#love how they emphasized how fiery & intense she is to the point not many can handle her
thissisatitle · 3 months
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Chapter 12 deleted scene
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ageof9thhouse · 4 years
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Signs in the Seventh House
The house of “the other” is fittingly the domain of the sign of harmony - Libra. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus’s Greek deity is famously Aphrodite, the goddess of union and beauty. Aphrodite is born off the coast of Cythera from the foam produced by the Ancient God, Uranus's genitals. So there was no sexual intercourse making her existance be a little more on the superficial side. She was so beautiful that Zeus was afraid she’d cause conflict between the gods (which she did anyway) so he married her off to the ugliest but the most unproblematic God Hephaestus. We can see that the theme of “opposites” came into play right from the start. Despite this, she was unfaithful to him and had many lovers. The most famous one of her affairs being with the God of war Ares (Mars/Aries), her exact opposite. Another famous story is the “Venus and Adonis” in which Aphrodite is attracted to a young hunter who has no interest in love. Aphrodite, being used to be the one who is pursued is taking on the role of “the other” and turns into this aggressive seducer. She loses her own self identity in the act of pursuing someone who she sees as her equal. At one point, she even tries to dress like Artemis so that Adonis would think she is a huntress like him… So, this is the house of what you think of other people you encounter initially. The part of you that you want to avoid so instead you see it in other people. You are bound to encounter what you refuse to identify with. More than intimacy, this is a union of the minds the ruler of the house Libra being an air sign. Interacting with other people gives us more clues about who we are than who they are. There can be immediate attraction or repulsion, depending on what kind of a relationship the person has with THEMSELVES.
♈︎Aries / Mars in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to take other people’s actions too personally. They might feel like the whole world is out to get them but that is not the case. One-on-one relationships build the person’s identity. They seek a partner who is fiery and a go-getter. Having a partner makes them feel sure of who they are. They may expect their partners to act or decide for them. People who’s got this aspect put harmony and balance in a relationship first. They expect honesty in relationships and they are very direct people themselves. They also jump into relationships way too quickly and end them abruptly. Even when putting balance first there is a sense of selfishness from time to time. They can expect much more in a relationship than they give. They might view themselves as faultless and be quick to blame the other party. Relationships for these people are always heated but also somehow light-hearted.   
♉︎Taurus / Venus (Day Chart) in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to value other people more than they deserve. At first, they are slow to trust people but once their trust is gained they dedicate their whole life to “the other”. One-on-one relationships have to be forever in the minds of these people. They seek a partner with who they are comfortable around. Someone who is trustworthy and stable and of course drop-dead-gorgeous.These people are not looking for a snack, they are looking for a whole meal. It is also common for those with this position to believe that money can buy them, love. Co-dependency patterns must be watched out for. They might become too attached to people and when they have to let go, they simply don’t want to. They view the people they love as their property almost. In a relationship, they think of themselves as the other party’s whole world. Relationships for these people have got to be based on true love and they have to be stable.    
♊︎Gemini / Mercury in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to be conflicted when it comes to dealing with other people. And they often try to be in multiple relationships at once since they really do think they can be in love with more than one person at the same time. One-on-one relationships can actually make them feel nervous because they have so much to say and share - so, even if they are not nervous they sure do come across as if they are because of the hectic energy. They seek a partner who is intelligent (but not more than them) and someone who keeps them on their toes at all times. They like the idea of teaching their partner something about life, so in all relationships, they come across as bossy or know-it-alls. The attraction for them is someone who experiences the chart owner as a teacher through life – they want someone who looks up to them. Relationships for these people have got to make sense. There is a tendency for these people to listen to their minds than their hearts when it comes to love. They always feel like they have to make a choice between options and it is common for them to change their minds often. 
♋︎Cancer / Moon in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to allow other people to affect themselves on a very emotional level. These people do shy away from one-on-one interactions because when they do, they tend to fall for people way too easily. Even the smallest act of care can win these people over who think of themselves to usually have a cold-exterior. They might seek a partner who reminds them of their mothers. A partner who is nurturing and perhaps older than them. They expect to be taken care of by their partners and be loved unconditionally. The partner in their lives has a lot of impact on their moods and overall sense of security. Co-dependency patterns must be watched out for. These people can easily be insecure when they do not feel like the person in front of them do not actually care for them. The unconditional love theme is highlighted here because if they do not feel like that, they might think that other people despise them. Two extreme cases...  Relationships for these people have got to be gentle and sincere. 
♌︎Leo / Sun in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to have a more naive attitude towards other people. These people usually seek out people who draw attention to themselves - someone who is confident enough to let their inner-child shine. They might also be more interested in people who remind them of something from their childhood. They like to interact with people since being social sparks their creative fires. They might act childish around people they especially fancy. Leo tends to want to dominate. In this case, the person with this placement might want to take control of the other’s personal choices or vice versa. Being in a relationship will boost the ego of these individuals and they just adopt a more positive point of view overall. They really like the idea of people helping each other to discover who they are in a lighthearted manner. Relationships for these people are like out of a movie. Very romantic at heart but often naive when it comes to love. 
♍︎Virgo / Ceres in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to be overly analytical of other people’s actions. These people may be very judgmental of their partners, especially when they don’t meet their expectations, which are pretty high. It is important for these people to remember to do their parts in one-on-one relationships, not just expecting their partners to do all the work. These people are attracted to people who seem to be put together. Interactions with others stress these people out since they are constantly up in their minds about how they come across especially when they fancy someone. In any partnership that a Virgo might form, it cannot be emphasized too much that there must not be a superficial partnership. These people want to dig deep down and knows every tiny thing about other people they encounter. Being in a relationship helps them to get their lives in order. For these people, relationships are based on people going out of their way to help each other.
♎︎Libra / Venus (Night Chart) in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to see other people as a threat to one’s own identity. There is an innate desire to harmonize with others but this desire can turn on them and lead them to do the exact opposite of this... to rebel. Libra is in its natural house here. However, these people may often forget that they have a role in the relationship that is other than receiving. They may perceive the relationship to be all about them and what the partner does to support and balance them while they maintain complete freedom to go off and do their own thing. Even a slight imbalance in the partnership may cause these people to give up on the relationship and go into another one. These people are attracted to good looking and peaceful people. Interactions with others often have a flirtatious vibe. They tend to think people fall in love with them easily when they also get easily attracted to people. Being in a relationship allows them to be in a more peaceful and comfortable mood. 
♏︎Scorpio / Pluto in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to be too intimate with other people from the get-go. Relationships are bound to be deep, intense, powerful, and profoundly intimate. They are all-in when they are in love with someone, sometimes to the point of obsession. With every partner who comes into their lives, they go through a deep transformation. Ending a relationship may feel like the end of the world until they construct another world with someone else. They may find that they attract partners that have depths of intimacy which can get scary sometimes. They are also very possessive over the ones they fancy to the point of losing themselves in the agony of jealousy. In their interactions with other people, they like to bring up the most hidden parts about themselves just to test what they would think about it. They are very attracted to people who are more on the mysterious side and who scream sexual energy. They like to dive deep into things they do not understand. A complicated personality is their ideal partner which can turn toxic real quick. They often confuse lust with love and form deep connections with people they should avoid.  
♐︎Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to try to out-do other people right from the start. They are usually attracted to people who give off the vibe that they do not have a care in the world. Even though they are very easy to form relationships they are mostly attracted to those who are “out of their league” or who play hard to get. They view relationships as a way to prove themselves to themselves... They learn a lot through partnerships since mind-expanding conversations is a way of flirting. Being in a relationship puts them in a good mood but they prefer to keep the emotional aspect of things light. They love to explore and be adventurous…and they love it, even more, when they have a partner on their side to experience this journey. Interacting with other people gives them very high dosages of energy. They enjoy studying other people’s motives and giving them advice about their lives even if it is none of their business. 
♑︎Capricorn / Saturn in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to feel undeserving of the person in front of you’s attention. Interacting with other people causes great anxiety which makes these people come across awkward. But when they work on themselves and push themselves out of their comfort zones they are masters at bonding with people. When they learn their Saturn lessons they are great at dealing with people and usually influence them a lot. These people tend to be attracted to those who remind them of their father or a dominant parent figure. They find ambition to be highly attractive. They are also very careful with who they pick as a partner. If they jump into a relationship too quickly it can cause great distress. Taking their time in partnerships is important for these people. A relationship should be built on solid ground - a tower moment is something hard for them to get over. When they are in a relationship they feel like they have a purpose (which should not be necessary). They take relationships very seriously. 
♒︎Aquarius / Uranus in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to try to play it cool and look unbothered when encountering people. These people tend to fall in love with people who are aloof and interesting. There is also this theme of falling for friends or friend-zoning people once they learn that they like them back. Yes. They usually love the game more than the player - meaning the thrill of the chase is what gets them going in romance. When interacting with other people they come across very friendly and they also view everybody as their friend, so when they are hurt by someone who is just an acquaintance it feels like a betrayal from a close friend. A relationship for them should be based on a very close friendship and once they are in love with someone that person becomes their whole World, and they expect the same in return. When they are in a relationship, they embrace their weird sides and be more bold about expressing themselves with someone who has accepted them as who they are on their side. 
♓︎Pisces / Neptune in the 7th House:
There is a tendency to lose oneself in other people’s ideals. The boundaries are very blurred between the individual and other people. They are huge people-pleasers and want to meet up to other people’s expectations. The good side is they are very capable of overcoming obstacles - the downside is they only do it when someone else asks for it. They are attracted to people who move them in a spiritual way. They like the idea of having a soul-mate. There is magic to this position and the greatest potential for a fairytale ending is hidden here, if only there is enough faith and devotion to reach this destination coming from both sides. These people dedicate their lives to others and lose their selves. Being in a relationship makes them feel like they are living in a dream, they have to watch out for the warning signs though since the dream can turn into a nightmare and they would only realize it after they wake up from it - if they ever can. 
(Art: “Venus and Adonis” by Charles-Joseph Natoire)
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direnightshade · 4 years
Devil I Know / Chpt. 2
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Cast out of the Royal House of Alderaan by his own hand, having turned his back on the Church of the Jedi in favor of the Church of the Sith, Kylo falls deeper into the seduction of the dark side and bends further to Snoke’s will. But when word comes of a successor, one adopted into the Royal Family to carry on the lineage, Kylo comes forward to stake his rightful claim to the throne.
Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping Template Credit: supcuppie
Just as a reminder, the Force is still in play within this realm (as are some of the creatures), but everything else will remain your typical Medieval AU. As always, you can find this over on AO3.
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It’s as if you’re watching in slow motion; Kylo’s blood spattered face takes in the sight of you, his eyes dancing among you, Luke, and Leia with a fiery intensity unlike anything you’ve ever seen. His sword is drawn, prepared to strike at anyone or anything who may get in the way of what he’s come here to do. Though you’re unable to see the rise and fall of his chest from beneath the armor, you can see the way he breathes heavily, the labored breaths from his fight puffing out his cheeks only slightly with each exhale, his lower jaw jutted out ever so slightly as if to emphasize his anger.
“You are not welcome here,” Leia’s voice booms from behind you. Even when faced with her own son, who’s tales of vengeance are whispered both wide and far, she stands steadfast, unshaken, and prepared to protect her kingdom at whatever cost.
You think, given that Sir Ren had left of his own volition, he would have been prepared for such a statement. What you find, however, is not what you expect. Even through the blood and the anger, you can see it, the slight way in which he’s taken aback; the breath that he inhales is sharp, his eyes widening only a fraction, but still you can see how his face changes just enough. You wonder if anyone else has noticed.
Still, he does not sheath his sword, instead, continuing to hold it at the ready as he advances towards his mother, and towards you. “I’ve come to take what is rightfully mine,” he proclaims, the bitterness and disdain evident in his voice.
“You cannot have it,” you interject, surprising even yourself when you speak out of turn.
Kylo’s gaze shifts from Leia to where you stand, his upper lip curling into a sneer. The hand that holds his sword lifts to point its sharpened tip in your direction, causing you to take an involuntary step back. “Because of you.” The venomous tone that laces his voice is enough to send a shiver running along your spine and your breath to hitch in the base of your throat. “You’re the one they pilfered from the streets, stole you away to make a suitable replacement.”
Your brows crease, resentment at his words rapidly growing within you. “They’ve done no such thing,” you bite out just as harshly. You were adopted, yes, but certainly not pilfered. The Leia that you’ve grown to know has never been anything but kind, caring, and loving to you. Luke, as standoffish as he has always been, still cared in his own right, and deep down you have always known that.
“You’re nothing. You come from nothing. That’s all you will ever be.”
“Says the one who turned his back on his family.” You’re quick to strike back, disregarding the reddening of his face, the heaviness in which he breathes, and the silent way he seethes at your words. This day may be your last, but should that be, at least you will not have gone down without some semblance of a fight.
He takes two quick strides in your direction, nearly closing the distance between you entirely when he does so. Rage radiates off him in waves, and you swear that you can sense just how palpable it is. “You know nothing of what’s happened in this family. Only what these heathens wish for you to believe!”
“Ben.” Leia’s voice rings out, causing Kylo’s gaze to immediately snap to where she stands near the throne. “Don’t do this.”
It’s a plea, and yet it’s spoken like a demand. Kylo’s jaw works, lips pulling into his mouth only slightly as he swallows, sheathing the sword in its holster. There’s a visible relaxation in Leia’s stance, her shoulders slumping only slightly once the sword has been put away. It’s a loss of tension that lasts only seconds.
Kylo is quick to close the gap that separates the two of you, one hand winding around your waist, the other at your throat as he spins you to press your back up against the chest plate of his armor. There’s a collective gasp that resounds throughout the room, and both Luke and Leia cry out for Kylo to release you, though neither make a move to stop the events from unfolding further.
They know that if they do, Kylo will undoubtedly use the Force against them.
For each step that Kylo takes backwards, Leia steps towards the two of you, her hand outstretched, silently willing her son to put an end to his madness. It isn’t until Luke makes the grave mistake of stepping forward to rush at both you and Kylo that his nephew pulls his hand away from your throat to extend it outward, sending the force outward from his palm to stop Luke in his tracks. Kylo lifts his uncle easily while still holding you close, his hand whipping to the right to send Luke flying across the Great Hall.
