#love on tour Italy
finelinevogue · 11 months
i love you more than dino nuggets
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summary - the night before the final show
pairing : fiancé!harry x reader
word count : +2.3k
a/n : originally was going to include the show but i have another idea for that so i’m off to write that now !!! the title will make sense as you read😭😭
It was the final night before the last love on tour show and you’d already cried three times.
Once on the plane over to Italy. Once on visiting the stage being set up today at the stadium. And once, now, crying because of how overwhelmed you feel.
You were busy getting ready in your shared bedroom, whilst Harry entertained the rest of your friends and family downstairs.
The house Harry owned in Italy, that was soon to become yours too in a week, was a massive Roman inspired villa. The orange stone that the building was made of created a cool villa to live in and with over 12 bedrooms it was the biggest house Harry owned.
All of Harry’s family and friends were staying over here for the duration of the last love on tour show, and then also for your wedding next week.
Whilst some wondered why Harry would end the love on tour shows in Italy, when nothing would ever beat the homeliness feeling of Wembley, it was all because you were getting married here a week Saturday.
How could you not? The perfect background for a summers wedding, in yours and Harry’s favourite country.
“Babe?” Harry knocked on the door and enters before you answer.
“Yeah?” You sniffled, wiping your fingers under your eyes to clear the mascara marks.
“Wha— What’s with the tears, baby?” He asked with a laugh.
“I don’t even know!” You laughed, starting to cry all over again.
“Is it ‘cause the the cake decorator cancelled on us again? ‘Cause, babe, I promise you that I will bake the bloody thing myself.”
Harry came and sat next to you on the bed, handing you a handkerchief he pulled out of his blazer pocket.
Tonight was a big celebration for him and so you’d decided to all get dressed up and have one final supper all together. Harry was in a gorgeous black slate suit, with a basic white t-shirt underneath. You matched him with a simple black halter-dress.
“Turns out these suit tissues are useful for something.”
“Thank you.” You said, dabbing underneath your eyes.
“You’re going to make me cry before the night is up, I just know it.” He nudged you with his shoulder, causing you to fall into him.
You rested your head on his shoulder and let your hands fall into his lap. His arm came around your body and hugged you close, kissing the side of your head as he inhaled your coconut shampoo.
You sat in silence for a few moments, Harry’s fingers coming to play with yours. Twirling around each other until they find home in an interlocking movement.
“Can’t believe this is all real.” You said first.
“Babe, you’re only saying that because we watched The Truman Show the other day.” Harry chuckled.
“Don’t say things like that.” You playfully hit him, but Harry caught your hand before you can go for a second playful punch. “Y’know that my worst fear is this all not being real.” You mumbled.
Harry nodded his head.
“Then let me show you just how real this is.”
Harry pushed you to lay your back down on the bed, your legs still touching the floor from where you sat on the edge of the bed. Harry moved to hover over you and took your intertwined hands with him, moving them to link above your head.
A loose strand of hair tickled your forehead and Harry blew it away with a soft blow, making you smile.
“You’re so pretty.” Harry stopped to pause and just take you all in.
“I thought you were supposed to be showing me how we are real.” You sarcastically told him. The glint in his eyes told you just how cheeky he thought you were.
Harry didn’t waste another moment before kissing you. Your lips met his instantly and just like you’d been doing for the past five years, you kissed and kissed and kissed. You both knew when to bite or slow down and speed up. You were so in tune with each other.
When you started to pant slightly out of breath, Harry slowed down and moved his lips away from yours just a fraction.
“Breathe, baby.” He whispered against your lips.
“Mhm.” You tried to inhale some air.
“Was that real enough for you?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe we should try a—”
Harry’s lips pressed back against yours and he let go of your hands, because he knew you were itching to touch him.
Your hands went straight to his cheeks, pulling him in to guide his lips against yours, whilst his own hands remained gripped to the bed sheets as he held his weight up. You kissed him until both your lips were red and swollen.
A knock on the door is what interrupted you both.
“Fuck.” Harry mumbled, stuffing his head into your neck to hide from everyone else. Now that he’d had a moment with you, he didn’t want anyone else.
