#lucid dreams tarot deck
cupoftarot · 5 months
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Card of the Day: Knight of Cups
The first words that come to mind are charisma, idealist, messenger
The Knight of Cups is someone who listens to their heart above all else. No amount of logic will help change their perspective. This is someone who is in touch with their emotions and intuition and can turn them into action.
This card also represents a messenger, and marks the arrival is someone or something that will be a cause for celebration.
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bridgetoesoteria · 5 months
🔥🐉Messages for 2024🔮✨
Sorry for the delay 😅 Got a bit carried away yesterday.
There are three decks for three piles, left to right. Each pile also gets two bonus affirmations to start their year 🥳.
Asking for messages/ what you need to know heading into 2024! Hope it resonates <3
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Pile 1: Rider-Waite
Off the bat: I am getting something about your love life. It could be prominent for the first 3 months of this year.
Be less tense. Maybe get into yoga or pilates or something similar. Some people might enjoy strength training.
4 Card Spread: Ace of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, 9 of Cups (R), High Priestess. Bottom of deck is Queen of Wands.
I can see why some of you may be tense. I think you have a lot going on. In particular, there could be a toxic situation or individual you have been dealing with. I almost want to say managing. It won't be a relationship for all of you. It could be any domineering masculine figure in your life or a job situation. I'm saying this because right under the Queen of Wands is the Devil and a few other negative cards, bookended by the King of Wands.
Anywho, despite that I am getting a positive message for you heading into 2024. I kept hearing that "you know the truth." So I don't know if someone has been trying to gaslight you or if you are learning to trust your intuition. Either way, you only benefit from trusting what you know in your gut is the truth of a person or situation.
You are much more resilient than you may know. Or maybe you are just tired of having to be resilient (i feel that). I think that is going to motivate you to start taking more control of your life. I'm not a doctor and if you are feeling depressed, or just not okay emotionally, please reach out to someone for help. With the 9 of cups reversed, some of you may be feeling super unfulfilled, disappointed, and despondent.
The Wheel of Fortune is next to it however, it is my "things are looking up," card. So I see the lack of fulfillment changing. For some this may require you learning how to be more "selfish" or getting rid of a person with a selfish attitude! I see you giving them the boot and them just swirling away like they're being flushed 🚽 lol. These changes may even benefit you financially.
TL;DR: So I guess the overall message is to stand in your power. Remember you are that bitch/guy/person. Or at least you can be if you so choose. Better boundaries and less need for external validation will bring you a lot of peace. You know the truth and the right thing to do. You can trust your intuition
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Pile 2: Lucid Dreams Beginners Tarot
Off the bat: You could feel a little scatter brained right now. You might feel like your mind is buzzing and there is a lot to do! Slow down a little so you don't mix things up. I almost grabbed the wrong deck for your pile. Double check everything. Don't lose shit!
You may want to meditate.
4 Card Spread: The Tower, The Fool, Ten of Pentacles, and Queen of Pentacles. Bottom of deck is Seven of Swords.
You know...just as I was beginning to shuffle, I got a message about the soft life. Maybe you should allow yourself to be pampered and blessed more. Not just by people but the universe and yourself.
Also, are there scammers in this pile cause I'm getting some finessing energy 🤣. If you are living a city girl type of life, tread carefully. Just giving this warning because of the 7 of swords and Tower. But you seem to think quick on your feet so you will be good. Work hard but keep your hands clean. You want to build a lasting dynasty.
For others, you could be planning a wedding or planning to elope. Maybe some of you are actually reconsidering marriage all together. It doesn't feel negative but more like, you feel you need more time on your own. Maybe a recent success at work or another area of life has you wondering about the health of the grass just yonder 🤔. Should you follow your heart or stay where you are? I don't know just don't do anything crazy and focus on your legacy/long-term goals.
I can't ignore all the pentacles. In some way, money and foundations are important. This could be related to your family, legacy, inheritance, career, etc. There is emphasis on your physical world. Some of you could be going against family traditions or in some way stepping out on your own. You feel ready to carve out your own path and it is hard to hold it in any longer.
Some of you could go back to an ex or someone you are separated from. For others, that could be the very thing you are rebelling against. I'm hearing "who said I have to choose you?!" You could just now be realizing that you have autonomy and the feeling is intoxicating. There is a male energy present. I can't tell if this is a family member or significant other. Be wary of this person. They are a bit stuck in their ways.
TL;DR: You want to take life by the horns. You feel so ready for it! I feel like it could have been a long time coming for many of you. See what it feels like to be free. Just don't get too carried away! Be wary of the intentions behind people wanting to sway you from your decisions. Keep focusing on your bag and carrying yourself with grace. Maybe you will make some mistakes but maybe they will be make for awesome memories! For some of you, marriage or long term partnership could be on the mind heavily.
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(three wanted to come out so I rolled with it).
Pile 3: Muppet Bear Tarot
Off the Bat: I felt really chill starting this pile. I took a little break, had a laugh then came back to it. So maybe you are a little checked out and just going with your flow. The last few years may have been rough and all you want is quiet. As long as you are balancing your priorities, keep moseying down the lazy river of life ☮
Also, if you have been considering getting your first tarot deck...
🔆this is your sign🔆
There are plenty of budget and beginner friendly decks. Do some research then choose what you feel drawn to. Caution: Don't get too sucked into doing readings. I think many of us had that phase 😅
4 Card Spread: 8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, and Strength (R). Bottom of the deck is the World.
Again, I am getting the feeling that you are more focused on your day to day. You make sure your "home is in order," then you go off to your happy place. If this is not what you are doing, maybe this is encouragement to start. You could be mourning a loss, whether it is a person or a relationship. Or you could be feeling down for another reason. Its okay to do what you need to feel better. Maybe its a quiet night in with a cozy atmosphere or a solo trip.
In some way, releasing control will help propel you forward.
Some of you may be in a long-distance relationship and finally getting the chance to be together. For others, as you focus on healing yourself, you will naturally meet a love interest. Or an existing connection could unexpectedly develop into something romantic. I feel this person being emotionally safe for you. You are entering a new chapter in your life without even realizing it.
You may receive a message that you have been waiting on. Could be a DM, text, email, or even physical mail. Someone may have been sitting on it for awhile. I am not necessarily getting malice behind this delay even though it may be annoying.
There's definitely a chance for a fresh start. It could start slow but I have a feeling you won't mind that. This fresh start could somehow be related to you coming out victorious in a situation or just being "chosen."
