wow I always forget how PINK pinoe’s hair used to be back in the day damn it’s blinding in that pic
she had that tutti-frutti look down right lmao
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
I went through all the Pino asks and almost died. They were gold. I had never thought about this, but now I also must know.
But also. The ask where you guys mixed up Bakugo in there got me thinking...
Imagine Rody is visiting town and managed to get himself mixed up in whatever that ended up with him being around a bunch of heroes when they were fighting a villain with a quirk swapping quirk. Bullshit ensued, they got the guy, but a few people got hit and lucky Bakugo is stuck for the next 24 hours with Rody's quirk. So they send him home to wait it out because it's not really dangerous and having the world's most adorable polygraph on his shoulder makes him impossible to deal with.
So he walks into your shared home, looking more pissed off than ever. And you know it's bad, you can feel it in the air, but nothing can prepare you for the bakubirb.
I can't even begin describing how much I'd laugh. But, more importantly, imagine how embarrassed we could make him thanks to the damn bird. 😈
Tips, your big fucking brain omg I want to smooch it!
First of all could you imagine the rage that would come knowing that Rody has his quirk? His first thoughts immediately going to “give it back” like it’s that easy, and like Rody even wanted it in the first place😂 and then after that he realises that how that means he’s got the fucking bird. And he’s just trying to swat Pino away like “Keep it, I’ll wait until my quirk comes back.” And Rody is just like trying to explain to him that it doesn’t work like that and Pino has to follow him- so eventually Bakugou ends up coming home. Constantly trying to swipe Pino off his shoulders when she tries to land so she ends up settled in his messy mop of hair while he glares at anyone that looks his way.
And of course you know what happened because Kirishima ever the friend and hero has called you to fill you in, and you’re so worried about him at first but when you hear the laughter in Kiri’s voice you know that he’s really okay it’s just the quirk that he’ll have to wait and sit through.
So the moment Bakugou gets home, instead of greeting him and giving him his kisses you’re fussing over Pino. Literally hanging onto his body to steady yourself as you’re on tiptoes as you practically drag his body down to talk to the little pink bird who still sits proudly on top of his head. Preening as she tweets and flitters back at you.
Of course, now Bakugou is even more annoyed. First he loses his quirk and now he’s denied his kisses? Livid.
But you notice the way the little bird now begins to ruffle her feathers, almost like she’s pouting to mimic Bakugou as you finally turn your attention back to him, “Aww Katsuki, you’re not jealous over Pino are you?” And he’s just like “No.” but Pino is on top of his head nodding her little head🥺😂
Imagine using it to your advantage as you start asking him questions though- because now with Pino sat comfortably beside him on the headboard while he lays in bed you could film his true feelings. Pino fluttering her wings as though she’s posing for the camera as Bakugou’s large palm reaching out to grab your phone to stop you from recording it.
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meeko-mar · 3 years
WHM content: (that's right I'm not even done with my thoughts on this)
This one's SHIPPY, by the way.
Rody/Deku is so valid to me as a ship. They absolutely have amazing chemistry and I do love it. together with Bakudeku and the sort of...collision of the two. Others have been bringing up that Katsuki acts kind of jealous? around Rody towards the end of the movie? Which honestly could just be Katsuki being his good old self... But for the sake of playing around with the idea....
Rody/Deku/Baku Scenario(s) that live in my head rent free now:
- Katsuki agonizing over why he cares so much. It's just Deku. All he did was make yet another damn friend. So why does it bother him so much to see them together?? When they met Mahoro and Katsuma, both he and Izuku really liked the little brats. That had been mutual between them. But not only had Katsuki not connected with Rody, Something about the damn light in Izuku's eyes and the laughter they have together triggered him. Something about THEIR connection, something that had bloomed in just a FEW DAYS, bothered him.
- Katsuki's ready to go when it's their time to separate, as gross as Izuku's final goodbyes in the airport are with Rody. At least Todoroki feels like a 3rd wheel next to him, too.
- Katsuki knows they write to each other all the time. He wonders what that brunette bastard could be writing to make Izuku smile so much, as he sits in the common room, reading the latest letter.
- Rody comes to visit Izuku in Japan. He brings with him a bouquet of flowers and an extremely wide smile for Izuku. Katsuki had agreed to welcome the boy from Otheon with Izuku and Shoto, but once he sees Rody's offering of those bright, colorful blooms from Otheon, he feels livid and he's not sure why.
- Katsuki can't get over how affectionate that damn pink bird is with Izuku. Wasn't that a secret of the guy's Quirk? That the bird was basically his tell? His true feelings?? SO WHATS WITH ALL THE AFFECTION AND NESTING IN IZUKU'S HAIR?! Katsuki needs to take extra long breaks outside so he doesn't explode inside the Dorms or around Izuku. He doesn't want to complicate things when he's trying so hard to get their relationship back on track.
-Katsuki's stomach churning as he hears Izuku and Rody recount to their class what they went through on their run to Klayde...and what happened against Flect Turn...When Katsuki and Shoto were not there to help.
-Katsuki being absolutely wrecked as he figures out what this feeling is (jealousy) and lamenting how he's just now figuring out what his feelings are for Izuku, when it might be too damn late, because now Izuku is so close to Rody?? Some European extra who Izuku practically just met?? Katsuki had YEARS on this punk. But then... Did he really think he deserved Izuku at this point?
- Just how out of line are these feelings??
- And he's MAD because he wasn't done with himself yet. He was still making himself a better person, making himself into a person who deserved Izuku, and along, out of nowhere, comes this guy who seems to enrapture Izuku. Through entirely random circumstances, they had come together and created such chemistry, and Katsuki was still working on himself, hoping to one day be able to truly look Izuku in the eye again, with no fear or qualm or insecurity. And he hated these thoughts of selfishness because by now he knows that it's WRONG and being self-absorbed was what did him in in the first place.
-So of course he's acting more irritable than usual, and even RODY himself can kind of tell. Even that it's kind of worse when he tries to be friendly with Katsuki. He acts outwardly confident, trying to talk to him, but Pino always seems a shade more unsure around Katsuki.
-Perhaps after Izuku notices Katsuki acting strangely, he decides to ask about it...there's a nuance to his mood that Izuku can see that the others can't. He confronts Katsuki about his weird attitude change, and he is confronted himself about his feelings for Rody. (I think I dreamed this one in a half-asleep state earlier) The image of Katsuki, somewhere in the middle of the heated discussion, grasping Izuku by both wrists. Seering eye contact. Katsuki demanding in a scared voice, "Do you fucking love him or something??"
-And OH FUCK Katsuki never meant for any of this to happen this way. He immediately regrets everything. Especially when Izuku doesn't know how he feels and becomes horribly confused.
- Katsuki apologizes to Izuku pretty much immediately after, saying "It's not my business. Forget I asked." Stays away from Rody and Izuku for much of the rest of Rody's stay.
- Izuku asking him to accompany him and Shoto to take Rody back to the airport. Katsuki is hesitant, but ultimately agrees, if it'll make Izuku happy. And he's gotta make amends after going off on Izuku like that.
- Looking on as Izuku and Rody share another tight and tearful hug in the airport before he boards to go back to Otheon, Katsuki mutters to Shoto, "If that Bird-Brained Fly-boy breaks Deku's heart I'll fucking murder him myself." Shoto putting a placating hand on his shoulder.
-Shoto's deadpan look at Katsuki as he flatly says: "They're not even dating yet, Bakugou." Katsuki's bristling retort of "Shut up, I'll still murder him! Don't think I wouldn't!"
- Rody parting from Izuku and suddenly turning to the two of them. A big smile spreads across his face as he wraps the both of them in a squeezing hug; Katsuki seizing up. Pino, cautiously, but resolutely, wraps little feathery wings up in Katsuki's spiky hair.
- "I can tell Deku's in good hands. You guys watch each others' backs, okay?" Rody tells them as they embrace, and Katsuki still squirms.
- "And Bakugou," Rody says, pulling back. He winks. "Likewise! Don't think I won't fly myself over here and kick your ass if you break Deku's heart!" He laughs a little, but Pino flutters several feet back and settles on Izuku's shoulder. (Izuku's not entirely hearing the exchange, but looks on with wide and curious eyes.)
- "You- WHAT THE FUCK??" Katsuki explodes, turning a violent shade of red. "You stay outta this, Fly-Boy!! You don't know me!"
- Rody gives his sideways grin as he steps away from them and waves. "Nah, man, I know enough. And now I know what we've got in common." He gives a meaningful wink. Pino gives one last nuzzle to Izuku before fluttering back to perch on Rody's head, little tears streaming down pink cheeks.