“H? Y/N?” The sound of Anne came through the other side of the door. “I know you two love each other, but you have people downstairs waiting for you.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle that you’d been caught making out by Harry’s mum. You felt like a teenager all over again.
“It’s not funny.” Harry pinched your sides playfully.
“Did y’hear me?” Anne asked.
“Yes muumm!” Harry replied, pretending like he was annoyed when in reality he could never be anything but kind to his mum.
“Be down in five, otherwise I’m coming in next time.”
Harry grunted and dropped his head back into your neck, softly kissing and biting at the skin he could find exposed down there.
“Harry stop.” You tried to push him off, laughing, but he was too heavy and you were too weak to fight him off. “I’m not having your mum come back.”
“It’s an empty threat, babe.” Harry continued to kiss your neck and it was heading straight for a hickey.
“Umm… Do you remember Christmas of 2020?”
Harry’s head shot up at that, smirking as he looked down at you.
“Be more specific.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed because he knew exactly what you were talking about, but was just too much of a tease and wanted to hear you say it.
“Your mum thought I was in pain, but it turned out I was just receiving head from her son. So thanks for that. It’s a memory that will haunt me forever.”
“What? Me eating you out?” Harry looked even more cheeky. “Well, I guess we’ll have to fix that.”
His hands shifted underneath your body as he moved down until he was knelt on the floor in front of your legs. You kicked him with your foot before he could lift your dress though.
“Harry Styles!” You scoffed. “Your entire family is downstairs. Stop it.”
You were well aware that you sounded like a teacher, or a scolding mother, but sometimes it was the only way to get him to stop his adolescent behaviour.
“You’re no fun.” Harry groaned and laid on the floor like you’d just shot him through the heart with an arrow.
“Don’t marry me then.” You said jokingly.
You shook your head and walked towards the door, heels clicking on the marble floor as you went. You brushed your dress down from creases.
You stopped in front of a full length mirror to check yourself out before you rejoined everyone downstairs. Everything was still set in place, despite the copious amounts of crying.
Harry came up behind you, having felt him before actually seeing him through the mirror.
He wrapped his arms underneath your armpits and squeezed you in a hug from behind. You tilted your head to one side of his body so he could plant a soft kiss on the skin you’d left exposed.
“I love you. And I can’t wait to marry you.” He kissed you again. “For you to be mine. Officially.”
“And you’ll be mine.” You turned your head and looked him in his eyes. They were so full of love, sparkling from the excitement you gave him.
“I’ve always been yours.”
His lips met yours once last time before you really did have to go downstairs.
Harry held your hand as you walked down the stairs together, occasionally checking that you were alright and that your heels weren’t going to make you fall.
Once you were down them, Harry immediately brought you into his side and had his arm around your waist. You copied his motion and followed him into the outdoor seating area.
Lots of long tables had been set up on the large patio for people to sit at, with an extra long table that was arranged with food and drinks for everyone here and an extra hundred people.
There was meats, fish, pasta, pizza and even veggie dinosaur nuggets that Harry had shipped from England just for you. For drinks there was everything from water to very expensive wine. Wine that come from the vineyards Harry has invested in around this area.
Everyone cheered when Harry and you finally turned up, many people already sitting down and tucking into their food and some people nursing glasses of fizz as they chatted.
The glow of the moon and the strings of hundreds of fairy lights made the atmosphere that little bit more special. There was some light piano music playing in the background and everything felt at peace with the world.
“I’m just going to go say to hi to a couple of people. Are you okay?” Harry asked you.
“‘Course. I’m starving and starting to get hangry.”
“Well nobody wants to see a hangry Y/N. Go on!” Harry shooed you along and you stuck up your middle finger at him. He watched you with admiration as you wandered off.
You made it to the buffet selection and happily see your dinosaur nuggets waiting for you. They even have a little sign on them that says ‘property of the lead singers fiance. don’t touch’ in Harry’s handwriting. Every minute he’s got spare he’s reminding people that you are soon to be forever each others.
You sit at a table with some of Harry’s relatives, chatting with them for a bit, before moving down the table to speak to your family.
You finished off your dinosaur nuggets and excuse yourself, wandering back inside the house and towards the freezer.
Opening it, you are amazed to find another three boxes of nuggets and you instantly fall a little bit more in love with Harry because of the simple action.