“Don’t bother sending anyone for her,” he sneers at his own mother now, hand now lowering to his side as he continues his steps back to the entrance of the hall. “If you do, she’s as good as dead.”
They know now what he wants, and that alone is good enough for him for the time being. Opting to use you like the precious bargaining chip that you are, he pulls you from the Great Hall, flailing limbs and all, dragging you out to where his steed has awaited his return. The horse gives a hearty huff at your flagrant behavior, side-stepping only minutely when Kylo sets your feet back down onto the ground, keeping on arm around your waist to prevent you from running from him. 
“Get up,” he directs, his tone clipped while he gives a sharp nod of his head in the direction of the horse.
A scoff sounds, a single brow raised when your head shakes from side to side. “No.”
Kylo’s nostrils flare, anger flashing in his eyes at your defiance. He leaves no room for debate, his hands finding your waist to hoist you up and onto the steed despite all of the protests that fly out of your mouth the moment that he lays his hands on you. He can see it, the way your mind reels with possible escape scenarios as soon as he’s got you seated atop the horse. “I wouldn’t attempt it,” he says dryly just before he hauls himself up to sit directly behind you.
You merely huff in response, and Kylo reaches around you to grasp the reigns, giving the horse a swift kick to get it going, the animal stepping putting one foot in front of the other to break out into a run as it carries you away from the only place you’d ever known as your home. He doesn’t stop you when you turn your head to watch over his shoulder as the castle disappears further and further from view until you’re left with nothing but the forests surrounding the mountainous region of Alderaan. Only then do you turn back to watch the trees pass you as the horse finally slows to a slow walk, Kylo having decided that the two of you are far enough away that, for the time being, you’ve eluded any unwanted retaliation for what’s just occurred back at the castle.
“You won’t get away with this, you know.”
Your words are merely met with a grunt, his focus solely on where you’re headed and certainly not on the words you’ve spoken to him. He cares not what’s on your mind or falling from your lips. His only interest is keeping you alive and utilizing you to his advantage until his demands are met. He knows it will only be a matter of time until Leia caves. The woman may be many things, but she most certainly is a wistful spirit, she’ll want her son back home one way or another, and she’ll want you returned as well.
It’s nearly nightfall by the time that Kylo has decided that the two of you will end your journey for the night, and by now, your back has begun to ache from the metal of his chest plate, the backs of your thighs sore from riding atop the steed for the majority of the day. It’s near a babbling brook where the horse comes to a stop, the sky overhead purpling atop the forest’s canopy. Kylo helps you wordlessly off of the horse first, and much to his dismay, the second that your feet touch the leaf-covered ground, you dart away from both him and the horse towards the direction in which you’ve come.
He curses the weight of the armor when he slides from the horse, and though he knows he would be no match for a foot race given the current heft of what he wears, the Force is on his side. Kylo steps forward, long strides carrying him in the same direction that you’ve headed, his hand lifting up and arm outstretched as to grab you. He places his focus on your form as you continue to run, utilizing the Force to halt you in your tracks. There are no screams, no cries; there is only silence as you find yourself unable to move or speak, only your eyes darting frantically around to watch your surroundings as you hear the heavy footsteps that Kylo takes behind you, the sound growing closer with each step.
It isn’t until his arm winds around your waist again that he breaks the Force’s connection, sending one final surge to effectively knock you unconscious. When your body falls limply towards the ground, he’s there to catch you, lifting you up into his arms to carry you back to where the horse remains like the loyal beast it is. Gingerly, he sets you down, propping you up against one of the many trees that make up this forest before turning away to get the night’s camp set up.
He knows it won’t be long until the forest will be plunged into darkness and you will rouse from what he’s done. Until then, he’ll utilize this time wisely to get a fire started and a meal caught and prepared prior to your awakening.
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Tagging my fellow Kylo lovers!
@mind-p0llution @demurepetals @empress-ofdesire @exit-goat @candycanes19 @gurl-ly @safarigirlsp @little-laamb @holacherrycola90 @duty-isnt-always-honour @aloneandsleepless @caelum-phyriina-vermillon
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, give me a shout!
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
I'm having a worse than usual day, so my go to moodlift method is making up headcanons for Dick that don't involve superheroing. You know, the romantic hero, the 'most eligible bachelor' aspect.. gets the focus. Because hey plenty of us had a crush on him growing up. Just for fun, I wanna ask you, do you think he's a slow burn romance kinda guy or intense fiery passionate romance from the get go kinda guy? One more, the age old question, is HE an ass guy or a tiddy guy? Imo he's a thigh guy..
Sorry you’re having a crap day, and uh, hope this didn’t end up not fun, I got lost in the headcanoning and character analysis and zigged and zagged per usual, so……I do not trust my ability to tell, overall. LMAO. But good question, made me think!
I think it depends on the person. I feel like Dick is capable of both, that sometimes feelings just creep up on him for someone over time, but other times he’s just drawn to someone instantly. For me, Babs and Kory is the proof - the instant crush on Babs from day one is more of a Reboot introduction to their dynamic…..in various older continuities, she was more a rival at first. Even as he advocated for Bruce to help train her and not stop her from being Batgirl at sometimes, he still very much was competitive with her, that sort of thing. You could argue it was the schoolboy kinda crush, that idea of a boy pulling the pigtails of a girl he likes because he doesn’t know how to admit he likes her or even realizes himself that he does. But personally, I find that explanation doesn’t really fit Dick, as its more fitting to someone who lacked his early maturity.
The thing is, a lot of people tend to focus on some of Dick’s more immature behaviors and actions, as a grown man and back when he was Robin with the puns and seeming innocence, and just see it as innocence and immaturity…..but I’ve always seen it as a coping mechanism. Dick grew up fast at a very early age, as much as Bruce himself did - they just coped with it in very different ways. People emphasize that Bruce took him in partly to keep Dick from turning out like he did, but they often forget at the same time that Bruce also took Dick in because he empathized with him, saw himself and his own tragedy reflected in Dick’s. Life-altering events had already happened to Dick before he ever set foot in Wayne Manor…..and Dick was altered. He was painfully aware of how cruel life could be, how serious things were, before Bruce ever actually had any ability to halt that realization from ever touching Dick.
The difference between Bruce and Dick and how they turned out, is that with Bruce’s support in those early years, Dick willfully clung to as much of his childhood as was left to him, even if at times it was the ‘fake it until you make it’ mentality. Many of his more immature behaviors are IMO a spiteful defiance of life’s attempt to make him grow up before he should have had to….and Bruce encouraged these things, IMO. He gave Dick the support and shelter, the buffer that allowed Dick to act immature even in the face of gravely serious and dark issues, because quite frankly, Dick cracking puns even while they were face to face with a life-threatening danger is probably a healthier coping mechanism than any Bruce had at the same age, at least in Bruce’s eyes if nothing else. 
But my point is, Dick’s youthful optimism and cheeriness even in the darkest parts of growing up Robin in Gotham City….none of that existed because Dick was truly childish and immature as befitted his actual age, thanks to Bruce taking him in and guiding him to turn out better than he did or whatever that line of thought might look like…..rather, it existed because Dick made the willful and deliberate choice to act as much the child as he could for as long as he could…..and I think that in the early years when things were really good between them and they were largely on the same page, Bruce recognized this choice for what it was, this defiance to the cards life had dealt Dick, and he encouraged and defended Dick’s ability to make this choice and act this way.
But you can’t see the kind of things all the Robins saw and actually be as immature and goofy as Dick acted as Robin, untouched by all of that. Dick was right there in the thick of it all along. How can you avoid being touched by Gotham’s darkness, seeing Gotham’s darkness, when you’re punching it right in the face, you know? You can’t. But what you can do, if you choose to, and which is what Dick chose to do….is not give it the satisfaction of knowing it touched you. The real testament of how mature Dick was or not as a young crime-fighting Robin, how aware he was or not of the grim realities of life, was not in how he acted when face to face with villains and criminals, but rather, how he acted when face to face with their victims. THAT’S where the reality of Dick’s maturity shined through, even LONG before he met Barbara in any canon.
Which is how this tangent brings us back to topic, lol….a schoolboy crush being the explanation for some of Dick’s earlier pettiness with Barbara and their rivalry at times, like, just doesn’t track with Dick’s actual maturity, IMO. The actual more likely explanation as I see it is that Dick did genuinely clash with her at times, in the very early years, that his initial attitudes were a confused mish-mash of feeling threatened by her and her possibly getting between him and Bruce, the partnership that was in all but name his unique form of father-son bonding time….but also at the same time still being Dick Grayson and feeling compelled to do the right thing and respect and thus defend her being given the same chance and training he’d been given, to do what they both felt needed doing, that they were driven to do.
So I don’t think he and Babs were instant friends, and I don’t think she was his instant crush….I think it was slowburn with her, he gradually grew to develop feelings for her over time, as his respect for her mind and capabilities grew to outweigh whatever conflicting emotions he felt about her being around, and then eventually blossomed into actual love.
Then in contrast, you have Kory. And I think Dick was instantly attracted to her from the get-go, and their relationship was the very epitome of intense passionate romance and all the ups and downs that go along with it, as befits too of the most primal and passionate people in the DC universe. Dick was drawn to her pretty much from day one, and Kory was as well, and it wasn’t an opposites attract thing so much as two beings resonating on the same wavelength, even if at times from different parts of the same spectrum. 
Because here’s the thing about Dick that I think links the two kinds of relationships and makes them both fitting for him…..he is very much a creature of instincts. He goes with his gut, he responds to things on an automatic and visceral level. But at the same time, the other truth about Dick is that his mind is no less exceptional than anyone else’s in the Batfamily, and his instincts are guided by a hell of a lot more intellect and processing power than most peoples’ are. He’s been trained from the time he could walk, even long before he met Bruce, to have exceptional situational awareness, to adapt to changes in his environment and predicaments with a moment’s notice, to take in every possible relevant detail at a glance when the stakes are literally those of leaping off a high trapeze. Dick trusts his instincts, because Dick’s instincts are exceptional, and with reason.
And this applies to every part of his life, not just the superhero parts. So when Dick feels drawn to someone like Kory, I think he trusts his gut and goes with it….he might not necessarily even know yet on a conscious level why he’s attracted to them and they’re someone he could really fall for and have a relationship with, he just knows that he does feel that way, and trusts that its for a reason. And then at the same time, with someone like Barbara, he likely had those same instincts about her, leading to the times he defends her to Bruce even though he might have clashed with her just minutes before, but he knows there’s a reason for him to do that, act that way, even if it takes much longer for that to transition from a mere possibility of actual compatibility to conscious feelings of actual attraction and love. 
Its all instinct to him either way….but the person he’s instinctively reacting to has the definitive role in whether or not its slowburn or instant passionate attraction….because the other deep truth about him that I feel is relevant here is that Dick feeds off other people, their energy, what they show him and give him to work with….and his instinct is usually to meet them in kind, give the same energy back, unless say, he makes the conscious decision to override his instincts and power through an antagonistic reception and try and forge a positive bond, like with building his sibling dynamic and mentorship of Damian.
But in regards to his romances, as I said, I think the same instincts might be in play with both Barbara and Kory, but it played out very differently because Babs wasn’t initially drawn to him, not in that way at least. She wasn’t putting forth a romantic energy, and so it took awhile for Dick’s own romantic feelings to emerge and for them to finally be reciprocated in time. In contrast, it was hot and fiery from day one with Kory, because Kory was drawn to him from day one as much as Dick was to her, so there was nothing to slow down or stop those instincts from transforming into attraction and romantic feelings from the second he felt them.
As to the rest of your ask, lololol, sorry to be a cop out, but I don’t think there is a specific physical draw for Dick. I’ve always headcanoned him as bi, which is a bit of projection on my part, sure, but also I just genuinely don’t think gender or even physicality at all has anything to do with what draws to a person, or makes him attracted to them. Yeah, sure, I think he absolutely has physical attributes he loves and might put forth as their best attribute for any partner he’s with, but I think its different with each person because Dick is all about individuality….not just with himself and his own independence, but just….people aren’t interchangeable for him. At any level, I think. 
Every person who’s important to him is uniquely distinct in his mind, and I think with his romantic partners, this results in him liking something distinct about them physically, that separates them in his mind from any other partners he’s had. Because I don’t think its physical appearance that’s Dick’s primary source of attraction with his partners….he’s attracted to them first, and then he settles on something physical that’s uniquely attractive to him as well, that’s different in his mind from anyone else.
Because I think the thing that draws Dick to people in all forms of his relationships, but is particularly true and evident in his romantic partners…..is Dick is both drawn and attracted to competence, skill, power, intellect….all the things that make someone hardy. Durable. A survivor in the context of the world of superheroics that he lives in, specifically.
He’s drawn to people he feels he’s less likely to lose. And he’s attracted to people that this is equally true of, and even moreso, to the degree where he doesn’t feel any need to protect them….not because he doesn’t want to, but because it isn’t relevant. He feels and trusts that they’re more than capable of protecting themselves just as well if not better than he ever could.
And he knows better than anyone that nothing’s a guarantee, and even as he surrounds himself with family and friends and romantic partners that all have in common the fact that they’re incredibly skilled, capable and powerful…enduring…..he still knows that doesn’t mean he can’t lose them, that he won’t lose them. And thus IMO they all wind up in distinct categories in his mind.
His family, he’d kill for. His friends, he’d die for. And his romantic partners, the thing that makes him attracted to them, rather than just drawn to them, are those that he has no doubt would kick his ass for ever presuming to do either of those things for them, because they’re more than capable of taking care of themselves, thanks ever so much. He’s attracted to people he feels safe around, in the sense that he’s not always on guard, always worried about losing them, because he trusts in their ability to endure, survive, and thrive. And that he also can relax around, in the sense that he’s not always feeling like its on him to protect them, defend them, that he has to be always to be on guard or watching out for…because its not his job to protect them and it doesn’t have to be, because there’s nothing he can do for them that they can’t do for themselves and wouldn’t prefer to be left to them. And thus with them he can just…be.
