#lu proxi
penpenpencil · 1 year
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Some LU bois doodles I’ve drawn over the past few months. Since I just finished the page, I thought I’d share :)
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emissary-of-the-moon · 3 months
Proxi Headcanons:
- In terms of fairies, Proxi is very fast. She's able to cover a lot of distance to relay information in a very short amount of time.
- Proxi was the one who started with the nicknames for Time and Wind. During the war she called Time "Masks" or "Young One" and Wind was "Sailor" or "Sea Boy". When she meets the entire Chain she recognizes that the Wind she knew hasn't existed yet and calls him "Little Sailor". Time she outs as Masks right away.
- As a fairy, she's able to detect traces of magic. And despite Wars having a whistle to call for her that she can hear from wherever (similar to Twilight's horse call), she was at the Chain's exist rift before anyone could start figuring out who's era they're in.
- Proxi knows how old Time is. She won't disclose it unless Time says she can.
- Fairies don't "die". After a couple hundred years they are reborn as a young sprite and the cycle continues. They can remember only the life they had just previously lived, not all of their previous lives.
- Proxi is able to sense traces of Navi's presence on Time even after all these years. As a kid he asked her why Navi would have left, and not even she knew why.
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
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Adventure Swap Warriors meme redraw (with a bonus Proxi)
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catreginae · 2 years
Thou Shalt Not Fall: A Sad Tea Party
Warriors is confronted by three, worried friends.
A couple notes here! a) this is part 2! Part 3 is going up tomorrow! If you haven't read part 1 though, I think you can manage without it. b) you get all of these updates because I promised I would upload two chapters this weekend if Warriors won the tumblr sexyman contest. I'm sure you know the result if the first of two updates this weekend. c) I changed Artemis to Athena because quirkle gave me the strength to. No, it's retroactive yet, but it starts here.
“To the castle now?”
Warriors nodded. They've been in his era for a few days now and they've yet to find anything that warranted a band of experienced heroes. Sure, a few bokoblins here and there, but those battles turned into a competition with some of them trying to find the most surprising way to kill the bokoblins. So far, Wild was winning – he killed a couple with a mop. A mop. He knew Wild was good with a wide variety of weapons but damn, that was something else.
“If there's anything weird happening in Hyrule, Athena and General Impa would know. We should be there sometime tomorrow.”
Time nodded. He knew how it was.
“You looking forward to it, old man?” Twilight asked. “You know Athena and General Impa from the war, right?”
“I do miss Athena and Impa,” Time said with a smile. “I especially miss Proxi though.”
Warriors only hummed. Time would miss the one person who would let him get away with all of his crimes and even help him commit said crimes. He missed Proxi too, along with Athena and Impa, but he wasn't sure he could face any of them at the moment. Even plastering a fake smile for the others was hard and he was pretty sure that he wasn't fooling any of them, but they didn't ask.
He didn't miss the way Time looked at him with a frown when he failed to add anything to the conversation. It was difficult to talk to any of them when Warriors kept thinking about how he one day might tear one his brothers' throat out with his bare teeth. It was all too easy to imagine one of them laying on the ground, bleeding out from his neck, instead of the traitorous woman.
Maybe he should just stay at the castle and let the others leave without him. What any right did he have to stay with any of them? They would just insist he come along despite the dangers he posed because they were too damn kind for their own good.
“Hmmm?” He wasn't even sure who was addressing him.
“Are you alright? You've been really quiet and out of it since you ate all of that hemlock. Are you sure it didn't do anything to you?” Wind asked with a pout.
“Ah, it's not the hemlock. It's something else, but I don't want to talk to about it.”
And those were the words that would get everybody off his back. If there was one thing they all held close to them, it was their thoughts and their secrets. There wasn't a whole lot you could keep to yourself when you travelled with a bunch of people but they had their thoughts and secrets – until those secrets blew up in their faces, of course. Until then though, they kept their secrets close to their hearts and nobody pried until they really felt it affected the group.
The rest of the day went with everybody leaving him be.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They reached the castle by late afternoon.
And that's when it all began.
A guard was assigned with guiding the others to their rooms for the evening while Impa and Proxi dragged Warriors away for a meeting with Athena. What kind of conversation would be just between the four of them? If it was about the monsters, shouldn't the rest of them be with him? Surely, Impa and Proxi recognized Time and Wind?
“Link!” Athena called out as they entered her study. She wrapped him a tight hug as Impa closed and locked the door behind him, then went as far as to close the windows as well, pulling the curtains across to darken the room. For a moment, the only source of light in the room came from Proxi and Athena's fireplace but thankfully, Impa was quick to light up some lanterns. Of course, the three of them would be considerate enough to close the curtains, but he really didn't need them to fret about him that much. He could handle indirect light, but he appreciated the thought nonetheless. “I've been so worried about you.”
“I've missed you too. I write when I can but I never know when the letters will arrive when I'm in another timeline.”
“It's not the letters I'm worried about. Please, have a seat.”
He almost didn't because it made him nervous, but she was his superior so he did as he was told. At the table, her guest table where she discussed reports with him sometimes, there was a steaming teapot and several cups. It made him wonder if she was expecting him.
“Tea? It's still warm.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled. She filled one of the glasses and he took it, bringing to his lips for a sip. It was unexpectedly fruity.