Some of you may have family going to combat or returning from combat. I'm definitely getting a military undertone. This could be a young male that wants to make everyone proud. I think whoever that message resonates with will get it. For others, there could be a male who you would like to see do well.
TL;DR: Focusing on healing is the right thing to do. You have been through a lot so its okay to create your own safe space to reside in. Your blessings won't miss you. Even as you focus on yourself, good events and people will still find their way to you. Trust that the whatever high power(s) you believe in have got your back. You could experience rejuvenation in your romantic life. Also, a delayed message is coming through. Welcome to the next chapter of your life :). You deserve all the good karma headed your way this year. 🥰
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Hope you loved your readings. May we all have a wonderful start to our 2024s 🥂🎇
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hexora · 6 months
Witchy Questions to Ask
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What drew you to witchcraft in the first place?
How do you define your personal witchcraft practice?
Can you share a memorable experience from your magical journey?
What are some essential tools or ingredients in your magical toolkit?
Do you have a favorite spell or ritual that you find particularly powerful?
How do you incorporate astrology into your witchcraft practice?
What role does divination play in your craft, if any?
How do you connect with nature and the elements in your magical work?
Are there specific deities or spirits that you work with in your practice?
How do you handle skepticism or misunderstandings about witchcraft in your life?
Do you have a favorite book or resource that has influenced your craft significantly?
How has your witchcraft practice evolved over time?
Can you share a favorite recipe for a magical potion or herbal infusion?
What role do crystals or gemstones play in your magical workings?
How do you celebrate the phases of the moon in your practice?
Have you ever participated in a group ritual or coven? How was the experience?
Do you have any favorite tarot or oracle decks? Why do you resonate with them?
How do you balance your magical practice with everyday responsibilities?
What advice would you give to someone just starting their witchcraft journey?
How do you cleanse and protect your space energetically?
Have you ever encountered any challenges or obstacles in your witchcraft journey?
What role does meditation or mindfulness play in your magical practice?
How do you incorporate folk magic or traditional practices into your craft?
Can you share a favorite folklore or myth that inspires your magical work?
What is your perspective on ethics and responsibility in witchcraft?
How do you navigate cultural appropriation in your magical practice?
Do you have a favorite season or Sabbat that you feel most connected to?
How do you use dreams or lucid dreaming in your magical work?
Have you ever had a synchronicity or meaningful coincidence related to your craft?
How do you stay inspired and motivated in your witchcraft journey?
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
I saw your recent recommendations for psychic vigilantes games, but do you have recommendations for anything with a more inception or psychonauts feel (aka exploring/influencing dreamspaces or representations of a person's mind)?
THEME: Exploring Dreamscapes
Hello friend! When I first saw this ask, I thought I might have one or two games off the top of my head, but there’s actually many more game options than I thought already stored away in my folders! Without further ado…
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Praedormitium, by Joie Martin.
Named for the transition of wakefulness to sleep, Praedormitium is a tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the experience of lucid dreaming. Players portray Hypnopomps, characters with the innate ability to manipulate the Realms of Dream as they travel through it on strange and wonderful adventures.
Praedormitium uses a deck of tarot cards as the basis of its resolution system, cooperative play, and the unlimited power of players' imaginations to build a cohesive narrative experience. Anything is possible in dreams, and the game can be as wild or whimsical, as dark or surreal as the players choose to make it.
This game has some really intriguing lore that creates some backstory as to why your characters are Hypnopomps, and what that means in the game. It’s not extensive though, so there are plenty of gaps and spaces for your play group to fill in. Your main role is to keep the balance of dreams: nightmares and phantasma all have a role to play. The game uses tarot cards, and incorporates tarot card suits into the lore, so if you like games that tie the mechanics to the setting, you might be interested in Praedormitium.
Lucid Sea of Dreams, by The Games Gardener.
A roleplaying game about Lucid Dreamers and their adventures, tribulations, and mysteries in the Waking World and the Sea of Dreams. Inspired by dreams,  nightmares, and Jewish folklore  (and much much more). Has been described as 'inside-out meets pan's labyrinth’.
Lucid Sea of Dreams makes lucidity something that your character can lose. Your character has Lucidity points, which kind of doubles as Hit Points - lose all of your Lucidity points, and you wake up. In the waking world, losing Lucidity points could lead to becoming unconscious, or even death. This means that there’s much higher stakes in this kind of game - in fact, it’s tagged as horror, so be prepared to enter dangerous scenarios and meet difficult foes. The dice resolution system uses d10 dice pools, which I personally find very satisfying! This game was Kickstarted back in 2022, so I’m not sure if it’s in its final stage, or if there’s more to come.
Nyx, by Doctor Glasgow.
When the Day of the Comet came, much of what was sank into the world below. Into the murky ebon twilight of a most ancient realm, Nyx. Since the very first sparks of light danced behind the eyelids of our ancestors, this realm began to swirl with Dreams. And yet, in sleep, there too, are Nightmares…
Nyx is a role-playing game, set in a darkened realm of sleep and dreams. It is an interpretive game, wherein the strange setting is only just barely glimpsed, like a dream half-remembered when one wakes from slumber. It is up to the players and the Dream Master (DM), to interpret the vague setting details as they see fit, and form a vision of Nyx wholly their own.
Nyx combines dice and cards in an average play session, with plenty of set-up questions to encourage a collaborative world-building and a point-buy system that fuels character creation. Your character is pretty customizable, allowing you to increase specific stats, improve character skills, or focus on special abilities and spells. There’s also different character forms, which I really like - as dream-entities, race or species don’t really make sense. It’s totally possible that your character has been different things over different iterations. The art in this book is lovely and does a really good job of conveying the magical and surreal theme. The full game is only $5, but if you want to see what you’re getting into first, you can always get the Free Beta version at the bottom of the shop page.
18XX Dreams, by Deep Light Games.
THE DREAM REALM WELCOMES YOU: This land has always been here, visited by some, forgotten by many. Something changed. An increasing number of people have been waking with fantastical ideas and feelings. Now, dreams are becoming more solid: books, paintings, scores… 
The barrier is thinner. Some are trapped here, some search for what they can’t reach elsewhere, some just roam, exploring and helping others. What meaning is hidden in your dreams?
18XX Dreams is only 4 pages long, which is pretty standard for 24XX games. This game relies on a handful of polyhedral dice, a small inventory, and special abilities that align with your character archetype - a minimalist set-up that focuses on creativity to overcome obstacles, with elements of OSR play. There’s a page of d12 roll tables for the GM to roll on when they want to introduce something new to the dream, and the game even comes with rules on how to create a DreamCrawl, a simple map that helps the players navigate different parts of a dream-scape.
