#lord the way they love each other
matiasthecamilion · 4 months
Sam loves Frodo so openly, he feels devotion and affection for him. He always is and will always be the perfect example of what Sam believes is kindness and intelligence.
Sam loves him so tenderly that he can barely keep it on his chest, that he can barely shut it up, and that he can barely allow him to leave his side.
Frodo loves Sam so deeply that he can barely say it, values ​​him so sweetly that he can hardly imagine that he feels the same.
Frodo loves him so much that he wants to keep Sam away from him, he wants to prevent him from suffering any harm because of him, from dying because of him. He loves him so much that his voice and the refuge on his arms feels like the tenderest dream, what home means to him.
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lucradiss · 1 month
Existing in more than one fandom space is like having more than one group of friends but both of them being so wildly different that any overlap at all would be like getting shot in the head
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river-of-wine · 10 months
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If it’s meant to be, then it will be
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billdenbrough · 1 year
i love starmora so much like their gradual shift across gotg vol. 3 absolutely decimated me lol
like. “you know, i’m still not who you want me to be” “oh, i know. but who you are ain’t so bad.” the way she smiles at him??????? followed by (once she’s stepped past him, a moment of hesitation, this inch of themselves they can let be real offerings without having to be completely bare) “i bet we were fun” and his little “like you wouldn’t believe” i am ruined!!!!!!!!
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reallyhardy · 8 months
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stories we tell will cast their spell, now and for always.
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lynpheas · 6 months
i have a paper to write but. i cannot stop thinking about musa and stella. their dynamic is SO underrated…
they both have such strong personalities except musa is a lot more understated and subtle while stella is more exuberant and outgoing!! but in a subversion of expectations, stella is so down to support musa being in the spotlight — like in their s2 red fountain performance where stella did backup vocals/dancing while musa sang her heart out.
they both have familial issues & come from very different backgrounds, which simultaneously threads them together through a commonality and then sets them apart. for example, they both understand somewhat unconventional family dynamics and the absence of a parent, their mothers. stella’s parents were so busy arguing and just generally being unhappy in their relationship that they overlooked stella and how they made her feel and how their actions affected her. the loss of stella’s mother in her life is something we can infer that stella has had very little room to openly discuss with her parents, and so she has all of these internalized and idealized hopes for a future that we know will never come to pass. but she’s navigating these feelings without proper support from luna and radius. similarly, after musa’s mother’s passing, musa’s father reacted to his grief without taking into account how these events affected musa. ho-boe blamed music for matlin’s passing and so he rejected it completely, imposing that will upon musa and straining their relationship because of it. musa’s only avenue of feeling close with her mother is through music, but her feelings are disregarded and so she has to navigate this relationship with music and also her late mother all on her own.
however, for stella, she is a princess and her parents are merely divorced; so, although she rarely sees her mom and her parents don’t get along, she still has the option to go see her. i think you could say, on top of needing to be charismatic and charming as a leader, stella’s exuberant personality might’ve developed as a result of her wanting more of her parents’ attention, to be seen and understood by them. i think the 4kids dub may say otherwise, but i think it’s fairly clear that musa comes from a more modest background. and contrastingly to stella, musa has completely lost her mother and so their connection is almost…spiritual? and introspective. without her father’s guidance and understanding, musa would more have to retreat into herself. still, both of them are individuals with strong senses of self—their specific familial situations have simply informed their coping strategies and the personalities they’ve developed.
with or without that background in mind, i also just love the way stella and musa’s personalities play off of each other! because of their strong personalities, they’re prone to disagreement and small clashes. musa’s more sensitive, while stella is—although well-intentioned—more thoughtless with her words. i find musa to be more measured, but perhaps equally as blunt at times. these personality differences might result in small but realistic bumps and tiffs within their friendship, but they also have a shared understanding of one another that gives their relationship a strong foundation. and again, despite musa seeming more chill and stella seeming more prone to wanting the spotlight, stella is absolutely musa’s cheerleader!
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bedtimegiraffe · 2 months
One of my greatest wishes for Book 3 is for Mal to start telling contessa stories again for a very specific reason.
Picture this- Mal is several minutes into a story about some contessa he made up and definitely seduced when he realizes Aerin is starting to smirk at him. That's when Mal remembers that (former prince) Aerin could absolutely fact check him. Mal quickly tries to end the story and redirect everyone's attention, but Aerin's got his number now and keeps asking very specific, leading questions about these definitely real contessas. Aerin eventually drops it, before quietly giving Mal shit about it for the rest of the adventure.
I also think that given the whole 'escaped criminal wanted for treason' thing, Aerin should at some point need to use a fake name. And I fully expect either Mal or MC to casually introduce him as Kelvin Gillbottle while everyone tries so hard not to lose it laughing.
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queenqunari · 2 years
Hob: “would you like to be friends?”