“We had a report of a strange murder from a town we know you frequent,” Impa started. He felt the blood drain from his face. Of course, the messengers were quick on their feet in peacetime and not when he needed them to be quick during the war. “Stabbed through the heart with a stake but the guards who reported it suspect it was the heavy trauma to the neck that killed the victim. Although I did not go see the body, the descriptions led me to believe it was the work of a vampire, and the stake was to prevent the victim from becoming a vampire themselves. Care to explain yourself, Captain?”
“She was a traitor,” he mumbled quietly, barely loud enough for him to hear over his roaring heart. He took a deep breath through his nose and let it out through his mouth, trying to calm himself. He never expected the murder to get back to the castle. He really should have hid the body. He thought it was good enough to just make sure the others Links never found out. “She tried to poison me and my companions with hemlock. I'm very aware of how it tastes at this point. I wouldn't care if it was just me but she put eight other people in danger and most of them had nothing to do with the war.”
“I'm not concerned so much with the reasoning, Link. I know you don't kill unless your life or the life of somebody you care is threatened. It's a decision you don't take lightly. I understand that part,” Athena said quietly, putting one of her hands on top of his own. Warriors almost pulled away in case she was preparing to kill him with her magic. It was the first time he found himself afraid of her, afraid of what she would do now that she knew what he did. “But what happened? Why did you use your powers to do it?”
“I...” He clenched his free hand tightly into a fist. His cup of tea went ignored.
“Link, please, we're just worried,” Proxi said. “You never talk about the vampire stuff. It can't be good for you to bottle it all up.”
“What is there to even say about it? Nobody's found a way to get rid of the curse and nobody knows how to help me. We can talk about it all we want, it wouldn't do anything.”
“Link-” Athena started but all his frustration was starting to bubble over and when he was frustrated, he started rambling.
“I wish I could tell you what happened, Zelda, but I really can't. I was going to drink her blood anyway because I wasn't going to let get away with trying to hurt innocent people and suddenly, I'm just covered in blood! I don't fucking remember tearing her throat out, I just know that I did. I didn't want to go that far! I just have this... fucking blank in my memory and there's absolutely nothing that can be done because I'm just some monster that everybody pities! Hylians can't help because they don't know what it's like and vampires can't help me because I'm just different enough that they don't understand what it's like either. I don't even know why I keep trying!”
He didn't realize he was crying until the tears splattered onto his pants. Proxi nuzzled his cheek.
“I don't belong anywhere, Zelda, I really don't. I thought I fit in with the other heroes but if I kill one of them too? What if I can't remember doing it?”
“Link,” Impa started. “All of the people you came to the castle with know you're a vampire, correct?”
Link nodded weakly, trying in vain to quell the tears in his eyes, to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. All he managed to do was silence the sobbing though. He couldn't fight the tears, apparently.
“Then trust your companions to help you. You may have been brought together to fight a common foe, but you should take any opportunity to learn from new people and new environments. If you're not comfortable with us, then trust them. Surely, nine minds are better than one.”
“Most of them rely on me for all their vampires facts.”
“Maybe that's what you need – people who don't know,” Athena said simply. “A fresh perspective might help. You need to tell them what's on your mind though. They can't help if you don't let them help, if you don't tell them what's going on.”
What if he did tell them that he was scared of hurting them and they finally rejected him? What if they did what he wanted them to do – to be careful around him, to be wary of what he could do – and decide that the risks outweighed any benefits he brought to the group? Warriors wasn't sure he could handle it. He viewed them all as brothers. He let himself get attached to all of them. The rejection, even if it was the best for them, would hurt. It would hurt a lot.
“I don't know,” he mumbled.
“I know you have a hard time accepting help sometimes, but you need to put your head in the game and stop feeling sorry for yourself. How can you work in a group if you have such concerns and can't bring them up?”
Warriors had a couple of responses but he bit his tongue.
“Impa, that's enough.”
Impa hummed but otherwise stayed silent. Warriors took the moment to try to collect himself as Athena took both of his hands into hers.
“Link, no matter what, we're here for you. You're always welcomed here. We just want to help if you will let us.”
For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he raised his teacup again and downed half the cup. It wasn't the way he liked to drink tea, he preferred to take his time with it, but he was desperate to just do something other than cry. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” It sounded basic, but he meant it. It wasn't like he had any other home to miss. “What of the body? Does Lady Elena know about what I did?”
“We haven't spoken but I suspect she's aware. However, the general population doesn't suspect a vampire so you're safe in the regard. They suspect a monster, so Lady Elena won't try to murder you, I'm sure,” Impa answered. “Although it's unusual for a monster to go for the throat like that, it's not entirely unheard of. It only screams vampire to whoever is already aware of the existence of vampires.”
Well, they weren't wrong about that. It was a monster. As if she read his mind, Impa pinched his ear and twisted. He hissed and swatted at her hand.
“Stop it. We're not here just let you wallow in self-pity.”
Athena cleared her throat. “Lady Elena might want to have words with you, so I would advise that you head to the manor next if possible. In the very least, she might know something about how to prevent something like this in the future. Of course, you and your companions are welcomed to stay here for a few days to rest and collect your thoughts.”
“The real reason why we're here is for an suspicious monster reports.”
“How about we talk about that tomorrow?”
“But Zelda-”
“Seriously, finish your tea, and get some rest. If not for you, at least for the rest of them, got it? I'm not going to let you fight monsters when you're so troubled.”
He supposed she had a point, so he downed the rest of the cup and put it on the table. If it one of his soldiers in his spot, he wouldn't put them in a battle because distracted soldiers were bound to get themselves or somebody else hurt. If a fight broke out now, he wouldn't be able to focus on it and that could be disastrous.
“Okay, tomorrow.”