Dreampunk, by Xavid.
At night, you dream. Your dreams are not idle imaginings, but visits to a persistent world of wonders and dangers both personal and alien. Will you find power there? Will you find freedom? Or will you slowly slip into Entanglement, and be trapped there forever? Play to find out!
Your character is a Dreamer, someone from a waking world who is drawn to the Dream when they sleep. As a Dreamer, you have powerful abilities to shape the world around you. To do so, you must play a card and incorporate into your action an element of your choice from the card.
To play Dreampunk, you’ll need to either buy the Dreampunk Deck of Cards, or a deck of cards with similarly surreal art. Dixit cards, for example, would be an excellent tool for this game. The game uses a series of Moves, but rather than rolling dice, like you would in PbtA games, you play cards from your hand. The game designer cites Belonging outside Belonging and Jenna Moran’s work as inspiration, so I’d expect this game to be well suited for players who are willing to work in the grey areas of interpretation, and who are looking to embrace themes and motifs rather than damage and gear lists in their style of play.
Onira’s Slumber, by FantasticJean.
Welcome to Oniria - a place where Dreams and Nightmares come to life and make the city their own. In this game you play as a member of the Quixotic Society and are tasked with investigating and containing the Reveries when they start becoming too messy. 
This is a game that is compatible with TROIKA, which, while originally is meant to be a kind of multi-verse science fantasy, easy translates to a surreal dream-scape. You don’t need Troika to play though - the rules are included to make this a standalone game. Onira is meant to be a place that can be explored, and the game comes with a number of place descriptions, special events that might affect the characters, and an introductory adventure for a first-time group.
If you want more dream-related supplements for Troika, I’d recommend Oneironauts and Oneironauts 2, by Thriftomancer.
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ladypiscesmoon · 10 months
Can I ask if armie’s reputation will get restored in some way even though he may not act anymore? And will his main accuser finally stop beg for attention? I’m tired of the constant attacks he still faces from her…
Hi, anon thanks for your question!
First question: I pulled from the lucid dreams tarot deck and got 4 of pentacles, 7 of wands, 8 of swords. From the Kipper deck: lovers (love, closeness, loyalty), despair ( despair, grief, adversity, obstacles), poverty (harsh conditions, poverty, deprivation)
I think it will be fifty/fifty some people will always love and defend him, others will choose to believe his accusers even though he’s completely cleared of all charges. I don’t think his reputation will be fully restored, unfortunately, but enough that he can start over.
As for your second questionI pulled from my fairy tale Lenormand deck: snake (desire, sex, betrayal, deception), mice (destructive, defects, infested, theft), sun (happiness, success, victory, power), stars (hope, spirituality, dreams, progress, inspiration)
I think this was interesting, because it seems really divided in bad and good signs. She will not stop anytime soon (snake, mice) but I feel that Armie will be happy (sun, stars) regardless of her ranting.
(Alleged, for entertainment purposes)
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Obey me! headcanons
also, some of these might just be straight-up canon/not canon cause I'm only at lesson 26.
Demons are about 7'-8' tall. (obviously, the little devils are like 3 feet tall at most but this isn't about them.)
The HOL was designed for demons, which is to say counters are a bit too high for mc to reach comfortably, stairs are a bit too steep, etc etc. doors are also taller, but that's a non-issue. That said, the house probably wouldn't be quite so obnoxious to live in if your mc is like 6'whatever tall, but I'm not so like.
I think he uses he/him just because he doesn't even know what neopronouns are. but if he did he would use he/him and ze/zem
pansexual, but only because he never cared about romance before meeting mc, and since mc's gender has nothing to do with that attraction-- yeah.
he honestly really likes Diavolo he just doesn't have the energy to do anything about it yet
he's so bisexual. like he's just so clearly bi this isn't up for debate he just is. /lh
I simultaneously wanna be like "That's a straight man" because I hate him and he has an anime body pillow, and be like "idk what he is but he isn't straight" because of his whole. yk. self. that said idk wtf he is so I'm gonna say he's Omni and call it a day
his room smells like mold and gamer sweat. probably also monster energy.
he has a 5-step morning skincare routine because of Asmos's influence
also if you gave him the opportunity he would talk for like 6 hours about his new favorite book
bi with a pref for men
probably taught himself to lucid dream/owns a tarot deck and knows what the cards mean/has some healing crystals
technically knows how to cook, but can't cook because he eats the ingredients
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
Magical Topics to Study by Type: Hedge, Green, Kitchen, Etc.
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Recently, in our FaceBook group, we’ve been discussing the concept of diving deeper into our studies and practice. Many of us get stuck scratching the surface and are left wondering what to do next. Here we provide you with topics to research and/or things to try categorized by the type of witchcraft you’re interested in. By expanding your magical horizons, you can really dive deep into your practice and expand your wisdom and skills. And remember – you don’t have to stick to just one category!
Magical Topics to Research and Practices to Try
For the Hedge Witch:
A hedge witch is much more than just a witch who tends a garden hedge. He or she is much more than a witch who works with herbs and home remedies. The hedge witch is a symbolic hedge rider, meaning he or she crosses the “hedge” between this world and the spirit world. The practice of hedge witchery is very shamanic in nature, as you will soon find out. Are herbs used in the hedge witch’s practice? Yes! But the hedge witch’s main focus is on lifting the veil between humans and spirits – being able to cross into the realm of the dead and the gods and come back again. If you’d like to deepen your understanding of hedge witchery and expand your knowledge bank, research and practice some of these topics:
astral projection
lucid dreaming
dream interpretation
increasing intuition
flying ointments
magical herbalism
how to make dream pillows and spell bags
trance work
poisons (herbs)
weather magick: storms, snow, rain, etc.
bird augury
animal signs and omens
elemental magic
land spirits – genius loci
wild foraging for herbs, tools, etc.
how to make your own drum or rattle
music in trance work
Tarot and oracle card reading
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Kitchen Witch Magical Topics to Study and Practice:
A kitchen witch, also called a cottage or hearth witch, is someone who makes magic in the kitchen and in the home using food and everyday items as magical tools. The kitchen witch is able to center his or her energy through the making of magical meals and creating sacred space at home. If you’d like to go beyond the “basics” of making a meal and dive deep into kitchen witchery, here are some topics for you to research and practice:
magical properties of food
magical properties of herbs
kitchen tools in magical use
cheese making
how to make black salt and its magical uses
making wines, meads, ales / brewing
your ancestors’ foods (ancient to modern)
local produce and farms (your local resources)
local honey and honey magic
growing your own food / gardening
making your own witchy soaps and natural beauty products
making herbal concoctions / teas / oils
medicinal and magical herbalism
baking/desserts: magical cookie cutters, rolling pins, sigils in pies etc.
using a cauldron or dutch oven
pasta making
coffee magic
grilling / smoking food
canning and preserving
kitchen altars
kitchen and hearth gods
how to make witchy cocktails
hearth spirits
types of salt
household spirits: lares, brownies, etc.
kitchen witch dolls and poppets
history of foods
how to read Tarot with playing cards
foods for the gods and goddesses
how to use food to heal
new (or old) cookbooks
cultural foods from all over the world
foraging for wild edibles
making a kitchen grimoire
seasonal foods and traditional holiday dishes
antique kitchen tools and how to use them in your magick
magical sewing: altar cloths, tarot deck bags, kitchen towels, etc.
