vamp-ress · 2 days
Title: It Had To Be You Author: jenlynn820 Pairing: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom Rating: NC17 Warnings: AU, mild angst Summary: Las Vegas, Nevada, circa late 2007. A down on his luck crooner meets a washed up piano player. Disclaimer: I don't know Orlando or Viggo and none of this ever happened anywhere but in my head. Beta: eruberueth Notes: This story was my Nanowrimo project for 2007. Credits: The title of this story is from the song ‘It Had To Be You’, lyrics by Gus Kahn. The title of this chapter is from "Two In Love". Epilogue title from "World On A String".
Just what it says on the tin: Las Vegas, crooner, piano player - fireworks. It does get a bit sappy from time to time, but I really love the setting and how the songs are incorporated into the story. And yeah, I admire everyone who is able to churn out a whole novel in one month. How do people do that???
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liminal-zone · 2 years
✨🎶It has come to me, the ring of power. It shall be an heirloom of my Kingdom...all those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate, for I will risk no hurt to the ring...it is precious to me, though I buy it with great pain.🎵✨
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elismor · 6 months
Once upon a time a thousand years ago, I wrote a LotRPS fic that gained some popularity in the fandom and someone asked me if they could translate it to...Portuguese, I think.
I was so flattered.
Yesterday, two podfic events ended and my inbox bloomed with not one, but SIX Related Work notices on AO3 and I am gobsmacked.
They are all for A List of Ordinary Miracles, which is a drabble of...well...it's on the tin, folks.
If you have some time to kill, check them out. I am so amazed by all of the interpretations and voicing. It's incredible to hear so many takes on 100 words that I put down.
In the order they came to me, because I could not possibly pick a favorite.
1 by @mistbornhero
2 by @opalsong
3 by @flowerparrish
4 by @likethetrench
5 by @godoflaundrybaskets
6 by Djapchan (whom I cannot find on tumblr. someone @ me if you know their handle?)
If you write fic and do not have a blanket permission for folks to pod it, I urge you to consider creating one. This was an amazing experience and, IMO, it's what fandom's all about...yes anding.
Thank you, everyone above for honoring me with your work. My heart is full.
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reggiespoon · 1 year
Real talk: I'm Internet Old and I'm a dyed-in-the-wool proshipper. I've been shipping real and fictional characters since the dawn of the World Wide Web and my particular fixations are historical figures. They are dead. They do not know or care about my gay little scenarios ft. Them. Nobody is harmed by my shipping. Because they are beyond harm. I'm not out here publishing academic papers about my OTPs., nor are other shippers.
Indeed, I'd argue that very few people have ever been harmed by shipping, including real people who have been forced to see RPF of themselves at conventions (Star Trek has been handling this since the 60s, LotRPS was 20 years ago, this shit ain't new). The idea that people merely thinking things about others is innately harmful to the subjects of those thoughts is bizarre. I'm entitled to have fun with my imagination. You are of course entitled to disapprove, but you cannot force me to be ashamed just because you think it's ~icky~. If that sort of thing worked, I wouldn't be gay.
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@rubynye replied to your post “y'all know that thing where you really like an...”:
We all experienced this in LOTRPS fandom, bwee
​SO TRUE :D and in those days we couldn't torrent a ton of stuff, we had to buy region 2 dvds or have someone make a vhs mixtape for us, uphill both ways in the snow!!
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
one direction was formed in 2010. nobody would have believed that people were going to ship them romantically. // is this a joke? Do you really think the people putting this band together would have been unaware of rps fandoms like popslash (nsync and backstreet boys) or bandom (Fallout Boy and MCR), or the actor equivalents like Lotrps or SPN. Trust me rps fandoms have not gone unnoticed by the PTB. Some people play into them like 1D did and some don’t, but creator are aware of them.
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dwarfstaralloy · 5 years
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     i don’t believe in fate. i believe in choices.
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kissing-monsters · 4 years
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swadeclyner-blog · 7 years
Once upon time
There was a Fanvid. Viggorli, set to Just Breathe. I went looking for it a while ago but it was gone. I wish I could see it again.
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breakmuses · 6 years
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vamp-ress · 9 days
Title: Bad Things Author: jenlynn820 Pairing: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom Rating: NC17 Warnings: AU, violence, blood, vampires, minor character death. Summary: Vampires live among us. Getting involved with one of them is probably not the brightest thing SAC Viggo Mortensen ever did. Disclaimer: I don't know Orlando or Viggo and none of this ever happened anywhere but in my head. Beta: eruberueth Notes: This story was my Nanowrimo project for 2008. Title from the song "Bad Things" by Jace Everett. I've pretty much borrowed elements from a lot of different Vampire books including Anne Rice but mostly this was inspired by Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Series and the HBO series True Blood.
Let me tell you a secret: I loooooove vampires. I have read everything, I have watched everything. I even wrote my master's degree thesis on vampires. So of course I would like this. It was written in 2008 - the influence of "True Blood" is quite obvious. Orlando of course is quite sexy as a vampire, Viggo comes across as a lovechild of hard-boiled detective and romantic hero and it's just plain good. It's a classic murder mystery with a lot of southern vibes and vampires.
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liminal-zone · 2 years
tumblr user drawsaurus (teasingly) accusing me of writing charlie vickers x femdom reader was literally the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life and the most gutting of disses and I almost died laughing and anyway, I wrote rpf but notably not x reader. (eyes). it's archive locked on ao3 as that's what ur rpf-writing girl since 2009 does (clarification: you can only see it if you're logged into ao3). anyway. a buried lede in a vague post! rpf is fake! xoxox
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damagedxlegend-blog · 6 years
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"Sometimes we screw things up for the better."
Indie Sara Lance
DC Arrowverse, Crossovers Welcome.
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aelsell · 4 years
Open Starter 
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“It simply feels as if the ice is getting thiner. I can hear it cracking and groaning underneath me”
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empty-altars · 5 years
ive seen you mention things, so im curious: how long have you been active in online fandoms? sometimes i feel like a fandom grandma on tumblr... “back in the old days on lj, fandom discourse went like this! dang kids with your ao3! back in my day, we suffered through the pit of voles and we liked it! we started our rpf with ‘if you gound this googling your name, turn back!’” i say shaking my cane, as if im not 24 😭
😂😂😂 I've been in fandom since like, 1999 I suppose? We were passing fic around through Yahoo groups tbh. I think ff.net was around but not widely used yet maybe? I can't even remember why we did that.
Susan, the woman who ran ours, was a freaking tyrant tho. Idk what her deal was but if we did something she didn't approve of she would lash out and post these giant rants and keep us from posting until we apologized and it was a whole mess and I was pretending to be older than I really was so I didnt say anything dkdhdj
Later, I stumbled across Big Wolf on Campus fic online somehow which led me to LJ and a lovely woman who gave me a code and then I got into LOTRps but Dom/Orli (which was a super rare pair I think 4 ppl were writing it) and met my ex gf who dragged me into Viva La Bam/Jackass rps and then MCR happened and we settled there for a few years. There were some other pairings I dabbled in along the way for like, shitty horror movies 10 people saw or whatever.
Post-MCR I wrote some Supernatural fic and Chad/Ryan for High School Musical and Glee (we don't talk about that 😂😂) and then just sort of read fic for a while without participating in anything.
Then Pillowtalk happened and uh here I am. I was there, Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago...
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reincarnatcs · 7 years
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that's it? I made more as a barista.   //   penned by bella. 
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