“Good. Go get some rest or take a walk, alright?”
With that, he and Athena hugged it out again and he took his leave. Proxi followed him out of the room, nestling herself in his scarf as he walked towards his room. He wasn't sure where the others where placed, exactly, but he had his own room regardless.
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
“I know. I know you always have my back,” Link said softly.
He knew the others did too. He just... wished he could be honest with them.
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nell0-0 · 26 days
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Impa thought they all knew that since Mask's arrival to the war of eras wasn't very subtle about it. She refuses to elaborate when she realizes the others don't know.
And many years later (for Mask/Time, that is), during a certain conversation...
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layraket · 6 months
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i have lost control of my life so i drew big brother wars
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noorahqar · 2 months
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Does anyone ever think about My Fairy in Hyrule Warriors? Because I do. I think about pre-battle dress-up and brunch with the girls.
(Image of aforementioned salon below the cut)
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What do you mean Warriors canonically has to go dress up and nourish his gal pals before battle?! And, more importantly, why does no one talk about it?!!
(Image from Zelda Dungeon. Thank you @defenestration13 for introducing fairy dress up to me it changed my life)
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themortaldraw · 1 year
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when you’re a cocky asshole on the battlefield but afraid of inconveniencing the fast food workers at mcdonald’s
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psykheofthestars · 3 months
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Your honor, they were like 18 and 17 during the war. Of course they were the biggest bitches on planet Earth to the villains
(Or, in other words: Hyrule Warriors but from an adult's perspective)
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Whumptober Day 21: Restraints, “Don’t move”
Blah blah finished this yesterday didn’t have time to put it here you know the drill. Finally the continuation to day 8! Poor Warriors and Hyrule have been stuck for a long time lol
Also this is. So long. I think it’s the longest yet. 😭
Day 8
Read on ao3
Warnings: effects of drugging, mentions of slavery/human(fairy) trafficking, very minor nonconsensual touching, a little blood, and injury
Warriors woke up to the floor rolling gently under his head.
He groaned, stomach rolling in time with the swaying underneath him, and cracked his eyes open, a pounding sensation taking up residence in his head. His vision took a moment to focus, but once it did, he didn’t like what he saw.
What looked like the belowdecks of a ship met him, bars blocking off any escape. Most of his view was cut off by a large stack of crates piled in front of the bars, making a temporary sort of wall, and when he moved to study it, he found he couldn’t go further then maybe a foot due to the chain fastened to his ankle.
Panic began to bite at him, and Warriors looked around more frantically, trying to remember where he was. A strange fog clouded his senses, and he winced as his head throbbed again. Had he been drugged? It felt like it.
Then his eyes landed on a figure collapsed next to him, and it all came rushing back.
“Traveler,” he gasped, and leaned over Hyrule, shaking his arm. “Traveler, hey wake up.”
It took a minute, but Hyrule eventually let out a low groan and opened his eyes, the greenish-brown color slightly milky-looking.
Hyrule blinked up at Warriors, his eyes squinted in pain as he continued to slowly wake. Then they widened in realization, and he abruptly sat up, face paling.
“Easy buddy,” Warriors said as Hyrule nearly fell over, putting a hand on his arm. “That drug was a lot, take it slow.”
Hyrule put a hand to his forehead, looking dizzy, and Warriors kept him up while he attempted to adjust. It had probably been a larger dose then was necessary for the skinny traveler, and along with the floor moving up and down below them, Hyrule wasn’t looking too great.
A voice called distantly overhead them, and Warriors glanced upward, dread pooling in his gut.
They were stuck on a ship heading who knows where, with men they didn’t know nearly enough about, and he had no clue how they were going to escape.
He’d been in some rough spots before, but this was shaping up to be one of the worst.
“Are we really on the river?” Hyrule asked, sounding a little nauseous. “They said something earlier about a river, but... the waves seem too big for that.”
“It gets wider downstream before it goes out to a bay,” Warriors explained, a small curl of dread running through him. The further downriver they got, the smaller their chance to escape.
“So... so where do you think they’re taking us?” Hyrule asked once he’d adjusted a little more, and Warriors breathed out.
“...my best guess is somewhere outside of Hyrule,” he said quietly. “Other countries are far less... strict, in regards to fairies and... slaves. In some places it’s entirely legal.”
Hyrule sank into himself a little further.
“So that’s it then. We’re going to be carted off and sold like cattle, along with a hundred or so fairies we couldn’t save,” Hyrule choked out.
His voice was thick and angry, and Warriors squeezed his shoulder. That was another problem. Neither of them was going to leave here without freeing the fairies that were also captured, but how were they supposed to do that if even they themselves couldn’t get free?
Hyrule swallowed, looking dizzy, and he closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall.
“Don’t suppose you have any ideas?” he asked in a tired voice, and Warriors made a negative noise.
“Not yet. We’ll... we’ll think of something, ‘rule. First off we should probably try and get out of these chains...”
Footsteps suddenly echoed nearby, and they both froze, glancing at each other as they approached. Warriors swallowed, and tried to look casual.
It was only a matter of time before they were visited, he supposed.
Three men walked into the cell where Warriors and Hyrule were sitting, and Warriors felt the unpleasant feeling in his chest tighten as he recognized them all as men from the tavern.
“Have a nice nap?” one smirked, and Warriors held himself back from rolling his eyes.
“What do you want with us?” he said coolly, and the one with the scarred arms stepped a bit closer.