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Sea Witch Magical Study Topics:
A sea witch, also called a water or ocean witch, is someone who makes magic by the seashore and uses the powers of the ocean to fuel their witchcraft. The sea witch is able to center his or her energy by the ocean, as well as use the ocean’s powers to heal, protect, cleanse, draw abundance, and more. If you’d like to dive into sea witchery, study and practice some of the topics below:
local bodies of water
magical properties of seashells, coral, driftwood, etc.
sea familiars
knot magic to raise sea storms
how the moon effects the tides
how to use seabird feathers in magick
sea glass magical uses and properties
Sharks teeth magick
plants and trees that grow on the shoreline – their magical properties and uses (palms, sea oats, etc.)
magical properties of various types of water: ocean, stream, pond, puddle, fog, lake, rain, snow, mud, etc.
ocean gods and goddesses
nymphs, mermen, selkies, mermaids and water spirits
water element basics
why the earth needs our oceans
ritual cleansing with baths, swimming, etc.
magical properties and uses for seaweed
sea altars and tools
how dolphins and whales communicate
how to use crab-shells in magick
sand magical properties and uses
your local sea wildlife
intuition, dreams, etc. – water magical associations
seafood and its magical properties: fish, clams, crabs, lobster, scallops, shark, oysters, etc.
types of sea salt and magical uses
sea myths: mythical creatures, creation myths, hauntings, etc.
haunted ships
pirates (especially pirate witches!)
Vikings and ancient seafaring peoples
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Green Witch Magical Study Topics:
A green witch is someone who works with the elements, the local land spirits, and all things green. The green witch is able to harness the energy of the natural sources around him or her by developing a close connection with local plants, trees, and wildlife as well as with the earth itself. Consider studying and practicing any or all of the following magical topics:
herb gardening
earth element basics
local plants and trees – identify and define properties and uses
land spirits – genus loci
local forests and nature preserves
forest gods and goddesses
house plant magick
growing your own mushrooms
crystal magic
the green man
forest-dwelling people
landscape magical associations: rivers, mountains, caves, forests, meadows, etc.
magical herbalism
medicinal herbalism
trees’ properties and uses
magical teas
miniature terrariums
fairy gardens: how to build them
flowers and how to use in your practice
mushrooms: types and magical uses
building outside altars
making your own magical apron
biodegradable offerings for forest spirits
making natural mandalas
how to use different kinds of dirt, sand, soil in magick
different kinds of wood: magical properties and uses
9 sacred Celtic woods
Ogham: Irish tree divination system
How to make your own Rune Cards and study the runes
how trees communicate with each other (root systems, etc.)
the healing power of being in nature
wilderness survival techniques
how to use pinecones, seed pods, acorns, etc. in magick
plants and trees from your ancestors’ homelands
your local eco-system
magick with thorns
incense and how to make your own
different herbs for smoke-cleaning bundles (formerly called smudge)
wild foraging for magical tools, herbs, etc.
Modern / Tech Magical Topics to Study:
What is a modern or tech witch? A modern witch or tech witch is someone who seeks to incorporate witchcraft into their daily lives and particularly embraces modern technology and appliances. Here’s some magical study topics for modern and techy witchery:
magical and witchy phone apps
pagan or magical themed video games
modern appliances you use in your magick and the traditional tools they relate to (i.e. the stove/oven was once the hearth-fire, washing machine was once a washboard and fresh water source, etc.)
enchanting/protecting your vehicles/modes of transportation
how to enchant an amulet for protection while flying and/or riding the bus or train
keeping your grimoire in a word doc
essential oils magical properties and using a diffuser
using a telescope to look at the moon, planets and stars
new technology and how it can be used for magick
cleansing and magically protecting your computer and mobile devices
showering rituals instead of bathing rituals
how to re-use and recycle modern materials for magical purposes
Just a few suggestions!
Obviously these are only a few suggestions and you don’t have to stick to one category whatsoever. I find myself intrigued by any and all of these facets of the craft. Research these topics online but also read a few books on the topics that really tickle your witchy fancy. Then put what you learned to practice. The practice is where the real learning comes into play. That’s where the REAL magick happens!
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Let’s talk about: Full Moons
With the last Full Moon of December happening today, I wanted to share how you can engage with the energy of the full moon and make it twerk for you.
Todays moon is not only a cold moon but a lunar occultation, which means the moon is interacting with Mars, the planet of action and initiation. The moon in astrology rules cancer and the fourth house, and is indicative of our inner self and emotions, our inner world. The moon is in the sign of Gemini, the sign of communication. So what this means, well you may notice that you are more communicative about your feelings, issues around the home, nurturing or the mother. You may also feel the urge to take action in these areas as well. It depends where it falls in your chart.
How to engage with the full moon!
- sit outside and meditate under its light. The moon is reflecting the most light at this time and it can empower you. The moon is halfway between its full cycle at the full moon, but also it’s most powerful energetically.
- The full moon is the perfect time to re-establish goals and re-commit to your own inner work, whatever it is you know you need to focus on.
- the moon deals with emotions, so with heightened emotions this is an amazing time to journal and allow yourself to feel your emotions, as feeling them can help you release stored emotions and blockages.
- charge your crystals, tarot decks, or any other items you want to have a boost of magic.
- dreams are powerful now too, so lucid dreaming, astral projecting and even just sleeping with music on is perfect for a full moon
-open your windows so the light can fill your space
- take a moon bath or shower, letting the light of the moon and water cleanse your energy
The full moon can be felt for at least a day before and after!
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orchardisland · 2 years
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━━   𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐞
Let me tell you the story of one of our unfortunate residents who seems to be a TEACHER AT CAMELLIA DAYCARE on the island. Fate has assigned this individual guidance from THE SUN REVERSED card. But they needn’t worry, their secrets are safe with me.