Your best friend, Ruby, meets you in the kitchen, as you’re turning on the oven to make more.
“Someone has been looking beautiful tonight.” She teased you, handing you over what must be your fourth glass of prosecco of the night.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” You laughed.
“Don’t be daft. No one is glowing more than you are tonight.”
“Not even H?” You challenged.
“I mean, yeah. But he’s only happy ‘cause you are.”
You blushed at her comment and take a sip of your drink. After the nuggets are in the oven, you sit on top of the granite kitchen island. Ruby clambered on after you, falling straight onto her back with how tipsy she is.
You laughed so hard that you ended up falling back too. Luckily the kitchen island is that big that you remain on it.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married next week.” You best friend says.
“Why does everyone keep focusing on that and not the final show tomorrow?” You wondered.
“Maybe because your wedding day is slightly more important than the end of Love On Tour.”
“I don’t think I see it that way.” You hummed at your own realisation. “They’re equal in importance. Tomorrow night is the biggest night of Harry’s career and it means a lot to me, therefore meaning a lot to me.”
“Girl, don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet.”
“No!” You blurted out, more sure of that fact than anything. “Never. I love Harry and I can’t wait for married life together.”
“But I think tomorrow night will be as equally as important to him and so it will be to me too.” You answered truthfully.
“Ugh. When did you get so sappy?” Your best friend teased you.
“Harry brings it out of me.” You gushed over your fiancé.
“You two are so sickeningly in love.”
“Don’t worry. Harry will give me my medicine later.” You attempted a bad joke.
“Okayyy….” Brad said as entered the room with a beer in hand. He’s been following your best friend everywhere she’s gone recently and you’re wondering whether he’s harbouring a little crush.
Both you and Ruby burst out laughing, you clutching onto your stomach from laughing so hard. Everything is so much funnier laying down too.
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Harry asked, smiling when he saw you laughing. He walked up Brad and slung his arm around his shoulder as they watched on.
“Mate I don’t even know. I don’t think I want to know.” Brad answered.
“Harry? Do you love Y/N?” Ruby asked.
“Yes.” Harry answered quickly.
“Y/N? Do you love Harry?”
“I doo!!” You shouted, laughing afterwards.
“They love each other! You’re now both wifed up.” Ruby announced.
“What?” You laughed. “Harry can’t be my wife.” You giggled.
“Oh yeah.” Ruby laughed and it set both of you off laughing again.
Harry shook his head at you both and nodded for Brad to handle Ruby whilst he handled you. Brad made sure Ruby didn’t fall over when he stood her up, announcing he was going to take her somewhere to lay down for a bit to calm down.
You felt Harry’s hands on yours as he pulled you to sit up.
Once you sat up you warmly smiled at him, cupping his cheek and leaning your forehead onto his.
“Hey, baby. Y’doing okay?” Harry asked and smiled at you.
“Your dino nuggets are ready if you want them.”
“Yes please.”
“Okay. Stay here for me.”
Harry arranged them on a plate and added some sweet chilli sauce on the side for you. He then came back over to you and stood between your legs.
He dipped a nugget in some sauce and held it up to your mouth. He blew on it to cool it down, only because he’d seen chefs on the TV do it, and waited for you to take a bite.
You hummed in delight as you bit into it. “Mm mm.”
“Nice?” Harry asked, wiping your mouth of crumbs with a nearby napkin.
“Thank you.” You nodded. “I’m excited for a life full of you and dino nuggets, Harry.”
“Do you love me more than dino nuggets?” He offered you another bite.
“Love you more than anyone or anything.” You finished chewing before speaking. “But veggie dino nuggets are the second love of my life.”
“As long as I’m the first.” He kissed your forehead.
Both of you were in the kitchen for another twenty minutes, talking about anything and nothing whilst Harry fed you. A few people had walked in, but had left you just as quickly to enjoy this quiet time together.
A couple of people had snapped photos of you too, which you would be thankful for later.
At the end of the night, after there was a mass of friends and family cleaning up and washing dishes, everyone retreated to bed.
Harry had been saying his rounds of good night before he had joined you in bed.