“We’ll never pass up an opportunity to make a few extra rupees,” he replied, looking between him and Hyrule. “But we’ll be paid more depending on certain factors, and we’ve come to figure out what those factors are.”
“What, you get paid more for blonds?” Warriors snorted, and Hyrule almost smiled next to him.
The men ignored him.
“The both of you have a way with the fairies,” the man said, his heavily scarred arms crossed over his chest. Warriors felt a prick of fear for Hyrule. “Most normal folk can’t speak with them, no less have a coherent conversation.”
“If you’re talking about Proxi, anyone can understand her, she’s a navigation fairy,” Hyrule pointed out, and the man snorted.
“I know that, kid. I meant the fact that you were talking with healing fairies, and all the other ones we have. Normal Hylians can’t do that.”
“Call it a gift,” Warriors said with a casual shrug he didn’t quite feel.
The man’s eyes narrowed. “Makes me wonder if in fact there’s more to you both than meets the eye.”
The other two men moved forward and grabbed Hyrule, extending his arm out and gripping him so he couldn’t move. One of them drew a knife, and Hyrule was slashed on the arm, the traveler letting out a startled cry. The man collected some of his blood in a jar, then did the same to Warriors, slashing him in the same spot and putting his in a different jar.
“Blood can show a lot about a person it turns out,” the scarred man said easily, holding up both jars. “And lucky for you gentlemen, my crew has figured out a method for finding fairy kin by blood alone.”
Hyrule paled, clutching his wrist, and the scarred man chuckled.
“Now wrap yourselves up, I don’t want my merchandise bleeding out,” he said, tossing a roll of bandages over as he turned away.
Then the three of them left, leaving Warriors and Hyrule alone as their blood dripped onto the floor.
“Captain, my... my blood, I... if it’s in the wrong hands...” Hyrule began, but Warriors cut him off.
“They just want to see which of us is fairy related,” he reassured, wondering at the flicker of panic he could see in Hyrule’s eyes, but deciding not to push. Did magic blood have properties he didn’t know about? “I don’t think they’re going to do anything else with it.”
...I hope.
“Can they tell I’m fairy just from blood?” Hyrule asked nervously, and Warriors closed his eyes.
“I don’t know. But let’s hope they can’t.”
I might not be able to protect you if they decide I’m just a liability.
Warriors leaned over and picked up the roll of bandages, and took Hyrule’s arm in his, carefully wrapping it.
“I’m sorry they captured you too,” Hyrule said quietly as he finished, drawing his knees up to his chest. “They probably wouldn’t even have gotten you if I hadn’t been there.”
“Are you kidding Traveler? If you weren’t fairy kin, then they likely would have just killed us,” Warriors said with a sigh. He sent Hyrule a wry smile. “Besides. It’s a little nice knowing it isn’t personal for once. Usually when this sort of thing happens, it’s because they think I should have given myself up to Cia, or didn’t save enough lives in the war or something.”
Hyrule smiled just a little, and began to wrap Warriors’ arm.
“And Time is out there somewhere looking for us,” Warriors said as he leaned against the wall. “We’ll just have to do what we can with what we’ve got until he shows up.”
“Figuring out where the fairies are would be a start,” Hyrule said as he finished, setting the bandages aside. “You think they’re here with us somewhere?”
“It seems likely.”
They began to discuss possible escape ideas, waiting nervously for the men to come back. Warriors knew it was only a matter of time, but talking out a small semblance of a plan was helpful at least.
He wasn’t sure how long it was until footsteps rang out nearby, but he sighed, internally bracing himself. He’d do what he could to keep them away from Hyrule, but he wasn’t sure how much he could do.
If they separate us, escaping will be even harder.
The footsteps stopped, and the men came back into their cell, grinning widely.
Not a good sign.
“It’s our lucky day,” the scarred man said, strolling back in and grinning at the two. “The gods have given us good fortune! It seems we’ve had two fairy kin dropped into our possession.”
Warriors stared, and Hyrule’s eyes went huge, looking over at Warriors in disbelief.
“...You’re mistaken,” he said a bit dumbly, and the men laughed at his disbelief.
“Oh even better, this one didn’t know!” the skinny one chortled, and stared at Warriors. “Our method doesn’t make mistakes, kid. You’re fairy kin, though not as pure blooded as the other one. No doubt about it.”
Another man chuckled. “Too bad you won’t get a chance to enjoy it.”
All of them laughed, but Warriors barely registered it, mind stalling on the information that had just been dumped on him.
Fairy kin? Him?
It wasn’t possible. Their method of figuring it out, whatever it was, had to be faulty, there was no way!
Sure he was a little more magically gifted than some Hylians, but not many. Time, for example, was way more magically gifted then himself, and so was Legend, and Wind was about equal to him. But none of them were fairy kin. He could also talk to fairies he supposed, and always could, but once again, so could Time.
If it were true, wouldn’t that Great Fairy have treated him differently? Or was that why she put him in a bottle?
...What about his mother? She hadn’t had a drop of magic ability in her, and surely she would have told him? He’d never known his father, true, but... wouldn’t his mother have known? Wouldn’t Proxi have known?
Why was he finding out like this?!
A hand grabbed his face and Warriors snapped out of his thoughts, the scarred man tilting his face around and studying it.
“Oh the buyer is going to love this,” he said as Warriors pulled away with a growl, grabbing Hyrule’s chin instead and eagerly studying his face. “You think we’ll get three times as much for them as for the blues?”
Hyrule yanked his chin out of the man’s grip, and the three just laughed, greed shining in their eyes.