Dick Grayson IMO is attracted to one type of person and one type only: his equals in body, mind and spirit. The ones he can stand beside and not feel dwarfed by or lost in their shadow, and at the same time never have to look back to make sure they’re following him because he knows they’re right there next to him keeping up. He’s attracted to those who challenge him, intellectually, emotionally, that he respects on every level, but who respect him on every level too…..with this part being especially key, and the problem he’s had in his canon relationships - they ONLY fall apart on his end of things, make him lose faith in the relationship, when he feels disrespected, that they’re not valuing him or his capabilities or contributions. 
Dick KNOWS his own worth, which is why he’s such a unique blend of confidence and insecurity….he can weather a whole society of people looking down on him because he knows their opinion doesn’t mean shit to him, but still be stricken with insecurity when he feels someone whose opinion he DOES value, like a romantic partner, family or friend, seems to question his worth or what he’s capable of. 
Dick and Kory are my preferred canon relationship because when they’re ALLOWED to work without editorial mandate to break them up or keep them apart, they embody this most fully for me. Because Kory is massively more powerful than Dick, but never regarded Dick as anything other than her equal in the field in spite of that. There was no question that they both regarded each other as fellow warrior spirits that they trusted to have their back in battle above all others. Kory and Dick work so well for me, because with everything else I said kept in mind, they SHOULDN’T work, not as total equals, and yet they DO. There SHOULD be a power imbalance there, and yet there never was. Not one that was felt, anyway, and not one that was ever in any way responsible for any of their romantic problems. Their issues were disagreements born of competing ideologies….but that both felt equally strongly about. Or issues of trust but only that were externally imposed by brainwashing and shapeshifting and bad shitty writing and editorial mandate that I’ll be ranting about on my deathbed. 
Anyway, enough rhapsodizing about Dick and Kory, lol, like that’s anything new. I mean, I could insert rhapsodizing about the potential for Dick and Kyle based on all of the above and other reasons, but that’s nothing new either. And also, whoops, this got super fucking long.
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themasterofcider · 6 years
Reasons to Ship Markus & North (Marth/Norkus) 4.2
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Markus Reawakened North's Fire (CONT)
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The start of the freedom march sees some interesting characterization for North. In this moment it is as if she has swapped roles with Simon. This was clearly not her idea, and she's terrified. She pleads with Markus to not do things this way and drops her head when she understands that he's going to go through with the plan regardless. At first this baffled me. North rarely shows this level of cowardice. Initially it felt out of character, but it actually may not be. I mentioned her just now becoming actualized and owning her feelings. It makes perfect sense that she would be nervous about not only dying herself and losing touch with those emotions, but having her people die too. If we come at the scene from this perspective, then her caution makes a lot of sense. There's logic behind it from the way she wants to handle the situation. She wants to fight, because she saw how effectively it worked (or how ineffective peace was) at Capitol Park. In her mind a peaceful march makes little sense, as it's not a language humans understand. It could lead to everyone getting slaughtered for no reason. We then have God Droid summoning his fellow androids with something as small as a glance, and none of them question him. North and the other advisors witness this firsthand. Suddenly the police show up to assault unarmed, peaceful protestors. Markus is faced with a choice. To either fight, flee, or stand his ground. North urges him to fight. She knows they have greater numbers and can win if they choose to face them. She is quite forward about this. There's an eager, nervous confidence to her as she speaks. She believes this is the best choice. It would mean less death for her people and would teach the humans a vital lesson. Should Markus go through with the more aggressive option there's a huge battle, in which North is a skilled, eager participant. She's kicking the hell out of their rivals, beating them with nightsticks, and firing rifles as well as pistols. She even  has a powerful moment where she fights directly alongside Markus. She also helps him up, should he take a bullet for her. I don't believe North needs Markus to be successful in combat (we see her picking up the slack numerous times should you as a player screw up), but I do think she feels much more energized doing so. They're fighting back to back, surrounded by three or four enemies, and together they still win. The odds are against them, but through sheer morale and determination they pull through. Briefly looking back at the situation in Capitol Park we know North loves fighting back, and she loves the validation Markus gives her when he chooses to do the same. Getting the chance to fight directly beside the person who understands you and inspires you would make anyone feel like they could take on the world. This is no doubt what North is experiencing. We can see this after she helps him to his feet. They hold each other's gazes for a moment. From her expression (and relationship meter) she's both touched and surprised that he would risk injury for her. She's in the middle of battle with the opportunity to get back at the humans but stops for several seconds to admire Markus. For someone so focused to do this, one can tell how impactful this man is. When the police flee there's an option to shoot or spare them. If you shoot, North jumps in, following Markus' example. Seeing the humans defeated everyone drops their weapons to examine the battlefield. The androids lost several, but they won. It's just as North predicted. They could take the humans, and they did. Her fiery, soldier spirit has once again been vindicated. As such, she has no reason or desire to back down from her position.
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Jericho squad is in the captain's quarters discussing the effects of the march. There are serious repercussions for fighting, and everyone is fearing for their people's lives. Josh is understandably furious with Markus, and once again Simon mediates. North agrees with him, and doesn't want to dwell on the past. She's ready to move forward. In order to do this she encourages Markus to guide them. This is a pivotal moment in the game for North's character. If the player has messed up too many times, North takes control and the three kick Markus out. If the player has done well, you have her support, and everyone has no issues leaving you in charge. North is a fully fledged warrior at this point. She's acknowledged her past, is motivated, and isn't afraid to fight for what she wants. The narrative has told you not to make too many errors, or she will show you what she can do when inspired. All this is due to Markus. Good or bad. If he hadn't have shown up, she wouldn't have been moved to action. Thankfully this strong soldier still more than approves of Markus' leadership and allows him to make the choice. He has done so much good, and made everyone more spirited. She has no reason to doubt him even when things look bleak. If your next move is to talk to the humans North does her old avert gaze maneuver and pleads with Markus not to do this, because she feels that he will get killed. He's her inspiration and everyone's hero. Of course she doesn't want anything to happen to him. He means a lot to her. When Simon and Josh dismiss themselves  North affirms this. "Since you've been here you've given us hope. You've given me hope." That quote encompasses this entire post. It's so sweet, open, and loving. Those words hit me right in the heart. It also proves the effect he had on her. Becoming a bit more serious North hands Markus a bomb. She could have kept it for herself, since her judgment is second best in Jericho. She doesn't, however. She gives the detonator to Markus and lets him decide if such measures are necessary. Some people may read this as her being unnecessarily cruel, but it's not. This is a worst case scenario usage only. It is also in order to protect her people. This is a war now, and in order to win a war you have to do what you must to win. Meaning I take the detonator just in case. After that North bears her heart to him. She tells him she's glad they met, and the two share their memories as well as a kiss. Shortly after North also departs . She pauses to let him know she doesn't want to lose him then is gone. Her body language and tone of voice in this scene are so telling. We know emotions have been something that she's kept deep within her. The fact that she steps closer to him before speaking emphasizes how much she trusts him and how much she's changed. She looks down again but not out of fear or in an attempt to close herself off. She's preparing to talk, to open herself up about not just how she feels but what her fears are as well. She doesn't want to lose this man. It would tear her apart to witness the death of the one who gave her the courage to be who she truly is. She lets him share memories with her once more, knowing the heavy impact it had on her the last time. What made her run away before now keeps her there. She has accepted the strength of feelings he brings out in her, and is willing to let him know her in the most intimate manner. When she's leaving she does it in such a slow, almost pained way. She stops to look at him once more. She doesn't want to be apart from him. She knows this could be one of the last times they're together, and the thought is killing her. If Markus dies she loses a friend, a supporter, a source of hope, and a lover. She's not ready to let go of someone who motivated her so intensely.
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Jericho is attacked, and while fleeing Marth/Norkus run into each other. North is understandably panicked. From the way she speaks, it's clear she has her own plan, but she puts her trust in Markus by letting him make the choice. She doesn't like the idea of him risking his life to blow up the ship. From the alarmed tone of voice as well as the look in her eyes, she wants him to reconsider. Her ideal is to have him flee with her and Connor. We have to remember this is a chance to save some of the other androids from being killed. North knows this, but doesn't think it's worth it for Markus to risk his life. This means she could potentially end up losing Simon and Josh as well. I wouldn't say this is an honorable moment for her, but it is one that shows how deeply she cares for Markus. He's done a lot for her and everyone else that the thought of him dying is more painful than the thought of losing some of her people. The team regroups, and North is the first to notice Markus' return. She gives him a small, relieved smile before turning and running with the others. For some reason North pauses then gets shot. North doesn’t cry or plead for her life even with Simon encouraging Markus to leave her behind. She may not want to die, but she knows that if nothing else Markus needs to be protected. If she has to lose her life for him to continue helping others so be it. Luckily for her I don’t believe the android leader is the type to ever abandon a friend, so he rushes in to save her. They fight in tandem once again, harkening back to the freedom march and Capitol Park. Injured or not, North still gives it all she has. She is feeling well supported by Markus, and the extra assistance enables her to keep up the battle until their enemies are defeated. Connor covers them, and the five manage to escape safely. This is another one of those scenes that had me scratching my head in regards to North’s characterization. I’m not surprised that she would value Markus over everyone else. He is the soul of the revolution after all, but fact that she wouldn’t insist to go with him when this was a chance to save their people and provide him backup is just odd. It’s not like her her. Based on everything we’ve seen it doesn’t make sense. We know she’s more than capable of a fighter and puts her people’s safety way over hers. Then for some reason she stops running when bullets are flying. I could try to logic it out and say she was waiting for Markus, but I don’t really think that’s the case. Aside from the writers wanting an excuse to have North be rescued by Markus I can’t see why they’d have her behave this way. She’s not a damsel in distress, and it’s too far along in the story for her to be a coward due to emotional sensitivity based on how they’ve developed her so far. This was character regression for the sake of drama, and I’m disappointed with it.
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In the aftermath of the destruction the remaining androids take shelter in an abandoned church. North is sitting alone. Silently pondering the events that have transpired over the past few hours. She's pensive but not defeated. She's alive, Markus is alive, and not everyone is dead. This woman has every reason to feel confident. More so when you consider that what her leader did was not in line with a pacifist regime. When we examine their discussion we get several, very telling verbal and non-verbal cues that confirm North's state of mind. From the moment Markus decides to sit beside her, North's eyes are on him. She's no longer deep in thought. In fact, North appears almost relieved that he asked how she was. She gives him a little smile as she affirms that she's fine overall. She gently scolds him about going back for her. She's happy to be alive, but he very well could have died. In an ironic twist, he actually breaks eye contact with her. This alone tells me how deeply North's words resonated with him. This is a serious, impactful thing to mention, but North doesn't turn away. She's now okay with facing the risks that having deep, emotional conversations entail. It's a little extra special that she gets to share this development with Markus as he's the one that gave her the strength to fight in the first place. Maybe him being beside her is affording her the confidence to have this discussion as well. This is supported by her telling him to prioritize the many over her. North truly is okay dying for the greater good, because at least her death would've helped change something. It's slightly different to how she was in earlier chapters. She has always been a proponent of her people, but facing her own death was slightly harder. Now we know she's absolutely unafraid of passing on. She also attributes the survival of the remaining androids to Markus' quick thinking with the explosives. To her the cause is still alive and well. Markus' actions have given her not only the numbers but the morale to keep their fight for equality going. This is very late in the game, but he can still be an inspiration to his actualized girlfriend. They mention the androids being rounded up in camps. North looks down for a moment, seemingly sad for those who were captured. She doesn't even flinch as she talks about the potential of every android dying. Her head is high and, she's staring her leader directly in the eye. She's okay with meeting her end, so long as she goes down trying to make a change. She tells Markus that he has to make a choice, and that she will support him regardless. For someone who also has the qualities of being a leader to allow someone else to make the decision on her fate - and the fate of everyone else like her - requires trust, respect, and humility. Markus has yet to steer them wrong, and she believes he won't anytime soon. With him at her side she is ready and willing to do whatever she must. He just needs to give the order. In a very tender moment she tells him she loves him, they do their precious hand connection, and Markus gets up to rally his people. This whole time North is watching him. She's waiting for his words as much as everyone else. The other androids may have survived, but they need guidance now. What happened was no doubt frightening. At this point only Markus' words can give them the comfort and motivation they need to carry on. Markus is truly something special. When I first watched this scene I wondered my Markus didn't tell North he loved her back, but I thought about it more as time passed. He doesn't need to say words to do this. He reaches for her hand to express his emotion in a physical way that only androids can. The other reason, is to make this moment bigger for North. We've seen her run from such intimacy in the past and suppress her feelings. The fact that she is able to admit this so calmly and with such certainty emphasizes the Markus affect even more. He really helped bring out so much of this woman. It's incredible.
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Long live the revolution! Our heroes charge the camp, taking out all who stand in their way. Markus slams their flag into a barrier. As the four Jericho leaders step forward they stare down the opposition. With guns drawn and an unwavering gaze North speaks first. "Freedom or death." She’s ready to fight until the very last android is dead. Or until her people are freed. There is no hesitance or fear in her now. Only raw determination. When Markus echoes her words it is as if he is seeking assurance from her now. This is a small but important role reversal. Markus not only confirms that her stance is right, but it’s a sign that North has elevated to the point of being able to uplift the one who gave her the inspiration to be standing there now. When Markus gives the command they rush into battle under a barrage of gunfire and explosions. The Jericho quartet goes for cover immediately. North is reasonably shaken. She is aware of the odds, but Markus' plan of overwhelming their rivals gives her the push she needs to keep believing. "We're gonna do this. We're gonna get to that fucking camp, and free our people." She's assuring herself as much as Markus is. It’s very nice how they seem to be feeding off each other and keeping the morale up. If someone feels unconfident the other says or does something to erase the doubts. They are very much on even terms now. With his orders promising a success North jumps back into the fray. Simon and Josh eat lead, but she continues on bravely. Her group takes out the people operating the machine gun, and she announces that they're nearly there. She's much calmer than she was before. Clearly with each, little step her confidence grows. Justice is only a few feet away. Markus does some cool stunt with a rocket launcher, destroys a tank, and sends the humans fleeing. With their enemies in retreat, North turns to Markus in awe and announces that they won. She may have had hopes, but the reality causes her to simply stare in admiration.