It was past midnight and you wanted time to slow down. It was unfair that the last show of love on tour has crept up so soon. How dare it.
You understood Harry needed some time to himself now though and start building more of a life outside of touring for himself. For starters, marrying you.
Harry sighed as he got into bed, peeling back the covers and immediately wiggling is way across the bed, over to your side, and spooning you from behind.
He kissed the back of your neck a couple of times, just because he could, as you wiggled in his hold to get comfortable again.
“Tonight was fun.” You said softly, speaking into the darkness and knowing it was only Harry who could hear you.
“It was. Tomorrow night will be even more fun.”
“It’ll be bittersweet.”
“Maybe.” His hands held yours. “But I’m getting tired, baby, and I just want a bit of rest now.”
“I know, bub. I’ll just miss it, is all.”
“You’ll always still have me, though. I’m not going anywhere.”
You turned around in his hold, facing him and resting your faces so close that your noses were touching.
“I’m here to stay too. Forever yours when that ring gets put on me next week, baby.” You tell him, smiling a little too much at that comment.
“I… I think I’m going to play something for you tomorrow. Something i’ve never done before.” He sounded nervous telling you.
“Just for me?”
“Everything’s always for you. This piece will especially be.”
“Can’t wait.” You leaned in and pecked his lips so he could taste your excitement. “You’re going to be amazing.”
“I’ll be sad it’s over, but more than ready to step off the stage and down the aisle instead. That’ll be the best day of my life.”
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loveofmylifeh · 8 months
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Harry Styles | Love On Tour Bologna | Italy | 25 July 22
Photos : Anchored_to_Lou
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narryboi · 11 months
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tommostylesforever · 11 months
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harry · 11 months
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motocrunch · 5 months
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gucciwins · 11 months
one last message 
word count: 2.2k
a/n: love on tour has come to an end 😭 it seemed only fitting to say goodbye to it with a small blurb from the love on tour series , the story of harry styles and y/n belmonte. thank you for all the love you always give me and i hope this blurb is enough to put a smile on your face. i love you, friends 💜
You adjusted the camera as you had it leaning against the bathroom mirror. You had finished your skincare and knew tomorrow was a big night for Harry and the entire Love on tour crew. There was a lot up in the air for your career and what was next, but in the next twelve hours, all you could think about was your boyfriend. He would be saying goodbye to a tour he poured his heart into, but most importantly, he was stepping away from what he loved to take a well deserved break. Harry couldn’t stay away long; he’d be back. They all knew it was only a matter of when.
Harry was in bed; he had fallen asleep as you played with his hair and told him about your day. The pasta you made from scratch at the cooking lesson you found in a small neighborhood. It wasn’t advertised, but the chef took a liking to you when you asked him more about his favorite dishes. It seemed that was enough to grant you a special spot in Mr. Caruso’s kitchen. He tried to play off his nerves, but you knew him well enough that this final show would be one he wanted to remember forever.
Once you knew your phone wouldn’t fall, you pulled up Instagram and started a live. It’s been a while since you did one. Usually, you do an origami piece with your fans to catch up with them. Tonight would be a little different. You hadn’t been on for a minute, and the number was increasing by the second.
Five hundred.
Three thousand in under two minutes.
“Hi, everyone,” you greeted cheerfully. “Sorry, I haven’t done one of these in a while. Life has been busy.”
The comments began to flood with “hellos” and “I love you,” but also a lot of mentions of Barbie, the film you finished promoting and starred in. You moved past those comments and instead focused on one asking where you were.
“I’m in my bathroom. I finished my skincare for the night and thought we could chat briefly.” You giggled as you saw Lloyd joining in. The number was past 35k, and although you thought it was ridiculous at this hour in Italy, the rest of the world was running at different times. “Lloyd!!! Buddy!!! Go to sleep!” You tease.
You first.
Shaking your head, you try to see if he comments again, but the comments are coming in at lightning speed.
“Sarai, cómo va tu día?” How is your day? You ask your best friend.
Boring. Send me a flight to Italy.
You frown at the screen. “Be quiet. I asked if you wanted to come. You said you were busy.”
A cousin’s wedding. Remember.