DOB: october 25th, 1998 DEFINING TRAITS: kind, empathetic, indecisive, humble, irritable, introverted RESEMBLES: oneus yeo hwanwoong
contains: hospitalization, medical treatment, ocd
Choose for me.
Minjae is by no means a stranger to odd dreams. They are sometimes lucid, and other times incomprehensible. However, above all else, they have always been his brain’s thinly veiled way of conveying what his heart wants and needs.
He can recall nightmares of snakes and scorpions that ended with him nauseous and sweating in bed. He remembers the morning he awoke from visions of his grandparents driving him around all night and laughing alongside him with a new sense of clarity. It’s no small coincidence to him that the crows collecting his broken teeth like little treasures came in the same week he found himself in a hospital bed.
This is no different.
The swash rushes up over his feet, though he cannot feel the cool of the water in this state. He also cannot feel the way the retreating waves drag wet sand with them right from under his toes, though he knows he would if this were real. He did not watch the sun set beyond the horizon, but he knows it can’t be far; there’s enough natural light that the stars are not clear and bright above him, but instead are faint with shy twinkles. It’s been this way for what feels like hours. This is the third time this week.
As he stares out into the great unknown, Minjae swears there’s movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns his head to catch it, but whatever it was is gone too quick. And then, he hears it — a gentle call of his name, off in the distance. He brushes sand from his hands onto his pants after he stands, though it barely does anything; his pants were equally messy from the time he’d spent sitting there.
He’s not sure how long he walks, but the further he goes, the heavier the weight in his chest becomes. Maybe he should try running? It wouldn’t be good for him, but the soft voice continues calling for him.
Eventually, he finds it: a small house along the shore, the lights in the windows flickering as though the inside is lit by candle. He knows this is the right place because the voice is no longer calling him.
Carefully, he climbs the steps that elevate the house, just barely protecting the aged wood from the threat of a rising tide. He expects to find the interior clearly abandoned, anything inside left to rot and fade away with the salt and sand. Yet when he turns the oddly pristine silver knob on the door, he’s pleasantly surprised. Inside the seemingly derelict shack, the floors are new and the lights are warm and bright. There are no signs of weathering or neglect, only the welcoming scent of a fresh sea breeze and…
A table.
A simple little table, silver cloth with gold threading around the edges to decorate it. On opposite sides of the table there sits two lone chairs, facing each other. One sits pushed up close while the other sits pulled out, almost like it’s waiting for an inhabitant. There’s something in the middle - what it is, Minjae can’t quite tell yet - and he walks closer. As he draws near the table, a ghost of a whisper floats past his ear once more.
Pick one.
He pauses. “Wh-”
He’s cut off by the movement that now occurs in front of him. The object on the table turns out to be a deck of cards - tarot cards, to be more precise. The backside of each card is as black as a moonless night, with accents of violet and crimson drawing ornate patterns. They seem to glisten as he stares at them. As though a ghost sits in front of him, he watches the deck rise a few inches into the air and begin to shuffle, then gently rest back on the surface of the silver cloth. The top of the deck waterfalls out across the table, the cards spreading themselves out.
Pick one, Minjae.
A shiver runs up his spine as one card in particular seems to draw him in, though it’s no different from the others. It’s slightly offset from the center, and Minjae can’t tear his eyes away. Carefully, not wanting the beauty of the card to escape him for even a second, he maneuvers to sit in the chair closest to him. An invisible force scoots him closer, and his trance is broken by the horrid grinding and screeching of the feet moving against the floor. He hadn’t even realized that he was reaching for the card, but before he can touch it, he yanks his hand back like he’s been burned. He opts to grip onto the arms of the chair with all his strength.
“No.” He tries to be firm, but he can hear the hesitation in his own voice. “I don’t… That’s not… Why?”
There’s no answer, but he doesn’t need one. The anxiety has already built up in his chest.
He’s had enough, at least for this week. He refuses to play into his own mind’s little game. A direct sign he’ll accept, but he does not have the patience or trust in himself for the cryptic nonsense his brain is forcing him into. Not right now.
He struggles against the invisible forces that keep the table and chair cemented into place, using all his upper body strength to try and push the table away from him. It bangs against the floor as it shakes, and the cards that were once perfectly spread begin to spread and shuffle in the chaos. Surely in the real world Minjae is tossing and turning, kicking a stuffed animal or two onto the floor.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, his ears ringing and the weight in his chest growing heavier, he breaks free. The table tips and his chair goes the opposite way, and everything seems to slow down as he finds himself falling backwards. The cards on the table have gone flying, some of them now airborne.
He squeezes his eyes shut, refusing to look any longer at the cards, waiting for the impact of his back against the ground.
There are times that Minjae feels like a blueprint or a rough draft rather than a complete person. Or perhaps he could even be a cruel joke that the universe is struggling to tell. He’s not entirely sure. He assumes that if someone else were asked to describe him, or build him a dating profile, they wouldn’t be able to provide much beyond aesthetics or a weird medical history.
He knows his name is Moon Minjae. He cannot recall any nicknames given to him by anyone outside of his immediate household. He knows he was born a few days before Halloween. He has never had a favorite holiday. He does his best to take burdens off of his parents’ shoulders and act as their shoulder to cry on. He has never taken quizzes about his love language with confidence.
It isn’t always a bad thing; he thinks it gives him a slight advantage, a bizarre way to chameleon into any situation.
If he had to put his finger on it, he would suggest that a lot of his uncertainty around his own sense of self can be strongly tied to the lapses in his memory. How is one meant to fully analyze a piece of art without historical context? Can you even write a solid sequel if the first book is missing pages?
While he does not remember as much, his parents insist that he was… odd. To put it most simply. They said in his earliest years, he was very particular about his food and clothes and the way he arranged his toys. His father tells him they just wrote it off because nothing seemed wrong. If he could easily express that the sweater was itchy or he didn’t want the veggies touching the fruit, there didn’t seem to be anything to worry about.
He has little blips of memories from this time in his life. Sitting in specific restaurants, losing a toy car on the train, accidentally swallowing a loose tooth in the process of drinking strawberry milk, various visits with his grandparents… He considers his own brain to be like a poorly designed scrapbook.
His memories become more vivid when they come from later years, but only barely.
He can somewhat, just slightly envision the month between his twelfth birthday and Christmas. He knows for a fact that he nearly demanded he get the spiral notebook with glow-in-the-dark dinosaur bones on the front. If he thinks hard enough, he can see that silly teal pen with all the little tabs to access 12 unique colors of ink. He used his birthday money. He was proud of himself for making his purchase all on his own.