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They did it. What remains of team Jericho have liberated their people from an extermination camp, and Connor has summoned an army. With such a victory  the humans must accept the changing times or perish for their defiance. The era of android equality has just begun. North is flanking Markus as he examines his new charges. She breathes and utters a line that embodies everything she is as a character. "We're free." Then she looks at him, wanting Markus to encourage the newly rescued androids. She wants him to speak to them in the same way he spoke to those broken, defeated souls inside Jericho. She wants him to ignite their spirits as well. He will, and she knows this. First, however he wants to take North in his arms, kiss her, share memories, and never let go. He has a job to do and professionalism to uphold as a leader, but he seeks solace and relief in her instead. A gesture North more than appreciates. She's looking deeply into his eyes, grinning almost the entirety of this scene, and basks in his love. When Markus does make his final, grand speech, North doesn't just smile. She beams. It's the happiest she's been in the whole game, and probably in her entire existence. Yes indeed, she's free. Free to fight, free to feel, free to love, and free to live. She is a person in every sense of the word. This woman opened her heart, confronted her past, fought hard for her rights, and is ready to begin her life. North would never have become actualized, never have become inspired, never have become human if this stranger with a wild imagination hadn't fallen into her life. If he hadn't spoken with charismatic, uplifting words that ignited the once quelled fire inside her. If he didn't take actions that shook her to her very soul. Without Markus she would still be sitting stone-faced on a crate, throwing a tennis ball between scavenging for spare parts. He gave her the motivation to be the dedicated, noble, courageous warrior that she kept buried deep within her.
If you’re interested in seeing 1-4.1 of my Marth/Norkus analyses click the link below:
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icedanceupstarts · 5 years
2018 GPF Recap
Wrapping up the Grand Prix Series before we head into Nationals Season! We were very excited to see this field and get some questions answered, and answered they were. Click through for more analysis of performances, momentum, trajectories, all as your mods try very hard not to say “I told you so”(But like, we told you so). As always, read fast before the links die!
Rhythm Dance
Sinitsina/Katsalapov opened the senior rhythm dance with their powerful, intricate tango that was our favorite of the event. They skate really close together, and very smoothly and cohesively, a towering testament to how far their partnering has come in four years.
This was not the first time they've struggled with levels on that rotational lift, cool as it is. They also received a level 2 at Skate Canada. It's a difficult, eye catching lift, but Nikita fell short of six rotations here, dropping the level to a 2. He's always been a somewhat shaky rotator, being especially notorious for messing up on his twizzles, though he's improved leaps and bounds there.  Sometimes a little shakiness creeps in, as it did here, but the rotation was smooth and confident a couple weeks ago at IdF. It's a really good lift, and well choreographed for the tango, so we really hope they can get their rotations consistent because we'd hate to see them take it out. Had they received a level 4, they would have been second in the rhythm dance, a point out of first.
Hawayek/Baker had a tough act to follow, but they performed admirably at their first GPF. This was a tough tech panel, so Hawayek/Baker managing to avoid getting basic calls on either section of the pattern for the first time this season is better than it appears. They've developed a really nice maturity in their fifth senior season that only emphasizes their natural musicality.
One thing we like about this tango is how it's choreographed so that the music for the step sequence increases in tempo as they go through the element. It's very difficult to portray the shift in expression and movement mid element, and it's an admirable challenge they've set for themselves. It might be a more climactic ending to their program than their lift, as nicely timed to the music as it is.
While they weren't as on fire as they were at NHK, Zagorski/Guerreiro still delivered a solid performance here at their first GPF. Considering the drama of his skates arriving late, they should feel proud of their decent skate here. With how long and complicated the tango romantica is, it's hard to get the keypoints in the second half if you miss your timing in the first section, so kudos there. They opened with great twizzles, fast and with lots of ice coverage. There's a nice warm tension between them throughout, and they make good use of their long lines to accent the music.
Bringing their usual drama but not their best tech were Stepanova/Bukin, who were a little disappointed by their fourth place finish in this segment. They opened with a strong set of twizzles that thankfully weren't the popular yet small sit twizzle variation they've been struggling to execute at a high level for several years. The ones they used here have much stronger ice coverage and got them off to a great start that carried through their midline step sequence, if unfortunately not their pattern. There have been complaints all season that levels don't matter-- well they did here. Getting just one key point is so crucial when the teams are this close, as the point loss between a level 1 and a base level is nearly three times as much as between a level 2 and a level 1. We really love this program, and their performance was still on point. They use her ridiculously long legs to great effect, and the intensity of their expression and their musicality is just perfect. We really hope they can bring the technical proficiency they showed at Helsinki at Nationals next week.
We were very interested to see what Hubbell/Donohue have been up to, as they've had the longest to prepare, and even more so after we heard of the changes they were making. The original version of their tango was going for something more subtle and tense, but the revamped version allows them to let loose and better utilize their power and amplitude. The tension of the first half could be a little better utilized for greater impact when it breaks and they go into their dynamic midline steps, but the changes definitely are a more natural fit for their powerful, dramatic skating style. There are still a few tweaks they could make to the transitions and overall feel, but they skated very well.
We'd say we weren't feeling a little smug about Guignard/Fabbri coming second in the rhythm dance, but we cannot tell a lie. They've been very technically strong and consistent all season, which as we pointed out would come more into play at GPF where the differences between PCS and GOE were smaller. With no music mishap to distract them or saddle them with a bogus music deduction they came in a strong second, ahead of the Russians(which, again, we previously noted was possible, and would have happened at Helsinki had it not been for the music issues). There's a real level of maturity and polish to them, and a confidence that many of their fellow competitors did not share. The tango suits them really well, and all their movements are precise, placed, and finished. They don't have quite the same level of speed and ice coverage as the other medal contenders and so had to be better in the other aspects of their skating to fight for a medal, and they did just that.
Free Dance
Hawayek/Baker may be a little disappointed with their placement here, but someone had to come #actuallylast, and they still performed extremely well, the best they have thus far this season. There's been some debate over whether this free dance is Hawayek/Baker's style, or Montreal style, and your mods would like to humbly put forward that it is both. The general style is the sort of light, emotional, lyrical genre that they've explored various aspects of over the past few years (Amelie, Romeo and Juliet, The Theory of Everything, Liebestraum, Liebestraum: Once More With Feeling), but in terms of choreography it's like Gadbois threw up on them. It feels a little like what would happen if you forced a bot to watch hours and hours of Montreal programs and then had it create one itself. Which is not to say it's a bad program-- the structuring is very nice, the elements are well integrated into the choreography, it builds well, and there are some really nice choreographic touches like his slide or their spread eagles. What we still struggle with is the interpretation. While this was their most engaged, expressive performance yet, it made the program more emotionally confusing and incoherent. They clearly love this program and their joy is infectious, but also a very odd choice with how mournful the lyrics are. We can't tell what the storyline is supposed to be or what they're trying to convey to us. It may be that they're interpreting the music rather than the lyrics, which is a valid choice, but then they need to take out the lyrics so we're not jarred out of the performance when the singer is going on about how their love is gone and he's lost and Kaitlin and Jean-Luc look downright ecstatic. But if you can get past that it's a gripping performance of a program suited to their style of skating.
Stepanova/Bukin gave a fiery performance but were unable to make up the gap. This was good but not the best they've performed it. We love this program and they definitely had the crowd going, but the entire time we couldn't help but feel like they'd skated this better in the past. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what was off. There was Ivan's twizzlol which cost them around two points, if not more, which would have at least gotten them a medal. Combined with their pattern issues from the rhythm dance and the tough break of skating in the first group for the free, several points were left on the table in a competition where absolutely every point and fraction of a point mattered. But Stepanova/Bukin have never been a team to wallow in disappointment, and just last season came back at Worlds (where we promise they didn’t flop!) after not getting the invite they needed for the Olympics with performances at the level of their personal bests set at a home Europeans. We fully expect to see them looking better than ever at Nationals, ready to fight like hell for their National title.
There are a lot of weird coincidences in skating, such as at least three different skaters using In This Shirt or Tokio Myer's Bloodstream, but two tall, leggy Russian teams in all black skating blues free dances back to back is further proof that the skating hivemind is real. With a smaller lead over Hawayek/Baker than they had at NHK, Zagorski/Guerreiro needed to substantially improve their execution of their free dance in order to place #notlast, and they rose to the occasion. It's still very much a work in progress, but this was their smoothest outing yet. Still some slight shakiness going into the opening combination lift, but the position is striking and perfect for the mood once they get into it, and the transition to the stationary portion was a lot smoother. They're such a tall, striking team, and this free dance does a lot to show off their lines and strong body shaping. We don't love this music but we love the way they interpret it. For the most part we just think this program needs further cleaning up, but we do take issue with the ending pose. It's certainly unique, but it's also a little wobbly and way more than a little weird. Surely there is a final pose they can find where it doesn't look like she's drunk and can't stand up.
Sinitsina/Katsalapov reminded everyone who assumed they'd slot neatly into Russia #2 without a fight that they beat Hubbell/Donohue in the free dance at Skate Canada and their Season's Best score going into this event was near identical to both Hubbell/Donohue and Stepanova/Bukin, and not to count them out. They've always been a couple with potential but it's really astonishing to see how far they've come, both in terms of actual skating and competitive mettle. Even hanging on through a slight loss of balance in their opening straight line lift. There is some great choreo through the first section (except okay why does Nikita stick his head in Vika's back while she flourishes her arms beautifully? the world may never know) if not the most exciting music choice. The last minute really picks up with some wild chaos in a way that makes us kind of wish the whole program was like that. Last season’s free dance was probably the best one of their partnership, but you know what, they fully commit to this program and it’s great to see them skating so well and looking happy with their performances.
Much like in the rhythm dance, we were eager to see the changes Hubbell/Donohue made to the free dance, and there certainly were changes. We're not quite sure how to feel about them yet simply because the program feels unfinished, in an inbetween stage. It's like the skating equivalent of a molting chicken. We think the more dramatic O, Verona piece is much better suited to their powerful skating, but you can definitely feel that the program has been hastily reworked. With the new more dramatic opening, we'd think a more climactic finish would tie things together and give the piece a stronger, defined storyline and emotional progression. As it is currently, it feels somewhat unfocused and meandering. Their basic skating quality is undeniably top notch, however, and they sold the program from the start.
As we may have mentioned the result here didn't surprise us, but what did was just how genuinely thrilled we were for Guignard/Fabbri. They've been dismissed and overlooked and underestimated for so long and have worked so hard for this result, and we couldn't be happier for them. We genuinely like this free dance too. It feels like a throwback in the best possible way, and the upbeat dancey section in the middle is so charming and refreshing. In an era where some argue that there's not enough acrobatic, obvious difficulty in lifts, Guignard/Fabbri give you no cause to complain, and just assume that we're always raving about their twizzle entry.
So this weekend generated some controversy as you have probably noticed! Honestly we're not sure we feel like bothering getting into it that much again. The new system has done Things to scoring! Some of them good, several bad, and some of them five point knee slides, which is to say ???!?!?!?? Time will tell as to how many of these actually last more than a season. We're just really not sure what more there is to say about it at this point. We are as always interested to see where ice dance goes from here, and what changes are made after this season, but also what happens at worlds where we suspect those levels will make or break it for several teams.
For the record, we don't actually think that Gadbois has some sort of strategy where they're purposefully ignoring levels. No coaching group has exactly been crushing it and Gadbois has always been a little stronger at picking up GOE than BV. With the upping of requirements for levels combined with smaller differences in levels and the new GOE system, it's led to this result. And the teams this weekend generally didn't bring their best tech, regardless of coaching group. One reason it would be foolish to ignore levels is that it's very easy for a level 1 on the pattern to turn into a Basic call, which is killer as Stepanova/Bukin learned. It's something a top team can get away with in weaker fields, sure, but if Hubbell/Donohue had gotten a B instead of a level 1 on the second half of their pattern, they could have been in big trouble. Stepanova/Bukin and Hubbell/Donohue both hit three key points and missed five, but missing all four on one side hurt Stepanova/Bukin more. Final standings could have looked different just changing a level or two rendering them Still Important, particularly in close fields, no matter the scoring.
We have expressed numerous objections to the scoring system this season, but we feel obligated to point out that while the champions winning with the lowest BV is less than ideal, the difference was three points. If you don't think a world medalist team would have been able to overcome a three point BV difference on the strength of their GOE and PCS in previous seasons, we have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Additionally, while we can't say that Hubbell/Donohue's free dance is one of our favorites of this season, or even this field, it's a position we're so often in that it doesn't even register at this point. Our tastes in programs and teams often run against the more popular opinions, if we declared a result illegitimate because we didn't personally care for a program, we'd have to throw out a lot of competitions. We're extremely used to analyzing and praising the strengths of teams and programs we'd cheerfully never watch again for the rest of our lives.
We're big fans of Stepanova/Bukin, and while we're disappointed for them, we thought the results were fair. And we’re not planning their funeral just yet, though we promise we do about the future of their career. This wouldn't be the first time fandom has declared a team over and prepared to dissect them and declare the exact cause of death only for the team in question to bolt upright on the table in the morgue, confused, full of life, and demanding to know why there are so many people hovering over them with scalpels. Sinitsina/Katsalapov's own career has been “over”, conservatively, at least six times over the past quad. We remember hearing very definitively that after they were put behind Zagorski/Guerreiro in the Nationals SD last season following more twizzle troubles that it was clear the Fed had dumped them for good and there was no point in them continuing. Now we're being told just as definitively that they're the Fed darlings because Nikita is an Olympic medalist(something which has been true for the past four years), so clearly someone here is confused. Additionally, we always thought it very possible that the top Russian team at GPF and the National Champion might not be same team, so the grieving strikes us as a little premature. It’s way too early to call, but we are very interested in how these storylines continue to play out through the rest of the season, and particularly how the new scoring system will continue to play out.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Black Pink: Lalisa Manoban (Brief Inner planet Natal Reading)
💕 I saw a photo of Lisa and I’m overwhelmed with love for her. This is new test for a different text-format/’theme’, unlike the ‘overview’ series I’m going to go through her chart one by one (w/o houses), looking at the planet and it’s aspects and the decan it’s in. We’ll see how it goes! 💕
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💕disclaimer: i’m no expert on astrology but these are my interpretations of the signs and how they’re working based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and studies in astrology, all interpretation and experiences within the realm is valid, however feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and the point of this post is to relate to someone, entertain and have a fun time, validate people with similar experiences and get people excited about the girls+ astrology. Also, since we don’t know their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
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Sun in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
I’ve already went ham into this with the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but I’ll give a brief reintroduction on this as well! 💕
Sun in Aries especially in the 1st Decan, exhibits traits that emphasizes their Arian nature- energetic, lively, uncomplicated and innovative. They’re often already on the move, most likely to get things done physically rather than wait on long-awaited plan or drawn-out emotional speech that would ‘inspire’ them. They’re quite pragmatic, and although they admire and respect other ways of doing things, they’d much rather just get on the move and actually do it to achieve what they want
Impatience and impulsiveness might be a vice, however their greatest strength is their ability to move on and direct their energy forward. 