- Katsuki's brain is running circles at this point. Furiously, and avoiding any eye contact with Izuku, he tosses his glare elsewhere and shoves his hands violently into his pockets, and his jaw sets in a pout.
- They wave him off, once and for all, and as he disappears into the terminal, Katsuki finally eases a bit.
- Shoto dozes off in the car on the way home, and Izuku takes the opportunity to awkwardly start talking to the resolutely silent Katsuki. Tells him that he doesn't have any answers for him yet. There's a lot, apparently, that he needs to figure out, between Katsuki, and Rody, there are a lot of mixed, strong feelings.
- Katsuki, says nothing for a while, but finally, softly grunts "It's fine. Do what you need to."
- Izuku smiling warmly at him as Katsuki stares out the window at the passing city.
- "Okay." Izuku answers softly.
---> Fin?
As per usual, if anyone wants to take inspiration from this cliffnotes version of a scenario and make full fiction of it, PLEASE DO, I just don't have time to write full fanfic anymore...But also like tag me or something cause I'd really wanna read it lol.
Note: Came back and fixed a rather glaring typo I'd left in here after moving some things around. The shame...
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True Emotions Rody Soul x Reader
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  “Rody!” You called to the brown haired boy shuffling down the street with some grocery bags while on his crutches. The tiny pink bird, pino, poked its head out of Rody’s ponytail. It chirped excitedly and sped towards you on fluttering wings. You giggled as Pino landed on your shoulder. 
“Hey, y/n.” Rody said, turning his head to you. Your heart fluttered, just as it always did when he was around. “Need help with those?” You gestured to the groceries. 
“No, that's okay, I got it!” Rody grinned. Pino jumped up and down on your shoulder and tweeted loudly. 
“You sure?” You looked at him with concerned eyes. “It must be hard to carry so much stuff while you're on crutches.” 
“It’s not that bad.” Rody huffed. Pino flopped over tiredly and uttered an exhausted tweet. With a quick motion you snatched the bags from his grip and skipped ahead of him. “Hey! Give them back, it’s not a big deal, honest!”
“Too late!” You giggled at the dumbfounded look on his face. The small bird twittered and flew in circles around his head as the tint of a blush became visible on his cheeks. 
“At least slow down!”
When you reached the trailer that Rody called home it was empty. His siblings were still at school so you had the place to yourselves for the moment. 
“Thanks for the help y/n.” He grinned. “You probably have to get back to your place right?” 
You noticed Pino visibly deflated his shoulder. Much to the boy’s surprise you started unpacking the groceries. 
“There’s nothing happening at home, I can do what I want tonight.” You hinted. 
“Oh… okay.” He mumbled. 
“What were you planning to make for dinner tonight?” You asked. 
“Just spaghetti or something.” He pushed a chair closer to the small kitchenette and sat down, preparing to start cooking. 
“What can I help with?” You asked cheerfully. 
“Oh you don’t have to…”
“I know, I just want to help!” You wanted to spend more time with him but if he didn’t want you there…
Rody noticed the crestfallen look that had crossed your expression. He wanted you to stay too. “Well, If you want to help you could get started on the sauce. I think there are some meatballs in the freezer too. Of course I could do this all myself but since you wanna help…”
“I know you could do it, Rody.” You smiled brightly at him, almost making him fall out of his chair. 
You cooked together, joking around all the while until his little siblings bounced through the door. You knew them well so they didn’t complain when you rushed in to hug them both. Rody just watched you and dished out portions of spaghetti and meatballs in colorful plastic bowls. 
The rowdy group congregated on the cramped sofa to eat. You were squished against Rody, a position you found oddly comfortable. Pino hopped on your shoulder and cuddled against the crook of your neck. You remained like this for a while. After dinner was finished the kids turned on the tiny TV set. You wondered if you should go home but sitting with Rody was just so comfortable. 
His hand grazed yours lightly, almost making you jump. Before you knew it his hand slipped into yours. You looked up at him with blushing cheeks but he just kept looking at the tv, his fingers interlocking with yours. 
You were glad you stayed. 
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emsemotional · 3 years
trust and bad dreams
mickey let out a sigh as he checked his watch. it had been 9 minutes since ian had gone next door to borrow a wine opener from kev and v, and he still wasn’t back. his chatty ass husband must have gotten caught up talking about dispensary runs, or amy’s school play or some other dumb shit. he glared down at the half opened bottle of pino grigio- beer didn’t give you this much trouble, damn wine with its stupid fucking cork. his thoughts of cracking the bottle open were interrupted by a creak on the stairs, accompanied by a soft sniffle.
mickey turned to see his niece standing on the bottom step, clutching her blanket to her chest. he softened at the sight of franny’s pink, tear stained cheeks.
“hey kiddo, what’s wrong?”
franny let out a wet cough between sniffles. “is mommy home yet?”
he shook his head, “she hasn’t gotten back yet. s’just me and uncle ian- he went over to borrow something from v. you okay? bad dream?”
franny nodded her head, messy braids flopping against her neck. her tears resumed in full force as she managed to choke out a response, “a scary dream, uncle mickey.”
mickey scratched at his eyebrow, weighing his options. he could wait for ian to get back and let him take the lead, but it looked like franny needed comfort now. he sent a silent ‘fuck you’ to terry, in whatever afterlife he got stuck in, for not giving him any frame of reference for how to deal with this. none of the milkovich kids would’ve dared to approach their father after a nightmare. they learned from an early age that a pissed off, startled awake terry was way worse than any bad dream.
mickey thought about what ian would do in this situation- he’s seen ian comfort franny over skinned knees and arguments with those little third grade bitches at the pool.
he lets out a breath, following his gut and grumbling out a quiet, “c’mere, kid.”
franny shuffles around the couch, climbing up into the seat next to mickey. without a moment of hesitation, she’s wedging herself under mickey’s arm, curling into his side. he feels her tears start to soak through his shirt from where she’s pressing her face against his chest, still sniffling. he runs a hand over her hair and wipes her tears away, allowing her to cuddle against him.
“s’okay franny, it’s just a dream. It’s over now.”
“can I stay here with you uncle mickey?”
mickey’s heart clenches at his niece’s trust in him. he’s been living with her for over a year, he’s put franny to bed before, he knows that she likes cuddling, stories about pirates and the ratty patchwork blanket she’s currently holding. even so, it never fails to shock him that he makes this kid feel safe.
“‘course you can… as long as you want.”
they born turn their attention back to the shitty made for tv movie that ian had put on, and settled into a comfortable silence. only a few minutes had passed before mickey heard franny’s breathing even out, her body fully relaxing against him. he pulls the blanket off the back of the couch to drape over her, sheltering franny from the house’s ever-spotty heating.
after significantly longer than it takes to borrow a wine opener, ian returns. he softens his greeting to a whisper upon seeing his niece asleep, face still resting against mickey’s chest. mickey rolls his eyes at the fond grin on his husband’s face.
“she had a nightmare.”
“she okay?” ian asks, eyes warm and searching, still giving him that damn soft smile.
mickey hums in affirmation, nodding gently, as to not jostle the sleeping kid at his side. ian, brandishing the borrowed wine opener, finally manages to uncork the bottle and pours two healthy glasses.
“want me to get her off of you? take her to bed?”
mickey glances down at franny, her tears had dried and her flushed cheeks had faded.
“nah man,” he replies. “she’s fine, she can stay down here for a while, right?”
ian settles onto the cushion next to mickey, kissing the top of mickey’s head.
“sure, mick.”
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
A Misplaced Shovel Talk (Uswnt x reader)
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Request: I was wondering if you could do one kinda similar but instead it's where the reader is the younger sibling of a really famous actor/actress (maybe Alycia debnam Carey but I don't mind you can chose who). And the reader is always so excited to watch their show that the team think they have a huge crush on them but then find out they're actually related when they come to either training or a match?
Hey dudes, so i decided to use Melissa Benoist because i’m currently obsessed with Supergirl, and I thought it would be fun to pull in a person from the team as the readers crush. I hope you enjoy and if you have an requests, feel free to hit me up. 
You loved the bus. It was generally noisy and loud but cuddled up to your bus buddy Alyssa, you had never felt more at peace. It was also the perfect place to catch up on all of the episodes of Supergirl you had missed. You were utterly obsessed with the show, and your teammates knew it.
“Oo Who ya smiling at rookie?” Kelley asked, popping over your shoulder. You startled slightly at her surprise presence, before settling back into Alyssa’s side.
“Just Supergirl,” You said offhandedly, smiling back down at the episode playing on your phone screen.
“Haven’t you watched them all yet? You’ve been binging it for like the past 8 camps.” Kelley asked, placing her chin on top of the back of the seat and watching the episode with you.