Dream, visibly on the verge of tears: “how dare you assume that I have feelings” *runs away dramatically, probably starts to actually cry
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thatsitso · 10 months
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Just finished The Lord of the Rings (I cried)
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itspileofgoodthings · 3 months
it’s the energy of the cool AND the kind boy showing up to your party and just the way it changes everything
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sysig · 10 months
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Hey. Read Roundabout. Love Awesome. (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Emperor Awesome#Lord Hater#As always check the tags first but hgggg Roundabout is so gooooood <3 <3#Absolutely the fic that convinced me that Awesome was worth thinking about more than he initially appears lol#The™ fanon interpretation to me <3#Like the Eyesome stuff obviously (also the thing that convinced me to try out Eyesome and ended up loving it :D)#But also the Death Glare stuff! It's terribly cute the way Peepers and Hater go bouncing off each other haha ♪#Plus there's just a lot of fun phrasing like the one I put in the caption of Peepers curled up haha#Everyone's characterized so fun!#Plus there's just something very fun recalling my first reread lol - I don't actually remember my first reading experience#But I do remember getting fic-hungry for it later down the line at a local Mexican restaurant and reading it on their wifi lol#It's so fun to finally be at a point where I can confidently draw them and then to come back to the story and ahhh <3 <3 Very enjoyable#The first two aren't tied to anything specific other than the basic concept of those two drinking together lol#Same size glasses but very different alcohol-to-body-size proportions lol ♪ Buying drinks for Peepers saves hand over fist!#We all know he could put it away like no one's business so really it wouldn't matter in the end lol#It was so fun to doodle him curled up ahh <3 His silhouette <3 <3 Toss a blanket over him!#And the Drama! The deliciousness of Peepers keeping Secrets from his Lord Hater! Ah!#It feels so in-character of him to have alone time away from the ship that Hater doesn't even notice until he's been away awhile ♪♫#They're both adults ♪ They have aspects of their lives that aren't Entirely intertwined ♫ Until they do hehehe#Love 'em ♥#Hater was fun to draw there too lol slowly getting used to him! I like his PJs haha
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Rose: flirts with Adam, a genius who’d give anything to travel among the stars, who reminds Rose of the Doctor when he talks about how clever he is and how fantastic it was to hack some US system
Rose: *oblivious as to why she’s really attracted to Adam*
Nine: sees Rose flirting with Jack, hears her say the words “I trust him because he's like you. Except with dating and dancing”
Nine: *oblivious as to why she’s really attracted to Jack*
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morninkim · 10 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Non-Canon) - Madame Drakkon & The Ranger Slayer
In another timeline, the Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was much, much less of a rise.
(Rise' World of the Coinless deets under the cut, i'm having fun)
In another timeline, Rita's attack on Grace Oliver left her severely injured and near death. This threw Tommy into a fit, which forced the shadow out of her body in an incredibly traumatic and painful manner. Desperate, she pleaded with Zordon to help her mother, but the White Light confirmed her fears. Grace was gone.
Unstable and still reeling from Rita being ripped from her body, Tommy would seek out where the shadow was hiding, tracking her down to an abandoned warehouse on the docks. She would witness the partial resurrection of Lord Zedd and barge in, demanding the Dark Spectre bring her mother back. The Spectre agreed, on the condition that the Green Ranger help him recover the other five Power Coins and reunite the Zeo Crystal.
Over the next few months, Tommy would slowly lose more and more of herself as she pursued more power and learned dark magic from a weakened Rita inhabiting the body of Dr. Finster. A final assault against the Rangers would see Jason attempt to combine the spectrum of the team's powers to become a White Ranger, only to be struck down by Tommy. She would claim the coins for herself, corrupting and forcing the coins into her own White Ranger form.
Zedd and Tommy, with their combined powers and now endless source of energy, would then conquer the Earth unopposed. But as more time went on without Zedd's promise fulfilled, the more Tommy began plotting to overthrow the Dark Spectre. She's be encouraged by Rita, now unable to leave Dr. Finster's deteriorating body and kept alive with salvaged parts from the destroyed Command Center.
As the last of Earth's defenders fell, Tommy struck down Zedd with the Black Dragon Saber, laying claim to his seventh Zeo Crystal shard and the planet and taking the name Madame Drakkon.
Years later, tired of her friends being captured or dying and at her wit's end, Kimberly Hart would decide today is the day Drakkon dies. But she would be captured, her mind taken over with a spell Drakkon had been perfecting for some time, and become her right hand with her old Power Coin as the Slayer Ranger.
Kimberly would later break the spell with the help of the Coinless Resistance, who'd been built by the combined efforts of Trini, Richie, Bulk and Skull. She'd then lead the Resistance against Madame Drakkon's regime, taking on the name Ranger Slayer as a symbol of her goal to slay the last Ranger on Earth.
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lasaraleen · 1 year
Being a queer LOTR fan and trying to explain that you don’t ship Sam and Frodo romantically is so hard to explain. Yes I see what you see and I am interpreting it differently.
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lobeliamaximoff · 1 year
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eerna · 1 year
gestures wildly. it's about crafting a legend out of a living person. how the Ghost is something your friend made up on the spot to make you look cool, but then it slowly starts taking over your life. until you forget everything you believed to be true. until everyone you loved is gone. your clan is disbanded, your uncle disowns you, you have gone from a honorable nobleman to a wanted outlaw. BUT you did it for love - for the fact that you love your people and your island so deeply that you're willing to sacrifice your entire existence for them. it's not something any of their leaders have ever given them, and they see it, so they start turning to you more and more, telling about their encounters with you around survivor campfires, spinning tales until you are a seven-foot-tall monster who has risen from the dead to save them. you no longer belong only to your loved ones. you now belong to the entire island, and you will stay theirs.
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