They’re not big on planning ahead, but that creates space for innovation. They live in the now, and unlike other signs, they benefit a lot from this kind of mentality.  
The way they go about things is pretty direct, active and straight forward. They often get a bit whiplashed if someone tries to play games with them, as they’re pretty forthcoming people and expected the same back.  
They can be careless, lack tact, impulsive and reckless to a fault without realizing what they’ve done. But they’re quick to want to atone for any mess they might have made.  
Aries lives simply in this way, they know what they want and they do whatever is necessary to achieve it. They don’t mind cutting corners, but often they see it as underhand or unnecessary, it’s the journey that matters to them. 
Most of the time, Aries appreciates challenges in their life. They feel best when they can overcome those little objections and feel ‘progressed’ in how far they’ve come. They like things clean and tidy, a fresh slate or a fresh start to the day. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct - Venus (Aries) [1 degree]
This is a good aspect to have! Conjunction around the lesser degrees, between aspects of the Sun-Venus can help the native Arian showcase their much more charming side to the public and smooth out rough edges they might have otherwise. 
Lisa already has this working for her even when she wasn’t in the limelight, people with Sun-Venus aspect tends to exhibit harmonic, pleasant and charming traits (think Libra/Taurus) and places an emphasis on their Sun that they want to be perceived pleasantly this way. 
They tend to be alot more easy-going with this aspect, working that Arian charm in a non-confrontational manner and bringing abundance of joy and enthusiasm to the people around them. 
There’s a like for social interactions and pleasantries, diplomatic and often generous. They can sometimes become pushovers when they’re trying really hard to please someone (in the industry) or don’t know any better. 
The ability to attract people to her through her charm (Venus) is convert, she exudes her individuality and self-expression (Sun/Ego) and if the person responds positively, she might find interest in them. This however, can mean that she might need validation from other people or put pressure on herself if she doesn’t receive positive affirmations. Learning to balance it with validating herself and finding a mixture of self-love within her own body might benefit in balancing out and stabilizing this aspect. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct- Saturn (Aries) [3 degrees]
Again this is a good aspect to have especially when it’s conjuncted. I kind of do 3 is the max and 5 is pushing it, but I know some people accept it at lower degrees than I do and that’s fine too! 
Sun conjunction Saturn can put a damper on the Sun but in a way, it might benefit them more in the long run which is what’s happening in Lisa’s chart. 
She understands responsibility and long-term commitment, and she’s not afraid to sacrifice abit of her vitality in order to achieve it. 
When it comes to commitment, she puts in hard work and acts cautiously. She rarely makes impulsive decision that would damage or effect anyone else (family/members) long term, she has the forethought and sight to be mature when she needs to be and handle responsibility well. 
She sees and understands the significance in establishing long-term relationships (members) and has patience, tolerance and loyalty to them. She puts in work and dedicated effort into establishing this bond, and expects back on their relationship. People who lacks this Saturnian trait would turn her off.  
Sun (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [1 degree]
Although it’s a harmonious aspect, Uranus is a generational outer planet ruled by Aquarius, having an Aries sun there can mean her individuality is expressed fighting for the underdog. 
There’s a fiery quality to it that both Aries and Aquarius posses, a strike against tradition and you can see it in the way her ego (Sun) expresses her style (Venus) in how she dresses/performs. 
Black pink is amazing because this aspect comes through very vividly, like 2NE1 the unusual styling and effect their stage performance and music has is trans-generational. It doesn’t cohere to just one aesthetic taste, it’s something most people can get into very easily. I suspect the other members probably has similar aspect in this area as well. They’re standing for something they’re comfortable in. 
Sun (Aries) - Trine - Pluto(R) (Sagittarius) [1 degree]
Sun is the planet of the ego and Pluto is the planet of transformation, this emphasizes her moon even more since it’s in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) she often feels that she’s going through different phases of growth and transformation all the time. 
Between comebacks and stages, Lisa is constantly evolving and she realizes this. It’s a double whammy for her both in her moon and the aspect. 
Her ego shifts along with her transformation, but at the same time her pluto is in retrograde. She might not show it as often but she is going through alot of these changes. 
She can be slow in incorporating it into her ego, or letting her inner change/growth show in other aspects of her life. She feels it, she knows it. But that doesn’t mean she has to show it (abit of an escapism) 
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Moon in Scorpio - 2nd Decan/Ruled by Neptune (Pisces)
Again, I’ve touched on her moon in the  the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but here’s a brief description of it here as well 💕
Scorpio moons can go through many intense emotions and internal growth rapidly, they often feel overwhelmed by their emotions and their thoughts transforming at a pace and intensity that even they can’t control. This can be devastating and amazing, depending on how one views it- their emotional growth goes through periods of death and rebirth and often pushes them to go through serious transformation within themselves throughout their entire life. It’s exhilarating, giving and tiring at the same time.  
Scorpio has this intensity inside of themselves that, when projected outwardly onto other people you can see the storm inside of their eyes. Their emotional intensity doesn’t just stop there with themselves, but they can also evoke this kind of intensity in other people as well. 
Lisa’s moon is ruled by Neptune/Pisces, which rules her subconscious and her dreams. Most likely her Moon in Scorpio is influenced by these elements, and her transformation often has to more to do with herself and her own growth than any external output. 
Pressure she puts on herself, her dreams and aspiration she carries for her family to do well in foreign lands, insomnia, lethargy and depression might be prone to these individuals (again, I’m not certified to diagnose anyone with medical help, and I’m not trying to do so, if someone is suffering from mental illness or requires assistance in these areas, please consult a doctor or a medical assistance if they want to seek available help)  
They might have the tendency to use sleeping as a coping mechanism and escapism in order to avoid going through these transformation too much (escapism or fighting to simplify the situation aka ‘im fine’ ). It can lead to repression of emotions or inner growth in order to stabilize her body. 
Her Virgo Mars is the only earth sign capable of stabilizing her, but it’s also the only out put to her emotional transformation. She might’ve learnt to utilize this subconsciously in an unhealthy way to cope with how much she’s feeling and how much she’s going through. Most likely she did so anyways, especially with Sun-Venus and a strong Taurus/Venus influence on her Mars. She needs to unlearn how to do this and express herself when she needs to, or seek help when she needs it. 
She desires stability but it she needs to realize it doesn’t need to be internal. She can seek stability externally through support and close friends as well. She should show this through consistency in reaching out to people, but in order to do so she needs to vocalize it or exert her Mars and Mercury into helping her with her Moon. 
She might also be prone to having transformative dreams, or going through upheaval inside her subconscious. Suppressing these emotions during the day might point to having to confront them later when she’s in the unconscious realm, this can lead to very emotionally taxing dreams or adventurous ones, having to confront and balance negativity to positivity at some point. But it’s in no way unhealthy compared to the above (better dealing it through dreams than actively trying to repress it all the time conscious OR unconscious).  
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Jupiter (Aquarius) [3 degrees]
There’s a restless quality about her when she ‘can’t deal with her moon right now’, she tends to seek outlets that can extort her resources (i.e. retail therapy, shopping, negligence) a square is a difficult aspect but it’s capable of overcoming. 
Her moon (emotions) has a direct impact on her luck (Jupiter) through her actions. Although it’s in 3rd degree, it might not be working strongly for her since she can easily learn to self-discipline.
She can become aloof, cold or negligence to those around her when she’s dealing with her emotions/internal turmoil. Absentmindedness or too coldly observing, she can neglect or make others around her feel like they shouldn’t support her which doesn’t reflect her natural charisma. 
Lisa can have her moodiness, and its in this aspect how it effects those around her and her immediate resources (money, luck, etc). 
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees] 
Again, her moon is working to bring her down. All her internal turmoil is effecting to some degree her relationships with others and her ability to perform sometimes. With her moon (emotions) squaring her Uranus (rebellion/innovation/technology) this can be interpreted in so many different ways.
Bigger picture is, she might find herself at odds with the people around her, slow moving and unstable or unsupportive at times because she’s lost in her own turmoil or has some doubts, her friends can feel unsupported or in-stabilized by her when they require her vote of confidence in them.
Lisa can be disagreeable to rules or authoritarian figures, or act out/lash out in a way just to prove her point across if she feels she’s unheard or misunderstood (her Saturn is too strong and working too well for her to do that, but she might have instances)
 She might find bad news due to technology (it might bring her grief) or does something online she might regret later (hope it’s retail therapy)  
Anyways its not a bad thing to have difficult aspects in your chart, all these are capable of the person who owns the chart to overcome and they can absolutely do it. 
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Mercury in Aries - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Curiously this is un-aspected, but it seems to be working strongly in her chart and is very good for our girl Lisa! 💕
Mercury in Aries natives possesses an innocent charm about them, this is directly amplified by Jupiter’s influence (Sagittarius) her Arian charms becomes expanded upon, and her youthful vitality and charisma that makes her so lovable is put into a softer light. She acquires a happy-go-lucky trait to her that has people falling head over heels to do as she asks, often popular. 
People like her because she’s straight forward and simple, she’s often humble and enthusiastic which is refreshing to be around. 
Mercury in Aries are also magnetic in a way that they possesses great self-will that their Aries sun already has. The way they think and talk about things are quick and to the point, fast and decisive. 
She can streamline progress and gets points across simply and easily, she’s amiable and likes helping others with a jokester kind of joviality to her. Often capable of lightening up any situation, she’s great at taking the weight/heat off of shier signs like Virgo or Capricorn who might get embarrassed by a mistake. 
Mercury Arians in the 3rd decan likes to help others out, they possess an expansive open-minded quality to them that likes to learn and give/take equally. They’re willing to help people in worse situation than they are if the opportunity arises. 
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Venus in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
Aries in Venus says alot about her charisma on stage and her style that draws people into her. Her powerful performance really came through with her artistry, and it’s all in her Venus amplified by her Sun and Mercury of the same sign and similar element. She has so much passion (fire) in her chart (Aries and Sagittarius) along with the magnetic quality (water/Scorpio and Pisces) - the clash of the two elements in force makes for a powerful charisma in a person. 
Venus in Aries in general,  has a pretty daring and up-front style about her. She has a cheeky smile but also a confident, independent women. 
Venus in Aries often has this quality about them (especially in 1st degree) anyone  who wants to be with her has to match up to her in some way. She won’t ever settle for less than what she deserves, and if she finds you unworthy- well, she wouldn’t even give you her time of day. 
That’s not to say she’s a minx all the time, Aries Venus charm extends to more than just her confidence. Her innocent childish charm complements the tougher side of her personality well, even the aegyo and possible tantrum she might pull is endearing. 
There’s a fun-loving quality about them, like they’re not hard to please but you have to do it well. However, if you take too long to approach them they’d already be gone. They don’t tend to stick around, even if they’re going to give you a chance. They’re turned-off by wishy-washy behaviors, too much ‘games’ and not enough stimulation (slow burn) and not enough activities. 
They’d rather take the lead in love and other areas in life, let them have their moments. They also like a little bit of competition, and likes games in the spirit of having fun. If something is done with intensity or mixed-up emotions (i.e. complex emotions directed towards them) they’d probably say no to that as well.  
Venus (Aries)  - Conjunct - Saturn (Aries) [4 degrees]
Phew Im relieved for her! Venus conjunct Saturn can help trim and regulate the more impulsive habits of a native Arian.
She’s much more thrifty than the typical Arian, and less likely to spend her money impulsively if it isn’t going to serve her long term. Saturn itself has a quality to endure and likes to establish long lasting relations. It wants to establish longevity within oneself and with others. 
She’s faithful and loyal to her friends and family. When in love, she exhibits more of her deeper, caring and nurturing side Aries also have. 
She understands her traditions and her duties to the people around her, and can mature her Aries up a little to becoming more reserved and humble. She also can appreciate a little bit more sensibility in people, suitors who only wants to have fun doesn’t catch her attention unless they show the same quality and good sense as she does. 
This really helps her Aries plans ahead in her future as well. Although there’s an innate need for the immediate now, she’s not oblivious to how long-term planning can benefit her and her activities. 
Venus (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees]
The planet of love (venus) and the planet of innovation (Uranus) can sometimes mean she’s more adept to nontraditional relationships within her life. 
This can be in her love life, associates, working relationships or personal relationships. She’s bound to have an abundance of different relationships that she might not even know how to categorize.
But when she feels comfortable with this aspect, she’ll be ok with it. The idea might unnerve her at first, but sextiles typically come to fruition if she works on understanding herself and her expression better. 
She can accept different types of people she’s met in her life, her open-minded sincerity (Uranus/Aquarius ) is met with pleasant charm and a refreshing disposition (Venus/Aries) .
She can also see insincerity in people. The charmingly quick wit of Aquarian and the intensity of Scorpio can bring this about even more in people who has this aspect. She likes to meet people at a middle ground (Aquarius) somewhere they can compromise to being in between. 
She’s freedom loving and likes to give back the space to other people because she feels that’s what they need in order to grow. 
She likes her independence (Aries) and even when she has that intensity about her, she doesn’t mind if others are a lot more cooler or different from how she is- as long as they give the same respect back to her.  