“Right. You’re officiating for them. I’ll see you in a few weeks,” you assure them knowing Naomi and Sarai will be staying with you for a week–two if you manage to convince them.
Where’s Harry?
Are you in Italy?
One last show!!!!
I loveeeee you!!!!!!
Final outfit reveal
Show harry
I love the new movie
A simple night. Though lots of questions if you would be in Italy for the final show as no one has seen you for a few weeks and where Harry was. You decided to do the live to connect with the fans, but you also wanted to go to bed and join Harry because even a room away, you missed him. You wanted to talk with the fans to share you feel the same sadness that tour is ending because Love on Tour gave you Harry, and that’s something you’d never forget. The same feeling they all feel staring at Harry while being in the crowd is one that you feel too. You can’t describe it, but you all know it well.
You think back to that night in St. Paul when you locked eyes with Harry and knew life would never be the same again. You can honestly say you didn’t expect to fall in love with him and go on this crazy journey two years later, but there is nothing you’d change in your life because it led you straight to him.
“It might seem odd, I’m here talking with you late into the night.” You laugh at people calling out your time zone. “Well, it’s late for me. Maybe even weirder to do it without my overalls and stack of origami paper,” you take a deep breath before continuing. “I know a lot of you know about my relationship. How private we keep it because not everything is meant to be shared online. I like things to be mine, but Harry has never been mine alone. A piece of his heart belongs to each of you, and it’s not something I will ever forget. I am fortunate to love him and be loved by him. I don’t ever take it for granted.” You sniffle and turn away from the camera to compose yourself, but you know it won’t work. When you look back, the comments are filled with love, and it keeps you going. “Love on tour allowed Harry and I to reconnect and truthfully fall in love. I won’t say more because it’s something special to us, but Love on Tour ending is bittersweet. It’s a tour full of love where many of you met friends, best friends, and lovers. You know what it means to love someone because of an event and because of the distance. The love will only grow stronger, and that I can promise.”
You grin at Pauli’s comment saying how much they love you. You found the love of your life, but you also met new friends and built a bigger family.
“Whether you’re a fan of mine or only following me to get an update on Harry, I want to thank you for your kindness, not to me but towards him. If there is anyone who deserves all the love in the world, it is him. Most of you wonder why I’m saying this here and not to Harry, but he knows. I can promise you he does. Think he might be fed up with all the love and support I shower him with, but I’m doing it because I want to look back at this, who knows, maybe five, ten, twenty years from now, and be glad I shared this with you all. If anything, it’s something Harry can look back at when we have to be apart for longer than a day. Harry, sé que no estás viendo esto, pero eres el amor de mi vida. Un último baile mañana y estaremos de camino a casa. Que sigas cumpliendo todos tus sueños, mi estrella.”
You thank everyone for watching and signing off, turning off your phone, knowing the buzzing will start immediately. You know it will be shared all over the internet, and articles will be written by the time you wake up in a few hours. Usually, it’s something you’re careful about, but tonight you don’t mind. You’re proud of Harry, and you’re allowed to show it whenever you wish. You turn your phone off, knowing Harry loves his morning ringtone better than yours.
Turning the lights off, you know as soon as you’re wrapped in Harry’s arms, you're headed straight to dreamland. Crawling into bed is easy; moving the covers away from Harry proves to be a struggle every night. You shush him quietly to not wake him, and it seems to work until he shuffles over and drags you to lay flat on your back while he gets comfortable on your chest. He would forever be your little spoon.
“I love you, baby,” he mutters into the quiet of the night.
It makes your heart race even after two years together. You kiss the top of his head and repeat your favorite three words to him.
The final show has been nothing short of magical. Harry would spend the entire night on stage if he could, but you all know the show is close to ending. Harry, from the morning, had been cheerful from waking you up with a morning orgasm that led to making love, and once he let you get clothes on a walk along the water. You know he had seen your little speech but made no move to bring it up. It wasn’t necessary because you constantly told him how proud you were, and it was evident in how you proudly showed Harry off all day to a crew that already knew and loved him. You don’t know if someone texted it to him or if he happened to see it on Instagram, but he walked all day with an extra pep in his step. It could have also been the sex. Not a hint of sadness could be detected, and it eased your worries because it meant he was ready for a well deserved break.