“Who knows? But one thing’s for sure, we’ll definitely get our money’s worth.”
“Don’t you feel any remorse for what you’re doing here?” Hyrule snapped, but the men only laughed some more, and exited the cell.
Hyrule looked at Warriors the moment they were gone, but he didn’t look back, still running words and memories over in his mind and trying to figure out if what he’d just heard had any merit to it.
Was he really?
“Warriors, I...”
“Did you know?” he asked in a strangled voice, and Hyrule immediately shook his head.
“No, I didn’t, I... I’m sorry I didn’t,” he said quietly, meeting his eyes. “Then you wouldn’t’ve had to find out like this.”
Warriors swallowed, and Hyrule put a hand on his arm.
Then Warriors took a deep breath in through his nose, then let it out, putting his out of control thoughts into a neat little box in the back of his mind. He could think through all of it later, when they were in less extreme circumstances and had time to deal with... all of it.
...Or just leave it there.
“Wait,” Hyrule said suddenly, his head shooting up, “wait, fairy kin...”
“What about it?” Warriors said, voice slightly strained.
“No, listen Wars, if those men were right and you’re part fairy then I might be able to use my fairy spell on both of us,” Hyrule spoke quickly. “Then we could get out!”
“...You have a fairy spell?” Warriors said incredulously, and Hyrule waved him off.
“Yeah, I don’t use it much because it takes up a lot of magic, but I think I have enough to use it on both of us!”
“...But if it takes up a lot of magic, using it twice might use up everything you have,” he said worriedly, studying the still-shaky traveler.
Hyrule looked a little less ill then before, but his eyes were still a little off-color, and he wobbled when he moved too quickly. Adding the effects of magic deprivation on top of that...
Hyrule smiled. “It’ll be fine. We’ll be able to get out of these chains and slip through the bars, and then... we can find the rest of the fairies, and try to get them free.”
“What if it doesn’t work on me?” Warriors pointed out, setting a hand on Hyrule’s arm. “It’s still possible they were wrong about... all that.”
“Well then I’ll go out and find the key and get you out too,” Hyrule said as he stood up, wobbling a little. “Unless you can think of a better idea?”
Warriors sighed, and stood up as well, bracing Hyrule when he wavered. He couldn’t, really. It was a good plan, albeit a bit strange, but Warriors had found that sometimes the stranger the plan, the better.
Besides, he’d certainly done weirder.
He nodded, and Hyrule took his other hand, gripping them tightly as he closed his eyes.
Just as the traveler began to glow, the floor heaved underneath them, and Warriors clutched at Hyrule’s arm, stopping them both from falling over. It happened again, and Warriors heard shouting from above as they slightly shifted course.
A resounding thud came from under their feet, and Warriors looked at the floor, raising an eyebrow.
It felt like something was ramming the boat.
“...You think that might somehow be Time’s doing?” Hyrule said with a look around, and Warriors shrugged, nearly falling over as the floor shook again.
“I hope so, or we might be in even bigger trouble,” he muttered. “Better finish your spell.”
Hyrule quickly nodded and closed his eyes again, Warriors keeping him steady as the ship lurched beneath them. A soft glow spread across his skin as Warriors watched, a vibrant, healthy green. When it reached his hands, the glow paused, then slowly trickled over to Warriors’ hands as well, changing from green to a more blue color.
A fizzy, tingling sensation began to spread through Warriors’ limbs, starting in his hands, and he held on a little tighter to Hyrule. His stomach lurched as the world abruptly spun around him, and he slammed his eyes shut.
Blood roared in his ears, magic tingling all over him as he felt the weight of the chain at his ankle abruptly disappear, an uncomfortable tightness closing around him.
He felt suddenly like he was going to throw up, and his breath stuttered, pressure building in his ears and chest to an excruciating degree.
It’s not working, it must not have worked, Hyrule—!
But as suddenly as the feeling came over him, it faded away, and Warriors felt Hyrule’s hands in his give him a squeeze as he exhaled sharply.
Warriors blinked his eyes open, and saw Hyrule grinning at him, looking tired, but somehow more vibrant than he had previously.
Warriors blinked, suddenly realizing there were two wings protruding from Hyrule’s back. Small and delicate-looking, he was reminded of a dragonfly as he admired the green shine Hyrule had taken.
“Looks like their test was right,” Hyrule said with another squeeze, releasing his hands, and Warriors realized Hyrule wasn’t the only one glowing.
He whipped his head around, and stared.
Two wings, nearly identical to Hyrule’s, had appeared on his back, a deep blue glow surrounding his body.
“It... worked?” he said a bit incredulously, staring at the delicate wings that he now had. He tried moving them, and found it surprisingly easy, and gave them a flutter, unable to believe his eyes. It was also then that he realized he and Hyrule both had shrunk down to the size of fairies as well, and he looked rapidly between him and the wings that had sprouted from his back.
Hyrule laughed at his reaction, the sound bright and tinkling. “It sure did.”
The ground gave a huge lurch under their feet, and Warriors heard an angry shout, quickly followed by more. He and Hyrule looked at the ceiling as someone cried out, then exchanged looks.
“Time to go,” Hyrule said, and jumped up into the air, flittering over to the door.
Warriors watched him fly away, then swallowed, glancing at his wings again. You guys better work.
“Captain come on! It’s instinctive, trust me!”
Warriors shot him a look, then closed his eyes and jumped like Hyrule had, rapidly beating his wings. He didn’t open them until he was sure his feet were off the ground, and when he did he let out an alarmed chime at finding himself a good four feet off the ground.