Venus (Aries) - Trine - Pluto (Sagittarius) [0 degrees]
God this is the tightest degree she has. And I’m really glad for it too. 
Her areas of passion and interest (dancing/performance) is transforming her life (Pluto) this is the aspect you can really see how she belongs on the stage and why Black Pink is so so good for her. 
She has a needs to do something with her passion physically (Aries) and she finds it in the form of dance. It saved her. She found ‘it’. She doesn’t really know what to do with it yet, but she dances because she loves it. She wants to show it to the world, to more and more people. 
Pluto talks about transformation, and Sagittarius talks about learning and travelling. Being able to transform and learn every time she dances, she thrives on it. When she can travel with the group on tour, and she can dance on that stage, she lives and breathes passion. She transforms herself when she dance. 
She can express her venus fully and comfortably, she takes on a whole new persona every time and she feels so lively and bright when she can show and do things she’s passionate about. 
This aspect is working amazingly well for her, and her charisma, her stage presence her magnetic aura (Scorpio/Pluto) it all comes and leads down to this. I’m so happy for her and this aspect. God. 
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Mars in Virgo (R)  - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Venus (Taurus) 
Again this is un-aspected, so it’s probably working like her mercury. Usually un-aspected planets are working strongly for the person or it can be hard to find. I think personally for Lisa, she might not find this aspect in herself (un-relatable) especially since it’s in retrograde. It can be abit more slow moving for her to realize or self-actualize than others. 
Mars in Virgo are focused, detail-oriented and often busy people. They can become nervous if they don’t work a lot (when bp comeback doesn’t come, most likely Lisa NEEDED those modeling ads to keep her nervous energy at bay) they become restless if they feel like they aren’t being productive, and do their best to serve or work towards a project. 
Mars in Virgo can be prone to micromanaging alot, and this might affect them personally. They can appear abit scattered or all over the place (trying to do everything at once) as well as micromanaging their feelings or emotions ‘not right now, lets do that later’ - this especially in retrograde, makes them notorious for being harder to anger than even a Capricorn Mars (who actively repress their emotions) Virgo still needs to explode, but more than righteous anger they are more prone to bursts of verbal attacks and creative criticism than anything else. 
They’re less confrontational, and would probably not even realize they’re angry or upset until days later. Lisa having this in 3rd decan AND retrograde, she’s much more prone to neglecting her emotions until later or not realizing them at all, with an innate need/influence to keep peace and positive emotions at all times- she can even neglect her own emotions in order to keep the balance or diplomacy in situation. 
However, if it overwhelms her (both Virgo and Taurus are earth signs, they’re good at suppressing but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel deeply.) she can breakdown pretty easily when she bottles it up too much and be overwhelmed with emotions. It’s good to realize this sooner and learn how to manage her concerns in a healthier way. 
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God I love her. 
That Venus-trine-pluto aspect at 0 degrees really did me in. It sealed my coffin and I’m forever in love with her please write that on my grave stone. 
Usually, Venus-Pluto aspected people tend to have a charm to them. The sexy Scorpio type charm? Even in square or opposition aspect it can come across as magnetizing to other people. Lisa having this working FOR her is amazing to her own benefit. She deserves the world and if she could have one thing in life, it’s this. Her dance IS her escape from her mind. Her performance and travelling and being the group helps her with her personal growth and development, it saves her vitality and her life. She found a good output for her energy and she can finally learn how to unwind and relax.
Lisa has a lot of nervous energy about her in her signs and aspects, especially in her Virgo Mars being un-aspected and her Uranus/Jupiter squares. She’s actually doing pretty well not having a lot of difficult or ‘disharmonious’ aspects to worry about or overcome. At the same time, her mind is her biggest enemy and that in itself takes a whole lot of energy to conquer.  
💕gosh this was really fun to do, time consuming but less taxing on me to provide in-depth explanation on how they’re all working together. I just had to do them separately. Anyways, I’m really glad I did this because I got really excited for her on that one aspect (as well as other areas in her life) I really hope to explore her chart further, maybe romantically or sexually because I totally pg-ed it out on here to save materials for next time 💕 
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voodoochili · 3 years
My Favorite Songs of 2020
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With nowhere to go and nothing to do in 2020, I had plenty of time to listen to as much music as I could stand. Luckily for me and for everyone else, 2020 supplied an embarrassment of musical riches; the endless creativity of our artists providing necessary emotional support during the Worst Year Ever™.
I’ve compiled my favorite 100 songs of 2020. Again, I limited my selections to only one song per artist, but as you’ll see, I couldn’t quite stick to it this year. Narrowing the list down to 100 was a painful process, with many excellent songs left on the cutting room floor. 
Check below for Spotify playlists
Top 100 Songs of 2020: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ySKk19paBFgO698vw7HTs?si=-al-SyEsTqWzqKfmEraNFw Best Songs of 2020 (Refined):  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ET0aA5TPj5JDsUtosaCVv?si=MyDxjcXKQpy3SNs7dV0wIQ Best Songs of 2020 (Catch-All):  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0XxtEo0PrNSyZDWBCjJtuR?si=pBZWRoNGSGWBCaqxJrHoyw
Without further ado, my favorite songs of 2020.:
25. Yg Teck - “What You Know”: Yg Teck has one of the more prominent Baltimore accents in rap music, elongating “ooh” sounds and shortening “er” sounds with reckless abandon. “What You Know” is buried towards the end of his excellent mixtape Eyes Won’t Close 2, but it stands out as one of Teck’s strongest songs. The buoyant piano-led beat offers Teck an opportunity to reflect on his struggle with heart-breaking directness: “So what if they hate me, sometimes I hate myself.”
24. Brian Brown - “Runnin” ft. Reaux Marquez:  Filtering the conventions of southern rap through his easy-going drawl and omnivorous musical appetite, Brian Brown is the brightest light in Nashville’s burgeoning hip-hop scene. Built around producer Black Metaphor’s circuitous jazz piano, “Runnin” is a soulful and poetic meditation on breaking out of the staid existence that can creep up on you if you stay still for long enough. Brown serves up the song’s irresistible hook and provides a grounding presence on his second verse, evoking the styles of two Tennessee rap titans: Chattanooga’s Isaiah Rashad and Cashville’s own Starlito.
23. 42 Dugg - “One Of One” ft. Babyface Ray: Detroit producer Helluva’s beats provide the tissue that connects the Motor City with the West Coast, creating anthems that mix D-Town propulsion with soundscapes perfect for a top-down drive down PCH. The Helluva-produced “One Of One” is an electric duet between two of the D’s most distinct voices: low-talking, whistle-happy guest verse god 42 Dugg and nonchalantly fly Babyface Ray. They trade bars throughout the track, weaving between squelches of bass to talk about the ways women have done them wrong.
22. PG Ra & jetsonmade - “Keeping Time”: The phrase “young OG” was invented for guys like PG Ra, who is somehow only 20-years-old. On “Keeping Time,” the South Carolina rapper spits sage-like wisdom about street life over Jetsonmade’s signature trampoline 808s, decrying nihilism and emphasizing the importance of holding strong convictions in a deliberate, raspy drawl: “Oh, you don't give a fuck 'bout nothing, then you damn wrong/Cause every soldier stand for something if he stand strong.”
21. Empty Country - “Marian”: After spending a decade as the main songwriter for Cymbals Eat Guitars, Joseph D'Agostino is an expert at crafting widescreen indie anthems. CEG is no more, but D’Agostino is still doing his thing, opening the self-titled album of his new entity Empty Country with “Marian,” a chiming and heartfelt power ballad with sunny vocal harmonies and a fist-pumping riff. It’s hard to make out the lyrics on the first few spins, but a closer listen reveals some striking imagery (“In a sea of Virginia pines/A burnt bus”), as the narrator imagines the life that lies ahead for his newborn daughter.
20. Raveena - “Headaches”: Raveena’s music is a soothing balm, capable of transforming any negative emotion into peaceful reverie. “Headaches” starts as a sensual, woozy, reverbed-out slow jam–typical Raveena territory, perfect for emphasizing the enlightened sensuality that she exudes in her vocals. The song mutates in its second half into an invigorating bit of dream pop, picking up a ringing guitar riff and a prominent backbeat as Raveena struggles to stay close to the one she loves (“There's no sunset, without you”).
19. Los & Nutty - “I’m Jus Fuckin Around” ft. WB Cash: In which three Detroit emcees receive an instrumental funky enough for ‘90s DJ Quik and proceed to not only not ride the beat but to fight so hard against it you’d think they’re training to get in the ring with Mayweather. I love Michigan rap.
18. Sufjan Stevens - “My Rajneesh”: I’ve never seen Wild Wild Country, or read about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his cult, so I don’t know too much about the subject matter of “My Rajneesh.” I do know, however, that it’s a story that involves crises of faith and the state of Oregon, which means it fits perfectly into Sufjan’s milieu. “My Rajneesh” does an excellent job of relaying the ecstasy of a devout believer, layering celebratory chants, South Asian traditional percussion, and glitchy electronics into a 10-minute epic. As the song progresses, the sonic tapestry grows distorted, mimicking the emptiness that lies beneath Rajneesh’s surface and the darkness and confusion faced by his followers when the illusion fades.
17. Koffee - “Lockdown”: Leave it to rising dancehall superstar Koffee to find ebullient joy in a situation as bleak as quarantine. Weaving around piercing guitar licks and euphoric vocal samples, Koffee schemes to turn her lockdown romance (”quarantine ting”) into a long-term deal, fantasizing about travel with her love even as she’s content to just spend time in her apartment. Everything is dandy as long as they're in the same room.
16. Rio Da Yung OG & Louie Ray - “Movie”: Flint’s answer to Detroit’s “Bloxk Party,” one of the best rap songs of the past decade. Rio and Louie trade verses throughout the song, competing with one another to see who can be the most disrespectful.
Rio’s best line: “Ma don't drink that pop in there, I got purple in it/I know it look like Alka-Seltzer, it's a perky in it”
Louie’s best line: “Let me cut my arms off before I ball, make it fair”
15. Ratboys - “My Hands Grow”: “My Hands Grow” shines like an early-morning sunbeam, hitting that circa-2001 Saddle Creek* sweet spot with aplomb. But “My Hands Grow” is more than just a throwback–it’s an oasis, populated by sweeping acoustic guitars, electric leads with just the right amount of distortion, and especially Julia Steiner’s affectionate vocal, which blooms into gorgeous self-harmonies during the bridge.
*Obligated to add that this song came out before Azure Ray signed to Saddle Creek, but the point stands.
14. J Hus - “Triumph”: J Hus and Jae5 have the kind of telepathic artistic connection and song-elevating chemistry only present in the best rapper-producer pairs. A great example of how their alchemy blurs the lines between genres, “Triumph” is the J Hus/Jae5 version of a boom-bap rap track. Hus rides Jae5’s woodblock-and-horn-accented beat with unassailable confidence, gradually elevating his intensity level as he sprays his unflappable threats. Like most of Hus’s best songs, “Triumph” is home to an irresistible hook, which I can’t help but recite whenever I hear the words “violence,” “silence,” or “alliance” (more often than you think!).
13. Sada Baby - “Aktivated”: Every post-disco classic from the early ‘80s could use a little bit of Sada Baby’s wild-eyed intensity and dextrous flow. On “Aktivated,” Sada runs roughshod atop Kool & The Gang’s ‘81 classic “Get Down On It,” turning it into an irresistible and danceable anthem about going dumb off a Percocet. Sada is a master of controlled chaos, modulating his voice from a simmer to a full-throated yell within the space of a single bar. It really makes lines like “Coochie made me cry like Herb in the turtleneck” pop.
12. Yves Tumor - “Kerosene!”: Prince is one of the most-imitated artists on the planet, but while most artists can only grasp at his heels, Yves Tumor’s “Kerosene!” reaches a level of burning passion and sexual literacy that would make The Purple One proud. A duet with Diana Gordon, “Kerosene!” is a desperate plea for connection, each duet partner thinking that a passionate dalliance might cure the emptiness inside. The song vamps for five minutes, filled with guitar pyrotechnics and moaning vocals, its extended runtime and gradual comedown consigning the partners to a futile search for a self-sustaining love that won’t burn itself out when the passion fades.
11. Special Interest - “Street Pulse Beat”: “Street Pulse Beat” sounds like “Seven Nation Army,” as performed by post-punk legends Killing Joke. It’s a strutting, wild, propulsive anthem–part come-on, part self-actualization, all-powerful. Dominated by an insistent industrial beat and the fiery vocals of frontperson Alli Logout, whose performance more than lives up to the song’s grandiose lyrics (““I go by many names such as Mistress, Goddess, Allah, Jah, and Jesus Christ”), “Street Pulse Beat” was the song released this year that made me miss live music the most. 
10. Megan Thee Stallion - “Savage” (Remix) ft. Beyonce: The first-ever collaboration between these two H-Town royals was the most quotable song of the year, firing off hot lines and memorable moments with an effortless majesty. Megan does her thing, bringing classy, bougie, and ratchet punchlines about the men who grovel at her feet, but it’s who Beyoncé elevates the track to transcendence. She prances around the outskirts of Megan’s verses, applying the full force of her lower register to her ad-libs (“THEM JEANS”), and during her verses, the Queen proves once again that you can count the number of rappers better than her on your fingers.
9. DJ Tunez - “Cool Me Down” ft. Wizkid: WizKid is almost alarmingly prolific, releasing enough amazing songs per year that he would be a worthy subject of his own “best-of” list. My favorite WizKid song of 2020 didn’t come from his excellent album Made In Lagos–instead it was this team-up with Brooklyn-based DJ Tunez. A favored collaborator of WizKid (Tunez is partially responsible for career highlights like 2019’s “Cover Me” and 2020’s “PAMI”), Tunez’s organic and textured approach to Afrobeats is an excellent fit for his voice, mixing swelling organs, 808 blocks, and the occasional stab of saxophone into a percolating concoction. The “Starboy” rises to the occasion, hypnotically repeating phrases in English and Yoruba, making octave-sized leaps in his vocal register, and stretching syllables like taffy as he sings the praises of his lady love.