Unfortunately, the journaling lasted about 2 weeks.
He struggled to put any thoughts onto the paper in front of him. He had many abstract ideas and concepts, and logically he knew he could write about his day, but the most he could squeeze out was maybe a paragraph. It frustrated him. Each page needed its own unique date, the ink had to be all one color, and if he misspelled a word he had to scribble it out and start all over. Eventually, rather than waste the paper (and beyond that, his money), he chose to turn it into something different, something better. The lined paper was good for keeping things even, for learning perspective and proportion. His doodles and sketches were never that advanced and didn’t show immense natural talent, but he felt good leaving little dogs and flowers around the house for his parents. He knows one of them even sits on the front of the fridge. The writing, though? Not a soul was ever allowed to learn about his tales of pirates and rockstars and astronauts.
Less hazy of a memory but still difficult to fully recall is the day he realized that, actually, he did kind of enjoy helping others. It wasn’t that he liked to show off, not by any means. But he got good grades, his teachers would sometimes praise his work, and he was on track to be a truly brilliant student. Why not answer another student’s question here or there? But one day in particular stands out to him. He can’t tell anyone the exact year, or even what the subject was, but there was something about joy in his classmate’s face when she blasted through a whole workbook page with no mistakes and thanked him for his help…
Minjae walked home with a small smile on his face and a plan to find out how he could keep helping.
He doesn’t remember when things started to change in regards to his anxiety, but he couldn’t forget the agonizing build of pressure even if he tried. Sometime around age 14 he had started to show signs of something being wrong, but 17 was when the beast truly started to crawl out of the great abyss. He would triple check every date, be it on the assignment that he was minutes away from finishing or the pack of banana chips he’d purchased just a week before. Every lock was tested by gently trying to open the door before stepping away and going about his business, otherwise he’d have to turn around and fix it. His insistence on proclaiming a safe return any time he left the house was once a cute quirk, but it had started to squeeze the breath from his lungs if he forgot. He couldn’t put it into words in the moment, but in hindsight, the best way he can think to describe it was that he never felt safe and secure in his own mind and body.
Things hit their worst when he finally began his university classes. Rather than being the easy-going, straight A student he was once predicted to be, the stress, the sleepless nights, the lack of proper nutrition, the excuses why he shouldn’t leave the house unless it was for something scheduled… It was all so destructive. The storm had already begun, and the flood was devastating everything in its path.
Whatever little bits of joy he would regularly exhibit in his teen years seemed to disappear; they were replaced by visible irritation and outbursts. The buzz of the power lines outside his childhood windows would make his bones itch, he would do unnecessarily petty things out of equally unnecessary spite, his self-ritualistic routines had started to go too far. His mother noticed before his father; it made her heart ache to see her little boy, even as an adult, neglect himself. It hurt her to hug him and know that even under the layers of practiced smiles and soft sweaters, her pride and joy was broken.
It took a few years for something to finally give, but when it did, there was no ignoring it.
He doesn’t remember anything about getting to the hospital. He does remember his father gripping his hand in both of his larger ones, tears in his eyes, telling his son that he would be okay.
Despite the damage already done, that time wasn’t all bad. In fact, shortly after he was discharged, he formed his happiest memory; it also happens to be one of the clearest. He barely even has to try when he wants to recall standing on the pier, arms open as he spun in circles, laughing as he let the sweet rainfall of a warm summer wash over him. He was 20, a few months away from 21. There were still bands tied securely around his wrist with bruises and bandages along his arm from where they’d had to inject an IV or draw blood, but he didn’t care.
He had forgotten how wonderful it felt to simply not care, to be so consumed by the joy of his soaked hair and the roaring of waves that he genuinely couldn’t have given less of a shit about life. There, letting himself embrace the beauty of nature, there was momentary relief from routine and cleanliness or the little things that normally drove him mad. For just a few minutes, he was not Minjae, certified neurotic mess; he was Minjae, a tired college kid getting a break from himself.
His parents watched. They watched as the vibrant boy they’d gone so long without seeing twirled and hollered and shook his head like a dog. They had been hesitant about taking him to the beach with the incoming clouds, given the fact that he’d spent the week prior in an all too sanitary room with unnerving, cold LED lights, but it was worth it. Seeing their son’s joy brought back some of their own.
In that moment, however, they knew… He needed something different.
The weeks that followed are mostly another blur in Minjae’s brain. He vaguely recalls talks of therapy and medications, but he didn’t want that. He told his father that putting a bandaid on a gaping wound wouldn’t do it any good.
The lifesaver in the flood eventually came in the form of a phone call to Minjae’s aunt. It took a fair bit of collaboration to come up with a plan; there was a lot of arguing, and more tears shed than any of them would like to admit, but they reached a mutual decision eventually.
There was a lot of coordination to get it all worked out. He had to withdraw from his university, sign a lease via email and hope the place wasn’t secretly a dump. His cousin graciously put in a good word at the daycare on the island. He was very particular about how he packed the few things he was taking with him, but assured his parents it was okay. He can remember his mother’s quiet sniffles as she hugged him goodbye a little easier than he’d like to.
It was a weird adjustment period. It is a weird adjustment period. He’s definitely an outsider, and the locals are well aware of the fact. Even after living on the island for 3 years, there are still some places that he doesn’t feel fully comfortable going to because of the combination of looks sent his way and lingering health issues. He hopes that his patience and warmth towards the island’s youth has helped some of the locals warm up to him.
Despite Minjae’s heart being physically weaker than it should be, it’s strong in the sense that he’s trying his best.