“I told ya,” Hyrule smiled, and Warriors sighed, following him to the bars and squeezing himself through.
“Yeah yeah Mr. Expert, some of us have only had wings for a literal minute,” Warriors griped as Hyrule did a little loop. “Any sign of the fairies?”
Coming out of their cell had left them with a view of mostly crates and other supplies stacked around the hold, but no distinctive glow from any fairies.
“I can feel their magic, I think... this way,” Hyrule said, and fluttered quickly to a large stack of crates, disappearing behind them. Warriors sighed and followed, having trouble keeping up with Hyrule’s rapid flying. It was a bit of a good thing he wasn’t at full strength, or he surely would have lost him.
They swerved around several piles of crates, Warriors mostly following Hyrule’s wing tips. They’d nearly made it all the way to the other side of the boat when Hyrule suddenly froze, darting behind a corner as Warriors finally caught up to him.
“What’s up?”
“Someone’s there already,” Hyrule said, voice a low chime.
Warriors frowned and poked his head around the corner, blinking in surprise at the sight that met him.
A Zora was crouched in the cramped space, the jars of fairies they’d seen in the tavern secured to the walls with rope. Several were already free, and he seemed to be talking to them, popping open yet another bottle with ease.
Warriors squinted, sure that something about him seemed familiar. He’d never seen a Zora like that, and yet...
The Zora picked up another jar, then nodded, putting a hand to his face. Warriors couldn’t muffle an alarmed chime he let out when the Zora somehow pulled it off, but then he realized he’d seen that very act before. Just not with a Zora.
...who was no longer a Zora.
“Time!” he called, and the older hero turned, eyebrows raising as Warriors and Hyrule flew out from behind the corner.
“Captain?” he asked in surprise, and Warriors landed on the hand he offered, eager for a rest.
“In the flesh,” he chimed with a wry smile as Hyrule landed as well, and Time looked between them with a more surprised look on his face then he’d seen in a long time.
“Goodness. I leave you boys alone for half a day and look what happens,” he said in amusement, and relief. “Are you two okay?”
“Hyrule used up pretty much all his magic doing this to us,” Warriors reported, ignoring the dirty look Hyrule sent him. “He also got drugged pretty bad.”
“You did too,” Hyrule huffed.
“...but aside from that, we’re fine,” Warriors assured, and Time nodded.
“I’m sorry about the wait, I got a little held up myself,” Time said, and Warriors noticed a bandage that wrapped over his leg. “Took me a bit to find out where you went so I could follow. But we’re not going anywhere now. I ran the boat aground,” he grinned.
“Of course you did,” Warriors snorted. Typical Mask. “The crew?”
“Either unconscious or fled,” Time said as he picked up another bottle, popping the cork out.
“How are you doing that? We tried back at the tavern and couldn’t budge them,” Hyrule asked in surprise, and Time showed them a small, shiny stone he had in his hand.
He tapped it to another bottle, then popped the cork out with barely any effort, the fairies inside flying out with excited squeals.
“I found the key,” Time smiled.
He moved around the room tapping the rest of the corks, and the fairies pushed themselves out of the jars, chiming and squealing with happiness as they were free to fly around again.
At Time’s urging they didn’t linger, all of the fairies who were strong enough to fly quickly leaving the hold of the ship. Soon enough the only ones that remained were the several that were too injured to fly, and the ones that stayed behind to help them.
“Should we change back and help?” Warriors asked Hyrule from where they were perched on Time’s shoulder, and the traveler scratched the back of his neck, looking a little awkward.
“Normally I’d say yes, but... changing us both took a lot of energy,” he admitted a little awkwardly. “Changing us back will too, and I... won’t be much help once that happens.”
“You’ll pass out, basically,” Warriors said wryly, and Hyrule cleared his throat.
Time began carefully setting the injuried fairies inside his bag, leaving most in jars so they wouldn’t be thrown around too much. He purposefully left the corks out though, and Warriors watched as he loaded up, a familiar blue catching his eye.
Time lifted up Proxi, and she saw Warriors, jingling in surprise at his appearance, then sending him a chime that made Warriors feel surprisingly warm and safe.
He smiled just a little, and returned it.
He had a lot of questions for Proxi, but they could wait until they had time to really talk.
“That’s the last one,” Time said, gently setting a fairy in an orange color into his bag, and shutting the flap. “Now let’s get out of here.”
“Do you have our things?” Hyrule asked as they made their way to the stairs, Warriors squinting at the bright late-morning sunshine.
“Picked them up on my way in, though I’m sorry to say your scarf has an unsightly tear in it.”
Warriors groaned. “Of course it does. Why does it always—”
Hyrule let out a sudden shriek, and Warriors whipped around, something colliding with him so suddenly that stars burst into his vision.
He couldn’t register anything for a moment, a ringing noise in his ears, but when he was finally able to focus again, he felt his heartbeat triple.
He was in a jar.
He felt his breath catch, but at the sight of Hyrule next to him, he shoved aside his panic and moved to the traveler’s side. One of his wings was bent, and there was blood on his leg, his face white as he clutched at it.
“I’m okay,” Hyrule said immediately, but his voice shook, and Warriors took his hand in his.
“Don’t move,” he said sternly, then startled as two large eyes he unfortunately recognized stared at him through the glass.
“You’re not getting away that easy,” the scarred man snarled, blood trickling down his forehead. “I’m not losing all of my profit just because of two fairy brats and a changing Zora man.”