“Mmm,” You responded, not really paying attention to your teammates, instead, focusing on the blond-haired woman on the screen. You missed the looks your teammates shared. They thought your crush on Melissa Benoist was absolutely adorable, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t tease you about it.
“Maybe, she’s just not done watching the pretty blond,” Alex suggested, standing from her seat beside Kelley, also placing her chin on the back of the seat to watch the episode.
“That’s right. Our little rookie does have a type,” Kelley laughed, and a blush spread across your cheeks.
“I do not…”  you grumbled,
“So you’re not into superheroes?” Kelley shot back, raising her eyebrows.
“No, she’s into blonds,” Alex laughed, and your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. Did they know about your crush? They couldn’t, right? You may have fallen for a certain blond midfielder, but you had been sure to not make it too obvious.
“You totally are!! Look at her cheeks,” Kelley giggled back, and you hid your face in Alyssa’s shoulder.
“Leave her alone guys,” She said, protectively wrapping an arm around you. The laughter quieted down, and you refocused on the storyline unfolding on the screen.
“Come on kid, we gotta warm-up before open practice,” Alyssa said, nudging you when she realized that you didn’t notice the bus emptying around you. You nodded, returning your phone to your pocket and heading off the bus. You were practically buzzing with excitement by the time you reached the locker room. Today was an open practice, which meant that your families had been invited to watch you train.
           You were incredibly close to your older sister, but you almost never actually got to see her in person due to her crazy schedule. She was always away filming in Canada, while you were stuck in Huston with the Dash. You knew that she tried her best to catch your games, and you never faulted her when she couldn’t. Sure it had hurt when she couldn’t make the world cup final, but you understood. You were thrilled that she would finally get to see your skills with her own eyes and that you would get to introduce her to the women who had become your family. You just hoped they wouldn’t tease you about your crush on Lindsey while she was there.
The girls watched as you spent the majority of practice glancing into the stands, an impossibly wide smile taking over your face. You had gone harder and pushed farther than you ever had during the scrimmage. You wanted to impress your sister, and with the 4 goals that you had scored for your team, you were sure you had.
The moment Vlatko blew the whistle to signal the end of practice, you were racing into the stands, right into the arms of Supergirl herself.
“You did so well out there munchkin,” She squealed as she pulled you into a tight hug. You sighed contently into her chest, your shoulders relaxing for what felt like the first time in forever.
“I missed you,” You mumbled into her shoulder, unwilling to leave her embrace.
“I know kid. But I’m here now,” She said quietly, placing a comforting kiss into your hair and squeezing you impossibly tighter. You leaned back suddenly, a wide smile breaking across your face.
“You have to tell me, do Kara and Lena finally get together, because there is so much chemistry there.” You rushed out excitedly, and she threw her head back laughing.
“Well,” she started, her cheeks turning a little pink and you laughed loudly at her.
Your teammates watched with shocked expressions as you leapt over the wall, and ran right up to the girl they had been teasing you about for months.
“Maybe it was more than a crush?” Pino mumbled as she came up beside Kelley, her eyes widening when you practically buried yourself in the woman’s chest.
“Damn, Kid’s got game, did you just see the look on her face,” Kelley laughed, taking in the way the woman wrapped herself around you and was blushing. How the hell had you managed to become so smooth? In their experience, you became a stuttering mess anytime anyone flirted with you. Yet there you were, flirting with your apparent girlfriend.
“She has to have something if she’s dating Supergirl. That woman is fine,” Alex Said from Kelley’s other side, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend and staring at you in shock.
“Is it just me, or is Supergirl looking at the rookie like you look at Perry’s kids,” Christen smiled as she walked up beside Tobin, bumping her shoulder and kissing her cheek.
“Definitely not just you,” Tobin smirked, wrapping her arm around Christen. They slowly made their way over to the tunnel, laughing when they saw you practically dragging your blond counterpart in that direction as well. Things were about to get very interesting.
“Hey kid, you going to introduce us to your friend here?” Megan asked as the team crowded around you and your sister. You shot her one of the brightest smiles they had ever seen.
“Everyone, this is Mel. Mel this is everyone,” You gestured wildly with your hands, too giddy to reign in your excitement. Mel laughed and kissed your cheek, and you blushed.
“Aw, you’re such a cutie pie,” Lindsey awed at you, pinching your cheek.
“I’m not cute,” You pouted at Lindsey, slapping her hand away.
“I’d beg to differ,” Lindsey laughed as Emily grabbed you in a headlock and messed up your hair.
“How many times have I told you not to mess with my hair. I’m going to kill you,” You yelled, laughing, as you began to chase Emily and Lindsey around the field. Your sister watched you chase after the women with a fond smile, and the women watched your sister with a very serious expression.
“What are your intentions with Y/n,” Kelley said after a few seconds, glaring in Melissa’s direction. Mel glanced at.
“I think we’re going out to dinner after this,” She shrugged, smiling as you finally caught up to Lindsey and tackled her to the ground.
“No. What are your intentions with her.” Alex said, crossing her arms and stepping directly into your sister’s line of vision. Melissa frowned, not understanding the aggression of the women around her.
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding here,” She started, bringing her hand up to rub the back of her neck.
“There is no misunderstanding. Y/n is crazy about you if her obsession with your show is anything to go by. And it’s our job to protect the baby of the team.”  Kelley said, drawing out each word and accessing the women in front of her. If she was playing the baby of the team, they were going to have a massive problem.
“So we’ll ask again, what are your intentions with Y/n” Alex glared at her, slowly losing her patients with the woman in front of her.
 We’re not dating, she’s my little sister,” Mel blurted out, raising her hands in a pacifying motion, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
“Sister?” Alex’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, her arms dropping to the side. Her mouth opened and closed a few times.
“Yeah, sister,” Mel said, cracking a smile, unable to stop the little chuckle that left her lips.
“But she blushes every time we mention a crush,” Kelley said in disbelief. Mel nodded.
“She totally has a crush, just not on me.” She mumbled, watching as Lindsey escaped your hold, and you chased after her again, a giant smile gracing your lips, “That would be weird,” Her nose scrunched and she turned back to the women. The women laughed and followed her gaze. Maybe they had been wrong about the person who your feelings were directed with, but watching you with Lindsey, it became crystal clear.
“How did we miss that?” Alex said in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing.
“I’m not sure, but if you want to join me for the shovel talk with that one,” Mel said, pointing to where you were leaning against Lindsey, trying to catch your breath. “You’re more than welcome. You guys are scary when you want to be,” She smiled at the women. She was happy that you had people to look out for you when she couldn’t. She had practically raised you, and it killed her that she didn’t get to see you all too often. Now, she could rest easy because you had 23 other people looking out for you.
“I think that sounds like a great idea,” Kelley smirked, a mischievous look spreading across her features as she linked arms with your older sister. This was going to be fun. Tobin, Christen, and Alex shook their heads. With Mel, they were cautious because they didn’t really know her, but all bets would be off with Lindsey.
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wosoimagines · 3 years
House Fire
So, this is a prompt that I got last year and just didn’t have time to get to with school and work going on so I’ve got another Christmas prompt from last year that I’m gonna try to get write soon as well. If anyone has any Christmas prompts, you can send them to me. If I can’t get to it this year, I will definitely get to it next year.
prompt: Hey Ik you already did a USWNT x reader Christmas one but would you be open to doing one with the reader almost burning the house down and herself while trying to cook for the team?
warnings: none
words: 731
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I grinned as I left the ham in the oven before going to join the others in the living room. I knew that the food wouldn’t be ready for another few hours, but that just gave us all more time to spend together. Most of the team had insisted on coming over early to help me cook, so I had made sure that everything I was cooking was already practically made before they could make it over.
“So how much longer, Chef (Y/L/N)?” Ash teased.
“Just a couple more hours, Ash,” I rolled my eyes. I could hear a few groans throughout the group. “Hey, you assholes were the ones who got here early because you wanted to help me even though I told you that I didn’t need help.”
“I think we all just want to make sure that you don’t mess anything up,” Crystal spoke up.
I threw a hand over my heart as I gasped. I let myself fall onto the couch. Or well, rather onto Sonnett’s lap.
“The audacity that I’m going to mess up my food. I don’t think I can go on. Shots were fired.”
The others laughed at me but I let out a small squeal of surprise when someone shoved me into the floor. I laid there looking up. Sonnett was staring down at me with a small smirk on her face.
“How dare you do that to me, Sonny.”
“What? You were heavy,” Sonnett shrugged.
I immediately jumped up from the floor causing Sonnett to dash off from the couch. I had chased Sonnett through my house before I finally caught up to her when we reached the living room again. I tackled Sonnett to the floor before I ran my fingers across her sides. Sonnett couldn’t help the laughter that spilled out as I continued to tickle her. It wasn’t until someone pulled me off of Sonnett that I stopped. 