You spent the show with Anne and Gemma, dancing your heart out. You knew Glenne and Jeff would pull you in for a final mosh pit as Harry danced his heart out to “Kiwi.” Harry had thanked the fans endlessly throughout the entire night. His speeches always bring tears to your eyes. He thanked the band and the crew. He thanked his family for the support they offered the past thirteen years. You didn’t expect a speech dedicated to you, so it caught you off guard when he mentioned you. All your shared family and friends cheered so loud, making it easy for Harry to spot you and even easier for the camera’s to find you and show you on the screens.
“I don’t know if some of you saw, but my girlfriend gave a lovely speech last night on a live,” Harry smiles as the crowd cheers for you. “She poured her heart out to you while I was sleeping.” He wags his finger playfully. “Like she doesn’t know I love my ego to be fed. Her love is something I feel even when she’s not around, but I am thankful she’s here tonight. She’s here, and she’s been dancing and singing all night. It's my favorite thing in the world seeing her happy.” Harry can see Glenne nudging her playfully, but your eyes never leave his. “I love being on stage and performing for you all. It’s everything I dreamed of, and I can’t wait to return soon to do it again.” Harry gives you a dimpled smile, and you know the look in his eye; even from a distance, you know he wishes he could kiss you. “No one tells you how much you miss out on. Family celebrations, nieces' first steps, and even graduations. The biggest to the littlest things matter. Bel has reminded me that even when I’m not there, I can send a reminder that I’m thinking of my family and friends. That everyone understands I’m doing what I love. I love being here with you all, but I also love being home.” Harry places a hand over his heart. “Bel has made me a better son, friend, and partner. Now I know this is sappy, and maybe you’re over this, and she’s going to tell me after this wasn’t necessary, but I do want it to be known that I’m happy. I have never been happier. And while I will be going away for some time, I want you to know I’m in good hands until I return and am yours again.”
The cheers are a mix of sobs and relief, knowing he will be back even with no set date. You can’t seem to stop crying. All the comforting Anne is doing is working, but it’s as if Harry broke you open by pouring his heart out for you on stage.
“He’s a bit of a romantic, my little one,” Anne teases as she squeezes you tighter.
“You’re telling me. I’m no match.”
Anne laughs, “you flew out the entire family and act like that’s not the greatest gesture.”
It’s true. You planned with Anne to make sure everyone could make it out by planning accommodations and rides for the final show to go smoothly for them. Harry deserved a large celebration, and it was important to have his family here. Naomi wanted to be here because if it weren’t for your best friend, you wouldn’t have found Harry in 2021 though Harry liked to think your paths would cross either way. Naomi’s parents, Ruby and Phil, made the journey for Harry. They happily welcomed him into the family. Viola flew in for the celebration as had Violet, your goddaughter with her father Alex.. Your family had become his, and they were here to celebrate two incredible years of a tour filled with love and joy. He deserved to have his family here after missing them so much. There was a wonderful celebration to come after the show ended.
“Guess we compliment each other well like that,” you told Anne. Small moments that reminded you how much a perfect fit you are for each other.
Harry clears his throat, “now, I’m sure Bel is flustered and wants me to stop, so I will. Thank you for being here. Thank you for changing my life. I love you.” He points at you, and you blow him a kiss he pretends to catch and puts it over his heart for safekeeping.  “I love you, and I’ll miss you.”
You don’t know what the future holds for your relationship. All you know is that your love will guide you through it all. Whether you get married, have kids, or simply exist to love each other, everything will work out the way it needs to because your love was written in the stars.
thank you for reading! love on tour has been so magical and special for us all. i love you all and hope you go back and read this series if you’re ever missing love on tour. te quiero mucho 🤍
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onceagainace · 11 months
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keiksy-cake · 8 months
Hetalia Poll Results Pt 1: Character Whose House You'd Like To Visit
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Finished this one super quickly! Thanks again to the donator who requested! 🥰
As promised, here are the other results for now that I may or may not get to:
Character Who You'd Want To Be Your Boss: Germany (Hima's recc: Germany)
Character Who Would Make The Best Friend: Japan (Hima's recc: Italy)
Character Who You'd Like To Eat With: Italy (Hima's recc: France)
(These next few ones are just by Hima I think)
Whose House You Should Visit: Singapore
Who Would Be A Great Host: India
...Be A Popular Youtuber: America
...Be A Popular Comedian: Spain
...Be The Heaviest Drinker: Russia
...Have Light Feet: Wy
It's also my birthday today so I would appreciate any thanks in the form of happy bday messages ❤️
all collezione pages
[Please note, I’m actually an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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hrrysmykisser · 10 months
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i want to go to Italy with him
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finelinevogue · 11 months
so proud
summary - the morning after the final show
word count: ~1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
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The next morning was peaceful.