Time took a step forward from nearby, and the man hissed in anger, holding the jar containing Hyrule and Warriors over the edge of the ship.
Right over some sharp rocks.
“Don’t move or I’ll drop them,” he spat, fury in his eyes.
“You won’t,” Time said in a careful voice, easing another step forward. “They’re all you have left, you won’t risk them.”
The man’s eyes blazed. “I will. If it means I get revenge on you for ruining all of my profits for the month then so be it.”
He shook the bottle slightly and Hyrule chimed shrilly in pain, Warriors holding him more tightly.
He looked around frantically for a way out, some way to break the glass, some way to help them both, and his eyes landed on the cork above their heads.
It didn’t look like the enchanted ones.
Time and the scarred man were exchanging words again, and Warriors looked between Hyrule and the cork, a plan forming in his head.
They’d have to be quick.
“I have an idea,” he said, and Hyrule breathed in a shaky breath.
“Do what you gotta,” he said unsteadily, and Warriors quickly pulled him up into his arms, glad that the traveler wasn’t one of the bigger Links in their group.
Hyrule’s breath hitched a little, and Warriors chimed an apology, making sure he was secure before he did anything. Come on Time, stall him a bit longer...
“Get back!” the scarred man suddenly shouted, and dropped the bottle.
Time shouted and Warriors rocketed up towards the cork, shoving it as hard as he could as the jar plummeted. He gave it one last frantic shove, and he and Hyrule both popped out, right before the jar shattered on the rocks below them.
Warriors didn’t even stop to catch his breath, pulling him and Hyrule back up onto the deck where they found Time running to the edge, the scarred man lying unconscious on the deck.
“Are you two okay?” he asked, sounding out of breath, and Warriors nodded, still catching his own breath.
There was always something, wasn’t there?
“We’re... we’re okay,” Warriors breathed, and Hyrule let out a sigh of relief in his arms. “We got knocked around, but we’re... okay.”
Hyrule let out a grunt, and Warriors looked down at him, realizing he was glowing.
“Hyrule don’t you dare—!”
The glow spread to Warriors again, and his world turned topsy-turvy, that same tight feeling squeezing him, a light pain at his back, spinning rolling stretching aching—
Strong arms caught him, and Warriors stumbled, Hyrule still clutched in his arms.
“Traveler why on earth—”
Hyrule gave him a dizzy look, his face paler than before. “Easier to... heal as a Hyli...”
His eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp in Warriors’ arms, the captain nearly dropping him. Time helped him lower him to the ground, and Warriors looked down at Hyrule with a sigh.
“He could have at least warned me,” he murmured.
Time put a hand on his shoulder, and Warriors looked at him, the older hero giving him a relieved look.
“That was much too close for my taste,” he said with a squeeze, and Warriors nodded in agreement. “You’ll have to tell me all of what happened once we get out of here. I’m curious as to how exactly Hyrule turned you into a fairy.”
Warriors sighed again, and looked down at Hyrule, an exasperated, but warm feeling settling in his chest as he squeezed his limp hand.
“Yeah. Later.”
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crab-crab · 8 months
I wrote sad now I present Happy. This is 100% based off the cutscene from Star Wars where Han just picks up Leia and sets her down while walking
The argument brewing between Time and Twilight had been days in the making. 
They had stopped in a town in Legend’s Hyrule, everyone happy to finally be off their feet when everything went downhill. There was shouting from down the hall and Warriors had left to go make sure everything was alright. 
Everything was evidently not alright Sky thought as he heard a door slam open and then closed, heavy steps pounding down the hallway followed by the door opening again with a strained Twilight!
Ever the peacekeeper, Sky stood and hurried away from the rest of the chain. He had just rounded the corner and caught sight of the Rancher storming towards him when he was scooped up under the arms.
Sky barely got out a muffed squeak before he was set back down to the side, out of Twilight’s way, and was greeted by the sight of the Rancher’s retreating figure.
“He moved you like a sack of feed” Wild hummed as he reached Sky’s side and watched along with the Chosen as Twilight finally disappeared outside of the inn. Legend appeared on the other side of Sky with a slow whistle and a glance back at where the Rancher had come from
“Best not get in his way anymore, he’ll just move you.”
Sky was getting very tired of being moved.
The argument between Twilight and Time had been one thing, Twilight was one of -if not- the strongest among them so it made sense that he could easily lift the smaller members.
Warriors, however, looked like a stiff breeze on Skyloft could blow him over some days.
Sky had tried to stop the Captain from storming out of the academy, saying that he could instead go to one of the other areas where it was safer but no!
Just as Sky had stepped forward to try to placate the Captain he had been scooped up under the arms again and set aside while the older man had disappeared around the corner. 
It was suspiciously quiet behind him
“Oh Golden Goddesses even the Captain can move you”
Sky turned to see Legend looking as if he’d seen the Master sword suddenly talk. Eyebrows hidden in his hair, eyes wide, and mouth dropped open. The other Links were in similar states of surprise.
“Sky come here I wanna see if I can lift you too!” Wild shot up and started heading for the Chosen.
“No!” Sky screeched when Wild dove for him and he jumped back, keeping away from the Champion’s hands.
Legend was wheezing, head planted on the table, and fist banging on the wood as he cackled. Wind had joined in on chasing Sky around and Four seemed to be looking between Sky and Legend with an intense expression, eyes flashing violet.
Another screech made Sky stop long enough to see Legend held up by Four, the Smithy grinning.
“Looks like your lightness runs in the family” He hummed as Legend thrashed about and spit curses.