“Okay, (Y/N), that’s enough.”
“You’re lucky, Sonnett. If your Frat Dad didn’t save you then no one would have.”
Emily darted off and I waited for Kelley to let go of me before I went to join the other younger players. We all decided to watch a couple of movies while we were waiting for the food to finish.
I had somehow found myself propped against Sonnett’s chest as I sat in between her legs focused on The Nightmare Before Christmas. I softly smiled once I felt Sonnett rest her chin on my shoulder.
“Hey, (Y/N), is this supposed to be smoking?”
The ham.
I shot up from my spot on the ground as I rushed to the kitchen. I immediately turned the oven off before opening it up.
“That’s a fire!” Alex yelled.
“I know!”
I moved past the group of vets that was crowded into my kitchen to get under my sink and get the fire extinguisher out. I grabbed it before spraying it at the ham that was in my oven. Once the fire eventually died down, I sat the fire extinguisher down. It would take me forever to clean my oven, but that was a problem for me tomorrow.
“You keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and you thought it would be a good idea for you to be the one to cook Christmas dinner for all of us?” Becky asked.
“Look, my brother would accidentally set stuff on fire all the time when I lived with him, okay? He was really bad about catching his food on fire,” I defended.
“So, what’s your plan now, Chef (Y/L/N)?” Pinoe teased. 
I rolled my eyes at the pink haired forward. The rest of the team had joined us by now.
“Please, you think I would only fix one ham? You guys eat like wolves,” I scoffed. My phone’s timer went off. “That’s the other ham and the turkey. They’re done. I smoked them overnight.”
It didn’t take me long to get them out or to finish up the rest of the food. Everyone helped themselves to the food and I wasn’t surprised that the vets had ended up claiming my dining table while the rest of us younger players took to my living room to sit around and eat.
Although I had almost burnt down my house, I wouldn’t want to spend this time with anyone else than this dysfunctional family.
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 3 years
Okay. I’m gonna do this thing ONE MORE TIME.
US v. Argentina
Let me start by saying, I think the team was FANTASTIC. Really proud of all the girlies.
Jane - another cap, another uneventful game for her in. Still, good experience, good distribution. That’s all I got!
Becky - maybe should have been allowed a break lol. Her energy after that head clash was “I’m getting too old for this shit.” She is NOT, I want Captain Becky forever, but it was still the vibe. She was getting up a lot more, Becky goal 2021 plz. Her defensive tackle win that started the run to Alex’s goal was beautiful.
Baby T - incredible. Amazing. I MISSED her. I feel like everyone always talks about needing versatility on the back line (myself included) and Tierna falls into the category of one who can slide around. She was confident on the ball, her passes were strong and she had some great runs and crosses when her and Sonnett swapped for a few!
Casey - so so so good. She’s been out of the rotation for a bit so I think I kind of forgot. But she did excellent. Her offensive work was strong, her defensive work was strong, her assist to Kristie was perfect. Glad she got 45 today!!
Midge - came out with some FIRE. She was not getting beat to a ball, she was not getting beat in a run. Her offensive runs were smooth af. Crosses didn’t get off as well, but that’s okay. Making a case for herself, no doubt. Very happy she did not PERISH getting sandwiched near the end.
Kelley - she knew she only had thirty minutes and she used them! Obviously not a huge chunk of time but her crosses. Are. So. Fucking. Good. The way she sets herself up for them, gets open. Big fan of it. Hopefully Miss Glass Bones can keep herself HEALTHY
Sonnett - right back, left back. Center back for a couple minutes. WHEREVER. I thought she did great tonight. She caught so much fucking flack for her performance against Brazil which was.. rude. Watching the game a second time, she actually did decently well with the load she was given. And this game! Took a moment to get in with the flow, but then was awesome. One lil cheeky two hand push in the second half that was ‘not great’ but damn. Slide tackles were on. Defensive headers were strong AF. And when she feels confident, the MOVES. I love it.
JJ - I know she isn’t old at all, but she was also giving, “I am too old for this shit” vibes. Maybe she was a little tired from all the full nineties she’s been playing, who knows. Either way. Miss Consistency always. Her play is just a force to be reckoned with and as my roommate pointed out, she is always so aware at what is going on at all times.
Rose - also knew she was on 45 minutes so just decided to run around crazy (which is a good thing). That energy sparked so much in the first half and she created so many opportunities. And I’m gonna be real, Rose has def been weight lifting, lookin swole, knocking people over. Also want to take a moment to appreciate the full awkwardness that was her accepting the MVP award. Never change bitch.
Kristie - full ninety, full spice, ANOTHER GOAL. God what a woman. For real. She is having a time and I think all of us are here for it. She took a moment to settle into the game, the first chunk of time was a little aimless, and then she snapped into it. She had an assist, she had a goal, she had even MORE opportunities. Her corners were beautiful, such a good weapon to have. And the end, coming to defend Midge from from the linebacker tackle.. I MEAN.
Jaelin - aside from nearly killing Becky, she had an incredible second cap showing. Kid has no fear, tackles were on point. She is going to be so much fun to watch. Love.
Lindsey - after her nice little first half rest, came in ready to GO. She didn’t have to dictate as much in the middle of the field since the game wasn’t as dire. Helped out on the left, the right, set up some beautiful plays and had ONE MORE BEAUTIFUL ASSIST. Her and Christen are on the same wavelength and they’re loving it and I’m loving it, and their hugs are so pure.
Carli - got an assist and a goal. So stat-wise, killing it. Very happy to see her choose to pass that one to Pinoe. Also happy to see her in just one half. Typical dumb shit falling way too much in the box for no reason, but like, she gave the wheels for 45, she’s still out there!
Pinoe - everyone’s favorite purple/pink haired lesbian knows how to score some damn GOALS. She makes it look easy. She’s methodical, she’s precise. We’ll be out there, talking shit on Pinoe not playing defense (which to her credit, she did do a few times today,) not totally on her game. And she senses it and is like, oh. Here .TWO GOALS. Are you not entertained???!! She’s still got it. Just, the best.
Sophia - showed up with the footwork today!! God, her first drive into the box, just gorgeous. Got caught a few times waiting for the ball and didn’t make the step to get her body in front of the defender, but this was her best national team showing thus far. Her assist to Alex was so good. Such smart awareness, the weight on the pass was great. And did it all with 12 pounds of Bubble Yum in her mouth.
Alex - MOM GOAL. She did it for CHARLES. So proud. A little flopsicle for a bit out there. But she did make up for it with some awesome runs, good connections with Christen, and tbh, she almost had at least two more goals. She isn’t quite at the peak of where she was before, but closer and closer.
And then I saved Christen for last because we got a full ninety out of her and she was hilarious to watch. She obviously prefers the left, all of her typical tricks seem to work for her better on that side. We saw it all from her. We saw her get blatantly fouled because no one knows how to stop her and her throwing her hands in the air because that is what she DOES. We got cut moves. We got the zoomies. Set pieces. Corners were meh (but Kristie took over, it’s fine.) We got her yelling in frustration, yelling at the dumbass ref. I mean. The camera person also gifted us with many a close up. AND THEN FINALLY AFTER 100 YEARS, A GAME ENDING GOAL. With her head of all things. Header assists to header goals. Boop to BOOP.
I’m glad Crystal got some well deserved rest, though she was ROBBED from at least contention for MVP. So rude. Lynn and Abby with some well deserved rest as well. I did miss Abby’s diagonal long balls today. They are the best.
Another trophy for the USWNT and a lot of things that make Vlatko’s job VERY FUCKING DIFFICULT. I am sorry to that man.
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fabinim · 3 years
To Understand a New Shape
Grand Chase - Pino x Heitaros
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A/N: AAAH, it took me longer than it should to finish this, but it’s done! I’ve facing quite a hard time to write, so I feel this one isn’t so good as it could be-- Anyway, here it is, even thought I hardly doubt anyone besides me shipp this two, lol
Summary: As the spell to change his henchman’s form is complete, Heitaros decide to help Pino get used to his new body. 
Warning: (+18) NSFW
Word count: 2043 words.
The room was filled with a strong light as the magic flowed, the body of Heitaros' closest henchman slowly being formed around the core of his soul, cell by cell, it was being built in front of the Demon God's very eyes.
A few more minutes, the spell was complete and Pino fell to the ground, taking a few seconds to open his eyes again. He pushed his body up, sitting down and looking at his hand, clenching them and turning one of them around.
A pair of warm hands wrapped around his chest, covering him in some kind of blanket, Pino giggled, "your magic is amazing as expected, my Lord."