8. Sorry - “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star”: Part swaggering indie anthem and part skronking no wave, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star” struts with the woozy confidence of someone who’s had just the right amount to drink. It’s the ideal throwback to late L.E.S. (or Shoreditch) nights, sung with irresistible gang vocals on the chorus and a detached sneer on the verse that jibes with the sinister undertones of the deliberately off-key backing track.
7. Destroyer - “Cue Synthesizer”: As Dan Bejar ages, he becomes less like a singer and more like a shaman, his incantatory near-spoken word verses grounding his band’s instrumental heroics. On “Cue Synthesizer,” Bejar plays the role of conjurer, summoning synthesizers and electric guitars in celebration of music’s ability to breathe life into modern mundanity.
6. Chloe x Halle - “Do It”: Pillow-soft R&B that walks the fine line between retro and futuristic, powered by the Bailey Sisters’ playfully twisty melodies and sumptuous production from a somewhat unexpected source. That’s right, piano man Scott Storch took a break from smoking blunts with Berner to deliver his smoothest beat since he teamed with Chloe x Halle mentor Beyoncé for “Me Myself & I” in 2003.
5. Fireboy DML - “ELI”: Nigeria singer Fireboy DML is an unabashed fan of ‘90s adult contemporary, worshipping idols (‘90s Elton John, Celine Dion) that even some devout poptimists wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. A modern-day retelling of the Biblical fable of Samson and Delilah, “ELI” seems to take inspiration from Ace of Base’s “All That She Wants,” its rocksteady beat, wobbling bassline, snake-charming flute, and “lonely girl, lonely world” lyrics recalling the 1994 Swedish pop smash. It’s a testament to Fireboy’s charisma and melodic mastery that “ELI” is as invigorating as “All That She Wants” is annoying. He switches from playful flirtation on the verse, to hopeless devotion on the chorus, to lascivious swagger on the bridge, gently ratcheting up the intensity in his vocals until the song’s climactic guitar solo* grants glorious release. *The build-up on “ELI” is so great that it makes it easy to ignore that the guitar solo itself is a mess. It sounds like the producers couldn’t get Carlos Santana, so they settled for Andre 3000 instead. 
4. The Beths - “Dying To Believe”: If you’ve ever audibly cringed while thinking about something you’ve said or done in the past, The Beths have the song for you. Carried by its driving backbeat, “Dying To Believe” chronicles singer Liz Stokes’s rumination on a crumbling friendship, her fear of confrontation preventing her from removing her toxic friend from her life. Though the lyric is pained and uncertain, there’s no such lack of confidence in the music. An adrenaline rush of muscular, sugary power pop, “Dying To Believe” is an immaculate construction, each fuzzy guitar riff arriving with mathematical precision and each “whoa-oh” chorus hitting like a ton of bricks. Jump Rope Gazers might not have been as consistent as the Auckland, NZ band’s self-titled debut, but “Dying To Believe” is as good as anything on that album and helps solidify The Beths’ deserved reputation as some of the best songwriters and tightest performers on either side of the International Date Line. 
3. The 1975 - “What Should I Say”/“If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)”: I know, I know. I was supposed to only pick one song per artist, but sue me, this is my list and I just could not decide between these two. The 1975 have always balanced their affinity for ‘80s-style pop anthems with an interest in experimental electronic music. In 2020, they released the two very best songs of their career, each seemingly fitting into one of those two boxes. On its face, “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” is the band’s transparent attempt at recording their own “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”–it’s in D Major, it has a chugging backbeat, an echoing two-chord riff in the verse, and an ascending E Minor progression in the pre-chorus. Where the Tears For Fears classic takes a birds-eye look at the yuppie generation, Matty Healy uses his song’s swelling bombast and gleefully cheesy sax solo to explore the awkward intimacy of cyber sex. The burbling Eno-style synth that opens up “If You’re Too Shy” evokes a dial-up connection, simulating the thrill of discovery felt by those whose only connection to the outside world comes through their screens.
“What Should I Say,” meanwhile, combines Boards Of Canada-esque bloops with bassline that strongly resembles Mr. Fingers’ oft-sampled “Mystery Of Love”, over which Healy sings in a heavily-manipulated voice that sounds like the lovechild of Travis Scott and Sam Smith. Fittingly for a song about loss for words, the best moments of  “What Should I Say” spring from vocal manipulations, imparting more emotional resonance than mere words could ever hope to provide. The final minute of “What Should I Say” is almost tear-jerkingly beautiful, as a single computerized voice cuts through cacophony, determined to let the world know how it feels, language be damned.
2. King Von - “Took Her To The O”: His career was far too short, but King Von had plenty of chances to demonstrate his god-given storytelling ability before he passed away in November. Accompanied by regular collaborator Chopsquad DJ’s chaotic, circular pianos, Von recounts an eventful night in his home neighborhood of O’Block. Von’s gripping narrative is packed with writerly detail (“Nine missed calls, three of them from ‘Mom,’ other six say ‘Duck’”), peeking into his justifiably paranoid state-of-mind (“My Glock on my lap, I'm just thinkin' smart”) and ending with a smirk on a bit of gallows humor that recalls prime Ghostface. Long Live Von.
1.  Bob Dylan - “I’ve Made Up My Mind To Give Myself to You”: It’s impossible to escape that 2020 was a year of mass devastation, on a scale not seen in American life since the second World War. In the midst of the cascading chaos of this year, I married my best friend. So it’s fitting that the song that resonated most with me this year was “Throat Baby (Go Baby)” by BRS Kash.
*Ahem* Excuse me. It was a love song, and not just any love song: the finest love song of Bob Dylan’s six-decade, Nobel Prize-winning career. 
Bob Dylan spent much of the 2010s trying his hand at the Great American Songbook, applying his craggy croon to standards made famous by Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. It felt like a weird turn for such an iconoclastic figure, one known for his massive (and valuable) library of originals. “I’ve Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You” proves that Bob’s covers and Christmas albums weren’t larks or cash grabs, but an old dog’s attempt to learn new tricks by digging into the past.
“IMUMMTGMTY” shares a lot of DNA with “The Way You Look Tonight” and “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” bringing florid metaphors and touching pledges of devotion, but it also inherently understands that love is a decision–a weighty decision that imparts great responsibility–as much as it’s a feeling. What really makes “IMUMM” sing is the tastefully folksy arrangement, which ties into the old weird America explored by Dylan’s compadres in The Band, filled with bright Telecaster leads and easily-hummed choruses. And the lyrics are excellent even by Bob’s elevated standards. It turns me into a puddle every time I listen. I’ll let Bob take it from here:
Well, my heart's like a river, a river that sings Just takes me a while to realize things I've seen the sunrise, I've seen the dawn I'll lay down beside you when everyone's gone
Here’s the rest of the list. Check back later this week for my albums list!
26. Katie Gately - “Waltz” 27. Bonny Light Horseman - “Bonny Light Horseman” 28. Bullion - “Hula” 29. Omah Lay - “Lo Lo” 30. Greg Dulli - “Sempre” 31. Fiona Apple - “Shameika” 32. Anjimilie - “Your Tree” 33. Key Glock - “Look At They Face” 34. Lido Pimienta - “Te Queria” 35. Morray - “Quicksand” 36. Obongjayar - “10K” 37. Xenia Rubinos - “Who Shot Ya?” 38. Kiana Lede - “Protection” 39. Flo Milli - “Weak” 40. G.T. - “What You Gon Do” 41. Chris Crack - “Hoes At Trader Joe’s” 42. Lil Baby - “The Bigger Picture” 43. The Orielles - “Memoirs of Miso” 44. Shoreline Mafia - “Change Ya Life” 45. Masego - “Mystery Lady” ft. Don Toliver 46. Junglepussy - “Out My Window” ft. Ian Isiah 47. Siete Gang Yabbie - “Gift Of Gab” 48. Rosalía - “Juro Que” 49. Black Noi$e - “Mutha Magick” ft. BbyMutha 50. BFB Da Packman - “Free Joe Exotic” ft. Sada Baby 51. Andras - “Poppy” 52. Lianne La Havas - “Weird Fishes” 53. Crack Cloud - “Tunnel Vision” 54. Lil Uzi Vert - “No Auto” ft. Lil Durk 55. Fred again… - “Kyle (I Found You)” 56. Burna Boy - “Wonderful” 57. Lonnie Holliday - “Crystal Doorknob” 58. Mozzy - “Bulletproofly” 59. Tiwa Savage - “Koroba” 60. Frances Quinlan - “Your Reply” 61. Ariana Grande - “my hair” 62. Bad Bunny - “Safaera” ft. Jowell & Randy & Ñengo Flow 63. Yhung T.O. & DaBoii - “Forever Ballin” 64. Katie Pruitt - “Out Of The Blue” 65. Sleepy Hallow - “Molly” ft. Sheff G 66. Niniola - “Addicted” 67. Prado - “STEPHEN” 68. Drakeo The Ruler - “GTA VI” 69. Boldy James - “Monte Cristo” 70. Caribou - “Like I Loved You” 71. Andy Shauf - “Living Room” 72. Hailu Mergia - “Yene Mircha” 73. Kabza de Small & DJ Maphorisa - “eMcimbini” ft Aymos, Samthing Soweto, Mas Musiq 74. Gunna - “Dollaz On My Head” ft. Young Thug 75. Roddy Ricch - “The Box” 76. The Lemon Twigs - “Hell On Wheels” 77. Sun-El Musician - “Emoyeni” ft. Simmy & Khuzani 78. Madeline Kenney - “Sucker” 79. Natanael Cano - “Que Benedicion” 80. ShooterGang Kony - “Jungle” 81. Don Toliver - “After Party” 82. Chicano Batman - “Color my life” 83. Pa Salieu - “Betty” 84. Chubby & The Gang - “Trouble (You Were Always On My Mind)” 85. Dua Lipa - “Love Again” 86. Rucci - “Understand” ft. Blxst 87. Skilla Baby - “Carmelo Bryant” ft. Sada Baby 88. Bartees Strange - “Boomer” 89. Jessie Ware - “Read My Lips” 90. The Hernandez Bros. & LUSTBASS - “At The End Of Time” 91. Brokeasf - “How” ft. 42 Dugg 92. Mulatto - “No Hook” 93. Eddie Chacon - “Outside” 94. Veeze - “Law N Order” 95. Polo G - “33” 96. Bktherula - “Summer” 97. Jessy Lanza - “Anyone Around” 98. Perfume Genius - “On The Floor” 99. ComptonAssTg - “I’m Thuggin’” 100. Mario Judah - “Die Very Rough”
Honorable Mentions: Jamila Woods - “SULA (Paperback)” Demae - “Stuck In A Daze” ft. Ego Ella May Good Sad Happy Bad - “Bubble” Guerilla Toss - “Human Girl” Kaash Paige - “Grammy Week” ft. Don Toliver Kre8 & CJ Santana - “Slide!” Laura Veirs - “Another Space & Time” Angelica Garcia - “Jicama” Malome Vector - “Dumelang” ft. Blaq Diamond OMB Bloodbath - “Dropout” ft. Maxo Kream SahBabii - “Soulja Slim” Shabason, Krgovich & Harris - “Friday Afternoon” Skillibeng - “Mr. Universe” Waxahatchee - “Fire” Westerman - “Float Over”
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The Now
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“As I lead this army, make room for mistakes and depression” -Kendrick Lamar, “Mortal Man”
(For reference, I am a white female and go by the pronouns she/her)
As a student becoming a therapist, multiculturalism is a mandatory class in a graduate school program. The lectures and the classes emphasized that you and your experiences alone are not enough to empathize with those who not only look like you, but especially to those who don’t look like you. I loved the classes, and heeded the messages that the seasoned professors were imploring is to do…look inward, listen, learn and when you think you’ve learned enough-keep learning. I am now understanding I have not done enough.
I was first awakend to this experience while working in the intensive outpatient setting when I was freshly licensed. A young adult black male had just been informed he had to return to prison. He was angry. We went into our individual session and I started with stating “I know…” He yelled back, “No Faith, you don’t know”. I replied that he was absolutely right. I didn’t know. I didn’t understand anything that had to do with prison, with what he was going through in his life. He started crying and walked out of the room. I stayed silent sitting in my chair.
He was discharged, and reported back to prison.
I talked about the interaction in supervision and received feedback that “it’s okay, you’re learning”. I had other black clients in that level of care and the internalization of the affirmation of “I don’t know” strengthen the rapport of those relationships. Since that interaction with that young adult, I will ask black clients what it’s like for them having a white therapist, we talk about what’s working for them, and what’s not. I now know that I could have done more. I’m unlearning the thought of “it’s okay” and replacing it with “do more-speak up, ask questions and advocate”.
Recently, I have been feeling angry both outwardly and inwardly. I’ve had a lump in my throat that will not go away, tears in the corners of my eyes that seem to well up more, and dissipate less. One sunny Saturday afternoon I told my husband to hang with the kids, I had to go for a drive to cope with my emotions. In the car I was feeling hot and the air conditioning was not providing comfort. I realized I felt fiery. I leaned into the fire. Without learning what this heat means within myself I will not be able to work through it properly. I am learning that my comfort is correlated with my priveldge.
I am learning that the fire within myself wants me to grow and change. It means getting out of my comfort zone, it means making small changes within my life and household that will transform into a lifestyle of becoming more of an ally. This means more researching, listening, educating myself, unlearning what I thought I knew and creating space in my mind and heart hear to others. This fire is more than just sadness because I know I must change to see the change around me.
My feeling of failure is a sign of my privilege and also a sign of my awareness because our failures are important for our own evolution. The first step in change begins with awareness, one cannot change something they are not aware of.
And, psychologically, I am aware of my priviledge to even be able to reflect on my past and acknowledge hope for change in the future. According to Abraham Maslow, a motivational psychologist who developed the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in the 1940s, human needs and concerns are hierarchical.
This information is vital to both look inwards and outward. If I was concerned about my next meal, housing, or security I would not be able to to think the way that I am thinking. If I was not educated in the knowledge that my emotions have messages for me, or how to cope with these emotions, I would not be able to process these thoughts. The list goes on and on and on. This is important to think of for yourself and others (especially when slowly coming out of a pandemic).