Sky had enough time to laugh before being scooped up again and glaring down at a smiling Champion.
“You’re so scoopable!” He cackled and Sky heaved a sigh as the realisation settled on his shoulders.
This would not be the last time that he would be bodily moved out of the way.
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penpenpencil · 2 years
Linktober Day 30- Tricks
(Late prompt 3/3)
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This took too long (to draw and chose a sketch)
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emissary-of-the-moon · 4 months
Had a thought and yall are my victims:
Chain goes through a portal, ends up in Wars's era. Wars is getting his reunion with Proxi as she's showing everyone around they realize its been way too long of Wars not saying a word.
Eventually they get to talk to Impa and Zel, the three are 'talking' but Wars still doesn't actually say anything, Proxi doing all the talking for him. One of the Links makes a comment to another when Wars steps out for a minute with Zel and Impa's just like "yeah he does that, I've rarely heard him actually talk".
Bonus points of Proxi sits on his shoulder or head if she's not actively showing someone something.
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
Hi, I really like your AU! I was wondering if Barren has the same abilities as Warriors or similar to Hyrule’s powers? You don’t have to reply if you don’t want to of course.
Thank you, and great question! Tbh so far I’ve been running on the idea that he has abilities more like LU Warriors, though with Proxi by his side for some magic, and he also has his own unique (and strange) ability that has greatly helped him survive.
Warriors doesn’t have any inherent magical abilities, though he has developed a sense for magic over time (mostly being able to sense magical traps, though the information he gleans from this sense is limited).
He’s had Proxi as a companion for as long as he can remember. He considers her almost like a sister and is heavily reliant on her. Losing her would be like losing his arm.
Warriors may not have any healing magic, but Proxi does! She‘ll heal him and his companions when they’re injured, but her healing is admittedly among the weaker side for fairies (partially due to the limited contact with Great Fairies due to her traveling with Warriors). Also, most healing focuses on the worst wounds first and going up, but because enemies are on the hunt for Warriors’ blood, she’s learned to heal surface wounds first before dealing with the deeper wounds. It’s a very hard habit to break.
Warriors’ own unique ability is based on how LU Warriors encounters many people throughout the war of eras. Instead of that, though, AS Warriors has visions of people from across time and space.
These visions are almost like hallucinations. He can see them, hear them, and interact with them, but cannot touch them. They never give him their name, never call him by his own name, but they do provide companionship and teach him things that he never would’ve learned on his own.
Despite being extremely isolated since childhood, Warriors is actually very well socialized and charismatic, and a large part of that is due to the visions talking with him.
These visions have many rules, along with not sharing their name. They always appear looking the exact same as the first time they showed up. They seem to interact with the environment, but are unable to influence it or move objects. If they touch him, he cannot feel it, but they appear to make contact with him. They are not solid, and he cannot interact with them in return (and they will generally not respond to his attempts to touch them). They never appear around other people, though they will appear around Proxi (she can’t see them but by now she’s used to Warriors talking to people she can’t see).
One person he encountered as a vision is Mipha (though she’s never told him her name). She’s a bit of an older sister figure to him, but now that he’s an adult she doesn’t show up as often. She taught him how to tend to his own scrapes, how to cook meat that won’t make him sick, how to take care of himself when he’s ill, and other things that have helped him survive. She also tells him stories of her little brother, but never says his name or the name of the place she lives.
Another key vision he’s encountered is Impa (specifically Captain Sheik’s first mate from Time’s era). She trained him in how to use his sword. He knows how to fight like a knight, but she also taught him how to fight dirty. She was never particularly kind to him, but he’s looked up to her ever since she first appeared. (She also taught him all sorts of sailing knots, which he now uses to set traps for his enemies.)
The people he encounters are seemingly random, and not all of them are necessarily helpful. He’s met Ruto, who spent her entire time complaining about her fiancé who ran off for 7 years without a word. He’s also met little minish Midna, who didn’t give him anything useful but did tell him some embarrassing stories about her big dumb boyfriend (no, Warriors has not connected the dots and won’t until the real Midna is introduced to him by Twi. He can’t even see the real Midna, only Twi and Wind can).
He’s also met Gustlift, Wild’s loftwing. However, he was 100% convinced that this was an actual hallucination and not one of his visions. Or, at least, he was until he met Gustlift in person.
Tbh I think meeting Gustlift would be the moment when Wars actually talks about his visions (to the concern of everyone). On one hand, the fact that he hallucinates so vividly and regularly is concerning (to say the least). On the other hand, there’s no denying that these visions have taught him things that there’s no way Wars would’ve just learned on his own. Sky and Four (both trained knights) recognize his moves, and he does them perfectly enough that he had to have some formal training.
Is it some sort of magical ability he has, allowing him to interact with people from other eras? Is it some sort of really weird hallucination? Is it some sort of guardian spirit thing that’s trying to teach him survival skills through the guise of these visions? Who knows! Warriors sure doesn’t!
He also gets very defensive about it when any members of the chain show any sort of concern about it. Yes, he gets these visions often. No, he doesn’t think it warrants any sort of concern. No, he’s not going to do anything about it.
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curious-blupee · 10 months
Couldn't sleep so have a sketch of Warriors and Proxi!
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nell0-0 · 5 months
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Had some thoughts about the war from "Hyrule Warriors" when it comes to Linked Universe. That wolf Midna is riding is totally Twilight, so what if it was a post LU Twilight pfpfpf
He was not prepared for the gremlin that was young Time
Not that lacking that comparison helped Warriors any
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