"It's nothing but a mere shape-shift spell, nothing to be impressed." Heitaros backed away, sitting on his throne. "Humans do not recover as fast as we do. Be sure to not be reckless while in this body."
"Even if they were, my Lord, this body is a gift from you, after all, I couldn't be less than careful with it." Pino hummed happily, covering himself in the cloth his master gave to him and trying to stand up on his own. Heitaros laughed quietly as he saw the demon's legs tremble slightly.
The grey haired watched himself in the reflex of the windows, looking over his shoulders and touching his face, "it somewhat resembles my true self. But everything feels so different on my skin, my Lord." He commented, gently pinching his own cheek.
"Hahah, it's rather amusing to see you so curious about something." Heitaros grinned, "I'll make sure to provide new clothes for you, like me, your human body seems somewhat smaller than your former self."
"As you please, my Lord. I'll gratefully accept your offers." Pino answered, turning his back to the window that he was using as a mirror and facing Heitaros again. Under the light, the Demon God could play more attention to every detail. It was, of course, different from the Pino he was used to, yet, it resembled him. As if his human form was... a cuter version of him. He smiled.
The redhead stood up and walked to the door, opening it and whispering his orders to the servant outside, who promptly went after what was requested. Heitaros watched as they walked away before closing the door again, turning his eyes back to Pino.
"In the meantime, liking your new form so far? I noticed some disturbance in your look as you were watching your reflection. Your appearance doesn't fit your taste?" Heitaros commented, sitting down and crossing his legs, resting his head in his arm.
"Ah, I'm sorry if that was the impression I gave you, my Lord." Pino shook his head, smiling, "It's just been a while since I changed my form, it might take me a moment to get used to my human body."
"A moment? As my henchman, I suppose you already know how little time we have." He pretended to be serious, staring at the grey haired with a piercing look, "I should do whatever is in my reach to make you adapt faster... Don't you agree?"
"Perfectly, my Lord. It would be an honor to count with your help." Pino nodded. After all the time he stood by Heitaros's side, he could easily tell what was and what wasn't a serious conversation. He could tell by the way his Lord eyed him, as a wild beast stalking its prey. 
The Demon Lord signed, with his finger, from Pino to get closer. A shiver ran up his spine, making him tense his back. If Heitaros was the predator, then he would, gladly, play the role of the prey.
"Yes, my Lord?" He asked, feigning innocence. 
Heitaros chuckled, deep and silent giggles as he looked up to the other's face. "I did a good job on you. You look... cute, I'd say."
"Hahah, many may say that's not a good quality for a demon."
"Maybe.But not I." The redhead watched him, the cloth randomly wrapped around his body, covering just a few parts... Heitaros took a deep sigh, extending his hand. "Come here..."
"As you wish..." Pino walked forward, not hesitating to follow the command. 
The redhead reached for his waist, wrapping his arm around it and gently pulling him even closer, kissing an uncovered spot on his torso and rubbing his cheek on his stomach. 
The boy flinched, his lips trembling for a moment, before a stream of giggles came out of his mouth. Heitaros backed his head, tilting his head.
"S-sorry, my Lord..." He spoke, a smile still on his face, "I didn't mean to bother you, it felt just-"
"Ticklish?" He interrupted, smirking, "you did warn you were more... sensitive." He quickly pulled Pino into his lap, hugging him by his back as he kissed his nape, "maybe we should take this as part of your adaptation?" 
"A-ahahah, my Lohohord!" More giggles came out as he scrunched his neck, tugging on Heitaros' hands, trying to push them away from his stomach.
"Try to bear with it a little longer... you might have problems if you don't adapt to your body..." He teased, not willing to let go, kissing him again, even playfully nibbling.
"N-nohohot like that, hahahah, p-pleahahase..!" 
"Ahaha, my L-Lord, not there- Pffft... Nohoho!"
"W-wait, hahah... Ah, ah..!" A moan escaped his mouth and his cheeks wore a strong shade of pink, Pino leaned back on Heitaros as the other slid one of his hands up, under the cloth that covered his body, reaching for his chest.
"Was just that enough to tire you out? ~" He chuckled, circling the grey haired's nipple with his fingers as he caressed his inner thigh with the other hand.
Pino sighed, glancing over his shoulder as he tried to act unbothered, "No, my Lord... but you, you could have resorted to a more... gentle option." He added, rather embarrassed after being played like that.
"Gentle, huh..."
The demon tried to remain quiet as Heitaros kept teasing him, biting his inner lip as he sighed, closing his eyes and slightly throwing his head back.
"I'm not fond of the idea of holding back... but for you I might as well just comply."  He whispered, letting go of Pino's body and starting to pull the cloth that covered him away.
"Is that... what you want, my Lord?" The grey haired asked, looking away while the other stripped him, wearing a strong shade of pink on his cheeks as he tried to remain calm.
"Mhm..." The other simply hummed an answer, smiling once he was done. Heitaros landed a hand on Pino's stomach and slowly raised it up to his neck, gently holding him as he leaned to whisper, "your company is rather amusing... but there is something else about having you so close... that is far more enjoyable than any conflict." 
Pino gasped when he felt Heitaros dragging him to the bed, laying him on his stomach. The henchman smiles slightly, resting his head comfortably against a pillow. "I'm flattered to hear you say that, my Lord." The grey haired muttered, hearing the sound of the other's clothes falling on the ground.
The redhead leaned forward, dragging his hand over Pino's arm until he reached his hand, interlacing his fingers as he gently held it. "I will... be gentle." He mocked, using his other hand to raise the other's hips a little before slowly pushing his member inside him, groaning in pleasure.
A whimper came out of Pino's mouth, clenching both his hands. His body wasn't like before, it felt even a little painful. A tender kiss was laid on the back of his shoulder, making him slowly open his eyes to try to peek at it.
"It's okay..." Heitaros said, grinning to the other demon. After a few seconds, he tried to move, sighing and slightly tightening his grip. His eyes half closed, he was slowly speeding up with each thrust.
Pino used the pillow to muff his own voice, the pleasure taking over him, he could barely pay attention to the pain at that point. He could feel Heitaros' hands over his, trying to give him some comfort, remind him of his presence. 
Heitaros kept thrusting, trying to keep up the pace of his moves. It was hard even for him to keep his voice low. The other's body was different from what he could recall from other nights they spent together. Feeling his body spasm under his touch, have him at his mercy... It was even better this time.
The redhead sneaked a hand under him, reaching for the other's member and stroking it along his moves, being rewarded with a surprised gasp from his partner and louder reactions. He chuckled, kissing Pino's back, "Are you close..? Try to bear it a little longer..." He whispered, moving his fingers just to push him closer to the edge.
"A-ah... my Lord..." The grey haired called, not exactly with a reason behind his words. Pino could feel himself getting close to his limits, thinking if he could actually keep holding back with Heitaros teasing him like that. He could feel a few drops of drool sliding down the corner of his lips, how his hands lacked strength, his mind filled with lust... The Demon God was probably the only to ever witness that side of him. He could feel his dick throbbing, pre cum already leaking from its tip. He couldn't focus even at the light pain that was bringing him back to his senses before. 
Heitaros knew him far too well... It shouldn't take long before he would finish, but it wasn't much different for himself. It was getting hard to keep up the same pace as when they started, his legs struggling to move as he wanted, weakened. The redhead pressed his lips on the other's neck, marking the skin with his teeth as he felt the pleasure flowing across his body. He was panting, trying to catch his breath between each thrust, when he felt Pino squeezing his hand a little tighter. Something so simple, but something that made him smile.
The grey haired closed his eyes shut, pressing his teeth into the pillow as he tried to keep enduring as much as he could. As if Heitaros' teasing wasn't making it more difficult, there was something about hearing the redhead groaning, full of lust, that was sending him completely off the tracks. 
“I-I’m… I’m close, m-my Lord..!” He tried to warn, interrupting his own words with a moan, sighing in pleasure, wanting to keep his voice low.
“Good… let’s finish together,” the other chuckled quietly, stroking the boy’s member a little faster, trying to push him further towards the edge.
Like that, it didn’t take long for Pino to reach his limits, his body spasm violently, a strong wave of pleasure that ran all the way up his spine, making him silent gasp and his back arch as he reached his climax. He could feel, not much later, Heitaros finishing inside him, with a long and deep thrust, holding his hand painfully tight as he did so. 
The redheaded dropped his body over Pino’s, gasping for air after the hard orgasm. The room would be silent if it wasn’t for the sound of their heavy breathing filling it. 
