#love u muffin
aprito · 1 year
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one of my fav fics by @baking-fics featuring old lady sakura a whole lot of skeletons and this cursed nasty rotting little old man nobody in the deep woods actually likes
part 1
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saetoru · 9 months
lil space nerd suguru is so precious to me. that one guy in your classes who’s got that neat lil man bun and bangs framing his face—sometimes he wears glasses when he’s especially tired in the mornings. he’s always taking diligent notes and pays attention in every class—even when that loud, talkative white haired guy who’s always with him is bugging him on the side. he’s always wearing baggy clothes that are two sizes too big for him and no one has really heard him talk more than he absolutely needs to because he keeps to himself.
and then you get to know him. he’s more talkative than you realize, slips in a sly comment that flusters you a bit without even trying. you didn’t realize he could be so smooth—but you suppose someone who’s so quiet and keeps to themselves so often is probably observant enough to know the little things about you. he’s painfully smart and knows random little things about random topics, but especially loves space. he’s a bit bashful when you notice the collection of books in his room for the first time. and sometimes, if you ask the right questions and seem genuinely interested enough, he’ll ramble a bit and throw in a bunch of facts and theories that he knows, too focused on speaking to notice the way you’re staring at him in awe. his hair frames his face perfectly and his jaw is sharp and his eyes get so animated when he’s passionate about something.
and then, under all those baggy clothes, he’s actually broad and muscled—strong arms and hands that wrap around your waist or settle on your hips and pull you against a sturdy chest. sometimes, when it’s just the two of you, he sits around shirtless with his hair down, glasses perched on his nose as he lays on your lap. he’s pretty like that—he’s pretty all the time, but especially when he’s alone with you and let’s himself be more open. he’s not so quiet when you get to really know him, a little bit of a tease when he wants to be, endearingly talkative when the topic is up his alley, and so gentle and sweet and patient and kind, it’s easy enough to fall in love with him. it’s even easier to never stop.
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akemi-snow · 1 year
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KakaIru + Those Four Guys From Naruto
I'll assume you've seen the original versions with the canon couples. (I'd link it but have no idea what the OG really is). Now it's the gae version.
#kakairu#koteizu#Genrai#Naruto#Those two guys from Naruto#those two guys from naruto but it's not those two guys#genma shiranui#namiashi raidou#hagane kotetsu#izumo kamizuki#the funniest bit of this is that izumo's screencap isn't edited. Demon Possessed Izumo canon#Also funny that literally 2 seconds after that he's already putting his anger behind because he had a DUO battle tactic idea#Izumo: *is ready to falcon punch Kotetsu into another dimension after embarrassing him in front of 2 ANBU jonin*#Also Izumo: *includes his buddy his friend his sun and stars into his tactic ideas regardless because Friendship Means Friend*#Izumo is the embodiment of 'Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I stopped caring'#Also Izumo is currently on duty in that scene + dealing with Ko's lazy ass + just embarrassed himself in front of 2 respected jonin ->#and STILL had an idea for a killer top tier tactic right there. Brilliant baby. Smart boi. Intelligent cutie. Creative little muffin. I lov#Also this is in no way a diss to iruka. Iruka bby. Iruka my boy. Iruka my heart & soul since naruto 1st aired. i love u bby.#Kotetsu in canon: Wants to fight Izumo. Kotetsu as soon as Izumo wants to fight: NOPE *runs*#also gonna post the not gay version for the non shipper side of fandom. Not like I have more than 4 followers but in case it makes it out#It's just. I've seen The 4 Guys being shipped in PLENTY KakaIru fics. So I assumed someone might enjoy this lmao#also because i ship these 3. Everything gay I ship. I love me some non toxic masculine intimate friendship but I also love my gay sorry
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gooperts-gunk · 4 months
ayhalo are together and the brainwaves are vibrating they're saying "i want q!pierre to be a dapper co-parent OFFICIAL" and "i want their neighbor situation to be the domestic side of bbh's home and the industrial side of aypierre's factories and q!pierre and q!bbh live in like a split house situation where their houses are connected together but separate and they have a corridor to get between the two houses to stop by whenever" im going crazy, i missed them together very much
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happyheidi · 1 year
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skyburger · 2 months
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whos your favorite of the crusaders from part 3... i think i love baofu the most tbh
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plushpyromoved · 10 months
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[gift art for @fandomandangstlover]
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padfootastic · 8 months
I like to imagine that the Black cousins were all really close in age: Bella and Andy were in the same year, Narcissa was the year below them, Sirius was the year below Narcissa, and Regulus was the year below his brother. If JKR can claim Cygnus had 3 kids at 17 and had Bellatrix at 13, I can say whatever the hell I want about the timeline. Plus, it’s fun to think that there are several years where the entire school is subjected to the Black Family’s chaotic nonsense.
hehehe i love both this option and the other one, that they were all a little spread out in years bc the hilarity of like. blacks being utter menaces and the profs being exhausted but relieved to see them go. except, a new one pops up every couple or so years and it’s like ‘oh merlin’s saggy balls no, not again’ so it’s like a black reign of terror for like. a decade and a half, starting from bella, who’s managed to get slytherin under her thumb in her first year alone thru sheer malice and magical power, then it was andy and her assorted rebellions (she started a minor unionisation campaign in slytherin in her second year; to date, no one knows how or even for what, just that for atleast 5.3 months, lil kids were going around chanting about the rights of the proletariat and it was only when sirius stepped in with ‘andy ur literally the bourgeois, what r u on about’ that it slowed down), then there was cissa who was a Younger Sibling™️ and wrecked havoc trying to be Everywhere, and do Everything bc she finally has freedom and no limits.
and then came sirius, of course, who kick started chaos on his first day by sorting into gryffindor and soulmate-ing a potter. he was not only a genius, but a bored one, which made him dangerous. making other kids cry was a specialty and unintended consequence of his sharp tongue and indifference, and generally, he was a Problem bc he couldn’t be controlled. and regulus, who finally seemed to be a decent options and slughorn (?) could’ve cried in relief at finally getting a normal black but alas, he should’ve known that typology just did not exist in nature bc the youngest black turned out to be a raging death eater with a massive hard on for a man his grandfather’s age steeped in dark arts to the point of losing his soul. so ykno.
black reign of terror.
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fortifice · 1 month
thinking abt how gepard likes sweet food
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lovedazai · 2 months
yayayay happy weekend !!
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hyunpic · 1 year
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hyunjin on bubble
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boyjoan · 3 months
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rumblemodels · 5 months
Which Pokémon would you want to become if you could? :3
oh super easy question.. reshiram!!!!! i kin that beast its already me
but if legendaries arent allowed then umm,,........ luxray prawnbably. i have one in platinum and shes literally my pride and joy i love her so much
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Something that would be very cool but also not very canon: If a good chunk of the episode "Thanks To Them" was a flashback dedicated to the backstory of Philip and Caleb.
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sineaste · 1 year
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harusaki for @ritzcrackerz 🫶🏽
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glitteratti · 27 days
been going so batshit over english muffin breakfast sandwiches lately you do NOT get it. my go to breakfast rn: sausage and egg on an english muffin SOMETIMES + avocado if im feeling fancy. + hot sauce obvi
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