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cryptcreechur · 2 years
hey i know this is sort of an. out of nowhere question. but i cant find anywhere else and scientific resources just. seem to ignore whatever this is so im kinda desperate lol.
i keep having premonitions in my dreams. im not actively doing anything to have premonitions but talking to and doing some readings with my tarot and playing card decks. i barely use my crystals for anything but charging and cleansing the two of them. i cleanse my house with sage sometimes but i dont do any spellcraft besides that. the most i do to open up mentally is mess around trying to tell my friends how many fingers theyre holding up over discord and i only get that right like 30% of the time lol
but before my grandmother died, i asked my playing cards if her most recent decline in health was the sign of the end, and he gave me a definitive yes- 3 days later, she's gone. i appreciated the warning and thanked him for the help even if it did hurt really bad in the moment to pull that ace of spades and hear him say "yes, im so sorry." just recently, i had a dream about going to my grand aunt's funeral. a day later, my mom calls me and tells me she's gone- i didnt say anything about this dream since i was hoping it... yknow. was just a dream. didnt ask my cards about it. i didnt know her very well and hadnt been reminded of her in a while, so it freaked me out when i got the call and just.... knew already.
ive been having incidents like this happen in increasing frequency and its starting to get concerning since im not really the most in tune with my spiritual side so i dont get why this is happening? id really appreciate any second opinion, and i thank you in advance for just. reading this, haha
first of all, please don't feel like you're doing something wrong or out of the ordinary by having these. while it is scary and confusing, it seems like it's natural for you. i have premonition dreams as well, though theyve declined in frequency as my mental health has declined as well, but mine started coming around a lot when people or pets were about to die, or when something life-changing was going to happen. i was a preteen when i remember them starting and being frequent, so i definitely wasn't doing any intentional spellwork back then - it just happened.
premonitions are something that can occur with ease for some people, or with training and practice with others. that's how all clairsence works.
unfortunately, i dont know how to stop or lessen premonitions - the only thing that's ever worked for me was getting extremely depressed and on the edge of suicide, so i definitely don't recommend that. at all. but, i don't think you should try to shut it out. it can be scary, especially with what you're getting right now, and i understand.
journal your dreams. all of them. every morning as soon as you wake up and have a sip of water, bust out your nearest empty spiral bound notebook and write everything you can remember. even if its only one thing, or nothing. or a whole lot of something. i found that often, the act of writing out your dream can help you remember it even better.
dream journaling helps you keep track of what you know and what you don't, and you can practice dream interpretation if you feel like it (a lot of my premonitory dreams weren't so cut and dry as seeing a funeral, it would be something deeply symbolic, like a once dead deer suddenly rising and bursting into ash). aside from that, dream journaling can help improve memory and focus, and might even help you learn how to lucid dream.
also, i would consider asking your parents (if able) if they have or had premonitory dreams as well. when mine were first appearing, i was scared and worried, and i asked my mum about it, and she told me she has premonition dreams too, as did her mum, and her mum before her. it runs in our family, and when i spoke to friends that also claimed premonitory dreams, in ran in their families too. perhaps the elders in your family have some advice as well. premonitory dreams aren't inherently a spiritual thing, or limited to one spirituality - they happen in all religions and all walks of life whether spiritual or not.
thank you for sending me this ask, i hope this helped. please feel free to message me or send more asks if you have any other questions.
blessed be <3
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pchuaymee · 5 days
can you please tell me how you recieve study tips and messages from deities like ganesha and saraswati, i am really interested to connect with them.
Hi, I'm apologize for lately reply to your question.
Before I will share my opinion about this, let me say about my disclaimer and intention on this post.
The first it all, I'm not an Indian, Guru, or person who is born in Hinduism. I am a Thai-Chinese-Laotian who is born in Thailand that interest in witchcraft, spirituality, mythology, folklore and mysterious or ghost story. And I am a spiritual but not religion (SBNR) person, thus, I do respect Hindu deities is my spiritual guides in my spiritual journal.
Secondly, this my opinion is my experience and my belief only, you should be using your thoughtful very much while you read my opinion. This post is not meaning guarantee that is true.
And the lastly, my intention is not to discredit or destroy other beliefs, and I have something maybe mistakes. I am apologized for this, I will say as I know. And you should be do research more.
You can read on my pinned post and on this post.
And here is my personal opinion about them. (TW/CW: Long post.).
In the first time that I know about them, they will do something to you feel to notice about them such as sending their signature symbol in your dream or in while you are doing astral project, some good idea come in your thinking in moment, or other that they can do. As me, I met them in my dream while I was doing lucid dream in the first time that I have come back to witchcraft and spirituality way after I got healed my trauma mental by spirit with Lord Ganesha and Lord Brahma. I saw Lord Ganesh has been appeared as an elephant has broken single tusk with Lord Brahma has been appeared as the olden Brahmin, in later Lady Saraswati has been appeared as book in giant lotus or an adult woman is teacher. Meanwhile i was trying to study about divination and connected them by oracle cards deck is Tibetan theme (This oracle cards deck is oldest of divination tools in my home, LOL) And Tarot deck is Rider-Waite. I did try do connect them until in finally, they connected to me via Tarot. It makes me accepted them as spiritual guides in my spiritual journey since a few years ago, and I have to do research internet and ask or read from someone who is guru in Hinduism for their information, how to Hindu worship them, their mantras for praying, and their special occasional or festivals. And also, I am always connecting with them for they give comment my offerings after I did offer things in their festivals by via divination tools too. But in some time, I will pray them or connect with them by divination tools when I feel get anxiety or blocked ideas for suggestion to me. If that problem, I cannot handle by myself.
I'm always offering for Lord Ganesh are milk and water in normal day, because I don't have time enough to praying him. But in special occasional as Ganesh Chaturthi's festival, I did offer him by his foods are milk, water, butter, yogurt, sugar cane juice, honey, banana, apple, orange and cereals. And also, I did create his small statue for 9 of days and send him back to his home by float him in the last day. For other deities as Lady Saraswati, I am often to do pray her when I need to suggestion about study tips or art tips. She is often giving a suggestion by via divination tools, some cool ideas flashlights to me while I'm thinking, in dream or in astral projection. And her festival is "Vasant Panchami", I am always offering foods as Lord Ganesh, but I am always to offer stationeries, laptop, art supplies, and divination tools too. However, I am always praying to Lord Ganesh before I will pray other deities. Because Lord Ganesh is the deity of removing obstacles and new beginnings of all, so, many ppl who is Hindu or someone is Hindu deity's worshiper are always praying him. In addition, I am usually drawing them for I do worship them in my personal space and motivation when I am studying too. But whatever, I will not offer with them by meats, bloods, alcohol drinking, and illegal things.
I'm often cleaning and organizing on my desk and in my room in every I have a free time, because it can help me to be more productive for some new ideas and my room is free from dirty. And also, I'm usually to change water in glasses, buy a new box of milk, and changed water in vase at altar meanwhile I am turning mantra on YouTube too. Because they have blessed me and my family to be lucky. (In my home altar is not only Hindu deities, but we also have Chinese deity as Lady Kuan Yin and many of Buddha Image too.). However, I will not forget cleansing my divination tools and some crystals, if I have free time too. And I am always taking a shower in after waking up and going to the bed in everytime. In addition, before I come in my home, I will wash my feet and wash my face too. Because my family always tell me that "It help to clean our face and feet, it can cleanse from something maybe negative or evil spirit followed us in during we are traveling." Thus, I am always do it. Oh, I am closely to forget something! Don't be forget to do meditation until it will be calm down too.