The grey haired trembled once Heitaros moved back, surprised when he felt his Lord’s hands caressing his back. He turned around, laying on his side to face Heitaros, “i-is there something… you want to tell me, my Lord?” Heitaros chuckled, crawling forward and, this time, laying a kiss on Pino’s lips, remaining like that before starting to speak, “only wanting to know… if everything is ok with you… I fear I might not have complied with your request earlier.” He said, sliding his hand on the other’s legs.
Pino widened his eyes for a moment. The henchman was devoted, in every way, to Heitaros. And it wouldn't be any different in that situation. But more than being gifted with his Lord magic, or to be chosen for something like that, knowing that the Demon Lord cared for him was greater, and felt better, than anything else. Smiling, he nodded, “yes, my Lord. I’m perfectly fine now…”
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myusernameistrashfr · 3 years
Final thoughts:
- Alex the milf Morgan looked good and it’s so nice to see her back
- Specifically, seeing Alex, CP, Pinoe, Sophia Smith, and K Mewis, Casey, Tierna and Midge in the same game?!?!? EVERYTHING
- I miss Cat
- Carli had a couple good moments but not enough to sell me a spot for her on my Olympic roster. Her assist to Pinoe was great. The goal was good. The consistent missed opportunities are frustrating.
- The pink haired lesbian goddess owns my ass.
- Poor CP was receiving the treatment we used to give to the forwards of the teams we played in club when our coaches said “please everyone mark her, she’s fast and will beat four of you to score”
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tobin-heaths · 4 years
Perfect timing
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request: Kellex x reader and the reader is young + you awake feeling sick but decide to act like everything is fine until it really isn’t
pairing: Kelley O’Hara/Alex Morgan x Reader
words: 1615
"Y/N, wake up." Someone was gently stroking your cheek. "No, leave me alone." You said groggily and turned onto your stomach, raising the blanket above your head.
Kelley looked over to Alex and giggled. "You try, babe." Alex shrugged her shoulders and laid down next to you. Reaching over she tugged the covers down a little so she was able to see your sleepy face.
"Kelley, give me my phone please." She whispered and took the phone from her girlfriend's hand. Blowing her a kiss as a thank you she captured a picture of your sleepy form.
Your hair was a mess all over the pillow and your mouth was slightly opened, a little drool leaking onto the fabric. Alex couldn't help but giggle. "You'll be late for breakfast if you don't get up now. Do you really want Dawn marching in here dragging you onto the field?"
You couldn't care less as you were feeling absolutely terrible. This had to be the worst night of your life. You were comfortably sleeping in your bed as suddenly a wave of nausea hit you, ultimately waking you up. On top of that came the headache.
You groaned and turned around leaning against the headboard. The headache was still there and made you wince. Your nausea was gone, to your delight. But nonetheless you missed a fair amount of sleep and your face was extremely pale.
"Are you feeling alright, love? Your face looks like a zombie." Alex chuckled.
"Real smooth, Alex. You know just how to make me feel better." You replied sarcastically. Both of them laughed.
As Alex received a message on her phone you turned towards Kelley. "To answer her question, I'm perfectly fine. Just sleepy, that's all." You forced a smile.
"Good, now get your ass out of bed and dress. Jill expects you down in ten minutes. We'll leave for training immediately after, make sure you pack all your stuff." The forward climbed out of bed and grabbed the keycard laying on the table.
"Should we wait for you?" Kelley asked. "No, no. Go ahead. I'll be down shortly." You nodded and motioned to the door.
Arriving at breakfast the whole team was there, typing on their phones, finishing their meals or having conversations. The smell of food hit your nose and as fast as your nausea was gone it came back.
Hopefully nobody would notice your condition, at least not the medical team or Dawn. It would mean no training and you desperately wanted to workout.
You strolled over to the table filled with your girlfriends and the rest of the gay club.
"How the hell did you manage to get her out of bed?" Pinoe asked and laughed as you reached the table, sitting down on the chair next to Tobin and Christen.
"It's not that hard, you just need the right techniques." Kelley replied.
"Right techniques my ass, Kels! I actually decided to get up after they threatened me with Dawn." You answered with a pout as the rest of the table fell into laughter.
"Nice picture by the way." Lindsey appeared behind you, kissing your cheek and running off. Whipping around you stared after her in disbelief.
"What photo? Wait– you did not show her the photo right?" You looked back at your girlfriends with a frown.
"I don't know what you mean. Kelley, do you know what she's talking about?" Alex asked. "No idea." Kelley shook her head.
"Everybody saw." Pinoe said in a bored tone as if it wouldn't be the most embarrassing thing for you.
"What?" You exclaimed and watched all of them laughing, Ashlyn, about to fall from her chair, hit the table with her first repeatedly.
"Don't mind them. They're just kids. Why don't you get some food, Y/N?" Christen turned to you with a kind smile. Bless her good soul.
"Oh, uh. Yeah sure. Thanks, Chris." You said and reluctantly stood up. Your tired legs dragged you over to all the food, deciding scrambled eggs should be enough and returned back to your table.
"That's all you're gonna eat?" Tobin asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Shhh, don't be so loud, Tobes. They might hear you and then I'm dead." You pointed over to Alex and Kelley, who were deep in a conversation with Ali and Julie, who had turned around in her seat to talk to them.
Tobin held her hands up and continued her conversation with Christen and Ashlyn.
Now that you were left alone in between everyone you looked down to your food, the sight making you sicker. No chance you could finish this all without throwing up on the table.
Unbeknownst to you Christen was keeping an eye on you since you stepped through the door. The way your face was looking worried her and now that you had trouble touching your food she immediately knew what was up. She leaned towards you.
"Y/N? If you cannot manage to eat this then don't. If you're sick you should see medical staff immediately. You should not workout today!" She whispered and you halted with the fork in your hand.
"What are you talking about? I'm fine, just tired. That's all. See?" You promised and shoved egg after egg into you. You had trouble keeping the food inside your stomach and forced a smile for Christen once the plate was empty.
Once the horrible breakfast was done and you still managed to appear somewhat normal it was time to stretch and warm up. You managed to get through that in one try, your energy running low very fast.
The nausea became too much at one point, it was hard to keep your posture. You knew it was only a matter of time until you'd throw up.
"Alex, I don't like this one bit." Kelley said as the both of them sat on the bench, tying their cleats, watching you get ready for some sprints, holding your stomach with a pained expression.
You were up to run with Crystal and Julie, Dawn giving you the signal to start. You tried your best to run as fast as possible but in your current state that wasn't very much.
Your legs slowed until you had to stop completely to take deep breaths. Your eyes widened as you felt the vomit coming up.
You ran off the field and to the nearest thrash can, emptying your stomach with teary eyes.
Your girlfriends were the first ones to jump into action, calling for a medical and running over to your side. "Y/N!" Alex was the first one to reach you and placed her hand on your back. Kelley joined the other side.
You sank to the floor as soon as you had emptied your whole stomach and gagged at the taste left in your mouth, both women taking you into their arms.
"Why didn't you tell anyone that you're sick?" The forward asked concerned. "I can't believe you wanted to pull through like this."
"It actually feels better now that I've thrown up." You declared and waited for Dawn and Medicals to arrive, both women not leaving your side for one second.
"Y/N! What is going on here? Care to explain?" Dawn asked, obviously a little bit too worried about you, since you were the youngest on the team right now.
They knelt down in front of you trying to reach your side but neither Alex or Kelley seemed ready to leave your side.
"Ladies, please. I know you're worried but we need the space." You looked towards Kelley, the brunette was rolling her eyes and reluctantly stood up, taking Alex with her.
"Fine, but we stay right behind you." You groaned at her words. "Guys, I appreciate it but really! I'm fine!" You protested.
"We will see." One of the medics mumbled. "For now let's get you off the field so the others can go back to working. Let's go, ladies!" Dawn yelled and clapped her hands to shoo your teammates away.
"You know that this will be it for a few days at least right? We will go over this with Jill later. How's her pulse?" Dawn asked while Alex gently rubbed your shoulder.
"It's a bit too low for my liking, I know she said she feels better but that might be so for only a moment. We have to take her inside." He explained, letting go of your arm. "Can you stand up?" Another woman asked, all of them rising to their feet in front of you.
"I guess, lemme try." With the help of Kelley you managed to get back onto your shaky feet.
Together they walked you off the field and towards the locker rooms. "Guys, I love you, but you gotta get back to training." You nudged Alex and smiled at her.
"No, I will not leave your side, you're my baby, I stay with you." She stated and your cheeks tainted pink. "I'm not a baby." You grumbled in embarrassment.
"It's alright, if Alex can stay I'll get back to it. Just make sure she'll be fine." Kelley said as you reached the destined room and kissed your cheek before running off after you nodded.