You woke up first and after having forgotten to close the blinds, the light was already streaming inside your bedroom window.
Harry’s Italian house being bought in the countryside meant there was no noise surrounding you. It was just the clattering of guests downstairs making breakfast and morning coffees.
You and Harry were normally early risers, but after last night you both deserved the lay in. Harry more so than you, but Harry can’t sleep without you so it meant you had to stay with him.
“Harry, bub.” You moved your hands over his bare back.
Harry was laying on his front, face smushed into the pillow from such a great nights sleep. After the final show, you’d all gone out for drinks to celebrate and then come back to the house for more celebrations. However, those celebrations mainly included you and Harry having endless rounds of sex until the early hours of the morning.
It was now ten in the morning and you both needed to be up to see some guests off.
You and Harry were staying for another few weeks, but Anne and others had lives and jobs to get back to.
“Mm.” He mumbled, his lips slightly rolled due to his face being engulfed by the pillow.
His hair was very messy and curly this morning. You started picking some piece off of his face, watching as his eyelids fluttered from the disturbance.
The sunshine was glazing over his body so perfectly.
He looked like a summers dream.
“Wake up, m’love.” You moved the covers down over his body to expose him to the morning air, kissing his bare back as you did so.
You kissed all his tiny moles and freckles, before kissing the one part of him that had only been yours and his for so long; his birthmark.
He hummed again as he felt you kiss him on his lower back.
“Kiss me a bit lower.” He mumbled cheekily.
You responded by nipping at his skin with your teeth. You made your way back up his body and kissed his cheek finally, watching his eye open.
“Hey, handsome.” You smiled, cupping his cheek and leaning down to awkwardly kiss him on his lips. It was a difficult position to kiss him in, but you didn’t mind.
“Hey.” He smiled, the pillow creasing slightly from the movement.
“How’s my shining star feeling this morning?” You asked, tucking his hair behind his ear. You mentally reminded yourself to give him a haircut soon.
“Still shining.”
“So proud of you.” You nuzzled your nose against his.
“You might’ve mentioned that last night.” Harry rolled over and snaked an arm around your waist in the process, so he could have a feel of you in the morning.
“I definitely showed it.” You teasingly smiled.
“You did, baby.” Harry smiled as he reminisced the night in his mind. He rubbed his fingers over his eyes with his free hand, waking himself up.
You watched him for a few moments, just watching him soak in the morning sun like he was an expert at it. He glowed so bright.
Last night was so incredible.
He shone so bright last night.
Brighter than the moon he admired so much.
You twisted your body as sat up more, facing the wall on the opposite side to Harry.
You looked to the ceiling as you tried to conceal your tears. You wiped under your eyes as you tried to push the tears back into your eyes, but no matter because the wall became blurry within seconds.
No sounds had to be made for Harry to know you were upset.
He sat up instantly and wrapped one arm around your waist and the other softly cupped your chin to direct your face to his.
“Hey? What’s with the tears?” He asked, frowning because he hated seeing you upset.
“I’m so proud to the point where I can’t stop crying.” You laughed, thinking it was such a silly reason for crying now that you’d said it out loud.
“Baby…” Harry said softly.
“It’s okay. No sorry’s needed. Cry all y’want, love. God knows I did all the crying last night.” Harry tried to lighten the atmosphere with a silly joke.
You laughed again. Harry used his fingers to wipe the tears below your eyes.
“I love you. So much.” You let him know.
“I know. I love you just as much.” He nodded.
“You’re so amazing. You’re so cool. You’re a star. What you did last night… Well done, baby. I’m just so proud.”
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