For study tips, I am accepting that since I was a student at primary school until I am a final university student in now. I am studying in my primary school and middle only, because my family has not money enough to me study at any academic for helping exercise subjects such as math, science, English, or other. But I did much homework from school with researching by internet when I was a middle school and I had fortunately when I was a high school, I had gotten studying at university in pre-degree system too. So, I did homework from high school and do exercise for final exam in university until I was graduated from high school and become to full uni student. Cause, I got trauma mental from school so long time. It makes I don't believe them and ignore studying from university, but I have a lucky again that I got heal from my spirit with Lord Ganesh and his family until I'm ok now. And Lady Saraswati tells me about study tip a little when I study at home such as allowed to I'm turning video about study with me or pomodoro on YouTube, or do meditation before study. For Lord Ganesh tells me about how to do manifest for my goal, how to do accept my mistake or failure for do it in correct, and I do respectful owner in my university when I go for do exam, or taking care myself when I am during in time of the month. However, they're always tell my that "Focusing and understanding about content by using critical thinking, it is very important. For stationary or tools that is the most expensive or the best. It is just ingredients to help you in study is better up."
And the lastly my opinion, they're always tell me that "You just have believe in yourself that 'I can do it.' when you are studying or doing something is handling by yourself, but if something you cannot do by yourself in final. Just let it go and waiting for a new thing is better." And them mentioned to my craft that "When you are doing ceremony or worshipping is still holy or not, It is upon yourself that how are your intention. If you use it for in good way, it becomes to be your blessing. But if you use it for in bad way, it becomes to be your curse instead." So, my witchcraft or spiritual stories might be likes as normal life that is none special thing.
And these are my opinion for about them that I got experience with them, it is long text post so much. However, it is upon each personal are different and my opinion is not guaranteed that is so true. And also, it might be wrong in normal Hinduism way too. Thus, you maybe do research or ask someone who is guru in Hinduism by yourself.
And the last, Thanks for read my long text post and for someone who is Hinduism read this my opinion, I am so apologize again for I give an information is mistake.
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ladypiscesmoon · 10 months
Hi, in your reading of Armie, I found his concern about having a home for the kids and Timothee so cute. Will it take time for him to have the financial solidity he had before?
Thank you for your question! I pulled: (lucid dreams tarot deck) the moon, ace of swords, the devil reversed. And from the Kipper deck: privileged lady (joy, creativity, yes), thoughts (ideas, dreams, maybe), high honour (recognition, awards, fame, VIP, promotion, yes)
I think it will take Armie a while to be back on track. He’s got lots of ideas and whatever he ends up doing, I think in the end he will be successful. He will earn enough, maybe he will not have as much money as he used to have, but he will certainly not be poor I guess. it looks very promising, he isn’t there yet though so yes it will take him a while.
(For entertainment purposes only)
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shoegasams · 29 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New! Unlock Your Fate: Discover Your future with Lucid Dreams Tarot Card Deck 🌙.
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My first experience with lucid dreaming
So, yesterday I tried watching a youtube video before going to bed, one of those for you to enter into a meditative state, and I found myself for the first time ever lucid dreaming! For the first time ever and it felt so weird and different from all the other dreams I've had in the past.
My goal was to try shifting to a specific dimension, but I couldn't get to it, but I definitely felt like I found other dimensions and other dimensional beings. So weeeird!
And when I woke up, I'm pretty sure I saw my guardian angel quite proud of himself for allowing me to tap into that. I used the tarot deck as soon as I woke up and the message that I got was that it was all real, that he helped me go into another dimensions because I asked to, that he'll help me with this so I don't have to go through all this alone.
I even got the angel's name when I woke up. Uriel was the first name that came to my mind. And, fun fact, just googling it now...
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Dream walking and Spiritual manifestation.
So, um...
That's interesting.
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konmarkimageswords · 11 months
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Tree Carr is a published author and TEDx speaker who works in the field of Transpersonal Psychology with a focus on dreams, death, altered states of consciousness and psychedelic assisted therapy. She holds a professional certificate in Psychedelics, Altered States & Transpersonal Psychology with the Alef Trust and is a CPD Crossfields Institute Certified Death Doula. A high priestess witch and master of Wicca she was ordained in 2021 at The Universal Life Church and has studied at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science, is a faculty member at The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft and a teacher at the acclaimed College of Psychic Studies in London, UK.
In her role as a Dreaming Guide, Tree helps those seeking to activate, explore and further understand their dream realms by cultivating a bespoke daily dreaming practise. Her workshops, courses and retreats have ventured from London throughout the UK, Europe, Canada and USA. She is also booked for one on one dreaming guidance where the session delves into dream interpretation, meditations, rescripting of recurring dreams and methods for lucid dreaming.  Tree works closely with oneirogens ( dreaming plants and herbs) as part of her conscious dreaming practise and facilitates workshops and retreats to connect people more deeply into their dream-work vis-a -vis the world of plants and herbs. 
Her work as a Death Doula involves helping people spiritually, emotionally, existentially and practically at the end of their lives. Tree holds the space for healing, peace, support and compassion during the profound and sacred time of death and dying.
As a published author, her book ‘DREAMS: How to Connect With Your Dreams to Enrich Your Life’, was released in 2018 with Octopus Publishing. Her second book '‘Conscious Dreamer’’ published in 2021 by Quarto Publishing Group, guides the reader through 30 days of capturing dreams for creative practise.  Her third book "The Artists' Oracle" which captured the dreams of 30 artists in the form of an Oracle deck saw publication in 2021 with White Crypt. Her latest book “A Spell a Day’ was internationally released June 2023 with Watkins Publishing.
As a writer, Tree is a regular esoteric columnist at Woman&Home magazine and has also contributed to The Wild Alchemy Journal.
Tree has been featured in a wide variety of press, TV and news outlets including:  Sky History Channel, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The New York Times, ES Magazine, Stylist Magazine, Grazia, VICE, Daily Star and Express
Her clients and collaborations include:  The Freud Museum London, Virgin Media, The Psychedelic Society, Presencing Institute, Awake Academy and Guerilla Science.
Born in 1972,  Tree has explored the zones of spirituality and consciousness since she was a child. Tree is skilled in divinatory guidance: The Tarot and Astrology and has facilitated readings, rituals, classes and courses spanning a wide variety of esoteric subjects. As a Tarot scholar, Tree has taught masterclasses on the Rider-Waite Deck since 2016. 
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datura-juice · 2 years
My favourite recipe for divination, does wonders🔮
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