“Alright, let’s sit you down here and get to work. Alex you can sit down there.” Dawn pointed towards a chair next to the treatment bench as your pulse was measured once you emptied a glass of water. Alex smiled tenderly and grabbed your unoccupied hand.
All in all you’d be missing training for at least until you completely recover as to not worsen your situation but with the help of Alex and Kelley it won’t be too boring.
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Understatement - Christen Press Imagine
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“You know if you think any louder the whole hotel will hear you…” Christen mumbled as I smiled softly at her. She picked her head up from my shoulder and leaned forward to give me a kiss on the cheek.
“Then, the whole hotel will know how much I love you.” She rolled her eyes before turning to grab her phone from the nightstand. She checked her email and set an alarm for ten minutes later before setting it down and laying back down on me.
“What’s on your mind?”
“It’s a big game today…” I mumbled as she nodded her head. “I don’t even get to play in it.”
“You’re injured…they want you to be able to play in the final.” She said softly as I nodded my head.
“I know I just…I hate not playing.” She gave me a look to which I gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
“I’m excited. I get to play…”
“I am excited to watch you play.” I said as she raised a brow at me. “I am!”
“After you just got done complaining…”
“I love watching you play. You’re the best player I know.” I admitted trying to convey my sincerity as she smiled at me. She leaned in giving me a kiss that I immediately reciprocated.
“I love you so much”
“I love you too.” I said as her alarm went off. She stood up and started getting ready for the day. I got up and started getting ready not long after she did. We made our way down to breakfast talking about the plans for the day.
“Happy Birthday!” I exclaimed to Alex who smiled at me as I pulled the forward into a hug. “You’re so old!”
“Don’t be rude.” Christen scolded as I laughed.
“We are the same age you dick…” Alex said as I shot her an amused smile.
“Yeah but I’m not thirty…” I said taking a seat as the two forwards sat next to me.
“Are you saying I’m old then…” Christen asked as I stared at her.
“No…you’re amazing and beautiful. I am so in love with you.” I said as she nodded her head.
“Nice save.” She said as I gave her a cute smile. Alex laughed while I leaned in to give Christen a kiss on the cheek.
Some of the others joined us as we sat there eating breakfast and discussing the game for the day. After breakfast, we got up and went to a last-minute team meeting before getting on the bus and heading to the stadium.
“I’m starting to get a little nervous.” Christen mumbled as I turned to face her.
“It’s the semifinal in the World Cup. I don’t want to mess this up for everyone.”
“Hey…you won’t. Christen when I said you are the best player I know…I meant it. You are a secret weapon that they aren’t going to see coming…”
“I just…everyone is expecting Pinoe and they are going to be disappointed when they see me.”
“No one could ever be disappointed with you my love. England has prepared themselves for Pinoe, and they won’t know what to do with your speed and your skills. You’ve got this…”
“I know…I just I am worried.”
“With you on the field���I’m not.” I said as she smiled at me leaning in and giving me a kiss.
We arrived at the stadium and got ourselves settled into the locker room before heading out onto the field to start warmups. I stood off to the sideline with Pinoe while they were all warming up. I took a moment to see some of the England staff watching Pinoe and I stand off to the sidelines.
“They are so confused.” Pinoe mumbled as I laughed.
“Should we pretend to do warmups?” I joked as she gave me an amused smile. We both started doing little stretches before the coaching staff told us to quit it.
Once warmups were finished, we found our spots on the bench while the starters walked out. I smiled at Christen who gave me a small wink before they took their spots on the field. The game got off to a quick start which was incredible.
It was the 10th minute when a cross was sent into the box. Christen was perfectly placed as she headed it into the back of the net. I jumped off the bench and started jumping up and down celebrating. Christen was surrounded by our teammates while the bench celebrated. She sent me a giant smile as I clapped proudly for her.
“Your girlfriend just did that!” Pinoe said as I grinned at the pink-haired girl.
“She did! Holy shit…” I said as I sat back down with her and Ash. Ellen White scored about 9 minutes later which caused all of us to groan.
It was about another 12 minutes when Lindsay sent another cross into the box. Alex was able to get her head on it sending the ball into the back of the net. We all jumped off the bench again while Alex did her tea celebration that she had talked about prior to the game.
“Happy fucking birthday Alex Morgan.” I said as Pinoe threw her arm around me.
“We always find a way don’t we…” she said as I nodded my head.
We took a seat and continued watching until halftime. We started making our way to the locker room and sat down waiting for everyone to get back. I immediately made my way to Christen who smiled at me. I picked her up and spun her around.
“No. I’m all sweaty and gross.” She complained as I smiled pulling her in for a kiss.
“I do not care.” I said as she smiled at me. “I am so proud of you baby…”
“She was there…” she said softly as I nodded my head.
“Yeah she was…” I said pulling her in for a hug and holding her for a moment. “I can guarantee you that she is so proud of you.”
“That goal was phenomenal Chris…” Pinoe said interrupting our moment. She smiled and thanked Pinoe while I gave her a soft look.
“Phenomenal is an understatement. It was monumental.” I said as she laughed.
I let go of her and we continued with halftime talked before having to make our way back to the field. I did stop Alex to congratulate her on her birthday goal which she gave me a bright smile over.
The second half was just as crazy with Rose having to come out of the game and Alyssa’s PK save. When the final whistle was blown, Pinoe picked me up and spun me around. I made my way onto the field shaking the hands of the English players before I finally got to Christen. I hugged her as she let out a few tears into my neck.
“I am so proud of you baby girl…” I said as she smiled.
“To the Final…” she said as I nodded my head.
“To the final…”
The End.
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am-imagines · 5 years
And the Favorite is...- USWNT Imagine.
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I got this ask:  Hey I read your fic with R being Krashlyn's kid and it was pretty good. Can you do another one? Where R always shows up in someone's insta story like dancing with Sonnet, scaring someone with Kelly, going out for breakfast with Press or playing some kind of games with Tobin? Like how she interacts with her crazy and overprotective aunts. And I ran with it. I hope you like it, dear anon!
You can find the first part here.
I am totally biased, I hope you don’t mind.
The Olympics inauguration is only a couple of days away. It’s the time when nerves grow before disappearing at the ceremony, but your time is filled with so much activity that you don’t even have time to be nervous.
Your team is great and practice is always fun although you can’t wait for the first game. The excitement grows, the pressure builds, and you’re actually ready for your first Olympics.
In order to keep you distracted, your parents have found a thousand games for you to try. Your family isn’t exactly conventional, and those games are far from being board ones. You have to experience a new city in the company of the USWNT while getting information, playing pranks or doing certain things with them to win the game.
You don’t mind it one bit. You love all your crazy aunts. Hanging out with them is a fun way to discover the magic of a new country. They don’t keep you from getting lost. They just get lost with you. Thank God technology is a thing and the GPS has saved your life.
“Here’s another one!” Ash exclaims. “Who gives the best hugs?”
Currently, you’re sitting in bed between your parents while they livestream. Their fans are happy to see how you interact with them, and they don’t miss the chance to ask you stuff about them and the Krashlyn adventures in Tokyo.
“Ma,” you say pointing at Ali. “Her hugs are warm and soft. But mom’s are great too; rib-wrecking and yet can’t say no to them.”
A chuckle escapes your lips when both of them hug you at the same time. Ash kinda proves your point; making you grunt when she squeezes a little too tight. The smile never leaves your lips; much less when they decide to kiss your cheeks at the same time.
It’s embarrassing, but you do nothing to stop them.
Finally, they settle down and you shake your head in amusement.
They’re supposed to be the parents.
“Oh! I gotta go,” you announce mostly to the camera. “Pinoe must be waiting for me. Please, don’t embarrass yourselves or me more than you’ve done.”
“Can’t promise that, kiddo.“
Maybe it would be easier to leave if your parents didn’t cling to you like koalas while remind you to take care and call them if you need anything. You struggle for another minute before they finally relent. Then, they go back to their livestream while you put on your shoes.
“Here’s another one!” You hear Ash through the door, but don’t stay long enough to discover what is the next question.
Pinoe is waiting for you, and you find her with ease thanks to the pink hair.
Sonny and the others like to tease her about it, but you like her style. Not everyone can rock it like she does, but you’re gonna try to challenge the odds with a crazy hair color as well. Not pink, but probably just as outstanding. Blue, purple, orange, silver...you haven’t decided yet.
However, this day is all about make-overs, courtesy of Megan Rapinoe.
“Sorry I’m late,” you say when you make it to her side,
“I thought those two would keep you forever.”
She shows you her phone where you can see your parents throwing their teammates’ names around to answer God knows what question. You don’t have enough time to figure it out before Pinoe puts her phone in her pocket and offers you a pair of shades.