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Additionally, this can be education for yourself to build empathy and become aware of your own privilege.
For when we listen, when we really listen, we can understand more of where someone is coming from in the hierarchy while hearing one’s words and can better understand (or know when to disagree and utilize some healthy boundaries) someone’s point of view.
Sharing a tweet from Ashlee Eiland, Pastor and Preacher and author of Human(Kind), she states “Not many will see you learning, confessing, repenting, uprooting, re-tooling, forgiving, inviting, empowering. But we will see its fruit. The hidden work is the heart work is the hard work.
My changes include supporting local and national black owned restaurants and business, reading up on black history and historical events, registering for webinars and multicultural trainings, donating to charities for specific black causes and communities, signing petitions, voting, following black influencers, buying books written by black authors, evaluating the toys and books I have for my children and being aware of their diversity, modeling behaviors of kindness, fairness, compassion for my children, the list goes on which is important for me. These are changes I feel I can make. What changes can you make?
Let’s get to work!
“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people”. -Virgina Woolf
If you have any questions or want to contact us, please click here.
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gojiro · 7 years
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The Vinyl of the Day is ‘Rufusized’ by Rufus (Featuring Chaka Khan), 1974. By 1974, Rufus had gone from a popular local bar attraction in Chicago to a platinum-selling rock band on the strength of their previous gold-selling album ‘Rags To Rufus’, and two hit singles. They also would boost their profile opening for superstars such as Marvin Gaye and The Rolling Stones, and appearing on shows such as Soul Train and American Bandstand. Their popularity had blown to such huge proportions that the media was paying more attention to the band's frenetic, fiery lead singer, Chaka Khan, than the rest of the group - and Rufus became “Rufus Featuring Chaka Khan”, to use her growing popularity. Due to Khan's strong vocals and energetic presence, she was immediately given comparisons to her singing idols, Aretha Franklin and Tina Turner. Chaka’s rise to popularity caused friction between founding members Al Ciner and Dennis Belfield and former lead singer Ron Stockert, who left the group prior to the finish of ‘Rags To Rufus’, the band's breakthrough release, while being replaced by bassist Bobby Watson and Tony Maiden, creating the most famous and successful final version of Rufus.
The greatest strength of ‘Rufusized’ is its sheer joy - from the first couple of bars of the opening song, "Once You Get Started", right through to the fade out & fade back in trickery towards the end of the final track, the monster hit "Stop On By", the only thing you hear on the album is sheer unbridled joy. It always makes me smile and no matter how low I'm feeling, I'm always cheered up after listening to it.
In many basic ways,this stands as one of Rufus's most musically complete albums. Their first two records both had a very garagey production flavor that,while the instrumental flavor was based deeply in funk and soul, had the raggedy quality that a lot of rock 'n roll bands prefer to have. The production approach on this particular album is completely different. With the addition of Clare Fischer as an arranger the presence of strings and horns on this album makes a huge difference, and Fischer is able to add that orchestration without interfering with the basic rhythm section Rufus provided. As a matter of fact, on the majority of this album that is all that you hear playing in addition to Chaka's singing. Tony Maiden's guitar playing style is also far more based in jazz and funk. His sound is much cleaner, and his plays with lines with a beautifully melodic fluidity that is flexible enough to be just as intense as it needs to be. Because one of the major musical commonalities binding Chaka Khan and the members of Rufus together was a love for jazz, that particular style of bass/guitar playing and drumming are emphasized strongly here throughout. You can certainly hear on this album how members of Rufus would eventually go on to become some of the most renowned session musicians of the late 70's/early 80's. Though her relationship with the band would sour in later years, the marriage of Rufus and Chaka was, at this point a magically funky match if there ever was one. Rufus was one of the best and most fun of the 70s funk bands, and ‘Rufusized’ was arguably their best, with the amazing Chaka Khan at her peak. If you don’t love Chaka, GTFO my blog right now! And if you do love her, go out and steal this record today.
AllMusic Review by Jason Elias
In the early '70s, Rufus was one of the most popular and interesting bands in R&B and rock. Of course, the reason was Chaka Khan, who possessed an amazing voice that was well versed in rock and jazz every bit as much as R&B. Their debut went nowhere, Rags to Rufus offered two instant classics, and Rufusized displayed their skill as album artists. Truth be told, this version of Rufus was nearly a brand-new band, as three members exited and guitarist Tony Maiden and bassist Bobby Watson joined up. The result was a funkier and more talented band who would give Khan the needed earthy and ethereal mix that would make her soar. The sexy and danceable "Once You Started" proves that this version of the band gave off immediate sparks and results. The sneaky and funky "Somebody's Watching You" has Khan displaying even more confidence. After great album cuts like the soothing "Your Smile" and "Pack'd My Bags," Rufusized ends on a strong note. The poignant and sophisticated "Please Pardon Me (You Remind Me)" leads into the Maiden and Khan duet cover of Bobby Womack's "Stop on By," which nearly matches the steaminess and wry nature of the original. Often forgotten due to the bigger hits on Rags to Rufus, this easily outstrips that album and became of one the band's most-loved efforts.
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sheikah · 7 years
7.01 Thoughts
Watching the premiere last night was so much fun, you guys! I loved it and don’t have any complaints to make. So far it seems like 1. the leaks are probably real and 2. they did not do the season justice. I think this is going to be an epic story, maybe our best season yet! I have a lot to say so I’m putting it under the cut.
So from the outset I absolutely loved the opener with Arya and the Freys. It was really clever how there were small hints of it really being Arya in his overall demeanor and the way David Bradley approached the scene. And the “proper wine for proper lords” line reminded me of when Arya insisted to Tywin Lannister that her parents taught her to “talk proper.” 
The big reveal and her declaration that “The North remembers, and Winter came for House Frey” gave me instant chills and I LOVED it. It does worry me a tiny bit though, if I’m honest. At Con of Thrones I sat on a panel about the women in Westeros and when one of the speakers asked the audience if Arya is “too far gone,” almost everyone raised their hand in agreement. I was LIVID and scandalized and couldn’t have disagreed more. But we are starting to see a more ruthless side to her. 
Don’t get me wrong--revenge narratives are my absolute favorite thing in the world and I was CHEERING when those Freys died. And from what Arya said to them, they all played an actual role in the RW and aren’t innocent. But at the same time, when she came upon those Lannister soldiers she was looking at their weapons and seemingly planning a way to kill them at first. And that makes me sad. I want her to be in a place where she can trust again. She deserves it, and seeing her laugh with them was one of my favorite moments in the episode. 
Speaking of those Lannister soldiers, what an unexpected treat! Starting with BotB last year, I really feel like the show is doing a better job of reflecting the harsh realities of war, and one of those realities is that not everyone on the opposing side is evil. War is full of all kinds of people and the way it destroys so many lives, even those of good people, is part of what makes it so awful. 
Sure, Ed Sheeran’s derpy face out of nowhere was funny for a second, but this scene was moving (at least to me) and clearly it moved Arya, too, who we can assume was finding common ground with these men, especially the one who mentioned love between a father and daughter. As sweet and wholesome (who would have thought I’d be using those adjectives in a GoT recap?!) as this scene was, I do think it hints at a darker future for these men. We might see them dead on the battlefield against Dany’s army in the very near future, and I dread that.
We didn’t get much from Bran and Meera but I was glad to at least see them. I got a chuckle out of Edd asking for proof that Bran is truly a Stark, and instead of providing real proof he just says some cryptic and broody stuff about Winter and Edd is like, “Yep. Kin of Jon Snow for sure.”
Speaking of Jon, I loved the scenes in Winterfell. They were surprisingly tense but also offered moments of humor and warmth. The Jon and Sansa face-off was interesting because I can see both sides of the argument. 
But I found it odd that she brought up Robb, who took the opposite approach to Jon’s when it comes to handling Karstark treachery by beheading their lord. So by contrast I think Jon’s level-headedness is smart and fitting in this scenario. 
If there weren’t ice zombies marching South then perhaps the Starks could afford to hold their allies at arm’s length or hurt some feelings by punishing the Karstarks and Umbers. But as things stand they need a united North to face the WW and Jon made the right call. I feel like this was confirmed when Ned Umber was revealed to be a small child younger than Rickon. Rendering him homeless in the middle of Winter isn’t justice. 
I also really like that Jon is making it a point to have the women train for the war as well. Women need to be able to defend themselves just as much as men, and of course I loved how this moment gave Lyanna a chance to shine. It was my understanding that Mormont women already trained in fighting to some extent but I’m excited to see what Jon’s new policies mean for the future. And when Lyanna was setting Lord Glover straight, Brienne looked SO PROUD of that fiery little future warrior woman and I was LIVING. 
Anyway, overall I enjoyed getting a glimpse of Jon’s ruling strategy which so far seems really solid. And KING Jon is the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life. The maester calling Jon “Your Grace” almost killed me. Things are only going to get better from here :)
Also in Winterfell I loved seeing Sansa sass Littlefinger into silence, which I didn’t even know was possible. It was hilarious and savage and I love her spirit and snark so much. It’s good to see that even though D&D are trying to trick us into thinking that dark!Sansa or Stark Bowl is happening, the reality is that Sansa is not even remotely fooled by LF and is only arguing with Jon to voice her opinion--as she should. 
The Brienne and Tormund shippy moment was hilarious and a good way to break the tension of the previous scene. It was cute how Brienne was just training with Pod calmly and normally until Tormund arrived and then since she can’t handle feelings she just turned it up to eleven and basically beat the hell out of poor Pod hahaha. It seems some scenes with them were cut but I am excited to see where it goes from here, even though in my heart I ship Jaime x Brienne.
Speaking of Jaime his conversation with Cersei was deliciously awkward. I loved when she asked him if he was afraid of her and he responded, “Should I be?” That’s the question on all our minds, Jaime. Well actually I want to know if SHE should be afraid of YOU, Mr. Valonqar ;) 
This scene was very interesting to me as someone who is looking forward to the Jon/Dany pairing because Cersei emphasizing that she and Jaime are the last Lannisters who are poised to start a dynasty parallels how Jon and Dany, the last Targaryens, will soon be in a similar position. But while one pairing represents fear and oppression the other represents hope for a better and more progressive future for the realm. 
I also think that that conversation revealed how far Cersei has slipped in terms of her sanity. She called her son a traitor for killing himself. Not good. Not good at all. But at the same time this conversation also foreshadows Cersei’s potential pregnancy with another heir. If that plays out, it will be interesting to see how it effects her schemes and Jaime’s perception of her. 
Their meeting with Euron was much funnier and more interesting than I expected. First and foremost I just want to establish that I really enjoyed Euron’s sexy trash pirate outfit haha. He looked great. And the humor he brought to his villainy was reminiscent of Ramsay, who I will honestly miss on the show. So I’m glad to see that he will be as scene-stealing and maniacal as I’d hoped. Also, “two good hands” is the new pickup line for the ages lol. 
The scenes of the Brotherhood were surprisingly emotional and it absolutely wrecked me to see Sandor so visibly affected by the deaths of that farmer and his daughter. I also pitied him a lot when he was looking into the fire and seemed absolutely SHOOK at what he saw there. I think of The Hound as a simple man who DID NOT sign up for a zombie war. 
While there was a lot of humor in his relentless roasting of Thoros (lmao @ the “top knot” comment) the grave-digging scene showed us Sandor’s depth and continued redemption, and also hinted at a possible friendship between him and Thoros later on :)
Sam’s plot was the least interesting to me but I understand that we need to establish what his life is like at the Citadel and get some more low key scenes of him and Gilly researching to set up the big! reveals! they will give us later in the season. 
The poop montage was absolutely revolting but really well done and I liked how they contrasted the shit with the soup and showed how they sort of became one and the same to poor Sam. But as gross as that was, the most disturbing part for me was Jorah reaching through the bars. For them to only show his arm, he must be looking very bad right now so I hope they hurry up and show his cure soon. The fact that even in his current plight, he is still eager for news of Dany is honestly really touching as much as I don’t ship Jorah and Dany. 
Oh! and Jim Broadbent was perfect as the arch maester! I love him so much and got lots of Harry Potter feels from his voice + Sam sneaking into the restricted section of the library haha.
And of course, the last and most important plot line from this episode--Dany! I love her so very much and have waited so many years for Dany to be in Westeros. I had company over to watch the episode but still couldn’t hold back the tears when she arrived. Emilia’s face in this scene was just so intense and filled with longing and relief. I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU GUYS OH MY GOOOODDD. 
Dany in Westeros really is a game-changing event and I can’t believe we’re this blessed. 
So Dragonstone itself looks beautiful and I’m glad we’re getting to see more of it than we did with Stannis. I also enjoyed the way they decided to play this scene with no dialogue. No witty quips from Tyrion or surly observations from Grey Worm, just letting the scenery and the actors’ body language carry the weight. 
My favorite moment was Dany walking up to the throne, the throne of Aegon I himself, something she’s been dreaming about for years, and WALKING RIGHT BY IT, instead focusing her attention on the sort of council chamber where she and her companions will work together as a TEAM. Because as much as people try to tear her down, at heart Dany is a team player who is growing and changing and I am so excited to see where her story goes from here. 
Lastly, as a Jonerys shipper, I think this bolder, more assertive Jon is someone who Dany will be instantly intrigued by. I also think that the peek at the next episode and the line delivered to Jon about not trusting Targaryens is going to set up an interesting dynamic for their relationship. Because Jon isn’t going to listen to that person and automatically distrust Dany based on her Targaryen heritage. His actions this episode should be final proof that he isn’t going to judge someone for the sins of their father. 
But I do think that both of them having such strong ideals and ideas of how to approach repairing the realm at this moment in the narrative, when Dany probably hasn’t even heard of WW, is going to cause some friction. They will challenge one another at first. But as the season progresses I think they’re going to find like-minded allies in each other and it’s going to be a beautiful partnership to watch :’) Overall I loved this episode so, so much and can’t wait for next week, and of course episode three. A Jonerys meeting!
If you’ve read this far, thanks for caring about my thoughts haha. What did you think about this episode and what do you hope to see moving forward?
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