People assume she isn’t the most affectionate person; usually more compossed than the rest of the USWNT, but that’s not the case. Maybe she’s not as open with physical displays, but she expresses herself in other ways. Spending time around the city always means she spoils you like crazy. And no, that’s not the reason you love spending time with her.
Ash loves her for a reason, and you can see exactly why.
Being around Pinoe means not thinking about the Olympics for a bit, even when you can’t understand a single neon sign around you.  It’s all about fashion in ways other than clothes. Your hair ends up in a crazy color that looks amazing on you. It won’t be that visible under the helmet while you play, but you feel empowered by it.
Then, Pinoe gets you the perfect clears for your first game in a couple of days. You can’t wait to show them off, so both of you take a picture in front of the mirror in true Pinoe style.
A few hours later, when you’re back on your room, the pic comes up on your Instagram with a simple comment: #FavoriteAunt.
It makes you chuckle, but you like the post anyway.
“Y/n, Y/n! Come here. Hurry!”
You comply without thinking when Kelley motions for you to hide next to a trash can. She’s already recording, and that can only mean one thing.
“Who’s our victim?”
She’s about to prank someone and you’re always up for it. Mischief is clear on your eyes when you look at her behind the camera.
“Allie is about to come up.”
Of course. It had to be Allie of all people.
You’ve scared her over a hundred times, but it’s always fun to make her jump. Thinking about it, camp wouldn’t be the same without Kelley scaring the ever-loving socks off Allie Long, or any other poor soul she has as a target.
“You want to do it?” She asks although she knows the answer already.
“Hell yeah!”
“Language, kid!” She admonishes just for the show while beaming at you.
It takes barely ten seconds for Allie to walk down the corridor. She’s focused on her phone; giving you the perfect opportunity to strike.
You wait just for another second; letting her get closer before jumping and screaming as loud as you can. She screams back at you in total panic; her phone almost thrown at your face in a defensive reflex. It’s a good thing you have her a new phone case that actually protects her phone or it would be down for the count by now.
Kelley is laughing like crazy behind you, and so are you.
That doesn’t stop you from retrieving the launched phone, handing it over to Allie and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Love you,” you say smugly.
“You’re lucky I love you too or I would get you back for this,” she answers while pulling you in for a hug. “Now you, O’Hara, are a different story.”
“You don’t love me?” She asks Allie with that big mocking grin. “I’m the favorite aunt!”
“No, you’re not.” The blonde argues. “I’m the favorite.”
Kelley is still recording, and you’re sure she won’t be able to post all of that at once.
But you don’t know what started the whole favorite aunt debate and by now, you’re afraid to ask. So, while they’re still arguing over it, you make a silent escape.
However, when you see the whole thing posted all over social media later, you can’t help but like it and post a heart emoji directed at both of them. They don’t ask about it directly, so you don’t give an answer either.
The fans are going crazy when the entire soccer National Team jumps into the conversation. Everyone wants to know your answer, but you like to see them fight over that. It’s never too serious, so there’s no shame in enjoying the show.
You don’t make further comments, and all they can do is settle for the night.
It’s a good thing because you have a game to win the next day.
Your first victory is exhilarating, but your celebration is quite reserved. You’re on there to win just a game, and although it’s a great feeling to do so, you’re aiming for the gold.
Your nerves were gone as soon as you stepped up to the plate for your first at-bat. Your parents were right about it, and having the entire USWNT cheering for you brought the best out of the entire softball team. The greatest team is there for you; the next generation of golden athletes, and you’re ready to play the part.
After celebrating with ice cold Gatorade, you hang out on your parents’ room.
Playing Smash Bros on your switch with some of your teammates seems like the perfect way to unwind. After a few rounds, you opt to play Mario Kart instead, and you know exactly who would love to join the party.
Tobin calls you after accepting the invite. It’s not that she has a lot to say but because you love hearing her ramble and fight the game when things don’t go her way.
You send a blue shell after her and laugh when she groans in defeat. You don’t have to be in the same room to have a great time with Tobin. She’s amazing.
“You want to have dinner with Chris and me?”
“You getting me ice cream?”
“Fried ice cream if you hurry up.”
“On my way!”
You’d feel bad about ditching your parents, but they have plans with the rest of the team. They’d love it if you’d join them, but there’s no guarantee to make it back before curfew if you go with them. So, after letting them know you’re joining Press and Tobes for dinner, you’re on your merry way.
Dinner is spectacular and Christen smiles the entire time.
It’s not a surprise that the entire world is in love with her. She lets you try from her plate and shares your excitement over dessert while Tobin snaps a thousand pictures of the moment. It’s the perfect way to end the day; with an extra selfie where the three of you smile at the camera.
That’s the picture you post to thank them for an amazing night.
The Olympics advance and you try to follow as many events as you can while still being focused on your discipline.
It seems like forever before the USWNT faces their first match.
Your coach gives you permission to go to the match, and the world is ready to see if you’re wearing the jersey of your favorite aunt. You’re not sure why there’s so much expectation considering your parents are also part of the team. In your mind, wearing one of their jerseys is the way to go. And you make your way into the stands wearing the Krieger one.
You wear Ash’s number with your team, and well...you’re Harris too. So, you decided to switch for once. Watching Ali beam makes you happy, and you cheer them on with all your heart. The shouting never stops until your throat is sore and they come on top with their first victory. The atmosphere in the stadium is crazy, and you love every second of it.
It’s hard to tell what happened after that, but you make it to the Olympic Village on JJ’s arms. She’s stronger than anyone could imagine, and it’s shocking when she throws you over to A.D. as if you weighed nothing.
Speaking of strong women…
Every few feet you are in the arms of someone different until you make your way to Naeher. You can see the hint of a smirk on her lips and that makes you smile.
“Thanks for the save,” you say. “Pun totally intended. You were amazing out there.”
A nod is your answer before someone is calling for your attention.
“So,” Mal starts and you know the question before it leaves her lips. “Who’s the favorite aunt?”
“Not you, sorry.” You reply playfully while sticking your tongue out to her. “You’re too young, Rose and T. are the same. You’re more like my cousins.”
Everyone thinks of you as the kids even if you’re not an official part of the team. You’re okay with that, even when they’re overprotective most of the time.
“How did this whole thing start?”
“Livestream,” all of them reply at the same time.
The roll of your eyes is a given. Of course a fan question caused havoc among the USWNT. This has been fun, but they can keep going for ages, and it’s time to stop.
“If it started like that, then maybe it should end with another livestream.”
A deep silence settles over the entire team, and you realize that your inner thoughts were said out loud. It’s too late to backtrack because Kelley, Pinoe and Ash exchange a look before storming out.
“Mom, wait!” You call after Ash, but they’re already gone. “Oh no.”
Alyssa puts you down in case you want to follow them. There’s no real point. You won’t be able to convince them of not doing the livestream right at that moment. Instead, you allow Sonny to guide you through the corridors until you make it to your room.
To no one’s surprise, they already have half the things ready.
With a huff, you take your place in the middle of your bed while every single aunt takes a place wherever they can. Sam ends up on the floor next to Rose. Ali pats your shoulder and takes a seat in the other bed so you can deal with this madness.
Once everyone is seated, Kelley starts the broadcast with: “You know what we’re here for.”
“First of all,” you interrupt before she can say more. “I don’t know who you are, or where are you from, but for the person asking that, you have no idea of the utter chaos you provoked.”
With a glare to the camera, you return your attention to Kelley who only laughs at your words. She’s so damn crazy, and that’s one of the many reasons you love her.
“Come on, Y/n! You’re killing us.” Pinoe says from the corner. “Who’s the favorite aunt?”
“And the favorite aunt is...”
You pause for dramatic effect while you scan the room trying to find her. Then, the moment prolongs because you can’t find her between all the familiar faces.
“Wait, where is she?”
Everyone turns; counting heads and thinking about who is missing. Confusion grows until the door opens and the missing piece enters with a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, I’m late.”
“I knew it!” Kelley exclaims with a triumphant air fistbump.
“Of course you did. I told you before,” Alex says in the most nonchalant tone she can muster. “Y/n said it at her birthday party, remember? You got there late because your plane was delayed, but everyone else was there.”
“I thought it was just because she got you cake!” Sonny exclaims.
“The cake was just a bonus.”
“Why are you late anyway?” JJ asks Alex while the blonde holds you and refuses to let anyone else close to you.
“Well, I went for a blue one.”
“Swap?” You asks excitedly and Alex nods.
You can’t move when JJ holds you so tightly, but that’s okay. Alex takes the empty space between your legs while she puts her jersey over you. Blue is the kit you like the most, and Alex made sure to sign it for you.
In all honesty, you love them all.
They’re your family, weird as they are.
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